BACKGROUND & POLICY CONTEXT OF ISSUE: Under current Board policy (Title 4, Chapter 16, Section 1), initial placement into English and mathematics is based upon standardized test scores. The current policy provides score ranges for placement into remedial and college-level English and mathematics. Staff recommends that in order to be placed into a college-level English course, a student must achieve an ACT English score of at least 18 or an SAT critical reading score of at least 440. In order to be placed into a college-level mathematics course, staff recommends that a student achieve an ACT math score of at least 22 or an SAT math score of at least 500. Universities and colleges may set other English and math scores if supported by institutional research. Further, as is provided in the current policy, placement decisions may also be made through formal assessment of students, including departmental diagnostic tests. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement tools may also be used for placement in lieu of ACT or SAT. This change provides a needed update in scores for placement that are supported by national data and empirical research.

The recommended ACT cut scores are based on ACT’s College Readiness Benchmark Scores. The College Readiness Benchmark Score is the minimum score in a specific subject area determined by ACT to indicate a 50 percent chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75 percent change of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding entry-level credit-bearing college course. These scores were empirically derived based on national ACT data on the actual performance of students in college. Staff recommends that the ACT College Readiness Benchmark Score for English and mathematics be used in the NSHE remedial placement policy.

ACT and SAT are not equivalent tests, and therefore staff cannot ascertain an equivalent SAT score from the recommended ACT score. Therefore, during the course of developing this policy proposal, staff relied on the expertise of university faculty who provided the recommendations for the English and mathematics cut scores. Faculty recommended an SAT critical reading score of at least 440 for placement in a college-level English course and an SAT math score of at least 500 for placement in a college-level mathematics course.

These scores are set as minimum scores for placement, but the new policy establishes an institution’s ability to use higher scores if supported by institutional research. Further, staff recommends that these changes take effect for Fall 2010.

SPECIFIC ACTIONS BEING RECOMMENDED OR REQUESTED: Amend Title 4, Chapter 16, Section 1, to revise the remedial cut scores as described above, effective Fall 2010. (See attached Policy Proposal.)

IMPETUS (WHY NOW?): The development of this policy occurred over the last 12 months while working with the Academic Affairs Council and campus faculty to determine appropriate cut-scores for English and mathematics. The policy is brought forward at this time as general agreement has been reached on the scores for placement purposes.


BULLET POINTS TO SUPPORT REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION:  The recommendation provides for a significantly simplified policy whereby cut-scores for placement into remedial English and mathematics are established, eliminating the score ranges that previously existed for numerous English and mathematics courses (both remedial and college-level).  Faculty will have the added discretion of setting higher institutional cut scores if supported by institutional research.  ACT cut scores are based on national data to predicate success in a college-level English or mathematics course given certain scores.  University faculty provided recommended SAT critical reading and math scores based on skills assessment and prior experience in placing students.


ALTERNATIVE(S) TO WHAT IS BEING REQUESTED/RECOMMENDED: Leave the policy as currently written with score ranges for remedial and college-level English and mathematics.

COMPLIANCE WITH BOARD POLICY:  Consistent With Current Board Policy: Title #_____ Chapter #_____ Section #______X Amends Current Board Policy: Title 4, Chapter 16, Section 1  Amends Current Procedures & Guidelines Manual: Chapter #_____ Section #______ Other:______X Fiscal Impact: Yes_____ No___X__ Explain:______


POLICY PROPOSAL TITLE 4, CHAPTER 16, SECTION 1 Remedial Placement Policy

Additions appear in boldface italics; deletions are [stricken and bracketed]

Section 1. NSHE Remedial Policy

The remedial policies of the System of Higher Education are intended to ensure a foundation of knowledge and competencies that will assist students in successfully pursuing and attaining an academic degree. Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the rigors of higher education prior to entering the NSHE.

1. Pursuant to federal regulations, institutions may make ability-to-benefit determinations using federally approved tests and passing scores to receive federal student aid. The Nevada System of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel the admission or registration of any individual whose attendance at a university or college, in the opinion of the appropriate administrative officer and the President, would not be mutually beneficial, as determined by the ability-to-benefit test, to that individual and the university or college.

2. Placement testing should take place prior to matriculation. Additionally, English and mathematics testing must take place no more than two years prior to matriculation.

3. All degree-seeking students who place [in] into developmental/remedial coursework must take the prescribed sequence of courses until remediation is completed. [Beginning Fall 2007, students] Students requiring remediation must complete all required coursework prior to completion of 30 college-level credits unless otherwise authorized by the institution.

4. English Placement. [Initial placement into English courses in the Nevada System of Higher Education will be based upon standardized test scores as noted below]. In order to be placed into a college-level English course, a student must achieve an ACT English score of at least 18 or an SAT critical reading score of at least 440. Universities and colleges may set other scores if supported by institutional research. Additional placement [will] may also be determined through formal assessment of students including departmental diagnostic writing and/or reading tests, submission of writing samples, and/or a student portfolio for evaluation by faculty, as determined by each institution’s English department. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement [procedures] tools may be used for English placement [at the community colleges] in lieu of the ACT or SAT.

[English Test Scores to be Used (Minimum test scores will be set by each institution for any course listed with a test score range) English Course Enhanced ACT Recentered SAT English Critical Reading English 090, 095, 096, 097, 098 1-20 200-500 English 100 17-20 400-500


English 101 – two semester 17-20 400-500 sequence English 101 21-29 510-670 English 102 30-36 680-800]

5. Mathematics Placement. [Initial placement into mathematics courses in the Nevada System of Higher Education will be based upon standardized test scores as noted below or equivalent criteria through]. In order to be placed into a college-level mathematics course, a student must achieve an ACT Math score of at least 22 or an SAT Math score of at least 500. Universities and colleges may set other scores if supported by institutional research. Additional placement decisions may also be made through formal assessment of students including departmental diagnostic tests as determined by each institution’s mathematics[’] department. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement [procedures] tools may be used for mathematics placement [at the community colleges] in lieu of the ACT or SAT.

[Mathematics Test Scores to Be Used (Minimum test scores will be set by each institution for any course listed with a test score range) Mathematics Course Enhanced ACT Math Recentered SAT Math Math 093, 095, 096 1-20 200-500] [Math 091, 093, 095, and 096 Test Scores to be Used by the Community Colleges ] [Mathematics Course Enhanced ACT Math Recentered SAT Math

Math 091 Less that 17* Less than 400* Math 093 Less that 17* Less than 400* ] Math 095 17-18 400-460 Math 096 19-20 470-500 *Further diagnostic testing will establish placement. ]

[A student who has an SAT score of 390 or less and/or an ACT score of 16 or less must take the Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement tests for mathematics placement at the community colleges.]

[Math Test Scores to be Used by all NSHE Institutions Mathematics Course Enhanced ACT Math Recentered SAT Math Math 097 17-20 400-500 Math 120 21 510 Math 124 22 520 Math 126 22 520-530 Math 127 25-27 560-610 Math 128 25-27 560-610 Math 176 27-28 620


Math 181 28 630 ]

[5. The admissions policies of the Nevada System of Higher Education were developed in order to ensure a foundation of knowledge and competencies that will assist a student in successfully pursuing and attaining an academic degree. A student is strongly encouraged to prepare for the rigors of higher education by completing all the appropriate requirements prior to entering the NSHE.]


CODIFICATION MOCK-UP This document reflects how the revised policy will read if approved as recommended and codified.

Section 1. NSHE Remedial Policy

The remedial policies of the Nevada System of Higher Education are intended to ensure a foundation of knowledge and competencies that will assist students in successfully pursuing and attaining an academic degree. Students are strongly encouraged to prepare for the rigors of higher education prior to entering the NSHE.

1. Pursuant to federal regulations, institutions may make ability-to-benefit determinations using federally approved tests and passing scores to receive federal student aid. The Nevada System of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel the admission or registration of any individual whose attendance at a university or college, in the opinion of the appropriate administrative officer and the President, would not be mutually beneficial, as determined by the ability-to-benefit test, to that individual and the university or college.

2. Placement testing should take place prior to matriculation. Additionally, English and mathematics testing must take place no more than two years prior to matriculation.

3. All degree-seeking students who place into developmental/remedial coursework must take the prescribed sequence of courses until remediation is completed. Students requiring remediation must complete all required coursework prior to completion of 30 college-level credits unless otherwise authorized by the institution.

4. English Placement. In order to be placed into a college-level English course, a student must achieve an ACT English score of at least 18 or an SAT critical reading score of at least 440. Universities and colleges may set other scores if supported by institutional research. Additional placement may also be determined through formal assessment of students including departmental diagnostic writing and/or reading tests, submission of writing samples, and/or a student portfolio for evaluation by faculty, as determined by each institution’s English department. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement tools may be used for English placement in lieu of the ACT or SAT.

5. Mathematics Placement. In order to be placed into a college-level mathematics course, a student must achieve an ACT Math score of at least 22 or an SAT Math score of at least 500. Universities and colleges may set other scores if supported by institutional research. Additional placement decisions may also be made through formal assessment of students including departmental diagnostic tests as determined by each institution’s mathematics department. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement tools may be used for mathematics placement in lieu of the ACT or SAT.


University of Nevada, Las Summer and Fall 2008 Vegas  University of REMEDIAL/DEVELOPMENTAL Nevada, Reno  REPORT Nevada State College  College of Southern Nevada  Great Basin College  Truckee Meadows Community College  Western Nevada College  Desert Research January 2009 Institute Prepared by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 7 of 48 This page intentionally left blank.



Mr. Michael Wixom, Chair Dr. Jason Geddes, Vice Chair

Mr. Mark Alden Dr. Stavros Anthony Mr. Robert Blakely Mr. William Cobb Mr. Cedric Crear Mrs. Dorothy Gallagher Mr. Ron Knecht Mr. James Dean Leavitt Dr. Jack Lund Schofield Vacant* Vacant*

*The vacancies will be filled upon appointment by the Governor. Appointments pending at the time of this publication.


James E. Rogers, Chancellor Daniel Klaich, Executive Vice Chancellor

Dr. David Ashley, President Dr. Milton Glick, President University of Nevada, University of Nevada, Reno

Dr. Fred Maryanski, President Dr. Michael Richards, President Nevada State College College of Southern Nevada

Mr. Carl Diekhans, Interim President Dr. Maria Sheehan, President Great Basin College Truckee Meadows Community College

Dr. Carol Lucey, President Dr. Stephen Wells, President Western Nevada College Desert Research Institute

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE3 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 9 of 48 This page intentionally left blank.


Introduction 7

Policies on Student Placement in Remedial Courses 8

NSHE Institutional Placement Practices 11

Trends in Remedial Enrollment 15


Universities 17

State College 18

Community Colleges 19

Persistence Rates 20

Remediation Rates by Ethnicity 21

Conclusion - Remediation in Perspective 22

Summary Tables 23

Remediation Trends (2004 through 2008) 24

Capture Rate 25

Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remedial Courses: Institution Attended and Courses Taken Counts, Credits and Cost 26

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE5 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 11 of 48 This page intentionally left blank.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE6 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 12 of 48 Introduction

In 1997, the Nevada Legislature approved Senate Bill 482 (Chapter 473, Statutes of Nevada 1997) directing the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) to provide certain information to Nevada school districts on enrollments in remedial courses within the NSHE and the costs associated with providing that instruction. Codified in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 396.548, the mandate states the following:

The Board of Regents shall require employees of the System to provide to the Board of Trustees of each school district of this state, as appropriate, information regarding the: 1. Number of pupils who graduated from a high school in the district in the immediately preceding year and enrolled in remedial courses in reading, writing or mathematics at a university, state college or community college within the System. 2. Costs incurred by the System in providing remedial instruction pursuant to subsection 1.

The data necessary to satisfy this requirement are collected from the institutions of the NSHE and are summarized in this report. The information is provided to both the school districts and the individual secondary schools, as appropriate, along with information regarding the placement methods utilized by the institutions of the NSHE.

It should be noted that the terminology used to describe these enrollments varies. The Board of Regents’ Handbook uses the term “developmental” to describe courses designed for students who are deficient in the general competencies necessary for a regular postsecondary curriculum, while NRS 396.548 uses the term “remedial.” We recognize that these terms have different meanings among people who work in this area; however, within the context of this report, these terms are used interchangeably.

This report includes information on students who graduated from a Nevada high school between September 2007 and August 2008 (“recent high school graduates”) and who enrolled in at least one remedial course at a NSHE institution in Summer or Fall 2008. The report excludes any data for which a positive match to a Nevada high school could not be made. This report includes statistics on remediation rates by ethnicity, by high school, and by district.

In addition to recent Nevada high school graduates, there are other students who require remediation in order to participate successfully in college-level courses. NSHE institutions enroll a significant number of older, returning students who require remediation. It is interesting to note from the summary tables in this report that at the community colleges in particular the majority of students enrolled in remediation are not recent high school students, but students who self-selected into a remedial course. In placing students in remedial courses, each institution is subject to Board policy as well as institution-specific policies on remediation.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE7 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 13 of 48 For the purposes of this report the cost of providing remedial instruction is calculated at a per-credit cost for community colleges ($261) and a higher per-credit cost for the state college ($366). Cost calculations are determined using the 2007-08 State- Supported Operating Budget and projected FTE for each institution. As of Fall 2006, NSHE universities no longer receive state-funding for remedial courses. Courses are offered to students by universities on a self-funded basis only. Therefore, the cost to the state for delivery of remedial coursework at the universities is not included in the overall cost calculation. UNR continues to offer remedial coursework as self-supporting, while UNLV discontinued most of its remedial course offerings and only offers a limited number.

Policies on Student Placement in Remedial Courses

The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education established policies for placement of students into appropriate English and mathematics courses. All NSHE institutions utilize the following guidelines in placing students in English and mathematics courses:

NSHE Board of Regents’ Handbook

Title 4, Chapter 16, Section 1 (in part)

1. The Nevada System of Higher Education reserves the right to cancel the admission or registration of any individual whose attendance at a university or college, in the opinion of the appropriate administrative officer and the President, would not be mutually beneficial to that individual and the university or college.

2. Placement testing should take place prior to matriculation. Additionally, English and mathematics testing must take place no more than two years prior to matriculation.

3. All degree-seeking students who place in developmental/remedial coursework must take the prescribed sequence of courses until remediation is completed. Beginning Fall 2007, students requiring remediation must complete all required coursework prior to completion of 30 college-level credits unless otherwise authorized by the institution.

4. Initial placement into English courses in the Nevada System of Higher Education will be based upon standardized test scores as noted below. Additional placement will be determined through formal assessment of students including departmental diagnostic writing and/or reading tests, submission of writing samples, and/or a student portfolio for evaluation by faculty, as determined by each institution’s English department. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement procedures may be used for English placement at the community colleges in lieu of the ACT or SAT.


English Test Scores to be Used (Minimum test scores will be set by each institution for any course listed with a test score range)

English Course Enhanced ACT Recentered SAT English Critical Reading

English 090, 095, 1-20 200-500 096, 097, 098 English 100 17-20 400-500 English 101 – two 17-20 400-500 semester sequence English 101 21-29 510-670 English 102 30-36 680-800

Initial placement into mathematics courses in the Nevada System of Higher Education will be based upon standardized test scores as noted below or equivalent criteria through formal assessment of students including departmental diagnostic tests as determined by each institution’s mathematics’ department. Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement procedures may be used for mathematics placement at the community colleges in lieu of the ACT or SAT.

Mathematics Test Scores to Be Used (Minimum test scores will be set by each institution for any course listed with a test score range)

Mathematics Course Enhanced ACT Math Recentered SAT Math

Math 093, 095, 096 1-20 200-500

Math 091, 093, 095, and 096 Test Scores to be Used by the Community Colleges

Mathematics Course Enhanced ACT Math Recentered SAT Math

Math 091 Less that 17* Less than 400* Math 093 Less that 17* Less than 400* Math 095 17-18 400-460 Math 096 19-20 470-500 *Further diagnostic testing will establish placement.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE9 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 15 of 48 A student who has an SAT score of 390 or less and/or an ACT score of 16 or less must take the Accuplacer, Compass, or other appropriate placement tests for mathematics placement at the community colleges.

Math Test Scores to be Used by all NSHE Institutions

Mathematics Enhanced ACT Recentered SAT Math Course Math

Math 097 17-20 400-500 Math 120 21 510 Math 124 22 520 Math 126 22 520-530 Math 127 25-27 560-610 Math 128 25-27 560-610 Math 176 27-28 620 Math 181 28 630

5. The admissions policies of the Nevada System of Higher Education were developed in order to ensure a foundation of knowledge and competencies that will assist a student in successfully pursuing and attaining an academic degree. A student is strongly encouraged to prepare for the rigors of higher education by completing all the appropriate requirements prior to entering the NSHE.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE10 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 16 of 48 NSHE Institutional Placement Practices

Policies on the placement of students in remedial courses may vary by institution. Each institution’s placement policy is summarized below.

Institution Remedial Placement Method(s) Courses UNR ENGLISH English 098 x Enhanced ACT English score < 21 x SAT Verbal score < 510 x ACT score < 21 x Use of portfolio assessment, see rse_placement.htm or call 775-784-6709

MATH Math 096 x ACT Math score < 21 x SAT Math score < 510 x On-site ACCUPLACER < 80 (see )

UNLV ENGLISH English 098 x ACT score < 21 x SAT Verbal/Critical Reading score <510

MATH Math 095 x ACT score < 20 x SAT score < 500 Math 096 x ACT score 20 x SAT score 500

NSC ENGLISH An English placement exam is given to students with an Enhanced ACT score of 1- 20 in English or a Re-centered SAT score of 200-500 in Verbal, or to students who have not taken the ACT or SAT. Students with scores less than 2 on the English placement exam are referred to a community college (ratings are from 1-4). NSC offers English 100 (5 credits) in lieu of remedial English.

MATH The Math diagnostic test has been created by NSC Math professors and has proven to be a proficient diagnostic tool. There are two Math diagnostic tests. If a student scores greater than 17 on the first diagnostic test, the second diagnostic test results will factor into the student's placement. Students who have taken the ACT or SAT will not need to take the NSC Math Diagnostic Test.

Math 093 Math Placement Test score > 9 Math 095 Math Placement Test score 10-14; ACT score < 20; SAT score < 500 Math 096 Math Placement Test score 15-17; ACT score of 20-21; SAT score of 500-519

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE11 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 17 of 48 Institution Remedial Placement Method(s) Courses CSN ENGLISH CSN placement is determined by a CSN-developed essay Adult Basic which is administered via WebCT. The essays are evaluated Education by CSN faculty and placement is determined at that time. ACT English 092 and/or SAT scores may be used to determine placement into English 098 ENG 101, but can not be used for remedial class placement.

READING Accuplacer is used to determine placement in Remedial Reading courses.

Adult Basic Accuplacer Reading Comprehension 0 – 20 Education Read 091 Accuplacer Reading Comprehension 21 – 30 Read 093 Accuplacer Reading Comprehension 31 – 50 Read 095 Accuplacer Reading Comprehension 51 – 80 Read 097 Accuplacer Reading Comprehension 81 – 98

MATH Accuplacer is used to determine placement in Remedial Math courses. ACT and/or SAT scores may also be used to determine placement at some levels.

Math 091 Accuplacer Arithmetic 0 – 50 Math 093 Accuplacer Arithmetic >= 50 & Elementary Algebra < 50 Accuplacer Elem. Algebra >= 50 & < 75 or ACT=17 or Math 095 SAT=400 Math 096 Accuplacer Elem. Algebra >= 85 & College Level Math < 50 or ACT=19 or SAT=490 Math 097 Accuplacer Elem. Algebra >= 75 & < 85 or ACT=18 or (Combination of SAT = 470 Math 095 & 096)

GBC ENGLISH Placement assessment used by GBC is the Accuplacer On-Line

Eng 095 x ACT score ” 17 x Recentered SAT score < 490 x Accuplacer sentence score ” 84 x Accuplacer reading score ” 69

Read 135 x ACT score < 18 x Recentered SAT score < 490 x Accuplacer reading score < 85

MATH Math 091 x ACT score ” 16 x Recentered SAT score < 400 x Accuplacer arithmetic score < 86

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE12 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 18 of 48 Institution Remedial Placement Method(s) Courses GBC (cont.) Math 095 x ACT score 17-18 x Recentered SAT score 400 – 465 x Accuplacer arithmetic score • 86 x Accuplacer elementary algebra score ” 62.9 Math 096 x ACT score 19-20 x Recentered SAT score 470-500 x Accuplacer arithmetic score • 86 x Accuplacer elementary algebra score 63-82.9

TMCC TMCC utilizes ACCUPLACER LOEP – Levels of English Proficiency, a sub-test of ACCUPLACER.

WRITING English x Self-select OR ACCUPLACER Sentence Skills 50-97; OR 98- 098R/097 105 with Writing Sample 1-7; OR 98-105 and Writing Sample 8-12 and Reading Skills <85.

WRITING ESL English 081D x ACCUPLACER LOEP Reading Skills of 50-80. Students are encouraged to co-enroll in ENG 081 A, C, D. English 112D x ACCUPLACER LOEP Reading Skills of 81-105 and ESL Writing Sample 0–6. Students are encouraged to co- enroll in ENG 112, A, C, D. Or x ACCUPLACER LOEP Reading Skills of 106 – 114 and ESL Writing Sample, 3-6. Students take only ENG 112D.

READING Reading 093 x Self-select OR ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension, 0-49, students are required to take this course concurrent with ENG 091 (starting in spring 2009) Reading 135 x Self-select OR ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension, 50 – 74, highly recommended for students. x Self-select OR ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension, Reading 135 75 – 84, recommended for students.

READING ESL English 081C x ACCUPLACER LOEP Reading Skills of 50-80. Students are encouraged to co-enroll in ENG 081 A,C, D.

MATH Math 091 x Self-select or ACCUPLACER Arithmetic 0-30 Math 093 x ACCUPLACER Arithmetic 31-120

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE13 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 19 of 48 Institution Remedial Placement Method(s) Courses TMCC (cont.) Math 095 x ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra 32-52 Math 096 x ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra 53-79

WNC WNC utilizes the Descriptive Tests of Language Skills in Reading Comprehension, the Descriptive Tests of Mathematics Skills (MAPS), Test of Standard Written English (TSWE), and ACCUPLACER (computerized adaptive testing)

ENGLISH Developmental x Enhanced ACT English 1-20 English, x Recentered SAT Verbal 200-509 general x TSWE of 43 or less English 090 x TSWE 27 and below English 095 x TSWE 28-37 English x TSWE 38-43 098/100 English 090 x ACCUPLACER 54 and below English 095 x ACCUPLACER 55-87 English x ACCUPLACER 88-104 098/100

MATH Math 090 x MAPS Applied Arithmetic – Level I - 0-16 Math 091 x MAPS Applied Arithmetic – Level I - 17-22 Math 093 x MAPS Applied Arithmetic – Level I - 23-25 Math 095 x MAPS Applied Arithmetic – Level I - 26 or more Math 095 x MAPS Elementary Algebra – Level II - 18 or less Math 096 x MAPS Elementary Algebra – Level II - 19 or more Math 090/091 x ACCUPLACER Arithmetic Test - 62 or less Math 093 x ACCUPLACER Arithmetic Test - 63 or more Math 093 x ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Test - 38 or less Math 095 x ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Test - 39-52 Math 096 x ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra Test - 53-120

READING Reading 090/093 x MAPS score of 29 and below

Reading 090/093 x ACCUPLACER 70 or below

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE14 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 20 of 48 Trends in Remedial Enrollment

This report includes information regarding the enrollment of recent Nevada high school graduates in remedial/developmental English and/or mathematics courses from 2004 to 2008. It is important to note that the data herein are for recent high school graduates only (students that graduated between September and August of the year immediately preceding their enrollment at a NSHE institution). This report does not focus on the number of other students who require or elect remediation but who do not fall into the category of “recent Nevada high school graduate.” Only 21.4 percent of the students enrolled in remedial courses during the 2008 Summer or Fall semesters were 2007-08 Nevada high school graduates.

Systemwide, 33.5 percent of all recent Nevada high school graduates who attended NSHE were enrolled in at least one remedial course in Summer or Fall 2008. Of the 2,917 recent Nevada high school graduates enrolled in remedial courses, 882 or 30.2 percent took both remedial mathematics and remedial English. Most remedial students, 69.8 percent, needed remediation in only one subject area. The overall percentage of recent high school graduates enrolled in remedial courses (33.5 percent) decreased from 35.7 percent the prior year.

It should be noted students enrolled at both a four-year institution and a community college are reported only once in the systemwide figures. In some cases, a student is enrolled in a remedial course at the community college while pursuing their regular academic studies at the four-year institution. For this reason, the total number of recent Nevada high school graduates enrolled across the NSHE institutions is reduced through the removal of duplicate enrollments to provide an accurate count.


Following a drop in Fall 2006, the remediation rate for recent Nevada high school graduates the semester following graduation continued to decline to 33.5 percent. Effective for the Fall 2006 semester the admission criteria for the NSHE universities increased resulting in better academically-prepared high school graduates enrolling at these institutions. Also effective Fall 2006, NSHE universities no longer received state funding for remedial courses. Both of these factors impacted the number of students enrolled in remedial courses.

NSHE Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remediation Immediately Following Graduation (2004-2008)

40.5% 40.3% 36.0% 35.7% 33.5%

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

In Fall 2000, nationally, 42 percent of entering freshmen at degree-granting public 2-year institutions enrolled in remedial courses and 20 percent at public 4-year institutions, which puts NSHE remedial enrollment higher than the national rate at the community colleges with 45.9 percent and lower than the national rate at the universities with 18.6 percent.1

Following is a review of remedial enrollment trends at the universities, state college, and community colleges of the NSHE for students who graduated from a Nevada high school during the 2007-08 academic year.

1 Wirt, J. , Choy, S., Ronney, P., Provasnik, S., Sen, A., and Tobin, R. (2004). The Condition of Education 2004 (NCES 2004-077). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Washing- ton, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE16 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 22 of 48 Universities

The enrollment of recent Nevada high school graduates in remedial courses at the universities remains stable after experiencing a steep decline at UNLV in 2006. This is in large part due to the decrease in remedial course offerings following the elimination of state funding for remedial courses at the universities effective Fall 2006. For the first time in the past five years, the number of students enrolled in remedial courses at UNR dropped in Fall 2008.

Universities Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remediation Immediately Following Graduation (2004-2008)

UNLV UNR University Total

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE17 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 23 of 48 State College

In lieu of remedial English courses, NSC offers a 5-credit, college-level composition course. A written English placement exam is given to students with an ACT score < 21 or SAT < 510 in English and to students who have not taken the ACT or SAT. Ratings on the exam range from one to four. Students who receive a rating of less than two are referred to a community college. Students with a rating of two or greater are offered the opportunity to take NSC’s English 100. Successful completion (grade C or higher) of the course allows a student to place directly into English 102.

Due to NSC not offering courses in remedial English, the following chart only depicts math remediation rates.

Nevada State College Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Math Remediation Immediately Following Graduation (2004-2008)

54.6% 52.6% 50.6%

56.9% 40.0% 36.0%

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE18 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 24 of 48 Community Colleges

The remediation rates of recent Nevada high school graduates at NSHE community colleges dropped in Fall 2008. This appears to be due to a noticeable drop at CSN by three percentage points. The remediation rates at both GBC and TMCC remained fairly consistent with prior years, while the remediation rate at WNC increased every year since 2004.

Community Colleges Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remediation Immediately Following Graduation (2004-2008) 67.1% 66.4% 66.6% 66.4% 63.3% 62.1% 59.5% 58.2% 58.2% 57.4% 57.4% 56.2% 50.5% 48.5% 48.0% 47.4% 46.6% 45.9% 44.9% 44.3% 8.8% 8.3% .3% .7% 7.4% 3 3 5 3 3 34

Community CSN GBC TMCC WNC Colleges Total

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE19 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 25 of 48 Persistence Rates

One measure of student success is retention or persistence. Persistence to a second semester of study is consistent between students who enroll in remedial coursework, whether English, math or both, and students who are not enrolled in remediation. Based on this measure, the success of students enrolled in remedial courses is comparable to students who are not enrolled in remedial courses.

There is a slight increase in persistence rates for remedial students over the previous year. The persistence rate for students enrolled in a remedial course in mathematics rose three percentage points to 81 percent. The persistence rate for students enrolled in a remedial English course rose one percentage point to 84 percent. When compared to the general student population (not requiring remediation), remediating students appears to be a success in that those students are just as likely as other students to return for a second semester of coursework.

Persistence Rates

First-time First-time First-time First-time College College College College Students Students Students Students NOT Remedial Cohorts (Recent NV high Requiring Requiring Requiring Requiring school graduates) Remediation in Remediation in Remediation in Remediation – English– Math – Summer BOTH– Summer Summer or Fall Summer or Fall or Fall 2007 or Fall 2007 2007 2007 Number of students enrolling in at least one remedial course immediately following graduation1 1141 806 832 5002 Number of students enrolling in the Spring semester following remedial enrollment 921 674 666 4121 Percent of students enrolling in the Spring semester following remedial enrollment 81% 84% 80% 82%

Source: NSHE Remedial Report, System Data Warehouse 1The total for recent high school graduates enrolled across the system is reduced for duplicate enrollments (students who are enrolled in more than one institution are counted only once in the total).

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE20 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 26 of 48 Remediation Rates by Ethnicity

The overall remediation rate for the NSHE decreased approximately three percentage points from the prior year. However, the pattern of remediation rates by ethnic/racial categories remains consistent from the previous year to this year, with the American Indian/Alaskan Native category having the highest remediation rate. For 2008, the percent of students requiring remediation is similar for Black, White, and Hispanic students, while Asian students have the lowest remediation rate.

NSHE Remediation Rates by Ethnicity - Summer & Fall 2008 Percent of Recent NV High School Graduates Enrolling in at Least One NSHE Remedial Course (Unduplicated) (1st semester of college immediately following high school graduation)


35.8% 37.4% 33.4%


American Asian or Black, non- Hispanic White, non- Indian or Pacific Hispanic Hispanic Alaska Islander Native

Recent NV Graduates Number Enrolled in Percent Enrolled in Ethnic/Racial Categories Enrolling in NSHE Remedial Courses Remedial Courses American Indian or Alaska Native 92 50 54.3% Asian or Pacific Islander 1,122 264 23.5% Black, non-Hispanic 645 231 35.8% Hispanic 1,862 696 37.4% White, non-Hispanic 4,445 1,485 33.4% International Students 7 3 42.9% Unreported 534 188 35.2% TOTAL 8,707 2,917 33.5%

The numbers of recent high school graduates enrolled across the system is reduced for duplicate enrollments (students who are enrolled in more than one institution are counted only once). (STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE21 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 27 of 48 Conclusion - Remediation in Perspective

NSHE’s remediation rate is stabilizing at the 33 percent range to 36 percent range after the elimination of state funding for remedial courses at the universities in Fall 2006. This follows national trends in remediation. In Fall 2000, nearly 3 students in 10 across the nation needed remediation in college2. Three National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) studies show consistent levels of remedial coursework in 1989, 1995 and 2000, with recent data not available3. Despite the lack of available current national data, many national and state studies show the positive results of remediation. Successful completion of developmental coursework provides a stepping stone to degree attainment and closes the gap between those students who are ready for college-level coursework and those who are not, including adult learners4.

Remediation continues to be a focus for the NSHE. The remedial policy is currently being reviewed with possible changes being submitted to the Board of Regents in the coming year. These changes will simplify the policy and give the institutions flexibility in placing students into remedial courses.

2 ACT. “Make the Dream a Reality: Action Steps for States to Prepare All Student for College and Career.” 2008. 3 Russell, A. American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). “Policy Matters: Enhancing College Student Success Through Developmental Education.” August 2008. 4 Russell, A. American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). “Policy Matters: Enhancing College Student Success Through Developmental Education.” August 2008.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE22 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 28 of 48 Summary Tables

Nevada System of Higher Education


Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remedial Courses as Percent of Total Number of Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in NSHE By NSHE Institution and Institutional Type Summer and Fall 2008

COMM. UNIV. COLL. NSHE TOTAL UNLV UNR TOTAL NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC TOTAL Recent Nevada high school graduates 2,422 1,806 4,228 135 2,835 275 965 444 4,519 8,707* enrolled in NSHE

Recent Nevada high school graduates 174 613 787 71 1,002 174 643 255 2,074 2,917 enrolled in remedial courses

Percent of recent graduates enrolled in 7.2% 33.9% 18.6% 52.6% 35.3% 63.3% 66.6% 57.4% 45.9% 33.5% NSHE who are also in remediation

Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remedial Courses as Percent of Total Number of Students Enrolled in Remediation By NSHE Institution and Institutional Type Summer and Fall 2008

Recent Nevada High School COMM. Graduates UNIV. COLL. NSHE TOTAL UNLV UNR TOTAL NSC CSN GBC TMCC WNC TOTAL Total number of students enrolled in 796 1,144 1,940 240 6,512 711 3,125 1,101 11,449 13,629 remedial courses in NSHE

Recent Nevada high school graduates 174 613 787 71 1,002 174 643 255 2,074 2,917 enrolled in remedial courses

Percent of total number of students enrolled in remediation accounted for 21.9% 53.6% 40.6% 29.6% 15.4% 24.5% 20.6% 23.2% 18.1% 21.4% by recent NV graduates

*The total for recent high school graduates enrolled across the system is reduced for duplicate enrollments (students who are enrolled in more than one institution are counted only once in the total). Therefore, the numbers of students enrolled at each institution does not add to the total.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE23 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 29 of 48 thr Re rough 2008) mediation Trends (2004 Nevada System of Higher Education REMEDIATION TRENDS

Percent of Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remediation Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation (Summer 2008 or Fall 2008) UNIVERSITIES

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 r Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in %

Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation s UNLV 2,255 1,018 45.1% 2,180 822 37.7% 1,863 157 8.4% 1,999 118 5.9% 2,422 174 7.2% UNR 1,693 467 27.6% 1,891 572 30.2% 1,763 578 32.8% 1,802 652 36.2% 1,806 6133 33.9% 2

Univ. Total 3,948 1,485 37.6% 4,071 1,394 34.2% 3,626 735 20.3% 3,813 770 20.2% 4,228 7870 1 18.6%


2007 2004 2005 2006 2008 Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation NSC 75 27 36.0% 90 36 40.0% 241 122 50.6% 141 77 54.6% 135 71 52.6% 24


2006 2008 2004 2005 2007 Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Recent HS Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Grads Grads in % Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation Enrolled Remediation CSN 1,636 568 34.7% 2,361 882 37.4% 2,526 980 38.8% 2,319 888 38.3% 2,835 1,002 35.3% GBC 174 108 62.1% 232 135 58.2% 190 109 57.4% 257 153 59.5% 275 174 63.3% TMCC 901 524 58.2% 928 616 66.4% 947 635 67.1% 960 637 66.4% 965 643 66.6% WNC 354 159 44.9% 429 206 48.0% 412 208 50.5% 489 275 56.2% 444 255 57.4% Comm. Coll. Total 3,065 1,359 44.3% 3,950 1,839 46.6% 4,075 1,932 47.4% 4,026 1,953 48.5% 4,519 2,074 45.9%

NSHE TOTAL 7,088 2,871 40.5% 8,111 3,269 40.3% 7,702* 2,773 36.0% 7781* 2,779 35.7% 8,707* 2,917 33.5%

*The total for recent high school graduates enrolled across the system is reduced for duplicate enrollments (students who are enrolled in more than one institution are counted only once in the total). Therefore, the numbers of students enrolled at each institution does not add to the total.

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 30 of 48 Capture Rate

16+(&DSWXUH5DWHRI5HFHQW1HYDGD+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWHV Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation (Summer 2006 or Fall 2006) By School District


CARSON CITY 6 85 1 1 18 150 261 431 60.6% CHURCHILL COUNTY 4 34 2 14 45 100 259 38.6% CLARK COUNTY 1,712 434 219 2,428 2 12 3 4,810 10,915 44.1% DOUGLAS COUNTY 7 90 1 1 17 119 235 414 56.8% ELKO COUNTY 6 49 1 4 123 21 1 205 491 41.8% ESMERALDA COUNTY No High School Graduates 0NA EUREKA COUNTY 1 3 1 7 1 13 16 81.3% HUMBOLDT COUNTY 3 21 16 10 2 52 180 28.9% LANDER COUNTY 1 11 11 5 28 71 39.4% LINCOLN COUNTY 2 2 9 1 1 15 60 25.0% LYON COUNTY 1 59 2 2 35 58 157 372 42.2% MINERAL COUNTY 1 2 5 8 23 34.8% NYE COUNTY 11 27 8 6 17 4 1 73 244 29.9% 25 PERSHING COUNTY 6 2 6 1 15 46 32.6% STATE CHARTERS 1 3 9 3 16 24 66.7% STOREY COUNTY 9 3 5 17 29 58.6% WASHOE COUNTY 10 843 9 1 754 10 1,627 2,702 60.2% WHITE PINE COUNTY 2 5 8 4 19 90 21.1% 38%/,&+,*+6&+22/*5$'8$7(6 1,767 1,682 239 2,463 182 911 407 7,651 16,367 46.7%

PRIVATE OR FEDERAL SCHOOLS 96 81 2 63 40 9 291 612 47.5% 727$/5(&(171(9$'$+,*+6&+22/*5$'8$7(6 1,863 1,763 241 2,526 182 951 416 7,942 16,979 46.8%

1Enrolled in NSHE with degree or non-degree seeking status. 2High School Graduates: number of public high school graduates (standard or advanced diplomas) supplied by the Nevada Department of Education, number of private high school graduates projected by WICHE,Knocking at the College Door, 2004.

16+(,QVWLWXWLRQ$EEUHYLDWLRQV UNLV - University of Nevada - Las Vegas UNR - University of Nevada - Reno NSC - Nevada State College, Henderson CSN - College of Southern Nevada GBC - Great Basin College TMCC - Truckee Meadows Community College WNC - Western Nevada College

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 31 of 48 Note: WNC adjusted to reflect correction of error in which one student was reported having graduated from a Churchill County high school who actually graduated from a Nye Recent Nevada High School Graduates Enrolled in Remedial Courses: Institution Attended and Courses Taken Counts, CreditsRemedial Enrollment and Cost in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


CARSON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 96 12 138 250 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 29 6 78 113 English Only 12 24054 Mathematics Only 10 1 8 19 Both English and Mathematics 7 3 30 40 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 30% 50% 57% 45% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 108 27 331 466 $93,588

CARSON CITY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 96 12 138 250 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 29 6 78 113 English Only 12 24054 Mathematics Only 10 1 8 19 Both English and Mathematics 7 3 30 40 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 30% 50% 57% 45% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 108 27 331 466 $93,588

CHURCHILL COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 35 1 2 14 54 108 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 10 1 2 12 33 58 English Only 3 1 31320 Mathematics Only 312410 Both English and Mathematics 4 1 7 16 28 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 29% 100% 100% 86% 61% 54% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 42 3 12 60 153 270 $59,604

CHURCHILL COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 34 1 2 14 50 103 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9 1 2 12 32 56 English Only 3 1 31320 Mathematics Only 312410 Both English and Mathematics 3 1 7 15 26 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 26% 100% 100% 86% 64% 54% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 36 3 12 60 147 258 $58,035

LAHONTAN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 4 5 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 2 English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 1 1 2 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 25% 40% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 6 12 $1,569

CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2,270 451 111 2,717 4 9 11 5,573 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 161 155 67 969 4 6 7 1,352 English Only 3552143114236 Mathematics Only 10045677041 2 902 Both English and Mathematics 26 58 122 2 3 3 214 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7% 34% 60% 36% 100% 67% 64% 24% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 591 651 287 3,529 18 27 30 5,064 $1,047,116

ACADEMY FOR INDIVIDUALIZED STUDY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 13 13 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8% 8% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $0

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 63 7 23 93 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 7 9 English Only 33 Mathematics Only 11 3 5 Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2% 14% 30% 10% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 26 32 $6,797

ARBOR VIEW HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 58 11 74 143 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5 4 25 34 English Only 23 5 Mathematics Only 41 19 24 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 3 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9% 36% 34% 24% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 24 15 92 131 $24,051

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE26 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 32 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


AREA TECHNICAL TRADE CENTER Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 18 18 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 66 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 33 Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 21 $5,490

BASIC HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 48 10 11 69 1 1 140 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 6 37 1 46 English Only 17 8 Mathematics Only 2627 33 Both English and Mathematics 1 3 1 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 40% 55% 54% 100% 0% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 24 131 6 170 $44,592

BONANZA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 36 14 70 120 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6 3 29 38 English Only 44 Mathematics Only 5 2 24 31 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 1 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 17% 21% 41% 32% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 27 12 102 141 $26,665

BOULDER CITY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 22 18 6 18 64 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 8 3 6 17 English Only 12 3 Mathematics Only 236 10 Both English and Mathematics 4 4 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5% 44% 50% 33% 27% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 36 13 23 70 $10,767

BURK HORIZON SW HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 12 12 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 44 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 22 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 15 $3,921

CANYON SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 73 16 1 51 141 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6 7 1 25 39 English Only 14 5 Mathematics Only 5115 21 Both English and Mathematics 7 6 13 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8% 44% 100% 49% 28% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 42 3 97 160 $26,455

CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 82 24 3 134 2 245 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7 13 1 52 1 74 English Only 17 7 15 Mathematics Only 62133 42 Both English and Mathematics 4 12 1 17 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9% 54% 33% 39% 50% 30% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 51 5 201 6 284 $55,942

CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 31 4 7 46 88 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 2 4 14 19 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 149 12 Both English and Mathematics 2 3 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3% 50% 57% 30% 22% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 12 14 53 74 $18,975

CHEYENNE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 30 7 3 70 1 1 112 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 5 3 20 1 31 English Only 21 2 5 Mathematics Only 11316 20 Both English and Mathematics 3 2 1 6 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 10% 71% 100% 29% 100% 0% 28% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 27 13 72 6 124 $25,145

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE27 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 33 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


CIMARRON MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 81 34 1 120 1 237 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 10 15 1 40 1 66 English Only 27 7 16 Mathematics Only 54122 31 Both English and Mathematics 3 4 11 1 19 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 12% 44% 100% 33% 100% 28% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 45 57 5 166 6 274 $46,793

CLARK HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 97 24 2 62 1 186 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 4 2 18 1 29 English Only 3317 Mathematics Only 41213 20 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4% 17% 100% 29% 100% 16% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 12 10 64 3 101 $21,172

CORONADO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 136 26 6 88 1 257 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9 7 4 30 1 51 English Only 23 16 Mathematics Only 83425 40 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 2 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7% 27% 67% 34% 100% 20% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 33 27 18 108 3 189 $35,600

COSTAR - HORIZON ALTERNATIVE Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $784

COWAN SUNSET SE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 2 3 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 2 English Only Mathematics Only 11 2 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 50% 67% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 5 3 8 $2,613

COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 6 129 135 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 25 26 English Only 11 Mathematics Only 24 24 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 17% 19% 19% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 88 94 $23,005

COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA HIGH SCHOOL-EAST Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 2 3 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 2 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 100% 67% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 9 $0

COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA HIGH SCHOOL-SOUTH Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 8 3 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 33% 9% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 5 5 $1,829

COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA HIGH SCHOOL-WEST Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 8 6 14 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 17% 7% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $0

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE28 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 34 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


DEL SOL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 57 4 7 52 1 121 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 1 3 20 1 27 English Only 1214 Mathematics Only 314 16 Both English and Mathematics 2 1 4 7 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5% 25% 43% 38% 100% 22% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 6 11 83 3 113 $26,505

DESERT PINES HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 48 7 1 82 138 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 4 1 32 39 English Only 77 Mathematics Only 12120 23 Both English and Mathematics 2 2 5 9 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6% 57% 100% 39% 28% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 21 3 119 155 $32,206

DURANGO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 80 12 2 106 1 201 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 4 1 37 1 46 English Only 22 8 12 Mathematics Only 22123 27 Both English and Mathematics 617 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5% 33% 50% 35% 100% 23% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 12 5 137 6 173 $39,212

ELDORADO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 35 3 1 68 1 108 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 37 1 40 English Only 10 10 Mathematics Only 122124 Both English and Mathematics 1 5 6 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6% 0% 0% 54% 100% 37% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 134 3 146 $35,815

FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 69 10 7 121 207 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 1 4 35 44 English Only 15 6 Mathematics Only 11427 33 Both English and Mathematics 2 3 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6% 10% 57% 29% 21% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 3 18 127 166 $39,783

GLOBAL COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 4 6 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 2 3 English Only 11 2 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 50% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 6 9 $1,569

GREEN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 104 28 7 102 241 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 1 4 32 38 English Only 18 9 Mathematics Only 3 4 22 27 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3% 4% 57% 31% 16% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 3 20 111 133 $36,332

INDIAN SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 1 6 8 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 22 English Only Mathematics Only 22 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 33% 25% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 6 $1,569

LAS VEGAS ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 87 25 1 51 1 165 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8 4 1 19 32 English Only 11 Mathematics Only 62119 28 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9% 16% 100% 37% 0% 19% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 27 18 5 67 117 $19,344

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE29 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 35 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


LAS VEGAS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 65 4 14 124 1 2 210 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 4 9 48 1 1 66 English Only 15 6 Mathematics Only 3932144 Both English and Mathematics 4 11 1 16 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6% 100% 64% 39% 100% 50% 31% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 24 37 185 6 3 265 $64,247

LAUGHLIN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 1 3 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 0% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $0

LEGACY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 43 4 27 74 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5 4 16 25 English Only 25 7 Mathematics Only 49 13 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 2 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 12% 100% 59% 34% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 18 58 94 $15,162

LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 73 8 11 61 153 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5 4 7 20 34 English Only 22 3 7 Mathematics Only 31716 25 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 2 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7% 50% 64% 33% 22% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 15 31 63 116 $27,806

MOAPA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 4 1 19 26 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 4 6 English Only Mathematics Only 14 5 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 50% 0% 21% 23% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 12 21 $3,137

MOJAVE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 34 7 1 51 93 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 6 1 25 35 English Only 21 3 6 Mathematics Only 12118 22 Both English and Mathematics 3 4 7 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9% 86% 100% 49% 38% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 27 5 91 132 $25,618

MORRIS SUNSET HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 44 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 25% 25% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $784

PALO VERDE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 123 34 1 133 2 1 294 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6 15 1 40 1 1 64 English Only 38 9 20 Mathematics Only 14128 34 Both English and Mathematics 2 3 3 1 1 10 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5% 44% 100% 30% 50% 100% 22% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 24 57 5 142 6 6 240 $42,087

RANCHO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 58 8 1 77 144 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 2 25 30 English Only 11 Mathematics Only 31 22 26 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5% 25% 0% 32% 21% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 12 88 109 $23,005

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE30 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 36 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


SANDY VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $0

SHADOW RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 66 11 93 1 171 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 5 40 1 49 English Only 1214 Mathematics Only 34 33 40 Both English and Mathematics 55 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5% 45% 43% 100% 29% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 15 143 3 170 $38,167

SIERRA VISTA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 108 18 106 1 1 234 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 5 38 1 1 56 English Only 51 8 115 Mathematics Only 32 271 33 Both English and Mathematics 3 2 3 8 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 10% 28% 36% 100% 100% 24% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 42 21 137 3 3 206 $37,383

SILVERADO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 118 22 2 106 248 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 4 37 52 English Only 43 1 8 Mathematics Only 71 31 39 Both English and Mathematics 55 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9% 18% 0% 35% 21% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 33 12 141 186 $36,860

SOUTHEAST CAREER & TECHNICAL ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 67 2 2 88 159 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8 2 35 45 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 6 2 29 37 Both English and Mathematics 2 4 6 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 12% 0% 100% 40% 28% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 30 8 121 159 $34,558

SPRING VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 119 16 3 106 1 245 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8 5 3 33 1 49 English Only 23 8 114 Mathematics Only 5 3 23 30 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 2 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7% 31% 100% 31% 100% 20% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 27 21 11 109 3 168 $33,302

VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 82 6 2 62 152 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5 3 1 15 24 English Only 11 2 4 Mathematics Only 2 1 10 13 Both English and Mathematics 2 2 3 7 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 6% 50% 50% 24% 16% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 15 5 54 95 $15,945

VIRGIN VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 2 3 6 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

VIRTUAL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 1 6 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33 English Only 11 Mathematics Only 22 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 50% 27% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 99$2,353

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE31 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 37 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 31 3 55 1 90 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 3 27 34 English Only 21 2 5 Mathematics Only 21 23 26 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 13% 100% 49% 0% 38% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 12 89 113 $23,266

CHARTER - EXPLORE KNOWLEDGE ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 1 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 1 1 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 6 $0

CHARTER - ODYSSEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 1 2 16 22 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 2 6 8 English Only Mathematics Only 123 5 Both English and Mathematics 33 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 0% 100% 38% 36% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 8 29 37 $10,507

DOUGLAS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 7 102 2 2 22 113 248 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 20 2 13 63 98 English Only 7 1 53144 Mathematics Only 7 1 21222 Both English and Mathematics 6 6 20 32 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 20% 0% 100% 59% 56% 40% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 78 6 57 242 383 $79,733

DOUGLAS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 6 97 2 2 22 113 242 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 19 2 13 63 97 English Only 7 1 53144 Mathematics Only 7 1 21222 Both English and Mathematics 5 6 20 31 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 20% 0% 100% 59% 56% 40% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 72 6 57 242 377 $79,733

GEORGE WHITTELL HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 5 6 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 1 1 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 20% 17% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 6 $0

ELKO COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 5 29 6 156 12 2 210 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 16 97 10 2 126 English Only 16 253237 Mathematics Only 32730 Both English and Mathematics 7 45 7 59 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 20% 55% 0% 62% 83% 100% 60% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 69 426 51 6 555 $126,266

CARLIN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 3 5 2 13 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 4 1 8 English Only 134 Mathematics Only 112 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 2 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 0% 80% 50% 62% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 12 6 30 $4,706

ELKO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 18 83 5 1 110 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 9 52 4 1 67 English Only 12 142120 Mathematics Only 21416 Both English and Mathematics 5 24 2 31 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 50% 63% 80% 100% 61% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 42 228 18 3 294 $65,094

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE32 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 38 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


INDEPENDENT STUDY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

OWYHEE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 44 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 44 English Only 33 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 15 $3,921

SPRING CREEK HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 6 1 55 4 1 68 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 31 4 1 39 English Only 2316 Mathematics Only 10 10 Both English and Mathematics 1 18 4 23 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 50% 0% 56% 100% 100% 57% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 147 24 3 186 $45,487

WELLS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 1 2 5 9 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% 60% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 9 $2,353

WEST WENDOVER HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 3 1 5 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 3 1 5 English Only 112 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 15 3 21 $4,706

EUREKA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 62 8 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 41 5 English Only 11 2 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 3 21 $5,490 100% 0% 50% EUREKA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 62 8 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 41 5 English Only 11 2 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 67% 50% 63% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 3 21 $5,490

HUMBOLDT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 25 24 6 58 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 19 5 28 English Only 26210 Mathematics Only 2417 Both English and Mathematics 92 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 16% 79% 83% 48% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 84 21 117 $27,449

ALBERT M. LOWRY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 25 21 4 51 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 16 4 24 English Only 2417 Mathematics Only 2417 Both English and Mathematics 82 10 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 16% 76% 100% 47% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 72 18 102 $23,528

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE33 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 39 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


MC DERMITT HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 3 2 7 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 31 4 English Only 21 3 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 100% 50% 57% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 3 15 $3,921

LANDER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 4 20 1 26 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 13 1 16 English Only 77 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 2 5 1 8 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 50% 65% 100% 62% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 54 6 72 $15,685

AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

BATTLE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 4 19 1 25 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 13 1 16 English Only 77 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 2 5 1 8 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 50% 68% 100% 64% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 54 6 72 $15,685

LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 3 4 3 1 14 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 1 2 1 6 English Only 112 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 2 2 4 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 67% 25% 67% 100% 43% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 3 12 3 30 $4,706

LINCOLN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 3 2 1 8 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 1 1 1 5 English Only 112 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 2 1 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 33% 50% 100% 63% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 12 3 6 3 24 $3,137

PAHRANAGAT VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 1 1 1 6 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% 100% 17% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 66$1,569

LYON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 57 4 1 42 73 179 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 21 1 29 50 101 English Only 10 6 17 33 Mathematics Only 57820 Both English and Mathematics 6 1 16 25 48 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 37% 0% 100% 69% 68% 56% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 81 6 135 226 448 $95,941

DAYTON HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 21 1 6 35 64 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7 4 20 31 English Only 41813 Mathematics Only 145 Both English and Mathematics 2 3 8 13 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 33% 0% 67% 57% 48% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 27 21 82 130 $26,926

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE34 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 40 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


FERNLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 13 1 19 13 47 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5 16 10 31 English Only 1 225 Mathematics Only 167 Both English and Mathematics 3 8 8 19 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 38% 0% 84% 77% 66% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 24 72 54 150 $32,939

SMITH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 2 1 3 4 13 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 1 2 3 8 English Only 1 113 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 1 1 4 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 67% 0% 100% 67% 75% 62% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 6 9 12 36 $7,058

YERINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 18 10 7 35 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7 5 5 17 English Only 4 138 Mathematics Only 3 115 Both English and Mathematics 314 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 39% 50% 71% 49% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 24 18 63 $10,980

CHARTER - SILVER STAGE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 4 14 20 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 21214 English Only 134 Mathematics Only 22 Both English and Mathematics 178 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 50% 86% 70% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 60 69 $18,038

MINERAL COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 4 8 15 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 3 2 6 English Only 213 Mathematics Only 1 113 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 75% 25% 40% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 9 6 18 $3,921

MINERAL COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 4 8 15 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 3 2 6 English Only 213 Mathematics Only 1 113 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 75% 25% 40% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 9 6 18 $3,921

NYE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 12 14 1 9 27 5 68 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 7 1 3 14 4 29 English Only 13 351 13 Mathematics Only 21 61 9 Both English and Mathematics 2 3 2 7 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8% 50% 100% 33% 52% 80% 43% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 27 3 9 57 18 114 $23,056

BEATTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

GABBS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 21 3 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 21 3 English Only 11 2 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 3 12 $3,137

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE35 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 41 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


PAHRUMP HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1271815 43 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 13137 14 English Only 12 3 6 Mathematics Only 15 5 Both English and Mathematics 1 2 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8% 43% 100% 38% 47% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 12 3 9 33 57 $12,077

PATHWAYS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

ROUND MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 3 2 8 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 2 1 5 English Only 123 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 67% 67% 50% 63% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 6 6 18 $3,137

TONOPAH HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 5 2 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 3 2 7 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 1113 Both English and Mathematics 1 1 2 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 60% 100% 64% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 9 9 27 $4,706

PERSHING COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 5 3 9 21 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 41510 English Only 213 Mathematics Only 1113 Both English and Mathematics 134 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 80% 33% 56% 48% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 3 24 42 $10,980

LOVELOCK HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

PERSHING HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 4 3 9 20 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 41510 English Only 213 Mathematics Only 1113 Both English and Mathematics 134 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 100% 33% 56% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 15 3 24 42 $10,980

PRIVATE OR FEDERAL SCHOOLS Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 95 111 4 84 1 30 7 332 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 10 25 2 27 19 2 84 English Only 110 4 5 20 Mathematics Only 66220 3137 Both English and Mathematics 3 9 3 11 1 27 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11% 23% 50% 32% 0% 63% 29% 25% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 45 102 10 98 99 9 358 $57,510

BISHOP GORMAN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 53 26 1 18 98 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5319 17 English Only 21 3 Mathematics Only 318 11 Both English and Mathematics 2 1 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 9% 12% 100% 50% 17% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 27 12 5 31 70 $9,933

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE36 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 42 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


BISHOP MANOGUE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 67 15 1 83 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 16 11 27 English Only 729 Mathematics Only 426 Both English and Mathematics 5 7 12 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 24% 73% 0% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 63 54 117 $14,117

CALVARY CHAPEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 7 1 3 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

ECHOES CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 1 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

EXCEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 44 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 22 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 9 $2,353

FAITH LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 16 14 24 54 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 3 5 11 19 English Only 11 1 3 Mathematics Only 21 9 12 Both English and Mathematics 3 1 4 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 19% 36% 46% 35% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 24 38 71 $9,934

HENDERSON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 3 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

INDEPENDENCE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

INDEPENDENT STUDY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 15 15 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 22 English Only 11 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 13% 13% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 8 8 $2,091

LAKE MEAD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 1 4 9 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 100% 0% 11% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 5 5 $1,829

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE37 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 43 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


LEGACY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 3 4 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 22 English Only 11 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 67% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 9 $2,353

MEADOWS SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 2 5 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

MOUNTAIN VIEW CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 5 6 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 2 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 1 1 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 20% 17% 18% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 3 9 $784

NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 1 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

NEW HORIZONS CENTER FOR LEARNING Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

PYRAMID LAKE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 22 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $784

RUBY MOUNTAIN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

SAGE RIDGE SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $0

SIERRA LUTHERAN Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 44 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 25% 25% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $784

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE38 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 44 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


SIERRA NEVADA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 618 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 315 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 314 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 50% 100% 63% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 24 6 33 $8,627

TRINITY CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 10 12 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 3 4 English Only Mathematics Only 11 2 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 50% 30% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 15 18 $3,921

STATE CHARTER Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 1 18 10 32 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 44 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 33 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% 40% 13% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 21 $5,490

CHARTER - NEVADA STATE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 18 21 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

CHARTER - SILVER STATE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 10 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 44 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 33 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 40% 36% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 21 $5,490

STOREY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 10 5 19 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 426 English Only 112 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 33 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 40% 40% 32% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 6 27 $7,058

VIRGINIA CITY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 10 5 19 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 426 English Only 112 Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 33 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 40% 40% 32% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 6 27 $7,058

WASHOE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 15 857 1 8 1 792 14 1,688 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 313 1 1 528 7 851 English Only 120 1 142 3 266 Mathematics Only 1 88 1 114 2 206 Both English and Mathematics 105 272 2 379 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7% 37% 100% 13% 0% 67% 50% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 1,278 3 3 2,436 28 3,751 $646,020

ACADEMY OF ARTS, CAREERS, & TECHNOLOGY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 3 9 13 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 1 7 9 English Only 123 Mathematics Only 134 Both English and Mathematics 22 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 33% 78% 69% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 30 36 $8,627

(STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE39 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 45 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


CHURCH ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $784

DAMONTE RANCH HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 42 58 1 103 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 19 43 62 English Only 51318 Mathematics Only 12 5 17 Both English and Mathematics 2 25 27 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 45% 74% 60% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 63 210 273 $54,898

DAVIDSON ACADEMY Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

EARL WOOSTER HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 55 49 105 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 21 30 51 English Only 8614 Mathematics Only 7916 Both English and Mathematics 6 15 21 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 38% 61% 49% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 87 138 225 $36,076

GALENA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 112 59 171 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 40 49 89 English Only 12 11 23 Mathematics Only 16 15 31 Both English and Mathematics 12 23 35 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 36% 83% 52% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 156 222 378 $58,035

GERLACH HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 1 2 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

HUG HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 19 44 1 64 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 10 31 41 English Only 41317 Mathematics Only 246 Both English and Mathematics 4 14 18 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 53% 70% 64% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 45 135 180 $35,292

INCLINE VILLAGE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 11 10 22 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 5 6 11 English Only 112 Mathematics Only 224 Both English and Mathematics 2 3 5 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 45% 60% 50% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 21 27 48 $7,058

MCQUEEN HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 134 89 226 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 46 69 115 English Only 25 24 49 Mathematics Only 10 11 21 Both English and Mathematics 11 34 45 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 34% 78% 51% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 174 312 486 $81,563 (STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE40 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 46 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


NORTH VALLEYS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 59 82 2 144 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 22 57 1 80 English Only 71522 Mathematics Only 714122 Both English and Mathematics 8 28 36 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 37% 70% 50% 56% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 90 258 3 351 $68,231

PIONEER HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 33 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 33% 33% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 6 $1,569

REED HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 4 112 1 102 1 220 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 39 61 1 102 English Only 14 10 24 Mathematics Only 1 11 10 1 23 Both English and Mathematics 14 41 55 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 25% 35% 60% 100% 46% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 162 306 4 475 $81,040

REGIONAL TECH INSTITUTE Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 8 9 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 6 7 English Only Mathematics Only 33 Both English and Mathematics 1 3 4 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 75% 78% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 27 36 $7,058

RENO HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 3 138 70 2 213 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 42 45 1 88 English Only 20 19 1 40 Mathematics Only 3710 Both English and Mathematics 19 19 38 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 30% 64% 50% 41% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 183 195 3 381 $51,761

SPANISH SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 116 81 3 200 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 39 50 3 92 English Only 14 12 2 28 Mathematics Only 8816 Both English and Mathematics 17 30 1 48 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 34% 62% 100% 46% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 171 246 12 429 $67,446

SPARKS HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 36 1 4 25 66 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 21 1 19 41 English Only 8210 Mathematics Only 71 5 13 Both English and Mathematics 6 12 18 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 58% 76% 62% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 84 3 93 180 $25,409

TRUCKEE MEADOWS COMMUNITY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 12 51 63 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 2 14 16 English Only 22 Mathematics Only 2911 Both English and Mathematics 33 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 17% 27% 25% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 54 60 $14,117

WASHOE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 40 1 41 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 31 31 English Only 88 Mathematics Only 88 Both English and Mathematics 15 15 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 78% 0% 76% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 138 138 $36,076 (STUDENT AND ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE41 02/05/09) Ref. SAA-3, Page 47 of 48 Remedial Enrollment in NSHE Institutions Immediately Following Graduation and Cost of Remedial Course Delivery by School District and High School Summer and Fall 2008


CHARTER - Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 5 6 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 4 2 6 English Only 213 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 2 1 3 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 80% 33% 55% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 18 9 27 $2,353

CHARTER - ICDA HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 1 4 5 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 1 4 5 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics 1 3 4 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 6 21 27 $5,490

CHARTER - RAINSHADOW CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 33 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 22 English Only Mathematics Only 11 Both English and Mathematics 11 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 67% 67% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 9 9 $2,353

CHARTER - SILVER STAGE HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 11 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 11 English Only 11 Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 100% 100% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 3 3 $784

WHITE PINE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 10 23 33 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8 12 20 English Only 189 Mathematics Only 112 Both English and Mathematics 6 3 9 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 80% 52% 61% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 42 54 96 $14,117

LUND HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 33 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation English Only Mathematics Only Both English and Mathematics Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 0% 0% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost $0

WHITE PINE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 10 20 30 Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 8 12 20 English Only 189 Mathematics Only 112 Both English and Mathematics 6 3 9 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 80% 60% 67% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 42 54 96 $14,117

TOTAL RECENT NEVADA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Recent Graduates Enrolled in NSHE 2,422 1,806 135 2,835 275 965 444 8,707 ** Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 174 613 71 1,002 174 643 255 2,917 English Only 67 440 277 131 508 217 754 Mathematics Only 136 387 71 850 117 468 141 1,281 Both English and Mathematics 29 214 125 74 333 103 882 Percent of Recent Graduates Enrolled in Remediation 7% 34% 53% 35% 63% 67% 57% 34% Remedial Credit Hours/Total Cost 645 2,517 303 3,645 762 2,976 1,082 11,930 $2,323,730

*Cost is based on $366 per credit hour at the state college and $261 per credit hour at the community colleges. Effective Fall 2006, remedial courses at the universities are self-funded and delivered at no cost to the state; and therefore the cost of delivering remedial courses at the universities is not included in the cost calculations herein.

**The total for recent high school graduates enrolled across the system is reduced for duplicate enrollments (students who are enrolled in more than one institution are counted only once in the total). Therefore, the numbers of students enrolled at each institution does not add to the total.