(3) Bhimasena during his victory march to the east Ravana was amused and playfully tapped the staff conquered this country. (Sloka 8, Chapter 30, Sabha with his Candrahasa. The staff broke into Iwo and Parva). Maudgalya fell flal on ihe ground breaking his spine. (4) Sahadeva during his victory march to the south The sage was furious and he cursed Ravana saying conquered the people of Matsyade'a. (Sloka 4, Chapter lhat his Candrahasa would thenceforth have no effecl 31, Sabha Parva). al all. (Yuddha Kanda, Kamba ). ihe (5) Matsyadesa was one of the countries suggested by MAUHURTTIKAGATI. When Sun passes through Arjuna to spend their life incognito. (Sloka 12, the centre of Puskaradvipa it covers a palh equivalenl

1 Parva . lo a thirtieth of ihe earlh and ihis of ihe Chapter , Virata ) parl journey (6) Virata was the chief of Matsyade-'a during the Sun is called Mauhurtlikagati. (See under ). shone in the time of . (Sloka 17, Chapter 1, Virata MAUNjAYANA. A maharsi. This sage Parva) . courl of Yudhisthira. (Sloka 13, Chapter 4, Sabha (7) In the Kuruksetra battle Virata, King of - Parva) . dei-'a, came to the help of Yudhisthira with an Aksau- MAURAVAPASA. See under Mura. lhat hinl (army). (Sloka 12, Chapter 18, Udyoga Parva). MAURVl. A kind of grass. Il is wilh ihis grass (8) The Pandavas spent a year of their life incognito ascelics make mekhala (waistlet) . (Sloka 33, Chapter at the palace of Virata, king of Matsyadesa. (Chapter 1 7, Drona Parva) . of Mahabharata. This 7, Virata Parva) . MAUSALAPARVA. A Parva of the (9) Matsyarajya was one of the prominent kingdoms of Parva conlains ihe slory of ihe end Yadavas by ancient Bharata. 9 Bhisma . olher. (Sloka 40, Chapter ; Parva) killing each (10) Bhisma slaughtered many soldiers from Matsya- MAVELLA. The fourth son of Uparicaravasu. Mavella de.'a. atlended the Rajasuya of Yudhisthira. (Chapter 63, (11) Dronacarya killed at a stretch five hundred Adi Parva and Chapter 34, Sabha Parva). Matsyas in the great battle. (Sloka 31 Chapter 190, MAVELLAKA. An ancienl place of habilalion in India. Drona Parva). Su

. arl of archi- for Satyavati, mother of Vyasa. (See under Satyavati) Maya was found to be very proficienl in ihe MATSYAKALA. A King of Puruvarhsa. He was one of tecture even from his boyhood. He worshipped Brahma the seven celebrated Kings known as Girikapulras. The in the Himalayas to gain unrivalled skill in architeclure. him. He others were : Brhadratha, Kusa, Yadu, Pratyagra, Bala Brahma was pleased and appeared before and Vira. The seven sons were born to Girika of her blessed Maya to become ihe unequalled archilecl of ihe attendants. (Chapter 278, Purana). Devas. Asuras and Danavas. After lhal Maya was en- and MATSYAPURAl^A. One of the eighteen . This gaged in building magnificent mansions for Devas Purana was told to Manu Satyavrata by Mahavisnu Asuras. He was also anoinled King of the Danavas. during his incarnation as Matsyu. There are thirteen It was a period of friendly co-operation and brolherly was a thousand slokas in it. For prosperity this Purana should rehlions belween Devas and Asuras. Once ihere with a also invited lo be given as gift on the Visuval day along golden dancing show in Devaloka. Maya was image of Matsya. (Chapters 2 and 272, Agni Purana). see ihe performance of ihe women of Devaloka. All Ihe Bui whal MATSYODARl. Another name for Satyavati, mother dancers acquitted themselves credilably. ihe of Vyasa. (See under Satyavati). allracled Maya most, was the dance of Hema, MATTA. A demon. He was born to the demon woman. Maya and Hema were mulually Devas Malyavan of his wife Sundari. Malta had six brothers attracted and fell in love with each other. The in to named Vajramusti, Virupaksa, Durmukha, Suptaghna, who came to know of this, gave Hema marriage killed in Yajnakosa and Unmatta. This Malta was the Maya. (Utlara Ramayana) . went lo the -Ravana bailie. (Chapter 10, Agni Purana). 2) Domestic life. Maya and Hema valley named "Hema- MATTAMAYORA(S). A special tribe of Ksatriyas. south of Himavan and built there a city Nakula, one of the Pandavas, defeated these people pura". While leading a happy life there, two sons, Bui had during his victory march to the west. (Sloka 5. Chapter Mayavl and Dundubhi were born to them. ihey for a 32, Sabha Parva) . no daughter. So they worshipped Siva, praying MAUDGALYA (MAUDGALA) . A maharsi. This daughler. maharsi once cursed Ravana. At about that time, one day, an Apsara woman, came lo Once Maudgalya was sitting in Svastikasana resting his Madhura, after observing Somavara Vrata, nol al home shoulders on his yogic staff in ihe forest of Kadamba. Siva and did obeisance lo him. was Siva Ravana returning after his victory march came that way. al the momenl. Fascinaled by Madhura's charm, to know of cursed Seeing the sage sitting in a wonderfully queer posture embraced her. Parvati who came it,