9th December 2016

Dear Members,

Representation of Mr. Cyrus P. Mistry under Section 169(4) of the Companies Act, 2013

This has reference to the Notice dated 29th November 2016 convening the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of the Company on Monday, 26th December 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at Yashwantrao Chavan Prathisthan Auditorium, Y. B. Chavan Centre, General Jagannath Bhosle Marg, Next to Sachivalaya Gymkhana, 400 021, to consider the resolution for removal of Mr. Cyrus P. Mistry as Director of the Company, on the requisition of Limited (“Tata Sons”).

Pursuant to Section 169(4) of the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Cyrus P. Mistry has sent his representation in writing to the Company requesting the Company to circulate the said representation to the Members of the Company. Accordingly, please find enclosed the representation of Mr. Mistry. A copy of the representation is also available on the website of the Company at www.tatapower.com.

Mr. Mistry has provided a separate compilation of documents with an index and pagination in support of the statements made in the representation. In his letter to the Board, he has requested that the compilation be appropriately provided to the Members as documents available for inspection. Accordingly, the documents are being made available for inspection by the Members at the Registered Office of the Company between 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on any working day of the Company, except Saturday, up to the date of the EGM. The said documents will also be made available for inspection at the venue of the EGM. However, the Company has received a letter from Tata Sons informing the Company that certain specified items in the compilation contain confidential information of Tata Sons, which should not be made available for inspection. Accordingly, such specified items will not be available for inspection unless and until appropriate authorisation from Tata Sons is received by the Company or the Company is otherwise suitably assured by Mr. Mistry that the Company will not be exposed to, and will be protected against, any risk, financial or otherwise, by making such items available for inspection. Further, in the event the Company receives similar communications from any other party, the Company will not make available confidential information as specified by such affected party unless and until appropriate authorisation from the affected party is received by the Company or the Company is otherwise suitably assured by Mr. Mistry that the Company will not be exposed to, and will be protected against, any risk, financial or otherwise, by making such items available for inspection.

Mr. Mistry’s representation is being circulated in compliance with the Company’s obligation under the Companies Act, 2013. The Company, its Board of Directors and its officers have not verified the statements made in the said representation or documents provided by Mr. Mistry and hence, do not take any responsibility for the same. Additionally, the Company has not verified whether any statements or documents provided by Mr. Mistry are confidential in relation to any person and whether appropriate authorisations have been obtained prior to sharing the same with the Company and hence do not take any responsibility for the same.

Yours faithfully, For The Company Limited

(H. M. Mistry) Company Secretary


INDEX: Annexure Statement


Foreword ...... 1

My Appointment ...... 2

Strategy...... 3

Structure...... 6

Erosion of Governance ...... 8

Governance Breakdown ...... 9

Flagrant Widespread Breakdown ...... 11

Way Forward ...... 12 Foreword

1. removal of a director @"

2. @stakeholders in R %= '(  

3. +-;'(7 “In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business, but is in fact the very purpose of its existence.”

4. 5='7:='7;' ' ' ( 7''- ;''77'<=' 

5. ' ' (    %@ -'@@ ' ( ' c

 My Appointment:

6. <;'(@ ' @'7 + + '% ' 7"[ @'7'(

7. 7\ <;'(\% < ; ' ] ^ "'7% " = 7 \ @% <;' '(

8. '(; ='7 '(+

9. @ ' ( ='( T  '('" \ < >'?%\ + =7 '('(

 10. ''( T=@ <' R'' ' 7 ' 7 ' ( \(@ 'ata Group.

11. '[ c'(; @ @[@ @'''>' ? ' ( @ @ @ @ governance needs repair.


12. @>?@'( "@ x\"'7 = >? T ' ( @ @'7"' '7>?

13. R \'(;@ >?' '(@@

14. @ + c = @ @

 15. %'( 5 The Mission (why we exist),7

The Vision (a dream with a deadline),7  Q;6 &5 5< 

16. +>? R'(T'\7 5];'@ =R ' R  Tata Cliq, Tata IQ and Tata Health.+ 7:  ' (

17. '@R@'(R \ '( c (x\ '(x\

18. ' (x\ > ? @R@ < :"\ (7- Here, we @\x+'(

 19. ' '(% @ "\x+ ] ' @ 

20. Governance Guidelines Framework  @  @ " \  " R<" \c "'" x<" \; ' "

21. -'(\7; ';''( T5 < < < '( companies.

22. '  Tata Strive @ @ % +

 We also created )5+ R T '-5 '(y 2020.

23. \ \'(% @ www.cyrusforgovernance.com/highlights.


24. ' 7 ' ( \% '7' '''' + ' @

7= ' @'

25. '''The very future of the Tata -5 '7'  @'@ ? @ = @; @

 26. ]@ '7 ;"@ =< @'('

“Therefore, the very vision of the Founders could be under threat unless = and transparent process of checks and balances.”

27. x'(= @ '" :

28. ' 0 - 1 ' ( @' '@

29. + >?R ''7''= x RR  ' ''

30. '%%'7'' R'7"RIJR% These R34T any decision of the Tata Sons Board. %@x\ % % ' 7  '(

 '7"' @'7"' 7'' R@ '7' <'7

Erosion of Governance:

31. =<;' \' 7<[%7R\'7 ''@'R[: '7' %% @= "'7'R[ : @'7

32. ' 'R[ : @ <'<7' % 7R

@'7' (T line with strategy already approved by the Tata Sons Board with the full consent of the Trustee-Nominated Directors; T at the instance of Mr. and purchases of the joint venture partner’s shares within two years at a 100% :%%": '7[   7:  

 ' 7 " 'R[ : '7"< RR'(TMr. N.A. Soonawala wanted to conduct discussions with management and merchant bankers

33. 7 < @ '( ' 7 ' ( @RR@ @ R'7< RR@

Governance Breakdown:

34. ++ "< <;'@> \?%%7\ \ [ ' ' ( <;'<;' '7< ;';'(x\

35. 5"< ' 7 " <; ' '7'[ ;\'7<; '=< ' ( ' [ [  " "<= R<;'%"< (illegal, because it was contrary to law 7\ ='<

 36. '[;\'7x\5  @(x\' '7"

37. 7=@ ' 7;  x \%< @\x+'([ \x+'(<;' @\x+x\<;' “the answer will probably go with me to my grave”.' @ < <;'

38.  T'7" ''T=' 7 [ @ \ @=

39. '7[\ '7' '7x\ <;'=7[ >? ' 7 [ > ? ' 7 @ >' ?+>? 7

 7 \ %% [;\"  '("\

40. '7 <;'7 R="< 'R[ Tata Trusts, =5 5

Flagrant Widespread Breakdown:

41. 7 T=7 '7(\'<\7  ' 7 \ '< ' \ 7 @ \ ' 7 " < " ' 7 ( \ (x\'7T == ^'\@ " >?

 \'("'7" > ? R 'R[:'7 '' % ' ( " " @RR ' 7 " @ 7'(""< R@ T@ @ R \ ' 7 " \ " <R"<The Guardian, ^]^ " ' ( <;''7^ < [ ' ( @ misgovernance ^ ># ? '(T'< <R <;'@ @ ' ' <@@

Way Forward:

42. \; [ @ ' \-R'( @(; '7''

 43. (;@ \ ''(

44. <;' >? " @ %@

45.  '7"\' 7'7\ \'7

46. '''( \ '7' '''7 '

47. :@7 --+-5

''(\' is looking at us. Governments, Indian and foreign, employees, Indian and foreign, 5-;

 48. %'(Governance Reform, ' ( @ ' '  ' '( <@ ' ' '

49. --'' 5='7

>885 5 5 5 5 8 5+ passion.”

50. c < + "R ''' (7 '''7 @ ++ to have your voice heard loud and clear. I ask you to be a part of 

Cyrus P Mistry : 
