Basler Münster Samstag, 27. Juli 2019, um 12 Uhr


Very British!

Edward Elgar (1857 – 1934) Sonata for Organ in G major Op 28: i Allegro maestoso

Georg Friederich Händel (1685 – 1759) Organ concerto in D minor Op 7 no 4 Adagio – Allegro cosi cosi – [ad libitum] – Allegro

William Walton (1902 – 1983) Coronation March Orb and Sceptre Transcribed William McKie

An der Mathis-Orgel (2003): James O’Donnell (/)

Eintritt frei! Kollekte am Ausgang zur Förderung der Kirchenmusik am Basler Münster. Empfohlener Betrag – suggested donation: 10 CHF – Herzlichen Dank – Thank you very much! Das Konzert wird um 16.30 Uhr wiederholt. James O’Donnell is and Master of the Choristers of Westminster Abbey. Internationally recognised as a conductor and organ recitalist, he has performed all over the world, including the United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and throughout Europe, and appeared in the BBC Proms and at many other festivals. His recent engagements have included Poulenc’s Organ Concerto with the LPO under Yannick Nezet-Seguin at the Royal Festival Hall, broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 and released on CD on the LPO Live label, and solo recitals in the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands. After studying as a junior exhibitioner at the , James O’Donnell was of Jesus College, Cambridge while reading for a degree in Music. His first professional appointments were at Westminster Cathedral, where he was for five years Assistant and subsequently, for twelve years, Master of Music. Under his direction the Choir of Westminster Cathedral won the Gramophone ‘Record of the Year’ award (for its Hyperion disc of masses by Frank Martin and Pizzetti, 1998), and a Royal Philharmonic Society award (1999), both of which were unprecedented for a cathedral choir. In 2000 James O’Donnell became Organist and Master of the Choristers (director of music) at Westminster Abbey, where he is responsible for the music at all services and events. Among many highlights, he directed the music for the Wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and at the memorial services for Nelson Mandela, Sir John Tavener and, in June last year, Professor Stephen Hawking. The Abbey Choir records and broadcasts frequently and has toured widely, most recently to the United States, Italy and Germany. As soloist and director James O’Donnell has worked with many of the Britain’s leading ensembles. He is Visiting Professor of Organ and of Choral Conducting at the Royal Academy of Music, of which he is also an honorary member, and has taught at Yale University and Curtis Institute in the US. A former President of the Royal College of (2011-2013), he is an Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and in 2014 was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Music by the University of Aberdeen.

Mittagskonzerte – ORGEL•PUNKT 12 30 Minuten Orgelmusik samstags um 12 Uhr (bis Ende September)

3. August FASZINATION ORGEL – Oper auf der Orgel Giulio Mercati (Milano) Padre Davide da Bergamo, Valerj, Mascagni und Wagner

10. August FASZINATION ORGEL – Aimez-vous Brahms? Prof. Christoph Schoener St. Michaelis/Hamburg Johannes Brahms (Händel-Variationen auf der Orgel)

17. August BACH und BUXTEHUDE Münsterorganist Andreas Liebig

24. August BACH und ROMANTIK Münsterorganist Andreas Liebig Bach, Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Brahms und Reger

Internationale Orgelkonzerte – sonntags um 18 Uhr

28. Juli BACH in BASEL – Soli deo gloria Domorganist Winfried Bönig Hoher Dom zu Köln Meisterwerke von J. S. Bach an dessen Todestag

15. September CHOR- und ORGELKONZERT Bettag Chor des NDR Hamburg (Ltg.: Klaas Stok), Münsterorganist Andreas Liebig Motetten und Orgelwerke von Bach und Brahms

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