Culls: a Fascinating and Important Study Boroughs of L.Vndhursts Official Nrwvp^Ptr Fast Rutherford K C»Rl«Ladt During Sounds
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% PAGE FOURTEEN T H E LEADER PRESS THURSDAY, M AY M. l'>70 Commercial Leader Leader-Free Press Mid I'hc Miulh Berirn Review Official Newspaper of the Culls: A Fascinating And Important Study Boroughs of l.vndhursts Official Nrwvp^ptr Fast Rutherford K C»rl«ladt during sounds. chicks find each other where iug gulls," Dr. Beer concluded. S in ce 1921 27b (iiove St.. East Rutherford Publicalum Office 4’ * <e»nnd fNrlvtnrt* Adult birds, hearing the re thi vegetation is often dense What's true for chicks semis £51 wirt** Pond 1 v*»dhu*s| N J Telephone 488-8700 — 8701 carded calls from under the and tall. t’ Ue for children, with one ex Telephon«* 488.8700 — 8701 F.dilor .lohn Sa vino next, looked down in the direc Preliminary observations in ciVtion. Children should be a ^rrotia i, la** PosliiRf Paid AI Publication Office I on of the sound, rose and shift (iicated that adults and young ble to avoid confusing their pa Rutherford. N. J M l Ridre Road. Lyndhurst. N J cd the eggs.and "talked" to communicate with each other Editor John Suvtiw rents with neighboring gulls. Second flass Postare Paid \t the eggs with definite calls. \ j Su b scrip tio n $3.00 P e r Y e a r Rutherford, N J other with characteristic Ten Tents Per Top* Subscription S?W Per Year These responses were similar sounds. The parent c a lk "K e Health Department Tun CfnU P*r Cop» to some observed during the lu.h." or a long call, upon land 70 0 0 * Weekly natural hatching process of the hig. The chick hidden in the Warns On Clean-Up chicks. grass responds with "chi ri The LEADER It has come to the attention Shortly before the eggs hatch rah " and approahces when the SPEAKS for e>f the North Arlington Health' Ko. Arlington Leader rd. the adult gull began a parent comes into sigt. SOUTH BERGEN Department that some re » inti I'he ller*en Sunday Leadei ' i rootling" sound with increas Then Dr. Boer asked himself dents are cleaning up t h r r ir*g frequency. In gull families, Do checks recognize their par North Arlington's yards only to dump the refuse bcth parents share the respon cuts on the basis of individual Oflicial Newspaper 0,1 adjoining property 157 Kid®* Rd No Arlington V J R<*pre«ef>l»tiv« .'ibilit.v of setting on eggs. As voice characteristics? N « 11on.11 Advrrtnn "W e have a pickup service Telephone 4X8 8700 — 8701 hiitching time aoproaches. He recorded calls from the W o< I M HIN that is being paid for f.iTiieh tditor John Saviuo \ m m u \ \ I ’m ■ «w aoping of the setting choire parents of chicks and trom oth Social Editor — 991 1839 taxes." said Health Officer between father and mothers is er adult gulls. Next, he played vrvond (’lass Postage Paid At vork CHirigo D*<r0'» Philadelphia something and not use if ’" ino-e frequent ‘he calls away from the gu"erv. K e a rn y , N. .1 07032 Charles Kientz. "Why pay lor subscription S3.00 P e r Y e a r The parent that arrives to v h cre there was no likelihood He asked homeowners u> Ten Cent* Per ( op» ¡'svume the job of setting will ol the chicks seeing their par “continue cleaning your yards I e non before taking over. Croon erts. The young responded to but be more considerate ol your / T H U RSD AY. MAY I I. 107ft ins increases in frequency af •lie parents' recorded call with neighbors.' ter hatching and is important "ch i — r rah ." the lotid in ra'ling and feeding t h speaker. By contrast, I he vnung. e h d is w et* indifferent to, and Airman Laritw Sent In the feeding situation the rporoached or turned a".va\ To M cG uire Base narent, croons if chicks do not from, the recorded call of Pure Water? —il heg for food by p ok in g at the neighbor gulls. Airman Harold T. Larty. son tip of the adult's bill. Apparent D r B e e r found that gull ol M r. and Mrs. Harold T. U n Gull watching apparently is ity. 343 Weart Ave.. Lyndhurst. We have the right to believe that the officials would be primarily concerned The Rutgers researchers ob ly. in response to crooning, the chicks learn to recognize the r.'i strictly for the birds. has graduated with honors at water we drink is fit and healthful. with the quality of water that is being served that adult birds change chick may peck at the bill nr calls of their parents within Sheppard A F B . Tev.. rrom thi Therefore, it comes as a shock to read provided to the consumer. It is to be pre Scientists at the Brigantine their behavior patterns shortly the food the first six days after hatch ll.S. Air Force training course that the President of the Public Utilities sumed that there is a tight relationship National Wildlife Refuge a few before the chicks hatch. When D r Impekoven set up an ex ing. He reports that parental for jet aircraft mechanics. Commission announces that 12 municipal among all officials involved in the health miles north of Atlantic City are the egg is "pipping' (when pi riment to study the effect of recognition is fully develo|>ed at Airman Laritv. a member of systems, including those that serve Lynd of the community. also keeping a careful check on cracks have appeared near r -ooning on chicks hatched in i'n age when it becomes imoort the Air National Guard. was hurst, North Arlington and Kearny, are The Public Utility Commission wants the big sea birds, and they hope the large blunt end of the eggi. an incubator She wanted to ant for the chicks' survival trained to reoair current Air providing sub-standard water. the power to regular municipal water sys ¡heir efforts »ill yield import the chick inside begins to utter learn if hearing the crooning when they leave the nest and It is even more of a shock to learn that te m s . ant clues to basic principles of soinds. calls before emerging from the can come in contact with '.‘.ran Force jet fighters. He is being the New Jersey official was alerted to the If this as important the power should be communication and learning. Dr. Impekoven placed a mi egg would have _nny influence eers. assigned to the 108th Consolida ted Aircraft Maintenance Squa situatioin by an article that appeared in a voted as soon as possible. Members of the Rutgers IJn crophone under the nests and on ch'ck food begging behavior "Personal recognition helps dron af McGuire AFB m a g a zin e . But even more important is the fact that iversity Institute of Animal Be connected it to an amplifier hid after hatching. to maintain the fam ily bond And further shocking to learn that the there does not appear to be proper controls havior have been watching den in a blind some distance a conditions She found that chicks with under these and a The ainafiaan is a 1968 gradu information gleaned from the magazine over the water supplies. Lyndhurst, North gulls to gain understanding of way Then, while concealed in some prehatching crooning ex voids confusion with neighbor ate .of Lyndhurst High School. article came from a federal agency. Arlington and Kearny deserve above-stan behavior in general, including the blind, she was able to hear pcrience pecked more frequent W ater is one of the essentials of life. dard, not standard water. W hy are they how adults educate their young the amplified sounds of unhatch ly when hearing recorded croon It is to be presumed that all government not getting it? ed chicks. She concluded that Dr Monica Impekoven. an ir.g recorded crooning than some of the changes in behav assistant professor of psyeholo ior of the adults were influen without the background sound. ANCO M> at Newark Rutgers, aided by Clicks without prehatching red by sounds coming from in graduate student Joan Herr conning experience necked no side the egg. Service Company •nann, is using an intensified, differently with or without back Liberate The Women detailed and controlled form of Deciding to test the hunch. ground crooning after hatching. S a le s A S erv ice "bird watching” to study the Dr. Impekoven tape recorded Dr. Cohn Beer, formerly of AIR CONDITIONING establishment of communica the calls from inside the egg. the Rutgers Institute of Animal One of the modern movements with young men would immediately be lifted. WINDOW UNITS — CENTRAL tion between adult birds and Then, she played them through Behavior, recently concluded a which we are in total agreement is libera The numerous desk jobs done by men in AUTO AIR CONDITIONING their young. The process be small speakers placed under set of exixrim ents with gulls tio n . the military could be done by women. The TELEVISION gins even before the hatching the nests of other adults whose before leaving for Oxford Uni O f course they should be liberated. piloting and navigation of planes could be COLOR - B-W — ANTENNAS - STEREO cl tile chicks, while the adults eggs were not yet pipping and virsity in England He investi The idea that 18-year-old» should vote done by women as easily as by men. 257 Park Ave., Nutley 667-1918 are setting on the nest whose chicks were not vet pro because they are old enough to fight over Judging by the manner in which the gated the way adults and looks the fact that girls also are 18 and liberated gals are facing up to cops and will be permitted to vote even if they guardsmen on the campus and streets it don’t fight.