Pregnancy menu plan | Third trimester week 4

You need plenty of energy in the third trimester. We’ve highlighted in purple that will give you an energy boost.

Metus nec commodo etiam felis molestie. Ipsum morbi explicabo dictum sociosqu facilisis vel ut nunc. Vitamin K helps your blood to clot, which is important for birth. We’ve highlighted in pink that are rich in vitamin Nulla lectus blandit sit mattis aenean ante amet adipiscing. Volutpat nunc ullamcorper. Iaculis vel dapibus. K. We’ve highlighted in green foods rich in both energy and vitamin K. Elit euismod diam. Suspendisse sit tristique placerat quis tempor. Arcu porta Tip: If you find yourself suffering from heartburn, you may find smaller but more frequent meals easier on your system.

Mid Breakfast Noon Meal Evening Meal Supper Morning

• Savoury with • Nasi putih with ayam • Papaya • Poached salmon in • Low fat milk mangkuk buttery masak merah and lemon sauce with and crackers

crumbly half a hard-boiled broccoli and potato • Sengkuang with topping egg. Serve with dried shrimp extra kangkung dumpling belacan Monday • Papaya and low fat • Suspendisse lorem a ea et porttitor vivamus orci etiam. milk smoothie • Turpis pellentesque nulla eu id adipiscing. • Sardine and • Steamed • Claypot chicken rice • Yoghurt • • Lightly • Ligula lorem donec posuere ipsum eleifend dignissim sandwich with kacang with (pineapple) buttered arcu nunc amet nostra rhoncus. cheese putih tossed • Watercress boiled chopped vegetables with ikan corn on cob • Eget torquent fusce rutrum augue nulla. in melted with red dates and fruits selar kuning

• Carrot juice with low margarine pork Tuesday fat milk • Brown rice

• Oatmeal boiled with • Crunchy • Roti with • Cheese bun • Meatballs with ragu • Fruit tart low fat milk and Fuji apple in chicken sauce chopped green berry apple. Top with yoghurt • • Steamed broccoli crunchy walnuts and and potato

Wednesday flaxseed

• Brown rice • Yoghurt • Double • Bubur • Cheesy shrimp and • Dried cereal

with lean meat, black and cheeseburger kacang brown rice casserole and fruit with bean and chopped cream hijau low fat milk mushroom. Sprinkle crackers (drizzled • Vegetable juice with green onion & with low fat

milk and • Rice Thursday coconut • Jasmine tea milk)

• Grilled cheese • Broccoli • Loh mee (noodles in • Vegetable • Lamb and mushroom • Orange

sandwich dipped in thick gravy with egg, casserole fruit yoghurt mushroom and

• Coffee/tea sawi) Friday

• Whole grain cereal, • Melted • Fried brown rice with • Pineapple • Steamboat fish fillet, • Nuts and

nuts and fruit in low sliced spinach, black bean, , mushroom dried fruit loaf fat milk cheese on bean curd, and asparagus banana nut mushroom and

muffin green bean. Drizzle • Serve with yee mee Saturday with lemon juice

• Chee cheong fun • Yoghurt • Poached salmon in • Vietnamese • Pork/chicken with • Apple with

with stuffed bitter drink lemon sauce with spring rolls lotus root, red dates yoghurt dip gourd and ladies broccoli served with rice finger, sprinkled with sesame seeds and • bread • Stir-fried petola with Sunday crushed sprinkled with egg on the side parmesan cheese