Christ-Centred: Growing in Faith, Love and Service Goring Parish News Printed GPN Copy: £1 April / May 2020 Issue 70

St Mary's and St Laurence's Churches, Parish of Goring-by-Sea, West Sussex. Registered Charity 1131418

Website – Facebook:

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

- John 11:25

Holy Week

This issue, shortened owing to the Coronavirus outbreak, includes:

2 Editorial - Copy Deadline Date for Next Issue GPN 71. 16 The Children’s Society 3 From the Vicar – Father Keith Littlejohn 17 Social Activities - Burns’ Night Report 4 News from the Diocese - Festival of Flowers Plans 17 Singing For Fun—Important notice 5 Wardens’ Warblings / Important Notice on Church Services 18 Christian Aid Week 6 Diary of Notable Dates and Lectionary Readings - April/May 19 Parish Giving Scheme / Marmalade 7 ‘Carol for Spring’ - a poem by Val Tree 20-21 Church Mission Society (CMS) Newsletter No.19 8 Planning for the future of the Parish 22 Thanks from Alison Evans / Baptisms / WTS Lectures 9 Visioning Day Report 23 Younger Readers’ Corner 10 Christian Breadcrumbs 30 - “Holy Week and Good Friday” 24 Traidcraft News / Prayers for Sharon Wilcox (CMS) 11 Parish Mission Giving in 2020 25 St Mary’s Social Circle / Smarties Toddler Group 12 - 13 Parish Mission Focus - April to June: Worthing 4 Refugees 26 Some Good News 14 Nature Watch 27 Church Halls / And Finally by Bill Tree 15 Parish Facebook page / APCM Notice / Impact of Covid-19 28 Parish Contacts (with updates)

Editorial.... Welcome to the latest issue of Goring Parish News. Please take time prayerfully to consider the implications of its contents, and determine what we, the Church in Goring, can offer to promote the love of God in this place.


Up to and including this issue, GPN has been published every other month. However, with the increasing use of the Parish website, Facebook page and the new Pew Sheet to notify dates of, and report on, Church Events, coupled with the change of emphasis of our Mission Support to concentrate on more meaningful quarterly support, plus increasing pressures on Editorial Team members’ time, it has been decided to issue GPN quarterly from the next issue, GPN71. This means that all notices submitted for inclusion in GPN shall be required to cover the following three month’s. As and when things, hopefully, get back to some degree of normality, where we are notified in good time by organisers of church events, GPN will continue to advertise such activities. However, you may refer to any of the aforementioned means of communication for the latest news from the Parish and any subsequent, short-notice, changes to dates/times published in GPN. We hope you will enjoy the interesting articles and news included here. We strive to inform, entertain and challenge in equal measures: please let us know how we are getting on. We have received many favourable comments regarding printing in colour, and we welcome your feedback, suggestions and submission of further articles.

The next Goring Parish News, Issue no. 71

Edition Copy Deadline* Issue Date

June/July/August 2020 * Tuesday, 5th May Sunday, 31st May

We thank those of you who have supplied articles for inclusion. These are appreciated. The photographs, especially, we hope you agree, make GPN more attractive to read: please keep them coming. If you do not wish for your photo, or that of your child, to appear in GPN or on the Parish website, please contact one of the Clergy, Churchwardens or a member of the Editorial Team to have that request formally recognised. We apologise to anyone whose contribution to this edition of GPN has had to be held over to a later issue. We are really grateful to the many contributors who make our job such a joy. Preferably, articles should be sent electronically, to [email protected] Alternatively, handwritten or typed articles should be sent to the Parish Office. *Articles received after this date will only be included if time and space permit. It would help us enormously if you could please send copy well in advance of this date. GETTING YOUR OWN ELECTRONIC COPY If you would like to receive the email version of Goring Parish News, please send your email address to [email protected]. You will be asked to complete a form by return, which can also be found at the back of church, or on the parish website. This ensures compliance with the requirements of GDPR. To be sure GPN arrives in your inbox each month, please then add the above email address to your contacts list. GPN, including back issues and supplementary articles, can also be found on the Parish website: Items for the weekly Parish Update Sheet should be sent to reach the Parish Office by 11:00 on Wednesdays. Email to: [email protected] Please do not send them to Goring Parish News. Goring Parish News is published by Goring PCC Parish Office, 16 Ilex Way, Goring-by-Sea, Worthing, BN12 4UZ Goring Parish News is printed by West Park School whose support we gratefully acknowledge. The Editorial Team 2

From the Vicar — Father Keith Littlejohn

My dear brothers and sisters, “ The Church is changing”

You do not need your vicar to tell you that we are living in strange times! We have received a communication from the Bishop of Chichester informing us that all public worship is to be suspended until further notice. This will include Holy Week and Easter. Clearly, this is very sad news for all of us, but it is a necessary decision, under the present circumstances. We know, of course, that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, and we firmly trust that the Holy Spirit will show us, in the weeks and months to come, creative ways to go on celebrating, living and enjoying the good news. The amazing technology of the present time offers us many ways to do this, and the churchwardens and others are presently looking at what systems will facilitate worship, prayer, and our on-going fellowship; we will let you know more about this as soon as we can. We are a church with a beating pastoral heart, and in this season of “ self-isolation,” raised anxiety and increased suffering, we must work together to ensure that we continue to be a compassionate presence, for all people, in our community, especially for the most vulnerable. Again, the pastoral team, the wardens and myself will consider how this is best achieved. I know that you will already be praying for and offering practical help to those in need. It is worth saying that Christians have always continued, in the most testing of conditions, to proclaim and live out the reality of the gospel of Christ - the Holy Spirit will give us grace to do so today, of that we can be sure. Finally, may I encourage all of you to read the letter written by our Archbishops Justin and John: I will be in touch (how easily we use that phrase!) again very soon. Please be assured of my constant prayers for you all. Yours in the love of Christ,

Father Keith, Vicar


Parish Office opening hours...IMPORTANT NOTICE... In order to protect the volunteers that man the Parish Office from possible contact with Coronavirus (Covid-19), it has been decided that the office will remain closed until further notice. Nothing, especially money, should be put through the letterbox. If you have anything that needs to be handed in, please email the Parish Office or phone to arrange for someone to be able to receive it. Tel: 01903-709163. The answer-phone will be monitored every few days but the best way to contact the Parish Office is by email: [email protected]



Realms of Glory at Chichester Cathedral's Flower Festival But for the restrictions imposed due to the Coronavirus outbreak, Chichester Cathedral was due to play host to the renowned Festival of Flowers from 28th – 30th May 2020. Over 200 flower arrangers have been working hard to put together a programme of 80 outstanding flower arrangements in the Cathedral.

Returning as Designer of the Festival of Flowers 2020, Mrs Lyn Robinson describes the theme of the Festival as ‘Realms of Glory’, featuring quotations from the Bible, Psalms, Hymns, Carols and Prayers in picturesque tableaux, gardens and pedestal arrangements. These included a ‘Garden of Eden’; the sailing of the ‘Mayflower’ to America 400 years ago; Summer, Autumn and Winter gardens; an Easter Garden; a Rainbow; a Heavenly Feast, and Angels in the Cloisters amongst many other displays. Once again the internationally renowned sculptor, Philip Jackson, is due to exhibit his work. Star of stage and screen, Hugh Bonneville is the 2020 Patron and he was delighted to be involved with this spectacular event ‘With treasured memories of visiting past festivals - with their extraordinary displays of awe-inspiring beauty, ingenuity and quirky imagination - I am honoured to be Patron of the Festival Flowers at Chichester Cathedral 2020". The Cathedral’s Festival of Flowers is a biennial event organised by Chichester Cathedral Restoration and Development Trust. The Festival normally attracts 15,000 visitors and has raised over £1million towards the cost of restoration work over the past twenty-two years. Sponsorship for this event will maximise the money raised. The Cathedral Trust is delighted to have the support of Title Sponsor Rathbones Investment Management. The Festival of Flowers 2020 was due to be a three day spectacular, where visitors could browse the magnificent flower arrangements in the Cathedral and environs, the stalls in the Festival Market, partake of the delicious refreshments in Café des Fleurs and even buy a bouquet to take home. Obviously, since measures owing to the Covid-19 outbreak were introduced by HM Government, this will no longer feasible in its original format. GPN hopes that consideration might being given to staging the festival, including a programme of lively accompanying music, behind closed doors, and to live-streaming of the event over the internet. Look out for further announcements from the Diocese. Ed.



Warden’s Warblings

Is there such a thing as a “quiet time of the year” as far as the Wardens are concerned? It is nearly a year since I took office at last year’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). What has surprised me is the breadth and challenge of the job! I am very thankful for having a co- churchwarden in Gill, who has led me very gently this past year.

There is no denying that we are being led by God into exciting times for the Parish, as evidenced by the increasing number of families attending the Family Services at both churches; the re-establishing of our relationship with the local Scouts; the growing awareness of spirituality within the congregations; people returning to church through the Games Afternoons run at St Laurence’s; and the new Parish Vision to be launched at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Monday, 27th April. (Further details of this meeting are to be found elsewhere in this edition of GPN).

The Parish Church Council (PCC) works on a rolling succession of three places becoming vacant each year. Nomination forms for Churchwarden, Deanery Synod and PCC members are in the Churches. Please think very seriously about the gifts you can bring to the Church Council and its committees and if so led, put your name forward for the PCC. As mentioned before, there are three vacancies for the PCC. This year, there will also be elections for a new Deanery Synod. The Parish has four places to be filled on the new Worthing Deanery Synod. Churchwardens are elected on a yearly basis at the meeting formally known as the Vestry Meeting, held immediately prior to the APCM.

Local Wardens for St Laurence’s are elected during the APCM. At the time of the deadline for this issue, some “small works” repairs will be commencing shortly at both Churches. In the next issue there will be updates on St Mary’s Church Hall and all the gardens. Janice Lelliott Churchwarden

IMPORTANT INFORMATION - CHURCH SERVICES Considering the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice. We regret that this means we shall not be holding any services in either of our churches, including those at Easter, for the foreseeable future. We hope to be able to offer some ‘remote’ worship options, please see the notices at both churches or refer to our website for further updates. You can read the full detail of the advice to churches on The Church of England website: become-radically-different-public-worship

5 Diary of Notable Dates and Lectionary Readings All public worship is suspended until further notice.

Date April 2020 Date May 2020 Sun 5th Palm Sunday Fri 1st St. Philip and St. James, Apostles Mon 6th - Sun 3rd The Fourth Sunday of Easter Sun 12th Holy Week Sun 10th The Fifth Sunday of Easter Thur 9th Maundy Thursday Thur 14th St. Matthias, Apostle Fri 10th Good Friday Sun 17th The Sixth Sunday of Easter Sun 12th Easter Day Thur 21st Ascension Day Sun 19th The Second Sunday of Easter Sun 24th The Seventh Sunday of Easter Thu 23rd St. George, Martyr, Patron of England c.304 Sun 31st Pentecost Sat 25th St. Mark the Evangelist The Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth Sun 26th The Third Sunday of Easter

The following Lectionary Readings are those set by Church of England. We hope you will be able to read them at home during the time services are suspended.

Dates Morning Evening 5 April Isaiah 50: 4-9a / Philippians 2: 5-11 Psalm 80 Palm Sunday Liturgy of the Passion Isaiah 5: 1-7 Matthew 26: 14-end of 27, or Matthew 21: 33-end R Matthew 27: 11-54 9 April Exodus 12: 1-14 Maundy Thursday 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 W John 13: 1-17, 31b-35 12 April Acts 10: 34-43 Easter Day Colossians 3: 1-4 W John 20: 1-18 or Matthew 28: 1-10 19 April Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 Psalm 30: 1-5 Second Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 1: 3-9 Daniel 6: 6-23 W John 20: 19-end Mark 15:46 -16:8 26 April Acts 2: 14a, 36-41 Psalm 48 Third Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 1: 17-23 Haggai 1: 13 - 2: 9 W Luke 24: 13-35 1 Corinthians 3: 10-17 3 May Acts 2: 42-end Psalm 29:1-10 Fourth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 2: 19-end Ezra 3: 1-13 W John 10: 1-1 Ephesians 2:p 11-end 10 May Acts 7: 55-end Psalm 147: 1-12 Fifth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 2: 2-10 Zechariah 4: 1-10 W John 14: 1-14 Revelation 21: 1-14 17 May Acts 17: 22-31 Psalm 87 Sixth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 3: 13-end Zechariah 8:1-13 W John 14: 15-21 Revelation 21:22 -22:5 21 May Acts 1: 1-11 Ascension Day Ephesians 1: 15-end W Luke 24: 44-end 24 May Acts 1: 6-14 Psalm 47 Seventh Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 4: 12-14, 5: 6-11 2 Samuel 23: 1-5 W John 17: 1-11 Ephesians 1: 15-end 31 May Acts 2: 1-21 Psalm 67 Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12: 3b -13 Joel 2: 21-end R John 20: 19-23 or Acts 2: 14-21 John 7: 37-39

Coffee Time on Thursdays is suspended until further notice.


7 Planning for the Future of The Parish

Parish Plans for 2020-2022

The draft plan was put to the PCC at the meeting on December 9th 2019 and received unanimous support. We are all very excited about the opportunity to grow and develop as the body of the church in Goring. Our plans include some opportunities for us to develop our faith and also to reach out to those less fortunate within our community (and beyond). The Parish of Goring by Sea aims to be: Christ Centred growing in Faith, Love and Service.

Our vision is to become an outward looking and thriving Christian community, exploring the joy of God’s love through inclusive, creative worship and service within the Goring area. The plan focuses on three areas:

• Worship

• Outreach

• Nurture Overleaf is a summary of the actions and initiatives within the plan. Please remember these are to be achieved within the next two to three years, not all at once. Also it is a plan: nothing is ‘written in stone’. We must continue to pray and to listen to God’s guidance as to what he would have us do here in Goring. The draft plan is available for you to see at the back of both churches. We aim to review the various current committees and working parties and more closely align them with the three areas of focus: worship, outreach and nurture. The aim of this is to be more action-orientated and less committee-driven – less talking and more action. There are obviously implications for finances and for our buildings in connection with delivering the plan. The relevant committees will be looking at these to arrive at a way of supporting the initiatives and actions planned. The APCM, at which you may hear a full presentation of our plans and how you can be involved in this exciting development within your parish, was scheduled for Monday, 27th April. However, the APCM is postponed until further notice owing to the Covid-19 situation. We are looking at our growth and development as under three headings: Worship, Outreach and Nurture. Before we finalise the plans, we recognise the need to undertake further work in gaining the views of the wider community on how we can we serve them best. Overleaf are some of the ideas in no particular order at this stage.

Continued overleaf……….. 8 Report on Visioning Day

Worship Outreach Nurture

• establish a cross-parish • pop-up café in Advent • using social media to working party for worship explain our faith and our • social events focused on services • review service times and young people and venues families. (Film and pizza • confirmation course evening, Parish Walk and designed to include • review and revise the BBQ etc.) distance-learning and orders of service support groups • promote diocesan youth • review the lay roles in events • further house groups services established • engaging men (Dads and • provide a variety of children’s morning, Men’s • First Communion groups worship and services group, Men in Sheds etc.) established at both (Taizé, Meditative, schools and within the Healing, Youth services • links with LA social care, church etc.) and organisations working with those in need e.g. • introduce new teaching/ • further engagement of FSW local support worker learning event (e.g. Book schools, uniform groups group, Film Group, Course and community groups in • events held building on or event to equip us to our services quarterly mission focus share our stories/

• Year 6 students attend • develop our links with testimony) Thursday morning Mulberry Pub, community • pilgrimages and retreats service/ coffee-time after groups and hall-users, (local, Shrines and Holy SATs schools land)

• explore need for Sunday • establish a link with • linking with other school Northbrook College to churches in the Diocese focus on a specific project • First Communion Service for events and teaching of event

• establish links with • give starter packs, Bibles • develop the Molson Nazareth to Baptism, First Garden as a Parish Facility Communion, Confirmation for contemplation, rest and healing

Gill Keevill and Janice Lelliott, Churchwardens

9 Christian Breadcrumbs 30 by The Very Reverend C.R. Campling, Dean Emeritus of Ripon

Holy Week and Good Friday

The sacrifice of Christ

The climax to the life of Jesus of Nazareth came in his last week, which we call ‘Holy Week’. It culminated in his death by crucifixion on ‘Good’ Friday. We are told that after his triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he went to the Temple, drove out the traders who were abusing it, spent the early days of the week teaching in the Temple, had his ‘Last Supper’ with the disciples and took them out to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives where he was betrayed and arrested. The Gospel accounts of his betrayal, arrest, trials, condemnation and crucifixion make it clear that although he did not wish to die he allowed evil to take its course and inflict its worst upon him, as he prayed to God, “not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22.42). Throughout his life God’s love had been working through him making an impact upon the society he was living in, to bring comfort, healing, forgiveness, and understanding to those who came to him in faith. Where there is impact there is also reaction. (Bang your fist against a brick wall and you will find it so). Throughout his life Jesus made the impact of God’s love upon the world. The world in its wickedness reacted, as lust for power, professional jealousy, dishonesty, lack of integrity, the fickleness of popular opinion, betrayal by friends, and the soldiers’ cruelty brought about his death on the cross. The Gospels record some of his words from the cross. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”:1 this for the soldiers, but Jesus may have had more people in mind. His beloved disciple John and his mother Mary were present at the scene. Jesus’ love for them brought them together, as he told them to look after one another.2 When the criminal who was being crucified with him showed remorse and recognized Jesus as his ‘King’, Jesus comforted him with the promise that he would meet him that day in Paradise.3 Feeling as a human being the estrangement from God that evil brings about, Jesus cried out (quoting Psalm 22) “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” 4 Then in his physical agony he shouted, “I am thirsty” – only to be met by further cruelty.5 In the end he cried, “It is finished (accomplished)” 6 and “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”.7 And so, “breathing his last”,8 Jesus died. In this way he paid the price for the impact of his love upon the world in its needs and wickedness; and the result was the victory and outpouring of that love upon the human race for the benefit of all who live by it. No wonder St. Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth that Christ crucified was “the power and the wisdom of God”,9 and we call this Friday ‘Good’.

1 Luke 23.34 3 Luke 23.39-43 5 John 19.28 7 Luke 23.46 9 1 Corinthians 1.24 2 John 10.26-7 4 Matthew 27.46 6 John 19.30 8 Matthew 27.50

Editor’s footnote: Fr. Christopher’s books “Christian Breadcrumbs” and “Sonnets of Faith” were both available from the Parish Office for £5 per copy. These may be ordered directly from Fr. Christopher - Tel:(01903 246598). All profits from sales of both books will be donated to a local hospice and the parish. 10

Mission Giving 2020 We are pleased to be able to tell you about the review and refocusing of our mission-giving in the parish. Fr Keith was encouraged when he joined the parish last year to see our active approach to mission giving. He felt we could build on what we were doing and make our mission-giving more missional with improved relationships and greater visibility. The desire is to link our mission- giving more closely with the mission and vision of the parish; to build partnerships with the organisations we support and make their work more visible. He focused our minds at the start of our meeting with the following reading:

James 5 1-6: Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.

After discussing how best to approach this we determined that we should support fewer organisations and do activities in support of them over the year. Therefore we shall in future have a ‘quarterly focus’ as opposed to the current ‘monthly focus’, as follows:

Jan-Mar A community led homelessness organisation (formerly Worthing Churches Turning Homeless Projects) with the mission to end homelessness. Tides Apr-June A group of local Christians who have a vision for the Worthing area to be a Worthing 4 place of welcome, safety, integration and justice for refugees. Refugees July-Sept Helping families in Sussex to overcome their difficulties and prevent crisis; Family supporting families struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, Support learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse. Work Oct-Dec Taking care of 2435 orphans and widows in 737 households; aiming to school, feed and clothe as many orphan children as possible, starting in Izulu Orphan Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, and positively to impact the locals by offering Projects them firstly education, and then healthy meals coupled with family social support.

We shall, in addition, continue our relationships with and support of Church Mission Society and Christian Resources Mission https:// We therefore shall be supporting six organisations through prayer, donation and activity in 2020. We are delighted that the PCC was enthusiastic about this change and approved the proposal we put forward. The PCC agreed to support these organisations with donations of £870 each, a total of £5220.

We are excited to develop this new approach with you all throughout 2020 so please look out for updates and activities with which you can get involved during this year.

Ruth Jepson, Chair, Mission-Giving


Continued overleaf ….


13 Nature Watch: April/May 2020

I’m writing this piece in February, when it is still This Heron was enjoying the small lake in the park. raining, so I hope the weather will have improved One lady told me that he caught such a large fish that considerably by the time you read this. he had several abortive attempts to swallow it before taking into the bushes to try once more!

A delightful sign of early spring was this clump of Snowdrops in the churchyard. Back home it has been much quieter for the birds but We had a stay in Madeira at Christmas which was so the feeder does attract almost constant attention. much milder and full of colour. In two parks in The small birds like to wait in a shrub close-by before Funchal there are numbers of Monarch butterflies taking a seed, only to take it into the shrub for cover like this one: to eat.

They seem to float in the air before parachuting into Finally, a male Blackcap (below) has been to the the flowers. There are also numerous lizards. They feeder but not for long, nor frequently. seem to fill every little crevice amongst the stones and rocks.

I always enjoy seeing our winter friends but hope next time we shall have some summer visitors.

God Bless, David Burt [email protected]

(Photos 14 Official Goring Parish Facebook page and Instagram Our Parish has an official Facebook page! It’s called St Mary’s and St Laurence’s Churches, Parish of Goring-by-Sea, West Sussex, and includes all our latest news. We are now on Instagram too: goringbyseaparish Fr Keith, Pam Chilton, Lucinda Cox, Kate Henwood and Ruth Jepson are the administrators of the page. Please contact us with any comments or suggestions. Please also share the page and its postings with your friends!

Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Monday, 27th April 2020

This year's Annual PC meeting, scheduled to be held in St Mary's Church, has been postponed until further notice.

A meeting for ALL parishioners, known as the Vestry Meeting, was scheduled to take place to elect the Churchwardens for this coming year. This is normally followed immediately by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). This year’s APCM was especially important, as we were to have had the opportunity to hear about the new Mission Action Plan which is based on your ideas for the future of the Parish from when we met for the Visioning Day last October. As you are probably aware, the APCM has been postponed until further notice. But if you feel called to serve the Church as a member of the PCC please do not hesitate to speak to Father Keith or one of the Churchwardens.

Gillian Keevill and Janice Lelliott

Given the impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) changes rapidly, and that GPN had to go to press on 20th March, please be aware that anything might change at short notice and affect information carried herein. It is therefore essential that you check the up-to-date information on either Facebook, Twitter, the Parish Website or in the latest Parish Pastoral Newsletter which is emailed by the Parish Office. Owing to the closure of West Park Primary School, and a reduced skeleton staff in the office there, it has not been possible to print hard copies of this issue of GPN. If you are aware of anyone who is not geared up to receive a copy of GPN or other emails from the Parish Office, would you be kind enough to keep them informed of any important information. You may wish to print out, and pass on, copies of the various articles of interest included herein to help bring some cheer into their lives, providing the ‘two metres’ distance rule is applied when delivering such printouts. Gillian Keevill


The Christingle service in held January in St. Laurence’s church was a happy time. The children made the Christingles in the hall before the service. Father Keith explained the symbolism of the Christingle with the help of many of the youngsters present. The very helpful total of £119 was raised and sent to the Society.

Cashless Society ? Increasingly, we are using credit/debit bank cards for our purchases rather than cash. Whilst this is convenient, it does impact on donations via the Society’s Home boxes which so many of our supporters use. The original idea was to put any small change in the box as a way of supporting the Society with the proceeds being counted and sent to the Society each year. This cashless situation has been mentioned to me by some box holders. So, to get around this situation a donation can be made by a Direct Debit through a bank account which is a gift to the Society in place of the box proceeds. I know doing this has made it easier for me to continue to support the Society. If you would like to use this method instead of your box please let me know as I have some Direct Debit forms you can use. There is, of course no need to do this unless you would find it more helpful. The Society is very grateful for all our gifts to them to meet the costs of its invaluable work with families and young children.

Di and David Burt (01903 248204)

16 News from the Social Activities Committee

On Saturday, 25th January, 60 parishioners and friends gathered in the Church Hall for our Burns’ Night Celebration. We enjoyed a three- course dinner which was very well received by everyone. During the evening we had very enjoyable musical interludes from Music Express, including some very exuberant Scottish Dancing. The general feedback was that everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Our Jazz Evening with the Arthur Catt Quintet is scheduled for Saturday, June 27th at 18:30 in the Molson Garden (Tickets £10.00).

Please check regularly for any updates/ rearranged dates, as, currently, this event may be postponed as a result of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation.

Raye Mills - Tel: 01903 200143

The Singing for Fun group is led by Jean Gardiner with Singing for Fun Malcolm Chilton on piano. Singing for Fun sessions are enjoyable, uplifting and inspiring. They last for one hour. Valuable tips are given to improve breathing technique and performance. Singers of all levels of ability are welcome. The Group occasionally performs at various venues. We normally meet at St Mary’s Church Hall on various Wednesdays throughout the year, at 19:20 for 19:30.

Unfortunately, all SFF sessions are cancelled until further notice.

Note: Please ensure that Pam Chilton ([email protected]) has your email address to be kept informed of any resumption and further dates. Malcolm Chilton 07986 818966

17 Save the date! Christian Aid Week in 2020 th th will be 10 - 16 May

18 Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) continues to grow and is currently being used by over 2,700 parishes nationally. As a result it has moved to new offices in Gloucester. The new address is;

76 Kingsholm Road, Gloucester GL1 3BD

Tel: 0333 002 1260

The advantages of using the scheme are considerable:

• An individual’s bank details are kept confidential in Gloucester. They are not passed on to the parish.

• There is an option as to whether or not the individual claims gift aid relief which can depend on personal circumstances and a further option to increase donations automatically in line with inflation.

• From the parish’s point of view all the donations come through as a single payment on about the 10th of the month with the tax rebate following separately later in the month. Just two entries for the treasurer and no cash to bank! PGS handle the tax repayment claim each month.

I have recently received details of our donations in 2019 and contributions from this scheme totalled almost £45,000, with some £10,000 in tax credits.

Naturally some donations are, by necessity, quite modest whilst there are a few giving very generously.

Sadly, during the year, several members’ circumstances changed, reducing the contributions overall. We need to both increase our number of donors and/or our level of giving if our general fund is to break even.

On behalf of the parish, the vicar and the PCC, I should like to thank all those who give under this scheme. Regular giving offers us a degree of stability over our finances. Do not hesitate to have a word with me should you wish to sign up, seek further information, or want to contact the scheme in Gloucester.

Ian Hill 07711 696 641

Marmalade for distribution Penelope Corp has asked GPN to let you know that she still has a plentiful stock of home-made marmalade, both plain, ginger and “Whisky Mac.” Contact Penelope either by phone or email to arrange how you can obtain supplies without breaching the government’s social distancing advice. Tel. 01903 209448 or email: [email protected]

19 Church Mission Society (CMS) - News

Continued overleaf ...


21 A Note of Thanks from Alison Evans

I was so encouraged and surprised when Father Keith presented me with a wood carving of the Holy Family and prayed for me the day after my licensing in Chichester Cathedral. I am one of the 58 Authorized Lay ministers for the Chichester Diocese, working in a number of areas of service. Mine is pastoral care, so I shall support Sylvia and her team as necessary. Father Keith has asked me to help with the support and nurture of newer members of the church who, we hope, will learn more about Christ from courses that will be offered later in the year.

Thanks to Sylvia for the photograph of me, taken at the following pastoral care meeting.

Alison Evans

Baptisms – February 2020

We welcome into The Lord’s family:

Rosie Mae Garland - 9th February Faith Ariana Farmer - 16th February Frankie Sarah Farmer - 16th February

Worthing Theological Society ~~~~~~ Please note that all future meetings and the AGM have been postponed until the 2020/2021 programme resumes, hopefully, in the Autumn.

All meetings normally take place at West Worthing Baptist Church during the winter months, on the last Monday of the month, commencing at 7.45pm. The church is in South Street, Tarring (BN14 7LU), some 200 yards north of West Worthing Station. Admission is free and there is a retiring collection to defray expenses. Coffee, tea and biscuits are available at the end of each lecture. If you wish to stay in touch by email regarding notices and resumption of future meetings then it would be helpful if you were to send your personal details to the secretary: The Revd Dr Michael Semple at [email protected] who will then be able to send you updated information. Or for further information contact: Chair, The Revd Dr Hazel Sherman: [email protected] or see our website :


For our Younger Readers...


Traidcraft has had a “bumpy ride” (to coin a phrase!) this past year, with the threat of closure, having to make redundancies among its staff in Gateshead at the beginning of 2019 and shifting some of its focus away from some of their suppliers, but from their End of Year Bulletin the good news is that the company is stabilised and can continue the work it started forty years ago. Tea bags and plastic: no more news yet about the plastic used in teabags and so I am trialling “loose leaf tea”. I have had to dig out my teapot again, and the resulting brew is delicious, as you would expect from an award-winning brand. I have had a sneak preview of the forthcoming Spring/Summer catalogue and there are some beautiful homeware ceramics, including a teapot, which will be one of my first purchases this year. In a further bid to eradicate plastic, Traidcraft is also trialling compostable packaging in conjunction with its sweet manufacturers. A new hypoallergenic, vegan and eco-friendly cleaning range, Bio-D, has just been introduced to the range of products, and the good news is that we have handwash on the stall again. The stall will, I hope, be open again as usual for as many Sundays as possible during the next few months and with some new items. Traidcraft Exchange: with thanks to the generosity of supporters, we were able to send another cheque at the end of 2019 for £19 (a total of £40 for 2019). Traidcraft Blog – by logging onto the Traidcraft website ( and clicking on BLOG, you will be able to read updates about producers, visits to producers, new products and recipes using Traidcraft ingredients. My thanks to everyone who continues to support Traidcraft, thereby enabling many of the poorest people to trade their way out of poverty and provide for their families. Janice Lelliott - 01903 504384

Prayer Points relating to the CMS Newsletter No. 19 on pages 24/25

Please offer thanks in your prayers: • That Sharon Wilcox’s mother has settled in at the nursing home well and that she recognized Sharon. • For Sharon’s unexpected family Christmas, the first in ten years. • For the opportunity to meet CMS’s Paul Tester and catch up with him.

Pray for Sharon as she starts training other people to support those with learning needs, as they gain life-skills. A new venture is challenging and different. Pray for wisdom for the government, as they try to reduce the national debt but retain a peaceful country. Thank you. Alison Evans

24 St Mary’s Social Circle News April/May Meetings

New members are always welcome. Come on, Ladies, give us a try! Annual cost is £8.00 plus £1.00 per meeting (including refreshments)

2020 Each meeting is open to all women, members and non-members. “Open” meetings are open to everyone (costs will be advised).

All our meetings are normally held in St. Mary’s Church Hall.

Note: Unfortunately, SMSC meetings have been postponed until further notice due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Thursday, 28th May - 19:00 (Now postponed until further notice) May’s monthly meeting was to be a Skittles and Ploughman’s Supper, open to all friends and family to come along and have a fun few hours. The meeting was arranged to start slightly earlier to enable us to enjoy the Skittles and enjoy a light evening meal. However, this has now been postponed until further notice. Further details will be announced in due course.

Lynn Chatfield (01903 693531), Secretary

Gill Flower (01903 241128), Chairman

Smarties Toddler Group

Wednesday Morning (term-time only) 9:15 - 11:00 St Mary's Church Hall Ilex Way, BN12 4UZ CURRENTLY SUSPENDED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS AND HALL CLOSURE £1.50 per adult, with up to three children. Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers, Childminders. All welcome to enjoy the fun! Karen King - 01903 532220

We Pray Please pray for those infected by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) around the world, for those who care for them, for health specialists and authorities who are combatting the spread of infection, and of course for all who at this time are feeling anxious, especially for those with friends and family, wherever they may be.

25 Some Good News I’m sure we enjoyed reading about Francesca Hayward’s wonderful career development to at . We were delighted to watch her recently in the film “”, despite the critics being totally wrong about the film (in our opinion!). We thought you might like this update on three of our former young people:

Reverend Canon Lisa Barnet (below) was recently inducted as Team Rector of St.Mary’s Church, Horsham.

Whilst in December last, Reverend Natalie Loveless (above) was inducted as Vicar of St. Peter and St. Paul’s, Rustington.

And Reverend Sarah MacDonald Haden was licensed as Pioneer Minister and Leader at Cheltenham Network Church on 6th March. Sarah is pictured here with her brother and their parents, Lindsay and Des, at her priesting in June 2017. Sarah married Ben Haden on the 15th February this year.

We do wish them every blessing in their ministries from us all at St. Mary’s and St. Laurence’s Churches. Di and David Burt

26 Both our church halls are currently closed until further notice. For those new to the Parish who may wish to read ‘The Enquiries for future bookings or details on Story of Goring and the up-to-date situation should be made to: Highdown’, you may obtain a copy of this out-of-print St Mary’s hall: Philip Webber: book. Here's the link to Tel: 01903 246583, Mob: 07759 849479 ABEBOOKS to purchase email: [email protected] second-hand copies: St Laurence’s hall: Jane or Geoff Oliver: book-search/ Tel: 01903 240540 isbn/0951272217 Email: [email protected]

And finally .… .

Words that make me smile

Leader of a flock of geese to a bird following behind. “Stop that infernal honking. If you want to pass – pass ! ! ’’

Two boys playing noisily in their grandmother’s room, suddenly noticed she was reading her bible. “We’d better be quiet” remarks the older of the two, “Grandma’s swatting for her finals.”

A large car pulled up outside a village church. The elderly verger was busy mowing the grass. The window of the car slid down and a voice with a strong American accent said, “Hey, Bud, any great men born around these parts?” “Nope,” came the reply, “only babies!”

Words that make me think.

There is no power of love so hard to get and keep as a kind voice. Watch it day by day as a pearl of great price, for it is worth more than the finest pearl hid in the sea. It is a light than sings as well as shines.

Never witness a tear with apathy or indifference. Words, looks, action – all may be artificial; but a tear is unequivocal; it comes direct from the heart, and speaks at once the language of truth, nature, and sincerity!

I have learned to thank God for answering some of my prayers with “no” or “not now”. He knows what you need before you ask him.

Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers, and are famous preservers of good looks.

Life is a grindstone. But whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on what we are made of.

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Bill Tree

27 Parish Contacts Vicar Fr Keith Littlejohn [email protected] 01903 520717 The Vicarage, 12 Compton Ave, BN12 4UJ Reader Keith Lelliott [email protected] 01903 504384 Churchwardens Janice Lelliott [email protected] 01903 504384 Gill Keevill [email protected] 07715 120841

Pastoral Care Sylvia Jarrett [email protected] 07873 392437

Julie Marlow 07940 588880 St Mary’s Church BN12 4UZ The Parish Office St Mary’s Church [email protected] 01903 709163 Hall, 16 Ilex Way Goring by Sea, Worthing BN12 4UZ St Mary’s Hall lettings Philip Webber [email protected] 01903 246583 St Mary’s Bellringers Graham Hills [email protected] 01903 266980 St Laurence’s Sea Place, Goring by Sea, Worthing BN12 4BY Church Local Wardens Geoffrey Oliver [email protected] 01903 240540 Ruth Jepson [email protected] 01903 507469 St Laurence’s Hall Geoffrey Oliver [email protected] 01903 240540 lettings Other Church Officers Safeguarding Alison Evans [email protected] 01903 503905 representative (Child protection, etc) Fr Keith [email protected] 01903 520717 PCC Treasurer John Stovell [email protected] 01903 535289 Parish Giving Officer Ian Hill [email protected] 01903 610021 PCC Secretary Janet Annis [email protected] 01903 367939 Publicity Officer Pam Chiton [email protected] 07986 352819 Church Music ~ St Mary’s Organist George Ford [email protected] 07586 364592 Choirmaster Alex Bristow [email protected] 01903 505554 Music Group Leader Malcolm Chilton [email protected] 07986 818966 ~ St Laurence’s Music Group leader Russell Marlow [email protected] 01903 249685 Goring Parish News Co-Editor Malcolm Chilton [email protected] 07986 818966 Co-Editor Roland Silcox [email protected] 01903 243970

Unless otherwise acknowledged, photographs and images included in this publication have been taken either by staff and parishioners of Goring parish, are downloaded from the ‘Clipart’ gallery provided by courtesy of Microsoft Corporation or obtained from Wikipedia. Goring PCC, as publisher of this magazine, acknowledges and wishes to express its thanks to them.