TJ. S. WEATHEB BTJEEATJ, May 17.-- Lasf 24 Hours' Rainfall' 00 SUGAE 98 Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.36c. Pot Ton, $8750. Temperature, Max. 80; Mia. 71. Weather, local showers. 88 Analysis Beets, lis. 7d. Per Ton, $89.20. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1S56. VOL. XLVII., NO. 8041. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY, MAY 18, 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS.


DEMOCRATS WILL MAHOGANY CO. Peace Sunday Fittingly Observed in Three FLEET TO HONOLULU Churches in Special Services and CONVENE TODAY HAS THE COODS Special Addresses. Will Be No Opposition to the Prominent Furniture Endorsement of Bryan-Wo- ods Enthusiastic Over the of Accepted-Troubl- e Honolulu yestereven most fittingly written. Unquestionably in the past, Chamber Commerce Invitation war 'observed the anniversary of the first has, occasionally at any rate, been Resigned. Hawaiian Koa. of the greatest benefit to mankind. It in Korea Ended-Jap- an's great peace conference at The Hague, has awakened sumbering communities, developed patriotism where envoys from the great nations and natioual Com- spirit, roused and promoted the ability Today, from all the islands, the "The Hawaiian Mahogany Emperor Is Gracious. gathered to inaugurate a tribunal for national organization, and intro- Democrats flock to Waverley Hall in pany has the goods," was the terse re- duced new O. looking to the disarmament of na- and broddening ideas among Territorial convention to name a na- mark made by J Barker, of the firm backward nations. If useful, has it not committeeman, delegates of Barker Brothers, of Los Angeles, and blessings been necessary f tional select tions the universal of Does the impelling the biggest firm force of evolution make unnecessary to express the wishes of Hawaii at furniture of the West, peace through reason rather than by when asked what he thought of Ha- sacrifices? If brute and plant Denver and to express themselves con- the (Associated Press Cablegrams.) the sword. life advance to improved forms cerning the value to the party of Wil- waiian wood for the furniture trade, In three city churches there were through conflict in the quest for food liam' Jennings Bryan. and what prospects the company had. WASHINGTON, May 18. Secretary H. P. Wood of the Ho- and room and lieht, does 'not human , "The Hawaiian Mahogany Company held services at which representatives life, by the same law, developing the Yesterday accredited delegates to the nolulu Chamber of Commerce has been successful in the efforts he number of fifty-si- x foregathered in in- has the goods, all right, but they want of government, the press and the law social status with a ghmmering of eth- ical motive, proceed, through the strug- formal discussion in their convention to get busy. There are furniture mak- has been making to induce Secretary of the Navy Metcalf to visit messages delivered of good tidings gles between communities, and their hall and talked over matters of mo- ers in Chicago and Grand Rapids wait- Hawaii with the battleship fleet. rivalries in the arts of peace, to lay ing for that material. There are piano . . drawn from the lesson of civilization'3 foundations ment, although It was agreed that the 01 the thing that we makers Union gradual advancement and contributed call civilization, and in such progress nothing was to be done that would in all over the who will to the general knowledge the wisdom has not conflict been not only inevi- any way bind the actions of the reg- want lots of it. (Quarter-cu- t oak is bringing $92 ex- JAPANESE EMPEROR of their several observations. table, but useful and most important? ular convention today. For the bene-f- it a thousand, and the If war has been necessary and bene- perts figure that there are only thirty United States Judge Sanford B. Dole ficial in the past, of the Committee on Resolutions will it be necessary years' supply in sight. ma- and Walter G. Smith spoke at Central and beneficial through all future time? the Questions of land and labor were 'African RECEIVES HEMPHILL Union, Judge Kingsbury delivered an An affirmative answer to this question talked over, while it was suggested hogany brings $96, and the dealers are address at the Christian church, and casts aside, it seems to me, all recogni- that a resolution pledging the party glad to pay that for it to get it. A tion of any ideal view of human Chief Justice Hartwell was the speak. to the advocacy of a payment of an Seattle firm has just made a contract TOKIO, May 18. Commander Hemphill, U. S. N., who is in progress, its irresistible movement and with mahogany men in the Philippines at the Methodist church. There its ultimate infallible decisions. If, in equitable sum to Queen command of the Philippine squadron, was received in audience yes- t should also be drawn up and submitted at $96, and glad to do it. The Ha- were large congregations assembled the course of things, the time comes terday by the Emperor and was afterwards entertained at luncheon and close interest manifested. fiom changed conditions when war can today in convention. waiian company has the goods to sell, no longer serve the race in any useful At the caucus and on the street just the kind the cabinetmakers are in the Imperial palace. among politicians expected way, will it not, by the laws of evo- the the scouring the earth after. lution, disappear? opposition to the instructions for Central Union Church Bryan failed to develop and it is a "Xow they want tu get in modern IS THE RACE READY? certainty that the Nebraskan will get machinery and put their wood on the GENDARMES PACIFY SEOUL. come Has the time yet when this is the six Hawaiian votes so long as they market. They ought to get some ex- t Special music was arranged in each desirable in other words, is the race Avill profit him. This will probably be perts to point out where they are case, and at Central Union the pro- ready for universal peace? shown unanimously today. some wasting valuable material, too. saw SEOUL, May 18. Conditions throughout the country and city gram was very elaborate. Mrs. Mott-Smi- th In ways peace requires more I ideal qualities of character than war PALMER WOODS OUT OF IT. material that thev are going to sell by are improving, five thousand Japanese gendarmes having arrived for and Mrs. Weight sang an of- Palmer Woods, who was expected to foot is sold qualities equal to the steady, hum- the that generally by the the maintenance of order. ice fertory duet, the choir rendered Dud- drum task of self -- improvement both of assert himself on this point, will not pound, the finest kind of wood for ve ley" Buck's Festival Hymn, and Mrs. the individual and the community, and even be at the convention. He has neers. I don't want to talk too much, The anniversary of the battle of Chemulpo was celebrated yes- resigned as national committeeman but you can cer- A. T. White inspired with the singing the realy nerformance of duty, mostly say that that company the services being attended by Prince Ito and the foreign routine, when the inspiring calls of and will not stand for reelection, stat- tainly has the goods." terday, of a solo by Gounod. Acting Govern- patriotism and the thronging dangers ing in his letter to Secretary Emme-lut- h Mr. Barker is enthusiastic in his consuls. or Mott-Smit- h presided. created by war have ceased, and when that his reasons for pulling out praise of the quality of the cabinet ma- . self-sacrifi- judg- Mr. Mott-Smit- h said it was a signif- the duty of heroic ce for are private ones, and that in his terial being taken out by the koa lum- ment a national committeeman from berers Hawaii. He an expert in icant fact that, though the meeting one's country at the battle line or on of is TAFT BRINGS BACK GOOD REPORTS. picket guard has become obsolete. Our Oahu ought to be chosen. woods, and from what he has to say Tiad by younger men been called the utmost imagination may fail to picture DELEGATES FEEL HAPPY. regarding his trip to Hawaii it is prob- of the community, the main discus- able he closed a contract the horror and the shame and the All the delegates in town are happy, that has for sion of the subject, "World Peace," pathos of a battlefield at the close of a suppply of koa. He would not con- CHARLESTON, S. C, May 18. Secretary Taft, who has re- liad been allotted to older men. Con- happy because the reports they are the fight, and yet are there not fields of there firm this, however, referring the inter- labor conditions tinuing, he said: exchanging convince them that viewer to the company managers. turned from the Panama Canal belt, reports that desolation worse than this, and is not is going to be only one side to the "The movement, begun not so long the fate of each one of those stricken There is one kick Mr. Barker has there are improved and that the health of the canal employes is ago, toward world peace, has been contest this fall and that is the side thousands infinitely preferable to the on. coming, and it is a big one. Now that growing in strength slowly but stead- that they are From each island he has finished his here, he excellent. almost daily experience of other thou- comes news the party is feel- business - ily through just such meetings as we sands in the hevdav of peace? Has the that cannot eet awav. and the steamship ing oats and preparing for the I are holding. Through the influence of I its companies can give him no assurance the race reached the stage when it can word, quite satisfied with the public opinion the usual causes of a continue to advance without the heroic starter's as to when there will be a liner for the PLAGUE CHECKED IN VENEZUELA. outcome. was stated - at the meet- clash between nations are being elim- in- It Coast with him. influences of militarv life? The ing last night that by the end of June accommodation for inated one by one and the remaining spiring call to arms for country's sake? "There are-tw- hundred or so book- to solid the party would be fully organized issu'es brought down the Does it not arouse the best sentiments shape ed ahead of me for the Manchuria; the 18. spread of the plague has ground good sense, humanity and and buckling to work, in better Hilonian is booked full for the next CARACAS, Venezuela, May The of of manhood and of womanhood also? than ever. enlightenment. In the s discussion of With Ingersoll, we see the country's two or three trips from here," he been checked and the disease has been brought to a standstill. It subject Hawaii stands on high DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES. states. can get no from this defenders "as they march proudly "I satisfaction is expected that the port of La Guayra, the outlet for this city, will vantage ground. From here the vast awav under the flaunting flags, keeping It is about settled that Oahu will the steamship agents, and I simply have amphitheater stretches forth." Under time to the grand, wild music of war be represented at Denver by Charley to go someway." soon be reopened to traffic. it our very eyes the forces are at work. marching down the streets of the great McGonagle and E. M. Watson, al- The far off fumble is already in our cities through the towns and across though the alternates have not been cars. Every event has its signifi- the prairies down to the fields of definitely selected. PRACTICAL GOOHIII CHOLERA OUTBREAK IN NORTHERN INDIA. cance. The destiny of nations is be- glory, io do and to die for the eternal Hawaii will probably choose P. P. ing fashioned. right." The world admires physical Woods, O. T. Shipman, D. Metzger "Tntrodnoinsr to vou the first spertk- - courage, and is justified in such a sen- and F. Hayselden as delegates and Sanford ex- AND CARPENTRY WORK 18. Cholera has broken out here and the H er of the evening, the Hon. timent, for is it not the visible alternates. . .SIMLA, India, May v' T?. Dole, I am presenting one who is pression of that quality of human char- Maui will advance the names of Dr. white troops who had been concentrated at this point because of the well fitted to discuss this subject. Mr. acter which is the protection of native (Continued on Page Nine.) was only President land and the home of women and chil- troubles have been withdrawn and sent into camp. Tole the first and Superintendent of Public Instruction frontier . of the Republic of Hawaii and the dren from the hand of violence? But report Territory. humanity a paramount Babbitt has receives a of work first Governor of the It until develops SIX FOOT BRUTE was he who took in hand the reins of homage tor moral courage, that higher done in carpentry and cookery at the STRIKERS QUIET IN CLEVELAND. Government after the abrupt change quality that safeguards the ideal inter- 1 Holualoa school, over which he is very -- m a monarchical to a republican ests of the State and stands for the enthusiastic. It shows, in his estima- form. To his moderation and unerr- things that go to the character, devel- KICK S WOMM'5 FACE tion, can be' done in these prac- what 18. car strikers are quiet and ing judarment it is due that this opment of the citizen and the purity of tical and manual training studies CLEVELAND, May The street change has been eventually accepta- the government, is it ready for or where the teacher enters upon the to maintain a much improved service. of peace, the selfish the company has been able ble. During this period, so situated .as equal to the dangers All Kalihi Is agog over a happening work con amore. The description of to have a commanding place in the influences of the pursuit of wealth, the report of has of Saturday night out of which a sum- the work ami the what Pacific, Hawaii had its own problems demoralizing influences of material in carpentry shows that battery is likely been done AND SOME CHOSEN. of peace to consider and solve. Mr. prosperity, the enfeebling effect of mons for assault and the pupils have done practical work, MANY CALLED Dole knows all about them." luxury? Is not war a wholesome check to result. making tables for the school rooms, sometimes, and is not Judge Dole's address then followed, to these things parties are well known residents towel-rack- s, bulletin boards and other and to .The learning to appreciate ce as herewith given: the race being ex-poli- and done other carpentry work 18. have passed and eleven peace ex of the district, the man an articles WASHINGTON, May Nineteen rightlv value because of its about the school buildings. JUDGE S. B. DOLE. periences of the varying fortunes of officer under the Brown admin Civil Service examinations for the Consular Corps. istration, and the lady a native of the The report on cooking is quite de- failed in their In the evolution of human society, internal and international conflicts? follows the work from the islands who is married to a prominent tailed, and sf war has been a constant participant, WAR AND DUELING. beginning, step by step. But it is tion f.'.r mosquitoes nnd pun-hln- out The history local stenographer. Is no nhort cut. rio seetuinglv indispensable. occupy 7 on more mere instruction in cook- the bottoms. There narra- War appears to an extent to It appears that about o'clock than OR. GOFER WILL easy way to rlo the work and the only of the rare is an intermittent same as to the reason of its Saturday evening the lady went over ery. It is instruction in the practical military campaigns. the status thing that will help 11s materially In tive of forays and use as was formerly held by dueling, to the house of the who matters of housekeeping. It includes Great battles, as the turning point of this i for th citizen to get in and and to an extent as has been held by is a distant relative, in search of a. the care and cleanliness of a kitchen cleaning up national are immortalized in in- MOSQUITOES do their share towards lortnnes. the practice of highway robbery and little boy who had been living with the and the manifold economies and AGIST oiling. Have these eonflets been rel- and literature. similar enterprises at all times. As family, but who had visited the tricacies of housewifery. : indispensable to progress, and, if so, as ative's house and had failed to return. neces- to dueling, the analogy holds as far BANYAN" TEEE. will such experiences always be wages an ag- Arrived at the relative's house the ASLEEP IN A a nation the cLahenger president of the Board of sary? gressive war for the preservation of its lady called for the boy by name, HELPERS lil Dr. Cofer, Kahilolio went to bed last night in A writer in Johnson's Universal really prestige. The whereupon the man emerged from the HIW Health proposes to recommence the 1S78, says, in re- socalled honor, its "Onds green caravanserai." selecting Cyclopaedia, edition of closes at this point, for there house in a drunken condition and mosquito campaign vigorously and has con- analogy comf-.rtabk- - ( the biefjent ferring to human sentiments and no de- throwing the poor woman down kicked county a crotch are no seconds as a rule, there is enlisted the cooperation of the Thorn a Square, fomo ditions in the past: "War must there- is her brutally in the face, rendering her PRISOfJ MEETING in the banyan tree in lay of hostilities until the challenge road and garbage departments th- - ground, as a fore be recognized as an instinct of chal- unconsious. which twenty feet above accepted: the attack follows the work. Without that cooperation, he settled down humanity, of divine origin, not to be precedes it. The man. by the way, is a big brute, promised as soon as the resting place. Here by any hu- lenge; indeed, it sometimes a half tail and was readily mynahs. satisfied that noth- replaced, as idealists hope, The chivalrous fairplay required by the standing six feet and project was broached, the Board of anions; the man device like tribunals of arbitration, of weighing over two hundred pounds. At There was no scarcity of helpers at little, being entirely ing worse than a tree rat would break - dueling code is absent; in place dredger. Health could do neglected or submissive trust in the generosity- of favor- present he is working on the Oahu Prison service yesterday As it is it is going to into bis bedroom, but he t' which, beside human regulations 120 pounds. the without funds. retiring and bis competitors. At all events, its perma- The woman weighs only , cope with shut his mouth before ts, the O'Obrk-n- decidedly uphill job to ing prisoners, af- morning. John F. Director be a the stillness, nence is thoroughly believed in by all agents, are The injured lady was taken home mosquito nuisance, which has been snores carried far into wounded, and Red Cross recovered consciousness. of the P.oys' Clubs, was there and made the enough to the ears of those most competent to judge, as will provisions for lessening the ter she had allowed to become bad again. far reach Vecome a review of largely Her face was badly swollen and patch- the opening talk, speaking of liberty carry on Reeves, on the still hunt for evident by brief danger of warfare to those participating ability to go at will. "There is only one way to fairly civilized es of skin had been removed. There being more than law-breake- The snore was a the existing armies of the in ultimate effect of which must by any sort of an effective campaign." TT. 4 TT. Cye. it, the were also some deep punctures and the The scriptures were read Walter discus- clue to follow up. but it took powers" (O. Ernst, Johns. a tendency to perpetuate a war sen- presided at said Dr. Cofer on Saturday, in eool source, gives a be cheek was badly cut on the inside. A Kolb. and Mrs. Raseman Is by steady, Reeves some time to locate the lSr,2). And then he tabulated at any rate, does it not care- organ. Towse spoke briefly. sing his plans. "That h, timent; scar for life will probably result from the Ed. cess- searchlight making white ?Utenient of such armies, their mim-- from increasing the re- and persistent hard work: by oiling his electric cost, proportion to population, fully refrain the drunken scoundrel's attentions. Paul Super made a short address basins, by drairing rings, all over the ground before be luctance with which nations begin hos- injured lady played a couple of cornet solos. pools and catch skyward. Kinaiir etc. If the size and cost of armies is The husband of the off standing water, by scouring the thought to turn it tilities? stated last night that his wife would Three or four others were there, mak- of the Kahilolio' retreat and an argument for the permanence of "robbery more meet- back yards and rubbish heaps he discovered Highway is perhaps swear out a warrant for assault and ing it an unusually interesting vessels coon came down. He was bookcl war, the argument has gained in force the principles, the by in town "for tin cans and other the nearly in line witi battery against her assailant this ing, presided over John Martin - vag. .. during the thirty years that have pass- way. which might harbor places of ineuoa- as a ed since the opinion in question was (Continued on Page Two.) morning. his usual happy ,


Hague conferences were called. At undertaken to regulate and discipline solved by arbitrators; a war over a "Let the bugles sound the truce of God the second conference, a large part of war, without doing much for peace. land claim of the same general kind to the whole world together." Tb OF FIRST is ANNIVERSARY thte work was found to be the im- What the friends of humanity wanted it that the common people settle in their sneer heard that the truce of God i provement and revision of the work to do was to formulate peaee without courts without clamor if not without but an iridescent dream; that man of the first conference. This, with the doing much for war; and now the ques- But what could be donef not hope to compass it. But after air HAGUE CONFERENCE fact that the second conference was tion is how such a change in its pur The Hague could not interfere, nor the fruitions of such dreams are the compelled to adjourn with some of its poses may be brought to pass. Facing could it interfere tomorrow if the war inspiring truths of history. It was own most important work in an unfin- this problem let us recur to the open- should be resumed. A nation may still Emerson who said that "what the ten-g- o blood poetic youth dreams today (Continued from Page One.) ing nearer than this to obligatory ar- ished or a tentative condition, easily ing thought about the great promise of forth in armor, may shed der and and was the work of the church; for .where the enough to redden the seas and burn conjures up In inarticulate speech, is to-ho- in-a- bitration reached. suggested the idea that the confer- practice and experience of warfare, tr The American delegation, under in- ences had already, independently of zeal of the church is kindled, outside enough to dim the heavens and morrow the vociferated result of public im- is char-rui- much as the attack creates the structions from the Secretary of State, any plans In direction, the realm of. sect and dogma, the pile an Ossa of debt upon a Pelion of opinion and the day after the n self-defens- that assumed in e, mediate right of homicide proposed the creation of a permanent a relation to each other, an interde- schools and the press, the people, and and there is none to say it nay. ter of nations." In the old days of generally ac- men paralleling the international court in the nature of a pendence, which made indefinite through them the State, sooner or later Th?re is no court tu call it to account, wretchedness had visions of some rule politically a de- their when, hand knowledged "that court of equity, to take the place of logical ne- find a kindred inspiration. no law to punish it. The courts and far time from the of lawless fensive war is only legitimate continuation a natural and power, a miracle would dash the the one" the already established court of arbi- cessity, if the work begun was to be COMPLETE CIVILIZATION. the law are for the people, who are blade (O. JI. Ernst, 4 Johns. U. Cycl. 1234), The principle was adapted taught that bloodshed by the State is of private vengeance; and as men on tration. carried on. And so it came about that The thing to do, before we can be and because the attack is based unanimously by the conference, but ;vas patriotism and bloodshed by the man is dreamed they seemed, in the air about desire to at the second conference the way sure of The Hague, is to complete the greed or upon the universal there was "failure in reaching an open passage crime. them, to "hear the black angels austain one's vlf and add to one's for the unanimous of a civilization of our governments. That But their visions were agreement as to the method of select- periodic . laugh." cot worldly possessions. I do not know resolution for meetings of is the first objective; and it is a vital CIMLIZE BY rmTATiov toJay the high ing the judges." This proposition ex- The Hague Conference, or, perhaps, vain. for wkold that Kob Roy was ethically lower in senti- objective because our governments, We must civilize governments but thoritv of courts, the unmocked decis-- hibits an important advance of more correctly, periodic Hague con- less any way the scale of morals than the bullying ment over principle of an arbitra- elective and hereditary, are far how? Is there surer than 0f the law. There were those vh the ferences thereafter: which resolution us up- governments which exploit weaker and tion court in which persons are selected civilized than they require to be; and through the continued spread and dreamed of liberty, but they were defenceless tribes and nations. fixed the date of the next conference some of them are almost as barbarian lift of education and civic virtue? Is it in by the opnosing parties, from among years provided slaves and helpless their weakness Iueling has been rendered obsolete seven later and for the as we were in the ages of private war- not true that as a man's education ex- and their want, but in God's good time the sixty or seventy members of the appointment of a special commission be- in those communities where" legislation in be- fare. pands, as the grain of his culture the seed of liberty was planted and set- court, as the Pious Funds case by the different governments to meet has been enacted providing for the tween the United States and Mexico Is it not true that a government turns comes finer, as his horizon widens and the tree grew and its leaves were for of disputes and the punish- two years n advance to study and to war to settle grievances which its he sees more things above him, he finds tlement two j the healing of the nations. Galileo each, and the four so selected prepare the program for . the third ment of assaults, the popular sentiment choosing a fifth. In practice, whether subject or citizen is obliged to take less and less excuse for war? Ho to the dreamed, while the priest and scholar such legislation, tending at the Hague Conference. Thus, without a The feels universities mad-men- behond in private arbitration under municipal into court of law! State great where, at commence of his ,1av i0Oked upon him as a t, same time toward a common sens view provision but by force of circum- free, upon a point of honor, to fight a bodies of learned men gather to man but todav church university laws, or in international proceedings, necessary develop- and of the dueling code, which refuse to stances, and as a gigantic duel with another State; but get the inspiration of the freshest "kn that the "world moves. Columbus as or re the persons chosen by the opposing ment of the work already done, the recognize it either chivalrous parties generally regard themselves as the man, beholden to its laws, if he thought or to rekindle their intellectual dreamed of a new world and went to spectable. It has disapjeared save as foundation has been laid for a perma- has been, insulted or foully wronged, fires at the old altar and ask their find it aml one night on the deck of the vainglorious representing the parties selecting them. Congress Nations. not the and foolish fad of act according! not as judges, but nent of Are may sue for damages but he may not opinion of settlements by war. There santa Maria he saw the campfires of an school boys and the arbitrament of a and these, the preparations for an inter- fight. even a challenge was such a gathering once when Long- - as agents rather of their principals, en- If he writes unknown race signalling to him that his few survivors of a decadent civiliza- national supreme court of justice and a sheriff his elbow. The fellow came back in his old age to the pass. deavoring to reach a. favorable solu- there is at dream had come to John Brown has been forbidden an legislature, .enough to slave-empir- e tion, not because it tion by convincing judgment of international State fights for its grudge; the man academic groves "which once were his dreamed that a would fall punished by law, but largely be- the all lovers peace sing with me and the arbitrator who holds the casting make of must refer his to a jury of his peers. and were no .longer his, and lert amj though the gallows took his life his cause of the better methods of settling Browning, "God's in His heaven all's The State may rob and slay its foes and benediction of his noblest verse. There rallse went marching on to its im- - obtaining for vote. This is unsatisfactory both in quarrels and satisfaction private and international disputes. right with the world"'? burn their property; but the citizen who was another where Charles Sumner mortal triumph. There was a dreamer insults and slanders which have been The only remaining field of inquiry steals or kills or applies the torch is urged the scholarship of his day, with onf, ag0 wi,o came out of Galilee with provided, and the practical sentiment NO DIRECT PROGRESS MADE. is the relation of the powers to their punished as a malefactor by the State. all his matchless eloquence, to help a message of peace and good will to which is partly the cause and partly Although the primary object of The own subjects,, m wnicn occasions or The man must be orderly and humane, make the Golden Rule the sovereign ,Kan. e mav not s.0rn these dreanr', !. the result of such methods. Whereas, HaBue Conferences was the reduction injustice, and even brutality and but his government may set an example law of nations; another where Wendell ers of a busv world, fAr there has bee if "S with severe repressible legislation of national armaments, which objeti cruelty, sometimes arise to an extent, of privileged violence. And so we bold Phillips left his stirring message, as one granted to them through all the davs against highway roobery, road agents, has not been attained nor has anv dl that arouses the sympathy and even that, unless governments can be le,d to grown gray in human service. There of historv the farther el innmes. the nlti-- train robtiers, and burglars, such en- rect progress been made toward lt3 at the indignation of other nations. The accept for themselves the rules of con- sat in ranks of serene and lofty fellow- - n,ate ami perfect view. And anions so ' '9 terprises continue to be carried on over tainment, their chief and most import question of interference here is a most duct which they have made for the peo ship the American men of letters; and ,nanv geers who dreamed what history I 811 the civilized world. ant work has been the movement for delicate one, as governments usually ple under them, they will keep society if to them had been left the issues of to write, shall we ones ion but. Is not the lesson to be learned from arbitration of international disputes. resent interference into their own do- from reaching that rational state of peace or war, think you they would the one wh0 saw a coming time when these facts this, that, if anything is to making success on and a of that, the mestic affairs, and the rule of nonin- being towards which civilization turns have unleashed the wolves that prey snali l)eat tnoir swords into plough-hum- an be accomplished for the prevention of nien further movement to build thereon an terference is generally conceded. as the needle to the Pole. flesh? Not they! Not they! ares and their spears into .pruning-The- y war through a cooperation of the na- International court of equity. This is would have sought and found a A HOPEFUL. PRECEDENT. CHURCH, SCHOOL AND PRESS. hooks, when nation shall not lift up tions, it will be rather by providing what interests the world. Tax payers nobler settlement. Seek the learned sword against natron, neither shall they judicial proceedings for the settlement would like to see armaments reduced, The recent remonstrances, however, In admitting that there has been company of magistrates and ask them learn war any more? of disputes in courts fully empowered but they have no confidence that It will by several governments directed to progress among governments towards to point the path of natural duty and to decide such issues, than by laws en- be brought about until there is an King Leopold of Belgium, In regard more humane rules of war we "but of honor and they would turn away acted forbidding and punishing war- effective substitute for war as an ar to his objectionable administration of strengthen the plea for further work by from war and find a' truer adjudication. fare? biter of national quarrels. The scheme, his private African domain, and his the church and the moral agents that Summon the captains of industry Methodist Church prom- INFLUENCES AGAINST. WAR. of arbitration has made such a transfer in response thereto of the labor with it. For it Is to these dy- among whom, perhaps, are the most far- - ising beginning that the way is partly management thereof to the Belgian namic forces in our better life that we reaching minds of this age and they The influences which tend most con- cleared for the idea of a permanent Government, creates something of a owe what has already been achieved. you war, in last ' The congregation at the Methodist of judges, by will tell that its spicuously to discourage war at the court salaried selected hopeful precedent in this direction. It Without the free church, the free school analysis, is an economic blunder and a church was satisfactorily large. Spe- - present time appear to be (first) public the several governments in ejual and the free press, the would still is to be expected that the international State crime. cial music was rendered by choir, sentiment, which is more especially ef- quotas, conducting proceedings for the parliament once established and in be as savage as it was in the dark ages. the fective in those communities where settlement of disputes according to regular operation will not fail to leg By their influence upon the people, act- WASTEFUL WAR. which had been strengthened for the representative government exists; equitable priciples and the highest on necessity for humane ing through the people upon the State, Only the other day at San Francisco, occasion, the soloist being Marshall H. ideals of justice. Is not surprising islate this (second) improvement in firearms and It consideration and protection. war ha.s become fess horrible; and we a banker of the first rank said to a vebb. other appliances and agents for the de that the members of the conference have obtained that system of prece- legislative committee of inquiry that he gave their unanimous assent to this devotional exercises were conducted struction of human life in battle, or "For mankind are one In spirit, and dents, partly governing it, known as attributed the panic and the hard times perhaps, more correctly, the disable- idea a principle which when carried international law. ' By this code piracy, to the prosecution and results of the by Pastor D. W. Crane, and It. H. out by a simple and reasonable" sys- an instinct bears along, ment of the individual soldier and the Round the earth's electric circle, the the razor-edgin- g of swords, the poison- Spanish - American and the Kusso - Trent introduced the speaker of the demoralization of armies, and at sea tem promises to accomplish more for ing of wells streams, slaughter Japanese wars. he was right, then peace between nations than perhaps all swift flush of right or wrong; and the If evening. Judge Hartwell, with some fighting ships; ts, the disablement of Whether conscious or unconscious, of wounded, the robbery of it was surely economic blundering to (third) the development of commercial other agencies combined: and the main have been stopped and with wage either of them, the injury to the pertinent remarks. The Judge said: enterprise whereby national material reason for this confident hope Is that yet Humanity's vast frame ed help of The Hague we may soon being the the principle enjoys the world's public Through its ocean-sunder- fibers feels the world vastly greater than CHIEF JUSTICE HARTWELL. interests are becoming more and. more get further rules of this character, amount of good done anybody exposed to disaster, when the nation confidence and has the world's desire the gush of joy or shame eventually leading to the reform which We have said that scholars, magis- -' V i TT" V a,"D."" to which such enterprises belong Is en- back of It. and because it enjoys that In the gain or loss of one race all the C . J public confidence by reason rest have equal claim." expresses the final triumph of civiliza- trates and captains of industry are, as , . t . , gaged in a foreign war; (fourth) colo- of the fact tion over the primitive instincts of man. prospects that it offers a reasonable substitute 1 , be- - nial development by which the area Surelv in dealing with the greater r ha Inlftcnr. iptq anil thpr will ear na peace conferences, thev knowing for war for the settlement of Interna- Do not the facts narrated and the cause be told them views exposed to attack is not only greatly aspiration, the church, the school and did Arago a time must come that his tional disputes. Under such circum- progress already made justify, the "that ad-Tf- i increased, but more or less isolated; the press will feel the burden of a when the science of destruction shall might not be, considered sound ly and (fifth) international arbitration-- , stances will not recognition of the hope and expectation that the time is voeates of peace;. but as I a;n expected obso-let- e heavy task. The world is still building bend before the arts of yeace; when which is still in its infancy. authority of such a court grow strong- coming fast, when war shall be to state the position as I see it, I will Dreadnaughts; armies are adding to the genius which multiplies our jiow-or- s, It is obvious that the first of these er with the public experience of the a troubled dream of the past? It proceed to do so. beneficent results of its awards until will time; progress in this direc their ranks and to the power of their which creates new products, whL'h influences, public sentiment, is and take batteries; military states still believe diffuses comfort and happiness among The most belligerent people I ever must be the basis of any success the supremacy of international law Is tion may sometimes lag, but will it knew were people who did not know fully as is case with Von Moltke that universal peace is through the last arbitration the rep- established the with the not continue with increasing force and " ! i 5oV s lrnnit iio a r rr s inf n law of the forum of the Individual na- only a dream and not even a beautiful cuny in the general estimation of man- - LY , , , , V governments being in the speed, until peace shall come with the r LW i v rii l ii resentative one; and even now an enlightened na- kind which reason and commo- xwwitt hum nuuuuvu majority present time, tions cooperating in the scheme? world ready for it a peace that shall that rank the sight of dead bodies lying on at the and their tion cannot sleep at night because it n-sense now assign to Summon the populations being foremost in educa- THE OBSTACLES. not enfeeble or demoralize mankind, it." field the day after the battle, the lofti- fears that another enlightened nation, whom you may, save those that make a tion, enterprise and acquaintance with What is in the wav of the aeconi-plisme- nt but shall be the soil in which the scenes in the field hospitals. Think for and the race to whom it has given no offence, will business of war or thrive on its politics, public affairs. of this great scheme? Prob- est virtues shall thrive land an army on its shores and sack its in proportion as culture has a moment of the line seventeen miles two Hague al- beyond our dreams? and their The Conferences ably the main obstacle is the conserv- advance treasuries. been fine and their education thorough. long of Confederate wounded soldiers ready held and particularly the last, atism of governments. The people who First civilize the governments that they will declare for the sovereignty of in ambulances, army wagons and on upon which the public sentiment of the pay the taxes and have to do the fight- "Down the dark future, through long .. ,...... ,. - world to itself generations, are set over us. They must be taught to peace. Our wars are made for us bv civilized had time make ing, when fighting is to be done, will accept the broader logic of their nar strong, ambitious and selfish men who he Potomac river after the battle of felt through direct communications and pretty unanimous- - back up such a The echoing sounds grow fainter and Gettysburg; and there were about as newspaper row laws and to prohibit public war represent the State, acting upon the discussions of the subject plan. Hut governments on execu- then cease; half-educat- and wounded n our side, the through same ed an.vkiHe.i were this reason more or less repre- solemn, sweet the code by which they thoughtless zeal of for tive side, burdened with a sense of And, like a bell, with nave outlawed private war. mav masses or the voung and upon the brute Dld thf,se who tyel t home and dis- - of world's :, It sentative the sentiment. responsibility for the great Interests in vibrations, take a lqng time to win this reform, but passions ignorant. multi- - f0rageI enlistments in those .lays act The first Hague Conference was voice of of the These their charge, and untrained for deal- I hear once more the Christ good men can In no so - in tlie '"terests of peace! Does not suggested by the Czar of Russia for say, be better ibusiness. tudes must be educated that govern- ing with questions outside of adminis- 'Peace! Nor need they fear the result. The ments and the governing classes may be cverv soldier know that if the country considering relief breach-loadin- the purpose of "how trative routine, win hesitate, while the Peace! and no longer from its brazen common lia1 he('n prepared with g might be secured from the burdens of instinct of justice, the behests civilized. Shall we not in universal more plastic legislative side more hos- portals. of religion, the logic of human develop Christian education find the kev to this rines at lne beginning ot tne i;ivn war the great armaments" which the powers pitable to new ideas more repre- The blast of War's great organ would keep and mont, the higher aims of man all are dark problem that began with Cain? thousands of valuable lives have felt obliged to up. Xo progress sentative of popular sentiment will shakes the skies! on been saved, and that the war would was made toward disarmament; some the side of those who oppose, in the It is the only way. Out of society, still be hampered by the executive But beautiful as songs of the immor- affairs of nations, decisions of might as rightly taught, a law of arbitration not have dragged on four terrible years! rules were adopted for the conduct of conservatism. tals, Is it in the interest of peace, then, "to military operations on land, and war distinguished from decrees of wisdom would spring as naturally as a flower We find that the treaties that have The holy melodies of love arise." Only our rulers are in the way; and or a blade of grass starts from fertile advocate an ineffective military estab- was made safer for the future, and already been negotiated for submission lishment? And singularly enough it consequently likely to be entered into In introducing the second speaker, them we may well rebuke in the voice soil. What The Hague may not do to- of disputes to arbitration usuallv con of him who was not for an age but for day or tomorrow, with its ruling spirits is many of these same advocates of with less hesitation, by prohibiting for Mott-Smit- tain a clause like the following, which Mr. h said: - peace who would have our country act five years throwing all tune: chosen, trom among- generals and ad the of explosives is taken irom the recent treaty be- nn,1 as a policeman over to from balloons, prohibiting the use of "I am presenting another gentleman mirfils nolitiriana no other nations tween Franre and the United States. Fie, lords! that you, being supreme guess; 1,iake .the'" '"fwave themselves and do projectiles charged with asphyxiating Referring to who, like Mr. Dole, is acquainted with but we know what The Hague differences to be submit- magistrates, will do when, for every wliat is r'g!lt- - gases, and prohibiting the use of dum- ted to permanent Hawaii and its history, but through a fort are ten the court of arbitra- Thus eontumeliously school-house- s; dum bullets. A distinction is to be re- different, though perhaps as effective, should break the thousand when for every THE PRACTICAL VIEW, tion, the treaty continues I "Provided, press. peace. bayonet is a library; when every . cognized in the work of the conferences nevertheless, experience, that of the Most for a that thev do not affect the bpve medal of war" is a sheaf of scholarly Taking practical view it is thought between efforts to prevent war from vital interest, the independence or the of us found that the modern by that anything like permanent becoming extremely dangerous and press knows everything and 'more HISTORICAL INCONSISTENCIES. degrees and when, outclamoring the "auy honor of the two contracting States and between the nations is impossi-millio- n those seeking to do away with methods do too,' if I may be allowed to use the The history of society in its dual tumult of battle is the thunder of a ffae not concern the interest of third par- one presses, think that it is not even which cause useless suffering. While will expression. I am pleased with his growth is of curious inconsistencies. tireless servitors of Jmie ties." It be seen by this clause societ- - peace. There, will be a new patriotism desirable.. It is well they say, to dis-- the latter must be regarded as most with what hesitancy governments choice of subject. Mr. Dole has given When tiegan to torm, it was take on the brute habit to settle all differences then; not one of flags and drums and "Ke nu avoiu unnecessary wars meritorious, the former is open to the a radical step you an able dissertation 'Is Peace to na- of this character. It between men by force. The angry or epitaphs, but a patriotism of public for gaining territory or punish a eriticism that it is evidence of a fear would appear in- Practicable?' Mr. Smith will now that this proviso was the greedy man his neighbor Service and civic pride, of learning and tion for offensive conduct or breach of lest war might be rendered impracti- tended to give a wav out from ref- speak on 'Law versus War.' Right attacked any with a club or a stone ax and the sur- the arts, a patriotism which teaches international obligations, or to settle cable if the forbidden methods should erence to arbitration that might be dis- here we have an exemplification of disputes which can be by be tolerated. the spirit of arbitration. Mr. Dole has vivor of the fight got whatever they men to live for their country, rather better settled tasteful to either of the contracting were than to arbitration. International agreements The valuable work of this conference powers; for as one treated with an editorial subject; Mr. battling for, the honors or the die for it; and when that time side or the other property. set- comes the may para are very well to prevent barbarities in was the agreement, for the pacific set- protests that the Smith will now treat with a legal one. It was then that might era ofwar if I difference affects it3 tled titles; but might could never make phrase Edmund Burke will be like the war, such as shock the moral sense of tlement of international controversies. vital interest or its honor, who is there Both the lawyer and the editor and, I of the age, but is is Here is where the work of the confer- ' we will right and in time man's natural sense ghost of the dead moon that dimly it said that it to deny it; where is there an umpire to believe, ourselves benefit and to any-- ence sounded the world's desire and thereby." of justice called for some other and haunts the morning skv after the sun visionary useless exjixt decide 9uch preliminary matter? There wiser adjudication. has risen. thing more. As long as there are evil responded to the universal interest. is none except the Then the head of world's public opin- WALTER G. SMITH. the tribe, the Patriarch, was to What people shall lead in this work passions in men; as long as men are This "provided for special mediation ion, which, when fairly directed upon asked by neutral powers, for international That the evangelical churches have decide the quarrel. He did so, as best of arbitration? We may hope that the crafty an'l deceitful and ignorant, such conduct, may be stronger than wars t is believed, are sure to come commissions of inquiry" into issues of any "will united to teach the gospel of arbitra- he could, but often the lpser did not re- honor may fall to our own; but the government be willing-t- Anglo-Saxo- every fact and the creation of a per- tion is a fact of great promise to the spect his decision and attacked the win- n race is great enough to aml nation which respects itself "for ignore. or bich is respected by nations manent international court of arbitra- work of The Hague. So far. The ner, to kill him. The peace-lovin- g follow if a mightier civilizer shall rise other When the proposed international future in tion." After this agreement was rati- Hague has busied itself more with pal- members of the tribe then saw that, if and show the way. Still that race is must keeP itself readiness to fight, court of equity is established, we mav not Antl moreover, war, with all its hor- - fied by sixteen of the powers concern- confidently hope liatives than with cures. At the first the patriarchial court was to be worth without its peaceful laurels. ed, respective quotas that these difficulties anything to them, men Ninety-on- e years ago there were over rors its terrible destructiveness, not- - and their of the will gradually disappear. All the conference, some years ago. it rejected armed must be members of the court appointed, the powers the plan of disarmament, the delegates organized to enforce its decisions. When eighty military posts and forts on both withstanding the suffering and anguish which have joined in its estab- 11 de- court was opened in April 1901, and has from the United States concurring. that was Mone the court got power to sides of the thousand mile line then ex- - causes, is, after all, a tonic. It - lishment and contributed to its pe- isting between velops and trains the fighting qualities already settled several international is Even a limitation of armed strength did sustain authority. It was backed by tbe United States and rsonneland this likely to include all A f is the only testing disputes. of the independent not appeal to it. At the second confer- force. lawful police had been pro- Canada. At Niagara were 6000 Ameri- - nien; it way of governments will vided to can troops some war- - tne effectiveness of guns ami material, SECOND II AO UK CONFERENCE. be interested in prestige; ence the military States declined to put down private violence to and for years past its and all of the end that a rough average of justice ships had been building in American military methods and of an army The second Hague Conference, held them except perhaps some government take either matter seriously. What was is chiefly done was to suggest a court to between man and man could be secured. and Canadian yards. War threatened, or navy. This is the argument from last year, was much larger and more that unwilling to submit its interest tne practical point of view, in a dispute t act as referee in the case of disputes Gradually for the evolution of society but our forefathers were wise enough to and the representative than the first, being the arbitrament of such is court will which neither side cared to fight about. one of the most gradual things we make a treaty which practically dis- - force of it cannot be gainsaid, made up of delegates from all the in- desire to recognize its au- know ot a system armed the lakes there is much more than this to thority themselves jealous anv There were also conventions relating to of tribunals grew and kept them so. dependent nations except four. It fail- and of up where the wisest men sat to decide A generation later we had a boundary be said. To begin with, while striving ed, as the first done, to an act of contumacy by any litigant or any the opening of hostilities: respecting had adopt - between quarreling suitors; a dispute with Pa"- after what is impossible is something agreement reducing party summoned by it to its the laws and customs of war on also svs Great Britain in the - national arma- bar. of common law based upon cifie Northwest, which promised end w"hieh, as years come upon one, he ments. It made progress in improving Though the authority of such a court respecting the rights and duties of!tem their to powers ""lP'l".'ite decisions; and out of it in war but which vielded to negotia- - gradually learns not to do, it is always the provisions of the previous confer- may be said to be moral only, without neutral and persons in case ofjl"ost power to enforce its war on land; relating to the laying nfjeame tne civilized local jurisprudence tion; and at the close of Hie Civil War. important to have ideals. It would be ence creating the permanent interna- decrees, yet being Anglo-Saxo- re-- the two n States, a deplorable thing if we all lived up tional court of Under the accredited agent of the civilized automatic submarine contact mines; i civilized arbitration. the specting forces! NO by the educated opinion of people, to "r ideals, and it would be still old provisions, in case of a quarrel be- world for the award ot justice between bombardment by naval INTERNATIONAL COURT, their j left worse we had contending nations and in time of war; the adaptation of naval Tribes in true became nations, their new feud to the Geneva tri- - if none. At least we can tween two powers, they had to agree backed bv the each bunal of peace. We strive to approximate our conduct to to arbitrate before proceedings could irresistible force of the world's public war to the principles of the Geneva one a law unto itself. But richt there Americans should ; have what is ideal, to secure sentiment and by the convention relating to tbe right of j further development cpn arbitrated with Spain, but there is international be begun bv an application to the court: public policy of ceased for where our recognition of what is of bnt by revised all the nvvernmonts represented in the capture in naval war; prohibiting thelturies. Between the nations were no civilization lost its grip; vet right and the articles, either of it is something in what is wrong in the dealings of na-- such powers may appeal to the inter- court sitting in such cause, will anv discharge of projectiles and explosives courts; and there still are none with atonement that ten from pa- years after the battle of tions with each other iu war as well a national court, even if the other is dis- mere physical force be necessary! balloons; convention for the large powers and none with a police be- Manila bay cific dis- we find our government upon 'n peace. inclined to do so. Although there is no PEACE CONFERENCE settlement of international hind them to make their decisions final. at work PERMA- an arbitration treaty with es- compelling power in the court to bring NENT. putes; respecting the limitation of the And yet we boast of the high civiliza- Japan to DIFFICULTIES IN THE WAY. employment of force, for the recovery tion of our contnrv; a tablish, as between the only probable such unwilling government before it, I come mw In- ccnturv. which, Before considering what may reason- to a subject of great of contract debts: relating to the crea". in its beginning, has belligerents here, the peace of the Pa- this provision is regarded as valuable, terest and importance, al- witnessed the rise ably be expected from international which, tion of an international prize court. of a war power, scarcely inferior to cific. Thank fortune we are beginning as it is thought that no nation would though widely discussed and urgently the to do our peace discussion, it is well to look at be likelv Some of these conventions have been empire of Napoleon; which has seen one part and do it worthily. to refuse to arbitrate, under proposed by peace societies and eight by own the difficulties in the way of accom- piich writ ratified; our , government. of the most bloody conflicts in modern circumstances, with the offer of ers for perhaps a century, was . I THE TRUCE OF GOD. plishing anything which would with- - not r mm tnese examples, eoununcr one history yet a is- "fts opponent thus made public. Noth- - among the objects ' war without a single Were I speaking from a it would stand the strain to which a nation may for which The exception, we see that The Hague has sue in it which could not text have been be these words of Charles Sumner: (Continued on Page Three.) THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, MAY 18, i eo u.nent international court, with dnon min. th. Ic God' 5 " f ANNIVERSARY OF FIRST always open ready for the right T Ani to Milton settlement their o I T Chance adding Christianity is muscular and not flab- of dispute between nations on prin - mInt dZitnnrt l eRjo' th of by fatness. of God ciples ' for 'hlch by m of such law, if the disputants n court,Into ?ea,ven ""vexed Satan and his The man to go for redress legions, was won hv v. Congressman who pretendM hla m'! HAGUE "lo,M:u lu aiuurdi?, xnere can be no Vwvr.!i,,c . tJ . " "raven, after ajj; CONFERENCE acKnowieage... ' Christianity kept him from voting to compulsion, as said by Mr. suiits 1 Pearson. no superior. WHEN SATAN WARRED fortify this island, ex-ci- i). are the t "The plan of was selected a poor arbitration like a Arms on armour jnd showed he neither knew baby apparently helpless and of very FIRST GREATER COURT. clashing, br&Vd 1 (Continued from Page Two.) norriDie discord. And Christianity nor regarded the fact the tea. confining the legitimate object little vaiue. unable to do much, and Yet the maddening that :oday be subjected by new of war since The Hague Peace Confer or orazen chariots ray'd; ability to defend prevents attack and and and unforeseen to wnippmg the enemy. requiring careful nursing, but that it ence there li so sch. ia to. conditions. has been a court to decide me noise of conflict." Such is is a guarantor of peace. " princi- - Milton's picture of publie Looking at the difficulties in the way he e tie, a"!U0 imernauoa", controvert on of the battle that del THE REAL PEACEMAKER. k;""" - highest Z Jl""?" 01 ,aw: Irov,d.d th contending ated tne traitors who in high heaven the char. not to discourage effort, but to sug- stance "h",;.: ?r.?- wisdo and of hi r.a The real peacemaker is the man who " ueuis t- -. :: :::z ue? are wium ta ma days of gest possible ways of meeting and rrr". k " . " ,r submit w has the courage honor to fight 1 and for overcoming .;"" Hlishd .eneran; lT,r Tt lsL"es to arbitration. Even the opportunity, to this of 80me them, in the first place and - 1 Justice, to resist aggression and oo-- iuit?rveniion or occu- - v,o . ' r : me doors of this t H day. to celebrate the anniversary of this )f lawless there is human nature. It is not only Z:U7.?ltwpation. and whether ought no kept interna pose oppression and thus to siruggto it not to .JV. always open c"onrerence comes Ok I I TU T I 1 I W I and the n to us through the bladv dogs which delight to bark and bite. stop U t lllfnlultPll II I II HI'M i U I II r for the Rule of that Law without there and not include anneia- - were always open struggles for law may be made here much bloodshed and many wars. as men The human animal is a fighter, it is tion. to hear and deter Peace, like which there can be. there should be, ai"" mine National instead of on field of battle, provided heaven. Is a state of hap- about said, even at his best. If there is one ARBITRATION. controversies over Na disputing piness; a blessing to no peace. c Rights. nations so agree. And this those who deserve angels quality which all men respect and ad- tional The Hague Conference us enjoyment. Oahu stands in the poeitlon to bo were courage, But the great step in the line provided for such a tribunal. opportunity established by this Peace great not mire it is and a quality progress of Conference will often, may War is the agoniiing of Eternal the peacemaker of the Pacific high which everyone despises is Is referring international it be hoped, Jus When this Island Is fortified against an. cowardice. disputes to MORAL. LAW. change the forum of national struggle tice in its labor for the birth of Peace ed decls, A nation that does not keep up Its arbitration, the difficult Peace is a delight, war may be a duty. naval attack, when our protected har- hose questions being (l) whether to iaw is a rule of action. Moral law for. law. from the battlefield to the bor can who fighting quality may be at the mercy make bar of this court. We should desire peace for our own receive and repair our own. ey arbitration compulsory or to leave is the rule of action for moral beings But always the good warships, when we were of strong nations, and at any rate a it struggle for will go and for good of others. As much have here coal and merely to the discretion of the dispu- It deals with the rights and duties of law on, and only as we may other naval supplies, Ham weakness craven people are not to be admired. moral beings. the form of It changed. and should desire peace with Uncle :ood Now, tants, and (2) whether judges shall It is the Word, the be still we must not place behind us. no nation can send it navy time all this is literally true, but be chosen upon Truth, the Life, and the Light, spoken And this is best and right. A man it above Justice. ited anj It is also true that a thoroughly bad the theoretical equal- struggle for the Rule of Law because and army around this stronghold to ity of nations or of by St. John. Human law and human of honor will defend his rights, so upon were for ; man may have courage in doing evil according to rela- will the justice which is thus established. make war our coast. tive strength, and (S) de- action approach this Eternal law lust an honorable nation. Not to do Galileo and the best men, in a sense, are whether the in proportion so Is is of more value than peace. This Island thus fortified tanda for 1 crees can to their recognition of the moral and national suicide. scholar to do wrong. Is not neces be enforcible. At least, it To illustrate: Tou own and possess peace on the Pacific. afraid It may be said rights and duties of men. Every man This principle is best expressed by ; high-spirit- ed that a nation which sub- a coin of gold. Is price As The Hague Peace Conference, by a mad. sary that a man, trained and every be- the publicist, von It the of mits its dispute to nation since the world Ihering; we quote: hard labor and It will get you providing for a niversity to protect himself and others, shall arbitration and gan has had some recognition "The of food Court of Arbitration. does not abide by of this end the Law is Peace. The and clothing. Tou lock It up. you fast- took away to a large extent neces- Columbus therefore be irascible, quick to give the result takes law, and has more or less struggled for means to the upon itself the burden civ- that end is War. So long en your doors, you your sity and excuse went to ready to offense. Time was before the reign ex- unchain the for war. and aa and take ilized world to show the of this law. To a certain as the Law is compelled to hold itself watchdog, you place your gun ready national ability courage ck . that the award and to defend of the when it was the things, to do to idll by tent each and all have known their in readiness to resist the attacks of at hand, you res of an people or to to destroy made the court was wrong. rights under law wrong and retire to sleep. our rights take away temptation to ' hurt them and All such questions will come up this and have felt and this it will be compelled Then, in the darkness the burglar make war upon us. so we may rejoice that his their property if they gave you of for obligations of duty under it. The right to do until end of can- w--e the time it breaks and enters your house in present peace- n Brown you you discussion at the conference, and of existence unharmed was felt, and and the promise of future - fense or menaced or did may reasonably expect not dispense with War. The life of home, you awaken and see him. dagger Did you ever how easy It la oul.l that the world's self-def- en notice fall wrong in any way by word or ac. I the right and duty of rec the law is a struggle, a' struggle of in one hand, your gold in 3 peace oe neipea Dy agree- and the to get very angry at a weak, cowardly life his ? win tne ognized. The right to they That time has long passed among civ what made nations, of the state power, of classes, other; he will pass quietly out if you A im-drea- ments which will be made concerning by man? man often loses hi temper its ilized people. The law takes charge of their own labor was felt and the of individuals." lie still and keep silent. Wi'l you do them. duty of protecting recog- when disputing with weakness and such cases now. At a still later time that right this? Or win you reach for your gun timidity. lee with nized. The right of freedom and the LAW FROM STlllFE. It was "considered that the only thing DANGERS OP MILITARISM. to shoot him? If the former, your gold Did you ever what powerful will to duty of defending that right was felt All the law in the world has been gone, you notice a which a gentleman could do, when in is but are safe; if the latter. a strong, brave man is to en ? drearrjv Armies and navies must continue, and fought for, and so of other per- obtained by strife. Every principle of assistant suited by another, was to fight a duel you may not have time to shoot before an unjust man hold temper? has.beeir and they must be kept in high order sonal rights. law which obtained had first to be you get able to his with him and kill or wound him or let efficiency, he stabs, may hurt. The So it is with nations. It is easier to he davs of or else they are worse wrung from those who denied it; and chances are, you can kill or wound him him kill or wound you. That fashion useless. Our with rep- WHEN MIGHT WAS RIGHT. get very mad. at little Korea than It the ulti-- , in- than nation Its every legal right the legal rights of before he can stab you, and the ques- has become obsolete. People who government can generally At first there were no or Is to be at all displeased with Great mong so t: resentative courts a whole nation as well as those of in- - tion Is. shall you do this? dulge in it now are not usually con- be to avoid aggressive wans tribunals to hear and determine ques- Britain. history of so trusted dividuals supposes a continual readi- - I say, yes: and If you are the man sidered to be safe members and to exhaust the arts of peace be- tions in controversy concerning such you you Strength, preparedness, courage and t ion but ciety. ness to assert it and to defend it. The ought to be will never have men anger ne fore taking up arms. Thus far we rights, and then men defended them by is not mere theory, any doubt or hesitation about It. is honor in and nations subdue when Why. then, should the human nature own strong arms. Iw the but a liv It and preserve peace, while weaknese. have not kept out of war when or be- their Then there your property being g- coming ing force. And hence it is that Justice, not alone which is of nations prevent them from cause our regular armv was insienifi- - was no punishment meted out to those one taken, your personal right want of preparation and want of the. which in hand holds the scales but it is courage to an agreement of some kind on in numbers navy in- - who had trespassed on others' rights toeing trespassed upon, Invite aggression, oppression lift Bp cant and our far in which she weighs the right, carries which is also subject of going to war about dis- V or land so men not only defended and war. tall faein f r a r9 onv ntfiai ran their in the other the sword with which she Your property and your life may be In they ; again, come not only avenged wrongs, tak-becau- se When Oahu is It will bo putes? Here, in power. We need not become warlike rieht but their executes it. The sword without the danger, but your honor is already chal- a Gibraltar the evil passions to which I have re power. i"g,the fiat the club or the sword into lenged by Injustice. It is your duty to more than Gibraltar, for it Is mt we have military Our scales is brute force. The scales with- "Imply ferred, but greed, selfishness, indiffer- nwnla Tint TuitsVl r cm Intrt tha Vmc:l own hands. They were obliged your own manhood to defend your right. a gateway to a sea that will bo ' punish out the word is the impotence of law. cen-- ence to rights of others, the satisfac I to in order to, deter others from It is your duty to society, to the state, protected. Dut it is trie controlling ness of killing and wounding human , The scales and the sword belong to- greatest ocean. tion of exercising control over other beings. We sre, as a people, gentle gether, for, in defending your own, you uphold ter of the peace by fighting for It. All this was and the state of the law is Held by a great nation of bravo people all these things make against and refined, and it will not hurt us or perfect only where the power with the law. you make crime unsafe, and permanent international peace. strong. a struggle for the Rule of Law. This by swift vengeance take away tempta- - men. oahu will be the greatest material anybody else to be also struggle is still going on, but now in which justice carries the sword is factor for lasting peace on earth, whilo ethodist A weak nation is apt to be over equalled by the tion for the wicked to commit such BONDS OF PEACE. general it i3 made in the courts by an skill with which she crime. Providence has placed you in a the spiritual factor is the moral power ?. Spe-- e again primitive sensitive ana quarrelsome, wniie a holds the scales. position to uphold the law, and to make of that religion whose soul is love and But looking back to powerful nation does not have to as- - Law is an uninterrupted labor, and choir, 1; conditions, when tribal relations were for their rlghtg. To the courts they burglary so dangerous that it will not whose voice will be heard. "As on tho sert us strengtn it speaxs ror useir. iook for the avenfrinsr cf wronsrs. not of the state power only, but of sea Galilee, is whisper- - for the . fnrmoil for mutual helpfulness and their be often attempted. Strike instantly of the Christ At the end of the Civil War we had And tne COUrts being established they the entire people. The entire life of your part an ing Peace." on the Pacific. when the tribal relation was followed - and thus do for such shall H. an army strong enough to cause Em- may do this, by suit, the law, embraced in one glance, pre- I by of tribes making Up a and should and establishment of law on earth that men Then will the bugles sound the Truce association peror Napoleon to give up his designs Reign Law. sents us with the same spectacle of I nation, the people, as In case of a struggle for the of The may henceforth sleep In peace. of God to the world forever. Then on Mexico at the slightest hint from perfect reign of municipal law is peace restless striving and working of a are I fought good nducted tribe, were supposed to stand by each So with. a nation; when Its rights to those who have the our government. But for the power for the citizen. The complete reign of whole nation afforded by Its activity in Invaded, it must sometimes do the I fight for the Eternal Right sanctioned R. were usually I II. other, while outsiders we had to back up our suggestion, international law would be peace for the domain of economic and intellec- same; must sometimes shoot; and by Divine Law will be spoken tho . as enemies. Inter- of the hostile and treated colony, perfect reign all production. Every ; now, was Mexico might now be a French the nations. The of tual individual this is war. words. "Let us have peace." some national friendship then, as It was partly for similar reasons that law would be the Millennium Univer- - placed in a position in which he is And as with a person so with a na ' fickle and uncertain, depending main- England agreed to submit the Ala- - sal Heavenly Peace. It is an end we compelled to defend his legal rights, tion, ability and courage to defend the said: self-intere- st; ly upon but the increased bama claims to arbitration at Geneva, cannot reach but we can approach. takes part in this work of the nation, right tends to prevent aggression and helpful- L. ILL. community of interests, the When we undertook to lay down the Our approach is a constant struggle and contributes his mite towards the oppression. a ness of trade, making mutual appre- Jby men and by nations, .ve seen law to her concerning her Venezuela for law made realization of law on earth. THE which is nearly allied to Advancement by struggle brings Men BLESSED ARE to VOU ciation claim It was indeed fortunate for us this and nations owe a duty to friendship, is a great advance over that tho Enelish Premier could look increase of personal and national peace. themselves to defend their rights and u latioual when all peoples were bar-- fnrpiiaa in mam is concerning ' A powerful army and navy with ng be- - the time atiaart nnft that snmA flav we History tne to not allow malicious injury to go it has . .. struggle right courage behind the guns and patriotic Jf M J& 1& d& M vi-TP- to each other. And national for national unpunished. 0 1 barians womo a naval nnwor whose 0 4 pass now the enormous a struggle for law. Poets and prophets says, firmness in the people and their rul ad-- come to that fri(in(l!,h, - wnnM h worth while. The philosopher, Kant, "Let not ly 'j j manes. me- have dreamed of the end of the Strug- - your rights be trampled by ers are the greatest international i cost of war it....-ior inierem,i In 1898, with a navy such as we now under foot peace- AALAS DANCE xjiected to maintain peace so far Kl for law In the universal reign of others unpunished." peacemakers: "Blessed are the , I will v of all nations have, a war with Spain would have And say this reverently as they can do so. This is, perhaps, unnecessary. law, and, in such reign of law have Have the dignity of humanity in you. makers." I been een .perfect peace Thus the and believing these words of Channing, the most effective bond of friendsnip. A big undefended country invites universal This is manliness. "When a man has - TILL MIDNIGHT 1 ever worm "War will never yield but to the prln- so-call- between nations. yet made a of himself he cannot t know ' insult and attack, and the surest and" perfect peace; "For out of coples of Universal Justice and Love Another, and very grim, bond of defense is often made bv taking the such complain if he is trampled under foot." go into Zion shall go forth the Law and the Punishment for Injury is engraven on and these have no sure root but In peace is the appalling destrucuene3 , jnltiative which requires preparation M xl- - T the" religion The Aala Athletic Club gave a very junded, . . , I ijuru from Jerusalem. vigorous of Jesus Christ." whirh nrlence is m, tj.jwora oi i" the hearts of all men and na I on " 1 WAl judge among the nations. The struegle for individual Justice successful eoncert and dance Saturday the use. "Une And He shall tions and finds expression by blows, by . ;le, ?."7bringing into n.:;avcome'"8.understand it. many people. And they many against a burglar and the struggle ror in th K ,, , the not only of con- "".r" - and rebuke actions at law, by wars and in niilt .t when annihilation, Now, while abating no effort to les- swords lnto plough-se- n ways. national Justice against aggressors are cr0wd local ink for fleets, entire shall beat theIr other -- of athletes and their ladies miles tending armies and but the horrors of war and to obtain gnares, and their spears into pruning an on proper occa struggles ror tnese Tincipies oi i war. When individual r-.- being present. nations, will be practicable In agreements extending , rhih soldiers international hooks. Nation shall not lift sword sion does he is helping to establish Te I this - Then must come either the great fed scope and effectiveness of arbitra- - pu...!( u. r,r o. Keio- rnnte in The club has been very succesnful oa md on the against nation, neither shall they learn law and justice in his nation, and every the diamond, having won do 1m thaa eration of the world or else a return tion our mllltary strength must be any more." protect rights, goes the Christian Relleion. aek to war nation which, to its we out of 0 games played. to living in caves of the earth like the suffiCjent to protect our corn- - to war, is helping to establish right Meantime ink national doors ttle of THE PERFECT PEACE. bv nrotectine our harbors against pos- - e Saturday tne club will give .out as primitive man. merce and our seaboard Justice, law and peace on earth. weil .Notley I i a We luau in hall. Let us be tender-hearte- d and just Note, the Reign of Law Is to hie stressors. nacifv the Pacific rr side, WHITE MAN'S BURDEN. , that At the affair .Saturday night the THE Jn keep perfect peace. And - wakmjj xm bv gift of the! national navy. dis-t- ys idence and brine about this fu ml quesuun I despoil handsome silver cup presented to tho But still It Is not simpiy a drv m indful ever that the conditions of such perfect reign of On January 15th. 1908. President We remove temptation to act nations agreeing not to ht fol- - Hawaii hv showing the power and the winner of the championship of tho of civilized hlsspd ar the neacemakers. law are stated by this prophet as Roosevelt declared Uo the President of I es not with small nations. In this .Brazil, "Tne warsmps or America courage to defend our right here. Riverside Junior Baseball League waa ountry interfere lows: tnat on the trophy having been won way Switzerland and Belgium keep "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, exist for no other purpose than to pro The nation with protected harbors, view, oading Independence. But these are with tect peace against possible aggression watchful warshlns and bisr euns is not tne Aaias. their and the leopard shall lie down the i'An interesting program il War people of the highest order of intelli- Christian Church kid; and the calf and the young lion and justice against possible oppres ant tn he forced into war. was rendered have Turks, by Bernard Kelekolio, Aala A. ('. quar-PEAC- E i gence This can not be said of and the fatling together; and a little sion. OFFSPRING OF POWER. would AsiasticB a'ndL Polynesians. them; and the cow and No doubt the presence of our war tet KaiIimiii quartet, John A. Noble, Egyptians, child shall lead Ker-Geor- . offspring ge years! know tne meaning The services at the Christian church shall feed. Their young ones ships in the Pacific Ocean is a pow Peace is the of Power. Jr., Henry Kailimai, Jr., Kdwin People who do not the bear Washington, in a speech to nandez, Kalahti twins, Lmily Nuhiwa. len, "to government, w ho have j we, was lie down together; and the lion erful factor in giving to the world a of a civilized were attended and tne church shall Congress. January 8th, 1790, said: "To After the program, dancing was in- - no conception of human ngnis-- . w-- j shall eat straw line an ox. expected effectively decorated with white flow- - lg upon our This presence has accomplished more be prepared for war is one of theldiilged in till midnight, when the guests it tween themselves, can not be guch peace conditional '"" or of - Till rp I u most effectual means preserving dispersed, agreeing that the dance was tes ... .v- Oiara a - -"- T,.Uh Koine, nf ilIITprent irom uuui LUinrinitc uiu to respect tne - "- --' X raiures wui iuc najuc , n8uia ? r'- .7. ... t., r ... ,a ir! peace." lone of the most enjoyable that ha ry act . j. i n .in no . & i i una nas u - i to Kepi ui .ofii3 " uuit Diossoms ana tne piatiorm niaue mi came up In our pre-- been jjiven in Honolulu a 9ns to ... tvia fpar bubmu I no fierce passions, no strong wins, no When the bill for longtime. - c - v - , of way tnan o iui-- I greenery. I covet- - whisperings Congress providing for the fortl- - The officers of the club and the metn- - and V 1 no - be heard where the of a sent ,nd do with flowers I rOL,iinniV ' t ' - onw.' line--ti , upon" other, puny conscience of Pearl Harbor, It was con-- j ters of ,the victorious I h ! a 1 are In the fear of The choir sansr sopclal music alone no desire11to live each are unheeded. fication tm Now, I do not share indignation, ana no ven- -i me great guns now approacning - sidered. discussed and passed in the as follows: which is often ex- - the line of Peace. no aneer. no iia- the yellow peril .Mnw aroused ,bv a feeling of injus- - mond Head are missionaries of peace interests of peace. Honorary President Dr. K. F. Li. pressed, nor do I think that the vast Judge Kingsbury was introduced by help away the temptation to on suDject ex- - lought may some days tire Then the wolf, the bear, the and take Those who spoke tne Khtertainmeiu Committee Sam Hop hnr nf the Orient R?v. A. C. McKeever. His address henna rd and the lion in us is to be sol make war upon us pressed sentiments or preserving an,j janii(. Correa. lanent Iswamo of the Occi-- j - - the civilization - was Mians-e- that it is as a great trans- rrmn ine siaiiupuiiu raw aim and considered the act one Tor enect- Baseball team players Ham Hop, t reason why Rome sue- as follows: present peace is most de- - even int Tho formation as if the "lion shall eat enjoyment, Ing lasting peace. j manager; Manuel Correa, raptain; M. was no JUJJUt; JttXNUJSJBUttX. may be planned ror ana ;o dis--' cumbed was that It wusi straw like an ox." sirable and Kverv congressman out one voiru A. Asani. H. A. Brito, J. K. Clement, I oooa. fit to survive. . Vln wnp flim Am,rl. he eats meat some other animal worked for as a peat Relative Tes, and that one (name unknown and S. K. Kaia, J. Smith, J. Weotbrook, wars todav olir if De with people wno u believe the . on the otner nana war is to snun no be Rut in dealinsr - . killed.- - I do not . . so It be) he voted a na-ic- h - ii urirurt iiwn liic ocqlo .uiiiri - i m,it he' - ...... mote said W. Hoopai, H. Leslie, A. Kawahantii, t wrong i . . possiDie nis- - of nr. thmio-h- of rieht or morai ,. v.. ti.,. .oc. a but I ned when tnis is wunoui cause he was a Christian and so op J. Ornelai, D. Arcia, Andrew Vee, Yee not enough. There t avoided posed to war settle strength is - or na Hoy and Loo Yep. hand to be used if a unon portion of scripture. out Impairment of Individual is likely he was a pseudo-Christia- n ed by iohe the strone n'a .meHonn this war a Rela It norWin- - nn.i this means tnat Vila K,r Draa.ant .TXrir I do not think Isaiah would have tional justice, for is Great and his excuse but a false pretense. nients v I g I ! . nnt- rp moral . . t-- . erass-eatin- lion. tive Evil. ..: M o v on TV CT I. -- I for a resign he does not rep ties in ' j Ul kJU il t J ,,,h rnort - He should for JOCKEY WILLIS riht itself in . x. , ,,v,o ,r,-- i have as little respect for a grass- Peace is opportunity for enjoment resent the American manhood of his nse of . . , ns,. man or a man with no lion inlfor happiness. in oraer Keep t..niiatinn. It jrozit?r auu r j ttt. i .9Hnr - district. He should have no place it is to us necessary, tain ,icu nuin. st be able to useo"force if f di universities, him Lenlncend'rviduarTndatrna'rj that legislative bodv since his chance AND AH SAM to be there was won by the bloodiest evil and in this sense tne ""one American peace. liberty and life-m- ay be a strug- - - -nlvWsal- - tice. war our ever were white man can not De tne navy, one ispwiu m am.j I peace. Indian fathers n are n-- n any cannot be nh. gle for . . . .. neonle e., r,,,hnist Ail 'Peace at price" forced to defend and finish. In his Honolulu will have an opportunity to orant, A8 ImnnViis? ""I Tnd Stained, and the coward and the fanatic PEACE WITH HONOR Anthony Wayne fought .L,. The t The district Mad witness a really scientific boxing exhi- come Z may not representatives of the other nations each preach it in vain. Peace purchased by loss of justice. the battle of the Fallen Timbers which itself Lat!ln SS - may rightly aim at perfect peace, J jDerty is only for the cow- - bition in the course of a couple of if SlJSS- and com- Tart in the conference were men We and honor made peace there, then and since. The v v., .... - - 1 a - I ationa wiuciii, " . , . . . -- j .w - ctrh-- fnr it we- mav- snicei j ,v, ,1, an the trllrerl Sum weeks. pensation. They may demand tne of the greatest aomiy.t..ix au nc jnutii we iu, ..con., peace that has made lt possible for fight. rrooerty various callings. Tne ly desire it. oui n "'"'- - a peace is Dut a promise iu hi? congressional district to be filled The contestants win be Jockey Willis -, same and eminent of their hshb' hor- securitv to life . As longjtrtat may. im among eConfere was called at the earth than is heaven itself. lnjury and insult with with Christians was won by bloody and Ah tam, a boxer well known not-igui- sh 'they our citizens which give to name of as time lasts and man is endowed j punjty, be heaped upon those who thus war from cruel savages. o honor of ease. It but locally. i sense f lustice and of submit for the sake is A Christian loves peace. A Christian a lot at the Coast de-aliti- Willis ha boxed Lt es struggle for law go Ja SOurce of temptation for injustice and Is good, so long will his hates war. The first a relative H as KO(d R boy a, one nMy fnm-i.n- i I war. and Is of short duration. evil. neith ld Is the latter the relative But to find at l' pounds. He was for ;sting The form of the fight changes, but Peace that is lasting and valuable er the God of War nor the Angd of sparring part- grievance. i . , , ,,,.. on. of war in which Jus long time Frankle Neil's nation goes always the result six-rou- terial, with a .... the hattle for the right It Peace should be worshipped. ner and once b"xed a draw army BY PEACE wag composed of hard workers who may- the fist, club or sword, tice and liberty were fought for and to be regarded only WHAT MAT BE GAINED It be with hon-.- rt They are each with him when Frankie was one of the from strenuously ana no aouot ac- - may bv an action at law in a established. Whoever enjoys an happiness thfy ulti- CONFERENCES. (worked or it be others for the sum of best featherweights in the world. 1 the justice it is all the same, orable peace is enjoying what bring to sentient humanity. weight But although the days of force may' of strusg,ed have fought for mately Willis can't find a man of his nave for. sees some relative good, i only never end. coming toge ther .at The advancement in The fanatic in Honolulu and Ah Sam the iiis to the or e dQneSSSlIdjd nothin(f The establishment of municipal ' sees it alone and worships it. As boxer who comes anywhere near hi1 Hague of cUUea we riving of representatives nothine to bring about said, looks at it on so broad Hmit. courts mats r - . v. in Irving "he po . in-doi- ng ior 1 1 t,ro-l-. v.. law nations to discuss the ;;rmament or to put stop to the lilC 11 ti l 7 Ul .11 f.r no room in his 1S pound thing destruction d It J' for thousands of years. Our a scale that there is Willis will box at am e, he away with useless armament. It did nothing to men. over arm and Ah Sam has to make IM pound of great advance it gle between to think, sneak, worship, prop- - small nead to turn it property a 1 rieht Iways is itself change the effect or lessen the horrors The fact that sum courts enlightenment, other side." The fanatic may wor- ringside. The former figures tht hi conization, may De exiremcij, Publicist. i Hbertv educat!on. Chinamanj Id be it of actual war. The Dutch justice by law may be had. and pursujt of happi. ship some relative good, but the Chris- cleverness will offset the ficult to bring about international three hundred years be may be size and strength. d up army Hugo Grotius, where punishment for offenses ness. and to every other legal right has tian worships only the God of Justice extra agreement fixing the limit of in his work, entuiea w J"ir oy me The men meet to sign artk and still fore - meted out to the offender struggled for. warred over and and of Love. pnn- been er. and navv forces which each nation et discussed these temptation good of be-in- post forfeits at I p. m. tomorrow and e can ; Rel'i Pads." peace, State, takes away both the purchased by blood. Every right, na- The Christian wills the immediately. will maintain in time of peace, but cipl'es and the rights of war and personal conflicts now, both will go Into training ct to not ' . and the excuse for tional or individual, which we in is benevolent. off a) ;ionaI such an agreement is certainly, fh foundations of all modern recognized. The exhibition will be pulled at Con- - between men. peace, enjov and which is IS PLEASURE. 30 i l b j impracticable or visionary. If the law with which this PEACE local theater on May and international . and so strong is the by law, has id of r?ti ' r natural . . . established and protected if? box- great powers Ana i . .. v. .. is pleasure, war pain, prefaced with several attractive na-e- should find it for tneir w3s concerned. yi . i r i a man--- - ol i Peace bit f ll . ference I ininn in -.! ueesi uyianiru u. n...ta.i, t. agree . ... ,.,iiv, ot rpi.o did reetinv; ii sometimes the greater good, the great- ing and wrestling preliminaries. crests to to do tnis, u.u Peace conierence . - he sees his rights mA one right we now as . nirlt. when of ine!e been selected to act me weaker powers would whuus-J- ' . accomplish a great gu.-u- u ; strong is his Ln1,iv by er happiness is through present pain. Eddie Tait ha v tVamnled uron. and so tnat ha! not been obtained as and has accepted in the agreement. or ' wron?-d-r God? War The Christian can sacrifice himself referee .establishment ,,P,irr,- to runish the that war? Freedom to worship (. OTiti- -j 1 aurVu: I . . ., n good can .o la a term -- - nn Of OUeSllon."- l" . v... mM) . ... . - Dntptl.-,-n.-.-; nf.... the greater general and - fV . L "'i ..Kitrat oailie or liihi c .....itt. ljiof ri ul .ivuimi for outpointed Joe Jean- - ' trial Rule of Jim Barry ason-ion- al Ciln by International :.between nations. " wager battle, was not property? War. Privilege to go direct struggle and agonize for the "f be defined away exi u. ,lK called of nette. Sreetentt and might well exclude all degree, took totn tne in England until the reign to Cr.d in prayer? War. The lands we Eternal Justice without which there abolished pursue our no beneficial peace. A nation k at vwperty not intended to he usea w. tne nevu, t.wi,h.Lf r.eoree III inhabit? War. Right to can be Sports on Page Nine.) I - our own is a nation of warriors. (Additlonal warlike r,urnoewhether under the; international provided a per-- There is no court to heac and deter- own good and happiness in of Christians Qeutral flag or not. This would be'ed and this Conference THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. MONDAY, MAY 18. 1908. 1 ,1 THE T GUT DETECTIVES . IT IT IS FREE! Pacific Commercial Advertiser IRE HOLDUP MEN A MORNING PAPER. ASK FOR IT! A Rapid Transit conductor telephoned to the police shortly after midnight n. 8MTTH ------EDITOR WAIiTEX yesterday morning- that there was a A Booklet full of valuable hints for suspicious character hanging around HELL" MONDAY MAY 18 the corner of Kin and South streets, motorists called who, he feared, was a footpad with money KOCH. designs on his belt. The story THE WORLD'S DEBT TO ROBERT he told the police was that the man Kobert Koch Not evervone in Honolulu realizes that in the person of Dr. had stepped out suddenly before him watch--5n- the quiet oM man resting at Waikiki, sitting for hours on the and T from behind the tin sign board that An Egg Drink th tI. at work, we are entertaining one of the famous men of the cen beautifies the corner, but ha promptly one who has done more for humanity than the command. r of "the great stepped back ae-al- out of sight as soon tury, he, pulled is work, one who, in his as the conductor, his trans- At our Fountain always means white fleet," to welcome whom the whole city at fer punch out of his pocket and made own world of science, stands head and shoulders above all others, a man honored a noise like, a gun man. The police one more; perhaps not yet, but and how to straighten them. It crowned heads and presidents, princes and potentates the wide world over were inclined to be sceptical of any caption, Medicine Owes to Kobert Koch," the Review holdup artist being abroad, but a possa Under the "What of plainclothes men, headed by Chief of Reviews, this month, prints the following: Taylor, went out to investigate. Then The Hawaiian Electric Go., Ltd. "Bacteriology, since it became a real science, has been the foundation of there was a holdup and a merry chase Here's hoping it's SOON! to music a barking six-shoot- most of the progress made in medicine and surgery during the past quarter of the of ALAKEA STREETS. P. O. BOX occupies a more illustrious and honored The police were scouting about KING AND 144. a century. In this advance no name through the bushes at that corner place than that of Kobert Koch, who developed and elaborated the discoveries when someone came tiptoeing through and theories of Lister, Pasteur, and others, and vastly improved the methods the lot from the direction of Kewalo. technique of bacteriological investigation until it has become the real The police stonped in the shadows and and. waited. They were suspicious- - So was science of preventive medicine; the one approaching, who stopped HOLLISTER DRUG CO. "Dr. Koch's entire life has been given to painstaking and perservering but short a hundred yards away and sniffed WRAPPING' PAPER, bold and original research in medicine, particularly in the development and ex- for danger. He winded something, for - a Limited disease-bearin- g germs and then- behavior under he wheeled and made break back for tension of our knowledge of the the waterfront and the posse streamed all possible conditions affecting human health. after him. "Plait or I'll fire," yelled PAPER BAGS, TWINES "This hearty, genial, spectacled German professor, who last month began Esppda, but there was nothing doing a brief American tour, has just completed a year and a half of close study in. in the hesitating line and the five bul lets that whistled around him only South Africa on an island in Lake Victoria Nyanza, studying the 'sleeping made the runner let out another notch sickness.' For this strange, fatal malady he has already discovered a palliative, or two of speed. When 'he was finally graduation up American-Hawaiia- n Paper & Supply Co., , not a cure. Dr. Ivoch's career as investigator began after his winded he threw both hands and Ltd 1 if in I860 from the University 6f Gottingen. During the fourteen years following, told his pursuers to take what he had, but spare his life. He thought he was v , CORNER FORT AND QUEEN STS. which he spent as a humble practicing physician in several towns of Eastern being held up and there had. to be a CANDY he studying bacteriology, then a comparatively unknown science. Prussia, was general explanation all around. GEO. G. GUILD. General Manager. Telephone 410. : As early as 1876 he had isolated the bacillus of anthrax. That this disease- - splenic' fever, as it is sometimes called to which cattle and sheep are subject HANDLING GSEAT GUNS. aid which sometimes attacks man, was caused by a bacillus had been demon- The work of the discharge of the strated in 1S63 by the French scientist Davaine. It was Koch, however, who Diamond Head fort armament has ex cited admiration among all who in any breadA.Y.CS0DAS rst worked out the life history of this organism and showed conclusively its way observed the operations. In San causal relation to the disease itself. The germ of anthrax was the first dis- Francisco it took over eleven hours Hall-Mar- k of micro-organism- s, to place in the S. S. Hilo-nia- n The covery of those or bacilli, which we now know to be the cause hold of the Quality of infectious disease in men and animals. five 15-t- on mortars, two 17-t- on sections of carriages and several on " Preventive inoculation against disease by the use of a serum or lymph pieces, - besides a large number of LUNCHEON the development of the Jenner method of vaccination is a method one might smaller sections, but here in Honolulu, almost say originated by Dr. Koch. After his discoveries as to the nature and herein are the facilities of the of the bacillus causing anthrax, and the publication of some admrablej literature port well illustrated, it took less than on the subject, Koch devoted himself to the study of the tuberculosis germ, and six hours to put ashore the 200 tons of war material which had been loaded to the socalled 'comma' bacillus identified with the cause of cholera. It was in the City of the Golden Gate. by the discovery and use of tuberculin (popularly known as 'Koch's lymph') Captain Peter Johnson of the Hilo- - that his fame became world-wid- e. This tuberculin, which he prepared in 1S91, nian, who superintended the special himself claimed to be useful only in pulmonary tubeculosis, confining its arrangement of heavy tackle necessary le to delicate and somewhat danger- use to the comparatively early stages of disease. A good deal of undeserved the the ous discharge of the ordnance, de- criticism was passed upon Dr. Koch because of the failure of this tuberculin serves great credit for the masterly rw av to fulfill certain popular hopes. It was used in unsuitable cases, in too large manner in which the work was per v--9 WAVE A BEER WZTJT doses, and without certain necessary precautions which had been prescribed, formed, and to Harry Denison of the o and, of course, failed to work the almost miraculous cures expected of As Oahu Railway & Land Co., who saw-t- YOUR RSCKET it. the placing of the guns and car- an agent of proved value in certain cases, however, its importance in medi- MAKE A RACKET IF riages on flat cars for moving to the THIS WEEK YOU CAN SEE Av3 - cine is unquestioned. Dr. Koch, strange to say, at present holds that tubercu- railway yard, much credit is also due. TOU DOHT GET J losis in man is a disease distinct from tuberculosis in cattle and other lower From the railway yard the Honolulu THE Rainier Bottling animals, and he denies the possiblity of the transmission of the disease from Construction & Draying Co. takes the great guns and the rest of the mate- these animals to mans The great majority of the medical profession, however, rial. Already have the. drays of this Works now holds to the contrary view. company transported the smaller sec- PHONE 1331 'fKoch's investigations and discoveries with regard to the cholera bacillus tions of the Diamond Head battery have been the foundation of investigations carried on in Egypt, in India, "and to their destination, and the big truck, capable handling twenty-fiv- e Jons, in other Asiatic countries, and have made possible much more knowl- of M a definite will in a day or so be ready to con- edge of epidemic cholera conditions and methods of preventing the spread of vey the heavy p'eces to the end of the PATTEKN OF TABLE SILVER- this dread disease. island. WARE IN OUE WINDOW. "Wide and generous recognition of Dr. Koch's scientific achievements has been given him, not only by his own but by other governments. In 1SS0 ho BUBBLE RACE This is another new pattern which SHIPPING AND COMMISSION became a member of the force of the Imperial Office Heath at Berlin. Three has just been added to our stock. INSURANCE years later he was made Privy Councillor, and in 188o he was appointed director MERCHANT FIRE and MARINE of the new Hygienic Institute of the University of Berlin. He went ON THE TAPIS to Italy, Tins LINE TS SOLD AT Egyptt India in 1SS4 as the head of the German Cholera Commission, and Agent For-- STRICTLY NEW YORK PRICES. on his return was decorated by the Emperor and presented with 100,000 marks There is a proposition on foot to his ARTHUR SEWALL & CO. in recognition of services in discovering cholera "bacillus. A year five-mi- the later have a le automobile race at he went to as J J J Bath, Me. France the German government's official cholera commissioner. Kapiolani Park next Saturday after- - 1S91, upon PARROTT & CO. In the founding of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in the Ger- noon. man capital, Dr. Koch San was made director. Twice, in 1896 and in 1903, he went Two local owners of machines are H. F. Wichman Co, Francisco. to South Africa to & study the rinderpest, and in 189" he took an extended trip willing to compete with cars of a through German East Africa to study malaria. In 1905 was LIMITED he awarded the nearly equal horse-pow- er as possible, Xoble prize for achievements in physiology. His best known works are (we and it is expected that arrangements give the English titles): 'On Cholera Bacteria,' 'On Bacteriological Investiga- will be made for the race today. Leading Jewelers The race .will be run on same I ( tion,' and 'The Investigation of Pathogenic. Organisms.' the 1042-105- 0 FORT STREET Going plans as the races, each car to Have? "Dr. Koch is on his way to Japan, to study, it is reported, the progress chariot changing sides at each turn of the I pair of these new made by 'Japanese military medical science." track. The object of this is to ensure K$fJ;f Russia calf 1 safety and control of speed. As a car ) U elt WALKING BOOTS! Better I ' Jr . slow up to change its position, READ THE ADVERTISER going-fast- , THE SPELL OF MUSIC. must " JrW hurry, for they, are the chance of accident is minimized. 1 JCo greater boon is given to a person than love of music. With it comes WORLD'S NEWS DAILY Each of the racing cars must carry No contentment, forgetfulness of toil and trouble, and something akin to peace. its full complement of passengers. stylc '5, Pricc 4,50 But betweeli love of music and an understanding of the same there is a vast It is understood that E. H. Lewis i - V;Qa. Also same thing in Oxford. difference. Paderewski and Kubelik must will be one of the contestants and tlat llpr be understood to be apppreciated. driving. So must rendition of any of great Henry Lewis will do he CE the the classical masterpieces. Whether he will enter a light or a SALE Styk N 468' PfkC ?3'5 It is given to few, however, to understand music. Happily, all may enjoy heavy machine is not known. Si 11 V it, even in its simplest forms. If the event comes off it is sure to of barrel-orga- prove of a very exciting nature and What a fairyland of romance the strains of a n playing in a dingy J should draw a large crowd to the v Manufacturers' Shoe Co., London street at sunset time introduces to the dwellers in the slums! As . ! the track. laminar nines 01 me music-liall- s are ground wit, varied every now and again i by a sweet old song of home, the sordid surroundings are forgotten and the. HEW 1051 FORT STREET 1 listener walks along the Thames in blossom time, dreams 'mid the shocks of V sjbj TELEPHONE 282 v.heat under the harvest moon, or goes marching down to the troopship, keep- ... ing step to a, martial tune. n

Here in Honolulu well-love- ... a phonograph voicing a popular or d ditty, 1 however brassy, arrests the footsteps, and the listener often remains spell- (Established 189) D E N AT A N bound till the music is no more. He or BUTTER! she may have been absorbed witW An Inhalation lor Try some other. Then try this. We have u thoughts of business or of pleasure or the Sole Agency of pain. The strains of the instrument Whooping-Coug- h, Croup, and have had it for years. II came to them unexpectedly, and they could not but stop and listen, and regret Bronchitis, Coughs, N when the record was exhausted. Diphtheria, Catarrh. NOW ON. WHY? The evening concerts of band are Because we have found the ! the enjoyed by a greater number of Cresolane is Boon to Asthmatics. it best people than patronize any other form Denman has the 'finest of entertainment. True, it is, that loafers Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a Creamery, in California. remedy for diseases the breathing organs than We recently r.nd idlers swell the attendance considerably, but many an important engage- gtomatii I secured about 50 10 take the remedy into the & . ment is missed and many a social function sidetracked in order Crrsolme cures because the air, rendered pieces LEWIS COMPANY, LTD. that the boredom strongly antiseptic, is carried, over the of Embroidery at a very ' of society and the rasp of business may for a Family Grocers. 169 King St. Telephone while at least be forgotten in the to mother. low price, and have marked same 240 music of the band. with small children. The twang of a !tlTufThose of a Oon at prices much below the guitar, accompanied by soft singing at night, when (.nmptive Tendency usual. the taro patches are filled with will find immediate relief stars and the night wind brings the fragrance from Coughs or inflamed The lot comprises all widths of cf the oleander and spider lily, makes for the forgetfulness Condition of the throaU of care and holds ALL DRUGGISTS. both the attention of a person who has neither known nor eared for music before. Send postal for de- ISLAND RANCHES The strummer on the guitar may only scriptive Booklet. be playing a simple native air. but it Vapo-Cresolc- Co SWISS AND NAINSOOK strikes a human keynote and 1st) Fulton Street, brings to the hearer a conception, vague perhaps, New York. but sometimes wonderfully EDGES AND INSERTIONS. clear, of the pain of an empty heart, of" the scaring Supply us with as good beef as can be found in any n stigma of failure, and of what transfiguration the sour of a man would el u perience were one section of jot of his yearning for the Greater Things realized. High and Low PRICES 15c to 40c yard the world. The grasses are succulent and P 1:1 LL JAPANESE READ the condition of the cattle excellent. You get only J Every visitor of practical experience in lumbering or of expert knowledge i fine-graine- d, of the values of wood who visits the limits of the Hawaiian Mahoganv Com- THE HAWAII SHINPO tender beef when you buy of us.

pany feels on 5 constrained returning to Honolulu to repress their enthusiasm i over the lumbering prospects of the Territory, apparently, lest he be judged an An authority among Japanese News- boomer. papers, published in the Territory of intereste.l That so much undeveloped wealth could remain soi long unnoticed and overlooked appears Hawaii. to each one 10-pa- Metropolitan of them ns marvellous, especiallv The only Illustrated ge Japan- Meat Company, Ltd. in this age of so much talk of lumber scarcity. It may be that in other places ese Daily in Existence. out doors in 12-pa- ge of Hawaii are other fields just as jromising and latent with a Sunday Issue Is the Best Telephone much promise of success as are the pineapple lands and the koa and ohia forests advertising Medium. 45 t'evelopments. It is altogether probable that there Job Work in Japanese and Chinese a are. specialty. GOOD GOODS, f: :


s i ' ' Baptizing a Jewish Child at Rome. in I NO OTHER is quite good enougfa to entrust Your Best with the beauty antf preservation I nend of your home. When you paint your house, you want the purest, best, and most lasting paint, and you'll find it In W. P. Fuller & t Cos-- MI, PURE PREPARED S Your Cam - era Fir - f i 'i - TV- i V. PAINT Better for you to keep a permanent record of your It is made of the purest white travels. Let your friends home see lead, zinc, and linseed oil. at all you have And it lasts longer and looks seen. Make your exposures and let us develop the better than any other paint. negatives and print your pictures. Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. OUR WORK GUARANTEES LASTING RESULTS TO YOU. 177 S. King Street. Phone 775 11 i -- til D - I Films, Glass Plates, Paper, GENERAL Developing Trays REPAIRS

To- - CARRIAGES OR THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE TERRITORY, AND THE PRICES NOT TOO HIGH FOR THE fit--?: J QUALITY. - - t J v " W. W. WRIGHT & CO. f COMPLETE STOCK OF WINDSOR 6c NEWTON'S KING. NEAR SOUTH STREET OIL AND WATER COLORS, BRUSHES, STRETCH-ER- S, AND ALL ARTISTS' SUPPLIES ON HAND. i MADAME LAMBERT 53 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER f1 Ladies' Material Made Up' to Hawaii Photo & Art Co., Fit and In the Latest Faahioi HARRISON BLOCK 1 f,i LIMITED Telephone 193 1 ; FORT BELOW KING I It is never too early In the Mid.lle Agei3,' on Holy Thursday,' the Jews need to be driven to church, where they were forced to go through a ceremony of conversion. The only relic of this practice in modern Rome is the baptism of a Jewish to of child on Holy Saturday in th Church of St. John Lateran. think the future. Therefore you should be getting out your old shoes from the closet and bring them here to be Repaired. Our quick methods of repairing shoes is catching on in earnest. Quality Mm in "Not of materials, quality shoe making, quality of finish, quality i it? Reward Offered I A Man Who Would Be King j through and through. Remember you get the best of every- Well, I guess ! am when it comes to RIGHT KTNT) or thing here. And your work finished when you want it. doing the of painting Much inconvenience is caused sub- you of Kings," John L.. Cowan in the Sunday Island orders solicited. artistic paperhanging. I can show scribers to daily papers by the sup- Under the title "American the latest ideas in house decoration and posed failure of the carrier boys to Magazine of April 5 writes of the .few American adventurers and others who execute them at a reasonable cost. deliver them at the dwellings or of- have attempted to set up petty kingdoms, and says: "If Americans who have V1CKERS SHOE REPAIR SHOP fices promptly and regularly. Much achieved a crown and kingdom have thus been few, the number of those who, 1 1 Union Street Near Hotel. STANLEY STEPHENSON of the blame that, is landed on the 19 boys Is misplaced, for investigation like Caesar, have refused the insignia of royalty is still smaller. In fact, 137 King. 'Phone 426. proves that the papers, in most in- history records but a single instance in which the throne of an existing mon- ALWAYS EIGHT S. S. SIGNS. stances, have been left all right and competent to afterwards taken by pilferers. In one archy was proffered to a citizen of the republic by authorities section of the city the theft of Adver- make good the gift. In this unique occurrence, the throne of the Samoan young chil- O. OKAZAKI tisers has been traced to was United to Lieut. dren who leave their homes early in Islands proffered by England, Germany and the States the morning for the purpose of gath- Charles S. Ripley, retired, of the United States Navy, who showed his apprecia-

mangoes. A sub- st GOODS ering Lunalilo street tion of a good thing by declining a crown rather than renounce his American We are offering the finest quality of ribbons at lo-ve- NEW IN scriber to the Advertiser has missed his paper often lately and was willing citizenship." prices. They are in I to blame it on the boy, but the other According to a well known naval authority, Lieutenant Eipley was gradu- Worsteds and Shirtings morning he noticed a nice little black Satin, Taffeta and Fancy Dresden and tan dog come up on the veranda ated from the Naval Academy in 1881 and was placed on the retired list as a in the most fashionable colors. You will lose an oppor- I and carry off the paper. The act was lieutenant April 22, 189S, as a result of disability from incident of service, and and Shirts repeated the next morning, but the tunity if you do not get some of these ribbons. Suits h-i- x subscriber was ready for him, and fol- s present address is Springfield, Mass. He comes of seafaring stock of the to order. lowed until the dog went up the steps coast of Maine and when only fifteen years old ran away from home and 1 Nuuanu below Hotel I of a neighbor's house and carefully L. AHOY, st Hotel Street, near River Street. deposited the paper at the door. The joined the navy. A matter-of-fa- ct recital of the stirring events of his career wmJ reward offered by the Gazette Com- would supply material for a score of melodramas, says this article. He was pany does not cover cases of this char- shipwrecked on the high seas, lost in the tropic jungle, snowbound in the acter. Several paper thieves have mountains, attacked by savages and exposed to hazards on land and sea. He AUTOS caught and sent to the Reform been represented the American government in various diplomatic capacities, carried REPAIRED BT OUR School, but in many other Instances a I AUTO EXPERT plea for release has weakened the official despatches through the wilds of Madagascar and served through the war Ltd. hearts of the publishers and the cul- with Spain. New Schuman Carriage Co., prits have been sent off with a repri- "WTien the triangular imbroglio over the Samoan Islands reaehed an acute mand. Thefts of the Advertiser copies Silk Merchant Street stage, making a war that would involve Great Britain, Germany and the United Cloth and PaperGdsScreens, Embroidered Crepe, have been more frequent of late, and Grass Linen and Lawn Shirt Waist Patterns, Carved the management has grown hardened States appear imminent, the finest warships of the budding American Navy to an extent that a reward of twenty-fiv- e were despatched to Apia Harbor. On the American warship Vandalia was Tables, various sizes; Satsuma, Sandalwood Fans. dollars is offered for the arrest Lieutenant Ripley. With his brother officers he paid his respects to the sorely any person caught and conviction of hectored monarch, King Malietoa. Malietoa perceived in the presence of the Decorate in the act. There will be no more For the weakening on appeals by parents and American vessels the only hope of the preservation of his kingdom from an- El children: the matter will rest with the nihilation. In Lieutenant Ripley he seemed to take an unaccountable interest. police department and the judge. appeared a Nuuanu Street, Above Hotel Street. ... It that seafaring ancestor of Lieutenant Ripley's, some generations back, who was supposed to have been losY at sea, had been shipwrecked on the For automobile ride, ring Phone 191 TOM SHARP Stude-bake- shores of Samoa, been became great for George Wells' seven-seate- d r. and had rescued by the islanders. He a Can Help Tou man among the people, courted and married a dusky Princess, and became the began to dig for gold. His efforts were crowned i progenitor of a line of kings. The family history of the Eipleys dovetailed the heart of the Rockies, and he became the founder of American City, IT IS TOUGH into that of the royal house of Samoa to a nicety, making it evident that the with success, says this article, and he built a castle ten thousand five hundred great-great-unc- in Gilpin County, Colorado. There BE YELLOW American officer's le and Malietoa 's grandfather were one and TO ago a maid of ' the same person. feet above the level of the sea. Seven years he married fair Columbine Castle, probably the only home in America Nothing would satisfy Malieta but the adoption of Lieutenant Eiplay as Illinois, and carried her to Some of the best pictures since the leading down from the basement to Nature ' his son. To this proposition the officer demurred, his objections were that has a timbered mine shaft introduction of the caricature of "His but all overruled, and the ceremony of adoption was performed with much barbaric treasure vaults. have recently been - Master's Voice" pomp. placed on the market in Xew York, A VIGOROUS CURE. where they are attracting widespread Not long afterward occurred the memorable shipwreck at Apia. Lieuten- attention. There is a series depicting ant Ripley was on board the Vandalia as she was sinking, but swam to safety, The Katholische Schul-Zeitun- g of P.erlin tells this story to justi- the woes of a friendless dog. One Df and then went bark into the very' jaws of death to aid in the rescue of the of the imperial order against the use of foreign caption, hell to fy its indorsement ho set bears the "It's officers and marines on board the sinking Trenton. As a, reward for his services one of the high schools the scholars were ordered to ap- be yellow," and another has him sit- - words: "At THE. - he was sent to the examination, with ins- hv the side of a tin can and ask United States with despatches telling the tale of the disaster, pear before a committee of ophthalmologists for a CHAS. ing, "Has anybody got a string?" They and was given a year's leave on full sea pay. Then his duty called him to view to correcting defects in vision and arresting the progress of D. are sure to promote a smile anywhere. Madagascar, to China, to Alaska, to the Philippines; but never back to Samoa; troubles. One scholar received from the head master a note J&?rWALKER eve - Other productions by different artists and the episode of adoption by King Malietoa was almost forgotten. which read : 'Today's examination showed that your AND make a specialty of this class of for his father BOAT who Meanwhile after various vicissitudes in the affairs of Samoa Malietoa died, predisposed to myopia. Something must be done with works work have been made for college girls son Fritz is "machine cozy corners, and the islands were left without a king, Malietoa leaving no direct issue, morning Fritz appeared with this note for the head KING STREET and boys, for dens and him.' Next and for the libraries of older, folk. although the islands were full of collateral heirs clamorous for the crown. An master: 'As soon as I read your note of yesterday, for which I They are on sale by the Hawaii Photo international commission endeavored to decide on a legitimate claimant, satis- thank vou, I gave Fritz a sound thrashing, which, I hope, will do & Co., Fort street, belong King. Art factory to the people, and not obnoxious to the three powers immediately con- him good. If he ever does the same thing again let me know.' The AUTOMOBILE AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER MAX'S cerned. It was finally decided that the only person whose rights were indis- school authorities have been instructed to use 'shortsighted,' instead five EXPERIEXCE "WITH DIAR- putable was the adopted son of King Malietoa, Lieut. Charles S. Ripley, U. S. 'myopia,' hereafter." Xew easy-ridin- g Studebaker, of seats, on call day or night- - RHOEA. X. A formal notification was signed by the representatives of Great Britain, Mr. S. G. Mathers, publisher of Germany and the United States, and forwarded to Lieutenant Ripley, inform- The Man with the Gun (boastfully and cynically) I have been Club Stables Chronicle, Normantown, Queensland, ing him that the crown of Samoa awaited him. That unusual document is still engaged to at least a dozen girls. Miss Sweet Girl (looking an- Tel, 109 says: "Chamberlain's Colic. Cho!era one of the Lieutenant's most cherished possessions. noyed) And always been unlucky in love. eh? He Oh. I don't know and Diarrhoea Remedy completely cur- To take a place among potentates and powers, to the married anv of them.'. What? Philadelphia Inquirer. chronic dysentery from which hail as "brothers" Fve never ed me of rulers of the world, is an comes : I had suffered for years, I feel confi- opportunity that to few. and that is not lightly 1?EM0VAL NOTICE. dent that this remedy also saved the to be despised. Nevertheless, in the estimation of Lieutenant Ripley, to be an "John," she whispered, "there's a burglar in the parlor. JJeJias life of my infant daughter, who when American was better than to be a king; and the commissioners were politely just knocked against the piano and hit several keys at once." "I'll Carriage Manufac- teething was severely attacked with but firmly informed that they must go he. "Oh, do anything rash!" "Rash! The Xew Oahu and was given up by the elsewhere. go down," said John, don't to Queen diarrhoea Spanish-America- turing Co. has removed by Benson, Smith After the close of the n war. Lieutenant Ripley was placed Whv, I'm going to help him. You don't suppose he can remove the easterly side of Nuua"" doctors." For sale street, at the & Co., asents for H. X. on the retired list. Then he donned the rough garb of the prospector, went to from the house without assistance." The Throne. , stream. 8034 piano PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, MAY 18, 1908. i s THE - 1 t 1 has grown up with the customs and Term of lease, twenty years from at the office of the undersigned, Judi Lot No. 3, area 61S acres a little mor i traditions and general characteristics By Authority September 9, 1908. ciary building, Honolulu, or at the of- or less. recognizes im Sub-Age- BELIEFS of the nation. It the fice of the nt of First and Upset rental, $50.00 per annum, pay. M '5 acknowledges Upset rental, $440.00 per annum, pay the ; mortality of the soul; it semi-annual- ly i TEERITOBY OP HAWAII. semi-annual- ly Second Hawaii. able in advance. the existence of supernatural power able in advance. Land Districts, Hilo, Term of lease, twenty-on- e years it reverences the ancestral spirits, and The entire boundary of land to be JAS. W. PRATT, from may religion TREASURER'S OFFICE, HONO- July 1, 190S. . AND RELIGIONS therefore it be called a fenced within two years from date of Commissioner of Public Lands. of ancestor-worshi- p. concerns ltr LULU, HAWAII. Lot No. 4, area 1676 It cattle-pro- Honolulu, Oahu, T. H., April 17, A. D. acres a little mora lease with a lawful of fence, self, however, with temporal matters 1908. or less. GRIN-BAU- far more than with spiritual affairs In re Dissolution of the M. S. M and said fence to be maintained in S016 April IS, 25, May 2, 9, 16, IS Upset rental, $150.00 per annum, pay. It has existed in Japan from time im & good condition until the expiration of Shintoism the Cornerstone COMPANY, LIMITED. able semi-annual- ly in advance. memorial, long before the introduction the term of lease. of Confucianism and Buddihsm. From NOTICE OF SALE OF GENERAL Term of lease, twenty-on- e years from of Her National Whereas, the M. S Grinbaum & Com- an ethical point of view It has more An average of forty (40) blue gum LEASES OF AGRICULTURAL July 1, 190S. teaching in Buddhism, I pany, Limited, a corporation establish- Structure. it than but it trees (Eucalyptus globulus) per acre AND PASTORAL LANDS ON THE The above leases will contain condi- not so elaborate as Confucianism ed and existing under and by virtue of to be planted on the land between the ISLAND OF HAWAIL tions requiring the fencing of the lines Nevertheless It has a tight grasp on the laws of the Territory of Hawaii, Japanese mind. is based upon 3000 and 4500 foot contour lines dur- between any parcel of this land and the It pursuant to law in such cases made (Advertiser Correspondence, Copyright a patriarchical form of community. Its has, ing the first five years of the term of any Government Forest Reserve, tae by Frederic Haskin.) and provided, duly filed in this office, At twelve o'clock noon, Monday, May J. essential notion of ethics is cleanli the lease, and the entue number to be fence to be as set forth in Section 407, ness of conscience; idea of a petition for the dissolution of the ISth, 1908. at the front entrance of the TOKIO, May 2. The national religion but the maintained in good growing condition Revised Laws, and to be constructed cleanliness is applied not only men a Judiciary building, Honolulu, there Japan la the worship of the divine said corporation, together with certifi until expiration of term of lease. Pro-- ! within one year la tally, but physically hence its ten will be sold at public auction under from the date of th Emperor and his deified ancestors. cate thereto annexed as required by vided, however, that in place of blue lease. dency to bodily cleanliness as well as the Provisions of Part 5, Land Act 189f. This religion Is the cornerstone of the other cognate matters. It speaks of law. gum trees, there may be substituted The lessee will be allowed to cut (Sections 278-2S- 5 Inclusive), Revised from Japanese national structure, albeit the good and bad. the one as 'black or Now, therefore, notice is hereby with the approval of the then Superin- the premises such trees as may 'muddy. or Laws of Hawaii, general leases of the be nec may be recognized as a re- and the other as red given to any and all persons that have essary to provide posts cult not 'clear.' It reverences the Ruler from tendent of Forestry of the Territory following described lands: for construct- ligion although there is perfect been or are now interested in any man- of Hawaii, or such other officer or off- ing maintaining and the very nature of its cult, and (1) Lands of Hakalauiki, Hakalaunul and the fences requir religious belief. ner whatsoever in the said corporation, liberty of Shinto, the magnificent ideal of a subject and a icers as may succeed to his duties, other and Wailea, Hilo, Hawaii, containing ed under the terms and conditions of Gods, is only purely citizen is developed from these simple that objections to the granting of the species of the eucalyptus these leases. Way of the the tree. an area of 685 acres a little more or Japanese religion, and It Is a peculiar- notions." said petition must be filed in this office The lessee to police said reserve Thus speaks Baron Suematsu; and The general plan of planting and less, and classed as follows: ani does on or before 12 o'clock noon, Monday, to measures pre- ly Japanese notion that Shinto In his last sentence he sounds the key grouping the trees, supervision, etc., to 565 acres, agricultural land. take all reasonable to 27, or r regarded as religion. July 1908, and that any person vent and extinguish any may-occu- not wisn to be a note of the reason for the life of be the same as in section 2. 120 acres, pastoral and waste land. fires that adopted Shinto. is a political and a national persons desiring to be heard thereon therein, and- - prevent When Japan the ethics of It (5) 740 acres, a little more or less, Upset $3137.50 per annum, pay also stock religion, and the nation fears that must be in attendance at the office of rental, Confucius and the religion of Buddha, Niupea-Kealakah- a, semi-annual- ly from entering said forest reserve. with the death of Shinto, Japan itself of the land of Ha able in advance. both of which came from China by the undersigned, in the Capitol Build The also except re- would expire. The 250,000 Shinto makua, Hawaii, to be used for pastoral Term of lease, eight years from Octo Government and way of Korea, it revised both codes ing, Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noon of serve from any of the above tracts, to fit Its own needs. Buddhism could shrines are divided into twelve classes, purposes. ber 1. 190S. all from Great Shrine Ise down to said day, to show cause, if any, why roads, trails and rights-of-wa- y. not thrive in Japan until it recognized the of Term of lease, twenty years from (2) Lands of Lepeloa-Kaunih- o, Hilo, the "shrines with no fixed parish to said petition should not be granted. The the ancestor worship and the million September 9, 1908. Hawaii, containing an area of SW8 acres usual reservations regarding .Shinto, did by guard over." Many of these are the A. CAMPBELL, required deities of which it the J. Upset $133.00 per annum, pay a little more or less, classed as follows lands by the Government for v pimple process of considering each one shrines to family deities and about Treasurer of Hawaii. rental? ;i Territory semi-annual- settlement or public purposes will be of these deities an incarnation of Bud- them still revolves the complicated able ly in advance. 300 acres, agricultural land. machinery of Japanese "family Honolulu, May 15, 1908. S040 embodied in each of the above leases. dha. Now the Christian religion is the The entire boundary , of land to be 8 acres, pastoral and waste land. Others are erected to the memory of For plans and full particulars, gaining ground and the whole coun- fenced within two years from date of Upset rental, $1652.00 per annum, pay apply mythical deities and heroes, and others NOTICE OF SALE OF GENERAL office try is being cast along the lines of cattle-pro- semi-annual- ly at the of the undersigned, Judi- - of able u to the patriots of history. The last LEASES OF LANDS OF HAMA-KU- lease with a lawful fence, In advance. Christian nations. ciary building, Honolulu, or at th-- j oN princi- deification of note was that of Prince and said fence to be maintained in Term of lease, eight years from Oc Shinto, the central and vital HAWAII. flee of the Sub-Age- nt, Maui. ple of which is the worship of the Kitashirakawa, who died of disease in good condition until the expiration of tober L 1908. in 1835 leading an army JAS. W. PRATT, Emperor, was made the established Formosa while (3) Land of Hionaa-Hokukan- o and to A shrine of At twelve o'clock noon, Monday, the tern of lease. Tellgion In order to fix the minds of sent subjugate rebels. Kaalaiki, Hawaii, containfcig an Commissioner of Public Lands. high was to en- An average of (40) blue gum Kau, the people upon the Mikado and re- official rank erected him May 18, A. D. 1908, at the front forty Honolulu, Oahu, T. II., April 17, A. he is now deified as the God of area of 2200 acres a little more or less. store him to the Bupreme power which and trance of the Judiciary Building, Ho trees (Eucalyptus globulus) per acre D. 1908. usurped Shoguns. Formosa. to and classed as follows: had been by the nolulu, there will be sold at public auc be planted on the land between the 8016 April 18, 25: May 2. 9.' 16. 18. purpose accom- The Shintoists are divided in twelve 155 acres, agricultural land under cul Then, when that was tion, under the provisions of part 5, 3000 ani 4500 foot coatour lines dur- plished, Shinto was disestablished and prlnclpalsects and a number of small- tivation. 278-28- 5, ing ' religious freedom was' granted. Then er subsects, distinguished by their de Land Act 1895 (sections in the first five years of the term of al- 245 acres, agricultural land not under STOCKHOLDERS MEETING government required all "re- votion to some particular god, clusive, Revised Laws of Hawaii), gen- the lease, and the entire number to be the though they accept gods. One cultivation ligions" to be registered. It was then all other eral leases of the following described maintained in good growing condition worships Mt. Fuji, which it believes 1800 acres, pastoral and waste land. The adjourned annual meeting of that Shinto asserted itself in the lands: until expiration of term of lease. Pro peculiar Japanese fashion. Its leaders to be "the soul of the globe," another The lessee of this lanjl will, during the stockholders of E. O. Hall & Son, avowedly places Imperial Family 2345 or vided, however, that in place of blue came forward and declared that Shin- the (1) acres, a little more less, the life of the lease be licensed to en Ltd., will be held at the office of the to was not a religion but a cult and first and greatest among the gods, of the land of K'aohe, Hamakua, Ha-- gum, there may be substituted, with corporation, Fort and King streets. Ho upholds personal ancestor-worshi-p ter the forest reserve covering a por on .May 22nd, 1908, could not be classed with dogmatic another iii, 3000 the approval of the then Superintend- nolulu, Friday, at as of importance, and so below the foot contour land, develop, con nine o'clock a. m. religions. first ent of Forestry of the Territory of tion of this and on. line, to be used for pastoral purposes. serve, store and use any water found Election of officers and transaction of It is the Japanese idea that Shinto, Hawaii, or such other officer or officers general being not a religion, is entirely ac- Buddhism in Japan claims the larger Term of lease, twenty years from there. business. ceptable to any other religion. There- part of the people of Japan as its fol- September 9, 1908. as may succeed to his duties, other E. H. PARIS, well-inform- The to police reserve ed lessee said and Secretary, E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. fore, according to the Japanese gov- lowers; yet Japanese Upset rental, $563.00 per annum, species of the eucalyptus tree. say that the religion is stagnated and to take all reasonable measures to pre- 8040 idea, a or a Bud- semi-annual- ernmental Christian up payable ly in advance. The general plan of planting and dhist or a Mohammedan may also ac- has utterly failed to keep with the vent and extinguish any fires that may The boundary of land to be grouping the trees, supervision, etc., to Custom-Hous- e, cept the cult of Shinto without Incon- rapid progress of thought In the last entire occur therein, and also prevent stock Honolulu. Collector's- years. established bo same as 2. sistency. The reason for this is as forty True, it has fenced within two years from date of the in section from entering said forest reserve. Office, May 12, 1908. SUPPLIES FORT theological seminaries colleges cattle-pro- pro- plain If and of (6) 1200 acres, a little more or less, REVENUE VESSELS. Sealed as the nose on a man's face organ- lease with a lawful fence, Upset rental, $1112.50 per annum, pay Japanese people accept Christian- founded on models of Western of posals for supplying ship chandlery, the and said fence to be maintained in the land of Manowaialee, Hamakua, semi-annual- ly ization, and has even attempted a re- able in advance. to Revenu- ity and desert Shinto they will no 1800-fo- rations, and coal vessels of the good condition expiration of Hawaii, above the ot contour longer believe In divinity of form in its scandalous priesthood. But until the Term of lease, ten" years from Octo e-Cutter Service, regularly station- the the losing power line, to be used pastoral purposes. Emperor. When that belief is un- on the whole it Is and the term of lease. for ber 1, 1808. ed, or temporarily, at Honolulu, H. T., Influence in affairs, while perhaps still Term of lease, twenty years from and delivered on board said vessels settled in the minds of the Japanese The usual reservation regarding (4) Land of Ninole Makal, Kau, Ha-- , at ! holding masses of people. The suchvt-- masses the present hold of the ruling the the withdrawal of the September 9, 1908. that place at such times and In great temple of Kwannon in Asakusa land required by waii, containing an area of 329 acres as may required oligarchy may be loosened, perhaps Upset rental, $216.00 per annum, o"Rrtities be during Park in Tokio is in the center of a government for settlement or public a little more or less to be used for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1909, Overthrown. semi-annual- payable ly The scoffer must remember that it Coney Island amusement park, but the purposes to be embodied in this lease. in advance. pastoral purposes. w 1 be received at this office until 2 is only yesterday that all Europe was thousands who come to be amused (2) 14,300 acres, a little more or The entire boundary of the land to Upset rental. $70.00 per annum, pay- - o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, May 26. 1908, also stop in the temple, cast a coin ruled by kings who claimed the "divine be fenced within two years from date semi-annual- ly at which time and place they win be clap less, of the land of Kaohe 5, Hama- able in advance. mon-arc- hs Into the great box and thefr cattle-proo- publicly opened. Blank forms of pro- right," and that two European 3000-fo- ot of lease with a lawful hands as they bow in ptayer. kua, Hawaii, above the con f Term of lease, twenty-on- e years from posals for coal, snip chandlery, of today make the same claim fence, and said fence to maintained and for their authority. The Japanese Japanese Buddhism is divided Into tour line, to be used for pastoral pur be October 1, 1908. rations, showing conditions as to coal, sects forty-nin- e subsects. in 'good condition expiration Kamaoa-Puue- o, compo- masses- - have believed in the divinity twelve and poses. until of (5) Land of Kau. Ha articles of ship chandlery, and - youngest recognized sects of their Emperors since a time when The of the Term of lease, twenty years from the term of lease. waii, containing an area of 12,700 acres nent Parts of rations with specifica was established in 1275. But the many may naa upon application to-- Christ was only a prophecy and a September 9, 190S. 25000 blue gum trees (Eucalyptus a little more or less to be used for tions, be hope, six centures before He appear- changes of the past few years have this office; proposals must be sub- globulus), to be planted during the pastoral purposes. bids--wi-ll ed In Bethlehem. Buddhism came to caused the formation of two or three Upset rental, $2574.00 per annum, mitted on these forms. Separate semi-annual- five le&se Japan and finding Shinto unconquer- new sects which are not recognized as payable ly in advance. first years of the and there- Upset rental, $1000.00 per annum, pay- also be received at the same time able but hospitable, permitted its true Buddhists. These are a mixture The entire boundary of the land to after maintained during the entire term able semi-annual- ly in advance. and place for lubricating and illumi- of Shinto, Buddhism, orthodox Chris- oils. Is votaries to follow both religions. The be fenced within two years from date of the lease upon the Biakai portion of Term of lease, twenty-on- e years from nating The right reserved to Japanese mind, therefore, cannot un- tianity and Christian Science, and reject any or all bids and to waive of lease with a lawful cattle-proo- this land near and in continuation of October 1, 1908. derstand the intolerance of the Chris- have made great headway among the f defects if It is deemed for the interest tians, whose God is a jealous God poorer classes of the people. fence, and said fence to be maintained the existing native forest, which na- All of the above leases which cover of the Government to do so, and no ani will have no other gods before The lower classes of Japan are for n good condition until expiration of tive forest shall be protected from both agricultural and pastoral lands contract will be put In force until religionists, and Him. the most part devout the term of lease. stock during the term of the lease, and will contain conditions requiring the Congress shall have made an appro- every Bud- . But when the Japanese rulers found requirement of Shintoism, which said trees not agricultural rate of to be paid priation for the purpose. E. R. the and one su- Four hundred thousand blue gum shall be planted rental 8037 that this intolerance of other religions dhism and thousand upon any put STACKABLE, Collector. was inseparable from Christianity, perstitions growing out of them, is trees (Eucalyptus globulus) to be less than eight feet apart. Provided, additional land under and as they had to keep friendly with fulfilled to the letter. That the upper planted on the land between the 3000 however, that in place of said blue cultivation. Will require also the the Christian world, they thought to classes are- - atheistic is denied, that 4500 contour lines during gum trees there may be substituted, fencing of the lines between any par- agno"stie quite probable. and the first NOTICE. overcome the Christian objections by they are is with Of Super- cel of this land and any Government The leaders of nations in times of eight years of the lease, the same to the approval the then declaring that the Christians need not Forest Reserve, the fence to be as set Shinto is not a religion, transition are often prone to religious be planted ,as far as practicable at the intendent of Forestry of the Territory be alarmed. 407, FOR the present the office of WILDER only a cult. As Shinto is based on an- skepticisnf, as, for instance. Franklin, rate of, at least, fifty thousand trees of Hawaii, or such other officer or of- forth in Section Revised Laws, and & CO., LTD., will cestor worship which still forms the Jefferson and Paine in America, and each year until the entire number is ficers as may succeed to his duties, to be constructed within one year from be with the Estate leaders of the French Revolution greater part of its activity, it is not j the planted, failure to plant that number other species of the Eucalyptus tree. the date of the lease. of S. G. Wilder, Room 408, Judd Bldg. soon after. But in Japan the leaders, 8036 at all uncommon for a Japanese to 770 acres a more or less The lessees will be allowed to cut defend it as entirely compatible with no matter if they themselves are athe- in any one year before all are planted (7) little IIoea-Kaa- o, premises may religion. ists, are determined to keep the people that are required by the terms hereof of the land of Hamakua, from the such trees as the Christian necessary W ; A Japanese Presbyterian, when ask- firm in the faith of Shinto and the o be planted up to that time, to be Hawaii, below the 1S0O foot contour be to provide fence posts N E Divinity Emperor. ed about Shinto, declared that it was of the permissible only with the approval of line, to be used for agricultural pur- for constructing and maintaining the unthinkable that intelligent men should Superintendent poses. fences required under the terms and Shinto as religion. is the of Forestry or such regard a ''It five conditions of these leases. Franklin Autos merely an amplification of the Bibli- other officer or officers as may succeed Term of lease, years from April The Government also except and re- cal commandment to honor thy father : to his duties, and the entire number 190S. serve any tracts, and thy mother," he said. '"and. itsrJ at any time planted to be maintained Upset rental, $2857.50 per, annum, from of the above all SILENT CAMERON. rights-of-wa- y. no more semi-annual- roads, trails and Ancestral tablets are idols I in good growing payable ly in advance. No Noise on any Speed. thereafter condition are tombstones in Christian The usual reservations regarding than until expiration of the term of lease. The usual reservation regarding with- Come and See It. churchyards. The images which you lands required by the Government for Do Not Endanger Ufe When a Hono- Provided, however, that in place of drawal of land required by the Gov-- j call 'gods' are no more than statues settlement or public purposes will be saints or stained-glat- a window re- lulu Citizfcn Shows You such blue gum trees there may be sub- ernment for settlement or public pur- of embodied in each of the above leases. presentations of Biblical scenes." But the Cure. stituted, with the approval of the then poses will be embodied in these leases, explanation not do away For plans and full particulars, apply Associated Garage this does Superintendent of Forestry of the Ter- covering all land above the 4500 foot with the fact that in whatever way at the office of the undersigned, Judi- ritory of Hawaii, or such other officer contour line, and below the 3000 foot H. F. MURRAY, Manager. Shinto may be manifested, the. life Why ciary Building, Honolulu, or the of- will people continue to suffel contour line. at giving principle of the cult is the rec- or officers' as may succeed to his duties, Sub-Age- the agonies of kidney complaint, back- fice of the nt on Hawaii. OUR ognition of the divinity of the Em- other species of eucalyptus trees. The Government reserves the right ache, lameness, JAS. W. PRATT, peror. urinary disorders. to at any time, with reasonable notice, conclusion war with headaches, The trees to be planted in groups or Commissioner of Public Lands. After the of the languor, why allow them- and without compensation, except Emperor went to the Great groves, the groups to be located by beT for April 17, A. Millinery Goods : Russia the selves to become chronic invalids, Honolulu, Oahu, T. H., 250.-00- improvements 1 Shrine of Ise, most sacred of the 0 ing scattered over the land so as to taken, take possession of D. 1908. Japan, there when a certain cure Is offered them? any part of AND Shinto shrines of and secure stock shelters in different parts the premises covered by 8016 April 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, 18. personally conducted the solemn cere- Doan's Backache Kidney Pills is the these leases which may be required for remedy to use. because it gives to the of each tract; in any one group the monies according to the Shinto rite, laying out and proclaiming to the gods, his ancestors, kidneys the help they need to perform trees to stand not less than eight feet constructing new roads NOTICE OF SALE OF GENERAL Trimmed Hats work. or improving or changing the line or the story of the victory over Russia. their apart. LEASES OF PASTORAL LANDS This ceremony was performed at a If you have any, even one, of the grade of old roads, and take from such The general plan of planting, and ARE NOW READY time when national feeling was run- symptoms of kidney diseases, cure premises soil, rock and gravel, as may ON THE ISLAND OF MAUI. re- yourself now, diabetes, dropsy protecting the proposed groves to be ning at its highest, and Its direct before be necessary for the construction or sult was a great revival of Shinto or Brighfs disease sets in. Read this subject to the approval of the then improvement of such and the activity. There can be no doubt that Honolulu testimony: Superintendent of Forestry of the Ter- road, At twelve o'clock noon, Monday, May U YEDA perpet- W. F. Williams a Government also reserves like on the Japanese rulers intend to of Honolulu is ritory of Hawaii, or such other officer rights ISth, 1908, at the front entrance of the 1028 NUUANU AVENUE uate Shinto, and to permit no other lighthouse keeper, and he has held behalf of the Government, or any per- or officers as may succeed to his du- Courthouse, Wailuku, Maui, there will religion to make much headway un- this position for the last 30 years. He son or persons, or corporation, acting i less it accepts Shinto and incorporates says: , "I was for a number of years ties. be sold at public auction under the with consent of Government, to take it within itself. one of that numerous army of people (3) 3400 acres, Provisions of Part 5, Land Act 1895, KOA DESKS and 3 a li'tle more or less, sueh "Surely the educated class in Japan who suffer with backs. Mine land and material for the laying 27S-2S- 5 their of the land of Kaohe 6, Ha- (Sections Inclusive), Revised ROSTERS does not believe the Emperor is a ached and pained me to no small ex- Hamakua, out, constructing and operating a rail- FOUR waii, to be Laws of Hawaii, general leases of the god?" the Occidental mind will query. tent, so that I was glad when I heard used for pastoral purposes. road or railroads. classes in following described lands: Perhaps not. The educated of a remedy for It, Doan's Backache Term of lease, twenty years from The except WING CHONG CO. Europe might not have believed in the Kidney some Government and reserve, Lands of Kahakuloa, West Mau!, to Pills. I obtained of these September 9, 1WS. King and Bethel divine right of kings, but they usual at the Hollister Drug Co.'s store, and from the above premises, all existing be used for pastoral purposes. scepticism gave re- Upset rental, $000.00 per annum, roads and trails. ly kept their .to themselves took them. They me great Lot No. 1, area 1115 acres a little more if they did not actually aid to propa- lief, and I make this short narration of payable semiannually in advance. The lesee will be required to take among or less. i gate the faith the uneducated. my experience for the benefit of others The entire boundary of land to be all reasonable precautions to I England prevent Upset rental, $111.50 per annum, pay- COLM When Charles of stood for who perhaps do not know that nearly fenced within two ye .rs from date of the spreading of Ivy Thimbleber-rie- s semi-annual- THE HOT WEATHER DRINK. Divine Right and Cromwell for Human all backache arises from the kidneys, and able ly In advance. lease with a lawful cattle-proo- f fence, upon Right, were there not many educated and the best medicine for It is Doan's the premises leased. Term of lease, twenty-on- e years from and said fence to be maintained in good men on the side of Charles? Backache Kidney Pills." The lessees will be allowed to cut July 1,.190S. -- Shinto, the Way of the Gods." says Backache Kidney Pills are condition until the expiration of the Joan's from the premises such trees as may No. 2, 777 acres, Hawaiian Soda Works 4 an eminent Japanese statesman who sold by all druggists and storekeepers term Lot a little more or of lease. be necessary to provide con- 516 faith, not regarded as 50 per $2.50), posts for less. Phone is of the "is at cents box (six boxes or (4) 2140 acres, a little more or less, a religion, but if it be a religion it is will be mailed on receipt of price by structing and maintaining the fences Upset rental, $77.50 per annum, pay- no of the land of Hoea-Kaa- o, Hamakua, required certainly of a unique kind. It has the Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu, under the terms and conditions able semi-annual- ly in advance. any dogmas, Hawaii, to be used for CHAD THE ADVERTISES founder, nor has it in wholesale agents for the Hawaiian pastoral of these leases. twenty-on- e ; Term of lease, years the ordinary sense of a religion. It from For plans and full particulars, apply July 1, 1908. WORLD'S NEW3 DAILY THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, MAY 28, 1908.

KOOLAU RAILWAY will likely be for other candidates on the first ballot, including IS in New CHICAGO NOW THE ft 4 MECCA York for Hughes and S in TOWARD KAHUKU. Illinois for 1 Cannon. 00 Against a positive 3 3 58 3 gain of 31 FOR ACTIVE POLITICIANS mate!y 50 instructed delegate for Taft V 4 o 3 during the past week, the a'lied can- p o a? didates made a very poor showing RECEIV only eight delegates. Of these four Oi OB were ele. ted for Senator Knox the big IB Although Convention Will Be "Cut and Dried," four from Pennsylvania two were named for Hughes in New York, and Ka- - Ka-- two were chosen for Fairbanks in Ken-- i A.M. P.M. hana hana the Gathering Remains of Greatest tucky. These two Kentucky delegates 0.00 11.00 1.32 ' are the only ones any KOREA jtafcana.. to to allied candidate 9 punaluu.. 2.17 11.11 1.42 .10 .06 Importance. ; has yet gained outside of his home Haleaha.. 3.00 11.17 1.46 .15 .10 state. j A notable feature of the Kaluanul. 4.1$ 11.23 1.50 .20 .1 ' situation is 4.89 11.30 1.53 .25 JtO the persistence of contests in the Hauula.. Southern states. The Republicans K&lpapau 6.27 11.36 1.58 .80 .25 (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) vention officers, the admission of spec- of 8.45 11.46 2.0 .40 .80 that section still refuse to climb upon tators to the gal'eries, of band-wago- Laia WASHINGTON. D. C, May 4. the selection the n seem deter- door-keeper- Taft and Arrive s, deputies and messengers, mined to carry fights 11.00 1LKS 2.11 .55 .40 Veering Chicagoward, the presidential army, their to Chicago. Kahuku. ail comprising an effective in the These fights on opposi- campaign moving on apace. handling scru- are based alike A HANA. is State of a convention, will be tion to Secretary Taft and on organiza- no convention ,state convention, tinized. No enemies of the Secretary g . M 3 3 after and tion differences. The state convention ST H t BO f con- of War will be allowed on guard in the in Mississippi district convention after district strategic positions. the past week had a big o" vention is registering verdicts in rapid row. While it is claimed that Senator a 3 c : a The allied candidates, even though Foraker's friends clearly had a major- t succession. Only about ten days of they have been beaten and put to rout, Qi . o " ity of the delegates, no resolutions of Ameri- : preliminary convention activity re- will make their demonstrations at Chi- were adopted Handsome Ssi cago. general- instruction and a contest : ; p mains. The interest therein is fagging Presidential candidates is assured. There is a contest from ly fight to Al- . P the last ditch. "God one Congressional Arkansas, : : out. mighty hates a quitter," as a certain district in Ka- - Ka- - a Southern 'state that was supposed to But the National Committee is soon Connecticut Yankee observed at the St. be well disciplined by the leader, can Beauty Roses. P.M. P.M. huku huku 1896 Taft to move its headquarters to the Windy Louis convention of about the Powell Clayton. 0.00 12.40 3.00 to to New-Englan- d Kahuku.. City, which is to be scene the yielding of a certain other As the Taft forces are now conceded Lale 2.55 12.49 3.12 I .15 $ .16 the of Yankee who was managing great quadrennial gathering. A small to have control of the National Com- Kaipapau 4.73 12.57 3.22 .25 .11 the campaign of another New England mittee, which will pass upon these con Exquisit Chrysan- Hauula... 6.11 1.02 3.28 .30 .20 subcommittee of that committee will Yankee who wanted to be President. tests, there is little concern about the Kaluanui. 6.87 1.05 3.35 .35 .21 be the vanguard of the convention There will be headquarters, brass inability of the negroes and the white .85 Can- Haleaha.. 8.00 1.09 3.41 .40 hosts, Chicago becomes soon the Mecca bands and banners for Fairbanks, Republicans in those states to agree, j 8.83 1.13 3.47 .45 .81 non, Hushes and La Follette, all of two-tone- Punaluu.. of politicians who like to be where the The development of. the campaign for themums in d Kahana. 11.00 1.23 3.58 .55 .40 which will add to the gayety of the the nomination has demonstrated that ' wheels are going round. The Washing- mid-Jun- e convention week. Connecting at Kahuku with the O. 4he Southern states are likely to be of ; In eight ten days more Secretary R. & L. Co.'a 9:15 a; m. from ton date line politically will fall into or comparatively minor importance. j train - Honolulu. abeyance. The Chicago date line will Taft shoulrl tv ablf to read his title TTTXTTrC?nr V- 4 T effects. . . Returning, leaves Kahana at 1:32 p. assume the first political importance. .clear to the Republican nomination presidency. Although ac- m., connecting with the afternoon It is still about five" weeks before the for the the Ka- pour great cession of a few additional delegates is train for the city which leaves multitude Into the coliseum little more than a formality for him, a REALTY TRANSACTIONS huku at 2:20. to make a President contingent only More Sail- upon Democ- half dozen state and district conven- "Fleet JAMES J. DOWLING, Supt. the ability of the militant yet nec- racy to command a majority of tions must be held before the R. S. POLLISTER, Q. P. & T. Agt. the essary 491 can be counted. votes country, majority of 190S. of the but none the less as though SecBetary would Recorded May 12. the talk of Washington is rapidly cen- It looks the certainly have a clear majority before Carrie E Godfrey by atty to Est of ors." See Window tering upon the great convention, for pc anywhere the national convention meets. How- Mary Gray, Rel; land, Kaahumanu there is nothing else in the Honolulu, $6000. B 301, p Oahu Railway world like a National convention of ever it will not be a clear majority of St, Oahu. TIME TABLE either of the two great political parties. instructed delegates. 173. Dated May 11, 190S. Even a comparatively uninteresting The figures kept at the National Com- Claus Spreckels & Co by atty to Display. mittee headquarters here show that 283 Mary A Gray, Rel; 5685 sq 'ft land, OUTWARD. , convention is an affair of tremendous delegates .... importance. Taft Instructed had been Nuuanu Ave., Honolulu, Oahu. J6000. "Walanae, up For Waialua, Kahuku and will be comparatively uninter- elected to Saturday night. The B 301, p 173. Dated May 12, 1908. 9: 15 3:20 p. It a may incomplete, so Way Stations a. m.t in. esting convention. So politicians record be but if City, Ewa Mill Way the only in a small way. The allied can Caroline E Godfrey (widow) to Tor Pearl and say. And yet it will be a convention and as gdn et al, D; Stations 17: 30 a. m., 9:15 a. m., 11:0S didates had 221 instructed delegates, j James L McLean of very great, even of transcendent, in- 2 pes and a. m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. m., 5:15 p. leaving 184 uninstructed delegates and int in land. Kaahumanu terest. It will be cut and dried, as the Hotel Sts, Nuuanu Ave and Pamoo m., $9:80 p. m.r p. m. goes. 64 contests. It is probably fair to til saying The nominee will be 200 lane, Honolulu. Oahu. $4500. B 302, p For Wahlawa 9:15 a. m. and 5:15 One, reckon about Taft delegates out of known in advance, apparently. 248 384. Dated Apr 6, 1908. ji. m. who has been following politics during uninstructed and contested lists. INWARD. the winter, as nearly all Americans On that bais he stands at present as- James L McLean and 'as gdn and sured of 483 votes, which is only 8 short Spreckels & Co, M; Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wai- have been doing, could almost writ the wf et al to Claus i of a majority. But on a very con-- j 2' pes land, Kaahumanu and Hotel Sts, DUNNS' HAT SHOP alua and Walanae 8:36 a. m., 5:31 platform now. President Rooseveft is 450 con- servative estimate he should have Nuuanu Ave and Pamoo lane, Hono- p. m. ordering practically everything in ' votes now, making it necessary to gain lulu, Oahu.' $15,000. B 301, p 174. Arrive Honolulu from Mill and nection with the convention. He has 40 Ewa approximately more. Dated Apr 22, 190S. Pearl City 17:46 a. m., S:36 a. m., named the candidate. He will virtual- coming PHONE 142 ly platform. will The conventions of the week Malaea 10:38 a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 4:31 p. m., write the There be should practically the addi- Mrs Kapika Hoopai to Mrs a telephone .between furnish all 2, 4487. Niolopa, 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. lone distance wire tional votes Secretary needs. Megal, L; por ap R P White apartments the $15 yr. Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa the House and the Among the states to hold conventions Honolulu, Oahu. 15 yrs at per Id of the trusted advisers he will have on B 298, p 202. Dated Mar 9, 1908. 8:36 a. m. and 5:31 p. m. very during that period will be Utah and the ground from the moment that Wyoming, more; Ahlo by to Charles Dally. tEx. Sunday. Sunday Only. the National Committee drives its which will supply two Est of L admr Limited, two-ho- ur two Missouri districts four more. The A Brown, D; int in R P 820, kul The Haleiwa a stakes down m . the convention city. first-cla- ss two $370. B train (only tickets honored), But after all, even with the Presi- entire state of Kentucky, excepting 8241BB, Waipio, Ewa, Oahu. leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:22 districts which have already acted, also 302, p 386. Dated Jan 27, 1908. dent as all powerful over the conven- delegates a. m.; returning, arrives in Honolulu tion as he was over Chicago con- elects during the week. German Savs & Loan Socy et al by the Among 22 delegates at 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops enly vention of 1904 nominated him, the Blue Grass the atty of to Elia A C Long, tr, Par that Secretary will con- tr at Pearl City and Walanae. there will be episodes and incidents. apparently have a Rel; lot 10, gr 4636, Punchbowl St, Ho- SMITH, siderable number. $646.20. 301, p 179. Q. P. DENISON. F. C. It will be a harmonious convention, politicians nolulu, Oahu. B G. & T. A. fought As has been indicated the May 8, 1908. Superintendent. P. because the President has all in Washington decided several weeks Dated Made of Steel Enameled Ware other aspirants than Secretary Taft to Elia A C Long, tr, to Edward J aj;c fight was good as all J a and has crushed opposition that the as 10, gr 4636, Punchbowl standstill over. The delegates chosen to aate Lopes, D; lot with a merciless hand .by methods that u,u"iu- - v his great of number 752, leaving only 228 to be , " t Fire Insurance multitude admirers Tho rnnvntinn nHrwl ia thprp. 387. May 8, .iU5- - throughout the country will not credit. rhnn B Castle and wf to Mrs Nannie R When filled with water and placed under the feet of Meat Safes, 1,000 fore nearing a close, J But a great body of practically 2-- 18 R 5642 j Rice, D; int in int in Ps THE B. F. DILLINGHAM CO., delegates S90 delegates to be exact The Secretary has made large gains Refrigerators or Tables, Etc.," will effectually keep ants off. the past week. Five state conventions na ana sr so, ana pes ianu LTD. is alone of peculiar popular interest. Koolaupoko,Pr $1008. B power Arkansas, Colorado, Maryland, North Kailua, Oahu. General Agents for Hawaii No on earth can dominate in all 302, p 389. Mar 31, 190$, so many inits. There Carolina and West Virginia Instructed Dated Atlas Assurance Company of London. details human their delegates at large four in each Lizzie K Puahi and hsb (M) to W A will independent seeking ee be Influences, por 3720, kul 4826, Ku-Thr- New York Underwriters' Agency. carry out ideas by schemes" state to support him at Chicago., Meyer, D; R P to their Molokai. $300. B 302, p 391. Cents a Providence Washington Insurance and by maneuvering that convention state conventions nMaine, South, mueli, Set r Company. Carolina and Vermont refused to In i Dated Mar 27, 1906. leaders are bound to watch out for. - There will be efforts to break in unon struct, but probably most of the dele- - of Four gates those states will be Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd. the prearranged program. And then in for him. Tom Quinn has just received a 1908 impression among Republicans five-seat- always possibility in such a The all model ed Buick, which he Is there is a may prema- vast gatheiing. composed of so many here is that,' while' it be running at hack rates for distances, ONCE USEDALWAYS USED. AGENTS FOR THE men. the best laid ture to say, a great majority if not all and special rates by the hour. Phone resourceful that the delegates in England vote Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool, Eng- plans even of a President of the United New will 361. will be overturned in some par- for . the Secretary's nomination, as land. States much is fully expected. One prominent Scottish Union & National Insurance ticulars. struggle for the mastery of the New England Senator said today that Co., of Edinburg, Scotland. The he believed every one of New England's CONFIDENCE E. O. HALL SON, Ltd. In- National Committee is supposed to be a Wilhelma of Magdeburg General as good as over. The President has 82 delegates would be for the Secretary said Lord Chatham, "ia a plant DEPARTMENT. surance Co. on the first ballot. p believe TAKE ELEVATOR. HOUSEHOLD Commercial Assurance Co., Ltd., of gained a clear majority of that com- slow growth." People in The column of Taft Instructed dele- see, and in a London. mittee and for about two weeks ad up in things that they vance of the convention that commit- gates is now made of delegates from What 23 states and territories as follows: broad eenBe they are right. tee will be in Chicago toiling over the ia sometime called blind faith ia WM. G. IRWIN & CO.' LTD. J preliminaries. Presumably it will have Alabama 4 not There must be half a hundred contests to settle, pos- Arkansas 8 faith at all. SUGAR FACTORS AND sibly nearer a hundred contests. One Colorado . . 10 reason and fact to form a foun- COMMISSION AGENTS can not say yet how numerous they Illinois 2 dation for trust. In regard to a T w aspire to be dele- 22 ho will be. Some who Iowa medicine or remedy, for example, unsts Wm. G. Irwin. .President and Manager gates and are now promising to contest Kansas 20 people a.?k, 'Haa it cured, oth- John D. Spreckels. .First Vice-Preside- nt will lose their ardor before the first of Maryland 12 ers? Have like mine been Vice-Preside- caeB nt June; there will be contests Michigan 10 W. M. Giffard.. Second But relieved by it? Is it in harmony H. M. Whitney Treasurer enough to weary the National Commit- Minnesota 22 ange occupy high political 26 of modern science, want Richard Ivers Secretary tee and to this Missouri with the truths W. F. Wilson Auditor court for ten days or more. Nebraska 16 and has it a record aboTe suspic- more 2 it is of most AGENTS FOR These hearings, while always or New York ion ? If so, it is worthy of confi- are advised to try Haleiwa because one the a farce, are ever picturesque. North Carolina 20 Fran-- o, less of dence; am ever attacked delightful tropical hotels in the islands. is within ceanic Steamship Co., San of dominating the 36 and if I It Sometimes questions Ohio maladies which k Cal. state and local organizations are quite Oklahoma 10 by any of the for speaking distance of the capital yet distant enough to Western Sugar Refining Co., San any is commended shall resort as much at stake as the support of South Carolina 2 it I be quite out of the hurly burly. We will quote rates Ftanclaco, Cal. presidential candidate. The contests .South Dakota 8 to it in full belief in its pow- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila before a Republican convention are al- Tennessee 10 er to help me." On these line? on application. delphia, Pa. ways in the main by negroes from the Virginia ; 24 Newall Universal Mill Co., Manu- possess elements of humor West Virginia 14 WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION Shredder, South and facturers of National Caie for all beholders. The local leaders, Wisconsin 1 has won its high reputation ST. CLAIR BIDGOOD, New York, N Y. vying with intensity, make a lively New Mexico 2 medical men, and the Pacific Oil Transportation Co., San picture. Manager. people civilized countries. , Francisco, CaL Four years go the National Commit- Total 2S3 of all tee made a demonstration against They trust it for the same reason & CO., LTD. days of the The column of uninstructed delegates, familiar X. BREWER Roosevelt in the opening most of whom are expected to vote for that they trust in the SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMIS- convention period, which proved ex- laws of nature or in the action say least. the Secretary's nomination, also com- SION MERCHANTS. ceedingly entertaining to the 23 of common things. This effective may be re- prises delegates from different states LIST OF OFFICERS: That kind of performance and territories. They are as follows: remedy is palatable as honey and peated in the early days of the coming C. M. Cooke, President; George M. as the Alabama 12 contains the nutritive and cura- month. For strongly entrenched 2 YJE ASK YOU Robertson, Manager: E. F. Bishop, may be with the National Arkansas tive properties of Pure Cod Liver Mac-farlan- e, President 6 Treasurer and Secretary; F. W. Committee, there are a number of Delaware Oil, extracted by us from fresh Auditor; P. C. Jones, C. M. fifty odd mem- Georgia 8 What's the use of getting a poor refrigerator, when for a recalcitrants among its 8 od livers, combined with the Cooke. R. Gait, Directors. why is Illinois J. bers. That is the President 4 Syrup of Hypophos-phite-s sending his personal friend, Senator Iowa Compound little more you can get a on Chicago Louisiana 12 and the Extracts of Malt Lodge, of Massachusetts, to 10 At Thrum's BooR Store proxy National Com- Maine and Wild Cherry. quickly with the of the Maryland 4 It Philippine Islands, disease-breedin- g mitteeman from the Massachusetts 30 the poisonous, Kaster Cards and Novelties, not only to look after his (the Presi- acids and other toxic to help Michigan 2 Society Stationery, dent's) personal interests but 10 matters system; regu- a frictionless and har- Mississippi from the Best Typewriter Papers, along toward Nevada 6 normal monious nomination of the President's lates and promotes the Many Books hy Good Writers. Secretary Taft. New Hampshire S action of the organs, gives vigor- Gleanahle favorite. New Jersey 4 For one thing, if present plans carry, ous appetite and digestion, and is and a well New York IS HAWAIIAN FOLK TALESthe nly there will be a determined 2 infallible in Prostration follow- to stampede the con- Oklahoma finely organized effort Rhode Island 8 ing Fevers, etc., Scrofula, Influ- Refrigerator collection of loca' legends, President Roose- vention to nominate South Carolina 15 enza, Asthma, Wasting Diseases, illngtrted, price 1.75. velt. That is in large part the work , Vermont 8 etc. sen-ice- of Secretary Taffs opponents, smart- Throat and Lung Troubles, that will give you the best possible last a lifetime, and HAWAIIAN t h e recog- 2 ur ANNUAL Secretary and Arizona Dr. Canada, says-"Yo- ing from the wounds the 2 W.A.Young, of nized reference book of island in-- managers have inflicted during the Hawaii look well from first to last? his Porto Rico 2 tasteless preparation tf formation, price 75 cents. six months' battle for the nomination. cod liver oil has given me uni- to see to it that The President intends 1S4 formly results, my is headed off early. The Total satisfactory W1. that effort &11 ages." LAW BOOKS moment Senator Lodge observes any A considerable number of delegates patients having been of H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. movement to that end. he will have the put down in the uninstructed list above It i3 a product of the skill and by ex- to-da- AT EASTERN PRICES President on the long distance tele- were e'.ected conventions that science of y and 13 success- phone and the power of the adminis- pressed a preference for the Secretary. modes o? HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. v E. & CO. the category are the delegates from ful after the old style HERRICK BROWN tration will be turned on to electrocute In been appealed to such a drama. Maine and several from Massachusetts. treatment have Successor to Wm. C. Lyon Co. the would be actors in by ehemitf" as the choice of con The column also includes delegates who in Tain. Sold all Tel. 401 or 166 - - P. O. Box 400 All details such 8 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. MONDAY, MAY iS, 1908.

night, with all the appropriate and correct scenery and paraphernalia that keep hahdyIgreat MUSICAL goes with the most wonderful theat-- ! it ever given, was a rical exhibition only OUR It 13 a splendid idea to always keep equaled by the sight of, the day fol- bottle of the Bitters in the medicine lowing, when there was a most terri- The Question chest, for some member of the family ble and violent upheaval of molten sudden attack of teacher mm This belching forth of chunks may.te taken with a Stomach, Liver or Bowel trouble. A and boulders of fire, this powerful few doses of the famous lashing to and fro, up and down, of The Originator of the Clavier waves of red-h- ot lava, as in a storm at p i. is an experience never to be tn Hostetter's Method Will Visit forgotten. It is as magnificent in its Stomach varied and tremendous fury and action is one for you to answer. We are Hawaii. as it is awful to contemplate in its At' Bitters power for destruction if unhampered and free. deliberately putting ourselves ,on record taken at the first "As I iaze above at the sky illu- 2 Pounds symptom will give Honolulu will Le most fortunate in of minated to the brilliance a second Stein-Bloc- h Spring STOMACH prompt relief. It having as her guest next week a great heaven from the fierceness of this as asserting that4ur has a 54 years educator in music, A. K. Virgil of New awful, overwhelming heat, I hear the FOR record Lack of it, York. Mr. Virgil is the inventor and man with the red hair enviously re- and Summer clothes for men are so and we guarantee . now I was originator of the Virgil Clavier Method mark: 'Until but, what's it Fre. It cures the up?, what's the use? Why should for the pianoforte, a method the special the spirit of mortal be proud?' competently and thoroughly made that Flatulency, aim of which is the making of playeis "Gentle friend, after reaching the Sick Headache, ;ind teachers players v.'ho know musi- skies on hot lava beds of ease and fit and look better on red-head- will better Indigestion, ed they cal eil'ects, their cause and technically then have a jealous, man V- ,. v; Dyspepsia. 'butt in,' and make use of such Costiveness, how to produce them; teachers who un is excelled. derstand principles, who know what to "Oh, what's the use, what's the you than the clothes you are wearing. not Female TAs, and use?" Malaria, Fever teach and how to teach in short edu and Ague. cators. It is a comprehensive system, If this is the point is one of great presenting in, concise and logi- ADULTS' CLASS IN DANCING. true, Be sure to al-- it cal form and sequence all the princi- MISS DE LARTIGUE will start a ples of musical expression and artistic class in dancing Tues. evening at interest to you, riot only from the side piayiug, bringing them within the 7:30 Art League roorrs. !. 11 A 11 vi at Kilohana Yee Hod j reach of the average pupil, whereas Terms, 16 lessons for $10.00. 0. they were formerly the exclusive and of personal appearance, but economy mysterious prerogatives of the great & COMPANY artist. REPEATERS WERE as well. Mr. Virgil holds that true psi'cho- - logical educational principles are vital- Fish-mark- ly important in foundational piano in- try-o-n will convince you, and a Next the et. struction, and aims to show how much HEAP BAD MEDIGiNE A such principles are effectively em- Bar you seen our new stock of ployed in the most simple as well as try-o- n is such a little effort to make. the most advanced work. His method I told you how "Red Cloud" and his is the outgrowth of years of patient and careful study and observation of Sioux warriors wiped out Colonel Fet-terma- n's Why don't you? Telephone 251. the various and varied artistic effects command in the woods be- Belt Buckles produced by the world's great artists, yond Ft. Kearney In the late sixties with a view to analyzing, classifying and how the chief is still alive to boast and representing the underlying prin- of his victory. But for all that he was OFFICE ciples in such form as would make terribly punished. And here is the SPECIALTIES teachable to many. does M. IVlcINERMY, LTD. s Pins ? them the He story of his punishment: not claim that his method makes great When news of Fetterman's annihila- u CASH REGISTER, players of all pupils, or supplies what went among na- Fort and Merchant Streets. They elegant. Now on ex- tion forth the Indian are nature has not furnished, but he does tions hundreds of warlike savages TYPEWRITER, hibition in one of our windows. claim that if persistently followed and flocked to Red Cloud's standard. With properly taught it will develop the an army of 3,000 strong he swept the p ADDING MACHINE, technical ability of the average pupil plains, dealing death and torture in co. to its maximum -- of efficiency. The wholesale quantities. But he still hug- MIMEOGRAPH and j. vm learner is taught to appreciate technic, ged longing destroy Phil L i the to Ft. GL0BE-WERN1CK- E i i upon the basis tliat the musical end or Kearney. At last his plans were ripe. Manufacturing Jewelers, ideal he seeks cannot be reached so But other plans were just as ripe as i 113 Hotel St. long as his fingers lack the necessary his. skill to execute. It matters not what Uncle Sam had profited by the Fet-term- an E SUPPLIES the soul's conceptions or the heart's lesson. The old muzzle-loadin- g desires may be, so long as the fingers rifles of the fort were abandoned for CARD SYSTEMS N. are lacking in the power to execute, te repeaters. New howitzers S A. Sanford so long is the oupil powerless as a replaced the ed cannon. The player. In the clavier method, if prop- Indians at the time knew nothing of THIS WEEK erly used, the learner knows at every these new tricks. Nor did they know Hawaiian Office Specialty Graduate step exactly what he is trying to flo, the wagons of the "wood trains" had and whether or ajv he does, or how been metal lined and pierced with loop near he comes to doing, that for which holes so as to make splendid barri- BLEACafJD TURKISH COTTON TOWELS Company, Ltd. Optician ho aims. cades In case of attack. muzzle-loadin- g TOWELS. (Soft Finish) ENDORSED. BY DE PACIIMANN. The Indians still carried guns. Also many of them used bow 16 x 36... $1.50 per dozen 14 x 32 75c per dozen 931 Fort Street One of the greatest endorsements and arrow, the arrows being poisoned. Eyes Examined of his method comes in the following Agood archer at close quarters was as 16 x 38 $1.75 18 x 42 $1.50 letter: way 4 dangerous his as a revolver Classes Fitted 4 My in 19 x 40 $2.50 19 x 44 $2.00 Dear Mr. Virgil. I feel it both man. Red Cloud believed his victories 1908 STYLES a pleasure and a duty to say to you were due to the aid of the Great Spirit, 20 x 48 $3.50 LINEN TOWELS. & Co. and to the world that, after a careful Medicine." He, like all In- Boston Building, Over May or "Good 24 x 50 $5.00 16 x 32 $1.50 per dozen -- And- study of the principles of your won- dians, dreaded the Evil Spirit's "Bad derful invention, the practice clavier, Medicine." 24 x 42 hemstitched, $5 18 x 36 $2.00 and a thorough use of the iustrunient Lieu- Captain James N. Powell and 23 x 42 $2.50 SPRING PATTERNS . Puritan Butter in my own practice, I find it, not mere- tenant Jenness were sent out one day ly an oldtime dumb keyboard (good with 30 men In charge of the wood Fresh shipment just in at simply for the silence it brings), but train. There were rumors of Indian NOW TO BE SEEN AT it is without doubt the most powerful attack. So, with memory of Fetter-man- 's Model Block Henry May & Co., Ltd. awakener of the vital forces of the fate, they were on the watch. W. W. AHANA & CO., LTD. pianist that has ever been discovered. When a scout brought news of the ad- Fort Street Phone 22 The use of your instrument proves that vance of a big body of savages the FASHIONABLE TAILORS it is not the much hearing of musical were to throw 62 - - 625 1, 1908, ALL, woodsmen able their KING ST. Phone FROM MAT SUBSCRIP- sounds, but the exact making of playing wagons a before the TIONS TO into barricade movements (which also means a right rush came. All were crack shots. All MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS state of muscles and nerves), which had repeating rifles. There was no makes euective piano playing. The time to escape to the fort. Yee Chan Co. AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES method of studv and practice which The advance guard of the Sioux , Call, Chronicle or Examiner your unparalleled and original technic charged with wild yells. At 50 yards Dry Goods $1 ner Month course and the clavier make possible is distance the defenders opened fire. and Shoes WALL, NICHOLS CO., LTD. deserving of the highest praise. The After the first volley the savages Hawaiian Souvenirs King and' Bethel Streets. exacting demands which the relentless thought the defenders must pause to clicks of the clavier make upon the reload. But no. A second, third and H. C. fingers reach the nerve centers, and thus fourth volley crashed into the assail- Customers are Hospitals Every- control movements as playing move- ants. Maniwa Go ments were never before controlled. I The amazed Indians, who had looked Pleased Customers CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS was quite fearful that those unmusical for easy victory, drew back out of BECAUSE where range, pursued all the way by con clicks, so unlike the beautiful .tones of H. C. MASONS, CARPENTERS, DRAYMEN my dear Chickering piano, would make tinuous deadly firing from the long Goods and Room 180 - - Magoon Bldg. are stocked with my touch unmusical also, but results range repeaters, and leaving heaps of H. C. Work arc prove the contrary. I am a thorough dead and wounded along the line of re-tre- at. believer and advocate of the clavier The defenders reloaded and High Class Goods and BANZAI ! WATERBURY'S and its theories, and earnestly recom- waited. Lieutenant Jenness lay dead, ' We have the best Japanese importa- mend the clavier to all pianists and a bullet through his brain. Another Hteh Class Work. tions In was dead two more were METHALATED students without exception. Sincerely soldier and SILKS CREPES, NOVELTTJE8 iri-i-i n A Ctrl ' and yours, ! judged from the quantity Etc. 4 4 The Sioux AMERICAN VLADIMIR DE PACIIMANN." must be many more j GULWIAN, 1064 and PANAMA HATi- - COD of firing that there H. Fort Street. Ladies LIVER OIL Mr. and Mrs. Virgil will arrive from men behind the wagons than they-- had For and Gentlemen Australia, where they have been look- at first thought, so they sent an ad- - j IWAKAMI, Hotel ; Street it is the All ing after the interests of one of their vance line of archers, with poisoned Because best. many schools. Mr. Virgil will give a arrows, crawling up under cover to lecture-recit- HONOLULU IRON doctors in mainland re- al at the Castle Kinder close range, while the main body, near- WORKS garten Friday evening. May 29, at 8 ly 3,000 strong, made a general charge. COMPANY. Plain with outnum- commend. and o'clock. Mrs. Virgil will demonstrate. But the defenders, although ABADIE - - - Machinery, Black Pipe, Galvanized As she is an accomplished pianist, and bered 100 to 1, were ready. J. Proprietor Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Iron and steel. En- creosote and guaiaco!. First-clas- s. the program will include several instru- The first division of Sioux, 1.000 in Ladies' and Gents' Washing Done gineers' Supplies. ;' mental numbers, those who attend will all. hurled themselves at the barricade. Gloves and Ostrich Feathers. OFFICE Nuuanu Street. be entertained as well as instructed. The galling, unerring fire of the re- Wool and Silk Made Cleaner by a New French Process. "WORKS Kakaako. Berg-stro- m through Tickets may be obtained at the peaters met and cut their Charges reasonable. Give Music Co., and Wall, Nichols Co. ranks. Still the charge continued till us a trial. Benson, Smith & Co., the foremost Sioux were within 2'J feet 258 P.ERETAXIA STREET : : : : : 'PHONE 1401 of the barricade. Then the Sioux broke and ran. They circled about the Iron Beds LIMITED ROW KILAUEA'S FIRES wagons at a gallop, looking for some weak spot, while the ring of rifle fire j from the central group of wagons flash- - j The Mattresses AFFECTED BARKER ed out like the hub of some huge Cath- Oahu Ice & Electric Co. erine wheel. I rsai The charge was repeated. Six times Furniture ICE delivered at any part of the the Indians almost overwhelmed the city. Island orders promptly filled. One of the most enthusiastic volcano barriers. But each time they were sent j 528; Ke-wal- scream of a Tel. P. o. Box 600. Office, o. visitors who has returned from Hawaii reeling back. Then the Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd trees j for some time, since the in shell was heard above the and the activities great missile burst in a crowd of sav- - Halemaumau now going on, O. is J. ages. Offer to the Trade Their Mill Products, including the fol- HONOLULU, T. H Best Cigars Barker. Mr. Barker put down his im- Major Smith and 100 troops, with a lowing Celebrated Brands: pressions in the visitors' book at the howitzer, attracted by the firing, was ; Host me de- Tobacco Volcano House, a copy of which has coming out trom tne ion to "GOLDEN GATE," "SPERRY," "DRIFTED SNOW," been forwarded. This is what he fenders' relief. WE EXPECT Best Store wrote: The shell was another terrible puz "MAPLE LEAF," "SOUND RING," "RED SHIELD' ; A LOT OF MYRTLE CIGAR STORE "Nero, the celebrated violinist, may zle to the Indians. They broke and fusil- - j and Family be fiddling in Hades; Dante, the poet, ran, standing against the double other and Baker Flour. Also FRESH VEGETABLES FORT. BELOW KING . only long ! may be revising a new edition of the lade of howitzer and rifles BRAN, SHORTS, some j MIDDLINGS, ROLLED BARLEY, and EX ALAMEDA Inferno; Robert J. Ingersoll may be enough to remove of their solving wounded. the famous CAPITOL MILLS CEREALS. Union Electric Co. the problem of future punish- Captain Powell and his men hailed J. M. LEVY & CO. ment; the volcano Kilauea may be the 69 with wild joy. For, The Sperry BERETANIA STREET greatest pyrotechnical display in exist- the Products have been for over fiftv years the Telephone 315 had another charge been made, the ence - standard of quality for the Pacific Coast. House 'Wiring - Bells - Dry Cells savages must have conquered. Ammu- "But, to me j Your SpeciaJ attention to Installing private nition was almost exhausted and most Send Suit "After seeing the beauties and so telephones an J general repair work. of the rifles had become overheated To grandeur moun- long-continu- the of the scenery in the rapid and ed firing1 Dated Honolulu, February IS. 1903. from ! tains and natural parks of Colorado that they were use'ess. Several of the Ask your Grocer for them. EAGLE DYEING AND and New Mexico, the awful and com defenders were crazed by the excite- CLEANING WORKS manding features of the Grand Can- ment of battle and did not recover ! Telephone 575. FORT STREET. yon of the Colorado, the beautiful and their senses for weeks. Robert Innes $25 Reward only Tosemite Valley, the rugged The Indians had lost 1.137 men. But Lillie, Will be raidvby the HAWAIIAN GA- wildness of the Fraser River country. far greater was the moral effect of ZETTE CO.. LTD., for the arrest and the majestic Falls of Niagara, the pic what they called the "Bad Medicine RESIDENT MANAGER. turesque Asters conviction of any person found stealing scenes and many places of Machine" that had conquered them. Honolulu Office: Hilo copies of the Advertiser from ad- interest seen during the inland or is Thus Fetterman was Senged and Office: ALL SHADES dresses of subscribers. land trip to Alaska the Sioux learned a wholesome respect Robinson Bldg., Queen St. Spreckels Bldg., King St. C. S. CRANE, "The weird and awe-Inspiri- ng view for Uncle Sam's "medicine." Buffalo Manager. of the volcano Kilauea In action at Bill in X. T. World. Len Choy Beretanla and Smith Streets THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MONDAY, MAY 18, 1908. 9 I HOW MARINE 1 jm I FAIRMONT HOTEL MUCH SAN FRANCISCO I The steamer Ke Au Hou arrived at The 3:30 a. m. yesterday w ith three passen- most superbly situated hotel would you give to be absolutely in the World gers and S6. bags of sugar. From sure that your property Is safe overlooking the entire Bay of San FrancUco,' I Makaweli, at 6:35 a. m., the Mikahala the Uoiden Gate, and from Fire? came in with three . passengers and the rapidly rebuilding city -- Just consider that, that's prac- 4S50 bas of sugar. From Nawiliwili ALOIS ABE POIiTEOS SOAK Convenient to shopping, theatre, business and tically what Fire Insurance and other Kauai ports the W. G. Hall railroad enters. means, for it insures you against brought 55 passengers and 5500 bags of I sugar. The Xoeau brought two passen- THE EPITOME OF HOTEL EXCELLENCE loss. gers an4 4320 bags of sugar. Steamer SHUT OUT THE combining Then, when you've decided, you Iwa'ani arrived from Maui and Molo-k- ai JWILIGHTS all the conveniences and luxuries will be surprised at the low cost ports at 6:20 a. m. with passengers. a good hotel should have, with many unique, 29 25 ss dressed sheep. head of 25 original I of first-cla- insurance. cattle, and exclusive features. dressed lambs, 50 pigs, 105 500 Jf Jf sheep, Entirely ed and refitted cases of honey, 35S bags of sugar and Palamas Score Decisive Win Paradise and Mercantile Men at a cost of li a lot of miscellany. over three million dollars, jgf Jt 0 Jf on the Aala Park Outplay Teams of Social center of the city headquarters of theJ SHIPPING NOTES. Army Navy Purser Vierra reports good weather Diamond. Evening Press. and Scene of most of the social on Kauai. festivities. JfJtJjJfjfjfdtjg Kiisi Sugar on Kauai ready for shipment: ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 1,000 GUESTS i mill K. S. M.,5220; V. K., 2500; McB.. 13,642; The printers 0L M. 3324. The Palamas skinned the Chinese put it all around and A. K., 1400; G. & R., European Plan, "!,e with bath, $2.SO upward, COMPASY, Lid. - over f ! PliSI The Kinau was yesterday at Waimea, Alohas- yesterday afternoon to the tune the evening newspapers at the Suites, with bath, $10.00 upward. loading sugar. of 11 to 0. This is the third shutout big league grounds yesterday morn- -' Steamer Iwalani had good weather of the Alohas since they were admitted ing and afternoon in games that last- MANAGEMENT PALACE HOTEL COMPANY in and out on her last run and Purser into the Riverside Baseball League. ed about two hours each, for the Par- Kellett reports an uneventful trip to The Chinese Athletics scored the first asites of the Pacific got to Maui and Molokai and return. the Vealies, T- two and the Palamas did the trick on 8 to 5, and the Mercantiles obscured William G. Smith the third. he Eyes of Heaven to the grand DEMOCRATS WlLl- Luka McShane, who is a sort of a chorus of 22 to 12. lazy Upholstery Fabrics Trust Department pitcher, pitched about the worst Oh, it was awful, the slaughter, but game that has ever been seen on the nevertheless and notwithstanding the MAKE THE OLD LOOK LIKE NEW. CONVENE TODAY Aala diamond and was relieved by V. games were fhtetaa Managed, Revenues Collected, two of the most stirring Your upholstered furniture the nieces vou nrire Ayau, the crack shortstop, who proved that have made fly on mnsi Loaaa and Investments Made. the dirt the old highly on account of the associations they recall can be made (Continued rrom Paee One.) to be a wonder. diamond for many a sun. and the big In the five innings pitched by Mc- to look beautiful and to be serviceable. You should have the Insurance Raymond. J. L. Coke and T. B. Lyons, crowd of beauteous femininity and frames repaired and repolished, is on- - Shane, the Palamas scored 12 hits and Sunday-dresse- that all of the wood that ) fcSZXT TOR ENGLISH-AMERICA- N while Kauai has about decided C. d gallantry that graced delegate. shows after the piece is upholstered. Then let us reupholster W. Hudson as eleven rufis. When Ayau came into the grandstand and the bleachers UNDERWRITERS. Of these Woods, Lyons and Coke the box, the rest of the Innings resulted at me pieces. frequent well-adjudg- ed are experienced, having been at the in shutouts. and intervals We have just received a fine lot of uoholsterv roods as -- went properly wild with Real Estate National Convention in St. Louis in There is no doubt that if better judg- excitement. follows : 1904. ment had been used by the captain of The Paradise Lost crowd became the FOR RENT.. KINNEY OR WALLER. the Alohas, the result of the scoring Paradise Regained under the able and TAPESTRIES Art goods and new effects, and fine reproductions daisy-hatte- d t would have been different. inspiration of a mascot uia-Liu- ie luit-ab- ' T. W. Hobron premises on Nuuanu For national committeeman the tapestries, the latter being patterns and colorings le FIRST INXIXG. lady enthusiast in an upstairs pew, for use on antiques and colonial furniture. Avenue, now occupied by Mr. Richard choice as a successor for P. P. Woods and the Merchant street gang got Ap- on A. Kinney or When called "play ball," M. Isenberg. Partially furnished. will fall either W. Bert Bower their Inspiration wholesale from BROCATELS. "W. 207 , the Chinese Alohas took the field. the ply to W. Chamberlain, Room G. J. Waller, ; Mars-Venus-Jupi- ter SULK DAMASKS. on fly English even dozen errors of the Judd building. The convention will be called to Bailey died a to at left. aggregation. VELOURS AND FLUSHES. morning by Kealoha drove a two-ba- se hit over JHJR KENT Large House, Beretania order at ten outlook this It was noble sport, and two men short. Walker went out from third to We guarantee all of our work to first-cla- ss in particular. street, next to Queen's Hospital. Ed. Ingham, temporary chairman, shone promiscuously among be every as victors Onr boy-aoo- FOR SALE 2 Cottages without any further caucusing. first. Townsnd made a bad throw to upholsterers are Europeans who have been at their trade from d. Lot With in attempt put out Kealoha the vanquished, namely, AlbrigVit of We do no Miller and Beretania streets-Fi- ne WHO HAVE REPORTED. third an to shoddy work and have no boy labor. Const Es-pin- da the Bulletins and Brewster fifty-si- x so and the latter scored the first run. of the Estimates cheerfully given on upholstery work, cushion work, Lot In Palolo Tract. The delegates who have Stars, for the former was eto, reported to Secretary Emmeluth went out from Ayau to first. all over the amd work turned out promptly. House and Lot Kewalo. far field, connecting grass-tease- rs are: The Chinese Alohas ended one, two, with flies and Lots In Puunul Tract. three in this inning. and anything else that went Houses and Lota in Palama. District 1 J. A., K..' Ohia, D. M. HO & o . SECOXD IXXING. his or anybody else's way. If the J. PR c Lots In Nuuanu Valley and Kaimuki. Kualii, J. Kanaeholo, J. B. Piliwale, Bulletins team grounded third, had a of all Albrights (Lewers ft House and Lot, King street, near Wm. Laeha, J. Perez. Zerbe to Akana at they'd beat anything from the Chicago 185 KINO STREET. Cooks Building.) 2 C. Timoteo, J. W. who fumbled, and was safe on first. Vkomas Sauare. District L. White Sox to the local YL M. C. A. in- Kihe7 J. LKaumelelau, T. K. Kau-ik- e, He went to second on a passed ball. K. Clement hit safe along third and stole door team, and, well, if there were, a Z. J. H. few more B. Roosters in the twilight Keawehaka. Geo. Kauwe, E. Van Hao, the second bag. Honan hit to third and was safe on first, but Zerbe was firmament, there'd be nothing that Twilights winning from the Reliances O. Shipman. hard-foug- to could skim the milky way, of which after a ht trn-lnni- ng PENINSULA 3- -D. P. Palena, D. A. Ma- retired in trying cross the home in District J. W. W. was yesterday ed YACHT CLUB'S In score was 8 ". Lyons. L. Coke, Rev. plate. Honan stole second. Correal the which the to nuka, T. B. J. cream. Conness, for the The standing of the league team la Kekipi, Sam Kuula, J. F. Unea, out second to first, but scored Clement. J. E. Hoopii hit safe to first base, scoring; Twinklers in the box, who took nearly as follows: tC Hoopii. Honan, was put out in attempting all the honors for that team a k P. W. U Pctgft. 4 Ingham, Keliinui, B. but District Ed. ago, was not up to business with his FIRST CRUISE Reliances 6 4 2 .r,r,s M. K. Hopkins, H. A. to annex second base. 't R. Reedy, J. was nothing doing again for shooting arm yesterday, having Highlands 8 5 3 .m A. M. H. Sanders, There Juen. Kawaihoa. the Chinese Alohas, no batter smelling stepped on his hand during the week Twilishts 7 4 3 .57 Completely Furnished S. Edings, W. C. McGonagle, C. W. the first sack. getting scoops in the courts, and i Young Tidal Waves. 6 2 4 .313 L. Rhodes. K. C. Rowe, J. J. Egan. McCarthy, W. THIRD INXIXG. otherwise sprained his right thumb The Hawaii, Kamehameha and Leah is 7 2 5 .15 W. Gehring, Col. C. J. game Reli- House For Rent K. Kekipi, Bailey retired on a fly to center, but hitting a typewriter. But his work A protested between the D. Mclntyre, Geo. Kane. J. was very clever in spots, in spite of ances and the Young Tidal Wavm D. K, Mahuka. Dan Towell, J. A. Kealoha connected with the baU for a Gladys Participants in three-bagg- er hurt flipper. will be played at the end of the serW. Auld, Sr., A. Kaleikau, T. J. Gandall, to center. Walker made FOB SUMMER MONTHS. double-bingl- game, Para- games of the first serie Wolter, M. M. a e and scored Kealoha. The first between the Opening Jaunt. The last J. Galbraith, E. H. F. sites and the Calves, opened without will' take place next Sunday and will Ferreira. W. Friel, J. S. Martin, A. Espinda flew out to right, but Walker " on play. practise at nine and a half of the dial be between the Reliances and Ieahl!, Immediate possession, 2 large "bed- V. D.'XahooTewa, E. M. Wat- went to third the Zerbe hit Peters. er to a two-bagg- and scored and spanked along breezily, the sec- and Twilights and Young Tidal Wavei son. S. Gumpfer. J. D. Holt, W. II. safe left for The yachts taking part in the open- dining-roo- living-roo- bath-"roo- got on passed ond game ending 1:30 p. m., so rooms, M. Silva, Goney, L. F. Walker, then third a about McClellan, E. to second, scoring the trustees will have to consider yes- ing cruise of the Hawaii Yacht Club Kahilahiia. G. Lowe. IT. H. Makia, ball. Clement hit TRAINER REDDY. row-boa- t. L. same Gladys Kame- etc. Use qf Uluihi. Sam Zerbe. Honan singled to the terday's events as afternoon affairs were the Hawaii, and J. B. Mossman. Jesse place, Clement died in trying to when it comes to annihilation of Wahineaea, Moses Pipi. but the hameha, These started out on Satur- steal third. so-call- ed Sunday morning well-know- n fire- 5 K. baseball. day, two o'clock. Joe Roddy, the local $30.00 per Month District Xoa Mahuka. W. L. bingled to right. F. afternoon at Kaha-ku- i, McShane The Langdons made six errors and man, is said, lieen engaged by Apua. D. Kainvalu. W. Kaai, out to first and McShane Off Diamond Head the yachts has, it G!. S. Zerbe catcher six hits; their opponents, the Bulls, G. Kaloa, H. N. Crabbe, died in an attempt to steal third. Mc- squared away and ran to Waimanalo, Louis Warren to train Hrnner and In- jK aJ Hel'enihi, Kanahele, Kealo Kelii-kip- i. made eight errors and four hits. Sam Shane No. 2 fanned. In the second game, the Printers about five miles w est of Barber's Point. digo for the Hilo races. Tom Patter- J- - L. L. J. Kipapa. W. Bipikane, Ilomoa-liu- FOURTH INNING. from . Towse establishment made son, who has had charge of the li McCandless. R. H. Trent, D. Kali. X. the The return trip was commenced after Keawehaku, Correa singled and stole second and seven errors and seven hits, while the breakfast yesterday, the yachts taking stable until quite recently, h;u re- Keawe, J. 'Kanae, D. B. pass stole errors and BishopTrustCo.,Ltd. D. Kumukau, E. L. third. Hoopii drew a. and Celestials tallied twelve a very light wind home with them. signed. S. K, Kanalu, second. Bailey hit to third, who fifteen hits. hitters those chaps The Gladys and Kamehameha kept Like. Hard Mi-kae- le, wild to and Correa scored. coming past Barber's Point and 6 Naumu, M. A. threw first from the McCandless basement. inshore District W. B. popped do- 924 Bethel Street Karikanikia, G. Bailey stole second. Kealoha Both games started. off with big along the coast to port. The Hawaii E. K. Pikao. a fly to third. Walker hit to short, but ings. twenty miles straight out K. Kane-wanu- l. The Waverley Block Wonders stood about E. Kaleiohi; ' ChafuTTn'; 'S. Hoopii died at home plae. Walker to in an attempt to get more wind. Coming Events tallied twice in the initial, while the sea : ' LOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED stole second. Espinda ended this in- Calf Coupons scored thrice. In the The Gladys and Kamehameha reach- to 4 5 p. m., STATES WEATHER BUREAU. ning from short first. second event the Mercantiles put up ed Honolulu between and and May IS Haseball, Kams vs. Punahou, doing to anchorage Nothing for Chinese Alohas. went out of the Hawaii was towed her (Inter-Scholaa-t- ic Sunday. May 17, 190S. three runs and the Stars Kamehameha grounds Honolulu, FIFTH IXXING. the first inning with seven to their by one of Young Bos. launches which Seniors). to 8:30 p m. Zerbe flew out to English t left. credit and the feel of laurels already was sent out fetch her. at May 18 Baseball, Alliolanl Mill. Island Sports gave her sails a thorough ts. 5 5 THERMO. c WIS" Clement singled over third, and went on brain-boxe- s. The Hawaii May 19 Finals, Ueretania Tennis m S3 3 s a their homeward cruise. She to second on McShane's wild pitch. The lineups were as hereinafter al- testing on the Club's invitation tournament. s a a 5 E 2.3 cruMng suit of sails and tried Dr J. 11. Kaymond has offered the Honan hit safe over center and Cle- leged: used her May 1 Meeting Japanese Raseball w 5 main suit of : 5 . r ? pc 5 3.5 Maui Baseball League a valuable silver ment got to the third. The latter Paradise Brito, ss.; Waiwaiole, rf.; out her light sails. Her League. -- : tke' the pen- racing sails will be put on this week. ? : b g cup to go to team winning scored on Brito's bad throw to third. Franco, 3b.; Bisho, c; Mahukona, 2b.; Transpac-fi- c May 0. Kaplolanl Baseball Leagua : e Those connected with the j : . : : : nant tvvu sue-eiv- seasons. The offer Correa sent a liner to Kaia at second, Quadros, Kanekoa, cf.; Kahaule-li- o. meeting. lb.; cup-rac- er come to con- is expected to do scored. Cor- have the has been aeeptel and who fumbled and Honan 2b.; Aylett, If. too much inside May 23 Kamehameha Athletic Asso- ou the on of -- clusion that she has 1900 30 11 81 70 75 --n 68 2 KK .- - liuu'li to stimulate the game rea went to third a bad throw Bulletin Pinto, 2b.; Kamai, 3b. lb.; ciation minstrel show. Hoopii was by ballast and from four to six tons will Vallev Jsle. Brito to second. hit the Young, lf.-3- b.; Xascimento, c; Al- May 23 Match race, half mile, Duke 1901 30 0 82 74 78 .07 70 4 KB be taken out this w.ek. pitcher and stole the second bag. Bailey bright, ss.; Camara, cf.; Jordan, lb.-lf- .; vs. Shamrock. two-bas- e Wi SO 10 81 72 7i5 .01 7 5 nc The race track is bow beginning to scored a hit along third and Alameida, p.; Stearns, rf. May 23 Baseball, Puns. vs. Ft. attract the attention of those interested cleared the bases. Kealoha was out Gomes, 3b.; Ah Toon, Kams. vs. Diamond Heals. 1903 33 04 82 68 75 .01 69 4 s to and Bailey was nabbed Mercantile AALA ATHLETICS St. Louis. in the Fourth of July races, as there pitcher first c; Aguiar and Willing, p.; Willing, May 24 Golf, Country Club's bogey 1904 30 81 1 stealing home. 07 tS 74 00 65 si ... are a dozen flyers occupying quarters 2b.; Miguel, rf.; Scott, lb.; Aylett, ss.; competition. grounds. There are Townsend drew transportat'on. Akana 1M 30.14 78 69 74 T 60 4 lR 12 at the training Alves, If.; Richards, cf. TO HAVE LUAU June 4 Y. M. C. A. gymnasium thoroughbreds, one of them from hit to sh$rt and forced out Townsend p.; three Stars Toung, 2b.; Conness, contests. s r-- 190 30 11 79 71 75 02 69 6 SB 8 at second. Brito bingled to right, ad- Honolulu, and known as " Dutch Dave. " Brewster, ss.; Bisho, c; Miranda, 3b.; June 10 Hawaiian Gun Club's shoit two thoroughbreds are in vancing Akana to third, but F. Akaija 1907 30 P2 ?0 70 75 T 71 6 KB 10 The other Xascimento, Medeiros, cf.; Bisho. silver-tongue- d Chi- club championship. - died on a foul fly to catcher. lb.; Dr. K. F. Li, the for the hands of Brughelli and Gorge rf.; Gomes, If. 11 Hawaiian Gun Club's semi- i08 30:12 80 71 76 .00 e8 7 8 are seven or Ayau came into the box in the sixth nese orator, will address the members June l Richardson. Then there one, two Scores by innings: annual prize shoot. Hawaiian brods fronl Monsar-rat'- s inning and the Palamas died of the Aala A. C. at the grand luuu to lTfi80.09 80 70 75 .03 68 4 nb eight three amid the cheers of the fans. 123456789 June 11 Kamehameha Aquatic Club's and Homers, whilfe Parker's be given by that club next Saturday regatta. WM. B. STOCKMAN. a Neither team made another run and Paradise 02011030 18 ranch has promised to send along 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 at Motley Hall. 17 Hawaiian Gun Club's un- Section Director. or of the Palamas scored the first shutout in Bulletin 15 June string. Humors of a dark horse, their history. Ayau pitched great ball. Mercantile 35310010 922 Dr. Li is one of the best Chinese known angles shoot. several horses, float over the Lis to the baseball 3-- 4 TIDES, SUN1 AND MOON. dark The second game between the Kaala Star 70003200 012 speakers, and talk July Hilo races. track. Just how they started nobody re- boys will be interesting. W. Tin July 4 Maul races. ' A. C. and the Chinese Athletics 1 J.f seems to know, but nobody would be Chong has been requested to interpret July 20. 21. 22 Kennel Club show. un- sulted in a victory for the former after ' suprised to see two, or even three, eleven innings by the score of 7 to 6. LOCAL DOG'S for the doctor. ; rI 111 e ?, k e knowns tap at Hoolulu Park gates any nation- The Aalas won the championship of a is stall It was a great exhibition of the ai x day, asking for admission and al game. Pitchers Medeiros and Akina the Riverside Junior League, and aie SPENCER IS Havfaii HeraM. KIN'S SUCCESSES their victory at this Rise room. did good work. The game was a most going to celebrate p.m.i t a,m .m ip.m. f-- Hop has bought M 18 & 7, 4.5010.15; O OS6.20 6 31 9 29 exciting one. iuau. Manager Sam ! " " score promised to give AFTER MATCH IC JS H" & The following is the lineup and of some fat pigs and has T 19 8.S8 2 0 5.44 11 00 1.20 5 19 6.34 1030 If game: "Honest" John Kelly, proprietor club a good time. I ! by innings of the first all the friends of that Kealoha, Kalihi Kennels, and owner of the Manuel W 23 7 341 1 9 6.40 U.47; 2 25.5.19 6 3511.21 5 Palama A. C Bailey, ss.; the The clever first baseman, j ! I I Jj p m. i From the Files 3b.; Walker, cf.; Espinda, p.: Zerbe, bull terrier bitch Silkwood Mona, feeis Correa. who is the captain of the Aalas, Jimmy Spencer, the local mid lie- T 21 8.35 1 7 8 28 S 30 11.65 5 19 6 35 Hoo- sn- - i I If.; rf.; M. Correa, lb.; have charge of , the de- - i I i Clement, more ever proud of his dog since will probably welgnt wrestler, is in training and V V J V S V than T 22 9 4 1 5 10.J8, 4 28 2 38 5 18 5 86 0.19 pii, c. Ken- tertaining oi me young jauies. or maKing any i ! ! i i au- of San Francisco sirous a maicn witn Jerome Flannery, the leading Chinese Alohas. English, If.: Kaia, the results the is quite a favorite with them. 8 2310 48 1.4 11 iO1 5 70, 4.35 5.18 6.W 1 (5 nel Club show have come to hand. man of his weight, the bout to tak I on United States, p.: Townsend, I thority cricket in the 2b.: V. Ayau, ss. and p ml ; ' eighteen Silkwood fam- 8 21 11.55 5.50 6.10 5 18 6 36 1 46 is dead. lb.; Akana, 3b.; Brito, c: L. McShane, Out of of the place during Fleet Week, under ily won A JOLLY EVENING. J F. Akana, cf. entered at the show, seventeen Graeco-Roma- n Last moon May 22. J p.: McShane and rules. quarter of the Shepard, America's greatest half-mi'.e- r, Score by innings: first and special prizes. The tides and Hilo occur Croydon Czar, Spencer won many matches hem at Kahului may not compete in the Olym- 1 2 3 1 4 0 0 0 Silkwood Mona is by Mrs. Charles Blaisdell entertained about one at Hono- Palama A. S 011 any about ten vears ago. He met all hour earlier than games in London. 0 a sire of more champions than members of Kaonohiokala Club lulu. pian Chnese Alohas 000000000 the the weight on mat and dog on the Pacific Coast. on Saturday evening in commemoration comers at his the Hawaiian time is 10 hours Kelly's bitch is long string of victories to his standard Killeen A litter brother of thirty-fift- h anniversary of her had a 30 Johnny Carroll bested Jack SEASIDE LEAGUE of the year minutes slower than Greenwich Champion Silkwood Ben Ali 106724. He The" evening was Fpent very 'credit. He wrestled for about six time, of 157 in Xew York. GAMES birth. game, being that of the meridian BALL won his championship at sixteen with music, dancing and then quit the ' degrees time J J pleasantly i was Pipke wh III thirty minutes. The to be made to stop race months and at Los Angeles this year His last bout with An effort is and light refreshments. Si-nc- "whistle blows 1:30 p. m., which is Baseball League games won Cup, best dog defeated him. was in no con- ' at in Seattle. The Seaside the Bristol for the The singiug and dancing of Mrs. C. 0 0 min- betting to go on but underestimated hi the same as Greenwich hours J . J yesterday "afternoon resulted 'n the or bitch of any breed bfed on the Kaai and Mrs. Boyd added materially dition utes. Sun and moon are for local time winning from the Ckuwas a most coveted trophy. opponent and suffered in consequence-H- e Wolgast outclassed Frankie Neil, in Sta;l'res Pacific Coast, to the enjovment of the occasion. pet back to hi for group. of 27 8, and the Pa- six puppies '. thinks that he can the whole Milwaukee. by the score to Silkwood has a litter of 4 to get int cifies defeating the Sweet Violets by ten weeks old, by Silkwood Chader test form and is anxious PA IX IX THE STOMACH. J J of RELIANCES IN the game asain. Dick Hyland got a decision over the score of 12 to 11. Wild, owned by John I. Sparrow taking on It is most annoying, as well as dis- of teams follows: Francisco, a very great dog. LOSING GAME Anyone desirous of spr' Bert Keyes. The standing the San and ,i communicate wita 7k agreeable, to be troubled with pains in P. W. L. Pctge. ret, iii.t.,t . Sporting Editor of this papr. tthe stomach, and there is no need of it, a Starlights 4 4 0 1.000 Terry McGovern is matched to fight The Kapiolani Baseball League 1 Colic, Will Durfee will probably take one dose of Chamberlain's 5 4 1 .S00 Johnny Sumlners. re- Remedy will chance at the $o0.000 race at Keadville Pacifies games played yesterday afternoon Richard Croker's Rhodora won th and Diarrhoea one two of his trotters. He Starlines 5 3 2 .600 lay and be con- with or .200 sulted in the Highlands defeating the One Thousand Guinea Stakes at the pain. Try It once ones for that Sweet Violets 5 1 4 George Memsic beat Clarence Eng- vinced. Smith & has several very likely score 16 to 3, and the For sale by Benson, string. Okuwas 5 0 5 .000 lish in Los Angeles. Leahis by the of Co.. agents for H. L event in his MONDAY, MAY 18, 1908. 10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU, Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Meetings Fraternal Meetings THE SLUMS BIG FIRE ON THE Fraternal SHIPPING AND COMMISSION f MERCHANTS. OKDEH POLYNESIA ENCAMPMENT NO L, HAWAII CHAPTER NO. 1, kapha, kauai GARDEN ISLE Sugar Factors and General OF KAMEHAMEHA. I O. O. F. Insuranc - Friday Agents. t Vifta Ant od third ThMUy eT.n- . Meeta every Crst and third tvtrr ,J5??-v'-.t ' ol the month, at 7:30 p. m., in loc of iiith 7:30 o'clock in lrtrn;ty e"h Building, on rort ntret. Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street, REPRESENTING HIL Odd FeUowi" "iifrw?friy Visiting brothers cordially invited "One of the compensations for liv- LIHUE, Kauai, May 15 D. Wada's Ji. FERNANDEZ, Xevr England Mutual Kuauhaa. to attend. ing on so away by Life Insurance C. A. SIMPSON, C. P. 'the Js',' far store at Koolau was destroyed fire Company of Boston. L. PIEKRE, Scribe. SONS OF ST. GEOEGE, LODGE L. LA from tlx amenities ami delights of night between Saturday and Sunday, Aetna Fire Insurance Co. NO. 353. X. O. O. Honolulu, is the assurance of plenty of and two men who lived on the prem National Fire Insurance Co. every econd end fourth Thursday ftt EXCELSIOE LODGE NO. 1. F. UnM Meets everv Tuesday evening, at fresh air and clean, wholesome, rural ises barely escaped with their lives. Citizens Insurance Co. (Hartford Fir K. of P. IU1L 7:30, in Odd Fellows Hall, Fori Insurance Co.) Visiting brother! eordially invited to Visiting cordiaUy surroundings. And yet here on Kauai Two men who are assisting in the ZsjlZX Street. brothers Protector Underwriters of the Phoenix ', attend. Invited to attend. we have slums as unwholesome and un- sleep in store every night, J. K. COLLINS. W. P. J. iUTOT, NT. O. business the of Hartford. A. O. B. KENWAY, Beer. L. L. LA PIERRE, Sec. sanitary as anything you have in Ho- while the living room adjoining the nolulu," writes J. M. Lydgate l'ro;:i CnXTNG WAH LODGE NO. 4, K. of P. HARMONY LODGE NO. 3, L O. O. F. main building is as a rule occupied by Meets erery erond nd last Tuesday t i .avjAwt.' Meets every Monday evening, al the Garden Island. transients. Three strangers were hau. Vineyard street, t 7:30 p. m. Visiting L7?'t7:30, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort many years forty or fifty Old Kona Brother are cordially invited to attend. SCSaS Street. Visiting brothers cordially "For housed there last Saturday and these Coffee SAMUEL L. WONG, 0. C. Invited to attend. the only available fee simple land at fire. WOKO KIM CHO.VO. K. of R. ft 8. BEN VICKERS, N. G. were the first to observe the It . K. HENDRY, Sec. Katiaa has Leen confined to three or was about two o'clock in the night WANTED 1 BAG OR ICO BAGS four small kuleanas, aggregating less by fire PACIFIC REBHKAH LODGE NO. than an acre, and during all this time when they were awakened the State Quality and Price to I O. O. F. a desperate scramble has been kept up crackling in the wall separating them Meets every second and fourth from the store. Calling to the men At-J-"Slv.s to seem to keep on these kuleanas Thursdav. at 7:30 o. m.. Odd Fel and who were sleeping there, they failed '1lJrt!i lows' HaU. ViRiting Rebekahs are squeeze the growing town into these McChesney Coffee Go, A uiuiaiiv uivitru w auruu. limits. This has put a special premium to get an answer for some time, while ALICE PRATT, N. O. they themselves were prevented from JENNY JACOBSON Secy. on the natural tendency of the Oriental 16 MERCHANT STREET. to gregarious and going in and arousing them by the unsanitary herding, on OLIVE BRANCH EEBEKAH LODGE and the result is a combination of con- door being barred the inside. When HONOLULU Gas Stove NO 2, I. O. O. F. gested living, rank smells and bad they at last succeeded in awakening AT AUCTION jSs'fV Meets every first and third Thnrs- such the sleepers, the building was one mass Coffee Roasters to the Trade - drainage, as is dear to the heart rfr'Jhez day, at 7:30 p. m.. In Odd Fel- of flames and exit through the door 2M lows' Hall. Visiting Rebekahs are of the Oriental, but very shocking to rordiallv mvitea to attend. anyone else, aud crie3 aloud for speedy was an impossibility. The two win- At my salesroom, 847 Kaahumanu St., MEANS JENNIE H. MACAULAY, N. G. dows were comparatively free from JOHN NEILL, HAZEL CRANE. Secy. remedy. Engineer old residents have romantic the flames and through these the two "The dragged, badly burn- Tuesday, May 19, 1908, Machinery Bought, Sold and Repaired, & memories of a time when there were men were both OCEANIC LODGE NO. 371. F. A. M. man to an extent Ship and General Blacksmithing. A Meets on the last Monday of each miniature flower gardens and front and ed, the elder such month, at Masonic Temple, at 7:30 p. back in town when that recovery is very doubtful. The At 10 o'clock a. m. Agent for 7&i Visiting brethren are cordially in yards the little there were fragrant breaths of helio- younger man escaped with a few burns Haviland dinner set, THE FOOS GASOLINE ENGINE to attend on the face and hands. M. M. JOHNSON. Vf. M. trope and verbena blown elusively on Ladies' shoes, men's shoes, and Quick Meal W. H. GOETZ. Secretary. the evening air but these have gone The building and stock of merchan- HAMILTON MACHINE TOOLS dise is valued $7000 by the pro- Koa showcases, brooms, long since, and more insistent odors at 135 MERCHANT ST. Telephone U6. LEAILT CHAPTEE NO. 2. O. E. S. prietor, $1500 of which is covered by Walnut sideboard, felt hats, Meets every third Monday of each now prevail. month, at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic "Shack has been added to shack", insurance. Linoleum, upholstered wicker parlor AND Temple. Visiting sisters and brothers rookery to rookery, and gambling den set, Petaluma Incubators, brooders. are cordially invited to attend. EVENTS HLLO. CLARA M. SCHMIDT. W. M. to gambling den, until neither air nor THE WEEK'S IN Linoleum, iron cots, VICTOR ADELAIDE M. WEBSTER, Sec. sunshine, nor decency, nor law, pene- Fire drill on Tuesuay afternoon show- . trate the interior, and intricate, wind- Also Waia-nuen- ue LEI ALOHA CHAPTER NO. 3, O. E. S. rat-ho- ed a strong pressure of water on Gost ing le passages call for the cour- Talking Machine Little at the Masonic Temple every second Saturday of each month, at 7:30 age of an explorer. street, with the hose, engine and Complete Set Boiler 7&ip. m. visiting siBters and brothers are "The village is built on a low sand hydrants all in good working order. cordially invited to attend. Bergstrom Music Co., MINNIE FRAZEE, Vf. If. fiat, absolutely without drainage, and A large Japanese fishing boat, that Ltd. LOUISE A. TRUE, Seey. backed by ai salt swamp. Of late years Maker's Tools pipe water has been available, but well has been built on the old government LADLES AUXILIARY, A. O. H., Water is cheaper, and there are many wharf, will be shipped on the Claudine DIVISION NO. 1. wells in the closest proximity to foul, next week to Honolulu, where she will A. A. WILSON. HONOLULU Meets every first and third overflowing- - cesspools and sinks. In receive her engine and be put into JAS. FV MORGAN, Tuesday, at 8 p. tn in C. some eases both the wells and the cess- B. U. Hall. Fort Street commission. AUCTIONEER. Visiting sisters are eordially pools are within the dwellings, accessi- General Contractor invited to attend. ble by means of trap-doo- rs through the Otto Rose is .raising chickens to feed GAS CO., MRS. K. COWES, Pres. floor, so may to bullfrogs, vshieh enjoy them most Office, 58 Young Bldg. Tel. 159. JOSEPHINE DILLON, See that both be available for domestic purposes without going out after they are from twelve to fourteen ANCIENT ORDER HIBERNIANS, of doors. Garbage and filth of the days out of the shell. I!) LTD. NO. most odious and repulsive kinds abound DIVISION 1. Mrs. C. W. North of Honolulu has Meeta every first and third everywhere in the narrow alleyways IS jT'VVW" Wednesday, at 8 p. m., m and assail the senses of the stranger been visiting Mrs. Christina Brown at Butternut Bread most mightily, but do not seem to dis- her mother's home in Ililo. They went TRY OUR PASTRY Bishop Street (Vi invited to attend. turb the resident in the least. to Oiaa this week. F. D. CREEDON, Pres. "Such unwholesome sanitary condi- John A. Heott at the Ililo Sugar Com- J. T. CAREY, Secy. tions are a standing menace, not only pany will leave for the Coast shortly to the particular region where they pre- where he will join Mrs. Scott, who went r-x-r MYSTIC LODGE NO. 2. K. of P. r c r r r or r popu- up by the Enterprise.. With PALM r Meets oa the second and fourth Tuesdays of vail, but to the whole surrounding last their CAFE eacn monin at 7:o lation, and sooner or later, if they are family they will, tour Europe, and will Island Curio Store .A o clock in K. of P. Hall, corner Fort not ameliorated, they will certainly return in about tour months. STEINER'S KLrt3 oeretania. Visiting brothers cordi- prove disastrous. Now that the gov- The volcano mountain home of Mr. During rny tem- GENERAL. ARTHUR Elite Building: W. L. LYLE, C. C. ernment is opening up a new town site H. Vicars has been completed,, and his Hotel Street F. WALDRON, K. R. S. at Kapaa, it is to be hoped that this family has moved in for the summer, 10-Ce- The most complete condition of things will be remedied." Mr. Vicars contemplates going there nt Perfect Havana Cigar. HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. 1, PYTH porary absence from and attractive curio for week-en- d visits, taking a little tore. IAN SISTERS. regular recreation. Mr. Bowman' Meets every first and third Monday, at house is also finished on the mountain, v :av p. m., at i4.nignts or Jf yttiias Hail, Honolulu Mr. M. A. Cunst 8l Co. rort and streets. All visi- but none of the other purchasers of vol J. O. Y. WO SING & CO. tors cordiallv invited to attend. BASE BALL cano lots has yet begun to build. RENEE WHITEHEAD, M. E. O. is along GRACE O'BRIEN. M. of R. & S. League Grounds Ililo 's rat campaign going merrilv, and the number of rodents de Young will act for me New Mouldings OAHU LODGE NO. 1, K. of P. MAY 23 stroyed is entirely satisfactory. Dur Groceries and Meets everv 1st and ard pridav t SATURDAY, ing April the records show over 500 EX NEVADAN Fruits rats brought in, examined for contag as my representative on 'Mittuia anu r on streets, v lsiting Droln 1:30 P. M. ' t 'erS eordially invited to attend. ion and incinerated, and the present Pacific Picture Framing Co. USt-ll- St Nuttarm Bt A. DEERING, C. C. month is also giving good returns. The J. W. WHITE, K. R. S. Punahou vs. St. Louis bounty of ten cents per rat has worked the Honolulu Stock and Nuuanu, belAw Hotel. WILLIAM Mc KINLEY LODGE NO. 8, well, some boys making very good Telephone 71 K. of P. Kams. vs. Diamond Heads pocket money out of it. T. Meets every second and fourth Saturday even. Much to the regret of Ililo people Bond Exchange. Any KUNIKIYO YOUR SODA WATER ORDER XJDK in at 7:30 generally, Captain George II. Pierce is FLORIST O clock, in PvOlian Hall fnrner Rors. ADMISSION 25c. will po to by Fort Street, next Kash 31ttA"Jel tania and Fort streets. Visitine broth leaving, and the Coast Store. Consolidated Soda Works Go. ers cordially invited to attend. Reserved Seats, Grandstand, 25c. Extra the S. S. Enterprise on her next trip orders for stocks or Fresh flowers dally. Violets, Carna- W. L. FRAZEE. C. C. to rejoin his family at Alameda. Cap tions, Asters, Roses and E. A. JACOBSON, S. an assortment O. S. LEITHEAD, Manager K. R. tain lierce, since his coming here to of decorative plants. Orders for table agent Mat-so- n COURT CAMOES NO. 8110. A. O. assume the duties of for the bonds can either be left flowers promptly filled. Telephone 635 F. Fee Reduced line, has made a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hashimoto Meets every second and fourth Tues- - a day of each month, at 7:30 p. m in both by his personality and by his NEW SHIPMENT. San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. Join the Harrison Mutual Associa strict application to business, and he MASSEURS Visiting brothers cordially invited to tion. Special Dispensation, May and at his office, 606 Stan-- Famous "B" Brand attend. will be much missed. RHEUMATISM, PR. JOHN F. COWES, C. R June. Bacin de Manaano, a Filipino, has M. C. PACHECO. F. S. J. H. TOWNSEND - Secretary been held for the grand jury on a BRUISES. Kapiolani Building genwald Building, (tele-- For Kimonos CAMOES charge of burglary in entering a Chi- SPRAINS, CIRCLE NO. 240, C. O. F. nese View tak- Meets every second and fourth Thurs- store at Mountain and TIRED day of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in ing clothing and fconey. Being of a K. San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. FRESH SEEDS liberal disposition, Bacin gave some of phone 226), or at my Fukuroda FEELING, Visiting companions are cordially in- ALL. COLORS AND PRICXfl vited to attend. OF ALL KINDS the clothing away, on the next day, to and other ail- MRS. J. P. RE GO, C. C. BULBS AND PLANTS Ka Bung Tun and Pahlo, who were ar- R. J. BORGES, F. S. receiving stolen goods and Auction Rooms. ments rested for each sentenced to four months' im- COURT LUNALILO NO. 6600, A. O. F. Mrs. Ethe! M. Taylor Bikes Painted QUICKLY Meets everv first and third Wednesday prisonment and to pay a fine of $50. dj ecuintcs oi eacn monin. ac I :ou p. m YOUNG BUILDING Captain Coleman caught the quarry. TO LOOK EQUAL TO RELIEVED. in rytluan Hall, corner Fort and NEW Beretania streets. Visiting brothers 4 KING STREET. Telephone 563 coraiauv invited. Y. YOSHIKAWA H. H. HANAK.AHI, C. R. ' JAS. K. KAULIA, P. C, F. 8. Pens! Pens! UH GUAHED LETTER LIST Furnished Cottage 163 KING STREET Perfection Home Bakery HONOLULU AEEE 140. F. O. E. We have the Four Leaders In Foun- Meets on second and tain Pens Standard Self -- Filler, Water- Catton, Neiil Beretania and Emma Streets fourth Wednesday even- - Ideal, Moore's Letters remaining uncalled for in the For Rent & Company, Ltd. ag' of each month, at man's Non Leakable, VVi? Parker's. general delivery' for the week ending Hail, corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visit- HOME-MAD- May 16, 190S: . Engineers and Machinists E BREAD. CAKES AND ing Eagles are invited to attend. Hawaiian News Co., Ltd. W. L. FRAZEE, W. P. Andrews, Louisa, K K MODERN COTTAGE, 1313 Maklki PIES H. T. MOORE, Secy. Frank QUEEN AND Battige Miss Logan, Isaac street, near Klnau street. Water and RICHARDS STREET! Boilers re-tub- ed charcoal-lro- a HONOLULU Annie McClarince, sewer rates paid by owner. House with HAEBOS NO 54, A A DISTILLED WATER J Arthur or steel tubes. General ship work. of M. & P. Bell, John McKeoun, Mrs J contains parlor and dining-roo- m com Shirts Mets on first and third Sun- Eek. Martin Martin, Mrs H C bined. Large lanai. two bedrooms. day evening of each month, bathroom, kitchen, pantry ALL KINDS OF 3a AH tlx Mad tm Order by at 7 o'clock, at Odd Fellows' PURE SODA WATER Brandt, Mrs F Marshall, Roy and kitchen Hall. AH sojourning brethren Brockis, Miss E Marshall, Miss closet. Modern plumbing throuehout. are cordially invited to attend. Bray, Lily Luverne L Outbuildings, servants' rooms, ser B. YAMATOYA By order Worthy President, Rubber Goods A. Tl'LLETT. Fountain Soda Works Bright, Mrs Kalani Mersberg, James vants' bath and closet. Carriage room. GOODYEAR FRANK C. POOR. Secy. Bright, Mrs feed room and horse stall. Grounds RUBfiER CO. faaaxl 8trt. oS Nuuevnu f!trt-- Clark, JamesIKKMitchell, planted with trees. R. H. PEASE - THEODORE ROOSEVELT CAMP Ernest President NO. Collins, T K bono Market Street, PRODUCT8 OF L U. S. W. V. Coon, Department of Hawaii. Mrs C H Miller, Miss Mary San Francisco, Cab, U. S. A. Meets Saturday npon notice to members, in Manuel Reis Cornewell, John Millam JAS. F. MORGAN, Waverley Block, corner Bethel and Hotel, at Cummings, Edw Moses, M K .dO p. m. Visiting comrades cordially in AUCTIONEER. vited to attend. Davis, Meleana Muir, Chester L. E. TWOMEY, Commander. Doyle, M Nicholas, Mrs Aloha Shop Love's Bakery THE LATEST MODEL POPE-HARTFOR- D, Eehart, Mrs P E Louisa Telephone 302 MARINE ENGINEERS Next to Orpheum, BENEFICIAL 1908. Hstep, Evan W Nielsen, Otto Cleaning si ASSOCIATION. Fenske. Paul (2) Olsen, J II Dyeing Clothing. Mets second and fourth Mondavs of each Also Tailoring. Kacam-maaufattn- month Prompt Service, rd at the new K. of P. Hall, corner Fort Filmer, Rev O'Meara, Mi?s Goods; Baked and Beretania Prices. streets. The best automobile in the city, to Fossoth, Mrs John Margaret (2) E. HUGHES. Pres. Foster, Goods Called for and H. G. WOOTTEN, Secy. carry passengers, Mrs Petwash, Mr Deliver. Dally four can be had at Mary E Peterson, Mrs HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO 1, I. O. R. M. any hour, day or night, by calling uf Gallaive, Mrs Anni-- Mtvts everv first and third Manuel Rels, telephone 290; von Gaymans. Rong, E Thursday of each month, in K. "YAMATOYA," of V. Hamm-Youn- g Mademoiselle Slllerway, John S Hall, corner of Fort and garage, telephone 200, or ALL KINDS OF Saloon Pilot Htvrftania streets. Visiting my Harries, Ella Smith, Geo L A brothers cordiaiiy invited to at- residence, telephone 1097. tend. llenrickson, Jauna Smith, W A SHIRTS, PAJAMAS and KIMONOS J. W. A PH. Hiibus, Ca;.t E S Sachem. ' cam MADE TO ORDER, Pilot and A. E. MURPHY. C. ef R. w Hickman, Mrs A Tri;..p, Miss Mary 1 rioods. Mrs HONOLULU LODGE 616. B. P. E. TrfE F Tuens. Harry 124 Fort St., Just above Orpheam. Soda Crackers I.onolulu Ludee No. 616. B. Hooper, H Waikers, Mrs G S V P. O. E.. will meet in their j LAWRENCE BARRETT ! Horner, Wm Wennrich, Mrs B hall. Kin street near Fort, Hopper, Mrs G everv White, Orlando J tridav eveving. Bv MILD HAVANA CIGAU 1 lie-publ- mi for ! by the following flrrat order of the E. R. 1 Honolulu ic Wirtz, M E j SPELLS SATISFACTION an Zschokke, Mrs Anwo HENRY MAY & CO., W. It. McINERNY, E. R. no ka hoi! Mm ' H. C. E ASTON, Secy. Jones, Mrs Annie Grace J. M. LEVY & CO., PACKAGES. It Is a terrible thing to be broke. Ya Brown. Eilfs Truka, Then as need never be in that sad predicament, & HONOLULU Elegant Plillinery T. H. DAVIES CO., SCOTTISH THISTLE JOSEPH G. PRATT. however. If you consult CLUiJ. Postmaster, H. HACKFELD & CO, jt Meets on the first and third Jtv day. a. 7:30 o'clock p. m., in C. J. DAY & CO, BsH'15c rooms in Oreeon Block, entrance Ring 109 for fine Studebaker automo- 4 i'SVa on Union street. MISS POWER'S ti, J- - M-- bile, five seats, day or night. Club GONSALVES & CO. ffST MacKIXXON, Oiief. Building - J. Boston Carl Fort Street Stables. 1018 Nuuanu Ave., near King.


Leahi Chapter No. 2, O. E. S., w.ll Get meet in Masonic Temple th!s evening a Home at 7:30. Iff Honolulu Temple No. l, Pythian Sis- A good hose is as necessary to the household as a good cookin Don't wait until prosperity ters, will meet in K. of P. hall this WHITNEY evening at 7:S0. stove. Life is a drudgery without either. We lead in both articles & MARS. comes to town before buy- Harmony Lodge No. 3. I. O. O. F.. just as we do in all other household articles. ing a home. Remember that will meet in the Odd Fellows hall this evening at 7:30. greater prosperity means 5-P- ly The Pythian Sisters' whist tourna- 50 Feet, $8.50 that you will have to pay ment begins this evening. Tickets are 25c and can be had from any of the It is called "SUCCESS" and is the best in the market today more money. If you intend members or at the door. Refreshments taking the gold cure or any after cards. Try it out for yourself. Mrs. Frank J. Hare, whose magnifi- Other grades from $5.00 to $12.00 for feet. other cure for the rent habit, cent voice has been too seldom heard 50 you had best wikiwikl and here, left on the China for the coast. Ker health has not been the best lately purchase your home; Ho- and she will recuperate for several W. Wm DiMOND & COMPANY, LTD. nolulu is on the eve of pros- months at Witter Springs, California. 53-5- 7 King St.. Honolulu. perity and higher prices. OF $2150 WILL BUY A IMPORTANT FLEET --t- HOME WORTH $3300 SSI ft COMMITTEE MEETING THERE'S A LOT OF DIFFERENCE IN CLOTHES. Trent Trust Co., Ltd. THAT IS THE REASON YOU HAVE NO This evening past seven at half DIFFICULTY IN PICKING OUT THE MAN WHO o'clock the chairmen of the various I Ei subcommittees of the fleet entertain- t Rein ants ment committee will meet in the rooms of the Hawaii Promotion Committee. QUALITY This will probably be one of the most In important meeting so far held, and it Hart, Schaffner and Marx is necessary for a proper working out of the committee plans that every THERE IS QUALITY IN THE SUITS MADE BY DRAUGHT BEER chairman be present. The object of - the meeting is to consider reports from THEM. IT'S WHAT THE MAKERS AIM TO TO DAY each of the chairmen and to formulate depends upon the preserving of a definite plan for each subcommittee 'SECURE SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM THE to work to. its life its sparkle and snap. OTHERS, BETTER IN MANY WAYS, AND AS ff WE KNOW HOW PEOPLE ENJOY GOOD IN ALL OF THE REST, AND FOR LESS Criterion and MONEY. THE NEWEST SHADES WILL WIN Palace Bars MOVING PICTURES YOUR ADMIRATION, AND PERHAPS WIN US O TO LANDO9S STORE A CUSTOMER. 152 HOTEL STREET, OPPOSITE YOUNG HOTEL C. J. McCarthy Propp Opera House The attraction at the M We have your size in exclusive patterns. For your on Saturday night drew out the largest crowd of the engagement, and TRUNKS, VALISES and SUIT CASES the receipts were so satisfactory to SILVA'S TOGGERY Cuffs, Underwear is com Excursion to the management that it has been de- His Stock of Shirts, Collars, Ties and moving-pictur- plete. Also and Caps of a large variety. Panamas and Straw cided to give a e show ? Hats 561- in that place of amusement every Sat- Elks' Bldg. TcleP"""! - King Street a specialty. urday night, unless there should be Prices are right and no trouble to show Goods. KlLAUEA Block, VOLCANO other attractions. It has been demon- Don't forget he has moved from Fort St., to the Oregon strated that the people want to see 152 Hotel St., opposite Young Hotel. Leaving by the new steamship moving pictures and that they enjoy MAUN A KEA, at noon,' Tuesday, foreign scenes and eomiques. In fact, MAKES AND REPAIRS May 19. Returning by steamship except in films which showed a great MOON Li GIT MUSIC FIVE AUTOS MAUNA LOA, Tuesday, May 26, at BOOTS and SHOES deal of action, the applause was given daylight. REGULAR By Modern Machinery the comic scenes. A cable has been SERVICE Lin ! AT EMMS SI E Seven-se- at sewed, soles 75c sent abroad for new subjects, and the One Studebaker, - Men's An Exceptional Opportunity Cornei- King and River Streets Heels put on 25 Crystal Palace Moving Picture Co. will Four Pope-Hartfor- da and Buicks. TO SEE KlLAUEA IN VIOLENT show at lower prices than before. The ERUPTION. gallery will be fifteen cents and the Herr Berger has arranged the follow- HACK RATES TO VISIT THE KOA AND FERN balcony twenty-fiv- e, but everything ing program for the public band con- FORESTS. downstairs will be sold ,at thirty-fiv- e cert in Square tonight. Special by the Hour. Careful, Intel- f Chispa Emma TO CIRCUIT OF HA- cents a seat. Little Carrie I. ligent Chauffeurs. MAKE THE made a decided hit Saturday night In PART WAII. her song, "Why Don't Tou Try?" a 1. March "The Free Lance," (new) GEO. S. WELLS, favorite of Mattie Lloyd Luce's when Sousa Manager Hotel Stables. SPECIAL SALE was with Cooleys. Miss 2. "Pomp and Circumstance,".. ..Algar she here the 3. Telephone 191. All for $5100 Clifton also received very generous "Slavonic Dances," DvoraJc For information regarding the trip applause and was encored. These two 4. "Four Humoreskes," (new) ..Dvorak apply to favorites scored all right on Saturday PART II. Silk and Paper Parasols and Fans 5. songs TAPAS night. The film feature was excellent Vocal Hawaiian High-marke- d Sa-moa- n in Ar. by Berger GO., LTD. and created roars of laughter and Tapas. terest. 6. Selection "The Morning Parade," Hume Lauhala Mats, FROM 5cts. UP Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts. 7. Waltz "The Merry Widow,".. Lehar Baskets, Fans. 8. March "The Directorate," (new) Souvenir Post II BHD ! till' Cards. MISTAKE Sousa BUSINESS LOCALS. "The Star Spangled Banner," . HAWAII & .W. SOUTH SEAS Japanese Bazar Shop today. only complaint the repre t&,;jiSwr:rkA) curio co., at Sachs The that Young Bldg. Fort Street, near the Convent. Gomes Express will handle your sentatives of the Tansan agency have ARRESTED, TRIED AND furniture and baggage in moving or had from the citizens of Honolulu has steamer. transfer to come from a few who objected to pur KWONG HING CHOfiG GO. You can get bread and cakes at the Iff 15 MINUTES Perfection Home Bakery, Beretania chasing it because it was a Japanese EIO water. Is hot this very You next to Emma narrow? 1024 Xuuanu Street. A. A. Wilson, general contractor. employ Japanese labor, you purchase Room 5S, Young building, has sand and china, tea, and When the members of the detective GRASS LINEN, r Japanese silks, rice GRASS CLOTH and KEEP YOUR CASH STRAIGHT crushed rock for sale. numberless other articles of Japanese force reported for duty on Saturday No more worry. Your room always or growth. Why not morning at eight o'clock they found BOOTS AND SHOES. you manufacture way to avoid errors in entry, making change or in neat and your valuables safe when Tansan? especially when the springs, that a blank calendar was to be pre- The stop Popular, 1249 Fort street. at the the bottling works, the warehouses, sented to Judge Andrade, not one of failure to make charges, is by installing one of our go downtown today or any day by an Eng Don't etc., etc., are all owned the holdover cases being ready for this week without stopping in at Sachs'. lish-Americ- an Co., whose principal Anglo-Saxon- net hav- The latest Spring fashions there are employes are s. You pur trial and the drag of Friday well worth seeing. chase certain Japanese goods because ing come up empty. This state of af- Kodak Do you wish to purchase a home at thev are the best of their kind. Pur fairs urged some special activity, the National Cash Registers a bargain? See Trent Trust Co., Ltd. chase Tansan because it is the best specials having nothing to keep Trust Co., them Houses to rent. Trent around the station as interpreters or Developing and Ltd., Fort street. Phone 1111 for McLeod's big Buick Information furnished on request. card ever if you want a public, auto. witnesses, as is usually the case every The prettiest souvenir morning. They to get published is of a cocoanut island b had an hour Curio Co., Elite busy in before court opened and a Printing Steiner's Island general scattering out was ordered. Building. Hotel street. NEW. Officers Reeves, Espinda and Apana Blom's snecial sale of fine Turkish, choose the Winston Block as a likely We have all the best facilities cotton and linen towels begins this place for business and descended upon for Kodak work. Go. fcnmin? TTere Is vonr chance to get The Waterhouse Goats it. The first thing stumbled into was We are always glad to give la fit reduced nrices. Spring a crap game in full and riotous swing Judd Building. Sole Agents. Join the Harrison Mutual Association and four of the players were nabbeo. advice to amateurs, if it is de- while the Special Dispensation is in Putting on the high gear with the pa sired. J membership fees are reduced. COATS wagon gamesters force, and BEAUTIFUL LINGERIE trol the were rushed our specialty. J. H. Townsend, Kapiolani Bldg., Sec. into court just in time to save the look Rush orders are soda, in white and cream, male of Linen, of things and fifteen minutes the When you feel like having a elegantly braided and applique trim- after candy-hungr- y or just real arrests the four were found guilty and when you're med. The prettiest and most stylish Young Cafe is fined, three coming through with $5 Photo-Suppl- hungry, the Alexander Tub Coats we have shown, in the new Honolulu y the place you are looking for. Our apiece and the fourth having to cough short length, and the new long length. up $9. He had elected to plead inno motto is quality. Must be seen to be appreciated. quarters of the Hawaii & cent, but his three pals testified that Company ran The new on Hotel street. he was the one who had won all their South seas Curio are STYLISH CRAVENETTE COATS money. ' Young Building. New Souvenir Postals "Everything Photographic" every steamer. Ask for the famous Fort Street. Aquarium Fisk postals. Mats, Tapas, Fans and Baskets. E YOU PATHOGENIC The Hawaii Photo and Art Co.. Ltd., Fort below King street, keep always Hats in stock a supply of camera requisite MICROBES? Of Clothing, Furnishings and and materials for artists. In addition to these you can always find specimens of the work of famous illustrators. For Men and Boys be con A seven-seate- d Studebaker and four Even the mnt skeptical must ar-ra- v Fope-Hartfor- ds as good an vinced by evidence such as the follow make ARTICELE REDUCED FROM 25 to 50 per cent. of automobile? as can be found ing: Under date of August 15, 1907. EVERY i "battery" of the t anywhere. This is the Dr. Justin M. Lisle formerly in labor- Hotel Stables and the machines are for new line of Regatta Suits, for boys, direct from the price by the atories of Profs. Boux & Metchnikoff. A use at hack rates. Special $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Worth hour. Phone 191. Institute Pasteur Paris, writes: "This factory, will sell for $1.50. Stylish Cravenette co.its, $9.00 at is to certify that I have made a bac- Double the Money! Sachs'. teriological examination of Tansan and Automobile Hacks Our line of Men's Suits are the most complete we have find it absolutely free from all forms $12.00 Come SPORTS. imagine my ever shown. Prices $g.oo, $10.50, and $15.00. FLEET of bacterial life. You can RING UP 361 for the on?y Automo- astonishment when I found the water and examine these Goods before buying your summer suit. not unusual bile hacks in the city. Member of the field and tr.?-- sec- completely sterile. It is all in price. Some to find microbes in water and plenty FRANK I.TT.T.TS and hi3 three fonr-cylind- Shirts, Neckwear, and Hats reduced Committee on the tion of the Svorts of them, but so long as they are not of Franklins are always ready at lines per cent. fleet's cntertrur.'i.ont are requested to. pathogenic variety, they cause no 50 new assortment; sizes from 36 to 42; the the Territorial Messenger Service. pnoet at tiip 1. M. t . a. Tinipm hi i :oj colors, tan. olive an.l Oxford, Extra harm. Tansan contains no microbe oi ,f'VIo.-k- . business is slated quality, from $9.00 upward. anv sort. No wonder it is pronounced Union and Hotel. transaction. the choicest of all choice waters. I find Tansan is soft, sweet and exceedingly L. B. Kerr 8t Co., Ltd. you have anything to sell, tell Dry Ltd. agreeable to the taste and in effect on If N.S.Sachs Goods Co., upon your READ THE ADVERTISER STREET. about it in the market place. Buyers the stomach." Insist it that ALAKEA 4 Money-Bac- k or liquor merchant and sellers meet in our classified ad The Store with the grocer, druggist WORLD'S 3TEWS DATLI Policy handles it for you. MONDAY, MAY 18, 13 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, 1908.

DEATH OF WILLMM HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE Canadian-Australia- n Royal Mail Line Halstead & Co., Ltd. 1 Honolulu, Saturday, May 16, 190S. Co. ' racmizur : wJJJtki with th Canadian Pacifta JUIlwar STOCK AND BOND ' Htunr t ln ousted sill at Honolulu on r about fUw dat: mm SAMS CF STOSJC. Pa d Utv Vil. Bid Ask rOK VANCOUVER. Maci-Tim- . for jut and iurnuiJA. MAT 27 i i AORANGI MAT M MANUKA Death came at ten o'clock last night Biewer iCo ..... f2.OOC.00) UW. 24 I 11ANUKA JUNE 7 MARAMA JUNE to William Olmsted Atwater at his BROKERS itwa 5.0CO.WC 20 29 home in Honolulu, at the age of fifty-nin- e H.w. Agricu'itixa.', 1J - years. H&ir Com ASuarCo 2.312 T V i : "is" In his death this city loses i&w 5us&r C9 2, 4 Will call at Fannin Ilan3. a useful citizen and a prominent and Roncnia...M .. woou 100 . LOANS much respecteJ man-- The remains will Sonok&a .. ; 2,iXK.'.u 2 1 12 NEGOTIATE!! THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.. LTD., baiku 1 v 140 be given a Masonic funeral this after Kahukn...... 2c: .... 80 AGENTS. FOR 2,500.(X Honolulu Stock GTKElllL noon from the Masonic Temple at Kihei Plan Co Ltd 50, ... Mmrs ami three o'clock, at which the Knights Koloa soaooo; ioc! .. Exchanga Templar will form an escort for the McBryde Sag Co Ltd S.nOO.jOCj 20 i 47-- Oahu 8ug:ar Co..... t.8O0,00C! SOi 28H PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO., OCCIDENTAL & ORIENTAL body to the crematory at the Nuuanu Onome..., ...... 1,000,000, 20; ...$:8; FOR RENT. cemetery. Ookala 500.000i 20i 7 1 Furnished Residence, 1071 BeretatHa S. S. CO., AND TOYO KISEN KAISHA. Olaa Sugar Co Ltd..... 5,000,000, 20 45s The deceased was a kamaaina, having Punahou district, College Olowaiu 10.0001 100 street. Electric lights; gas and wood Steamera of tha abov companlea will call at Eonolulu and leava this arrived in the islands in 1S72. locating Paauhaa Sag Plan Cc 5,000.000 50 19 stoves; hot and cold water in batli n or about the dates mentioned below: first in Maui, at Lahaina. In 1876 he street, lot 75x125, three Pacific 500.000! loo uoiv and shower; four bedrooms, "rooma port Paia 7M.OO0! loo all FOR THIS ORIENT. FOR SAN TRANCISCO. assumed his first position, becoming Pepeekeo 750,000! loo; mosquito-proo- f. Etc. $,10 per month. MAY 15J CHINA MAY 16 clerk of the Circuit Court for the bedroom ; modern cot 2,70.000! 100 1 37 145 See W. L. HOWARD at once. XCFY Agri Go. .. 4,500.000! 1C0' .... 26 I MAY U Second Circuit," resigning in 18S4 to be- Waialua 8JK 3, MARU MAY MANCHURIA l.bOO.OCC-- i Room Mclntyre Building AMERICA ,. Wailuku...... 100; SIBERIA JU.Nb l NIPPON MAKU jiai ov come secretary of the Board of Immi- tage .$3200 Waimanaio 252,0001 100 75 Tel. 1S1 ' 6 position 'WaiineaSagar Mill .'. 125.000 looj 60 CHINA JUNE 8 ASIA JUNE gration, which he held until .. March, 1S87. He then entered em- the Inter-Islm- d 8 S Oo..;. l.MO.OOoi 100! H. HACKFELD ft CO LTD., Agents. re- M a ki k i district, Kinau FOR SALE. ploy of the Honolulu Iron Works, Haw Electric Co. . SOO.OOOi 100 130 150 corporation Pf d . maining with that for over HETALCo M50.00e 100 " Lots at Kalihi, close to car-l- l, years, street, lot 50x90, two bed HRT4L Co, Com. . 65 four when he temporarily left Mutual Tel Co 150,000 half prices. Terms: J50 down, 1894 re- .. lo ... aal the islands. In February, he NaMku Rubber Co. 60,000 j loo $10 per month, without Interest, entered government service as sec- room cottage 1500 Nahiku Rcbber Cc... Assess. loo . 28 Steamship Time Table the O Lots (about one-ha- lf acre) on Oceanic Co. retary of the Post Office Department EiLCo ... 4,000,000! loolOu Maij Hilo S R Co ... 1.000,000' 20 .... Heights, unequaled in view ani and in 1897 rsigned to act as manager Brewing 4 a0. 24, 1908. SALOON RATES will be: Single Fare, Pacific modern Hocolu 80! Lots at from $250 and up In On and after June the of the People's Ice Company, upon the Heights, Maltinjr Op Ltd- - ... 4000(1; 22 23 Niui Haw Pineapple Co. ... 4c0,000; 20: 24 Valley, on your own terms. 6S; Trip. $110. Family rooms extra. disincorporation of the company ac Round bungalow 1100 Amt.oul Lots at Kapahulu at $109 each, aaj cepting the mangement of the ice and Boras standing; FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR BAN FRANCISCO. refrigerator department of the Hawa HawTeMpc (Fire time payments without interest. Claims) 815,000 MAY 2i ALAMEDA JUNE 3 iian iJiectric company, noiuing mai Lots at Palama, within walking fit ALAMEDA ALL BARGAINS CASH OR Haw Ter 4 p C (Re- tance from ,town." Easy terras. ALAMEDA JUNK M ALAMEDA JUNE 24 position at the time of his death. funding 1905 ' era 000 Mr. Atwater has long been prominent Raw Ter 44 p c uxl.coo J. H. SCHNACK, 137 Merchant Btrtct in Masonic circles, being a member of INSTALLMENTS. Haw Ter 4pc . ..'. l.COO.000 Haw Ter 8pc .. 1,044,060 the Pacific Lodge, a Knight Templar Haw flnv't S n p 81,000 FOR SALE, Cal agents are and a Shriner. For years he had also Beet Sug k Rei 4000 In connection with the sailing of the above teamen, the uo o p c 1,000,000 100 Green Roofing Slate, lO'xJS". leading member of the Central Two-pron- to to intending passengers, Coupon Through Tickets by any been a Ha ku6p c 890,000 10 5P0 One and g Iron Fenc prepared liaue. Henry Waterhouse Trust Go,, I points In United States, and from Union congregation, acting as treas- Hamakua itch Co Posts. railroad, from San Francisco to all the Upper Ditch Ape .. 200.000 urer the church. on any steamship line to all European ports. of Haw A 1 Drum jirw York by His health has been failing for some LIMITED. Com Sugar Commercial Ether. particulars apply to Co 5 p c ...... 1.871,000 1 Cast-iro- n Fitting with Flanges, for For farther months and during the pat two days Baw Sugar 6 p c . 475,000 100 and Merchant Streets, Honolulu R U r- - A 12" Wrought Pipe. WM. G. IRWIN ft CO., LTD., his death was hourly exneeted. Fort n . 1,000,000 AGENTS. Hon B T A L Co 8 p C 647,000 EMMELUTH & CO.. LTD. He leaves a widow and five children 6 p Sahuku c 200,000 145 King Phone 211 to mourn him. UcBrrde Stir fnUnn 2,000,000 99 Street The remains will be taken to the Nuu- S RENT TRUST CO., Ltd. 800.000 100' Masonic Tem- Oahu Sugar Co 5 p c... 1.250,000 100 anu cemetery from the Jiaa scgar co n p c... 850,000 90" HAWAIIAN DEVELOPMENT CO. Matson Navigation Co. ple this afternoon, the final interment rac nc sugar Mm be Kawaiahao, this being private. Co 8 s . 450,000 100 LIMITED. to at Pain ft n r 1,250,000 100 The S. S. HILONIAN of this line, carrying passengers and freight, will TO LET Pioneer Mill Co 6 p c'. 1,500.000 101 '. B. McSTOCKER - - - Manager m a direct service between this port, and San Francisco, sailing and EPWORTII LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY Waiaipa Ag Co 5 r c... a.noo.onr nn following STANGENWALD BUILDING arriving on or about the dates: The nineteenth anniversary of the $50.00 and Over. .23125 paid. t23 per cent paid. 1-- 2, 1-- Cable Address: Develop Leave San Francisco. Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. organization of the Epworth League t 92 buyer 90; $ 35 2, seller 10. $75.00 Waikikl; 4 B. R Furnished P. O. Box 263 MAY 6 , MAY 13 MAY 19 throughout ithe Methodist church at SESSION SALES. JUNE 3 JUNE 10 JUE 10 large, was duly observed by the local 50.00.. College Hills; 4 B. R.. Furnished (Morning Session.) 1 JULY 8 JULY 14 M. $2500 Paia 6s, 100. JULY chapter of the First E. church last 50.00 Manoa; 3 B. R Furnished JULY 29 AUG. 5 AUG. 11 evening. Rev. D. W. Crane, the pas- BETWEEN BOARDS. Albert F. Afong 2 SEPT. 8 in- 50.00., 4 AUG 26 SEPT. tor, had charge of the service. An Pacific Hts.; B. R.. Furnished 10 Pepeekeo, 140; $300 Paia 6s, 100 832 FOR"f STREET SEPT. 23 SEPT. 30 .OCT. 6 teresting feature of the meeting was 100 Haw. C. & S.. 91.75; 10 Olaa, 4.75. PASSENGER RATES TO SAN FRANCISCO: First Cabin, $60. the ceremonies in connection with the $30.00 to $50.00. NOTICE. Round Trip, Class, $110. installation of the officers for the com- First ing year. The directors of Ewa Plantation Co. For further particulars apply to $25.00... Young St.; 2 B. R. ..Furnished have declared an extra dividend of 2 STOCK AND BOND BROKER 4. per cent., payable May 31, 190S. CASTLE ft COOKE, LTD., COPIES of "Picturesque Honolulu," a 35.00.. Pacific Hts.; 2 B. R.. Furnished AGENTS. publication of Interest to every vis- MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK r itor to Honolulu, and the best piece 35.00... Greene St.; 4 B. R. ..Furnished of promotion literature ever published Professional Cards AND BOND EXCHANGE! AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. In the. Territory. It shows by pen $10.00 to $25.00. FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU. pictures and photographs what tour- see Infor- DENTIST. Weekly Sailings via Tebuantepso. ists want to here, and the $10.00 Morris Lane 2 B. R, A. B. CLARKE. 311. mation is presented in a clear and Dentist. Room Company's Wharf, 41st Btrset, South 10.00 St 2 B. R, Boston building. Office hours, 9 a. eal Freight received at all times at the concise manner. Price fifteen cents Middle to) Estate Brooklyn. m. 4 p. m. . 279 a copy, by mail twenty-thre- e cents. 13.00 School St 2 B. R. SAN FRAN- FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO Advertiser office. 8015 CHAS. & CO.'S FROM HONOLULU TO 15.00 Gandall Lane 2 B. R. CHINA PAINTING. BREWER CISCO. VIA KAHULUI. HONOLULU. MRS. J. LISHMAN MORE Classes In 20.00 2 R, NEBRASKAN MAY 10 POFT OF HONOLULU. Kinau St B. china painting. Orders i solicited. NEW YORK LINE NEVADAN MAY 27 MAY 12 2 Studio, 1445 Keeaumoku street. Tel- ALASKAN 25.00 Matlock Ave B. R. Regular line of vessels plying FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO-- . ARRIVED. ephone 134S. 7968 For further information apply to SOME OTHERS NOT ADVERTISED between New York and Honolulu. LULU. H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Sunday, May 17. BARK NUUANU will sail from VIRGINIAN MAY 20 Agents, Honolulu. Str. Ke Au Hou, Pedersen, from Ana- - Classified Advertisements New York on or about July 20, C. P. MORSE, hola, 3.20 a. m. , 1908. Freight recslved at Company's wharf, - Street. General Freight Agent. Str. Mikahala, Tullett, from Maka- j RENT TRUST CO., Ltd. FREIGHT TAKEN AT LOWEST weli, 6.35 a. m. , SITUATIONS WANTED. RATES Str. W. G. Hall, Thompson, form BY young man with seven years' ex freight Nawiliwili, 3.30 a. m. perience as large cor- For rates apply to bookkeeier for CHAS! BREWER-- Str. Noeau, Mitchell, from Kukui-hael- e, Classified Advertisements poration. Apply 324 this office, 8040 CO., HUSTACE-PEC- K COMPANY, LTD., 2 a. m. 27 Kilby St., Boston; or & DRAYMEN. Str. Iwalani, Self, from Maui and WORK wanted by recent arrival- - here. THEO. H. DAVIES CO.. 6.20 ' Honolulu. PL one 295. - 63 QUEEN STREET. - . P. O. Box 212. Molokai, a. m. LOST. Understands plain surveying,, keep- ESTIMATES GIVEN ON ALL KINDS OF TEAMING. DEPARTED. SORREL mare, white beaze on face ing time, use typewriter, quick at figures, possesses good Ai-- H. and three white feet. Return to J. and general Dealers in S. S. Texan, Hall, for Kahulul, TWO IMPORTED 5 p. A. Morgan, Territorial Stables, for Intelligence and some executive m. ' FIREWOOD, STOVE, STEAM AND BLACKSMITH COAL, SAIL TOMOEROW. reward. 281 ability. "H. W.,' this office. 8022 Thoroughbred Jersey CRUSHED ROCK, BLACK AND WHITE SAND, GARDEN SOIL, Str. Mauna Kea, Freeman, for Hilo PURSE containing sum of money, be- BULLS AT SERVICE AT HAY, GRAIN, CEMENT, ETC. way ports, FOR RENT. and noon. longing to poor man. Reward this ONE room cottage, furnished. Also . Loa, Str. Mauna Simerson, for Ha office. 281 room in dwelling. 276 Beretania Ave. THE POND DAIRY waii and Maui, noon. 8039 Telephone 890 Str. W. G. Hall, Thompson, for Kau- WHITE bull terrier; brindle eye. ai, 5 p. m. mosauito-proo- Name on collar. Return to J. W. FURNISHED room, f. Str. Iwalani, Self, for Maui and Mol- College Hills. 281 Makiki district, on car line. "G.", NOTICE, BAGGAGE Phone 5 p. Cathcart, -- SHIPPING okai, m. this office. 803S ANY WOMAN OF M. N. S. S. Hilonian, Johnson, GIRL NEEDING Union Pacific STORAGE WOOD for HORSE and buggy; disappeared from help or advice, is invited to communi- San Francisco, 10 a. m. COTTAGE, four rooms: and PACKING COAL PASSENGERS before Central Union church Saturday lanai cate, either in person or by letter, with Transfer Go., Ltd.. night. Return and receive reward. kitchen. Apply 142;A, Fort lane. Ensign L. Anderson, matron of the 58 Arrived. Stanley Livingston, Kamehameha 8031 Salvation Army 17, Woman's Industrial Per str. Ke Au Hou, May from Schools. 281 Home. No. 1689 King'street. 16 KING ST. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Anahola.' John llano, Mrs. Alice Mc- THE Popular apartments are the best Lean; 1 deck. EMBROIDERED grass linen shirt- located, neatest and" cheapest rooms. 1249 r-- ' Pure-Bre- Per str. Mikahala, May 17, from waist, on Wilder avenue and Piikoi Fort. 8029 d JAS. H. LOVE. Makaweli. D. B. Murdoch, Dan Vida, Suitable on return CITY TRANSFER CO. J. W. street. reward MRS. S. A. GULICK'S furnished cot Kobaleanu. to office. 281 Per str. W. G. Hall. May 17, from this tage. Electric lights; mosquito-screene- d; Kauai ports. D. White, Otto Schilling. healthiest location; on car POULTRY M Paxton, K. Miltam and wife, BRASS WORKER. line. Suitable for one or two gentle- ' M. Tin Sinsr, Master Tin Sing-- , S. S. SAKA, corner Pauahi and Smith men. 1030 Gulick avenue, Kalihi. FOR SALE. WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS, Office Opp. Union Grill. Kauwanui, Tanaka, M. A. Milaele, E. streets, after an absence of six Enquire on premises. 802S Phone 152. K. Pikas, J. s. Chandler, H. L. Lyons, months, is ready to do all kinds of BROWN LEGHORNS, H. Pittle, M. T. Birmingham, G. E. brass work. Makes a specialty of TWO nice houses at 712 Quarry street. ENGLISH DORKINGS, K.aleiohi; 39 deck. manufacturing and repairing auto- Fine view; rent reasonable. 802S BLACK MINORCAS, Per str. Noeau, May 17, from Kukui-hael- e. mobile lanterns. 8037 ONE PEN BUFF WYANDOTTES, GOMES' EXPRESS CO. D. Pullar and wife. HOUSE of eight rooms. Modem im WHITE ORPINGTON COCK Crystal provements: convenient to street-ca- r Fort Street, opposite Hackfeld 3c Co. Per str. Iwalani, May 17, from Maui strain. and Molokai. Mrs. E. P. Low. Mrs. C. cisco. May 9. lines. Inquire W. C. Weedon, Stan-genwa- ld EGGS from - choice stock in season. BAGGAGE FREIGHT HANDLED, FURNITURE L. Wight. E. P. Low, M. Bonnie, D. S. G. Wilder, Am. bkt., Jackson, Mol- building. 8001 Address: W, C. WEEDON, CHECKED Na-piioh- o, AND PIANO MOVING, STORAGE, Conway, Mrs. Rose Kahana. Mrs. lendo. May 11. Box 658, Honolulu. Office - C. A. Manua. J. Amaka, Mrs. Okanogan, Am. schr., Mathew, Port BIRDS FOR SALE. Phone 298 PACKING, SHIPPING. in- May 13. Nakalekao, Mrs. Ed. Fountain and Gamble, GOOD singing canaries; also female. G. Trimble, C. A. and Elvaston, Br. s.s., Putt, Newcastle, fant, Hartwell 1545 Kewalo street. 8032 Wah Ving ChongCoT wife, Paia XakI; 21 deck. May 13. Honolulu Construction and Graying Go,, Ltd. Booked to Depart. Hilonian, Am. s.s., Johnson, San Fran- FURNISHED ROOMS. Per M. N. S. S. Hilonian, May 19, for cisco, May 13. King Street, Ewa of Flshmarkt San Francisco. Miss E. A. Chandy, Helene, Am. schr., Thompson, , San A SUITE of rooms at 1491 Emma St. DRY GOODS and FURNISHING Is GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Mrs. Saunders, Miss Saunders, L. Francisco, May 14. for rent, with boar'. 7954 GOODS of EVERY DE- Lyon, C. O'Day, Wife t 'Phone Office 281. Ryder, Wm. C. J. TRANSPORT SERVICE. SCRIPTION P. o. Box 154. "W. ROOM FOR RENT. and two children; R. H. Ruppert, C. Warren, in Philippines. St., Opp. G. Bay, COURT, room, Fort W. Irwin & Co., Ltd. Lee, J. R. Daggett. Mrs. W. F. S- - HELEN'S large suit- Cook, Thomas, at F. Miss G. Lutted, Miss .B. Mrs. Crook, at S. F. able for two gentlemen. 1124 Adams ,Ye do all kinds of Teaming:; also deal in S03S Developing and Printing Crushed Rock, White F. T. Sullivan, Mrs. C. O'Neil, Gerald Buford, at San Francisco. lane. and Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, Etc. O'Neil, Mrs. Hodgson. Miss Mary Sex- Logan, at San Francisco. SAFE MOVING A SPECIALTY, ton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brasch. Mrs. Dix, at Seattle. OFFICES FOR RENT. Towse and two children, Mrs. Crane, Sherman, from Hon. for Manila, via "THE STANGENWALD" Only fire- R. W. Perkins Mrs. L. Scheon, Miss M. J. Cousen. proof office building Guam, Apr. 16. In city. Hotel THE PACIFIC Miss G. Whiteman and child, Mr. Sheridan, left Hon. for Manila, May 13. near Fort FUNERAL NOTICE. Bleushdohn and wife, Mr. and Mrs. ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING Commercial C. II. Smith. Miss Weighmueller, Mrs. THE MAILS. Honolulu's only up-to-d- ate fire-pro- of Advertiser C. F. True and two children, Mrs. E. Mails are due from the following building; rent Includes electric light, PRECIOUS STONES Xatered at the PoetofBee at Honolulu, Pacific Ledge Ho. Gallagher, Mrs. A. H. Tarleton and points as follows: hot and cold water and Janitor ser- set in rings and broochos. Gold and ss 822, T. H.. as second-cla- matter. two children. Mrs. D. Maclntyre, Miss Orient Per Manchuria, May 22. vice. Appiy the Von Hamm-Tun- g silver jewelry made to order at rea- New-som- e, prices. SUBSCRIPTION A. F. & A. M. M. A. Brown. Mrs. Russell, J. P. San Francisco Per America Maru, Co.. Ltd. sonable Your trade solicited. RATES: Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Smith, May 23. Cs Tear J 12.00 Mrs. Gaherlorsh, Mrs. C. W. Tuerke, Vancouver Per Aorangi, May 30. REMOVAL. SUN V O Advertising Rates on Application. Miss M. E. Tuerke, Mrs. E. Castle, E. flails will depart for the following MRS. HODGSON. Teacher of Piano CHAN CHEW, Manager C. wife two children. points as follows: Published every morning except Sun- Eckart, and and sinking. Studio removed to 2:56 1S0S Maunakea St. P. o. Box 943. San Francisco Per Hilonian, 10 a. m. day by the THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL VESSELS TN PORT. King street, between R.K hards and tomorrow. AlaKea streets. 8036 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. LTD. meeting of Pacific Lodge No. 822. A. F. (Army and Navy). San Francisco Manchuria, May READ THE ADVERTISES T?? & M., Per " Hcdt Block, No. 65 South King St. A at Its hall. Masonic Temple, Iroquois, U. S. S., Carter, Mo:okal, WORLD'S NEWS DAILY Ci. S. : : Manager. corner of Hotel May 1. LOST. CRANE and Alakea streets, Orient Per America Maru, May 25. THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, MAx (Merchant Vessels). BULL TERRIER pup. pure white, 1?. at 3 o'clock for the purpose of 'at- Dirlgo, Am. four-mast- ed sp., Goodwin, tars uncut. Return to tending the funeral of the late Brother l2 days from Baltimore. Apr. 16. DIED. and receive reward. SOU Sun Lee Tai Co. William Olmsted Atwater. R. P. Rithet, Am. bk., McDonald, San ATWATKR Tn Honolulu, Sunday, STEINWAY & SONS Members of Hawaiian and Oceanic Francisco, May S. May 17. William Olmsted Atwater. A SMALL auburn hair switch. Reward AND OTHER PIANOS. Contractors, Builders, Painters Lodges and all sojourning brethren are S. C. Allen, Am. bk., Wilier, Grays a native of Bridgeport, Connecticut, at this office. S040 THAYER PIANO CO. Invited to attend. Harbor, May 7. aged 59 years. 156 HOTEL STREET XOA FURNITURE TO ORDER. By order of the R. "W. M. Holywood, Br. bk., Smith, Junln, Funeral will take place this after- A FRATERNITY PIN Maltese cross, Phone 21S E. P. CHAPIN, May 7. noon from the Masonic Temple at 3 set in opals. Er.s-rae- on back. Re-- ! TUNING GUARANTEED King Street, near Nuuanu Secretary. Kaiulani, Am. bk., Colly, San Fran- - , o'clock. ward at thi3 office. 8039