Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act Report

Reporting Year From: 1/1/2016 To: 12/31/2016 Reporting Entity Name Enerplus Corporation

Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number E753426

Enerplus Energy Ltd. (E350507), 1030467 Ltd. (E415832), Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary) (E423963), Enerplus Resources U.S. Inc. (E565222), 3104613 Nova Scotia Ltd. (E971960)

Attestation: Please check one of the the boxes below and provide the required information

Attestation ( by Reporting Entity)

In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest I have reviewed the information contained in the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, the information in the ESTMA report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.

Attestation (through independent audit) In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest that I engaged an independent auditor to undertake an audit of the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) and reporting year listed above. Such an audit was conducted in accordance with the Technical Reporting Specifications issued by Natural Resources for independent attestation of ESTMA reports.

The auditor expressed an unmodified opinion, dated [ENTER DATE: YYYY-MM-DD] , on the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) and period listed above. The independent auditor’s report can be found at [INSERT WEBLINK TO AUDIT OPINION POSTED ONLINE – link should be on same page as report link]

Director or Officer of Reporting Entity Full Name: Jodi Jenson Labrie Date: 5/30/2017 Position Title: Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report

Reporting Year From: 1/1/2016 To: 12/31/2016 Reporting Entity Name Enerplus Corporation

Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification E753426 Number

Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if Enerplus Energy Ltd. (E350507), 1030467 Alberta Ltd. (E415832), Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation (E423963), necessary) Enerplus Resources U.S. Inc. (E565222), 3104613 Nova Scotia Ltd. (E971960)

Payments by Payee

Country Payee Name Taxes Royalties Fees Production Entitlements Bonuses Dividends Infrastructure Improvement Payments Total Amount paid to Payee Notes

Canada Government of Saskatchewan $ 1,290,000 $ 10,110,000 $ 1,860,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 13,260,000 Canada Government of Alberta 370,000 6,540,000 3,960,000 - - - - 10,870,000 Government of British Canada 330,000 160,000 640,000 - - - - 1,130,000 Columbia Canada , Alberta 1,190,000 ------1,190,000 Canada , Alberta 870,000 ------870,000 Canada , Alberta 780,000 ------780,000 Canada , Alberta 740,000 ------740,000 Rural Municipality of Canada 730,000 ------730,000 Lacadena, Saskatchewan Rural Municipality of Miry Canada 650,000 ------650,000 Creek, Saskatchewan Municipality of Special Areas, Canada 650,000 ------650,000 Alberta Municipal District of Canada 610,000 ------610,000 Wainwright, Alberta Rural Municipality of Laurier, Canada 480,000 ------480,000 Saskatchewan Rural Municipality of Snipe Canada 340,000 ------340,000 Lake, Saskatchewan Rural Municipality of Canada 310,000 ------310,000 Clinworth, Saskatchewan Canada City of , Alberta 180,000 120,000 - - - - - 300,000 Canada , Alberta 270,000 ------270,000 Rural Municipality of Canada 220,000 ------220,000 Riverside, Saskatchewan Canada Lac Ste. Anne County, Alberta 200,000 ------200,000 Rural Municipality of Lomond, Canada 200,000 ------200,000 Saskatchewan Municipal District of Provost, Canada 180,000 ------180,000 Alberta Canada Starland County, Alberta 180,000 ------180,000 Canada , Alberta 180,000 ------180,000 Canada , Alberta 180,000 ------180,000 Rural Municipality of Fox Canada 170,000 ------170,000 Valley, Saskatchewan County of Vermilion River, Canada 150,000 ------150,000 Alberta Canada County of Stettler, Alberta 150,000 ------150,000 Canada Clearwater County, Alberta 140,000 ------140,000 Collects, accounts for and verifies natural resource Office of Natural Resources USA - 58,510,000 500,000 - - - - 59,010,000 and energy revenues due to American tribes and Revenue the U.S. Federal Government. USA State of North Dakota 27,480,000 - 280,000 - - - - 27,760,000 USA State of Montana 6,690,000 360,000 200,000 - - - - 7,250,000 Fort Berthold Indian USA - - 5,780,000 - 120,000 - - 5,900,000 Reservation, North Dakota USA Richland County, Montana 200,000 170,000 - - - - - 370,000 $ 46,110,000 $ 75,970,000 $ 13,220,000 $ - $ 120,000 $ - $ - $ 135,420,000

Notes: (1) All payments are reported in Canadian dollars (the reporting currency of the reporting entity). Payments made in currencies other than Canadian dollars have been translated using a 12 month average exchange rate during the period. The rate used to translate U.S. dollar payments to Canadian dollars is 1.325. (2) Payments included in this report include gross payments made by Enerplus in its capacity as operator, which include payments made on behalf of joint venture partners. Payments made by other operators on behalf of Enerplus for non-operated properties are not reportable. Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report

Reporting Year From: 1/1/2016 To: 12/31/2016 Reporting Entity Name Enerplus Corporation Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification E753426 Number

Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if Enerplus Energy Ltd. (E350507), 1030467 Alberta Ltd. (E415832), Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation (E423963), necessary) Enerplus Resources U.S. Inc. (E565222), 3104613 Nova Scotia Ltd. (E971960)

Payments by Project

Country Project Name Taxes Royalties Fees Production Entitlements Bonuses Dividends Infrastructure Improvement Payments Total Amount paid by Project Notes

Includes waterflood assets in Alberta and Canada Oil $ 5,190,000 $ 16,640,000 $ 1,780,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 23,610,000 Southwestern Saskatchewan Includes deep gas assets in British Columbia and Canada Gas 6,550,000 290,000 4,680,000 - - - - 11,520,000 Northern Alberta, and shallow gas assets in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Includes properties in Fort Berthold and Elm USA West 34,370,000 59,040,000 6,760,000 - 120,000 - - 100,290,000 Coulee. $ 46,110,000 $ 75,970,000 $ 13,220,000 $ - $ 120,000 $ - $ - $ 135,420,000

Notes: (1) All payments are reported in Canadian dollars (the reporting currency of the reporting entity). Payments made in currencies other than Canadian dollars have been translated using a 12 month average exchange rate during the period. The rate used to translate U.S. dollar payments to Canadian dollars is 1.325. (2) Payments included in this report include gross payments made by Enerplus in its capacity as operator, which include payments made on behalf of joint venture partners. Payments made by other operators on behalf of Enerplus for non-operated properties are not reportable.