Public Document Pack

To : Members and Invitees of the Admission Forum

Notice of a Meeting of the Admission Forum

Wednesday, 20 October 2010 at 3.30 pm

County Hall

Tony Cloke Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services 13 October 2010

Contact Officer: Kath Coldwell, tel: 01865 815902, email: [email protected]


Chairman – Councillor Lawrie Stratford

CORE MEMBERS Community School Representative: Jolie Kirby Voluntary Controlled School To be confirmed Representative: Voluntary Aided School To be confirmed Representative: Foundation School Representative: Nick Hindmarsh Academy Representative: Ruth Robinson Parent Representative: Dr Uday Kishore Community Representative: Aggie Kalungu-Banda (Oxfordshire Racial Equality Council) Anglican Diocese of Oxford Christine Jones Representative: Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham Kate Edwards Representative: NON CORE MEMBERS

RAF Representative: Meg Wickett

(Community Development Officer – RAF Benson)

County Hall, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1ND Fax: 01865 783195 Media Enquiries 01865 815266

Army Representative: Vacancy Community Representative: Olivia Denson (Children’s Education Advisory Service) Secondary Community School To be confirmed Representative:

Secondary Community School Peter Simmonds Representative (with experience and knowledge of special needs)

Primary Community School To be confirmed Representative: Primary Church Aided School To be confirmed Representative: Councillor Representatives: Councillor Lawrie Stratford Councillor Michael Waine Parent Admission Advisor Rachel Caseby Representative: Governor Representative: Frank Newhofer

The Agenda is attached

Date of next meeting: 24 November 2010


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest - see guidance note on back page

3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 June 2010 (Pages 1 - 6)

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2010 ( AF3 ).

4. Any other business

5. Future Meeting Dates and Times

Contact Officer: Kath Coldwell, (01865) 815902

The Forum is asked to note future meeting dates and times as listed below:


Wednesday 24 November 3.30 pm


(All at 3.30 pm)

• Monday 28 February

• Wednesday 15 June

• Wednesday 19 October

• Wednesday 23 November

6. Admission Outcomes September 2009 - September 2010 (Pages 7 - 10)

Contact Officer: Neil Darlington, (01865) 815844

A report on admission outcomes over the previous year is attached at AF6 .

The Forum is invited to receive the report.

7. Admissions Update for 2011/12 (Pages 11 - 14)

Contact Officer: Neil Darlington (01865) 815844

An update will be given to the Forum ( AF7 ). There is now a requirement for additional

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school places to be made available for 2011.

The Forum is asked to receive the update.

8. Informal Consultation on Admissions for 2012 (Pages 15 - 24)

Contact Officer: Neil Darlington, (01865) 815844 To receive a verbal report on progress to date in relation to Admission arrangements for 2012. A brief report is attached ( AF8 ). The Forum is invited to receive the report.

9. Review of Designated Areas in Oxford City

Contact Officer: Neil Darlington, (01865) 815844

A review of designated areas in Oxford City is attached at AF9 .

The Forum is invited to note the report.

10. Local Authority Report (Pages 25 - 48)

Contact Officer: Neil Darlington, (01865) 815844

The Local Authority report is attached for information and comment ( AF10 ).

The deadline for comment to the Adjudicator has already passed but the Forum could chose to propose ideas for next year if it has any concerns.

The Forum is invited to receive the report.

11. Application of the In Year Fair Access Protocol (Pages 49 - 52)

Contact Officer: Barry Armstrong, (01865) 815916

A report on the application of the In Year Fair Access Protocol for the previous academic year is attached at AF11.

As requested at its previous meeting the report includes:

• statistics detailing importers and exporters of vulnerable pupils • comparative data with previous years

The Forum is invited to receive the report.

Declarations of Interest

This note briefly summarises the position on interests which you must declare at the meeting. Please refer to the Members’ Code of Conduct in Section DD of the Constitution for a fuller description.

The duty to declare … You must always declare any “personal interest” in a matter under consideration, ie where the matter affects (either positively or negatively): (i) any of the financial and other interests which you are required to notify for inclusion in the statutory Register of Members’ Interests; or (ii) your own well-being or financial position or that of any member of your family or any person with whom you have a close association more than it would affect other people in the County.

Whose interests are included … “Member of your family” in (ii) above includes spouses and partners and other relatives’ spouses and partners, and extends to the employment and investment interests of relatives and friends and their involvement in other bodies of various descriptions. For a full list of what “relative” covers, please see the Code of Conduct.

When and what to declare … The best time to make any declaration is under the agenda item “Declarations of Interest”. Under the Code you must declare not later than at the start of the item concerned or (if different) as soon as the interest “becomes apparent”. In making a declaration you must state the nature of the interest.

Taking part if you have an interest … Having made a declaration you may still take part in the debate and vote on the matter unless your personal interest is also a “prejudicial” interest.

“Prejudicial” interests … A prejudicial interest is one which a member of the public knowing the relevant facts would think so significant as to be likely to affect your judgment of the public interest.

What to do if your interest is prejudicial … If you have a prejudicial interest in any matter under consideration, you may remain in the room but only for the purpose of making representations, answering questions or giving evidence relating to the matter under consideration, provided that the public are also allowed to attend the meeting for the same purpose, whether under a statutory right or otherwise.

Exceptions … There are a few circumstances where you may regard yourself as not having a prejudicial interest or may participate even though you may have one. These, together with other rules about participation in the case of a prejudicial interest, are set out in paragraphs 10 – 12 of the Code.

Seeking Advice … It is your responsibility to decide whether any of these provisions apply to you in particular circumstances, but you may wish to seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer before the meeting.

If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3


MINUTES of the meeting held on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 commencing at 3.30 pm and finishing at 4.50 pm

Present :

Members: Councillor Lawrie Stratford – in the Chair Olivia Denson (Community Representative) Kate Edwards (Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham Representative) Nick Hindmarsh (Foundation School Representative) Christine Jones (Anglican Diocese of Oxford Representative) Ruth Robinson (Academy Representative) Peter Simmonds (Secondary Community School Representative – with experience and knowledge of special needs) Laurie Thompson (Parent Admission Advisor Representative) (in place of Rachel Caseby) Councillor Michael Waine Meg Wickett (RAF Representative) Officers:

Whole of meeting K. Coldwell (Corporate Core); P. Greene (Children, Young People and Families).

The Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with secondary allocation figures for September 2010 tabled at the meeting, and decided as set out below. Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.


The Forum was reminded that at its last meeting Councillor Lawrie Stratford had agreed to take on the role of Chairman until another Forum member was willing to take on this role.

The Forum was therefore asked again whether it wished to elect a Chairman, to remain in post for a year from the date of their election, as agreed in the Forum’s Constitution.

Members were reminded that the Chairman does not have to be a core member.

Councillor Lawrie Stratford was elected to Chairman until this time next year.

It was AGREED to leave the post of Deputy Chairman vacant.

Page 1 AF3

29/10 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Agenda No. 2)

Apologies were received from Frank Newhofer, Maureen Agnew (Governor Representative substitute) Aggie Kalungu Banda and Jolie Kirby.

Laurie Thompson attended in place of Rachel Caseby.

Pat Greene attended in place of Neil Darlington.


Councillor Waine declared a personal interest at Agenda Item 5 on the grounds that he is a local authority representative, an associate governor and his grandson is in a county school (community school).


The minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2010 were AGREED .

Matters Arising

Minute 24/09 – Admission Outcomes in relation to preferences at primary and secondary level – the Forum noted the situation in relation to Banbury as listed on the paper circulated at the meeting.

In summary, all Oxfordshire pupils who had requested a place in a secondary school for September 2010 had been allocated a school place. In the Banbury area there were originally 16 pupils who had only requested one secondary school or non local schools. None of these pupils had requested a place at Banbury School and therefore they had been offered a school in Bicester. Subsequently in the late allocation (4 May 2010) 8 pupils had requested an alternative school (Banbury) and had been offered places. The remaining 8 pupils had been invited to express a preference for Banbury school: 2 pupils wanted to remain at (with transport), 2 pupils wished to express a preference for Banbury School and were allocated places, 2 pupils had gained grammar school places in another authority and there had been no response from the remaining 2 pupils and therefore the places offered (with transport) remained available.

32/10 ANY OTHER BUSINESS (Agenda No. 5)

Christine Jones and Ruth Robinson were welcomed to the Forum.

The Forum AGREED to vary the order of business as reflected in these Minutes.

Page 2 AF3

Applications in Abingdon

The Forum noted the Children’s Education Advisory Service’s (CEAS) concerns regarding the letters that had been sent to service families for in year entries when the service personnel had been redeployed and the family had been left behind, which appeared to have been written with a lack of sensitivity as the families would not have been able to apply for a place at the appropriate time.

It was AGREED that officers would look into this and amend the letter if necessary as Olivia Denson had anecdotal evidence but had not seen a copy of the letter.

Pat Greene stated that the team paid particular regard to service families and would allocate them a place even if they just had a base address.


The Forum had previously agreed to review its Constitution on an annual basis.

It was now a year since the initial version had been agreed.

The version before the Forum (AF6) contained a number of amendments in light of membership and other changes.

The Forum was invited to agree the revised Constitution and to consider whether it wished to make any further changes.

Following discussion, the Forum AGREED the revised Constitution and that the following amendment should be made:

• page 2 – to amend the wording as follows (amendment in bold italics and strikethrough) to reflect the wording in the School Admissions Code 2010 (3) A representative for the RAF will also be appointed following a nomination from the respective body for which the forum has been established (The Army is content to be represented by Children of UK Service Personnel and other Crown Servants shall be represented by the Children’s Education Advisory Service).


The Forum received an update report which included information on admission outcomes, additional places, schools admitting above their published admission number, preference statistics, future demand 2010 and plans for expansion from 2011 onwards (AF7).

Page 3 AF3

The Forum noted the following information:

• there had not been much change in addition to the report that had been presented before; • the only Primary places left in the City for 2010 were in Botley. If these places were allocated, then the next step would probably be to place children in Kidlington; • an extra 60 places had been allocated at Thameside Primary School in Abingdon. A significant number of parents were turning down places at that school, but there was no alternative for their children. The Team had written to parents who had turned down a place to alert them to this and to let them know that they would keep the place open for them. Some of these parents had responded that they would home school their children until their appeals had been heard. All appeals to date had been overturned. Many parents had negative perceptions of schools that were in special measures, whereas in the case of Thameside, if they read the Ofsted report they would realise that it was a good school. Parents often changed their minds once they visited these schools; • the majority of increases in numbers had been planned for and the surprise element had been that there had been little change between the offers made in March and the acceptance of places, whereas there was usually a much greater fall off. This was partly because less children were going to private schools and less people were moving house. However, there had been nearly 500 appeals, which was a very high number; • some parents were still only listing one school (eg in Banbury) and the Parent Admission Adviser Team visited parents and schools to spread the word about the need to list more than one preference. The Team needed more information on what secondary schools to target in terms of those schools where a high number of parents had only listed one preference.

It was suggested that the Council’s Communications Team be asked to give a clear message to parents in the Autumn Term that just stating a preference for one school would not increase their chances of gaining a place for their child at that school. It was also noteworthy that many parents were choosing out of county schools.

The Admissions Team attended open evenings to promote this message and the new common closing date for parents would mean that the messages would go out at the same time, which was good. The Authority now had to co-ordinate with other authorities at primary level.

The Forum AGREED to monitor the situation in terms of the likely situation this time next year and to ask Neil Darlington to write to thank both schools who were directed to take on extra children.

Page 4 AF3


It was AGREED that Kath Coldwell would confirm with Neil Darlington whether or not the Anglican Diocese Representative needed to provide information for inclusion within the Local Authority report, and to circulate the report to the Forum for comment by email once it had been produced.


A progress report on the application of the In Year Fair Access Protocol was before the Forum (AF10).

Following discussion, the Forum AGREED :

• to seek clarification from Barry Armstrong regarding what he meant by ‘there are specific pressures around those schools in the Banbury area’ for example, whether he was referring to admission numbers rather than in year access; • to request that statistics detailing importers and exporters of vulnerable pupils be provided to the Forum prior to its next meeting and to each meeting from then onwards, including comparative data with previous years and % figures for other local authorities, especially Oxfordshire’s statistical neighbours; • to request that better communication with the Admissions Team take place after each panel meeting.


At the Forum’s previous meeting members had agreed not to produce their own report this year and had requested examples of Admission Forum reports produced by other local authorities. Reports from Devon and Wiltshire were before the Forum (AF9(a), AF9(b) and AF9(c)).

The Forum AGREED :

• to request Kath Coldwell to circulate the Admission Forum’s future work programme to it as soon as possible; • to add the following items to its work programme:

o how communication with the pre-school population takes place and what can be done to encourage more parents to list more than one preference for a school, including the effectiveness of different strategies;

Page 5 AF3

o vulnerable children – how many families in the county fall into this category and how this can be reduced, especially in light of an uncertain future for Sure Start and other Children’s Centres.

The Forum discussed how communication with the pre-school population takes place and what can be done to encourage more parents to list more than one preference for a school. Pat Greene reported that the Admissions Team also went to shopping centres and approached parents with young children in order to ask them “Is your child three years old and have you seen this [admissions advice] booklet?”, although there would not be time to do this next year.

A comprehensive list of the team’s publicity methods was provided after the meeting as detailed below:

Poster and covering letter to:

• Letter to pupils reaching the end of Year 5 (for Year 6/7 transfer) • Childminders • Early Years settings (nurseries, playgroups, toddler groups and more) • Oxon News • Libraries • Radio • Visits to shopping centres • Letter to 3 year olds from NHS database • Letter to 3 year olds from early years database • Doctors surgeries • Supermarkets

in the Chair

Date of signing

Page 6 Agenda Item 6



County wide perspective

1. The admissions process follows the requirements of the School Admissions Code and the relevant regulations.

2. The percentage of parents offered their first preferences for secondary remains above 88% for secondary schools, with more than 97% of Oxfordshire residents being offered one of their three preferences. For primary schools more than 88% of parents were offered their first preference and more than 96% of Oxfordshire residents were offered one of their three preferences. This compares to 89.47% primary applicants receiving a first preference and 96.16% receiving a first to third preference last year.

3. There were just under 7,000 applications for primary school children to start in F1 (Reception) in September 2010. There were also 6278 applications from Oxfordshire residents for secondary school places and a further 323 applications were received from outside the county.

4. Overall we had 7,226 primary school places and this was increased to 7,730. Overall our number of available secondary school places across the county for entry in 2010 was 6,866. This was increased to 6,934.

5. 899 late applications and continued interest applications were received for secondary schools on behalf of 626 children. This is 172 greater than the 707 received last year on behalf of 500 children. 1,838 late applications and continued interest applications were received for primary schools on behalf of 1,090 children. This is 748 greater than the 1,379 received last year on behalf of 802 children.

6. There were sufficient places to accommodate any likely late applicants in “hot spots” such as Abingdon, Henley, Watlington, and Wantage. However, there were only a small number of places in Oxford City for late applicants and this resulted in some children having to travel several miles to school.

Breakdown by area


7. At the initial allocation no one had to be offered a place outside of the town. However, 60 late applications were received after the first deadline for primary schools in Abingdon. In order to avoid Abingdon children having to be transported to school outside of the town Thameside School agreed to admit up to 60 additional children above its PAN of 30. However, once the second admissions round was completed only 10 additional places were required at Thameside. This was because of withdrawals from other schools and parents seeking places outside Abingdon.

AF_OCT2010RO4.doc Page 7


8. At the initial allocation there were insufficient secondary places in Banbury and we therefore had to offer 19 children a place at Bicester Community College (BCC). Of the 19 Banbury pupils who were originally allocated places at Bicester community college, 14 applicants had not put down an Oxfordshire school as their first preference. Twelve parents put down on only one school preference and nine of those preferences were for schools outside the county.

9. At the end of the second allocation all late applicants and any of the original group offered places in Bicester who placed their child’s name on the continued interest list for Banbury School, were offered places in Banbury. This involved Banbury School admitting above its PAN.


10. At the initial allocation at primary level additional places were offered at Langford Village and Five Acres. At the second allocation additional places were offered at Southwold and Bure Park and further places at Five Acres.

11. Cooper School was heavily oversubscribed and at the initial allocation we offered 10 additional places. This was the highest number Cooper School could offer without affecting class organisation.

12. There were some spare places at BCC.


13. At initial allocation we offered 189 places at , 19 above PAN. The decision to increase the number of places offered to 189 was a response to increased demand following an outstanding Ofsted and the availability of some spare capacity at the school. Offering such a high number of places is not likely to be possible in 2011.


14. At the initial allocation it was a major challenge to find sufficient places in the Henley area and this was largely achieved through the cooperation of the Head and Governing Body of Badgemore School (we offered 25 additional places at Badgemore).

15. At the initial allocation the Governors of Trinity School would not accept additional children without guarantees regarding funding. Therefore at this stage only 45 places were offered at this school (up to its admission number) rather than 60. Shiplake, Valley Road, Trinity and Sacred Heart were all full at initial allocation and. However, given the pressure for places in the town we offered 5 places above PAN at Trinity School at the second allocation.

AF_OCT2010RO4.doc Page 8 16. There were no issues at secondary level.


17. In the area of Oxford city (defined on a very broad basis) we started the process with a shortfall of approximately 160 places (including those available in Wheatley). However, because a range of schools were willing to admit additional children - Cutteslowe, Larkrise, New Hinksey, St Christophers, St Nicholas', Bayards Hill, Orchard Meadow, West Oxford, Botley, Sandhills, Rose Hill - we were able to offer every on time applicant a place, although there were some children who had to be placed at Wheatley and North Kidlington. The very difficult situation for families living in Wolvercote was resolved by offering additional places at the second allocation.

18. In order to cope with late applications New Marston and St Andrew’s were requested to each admit up to 25 additional children. Neither school was willing to agree to this approach but given the need to avoid placements outside of Oxford the two schools were directed to admit above PAN. Both schools are unhappy over the decision to offer additional places.

19. We also requested small increases at several other schools (shown in the table on the next page).

20. At secondary level there are places available at the Oxford Academy and at Oxford School.


21. Wheatley Primary School has met demand but there are no remaining places.

22. There were no issues at secondary level.


23. The lack of places for late applicants was resolved by the release of places at Wolvercote.

There were no issues at secondary level.


24. There are no significant issues at primary or secondary level.


25. At initial allocation we offered 5 additional places at St Nicholas’ Infants’ School. This school was asked to take a further 10 to bring the intake to 60.

26. There are no significant issues at secondary level.

AF_OCT2010RO4.doc Page 9


27. There were insufficient primary places in the Wantage area and we negotiated placing additional children at Grove and Charlton. In the second allocation we offered 4 places at St Amands School (a distance of 4/5 miles for some children) in order to meet demand.

28. There are no significant issues at secondary level.


29. At RAF Benson we increased the intake number from 30 to 40 to accommodate late applicants and some changes of preference.

30. There are no significant issues at secondary level.

Summary of Additional Places 2010

31. At primary level, a further 532 places were made available throughout the county at 54 primary schools.

32. At secondary level, five schools have collectively made a further 68 places available and these schools are listed below:

The Cooper Schooll Bartholomew Faringdon Community College St Birinus Banbury School.

Neil Darlington Service Manager Admissions

AF_OCT2010RO4.doc Page 10 Agenda Item 7



1. The demand for places in primary schools is expected to be similar in 2011 to 2010. Therefore a number of schools have had their published admission numbers increased for entry in 2011 and a number of schools have been asked to consider admitting above their published admission numbers. There should be no serious issue regarding the availability of places at secondary transfer. I have listed below the areas where action is required to ensure we have sufficient places.


2. There is no shortfall in the supply of primary school places. However, we may need additional secondary school places. There is sufficient physical capacity. The problem lies with the admission number adopted.


3. Oxford City is the area with the greatest demand for additional places. In Oxford City a number of schools now have higher published admission numbers and these are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

School Name PAN PAN Additional Places Cutteslowe 30 60 30 Sandhills 30 60 30 Bayard’s Hill 40 60 20 Windale 50 60 10 New Marston 30 60 30 Orchard Meadow 30 45 15 St Christopher’s, Oxford 45 60 15 Total 210 345 150

4. The Oxford City schools shown in Table 2 have been approached with regard to admitting above their published admission numbers in 2011.

Table 2

School Name PAN 2011 Proposed Additional Intake Places Botley Primary 45 60 15 West Oxford 15 30 15 Windmill Primary 60 90 30

AFOCT2010RO5 Page 11 Total 120 180 60

5. In total in Oxford City we should have a minimum of 210 additional places for the 2011 entry (using the published admission numbers for 2010 as the baseline). We are likely to need further places and small additions at other schools, for example Appleton, should enable us to further increase the number of available places.

6. There are expected to be surplus places at secondary level.


7. The demand for primary school places is expected to exceed supply as determined by the combined published admission numbers. However, we have asked Thameside to admit up to a further 30 children and this should ensure there are sufficient places in the town.

Table 3.

School Name Pan 2010 PAN 2011 Propos ed Additional Intake 2011 Places Thameside, 30 30 60 30 Abingdon


8. We expect the same level of demand for primary places and no decision has yet been taken on whether Trinity or Badgemore , or both, will need to admit more children . The reason for the delay is that we have not yet received the feasibility reports regarding Trinity and Badgemore.

9. There are no issues at secondary level.


10. We expect to have to admit up to 75 at Faringdon Infants’ School. We offered 70 places for entry in 2010.

Table 4.

School Name Pan 2010 PAN 2011 Proposed Additional Intake 2011 Places Faringdon 60 60 75 15 Infants’

11. There are no issues at secondary level.

AFOCT2010RO5 Page 12


12. As with Oxford, Henley, Faringdon and Abingdon the demand for places is expected to mirror that of 2010. The published admission number for Grove School is now 25 rather than 15, St Amands is expected to have spare places and Charlton may take 60 rather than 45. Any expansion at Charlton School depends upon a feasibility study.

Table 5.

School Name PAN 2010 PAN 2011 Proposed Additional Intake 2011 Places Grove 15 25 25 10 Charlton 40 45 60 20 Total 55 70 85 30


13. We expect o see a high demand for places at RAF Benson and as in 2010 we have asked RAF Benson School to agree to admitting additional children. There are no accommodation issues.

Table 6.

School Name PAN Current Proposed Additional IAN Intake Places RAF Benson 30 30 45 15

Application Process

14. The application process began in September and this year the primary deadline will be 17 January 2011 and the secondary deadline will be 31 October 2010.


15. The Local Authority’s actions should ensure that there are sufficient places in Oxfordshire schools for likely demand from within the County.

Neil Darlington Service Manager Admissions

AFOCT2010RO5 Page 13 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 14 Agenda Item 8



The formal consultation process for admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for 2012/13 is due to take place from late November 2010 to the end of February 2011. However, in order to give headteachers and governors more time to comment on the proposed admission numbers, an informal consultation is taking place between Monday 27 September and Monday 1 November 2010. This should enable adjustments to be made, where it is agreed that the proposed number is too high or too low, prior to the opening of the formal consultation.

The proposals have been placed on the intranet.

Neil Darlington Service Manager Admissions


Published Indicated Proposed Admission Admission No Admission DfE No. (Net Capacity No. No School Name 2011/12 Calculation) 2012/13 2001 Hornton CP 15 15 15 Madley Brook Community Primary 2002 School 45 36 45 Harriers Ground CP 2053 School 60 40 60 2055 Orchard Fields CP 60 60 60 2056 Hill View CP School 75 69 75 2057 Queensway CP 30 30 30 The Grange CP 2058 School 45 45 45 William Morris CP 2059 School 25 25 25 2060 Hardwick CP School 30 34 30* Charlbury Primary 2100 School 30 30 30 Enstone Primary 2103 School 15 14 15 Great Tew County 2104 Primary School 12 13 12 Kingham Primary 2106 School 30 29 30 2110 West Kidlington CP 60 60 60 Middle Barton 2151 Primary School 20 20 20 2200 Five Acres CP 30 36 45 Brookside Community Primary 2202 School 45 45 45 Longfields Primary 2207 & Nursery School 40 35 40 Whitchurch CP School 2208 15 15 15 Eynsham Community Primary 2209 School 45 45 45 2210 King Meadow 60 60 60 Glory Farm Primary 2211 School 60 61 60* Brize Norton 2250 Primary School 15 15 15 2251 Burford Primary 15 15 15

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 16 School Carterton Primary 2252 School 45 40 45 Gateway Primary 2254 School 45 41 45 Edith Moorhouse 2255 Primary School 45 43 45 Witney Community 2302 Primary School 30 30 30 Tower Hill Community Primary 2303 School 30 24 30 Queen's Dyke 2304 Primary School 45 45 45 St Nicholas' Primary 2352 School 45 45 60 2353 Stonesfield School 20 27 27 William Fletcher 2354 Primary School 27 30 27 North Kidlington 2357 Primary 40 40 40 Sandhills Primary 2401 School 30 30 60 RAF Benson Community Primary 2450 School 30 30 45 Chalgrove Community Primary 2452 School 30 30 30 Stadhampton 2455 Primary School 15 15 15 Tetsworth Primary 2456 School 8 8 8 Watlington Primary 2459 School 40 40 45 2461 Berinsfield CP 40 35 40 Barley Hill Primary 2463 School 80 80 75 Chinnor Mill Lane 2465 CP School 30 30 30 Nettlebed 2504 Community School 15 15 15 Sonning Common 2506 Primary School 45 48 60 South Stoke 2507 Community School 7 7 7 Woodcote CP 2510 School 30 30 30 2512 Valley Road School 30 29 30 2513 Badgemore CP 15 15 15 2521 Bayards Hill Primary 60 58 60

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 17 School 2522 Cutteslowe Primary 30 25 60 2525 East Oxford Primary 40 40 45 2527 The Windmill School 60 64 60* New Marston 2529 Primary 30 30 60 2531 Rose Hill 40 52 60 West Oxford CP 2533 School 15 21 30 2534 Wolvercote Primary 30 28 30 2539 Orchard Meadow 45 42 45 Larkrise Primary 2543 School 45 39 60

2555 Chilton Primary 30 30 30 2560 Drayton CP School 20 15 20 Faringdon Infants 2561 School 60 64 90 2562 Faringdon Junior 60 62 90 Harwell Primary 2563 School 25 25 25 Dry Sandford CP 2565 School 20 15 20 South Moreton 2566 School 25 20 25 St John's Primary 2567 School 30 29 30 Botley CP Primary 2569 School 45 42 60 Watchfield CP 2572 School 45 36 45 2573 Charlton CP 45 40 45 Rush Common CP 2574 School 60 60 60 Fir Tree Junior 45 2578 School 40 42 (60 from 2013) Stockham CP 2583 School 30 30 30 Thomas Reade CP 2587 School 30 30 30 2589 Wood Farm Primary 45 45 60 Edward Feild 2590 Primary School 45 44 45 John Hampden 2591 Primary School 40 42 45 2592 Dashwood School 30 30 30 2593 Pegasus School 60 60 60 2594 Stephen Freeman 40 55 40 2595 Carswell Primary 30 37 30* 2596 Cholsey CP 30 30 45 2597 Manor School 75 75 75

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 18 Thameside Primary 2598 School 30 30 60 West Witney County 2601 Primary School 45 45 45 2602 Long Furlong 30 30 30 Millbrook Primary 2603 School 60 60 60 2605 Caldecott CP 45 45 45 2606 Windale CP 50 45 60 Southwold New 2607 Primary 60 51 60 2608 Langford Village 60 60 60 Ladygrove Park 2609 Primary School 60 60 60 Bure Park Primary 2610 School 60 63 60 Cropredy CE 3000 Primary School 25 24 25 20 20 3005 Sibford Gower Year 3 3 21 Year 3 3 St Marys CE Primary School 3022 (Banbury) 30 30 30 3040 Finstock CE School 15 10 15 Chadlington CE 3043 Primary School 15 15 15 Hook Norton CE 3044 Primary School 30 29 30 Bloxham CE 3064 Primary School 00 50 60 Fritwell CE Primary 3065 School 30 30 30 Charlton-on-Otmoor 3081 Parochial 15 15 15 3082 Chesterton CE 17 15 15 Fringford CE Primary 3083 15 14 15 3085 Launton CE School 20 19 20 3090 Finmere 7 7 7 Clanfield CE 3100 Primary School 15 13 13 Aston & Cote CE 3120 Primary School 15 22 20*

3122 Ducklington Primary 30 28 30 3123 Hailey CE Primary 15 15 15 Leafield CE Primary 3124 School 13 15 15 St Kenelms CE 3125 School 15 15 15

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 19 Standlake CE 3127 Primary School 15 13 15 North Leigh CE 3128 Primary School 25 19 25 Stanton Harcourt 3130 CE Primary 12 13 12 Bampton CE 3131 Primary School 20 22 20* Bletchingdon Parochial CE 3141 Primary School 10 9 10 Combe CE School 3142 Primary School 15 15 15 Tackley CE Primary 3144 School 20 19 20 Woodstock CE 3145 Primary School 30 30 30 Bladon CE Primary 3146 School 10 10 10 Hanborough Manor 3147 CE School 30 30 30 Horspath CE 3161 Primary School 20 20 20 Wheatley CE 3165 Primary School 50 52 50* Garsington CE 3167 Primary School 30 29 30 Aston Rowant CE 3180 Primary School 15 15 15 Benson CE Primary 3181 School 40 35 40 St Andrews CE 3182 Primary School 40 49 45 3183 Clifton Hampden CE 10 8 8 Lewknor CE Primary 3184 School 15 15 15 Dorchester St 3186 Birinus CE School 15 14 15 Great Milton CE 3187 School 25 20 25 Marsh Baldon CE 3188 (Controlled) School 10 9 10 3190 Culham Parochial 8 7 8 Crowmarsh Gifford 3200 CE 30 30 30 3205 Peppard CE School 15 14 15

3206 Stoke Row 15 15 15 St Marys CE Infant 3207 School 30 30 30 3208 Freeland CE 20 22 20

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 20 Primary School Cowley St James 3210 CE Primary 60 60 60 3211 St Andrew's CE 30 30 30 New Hinksey CE 3213 Primary 20 18 25 Brightwell-cum- 3221 Sotwell CE School 20 19 20 3222 Buckland CE 15 14 15 3223 Cumnor CE School 30 30 30 St Nicholas CE, 3224 East Challow 15 15 15 St James CE 3225 School, Hanney VC 15 15 15 3228 Grove CE Primary 25 15 30 John Blandy VC 3230 Primary 30 25 30 3231 The Ridgeway CE 9 13 12* Longcot & Fernham 3232 CE(VC) 17 15 15 Long Wittenham CE 3233 Primary School 15 13 15 Longworth Undenominational 3234 School 10 10 12 Marcham CE 3235 Primary 15 15 20 North Hinksey CE 3237 School 30 30 30 3238 Radley CE 15 14 15 3239 Shrivenham CE 30 25 30 3240 Stanford in the Vale 30 30 30 St. Michaels CE 3241 Primary Steventon 20 22 20 Sunningwell CE 3242 Primary 15 15 15 Sutton Courtenay 3243 CE School 20 15 20 St Nicholas' CE Infants School & 3244 Nursery Class 45 54 60 Wantage CE 3246 Primary School 60 60 60 3247 St Nicolas CE 60/Y 3 4 58 60/ Y3 4 Blewbury Endowed 3248 CE Primary School 25 24 25 Hagbourne CE 3249 Primary School 30 29 30

3251 Uffington CE School 15 14 15 3252 St. Christopher's 60 45 60

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 21 Primary School, Cowley St Francis' CE 3253 School 40 37 40 Trinity CE Primary 3254 School 45 45 60 Beckley CE Primary 3256 School 20 22 20 Wychwood CE 3257 Primary School 40 40 40 St Swithuns CE 3258 School 40 42 45 3260 St Blaise CE School 10 10 10 3262 St Leonards CE 60 60 60 3837 Hanwell Fields 45 45 45 3861 Dunmore Primary 60 63 60 Willowcroft 3912 Community School 40 45 30*

* The proposed admission number is less than the indicated admission number


Published Indicated Proposed Admission Admission No Admission DfE No. (Net Capacity No. No School Name 2011/12 Calculation) 2012/13 4010 Chipping Norton 195/Year 12 5 203 195* Bicester Community 240 240 4030 College Year 12 5 240 Year 12 5 4032 The Cooper School 220 225 220 200 Day 200 day* and 10 10 Boarding boarding Year 12 Year 12 25 day and 5 25 day and 5 4040 boarding 214 boarding Carterton 4041 Community College 165 182 165* The Henry Box 225 225 4050 School Year 12 50 235 Year 12 50 195 195 4052 Year 12 50 208 Year 12 50 170 170* 4054 Bartholomew Year12 5 173 Year 12 5 4055 180 192 180* 180 180 4060 Year12 50 203 Year 12 50 Wheatley Park 210 210 4077 School Year 12 5 218 Year 12 5 Icknield Community 4082 College 140 142 140 4092 Chiltern Edge 180 194 180 4094 Langtree 112 119 120 The Cherwell 270 270 4116 School Year 12 50 265 Year 12 80 240 4120 Year 12 5 249 240 180 180 4125 Year 12 5 180 Year 12 5 180 180 4126 Year 12 5 180 Year 12 5 172 172 4127 Year 12 5 172 Year 12 5 Matthew Arnold 174 174 4128 School Year 12 5 174 Year 12 5 240 240* 4129 Year 12 5 254 Year 12 5 240 240 4139 Didcot Girls' School Year 12 5 225 Year 12 5 4140 190 190 190

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 23 Year 12 5 Year 12 5 Faringdon 180 180* 4141 Community College Year 12 5 183 Year 12 5 The Marlborough 170 180* 4560 CE Year 12 5 187 Year 12 5 Lord Williams' 320 320 4580 School Year 12 25 320 Year 12 25

* The proposed admission number is less than the indicated admission number

AF_OCT2010RO3 Page 24 Agenda Item 9



The underlying principles will be to:

• Set catchment boundaries on well defined features such as main roads • Achieve a coverage of Oxford City • Ensure designated areas are not in separate blocks - they should be continuous • Large enough to supply a school with the bulk of its intake (75% to 90%) • Reflect any changes in intake numbers due from 2012 onwards - for example a move from 1 to 2 forms of entry • Serve the local area of the school

As part of the consultation we will provide:

• Maps showing the current designated area and the amendments • A map showing where children live who attend the school ( for the school not the public) and a more general colour coded version for the public • Tables showing the number of pupils by year group who live in the old catchment area • An impact assessment of the proposed changes

Neil Darlington Service Manager for Admissions

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Page 26 Agenda Item 10





Oxfordshire County Council

30 JUNE 2010

Report Cleared by…Meera Spillett

Date submitted 27 th July 2010 ……………..

By…Neil Darlington

Contact email address…[email protected]

Telephone number……….01865 815844

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page1 of 14 27 SECTION 1


Please complete using data/information for the period 1 September 2009 to date of report

NOTE: This template is designed to be filled in electronically – boxes can/should be expanded as necessary.

Fair Access Protocol

Code 4.9 a) (i) how well the Fair Access Protocol has worked and how many children have been admitted to each school in the area under the protocol;

NOTE: The Code at 3.44 requires (1) each local authority to have a Fair Access Protocol and (2) all schools and Academies to participate in their LA area’s protocol a) Please confirm that the LA has a Fair Access Protocol that has been agreed with all the relevant schools in its area (relevant schools are all maintained schools and academies).

Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

If NO please explain: b) Give your assessment of how well the Fair Access Protocol has worked since 1 September 2008:

a. in placing children in schools;

b) Give your assessment of how well the Fair Access Protocol has worked since 1 September 2009. In particular in placing children, the co-operation of schools and Academies well as any other issues you have had in implementing the protocol.

Progress on The Application of the In Year Fair Access Protocol

The In Year Fair Access Protocol continues to be applied through four In

Year Access panels. The key focus of the.Protocol and the panels

continues to be secondary school placements.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page2 of 1428 The current issues faced in relation to the Protocol are about maintaining a fair and equitable distribution of placements for vulnerable students.

In the central area for example out of the seven secondary schools one is in an Ofsted category, one subject to a Formal Warning Notice and one is an Academy in its second year of creation. Effectively this means that because of the restrictions on admissions for schools in the above situations we have only four secondary schools available to which we can distribute vulnerable pupils. What is most concerning is that the Oxford Academy, while not accepting a fair proportion of vulnerable students at this time, is the highest exporter of vulnerable students which places additional pressures on those schools who contribute well to the Fair Access Protocol.

Additionally, with an increased proportion of vulnerable students needing to be placed and a smaller number of places available, all of the secondary schools not in one of the identified categories above are fast reaching the point in some year groups, where the agreed admission number of three pupils above the published number has been reached, or even exceeded.

Overall the total number of permanently excluded pupils is reducing and if this pattern is sustained in the medium to long term the pressure on schools to accept children with a high level of need will be reduced. In addition the developments around behaviour partnerships and the work with schools to “consume their own smoke” may also pay dividends in the longer term.

Pressures in the Southern Area are not significant at this time and the Protocol is working well in that area.

In the Northern Area, and in particular in the West, the Protocol is also working well. However, there are specific pressures around secondary schools in the Banbury area despite the North Oxfordshire Academy playing a full and equal part in relation to the Protocol.

During its first year of operation, admissions under the Protocol were supported through the creation of a fund created by top slicing from the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). This fund was created to support schools integrating children where it was considered important for a school to provide additional support. The application of this fund worked well and was fully spent by the end of the academic year. This funding is available for a second year and will continue to be used to support integration into our schools. At this stage, however, it is not known whether there will be any further funding available at the end of the current year.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page3 of 14 29

c) In Appendix A, please record for each school the number of children considered to be placed in (column O) and those actually placed in (column P) to the school under the protocol between 1 September 2009 and the date of this report.

Infant Class Sizes

Code 4.9 a) (ii) whether primary schools are complying with infant class size legislation

Are all Primary Schools in your area complying with infant class sizes?

Tick as appropriate: Yes No X

If NO please comment and also include the number of schools where qualifying measures are being taken:

St Aloysius, a voluntary aided faith school, has 31 in Year 1. From the beginning of the academic year 2010-11 a qualifying measure will be taken to ensure that the school complies with the class size legislation.

Admission Appeals

Code 4.9 a) (iii) the number of admissions appeals held for each and every school* in the area, and the number of appeals that were upheld.

* Every school includes: community, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided, foundation, Academies, city technology colleges and city colleges for technology of the arts.

For the period 1 September 2009 to the date of this report please insert in Appendix A the following for each school:

- column Q - the number of appeals held; - column R - the number of appeals upheld; and - column S - the number of appeals pending from the date of this report.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page4 of 1430

Code 4.9 a) iv the extent to which the local authority and appeal panels in the area complied with the requirements of the Appeals Code, with reference to ensuring the timeliness and transparency of appeals, effective communications with parents and any other relevant matter.

NOTE: other appeals panels have a duty to provide you with information on appeals (Section 88Q of Schools Standards and Framework Act).

Has your independent appeals panel complied with the requirements of the Appeals Code?

Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

If NO please explain including non-compliance and action taken:

Have all other appeals panels for own admission authority schools complied with the requirements of the Appeals Code?

Tick as appropriate: Yes No Don’t Know X

If NO or Don’t Know please highlight any issues raised and if you have been unable to obtain information:

The LA is unable to comment because there is no information available on the appeal panels set up by other admission authorities

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page5 of 14 31 SECTION 2


Code 4.9 b) (i) the extent to which admission arrangements for schools in the authority’s area serve the interests of children in care, children with disabilities, children with special educational needs and service children.

NOTE: You may wish to point out if specialist staff from within the Council has contributed to this report and highlight any problems that may have occurred.

Children in care: All maintained schools and Academies in Oxfordshire give first priority in their admission rules to children in public care. Catholic schools give the highest priority in their admission rules to Catholic children who are in public care and the highest priority among those who are not Catholic to those in public care.

Children with disabilities:

All Oxfordshire schools for which the LA is the admission authority give the

second highest priority to children with a disability that impact on physical

access to the school as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act as


Children with Special Educational Needs:

Children with a Statement of Special Needs naming a school receive overriding priority for a place at that school. This is a legal requirement.

Service Children: Children of UK Service personnel are treated as meeting the residency criteria for a particular area even if they have no home address in that area – we require proof of the posting and a date if possible. We accept preference forms for these personnel even if the closing date has been reached and will endeavour to action forms up until the last possible moment.

Code 4.9 b) (ii) the effectiveness of co-ordination.

NOTE: You may wish to report on the authority’s assessment of the effectiveness of any scheme for co-ordinating:

a) the admission of pupils to LA schools in September 2010

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page6 of 1432 At secondary level 88.52 % of Oxfordshire residents received an offer of a first preference school on 1 March and on 4 May this increased to 90.28%, an increase of 1.76% points.

At primary level 87.68% of applicants received an offer of a first preference school on 1 March and on 4 May this increased to 88.84%, an increase of 1.16% points.

We originally published that the LA had 7,226 primary school places available but given the demand we increased the number of places to 7,730, an increase of 504.

With regard to secondary school places we published that we had 6,866 places available. We increased this number to 6,934, an increase of 68.

For the second secondary allocation on 4th May 2010, the Admissions Team dealt with 899 preferences from 626 children (late and continued interest list). This compares with this point last year when the Admissions Team dealt with 707 preferences from 500 children (late and continued interest list).

For the second primary allocation on 4th May 2010, the Admissions Team dealt with 1,838 preferences from 1,090 children (late and continued interest list). This compares with 1,379 preferences from 802 children (late and continued interest list) at the same point last year.

b) the admission of pupils in the authority’s area to other admission authority schools in September 2010.

At the initial allocation on 1 March 2010 there were insufficient secondary places in Banbury and 19 children had to be offered a place at Bicester Community College (BCC), Bicester. Bicester is approximately 15 miles from Banbury. This arose because one own admission authority school , Banbury School, had reduced its PAN and another own admission authority school (faith school) admits large numbers of children from Bicester and its adjacent area. All four of the secondary schools in the Banbury area are own admission authority schools (one Trust school, one Foundation school, one Volunatary Aided school and one Academy).

On 4 May all late applicants living in Banbury, and any of the original group offered places in Bicester who had placed their child’s name on the continued interest list for Banbury School, were offered a school place in Banbury. This involved Banbury School admitting above its PAN.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page7 of 14 33 SECTION 3


Code 4.9 c) (i) a statement of whether or not admission arrangements for maintained schools in the area complied with the mandatory requirements of this Code and admissions law.

NOTE: All non-compliant admission arrangements must be corrected. All mandatory requirements can be changed by the admission authority. Any other non-compliant issues must be referred to the OSA.

Are you satisfied that the admission arrangements for all maintained schools in your area are fully compliant with the Code?

Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

If YES please provide a statement to confirm this:

All schools within Oxfordshire have admission arrangements that are compliant with the Code and admissions law.

If NO, please specify what action you are taking:

Using column T in Appendix A, please identify those schools that you have identified with problems now or which you have referred to the OSA, or may be referring to the OSA by the 31 July 2010.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page8 of 1434 SECTION 4


Admission Forum

Code 4.9 d) (i) details about the current membership of the Admission Forum for the area

NOTE: Please list the bodies represented and the number of representatives in each category. Do NOT give the names of members.

• Community School Representative x 3 (comprises three secondary community school representatives one of whom has experience and knowledge of special needs) Current vacancy for primary community school representative (1 place)

• Primary Church Aided School Representative (vacancy – 1 place) • Councillor Representatives x 2 • Parent Admission Advisor Representative x 1 • Governor Representative x 1 • 1 vacancy to be allocated in future to suitable stakeholder • Voluntary Controlled School Representative x 1 • Voluntary Aided School Representative x 1 • Foundation School Representative x 1 • Academy Representative x 1 • Parent Representative x 1 • Community Representative x 2 (Oxfordshire Racial Equality Council and CEAS) • Anglican Diocese of Oxford Representative x 1 • Catholic Diocese of Oxford Representative x 1 • RAF Representative x 1

Is the Admission Forum writing a report?

Tick as appropriate: Yes No X

If YES is the report attached or has it been sent separately?

Tick as appropriate: Attached Separately

If separately please provide the date the report will or has been sent to the OSA? N/a DATE:

Please confirm whether the Admission Forum has seen, or will see, a copy of this LA report. Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page9 of 14 35

Tick as appropriate: Has seen Will see X

Free School Meals

Code 4.9 d) (ii) the proportion of children currently on free school meals at each school in the area.

NOTE: The data provided by the Local Authority to the DCSF in January 2009 has been “cleaned” and is included in Appendix A.

If the data for 2010 is significantly different from 2009 please state how it differs.

Overall the FSM take up has increased as has the FSM eligbility, both by about 1% of the intake. This is significant since not all parents are willing to identify their children as eligible.

Using and interpreting the data, please comment on whether the allocation of school places meets parental preferences for those children on Free School Meals.

Children in Secondary transfer who are eligible for FSM: 661 Offered First Preference: 87.14% (576 ) Normal Alloc for comparison: 88.48%

Offered First, Second or Third Pref: 94.1% (622) Normal Alloc for comparison: 97.74%

Oxfordshire children in Secondary Tfr who are eligible for FSM: 652 Oxfordshire children offered First Pref: 87.42% (570) Normal Alloc for comparison: 90.28% Oxfordshire children offered First, Second or Third Pref: 94.48% (616) Normal Alloc for comparison: 97.9%

Children on free school meals are less likely to receive an offer at a school listed as a preference. However, the norm is still for most children to receive an offer of a first, second or third preference.

Code 4.9 d) (iii) any other matters which affect the fairness of admission arrangements for schools in the area.

NOTE: Please identify any issues not covered elsewhere on this template.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page10 of 1436



Choice Advice

Please complete with reference to Choice Advice provided to parents applying for a secondary school place for the 2010/2011 school year.

Appendix 5 of the Code requires local authorities to provide an independent Choice Advice service that is focused on supporting the families who most need support in navigating the secondary school admissions process (paragraph 5). Choice Advice must be independent and free from any potential conflict of interest between the need of the local authority to allocate places and the advice that parents receive (paragraph 8). As a minimum, local authorities must ensure that Choice Advisers are not in the same management chain or reporting lines as the local authority’s admissions staff (paragraph 9).

a) Please confirm that your local authority has an independent Choice Advice service in place.

Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

b) Please explain how you ensure the independence of the Choice Advice provided (for example, the Choice Advice service may be situated in the Parent Partnership service or Family Information Service).

The Choice Advisers are line managed by the manager of the Family Information Service and have no managerial input from The Admissions Team. They are all home-based workers who hold regular team meetings in neutral settings and their branding is distinct from that of the Local Authority. They are supported by a manager who is committed to their independence.

c) Are your Choice Adviser(s) in the same line management chain or reporting lines as staff on the admissions team.

Tick as appropriate: Yes No X

Choice Advice must be targeted at those parents who most need support with the secondary school admissions process (paragraph 10). Local authorities and Choice Advisers should market their service to ensure that they reach the families most in need of their support and that other relevant agencies and professionals are aware of the service they provide (paragraph 11). Choice Advisers should be proactive in reaching ‘hard to reach’ parents and should develop good links with organisations that may be able to refer parents to Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page11 of 14 37 them (paragraph 12).

d) Please explain how you ensure Choice Advice reaches those parents who are most in need of it.

The Choice Advisers annually review the parents to be actively targeted by the service. They have a policy to ensure that schools with high ethnicity and deprivation are supported. Information on the service is sent out to all related services in the County and to charities and support groups in the locality on an annual basis, in the form of emails and leaflets. Referrals are followed up from any of these sources. All leaflets signpost other agencies and groups to ensure the service is correctly targeted and the telephone helpline also has this function. Awareness sessions are held for Year 5 parents.

e) Describe how Choice Advice has contributed to the fairness of the admissions process.

The Choice Advisers offer clear, accessable information in a variety of ways and they are able to address any individual parent’s literacy, language or disability issues. They explain, discuss and communicate relevant information to parents about the process, schools in the locality, and possible options and can access information for parents that may help them with their preferences, including organising and supporting parents on school visits. They hold group and 1:1 meetings at schools, in neutral venues or at home at times convenient to the parents as well as having a helpline and website presence. They meet regularly with neighbouring CA services to share information and to look at forward planning, and they make suggestions towards the content, style and format of the Admissions Team ‘Moving On’ booklet. They support other groups working with transition by giving advice and information.

Local authorities may provide Choice Advice at the primary school admission stage and for in-year applications (paragraph 5).

f) Choice Advice is offered at the primary admissions stage?

Tick as appropriate: Yes No X

g) Choice Advice is offered for in-year applications?

Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

It is good practice for Choice Advisers to provide support during the appeals process, particularly to those parents who accessed Choice Advice at the application stage.

h) The Choice Adviser provides support during the appeals process?

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page12 of 1438 Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

i) If no, do you plan to provide support during the appeals process in future?

Tick as appropriate: Yes No


Admission authorities must explain clearly whether or not school transport will be available, and, if so, to which schools and at what cost (if any). Are details of the availability and cost of home to school travel and transport clearly set out in the composite prospectus?

Tick as appropriate: Yes X No

If No, please provide an explanation

Paragraphs 1.90 and 1.91 of the Code provide guidance on how Governing Bodies should ensure that the cost of a school uniform does not inhibit the choice of school. In the following box, please provide details of where schools do not comply with this and what actions you or Governing Bodies have taken or are proposing to take.

No known examples.


Please provide details of any improvements that you feel can be made to this template.

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page13 of 14 39

Document Title: LA report Oxfordshire County Council July 2010 Document Status: approved Page14 of 1440 % of number of pupils number of % of pupils Children Admission Number of pupils taking pupils known known to be considered Children Number Arrangements pupils (used taking free free to be eligible eligible for to be actually Number of of Number of refered / may be LA Estab LA+ESTAB sex of school headcount for FSM school school for free free school placed placed appeals appeals appeals refered to the URN Number number Number description School Name school type of pupils fte pupils calculation) meals meals school meals meals under FAP under FAP held upheld pending OSA (Y/N) 123228 931 3859 9313859 Mixed All Saints Church of England (Aided) Primary School Voluntary aided 395 372 395 21 5.3 23 5.8 0 0 0 No 123219 931 3850 9313850 Mixed Appleton Church of England (A) Primary School Voluntary aided 142 141 142 # # 3 2.1 3 3 2 No 123220 931 3851 9313851 Mixed Ashbury With Compton Beauchamp Church of England (A) PrimaryVoluntary School aided 61 61 61 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123106 931 3120 9313120 Mixed Aston and Cote Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 136 136 136 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123124 931 3180 9313180 Mixed Aston Rowant Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 62 62 62 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 3 0 No 123042 931 2513 9312513 Mixed Badgemore Primary School Community 70 70 70 4 5.7 5 7.1 0 0 0 No 123114 931 3131 9313131 Mixed Bampton CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 151 151 151 # # 15 9.9 0 0 0 No 123232 931 4021 9314021 Mixed Banbury School Foundation 1,384 1,384 1,384 98 7.1 153 11.1 0 0 0 No 123344 931 7029 9317029 Mixed Bardwell School Community Special 59 58 59 10 16.9 13 22.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123034 931 2463 9312463 Mixed Barley Hill Primary School Community 575 574 575 9 1.6 14 2.4 0 0 0 No 123239 931 4054 9314054 Mixed Bartholomew School Community 956 956 956 15 1.6 18 1.9 1 1 2 No 122967 931 1005 9311005 Mixed Bartlemas Nursery School LEA Nursery School 76 38 76 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123044 931 2521 9312521 Mixed Bayards Hill Primary School Community 413 389 413 124 30.0 137 33.2 0 0 0 No 123175 931 3256 9313256 Mixed Beckley Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 152 152 152 5 3.3 5 3.3 1 1 0 No 123125 931 3181 9313181 Mixed Benson Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 210 210 210 17 8.1 20 9.5 0 0 0 No 123033 931 2461 9312461 Mixed Berinsfield Community Primary School Community 260 240 260 57 21.9 59 22.7 0 0 1 No 123341 931 7026 9317026 Boys Bessels Leigh School Non-Maintained Special 11 11 11 11 100.0 11 100.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123233 931 4030 9314030 Mixed Bicester Community College Community 1,126 1,126 1,126 111 9.9 150 13.3 0 0 0 No 123180 931 3302 9313302 Mixed Bishop Carpenter Church of England Aided Primary School Voluntary aided 106 106 106 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123182 931 3351 9313351 Mixed Bishop Loveday Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 400 400 400 9 2.3 15 3.8 3 0 0 No 123345 931 7030 9317030 Mixed Community Special 27 27 33 5 15.2 6 18.2 N/A N/A N/A No 123119 931 3146 9313146 Mixed Bladon Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 74 74 74 3 4.1 7 9.5 0 0 1 No

123270Page 41 931 4600 9314600 Mixed Blessed George Napier Catholic School and Sports College Voluntary aided 821 821 821 45 5.5 54 6.6 7 5 1 No 123115 931 3141 9313141 Mixed Bletchingdon Parochial Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 64 64 64 0 0.0 # # 1 0 0 No 123167 931 3248 9313248 Mixed Blewbury Endowed Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 133 133 133 9 6.8 11 8.3 0 0 0 No 123098 931 3064 9313064 Mixed Bloxham Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 350 350 350 23 6.6 29 8.3 1 0 0 No 123067 931 2569 9312569 Mixed Botley Primary School Community 247 247 247 29 11.7 33 13.4 0 0 0 No 123144 931 3221 9313221 Mixed Brightwell-Cum-Sotwell Church of England (C) Primary SchoolVoluntary controlled 113 112 113 6 5.3 7 6.2 0 0 0 No 123013 931 2250 9312250 Mixed Brize Norton Primary School Community 109 109 109 # # # # 3 1 0 No 123007 931 2202 9312202 Mixed Brookside Primary School Community 260 237 260 42 16.2 60 23.1 0 0 0 No 123145 931 3222 9313222 Mixed Buckland Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 84 84 84 # # # # 0 0 0 No 132057 931 2610 9312610 Mixed Bure Park Primary School Community 494 465 494 38 7.7 40 8.1 2 2 0 No 123014 931 2251 9312251 Mixed Burford Primary School Community 114 110 114 12 10.5 12 10.5 0 0 0 No 123235 931 4040 9314040 Mixed Burford School and Community College Community 1,174 1,174 1,174 31 2.6 47 4.0 9 7 0 No 123087 931 2605 9312605 Mixed Caldecott Primary School Community 364 336 364 59 16.2 72 19.8 1 0 0 No 123080 931 2595 9312595 Mixed Carswell Community Primary School Community 208 202 208 18 8.7 26 12.5 2 0 1 No 123236 931 4041 9314041 Mixed Carterton Community College Community 658 658 658 17 2.6 31 4.7 0 0 0 No 123015 931 2252 9312252 Mixed Carterton Primary School Community 231 219 231 5 2.2 7 3.0 0 0 0 No 123096 931 3043 9313043 Mixed Chadlington Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 97 97 97 3 3.1 10 10.3 0 0 0 No 123029 931 2452 9312452 Mixed Chalgrove Community Primary School Community 200 193 200 12 6.0 12 6.0 0 0 0 No 123000 931 2100 9312100 Mixed Charlbury Primary School Community 181 181 181 # # 5 2.8 4 0 0 No 123069 931 2573 9312573 Mixed Charlton Primary School Community 289 289 289 4 1.4 16 5.5 2 0 1 No 123100 931 3081 9313081 Mixed Charlton-On-Otmoor Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 104 99 104 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 0 0 No 123200 931 3801 9313801 Mixed Checkendon Church of England (A) Primary School Voluntary aided 84 83 84 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0 0 No 123253 931 4120 9314120 Mixed Cheney School Community 1,437 1,437 1,437 130 9.0 179 12.5 8 1 3 No 123101 931 3082 9313082 Mixed Chesterton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary SchoolVoluntary aided 87 87 87 3 3.4 3 3.4 2 2 0 No 123245 931 4092 9314092 Mixed Chiltern Edge Community School Community 622 622 622 40 6.4 47 7.6 0 0 0 No 123057 931 2555 9312555 Mixed Chilton County Primary School Community 215 202 215 5 2.3 5 2.3 3 0 0 No 123231 931 4010 9314010 Mixed Community 1,084 1,084 1,084 61 5.6 70 6.5 0 0 0 No 123081 931 2596 9312596 Mixed Cholsey Primary School Community 205 204 205 8 3.9 9 4.4 1 0 0 No 123186 931 3453 9313453 Mixed Christopher Rawlins Church of England Voluntary Aided PrimaryVoluntary School aided 233 214 233 13 5.6 13 5.6 0 0 0 No 123139 931 3210 9313210 Mixed Church Cowley St James Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 464 437 464 90 19.4 90 19.4 8 0 5 No 123105 931 3100 9313100 Mixed Clanfield CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 76 76 76 0 0.0 # # 0 0 0 No 123127 931 3183 9313183 Mixed Clifton Hampden Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 59 59 59 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123116 931 3142 9313142 Mixed Combe Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 117 117 117 4 3.4 4 3.4 0 0 0 No 123090 931 3000 9313000 Mixed Cropredy Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 170 170 170 14 8.2 14 8.2 0 0 0 No 123133 931 3200 9313200 Mixed Crowmarsh Gifford Church of England School Voluntary controlled 190 190 190 5 2.6 8 4.2 3 0 0 No 123132 931 3190 9313190 Mixed Culham Parochial Church of England School Voluntary controlled 41 41 41 0 0.0 3 7.3 0 0 0 No 123146 931 3223 9313223 Mixed Cumnor Church of England School (Voluntary Controlled) Voluntary controlled 220 220 220 3 1.4 4 1.8 2 0 0 No 123045 931 2522 9312522 Mixed Cutteslowe Primary School Community 185 170 186 34 18.3 45 24.2 0 0 0 No 123077 931 2592 9312592 Mixed Dashwood School Community 166 155 166 22 13.3 26 15.7 0 0 0 No 123185 931 3452 9313452 Mixed Deddington Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 203 203 203 7 3.4 8 3.9 0 0 0 No 123260 931 4139 9314139 Girls Didcot Girls' School Community 1,301 1,301 1,301 68 5.2 87 6.7 2 0 0 0 No 123129 931 3186 9313186 Mixed Dorchester St Birinus Church of England School Voluntary controlled 102 101 102 # # 5 4.9 0 0 0 No 123210 931 3828 9313828 Mixed Dr Radcliffe's Church of England School Voluntary aided 206 206 206 13 6.3 14 6.8 0 0 1 No 123195 931 3655 9313655 Mixed Dr South's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary SchoolVoluntary aided 60 60 60 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123059 931 2560 9312560 Mixed Drayton Community Primary School Community 119 119 119 14 11.8 18 15.1 0 0 0 No 123063 931 2565 9312565 Mixed Dry Sandford Primary School Community 109 109 109 13 11.9 13 11.9 0 0 0 No 123107 931 3122 9313122 Mixed Ducklington Primary School Voluntary controlled 190 190 190 3 1.6 3 1.6 0 0 0 No 135265 931 3861 9313861 Mixed Dunmore Primary School Community 434 410 434 43 9.9 43 9.9 2 0 0 No 123046 931 2525 9312525 Mixed East Oxford Primary School Community 315 292 315 65 20.6 84 26.7 2 0 0 No 123017 931 2255 9312255 Mixed Edith Moorhouse Primary School Community 236 227 236 15 6.4 17 7.2 0 0 0 No 122977 931 1022 9311022 Mixed Edward Feild Nursery School LEA Nursery School 34 17 34 0 0.0 # # N/A N/A N/A No 123075 931 2590 9312590 Mixed Edward Feild Primary School Community 251 251 251 18 7.2 26 10.4 1 0 0 No 122971 931 1016 9311016 Mixed Elms Road Nursery School and Daycare LEA Nursery School 50 26 50 # # 5 10.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123001 931 2103 9312103 Mixed Enstone Primary School Community 103 103 103 # # # # 1 0 0 No 123197 931 3752 9313752 Mixed Ewelme CofE Primary School Voluntary aided 83 83 83 0 0.0 # # 4 1 1 No 123010 931 2209 9312209 Mixed Eynsham Community Primary School Community 304 301 304 25 8.2 28 9.2 0 0 0 No 123262 931 4141 9314141 Mixed Faringdon Community College Community 946 946 946 42 4.4 45 4.8 2 0 0 0 No 123060 931 2561 9312561 Mixed Faringdon Infant School Community 208 190 208 30 14.4 34 16.3 0 0 0 No 123061 931 2562 9312562 Mixed Faringdon Junior School Community 247 247 247 36 14.6 38 15.4 0 0 0 No 123104 931 3090 9313090 Mixed Finmere Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 41 41 42 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123095 931 3040 9313040 Mixed Finstock Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 57 57 57 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123071 931 2578 9312578 Mixed Fir Tree Junior School Community 172 172 172 12 7.0 15 8.7 0 0 2 No 123257Page 42 931 4127 9314127 Mixed Fitzharrys School Community 844 844 844 48 5.7 63 7.5 3 0 0 0 No 123342 931 7027 9317027 Mixed Fitzwaryn School Community Special 60 60 60 8 13.3 8 13.3 No 122980 931 1027 9311027 Mixed Five Acres Foundation Stage School LEA Nursery School 51 26 51 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123006 931 2200 9312200 Mixed Five Acres Primary School Community 231 231 231 6 2.6 7 3.0 0 0 0 No 123332 931 7010 9317010 Mixed Frank Wise School Community Special 100 96 100 23 23.0 27 27.0 No 123138 931 3208 9313208 Mixed Freeland Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 142 142 142 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123102 931 3083 9313083 Mixed Fringford Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 104 104 104 6 5.8 6 5.8 0 0 0 No 123099 931 3065 9313065 Mixed Fritwell Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 182 182 182 11 6.0 11 6.0 2 0 1 No 123123 931 3167 9313167 Mixed Garsington Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 187 187 187 23 12.3 26 13.9 2 0 1 No 123016 931 2254 9312254 Mixed Gateway Primary School Community 222 222 222 4 1.8 4 1.8 0 0 0 No 123240 931 4055 9314055 Mixed Gillotts School Community 887 887 887 27 3.0 49 5.5 1 12 8 1 No 123012 931 2211 9312211 Mixed Glory Farm Primary School Community 385 374 385 9 2.3 72 18.7 0 0 0 No 123201 931 3803 9313803 Mixed Goring Church of England Aided Primary School Voluntary aided 192 185 192 4 2.1 4 2.1 3 0 0 No 123241 931 4060 9314060 Mixed Gosford Hill School Community 1,124 1,124 1,124 50 4.4 66 5.9 3 3 1 No 122969 931 1010 9311010 Mixed Grandpont Nursery School LEA Nursery School 82 57 82 4 4.9 4 4.9 N/A N/A N/A No 123130 931 3187 9313187 Mixed Great Milton Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 156 156 156 14 9.0 15 9.6 0 0 0 No 123183 931 3408 9313408 Mixed Great Rollright Church of England (Aided) Primary School Voluntary aided 73 73 73 5 6.8 5 6.8 0 0 0 No 123002 931 2104 9312104 Mixed Great Tew County Primary School Community 85 85 85 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 1 0 No 123149 931 3228 9313228 Mixed Grove Church of England School Voluntary controlled 91 91 91 5 5.5 5 5.5 2 0 2 No 123168 931 3249 9313249 Mixed Hagbourne Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 207 207 207 # # # # 1 0 0 No 123108 931 3123 9313123 Mixed Hailey Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 87 87 87 4 4.6 4 4.6 0 0 0 No 123120 931 3147 9313147 Mixed Hanborough Manor CofE School Voluntary controlled 190 190 190 3 1.6 6 3.2 0 0 0 No 134033 931 3837 9313837 Mixed Hanwell Fields Community School Community 247 227 247 16 6.5 18 7.3 1 0 0 No 122999 931 2060 9312060 Mixed Hardwick Primary School Community 200 200 200 30 15.0 38 19.0 0 0 0 No 122992 931 2053 9312053 Mixed Harriers Ground Community Primary School Community 243 243 243 27 11.1 28 11.5 0 0 0 No 123062 931 2563 9312563 Mixed Harwell Primary School Community 156 156 156 12 7.7 13 8.3 0 0 0 No 122968 931 1006 9311006 Mixed Headington Quarry Foundation Stage School LEA Nursery School 80 41 80 # # # # N/A N/A N/A No 122995 931 2056 9312056 Mixed Hill View Primary School Community 458 458 458 63 13.8 73 15.9 0 0 0 No 123184 931 3420 9313420 Mixed Holy Trinity Catholic School, Chipping Norton Voluntary aided 195 195 195 9 4.6 9 4.6 No 123097 931 3044 9313044 Mixed Hook Norton Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 248 230 248 4 1.6 4 1.6 0 0 0 No 122991 931 2001 9312001 Mixed Hornton Primary School Community 78 78 78 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123121 931 3161 9313161 Mixed Horspath Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 123 123 123 8 6.5 8 6.5 3 3 1 No 123244 931 4082 9314082 Mixed Icknield Community College Community 588 588 588 48 8.2 52 8.8 1 0 0 0 No 123338 931 7018 9317018 Mixed Iffley Mead School Community Special 101 101 101 23 22.8 27 26.7 No 123150 931 3230 9313230 Mixed John Blandy VC Primary School Voluntary controlled 175 175 175 4 2.3 4 2.3 0 0 0 No 122984 931 1032 9311032 Mixed John Hampden Nursery School LEA Nursery School 33 17 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123076 931 2591 9312591 Mixed John Hampden Primary School Community 221 221 221 21 9.5 22 10.0 0 0 0 No 123256 931 4126 9314126 Mixed John Mason School Community 964 964 964 48 5.0 48 5.0 3 0 0 0 No 123333 931 7011 9317011 Mixed John Watson School Community Special 59 59 63 4 6.3 4 6.3 No 123202 931 3807 9313807 Mixed Kidmore End Church of England (Aided) Primary School Voluntary aided 197 197 197 3 1.5 5 2.5 0 0 0 No 123263 931 4142 9314142 Mixed King Alfred's (A specialist Sports College) Foundation 1,741 1,741 1,741 57 3.3 83 4.8 6 0 0 0 No 130368 931 7032 9317032 Mixed Kingfisher School Community Special 73 70 73 6 8.2 6 8.2 N/A N/A N/A No 123003 931 2106 9312106 Mixed Kingham Primary School Community 201 201 201 # # # # 1 0 2 No 123011 931 2210 9312210 Mixed King's Meadow Primary School Community 336 328 336 0 0.0 # # 1 0 0 No 123187 931 3500 9313500 Mixed Kirtlington Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 99 99 99 # # # # 0 0 0 No 131904 931 2609 9312609 Mixed Ladygrove Park Primary School Community 432 422 432 22 5.1 24 5.6 5 0 0 No 130962 931 2608 9312608 Mixed Langford Village Community School Community 532 498 532 5 0.9 9 1.7 1 1 0 No 123246 931 4094 9314094 Mixed Community 541 541 541 29 5.4 35 6.5 1 15 2 1 No 123255 931 4125 9314125 Mixed Larkmead School Community 789 789 789 64 8.1 69 8.7 5 0 0 3 No 123053 931 2543 9312543 Mixed Community 379 356 379 59 15.6 78 20.6 0 0 1 No 123103 931 3085 9313085 Mixed Launton Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 124 124 124 11 8.9 11 8.9 0 0 0 No 123109 931 3124 9313124 Mixed Leafield Church of England (Controlled) Primary School Voluntary controlled 80 80 80 5 6.3 8 10.0 1 0 0 No 123128 931 3184 9313184 Mixed Lewknor Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 78 78 78 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123198 931 3755 9313755 Mixed Little Milton Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 73 73 73 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123085 931 2602 9312602 Mixed Long Furlong Primary School Community 258 235 258 3 1.2 3 1.2 1 0 0 No 123153 931 3233 9313233 Mixed Long Wittenham (Church of England) Primary School Voluntary controlled 101 101 102 3 2.9 3 2.9 1 1 1 No 123152 931 3232 9313232 Mixed Longcot and Fernham Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 99 99 99 3 3.0 3 3.0 0 0 0 No 123008 931 2207 9312207 Mixed Longfields Primary and Nursery School Community 234 219 234 17 7.3 28 12.0 0 0 0 No 123154 931 3234 9313234 Mixed Longworth Primary School Voluntary controlled 55 55 55 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123268 931 4580 9314580 Mixed Lord Williams's School Voluntary controlled 2,073 2,073 2,073 25 1.2 46 2.2 2 15 6 4 No 122972 931 1017 9311017 Mixed Lydalls Nursery School LEA Nursery School 91 60 91 4 4.4 4 4.4 N/A N/A N/A No 123339 931 7020 9317020 Mixed Mabel Prichard School Community Special 60 60 66 22 33.3 22 33.3 N/A N/A N/A No 134136 931 2002 9312002 Mixed Madley Brook Community Primary School Community 250 226 250 10 4.0 13 5.2 2 1 0 No 123082 931 2597 9312597 Mixed Manor School Community 451 451 451 52 11.5 71 15.7 3 0 1 No

123155Page 43 931 3235 9313235 Mixed Marcham Church of England (Voluntary Controlled) Primary SchoolVoluntary controlled 124 124 124 7 5.6 7 5.6 1 0 0 No 123131 931 3188 9313188 Mixed Marsh Baldon Church of England Controlled School Voluntary controlled 60 60 60 6 10.0 6 10.0 2 2 0 No 123258 931 4128 9314128 Mixed Matthew Arnold School Community 1,096 1,096 1,096 54 4.9 54 4.9 20 3 4 No 123005 931 2151 9312151 Mixed Middle Barton School Community 125 125 125 # # 3 2.4 0 0 0 No 123036 931 2465 9312465 Mixed Mill Lane Community Primary School Community 226 212 226 10 4.4 10 4.4 0 0 0 No 123086 931 2603 9312603 Mixed Millbrook School Community 458 432 460 23 5.0 25 5.4 7 0 0 No 123330 931 7005 9317005 Mixed Mulberry Bush School Non-Maintained Special 30 30 30 0 0.0 5 16.7 N/A N/A N/A No 123037 931 2504 9312504 Mixed Nettlebed Community School Community 103 103 103 13 12.6 15 14.6 0 0 0 No 123142 931 3213 9313213 Mixed New Hinksey Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 123 118 124 33 26.6 36 29.0 0 0 0 No 123048 931 2529 9312529 Mixed New Marston Primary School Community 230 219 230 39 17.0 41 17.8 2 0 0 No 123156 931 3237 9313237 Mixed North Hinksey Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 191 191 191 6 3.1 6 3.1 1 0 0 No 123025 931 2357 9312357 Mixed North Kidlington Primary School Community 245 245 245 22 9.0 28 11.4 0 0 0 No 123112 931 3128 9313128 Mixed North Leigh Church of England (Controlled) School Voluntary controlled 130 130 130 8 6.2 8 6.2 0 0 0 No 135675 931 6906 9316906 Mixed Oxford Academy Academies 721 721 721 124 17.2 157 21.8 No 123221 931 3852 9313852 Mixed Northbourne Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 267 265 267 25 9.4 31 11.6 0 0 0 No 123336 931 7016 9317016 Mixed Northern House School Community Special 58 58 58 20 34.5 28 48.3 N/A N/A N/A No 123346 931 7031 9317031 Mixed Northfield School Community Special 63 63 63 30 47.6 35 55.6 N/A N/A N/A No 122994 931 2055 9312055 Mixed Orchard Fields Community School Community 414 385 414 120 29.0 164 39.6 0 0 0 No 123052 931 2539 9312539 Mixed Orchard Meadow Primary School Community 308 286 308 109 35.4 143 46.4 1 0 1 No 123205 931 3822 9313822 Mixed Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Witney Voluntary aided 199 199 199 # # # # No 123215 931 3836 9313836 Mixed Our Lady's Catholic Primary School Voluntary aided 313 313 313 14 4.5 17 5.4 No 135365 931 6905 9316905 Mixed North Oxfordshire Academy Academies 738 738 738 105 14.2 128 17.3 No 123252 931 4117 9314117 Mixed Oxford School Foundation 1,062 1,062 1,062 209 19.7 235 22.1 0 0 0 No 123337 931 7017 9317017 Mixed Oxfordshire Hospital School Community Special 0 0 70 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123078 931 2593 9312593 Mixed Pegasus School Community 478 436 478 134 28.0 162 33.9 0 0 0 No 123328 931 7001 9317001 Mixed Penhurst School Non-Maintained Special 19 19 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123135 931 3205 9313205 Mixed Peppard Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 75 75 75 0 0.0 # # 0 0 0 No 123020 931 2304 9312304 Mixed Queen's Dyke CP School Community 315 315 315 18 5.7 28 8.9 0 0 0 No 122996 931 2057 9312057 Mixed Queensway School Community 211 211 211 41 19.4 51 24.2 0 0 0 No 123157 931 3238 9313238 Mixed Radley Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 125 106 125 3 2.4 3 2.4 1 0 1 No 123028 931 2450 9312450 Mixed RAF Benson Community Primary School Community 161 161 161 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123049 931 2531 9312531 Mixed Rose Hill Primary School Community 322 299 322 105 32.6 108 33.5 0 0 0 No 123070 931 2574 9312574 Mixed Rush Common School Community 403 403 403 14 3.5 19 4.7 2 0 9 No 123204 931 3820 9313820 Mixed Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Henley-On-Thames Voluntary aided 197 197 197 21 10.7 23 11.7 2 0 0 No 123027 931 2401 9312401 Mixed Sandhills Community Primary School Community 210 210 210 18 8.6 18 8.6 0 0 0 No 123222 931 3853 9313853 Mixed Shellingford Church of England (Voluntary Aided) School Voluntary aided 71 71 71 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123273 931 5200 9315200 Mixed Shenington Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 77 77 77 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 5 0 No 123203 931 3810 9313810 Mixed Shiplake Church of England School Voluntary aided 195 195 195 5 2.6 6 3.1 6 4 1 No 123158 931 3239 9313239 Mixed Shrivenham Church of England Controlled School Voluntary controlled 146 146 146 6 4.1 6 4.1 0 0 0 No 123092 931 3005 9313005 Mixed Sibford Gower Endowed Primary School Voluntary controlled 122 122 122 3 2.5 3 2.5 0 0 0 No 122970 931 1011 9311011 Mixed Slade Nursery School LEA Nursery School 79 42 79 # # # # N/A N/A N/A No 123038 931 2506 9312506 Mixed Sonning Common Primary School Community 362 362 362 17 4.7 20 5.5 1 0 0 No 123064 931 2566 9312566 Mixed South Moreton School Community 114 114 114 6 5.3 7 6.1 0 0 0 No 123039 931 2507 9312507 Mixed South Stoke Primary School Community 20 20 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123089 931 2607 9312607 Mixed Southwold County Primary School Community 355 341 355 6 1.7 7 2.0 1 1 0 No 123334 931 7012 9317012 Mixed Springfield School Community Special 98 98 98 5 5.1 13 13.3 N/A N/A N/A No 123213 931 3834 9313834 Mixed Ss Mary and John Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 381 381 381 27 7.1 38 10.0 No 123214 931 3835 9313835 Mixed SS Philip and James' Church of England Aided Primary SchoolVoluntary Oxford aided 401 401 401 17 4.2 17 4.2 1 0 1 No 123218 931 3842 9313842 Mixed St Aloysius' Catholic Primary School Voluntary aided 235 235 235 13 5.5 13 5.5 No 123224 931 3855 9313855 Mixed St Amand's Catholic Primary School Voluntary aided 133 133 133 6 4.5 8 6.0 No 123126 931 3182 9313182 Mixed St Andrew's Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 275 275 275 12 4.4 23 8.4 0 0 0 No 123140 931 3211 9313211 Mixed St Andrew's Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 211 211 211 14 6.6 14 6.6 8 3 1 No 123211 931 3832 9313832 Mixed St Barnabas' Church of England Aided Primary School Voluntary aided 251 246 251 26 10.4 31 12.4 1 0 0 No 123259 931 4129 9314129 Boys St Birinus School Community 1,263 1,263 1,263 57 4.5 63 5.0 3 0 0 0 No 123178 931 3260 9313260 Mixed St Blaise CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 45 45 45 10 22.2 10 22.2 0 0 0 No 123190 931 3555 9313555 Mixed St Christopher's Church of England School Voluntary aided 115 115 115 10 8.7 11 9.6 0 0 0 No 123171 931 3252 9313252 Mixed St Christopher's Church of England School, Cowley Voluntary controlled 330 311 330 60 18.2 69 20.9 5 1 2 No 123212 931 3833 9313833 Mixed St Ebbe's Church of England Aided Primary School Voluntary aided 268 268 268 17 6.3 21 7.8 5 0 6 No 123188 931 3505 9313505 Mixed St Edburg's Church of England (VA) School Voluntary aided 161 161 161 8 5.0 16 9.9 0 0 0 No 123225 931 3856 9313856 Mixed St Edmund's Catholic Primary School Voluntary aided 240 231 240 6 2.5 6 2.5 No 123172 931 3253 9313253 Mixed St Francis Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 294 274 294 38 12.9 54 18.4 23 0 2 No 133644 931 4145 9314145 Mixed St Gregory the Great VA Catholic Secondary School Voluntary aided 1,039 1,039 1,039 115 11.1 144 13.9 1 0 7 No 123148Page 44 931 3225 9313225 Mixed St James Church of England School, Hanney Voluntary controlled 83 83 83 3 3.6 4 4.8 0 0 0 No 123217 931 3839 9313839 Mixed St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, Littlemore Voluntary aided 247 225 247 28 11.3 41 16.6 2 0 0 No 133532 931 2613 9312613 Mixed St John the Evangelist CofE Primary School Voluntary aided 340 320 340 11 3.2 12 3.5 8 7 0 No 123181 931 3350 9313350 Mixed St John's Catholic Primary School, Banbury Voluntary aided 284 284 284 8 2.8 8 2.8 0 0 0 No 123065 931 2567 9312567 Mixed St John's Primary School Community 203 203 203 5 2.5 5 2.5 0 0 0 No 123208 931 3825 9313825 Mixed St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Banbury Voluntary aided 230 217 230 27 11.7 36 15.7 No 123191 931 3556 9313556 Mixed St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Carterton Voluntary aided 104 104 104 9 8.7 11 10.6 0 0 0 No 123216 931 3838 9313838 Mixed St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Oxford Voluntary aided 314 314 314 3 1.0 10 3.2 7 2 6 No 123209 931 3826 9313826 Mixed St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Thame Voluntary aided 193 193 193 4 2.1 4 2.1 0 0 0 No 123110 931 3125 9313125 Mixed St Kenelm's Church of England (VC) School Voluntary controlled 89 89 89 4 4.5 4 4.5 2 0 0 No 123199 931 3760 9313760 Mixed St Laurence Church of England (A) School Voluntary aided 55 55 55 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123179 931 3262 9313262 Mixed St Leonard's Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 431 403 432 43 10.0 64 14.8 0 0 0 No 123207 931 3824 9313824 Mixed St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Bicester Voluntary aided 264 264 264 8 3.0 8 3.0 0 0 0 No 123227 931 3858 9313858 Mixed St Mary's Church of England (Aided) Primary School, ChippingVoluntary Norton aided 296 296 296 26 8.8 26 8.8 0 0 0 No 123094 931 3022 9313022 Mixed St Mary's Church of England (VC) Primary School, Banbury Voluntary controlled 199 196 199 20 10.1 20 10.1 3 0 0 No 123137 931 3207 9313207 Mixed St Mary's Church of England Controlled Infant School Voluntary controlled 83 83 83 3 3.6 4 4.8 1 0 0 No 123160 931 3241 9313241 Mixed St Michael's Church of England Primary School, Steventon Voluntary controlled 144 144 144 4 2.8 5 3.5 0 0 0 No 123143 931 3216 9313216 Mixed St Michael's CofE Primary School Voluntary aided 202 202 202 16 7.9 17 8.4 11 3 4 No 123163 931 3244 9313244 Mixed St Nicholas' Church of England Infants' School and Nursery Class,Voluntary Wallingford controlled 156 142 156 7 4.5 7 4.5 0 0 0 No 123147 931 3224 9313224 Mixed St Nicholas CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 70 70 70 14 20.0 14 20.0 6 6 0 No 123021 931 2352 9312352 Mixed St Nicholas Primary School Community 363 342 363 29 8.0 34 9.4 0 0 0 No 123166 931 3247 9313247 Mixed St Nicolas Church of England Primary School, Abingdon Voluntary controlled 433 433 433 38 8.8 38 8.8 3 0 1 No 123194 931 3651 9313651 Mixed St Peter's Church of England Primary School, Cassington Voluntary aided 69 69 69 6 8.7 6 8.7 0 0 0 No 123189 931 3550 9313550 Mixed St Peter's Church of England Voluntary Aided Infants School, AlvescotVoluntary aided 61 61 61 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123177 931 3258 9313258 Mixed St Swithun's CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 311 301 311 16 5.1 19 6.1 0 0 0 No 123206 931 3823 9313823 Mixed St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Kidlington Voluntary aided 247 228 247 6 2.4 6 2.4 0 0 0 No 123030 931 2455 9312455 Mixed Stadhampton Primary School Community 67 67 67 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0 0 No 123111 931 3127 9313127 Mixed Standlake Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 99 91 99 5 5.1 6 6.1 0 0 0 No 123159 931 3240 9313240 Mixed Stanford In the Vale Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 178 177 178 9 5.1 10 5.6 2 2 0 No 123113 931 3130 9313130 Mixed Stanton Harcourt CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 82 82 82 3 3.7 3 3.7 0 0 0 No 123079 931 2594 9312594 Mixed Stephen Freeman Community Primary School Community 223 210 223 23 10.3 28 12.6 0 0 0 No 123072 931 2583 9312583 Mixed Stockham Primary School Community 187 187 187 10 5.3 10 5.3 0 0 0 No 123136 931 3206 9313206 Mixed Stoke Row Church of England School Voluntary aided 106 106 106 8 7.5 8 7.5 0 0 1 No 123022 931 2353 9312353 Mixed Stonesfield School Community 156 156 156 4 2.6 4 2.6 0 0 0 No 123161 931 3242 9313242 Mixed Sunningwell Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 86 86 86 3 3.5 3 3.5 0 0 0 No 123162 931 3243 9313243 Mixed Sutton Courtenay All Saints' CofE Primary School Voluntary controlled 104 96 104 9 8.7 16 15.4 0 0 0 No 123331 931 7007 9317007 Boys Trust Non-Maintained Special 48 48 48 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123117 931 3144 9313144 Mixed Tackley Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 128 128 128 10 7.8 10 7.8 0 0 0 No 123031 931 2456 9312456 Mixed Tetsworth Primary School Community 26 26 26 3 11.5 5 19.2 0 0 0 No 123083 931 2598 9312598 Mixed Thameside Primary School Community 132 124 132 31 23.5 32 24.2 0 0 0 No 122974 931 1019 9311019 Mixed The Ace Centre Nursery School LEA Nursery School 52 27 52 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123193 931 3605 9313605 Mixed The Batt Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School Voluntary aided 288 288 288 9 3.1 12 4.2 4 1 2 No 123192 931 3600 9313600 Mixed The Blake Church of England (Aided) Primary School Voluntary aided 400 400 400 18 4.5 20 5.0 0 0 0 No 123251 931 4116 9314116 Mixed The Community 1,814 1,814 1,814 95 5.2 134 7.4 23 8 7 No 123234 931 4032 9314032 Mixed The Cooper School Community 917 917 917 40 4.4 42 4.6 0 0 7 No 122997 931 2058 9312058 Mixed The Grange School Community 281 281 281 16 5.7 18 6.4 0 0 0 No 123169 931 3250 9313250 Mixed The Hendreds Church of England School Voluntary aided 102 102 102 3 2.9 3 2.9 0 0 2 No 123237 931 4050 9314050 Mixed The Community 1,351 1,351 1,351 29 2.1 39 2.9 0 0 4 No 132752 931 2612 9312612 Mixed The John Henry Newman CofE (A) Primary School Voluntary aided 374 358 374 58 15.5 87 23.3 0 0 0 No 123267 931 4560 9314560 Mixed The Marlborough Church of England School Voluntary controlled 1,035 1,035 1,035 24 2.3 34 3.3 4 4 0 No 123151 931 3231 9313231 Mixed The Ridgeway Church of England (C) Primary School Voluntary controlled 68 68 68 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123230 931 4007 9314007 Mixed Foundation 1,131 1,131 1,131 53 4.7 53 4.7 6 1 0 No 123073 931 2587 9312587 Mixed Thomas Reade Primary School Community 212 206 212 6 2.8 22 10.4 0 0 0 No 123019 931 2303 9312303 Mixed Tower Hill Community Primary School Community 169 155 169 26 15.4 29 17.2 0 0 0 No 123173 931 3254 9313254 Mixed Trinity Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 313 313 313 13 4.2 20 6.4 2 2 1 No 123170 931 3251 9313251 Mixed Uffington Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 65 65 65 6 9.2 7 10.8 0 0 1 No 123041 931 2512 9312512 Mixed Valley Road School Community 237 219 237 8 3.4 8 3.4 3 1 1 No 123261 931 4140 9314140 Mixed Wallingford School Community 1,092 1,092 1,092 67 6.1 72 6.6 4 7 3 4 No 123165 931 3246 9313246 Mixed Wantage Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 439 414 439 39 8.9 48 10.9 7 1 2 No 123068 931 2572 9312572 Mixed Watchfield Primary School Community 270 265 270 11 4.1 12 4.4 0 0 0 No 123032 931 2459 9312459 Mixed Watlington Primary School Community 279 272 279 5 1.8 5 1.8 4 4 4 No 122979 931 1024 9311024 Mixed West Kidlington Nursery School LEA Nursery School 55 28 55 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123004 931 2110 9312110 Mixed West Kidlington Primary School Community 359 359 359 24 6.7 24 6.7 0 0 0 No 123050 931 2533 9312533 Mixed West Oxford Community Primary School Community 165 155 165 22 13.3 25 15.2 2 0 0 No

123084Page 45 931 2601 9312601 Mixed West Witney Primary School Community 286 278 286 14 4.9 14 4.9 0 0 0 No 123122 931 3165 9313165 Mixed Wheatley Church of England (C) Primary School Voluntary controlled 286 286 286 15 5.2 23 8.0 0 0 0 No 122983 931 1031 9311031 Mixed Wheatley Nursery School LEA Nursery School 24 12 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123243 931 4077 9314077 Mixed Community 1,139 1,139 1,139 46 4.0 55 4.8 0 0 0 No 123009 931 2208 9312208 Mixed Whitchurch Primary School Community 106 103 106 # # # # 0 0 0 No 123023 931 2354 9312354 Mixed William Fletcher Primary School Community 180 180 180 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 122998 931 2059 9312059 Mixed William Morris School Community 173 164 173 24 13.9 36 20.8 0 0 0 No 135159 931 3912 9313912 Mixed Willowcroft Community School Community 242 231 242 36 14.9 36 14.9 0 0 0 No 123088 931 2606 9312606 Mixed Windale Community Primary School Community 316 290 316 47 14.9 54 17.1 3 0 0 No 123047 931 2527 9312527 Mixed Windmill Primary School Community 412 412 412 38 9.2 41 10.0 7 1 2 No 123018 931 2302 9312302 Mixed Witney Community Primary School Community 188 188 188 29 15.4 29 15.4 0 0 0 No 123051 931 2534 9312534 Mixed Wolvercote Primary School Community 227 216 227 18 7.9 21 9.3 3 2 0 No 123074 931 2589 9312589 Mixed Wood Farm Primary School Community 295 295 295 78 26.4 103 34.9 11 0 4 No 123238 931 4052 9314052 Mixed Wood Green School Community 1,092 1,092 1,092 28 2.6 76 7.0 0 0 0 No 123040 931 2510 9312510 Mixed Woodcote Primary School Community 161 160 161 7 4.3 12 7.5 0 0 0 No 123329 931 7002 9317002 Mixed Woodeaton Manor School Foundation Special 46 46 46 17 37.0 17 37.0 N/A N/A N/A No 123118 931 3145 9313145 Mixed Woodstock Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 211 199 211 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 1 0 No 123223 931 3854 9313854 Mixed Wootton St. Peter's Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 114 114 114 6 5.3 6 5.3 0 0 0 No 123196 931 3657 9313657 Mixed Wootton-By-Woodstock Church of England (Aided) Primary SchoolVoluntary aided 51 51 51 0 0.0 # # 3 3 2 No 123091 931 3004 9313004 Mixed Wroxton Church of England Primary School Voluntary aided 76 76 76 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 No 123176 931 3257 9313257 Mixed Wychwood Church of England Primary School Voluntary controlled 279 275 279 9 3.2 11 3.9 0 0 0 No This page is intentionally left blank

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Matters arising from the last Admission Forum meeting

1. Clarification on the issue of specific pressures in the Banbury area

The comment in the previous report related in ‘in year admissions’ and related to two specific issues:

(a) There are significant numbers of vulnerable children whose behaviour is challenging to schools, some at risk of permanent exclusion. A fresh start at a new school can often avoid the potential for permanent exclusion but a concentration of numbers of these vulnerable youngsters in certain year groups, coupled with the fact that there are only four schools which can accommodate these pupils creates a pressure.

(b) The second issue although not so significant, is the proximity to other county boundaries and the potential for any of the Banbury area schools being asked to receive pupils from out of county. This issue is not unique to Banbury but at the point of the last update was the area where we had received the most approaches for out of county placement.

2. Communication with the Admissions Team

To confirm that the inclusion officers in areas are now reporting all agreed in year admissions directly to the admissions team 2009/10 academic year update.

Please see below a breakdown ‘in year admission’ by school. This data relates to those vulnerable children who may have some form of additional need and whose admission requires discussion at panel. The data does not cover children who have not been identified as vulnerable with an additional need and whose admission has been dealt with through the normal admission process.

The data is comparative where possible but for the South area, whose panel has only been facilitating in year admissions for twelve months in the previous academic year, data is not available from the panel.

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09/10 Academic Year Summary – In Year Protocol/Panels (Please see Appendix 1 for data on ins and outs).

Issues Arising

Data from the panels would appear to indicate that one or two schools have become net exporters of vulnerable children rather than taking a fair and equal share of new admissions. This is also true in reverse in that some are net importers rather than exporters.

The reasons for this appear to be explained in the following ways:

• Unless schools are ‘up to number’ parental preference cannot be ignored. If a school has space it is difficult to refuse a placement, even where the receiving school may already have accepted a disproportionate number of vulnerable children. • The code of admissions continues to provide schools rights in certain situations, ie Academies in their first two years can refuse the admission of vulnerable students with histories of poor behaviour. Where this applies it has the effect of concentrating numbers of these pupils in a reduced number of schools. • Where excluded pupils are involved, awareness of issues relating to relationships with other pupils who may have previously transferred can mean that to avoid re-creating negative relationships, equity of placements can suffer. • There are still two schools (both in Bicester) who have not as yet become members of the relevant in year panel. This is currently being addressed.

Recent Developments

To date, panels have not included children who carry statements of special educational needs (SEN). This has caused difficulties as whilst accepting that the admission of SEN pupils has its own requirements, consultation with the panels is essential to facilitate fairness and consistency. As of September 2010 panels will now have representatives from SEN teams as panels take a more co-ordinated approach.

Impact on Exclusions

Evidence would suggest that the ‘In Year’ panels have made a significant contribution to reducing the level of permanent exclusions across the county. The reduction in these exclusions went from 71 in 08/09 to 45 in 09/10.

Undoubtedly the creation of an in year fund from the dedicated schools grant (DSG) has gone a long way to enabling panels to resource support for schools when admitting vulnerable pupils and the contribution this resource made is crucial. To support this financial support however the panels now include representatives from alternative education providers such as Meadowbrook, all of which helps the panels to support schools when requesting the admission of in years with challenging behaviour.

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This good practice will continue to be developed over the next academic year although at this point the current in year resource allocation from the dedicated schools grant (DSG) runs out at the end of March and as yet there is no agreement for continuation.

Statistical Neighbours

Data in relation to statistical neighbours is not currently available neither the adjudicator nor the Department of Education keep these figures for public release.

Barry Armstrong Area Service Manager, Central Inclusion, Access and Engagement

Tel: (01865) 815916

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NORTH School Pupils Pupils Pupils Pupils In 08/09 Out 08/09 In 09/10 Out 09/10 Banbury 1 4 3 4 Bicester Community School 3 1 4 Blessed George Napier 2 1 3 Burford 1 1 Carterton Community School 2 1 Chipping Norton 1 2 4 The Cooper 1 2 1 North Oxfordshire Academy 1 4 4 4 Henry Box 1 1 The Warriner 1 2 1 Wood Green 1 1 1 1 Bartholomew 1 1 1 2 Marlborough 3 2 2

CENTRAL School Pupils Pupils Pupils Pupils In 08/09 Out 08/09 In 09/10 Out 09/10 Cheney 13 8 11 10 The Cherwell 5 8 3 7 Matthew Arnold 3 4 3 5 St Gregory The Great 1 8 3 10 Wheatley Park 8 3 5 4 Gosford Hill 4 2 3 3 Oxford School 15 6 4 15 The Oxford Academy 12 7 10 1

SOUTH School Pupils Pupils In 09/10 Out 09/10 Chiltern Edge 1 2 Didcot Girls 2 1 Faringdon 2 1 Fitzharrys 5 2 Gillotts 2 0 Icknield 1 2 John Mason 4 3 King Alfreds 5 5 Langtree 1 2 Larkmead 5 4 Lord Williams 2 1 St Birinus 3 5 Wallingford 4 1

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