Program Description Target Population Length of Program Trainer Rating Requirements

School Based Child Prevention Programs

Safe@Last A sexual assault primary Designed for students Four sessions (35 Must take a training Not able to be Program prevention curriculum with from Kindergarten to 6th mins) either online or in rated age appropriate, sequential grade person and comprehensive education, presented in an Curriculum can be interactive web based implemented in public, learning environment. private, or home school settings. Provides students with knowledge to know what sexual assault is and how to disclose and respond to the sexual assault.

It also addresses social issues such as peer pressure, , home alone safety, and the internet and social media. Stop Child Evidence based intervention Kindergarten, First, Kindergarten and Bachelor-level 5 by Educators, Abuse and and prevention program Third, Fifth and Seventh First Grade: 20 employee of the Counselors and or designed to educate children Grades minutes Third, CAC with three Social Workers SCAN on body safety, boundaries Fifth and Seventh years’ experience employed by and what to do if their Grades: 45 minutes working with child Schools personal boundaries are abuse victims participating in the violated by an unsafe touch, inappropriate acts or the SCAN Program showing of acts that are inappropriate. All of the program information is age- appropriate and shared on a child’s level using children’s voices. For kindergarten and first grade students, there are recorded scenarios that are accompanied by child-like puppets, behind a puppet stage, acting out the various scenarios of children talking to each other about their experiences of bullying, problems and . The child-like puppets talk to each other and decide it is best to share their problems with adult puppets that are in their school and are trusted. These adult puppets represent adults in a child’s school (Principal, Teacher, Guidance Counselor and Gym Teacher) which makes the scenario very relatable to all children and provides guidance for a child that may be experiencing abuse or grooming behaviors. Children learn to recognize the types of touches that are safe and the types of touches that are not safe as well as safe and unsafe secrets. For third, fifth and seventh graders, there are several videos that are facilitated by our CAC Staff and encompass a wide array of issues. There are different videos for each grade and can be used interchangeably with the exception of the video used for seventh grade. The videos used for third and fifth grades “Break the Silence” includes various scenarios portraying bullying, physical abuse and sexual abuse. Every scenario uses children that have experienced each type of abuse. The children all share appropriate amounts of information regarding their abuse without offering details and includes how they received help from their school, a DCS worker, a non- offending caregiver and a Therapist. Each child survivor stresses the importance of telling someone, how much better it felt after letting go of a secret and how each of the survivors came to understand that what happened to them was not their fault and it happens to a lot of other children so the best thing to do is tell someone and get help because “ it is not your fault”. For seventh grade there are two videos used “From the Shadows”. The videos deal with conflict and communication within a family and one deals with sexual abuse. The videos are of kids demonstrating the positive alternatives of communicating calmly instead of getting angry (after the angry displays are demonstrated within the family) and storming out. The second video delicately demonstrates the harm caused by sexual abuse. Students learn to recognize appropriate expressions of familial love as compared to experiences where young people are made to feel they must keep secrets about situations which make them feel uncomfortable. Students learn about the resources in their schools, community and how to tell someone when their boundaries are violated.

Play it Safe A awareness Pre-K through high Typically, one hour Not able to be Prevention and prevention program school age students sessions rated Program that incorporates age appropriate scripts and Curriculum is available Classroom sessions movies to teach children and specifically designed how to reduce their risk of sexual and physical abuse, for elementary, middle, and sexual assault. and high school students. The program teaches students to recognize potentially abusive behavior, provides the tools to respond to threatening situations, and encourages them to report abuse to a trusted adult.

ChildHelp: A child focused, school Pre-K through 12th grade Length depends on Online and in person Not able to be Speak Up Be based curriculum designed the age group trainings are rated Safe Program to build safety skills within A primary focus of the available for the child while addressing earlier age groups is to facilitators today’s societal risks, such shift the responsibility as bullying and internet for child abuse and safety. neglect prevention away from the child and onto The program is aimed at the adults in the stopping and preventing children’s lives. child abuse, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, bullying, and cyberbullying. Curriculum is based on several areas of research including child development, learning styles, social psychology, and child abuse and neglect prevention.

Empower Me! The program teaches body K-6th grade Can be done in one Teachers or other Not able to be Program safety to children. session or broken school staffed must rated up depending on be trained Encourages confidence in the audience children to reach out to caregivers or authorities with their concerns.

Trains teachers and other school staff in how to recognize, react, and respond appropriately to a disclosure of child maltreatment. Provides parents and caregivers information on warning signs, plus any needed assistance, referrals, or resources to support victims and their families.

Safe Touches Uses puppets to talk about Children in kindergarten 45-50 minute one Organizations Promising- 3 body safety concepts and through 3rd grade time workshop wanting to help children learn and implement need to practice key safety skills. Includes a take attend a two day home workbook Safe Touches The goals of the Safe Facilitator Training Touches Program are for workshop children to learn how to protect themselves from sexual abuse, be able to differentiate from safe Facilitators should touches and not safe be Masters level touches, to know what clinicians or interns actions can be taken if feeling unsafe or confused, to know what actions can be taken if a not safe touch is received, and to identify safe adults who can be told if a not safe touch is received.

Body Safety Behaviorally based and Children ages 3 to 8 Ten lessons No specific Promising- 3 Training developmentally requirements Program appropriate curriculum that Can be completed teaches children about in 10 days if one Must be able to read personal safety. lesson is done the script included in daily. the workbook. The curriculum comes in two forms, one for parents at home and one for teachers in classroom settings.

It teaches both general safety (fire, gun, pedestrian, poison) and body safety (skills such as recognizing, resisting, and reporting inappropriate touching).

Available in Spanish

Safe Child A comprehensive Preschool to Grade 3 5 to 10 sessions per No minimal Promising-3 Program curriculum that teaches year education prevention of emotional, requirements sexual, and physical abuse by people known to the Providers must child. review the teacher training video and It teaches children life manual before skills which reduce their presenting the vulnerability. program

The program incorporates a teacher training, parental education, video tapes that reinforce the taught concepts, and classroom role playing to develop child safety skills. Parent and child materials are available in English, Spanish, French, and Creole.

Lauren’s Kids An abuse prevention Pre-K through 5th grade Five to eight, 30 In person and online Not able to be Safer,Smarter education curriculum that minute sessions trainings available rated Kids focuses on teaching for teachers, children that they have the administrators, ability to protect school counselors, themselves. social workers

The education program Training hours vary: uses developmentally Overview training appropriate information to ranges from one to arm children with the tools three hours. and language they need to Train the trainer better protect themselves training is 8 hours. from abuse.

Curriculum is available for children with special needs.

Lauren’s Kids The curriculum teaches Middle school students 7 lessons In person and online Not able to be Safer, Smarter students how to recognize (6th to 8th grade) trainings available rated Teens: danger and how to use their for teachers, Personal personal power to say administrators, Power “no”, get help, and set school counselors, boundaries. It also teaches social workers students about the warning signs of unsafe situations Training hours vary: and what actions they can Overview training take to reduce risks, stay ranges from one to safe, and access help. three hours. Train the trainer Includes a teacher’s guide, training is 8 hours. parent letters, activity sheets, and USB with videos, lesson materials, and parent letters. Parent letters available in Spanish and Creole

Lauren’s Kids The curriculum addresses High school students 6 sessions In person and online Not able to be Safer, Smarter personal safety, the balance trainings available rated Teens: Be the of power in relationships for teachers, Change and topics such as sexual administrators, abuse, sexual , school counselors, and dating violence. social workers

This curriculum empowers Train the trainer: 8 students to know what to hours do in an unsafe situation, who to turn to for help, and Overview and how to help a friend in Intensive trainings need. available. (Range from 1 to 6 hr Includes a binder with a trainings) teacher’s guide, parent letters (available in Spanish and Creole), activity sheets, and USB with videos, lesson materials, and parent letters.

MBF Child This program educates and Elementary students Two Facilitators typically Not able to be Safety empowers children and all grades K-5. comprehensive have a four-year rated Matters relevant adults with sessions ranging degree. information and strategies from 35 to 55 to prevent, recognize, and minutes. Must complete an respond appropriately to online facilitator bullying, cyberbullying, all training. types of abuse, and digital abuse dangers. A facilitator manual is available. The program includes a comprehensive, evidence Materials available based curriculum. It in Spanish, educates children, school Portuguese, Haitian staff, and parents. Creole, Chinese, French and German. Rape Prevention Education Programs

Athletes as Program aims to empower High school athlete girls Includes 10 No specific Not able to be Leaders student athletes to take an teams sessions requirements rated active role in promoting healthy relationships and 20 minute sessions Must be trained ending sexual violence.

Athletes are encouraged to be leaders in changing social norms at school to a culture of safety and respect.

Suggested to be used in conjunction with a prevention program for boys’ teams.

Coaching A comprehensive violence Male athletes on sports 12 sessions Coaches of boy sport Not able to be Boys into prevention curriculum and teams teams rated Men program that inspires 15 minute sessions athletic coaches to teach Tools are available their young athletes that for coaches to violence never equals become CBIM strength, and violence coaches and against women and girls is implement this wrong. program with their The program comes with team. strategies, scenarios, and resources needed to talk to boys, specifically, about healthy and respectful relationships, dating violence, sexual assault, and harassment.

Safe Dates An evidence based Middle and High school Includes 10 No specific Effective adolescent dating abuse students sessions. requirements noted prevention program. 50 minute sessions The program targets attitudes and behaviors associated with dating abuse and violence.

It helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulating, or abusive dating relationships. Student and parent handouts are available for at home discussions. Parent material available in English and Spanish Includes a poster contest and school play

Shifting A two-part intervention, Middle school students Six sessions Lessons should be Promising-3 Boundaries classroom and school wide, taught by trained designed to reduce dating Six to ten weeks substance abuse violence and sexual prevention and harassment by highlighting intervention the consequences of this specialists. behavior for perpetrators and by increasing faculty surveillance of unsafe areas within the school.

The classroom prevention program aims to increase knowledge and awareness of sexual abuse and harassment, promote prosocial attitudes and a negative view of dating violence and sexual harassment, promote non violent behavioral intentions in bystanders, reduce the occurrence of dating and peer violence, and reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment. Adult Child Abuse Prevention Programs

Darkness to The program believes that Adults working or The training is two To become a Light: adults are responsible for volunteering in youth hours and can be Darkness to Light Promising- 3 Stewards of the safety of children and serving organizations. taken in person and Authorized Children that adults should be taking online. Facilitator, an Program proactive steps to protect Educators, Guidance individual must children from sexual abuse. Counselors, and Health attend a Facilitator Professionals Workshop and be An evidence informed authorized by a prevention training to help Parents and caregivers Darkness to Light adults prevent, recognize, Certified Instructor. and react responsibly to Individuals looking for child sexual abuse. CEUs There must be a need in the This program is unique Any concerned adult community for more because it uses real people looking to protect kids trainers to be and real stories to show trained. how to protect children. Corporations or businesses Available in English and Spanish

Darkness to This training builds off of Adults working or Trainings are To become a Promising- 3 Light: the Stewards of Children volunteering in youth available online or Darkness to Light Commercial training and teaches about serving organizations. in person. Authorized Sexual the root cause of Facilitator, an Exploitation commercial sexual Educators, Guidance Training costs $5. individual must Of Children exploitation and why Counselors, and Health attend a Facilitator Training preventing sexual abuse is Professionals Available in Workshop and be important to reducing the English or Spanish. authorized by a Parents and caregivers risk of children being Darkness to Light sexually exploited. Individuals looking for Certified Instructor. CEUs

Any concerned adult Some outcomes of the looking to protect kids There must be a training include adults need in the learning what makes Corporations or community for more children vulnerable to businesses trainers to be commercial sexual trained. exploitation, the root causes of commercial sexual exploitation directly from survivors, and actions they can take to prevent commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Stop It Now! The training brings Professional caregivers Eight hour/ all day Stop It Now! Not able to be Circles of education and information and youth serving training for the Organization rated Safety together with confidence organizations Awareness to Training and skill building ideas to Action Training. Train the Trainer prepare adults to speak up Parents training is an eight and prevent sex abuse. hour training Professional early available to Participants who complete childhood education and organization the training will be able to care providers representatives to use the knowledge gained facilitate workshops about warning signs and Foster parent, residential, to their organization. situations to define their and in home Awareness to Action own rules about personal professionals space, privacy, and Training is a appropriate interactions Treatment providers prerequisite. with children; proactively communicate their Teachers boundaries to adults or Youth programs and older youth interacting camps with their children or the children in their care; Any adults interested in speak up or intervene when learning what they can do they are concerned about to keep children safe. an adult or older youths behavior around children; and gather allies to create a circle of safety around children.

SafeCare® An in home training Parents at risk for child Eighteen to twenty Bachelors degree in Supported- 2 Program program that targets risk abuse and/or neglect and weeks a human services factors for parents with a history of related field and physical abuse in child abuse and/or Sessions are which parents are taught neglect. approximately 1 to A manual and skills on how to interact in 1.5 hours each. training are available a positive manner with Parents or caregivers of for this program. their children, respond children ages 0-5. appropriately to challenging child The program is typically behaviors, recognize and conducted in adoptive respond to symptoms of homes, birth family illness and injury, and keep homes, and good medical records. Foster/Kinship Care.

The goals of the program are to reduce the incidents of child maltreatment, increase positive parent- child interaction, improve how parents care for their children’s health, and enhance home safety and parent supervision.

Materials are available in Spanish, Hebrew, and French

Nurturing This program focuses on The target population for Sessions vary based No minimum Promising- 3 Parenting offering primary this program includes on implementation. educational level Program prevention services families facing poverty, required targeting families and single parent households, Up to 15 sessions is individuals who are at a families affected by recommended. Experience higher risk of developing substance abuse, families facilitating adults problems that can lead to with a history of abuse The program is and children’s child abuse or neglect. and neglect, and families usually conducted groups as well as supported by relative in a community knowledge of Through the delivery of caregivers based agency. developmental skills parent education of children is opportunities, the program required. assists the parent in understanding five Trainers must attend parenting constructs a training workshop needed to develop a to be able to healthy parent/child implement the relationship. program in an agency. The five parenting constructs are appropriate expectations, building empathy, effective discipline, appropriate family roles, and independence and power in children and adults.

Curriculum can be offered in group settings or in home visitations.

Curriculum is also available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Hmong, and Spanish.

ACT Raising A universal parenting Parents and caregivers of Nine weeks is the Minimal education Promising- 3 Safe Kids program designed to children birth to 10 years recommended requirement is an promote positive parenting old, as well as pregnant duration with two Associate’s Degree and prevent child mothers and their hour weekly but a Bachelor’s maltreatment by fostering spouses or partners. sessions. degree is preferred. knowledge and skills that change or improve Program can be Professionals must parenting practices. conducted in be working at an various settings organization that The primary goals of the such as hospital, serves families and program are: educate outpatient clinic, have professional parents and caregivers of community based experience working young children to create agency, and school with families. safe, stable, and nurturing settings. relationships and Training workshops environments that prevent are available for child maltreatment; protect Materials available those who want to children from long term in Greek, Japanese, become ACT consequences of child Mandarin, Facilitators. maltreatment; provide Portuguese, and research based knowledge, Spanish. tools, and skills for effective parenting practices; provide a supportive and fun environment for learning and sharing to occur; to nurture and promote the development of social support networks among participants; and to educate parents and caregivers on how to act as supportive teachers, advocates, and protectors of their children.

Parents The program is designed to Parents, grandparents, Group sessions are The Adult and Promising-3 Anonymous® be both a prevention and relative and kin recommended for a Youth Group treatment program that providers, foster parents four-month Facilitators should strengthens families that or anyone serving in a duration with two have a Bachelor or are at risk of becoming parenting or caregiving hour groups. Master’s Degree in involved in the child role. social work, welfare system, have Twelve to eighteen psychology, early behavioral health Also, children and youth months for families childhood education, challenges, or face other ages 0-18 with involved in the or behavioral family issues. behavioral health, child welfare sciences as well as substance use disorders, system. experience in and wellness concerns. providing prevention It provides support, Program conducted and family positive nurturing, and in outpatient strengthening parenting strategies to clinics, community programs to diverse parents or caregivers in based agencies, populations. parenting roles. group or residential care, public child Training is available The program also aims to welfare agency, by Parents mitigate the impact of school setting, Anonymous® Inc. Adverse Childhood shelter, and justice Experiences for parents/ setting. caregivers and prevent the occurrence of ACEs for Material available their children. in Spanish and English. The program aims to build on the strengths of all the family members and enhance family well-being by increasing protective factors through trauma informed practices.

Parents as An early childhood parent Families with expectant At least two years Parent educators Promising-3 Teachers education, family support mothers or parents of is the recommended must have a and well-being, and school children up to duration of the minimum of a high readiness home visiting kindergarten entry. services. school degree or model based on the GED and at least premise that all children This program can be Material is two years of will learn, grow, and conducted in adoptive available in French, supervised work develop to realize their full homes, birth family German, Mandarin, experience with potential. homes, foster/kinship and Spanish. children and/or care, outpatient clinics, parents.

Parent educators work with community agencies, and A training by the other parents to strengthen school settings. Parents As Teachers protective factors and National Center is ensure that young children required to become a are safe, healthy, and ready parent educator. to learn.

The goals of the program are: increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices, provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues, prevent child abuse and neglect, and increase children’s school readiness and school success.

Parents in the Know An innovative practice – Parents of children ages Four interactive Must have Not yet rated based child sexual abuse birth to 12 years of age. sessions of 2 hour experience in child prevention program duration sexual abuse developed by Pittsburgh awareness and Action Against Rape The sessions prevention. (PAAR). include topics such as boundaries, Additional The program builds skills bystander, curriculum training in parents to protect bystander and is provided by children and promote healthy contacting healthy and safe relationships. It also relationships, and Pittsburgh Action encourages parents to use healthy sexuality. Against Rape. the bystander engagement skills to interrupt and prevent adult perpetration of child sexual abuse. Parents also build skills to foster resiliency and build attachment with their children.

The program believes that a strong relationship with a child is a part of preventing child sexual abuse. Parents in the Know helps parents talk with children, connect with other parents, and find strength and support within communities to protect children and encourage safe and healthy relationships.

WEBSITE LINKS Safe@Last- Play it Safe Program- ChildHelp Speak Up Be Safe Program- Empower Me!- Safe Touches Program- Body Safety Program- https://www.cebc4cw.Porg/program/body-safety-training-workbook/ Safe Child Program-

Lauren’s Kids: Safer, Smarter Kids- Lauren’s Kids: Safer, Smarter Teens Personal Power - Lauren’s Kids: Safer, Smarter Teens Be the Change- MBF Child Safety Matters-

Athletes as Leaders- Coaching Boys into Men- Safe Dates- Shifting Boundaries-

Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children- Darkness to Light: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children- Stop It Now! Circles of Safety Training- organizations SafeCare Program- Nurturing Parenting Program- children-5-to-12-years/ ACT Raising Safe Kids- Parents Anonymous- Parents as Teachers- Parents in the Know-