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Ecology of Food and Nutrition Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: The nutritional value of edible Sandra G.F. Bukkens a b a National Institute of Nutrition , Via Ardeatina 546, Rome, 00178, Italy E-mail: b University of Padua , Padua, Italy Published online: 31 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Sandra G.F. Bukkens (1997) The nutritional value of edible insects, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 36:2-4, 287-319, DOI: 10.1080/03670244.1997.9991521 To link to this article:


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SANDRA G.F. BUKKENS National Institute of Nutrition, Rome, Italy and University of Padua, Padua, Italy

(Received October 26, 1996)

This paper provides an overview of the nutritional aspects of consumption () among indigenous populations. The nutritional quality of food insects is discussed with special emphasis on the role of food insects as a source of protein. Available data on the amino acid composition of the most common food insects are summarized, and the potential of insect protein to complement protein of various staple foods is analyzed. Micronutrient composition of insects is briefly discussed.

KEY WORDS: Insects, entomophagy, nutrient composition, protein, essential amino acids, micronutrients.

I. INTRODUCTION In many parts of Africa, Asia, South America and a wide range of animal products are eaten that may not be common or known to researchers from Europe or North America. These include many different insects, such as locusts, grasshoppers, termites, ants, beetles, and caterpillars. The insects consumed Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 generally have a high protein content and may significantly contribute to the total protein intake of indigenous populations, at least during certain seasons of the year. However, thus far little attention has been paid to insect consumption in dietary surveys among indigenous populations. There may be several reasons for this. First, food insects are usually collected from the wild and often eaten raw on the spot, and this casual eating may go unnoticed to

Address correspondence to: Ir. Sandra G.F. Bukkens, Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione, Via Ardeatina 546,00178 Rome, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]..

287 288 S.G.F. BUKKENS

observers from outside (Robson and Yen 1976, Posey 1987). Second, insect consumption is usually seasonal depending on the appearance of certain stages of the insect (Dufour 1987). Third, the attitude of outside observers that entomophagy is either a curiosity or simply repulsive may cause the indigenous populations to conceal their consumption of insects (DeFoliart 1989). In cultures where insect consumption is common, insects form a regular part of the diet, as a side dish, snack, or ingredient of composite dishes, whenever available during the year. Although generally insects are not merely eaten to avoid starvation, some studies show that insects are most often collected and consumed when other animal foods are available in very limited quantities, or not at all (Dufour 1987). Nevertheless, depending on the culture, some forms of insects are valued as delicacies in their own right, such as the Rhynchophorus larvae (Curculionidae) and alate ants (Formicidae) by the Tukanoan Indians in the Northwest Amazon (Dufour 1987). In this review, I focus on intentional insect consumption among indigenous populations in developing countries, and the role of insects in providing animal protein, essential amino acids and micronutrients to these populations. This is not to be taken that insects are not consumed in developed countries. On the contrary, in some developed countries, such as Japan, insect consumption is part of the traditional diet (Mitsuh'ashi, this issue). Insects are also consumed by certain immigrant groups in developed countries, for instance the Thai giant waterbug (Lethocerus indiens; Belostomatidae) is imported from Thailand and sold in California, USA (Pemberton 1988). Furthermore, several insect species have gained some popularity as a health food or fancy delicacy in countries such as the United States, Mexico and PR China. Last Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 but not least, some insects and insect fragments are eaten unin- tentionally by every single person in the form of foods of plant origin.


Selection of Insect Species for Consumption Why are certain insect species and stages consumed and others not? According to the optimal foraging theory, it is the overall efficiency NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF EDIBLE INSECTS 289

of foraging which will determine the popularity of insect species and stages in the diet of a society (Ardeshir 1990, Dufour 1987). In other words, the insect species and stages that are collected and consumed most commonly and in the largest quantities are those that are the most predictable resources in space (living in nests, feeding selectively on specific plants) and time and that have the highest nutritional value for human consumption. These species and stages are actively sought after and collected in large quantities in any single attempt. Some insect species may even be managed resources, such as the palm weevil (Rhynchophorus; Curculionidae) larvae that are literally 'harvested' from the pith of felled palms. Nevertheless, other species and stages less predictable in space and time or occurring in smaller aggregations are often collected opportunistically and in small quantities (Dufour 1987). In general, the stage of the life cycle collected is the largest form and soft-bodied (relative little exoskeleton) (Dufour 1987). For instance, for Coleóptera and this is the larval stage, for Formicidae the female alates (eggs). Holt (1988) mentions that a common criterion as to whether an animal is, or is not, fit for human food is the food it lives upon. The great majority of insects live entirely upon vegetable matter in one form or another (and often on our most-valued vegetable crops) and thus are relatively clean feeders compared to commonly-consumed animals such as lobsters, eel and pig.

Major Insects Consumed Insect consumption has been documented for various countries in the world. Most of the insects consumed in significant quantities

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 belong to one of the following six orders: Lepidoptera, including butterflies and , which are usually consumed in the larval stage (caterpillars), Coleóptera, or the beetles, also predominantly consumed in the larval stage ('grubs'), Orthoptera, including locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers, Isoptera, including termites, Hymenoptera, including ants, bees, and wasps, and Hemiptera (bugs) (Table I). Of course, Table I is far from exhaustive and many more insect species from different families and orders are known to be consumed, be it in less-important quantities. For instance, Meyer- Rochow (1973) documented the consumption of such insects as the 290 S.G.F. BUKKENS

TABLE I Major orders and families of insects consumed by human populations and geographical areas of consumption.

Common name Main families Area of consumption (reference)

Order: Lepidoptera Butterflies and moths Saturnidae, Noctuidae, (Santos Oliveira et al., 1976), (caterpillars) Notodontidae, , (Ashiru 1988), South African Bombycidae. Also, less Pedi Nation (Quin 1959), Sudan common, Limacodidae, (Dirar 1994), Zaire (Kodondi et al., Thaumetopoeidae, 1987a,b, Malaisse and Parent 1980), Castnidae, Brassolidae, Malaisse 1995), (Benhura Hepialidae, et al., 1992), Australian Northern Pyralidae, Sphingidae territory (Cherikoff et al., 1985), Central Australia (Naughton et al., 1986), Papua New (Meyer- Rochow 1973, Tommaseo and Paoletti, this issue), PR China (Luo Zhi-Yi, this issue, Simoons 1991), Thailand (Yhoung-aree et al., this issue), Ecuador (Onore, this issue). Mexico (Ramos-Elorduy 1991). Colombian Vaupés region (Dufour 1987) Order: Coleóptera Beetles (grubs) Curculionidae, Angola (Santos Oliveira et al., 1976), Cerambycidae, Congo (Kinkela and Bézard 1993), Scarabaeidae (Dei 1989, 1991), Papua New Guinea (Ferguson et al, 1989, Mercer, this issue, Meyer-Rochow 1973, Ohtsuka et al, 1984, Tommaseo and Paoletti, this issue), Philippines (Colting 1985, Robson and Yen 1976), Thailand (Yhoung-aree et al, this issue), Colombian Vaupés region (Dufour 1987), Colombian-Vene- Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 zuelan border region (Ruddle 1973), Ecuador (Onore, this issue), Mexico (Ramos-Elorduy 1991) Order: Orthoptera Locusts, crickets, Acrididae, (Ferguson et al., 1989), grasshoppers Gryllidae, Sudan (Dirar 1994), Zimbabwe Tettigoniidae (Benhura and Chitsiku 1991, 1992), Philippines (Colting 1985), Thailand (Yhoung-aree et al, this issue), Papua New Guinea (Meyer-Rochow 1973, Tommaseo and Paoletti, this issue),


TABLE I {Continued) Major orders and families of insects consumed by human populations and geographical areas of consumption.

Common name Main families Area of consumption (reference)

Colombian-Venezuelan border region (Ruddle 1973), Ecuador (Onore, this issue), Mexico (Ramos-Elorduy 1991) Order: hoptera Termites Termitidae Angola (Santos Oliveira et al., 1976), (Chevassus-Agnes and Pascaud 1972), (Murphy et al., 1991), Nigeria (Ukhun and Osasona 1985), Zimbabwe (Benhura and Chitsiku 1992, McGregor 1995), Philippines (Colting 1985), Colombian Vaupés region (Dufour 1987) Order: Hy'menoptera Ants Formicidae Philippines (Colting 1985), PR China (Luo Zhi-Yi, this issue), Thailand (Yhoung-aree et al., this issue), Papua New Guinea (Meyer-Rochow 1973, Ohtsuka et ai, 1984), Colombian Vaupés region (Dufour 1987), Ecuador (Onore, this issue), Mexico (Ramos-Elorduy 1991) Bees and wasps (eggs, Apidae, Vespidae Thailand (Yhoung-aree et al., this issue), pupae, larvae and Ecuador (Onore, this issue), Mexico adults) (Ramos-Elorduy 1991) Order: Hemiptera Bugs (eggs, nymphs, Belostomatidae, PR China (Simoons 1991), Thailand adults) Coreidae, (Yhoung-aree, this issue), Papua New Corixidae, Guinea (Meyer-Rochow 1973), Mexico Pentatomidae (Ramos-Elorduy 1991) Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014

praying mantid (Hierodula sp.; Mantidae) and stick insects (Podacanthinae) in Papua New Guinea, and Ban ( 1978) described the consumption of a wide range of aquatic insect larvae in Thailand. The best-studied country with regard to entomophagy is undoubtedly Mexico, where Ramos-Elorduy and co-workers have identified over 100 edible insect species (Ramos-Elorduy 1991). Excellent monographs on insect species consumed through time by human populations worldwide have been provided by, among others, Bodenheimer (1951), Taylor (1975) and Holt (1988). 292 S.G.F. BUKKENS


Crude Protein Content of Common Food Insects The crude protein content for major insect species consumed is listed in Table II. In all studies examined, protein content was determined as total nitrogen (N) using a conversion factor of 6.25. As can be seen from Table II, caterpillars have a high protein content of about 50-60 g/100 g dry weight, with the exception of the witchetty grub that has a protein content of 22 g/100 g dry weight. Protein content of the palm weevil larvae, the most important food insect among the beetles, varies between 23 and 36 g/100 g dry weight. Within the order of the Orthoptera, protein content varies widely among species with a low of 41 g/100 g dry weight for the locust Locusta migratoria manillensis and a high of 91 g/100 g dry weight for the rice-hopper Oxya verox. The protein content of the ants also varies considerably, with a low of 7.5-25 g/100 g dry weight for the African species and a high of 42-52 g/100 g dry weight for the Colombian species. The protein content of the various termite species ranges between 35 and 65 g/100 g dry weight. Ramos-Elorduy (1991), analyzing the protein content of edible insect species of several different orders in Mexico, reports a protein content (g/100 g dry weight) of 34-72% for the order Lepidoptera, 52-77% for the order Orthoptera, and 20-69% for the order Coleóptera. Among the order of the Hemiptera, the typical Mexican insect dishes "ahuahutle," "axayacatl" and "jumiles de Taxco" have approximate protein contents (g/100 g dry weight) of 58-72%, 54-70%, and 51-70%, respectively. In general the protein content of insects is comparable to that of Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 conventional meats (e.g., beef and pork), which typically ranges from 40 to 75 g/100 g dry weight (INN 1989).

Protein Digestibility It has been suggested that insect protein may have poor digestibility and that therefore the crude protein value for whole insects with hard exoskeletons, such as ants, termites, locusts, and grasshoppers, may not be an accurate measure of the biologically available nitrogen (Dreyer and Wehmeyer 1982, Dufour 1987). The TABLE II Energy, protein, fat, ash and fiber content of some common food insects.

Food insect Country Moisture (g/ 100g Energy Crude proteini1 Total fat Ash Crude fiber edible portion)i (kcal/ 100 g) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w)

Lepidoptera: Z Caterpillar of , ertli2 Angola 9.02 375 48.7 11.1 14.4 N.A. 1 ?o Caterpillar of moth, terpsichore Angola 9.24 371 44.1 8.6 11.8 N.A. H Caterpillar, Nudaurelia oyemensis3 Zaire 7.0 N.A. 56.8 11.3 3.5 N.A. O Caterpillar, Imbrasia truncata1 Zaire 7.3 N.A. 60.0 15.2 3.7 N.A. >z Caterpillar, Imbrasia epimethea3 Zaire 7.0 N.A. 58.1 12.4 3.7 N.A. r Caterpillars, mean (range) of 17 Zaire 81.8 458 66.6 13.9 5.9 N.A. > Saturniidae species4 (73-91) (417-504)* (51.9-79.6)* (8.1-21.5)* (3.8-8.8)* Mopanie worms, Conimbrasia belina5 N.A.5 N.A. 62* 16* 7.6* 11.4* Cd Mopanie worms (dried), Africa 6.1 444 56.8 16.4 6.9 9.6 O Conimbrasia belina6 m Lepidoptera: Notodontidae o African silkworm, Anaphe venata1 Nigeria 6.61 610* 60.03* 23.22* 3.21* N.A. Caterpillars, mean (range) of 5 species8 Zaire 77.7 447 55.3 19.0 5.6 9.0 5 (72-82) (397-485)* (51.6-61.0)* (10.1-26.0)* (4.3-7.7)* (6.5-11)* z Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae ffl 9 O Caterpillar, Anaphe panda Zaire 73.9 543* 45.6* 35.0* 3.7* 6.5* in Lepidoptera: Limacodidae Caterpillar, unidentified species' Zaire 82 397* 69.6* 9.2* 8.5* 8.0* Lepidoptera: Noctuidae Bogong moth, whole, Agrotis infusa10 Australia 49.2 301 26.8 19.8 2.7 N.A. Bogong moth, abdomen, Agrotis infusa10 Australia 35.2 457 21.7 38.8 1.9 N.A. 29 3 Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014

(Continued) TABLE II (Continued) Energy, protein, fat, ash and fiber content of some common food insects.

Food insect Country Moisture (g/ 100g Energy Crude protein1 Total fat Ash Crude fiber edible portion) (kcal/ 100 g) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w)

Lepidoptera: Cossidae Witchetty grub" Australia 38.8 417 13.2 36.2 1.2 N.A. Witchetty grub, Xyleutes sp.12 Australia N.A. N.A. N.A. 38 N.A. N.A. Lepidoptera: Bombycidae Silkworm, Bombyx mori" East Asia 60.7 229 23.1 14.2 1.5 N.A. Ç/5 Spent silkworm larvae14 India 18.9 N.A. 48.7 30.1 8.6 N.A. Coleóptera: Curculionidae p Palm grubs, Rynchophorus sp.15 Colombia 13.7 661? 24.3 55.0 1.0 N.A. W Palm worm, Rhynchophorus Zaire N.A. N.A. N.A. 42.2* N.A. N.A. phoenicis Fabr.16 Sago grub larvae, Rhynchophorus Schach Papua New 62.9W 240<»> 12.1<" 19.1°" 1.0'" N.A. Z 17 (b) (b) t/i Olive Guinea (PNG) 79.2 126*' 7.4°" 91(b) 0.9 Palm weevil larvae, Rhynchophorus Angola 10.75 562 20.34 41.73 2.39 N.A. phoenicis11 Coleóptera: Cerambycidae Grub ("aruk"), larvae" PNG 55.9 266 20.2 19.6 2.2 N.A. Beetles, Polycleis spp., Sternocera spp.6 Africa 56.2 192 27.1 . . 3.7 1.8 6.4 Orthoptera: Acrididae Locust, Locusta migratoria manillensis Philippines 66.3 147 13.7 4.3 2.3 N.A. Meyen20 Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 (Continued) TABLE II (Continued) Energy, protein, fat, ash and fiber content of some common food insects.

Food insect Country Moisture (g/100g Energy Crude protein1 Total fat Ash Crude fiber edible portion) (kcal/100 g) (%w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w)

Locust, Locustana spp.6 Africa 57.1 (raw) N.A. 18.2 21.5 N.A. N.A. 48.0 (fried) N.A. 30.0 10.0 N.A. N.A. 7.1 (flour) 436 47.5 22.9 N.A. 4.9 Grasshoppers, Zonocerus sp.6 Africa 62.7 (raw) 170 26.8 3.8 1.2 2.4 7.0 (grilled, grounded) 420 62.2 10.4 4.6 N.A. Rice-hopper, dried, Oxya verox?1 East Asia 29.8 296 64.2 2.4 3.4 N.A. Orthoptera: Gryllidae Crickets, raw, Brachytrypes Africa 76 117 13.7 5.3 2.1 2.9 membranaceus6 Hymenoptera: Formicidae Ant, female sexuals, Atta sexdens22 Colombia 6.1 628? 39.7 34.7 1.6 N.A. Ant, female sexuals, Atta cephalotes12 Colombia 6.9 580? 48.1 25.8 2.3 N.A. Flying ants (raw), females, Carebara sp.6 Africa 60 N.A. 3.0 9.5 N.A. N.A. Flying ants (raw), males, Carebara sp.6 Africa 60 N.A. 10.1 1.3 N.A. N.A. Ant eggs, 'Itlog langgam'20 Philippines 71.0 128 17.4 3.8 2.8 N.A. Tree ants, 'burgjog', Oecophylla spp." PNG 51.5 122 16.8 4.0 22.9(?) N.A. Tree ants, Oecophylla virescens" . PNG 78.3 111 8.9 5.8 1.3 N.A. Hymenoptera: Vespidae maggots, canned, Vespa singulata11 East Asia 42.6 234 20.3 7.9 9.5 0 Isoptera: Termitidae Termites, soldiers, Syntermes sp.22 Colombia 10.3 467 58.9 4.9 4.8 N.A.

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 (Continued) TABLE II (.Continued) Energy, protein, fat, ash and fiber content of some common food insects.

Food insect Country Moisture (g/ 100g Energy Crude protein1 Total fat Ash Crude fiber edible portion) (kcal/100 g) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w) (% w/w)

Termites, cooked33 Cameroon 5-8 N.A. N.A. 61.1* . N.A. N.A. Termites, Termes spp.24 Kenya 40 414 28.8 32.3 0.9 N.A. Termites, mature alates, Angola 0.94 612 38.42 46.1 6.56 N.A. Macrotermes subhyalinus'* Termites, Macrotermis bellicosus25 Nigeria 6.0 N.A. 34.8* 46.1* 10.2* N.A. Termites, Termes spp.6 Africa 44.5 (raw) 356 20.4 28.0 2.9 2.7 1.7 (dried) 656 35.7 54.3 4.8 N.A. 7.8 (smoked) 579 36.5 44.4 5.4 3.4 b 14.7 (fried) 542 31.8 42.6 5.1 5.2 Va Díptera: Culicidae cd Lake flies (cake), Chaoborus edulis6 Africa 15.7 382 48.6 10.3 4.2 N.A. S Lake flies, flour26 9.8 454 67.0 4.2 11.6 6.7 g : z N.A. = Not available. w * Results expressed on dry-matter basis. 1 Crude protein content in all studies was determined as 6.25 x crude nitrogen content. 2 Santos Oliveira et al. (1976). Traditional preparation of caterpillars: viscera are removed, then caterpillars are boiled, roasted or sundried. Salt is added. Results per 100 g food as consumed. 3 Kodondi et al. (1987a). Caterpillars purchased on local market, traditional preparation of smoking and drying. Results per 100 g edible portion. 4 Malaisse and Parent (1980). Species are: Athletes semialba, Bunaea alcinoë, Bunaeopsis aurantiaca, Cinabra hyperbius, Cirina forda, Gonimbrasia hecate, Gonimbrasia richelmanii, Gonimbrasia zambesina, Gynanisa maja ata, Imbrasia epimethea, Imbrasia macrothyris, Lobobunaea saturnus, Melanocera parva, Imbrasia dione, Imbrasia rubra, Tagoropsis flavinata and one unidentified species. Fresh Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 caterpillars, intestinal contents and hairs removed according to tradition. Samples freeze-dried prior to analysis. Results on dry-matter basis.

{Continued) TABLE II (Continued) Energy, protein, fat, ash and fiber content of some common food insects.

5 Dreyer and Wehmeyer (1982). Gastrointestinal contents of Mopanie worms squeezed out and remains dried in sun. Ground prior to analysis. Results on dry-matter basis. According to Quin (1959), the moisture content of fresh, whole mopanie worms is 83.1%. 6 Wu Leung et al. (1968). Results per 100 g edible portion. 7 Ashiru (1988). Dried, powdered larvae without hairs. Results on dry-matter basis. 8 Malaisse and Parent (1980). Species are Elaphrodes láctea, Drapedites uniformes, Antheua insignata, and two unidentified species of the 2 Notodontidae family. Fresh caterpillars, intestinal contents and hairs removed according to tradition. Samples freeze-dried prior to H analysis. Results on dry-matter basis. g 9 Malaisse and Parent (1980). Fresh caterpillars, intestinal contents and hairs removed according to tradition prior to analysis. Samples g freeze-dried. Results on dry-matter basis. Z 10 Cherikoff et al. (1985). Roasted. ^ " Cherikoff et al. (1985). Cossid larvae found in witchetty bush (A. kempeana), Australian Northern territory. Roasted. < 12 Naughton et al. (1986). Raw or lightly cooked? Results on wet-matter basis. ^ 13 Wu Leung et al. (1972), Dignan et al. (1994). Raw caterpillars. Results per 100 g edible portion. G 14 Rao (1994). By-product of Indian -industry. Raw, whole larvae. Q 15 Dufour( 1987). Smoke-dried. *fl 16 Kinkela and Bézard (1993). Whole larvae, freeze-dried for analysis. Results on dry-weight basis. § 17 Ohtsuka et al. (1984). Foods collected in villages in state in which they are usually eaten (inedible parts removed). For the sago grub g larvae, two samples (a and b) were analyzed. Results per 100 g edible portion. [^ 18 Santos Oliveira et al. (1976). Palm weevil larvae bodies incised and fried whole in palm oil. Termites: wings removed and fried in palm a oil. Results per 100 g food as consumed. on 19 Ohtsuka et al. (1984), Dignan et al. (1994). In state in which usually eaten (raw?). Results per 100 g edible portion. d 20 Abdon et al. (1990). Results per 100 g edible portion. $ 21 Wu Leung et al. (1972). Results per 100 g edible portion. 22 Dufour (1987). Prepared by dry-toasting. 23 Chevassus-Agnes and Pascaud (1972). Sample freeze-dried prior to analysis. 24 Murphy et al. (1991). Results on wet-weight basis. 25 Ukhun and Osasona (1985). Dewinged, raw. Results on dry-weight basis. M 26 Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 Bergeron et al. (1988). Sun-dried, finely stone-ground flour of three different lake flies of the genera Chironomidae, Chaoborus, and 3 Povilla. 298 S.G.F. BUKKENS

exoskeleton of insects is partly composed of , a structural, nitrogen-containing carbohydrate. This component is not hydrolyzed in the human intestinal tract because of the absence of the relevant enzyme, chitinase, and therefore the nitrogen in chitin is unavailable. Poor digestibility of chitin may lead one to expect high values for fiber content of insects, especially those with a hard exo- skeleton. Data on insect fiber content are scarce. Raw termites, raw crickets and raw grasshoppers, insects with a hard exo-skeleton, have fiber contents of 4.9, 12.1, and 6.4 g/100 g dry weight, respectively, similar to the fiber content of caterpillars (with a soft exo-skeleton) which ranges between 6.5 and 11.4 g/100 g dry weight (Table II). These figures suggest that the fiber content of insects is definitely higher than that of other animal products- 'conventional' meat generally does not contain fiber-and similar to that of grains. Few studies have attempted to evaluate insect protein. Dreyer and Wehmeyer (1982) report for dried, traditionally-prepared mopanie worms (caterpillars of the moth Conimbrasia belind) a protein digestibility (D) of 85.8%, an assimilability (A) of 78.8%, and a Net Protein Utilization (NPU = D x A/100) of 67.6%. Compared to other protein sources, this is somewhere between the upper point of the scale (whole hen's egg protein) and the lower parts (beans). Bergeron et al, (1988) estimate the in-vitro protein digestibility of an aquatic insect flour at 91%. Ramos-Elorduy et ah, (1981) assessed the in-vitro protein digestibility for several edible insect species and dishes and found that values ranged from 77.9% to 98.9% [Atizies taxcoensis ("jumiles") 77.9%, Sphenarium Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 histrio ("chapulines") 85.6%, Atta mexicana (ants) 87.6%, "ahuahutle" 89.3, Cossus Redtenbachi ("gusano rojo de maguey") 92.4%, Eucherià socialis 93.5%, Liometopum apiculatum ("escamol") 93.9%, "axayacatl" 98.0%, and Laniifera cyclades 98.9%].


The amino acid composition of some common food insects is listed in Table III. Listed are the 8 essential (indispensable) amino acids, TABLE III Essential amino acid content (in mg amino acid/g crude protein) of some common food insects.

Food insect Ile Leu Lys Met Cys SAA Phe Tyr AAA Thr Trp Val Arg His Limiting Amino EAA acid score

Lepidoptera q Caterpillar, Nudaurelia oyemensis 25.6 82.7 79.8 23.5 19.7 43.2 58.6 75.7 134 44.5 16.0 96 63.5 18.1 Ile 91 ^ (Saturniidae)" Cļ Caterpillar, Imbrasia trúncala 24.2 73.1 78.9 22.2 16.5 38.7 62.2 76.5 139 46.9 16.5 102 55.5 17.4 Ile 86 O (Saturniidae)8 ^ Caterpillar, Imbrasia epimethea 28.6 81.0 74.2 22.4 18.7 41.1 65.0 75.0 140 48.0 16.0 102 66.2 19.7 Ile 102 f (Saturniidae)' ^ Caterpillar, Imbrasia ertli 36.0 36.7 39.3 15.8 13.4 29.2 17.4 13.2 30.6 40.5 8.1 41.9 N.A. N.A. AAA 49 g (Saturniidae)" M Caterpillar, Usta terpsichore 108.7 91.3 91.0 11.3 12.9 24.2 55.9 33.0 88.9 50.8 6.6 75.8 N.A. N.A. Trp 60 § (Saturniidae)b M Maguey worm, Aegiale 49 52 36 10 N.A. N.A. 37 42 79 33 9 47 30 16 Lys 62 2 hesperiaris (Megathymidae)cd (SAA?) r "Gusano rojo de maguey," Cossus 51 79 49 8f 13 2V 40f 53 93f 47 Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 (Continued) TABLE III (Continued) Essential amino acid content (in mg amino acid/g crude protein) of some common food insects.

Food insect He Leu Lys Met Cys SAA Phe Tyr AAA Thr Trp Val Arg His Limiting Amino EAA acid score

Coleóptera: Curculionidae Palm weevil larvae, Rhynchophorus 77.5 58.9 63.9 12.0 10.6 22.6 32.8 13.6 46.4 28.6 5.1 54.9 N.A. N.A. Trp 46 phoenicisb Larvae of Sciphophonts 48.2 78.2 53.5 20.2 26.7 46.9 46.1 63.5 109.6 40.4 8.1 62.0 44.0 14.7 Trp 74 acupunctatus1* Orthoptera: Acrididae "Chapulín," Sphenarium histrio' 53 87 57 7 13 20 44 73 117 40 6 51 66 11 Trp 55 "Chapulín," Sphenarium 42 89 57 25 18 43 103 63 166 38 6.5 57 60 22 Trp 59 purpurascens6 Mexican "Chapulines"' 46 64 52 8 N.A. N.A. 36 32 68 49 10 54 42 21 Lys 90 (SAA?) Hymenoptera: Formicidae Ants, Ana mexicana'* 53 80 49 19* 15 34* 41 * 47 88* 43 6 64 47 25 Trp 55 "Escamol," Liometopum apiculatum'6 49 76 58 18* 14 32* 39* 68 107* 42 8 60 50 29 Trp 73 Isoptera: Termitidae Termites, Macrotermes bellicosus" 51.178.3 54.2 7.5 18.7 26.2 43.8 30.2 74.0 27.5 14.3 73.3 69.4 51.4 Thr 81 Termites, mature alates, 37.179.7 35.4 12.9 9.0 21.9 43.1 36.8 79.9 41.9 7.7 51.4 N.A. N.A. Lys 61 Macrotermes subhyalinusb Hemiptera "Ahuahutle" or Mexican caviar, 50 80 35 15 N.A. N.A. 34 111 145 40 11 60 77 33 Lys 60 0

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 eggs of water bugs (Corixidae) "Axayácatl", adults and nymphs of 59 80 43 16 N.A. N.A. 32 45 77 44 16 55 55 24 Lys, 74 water bugs (Corixidae & Notonectidae)' (SAA?)

(Continued) TABLE III (Continued) Essential amino acid content (in mg amino acid/g crude protein) of some common food insects.

Food insect He Leu Lys Met Cys SAA Phe Tyr AAA Thr Trp Val Arg His Limiting Amino EAA acid score

"Jumiles de Taxco," nymphs of 41 77 31 17 10 27 36 66 102 42 1 73 51 18 Trp 9 Atizies taxcoensis (Pentatomidae)c "Jumiles", nymphs of several 45 62 38 15 N.A. N.A. 25 40 65 28 15 48 29 30 Lys, 66 jo species of Pentatomidaec (SAA?) Díptera § Aquatic insect flour ' 52 79 78 24 8.5 32.5 47 58 105 46 N.A.? 47 69 32 Trp? 0? Leu 120 r Reference pattern 28 66 58 25 63 34 11 35 > c N.A. = data not available. m Kodondi et al, (1987a). Original data reported in mg amino acid/g N, conversion factor used x 1/6.25 = 0.16. o *n Santos-Oliveira et al. (1976). Original data in g AA/16 g N, conversion factor used x 10. m Ramos-Elorduy (1991). Original data in mg AA/16 mg N, conversion factor used x 10. g Ramos-Elorduy et al., (1987). Original data in mg AA/16 mg N, conversion factor used: x 10. 3 FAO (1970). Protein content 15.2 g/100 g meal of caterpillar and 51.6 g /100 g cooked caterpillar. Original data in mg/g N. Conversion m factor used 1/6.25 = 0.16. on Ashiru (1988). Original data in g amino acid/100 g crude protein, conversion factor used: 10. The author explicitly mentions that S methionine and tryptophan are not present in Anaphe larvae, nor is cystine listed with the amino acids present. Rao (1994). By-product of Indian silk-industry. Original data in g AA/16 g N, conversion factor used x 10. 3 Ukhun and Osasona (1985). Dewinged, fresh termites. Bergeron et al., (1988). Flour made by stone-grounding a mixture of three aquatic insects (lake flies) from the genera Chironomidae, Chaoborus, and Povilla. Original data reported on a % w/w (amino acid/crude protein) basis, conversion factor used x 10. Data not consistent in the two publications of the same author. What is listed as methionine in Ramos-Elorduy et al., (1987) corresponds Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 to total S-containing AA in Ramos-Elorduy (1991). Similarly, what is listed as phenylalanine in Ramos-Elorduy et al, (1987) corresponds to total aromatic AA in Ramos-Elorduy (1991). Data listed correspond to those in Ramos-Elorduy (1991). 302 S.G.F. BUKKENS

isoleucine (Ile), leucine (Leu), lysine (Lys), methionine (Met), phenylalanine (Phe), threonine (Thr), tryptophan (Trp), and valine (Val), as well as cystine (Cys), the total S-containing amino acids (SAA = Met + Cys), Tyrosine (Tyr), the total aromatic amino acids (AAA = Phe + Tyr), and arginine (Arg) and histidine (His). Also shown is the first limiting amino acid (not considering Arg and His) and its corresponding amino acid score. The limiting amino acid and amino acid score are based on the pattern of requirement suggested in 1985 by FAO/WHO/UNU for pre-school children (2-5 years) and recommended for use to evaluate dietary protein quality for all age groups, except infants (< 1 year) (FAO 1991) (Table III). Other reference patterns are in use (e.g., hen's egg protein) which may result in different amino acid scores for the same foods, notably with regard to the sulfur-containing amino acids. In the majority of the food insects, either tryptophan or lysine is the first limiting amino acid. However, in some cases lysine and tryptophan are well represented. For instance, some of the caterpillars from the Satumiidae family, the palm weevil larva and aquatic insect flour have an amino acid score for lysine well over 100. In general, the (limiting) amino acid scores for food insects range from 0 to 102. There is no obvious similarity in amino acid pattern among the food insects listed, not even among species from the same order. Also Yhoung-aree et al, (this issue) report that the limiting amino acids vary widely according to the type of insect. In most developing countries, lysine is the first limiting amino acid due to the low content of lysine in cereal staple foods (Table IV) (Hoshiai Kazuo 1995). In some countries such as Mexico, Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 where maize (corn) is an important staple food, tryptophan is the first limiting amino acid. However, local consumption patterns within countries may vary and the limiting amino acids depend on the local staple food(s), especially where the diet is monotonous. Kodondi et al. (1987a) report consumption of caterpillars (Nudaurelia oyemensis, Imbrasia truncata, and Imbrasia epimethea) in a local community in Zaire where cereals are the staple food. The caterpillars analyzed prove to be a rich source of lysine (Table III) and are likely to be of importance in complement- ing the lysine-poor staple protein. In Papua New Guinea, the palm TABLE IV Essential amino acids in some staple foods.

Food item He Leu Lys Met Cys SAA Phe Tyr AAA Thr Trp Val Arg His 1st lim. 2nd lim. EAA* EAA*

Grains Maize (grain, whole meal) 37 125 27 19 16 35 49 38 87 36 7 48 42 27 Lys (47) Trp (64) Millet (grain) 41 96 34 25 24 48 48 32 81 39 20 55 53 24 Lys (59) Thr (115) Rice (milled, polished) 44 86 38 22 16 38 51 34 85 35 14* 61 79 25 Lys (66) Thr (103) Sorghum (grain) 39 133 20 14 15 29 49 27 76 30 12 50 31 21 Lys (34) Thr (88) Wheat (grain) 35 72 31 16 27 43 48 32 80 31 12* 47 49 25 Lys (53) Thr (91) Starchy roots, tubers Cassava (manioc) meal 28 40 41 13 14 27 25 16 41 26 12 33 109 21 Leu (61) AAA (65) Sweet potato 37 54 34 17 11 28 39 23 62 38 17* 45 49 13 Lys (59) Leu (82) Taro tuber 35 74 39 13 26 40 51 36 87 41 14 61 89 18 Lys(67) Leu(112) Yam tuber 37 65 41 16 12 28 48 32 80 36 13 47 76 19 Lys (71) Leu (98)

Data from FAO (1970). Original data in mg/g N, column Chromatographie method. Conversion factor used: x (1/N conversion factor), where the N conversion factor = 6.25, except for rice 5.95 and wheat 5.83. f Trp not determined with column Chromatographie method, value listed is based on chemical or microbiological method. * Based on the 1989 FAOAVHO scoring pattern reported in Table III (FAO, 1991). Amino acid score in parentheses.

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 o 304 S.G.F. BUKKENS

weevil larvae {Rynchophorus sp.) are reported to be an important part of the diet and are consumed in combination with staples such as sago, sweet potato, yam, and taro (Meyer-Rochow 1973, Ohtsuka et al, 1984, Mercer, this issue). Even though the overall amino acid score of the palm weevil larva appears to be poor (46), its amino acid composition nicely complements that of tubers (Tables III—IV). While the protein of tubers is limiting in lysine and leucine, the palm worm is a good source of both lysine (amino acid score 110) and leucine. The limiting amino acids in the palm weevil larvae are tryptophan and the aromatic amino acids, which are well represented in the tubers. Note however that the amino acid composition of the palm weevil larvae listed in Table III refers to a species of Rynchophorus collected in Angola, which may not be similar to that of the species eaten in Papua New Guinea. In many African communities (e.g. in Kenya, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe) where maize is the staple food, consumption of termites is common (Ukhun and Osasona 1985, Murphy et ah, 1991, McGregor 1995). Maize protein is a poor source of lysine and tryptophan (Table IV). The data in Table III suggest that some termite species, e.g. Macrotermes bellicosus collected in Nigeria, may be valuable in complementing maize protein (amino acid score 93 and 130 for lysine and tryptophan, resp.), while others may not (e.g., Macrotermes subhyalinus collected in Angola with first and second limiting amino acids lysine and tryptophan, resp.). Given the variability in amino acid composition of similar species, it is recommended that available data in the literature be used with caution and that where ever possible in dietary surveys the protein quality of food insects be analyzed in relation to the

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 protein quality of the dietary staple.


Insects generally appear rich in fat (Table II). The total fat content for caterpillars ranges from 8.1 to 59 g/100 g dry weight, the highest value referring to the witchetty grub eaten by Australian aboriginals. Among the beetles, the palm weevil larvae (grub or worm) have a very high fat content of about 50 g/100 g dry weight (range 42-64 g/100 g dry weight) (Table II). Also termites are a NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF EDIBLE INSECTS 305

good source of fat with a fat content of about 50 g/100 g dry weight. The fat content of grasshoppers and related species and that of ants is lower and data appear more variable. The fatty acid composition of some food insects is reported in Table V. Data are scarce and limited to caterpillars, palm weevil grub and termites, insects known to be a significant source of fat. The data in Table V show that there is little similarity in the fatty acid composition of related insect species (from the same taxonomic family) collected in different locations. On the other hand, the fatty acid composition of related species collected in the same location is similar. This suggests that the fatty acid composition of food insects is largely influenced by the host plant on which they feed. All food insects analyzed are a significant source of the essential fatty acids linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3).


The few data available on the mineral and vitamin content of food insects are listed in Tables VI and VII. Food insects appear a good source of iron (Fe). For comparison, beef has an iron content of about 6 mg/100 g dry weight (2.1 mg/100 g fresh weight), while the iron content of most food insects lies well above this value (INN 1989). No data are available whether this iron is readily available. The calcium content of food insects is certainly higher than that of conventional meats, although lower than that of whole milk (920 mg/100 g dry weight or 120 mg/100 g fresh weight) (INN

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 1989). The B-vitamins appear well represented in food insects. For comparison, the thiamin and riboflavin content of whole meal bread are 0.16 and 0.19 mg/100 g dry weight, respectively, and for hen's egg these values are 0.42 and 1.2, respectively (INN 1989).


There generally is a scarcity of data on the nutrient composition of edible insects. For instance, the widely-used food composition table TABLE V Fatty acid composition (%) of some food insects.

Foodinsect C14:0 C16:0 C18:0 Other SFA Total C16:l C18:l Other Total C18:2 C18:3 Other Total SFA (n-7) (n-9) MUFA MUFA (n-6) (n-3) PUFA PUFA

Lepidoptera Smoked caterpillar, Nudaurelia 0.2 21.8 23.1 0.2 45.3 0.6 5.6 6.2 5.7 35.6 2.1 oyemensis (Saturniidae)1 Smoked caterpillar, Imbrasia 0.2 24.6 21.7 trace 46.5 0.2 7.4 7.6 7.6 36.8 - 44.4 trúncala (Saturniidae)1 Smoked caterpillar, Imbrasia 0.6 23.2 22.1 0.2 46.1 0.6 8.4 9.0 7.0 35.1 0.4 42.5 O epimethea (Saturniidae)1 Caterpillar, Imbrasia ertli 1.0 22.0 0.4 38.0%C20:0, 22.0 2.0 0.8 20.0 11.0 0.2 2 a (Saturniidae) 1.5% other Caterpillar, Usía terpsichore 2.3 27.4 0.1 29.7%C17:0, 27.4 1.7 0.2 27.2 2.8 0.1 2 (Saturniidae) 7.5% C20:0 Witchetty grub, Xyleutes sp. - 29.4 3.1 32.5 tr 67.1 67.1 0.4 0.4 (Cossidae)3 Spent silkworm pupae 26.2 7.0 33.2 36.9 36.9 4.2 25.7 29.9 (Bombycidae)4 Coleóptera: Curculionidae Palm weevil larvae 2.5 36.0 0.3 2.1 36.0 30.0 0.6 26.0 2.0 trace Rhynchophorus phoenicis1 Palm worm (entire larvae) 1.8 38.0 4.5 44.3 2.5 46.2 48.7 5.0 1.5 6.5 Rhynchophorus phoenicis Fabr.5 Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 (Continued) TABLE V (Continued) Fatty acid composition (%) of some food insects.

Food insect C14:0 C16:0 C18:0 Other SFA Total C16:l C18:l Other Total C18:2 C18:3 Other Total SFA (n-7) (n-9) MUFA MUFA (n-6) (n-3) PUFA PUFA

Isoptera: Termitidae Termites, Macrotermes 0.18 46.54 46.7 2.09 12.84 14.9 34.42 3.85 38.3 bellicosus6 Termites, mature alates, 0.9 33.0 1.4 3.8 33.0 9.5 1.2 43.1 3.0 3.7 Macrotermes subhyalinus2 Termites, boiled7 1.3 28.0 8.5 + 37.8 3.4 48.0 51.4 9.5 1.4 10.9

1 Data from Kodondi et al., (1987a). Caterpillars purchased on market of Kinshasa, Zaire, traditional preparation consisting of smoking and drying. 2 Data from Santos-Oliveira et al, (1976) referring to Angola. Foods analyzed as consumed (traditional preparation). Note that the traditional preparation of termites and palm weevil larvae involves frying in palm oil. Data as reported by authors in percentage of total fat. Note that the sums of the fatty acids listed in the original paper for the four insects analyzed do not add up to 100%. Other pecularities exist with these data: for all four insects analyzed the percentage of palmitic acid (16:0) and palmitoleic acid (16:1), which are listed consecutively by the authors, are exactly the same-coincidence? 3 Data from Naughton et al., (1986) referring to Australian Aborigines, Central Australia. 4 Data from Rao (1994) referring to India. The spent silkworm is a by-product of the silk industry. Whole pupae were analyzed. 5 Data from Kinkela and Bézard (1993) referring to Congo (Central Africa). 6 Data from Ukhun and Osasona (1985) referring to Nigeria. Dewinged, fresh termites. 7 Data from Chevassus-Agnes and Pascaud (1972) referring to North-Cameroon. Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 TABLE VI o Mineral and trace element contents (mg/100 g dry matter) of some common food insects'. oo

Food insect Na K Ca Fe Mg Zn Cu Mn

Lepidoptera: Saturniidae Caterpillar Imbrasia ertli1 2418* 1204 55 600 2.1 254 N.A. 1.5 3.4 Carterpillar Usta terpsichore2 3340* 3259 391 766 39.1 59 25.3 2.6 6.7 Caterpillar Nudaurelia oyemensis1 140 1107 149 871 9.7 266 10.2 1.2 5.5 Caterpillar Imbrasia truncate? 183 1349 132 842 8.7 192 11.1 1.4 3.2 Caterpillar Imbrasia epimethea3 75 1258 225 666 13.0 402 11.1 1.2 5.8 Caterpillars, mean ± sd (range) of 15 141 ±118 975 + 515 75 ±61 different species**4 (50-500) (500-2300)(10-200) 5 P Mopanie worms, Conimbrasia belina 1032 1024 174 543 31 160 14 0.91 3.95 03 Mopanie worms, Conimbrasia belina6 488 613 76.9 C

Lepidoptera: Notodontidae KEN S Caterpillars, 4 species (Elaphrodes láctea, 85 774 50 Drapedites uniformes, Anlheua insignata, 1 fin_Rni unidentified species)4 African silkworm larvae, Anaphe venata Bj 30 1150 40 730 10 50 10 40 Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae Caterpillar, Anaphe panda4 200 450 10 Lepidoptera: Limacodidae Caterpillar, unidentified species4 1600 900 20 Lepidoptera: Noctuidae 1 Bogong moth (whole), Agrotis infusa 43 554 431 N.A. 23.6 260 14 1.6 9 Bogong moth (abdomen), Agrotis infusa 40 488 174 123 16.9 1.1 Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 N.A. 11 •

(continued) TABLE VI (Continued) Mineral and trace element contents (mg/100 g dry matter) of some common food insects'. '

Food insect Na K Ca P Fe Mg Zn Cu Mn

Lepidoptera: Bombycidae Silkworm, Bombyx morimi 15 641 3.1 Z Lepidoptera: Cossidae Witchetty grubs12 5.7 293 29 N.A. 15.0 37 0.4 3.4 N.A. Coleóptera: Curculionidae S Sago grub" 13 304 18 96 N.A. 29 4.9 2.1 0.55 z Sago grub larvae, Rhynchophorus schachxi 7.5(a) 633 47.2 314 8.4 145 5.23 2.09 10.5 87.5

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 f .i (continued) TABLE VI (Continued) Mineral and trace element contents (mg/100 g dry matter) of some common food insects'.

Food insect Na K Ca P Fe Mg Zn Cu Mn

Termites, Macrotermis bellicosus" 117 44.6 28.0 Termites, dried, smoked, fried, Termes 144 dr 793 dr 53 dr spp? 99 sm 71sm 23 sm 94 fr 609 fr 20 fr Hymenoptera: Vespidae Bee maggots (canned), Vespa singulata10 14 366 19 Hymenoptera: Formicidae y Tree ants, Oecophylla sp.iu M 180 541 48 517 21.8 70 10.1 0.87 9.06 b Tree ants, Oecophylla virescens" 270 957 79.7 936 109.0 122.1 16.9 2.17 6.30 ' ÖS Ant eggs18 252 749 6.9 c Diptera: Culicidae G Lake flies (cake), Chaoborus edulis* 166 78 z Aquatic insect flour" 433 1106 296 1220- 1442 187 14.5 5.8 16.4

Listed are: sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), total phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), and Manganese (Mn). Santos-Oliveira et al., (1976). Traditional preparation, see Table II. Original data in mg per 100 g food as consumed. Moisture content see Table II, conversion factors used: 1.0095 (Macrotermes subhyalinus), 1.0991 (Imbrasia ertli), 1.1018 (Usta terpsichore), 1.1204 (Rhynchophorus phoenicis). Ķodondi et al, (1987a). Caterpillars from local market of Kinshasa, Zaire, traditional preparation (smoking and drying). Original data reported in mg /100 g smoked caterpillar. Moisture contents of caterpillars: 7.0 (N. oyemensis), 7.3 (/. truncata) and 7.0 (/. epimethea), conversion factors used: 1.075,1.079, and 1.075 respectively. Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014

(Continued) TABLE VI (Continued) Mineral and trace element contents (mg/100 g dry matter) of some common food insects1.

4 Malaisse and Parent (1980). Fresh, removal of intestinal contents and hairs according to tradition. Freeze-dried. Original data on dry-matter basis. 5 Dreyer and Wehmeyer (1982). Gastrointestinal contents of caterpillars squeezed out and remains dried in sun, then ground. Original results on moisture-free basis. 6 Wu Leung et al, (1968). Original results reported in mg per 100 g edible portion. Conversion factors used: crickets 4.1667; lake flies 1.186; grasshoppers raw 2.681, grilled (flour) 1.0753, fried locust 1.923; mopanie worm 1.0650; termites dried 1.017, smoked 1.085, fried 1.172. 7 Ashiru (1988). Powdered larvae without hairs. Original data on dry matter basis. 8 Cherikoff et al, (1985). Whole moth, water content 49.2%, conversion factor 1.97. 9 Cherikoff et al, (1985). Abdomen only, water content 35.2%, conversion factor 1.54. 10 Wu Leung et al, (1972). Original results in mg per 100 g edible portion. Conversion factors used: bee maggots 1.742, rice-hoppers 1.425 and silkworm 2.545. 11 See also Dignan et al, 1994. 12 Cherikoff et ai, (1985). Cossid larvae found in witchetty bush (A. kempeana), roasted, water content 38.8% (conversion factor 1.63). 13 Ferguson et al, (1989). Sago grubs from local market Papua New Guinea, East Sepik Province. Moisture content 64%. Original data given in mg/100 g edible portion on a dry-weight basis. 14 Ohtsuka et al, (1984). Samples collected in villages in state in which usually eaten. Original results in mg/ 100 g edible portion. Conversion factors used: grub 2.268; sago grub 2.695 (a) and 4.808 (b), tree ants Oecophylla sp. 2.062 and Oecophylla virescens 4.608. Several reported values appear unusual. 13 Abdon et al, (1990). Fresh locust, edible portion, moisture content 66.3%, conversion factor 2.97. 16 Ferguson et al, (1989). Locust purchased from local market in Malawi, Zomba district. Moisture content of fresh (roasted?) locusts 50%. Original data given in mg/100 g edible portion on a dry-weight basis. 17 Ukhun and Osasona (1985). Dewinged, fresh, moisture content 6%. Original data in mg/100 g sample, conversion factor 1.0638. 18 Abdon et al, (1990). Fresh, moisture content 71.0%, conversion factor 3.45. 19 Bergeron et al, (1988). Flour made by stone-grounding a mixture of three aquatic insects from the genera Chironomidae, Chaoborus, and Povilla. Moisture content 9.8 g/100 g flour (conversion factor = 1.109) * Probably salt was added in the preparation of the caterpillars.

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 **Athletes semialba, Bunaea alciroe, Bunaeopsis aurantiaca, Cinabra hyperbius, Cirina forda, Gonimbrasia hecate, Gonimbrasia richelmanii, Gonimbrasia zambesina, Imbrasia epimethea, Imbrasia macrothyris, Lobobunaea saturnus, Imbrasia dione, Imbrasia rubra, Tagoropsis flavinata and one unidentified species. TABLE VII Vitamin content of some common food insects (in mg/100 g dry matter unless stated otherwise).

Food insect Vit A ß-Carotene Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pyridoxine Folie Pantothenic Biotin Cyanocobala (retinol) (Bl) (B2) (B6) acid acid min (B12)

Lepidoptera: Saturniidae Mopanie worms, Conimbrasia 21.6 i.u. 1.71 i.u. 0.58 4.98 11.9 belina' Mopanie worms, dried, 0.053 0.634 0.55 1.99 11.6 Conimbrasia belina2 1 Caterpillar, Usta terpsichore 4.04 2.09 0.33 1 Caterpillar, Nudaurelia oyemensis 32 Hg 6.8 Hg 0.21 3.4 10.1 54 Hg 21.5 Hg 9.5 32.0 Hg 0.015 Hg b Caterpillar, Imbrasia truncata* 33 Hg 7.1 Hg 0.32 5.5 11.8 151 Hg 40.0 Hg 11.0 48.5 Hg 0.027 Hg yi Caterpillar, Imbrasia epimethea* 47.3 Hg 8.2 Hg 0.21 4.3 11.8 86 Hg 6.8 Hg 7.8 24.7 Hg 0.016 Hg 03

Lepidoptera: Cossidae CKEN S C Witchetty grubs5 1.5 Coleóptera: Curculionidae Palm weevil larvae, Rhynchophorus 3.38 2.51 3.36 phoenicis1 Orthoptera: Acrididae Rice-hoppers, dried, Oxya verox6 356 Hg 78 Hg 0.34 7.84 10.0 Isoptera: Termitidae Termites, mature alates, 0.132 1.15 4.63 Macrotermes subhyalinus3 Termites, Termes spp., dried, N.A. dr 0.03 dr 6.07 dr 5.9 dr smoked, fried2 Osm 0.11 sm 0.07 sm 1.95 sm Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 N.A. fr 0.14 fr 3.79 fr 9.81 fr

(Continued) TABLE VII (Continued) Vitamin content of some common food insects (in mg/100 g dry matter unless stated otherwise).

Food insect Vit A ß-Carotene Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pyridoxine Folie Pantothenic Biotin Cyanocobala (retinol) (Bl) (B2) (B6) acid acid min (B12)

Hymenoptera: Formicidae 7 Ant eggs 1.48 2.55 Tree ants, whole, Oecophylla sp.8 0.44 0.98 Hymenoptera: Vespidae Bee maggots, canned, Vespa 0.70 1.08 11.3 ^ singulata6 > Díptera: Culicidae g Lake flies (cake), Chaoborus 1.5 4.1 21.7 edulis2 Aquatic insect flour9 - 1.8 8.9 28.8 g 3 i.u. = international units, ' -' = not present or none detected, N.A. = data not available. Dreyer and Wehmeyer (1982). Gastrointestinal contents of caterpillars squeezed out and remains dried in sun, then ground. Original results on moisture-free basis. Wu Leung et ai, (1968). Original results in mg per 100 g edible portion, conversion factors used: lake flies 1.186, Mopanie worms 1.0650, termites dried 1.071, smoked 1.085, and fried 1.172. Santos-Oliveira et al, (1976). Foods analyzed as consumed (traditional preparation, see Table II). Original data in mg per 100 g food as consumed. Moisture contents see Table II, conversion factors used: 1.0095 (Macrotermes subhyaliņus), 1.1018 (Usta terpsickore), and 1.1204 (Rhynchophorus phoenicis). (Continued) Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 TABLE VII (Continued) Vitamin content of some common food insects (in mg/100 g dry matter unless stated otherwise).

Kodondi et al, (1987a, b). Caterpillars purchased on local market of Kinshasa, Zaire, traditional preparation (smoking and drying). Original ç/i data in mg/100.g smoked caterpillar, moisture contents of caterpillars: 7.0 (N. oyemensis), 7.3 (/. truncata) and 7.0 (/. epimethea), P conversion factors used 1.075,1.079, and 1.075, respectively. Cherikoff et ai, (1985). Cossid larvae found in witchetty bush (A. kempeana). Roasted, water content 38.8%, conversion factor 1.63. c Wu Leung et al., (1972). Original results in mg per 100 g edible portion, conversion factors: bee maggots 1.742, rice-hoppers 1.425. S Abdon et al, (1990). Fresh ant eggs, moisture content 71.0%, conversion factor 3.45. ra Dignan et al, (1994). Original values in mg/100'g edible portion, conversion factor 2.083. tr> Bergeron et al, (1988). Flour made by stone-grounding a mixture of three aquatic insects from the genera Chironomidae, Chaoborus, and Povilla. Moisture content 9.8 g/100 g flour, conversion factor 1.109. Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF EDIBLE INSECTS 315

for use in Latin America (Wu Leung and Flores 1961) does not list any insects. Even the newly-issued national food composition table for Mexico (Muñoz de Chavez et al, 1996) lists only a few edible insects ('Ahuahutle', 'Gusanos de Maguey', 'Jumiles', and 'Sats orugas') despite the extensive work of Ramos-Elorduy on edible insects in this country. The data available show high variability in nutrient composition for related insect species. There may be two reasons for this. First, the chemical composition of insects may depend on the (plant) host on which they feed and hence be location-specific. Second, variability in chemical composition may be due to analytical variability between different studies. In general, the studies quoted provide few, if any, information on the precision of the analyses and in most of the cases single samples were analyzed. In using data on insect nutrient composition, special attention should be paid to the moisture content of the insects analyzed which appears highly variable and affects the chemical composition when expressed on a fresh-weight basis. As a food group, the insects appear to be nutritious. They are rich in protein and fat and provide ample quantities of minerals and vitamins. The amino acid composition of the insect protein is in most of the cases better than that of grains or legumes and in several cases the food insects may be of importance in complementing the protein of commonly consumed grain staples among indigenous populations. Little is known about the possible presence of toxic or anti- nutritional factors in food insects. It has been suggested that consumption of the larvae of the African silkworm {Anaphe venata)

Downloaded by [University of Bristol] at 14:33 27 December 2014 in southwest Nigeria may be implicated in the aetiopathogenesis of a seasonal ataxic syndrome (Adamolekun 1993, Adamolekun and Ibikunle 1994). The presumed presence of thiaminases in the silkworm may cause an acute exacerbation of marginal thiamin- deficiency in the period of availability and consumption of the larvae. Saeed et al., (1993) have argued that contamination of locusts may carry health risks for the people consuming these insects. Insects are unlikely to compete with conventional animal products such as beef and pork, but as a side dish, snack or delicacy—the way they are typically consumed by indigenous 316 S.G.F. BUKKENS

populations—they should be given due importance. Given their high nutritional value, efforts should be made to retain the tradition of entomophagy where it is still alive. Unfortunately, availability of several insects may be in decline because of destruction of insect host trees/plants (e.g., Ashiru 1988, McGregor 1995). Controlled production of selected food insects is a possibility, but requires extreme caution with regard to its possible ecological consequences.


I gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Community (STD TS3.CT92.0065). I would like to thank Maurizio G. Paoletti for his encouragement to write this paper and for his enthusiasm in putting together a special issue on entomophagy.


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Note: Data in Tables VI and VII have been standardized by expressing them on a dry matter basis. Formula used: nutrient content on dry matter basis = nutrient content on fresh matter basis x [100/(100- moisture content)]. All contents expressed in % (g/100 g).