A STEP FROM HISTORY TO SCIENCE A DAY AT LA COUPOLE ! THE HISTORY La Coupole, CENTRE two educational facilities : The History Centre and the 3D Planetarium

HISTORY AND SCIENCE Originally an immense built by the Nazis in 1943-1944 to store, prepare and launch V2 rockets on London, La Coupole became a History Centre in 1997, to understand and analyse the conflicts of the XXth century. 3D The Planetarium was added in 2012 as a natural PLANETARIUM scientific extension to La Coupole, to complement the museum’s history programme. It is possible to remain on the site with your students for the entire day, Your class can: • Discover the large scale temporary exhibition see p.3 • Visit the History Centre see p. 4-5 • See a Planetarium session see p.6-7 • Have lunch in the cafeteria at La Coupole. With prior booking, we can provide an optional packed lunch for €6.70 per person, containing a freshly-made sandwich, ice cream and drink. During your lunch, a picnic room is at your disposal free of charge, with prior booking. 2 WORKSHEETS Practical TEMPORARY EXHIBITION THE HISTORY CENTRE THE 3D PLANETARIUM AND OTHER VISITS information - 3 the the secondary school for vocational training of Lumbres to show the symbolic individual weapons of the Great War. Short texts show the major developments in eachof the areas shown by relying on the jour neys of great scientists. screen Touch tablets allowyou to gain more in depth historical and the at is The image information. technological heart of the scenography. - Itis based around several hubs and deals with the following themes: artillery,chemical weapons, equipment, unit communi aviation, tanks, cations,detection, cryptography, sea warfare and medicine. Each part is organised around photographs andfewa symbolic objects: 75mm a gun, the original glass plates of Marie Curie, etc. For the occasion, a trench was reconstructed by

- On the centenary of the Great La Coupole War, tion entitled “Wars, Science and Technology, It 1914-1945”. has received the “Mission du certification.Centenaire” It intends to demonstrate the scientific and progress twotechnological the during global conflicts. is offering you a large scale temporary exhibi




Until March 2017 Large scale temporary exhibition A journey into 20th century history… Four major themes to tie in with the school History and THE HISTORY CENTRE Science curriculums, are proposed.

THEME 1 THEME 2 THEME 3 THEME 4 A region at the heart of the war (1914-1945) The nazi concentration Total war: the new The Cold War and The region in the Great War camp and genocide system weapons Space Conquest A forgotten front: Nord–Pas-de-Calais was at the heart of the conflict during This theme recalls the different forms At Peenemünde, von Braun’s men The Peenemünde engineers were the 1914-1918 war: part of the region invaded by the Germans in the summer of German repression and analyses the built the first large rocket in history: acquired by the winning nations in of 1914, was occupied for four years. The west of the territory served as a persecution of the Jews and Romanies. the V2. In America, at Los Alamos, 1945 (Americans, Soviets, and also rear base for the British Expeditionary Force. Between the two, a front line A series of photographs, taken when the physicists, lead by Robert Oppenheimer, the French). They took part in the extended 70 km. It was the scene of numerous deadly attacks. The living camps were discovered in 1945, closes the put the finishing touches to the most large military missile programmes conditions were particularly difficult. trail and provides reflection on the impact frightening weapon ever made: the of the cold war: the rocket, coupled Northern France in German hands of this discovery on western civilisation. A atomic bomb. Through the programme with the atomic bomb, became one After the invasion of 1940, the North became the most occupied region in 20 minutes documentary gives an in-depth for these two weapons, the very of the essential foundations of “the France. The population underwent four years of scarcity, lived in fear of the view of the nazi concentration camp and nature of total war was unveiled: balance of terror”. The same men occupier, was deprived of liberty and underwent incessant bombing. Right genocide system. mobilising scientists, manufacturers, were also involved in the great peace from the early months of the war, men and women engaged in the resistance the workforce, propaganda… adventure: the conquest of space. to fight against both Nazi and Vichy regimes.

Loos Train Memorial Memorial of those shot and deported from Nord–Pas-de-Calais Between 2000 and 2003, La Coupole and the “Fondation The Memorial of those shot and deported from Nord–Pas-de-Calais, pour la Mémoire de la Déportation” carried out research inaugurated in 2010, is the fruit of historical research into all the Nazi vic- designed to identify the victims of the final great tragedy tims (those shot, deported due to suppression and persecution and those of the Occupation in Nord-Pas-de-Calais: the last “Loos in the resistance killed under torture) undertaken by La Coupole. It pays train”. Now, thirteen bronze plaques for the thirteen homage to 7,700 men, women and children. On the computer terminals carriages forever record the identity of the 871 men retracing the journey of each of these people, a moving wall of portraits deported on 1st September to the death camps. gives them a face again.

4 “CINEAC” TOUR PATH The Nord–Pas-de- VISITOR’s Calais in german hands CENTRE HISTORY THE (1940-1945) MAP Relive again in images the great moments “REX” TOUR PATH of the German Army Occupation in Northern France…The invasion, the exodus, the daily Hitler’s secret weapons life of the population, the Resistance and the Liberation. and the hidden side of

Projected on a replica of the wall where THE 3D PLANETARIUM hen you have received people were shot in the citadel of , you Discover the programme of the German V1 Wyour audioguide will not forget the poignant letter of a young and V2 secret weapons. headset, the visit begins with 21 year old teacher, 3 hours before falling In Peenemünde, the people of von Braun built a walk through the railway under the German bullets. the first big rocket in history: the V2, a weapon tunnel; here you will discover designed as an instrument of a terror war an exhibition on the Great against civil populations. War in Flanders and the After the war, the Peenemünde engineers Artois region. You will then were captured by the winners of 1945. They AND OTHER VISITS VISITS OTHER AND go 42 metres up in the lift. took part in the great military programmes WORKSHEETS of the “Cold War”. When you enter the dome, you are given the choice of two core themes. Each theme begins with an Ticket price History Centre : audiovisual show, in either €4.50 / per pupil - Free accompagnying the “Rex” or the “Cinéac”. adult for every 10 pupils (€4.50 per information information

additional accompanying adult). Practical Times : 2h00

5 5 years THE 3D PLANETARIUM of fascination Thanks to the financial support of the General Council of Pas-de-Calais, CASO (Agglomeration Community of Saint-Omer), Regional Council of Nord–Pas-de-Calais and the State, La Coupole has a 3D stereoscopic planetarium, enabling visitors to take trips into space and discover the mysteries of the Universe. Equipped with new-generation active 3D glasses and sitting comfortably in one of the 139 angled seats, you will be able to travel among the stars thanks to the 360° hemispherical screen of diameter 15 metres. Live a unique experience that will take you to the frontiers of Mankind, following in the footsteps of Youri Gagarine and Neil Armstrong.

The planetarium show is as follows: The module of your choice, followed by a film

The modules, level by level: Around 20 mins

PRIMARY AND MIDDLE SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHOOL “Galaxy Filaments”: Our “The Solar System”: directly planet seems vast from our point inspired by science curriculums, of view, it is however only a speck of this session allows us to explore the dust in the Universe. In this module, solar system and discuss the latest you can discover the scale of the discoveries. Universe, the Earth and the largest known structures: galaxy filaments, and learn about the solar system and the galaxies.



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t rs e n ta tn s r e ning ho ning a e por p n p €4.50 per pupil - 1 accompanying adult goes adult €4.50 - 1 accompanying pupil per (€4.50 people every forfree young for 10 accompanying adults) additional O group who lets us know their choice. know their who us lets group I The Planetarium PRACTICAL INFORMATION Pric Consult theEducation Department by phone on 27 30 12 +33 3 21 (0) or by [email protected] e-mail: 1 hour a session: of Average duration Im 1 the on depends session the of The theme

y (3D) TE: DY 1944 (3D) DY N

E NO E MA S to fl am to LEA Exclusive session for groups D-DAY, NOR levels school Secondary Upper and Middle June 6, 1944: the largest Allied operation of World War II began in Normandy, fewYet, know in detail exactly why and France. how, from the end through of 1943 August 1944, this region became the world. important the most in location Audiences of all ages, including new generations, will discover from a new perspective how this landing changed world.the Exploring military history, strategy, values, human and technology science, the film will educate and appeal to all. Dre levels school Secondary Upper and Middle Discover the mystery of flight with brothers, Montgolfier Vinci, da Leonardo Wright brothers and other inventors. Experience the adventure and find out how this immense and challenging dream, for which mankind has strived since thebeginning of history came true. Dream to Fly is a poetic story about the history of aviation. It presentsour route to conquering the the skies milestones – both on in terms of technologicalbreakthroughs, as well as our perceptions onflying itself. “general public”. “general P films can be shown on request, with prior booking, The “Earth, Moon ”H2O”, and Sun”, “Awesome Light” and “Billions suns” at times outside those for shows for the

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ris (3D) a ing Monsters (3D) wn o y ge (3D) l ck (3D) F Middle and Upper Secondary school levels 220 million years ago dinosaurs were on their rise to dominating Earth. But another group of reptiles was set to make an extraordinary leap: Pterosaurs were about to take control of the skies. These creaturesfirst flying thevertebrates,were which grew to have a 40 Pol Primary and Middle school levels Polaris is a playful story combining pedagogy and astonishing 3D effects. Addressing astronomical concepts such asthe tilt of the Earth’s axis, planetary types and ice in thesolar system, theshow also introduces key elements of the scientific method. Da Middle andUpper Secondary school levels At the dawn of the Space Age, we trace the milestones of space exploration from Sputnik to Apollo, not forgettingflight of Gagarin and the first spacewalks. the first The show continues with the current state of space exploration and the next envisagedsteps (private flights, manned flights to Mars,...) The film also features some scenes on the training of cosmonauts. a size ofjet. a a d b n

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T W world and influencing the way we live. unimaginable scale and beauty, and reaching it’s down into our impact on our lives. It’s helping us to discover a universe of Space exploration - our greatest adventure - is having a big T levels school Secondary Upper and Middle WORKSHEETS SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL

History PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL Sciences The North of France in the hands of the Germans (from 13 to 15) History Paul, a war child (from 9 to 11) This circuit was devised for primary school final year pupils, to try and From the A4 to Ariane, , help them understand, by studying the history of rockets a scientist in war time videos, photos, objects, what a (from 13 to 15) (from 13 to 18) child’s life might have been like in France during the dark years, La Coupole was designed as the The students discover one of the through the fictional history of a first rocket launchpad in human most famous rocket scientists small boy called Paul. This circuit This circuit for secondary school students helps them history. But what are the rockets of XXth century. But he was a takes the form of four sheets, the first to be filled in to study the part of the museography devoted to “The made of? And how the ancient notorious nazi. A lesson around during class and the following three to be completed occupation of 1940-1944 in the Nord–Pas-de-Calais”. V2 compare with the recent a cruel dilemna: celebrate the during the visit. Several themes are approached and cover the whole Ariane V? master work of a genius or face of the exhibition. In this way, the circuit addresses his dark side... key points of the secondary school syllabus: daily life under the occupation, economic looting, types of resistance and collaboration, repressive politics lead Sciences by the occupier, persecution of the Jews… Scientists during the war (from 16 to 18) From the Earth to the Moon This comprehensive worksheet allows the teacher This circuit, aimed at year 12 • To get the students (from 9 to 11) to study one or other part of the syllabus in-depth and 13 students, deals with to reflect on the during the visit. Emphasis is put on all forms of visual scientists” contributions to consequences of the The XXth century is marked by a major scientific analysis. the war. It presents some of scientists” work their work and the subsequent revolution: the rocket science. Come and • To assist the development consequences. discover how the deadfull V2 weapon turns out of individual reflection on to be the rosetta’s stone of the space conquest. The World wars, 1914-1945 New The educational objectives are personal responsibilities as follows: and ethics in Science (from 13 to 15) • To promote an This dossier is presented in the The first part, 1914-1918, tackles the notions of static understanding of how the form of 6 worksheets enabling warfare, mass violence and total war. The second new weapons work the teacher to adapt to their own part, 1939-1945, deals with the notion of war of You can download teaching notes from teaching approach. the Nord–Pas-de-Calais”. the“Teachers” section of our website


Arc Ô marais by Isnor - The Marshlands The Blockhaus in Eperlecques Mimoyecques With Isnor, you discover the Guided visits or audioguides Fortress Audomarois marshlands near according to the choice stated Mimoyecques fortress, often nicknamed Saint-Omer, one of the last at the time of booking. the “cannon of London” is one of the most marshes still cultivated in Duration of visit: 1 hour 30 impressive constructions designed by France: its fauna and flora, Hitler, just a few kilometres from the farming, architecture, life and Tariffs: €9.50* for two visits Deux Caps site. It was planned to house traditions of the inhabitants... (History Centre + The Bloc- khaus) the V3 supergun, Hitler’s secret weapon, A guide accompanies the which could have destroyed England. Duration of visit: 1 hour The Blockhaus in Eperlecques Journey time pupils throughout the visit is a gigantic construction built from La Coupole: 30 min and adapts his talk to the Tariffs: €10.40* by the Germans in 1943-1944. age level of the group. for two visits (History Centre + ISNOR) Destined originally to launch Teachers receive an V2 rockets, it was transformed Journey time information pack. into a factory for liquid oxygen. from La Coupole: 30 min Le Bon Accueil - The Marshlands

The Arc International glassworks Agincourt Medieval History Centre is impressive by its size and its omnipresence in the Saint-Omer Le Bois des Huit Rues in Morbecque Travel back in time to discover the Middle region. Whether it is coloured (near Hazebrouck): Ages. During your visit, discover the battle VISITS OTHER AND goblets, slim flutes or refined of Agincourt of the 25th of October 1415. WORKSHEETS stemmed glasses, entering In a wood and hidden from the launch site, guides visi- the heart of the Arc factory, view, this launch base for tors through the section An interactive scenography, a giant model, Le Bon Accueil is a family-run business the young visitor discovers an V1 missiles is one of the occupied by the Germans video rooms and an archaeological room located in the heart of the marshlands will transport you to the heart of the most unsuspected universe in the best preserved. The re- to build and install launch around Saint-Omer. famous battle of the Hundred Years War. glow of molten glass. membrance trail set out pads. We provide visits lasting one hour with by La Coupole will help you Three storage shelters for Extend your trip in the medieval period Duration of visit: 1 hour 30 a commentary suited to the children’s understand how the site the V1 can still be seen, with by pedagogic workshops tailored to the leveland an educational booklet. Tariffs: €8.60* for two visits operated. the characteristic shape 3-15 years that will deepen in a pratical (History Centre + Arc) A sign posted circuit with that led these types of ins- and fun way the knowledges addressed The boats have been made safe and in class. Journey time free access, following some tallation to be known as are covered in bad weather.

from La Coupole: 15 min of the concrete tracks on “ski sites”. Contact: +33(0)3 21 47 27 53 Contact: +33(0)3 21 38 35 14 information Practical Practical

*Price may change during the school year 9 Other Practical recommended sites information

Picnic room

Reception Times Memorial sites Sciences and nature Site in 4 languages Open every day all year round From 9 am to 6 pm, from September to The Saint-Omer Centre for Art Nausicaà - National Sea Experience > Warning! In order to enable each school group to visit La Coupole under optimum June. and History Centre From 10 am to 7 pm, in July and August. conditions, bookings are limited to a fixed daily quota. Closed from 1 to 15 January 2017 Museum Sandelin Rando-Rail - The “Rail Ramble” - > Infrared audioguided headset. Lumbres > Picnic tables are available on the site. We et-oeuvres/Musee-de-l-hotel-Sandelin Tickets prices also offer a picnic room, to book in advance History Centre: €4.50 * per pupil. of your visit (free service). We offer the Free accompagnying adult for every 10 pupils Historical Mining Centre - Lewarde The Caps and Marais d”Opale option of a picnic basket for €6.70, including (€ 4.50 per additional accompanying adult). Regional Nature Park freshly-made sandwich, ice-cream and drink (please reserve in advance). In Flanders Fields Museum - Ypres Planetarium: €4.50 * per pupil. > Ensure that each pupil has a pencil. (Belgique) Enerlya - Renewable Energy Free accompagnying adult for every 10 pupils Clipboards are available at reception on (€4.50 per additional accompanying adult). Centre - Fauquembergues request to help the pupils take notes. Canadian Memorial - Vimy > Please leave bags in the coach. * Tariff applies to all primary and secondary schools The paper house - Esquerdes +33 (0) Notre-Dame-de-Lorette The Marsh House - Saint-Omer Historial of the Great War - Péronne Important Eden 62 - Nature Initiatives La Coupole was a place of suffering. Today, it is a place of remembrance. Europeans of today, you who live on a continent at peace, please visit in SILENCE. In the event of incorrect behaviour, the Centre reserves the right to interrupt the visit. In the event of damage, it will take legal action. Please plan for a sufficient number of accompanying organisers and supervise your students during the visit. On presentation of your reservation form, you may carry out a preliminary free visit on a date of your choice.

Picnic area 10

La Coupole rue André Clabaux (D210) 62570 France Tel: + 33 (0)3 21 12 27 27 Signposted itinerary GPS = N50.69844596 E2.2435140 Mail : [email protected] From Lille (1h): motorway A25 exit Booking contact Hazebrouck/Saint-Omer Tél. +33 (0)3 21 93 07 07 Fax +33 (0)3 21 39 21 45 London E-Mail : [email protected]

Dover Educational contact Calais A18 From Calais (45 min): Tél. + 33 (0)3 21 12 27 30 motorway A26 exit 3 Dunkerque A10 Fax :+ 33 (0)3 21 39 21 45 A25 Lille E-Mail : [email protected] A16 Bruxelles SAINT-OMER A26 Arras Douai A16 A28

Amiens A26

A1 From Rouen (3h): Rouen motorway A16, then N42 A13 Reims A4 Paris From Bruxelles (3h): motorway E429 to Lille, then A25 in direction of Dunkirk exit Hazebrouck/Saint-Omer From Paris (3h): motorway A1, then A26 exit 3

Accessibility Rue André Clabaux (D210) - 62570 WIZERNES (5km from Saint-Omer) Tél.: +33 (0)3 21 12 27 27 - E-Mail: [email protected] The entire La Coupole itinerary, History Centre and 3D Planetarium information information tour is accessible to people of reduced Practical mobility.