

xt IgliritiTa gaily gagle: itmlag ptonthig, pnl 30f 1393 It

a- - FASHION. rush, and they will stay at Home. THE TraiATTOF Fancy a dainty white silk, rayed with pale pink and dotted with tiny dark Seen -- ofa Sunshiny Day on the jray specks,, walking' among- those & Streets. great throngs. The poor thing would Wichita Wholesale Manufacturing Houses. TOTTERING ROCKS. be crowded out pf existence. The two rn files at the edged with on the Bank of ,,. little bottom, A Carious Geologic Phase xne aiu um. peach velvet, ivould be torn and be- - the Congo. i draprfrled. The small double bretelles the engineers were surveying the IIone Gown-So- nic Gnwas Thnt When v- - . i would lose all their airiness. and the TUft representative ones in their line, and thoroughly reliable. They are furnished thus for ready reier they found on tho t.i. " ' mmes nven below are the Congo railroad - white guipure of the bodice wouldn't nuborban buyers. should oorrescoa direct river a curiously shaped ence for the South generally, as weU ax for city and Dealtra aad inqiiirsra hank of the 1 I smaller bits coptricht. IP93 be white very long. The pretty jet btone, so poised on several hat catches the bretelles in front, and with names given. rocked from one side to anoth-- Some women do not care what sort that it - as the pendants thereof, would be torn The rock bora a strcmng- reseui- of a gown they wear, so long all is monuments spicic ana span oeneatn its nem. uneir -- -j Jinnee to the remarkable ' peach of the i,X small found in Franco and England lingerie must be the pink of perfection. iviT SCOTT RUSK, eapuiv uuiu uvu xvuH ujju hich were used as altars by the and for more than that they do not , uuiui JACOB DOLD PAGKffiG CO. of the care; the dress over may be old-fas- tne oust ana curt 01 tne nicago Braids about the beginning leaves Wholesale Lumber. was on such altars ioned or threadbare: thev are perfect- - streets. Ah, no! my lady that Christian era. It dress at home: she will air it before she AVicliita. Kansas. the Druids offered their sacrifices. Iv indifferent to outward appearance ZinimerlvBirildiM. PORK AXD BEEl" PACEEES. that leaves for the fair. I,riCe Uat Congo was so long as they rest serene in tho con- e Inquiries- rroinptlv. Piers? TiT J?. So on the banks of the rnrr:r!niionf antvcr"l - T T - W P The heliotrope fad is still with us. A me pcciaI quotations uu ruuuu jui.. i;iuiit irrinyilxj ONIA. found a counterpart of the Dolmens of sciousness that, in very fact, they are and wnte lor i daintily clad. Then there's the other new edition of it made its appearance MEATS, LARDS ASD SAUSAGES. north , divisions, division FOE rock, a picture of which is here sort of woman, the one that doesn't in a skirt of two each The armed with three rufiles. The ruffle A Lard for Evcrvbodv: lVhite l lover Brand our Specially; ;h tlit how she looks on 1 Xfiven, was in the way of the railroad care the street - - Lard in the count rr- - Vhoue amtly Lanl. the Most Popular brand on tho so long as she is attractive at home. appearance is, of course, carried out on TOLER STOCK FARM. uiai ket. The Best Grocer can tut msh cither She will throw any sort of old gar- shoulders as well, in, first, a deep white SEASON 1S93. miii the nt-s- t calJ.T hSte Clover, and insist on scttinglU lace one, above in the small velvet . -- i . . . . . - - - litiruorismal Lithoiaphed ofpctiuur it. ment about her when she gos out, and Ashland "l ilkes ' siwi.uu easnu Can"U nresiirc one of purple. Then the waist is en- .lohsj . . . . . - - - - - :J5.00 tensou Put up lor Family use m 3, 5. 10 and 20 pound Laqured Tin l.ill,wUb and rush through her shopping? or ttelner. 23.00 Sfeasou. Lithoiaph label. d7 other business, regardless of the crowd, circled with fancy white ribbon, knot- Maurice Levy, go home fix primp ted in a high bow. YOUXfi STOCK TOl? SALE. and then to and for 11. G. TOLIH?, .'oith Uiehita Kansas. hours, in order to look pretty and A new green goes well with it: that Adlres: V. K DUI.ANEY. President. JOH" WI U. Vice Praaldeaa homelike. These are the charming is the reason these friends walked side home women that make such prettj' by side in their gowns that suited each K.M.MAXliULL, E, L. McCLUilE. THE AHCKITA AGBTCrLTTRAL AND pictures in great chairs, with graceful other so well. The green was of a soft, garments suggestive of the Ureek. okcV uKe suaut, mx - MECILVXICAL FAIR ASSOCIATION. I "y the flounces of black mousseline de & MeCLURE, These are the women that devote much MAXWELL V'JCHI TA . KA XSA . trmo-i,- . t thr toa ptuI hnn frown: i sole that fell over it. The flounces Goods, Stiaw lJats. lUc. Imporior" and Jobbers ol Notions, rnvni&hini EST STATTRS AND I were- cut away in front so that the $10,000.00 PURSES, SPECIALS. and it is these that ara specially de- - 9on.l oflia L'.irker's T.vuae CJiove. SEPTEMBER 12, 14 AND 15. A. D. 1S03 l to-- I green fell plain. A full flounce on the ia with the tirettv frowns of Ti-o- as well, covered half of the bodice, 237, 239 MAIN STREET. 1. $.100.00 Stake for Ycarliujr t er. Three per cent entrance. Anv. Tbo tP.i have smocked or neck SOUTH Yearliutr 1'acer-- . Tin ee per cent vntrauce. and just the front of the neck th '. $."i00.00 Make lor A. shirred or gathered vokes; thev have at 3. $. 500.00 Stake for tw o year old Trotters, Five per cent entr.iuce, elij;t green were cut away. iu 4eZ' .wr.v-- loose empire belts; they have lace ep--i flounce and the ble to :$:00 el.s. $& Very charming was it in its simplicity. Shoe Co. 4. 5.500.00 Stake for txro yer old Pacers, live per cent entrance, ellsibl 1$X. .- - aulettesover the big sleove3; they have S. A. McClmig Boot and . F i becoming toS'.OOi-ias- Waxc soft.ilkjs. all theprottyj:rejons The evening bodice is fast per entrance, etfc THE COGO r.OCEEfG STOXE. all tho tuccessor to Getto McClung, Boot and Shoe Co r. $"i00.00 Stake for three year old Trotters. Hve cent "ible ti -- :4, clubs. :- -: -: ,,' track, and was therefore removed. It AVTlOTESALi: -: BOOTS AO) SIIOES. t'. $800.00 btake for all Trotters. Five per cent entrance, eligible to 3:00 Falcsmeu are now on the Koad with Spring and Summer Lmei. don't clns. never wad a Dolmen. Its fantastic Our . May 1S03, eniriea close. buv until ou see their sample-- All to be eligible to their classes 1st, vben outlines were never fashioned by "Mail orders promptly tilled, For l'nll particulars TViite bands; nor was it placed upon HOWARD. Secretary, Wichita. human fcatibtttction guaranteed.. J r. Ku the supporting stones by human 13.-- and 1!57 X Market St, Wichita, Kan, agency. At least the geologist, Mr. E. Dupont, who visited the Congo to make a study of its geology, says we FARNUM &CO. have no proof of tho existence among ROYAL COFFEE AX J) tfPIl'B 31JLLS the people of the lower Congo or their L,C.JACKSON, 3lauuf.ictiivrM of the Celebrated ancestors of a state of civilization that -' SERAY .- BAKING X POWDEPu would justify us in atti ibuting to their DISTRICT! AGENT FOR t ill vou trv it? handiwork even so rude and primitiva If vou like it will you buy it. -- most i"holcaumff a monument as a Dolmen. Fvery pemnd a arranted. Undoubtedly the Richest and West Bnkiny i'ow der ever propuced, There are in this part of J 12 S: 114 Soulli I.mporia Avenue. Africa a number of examples of totter-iia- g SANTA FE COALS, rocks like that shown in the picture. They are all of natural JOBBER OF BUILDEnTt MATERIALS - - origin, and show the plainest evidence Mi) WICHITA TRUNK FACTORY of erosion. Jlost of them have been Manufacturers and Dealers of Trunks, Valises, Ateclioal Caaot carved by the elements out of mica Wichita, Kan. Shawl Strapsand Samulecases. A complete lineof 1 raveling good schists. They contain veins of ii2 S. 4th Ave. gneiss or quartz innch harder WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. than the schists, and hero and there CO., 1 25 AYest Uoiifflas Ave. V lcliita, Kan some of the softer rock above the hard WICHITA AVjIOEESALE GHOCEBr I quartz veins has been worn away, - qpletely severing the connection THE JOHNSTON & LAB1MER DRY GOODS CO.. bet. jn the once united upper and Wholesale Grocers 1101t,sAl.fci lower parts of the mass, and so the OFFICE Als'D WAREHOrSE 21S TO 22S sOUTIl MARKET STT.EET, npper portion is left to balance and Uie irioieiy Hue, eliox ws, c..le3 aJiJ wiocei dxliires. Dry : Goods, : Notions :and '.Furnishing: Goods.. ti,M " Im. 1 uuocuuia" brands olCi-- ni a. ."'.TuoMmtn.snfC- - - "itovaltv" mid teeter on the rock or rocks beneath. (kJJ Jl4VJ-fcw- j d5 oinplettt Stock iu all the Depni tir.puti. IST AVicbita, Kansas. OSWALD OTTENDORFER. 110, 121 & 123 Topeka Ave. Tho 2Tot Prominent jloiI Wealthleit DRUG CO. Ktlitor. THE C. E. POTTS K. & Co., Cincinnati 0. LEHMANN-HIGGINSO- CO., Oswald Ottendorfer, proprietor of (Form ei ly Ch ail e Polls N GROCER the ZSTew YorkStaatsZoitung, was born February 30, 1S2G, in Zwittau, , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. and came to the in 1S30. Goods Sold nt St. JLonia and Knnaaa City Prices. Wliolesale Grocers 203 205 N. M'ATHR STRUET. 184S he participated in the move------"SYicViin, Kansa A'D In c3 and SCS Sontli Wain Stieet, I In ment to overthrow the Metternich gov- Sole A gents for the C elimiud Jcitej Coffee Uic est j ackaRO coffc Hit markek ernment, was first lieutenant in the EO. M. rs'ORRlfc 'battalion commanded by CUAS. AYLESBURY. -: :- - during the uprising in Vienna, and AILliSBDET-KOKRI- S MERCANTILE CO EAGrLE "WORKS. TOE BBIGI1T SPBEi'G PATS. - CORNICE subsequently took part in tho popular 324 ORTU MAIN JsTIIKKT. 1 13&-JL- J0 Ave. revolution in and Baden, and, STos. N. Fourth Cornice; to escape capital pun. and all tho crinkly silks; tliey nave an indescribable. Two of tho very latest Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron, and Copper Tin, upon its failure, oC n. the dainty colors, and all the pretty J exhaust the povv ers of description, so - Copper, Iron, and Slate Pooling Work don in any part th lace rufiles Who could help loving I vague are they. All one can say is Wholesale Grocers. countrv. Estimate furnished on application. ! Cig-ati- Spices i such beautiful tilings? that they consist of folds of finest silk Jobbers of Tea?, axd .,,",. (.a fc Buckley. so verv bright) out crepon, up one side in Cigars. swell It was that or caueht at Pole gents for Alvavado. Figaielta and La Perlet.t ES h vs. every woman that could fret there front and indefinably combined with was in the brilliant crowd that ruffles and falls of lace that pe'ep out CHAS. LAWR,ENCE, &. n sauntered along1 the other afternoon of here or fall from there. They're much DRUGGISTS' MUSK. Onita, Anthracite, !McAlesrer, Pied- J. .. ilfe. A3fr$4 in the bright sunshine. There was tho prettier than any proper bodice, how- The SwlmminB Undent of the .TorSy j mont. Weir City, Cannon lit y, Wal- -- iVi Plinlnffp-iliAP- 5S. it woman clad in the very latest thin, ever, made with careful precision: and Meadow I the M.ln source of Supply. J Sunnlinn !:&. nut, Jenny Lind, ISnt and black. V miX4Cjm gauzy material shaded from pale ashes the maiden that wears ono of them, "AS to rnusK, now, snm uic uuuj,' l ilVlUlUlUIUJ f":j-- dare COAL of rose to deep brick color, and then a dresseshorhair in high fashion and puts man in search of information. "I est Ave. B5Kv 1 ardo-t- l l)oitfs BROS. J" ji venue. big- pattern of dull green palm leaves some aigrettes or other ornaments in it, say that the race of fragile but aromatic Ttleplione SO'i. ) SCHWARTZ J0 Doiiottt scattered over. There were three min- makes as pretty a picture ns one could little deer from which musk is obtained Wichita, Katft Tclctlion "onnellu is -- ute black net ruffles on her skirt, each desire. Tho shops are full of silk must be nearly extinct by this time, We arc now prepared to furnish the peo- j one headed by a band of jet as broad waists for ordinary wear, made of it not?" ple of houth-v- t Kansis and the ctti7n9 of WICHITA liOri'LIXU WORKS as the ruffle. The jet ornaments on w ash silk in light stripes. These are "Well," replied the frank drutrpist, Wicln'a, good Kivei Sand many most convenient, and very cool for "not the fragile and aromatic little at low pru es. tspH;ial attention r her bodice wero fastened on jacket quantity i i r KMass ma- or occupation requir- deer furnishes the muk that T sell. n to car lot order" from pointo east on shape, and at the front, where the shopping an that SANDOffice 541 Deuglas Ave. givf Wct Holtleri of Glnirrr Mn, Chain ) was gathered into full folds, was ing enormous rush and exertion. That fragile and aromatic little deer Mo "'ilie and Frtsro hnfs. OSWALD OTTEXD03FEK. terial U ntor, T ashes-of-ros- now than CMer.Sadn Slndarl'-r- a fall of o chiffon. She E a A. Schxbeet isn't any nearer extinction he was when he first began to dive and Fool, lio fJciitral Weatnin hihmen i, ho fled to and wore a small fiat sailoriiatof rough J.L.-in- (' .V Half a Shor. back in SCHWARTZ BROS. Asicaiti tor Win. Itxtra !'!- - j from came to New Yorlc Here straw, old rose, with a few rosettes of burrow, and that wa 'way the there performance given by the stroll i or. 1 and Waco - ichita, he found employment in the office of green fancy feilk net, and a few The pristine years."' int S ing players in the small town was "Why," exclaimed the voung man in ALNA E. .SWEET. rr:A"K r.. walker. . ! the Stauts Zeitmig. The death of the airette. really so bad that the few people who J. L.AULEP.S proprietor, Jacob Uhl. caused his Kierht out of a candy shop walked search of information, the animal that WOUKJ?. - had seen it organized a fence-rai- l party commerce lives FAKIKSMVCIIINK widow to intrust the management of forth, braren as you please. Miss Shirt- supplies the musk ot CREAMERY CO. , aud went after the manager. They had palm-cla- d hills of central WICHITA the paper largely to Mr. Ottendorfer, ' Front, with neat, plain skirt, of the among the ilnildaaud him out in no time, though he fought Asia, where picturesque native hunt-lik- e and in 1339 lie married Mrs. Uhl and velvct-rulli- e variety, and with pale iaWsin a Moslem. , and Eggs tho shirt, stiff, highly polished, show ers follow its tinv track, risking Wholesale Butter subsequently controlled fctaats pink "By thunder." he puffed, "I can lick undergoing great toil ENGINES, BOILERS and MACHINERY. Zeitunjr. His editorial positio'n ing at the sides also, mamg itseii their lives and anv man in the crowd. You are a pack secure the almost iti- - 212-'i- U South Topeka Aveiiup. brought him in touch with politician's farther back under the small Bolero and hardshin to of cowards aud are airaid to give me which envelopes the KXcr by to Eiesa National lUnfc. rhtl.t and men of affairs, and as the German jacket of brown velvet- - The soft Hnitesimal sac 12IS. afhinon An half a show.' ; precious perfume, ami by painful jour- - population increased his influence be- crush velvet belt coming up over "Shut up!" said the spokesman: "if ueVs of miles and miles bearing it to recognired in municipal, state looked rather queer beside the hard j pod ! to trie came vou'd been afraid to have treated us the marts of trade, where it is sold for robust Occident beckons him. ana ne tbe musk isn't ail there fie to of j rc- - Tin-:YIIJ,OT.MT- and national politics, adhered surface the shirt. way, might have been better for weight in gold. Every- had come. He needn't fetch his mufttrat. He is an animal of great CO connecti- woman in the brocade, however, that it many times its better democratic principles without The ydu.'' and the manager was hoisted on with him. He can get one here the innnkrat Ik For lnUncc ng- any organization, won the day. She obtained all the body knows that."" snar from which k'JCf"l"" t" himself with to the rail and the procession proceeded. replied the druggist, "I've for fifty cents." Ifcourcefj. the material opposed democratic stares, all tho turnings around, all the "Yes." of sealskin caps, & and at times the Detroit Free Press. heard of the way I find the ""Rut," insisted the seeker after infor- thousand iu;tlei: (.iiaiasy, was alder- looks'." ail the "Sec theres:"' that. I'ut trimmings ar- - madr, nominees for office. He an "Just The animal sup- mation, "surely someone sells the gen- innilh and r ut nt Jkbr la 1$72 dress was so heavy Chicago. facts is different that imI nrw. man of New York in and a candi- You'd think her fequenltn at commerce Oriental nwsk yen , and hfK toa large extent th rabbit Placed T e be- plier the musk of around uine - IX 1S74. Otten- she wouldn't-b- able to walk editor, you j restaurant- So yon j .Uiii Mtrt. for nuvyor in Mr. that "Tow." said the "I want of the cheap 1 date lives largely in those lux- "Ye-- : oh, yes." replied the frank ( Jf. R. ISI J.BIt, endowed the load. But that's the beauty Chicago's magnificence as these parts the musk MB.'r. dorfer established and the neath to write up uriant realms of bog' and malaria known druggist. "There's a good deal of It can readily w that neither free library bearing1 his name on Sec- of the material; it looks so thick and a center." the seal nor rabbit will hr ex"t pork as the Jersey marshes, here the fol- sold yet. But it's all non.sense. What s ', der, tie ond avenue, New York, and founded rich and and it i really see." replied the reporter; "a pen tinct m long' an th gr-a- t American "I lowing of it-- s trait is attended with no the use? A drop of Jersey musk will r. MVEULEll, on Long aged indi- as light as a feather. You'd think Star. niKskrat hves, breather and has his be CilS. Island a homo for just picture." Washington risk to life, no toil, uo hardship, that I reach just as far and la&t just &f long Lie old brocade, but when ing. v l. rmn. gent men. also gavo $300,000 to it was genuine -- t m-,- ever heard of. I sever knew it to be a a drop of the most aristocratic artiele and eAdow you touch it you find it is satin thread ' ChecKs. build an educational inst- attended with much of anything but a that ever enme from Asia. A lady air- - j llraltlirul Ki'rtl. hi.v on fine gauze, raised in such TUiss" cheeks is the very latest 'I is world itution in native town in . wrought long-handle-d imported niwsk There no in the jug of rum and a spear. rying a drop of the v FLORIST3 Urn! embroid-civ- . do fijrure kind oi ad Four years ago on account of fashion as to look like heavy novelty. They not which i better to secwre excellent laler in Htt c The hunters are picturesque, though. church with her will not make the :f ettvAry , Jartnf-&- nothing beneath the on cafe menus yet and arc found svkiW "from he retired from active journalism and But there's chew of tobacco a Wt saeker than if she had exeris toss the kitchen, ir iInt.Klotral tor Prtl-- s gorg-eou- .xtrava-gan- An old far cap. a large W4dir. nothing to give it only at the most and t Howe-grow- then has only exercised general ridges, and there's over unprotesting red chin whiskers insinuated some of the n the wash room aad the parden. Thrv: dcmle i Wft a!Wt. ' Such material would bo private dinners. The dish comes JTicy - .lnnr supervision of the Staats Zcitung. any weight. mzm KoTjs filled with the gamteBU. Xeither will are nature nnsia. reqnir- WHMtlC.! TrBW Fir and a pair of hrr Tel-pb- even on a very warm day. very high because it takes about a ton stuinto for and ie 2M. comfortable leas of hickory overall.-- , ami a loasf, the hijgh-eoilar- yoath who U down no ontlay peeil appliane, A Dar Conquest. are particularly of bass to lurnibh a small of use. Mens All the latest stuffs dih lank Jersevman that oght to po next to jita at the theater, exhaling are always fitted ap for The conquest of France in ISTl was look through almost cheeks. The cheek of a b&ss. is a tiny us j thin. Yon can for pietnreiue, hadn't ltat none reminiscence of so Asiatic ranxk &an& in rorpore no wa th motto ol B dear bargain for Germany after alL Most of them are of the and deli- it' irr experi-s- e j every one of them. nujrget tenderer mot ever said any to haat, arose within yoa nny jrrentcr the aneieat IireeKa; aad the BISHOP, The 51,000,000.000 indemnity was main- very" and are flavor meat, found the lower of these hunters thine J. A. eastern in appcaranee cately in - ! hfan like oi exerj shw that the person on and ince me about an infinitesimal sac Bvakp- impulse to sweep down upon dy ly spent fortresses the verv fascinating with the tiny silk part-o- f the head on either side. Tnis rs mufeelfts aad ool . sac preckin.s perfniae, noc ever eo-fa- n nrmr with bann-- awl daw the with stroos ditkn, war Germany has spent S.000, 000,000 over, making of the . spots or threads run all is lifted out and the remainder . with fair wvllectnai nhithiba, M the army alone. If the lo of plained about bavins? to ymruej wtay floor with bim than will ths tui" jorb? on her the such quaint designs. They are a little bass i5 tossed away. One Philadriphia perrad-uiar- v one win tbe goal is the strifes for WALL PAPER painful miles and miles to tws the j man if he ii simpiv rxholiag- a to of 400,000 men perpetually with- a n ! OJanrrt- - labor expensive, to be sure. Six dollars hotel man ha achieved reputation in - is a moslcrai , wealth and fame and all that men "k J'auj Oil ami and - of trade, nor have I any reeollee- iny !pi;Km Ut there drawn from industries kept locked deceptive New York by his prcpara- w-- j V s(.f II yard is the price of that that city and ttn f i)i- - nmav titar; I hnrd br. ThfU I SuV. what's the after, and the aho tm of l&O Jlarhct irhtttt, tittn up in barracks is calculated, some you? JnnntiB hk In brocade, but what, would - , sr- - TkdM.u-te------iWOWMSB. A aOBBa mind a Mmcd . gold for " - SaiuoffiBUn concv-ylio- jjs eirb. ia the preeions ate "" faint n may be formed of the wonderful effects a 1m anlw Be frMl a corner r I -. "" Yon can cet such rDirA? fnm. nv hunters that I rer tht- - .litfern-- and J keep the hne ar- - ir neeenry "" costliness of militarism. changing materi- nutrfcet. Nt mnrt-BUicBta- sj ( 1 from these beautiful, in the bass , ome of finest and mow dei-- ecaa m life ia Ue . j? A it . compen- denlt with. Thev jost jnatped aboard tiele the j ' Tho ItIor Xilc. als, that yon are more than ferrrlxjnt, landed on tfci. side and kate I teD UrAax their ' when tHr sentiuwat was lferat inscribed .- -. uj i Qnecr Jjuttvsi I'rfc. a 4on. gt - q- for Of pale yellow, nr Thr-on- t.. a rat- of tn-- Ja I'hClUttX, The total length of the Nile is 3.ST0 sated their cot. says Esrypt hoofed k ne bvre. and. ebneMaron the nuns'-- fnnn sTf-tift- nrm:he topie rlu Katriais. FainS vou can A from Cairo that r-- ee s .hnriitiT ;ntr ?r1 bdiotTOte. letter a uan . -- . '. miles. It drains a country as extensive I they hmd tasell. snid; of tne insk-- t, th. iuarsb'A. cfn t- -- decided to n$ak a of the nraw counter what JrvT -. rather has ?ift -- - 4- rrc-ti-Oad- elr . r 'tm ' Russia the 1,200 miles of .i.ti lits ye Didn't her , r,,.,u m-- f bat f I rj?iid psj'c If- - 'Amnttl to 1- tr as and for last Tnere be. - hip, vklely I raies found in upper Kypt Cn! I t m; vt t x tw ao rua --i ovtrr falling ." -- & - .- r its course receives no surface afiiuent, the but mneh Inck n' only JsAe4 .. ,in!" i ri,s; ts a anseker Ynar aohlt l .- - 4. f-r- r I - . m - itil . i jrraw large or small. The fall from Assouan apart at the there ' jR IjmdoB. Herlin. the nod& out o" ten. Therre sroodm. )n', . t toa. t the wilt proboblT jvm L. mB Paris. -- anh .T Cairo is from two to three inches in wnth ten a pair. boneh vou conufra t tits a won ia it ho , -- hi will. !' to 1 1 Rome. Tim thoatrh. 0"t 1? cent tt.a mkfy 111 MA i . t ,stl:tn nut . , v j. . Mi - Taat'-vTa- a milo and throughout the Delta this iuv v.n.c; v... uni jMn.fcv...w.zizz Cap a. i bavi" ;tis? x jatiroat- rriaoi. lvnisnd it'. FiasirsW j , are see lots. Erijsr:... mums'Jes to hedindeu into -, braiding-- slight slope diminishes to less than one or at tho neck, cnt away m i Ye. pietaresn haaiteir, wufc.r.t a aft ,4 jf fa, rr aar it afl 3 ? n nA dra for by lots. This t he first Tme .ii - iflhrr ' front in a sqware. , Yon can hava a It, a .t.r.fta- -.-- m--." 'fVda Vaeifa. a inch. time janfuauniee haie been ued as who rssk their lives the traAf the rit replied Olaiaf. I jrold fringe haugine from the yoke, that Central J. ALUty. prisas in . lottery, and it i difieoii u mask deer in Aia aHaatniaa Cut Off f-- with .i Shlllinc. almost ukiiag- tbe three elvet bani. recon- can do Wttw tey pakeldBr Umr p aalea a ' t see pnrttaoic England vn ! ar!t Waitley loiv spirited hnv -- fe DRUGGIST, "TouiifT eeaS of heliotrope that rnn aroand the ik-a-l and ccMtttiagorerfe. - .. "A a i - iMSi tne cile iwelf u awh a guxaUiu a '' f Siae - ,r imMM- - rtatihe aaaaaT t 1 wnndeT what troubles hisa." slvort bodice Lastly yoa can have . .rU-- . "Bat-- -& r U th.- - utthoogh, doubt sootier than atastcrai on tb iers. 4rafmt. : iirn vr ie- - Ja-'- e r. !.' "Hii. uncle dead." deep bite ru flies on your sheul-de- -- -- ut . wcm. f awnltfat pad - a.a awajr i? gTah- - will find sujco Ther might hav t? k o she avaira - ; i - 1fejifaaiiyiwia! "JJnt his uncle has been dead several or&r the plain t4oevei that ere all bm they'd tfeSfciu e "" - ra a lowrt ye.3- r't rtrSS to i ai the leril around the s:uapv" - rn-- has aeeaatsd cheerful J with dark t - tiane pw SMHIf iZnvs and h atrijied vclv' oCher twustrie, ol cxwrse. will marte--t rijrfct j Vr. , wUh a fair tafc tm furr nofPwius aR. now." , Xot all the drese-- . axe trader Tie nr tr mar ,- -t t fat aarr a aia? laanttt ...iun-- until ttiat no hesfcatioo ltweepiaBtorfitft my son. Tae pae takt-- mm " - - will waa ead j haw -- -,. ie4 s; fi - jw- 'Vcs, lnt tfce tray now are cmtw t the worhl's fay 7f furth-- n h . w. k ?e lamxA. f.- l rc.iaMa . 1 - irr- maaiSccnt i.; nilit. Llmira lchoc. i:ojae ar-- zx too i: that - t

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