GROUP TOURS INFORMATION PACK SECONDARY SCHOOLS November 2020 - June 2021 (07) 3844 0059
[email protected] GROUP TOUR BOOKINGS SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEACH ‘EM A LESSON THEY’LL NEVER FORGET Immerse your students into Queensland’s history, where they will learn about Australian history spanning 116 years, as well as crime, punishment, law and order. We offer three tailored guided tour packages to suit the secondary school age group, which will be sure to excite and educate your students, and are led by experienced, engaging and knowledgeable tour guides. Our additional add-on experiences allow your students to experience different elements and activities within the infamous red brick walls of Boggo Road Gaol. LIFE IN THE WOMEN’S PRISON HISTORY TOUR PRISONER TOUR Experience & Tour 1.5 hour guided tour 1.5 hour guided tour History Tour (1 hour)/ Life in Discover the 116 year history of Boggo Hear what life was like behind the bars the Women’s Prison (1 hour) Road, the crimes and daily life of of Boggo, from a former prisoner – an prisoners, officer’s duties, riots and amazing and fascinating insight into roof-top protests. crime, justice and injustice inside this This education package combines the infamous prison. Rated MA15+ Boggo Road Gaol History Tour with Experience Includes: an immersive historical re-enactment Experience Includes: by the Prison Players: Female Division • Entry into historic Number 2 • Entry into historic Number 2 who bring the Gaol to life through Division at Boggo Road Gaol Division, Boggo Road Gaol live theatre. The Players recreate His • Visits to the gatehouse, yards, • Visit the gatehouse, yards, the Majesty’s Prison for Women at Boggo the Circle and two cellblocks Circle and ends with time to Road in the year 1907.