1965-66 Season, Nlfl}.iStt: iJA, !it(J~tij.. ti4hl, ~'fit 457a SUSSEX DRIVE OTTAWA K1N 6Z4 & r ·•

Artificial snow making equipment has made the big difference in your skiing enjoyment at Camp Fortune this season.

1 ON TilE TRAILS TRADING POST SUCCESS by Ferdie Chapman by Paul Lajoie First of all I would like to express our The success of the Trading Post this appreciation to Herman Kongshavn for his Fall was most rewarding. The continued efforts in connection with the club's organ­ increase in volume of sales is an indication ized touring. Herman has looked after the that this service provided by your Club organized touring program for the past two is something that must be continued. Every­ seasons, but is forced this year because of a one benefits from this operation - those recent addition to the family to give up the of you who have ski equipment which other­ chore. Miss Katherine Capes will be in wise might be gathering dust in the basement charge of this phase of touring for this sea­ - those of you who wish to start skiing son. Her article and schedule of tours but hesitate to invest in the high cost of appears elsewhere in this Bulletin. new equipment- the Club in increased Touring badges will be awarded again membership - the ski shops who sell the this season to members for mileage acquired balance of the items which new comers to during the ski season. These bii.dges are the sport do not obtain through theTrading 500, 200, 100, 75, 50 and 25 miles. Appli­ Post - and last .but not least the various cants will keep a log of their trips, for­ ski programmes within the Club's organiz­ warding this information when making ation which obtain financial assistance from application to Ferdie Chapman, Director of the Trading Post revenues. Trails, O.S.C., P.O. BOX 2071, STN. "D", Compare the past two seasons' operating OTTAWA 4, ONTARIO. Those members results - we are growing! who have been tardy in sending in last 1964 1965 year's applications for badges can still do so, Sales Revenue $11,648.90 $13,715.50 these applications will still be entertained. Items Sold 1,083 1,491 It would be appreciated if members Items Handled 1,400 (app.) 1,845 app.) would please ·wash their pots and pans when Items Stored 7 5 148 they are through with them in the three trail lodges, Western, Huron and Keogans to facilitate their use by waiting members. Out­ JUMPING door cooking facilities have been provided by Fred Morris with picnic tables at Huron Lodge along Beginning Saturday, Jan. 8th, free classes for use on balmy days. for all categories of Jumpers will be con­ distributed in the Trail maps are being ducted in the Lockeberg Lodge area on season. If you want same manner as last the various jump hills. They will begin one you have to ski to Keogan's to pick one at 10:30 a.m. and will continue until the up. Glyn Sheldrick, our caretaker, is in end of the season. charge of distribution. Instructor coaches for our Jumping To accommodate the increasing number : of trail skiers using the trails on weekdays, classes are Desrochers the members of the trail lodge' committee Head Coach Ray opened and heated certain of the trail Assistants Russ Smart lodges mid-week for use of the members Jacques Bemiquez during the lunch hour period last season. Patrick Morris This service will be provided again this Rheal Seguin coming season, Wednesdays being the most Gerry Gravelle popular day, · Fortune Lodge at Camp For­ Martial Ranger tune will be opened as well, but the cafe­ Dave Marcellus teria will not be in operation. Stig Sjolund In the interests of safety on the trails, Peter Pare you are asked to please follow the rules of Co-ordinator Fred Morris the road: There are a number of pairs of jumping I. Pleaes do not ski alone - if you must, skis available for the use of Jimiors and leave word of your proposed route. Seniors. These skis have been donated to 2. Please plan your trips accordingly, so the jumping program by Paul Lajoie's Trad­ as to not get caught on the trails after ing Post. dark. Those who are sincerely interested have 3. Please fill in your Sitzmarks. only to contact one of the Jumping Coaches 4. Please stay on the mapped trails. for use of these skis. 5. Know your capability cmd -ski accord­ We are looking forward to another suc­ ingly. cessful jumping season. OTTAWA SKI CLUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1965-66

Executive Officers Telephone Office Residence Hon. President S. R. Lockeberg 542 Wellington 236-1323 President F. W. White Box 515, RR #1 828-2711 745-2746 1st Vice-Pres. Zone Rep. F. T. Graves Box 596, RR #1 749-9998 2nd Vice-Pres, Col. B. W. Mellor 1064 Cameo Dr. 992-5348 729-8110 Secretary David Watson 188 Powell 232-1781 235-4172 Treasurer N. G. Ross, CA 145 Dorothea Dr. 733-6859 Office 222 Somerset W. 235-7231

Directors Publicity V. B. Allen 85 Range Rd. 232-4264 236-1916 Touring & Trails F. Chapman 504 Laurier W. 997-4393 232-6579 Building & Area Air Commodore Design D. M. Holman 38 Kilbarry Cres. 993-2684 746-0746 Cross Country H. W. Keenan 303 Harmer 728-9414 Trading Post J. P. Lajoie 1175 Sherman Dr. 992-6902 728-3121 Juvenile Dr. A. B. Lang 31 Park Rd. 235-4582 749-5863 Ski Patrol L. Lawton 1192 Whitmore 728-9777 Alpine CMDR K. M. Meikle 148 Grenfell Cres. 992-6524 825-3181 Jumping F. Morris 279 McArthur Rd. 777-4311 746-6059 Loc. 32 Midget J. Quinn 3761 Revelstoke Dr. 992-6731 733-5401 Ladies Committee Mrs. W. R. Schriever 26 Davidson Cres. Box 243, RR #1 746-8040


Manager A. W. Appleby 896 Alpine Ave. 234-9133 828-9678 Office Secretary Mrs. Eeva Vesa 2648-B Moncton Rd. 234-9133 828-4686 Camp Fortune Winter Off. (weekends) Mrs. Brooman 827-1424 John Clifford Office 827-1594 Camp Fortune Ski Shop, Manager Reg Toomey 827-2732 Ski Conditions Report 827-2323

Others Responsible for Various Programs and Activities Midget Instn. Roland Beaudry 29 Cholette, Hull 771-0667 Juvenile lnstn. AI C Don Holman 38 Kilbarry Cres. 993-2684 746-0746 Touring Katherine Capes 333 Metcalfe 992-1686 232-5500 Tech. Chairman Gatineau Ski Zone Don Bohart 1898 Barnhart Pl. 733-6265 Alpine Race Co-ordin. Art Lovett 613 Chadburn Ave. 731-3584 Alpine Head Coach J. P. Picher 232 Goulburn Ave. 235-3472 Cross Country Chairman Frank Morrall 1980 Fairbanks Ave. 992-6729 733-6529 Midget Cross C. Murray Outhet 186 Court, Aylmer 236-0211 ' 684-5326 Midget RaCing Harold Fawcett 23 Wendover 733-3245 Midget Competitor Instn. Doug Livingstone 1989 Naples Ave. 733-3245 Baby-Sitting Co-ordinator Mrs. D. A. Bell 745-2882 3 LADIES' COMMI'ITEE ACTIVfTIES of ticket sales. Remember: First come, by Elizabeth Schriever · first served. Let's have a good time, but not too, too gay, to give everybody a chance The planning of all our programmes to enjoy the skiing and the return trip. is well under way. We still need more ladies Ladies' Luncheon: The Luncheon and the to help in various ways. If you have. any races (fun, and more or less serious) will suggestions for the programmes or new Ideas be held at Fortune Lodge and on Mort's for further planning, please contact Mary Hill on Friday, March 4. Details will be Brough (728-0281) or leave your name published in the next bulletin and on the and phone number on the bulletin board bulletin boards. in Alexander Lodge, where we now have a Ladies Committee Corner. Trail Skiing: There are many ladies ski­ ing on the trails during the week, but Babysitting: The arrangements for the there are probably many more who would Babysitting Plan have been completed. like to enjoy the trails, if they could find There are at this time a few places left for Thursdays and Fridays and possibly companions and the right advice concerning equipment and waxing. Generally speaking, Sundays. If you are interested fill out your your ski bindings put you either on the application immediately or call Betty Bell hills or on the trails; but there is at least (745-2882). Once the Babysitting has start­ ed would the mothers please give the Baby­ one make of safety-bindings which is good on the hills and which can be loosened sitting Conveners a rest and keep teleph~ne for trail skiing. enquiries to a minimum. Any cancellation due to very bad weather conditions would, Some ski shops also sell new types if possible, be mentioned on the Camp of separate Kandahar or Marker attach­ Fortune Ski cast tape on 827-2323. ments which are permanently fixed to the skis in addition to the toe safety piece. Mini-Midget classes: The classes for pre­ They can be adjusted to permit the foot school children are filled to capacity. The more freedom without the boot falling out parents of the children will receive detailed of the safety bindings. information by mail. As there seems to be Ferdie Chapman promised us some ex­ some misunderstanding, we should like to pert advice on waxing for our bulletin repeat here that these classes are not con­ board in Alexander. Could we ask the more nected with the Saturday Midget pro­ seasoned Trail Ladies to give their help to gramme. They are organi~d and taught the newcomers if needed. If there is enough entirely by volunteer ladies under the interest we might later in the season plan guidance of Lucille Wheeler Vaughan and a picnic outing to Keogans Lodge which they are open only to children aged 4 and everybody can reach at her own speed on 5 enrolled in the Babysitting Plan. the shortest or the longest route. Let Mary Laurentian Trip: Noreen Cunningham Brough know what you think about this. and Claire McElligot are hard at work And last item: Wash rooms: Keep them organizing the popular trip to Mont Gabriel. clean, junior, intermediate and senior ladies. Some thought was given to choosing some R e p o r t any equipment malfunctioning other well known spot, but the enquiries promptly and, please, aim your paper towels made still favoured Gabriel which is rea­ at the open wastebaskets and not just at any sonably close, has snow making equipment other point in space. and offers good skiing to people with a Above all we hope for a good "saison" wide range of skiing abilities. We hope to and wish all the Lady Skiers happy skiing get reduced tow rates as in previous years. days. Date: Thursday, February 3, 1966. Tickets for bus, including tip to drivers - $4.00. Tow Tickets: Buy your own at Mont Ga­ briel. Lunches: Take your own or buy in Cafe­ teria. Departure: 8:30 A.M. Chateau Laurier, Mackenzie entrance. Return: Around 7:30P.M. Chateau Laurier. Watch the bulletin boards in all four Lodges for news regarding time and place 4 CROSS COUNTRY The Cross Country Racing Committee is ready for an active season and would welcome any new racers (men, ladies, boys and girls). The Ottawa Ski Club Cross Country racing schedule is published with the Nordic Alpine schedules elsewhere in this bulletin. The main C.C. events of the season have trophy awards and other events listed in the Nordic schedule have prizes The Trophy races for 1966 held at Camp Fortune are: Jan. 16 at 11 A.M. KIRBY TROPHY O.S.C. Championship for Senior Men ARMY TROPHY O.S.C. Championship for Junior Men Jan. 23 at 11 A.M. LADY WILLINGDON Gatineau Zone Championship for Senior Men ROYAL BANK Gatineau Zone Championship for Junior Men ANTHONY STOLFA Gatineau Zone Championship for Juvenile Boys Jan. 29 at 11 A.M. DIVISION MEDALS - Quebec Division Championship for Vets. and Senior Men and Ladies Feb. 6 at 11 A.M. FRANK COOKE for Boys Gatineau Zone Midget C.C. Championships MORRALL TROPHY for Girls Gatineau Zone Midget C.C. Championships Canadian Ski Emblems: Racers and non-racers (men and ladies) may try for ski emblems in any of our sched­ uled events. Canadian Ski Badges: These badges are awarded to boys and girls, - racers and non-racers - in any C.C. Midget event. For both Emblems and Badges non-racers start after the race and are not in competition with racers. Rules for competition for Ski Emblem and Ski Badges are posted at the door of the waxing room at Fortune Lodge. Two of our O.S.C. Cross Country racers, Don MacLeod and Dave Rees both National Team members will be attending the Eastern Canadian Training camp at Horseshoe Valley near Barrie, Dec. 26 to 30. This will be followed by competitions to choose the six team members to-represent at the World Games fn Oslo Norway. We wish our boys every success. Please check the Nordic racing schedule and watch the Ski News in the daily papers TUesdays and Thursdays for C.C. racing news. Any further information, phone 733-6529, F. A. Morrall, C.C. Chairman.

20 Dec., 1965. Ottawa Skt Club, Ottawa, Ont. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I would like to express my gratitude and thanks, through the medium of this publica­ tion, for the return of my personal papers and money to the Ottawa Ski Club on Dec. 19th, 1965. person, or persons concerned, To the Artistic Floral Arrangements may I take this opportunity to thank you personally and to say that your prompt For All Occasions action deserves the highest kind of com­ mendation. FLOWERS WIRED ANYWHERE Yours sincerely, (Sgd.) John B. Roberts, 1221 Prince of Wole1 Drive 225 MacLaren Street, OnAWA 729-5178 Ottawa 4, Ont. 5 JUVENILE SKI SCHOOL .1966 Children have a place in our ski club. by Don Holman It is a pleasant sight to see some of our midgets complete with blonde pony tail and Just a reminder to the Juvenile members stretchie slacks sidle into the front of the of the Ottawa Ski Club, and to their parents, line; it is an even greater pleasure to see that free skiing instruction, from Beginner them out-ski Mom and Dad. There is quite to Advanced Free Skiing, will again be a change when they are a few years older available at Camp Fortune this year. and continue sneaking into the tow-lines Classes will assemble at 10:30 a.m. at once they are young adults. the bottom of PeeWee Hill on six consecu­ Children should use their ski poles and tive Saturdays, starting Saturday, January keep them in good repair. 8th. This year there will be Generally, pupils who were in the school a small tow on the Midget Hill with a fenced-off area for last year will start in the same grades. New the very small children. This is the place pupils or any who feel they should to be begin restraining their aggressiveness in the graded differently will be given a brief ski­ tow lines. It is also the place to teach off check and them assigned to one of the three how to grades. climb, using their poles and thus not holding up the tow lines by having to pull Remember that for Ski Club members, on the ropes to assist them. age 13, 14, and IS, there is no charge for this instruction. Children should wear warm clothing: no loose scarves or toques; leather mitts. It is considered the best practice for chil­ SKI SAFETY dren to wear leather mitts if they use the by S. Laird Lawton rope tow. Wool will cling to the rope. Long scarves could become entangled in the rope. Newspapers and magazines have written many times that "skiing is not a parlour sport". The experienced and average skiers are well aware of the wonders and thrills BULLETIN STAFF of this sport and probably will barely acknowledge that with the blink of an eye they could take a tumble that would leave them shaken, broken or bruised. To what Editor * V. B. Allen degree the tumble affects the skier depends Production Mgr. - Barbaro Davidson <>n many things, but it is an accepted fact Competitions Editor - ion Mclaren that equipment has a great bearing on this. Special Events Editor - Rick Ferrier Buy safety bindings- keep them well Wome.n's Editor - Maryse Maynard adjusted. It is a wise practice to adjust them each Art Editor Tony Smialowski day you ski. They are a mechanical metal Newspaper, Radio ond piece of equipment and metal is affected by TV Liaison Suzette Couture use, atmosphere and pressure and skiing em­ ploys all three of these conditions to vary­ Printed by Mutual Press ing degrees. 230 Laurier Ave. West Wear your safety straps. If your safety release functions as it should, you will be down with a loose ski beside you, held only by a strap that is attached to your fitting loop and your boot. If the ski is not secured this way, it will Compliments of spearhead its way on down the hill and your safety device will have then worked to the detriment of another skier. Some people Byslle, Roe & Company feel this device is to save themselves from a Serving the Ottawa Ski Fraternity walk downhill to retrieve the ski. This is not Since the case. If a loose modem ski with a 1895 sharp set of edges, travelling at the speed it achieves on its downward flight, hits some­ 223 Bank Street one - erect or prone - on the hill, it can Phone: 232-2464 conceivably cause a fracture or even a fatality. 6 GATI,NEAU SKI ZONE NORDIC RACING SCHEDULE - 1966

Date Event Trophy Class Ski Area HiD Time


Sat. I Prelim. Jumping None National Team Camp Fortune Sun. 2 Prelim. Jumping None · National Team Camp Fortune OSC Invitat.- XX Sr., Jr., Jv., Ladies Camp Fortune ll:OOa.m. Sat. Masters Jump. Tournament Lake Placid Sun. Masters Jump. Tournament Lake Placid XX Relay- Invitational Morin Hts. Sun. 16 Prelim. Jumping and XX None All OSC Midgets Camp Fortune ll:OOa.m.- 2:00p.m. OSC Jumping Champs All Classes Camp Fortune Int. 2:00p.m. OSC XX Champs All Classes and Invitat. Camp Fortune ll:OOa.m. Sun. 23 G.S.Z. Jump. Champs All Classes Camp Fortune Int. 1:30p.m. G.S.Z. XX Champs All Classes Camp Fortune 11:00 a.m. Sat. 29 Que. Div. Sr. XX Sr. Camp Fortune ll:OOa.m. Sun. 30 Que. Div. Sr. Jumping Sr. Camp Fortune Lockeberg 1:30p.m. FEBRUARY Sat. Nordic U.S. Nationals Lake Placid (Jumping) Sun. Nordic U.S. Nationals Lake Placid (Jumping) G.S.Z. XX and Jumping Zone Midgets ll:OOa.m.- Camp Fortune 1:30p.m. Sat. 12 National Team Jumping National Team Sault Ste. Marie Sun. 13 Dalton Wood, XX and Jumping Dalton Wood, High School Teams Camp Fortune Approx. 7 km. ll:OOa.m. & Journal and Jr. Jump 2:00p.m. Citizen Sun. 20 Hull City Jumping All Classes Camp Fortune Interm. 1:30p.m. Sat. 26 Canadian J rs. Pepsi and Division Teams and Indiv. Mt. Stoneham/ CASA Awards Lac Beauport Sun. 27 Canadian Jrs. Pepsi and Division Teams and Indiv, Mt. Stoneham CASA Awards Lac Beauport Jr. Varsity, XX and Jumping G.S.Z. Awards High School Teams Camp Fortune Approx. 5 km. 11:00 a.m. & Jr~ Jump 2:00p.m. World Jumping Champions Oslo, Norway MARCH Sat. Canadian Sr. Jumping Sr. Revelstoke, B.C. Canadian Sr. XX Sr. Revelstoke, B.C. Sun. Canadian Sr. Jumping and XX Sr. Revelstoke, B.C. Midget Skimeister, XX and Midget A Camp Fortune 11:00 a.m. & Jumping 2:00p.m. Sat. 12 O'Keefe Jumping Camp Fortune Locke berg 1:30p.m. Sun. 13 O'Keefe Jumping Camp Fortune Locke berg 1:30p.m. Sat. 19 J. Clifford Skimeister, XX and J. Clifford Juv. Camp Fortune ll:OOa.m. & Jumping 2:00p.m. Key: XX, Cross Country; G.S., Giant Slalom; Sl., Slalom; Sr., Senior; Jr., Junior; jv., Juvenile


Date Event Trophy Class Ski Area Hill Time JANUARY

Sun. 2 OSC Prelim. Sl. None Jv., Jr., Sr., A, B, C Camp Fortune Slalom 11:00 a.m. 05C Prelim. Giant Sl. None Jv., Jr., Sr., A. B, C Camp Fortune Slalom 2:00p.m. Sat. 8 OSC Alpine Comb. Sl. Alex West Jv., Jr., Sr., A, B, C Camp Fortune Slalom 11:00 a.m. Championships Southam Sun. 9 OSC Alpine Comb. G.Sl. Toller McTavish Jv., Jr., Sr., A, B. C Camp Fortune Slalom 11:00 a.m. Prelim. G.S.j Slalom None All Midgets Camp Fortune Marshall 2:00p.m. Sat. iS Que. Jr. Team Qualifying None Jr., A, B Thetford- Mines Sun. 16 Que. Jr. Team Qualifying None Jr., A, B Thetford- Mines Gnadinger G.S.jSI. Same Jv. 11:00 a.m. 2:00p.m. Sat. 22 Que. Div. Sr. Alpine Division Medals Sr., A, B To Be Announced G.S.Z. A.B. Championships City of Ottawa Jr.-Sr., A, B Camp Fortune Slalom Slalom- Ql) ll:OOa.m. Sun. 23 Que. Div. Sr. Alpine Division Medals Sr., A, B To Be Announced G.S.Z. A.B. Championships Journal, Jr.-Sr., A, B Camp Fortune Slalom G.S.- Maynard, Ault 11:00 a.m. G.S.Z. Nacona Invitational To Be Announced Midg.-Jv. Nacona- Napanee l:OOp.m. Sat. 29 Taschereau Jr. Taschereau Jr., A, B Mt. Tremblant G.S.Z. C Class Championships Zone Awards Jr.-Sr., C Edelweiss Slalom- 11:00 a.m. G.SI.- 2:00p.m. Sun. 30 Taschereau Jr. Taschereau Jr., A, B Mt. Tremblant "Midget A" Zone Awards Midg. A Only Edelweiss G.Sl.- 2:00p.m. Alice Hill Invitational To Be Announced Jv. Alice,Ont. 12:00 Noon

FEBRUARY Sat. 5 Que. Div. Jr. Division Medals Jr., A, B To Be Announced Sat. 5 Anne Heggtveit Invitational Heggtveit Awards Girls' High School Team Vorlage 11:00 a.m. & 2:00p.m. Sun. 6 Prelim. Sl.jGiant Sl. Zone Awards Jv. Camp Fortune Skyline ll:OOa.m.- 2:00p.m . Sun. 6 Que. Div. Jr. Division Medals Jr., A, B Wed. 9 Beamish Night Sl. R. A. Beamish Sr.j Jr. Camp Fortune Slalom 8:30p.m. Awards Sat. 12 Dalton W!l(>d 4-way H.S. Dalton Wood; High School Teams Camp Fortune Slalom II:OOa.m. Sl.jG .SI. Journal and Skyline 2:00p.m.

& &

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. .

. .

. .

. .

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. .

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m. m.

m. m.


. .





Noon Noon

Noon Noon

Noon Noon



a.m. a.m.




00 00

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00 00


00 00

00 00


00 00


00 00


00p.m. 00p.m.

00p 00 00



00p.m. 00p.m.

30p.m. 30p.m.
















B.A. B.A. :
















II II 12






11:00 11:00



line line

rshall rshall

line line y



A1exanders A1exanders

Marshall Marshall

Skyline Skyline


Alexanders Alexanders

Skyline Skyline


Marshall Marshall


Slalom Slalom

/ /

/ /

k k

nt nt

C. C.




Juvenile Juvenile

B.C. B.C.


Anne Anne



Fortune Fortune


Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune Fortune Fortune

Jv., Jv.,

Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune

Beauport Beauport

Beauport Beauport

Orford Orford

Orford Orford

St. St.



Stoneham Tremblant Tremblant


Tremblanl Tremblanl

St. St.

sland, sland,

. .

. .

. .


I. I.

Lac Lac

Lac Lac


Ron Ron

Vorlage Vorlage

Mt. Mt.


Camp Camp



Camp Camp

Banff Banff

Camp Camp

Mt. Mt.

Camp Camp

Edelweiss Edelweiss


Camp Camp

Rossland, Rossland, Camp Camp

Candiac Candiac Mt. Mt. Vorlage Vorlage

Camp Camp

Edelweiss Edelweiss

Camp Camp



Camp Camp

Camp Camp

Camp Camp

Junior; Junior;

, ,




Costume Costume


Senior; Senior;

male male

in in

Jr. Jr.


B, B,


Indiv. Indiv.

Indiv. Indiv.

Sr., Sr.,



. .

A, A,

and and

, ,

. .

. .

and and

A, A,


Teams Teams


Div. Div.



. .

. .

Invital. Invital.

; ;


, ,

& &



. .






s s

Slalom; Slalom;

. .

. .

; ;


Teams Teams

Male Male


., .,

Groups Groups


. .

B, B,


B; B;



e e

Jnvil. Jnvil.




, ,

, ,



Sl., Sl.,


Teams, Teams,

Jv. Jv.

A, A,

. .


. .




A, A,



mily mily

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .


Midget Midget

,, ,,


Invitational Invitational

Jr., Jr.,

Sr. Sr.


Div. Div.

Sr. Sr.




All All

Sr. Sr.

Midget Midget




Jv. Jv.

Jv. Jv.






Slalom; Slalom;

s s



. .

_ _

~~~ih ~~~ih

Cup Cup

Cup Cup


Giant Giant

Awards Awards

White White

Smith Smith

Keg Keg

Mem. Mem.

Trophy Trophy




, ,


O'Keefe O'Keefe

Awards Awards

Awards Awards

Klotz Klotz

Cup Cup

Cup Cup

Cola Cola

Campbell Campbell

Award Award

Cola Cola

Campbell Campbell

Awards Awards

Brewery Brewery

Clifford Clifford

Brewery Brewery

W. W.



Memorial Memorial

CASAAwards CASAAwards

Award Award

Optimist, Optimist,

Awards Awards

F. F.


Memorial Memorial

Keenan Keenan

CASAAwards CASAAwards

Trophy Trophy

Trophies, Trophies,

Awards Awards

Keefe Keefe

Keefe Keefe


Zone Zone

Ryan Ryan

Peter Peter


Dow Dow

Pepsi Pepsi

G.S.Z. G.S.Z.

None None

Dow Dow

Pepsi Pepsi

Peter Peter

Norman Norman

Chris Chris

Brading Brading

Kandahar Kandahar

Fawccll Fawccll Kandahar Kandahar

Roddy Roddy

None None

John John

Fripp Fripp

O'Brien, O'Brien,


' O

Cuspidor Cuspidor


Candiac Candiac

S. S.


Country; Country;



. .








Cross Cross

Skimeister Skimeister


S. S.

. .

ce ce










/SI. /SI.



G.S.fSI. G.S.fSI.




: :

Memorial Memorial

Memorial Memorial

vs. vs.





mily mily

. .

Series Series

Invitat. Invitat.

Champs Champs

Series Series

Champs Champs



Memorial Memorial

"B" "B"


. .

4-way 4-way

. .



S. S.

. .




Jr. Jr.


Sr. Sr.

p p


Riders Riders

Costume Costume

. .

Champs Champs

Memorial Memorial

jSI. jSI.

Memorial Memorial


Midget Midget


Midg. Midg. · ·



Klotz Klotz

Campbell Campbell


Arner. Arner.

Campbell Campbell

Midg. Midg.

. .

Kandahar Kandahar

Kandahar Kandahar

. .

Clifford Clifford

Fripp Fripp

Srs. Srs.



Radio- -


rans rans

Z. Z. ---


. .


. .


Varsity Varsity



Skimeister Skimeister

pidor pidor


an an






Rough Rough



. .



Que. Que.

Que. Que.


International International

G Jnltr:us;n."" Jnltr:us;n.""

Peter Peter

International International



Adams Adams

Chris Chris

Peter Peter Adams Adams

Canadian Canadian

Jr. Jr.


Canadian Canadian


Jv. Jv.


G.S.T. G.S.T.

Bradings Bradings

Que. Que.

John John

Canadian Canadian

John John






Candiac Candiac

5 5

6 6

12 12

19 19

13 13

13 13

13 13

26 26

20 20

12 12

27 27

13 13

27 27

26 26

26 26

20 20

A. A.

. .

. .

. . . .

. .

. .

. .


Sun. Sun.

Sun. Sun.

Sun. Sun.


Sat. Sat.

!II. !II.



Sun. Sun.

Sat. Sat.


Sat. Sat.



Sat. Sat.


. T.B


Gatineau Zone

Clulrter Ski Right To Europe

There are still some seats available but the Charter is filling up fast. OTTAWA to ZURICH, February 12, 1966, returning March 5th, 1966. Deposit of $100.00 must accompany your application and the full amount must be paid by December 1st.

A week's tour to St. Anton, Austria, will be provided for a limited number.

For further information contact: Art Tommy ...... Home. 828-4000. Office. 836-9731 John Fripp ...... Home. 733-6200. Office. 233-1136.

Only members of affiliated Ski Clubs of the Gatineau Ski Zone may apply.

Any income in excess of the Carrier's Charter price, plus reasonable expenses, will be refunded to the Charter passengers.

OTTAWA SKI CLUB INC. & JOHN CLIFFORD SKI TOWS LTD. JOINT APPLICATION CARD La1t MEMBERSHIP LIFT PASS Name ...... Family Plan (Print) 3 for ($21 l 3 for ($110) Address ...... Additional: Additional: ... at ($4) ...... at ($15) Married Couples Telephone ...... Lift (Office use) at $17(15) at $90(81) Firat Name Age Pass (til Number Seniors --rF"=-'"'············ ...... at $12(11) ...... at $50(45) .. . Intermediates rr::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... at $ 7( 6) ...... at $40(36) ...... Juniors ,, ...... _. ... at$ 4( 3) ...... at $20(18) ...... - ·········-························· Membership Fees ...... Lift Fees -­ ····-····•" ' ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' ""''"''''' ...... "'~ 1 It ~ Membership ...... a Fees ...... :r L------1~ CASA Assess 11:. .. ::.:::·::::·::··::·::::::::.:::: ...... at .SOc Porkina Rates in brackets apply if payment received by DISCOUNT DATE, ...... at Nov. 30. Family plans will not be sold after discount date- Only the $4 __ Parents, Intermediates and Juniors qualify for the special r ates under the TOTAL respective Family Plans. (See Over) ENCLOSED IF LIFT PASS REQUIRED - SUBMIT IN DUPLICATE '----'

11 IDSTORICAL OUTLINE - and nearly all were inexpert in that OF THE OTTAWA SKI CLUB period - stopped by sitting down, in order 2. to prevent being precipitated into the gully. By Herbert Marshall A recollection of her first trip to Dome Hill in 1920, written by Miss Vivian Reid When the Ottawa Ski Club was re­ (now Mrs. Leigh Bishop) appeared in the organized in March, 1919, it embarked on Ottawa Ski Club News of January 21 , 1925. an eventful career of continuing progress It read: and changing emphasis in skiing habits. At first there were two. rival centres of interest, "Arriving at Ironsides our party had a viz., Camp Fortune and Dome Hill at Iron­ marvellous time. There had just been a sides. On Saturday afternoons skiers snowstorm and the snow was miles deep, thronged the street cars going to Wright­ honest injun. To illustrate the fact I re­ ville. The tips of their skis often tangled member seeing that old pioneer, Frank with the bell cords much to the annoyance Semple, come down the hill at a terrific of the conductors. Arriving at Wrightville rate, dive into a drift at the bottom and they set off on the three mile trip to Dome then entirely disappear for five minutes. Hill at Ironsides. The trail led through open The suspense was terrible for the onlookers, fields whose owners had been persuaded to but finally a snowwhite head emerged and permit openings to be cut in wire fences then the rest. We spent some time hunting on condition that the Club would pay the around in the snowdrift for the various expense of repair in the spring. A good articles of clothing he had discarded by way deal of the way was much exposed to the of expressing his emotions. There being North winds and on below zero days there no lodge then, when the hungry hour ar­ were many frost bites which were endured rived, with one accord we assembled at the more or le&S stoically. famous Hostel of Madame Desjardins where Dome Hill has an elevation of 275 feet an excellent dinner awaited us. For various and is steep. The run out at the bottom is reasons a spirit of joviality prevailed. All short and ends in a gully. Until the skier the famous stars being there - Captain learned to do Telemark or Christiania stop Morin, George Audette, Monsieur Mortu­ turns this was a hazard. The inexpert skier reux - and we heard wild and wicked tales

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS For your convenience the following procedure will focilitote handling. (o) If purchasing both OSC Membership and ski lift passes, (or ony combination) please complete in duplicate ond return promptly with your cheque or money order payable to JOHN CLIFFORD SKI TOWS LTD., at Camp Fortune, Old Chelseo, Quebec, (where your posses must be picked up for photos end lamination). (b) If purchasing OSC Membership anly please complete end return promptly with your cheque or money order pcyoble to the OTTAWA SKI CLUB ot 53 Queen Street, Ottowa 4, Ontario. Badges will be moiled. Each applicant must indicate by first nome whether he/she is o Senior, Intermediate or Junior in the column provided. A check ( /) must oppecr opposite the nome of members requiring lift poss permits. The oge, at 1st Jonuory, of each Intermediate ond Junior making opplicotion must olso be stated on the form. Age Limits-Intermediate 18 or under or full-time student not over 25 yeors; Juniors 12 or under. A SOc Conodian· Amateur Ski Association (CASAl Assessment applies for Juniors end Intermediates. Please note that ell combined OSC Membership ond Ski Lift posses must be laminated with photo included. Because of desirability of having portraits that will be of uniform size and suitable quality no personal photos will be accepted. Photographs will be token ot the Tow Company Office ot Camp Fortune ot no additional cost to the purchaser. The Tow Company Office will be open from 9 - 5, 7 doys c week for the convenience of members needing photos. Applicants wishing membership only will be issued on OSC bodge. Member5 may exchange badge for a plasticized Membership Card complete with photograph at John Clifford Ski Tow Office, Camp Fortune. There will be a 75c charge for plasticizing ond a photograph. of exploits for years back. Madame Des­ on was equally popular on Sundays. Both jardins is a jolly old soul and after dinner lost favor about the same time for reasons the party had a gay dance in her bestest which will be mentioned in the next in­ parlor. The whole day ended in a most stalment. pleasing fashion when I arrived home fond­ ly believing myself to be a real skier at last." In 1922 its first lodge was officially opened at the foot of the Dome Hill. It TOMMY & LEFEBVRE LTD. had to be extended three times to accom­ modate the growing number of skiers who 495 Bank Street used it on Saturday afternoons. There are many survivors of the pioneers who remem­ 236-9731 ber the very large room with its benches and at one end the huge fire place with its blazing logs. Ski Tows were unheard of at that time and it was very satisfactory after climbing laboriously up the hill numer­ * ous times for slides, to enter the lodge and Everything you need at enjoy the comfort and sociability which it offered. Of course there was a Cafeteria. Alex. Haultain was its organizer and all help was the SKI shop entirely voluntary. Early in 1922 its open­ ing was announced. The Price List included: Beans, 10 cents, Doughnuts, 3 for 10 cents, and Tea, with milk and sugar, 5 cents. Later in the year it was announced that Captain Haultain's Cafeteria would have a 232-2675 By Appointment stock of cigarettes for sale for men only. Scores of members took turns at serving. This required considerable organization to ensure an adequate crew each Saturday. Occasionally the supply of food ran out because of unusually large crowds. It was reported that on one occasion in February, 1924, it served 570. For many years preliminary or cham­ pionship races were run from Wrightville to Dome Hill. Instruction classes were held RAYMOND J. HOFF INGER there and Mrs. Semple's famous Dome Hill Juniors made it their objective on Saturday D.S.P. mornings. PODIATRIST - FOOT SPECIALIST However the hey-day of Dome Hill popularity was on the wane by 1930. The great lodge was reduced in size. Finally it burned down and was replaced by a small one about the time John Taylor and Hubert Douglas (1945) erected a ski tow on the hill. There was talk of flood lighting but this proved to be too expensive. The ski tow was run successfully for a few years but in 1956 the lodge was dismantelled and its materials brought to Camp Fortune and Suite 405, Kenson Building used in the construction of the Alexander Chalet. 225 Metcalfe St. While in this period Dome Hill was the Ottowa 4, Ontario popular centre on Saturday the long dis­ tance skiing from Tenaga and points further 13 Over 20 Years Serving 234-2391 By Appointment THE OTTAWA SKI CLUB

* Ottowa's largest selection of quality ski equipment for beginner and expert DANIEL KOMESCH, D.C. at the lowest prices. Before you buy ski equipment, make it a rule to check DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC our selection and prices. X-RAY

HEGGTVEIT SPORTING GOODS LTD. * 131 Queen Street 232-5656 "We have outfitted a World Champion 200 Metcalfe Street -let us outfit you." Ottawa 4, Ontario OPEN FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M.



For Winter Cottages, Summer Cottages, Country Homes, Forms and land throughout the Gotineou, call us anytime at 827-0621

or drop into our Kirk'• Ferry Office to see our hundreds of mops and pictures. You will be most welcome.

14 SKI TOURING also March 13th-Leader's Choice­ by Katherine Capes Dorothy Peck, 749-9515. Continuing interest in the combined March 20th- Paugan Mountain- Peter club's ski tours has encouraged the schedul­ Hodgins, 235-9450. ing of a full programme for the coming March 27th - McKendrick Ridge -Tony season. These tours are jointly sponsored Stolfa, 746-6110. by the Ottawa Ski Club, the Ottawa Section of the Alpine Club of Canada, and the April 3rd- Mystery Trip (conditions per­ Canadian Nordic Society, and are open to mitting) - Sev Heiberg, 828-2569. their respective members. We hope new For information about starting place and people will come. The trips are planned for time please telephone the leader during the every Sunday as follows: preceding week, preferably between 7:00 Ottawa Ski Club and 9:00 o'clock in the evening. The leader Alpine Club of Canada, Ottawa Section will also arrange transportation for anyone Canadian Nordic Society requiring it. Keep this copy of the Bulletin Ski Tours-Season 1966 for future reference. Further copies of the touring schedule can be obtained from Keith January 9th- Meach Lake to Mud Lake­ Arnold or Katherine Capes (232-5500). Kahri Bogstad, Ingrid Bernt, 235-2041. January 16th-Ormond Farm, Western Lodge - Hermann Kongshavn, 828- MIDGET SKI SCHOOL 9933. by Rolly Beaudry January 23rd- Burnett to Lusk Cave­ Roy Wainright, 722-9943. On Saturday, January 8, 1966 the Midget January 30th- Gatineau Fire Tower­ Ski Instruction Program gets under way for Stan Rosenbaum, 828-2569. children of 6 to 12 years of age. This in­ February 6th-Lydia Trail, Harrington struction is free to members of the Ottawa Lake- Jim Bennett, 232-1724, office; Ski Club and parents are urged to start 234-4026, home. their children off in this excellent program. February 13th-Cantley- Hans Weber, Classes will assemble at the bottom of 994-9017, office; 777-1800, home. Pee Wee Hill at 1:30 P.M. January 8. February 20th - Lac Phillippe, Taylor Lake, Those taking part in the Midget Ski In­ Lusk Lake- Ted Whalley, 746-0297. struction Program will be put into classes February 27th - Meach Lake to A.C.C. consistent with their present skiing skills cabin- Stan Paterson, 234-3908. and will graduate from class to class as their ability improves. This program has March 6th -Wakefield - Keith Arnold, been one of the most successful projects 234-3325. of the Ottawa Ski Club and your committee March 12-13th- Mount Marcy, New York looks forward to another very successful State-Stan Rosenbaum, 828-2569; season.

TRANSPORT HULL METROPOLITAIN LTEE. SKI BUS DEPARTURES EDELWEISS VALLEY A.M. - Leaving OTT. 9:00 Zone 35 E.P. 9:15 Fore: O.W.- 65c Place CJrtier 9:20 Return - $1 .20 P.M.- Return E.V. 4:30

CAMP FORTUNE A.M. - Leaving OTT. Bet. 8:45 & 9:15 Zone 72 P.M.- Leaving OTT. 1:00 Fore: O.W. - 65c P.M.- Return C.F. Return - $1 .20 Bet. 4:30 & 5:00




...... • • • the serious shop for serious skiers. We know skiing. We specialize in the best of everything you need ••• skis, poles, bindings, boots, apparel ••• and in matching equip· ment to your individual style and skill. Buying or renting, ask for our advice ••• and rely on our experience. CAMP FORTUNE SKI SHOP OLD CHELSEA, P.Q. 827-2732 Open Weekends and Holidays, 12 Noon to 5 p.m. During November- then Seven Days a Week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.