Vol. 30 no. 12 December 2017 Kislev/ Tevet 5778


Friday, December 1 @ 6pm Shabbat Dinner followed @ 7pm by Family Service

Sunday, December 10 @ 10am Journey Through the Bible Returns WISHING YOU Thurs, December 14 @ 12pm Lunch and Learn with the

Fri, December 15 @ 7:30pm Shabbat (bring your favorite menorah to light)

Sat, December 16 @ 10am Tot Shabbat with Cantor Steve HAPPY and Rabbi Rick, followed HANUKKAH! @10:30am by Monthly Minyan

Fri, December 29 @ 5:30pm Oneg, followed @ 6pm by Kabbalat Shabbat Service TORAH READINGS Date Time Parashah Torah Haftarah December 1 (Kislev 13) 4:25 Vayishlach Gen. 32:4-36:43 Hosea 11:7-12:12 December 8 (Kislev 20) 4:25 Vayeishev Gen. 37:1-40:23 Amos 2:6-3:8 December 15 (Kislev 27) 4:27 Mikeitz Gen. 41:1-44:17 Zechariah 4:1-7 December 22 (Tevet 4) 4:30 Vayigash Gen. 44:18-47:27 Ezekiel 37:15-28 December 29 (Tevet 11) 4:35 Va-y?chi Gen. 47:28-50:26 I Kings 2:1-12

Have Something for LIBRARY HOURS The Freedman Library is open after services on Fridays from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. and Sunday mornings when there is Religious To submit an article, flyer, or any other School. material for The Scribe: 1) All submissions must be received no Everyone is encouraged to later than midnight on the 12th of use the library and check out each month. Submissions by email are T E M P L E S I N A I a book preferred, but if you do not have email access a hard copy (paper) will be O F G L E N D A L E accepted if received by the Temple 1212. N. Pacific Avenue office no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Advertisers are welcome as 12th of the month Glendale, CA 91202-1697 sponsors of our newsletter. Ads 2) The email must be addressed to www.temple-sinai.net must be ?camera ready? and fit [email protected]. Please within the sizes below. Sizes identify the article in the email subject Tel 818.246.8101 shown are for the outside border. line (i.e. Sisterhood, Brotherhood, etc., All ads must be accompanied by and not simply Scribe Article). The Fax 818.246.9372 payment before they will run. The article must have a title. Rabbi Rick Schechter cost of ads listed is for three issues. Include a phone number 3) Be sure to include your name and a Cantor Steve Hummel where you may be reached if there phone number at which you may be are questions. Formats: pdf, tif, jpg, reached if there is a question about President Michael Simon gif. the article. Rates: 4) Please note that the deadline is firm. Late articles cannot be accepted, Business Card (horizontal only) as this would delay The Scribe being received by our members. 3 ½ ? W x 2? H? ? ? ? ? ? $30 The Scribe is a monthly publication Quarter Page 5) The editorial committee reserves of the right to review, edit, and approve TEMPLE SINAI OF GLENDALE 3 ½ ? W x 5? H? ? ? ? ? ? $65 any and all material submitted for Editorial Committee inclusion The Scribe. Half Page Maggie Freed * Phillip Hain 7 ½ ? W x 5 H 6) For addition information about Susan Hain * Flo Cohen submitting an article, please contact: Photographer 3 ½ ? W x 10? H? ? ? ? ? $100 Heather Ross at 818-963-0126 or by Roger Baar, Seth Chazanoff Full Page email to [email protected] Layout 7 ½ ? W x 10? H? ? ? ? ? $175 Ronen Lasry Editor in Chief Ads run for 3 issues. Heather Ross The Rabbi?s Reflections

Our Love Affair with Hanukkah

by Rabbi Rick Schechter

As winter descends upon Southern California candles of the menorah are customarily lit and this month, the air is colder and the nights are displayed. Home is usually where the longer. The festival of Hanukkah emerges to are cooked and eaten. Home is where warm us from the cold and light up the dark Hanukkah gelt, chocolates, or gifts are most nights. likely given. The celebration of Hanukkah is rooted in family space and family love. Parents Some people lament that the celebration of and children, family and friends come together Hanukkah in American culture has become too in the comfort of home to celebrate. much like Christmas? overblown, materialistic, and overly commercialized. No The other main source of Hanukkah?s doubt there is a good deal of truth to this tremendous appeal to us is, I believe, found in claim. We may speculate as to whether the holiday?s central symbol: Light. Our winter Hanukkah would be such a popular holiday in Jewish holiday asks us to kindle light at the American Jewish culture were it not for its darkest time of the year, and to feel the proximity to and occasional competition with warmth of flame at the start of the coldest Christmas. season of the year. Light to dispel the darkness. Heat to dispel the cold. Human The last time the American Jewish community beings, young and old, yearn for this light and was asked (in the 2000-2001 National Jewish warmth on the deepest of levels. Hanukkah Population Survey), 72 percent of U.S. Jewish voices and satisfies our yearning. households lit Hanukkah candles. The more recent 2013 Pew Research Center Survey of Home and hearth. Light and love. Warmth and American did not ask about Hanukkah family and friends. Hanukkah illumines it all. observance, but did find that slightly fewer Jews (70 percent) now participate in a April, Evan, and Nina join me in wishing you Passover seder. Clearly we American Jews love and your family a happy Hanukkah and a Hanukkah. And I do not think it is merely joyous season. because we are trying to compete with Christmas. Chag Hanukkah Sameach,

Our attraction to Hanukkah, I believe, comes from two powerful places. First and foremost, it is the home. Hanukkah is a family celebration? like Passover? that mainly takes place in our homes (as well as our spiritual home of Temple Sinai). Home is where the Sisterhood Matters by Ruth Lambert

Shalom! Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? I want to thank everyone who reached out to Did you eat/ drink/ laugh too much? I hope me about the physical destruction of URJ that you all had a lot to be thankful for this Camp Newman. Your thoughtfulness and year ? I know that I did. kindness were overwhelming. Quick update: thanks to the Jewish Federation, the Union So, December ? how on earth did that of Reform Judaism and the hard work of the happen? It feels like the year has just flown Camp Newman folks, next summer?s camp by and now it?s time to make latkes, buy gelt will be held at Cal State Maritime in Vallejo, and gifts and get ready for 2018. CA. Needless to say, that news lifted the hearts of the 1500 kids who love their camp, Sisterhood has (as always) a lot going on for not to mention the parents of those kids who the end of the year. Our mix and gelt were wondering what on earth to do with necklace fundraisers and Hanukkah party are their kids next summer!! If you?d like to give right around the corner. Please take a to the camp reconstruction fund, please go moment to look at the latke mix order form to: and the Hanukkah Party flyer (both are in the Scribe) and RSVP asap ? our Hanukkah https:/ / campnewman.org/ newmanstrong parties are legendary. A quick explanation about the gelt necklaces ? we make them to The Sisterhood Board wishes you the honor our late teacher and friend Cathy happiest of holiday seasons with the Ryne. Cathy made gelt necklaces for her brightest candles, the best spin of the religious school kids for the 2 years that she , and the most delicious latkes! We taught at TSG. We continue that tradition in wish you a happy and healthy New Year. See her honor and we donate 10% of our profits you in January!! to the Neuro-Cancer Center at UCLA where Cathy was treated. The rest goes to Campership which Cathy loved. So, buy a gelt necklace ? you?ll be glad that you did!

Don?t forget to go to the TSG gift shop for anything you might need for the holiday ? the gift shop has lovely and thoughtful gifts for anyone on your list, not to mention menorahs, candles, , etc. Stop by, say hi to Suzy and shop!!

Please w elcome the new est members of our community!

Stephane and Raquel Adam and Erica Whinston Elfassi Noah, David, Solomon Perla, Paloma, Elia La Crescenta Glendale Stacey Ware Michael Gold and Roya Hope, Stella Yasharpour Liam Gold-Yasharpour Jacob Gold-Yasharpour Denise Hanisee South Pasadena Los Angeles

Welcome to our new est congregant!

Maja Primorac and Pavel Lerner are delighted to announce the arrival of Kyle Lerner on October 3. Mazel Tov to the entire family!

January Shabbat Dinner

Family Night Shabbat Dinner Friday, January 5, 2018 at 6:00 pm in t he Tem ple Social Hall

Teriyaki Chicken, Fresh Vegetable Stir Fry, Steamed Rice, Salad, , Wine

RESERVATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 3, 2018 Make reservations on the Temple web site Temple-Sinai.net or calling Lorna Simon at (818) 357-0174

Adults ______x $ 12.00 = $ ______Children (12 and under) ______x $ 7.00 = $ ______Total Due = $ ______Checks should be made payable to Temple Sinai Sisterhood. To allow us to plan for the correct number of people, you must make your reservation by the date shown above, although you my pay at the door. If you have questions, call the Temple office at (818) 246-8101.

If you make reservations but are not able to attend, it is still your responsibility to pay. We appreciate everyone's cooperation.

TSG Social Action Committee COMMUNITY EVENTS

Annual SOVA Hanukkah Food Drive Where: Bring Donations on religious school days, Shabbat or Hanukkah Dinner When: Month of December Foods Personal Care Oatmeal, Dry Pasta. Rice Diapers, Dry Milk, Cooking Oil, Juice Soap Canned Meat, Canned Fish Razors Canned Soup, Tomato Sauce Toothpaste Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables Toothbrushes Peanut butter, Whole Grain Cereal (no glass containers, please)

The JFS { SOVA Com m unit y Food and Resource Program responds to hunger and poverty in our community by providing individuals and families with the resources they need to regain self-sufficiency and independence including free groceries, case management, counseling, legal and job assistance and other supportive services.

Temple Sinai Solar Panels Our 125 solar panels came online in February 2012, and have produced an average of 43% of our power for the past five years; that adds up to almost 250,000 kWh, saving us money and reducing CO2 and other pollutants. A mitzvah for the earth. Along with our other power-saving efforts, such as LED lighting in the social hall, and smart thermostats, we?re doing a great deal to help our environment, our health and our planet. We have about a year and a half remaining on our solar panel lease, and then they are all ours! I encourage you when you make a donation to the temple, to consider contributing to the Energy Efficiency Fund, which will help to make the final payment on our solar panels.

Maggie Freed [email protected] 323.527.7989

The Temple Sinai Board is interested President: Mike Simon - [email protected] in hearing from the congregation Executive VP: Maggie Freed - [email protected] regarding any issue that may First VP: Arthur Ross - [email protected] Second VP: Phillip Hain - [email protected] concern you. Feel free to contact us Treasurer: Dan Heller - [email protected] as follows: Recording Sec: Pat Smith - [email protected] Financial Sec: Larry Cohen - [email protected] TSG Social Action Committee COMMUNITY EVENTS

Red Cross Tracing Service Helps Holocaust Survivors Find Loved Ones The Red Cross provides a free service that helps people research what happened to their family or friends whom they knew prior to or during the Holocaust. This service is part of our Restoring Family Links program. We have successfully researched the fate of over 45,000 individuals since World War II. We have secured documentation regarding proof of forced labor, forced evacuation from former Soviet territories, and internment in concentration camps, which, of course, is required for submitting restitution claims. In various cases, our service has revealed that missing persons have actually survived the war. In fact, more than 1,600 people separated from loved ones due to the Holocaust have been located and reunited with our clients after years of searching. In more than 16,000 cases, our clients have received confirmation that their relatives were deported or did not survive the war; and, yet, even when our clients receive tragic news, they are still grateful to learn new information. For information, please contact: Bob Rich Red Cross Restoring Family Links/ Holocaust Tracing Email:[email protected]

Ascencia Thanks! On the first Sunday in November Beth Fabinsky organized her husband Rob Thompson, kids Ben and Leila Thompsky and her friend Susan Spence to cook and serve dinner at the Ascencia shelter in Glendale. They served teriyaki chicken wings, soba , pea pod and mushroom stir-fry and butter cookies for dessert. Temple Sinai has committed to providing guest chefs for Ascencia dinners on the first Sunday of every month. If you?d like to participate in this wonderful and much appreciated mitzvah, please contact Jan Freed [email protected] and he can tell you how it works!

Maggie Freed [email protected] 323.527.7989 Last Mont h's Jew ish Book Fest ival w as a great success! Seen here: Pat Sm it h, our coordinat or, w it h Rabbi Naom i Levy, w ho spoke eloquent ly about her new book, Einstein and the Rabbi, and Debby Singer from t he Jew ish Federat ion's PJ Library Program . Glendale Temple Youth

Why Youth Group?

Glendale Temple Youth is Temple Sinai?s youth program for grades K-12. This year, we have worked to expand our model to include not just high school and middle school students, but grades K-5 as well. There are two primary values that GTY is focused on. Our events tap into what educators call a ?social curriculum,? or the development of relationships and emotional intelligence. In addition, Jewish youth groups can be imperative in the formation of a child's Jewish identity - just as much as camp or a bar/ bat mitzvah can be. Here is a list of reasons why you should encourage your child to join GTY:

1. Kids should hang out at temple outside of school hours and services. Though services and religious school have their moments, they are not always about FUN. School time is structured around lessons and schedules and t'filah. When we encourage our kid to hang out at temple, Temple Sinai can begin to feel like a home away from home. And that?s a good thing. Youth group events give kids the opportunity to be in temple without the pressure to perform or ?be on.? 2. Kids should have the opportunity to share meaningful Jewish experiences with other Jewish kids. It sounds simple, but it?s true. Jewish youth group is a way to make sure your child is spending time with other Jewish kids. This helps to root your child?s Jewish identity with positive and meaningful relationships. Which leads me to... 3. Jewish Youth Group strengthens our community and camaraderie. A child's Jewish community becomes their extended family, which in turn becomes our community. Lasting relationships, mutual support and shared experiences bring kids together at temple. Your child can and will develop friendships that will stay with them past college when they become adults. 4. The Youth Group and Temple become a safe space for difficult conversations and the challenges of growing up.The youth advisor or director can be another set of eyes and ears on your child and may even be someone your child is more comfortable talking to. If your kid is in trouble, and they don?t want to talk to you (their parent) about it, who do you want them to talk to? Glendale Temple Youth

Upcoming Events

There are many more wonderful reasons why youth group is important. I have just reviewed some of the my top reasons for why youth group is an important part of your child?s Jewish upbringing. Please check out our upcoming events for all ages!


Saturday, February 11, 11am - 1pm

GTY 2-3

Saturday, March 17, 11am - 1pm

GTY 4-5

March 24, 11am-1pm

Jr. GTY (6th-8th Grade)

December 9th, Hanukkah Escape Room

GTY (9th-12th Grade)

January 27th, Dave and Busters in Hollywood

Glendale Temple Youth is Temple Sinai?s youth program for grades K-12. Our goal is to bring quality, fun, and inclusive programming for all Jewish youth. Youth Groups are divided by grade to allow for age appropriate and specific programming outside of Religious School and services. TSG Social Action Committee COMMUNITY EVENTS

THANKS! High Holy Days Tzedakah Appeal and SOVA collection Our appeal this year resulted in $1,815 for HIAS and $815 for the SFV Refugee Children Center. Thanks to those individuals and families who donated to these worthy organizations. SOVA has let us know that the final amount of food and other items we collected on Yom Kippur was 1,658 pounds! Thanks to everyone who participated in this mitzvah!

Tzedakah Fair 2017 The religious school kids had a great time learning about the organizations that were represented at our Tzedakah Fair early in November. They returned to their classrooms and voted for the ones that ?spoke? to them the most: - Kindergarten: Pasadena Humane Society & Family Promise - Grade 1: Teranga Ranch & Habitat for Humanity - Grade 2: Teranga Ranch - Grade 3: Pasadena Humane Society, Doctors without Borders, Jewish World Watch & Friends of the LA River - Grade 4: Habitat for Humanity & Beagle Freedom Project - Grade 5: Beagle Freedom Project, Doctors Without Borders & Hope Mill - Grade 6: Doctors Without Borders & Jewish World Watch - Grade 7: Beagle Freedom Project, Habitat for Humanity & Hope Mill At the end of the year, they will send their class tzedakah money to the organizations they selected. Many thanks to all those who spoke on behalf of these organizations, and to Dani Gordon, who organized our Tzedakah Fair.

Maggie Freed [email protected] 323.527.7989 Tem ple Sinai Book Club

For Monday December 11, 2017 Chasing Portraits A Great Granddaughter?s Quest for Her Lost Art Legacy by Elizabeth Rynecki Elizabeth spends a large period of her life searching for her great-grandfather?s works of art lost during the chaos that was WW II. His work on canvas represented the everyday life of many in the Jewish community of Poland. Before being taken to a concentration camp he gave his life?s work to friends. Elizabeth?s search leads her through several generations of her family and through the loss they incurred.

Did You Know?

Anyone can help to sponsor our regular Friday night Oneg Shabbats. It?s a great way to honor a loved one?s yahrzeit or celebrate a special family occasion. You can also participate by contributing food for the table or by volunteering your time to help set-up, serve, and/ or clean up. For more information, please contact:

Flo Cohen at 818-244-5650 or at [email protected] Save the Date for Save Mitzvah Weekend the Date! Coming February 2nd - 4th, 2018

Bella Molho ? Agnes Lieberman Flower Fund

October 13, 2017 ? 24 Tishrei, 5778 Donna and Roger Baar ? for the yahrzeit of Martha Sensel and Joel Schwartz ? for the Donna?s mother Anna Nann yahrzeit of Martha?s sister Elizabeth Debbie and Dan Heller ? for the yahrzeits Murphy of Debbie?s parents Edith and Eugene November 3, 2017 ? 15 Cheshvan, 5778 Jamin Stephanie and George Loew ? for the Alan Snitzer ? for the yahrzeit of his yahrzeit of George?s mother Suzanne Loew mother Honey Snitzer Parents of our Kindergarten class ? in Randi Burke-Aguiar and James Aguiar ? for honor of the consecration of their children the yahrzeit of Randi?s grandmother Rose Forman November 10, 2017 ? 22 Cheshvan, 5778 Elaine, Kari and Dana Edelman ? for the Randi Burke-Aguiar and James Aguiar ? for yahrzeit of mother and grandmother Mary the yahrzeit of Randi?s grandmother Cohen Elizabeth Burke November 24, 2017 ? 7 Kislev, 5778 Joyce and Larry Moskowitz ? for the yahrzeits of Larry?s step-mother Helen Mindy and Gene Stein ? for the yahrzeit of Moskowitz and his uncle Harold Moskowitz Mindy?s mother Freda Koen November 17, 2017 ? 29 Cheshvan, 5778 Susan and Matthew Brownstein ? for the yahrzeit of Matthew?s father Samuel Maggie and Jan Freed ? for the yahrzeit of Brownstein Jan?s mother Shirley Freed DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS

2 21 Karly Geris 11 Allison Bodaken Jordan Marx David Hughey 3 Sylvie Shure Michael Marx James Aguiar Raymie Muzquiz Laura Friedman Howard Speil 12 Samuel Sulam 4 Sydney Horne Ruth Devine 22 13 Phillip Hain 6 Susie Ribnik Elinor Peters Michael Barak Martha Sensel Stacy Weiss Becca Topol 24 Amos Lasry 7 14 Eli Phirman Claire Fausett Edward Polon Heather Ross 25 15 Elaine Edelman 8 Michael Bernstein Noelle Millien Andrea Klein Deborah Johnson Tina Lowenthal 27 Charles Vogel 16 Juliet Bernstein Gabriel Vogel Lori Waldinger Megan Seidner

9 17 31 Jordan Levine Matthew Brownstein Lauren Kameya Robert Rubnitz 10 Blanca Hadar 20 Richard Lubman Andrea Renskoff Eli Marion Shabbat Morning Questions? Contact Maggie Freed Minyan 323-527-7989 [email protected]

A minyan is traditionally a quorum of ten or more adult (over the age of b?nai mitzvah) Jews Mark your calendars for for the purpose of communal prayer ? upcoming dates: -- adapted from Wikipedia

Come to the Temple Sinai of Glendale Dec 16 monthly minyan and enjoy an intimate Jan 20 - Feb 17 - Mar 17 - Apr 21 Shabbat morning service and discussion of the week?s Torah portion or other related topic. We meet at 10:30 am on the third Shabbat of each month and end with a delicious

vegetarian/ dairy potluck lunch where discussion can continue. Donations OCT / NOV DONATIONS

General Fund Sisterhood Campership Fund Carol Masters Marilyn and Ben Silva In honor of Evan Schechter?s Bar Mitzvah Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund Pat and Steve Smith Marc and Tina Lowenthal In honor of Evan Schechter?s Bar Mitzvah For the yahrzeit of Marc?s cousin, Louis Lowenthal

Linda and Howard Speil Brotherhood General Fund In honor of Evan Schechter?s Bar Mitzvah Pat and Steve Smith In memory of Ab Berman, brother of Jerry Berman Marilyn Silva For the yahrzeit of her brother Mordecai Jabin and Sinai Seniors Fund her great grandmother Chaja Treiter Kistenberg Noelle Millien For the yahrzeit of her mother Violette Millien Condolences

Nov 13, 2017 Oct 9, 2017 Fred Gutman, Uncle of Dan Golden Bob Schiller, Friend of Dan and Arline Golden Nov 5, 2017 Phyllis Rockower, Cousin of Ilena Blicker

Our Congregation extends its sympathy to the families

Weizmann Day School to Honor Lori Snyder at December 15 Service by Lisa Feldman, M.A. Ed. Head of Weizmann Day School

Weizmann is looking forward to honoring Lori Snyder for her 36 years of dedication to Jewish education in the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys. The celebration will take place at Temple Beth of Pomona?s Hanukkah Shabbat service on December 15, 2017 at 7:30 p.m., with an oneg to follow. All are welcome to join the celebration. Lori Snyder currently serves as School Administrator and Science Instructor at Weizmann, where she is in her 12th year. Lori is a beloved educator not only at Weizmann, but also throughout the area. During the past 36 years Lori has taught students at Atid Hebrew Academy (formerly in West Covina), at Temple Beth Israel of Pomona, and at Temple Shalom in West Covina. In addition, Lori has led Jewish youth groups in Temple City and Arcadia, and has worked at Shabbatons in Malibu, Glendale, and the San Bernardino Mountains. Lori is also the proud mother of two Jewish day school graduates. According to Shelly Freedenthal, a co-worker at Weizmann, ?Students of all ages love Lori. She helps them solve problems and teaches them important life lessons. Please join us on December 15 to shower Lori with love and appreciation for all she does! Yahrzeit We Remember

December 1, 2017 Herbert Wilzig M orrie Cohen 14 Kislev, 5778 uncle of Roberta Tinajero Frankel father of Larry Cohen

Bonnie Pashkow Steven Lowenstam Betty Gordon grandmother of Emma Anderson brother of Ruth Goldstein mother of Bruce Gordon

Marc Grefeson Noah Ned Jamin Phil Hammer cousin of Larry Cohen uncle of Debbie Heller step-father of Jan Sway

Phyllis Owensmith Ana Raimist A aron Goldstein aunt of Jan Freed aunt of Robi Hellman Sophia Kay Tepper Rose Rothbardt A l l e n Silverstein great grandmother of Scott father of Elinor Peters Beckie Pullman Richland Mary Clark Harry Zeidler Janice Ring m o t h er of Nancy Rosen mother of Jeffrey Ring Minnie Berniker Elizabeth Morris Eleanor Schwartz cousin of Ellen Strauss Fannie D. Cohen mother of Susan Sabath Louis E. Friedman Caroline Morse Shawn M. Smith brother of Steven Smith Bessie Zimmerman Leopold Ullman

Chimon Rafi Mayeri Esther Schwartz Helen Small father of Louise Mayeri Spillman Louis Labovitch William Schweidt Jacob Wolf Abraham Gross Rifka Kornfeld Max Abramson December 22, 2017 Tevet, 5778 Harry G. Goodman December 8, 2017 Irene Cann 21 Kislev, 5778 grandmother of Cynthia Baker

Samuel Forest Forman December 15, 2017 Eugene Brumer uncle of Randi Burke-Aguiar 28 Kislev, 5778 father of Susan Hain

Sandra Frankel Benjamin Cann Robert Lowenthal mother of Todd Frankel grandfather of Cynthia Baker father of Marc Lowenthal Yahrzeit We Remember

Anne Monas Glenn Dorne grandmother Jennifer Mervis friend of Peggy Nichols

Gerald Richelson Rose Pressman father of Mark Richelson grandmother of Preston Oppenheimer Morris Friedman grandfather of Rabbi Rick Bernard Rothbardt Schechter grandfather of Scott Richland

Aaron Seltzer Fae Jaloff grandfather of Andrew Seltzer grandmother of Steve Seidner

Yetta Zaloszynski Grzebin Julius Schneider grandmother of Marilyn Silva uncle of Marilyn Silva

Fern Green Kaminsky Howard Koen father of Mindy Stein Marvin Lieberman Bertha Serin Morris Shrager Yetta Levy

Stanley H. Schachter December 29, 2017 12 Tevet, 5778 Eva Kaufman

Murray Bennett Juliet Molho father of Joel Bennett David Cohen Rebecca Ellis sister of Jan Freed Abraham Gerber

J. Walter Hellman father of Robi Hellman

Leo Kasoy grandfather of Irina Mazor