Stow Maries Parish Council MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 16 TH SEPTEMBER 2019 in The Smythe Hall at 7:30pm

Cllr Hollington welcomed all those present. The meeting started at 7.33 p.m. The Chair stated at this point that it was nice to see so many attend the meeting, but also added that he suspected that it was due to the closure of Wellinditch Bridge and/or the Local Plan changes and would be grateful if people would wait until the Agenda item was reached and he would allow people to speak then. 19/118 CO-OPTION OF PARISH COUNCILLOR a) It was RESOLVED that Mr. Stuart Cooper to be Co-opted onto Stow Maries Parish Council. b) Newly appointed Cllr Stuart Cooper signed the Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting from Agenda item 19/119

19/119 COUNCILLOR ATTENDEES, APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND OTHER ATTENDEES Chairman: Councillor Hollington. Members: Councillors Chappell, Gilmore, M Cooper & S Cooper District: District Cllrs White and Fleming CC CC Penny Channer In attendance: Mrs Sarah Sayer – Parish Clerk/RFO Members of Public: 45 plus only 23 signed in. 19/120 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS a) Cllr Hollington declared an interest in item 19/126 (i). No other interests were declared at this point in the meeting. b) Members noted that it was their responsibility to check their Register of Interests at MDC is up date, any changes must be done within 28 days.

19/121 MINUTES FROM COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 15 th July 2019 a) The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15 th July2019 were reviewed and proposed by Cllr Neil Gilmore and seconded by Cllr Matthew Cooper- approved and signed by the Chair - AGREED 19/122 REPORT FROM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR • Cllr Sue White informed those present that the District Council transformation is rolling on and showing significant financial savings, better delivery of service and continuity is improving. The process changing and there are now different Directors and any issues receive a better and quicker response. • Talking about the closing of Wellinditch Bridge later on but was made aware that there are 128 bridges in Essex that are all needing work carried on them.

• It was mentioned that the Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome Committee meeting was held giving only two days’ notice and therefore was unable to attend due to other commitments. No questions were raised by the public.

19/123 REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR • Army & Navy fly-over has come to the end of its life – C.Cllr Bentley has engineers looking into solutions and a working party will be formed to oversee the project in the most cost effective way. • GCSE results were good.

Signed by the Chairman…………………………………………………………. Dated 21/10/2019 Page 1 of 5

Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 16/09/2019 19/124 QUESTIONS AND POINTS OF INTEREST FROM PRESS AND PUBLIC No questions were raised at this point in the meeting.

19/125 PLANNING a) Planning correspondence received over the course of the month and circulated via e-mail:

i) List of planning applications 29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36 ii) List of planning decisions and appeals 29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36 iii) No decisions or appeals at the time of writing. bi) Clerk informed members that the document detailing historic planning and relevant conditions attached at the Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome was a work in progress.

bii) Clerk informed members that the planning re Building 33 off Hackmans Lane had been approved. No other information available

c) A detailed discussion took place regarding the Draft Local Plan Main Modification Consultation for Chelmsford City Council. Consultation – deadline Thursday 19th September 2019 at 4.45 p.m. The main points raised and were resolved to be put in the response to Chelmsford City Council for an on behalf of the residents of Stow Maries are as follows:-

• Strongly re-iterate the previous response dated 28 th March 2018.

• the proposed development shows its position to abut the Stow Maries Parish boundary, which will have a huge impact on the small rural village and serious consideration should be given to providing a good buffer zone between the two with appropriate planting taking place before the building of these 1000 dwellings commences, in order that the trees/shrubs that are planted will be well established once building has finished. This buffer will also help in blocking out the noise of the building work, dust and pollution whilst building is in progress and hopefully afterwards, helping maintain Stow Marie’s as a quiet rural village.

• Also any industrial buildings should not be positioned on the buffer or traveller sites or fairground storage. It would be more sense to have them placed at the further end of the site therefore having easier access/egress to suitable roads going towards Rettendon and not having to traverse through South Woodham Ferrers more than necessary.

• If this vast building project of 1000 houses and various industrial units, is to go ahead, the pressure on the roads will be immense and a widening of the roads would be required, not just the up-grading of the junctions as suggested in the report and this would also need to be prior to the building starting to allow for the additional HGV movements in and out of the building site which the current roads are not suitable for in their current condition.

• Also improvements need to be implemented at Network Rail. Battlesbridge Station needs to be developed to take into account the numbers that will be living in the new houses, but still travelling up to London for work, and then, of course, there is already a lack of parking at South Woodham Ferrers, Battlesbridge and Wickford Stations.

Signed by the Chairman …………………………………………...….. Dated: 21/10/2019 Page 2 of 5

Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 16/09/2019 • In short the infrastructure is totally insufficient to support the addition of 1000 more houses and industrial units and it is Stow Maries Parish Council Member’s considered opinion that much more thought needs to go into this development North of South Woodham Ferrers as detailed in the Chelmsford Draft Local Plan.

19/126 HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC FOOTPATH ISSUES a) Wellinditch Bridge closure was discussed in great detail; the reason for its closure was that the engineer inspecting the bridge had noticed movement much more significant than usual. Environmental audits will take place twice in six weeks testing for bats; the first test reveals no bats. The repairs on the bridge have been prioritised and funds have been vired to deal with them. The first estimation of 8 weeks has already been extended until after Christmas. Serious concerns were raised by residents about the increased traffic that is speeding down Church Lane and Honeypot Lane, and the HGV’s are ruining the verges.

Residents and members called for clearer signage as it is very confusing.

Email received from Matthew Irwin from Highways with suggested signage and road closures was edited at the meeting and the clerk to reply to his email with the changes and additions as follows:-

1. It was stated and seems to be a very practical idea that really a comprehensive diversion plan needs to be prepared and put in place (yesterday!!!) by HE/ECC Highways taking all the factors into account and the extra strain being put on other roads and parishes, especially now this project is going to take months rather than weeks. People are very worried about the dangers involved in traffic not really knowing what is going on etc. and say it is a nasty accident waiting to happen.

2. It was put to the vote about putting in a temporary one-way system, South down Church Lane and North up Honey Pot Lane. This suggestion was voted against.

3. Honey Pot Lane - needs signs saying closed at both ends and "Access only" signs installed with business as usual signs for the businesses

4. Church Lane - needs exactly the same as Honey Pot Lane. - This lane is closed will be closed on 17 th /18 th Sept for County Broadband and again on 23rd Sept to do with power changes.

5. on the bend opposite Hackmans Lane - there is a sign which says "Diverted Traffic" and an arrow down Woodham Road, needs removing as it is confusing, but in that place a sign clearly stating that Woodham Road is closed and no access to Lower Burnham Road/South Woodham Ferrers due to Urgent Bridge Repairs - business as usual sign there too.

6. Palepit Corner - there are loads of different signs that are confusing, steeple bay caravan park etc. that need removing so that drivers can focus on the diversion information. The signage is right on top of the junction and perhaps needs to warn drivers earlier on the Road as well just before the junction where it is, but needs fewer signs that are clear to the drivers. Stating Woodham Road is closed due to Urgent bridge repairs access to Lower Burnham road/SWF only via Fambridge Road - diversion down Fambridge Road onto Lower Burnham Road.

Signed by the Chairman …………………………………………...….. Dated: 21/10/2019 Page 3 of 5

Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 16/09/2019 7. Edwins Hall Lane - No Access to Stow Maries and No HGV's sign

8. Residents of Cold Norton & should be directed to go via to Palepit Corner.

b) Members did not discuss the implementation of speed reduction hump in Church Lane. Item deferred until next meeting. c) The implementation of a temporary one-way system had already been discussed and voted again. d) Emergency access routes would be implemented by police and highways combined and would depend on exactly where the road blockage occurred. e) No further progress has been made with the road defects on Hagg Hill. Cllr M Cooper requested Clerk to write to owners about the cutting back of vegetation to help through traffic. f) Traffic Calming Measures in the Village – No Change Ref: LMAL172026 – The feasibility study is currently programmed to be completed at the end of November of this year.

g) TruCam:

i) Clerk informed members that there is a huge back-log with the police checking viability of health and safety of the sites for Community Safety Team members to stand and take readings. ii) Timetable of Trucam days and times deferred now until after Wellinditch Bridge is re-opened. iii) No costing could be approved for use of TruCam in Church Lane and Honey Pot Lane as the police had come back and said that there are no viable places for the Community Safety Team to stand and take the readings. h) Wheelie bin stickers : The stickers have been ordered. Clerk awaiting delivery. i) Bridge – Bridleway 24 – No further update available... j) Railway Bridge – Church Lane – Engineer informed clerk that due to Wellinditch Bridge closure, Railway Bridge in Church Lane repairs will be put on the back burner. k) Salt Bag Partnership Scheme for Winter 2019/20 – pallet of salt has been ordered and will be delivered to Cllr Hollington and distributed through-out the village when the bad weather arrives.

19/127 FINANCE a) Members reviewed and signed off reconciliation to end of August 2019 and the September payments and receipts. AGREED b) Clerk informed members that the change of mandate was nearly sorted out. A response needed to be sent with a letter stating that the Chair’s signature is his signature as it has changed over time. c) Members to review the draft General Risk Assessment and let the clerk know of any changes prior to next meeting, so corrections/changes can be made and a copy brought to the next meeting to be agreed. DATE CHQ NO PAYEE DESCRIPTION NET AMT VAT GROSS 16/09/2019 105590 Maldon Dsitrction Council Election costs May 2019 £69.15 £0.00 £69.15 16/09/2019 105591 Sarah Sayer Monthly Salary Sept 2019 Mth 6 £313.92 £0.00 £313.92 16/09/2019 105592 HMRC Months 6 Tax £78.40 £0.00 £78.40 16/09/2019 Sarah Sayer Month 6 Office Expenses £39.66 £0.00 £39.66 16/09/2019 dd Vodaphone Company Mobile Phone Service £17.00 £3.48 £20.91 £448.98 £3.48 £452.89

Total to be transferred for September 2019 Rounded up £500.00

Signed by the Chairman …………………………………………...….. Dated: 21/10/2019 Page 4 of 5

Stow Maries Parish Council: Council Meeting – Minutes 16/09/2019 19/128 ESSEXINFO.NET CLOSING – 31 ST MARCH 2020 Item deferred until next meeting to allow Clerk to collate all the information so that members can make an informed decision.

19/129 DEFIBRILLATOR TRAINING Clerk has been in contact with Dot Parker but a date has not yet been set. Clerk to action before next meeting.

19/130 CORRESPONDENCE No other correspondence other that what is already an agenda item.

19/131 EXTERNAL MEETINGS To receive reports on any external meeting attended by Councillors or Clerk.

19/132 INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING • Clerk to provide information pertaining to additional paid hours to her Contract of Employment. • To report the deep groove at the end of Church lane, when you turn left. • To note that the cutting back of the hedge where the VAS (Vehicle Activated Sign) is the responsibility of Essex County Council Highways and not Mr. R. Martin. • Clerk to write to landowners regarding the cutting back of vegetation on Hagg Hill.

19/133 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – the next meeting should be on Monday 21 st October 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

Meeting closed at 9 p.m. and the Chairman thanked everyone for attending.

Signed by the Chairman …………………………………………...….. Dated: 21/10/2019 Page 5 of 5