Annals ofthe Rheumatic Diseases 1993; 52: 1-4 I

Annals of the

RHEUMATIC Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.52.1.1 on 1 January 1993. Downloaded from DISEASES.


Where are peripheral acting?

Most chronic rheumatic diseases result in pain, deformities, directly assessed by injecting them into the central nervous and decreased functional ability. Interestingly, a substantial system in various in vivo models of acute pain. In this way number of patients, including rheumatoid patients, rank very low doses of indomethacin or acetylsalicylic acid pain relief as the most desirable objective of treatment.' In or influenced in a dose-related manner the this respect, the non-narcotic analgesics are usually con- hyperalgesia associated with intraplantar injections of carra- sidered as the best drugs.2" These agents mainly include geenin into the rat paws.8 The potency of intraventricular paracetamol, salicylates, and other non-steroidal anti- was estimated to be about 50 times greater than that inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and non-acidic after the intraperitoneal dosing in the tooth pulp stimulation derivatives-for example, dipyrone () and test in conscious monkeys.'9 As intracerebroventricularly (antipyrine); aminophenazone (aminopyrine) has administered aminophenazone, unlike sodium, been withdrawn from the market.5 As a group, they share attenuated the writhing response evoked by the intra- , , and, to a greater or lesser extent, anti- peritoneal injection of dilute acetic acid in rodents, it was inflammatory properties.2 Conversely, these compounds suggested that only non-acidic compounds may act cen- show marked differences in their therapeutic action and side trally.20 Aspirin, however, an acidic drug, proved effective effects.5 Their common denominator was thus believed to in the same test on intrathecal administration.2' There are be their site of action within the damaged tissues,6 and other conflicting results. For instance, it was reported that

hence they were termed 'peripheral analgesics'. intraventricular inhibited the lame walking This assumption was mainly based on the following reaction induced by an acute inflammatory hind paw findings. Firstly, the classic cross-circulation experiment oedema, whereas and did not.'° On performed in the dog by Lim et alP indicated that the the other hand, intraventricular ketoprofen seemed to analgesic effect of aspirin-like drugs occurred in the pain produce a dose dependent effect in the tail withdrawal producing site itself rather than in the central nervous assay, in which the rat tail was immersed in hot water.22 It system. Secondly, injections of minute amounts of acetyl- should be remembered that both false negative and false

salicylic acid, indomethacin, or paracetamol into the positive results may occur in analgesic screening tests, and on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. inflamed paws of rats were shown to attenuate the noci- thus no single experiment allows a definite conclusion to be ceptive responses.8 Moreover, NSAIDs may alter perceived drawn.23 In this respect, the data provided by central pain intensity in rodents when applied locally to the injured administration of aspirin are the most convincing. They sites.9 1 In humans too, locally applied aspirin and para- prompted several authors to treat patients with severe cetamol appeared to be effective for controlling pain in the chronic pain by intrathecal injections of aspirin.24 25 This early postoperative period after third molar surgery.1" resulted in longlasting pain relief, especially in patients Thirdly, pharmacokinetic data are consistent with the presenting with bone metastases.25 peripheral activity of these drugs.5 12 Systemically admin- Whether systemically administered aspirin-like drugs too istered NSAIDs were found to achieve particularly high produce a central analgesic effect has now to be ascertained. concentrations in their target tissues in animals5 as well as in It was assumed that non-narcotic analgesics merely act in humans. 13 '4 Finally, the analgesic property of aspirin-like those areas in which they achieve high concentrations.5 drugs might be ascribed to their ability to inhibit prosta- Accordingly, several NSAIDs and paracetamol were found glandin biosynthesis.6 15 Indeed any tissue damage related to cross rapidly the blood-brain barrier in animals26 27 and to trauma, ischaemia, hyperthermia, or inflammation in humans.2-30 Equilibrium was reached within a few hours results in the release of various chemical substances, and their cerebrospinal fluid concentrations were close to including prostaglandins, which may sensitise the primary their free plasma concentrations.28 Experimental assays afferent nociceptors to pain mediators, such as bradykinin. 16 provided further indirect evidence of a central impact of However, this mechanism ofaction has been questioned. 17 18 these compounds. Some of them23 31 were active in animal Furthermore, experimental and clinical studies support models of acute pain that are usually considered as the possibility of an additional central component in the specifically responsive to the .23 analgesic action of aspirin-like drugs. This paper aims at suppressed the escape responses elicited by electrical reviewing these challenging findings. stimulations of the lateral hypothalamus in rats when given subcutaneously.32 These findings were corroborated by clinical studies. A single oral dose of about 1 g of aspirin Centrally mediated analgesic effect of aspirin-like drugs influenced pain related cerebral potentials in response to The central analgesic effect of aspirin-like drugs can be non-inflammatory noxious stimuli.33 3' Another commonly 2 Bannwarth, Demotes-Mainard, Schaverbeke, Dehais used assay for evaluating the central effect of analgesics is and supraspinal sites might play a part in the analgesia the nociceptive flexion reflex of the leg (RIII). This spinal induced by aspirin-like drugs. reflex is correlated with the sensation of pain induced by Some findings support the first possibility. Intrathecally Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.52.1.1 on 1 January 1993. Downloaded from transcutaneous electrical stimulations of the sural nerve at administered substance P in mice elicited a pain-related the ankle.35 Intravenous administration of either ketoprofen behavioural response that was reduced by systemic pre- 100 mg35 or paracetamol 1 g,36 increased significantly both treatment with either paracetamol or aspirin." Similar the subjective pain threshold and the RIII reflex threshold results were obtained on intrathecal administration of as compared with placebo in healthy volunteers. An , which provokes the release of substance P in the intramuscular dose of indomethacin 50 mg produced a dorsal horn of the spinal cord.43 Therefore, it was concluded similar effect in rheumatic patients.37 In contrast, a short that both drugs may act by interfering with the function of intravenous infusion of 1 g acetylsalicylic acid had no the substance P receptors or by inhibiting neurones excited noticeable effect on either threshold.36 These findings are by substance P.43 consistent with the clinical pharmacokinetics of these drugs Most studies, however, underline the crucial role of in the cerebrospinal fluid.2>30 Moreover, the time-effect supraspinal structures. Ketoprofen did not display any curve of paracetamol36 resembles its concentration-time significant effect on the nociceptive reflex (RIII) in para- profile in the cerebrospinal fluid.30 Though in disagreement plegic patients with a complete spinal section of traumatic with other reports,33 34 the lack of effect of acetylsalicylic origin, whereas it provided a clear depressive effect in acid may be explained by the poor permeability of the normal subjects.44 Moreover, pyrazolone derivatives, blood-brain barrier to very low lipophilic molecules.28 This aspirin and paracetamol were reported to depress the does not preclude, however, the possibility of a central activity evoked in the dorsomedial part of the ventral analgesic action of salicylates. Higher doses may promote nucleus of the thalamus by electrical stimulation of noci- the diffusion of salicylates into the central nervous system ceptive afferents in the rat sural nerve.45 This effect may be by increasing their free fraction in the plasma.28 related, at least in part, to an activation of some supraspinal Most of these studies suggest that aspirin-like drugs exert inhibitory pathways of nociception.45 As a result, pain a direct analgesic effect at some levels of the neuraxis, as do messages are blocked in the spinal cord so that they do not other kinds of non-narcotic analgesics, such as and reach higher centres. This hypothesis was reinforced by .38 As opiates were shown to exert a peripheral other experiments. As the analgesia induced by intrahypo- analgesic action in addition to their well known central thalamic microinjections of aspirin in conscious monkeys effects,39 a clear cut discrimination between peripheral and was antagonised by pretreatment with either serotonin or central analgesics is debatable. The peripheral analgesic catecholamine receptor blockers, it was suggested that activity of aspirin-like drugs is not disproved, however. The aspirin may activate monoaminergic control systems.46 analgesia produced by both peripheral and central mech- Similarly, the depressive effect ofintravenous administration anisms may be additive, or even synergistic.8 The relative of aspirin on the firing discharge of thalamic neurones contribution of each site of action to the overall analgesia elicited by noxious stimuli in rats was counteracted by remains to be established8 20 29 and may vary from one pretreating the animals with a serotonin receptor anta- compound to another. gonist.47 The activation of the descending serotoninergic

inhibitory pathway may also account for the analgesic effect of paracetamol.48 Interestingly, naloxone did not alter the Mechanisms underlying the central analgesic effect central effects of aspirin-like drugs, indicating that endo- Several sites and mechanisms have been proposed for the genous are not implicated in these processes.45 47 48 central analgesic effect of aspirin-like drugs. Before review- Although alternative mechanisms have been proposed, ing them, we outline briefly some aspects of the nociceptive such as an increase in pituitary j3 endorphin secretion49 or a system.4>42 Pain messages originating from nociceptors are direct effect on the neurone membrane potential,37 mono-

mainly conducted by thin myelinated A6 and unmyelinated amine systems appear to play an important part in the on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. C fibres which terminate in the dorsal horn of the spinal central analgesic effect of aspirin-like drugs. Whether this cord. When pain signals arrive at this level they induce the mechanism may be linked to prostaglandin biosynthesis release of various transmitters, including neuropeptides inhibition will now be discussed. such as substance P, neurokinin A, calcitonin gene related peptide, etc. Some of them activate neurones, which relay pain signals to thalamic nuclei, especially through the Central analgesic effect and prostaglandin inhibition spinothalamic tract, and thence to different areas of the Aspirin-like drugs are well known inhibitors of prosta- cortex. Transmission of nociceptive messages at the spinal glandin synthetases of different tissue origins. Whether level is under both segmental and supraspinal controls. The paracetamol impedes cyclo-oxygenase activity in the central segmental endogenous system and GABAergic cells nervous system selectively is debated.'5 50 Salicylic acid, seem to be implicated in the former, which may partly be which is generally considered as a poor cyclo-oxygenase linked to the 'gate control' mechanism described by inhibitor on the basis of in vitro data, was found to be as Melzack and Wall.4' The latter consists of complex des- potent as aspirin in preventing prostaglandin production in cending inhibitory pathways of cortex and brain stem inflammatory exudates in vivo.5" Paracetamol and various origins. Important structures are located in the periaque- NSAIDs, given by oral intubation, were reported to inhibit ductal grey matter and the nucleus raphe magnus. The ischaemia-induced prostaglandin E2 formation in mouse existence of connections between these areas should be brain.52 Their degree of inhibition of mouse brain cyclo- pointed out. Despite gaps in our knowledge of these control oxygenase correlated well with their antinociceptive systems it can be assumed that they operate as a negative potencies in the acetylcholine induced constriction test.52 feedback loop triggered by noxious stimuli. Monoamines Several authors, especially Ferreira' 16 and Yaksh,2' (serotonin, norepinephrine) and endogenous opioid peptides provided further evidence for the involvement of prosta- appear to mediate the inhibitory effects on pain messages. glandins in the central analgesic effect of these agents. Thus For instance, the axons of serotoninergic neurones of the stimulation of peripheral nerves in animals resulted in an nucleus raphe magnus descend in the dorsolateral funiculus increase in extracellular prostaglandin concentrations in the and terminate at different levels of the spinal cord, where central nervous system.2' Direct administration of prosta- they inhibit nociceptive inputs. 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'~~~~~~~~~il ljK Hippocrates (460-375 BC) is called the father of medicine. ,i 1' He built a system of medicine around the theory of the healing power of nature 'Vis medicatrix naturae'. He and his pupils compiled the Corpus Hippocraticum, the medical on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. treatise in which the term 'arthron' (joint) appears about 314 times. He describes what seems to be paediatric arthritis, gout, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. He discusses the use of climate and food in treatment. His keen observation was the keynote of his teachings. His knowledge of anatomy was weak as current religious beliefs did not sanction the use of necropsies. Also, his theories of the humours were incorrect.