The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367


*K. SATHEESHKUMAR, Ph.D., Research Scholar, Post Graduate and Research Department of History, Thiru.Vi.Ka. Govt. Arts College, .

**N. MARISAMY, Associate Professor & Research Adviser, Post Graduate and Research Department of History, Thiru.Vi.Ka. Govt. Arts College, Thiruvarur.

Abstract The present paper analysis the religious tourism in with Special reference to Annai Vailankanni Temple. Tourism has become a major and an important part of economic and social development. In a Christian sense, a spiritual pilgrim is one who journeys to a sacred location for the purpose of spiritual development and growth in Christian holiness. is dotted with innumerable religious spots which served as one of the remarkable motivating factors for travel. Tourism can be defined as travel with the core motive of experiencing religious forms, or the products they induce, like art, culture, traditions and architecture. Being one of the most ancient civilizations of the world. known as the of the east is located on the Coramandel coast, is a beautiful beach with a dedicated to Virgin Mary. She is venerated as Our Lady of Health and pilgrims of all faith throng this church. It is believed that Virgin Mary appeared before a shepherded boy at this place, seeking milk for infant . The Scope and Importance of the study is to establish the fact that the Pilgrimage Tourism of Vailankanni as a unique unifying force promotes universal brotherhood fosters national integration, international understanding and peace in the world.

Key words : Christian Holiness, Pilgrimage tourism, Religious Spot, spiritual pilgrim and Travel Tourism


The present paper is analysis the religious tourism in Nagapattinam District with Special reference to Annai Vailankanni Temple. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism share many aspects of their religious beliefs because they have common cultural roots, and pilgrimage is also an important religious practice for all of them. In a Christian sense, a spiritual pilgrim is one who journeys to a sacred location for the purpose of spiritual development and growth in Christian holiness. India is dotted with innumerable religious spots which served as one of the remarkable motivating factors for travel. Tourism can be defined as travel with the core motive of experiencing religious forms, or the products they induce, like art, culture, traditions and architecture. Being one of the most ancient civilizations of the world. Poompuhar ( block), Tharangampadi ( block), Velankanni (Velankanni block), () and (Vedaranniyam block) are the main tourist spots in the district. The first 4 tourist spots are visited throughout the year and the last tourist spot is visited from August to March.

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019 Page No:3951 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Perspective of Religious Tourism in India Religious India has been in contact with almost all the major religions of the world, and despite being dominated by Hinduism in the present context, religions like Islam, Buddhism and Christianity have also influenced a sizeable portion of the population, apart from niche religions like Sikhism, Jainism, Vaishnavism, Jewism that grew as an offshoot to the major religious schools of thought. There are two distinct aspects to Religious Tourism in India; one, the faith of the domestic tourist, who has a spiritual attachment to the deity/ destination in line with their religious beliefs; the other is the 'foreign' tourist, someone belonging to a different religion, region or country, for whom the destination and the religious practices have the dimension of 'novelty', a spiritual experience different from their own, despite the ethical values being delivered remaining the same. From the domestic market's perspective, there is a fine line dividing business and belief. Many temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras and other major religious centres, in today's socio-economic structures, are tangible assets in terms of infrastructure and the workforce they employ, thereby implying that the institution has to monetize itself in order to be able to meet its everyday survival in societal environments. Based upon the nature of the product, intensity and region of travel, Religious Tourism is divided into the following major categories:

 Pilgrimages  Missionary travel Leisure (fellowship) vacations  Faith-based cruising  Crusades, conventions and rallies Retreats  Monastery visits and guest-stays  Faith-based camps  Religious tourist attractions

Perspective of Religious Tourism in Religious Tamil Nadu, the 'Land of Temples' is one of the ancient regions in the many. Tamils, who belongs to the Dravidan race, was the first settlers in the north-western part of India long before the coming of Aryans. The Sangam period, which marks the Golden Age of Tamil literature, is the major source of information about the art, economic and social life of the people. Tamil Nadu culture has emphasized the significance of pilgrimage for spiritual progress. Many sacred places located in various parts of Tamil Nadu, attract a large number of pilgrims from within the country and outside the country.

Importance and Scope of the Study The Scope and Importance of the study is to establish the fact that the Pilgrimage Tourism of Vailankanni as a unique unifying force promotes universal brotherhood fosters national integration, international understanding and peace in the world. Every Indian has an inner desire to go on pilgrimage at least once in his lifetime. The regular and constant visits to holy places is a regular and continuous religious tradition of the Hindus. In a variety of spaces of the world, Mary has appeared to the devotees with confident message. There was no message given here in Vailankanni except that of building a chapel to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady really meant to establish her reign in Vailankanni. For the chapel is not meant to be left there as a monument commemorating the apparition; but the chapel must be a house of prayer.

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019 Page No:3952 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Objectives of the Study

1. To Know the Historical background of Nagapattinam District. 2. To Study historicity of the Marian Shrine of Vailankanni Temple. 3. To examine the positive and Negative impacts of the pilgrimage Tourism of Vailankanni.

Methodology The method of research used in this study was based on secondary sources. Secondary Sources In addition to the primary sources materials of published works such as Magazines, Journals, Reports and relevant websites. Historical Background of Nagapattinam District A stretch of a beach with yellow warm sand and sparkling blue waters of welcomes you, as you enter Nagapattinam. A district headquarters and a key town of Tamil Nadu, Nagapattinam has emerged as a prominent travel destination of South India in the recent past. If taking a sunbath, walking on the soft, warm sand of a beach and playing with the waters of the ocean is your idea of an idyllic holiday, then Nagapattinam must be on your bucket list. As a district of Tamil Nadu and also a major town, Nagapattinam is endowed with a rich history and culture along with strong inter- faith influences. The town has loads to offer to the discerning traveller. Whether you are a staunch pilgrim, or a classy tourist or an absolute crazy backpacker, Nagapattinam will always keep you surprised with its numerous places to visit. Nagapattinam's strategic location makes it an ideal weekend getaway for the people of and its nearby cities. With a strong Buddhist history; a religious shrine where Hindus and Muslims pray together, with the famous Christian pilgrimage site, Velankanni a stone's throw away, Nagapattinam offers you ample reasons to fall in love with it. From temples to churches, beaches and sanctuaries and even art galleries - the several places to visit in Nagapattinam will fill you with an absolute sense of delight. The name Nagapattinam literally translates as the Land of Serpent Gods and the history of the town can be traced back to the times of the Chola Empire. A prominent port during the time of the Cholas, the place owes its development to this empire. Even Emperor Ashoka ordered a Buddhist Vihara to be built in the town the remains of which can be seen in the form of Chudamani Vihara today. Over time, colonial rulers including the Dutch and Portuguese captured the port town and left behind their legacy that are still proof of their faith and heritage. Several churches such as the Velankanni Church (built by the Portuguese) and as many as 10 churches were built by the Dutch and some of these are today the important places for sightseeing tour. Today, with its so many colours, vibes and idiosyncrasies, Nagapattinam is a popular tourist destination. It is an ideal travel place that attracts all kinds of tourists and that too from different kinds of background. Right from backpackers to solo travellers, pilgrims to family vacationers and even the likes of photographers and thrill-seekers, Nagapattinam welcomes all with open arms. All kinds of travellers can enjoy themselves to the fullest at Nagapattinam. In our Nagapattinam travel guide, we have tried our best to compile an extensive list of all the places to visit and things to do that include churches, temples,

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019 Page No:3953 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Buddhist viharas, dargas, wildlife sanctuaries as well as art galleries in this picturesque port town located in India's .

Latitude and Longitude Historical Development Nagapattinam district, the land of communal harmony, was carved out by bifurcating the composite district on 18.10.1991. This district has traditionally been referred to as East Thanjavur and Paddy granary of South India Nagapattinam District lies on the shores of the Bay of Bengal between Northern Latitude 10.10' and 11.20' East Longitude 79.15' and 79.50' This is peninsular delta District surrounded by Bay of Bengal on the East, Palk Straint on the South and land on the West and Northern Side. This District is predominantly, A Coastal District having a large coast line of 141 kilometres. This District has a numerous places of historical importance. Nagapattinam is an old Port Town. District of Division This District is having an area of 2715.83 Sq. Kms in its fold. The District Headquaters is Nagapattinam. This district is enveloping 11 Panchayat Unions, 3Municipalties, 9 Town Panchayats on its Development Side. On the Revenue Side, it is housing 2 Revenue divisions with 4 and 3 Taluks respectively and 523 revenue Villages. Nagapattinam is one of the oldest port cities of Chola Empire. It was called as "Naval Pattinam"- The city of ships. During 1620 AD, a Danish settlement was established at in this district. Figure 1 : Nagapattinam District Map

Places of Tourist Attraction in Nagapattinam District Poompuhar (Sirkazhi block), Tharangampadi (Sembanarkoil block), Velankanni (Velankanni block), Nagore (Nagapattinam block) and Point Calimere (Vedaranniyam block) are the main tourist spots in the district. The first 4 tourist spots are visited throughout the year and the last tourist spot is visited from August to March. The foreign tourist arrivals have fluctuations and domestic tourist arrivals have been steadily

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019 Page No:3954 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367

increasing except in the years 1992-93 and the tourist arrivals both domestic and foreign are estimated at 2,99,150 during 1996. These five tourist spots are also included in the tourist circuits identified by the Tourism Department. The district has a large number of temples and many of these are under the management of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Board. Among these, some selected ancient temples are briefly described in the following paragraphs: Historical view of Velankanni

"Vailankanni" (Meaning: Virgin of Velai, the town), also known as "Velankanni" or "Velanganni", is a hamlet on the sandy shores of the Bay of Bengal. It is located 350 kilometers south of Chennai (previously called Madras the capital of Tamil Nadu, a South Eastern state of India) and 12 kilometers south of Nagappatinam. Nagapattinam, a town on the coast of Bay of Bengal, was referred by early writers and the Portuguese as "the city of Coramandel' (Imperial Gazetteer of India, XIX, 3). Vellayar river, a minor branch of the river Cauvery, runs on the south of the village and flows into the sea. Velankanni known as the Lourdes of the east is located on the Coramandel coast, is a beautiful beach with a shrine dedicated to Virgin Mary. She is venerated as Our Lady of Health and pilgrims of all faith throng this church. It is believed that Virgin Mary appeared before a shepherded boy at this place, seeking milk for infant Jesus. The shepherd boy who obliged was blessed and his pitcher of milk remained full always. A small thatched chapel was built here. At the end of the 16th century, Virgin Mary is said to have appeared again here before a lame boy and cured him. A church was built here after this incident. Devotees seeking care from various illness and diseases come here and offer candles in the shapes of various organs of the body. They take a holy dip at the beach and offer their hair is prayer. This sacred place is visited by tourists and devotees even belonging to Hinduism. Hence its stands for religious harmony and religious toleration. Marian Devotion in Vailankanni The most important fact for the reader to note is that no pilgrim is compelled to attend the celebration of the seven sacraments, performed by the Catholic priests of this church. However at the same time, all are welcomed to adore God the Almighty by participating in the liturgical celebrations of this church. Mostly a good number of devotees without any discrimination do take part in the religious services of the church, give thanks, and praise to God.

Transportation Facility The shrine is well connected to other cities through railways and road ways. The Credit for this goes to both the central and state governments who have shown immense co-Operation in this matter. Quite close to the Shrine, Bethsaida pond was dug for the pilgrims to take bathe and enjoy themselves. A huge amount of money has been donated to the for extending the railway line from Nagapattinam to Vailankanni and the work has been successfully completed. And the people are availing of this services. Velankanni Temple and Economic Development It contribute foreign exchange, enhance employability and result in community development. The most important dimension of tourism is the cultural exchange among

Volume XI, Issue XII, December/2019 Page No:3955 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis ISSN NO: 0886-9367

the various nationalities that visit the country and the cross cultural interface that shall pave way for universal peace and harmony.

Conclusion Pilgrimage tourism to Vailankanni has brought about economic and social development without its original culture being destroyed. Pilgrimage tourism to Vailankanni has improved the income and standard of living of local people. The tourism of Vailankanni generates employment and thus income to most of the people in this locality. The improved road and rail network facilities and the educational and social services rendered by the shrine to the people in and around Vailankanni, The study have explained has contributed extremely to the economic development of places and villages around Vailankanni. Economic development is an Key part of overall society Improvement. The impact of the Shrine of Vailankanni on all the spheres of the life of the people of Vailankanni is very strong and positive. In the social and cultural spheres the shrine has made a even larger impact. It brings people together irrespective of caste, creed and colour. Thus, the shrine contributes to social and national integration, peace and harmony and the universal brotherhood.


1. District Census Report 2011 (Nagapattinam District. 2. 3. 4. Nagapattinam is the district headquarters of the Nagapattinam District, created in 1991 from the eastern half of what was then Tanjavur District. 5. R.K. Samy, Vailankanni Shrine History. 2002, p.13. 6. S.R. Santos, The Shrine of Our Lady of Vailankanni, 1933. p.15 7. Velankanni Beach Famous for its Pristine Locations”,, Retrived 20th January 2016. 8. Velankanni festival ends with feast Mass”, . 9 September 2007, Retrieved 21st August 2014.

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