Health & Social Care Redesign (Including the new Belford Hospital) Communications & Engagement Sub-Group

Approved 12th October 2018

Thursday 6th September 2018 (10.30 -12.00)

Lochaber Health Centre (Room C) Fort William

Present: Maimie Thompson (Chair), NHS Head of PR and Engagement

Catriona Hunter, Strontian Community Council

Christine Hutchison, Kilmallie Community Council

John Hutchison, Belford Appreciation Group

Patricia Jordan, Fort William Community Council

Sandy Stoddart (Vice Chair), (SS), Lochaber Presbytery

Ross Mackenzie (RM), NHS Highland Area Manager – West (via VC)

Apologies: Jo Cowan , Co-ordinator Highland Senior Citizens Network

Emma Tayler, Highland Council

Flora McKee , Voluntary Action Lochaber

Summary Notes Action Owner

1 Welcome & Apologies

Noted as above.

Maimie Thompson (chair of communications and engagement sub group) head of PR and engagement; 01463 704722; [email protected] TALPLUS/Pages/Media.aspx

2 Notes of meeting held on 15th June 2018

Approved and will be available on NHS Highland website

Agreed to change filename to include Comms & Eng to ease searching MT

3 Strategic Assessment Workshop, 9th August 2018 MT invited members to feed-back on the Strategic Assessment


Sandy felt it was good and facilitator honest holding NHSH to account. His feed-back was that it was positive, well organised, good spirit and no pet-hates.

Although Patricia had not been able to attend her feed-back was also positive. It was felt to have been an instructive day and hoped there would be more similar events in the future. Having NHS senior clinicians and managers present was a tremendous strength as

created a sense of all being part of the same team. Quite clear that NHSH not pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes.

John also commented that having everyone in the room was really important.

The Group were also pleased that they had been given responsibility to help organise the event and that it has gone smoothly; ~100 people, information in advance, well advertised and good venue.

There was a discussion on the size of the replacement for the Belford and that it is unlikely to be bigger as community services will be strengthened. It was felt that this came out clearly at the workshop but it had been possible to allay fears.

From NHSH perspective Ross added that staff were equally supportive and positive. The fact that participants were receptive to

change and that the key message around mobbing to more community-based services suggests that NHS Highland key message is getting out. This is another benefit of the communications and engagement group showing good local ownership.

Ross updated that Tracy is looking to find some dedicated management resource to push forward on describing the clinical model and developing the workforce plan.

This led into a wider discussion around the confidence in being able to

Maimie Thompson (chair of communications and engagement sub group) head of PR and engagement; 01463 704722; [email protected] TALPLUS/Pages/Media.aspx

staff enhanced community services. This is why the workforce model and forward planning so important. There are a number of challenges including health and social care support workers. The boom in tourism across Highland is having an impact on some of our lower paid role.

It is important if there are areas with staff shortages that manager understand any gaps and support staff to manage workloads or put in contingency arrangements.

Maimie explained that Norman has prepared draft Strategic MT to circulate Assessment Template and underpinning paper capturing all the feed- back from the event. These documents will be circulated next week

It was felt that further clarity and consistency was needed around the site and what assessment has taken place to provide reassurance MT that it is big enough. Maimie will raise with Eric and Gordon 4 Feed-back from Steering Group John noted that the mood felt very different and it was a positive GMcD meeting with everyone now on the same page.

5 Questions and Answers, Issue No. 3 This was originally due out in June but the Strategic Assessment work took priority. Agreed three key themes to now progress:

 Community services  Recruitment  What happens next

6 MSPs and Scottish Government Visits to Lochaber Kate Forbes visited the hospital on 13th August and met with consultants, heads of department and front-line staff. She had a walk round the hospital and was keen to understand the challenges and how SG might help including around training. Jason Leitch (National Clinical Director), John Harden (National Clinical Lead for Quality and Safety) and colleagues were joined by Douglas Cameron MSP to meet with staff and see round the hospital. Ross reported that this was also a very positive visit. Topics covered:  Quality Improvement work and Scottish Patient Safety Programme  Recruitment challenges  Are we training enough people - Rural General Hospitals relying on generalists and currently the training regime counts against this.

Maimie Thompson (chair of communications and engagement sub group) head of PR and engagement; 01463 704722; [email protected] TALPLUS/Pages/Media.aspx

 Information walls

Also visited the Health Centre to meet community staff and see site for new hospital. 7 Local Issues and Feed-Back An update on Dail Mhor Care Home Strontian was provided.

Open for respite

Looking at different model as a lot of money tied up in six beds

Can we do something different

Community development officer post is out for advert. This is being

jointly funded for two years with the aim of co-producing future options.

Catriona said community realised about the costs associated with six beds but people were wondering if we can staff it for respite why not 24/7

Ross explained that if we do that then we don’t have money for alternative arrangements in the community. While in general most people want to be looked after in their own home Catriona highlighted

that Dail Mhor was a hub for the community. Ross recognised this. The positive thing is that there is willingness from NHSH and community to take a fresh look over the next two years with no fixed idea on the table.

There was a discussion about day care and whether waiting lists. Ross RM didn’t think so but will check. Sandy asked whether there were plans to change arrangements over beds in Abbeyfield (Ballachullish). As part of standard contract renewal we are in the process of re-negotiating. How are beds being used now and what might we need to do differently in the future. Ross notes that Abbeyfield also faced with similar staffing challenges.

8 Recruitment Update

Ross and Maimie explained some of the actions being taken to strengthen recruitment and retention. It was felt that local people didn’t always know where jobs were advertised – Catriona gave the example of Dail Mhor. All NHS jobs are advertised on SHOW website

Maimie Thompson (chair of communications and engagement sub group) head of PR and engagement; 01463 704722; [email protected] TALPLUS/Pages/Media.aspx

Re consultant posts out to advert (closing date 16 September) Ross was aware of some expressions of interest. Update the group after closing date. MT/RM

Primary Care (GPs) in Lochaber generally quite stable though there are some challenges. Patricia asked whether social workers at full establishment. Yes but can be challenges if people off sick.

John felt local people could do more to support promoting through local newsletters, websites and so on and the Group could have a role to support co-ordinating effort.


9 Engagement Further Actions

Age and Highland Senior Citizens Network will be holding regular Lochaber Get-Together for older people's groups and groups supporting older people on Wednesday 10th October and have invited ML NHS Highland. Marie Law will attend

Dates of Next Meeting

Note date of next meeting changed from 18th to 12th due to a clash with the MOD. Venue now Seminar Room

Friday 12th October Seminar Room

Thursday 15th November Room C, FWHC

Thursday 13th December TBC

Dates of Next Steering Group Meeting

22nd November 2018

21st February 2019


Query re membership of steering group. Clarify if all GP Practices invited or whether they are represented via Jim Douglas as clinical lead. Ross said happy for people to attend. Maimie explained that as GMcD we go through the business case process there may be a need to have a tighter Steering Group to oversee the strategic direction and delivery with other stakeholders being kept informed. It ties in with earlier discussion about having future stakeholder meetings.

Maimie Thompson (chair of communications and engagement sub group) head of PR and engagement; 01463 704722; [email protected] TALPLUS/Pages/Media.aspx

Christine highlighted that there was an action from Steering Group JH meeting for communications and engagement sub-group to prepare a vision statement which would appear on all documents. It needs to along the lines of a strap line reflecting the resilient ethos of future services.

John to discuss with Jim to make sure we understand the brief

Maimie Thompson

Drafted – 8 September 2018

Approved – 12 October 2018

Maimie Thompson (chair of communications and engagement sub group) head of PR and engagement; 01463 704722; [email protected] TALPLUS/Pages/Media.aspx