Post Office : Chief Inspector in the Engineering Matrons—Agnes Maria Crocker, Kathleen Department—Francis Atkins. Crook. Supreme Court of Judicature, England : Third February 20, 1913. Class Clerk in the Central Office—Robert Rowe May. AFTER OPEN COMPETITION. Post Office : Female Typist and Shorthand Second Division : Clerks—Harold Egbert Old- Writer, Newcastle-on-Tyne—Elizabeth Wat- land, Percy John Sales, Frederick Wheat- son. croft. Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist, Nantwich Board of Agriculture and Fisheries : Assistant Elizabeth Jane Williams. to the Head of the Tithe and Copyhold Postmen or Porters, London — Edward Branch—Alfred Mervyn Lowe. Cornelius Hale, Edward Lofts, Percy Owens Inland Revenue : Second Class Clerks in the Seam men. Estate Duty Office—Gordon Rupert Blake, Telephonists, London — Kathleen Farrell, Herbert Henry Livesey, George Edwin Harold Dorothy Alice Leavens, Rosina Elizabeth Parks. Reissland, Kathleen Mary Spencer. National Health Insurance Commission, England : Telephonist, Liverpool—Dorothy Keates. Examiner in the Accountant and Comptroller- Skilled Workmen—George Clark, Charles General's Department — George Stanley Craw- M'Derrnott, Ernest May, Thomas Sanderson. son Wiggins. Postman, Shrewsbury—Robert Whitney. Post Office : Woman Clerk, London—Martha Temporary Assistant Postmen — Charles Marie Louisa M'Farland. William Barrell, Albert James Bick, Sibert Female Learner, London—Hilda Grace James Butler, Daniel George Charman, Richard Horsfall. Joseph Cousins, Frederick George Cox, Edgar Llewellyn Crabb, William Laurence Cunlifie, AFTER LIMITED COMPETITION. Henry Arthur Drury, Sidney Froom, Edward Arthur Gardner, James Alfred Jones, Frederick National Health Insurance Audit Department : Henry Kay, Henry Keep, George Thomas Senior Assistant Auditor—John Henry Mellaws. Lambert, Albert Charles Marsden, Cyril Elisha Post Office: Male Sorting Clerks and Tele- Varndale Miles, Frederick Robert Osterbery, graphists (Postal)—Albert James Butling Robert Henry Rogers, Edward Thomas Sands, (Liverpool), Arthur Minion (Newcastle-on- Richard Frederick Siufield, Edwin George Tyne). Stretch, Horace Jack Tilbrook, Walter Arthur Female Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists— Wood. Marian Louise Norton (Northern Ireland District), Gwendolyn May Stalley (Eastern AFTER OPEN COMPETITION AND DNDER CLAUSE 7 District). OP THE ORDER IN COUNCIL OF lOra JANKARY Male Learners—John Francis Carey (Naas), 1910. Alfred Eric Good (Rochdale), Lionel Fred- Customs and Excise Department: Assistant erick Sells (Bracknell). Clerk (Abstractor)—Patrick Connell.

WITHOUT COMPETITION. UNDER CLAUSE 7 OF THE ORDER IN COUNCIL OF Admiralty : : Engine Fitter IOTH JANUARY 1910. —Frederick Arthur Foord. National Health Insurance Commission, : Ship Fitter—John Hutley. Card Teller—Lilian Sarah Bagley. Smith—Harold Perkins. Post Office : Chief Inspectors in the Engineering Dockyard : Electrical Fitter Department—David Barradell, Frederick John —James Unwin. Wallis. Engine Fitters Patrick Halloran, John Skilled Workmen—John Jackson, Arthur Stanislaus Kelleher. George Webster. Pembroke Dockyard : Shipwrights Stan- ley Lewis Evans, Robert Charles Harries, FOR REGISTRATION AS TEMPORARY BOY Thomas John Morgan. CLERK. Portsmouth Dock)'ard : Skilled Labourers —William George Hackney, Ernest Parker George Frederick Taylor. Hammond, Henry James Reed. : Engine Fitter — February 21, 1913. Albert Stone. AFTER OPEN COMPETITION. Joi7)er—Arthur Albert Snook. Second Division : Clerks George Allard, Richard Skilled Labourer—Charles Sellen. Harry Cole, Frank Ernest Rutter, Laurence British Museum : Boy-Attendant—John Arthur Scanlan, James Alexander Stuart. Bew. Ecclesiastical Commission ; Junior Clerk—Wil- India Office; Female Typist—Elvira Isabel liam George Poskitt. Wadeson. Inland Revenue : Second Class Clerks in the Land Registry of Ireland : Clerical Assistant— Estate Duty Office—David Harrison, Harold Maurice John William Lysaght-MacGowan. Claude Scott. Prison Service, England and Wales : Assistant Post Office : Woman Clerk—Cisaie Bullard.