•••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:•

86th Year, Issue 16 © 1996 May 3, 1996 Newark, Del. • 50¢

1 11-ns WEEK Historic incentives I still on the table By MARY E. PETZAK n.:wa rding th wrong. b ha ior with the nes 1 roposed here tc night.'" NEWARK PO ST STAFF WRITER cord ing to White. becau. of wording in orclinunc s pa. sed lust HODGSON'S Following al mo!-lt three hourr.; of Jul y. prop rt own rs "ha e to . ay dehat l 11 roomers and hoarder'\ at we' r lk-.tro ing part of the build­ Ne\ ark's city co un cil me ling on ing in order t ) qual if for the im:cn ­ SOFTBALL TEAM Apri I - -· coun i I mem h r~ made a tive.·."' valiant effort to change gear~ and The am ndments under consid ­ IS GETTING focus on hi storic preservation eration would: aiv building per­ incenti e~ al-;o pre~ nted for a vote . mit fel:s up to $5,000 p'r proje ·t for Onl one rc~id nr ' ait ·d to ta e l:mpt propl:rtic!-1 in ·Juding TOGETHER acldre~~ ·ouncil n the issu as mid­ those of the ni rsity of Delaware: ni gh t n ured . " I !->Upport havin~ give a maximum 1()-year tn rate ell -thought-out hi~t( ric 1 r~::!-ler a­ rreue for all ta ubi histori pror- FOR THE til n incentivt;s,'' sa id r !->icl nt Jean White. " However. I think 'Ou· r See INCENTIVES, 5 .... PLAYOFFS. 17 Between a rock '- IN LIFESTYLE and a hard place 'THE GREAT R . ident. at roncsthrO\ arc tr - comple tion of a nc cntran 'e road. in g to mainta in a lif in the mid st of In addition, paving \ ork on th e chuos as rh Rout 896 co n!-l truction parking areas an d th e roadway link­ WASTE MrsTERY continu s un abat d on th ir ing th e co mmunit ies of Ston ·sthr doorstep. and The ommons at ton . throw In ebruary. res id nt!-1 co m- a. in co mplet and inad ' quately SOLVED AT pl ai ned that DeiD T and Julian don . onstrm:tion omp::111 y had ck sed '"Th r ad is !->t ill not tini. hed but th e mai n entrance to the deve lop­ w ' e hud a lot of rain and they are NEWARK ment without notice and prior t See STONESTHROW, 14 ~ HIGH. NEWARK POST PHOTO BY KFl LV BFNNfTT 8 THINGS FAlL APART... ~·:~ iN THE NEWS .. ··...: A University of Delaware official peers over the edge of the Morris library inspecting the damage where a piece of the facade broke off . THE CHRISTINA Library facade falls, ScHOOL BoARD ELECTION luckily none injured Mirac les happ >n c 'l'Y day if thick, con ·re te pi ece we ighed you onI know whcr to look. 300 pound!->, according to HAS BEEN hortly hefore noon on Monday, Brennan . "Tom Vacha of fat; ili­ while student. , facult y and oth­ ti es managc m nt sa id the prob­ er. ru shed by below, a piec of lem a pp ea r ~ to be an e terior CANCELLED c ncret facade on th Morris thing and th e rest of the building Library at the niv rsity of has not he n compr mi ~ d," Delaware suddenly gave way Brennan added. TillS \EAR. and fell to the ground . Publi sa fety offiL:er~ wh 4 arri edt s cure the area until No one wa hurt according to a brier statement from th uni ­ engineer. could surv y th dam­ ver. ity. Public relations dir ctor age and dec itl th e au. c and a INDEX John Brennan, aid the pati r mecly said it was po ss ible th at other faca cl panels mi ght hav NEWS 1-5, 12-16 where the piece fell was immedi ­ ately clo ed and the library evac­ t be r moved hut no ne r all POLICE BEAT 4 uated. kn w y t. The 10 foot by 2 foot, 3-inch -Mary E. Petzok OPINION 6 OP-ED PAGE 7 LIFESTYLE 8

TtilARTS.,...... T OBITUARIES UNivERsnY GNlER OIFNS University of Delaware freshman Jacquie Brandner, left, studies beneath one of the carefully restored windows in the new student center's Daugherty Hall. OHicially named University Center for now, the complex on Main Street opened this week following more than a year of construction. .. ' BUY FOR 7 TO CHOOSE ~ROM $16,497 STARTING AT

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~n: I• "1t{ k' ." ... 1LJ" ,.h.. I. $8,997

..... ,.... 0. CAM All VEHICLES PLUS TAX, TAG DU£ AT IHCEI'TlON MTH API'MlvtO CAEOIT, 'LUS EJCESSIVE WEAR AND TUR PA~ IIAIIOOII a.•DOWIICA!I! OIITIWIIWOIITHOIIAPNCMDCial'. IIMBII:I.UDUI.I.NIATBMDIIICIIIIMI. 12,000-TIWIIIY'Pln TO USED CARS OIII.Y. Ofi'ERS 011 TIIS PAOfAR£ NOT IN CONJUNCTlOII WITH EACWANY OTHER 011 AN YOTHER AOYEATlSlD SPtCIALSAND ARE SUBJECT TO PAtOR SALE. NO OUlEM 011 DEAlEA'SAOENTS. OFFER 0000011 ~VIIICUIMD Do\ft OFI'UIUCATIOIIOII.Y. I'NCUIIICWDUU.IIIIAftiMD!IaiiTMS. "AIIYTIWII. ~II.L TIIAOUSSIOIIIED TO DIAL!I!I ASI'WITOFT1WIIAC110IIwmotrMl AOOITlONAl COIIPI:NSATlOH TO BUYER I2CIOO IIHIIIUII tRADE HAS KEN HAS BEEN INCLUDED Ill ALl PAEOWN£0 PRICES. All millS IUII.IeCT TO PIIIINII' l.llllEII ACCIPTAIICI. IAlNICe DUl 011 TIWIIIIAY NOT ll GIIU'I'!II TIWITII! 'lAlllE OFTHI TIWil. - ._.... ftUI N ~.....,.,...... I I\\ ~3. ElJti • Nr\\'\R" Po ~ I • PH:r 3 NrwARK PosT •!• IN THE NEWS Bulk trash Washington Square, Ltd. getting a boost 6th Annual Collectible Fair, Newarker will be getting Grant moves their very own knuckle boom use & Birthday Celebration! trash loader by the end of the -Ye., it' n special dny at Washilz ton qunre, ami we're celebrntinc year, thanks to the public works wzth many exclusive and limit d item s fro m se·vernl of ur department. Main Street 'office' Public work uperinten­ mnllufncturer·! They will only be nvnilnble at tlti event! dent Pat Bartling and 1- pretty By MARY E. PETZAK summer, he II work at a S;1le sianum much at the same time- located ·• hum'. " law firm t get a leg up on ~SPecial UnderstamP &. articles about thi that intere t­ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER hi s n w care r. t~ Painting Ua · · ed u ,"explained Richard 'Starting thi . week I will be Lapointe, public works director available for constitu nts who want Jessica ITY OUN ILMAN Jerry "A Methtr'r Hurt lr Fwll 01 Lm" for the city. "We thought it Grant ha. taken his int r st in to talk with me at Br wed Frtl!l Chtritht4 TrUiu could provide olution to Cordinance to new heights Awakening on Main tr et from 8 Jmlu It a 1997 I Rirt~ldito orne of the problem we have to 10 a.m. each aturday,'' said pn~•c•~ uc luiflly ler eur with a decision to enter law scho I G.C.C. Opu Htm. with bulk pickup in Newark." thi fall. Grant , who wants peopl to still find • "Juriu" will u~tr ~~ Lapointe said under the pre­ "J always thought I him downtown pn~•c•~ IR th• 111111 ctltr although not at • "Jmlcr " will RIVIr ~m 1~1 C sent system residents have to ne ded some •cred n­ ""'' tpuitl u4wh111p •t•lR. schedule appointments for the tialing,"' explained the 5 & 10. pickup done every Grant who has a Grant will Wedne day. "We only had on degree in Engli h continue his stint truck which required three men from the University of as D.J . on " Hip to operate," said Lapointe. Delaware. " l went ity. Part 2 on "People sometimes had to wait back and took orne WVUD on four to six weeks for their education courses but Saturday ni ght s. appointment- even longer a degree in education A form er lo al when there were holidays." would be a long road band member, Limited Expected to arrive in about and a lot of credits." rant also owned Edition four months from H.A.DeHart Grant said law was and operat d I Company of Thorofare, N.J., his second choice. "I Like It Like That, Wlle11 tlli~ piece is the knuckle boom trash loader don 't have any grand a music store on sold cmt, it i retired (orc'Vt'r. It mounted on a stake body dump plan about my Main tree t. .,., ... 3 1/ " llx 4"L " will llt.'Vcr be truck will cost $28,945. future ," Grant aid. "J ''l'v b n produced ngai11! 74u Vc,...,. 9~41 Pteu 1

Modern Landfills Working For You . . . Transfer Station Some of the trash you throw away is safely stored in Trash collectors and residents in southern New Castle one of three DSWA landfills. Modem landfills are County and northern Kent County can bring trash to different than dumps of the past. Modem landfills the Pine Tree Corners Transfer Station, eliminating are carefully designed and constructed to protect the need to travel further to a DSWA landfill. AJI the groundwater, control odors from rotting OSWA facilities have recycling centers too, so you can trash, and provide reliable, efficient disposal. always recycle first! DSWA landfills are recognized throughout the world for innovative technology and Energy From Trash research projects. ''\ -~ ·\ We're getting energy from trash in two ways: -•'~; ·-.-.,"),~- - '\ l) Recovering methane gas from decompo · All users pay the same fee statewide for . \ ing trash at the Cherry Island Landfill. each ton of trash that crosses the scales. ~~~~~~~~~ __ l 2) Combusting trash at high temperatures This fee supports all DSW A facilities at a waste·to-energy facility in and programs. Pennsylvania. we•re saving enough of Delaware's landfill pace each year Collection Stations to fill a football field 87 feet high!

bagged household trash at one of five DSWA Collection

Citizens' Response Line


---· Taking Care of Delaware Is Trash -It's What We Do! NEWARK POST ·:· POLICE BLOTTER Gas station robbed Christina board • Police Beat is ('Ompiled each Student assaulted Poli ce arc looki ng for a man who elections canceled week from the Jiles of the Newark Jewelry stolen robbed th e attendant of ali a ·o sta­ tion on outh ollege Av nu e chool board el cti n. in th Police I epartment bv staff writer An 86-year-old rc!-.ident of P I ice report th at n Apri I 24 around 6: I X on Wednesday m ming. hri stina choo l Di strict origi­ Mary E. Pet:ak. Dallam Road told poli e that on around I 0: 0 in the morn in • a 17- The 21 -yea r-old all cndant told nally et for May II wi ll not be April 23 betwe n 5:45 and 9: 10 ear-old female student at ewa rk poli e that a suspect wearing a ski ­ Hi gh 'ch ol was a. sau lt ed in a n c ssa ry sin there is no om ­ House entered p.m. unknown persons en tered and typ mask displayed a kniC and p titi an for the available ·eats. took a ' him.:~ e teakwood jewelry classroom by another 17-y ar-old fore d th mployee to open th e N wcom r Dennis avage Wr. Elderly person robbed n pril 24 the parent of a stu­ peel through nearby Y, rkshire W s wo uld be good to d · mething Tak en according to th e 6--year­ d Ill injured in a fight at ewark and Robscott Manor d velopments civic. I've talked with ynthja old rl!s id •n t were a jewelry hox , Police arc investigating a break­ Hi gh choo l reported the in ident to without success. wh is my neighbor and I know it on· half carat diamond rin g, in on Apri I 23 bet wee n noon and th police. Accordin • to the repon, The attendant wa: not injured and will be challenging ... am th yst ring, silver brae let , lapis 4:45 p.m . at the home of' an 84-year­ approxima tely . ix mal s w re seen de. ribcd th ~ us pect a.li a male approx­ avagc, a ba helor father with a earrings, silv r scrvi n • utensils, old residen t or unset Road . Taken fi ghtin g on th e basketball coun in imat ly foot , 2 inche. tall with a slen­ 20-month-old son. sa id he is a ~ r­ orham akc server, pi · s rver, and were a gold cha in wi th loc k t, go ld the sc h ol by a pol icc officer who d r build, wearing dark pants, possibl y mer sch It ach r from hester, ravy ladle, and a Phi Bela Kappa diamond-shaped pend an t, Elgin told th m t I av . One of th e denim jeans, and a sweat shirt . Pa., who hcu lived in Wilmingt n k ·y engraved with the name gold bond watch, a co ll ection or an yo uths later told hi s parent who Anyone with information is since 1981. H al. o worked forth Barbara Smith.' stimated 25 sil ver dollars and an fil ed the report and alleg d injury by asked t ca ll wark P I ice at 366- Wilmingt n ch I District in their Poli ce arc invc!-.ti gating. honor soc iety key wit h the victim's ano th er combatant. No charges hav 7118 r 0 te tiv e . usan Farrell at youth employment tr..tining pro­ name on it. en fil ed. 366-7 122. gran1 in th arly I 70 ·. Savage ha. se rved on th Govern r' Advi sory oun il on areer and Yo ational Education and spe nt time in Wa hington , D. .. workin g on special pro- jc ts for cooperati ve duca ti on in retail di stribution . urrcntly director of th e Delaw ar Offic of ommuni ty Services, avage manages statewide community funding which include. su h loca l pro­ jects as she lt ers at the Ministry of Caring and Homeward Bound. the Low Income Energy Assistanc program adminis­ tered through Catholic Charities, th First State Community Funds, and the Food Bank. Charles Hockersmith, current president of the chool board, will return for a third term in district A in Newark. Both mem­ bers will be sworn in for their new terms at the July school board meeting. -Mary E. Perzak


s~turday I May 11,1996 •10 AM New Location: i\r!nJ Firr ll.lll Nell' ark, lJl'1,1 ll'tlrr

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Happy Encting Lmda when ou purd1ase an uperM ltr'1 at gular pri . E1hihilion: almday, IJ)' ll , 8am · Slarl of Sale l11~ LW9ililtnl: k.~ witl1 ham, nt·a 500 Qritllily 11/s. gJt .n rq: p_:ffi, ( 1m, ftrsh tomJb. . tllld d"l.t. '. am. (alai~ wi!h l're·. 1le . lin1.1!~ al' ii,1Hr a! dNr ftlf

Ths COI.WJer Association and /be 'eu'rtrk Btt.1·iness have been notified of Associlllion. thi . collecti n criteri a and invoices for an y fb Mellon Bank Maryland-Delaware- D.C . Press Association such co ll ections wi ll be forwarded to th ir att ntion . tud ~ nt s who ar un sure ~ whether or not th ei r be POSTMASTER: Send address changes to : Newark co ll ection will on a fee basis. should all Post, 153 East Chestnut Hill Road , Newark, DE the publi works 19713. Second -class postage paid at Newark, Del. , and additional offices. department. l'\<: 1·. li • , ' I\\ \Rh. PCJ'-.1 • M \\ :1. l~J~}()

How unlucky they are NEWARK GAlLERY from 896, th ey vo iced th eir gri ev­ --, N T HE DR. SE S book, "Did I This week's !' ~ e1 · T II You How Lucky You anc s aga in . nl'ortuna tcly, the Citize ns "Newark Gallery" I Arc?" the narrator tell s the reader photo shows Doug all the thing~ he sho ul d be happy Advisory Counci l for the proj ct has a lower pro ll l than th b rrn risin g Houser who was a he\ not. 14-year-old Kirk 1 his week we want to empathilc up around Stonesthrow. Aft r meet­ ing with An ne Canby and eiDOT Middle School stu ­ w i t h t ho s · u nfc H·t un <1 t e fo I k s w ho dent when this pic ­ I i vc along the se ·tion or Rou t ~ XSl6 one' last June. the group has onl y met regular! with construct ion con trac­ ture was taken by whid1 ha~ heen umkr heavy con ­ Butch Comegys . <..,l ruction forth· pa~t year. tors . M ttny of their conce rn s appear to It app the n;..,idenb of have been swept into th e b rm. Houser appears ·~trs larg er than life , but Stone sthrow ha e hL' n more than Th' residents of Stonesthrow arc pati ·nt and coop ·rati\ e in their deal ­ not lu ·ky, but it doesn't mean they he's actually du nk­ ing" with DeiDOT and Juli ~tn sho ull he forced to suller I II OT\ ing on an eight-foot Con..,truction . Thi" wee k a~ de ~ pon ­ mind-numbing burcau crL'd ma IL' \vcrc i'ri '11d" for to kt tltL'Ill do. li J'c . The ca me to 'i:-.it (il amp-. '' ould L· h ~q l'rnnL' I rom hi 111 un the J'arm L'Vcn hi\ chilli \\'hik the hov-, hunted \\iltl when the ion~ din road PAGES FRoM THE PAST thin g" in the lmll'>l' ,·\'ilh thci1 R-H Hart \V:I\ \Ci\rred <~llti ful l or • cws a~ it appca r' cl in th e Ne\\'urk Pnst th roughout th e yea rs gun " e~nd 1·an in and llUt ol' the lwgt'. po t hn l ~" J'rom car~ o I -.ton· l'i rL· ple~ cL' in the den. n~: g k c l. I '~ nn d ·r i I I \\ wtld he a d i J'J'crc nt M lllllther tell-, me ri cla with a represe nt ati ve 1er-.on tlKby il 111 )' gl:ullli':llhL·r had the cha nce he \\'U'> a pt et. I !!lll'"" \\c hoth !'ell in love • May 4, 1921 • May 5, 1971 or local bui lder Loui s apano to \\:tlch nK· gnl\\ . I can't help hut mi ..,.., the with word-, . I k named hi ~ t\\ in ~ aJ'ter 1oc m ~ and ons Inc. stalled a that :-tuk hi-., heart . Narrow escape Woolwo rth great buys pl ann c.l pi cket by res idents of • /Juri 1.1 the' ofjic 'c' 11/tlllllgl'l' 11( till' Nl'll'lld M_ mutlter wa.., na med al'lcr the ptK'n l " I' ll th e Brooks ide neighborh o d f>ost. Sltl' i" u/.11 1 11 sl1!f1 photog m;111c'l' ontl ll'l'ila take _ou home af!a in Kathleen .· · Raymond Fade r :md -;ever­ fo r Mother's Day at apa no's Broo ksi le ,"1'/tt' ,t:n'lt' "I' in nwrf.. and 1:oir IIIII. Md See HART, 7 ..... nl other co ll ege '-tli Lknt:-. had a Shopping Ce nt 'L narrow c..,ca pe Monday mom ­ Di ~ h Tow~:: ! :- 5t) cen ts The pi cket. a prole ·t or th in g when Lhc hu~ i11 which Gla. .'v arc RX ce n t~ dilapidated appearanc of th e PER CHAN CE they were p a~~cngcrs cro~:-.c d . ewing h 'S t 3.66 c nter\ shops unci parking the B.c 0 . tracb li rcctl in photo fra mes 1.9Y to 2.99 lot. was to ha c be n n front ur the fa:-.t frei);hl. . napp duster roh s .. 99 Sa turd a . The hu ~ driven ...b Harr '· It is degradin g the neigh­ ul l wa~ re tu rni nu, J'rolll W e~ t White Clay Group a ks borhood. and it could ha ve One of the great ones Main . tr'el. ' h .;c it ha I Governor 's help hce n renov ated a I ng tim recruitt:d by the Uni er-;it or ago,·· sai I Rose Yanncs. pr si­ By ELBERT CHANCE cle nt f Broo k ~ id e ommuni ty Mar l ~1 nd . H i~ name \\il" American Vulcanized On Jan. __, 197 1. Prcs id 'Ill Gem~c V. ... 'hort ·· ChalmL:r:-. Inc. Yannes sa id a sign posted NEWARK PO TCOl UMNI Sl ixon stated in hi :-. . tare )f th e and ...h i~ exp l oit~ arc "'II Adopts Standard Time in the parking I l announces ni n a ddres~ th at, ··1 will put the comin g of new retail . tores r~ m e m bered h local ~port~ I ~ R LO (i SP oJ' lkr a ~cck of dJ light fo rward the 111 0\t ex t e n ~ i v thi :-. sp1·ing. hut n co nstru - cn t h u ~o,ia~t'- . ) L:ar-.. l'\~arh. lligh Sehoul -;a , · i n!!.~ which wore tn a l'raz1. 1' program e er p ro po~c d hy n ti on or reno at ion work had ha-, I iL·kbl -.,p nw ouhlamlin!! ~nne V\riter d ·s ·rib ·J hi m. Pr :-.iclent to e, pand th e 0 the 11~ '1'\'l'~ <.Ill I temper or the been done until Fri lay. ''. hort, i~ one ur tho-.,e rare per­ J'unth:dl tl'an l" and a numhn of tct"­ ho u ~cwivc~ and hoarding house nati on·. park:-. . recreation areas ~on~ knuwn a~ horn athlete~ . R ' lar plnyL'i'" \\ lm 11:1\ l' !!nm· un to keeper-., whc were compelled to and op'n spacs in a wa that rca:-.on )J' hi.., ph _~iquc. hmin". );l'l':IIL'I \!, IOI') at ti1l' l'lllk!!L' k\CI. truly b rin g~ par ~ s to th e peo­ Navy seabird returns te mperament and :-.hecr lll\'C of maintai n a double ~ran lard. th e ,\nHlll !! thn-,c '' hu L'lllllL' to mind mcrican ulcani;.ed Fihre pl e. For onl y if we have a lega­ home with tales .II\' R.1~ .. l ~ia-. . Mch in " Rippn" ~port. he :-.tand~ today a-., proba­ , orparb wi ll the nl!xt gene r­ bly thL· lx·...t all -round athlcll' 'o.. on Mnnua morni ng Hmoh. ~o,. Conwu) ti iHI Clury I layman. rcvutcd to standard lime. ati on ha e park.., to enj o :· Lt. colt lv in e of e\varh. lligh ha~ ever :-.ccn . In Did Kl·ll ., . Bill lain. \ i1111ic Chance Mu ch d i s~a ti ~fac ti o n aro:-c He cnu ld ha c had th e ewa r~ had :1 f ro nt row seat J'onth:lll. he i~ n oun!.! de mon: Ma\ cr. il·;r, McCo1ll1i'd. Mar~ J'rom the fact tha t in fa milic:-. Wh ite lay ree ~ in mind !'or pe rati on D ssert hi eld. in has!..ethall. a ~hil'lv. ~mou t h - worh.in(r t .;rllcr. PL·tlr;l S\\Uilll. 1311h TuL·h·r and Pat when he nwd thi ~ ~ t a t c m e n t. In fac t, he sat in th e cock pit f ma chine : in ha~ebnll. - al ' rt. brainy and where "' mk r.., an.: empln cd v a i~ L'I. FnrtunatL'h . mitnv or th '"L' t t," and elu sive running ~kill~ soon wa:-. recruited b the 1~ gcndary topic or disc ussion at a ttw,n ' In - ase-of-Enwrgcn c_ · phone said (lu il !'nyk. "bu t th L' !-. ids llt'L'd to b came apparent. He ·aught a urlcy Byrd and , when his ·olle- meeting con enL'd b numb r that da y. e;...plained StalL' h ·in th e class l'llnnt firs t. " 0- anJ pas~ and dr pki ked an giate curccr ended, he was consid- Dcla\ arc state r'prcs·ntativ · S nator Da it! okola (0 - ev.arh. ), One pat\'tlt lj li L''>ti {lt l 'd th · logic tra point in a 13-0 Y llowjack t ered th be:t pass r in th e ou th ; Pamela Mai ·r lR -Drummond !Jill ) at whose hild attends Bancroft. of l.: IVill f.!. a : tudcnt tl cte nt ill l1 for ictory d sc ribed us ''the b ·st hi gh was named a tnl!mb\!r of uric ' hue-Mctlill rhool recent! . crording to Michael Epler, b~.:it; g lat e '' ith a \Hitll'n c\clt sL', but sch ol football game . ee n in Elkton B rd's All - ime ootball Team , Delaware's ~tatewidc all ·ndancc principal or hri~tiamlli g h School. th Cil' is tlll p~· n a ll ) il a stud L' nt skips in years." 191 2- 19 4; was a mcml •r or the poli on truanc which inclu lcs hristiana u~c s a graduutcd homemom. Th is sL· nd s a 111i xt'tl In hi . s nior year, Shorty mov d 19 31 Southern onfcrcn c c puisi ns, lines, and coutl dates' as approach to the problem startin g Ill •s :-.a gc to ~ llld c nt :-. ami parL'nt s t fullback wh re he was both pass­ Basketball hampionship Team: dis ·ussetl b the par ' nts, atlministra- with th t ·ach •rs. "They contact alike. sa id the parent. er and sional ca ll er. In his first start and wa: a .3 hitter for the Soulh · t I" an I :tat leg islators in attendant'. parents when u student is absent Amott g. othcr obstacles citL'd b at hi s new pos ition, he scar d scv n s Best Base ball~ am or 19:L . For c ording to information sup- from two or mur' classes without an scho )\administrator.., are th e l'artthat TDs and 54 total points in hi s hi s multiple a hicvcmcnt s. he plied b Mai ·r, ea ·h s hoo l distr ict c, cusc," e pla incd pier. some parents and students don 'ts ·em team ': 11 4-0 thra. hing of a d mor­ rcccivcdthe nivers it ofMarylund an var in th ei r truancy policies, "lfanotcorphon·calldncsn 'tget tocan: and~id s arev·r Tcativl.'in alized Smyrna squad . In hi s second ilv ter Wat h as th " Bes t in howeve r the y must ad h •r to stat e a response. then it's referred to th' fin li ng c\ cusco., for ah ..,c ntL·ehn. start against A. I. DuPont, a n ·w oll eg thletics." gu idelines . For ' antple, in the rami! vi:itor (truant ofliL·er) and ul ti- Solutions suggested b tho :-.e at opponent, he s orcd all of the In 1983 he was indu ted into the hri stina chool District aft 'r a stu- mate! to the tru anc court.." Epler the meet in •' ere -;titTer fine.., for the Y llowjacket. ' point in a 13-3 vic­ "M" lub Hall of ame . He had dent accumulates _7 absences it is stn::scd that if par ·nt s r·sp lt1d and par nts of the truant child. conltnu- tory. During an 8-0-1 campaign, he been elec ted 1 th Delaware ports unclear as to wheth ·r additional re1 - tr to work' ith thl' school admin is- nit service , and unifonnit or laws scored 16 of Newark 's 38 touch­ Ha II o f ame two years ar I.tc r. rimands are made, c en thou ~1!· h the trators, there is rcall no n.:ason l'or throughout ' cr cli:-.trict. downs and kicked Shorty halm ers As he was wrapping up his di stri t follo ws state poli ' . the matter to c erg ·tto the cout1. Initiati ves that the schoo ls ah·ead di d in 1984, but hi s sisters, Ann senior football season at Newark om' schoo ls' ri te lett ' rs to par- ll1crc an~ on ly 20 hristinatinl!. hi gh sc ho I .ootball au tt l Ort·t to bc clays paJ nts must meet with sc hool bcr is too !" -aid DJ)lcr. JJCri od, e-o a SjJCcilic si tL' for ing team and Ann , a hi gh school the most finished scholast ic player administration. An attendee questioned the tim e truants to be taken to, giving students basketball player, later won the it y in the state." Often parents ar • not not i l'icd of sp 'nt on one slltthll and sa ict th a sy llabus at the beginning of th , ear of Newark wom en's t nni. hamp i­ Fini shed? Shorty was just beg1n· - an c ·isting problem until mid-I ·rm focus shoull li e elsew here . Mike sim il tu· to that or colleges~ · , and/or jXty - on hip. ning! r port ca rd s. "The involvement of Guilroyl ·.a hri stina School Boar I ing bus drivers extra to lr th • ·'yes the parents is late," sa id Mai 'r. "h)r m 'mber, responded that "th e ch ild and ears' nl' the communit y. exa mple. docs a student ha ve to is in school and th at is a ~ tart . " • I? C'porrcr Mary E. Pcr:u/.. con - The man I never knew have _Q non-e used abs rK ·s The same a ll 'nd e said that trihuted to this story ...... HART, from 6 You cou ld always find a shop­ ping bag full of paperba ks nc t to The verse "Elaine th fair, hin his cha ir. He would r ad one after the bea utiful , Elaine the Lill y white an ther with great speed, fillin g an maiden of Astelott," in spir cl my empty bag with th e fini shed novels. aunt 's name. I share hi s passion for books but I Jack was an in. atiable romamic tend to savor the imag s each chap­ ARTISANS' SAVINGS BANI< like me. H proposed to hi · love by ter brings rather th an speeding placing a diamond ngagement ring through the pages. in th bud of a red rose. He gave my Jack Kennedy was enthrall ed announces grandmother a poem he wrot nti ­ with hi s Iri sh heritage. My m ther tled " In the heart of a red, red, rose." says he would ha ve loved my !'air The lines of the po m coaxed her to skin and green eyes. look in the heart of the flow er to He often told tal s of Irish folk­ uncover the rin g. lore to hi s dau ghters as th ~.:y grew. My grandfather told storie all He was their strength in tim e of the time. In his high schoo l year need. He used to say, "No matter book under hi s photo wa. written, what you 've done yo u can alwa ys ''If 1 cou ld talk and never cease. I tell me. The world may say you arc think my . oul would rest in peace." wrong but I will support yo u. " They say Jack could talk on any Even though w never met, I subject intelli g-ntly for at least five mi ss th man my hrothers called minutes. ramps.

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E~ ' RK OUTLOOK Wa e mystery Shop by olv d at HS By GAYLE K. HART the) \\ill choO..,L' to ma~e ·llorh to numbers t'L'dUCL: wa,Le." 'aid '[L•rc n Ciordun . NE WARK PO ST Sl Af-F WRI fF R DSW managn of tnfornwtt on and ed ucation . Ol 11 1\V I: .Jl ST t'ini..,hL·d . tuhholo \\rotc the progr:tm for ferti lizer din11 ·rand tt ,.., llmL' Ln cl ·an including a ..,tory book. "tudcnt Y up thL' l t: main.., ol ~~ lith: workbook \ ith bh\ and acli\ itie.., O Sl ,MU S ll t\VI ~ bccon1l' lllL'.tL Snap., ol ,·oa.., t hL·cL chL'\'rL'Ll and a tea cher'" or~ boo~ .·· Iter dt"> ­ mon.· ttl'l'lJo., tonll'd to n:ading thr carro t und 1111\\ antL·d nw-..h ed poto.,i ng the ·onceph. Garth'" a ... cut Cl.thcl on till' pruducto., they arc tuL·"> ,fidl' dm\ n tit ~.· plate and intll lumL' Ill crcatc ." ..,aid Cimdnn . con..,idt'l ino lor purr!Ja..,~ . Forth~ l!L ll'acllcr.., dcn L' r" al1l~liH.''-l u..,, l;t ht·l.., 1111 tlw l;a!.! 111 il ~ ju ~ ,.., tt >\"'L.'d t.: hold t l'll'>ll I rom \\ IL' ha .., ~et turc.., llL'\1'. It \ IWillL'd l ~ul'l~riu Bob\\ ho lcwm about "l'lll'" ol th;CL' lllllllhL·r.., \\ II1 ch dL·.., cnh~~ a mv..,IL'I\ 1 u11 111 o'ting. Stulhlh t'rom l'\\ar~ til· p c r cc nl a~L' hv ' L'ig ht nl three -e\\

ha -, ir llllltwnt'>. '!Ill' I il",t 1 nitro!lcn. t'lll'L' IL'acltn, · ur.., ">aid pOlllld "' of tf1j.., lntili iL' r, lli1e flOlllltf llf a\\ .t iL'Ile ..,.., ~t h.ou t ... olid \\ ""tl' man ­ Stuhholo. it ,.., aL·tu;ll nitrogL'Il. one pnuntl i dt.'L'lllclll. the lkllo. Coil\ cntion th • rc..,pon..,c wu.., m cr­ thi .., pwdul'l \\nttld ..,upp l) nt'arly thre• " It\ not dilli ·ult lo redu ce \\h.tt whelmin!!. and !'le ,·em ortkr form:-, times thL' nitr,1gct1 hut only ahout one­ )llll put 111 the tr ~ t:..h ca n. I put a wcrL ta~... cn . .. I am tie~ I ·d pin~ ·· th ird lite pllo-.phnn' " ami pnta~o.;iu m a~ minimal ttnmu111 of Lm..,h out 111 thl' \vith thL' rc..,pon..,c ">aid Stubholo. the I 0- I 0- I 0 cu1 h. I rc cv d: what l ean amiL'OI11 l.iur teacher-.. in the \late or fL·t'lilin·J. 110">t what I can:· ">aid Stuhholo. Dl·la war · ··The Grea t W;I..,te T l pu t it !'lim ­ " Our prugram.., (at the Solid M):-.tcr ,. L:urriculum i ~ oiTer'u free ply. nitro!.!t.:ll Wa ... t uthori ly) arc ha..,ecl on vol ­ {)f char!!C, complimcnl"' of th e NEWARK POST PHOTO BY GAYLE K HART Cllt1tri hulL'" to un t<~ r y patti ·ip;Hion . We arc intcr­ I e l m~ ar · Solid Wa">le uthorit y. Newark High earth science teacher Garth Stubbolo sorts through the gt't'cn culur and c:-.tl'd in \tarting at an ·arly il!.!l' to I or in form<.Hil n. call I (H00) -l-04- garbage collected by students for a science project. Students I af growth . ithtill good habit!'> so tlwt a.., adu lt:.. 70RO . learned about the importance of recycling. Ph1)sphntc j, ------, I'C:O. J omibfc rnr ---- fruit. flmw1. .ttHI rtlt1t dl'\,·1 - \lflllH~tll . Pot.t 'h gl\-c s pl anh Llll' This week 's author: Wonns, wonns, wonns for sale! abilit) to with ­ stand th e cflt:'L'l'> Jo Mercer or drought. By GAYLE K. HART for a pn ..,ition on one of tht: J)efi cicllCiL'\ uf <111\ llf tilL' thl'l'C CUll com pan ) tea ms. 1\':-.lllt in \\\.' :t ~. pal~· pl ~ 1nt' that hn\\~ NEWARK POST STAF F WRITER The re:-.ear ·h :.tnt! dc\'elop­ trouble kknd111 ~ tlwm ... eh· ..., a!lain-;t mem t•am ... en t a !'>a mple nf di..,ca..,c s, pL''>l "· hL· at. and droug.t1t. hat do you get when th ' i r . upcr Soi I product tn the F\l' ·~,si\l' nitro!.!L'Il c:tn con tnhut • tu you combine a pound Un iver!'lit) of' Delaware\ flanl produ ·tionol' l ~a\L'" at th · cxp'nsc nf W of red wigg ler sc ience department which flower" or l'ruit. L'll a.., tno lush. a"" \ nrm"> , nev spapers and cafe­ d term in ~d th at the '-Oi I wa!'l di:.;ca. c-prnne kaf grmvth. teria waste? on pound s of hi gh .in mineral:.. an d ri ch in Deciding whi ch fertili;: •r to bu y . up e1· oi l! o r ~ ant cs. can be difficult wttllout cunsiderin' Wha l start d a: a class pro­ M mber. of th e sales tea m thl! pl :mh imol\cd. th~ir ages am! j ec t evo lved into an entrq r - introduced Wonder W nm to gent:>rn l health , ;1nd the c-.;is tin g so il neurial end avor for Su.., an th e puhli , at White Ia re k rtutri ·nLI l:, tahlisht:cltrccs v~..: l -.. . and arlin's fourth grad e cla ss 'H Park and Rittenh ouse Park n shrut s re-.pond hc :..t to nitroge n. w N Ba yard Element ary. trout-fishing pening day. Th e plantinus of ornamcntul.., and turf ben­ n impre:. ive wo rm har­ . tudents sold clo se to thirty efi t frum im:orroratcd phosphurus i:W d est in : pire I the lass to form pa ks of w rm s to th fish r­ por ass ium . ...u il tc"t ' ill indicate the th e compan , Fourth Worm m n. soi conditions and th e nu rrienrs ne I d­ Ent erpri . e. . " Y u tak a large amount of ·d . fter t\ o month . of man­ ri sk when y u start a new bu si­ Nitwgcn i" usuall the mo ~ t mobile agin g the t rrestrial in vert - ne. s .. sa id fo urth grader of th e th r · · co mp1m ·nts. It leaches brates. the ~ tudcnt ~ ca lculated andip Patel. Accorcli~1g to down thrnu gh th e :..nil. out l>f the th ~ total amount of ·afet ' ria ·1rah B a~ h er. " it's a lot of planL \ root 1unc. It ~.:an :.1lso he con- food consumed, e:timat d th e work to bt: an entr pren ur." v rt to ga '> 'OU'- fon n.., that cscap • ·d ' ei ght and quantity of worm s, ''It\ hard to ke p up with into th • uunospht: re . ~ur th ·sc rea..,on s. and th ' . doe !'> not tr to mensur ' den nitrn~~n. "The production line ran for "What started a.., a small The ill reco mm cn~lation"> ' ~iw ~ over an hour ith th • t' nd project grew into n ehi cl r r . ear h-ha:-. amPunh nf nitr g n ln ·d rc!'lu lt b ei n ~ a doublin g of th teac h and lea rn abou t sc ience . b · appli ed t'' 'I y l'.tr. On th e oth er worm popuhtion. 40 po und ~ math and economi c. : · sa id hund. pho!\ph at · and pota~h u: uall of rich fertil izer and a c n­ arlin . sla where the ar · put h ·cau'i the sumption f 35 p und s f cafe- Harve and Har e Wa..,te bind tio·hrl to !'ln i I partiL:I ':-.. On ~ ou teri a a~t . With an e tra M anag m nt provided fin an ­ C1lmpl with rhe recon1m ·ndations for pound f wo rm s and 40 ·ial . upport· for th e pr ~ e t and a ert in ''ht here Jay eno, orgc Burns an I llarry in N w as tl · ounty and support Anderson. In ew York she has the D !aware Thea ter ompa ny at worked Rockefe ll er en ters th same tim·. Tha t's a grea t d ·a l! Rainb wand Stars, tevc Me raw's and Fr,ddy's Supper lub. I m ntioned one of her Ds ea rli ­ er. ther record ing ventures in clu d' "Mack and Mab 1," " nsun g

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C' RAI 7 1'1 :RS Nf : I : DI ~ D ( 'oncmd \C., Wilmington. MX-6262. -1,1 j).il'liL'IjlI-.'itk, L'\\ur ~ . .f'U-(J-l 1J1. \h11flj1111).! C'l'lll~l. ~ I. MARK'S H.l:i\ Mi\RKI ·. J' X a.m . to~ p.m. attic I ltlr~c"ll l llil' nl'nt 1'> tretl\liiC,, huok\. jl'\\ ell) iilld more at cnrnl'r of '>l'liL·tli lbl l'o1 M.t IX Ll lllt:\IOnc Rodd :t nd R1. 4. \JlJ-l ..f 71'i . l1o111 () a.m ltJ \ p.111. I or 1111'111 llldllllll. l :ill 2 )() .Ill. Cil.l : W,\LK 7-hl I :-l 'i p.lll fo1 o~ gc-., 3 to h 3 ('() I I H 1:1 ,1) COM SUNDAY p.m. .tl I he Ml 1\ ITI l ARD ,'l,\1.1 : lil iliid}\\JllL' lJ d.lll. Ill I pIll h idil~ Willllill ~to n . 'i7 1 7X'i0 .IIH I \.tiilld.i\ Ill tilL· \LIIIIIIL'Id tic\ cluplllL'Ill. oil Rt. -l .1 ;\/.Z ~ I \P l·.i\ ) I·. M Tllllllt' l'l' 1{1( ·, 2 pIll. ill Milt:hl'll Pl t''>il\ll'll.lll ( lllllth. (JiiH I \ \L' .tlld ~L'\\ Road. lliill. l ' I) l'~ llllj1l1\ . Wd iiilll!.'[illl l)IJS (,\(,'i ;-.,l'\\illk. hll lll.'kl'l <'AI<,\\ 1 1 \< · ">I n ~I'Illlil " 221)-l iiL'L' 1'\ \.1 loJ 1i \X IJLI.r\W \RI ~ Bl< SS .\ fl.llL .11 I .oud 1' R 'l'JI< il i\1,\) I \IR Ill a.111 . Iii\ II. II I, ,\Ill\ L. I )u Pt 111 1 p 111. at Cdl.t\t'i Mll'll' 1\uildlll!!, 111 \tt:l )\ \l· • \·\\ark X.\ I 2'.77 SAT RDAY \L.tdl'lll\ 111 lku BI ·. NI :l·I:ST II ~ m. 111 X p.m. l\111 qagl' llllhil' ll:'tl <'II! ll{r\1 l ~ I < J~ X laiiL'illlli'lll!! l\\ l'iiL· h<~IHI' on lhL' ll\ln\1:11~11 oiOid p 111. al l .t! UtlJ .., lul't lllt R.llnhn\\ Ri.'t:llld,, dilll W• llltkrlalltl l o1 11 d j111/l''> ill jl.lll. l)l·rltlllllllll-! .tl thl' Boh C':upt:iliL' J' ( \'lli L' r, l~lllllk '> ldl' 'iclwol. 1\r\\;ll k. h11 llt'kl'l\ :-. top atthd '; upL'IIIl'rCellll'l. LI D M :11 rll\1.., I< d .. Nt'l\ ark Si tllk'lll ( 't·n tl'l'. nr c; dl ' l ' ic kctm;~ .qtT at iJX ~ 2000. 1: ~11 1 0\ ~ ll ! l W \i\IJ ll NCIII Of\llto :'i p.nul PROMISL ( 'ONC' l·RT -l p.m. L'V.ill'k lllll\it: grou p I ki L'tlk'' ( ·(ltilllr\ ( 'luh. I •JI J' ill'kl'l lill'llllllillioll. t'il ll jll'l'i'ormin,t.! a\ White Cia) C'Jnl-. lliL':O.h)'tL·ri\YI) ('(J C' I·RI X p 111 . P11p'> Coi iL'L' II ill JAZZ T P I ·.NS I ~ MBI E 2 p.m. at Mttchl'i l Hall. th e l )o\ L'I ( \• ntla l Middk School ,\utlllill'llllll , l lnl\ l'J:-. 11 )' or Dl'iii'Ailrl', S. ('nllcgt: , \ \~ .• Ncwar ~ . being guest directed by David Howey, a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Dll\ l'l'. l·111 lnl'ormallllll, L'i lll 73-l 1701 . XJ I 2_0-l . YMCI\ 0 1· C'H'll. C'OLJNTY CIR ND OPI :, INC! ontinu cs through May 31. 654-H638 . 10 a . m .: ~ ""ill~ illlll run .111d wmllllillil\ 1\.:-,tll.il ill JVIAY 6 MAYS "I F T : SIG , SY MBOL & PIG RE" Pai ntings II a 111. al Rt. -Ill il!ld l{t. 271J, 1.11-. tnll , M1-l. l·or mrnr­ of Constance I) ·nchy on ex hibit at th e I Iawar e IIRST VOTE 12:-l :'i p.m. mu ~i ·ul about lwmun\ ~ ul'­ WILMI NGTOt FI.OWER M RK ET 5K Di ision of th e An,, arvcl Office Building. ma!Jnll . c ill 71 1 07-f.'l. nt. 7002. lragt' in Delaware at Gla,gow ll igh Srhuol . RU /W LK 6J O p.m. i.ll Ro ·kford Park. staning WII.MI (ITON (; 1 \RDI ~ 1),\Y 10 it. lll. Iii 5 p.m. n Wilmington. exhibit on view through May 31.577- (II a ~ •m1- . For 111lormat ion . call 6J -_-100. ill 1h ' tow~r in Wilmington . 3540. tnur of ~ iirdt·n-, uml holliL''- in ilk' Wilmi11g ton arl'il. 'IWS H>R Tf\IJ·:, 'OPI :S X p.m. ill M t. Cubit WR IT ! ' T ilE ROM AI E OVEL PC R THE 90s Ticket\ :11. til :ihll' at t\ !.'1\:IV. Bornt1 l C'r:tl'l , ewil r~ . P 1yr0 WIL. 0 ONT -. MP RARY R Ll T i\ ~ ii'IIIH!mi c al Ohsl'r\'atory, Cin.:L' II\ ilk. Fo r inror­ 7JO p.m. Donna b yton. Colb.: n Faulkner, an I ami ~·II dvn d:J~ al the ( · .~th t: dral ( 'hureh or St. .hlllll, Landscape nnd still-lil'e paintings in egg tempura, oil llliiliun, ca ll65..J6.f07 . Judith Frl'lll'h wi ll co nduct a k ·turl' on 1 riling and wal ·rco lnr by Patton Wibon arc on display at romanct: lltl\ l' l ~ at Bllrd ~ r s H oo k ~ & Music, ·------~·-- ·- .. ---··-· , oml'rvillc Mannino Gallc1y, Grccnvill •. 652 -0271 . ·v.<~r ~ . .166-H1-W . The t:xhibit op ' ns May 10 through June I. FIDDLI ~ R ON Tl II·. ROOF 1 th ~ Threc I.ittk FI E WOOD CR FfS FROM TASMANIA At Bak e r ~ Dinn~rThcalrc . For ticket:.. ca 11 311H - 1616. MEETINGS r ''llions Woodworking ,allcry, Powder Mill Squar •. Greenvi ll e. Exhibit opens M aya. through MAY9 Junc 29. 655-83 11 . WILMI ITO FLOWER M RKET 10 a.m. ttl 7 MAY3 l ~ l~ton Rd .. Nl'>~ ;uk . ,·ducmion , :111d dc vt• lopmcn t VIEW FROM DELM RVA lnlcnsc contrasts of "l:XP RI :SS IONS OF LOVE"_ opportunilie.~ children. Care p.m. todu thr'lnlgh Ma II at Ro ·kl'ord Park . co lor high light the work of Delaware •utisl Martha E, -OFFI:NDEI\ 'UI'PORT r.w p.m. 11 ·w 'l'l'l ..., oll'cn:d h • volun ­ will be provid ·d fi'Om a•e 6 Wilmin ~ t o n . V. Pil eggi on displ ay at the D ·lawar' Agricultural IROUP o:~ () 10 H p .111 . at the ll'L' I' ~ nf tile A lill'l'il-:111 Cancer weeks to 2 1/2 ears at The Good rr al'll:i ~O: :tll c.:nlcr. ~h .~ l:u·J.. cl Museum and Village, Rt. 13, Dew ·r. (302) 734- , Ol'il'IY 1'111 l:lllliiiL' ~ :111 tl frit'lldR . 'hcphcrd Aapti;,t Church, Ac•ar. 'l!Tt'l rvhdl, Wi lmmglon . Ftw 161 8. of l'illll'l'l j)ilti L' III\ at !ill' R3 2-0b99. MAY 10 inforlllnt ion . call h5(1 07 II . '·ELEMENTS OF PAPERWEIGHTS" Exhibit fea­ meri ·an ancer Slll: it•t , New TilE X p.m. to night and tomorro w. 1 ·r­ NEW MERS CLUI3 OF NEW TI ~ MPEST ca~ tk . 324--+227 . tur·s a aricty of pi eces at Wheaton Village, Ci\STLF. COl iNTY Is alive and MAYS l'onncd hy E-52 LID . tud ·nt Theatre group at Wolr N I • Wi\f~K ROTARY 'LU B (,:I 1 Millvi lle. ..1. The ·xhihit runs rhrough May 19. CH!!WI' to inhodu,·c i11di vidual\ to UB SCO T LEADER ROU D­ I fall. For ti cket:-., cull lU7-X63.f . p.m. cwark h;J,L'd h n ~ inc'~ and lL:'i-68(Xl. OdaYt ar~ ns well liS ltl t h~: many TABLE 7:30 p.m. at B:1rley Mill F Si ll() SIIOW X p.m. ·lothin •• d ~sig n ·d and cre­ JI'Oii:,,illn:il kadn~ meet a1 '' 19th ENTURY • T RTA INMENT AND ini(Tt' t gro u p~ <1 11d 111\llllli l_ PluLa building 2ll ubmrutt:r. ated hy LI D ~ tud c nt~ planning car ers in the appar­ Hol id:~ y Inn. Rt. 271 and I lJ5, ALE ETfl GS" Exhibit which explores th m ~ mlx• r ship gatherings. Cu ll l'ur gl't helpful hint~ ahout planning T l'Wl!rk. ( iu,.,, ~pc aker~ ra ·h el indu~tr at P ·arson Hall. eadem , t. , ·wark. locution 1111d time. 1\ndrcn a~.: li it irs. For infom1otion. c:rll world of the early merican host ·ss from aft~rnoon wr.:~ oi'tl: r a 1 :u·i.:l of illiL'I'C\1- .:\66-873R . Kmwn~k i at 762-451 7. Jele Meredith m 66- 1478. I ·a lo dinn •r parties at the Histori · Houses or in g. stimula1in g. and inlhnn:ui vc ''DEL W RE 10-MI UT E PL Y FE TIVAL"X 13USI ESS TECH OLOGY Odcssa. The exhibit run s through June 30. 378- liilk'. h1r intonn . top­ :COTIL H COU TRY DAN E <.knts from the ni vcrsit or Delaware will have llo<.1r frnrn 5JO p.m. lLl clo~c . Wilson El ·mcnt ary .' hnol, Polly Drummond Rd ., ics in Fr~n~.:h at tile t 0 Ea~ l Main . CL S. ES X p.m. in ~ l111 t: lion I'm cwark . their work on display at the Dcl a ~ arc cnt ·r for the 737-:'iiJl), hcg inJHT~ and expcricm:C'd GREAT TR IN ROBBERY 9:30p.m. at thc Stone ontcmporary tts, Wilmington . Th e ex hibit runs "Vl ·T AM : YF. TERD Y AND danc.: r\ at • 1. Thumn\ Episcopa l MAY9 through Ma 2-+ . 656-6466. 1'01 Y'' 7 p.m. i'n:l' public talk Chu rl'i1. S. Colkge c .. NEWARK ME ~ORIALD Y Balloon. l'Wark ... 68--00 I . 1\ VI IONS OF Dt'.L W RE E hihit of 30 oi l paint­ in RnOII1 11 5 or I'LJ111t'll 1-l :III . I JD N ·wurk. -15.1-1290. CC MMITTEE 7:30 p.m. in the ings depicting historical! uccurat · s cnes or loca l <;HIIIj)IIS, N 'W;tlk . HJ I _J7 1. D P Pl , H IOHII .E DERBY cit y manager\ confcrencll fl)(lrn, OMM ITIEl: 7:. 0 p.m. HI Nev trk Muni ipal Building, MAYll landmarks at the Delaware History Museum , MAYS I !:111 ;11-c i\'>MICJalinn of Police Elkt( n Rd. R FfY" I to .f p.m. mak~ a ,allc1y II. Wilmington. Thee hihit run s through Hall. Wil111ington . 656-PLJS H. t\NN L HUM N 'IVIL no ~cg; 1 y of lluwer:-. and hcrhs in a doil at Au g. 3 I . 655 -7 161. "SPRI ; INTO A ~ no 1" 1 t , s F.W CE Tl!RY C'LliB OF RIGHTS RE 0 ITION BAN· Winterthur, Rt. 52 . For information. ca ll 8H8-4600. ' HT FA Y: THE EZAL ART p.m. ~ prin ~ O[X'II h o u ~c ill thr rri "FLI 0 Q NEWt\HK 0\111. \~ 11 'cntury Q 1.!15:30 p.m. at h raton Inn, PIKE CREEK ALLEY UO CLUBS LV rE Stmc Bird 1\c>.c llt' , R c~t·arr h . d. A D D ~ CORAT I ' OMPANY'' Build111 ~. E. Dd111 ;Ill' ll' .. I over. For infonuation. cull Nc11:uk . 7J7·'154J LE 8 t 111' "I E TORS MEA BUS I· EWARK U O S LUB (IJ() oi l pai ntings ul' lundscapc:-. at Som ·rville Manning P:trk \\ a . 1111 Rt. ~% . · ~I\ ,Irk EXHIBm \ ·• 7 to 10 p.m. n suppo11 p.m. at till' llolida In n, Rt. 173 group of 111 t:lllCll '~ who llll'd Gallc1 . Grccnvillc. The nhihit ntn~ through Ma 4. 45·-1 'i9W ' I IJ5 . 7. I -1:-192 . THH f\ IOM .' t'l liB OF S( ll'J'Il mon th I 11 1Cllwun tgc other~ ut 65--027 1. ~ "RECO RD J....Hfll c; l·l ' f A BEAR 10 a.m. at Gnod Stwphl'l\1 R•10m 2_9 of Purnell Hall. D II : Tt\LS" lr 10 In li:J() p.m. Bap11 ~ 1 'hurr h. l'ni1 (;' J Rd .. Bc,ll' c:11npus, ewurk. ~ 1- 1555. t·i.l'\ 1.:11~:n b1 tiK· Small ~~'i· 171H. " I< HCOR I) KEEPIN IF NOA - 13w,ll1~"- DL'IL'iopm.:nt L'lll •r at CARECil I : I ~S Sl PPOIH 1E r T l.S '' (r llltn 9:. 0 p.m. th e l hllll'l'\ 11 \ of( el ;mar·. For GROt IP7 p.m at l 'nlllll Sl't' 1:1y 7. in\llllll:ltlllll. ioL'a linn~ and l'l' I.! J ~ ­ H11'-p1t.1l' /\dull l a) '• tr • A ON oontn I p.m. 12-st p pro­ CoNIRIBUTE ... II ~ltin n. To c dl l{l l-1555. Center. Fl~ton. at:1o~' humlh • '·M 'CEPI'I N

ACROSS 54 Roberta's jewelry? Cabinet Benny swimmers 1 Cathedral trousers? 101 Photographer member 41 Dutch export 92 Diver area 5I Leather- Adams DOWN 42 Sentry's shout Louganis 5 Ed Of Leon worker's tool 103 First lady? 1 ·sesame 45 "Uh-uh" 83 Unmarried I He had a 12 Man ollhe 105 Choir Slreet" 48 Actress Mme. whale of a hour member subject Valentine 94 Questions lime 83 Violinist 101 Lodge brother 2 Head line? 50 Swaggering 96 Literary 14 - Rica Mischa 107 Head man? 3 Eye problem 52 Mirella of contraction 11 Halloween 14 Characleristic 110 Author 4 Dead Sea the Met 99 "The Red and decorations 15 Canterbury Dinesen sectarian 53 Mountaineer's the Black" 20 Knowledge cleaner 113 Fabric edges 5 Soulhern st. melody author 21 Beethoven 17 Filby or garnet 111 Subway unit I Exemplar of 55 Graduation 100 Adventurer wrote one II Seal schools 111 "A Fool slowness gear Marco 22 Peripheral 71 Feminine Such -" 7 Back then, 56 Criticizes 102 Most meager 23 Billy's suffix 111 Bandleader back when 57 Poirol's 104 Hotshot weapons? 72 Sociologist Prado 8 Photo lint concern 108 Take advan· 21 Philosophy Shere 121 High time? 8 Bump 58 ·- Boys tage of 27 Take the 73 Vane dir. 122 Chemist 10 Make a choice Goodbye" 109 Seat cover? reins 74 Humbug Remsen 11 Word form ("41 film) 111 Atelier 21 Slanted lead-in 123 Low tide for "recent'· 60 Complain occupant 21 Conductor n Al's biscuits? 125 Riser's 12 Chip off 61 Kind of pain! 112 "Show Boat " Klemperer 81 - vous plait relative WoOOy's block 66 Dwell composer 31 Sts. 12 Mad - wet 127 Northam 13 Lose no time 69 Threw down 114 - dire (oalh) 32 Short hen hemisphere? 14 Palm product the gauntlet 115 Khmer capital snoozes 13 Actor 131 Salon solution 15 ·- Day Will 70 Richard's 116 About 34 Islamic deity Kristofferson 133 Marlin's Come" veep 117 Nobelist Oscar 37 Age 14 Soho snack pickles? 161saac's 74 Iraqi city 120 Piquant 31 Comedian 15 Way out 137 Maugham·s plants? 75 Japanese, 124 Soccer Louis 87 Sloth, for one ·- and Ale" 17 Singer lor instance superslar 38 Like ewe? 18 Blood 138 Inventor Pendergrass 76 Tom ·s 126 Taj town 43 Golfer components Howe 18 Cropped up hot dogs? 128 Exist Ballesteros 19 Midwestern 139 Hors d'oeuvre 24 Rope in 78 Inedible 129 -even keel 44 Some are airport holder 25 Evils orange 130 European common 91 Tenet 140 Face shape 30 Excessively 79 Scorch capital 46 Pitch in IS Autumn 141 Positive 33 Cherry stones 80 "Cheers" 132 Observe 47 Furniture implement quality 35 "S top , sailor! '. wa itress 134 Brink wood 97 Welcome 142 Forgive 36 "And I Love 86 - degree 135 Musician 48 Coat part waggin' 143 Connecticut - (somewhat) Wlnd1 ng 5111 has a lot driver? campus 39 Cash stash 89 Rotund 136 ·- of the of pull 98 Milton's 144 Clinton 40 Boisterous 80 Sinuous Tiger"'

Tour Arte ian•s state-of-the-art Water Treatment Facility at Old County Road in honor of ... Drinking Water Week May 5-11 If you get more calls from your creditors than from mom, ours for the general public will be conducted we can help. Thursday, May 9. For reservations, call TDonna Votta, 453-7305. 1-800-642-2227 EXERCISE YOUR BLUE THUMB! Free and confidential. cccs Blue Thumb is to water what a green thumb Consumer Credit Counseling Service is to plants. Both are about lending a hand Non prortt agency to make something better. Everyone has a As a nationally afrtlialed com munit y Sl'rvicr, 'S has S('r ved Maryland and f) ·laware for ov ,,. :~o y •a rs. Blue Thumb.

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_ _ _-_ -_-__,-Tee-TilneTM-Feriilizer--COUPON-, Personalized advice and service on your lawn care, garden tool, and pet food needs. Tee Time"Fertilizer Lawn& Lawn& with Trimec® Grass Seed Garden Garden Mulches Unique to the Tee Time Par,.MHne, the 12- 12·0·24 with 0-24 with Trimec® on mini priUs delivers I Champion™ II II Peat II Round-Up™ II II R.ight, Dressrw II 4 times the amount of particles to the Trim ec® :,· 50% Nutralene™ lawn as compared to a standard weed Weed &Feed II Perennial Ryegrassll I Moss I II Herbl'cl'de II II Llconce Root II - and feed. This means more particles of 1 h weed control product adhere to the leaves I lb I I I I t I I MU C I tbe professionaTs 40 1 10 8 p· partner of the weeds and the result is a signifi- lb . Bag/ 0,000 sq. ft. I · ag I I 3.8 CU. ft. I I 1 In I I $ I . cantly hjgher percentage of control. The $23 04 I $1-, 821 I I I I I 3 99 ea I I ! ~ow ru~rogen and heavy potassium fertil - I : I I r : $11.99 : : bef~re rebate I 1 RMI.«€a!!!'=~. ~~~ 1zer WJth NutraleneTN prepares the lawn $6• 99*: : I: L------~~!~!!~~!.~:______:x~a~~~~~g!.J L~~~~~~~~~ L______j LE;p~~~~~5~6~6J L~P~~n~~~1~ej -Lowest Prices on These ltems... Guaranteedl Glasgow, DE Claymont, DE King of Prussia, PA Edgemont, PA Huntingdon Valley, PA Maple Shade, NJ Sewell, NJ Peoples Plaza 2721 Philadelphia Pike 488 Drew Court West Chester Pike 3977 Mann Road 120 Kings Highway Center & Atlantic 302-834-0440 302· 798-6001 610·275·2710 61 0·353·3534 215-322-2888 609-273-5939 609-468·1 000 Store Hours· DE: Mon.-Fri.: 8-6, Sat.: 8-5, Sun.: 9-2 • PA: Mon.·Fri: 8·5, Sat: 8-4, Sun: 9-2 • Maple Shade: Mon • Fri: 8-5, Sat: 8-4, Sun: 9-2 • Sewell: Mon-Fri: 8-6, Sat: 8-4, Sun: 9-3 MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover THE FINEST IN CRAB HOUSE FARE...... FEATURING------• Fresh Rock Fish • Angus Beef • Our Full Menu - Crabs, Alaskan King Crab, Crabcakes, Shrimp, Clams Plus more! HAPPY HOUR SATURDAY IS FRIDAY· 4 to 7 PM lADIES N1 8 to 11 Th e Yellowjacket Marching Band from Newark High School received a trophy as a Best Marching Band for their performance in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Washington , D.C . Over 40 bands from 25 states participated in the traditional parade down Constitution Avenue . OPEN FOR LUNCH 6 DAYS A WEEK AT 11:30 AM MAIN ST., NORTH EAST, MD 410-287-3541 OPEN TUES. to SUN. 11:30-8 • FRI. & SAT. 11:30-9 • DAY estaurant BACKACHES? INSOMNIA? ARTHRITIS? D RECTORY olutior1s S old Here! Bookcz,,sc Sotts l dc Wntc rbo d s Wntcrb d , • ..., Wl'l lttr ht•l thRt1ookJ likr • t:nfl· \!t'll l l4 'tt" l IIUUHC", • • MJHk; tu l1C' u•e•' whh atuml•nllfu•lboanJ• •nd f·tX•t hotu&\. AMERICAN AMERICAN !'o il• I O •h. C t•rfY)'. nrtr. fl( Wltkf!r 1\.f!.ds flf rurnl1urt! ~~~~ lllll•l:S lt~t L.o wrorlc:u As Low •• $ 26 9 'llllln;;:..,_o.., 7~ '?aut ~ett 1~Ut- • Continental American Cuisine ., f?ar & Loun ge Dinners Tuesday Thru Sunday, 4: 30 p.m.· 9 p.m. Serving Delicious Lunches From 11 :30 a.m., Tuesday Thru Friday Full Course Brunch Served Sunday 11:30-2:30 'Jteev. ~ ~He~«(, 41 0 398-3252 Routes 273 and 213, Fair Hill 902 E. Pulaski Hwy. Elkton, MD Elkton, MD •••

MIRAGE 100 Elkton Road, Newark, DE Daily Homemade Buffets (Breakfast, Lun ch, Dinner) Midnight Buffet Fri & Sat. Nights 12 a.m.·? a.m. (302) 453-1711 All Buffets include Soup and Salad Bar. - Fine dining is specialty - Homemade Desserts, Steaks Freshly Cut On The our Premises . Homemade Biscuits, Soups, Mashed Potatoes. We cater to business functions 10% Discount For Senior Citizens We accept MCI\/Isq/AmEX/Diners/l)lscouer. Come Enjoy ATM Mach ine Auallable. Rt. 279 & 1-95 in the Petro Shopping Our Atmosphere... Center.

SEAFOOD The Wharf Restaurant (under new management) K ''1l LAFAYETTE INN Daily Specials for ~,;:,~ RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Featuring the Finest Seafood &Steaks Fresh Seafood Steamed Shrimp &Alaskan Snow Crabs A-sk Steak + Prime Rib Ab<)Ut Lunch .Specials Many our Daily at 11 a.m. Other 1 North Main Street .Dinner Low Specials! $4.00 Priced North East, MD (MorrSun Entrees sller4PM) Lunch specials only 410-287-6599 Route One 1524 Conowingo Road Rising Sun, MD 21911 41 0·658·9075 ITALIAN Sicily's Italian Restaurant ~~ ITALIAN &AMERICAN DINING ~~ DAILY LUNCH &DINNER SPECIALS m OF NORTH E~S~ FREE DELIVERY Lunch Served Daily • Call for Specials MON-S AT Di ners Served Thursday - Sunda 5PM-9PM

GRAVEl. Y HOCKESSIN 223 A. East Main St. 107 S. MAIN STREET NORTH EAST, MD YORKLYN RD. & RT. 41 • HOCKESSIN, DELAWARE Rising Sun Plaza 21901 Rising Su·n, MD 21911 41 o• 658 • DEll (410) 287-3512 (302) 239-4201 M, W, F, 8·5 • TUES & THURS 8-8 • SAT 8·3 MAY l 19( • NF\\MU\ Pm;T • PAGE 13 ent. ompar the pric . p r pound sufC r from improp r amoums of etables general! need spring and of th diff rent products to arri eat fertilizer upplicd at the rong tim midsumm r low -nitrogen fcnilit.er. Soil tests available th e best value. ry to figure which is of year. ldea ll , trees and shrub · arc Th ni crsity of D !aware soi l the better nitrog n va lu e - _o planted wi th potash and phosphate tes t rewrnmendations ·omc with ~ OUTLOOK, from 8 applied in excess of what a law n or pound of i0- 10- IOfor 5.88.or25 in 'Orporated into rhc soil. This way ~pl.!t: ifi ~.: instructi n~ on the fertilit.cr ga rden need . pound of 27-3-3 for 13.49. the nutrients are put here the roots what's and hen ·s to help yo u grow I buy fertiliz rs for use on my Organic sourc s f plant nutri­ ar . For stab li shed trees and h ·alth plants hill: pre enting Whereas nitrogen overuse i home lawn and ga rd en guided by ent s often hav e anal ysis numb rs shru bs, ani the nitro ge n campo- enviro nmental damage from ·ce. ­ always an environmental concern , so il t st re ·ults, and by the price per that ar ·mall r than their symheti c n nt f a fertilizer wi ll move far si e fertil izer us\.! . phosphat onl y becomes a pollutant pound of nutrient. I buy what th co unterparts. For e ample. a fi ·h en ugh into the root zo ne to be of oil tests arc a ailablc for pickup in surfac water · when s il washes r commendations say I need, and em ulsion produ ct I saw on the store much us . pring-Oow ring trees at all three county E tensio n offices into treams and lak ·, carrying the when it 's on sa le. To figure the pri c shelf had an analysis of 4-2-4. For and shrubs shou ld b f rtili zed for 5. pho phate with it. Phosphat in per pound of any of the nutrient. , fertilizing large areas of lawn or gar­ immediate! after bloom rime . Mail order for each soil test ·osts waterways co ntribute to over­ multiply the analysis number on the dens. thi s product could be cost-pro­ th ers ·an b' f rtili zcd in late win- $6. growth of alga and can lead to fish bag by the total weight of th bag hibitiv . But for th nutriti ona l 1 r. Bluegrass and fescu lawns do Send orders toN kills. An exception to this situation and divid by 100. This wi ll giv needs of a few hou epl

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PA E ) 4 • NEW RK P S'I • MA 3, 19( , 'It looked like Kansas,' resident says of dust a safe opp rtuni ty to tum into or that there wou ld be no a:phalt in th thos meeting thi. week , offi ial ~ STONESTHROW, from 1 houses." Maebcrt pointed ut that the li ght acr ss the nev r-endin g now of traf­ Stan . throw benns. "We made that at DeiDOT Extemal Affair: initi ally working on it ," said Barbara at the entrance shared with 'lasgow fic along Route 896. "That's th a: . urance at Porter quare but not at said they did not know when or if Maebcrt , pres id ent of The Hi gh chool whi ·h was nashing saf . t th ing th y ever did ," St n sthr w," sa id Davi s who the c mmittee had m t inc Ia, t ommons civic group. "I'd at least most of the time in February had approved Macbert . admitted he did n t know why there J un and did not know when th y like to be able to park . We have to be n changed to nonnal signal. The New pr bl ms surfa ed recently wer differ nt assurances for the would meet again . pull up on the grass to get to our nashing light did not allow rc:id nts as a retai ning wa ll not previously two ommuniti s. After making inquiri . , Davi , in cluded in all the res id nt : infor­ Davies add d," We talked t aid that apparently "th on 'tru - mati on on the road project made it s DNRE about the asphalt in the ti n company had been holding appearance in front of the first row berm and they told us it would only m eting. with a ~ w of th e A of townhou ·e ·. be a problem in a wetland and Lhi is members about on e a month but Ac ording 1 Ma bert, John not wetland." didn 't tell DeiDOT. " Julian told res idents the wall was Duffy claimed the b rm at Maebert, a m mber of th A , necessary b ca use homeo wners Porter Square had I be rebuilt and said the meeting have been held ARRISTID? objected to the amoun t of lawn had a "rat infestation" which Duffy but not everyone can attend each DEFENSE OF CRIMINAL, TRAFFIC OR DUI CHARGES bein g lost to the new roadway. sa id co. 1 $1 million to xterminate. time. "They're held at 9 a.m .-not a NOISE OR ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS Hom owners who ca ll th ir street, "l have children," said Duffy, "I'm very convenient tim for mo. t peo­ ' Bosnia Row,' sa id they have com­ not go ing to live with anything like ple." The next meeting is planned BUILDING CODE/ OVERCROWDING plained all along that the r ad was that." Mae bert ·aid one of her con­ for June 5 in the KCI construction EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS too close to their prop rtie. . "I actu ­ cerns wa. al so preventing "rod nts trailer at the inter ection of Routes ally lik th retaining wa ll there " in th e b rms." 896 and 40. ALDERMAN'S COURT I OTHER COURTS sa id Maeb rt . Duffy said DeiD T has 'lied" to At a meeting on Wedne day, Joe Of more concem to homeowners resident s about the onstruction Serbu, project engineer for the road ­ was the "hazardou. material " being work from the beginning and efforts work, promised to provide a letter MARK D. SISK, ATTORNEY used to fill t.he berms next I the to get information arc often unsuc­ from DNRE as uring member. of formerly Newark City Prosecutor 1980-1994 dev lopment. ' Anne Canby c.: s ful. In Jun e of 1995, Anne th e group that items buried in the (DeJD T ecretary) ass ured us they anby set up a Citizen's Advisory berm were not a problem. would not put in anything bigger ommittee and promised a eries of Maebert said he was satisfied Hughes, Sisk & Glancy, P.A. than 3 foot by foo t and nothing meetings would continue for the with the infonnation provided by 522 Greenhill Avenue hazardous," said re ·ident Jack duration of the Route 896 construc­ Serbu but wanted DelDOT to do Wilmington, DE 19805 Duffy. " Th~;y are putting in 6 foot tion project. Canby said the purpose something about the du t from the by 6 foot pieces of torn up road of the committee wa "to create an benns. "[ wi h they cou ld spray (302) 658-5144 asphalt and oncrete a. w II as opportunity for members to provide them or plant something to hold tire !" DeiDOT and the contractor ·with down the dust," Maebert said. " It Listing of areas of practice does not represent official Alan Davies, co mmunity rela­ construction-related oncerns a looked like Kansas one day last certification as a specialist in those areas. tions director at DeiDOT, aid he they arise." week." I::======~ was not aware of any ass urances In response to que tions about

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School of Min s dean' li st a a to graduate from .. hi gh sc hools Delawar· ha s be n elected to th They're 'stars!' ophomore majoring in ch mi al Lin wins scholarship in 1996. cholars wi ll be invit d t Na tional A ademy of · ngin cring. Three area Middle Scho Is engi neering and petroleum r fining. Catherine Shu lin of Newark i. a Washington, D. ., for sc eral days On l 150 f approximat ·I 50.000 recently participated in the 3rd Delmarva Peninsula winner of th in June t receive the Presidential practicing ch mi ca! cngin crs ha c Annual We ley(rexaco Star Junior Pease, Stabosz place Thomas B. McCabe A hievement S holar. meda llion. re eivcd this distinction. Academic Challenge at the Award f r 1996. As a rec ipi nt Lin hri tiana Mall. Newark re ident Geoflrey Pease, will attend Swarthmore College on Sandler elected • PeopJenews is compiled each Kwame Adu-Wusu, Terrance a junior elec trical engi neering maj r a full . holarship. week hv avle K. Jlarr. end Bullock, Lee Hughes, Jonathan a the Univer ity of Delaware and N wark r sid nt Stanley I. amwum:emenis

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Spartans win in OT



OR ~ EN VILL E- t. Mark\ girl~ ~occcr team pulled off a come­ from-behind w in in double-over­ tim to del' at arch ri val rs uline 2- 1. M oan lffland': shot from th e left side with abo ut 30 !>econd~ remaining in th ' final o "rtimc period landed in the hr left side of the goa l. just beyond rsulin goa l­ keeper Kenna Healy's fing rtips. The' in pr '~e rv ecl the, part ans· undefea ted record and challen11.ecl NEWARK POST PHOTO BY ERI C FIN th e tea m after it had hree;e I th rounh much of it s schedule. "We Hodgson catcher Sharon Novak holds on ball after a collision with a Delcastle player in Saturday 's softball action. Hodgson won 8-2 . n d d a rea l hard game like th i;;. and w wer fortunat ' to come away ' ith a win." said St. Mark's Coach Tom DeMatteis. . l. Mark\ (9-0) app ar d Hodgson softball getting together unass'rti in th~.: first half. Th · partan s fe ll behind 1-0 on Erica · Domingo's goal and g n rat ed little ' as shortstop K at ie Lntt (.47 1. 3 ITor. , a lot of littl thin gs that have Pickett . aid freshman pit her J n offensi e press ur . That all changed By ERIC FINE Ze lano started th seu:on slowly. '· Hrs. 1-+ Rs, 16 RBb). gi en oth er tc ams oppLHl uniries." after th e intcrmi ss i n. ·· ··· ········ ··· ·· ·· ············· ··· ······ ······ lot of it wa s from being intimidat d. Fre ~hman Keysha Ti llcr ( .387, The Silver l ~ aglc s showed ofT NEWARK POST CONTR IBUTING WRI TER t. Mark's domina! cJ th s cond 10 R~ . II RBis) ha ~ round a home at ' 0111~.,; ortheir potcntial in an -2 win In practice she throw. hard , she' . half, att mpting 15 more : hots than first and in the No.4 spot in th e bat ­ over Dclcastl e atur la y. They Coming off it. first losing season relaxed and she throws strikes,' ' he Ursuline. The Spa rt ans eve ned the ting orcl r. Des ignated hitt r andi turne I a co uple unlikely doubl in three years, Hodg. on's s ftball sa id. " But e·~r ly in th se ason, she sco re on Katie PhipJ . · shot in th e Mitchell (.389, 7 Rs. 13 RBis) has pia s aft r the ougars put runners team has reaso n for hope. was throwing 8- 10 miles p r hour box at around the -5-minute mark . al so mad a maj r l:On trihution. in sco ring position. In th e third The Silver Eagles (4-7) ha slower in gam s. I think sh 's ju . t They also out -shot U rsu I inc 28-8 0 er all, th e team· has com pi led an inning. Lott f ielded a grounder and • hown improvement in th e area that now coming into her own. in th e overtim peri ods. But the impressi e J 18 batting a erag . gunned down a runner at horn', th en ha. been th eir Achille. ' heel in "She fit. in well with the team ." effort would have go ne larg I "W · v heen scorin g a lot archer haron Novack nailed rh e recent years: pitching. ''In fast-pitch But Hodgson's ta lent only b gin. or unnotic d w re it not for Jffland 's run s." said Pickett, a 48-y ar-o ld bauer ar second . . oftball , th e pitcher really domi­ with Z lano. Third baseman Dawn late-gam heroi cs. After all, a tie hi story t achcr who has coached the In the fifth, ri ght fielder M ary nate. the game," . aid Hodgson Magaw (.432, 18 Rs, 9 steals) was a falls well short of a win. oach Jack Pi ckett. " Pitching also fir. t-team Blue Hen onferen e team ror si , easons. "Our prob l ms See HODGSON , 20 ~ hides other weaknesse . ." Flight B se lection last sea. on. So ha ve be n menta l and ph ysical See SPARTANS WIN , 20 ~ Wizards Lightening riddled by strikes Rough for GHS Riders lacrosse By DAVID G. W. SCOTT By ERIC FINE NEWARK PO ST STAFF WRITER NEWARK POST CO NTRIBUTING WRITER Th ere was a thunder cloud The Wizards lost their magi rolling up on Gla~ gow • tadium on against the defending champion M onday night , but all th e el 'C tri it y Long Island Rough Ri ders Ia. t was on th lacrosse field. Saturday in the D I awa re team 's Glasgow had ju ~ t wo n a riti -aJ home op ner. district game aga in~! cros~- town How bad wer Ia t sea on'. ri al N wark 9-8. lf it's pos~ ibl e, U lSL Pro Divi. ion finalists? Bad th e game was c l o~er th an 1h . ore nough for Wizard. Coach Jo indica! ''> . Brown to consider overhauling hi. dricnne Oilh had Newark lin up and even r -to ling hi s ro.­ storming bac k from a 7-3 halftime ter. deficit. Th Yellowjacket junior Long Island shutout th scored five g als. Newark simply Wizards 2-0 while allowing them ran out of tim in th eir comeba k on ly five hots. ''We wereju t not !Tort. a good team [ aturday], and we For Ia. g w. the win wa !'l anoth ­ g t puni. hed for it," said Brown, r important step in th huilding of who doubles as a part owner of a program . the team . "This team has never won more The Wizard s again take to the than two oames and ne 'r . cor d home turf against the Hampton more than 10 goa ls in a season." Road (Va.) Mariners tomorrow at said first- year Gla. gow coach Marc 7:30p.m. at Newark High' Yettori. " We told K ely (Schupp) Hoffman Stadium in a game . he was going t ha e a break­ Brown ha already labeled criti­ through gam . I'm just glad it was cal. tonight.'' He plan to re valuate hi per­ S ·hupp and Annie anto w r up sonnel. even after Delaware'. 1-0 NEWARK POST PHOTO BY ERIC FINE and down th fi ld lik light nin o. See WIZARDS , 22 • Defensive back David Holmes baHies with Long Island Rough Rider for the ball in the Wizards ' 2-0 loss . See GHS LAX , 20 ~ P cE 1 • E\ ARK Po~ 1 • M .,. 3, 19 G NEwARK ros1 ·:· SPORTS .

1r------, ALL RA T 1 ArHrErE OF 1HE WEEK I P TO THE P BLI I 7DAY AWEEK T. MARK'S Ur uline, she played outside fullback, out­ I 8 .m. until Dusk Megan lftland side haltback, stopper I Swas looking to 1 %DISCOUNT add variety to her life and wing. I "She' super ath­ For Seniors (60 & over) when she went out for a I lete," he said. ''That's I Weekdays only- 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. the . occer team. lftland, who Jives so important to the I team that we can plug 1 BIUN THIS COUPON & RECEIVE $1.00 OFF I in Pike Creek, experi­ her in anywhere." I Large or mall Bucket of Balls I enced a wave of oc­ cer nostalgia a year Iffland said she is ll!·ifi@i·'·'il·t ~1a~•~nll;t-tt·Fi'4uif1U!JNJIS·''·III ago. The 17-year-old playing with more con­ junior played the sport fidence this season after during grade school competing during the before choosing to ummer with the concentrate on swim­ Kirkwood Soccer ming. Club's Typhoon, an 18- Voted . wimmer of and-under rep. team. the year, the All-Stater Her memories of losing won the 50 and tOO in the state finals to free- tyle events last Dickinson last season winter. But she decid­ are at o motivating her. ed to return to the soc­ But St. Mark 's won't cer field, and even see the Rams until tour­ went to the trouble of nament time. adjusting her practice "I think the feeling schedule with the that we got from that Delaware Swim will push us more. I Center in New Ca tie. don 't want to say we "[ kind of missed could beat them, but l r.occerl, I gue " ·he think it would be a said. "lt kind of gave Megan lffland shows the ball control skills that led to good game," she said. me a break from her overtime goal against Ursuline. In the meantime, she . wimming." is enjoying the season . ''I like occer because lffland scored per- on the right side and slammed a hap the biggc t goaJ f her arc r it's a little more team oriented," shot into left side of th goal. he said. " I like the unity of the in Monday 's 2-l win against t. Mark '. oach Tom Ursuline. With about 30 seconds socc r team. And it's much bener DeMatt i. ca lls Jfnand "Miss. being outside in the spring." remaining in the second overtime Versatility" b cause he can use Except if you' re an Ursuline period, she got a step on her her at · many positions. Against defender from abou t 15 yards away fan.

lnterhash with the hasher from C nterville. For more information Harriers Hash New Y rk City pl anned for on the Hockessin Hash rs contact The Hock ss in Hash Hous Sunday May 5. The hash will Bob Auer at 994-55 19, or ca ll the Harriers have a poin t-to-point take place at Winterthur in Ha. h Hotline at 633-3386.

LIMITED TIME ONLV SPRING KIT SPECIALS r------~ QUAIJI'l V POOLS- 25 YEAR WARRANrl, V .o Jnplct ~ Po >I p:.a · :.1g ~ indud •s: • I II.P. Tl I RHO Fll ;n ~ l { • TRST K IT M LADD . R • 2 0 (i/\ll il '~ 1:3Lt l · LIN E R COMPLETE PACKAGE • THI~ll W LL SKIMMER 1 2 ' POOL 18' POOL 21' POOL



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17" dia. Sand F ill •r S 4 - J"lositi n top val ~ oud 1\~• - uny uho •ro unt..l po I s i z •. ,• ' ' ' ,, .. ,,...... , , ... . .' ~ ...... ' ...... • ... ,. # ...... "" • & .._ ..., ..... • ...• .,. a ...... MA\ 3, )9t 6 • EW Rh. Po. T • P C!o I 9 N LwARK Pos r ·:· SPORTS Soccer tourney leaves good mark

By DAVID G. W. SCOTT its mplc n R ute 9 in t.!W of th • Kirk ood compk . a ·tl in 199_. The host th " iris ne team frl m onnel:ticut \ a~ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Toumamt.!nl , a Bo s halh1ge on ra ing about th ' tournam nt an I Jun 8-9, a B s Premi er n June promi sed to n.: turn hom~.! and ··e an ­ The Kirkwo d o er lub has 15- 16 and a ' all Kick -OtT lassie. gditc to the rl' ·tor th ir ·tub" about com pl ted the first of four tournu­ Accordin g to hris Morgan , thl' Kirkwood facilities, a · ·ording m nts with smashing succ • ' S. Th • ccu ti vc dir tor of the Kirkwood to Brnsmcr. onm: ·ti cut is tradi 16th Annual iris Tournament at oc r lub. th ' re were 16 appli - tionall 'r strong in girls s · ·cr. Kirkw od '. s c r mpl w ·nt Th facilit includ ' S 13 field s off without a hitch and I ft r ams hi 'h ar in exce ll ent pia ing shHpl' with a good fe ling ab ut th club and the ind or fa ·ilit \ ith and the ar a. r stro ms. lock ·rs. snack bar and According t tournament dir - gam· r om . tor, Gerry Bro mer, 124 t ams from It's a ni ·e "People ar' walking away with a even state had gi rl teams at the •• good attitude about Kirk ood so - tournament. economic boostfor cer," said Brosm ' r. "We f el the ' Wh n you put together th four th, e area. " tournament g ts good e posur for vents we run in th year, w r the facilit y and p ·oplc s em pleased right up there wi th the LP A, the ith th' whol packag'." Tour DuPont and NA AR in Gerry Brosmer With o er 1500 pia ers c mpet ­ Dover," Brosmer said . "It's a nice l OURNAMENT DIREC IOR ing in different age groups, many c nomi b ost for the ar a and th tea ms r turn car after year. state." Brosm ·r said it was difficult to 'sti ­ Th Kirkwood So ccr tourn a­ ca nts for the gir ls tournament, mate the number of peopl who ments hav exist d for 16 years. rn aning teams were turned away. att ndcd th v nt including par­ NEWARK POST PHOTO BY KELLY BENNm ThL is the third year that th girl s Many of the teams that pmtici ­ ·nts , coaches and fan s, but that it Beth Norris, who plays for Glasgow High, ices her foot after a tough week­ hav had an v nt of th ir own. parcd were nthusiastic about how was a boon for loca l hotel and .epd_of girls soccer at the 1996 Girls Invitational at Kirkwood Soccer Club. Kirkwood So c r lub e. tabli shed the vent was run anclth cond ition restaurant owners.

Hanging Baskets KSC Tigers capture Kirkwood title 0 Geraniums • BcgonJas Bedding~ Vegetable Plants They've been regional champi­ coaching for 14 years. "We won an "We have two great goa lt enders The Tig rs hope to continu thei r Ofut DAILY 8:00 AM-a:OO fM ons since they were ten-year-olds, indoor event at Kirkwood this win­ in Kenna Hea ly and Amy winning ways this ·ununer. They and this weekend the Kirkwood ter and the girls just kept on improv­ McK enna," he sa id. "We were will play at th Rc iona l REEDER'S Tigers continued their winning ing." working together and communicat­ Tournament of hampions in GREENHOUSE ways by taking the crown at the Leading the way for the Tiger: ing perfectly." Niagara Falls in arly July. This is 410 \\'hltc II all Hd. the fou t1h y ar in a row that th e Elhton. ~ID 16th Annual Girls Tournament at was captain Rosanna Peterson. McKenna even show som abi li ­ (410) 398·5067 Kirkwood Soccer Club. Peterson scored in three of the four ty in the field sc ring in the champi ­ Tigers ha c r presen ted the area in Coach Ralph Goldrick's team games to lead her team. Ashley onship game against th lti c thi s tournament. Then the team wi ll -has been working a long time Dilworth, an eighth grader at Wanderers . travel to Europe to play in the toward this weekend's victory. Ursuline Academy, scored three Goldrick also cited th e play of London up and take a side trip to "It 's something you build for, goal in four games. Angela Rosini, Megan O'Donn II , Pari . and something you hope will come Goldrick said his team 's strength Sa ra Bamthouse, Kristin Goldrick -Dal'id G. W. Sco tt true," said Goldrick who has been is its goalt.ending. and Becky urry. [ Fa~ to the Max! 737·9019


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We Thi s y ar's t am will include "We sh uld hav . taned sooner," Added Novack, 17 : " l think now hope to fi ll a ne d th at no oth r local four members of that 1990 Little sa id Lott 17, who lives in Newark. we've all come together. Now if we It 's b en an ex tremely successful organization fi ll s." League championship team - an We had the talent th whole time, but make a mi tak , we pump every­ coac hing comhinati >n for a long Winning ba se ball is nothing Me ullough , Jeff Myers, Tom mi g we didn't u. it. We just r alized it body back up so we don't make the time. Now the duo of Joe kn ew t Myers and Me ull ugh. and Jon Ohliger. Other area players was time to stan. We have great bat ." sam mistake again. Me ull ou 1h and V' rn Myers i ~ Their first yea r tog ther, 1990, they that are ex pect d to play includ Lou, who may be Hodgson's "We 're all getting along much aiming for a fittin g fini sh to a cham­ direc ted the Newark American Aaron B crs , Adam Baumgardner, m . t vo al chee rl eader, aid th better," rhe Bear resident said . pionship-laden run that ha s Littl Leag ue All -Star team ( 11 -12 Tony L fink , Gary Slagle and Ri ck team has had diffi ult makjng the strct ·h 'd llcvc n yea rs. year-olds) to the state champion ·hip BrockelI. Me ullough an d Myerll will and the hampi onship game of the "We got great help in the f rm of wach Ll yd lludson/Post 3 1 - a Eas tern Reg ional - just one game spon so rship from Ll yd Hud. on , tra vclin summer baseball team for away from b coming th e first wh 's just a baseball fan that liv . Spartans win in OT 111 - 18 year-olds - for the third and D laware t am to eve r qualify for here in Newark as well as Post 31's final season. Last year 's team had a the world championship tournament Mik e 0 onstanza," McCullough ... ST. MARK'S, from 17 repeated to the team, gathered . 2- 10 rcc rd and ad van ·eel to the in Williamsport , Pa . said. around him in a semicircle after­ NABF as tern Reg ional cham pi ­ Newark American was beat n by "We're al so goi ng to have a great The 17-year-old junior hot fr m ward. "Remember what it feels like. ons hips. Two years ago, as an hippensburg, Pa 5-2 in th at gam . staff of peopl to work with th e an angle, about 15 yard from th You 've got to do thi s every game.' ·x pansion t am, the squad compil ed hippensburg went on to capture the players. We' ll have Pet Emig , ary goa l. She had just a step on an DeMatteis marveled at the half­ a 30-10 mark and won the Delaware United States championship b fore Slagl and Joe Stetina with us as Ur uline player. " I just hoped it 'd go dozen Spartan hots that hit the Ameri an Legion state title. being beaten by Taiwan in the wor ld wel l as ce il ommunity allege's in ," said Jffland, who lives in Pike po t. ' lt was like nothing 1 ever This year's team will play a 50- tit le game. head coach Dick Bro kell." reek. "I kind of closed my eye ." saw," he said. "After awhile, they ga me sc h dul c that wi ll take it to The coaching tand em al so direct­ With sons Sean and Jeff bein g The goa l was her third of the sea­ cou ld have thou ght, 'What do we showcase tournamen ts in Ba ltimore , ed a N ·wark American eni or 18-years-old and g tting ready to son. She attributed increased ball have to do to score?' But they did­ Penn sy lv ania and New York. L ague ( 14- 15 year-olcl s) ream to a head off to co ll ege, thi s marks th e movement for the team 's second­ n't. They w nt after it and after it." "We wanL tn give th e kids who state title as well winnin g the last summ er that Me ullou gh and half offensive revival. "Everybody Forward Jennette Wikel agreed. arc serious baseball pl ayers a place American Leg ion state champi ­ Mye rs wi ll coach together. was looking for passes. l rea lly "We ju t kept going, especially in to pl ay," said Me ull ough, who has onship in Post 3 1's firs t and on l "We've had a ni ce run toge th er," think we wanted to win . We got overtime. When we stepped it up, directed teams to 16 championships year in the league. Me ullough sa id . "We've had a lot together worked the field and they got tired. They got worn out," in 16 years of coac hing at dif~ rent "We rea lly try to teach base ball," of fun and we think th e kid have played with a lot of heart. ' the 16-year-old junior said. lev Is. "We wa nt to ex pose them to said Myers, who has coached hi gh had a lot of fun . We 'v also won at DeMatt i. prai. ed the team for "We really had to pick it up a playing four or fiv games a wee k school baseball at Wilmington and every level. This is the Ia. t year and its gritty effort, but added it would step 1in the econd hal fl. 1t took a and playing every weekend . That's Alexis I. DuPont. 'We just don 't we think it can be ano th er good need to play with the same intensity lot of concentration. We really had what they' ll do if they go on to pl ay throw th e balls out and let th kids one." for the rest of the eason. to mentally prepare ourselves," said "That 's what it's all about," he Wik I, who lives in Elkton. Newark lacrosse nips Glasgow Lightening, GHS lacrosse By DAVID G. W. SCOTT ings between the teams. gish with the first half ending in ... GHS LACROSSE, from 17 Newark played without Julia B n Garrison add -d two and a 2-2 ti . Novak who plays cover point. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Matl Frentzel and Wi II ross an Newark jumped out in front chupp scored four times , and Without Novak, Merena said her anto added three more as the in th e fourth quarter before team was a little confused. If notched one goal a pi c . 6-2 ·ophomore duo seemed unstop­ 6-5 WIN OV R cross­ N...:wark oach hri s Bark r lasgow made its run. The Merena was concerned about her pable. Santo seemed to outrun the defense, he was impressed with her town rival lasgow pro­ singled out juni r goali e lin Dragon · scored with les · than a p li ed Newark Hi gh's "G HS " in grease-paint on her offense. A romer who had ten saves. minute remaining to mak th e cheek. Schupp 's aggressive moves boys lacrosse team into the lime­ "Out attack did a great job," she "Colin 's really been the back­ score 6-5. t ward the goal caught Newark by said. "We passed and cut really li gh t around the state. bon of the t am." said Barker. Glasgow goal surprise. Katie heridan scored the Kevin Hudson scored two well, and we used the whole field." " He's been keeping us in g· 1mes Owen arroll other two goa ls for Glasgow. For Glasgow goa lie Danielle goals making his total against all season long.'' Duhamel! (2), In the second half, Newark did a Gaine , it wa a team win . Glasgow s -ven in the two m er- Both teams started out slug- Buckingham ( I) . better job covering both Dragon "My teammates gave me a piece peedster , allowing the Yellowjackets of paper that said somethi ng like to get back in the gam . •you're part of the team, you want Newark coach Marcia Merena the same things they do,"' said 27 42 Pulaski Highway said her team 's defense was not as Gaines who blocked 12 shots. ICHOLS good a it cou ld have been. What they wanted was a win Newark, D "It's tough to play games playing over district rival Newark High. catch-up, " said Merena. "We played They got what they wanted just NURSERY better lacros e in the second hal f. 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Walla c, Dan Jones, Brian Old H arid crnft mn11sl1ip plus tlte late t teclmolo ry Blaze ready to play aml rslicc, Ryan (.1\ ards , and • CnmpiL•te dnnr ~\StL'm th,1lli1Ulldt• ~ lull The D Ia ware BI aLe, a nc 16 yler Ba~tian IIi le I the Ki ·kers. olnslallahon nwrti'-d hmgL'\ ~oild lltl~ ~qu.m• l'dgL'. and under girls !'> ftball t am , will The Kicker!'> record i!'> --1-- with o Knowledg able ale nc game r ·ma1mng again:t and st\'lited lltL' option . pla it~ first doubleheader again. t laff oun ·il R ·k b fore pla yo ff~ begin. • Deep, \'ibrant, natural gram and la1 1~hl y th New Jersey omets on May II o Award Winning at Pine r c. Gam time i: 5:00 detc1ilt•d panels. how room p.m. Th Bla7e ha !-> players from thc Happy Harry Open Golf • !leader than mo~t wood d!11m. 11\'l' • omput rAided anal Little League ll - tar teams ltnw~ the in~ul . lti!lll r.1lue Dc 'ign cr' i c whi h have competed in the oftball Tournament re-named • Cuar,1nll•L•d lll'l'l'r t11 dt•nt. u.ll'k. ~plit World cries in Kalamazo . Mich. The b ard f director: of the ~phnter, ~hnnl-., ~wl'll, \\ rllp, ll r btl\\'. llurlcrs Kell Bak r, Kcll ,\I 1\ t'//tl's ... \ \'i1u/ou •s 111111 Do11r~ Delaware Kidne Fund, Inc. hav ~ IITI ' llllr (111, 111 1 '~ ~~ Masten and Juli e Van D ·usen ' ill r -nam d th ' Happ Harr pen do rno t of the pit hing with Brcnda }(JII slwrdtl 1'.\ JII' I rtOI!tiug ll'ss from r1door ! Marley and Jamie allagher han­ Golf 1ournamcnt to the "llarr Levin Mern rial pen olf !;r!r KELLY'S dling the atching dut.ie ·. Infield rs ·' Windows &Doors Jami e Sassaman, Brandi Rcdro , Tournament" in honor of its THERMADTRU found r. Harr Levin. Kt')\l'i'·rt\llr.td•·m.u'''' llll·lm.l lllll•''l 21~lll\tn,<•rd l'tk • l\ ilnun~l

l lh,•rnt.l ·lntlorp ll;'i,1nd1 llnw • \ t'll.lr • 292- 1!00 Kirsty Lloyd wi ll pro ide , olicl A kidney patient himself, Harr defense. Th ou tfi ld will be han ­ sa\ the burdens of th victim. of dled by Eri ca Ri chardson, Michelle renal disease and allied disorders. Kraft, Jami K yes. oll en Bathon The so ial, motional and financial and L rri Peterson. The Blaze wi ll impa t that kidney disea:e brings There's nothing quite lik ompeL mo tly in a local . chedu l about is stag ring. H felt th at through hi s business ass ciat s. ven­ carpet to warn1 up a room dors and fri nds he cou ld p rhaps do with color and comfort. Magic win tourney s mething to help people with kid­ ney di sease to live wi th dignity. The Delawa r Mag ic 12 and The I 5th Annual Open wi ll take And there 's no carpet quite under girl · fast pitch softball team place on June 21 at the Brandywi n like carpet made with Ansa® compl eted a successfu 1 weekend in Co untry lub. To da te, ov r Co llegev ille, Pa. by coming in first $500,000 has been rea li zed from brand nylon to get the job place in the 19 team tournament. th i annual go lf ou ting which is the Tea ms from Delaware, New Kidney Fund ' larg sl fundrai er. done \vith durability and a Jersey, Pennsy lvania, New York and For mor informati on concern­ sense of fashion. Con nec ti cut competed in the 1996 ing th e Kidney Fund or to mak a Springford Tournament held on fin an ial contributi n, contact Betty Carpet made with Anso Apr!l 27 and 28. Bow rs at (302) 366-0335, ex t. 265 The Magic is comprised of girl s or write to: The D !aware Kidney brand n\'lonI fiber. from Wilmington , Bear, Newark Fund, In . 315 Ruthar Drive, and Cec il Count y who play at a Newark. DE 197 11 . Tough by Nature. highly competitive I vel. The Magic posted a 5 and 1 Hawks beat Galaxy Fashionable by Design. record and won the championship TOUGH TO game by beating th e Lehigh Va ll ey WAIL TO by nature WAIL Flames 2-0. The team wa. led The De laware nit ed Hawks clef ated the Hockess in Ga laxy U 11 WAll FASHIONA~LE WAll VISA offensively by Kathl een Tibbetts, .___ b_~ ., d_ee~s-zgT_l.. .. COMFORT. - Rache l Pawlikowsk i, A hley Davis, boy · so cer team 2- 1. Mike CARPEr. Schoenb ck scored first for th e - Jackie H miak, Allie Dougherty 90 Days Same As Cash and Jamie McLaugh li n. The Magic Hawks with an assist from Mik score 30 runs during the weekend. Zawis lak . Ray Brown scor d an The pitching was do ne by Alaina unassisted goa l. Kyl e Mull r scored Norvell, Jack i Homi ak and Rache l f r I locke. sin with less than a M ~ M FLOORING PeoplesR~~~:~.~~~~~ow,DE Pawlikowski. Over six games the minute left in the match to av id th pitchers allowed on ly eight runs and sh ut out. N DE: 302-836-4933. MD: 410-398-5997 pitched four shuto uts. They struck i Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. 10 a.m.-5 p.m • Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m.-7:30p.m. • Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ou t 48 and all owed ten hits. Little league Tag Days The Magic return to action thi s LYNN DALLY weeke nd in the Smyrna. Delaware The cwa rk Ameri ca n Lillie Tournament. League wi ll hold its annual JAZZ TAP ENSEMBLE fundraiser, Tag Days, on May 3, 4, 10 and 11. The players wi ll b Rhythm Tap Moots Live Jazz! '84 DSB Kickers win dressed in un ifo rm and wil l be standing in front of various busi ­ The '84 DSB Ki ckers held on for nesses in Newark. The moneys a 2- 1 win over W t hester in rai sed are a signifi can t part of th e NorDel 12 prem ier boys league liLLi e league 's budget and arc used to play. A constant pre suring offens buy uniforms, equipm nt, etc. by DSB kept play in the Wes t or more inf rm ati on contact hester end for most of th e game. Newark American Lillie League at trong performances by Matt r.------368-8026.

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