From: Don Easterbrook To: Council Subject: Volcanic hazards Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017 11:37:03 AM Attachments: dje Mt. Baker volcanic hazards Feb x.docx

Attached is information concerning the proposed regulations related to volcanic hazards. It contains significant updated material that makes a big difference in the geologic data that serves as the basis for proposed volcanic hazard regulations.

Don Easterbrook Professor of Geology Western University VOLCANIC HAZARDS FROM MT. BAKER Don J. Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor of Geology, Western Washington University

Geologic Background The first paper on the geology of Mt. Baker was published in 1939 by Howard Coombs (Mt. Baker, a Cascade : Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 50, p. 1493-1510). Thirty one years passed before publication of the next paper on Mt. Baker geology, Easterbrook and Rahm, 1970, Landforms of Washington. This was followed by my 1975 paper eruptions, the first detailed account of eruptions over the past 7,000 years and first isotope dating of flows. In 1976, I published Pleistocene and Recent volcanic activity of Mt. Baker, Wash. and Mt. Baker Eruptions. A number of my graduate students completed MS theses on Mt. Baker between the 1970s and 1990s. The first assessment of volcanic hazards from Mt. Baker was Postglacial volcanic deposits at Mount Baker, Washington, and potential hazards from future eruptions published by Hyde and Crandell in 1978, based in part on my earlier publications and their own geologic investigations. In 1995, Gardner, C.A., Scott, K.M., Miller C.D., Myers, B., Hildreth, W., and Pringle P.T., published Potential Volcanic Hazards from Future Activity of Mount Baker, Washington, which forms the basis for the regulations proposed by the Whatcom County Planning Commission. It does not mention any of the 25 papers on Mt. Baker and the published by me prior to 1995. Among the many Mt. Baker papers published since 1995, the publications listed below best summarize the volcanic history of Mt. Baker: None of them are cited in the Potential Volcanic Hazard Area Regulations 16.16.310 report--the new data should be added because it has significant implications for regulations. Easterbrook, D.J., 2016, Mt. Baker Eruptions and Glaciations: Ingram Publishers, 332 p. Easterbrook, D.J., 2010, A walk through geologic time from Mt. Baker to , WA: Chuckanut Editions, Bellingham, WA, 329 p. Kovanen, D.J., Easterbrook, D.J., and Thomas, P.A., 2001, Holocene eruptive history of Mount Baker, Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 38, p. 1355˗1366. Easterbrook, D.J., Kovanen, D.J., and Slaymaker, O., 2007, New developments in late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation and volcanism in the and , Washington: in Stelling, P., and Tucker, D.S. eds., Geological Society of America Field Guide 9, p. 31-56. Easterbrook, D.J., 2003, Cordilleran Ice Sheet glaciation of the Puget Lowland and Columbia Plateau and alpine glaciation of the North , Washington: Geological Society of America Field Guide 4, p. 137–157. Kovanen, D. J., and Easterbrook, D. J., and Thomas, P.A., 2001, Holocene eruptive history of Mt. Baker, Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 38, p. 1355-1366. Kovanen, D.J. and Easterbrook, D.J., 1999, Holocene tephras and lahars from Mt. Baker, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 31, p.71. Easterbrook, D.J. and Kovanen, D. J., 1996, Far-reaching mid-Holocene lahar from Mt. Baker in the Nooksack Valley of the North Cascades, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 28, p.64. Hildreth, W., Fierstein, J., and Lanphere, M., 2003. Eruptive history and geo-chronology of the Mount Baker volcanic field, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 115, p. 729˗764.


Determining volcanic hazards

Assessment of volcanic hazards can be approached in two different ways: (1) the probability that an event may happen based on the frequency of past events, and (2) the possibility of an event happening. Probability volcanic hazard maps can be constructed, based on the recurring frequency of past events and their extent. Volcanic hazard probability = Time span Number of occurrences For example, we can determine the probability of a lahar flowing down the by dividing a time interval by the number of times this has happened in the past. The only major lahar from Mt. Baker that flowed down the Nooksack River in the past 10,000 years occurred 6,800 years ago, so the probability of it happening now is 1 in 10,000. No lahars have been recognized in the Nooksack North Fork, so the probability of that happening now is zero. Potential volcanic hazard maps. There is a significant difference between constructing a volcanic hazards map based on the frequency of past occurrences of events and a volcanic hazards map based on what might possibly happen. Just because the probability of an event happening is zero, doesn’t necessarily mean it couldn’t happen. For example, consider the possibility of a meteor striking Bellingham. That is possible, but should we move Bellingham underground for safety? A meteor has never struck Bellingham, so the probability of that is zero and we probably wouldn’t move Bellingham underground. In a similar fashion, no lahars have been recognized in the Nooksack North Fork, so the probability of such an occurrence is zero, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen because Mt. Baker lies in the headwaters and lahars might possibly occur in the future. The 1995 USGS volcanic hazards map (Fig. 1) is a map of potential hazards and includes areas that have never experienced lahars, but could do so in the future. The map currently proposed for writing of volcanic hazards regulations is based on the 1995 USGS map and does not include data in the nine publications listed above. It is 22 years out of date and needs to be updated.

Figure 1. USGS 1995 volcanic hazards map. Note that the map incorrectly shows lahars (volcanic ) extending all the way to Bellingham Bay (purple), and incorrectly shows pyroclastic flows (hot mixtures of lava, gas, and rock debris) and lava flows (yellow) extending all the way down Creek to the town of Glacier and down Wells Creek to the Nooksack North Fork.

Figure 2 shows the proposed volcanic hazards map to be used for writing volcanic hazard regulations for the area. Note that it shows incorrectly lahars extending all the way downstream to Bellingham Bay and and pyroclastic flows extending to the town of Glacier and the upper North Fork.


Figure 2. Proposed volcanic hazard map based on the USGS 1995 map. Note that lahars are incorrectly shown extending to Bellingham Bay and lavas and pyroclastic flows reaching down Glacier Creek and Wells Creek from Mt. Baker to Glacier and the upper North Fork.

What’s wrong with these maps? 1. They are badly out of date (22 years old) and do not contain data from more the 30 publications since 1995. 2. Lahars (volcanic ) hazard: Both the 1995 USGS map and the Planning Dept map show a lahar extending down the lower Nooksack from Everson to Bellingham Bay. However, peat bogs in ancient channels of the Nooksack River near Everson show uninterrupted peat deposition for the past ~10,000 years with no sign of any interruption to accumulation of organic material in the bog. This means that no lahar has flowed into Bellingham Bay over the past 10,000 years. 3. Lava flows and hazards: The 1995-based map shows the lava flow and pyroclastic flow (mixture of hot gasses, lava, and fragmental material) hazard extending down Glacier Creek to the town of Glacier and down the entire length of Wells Creek to the North Fork. However, mapping of Mt. Baker lava flows (see Figure 3) shows them to be entirely restricted to the vicinity of the main cone. No lava flows or pyroclastic flows have flowed this far downvalley, nor are they likely to.


Figure 3. Extent of lava flows from Mt. Baker cone (outlined in dark lines). Numbers are ages of the flows in thousands of years. No lava flows or pyroclastic have flowed more than a few miles from the summit cone. (From Easterbrook, 2016, modified from Hildreth et al, 2003)

Potential volcanic hazard area regulations Volcanic hazard areas are divided into zones affected by different hazards. Lahar hazard zones are outlined below and shown in Figure 4: 1. Lahar Hazard Zone A – Includes all areas potentially impacted by pyroclastic and lava flows. 2. Lahar Hazard Zone B – Includes all areas impacted by cohesive lahars that originate as enormous avalanches of weak, chemically-altered rock and large noncohesive lahars that are located within 1 hour travel time from the source event. This includes all areas upstream from Nugent’s Corner, extending up the Middle Fork Nooksack River to Mosquito Lake and up the Nooksack North Fork to Glacier. 3. Lahar Hazard Zone C – Includes all areas that may be impacted by cohesive lahars that originate as enormous avalanches of weak, chemically-altered rock and large noncohesive lahars downstream from Nugent’s Corner and extending downstream to Everson and Sumas. 4. Lahar Hazard Zone D – Includes all areas that may be impacted by cohesive lahars that originate as enormous avalanches of weak, chemically-altered rock and large noncohesive lahars downstream from Everson to Bellingham Bay, and to Sumas. Lahars usually contain large volumes of logs, coarse debris, and sediment and thus differ substantially from normal floods.


Figure 4. Restrictions of facilities and occupancies in lahar hazard zones. "Essential facilities" (leftmost column in Fig. 4) means the following are not allowed anywhere in the lahar hazard zones between Bellingham Bay and Glacier. 1. Fire and police stations 2. Medical facilities 3. Jails 4. Government communications centers 5. Emergency response facilities 6. Power generating stations 7. Public utility facilities 8. Wastewater treatment plants. "Hazardous facilities" means structures containing toxic or explosive chemicals. "Special occupancy " means the following are not allowed anywhere in the lahar hazard zones between Bellingham Bay and Glacier. 1. Schools, 2. Daycare centers 3. Residences for incapacitated patients "Covered assembly" means the following are not allowed anywhere in the lahar hazard zones between Bellingham Bay and Glacier. 1. Any structure having capacity for assemblies of large numbers of people, e.g. motels, large restaurants, convention centers, churches, theaters and other facilities.


Potential lahar hazard for the Nooksack floodplain between Everson and Bellingham Bay (Lahar zone D) The Nooksack floodplain between Everson and Bellingham Bay is considered a lahar hazard zone in both the USGS 1995 report and the County Planning document and hazard map and thus none of the facilities listed above would be allowed in Ferndale, Everson, or anywhere else on the Nooksack floodplain. Inclusion of the Nooksack floodplain from Everson to Bellingham Bay in the lahar hazard zone is not based on any physical evidence but rests solely on the assumption that the 6800-year-old lahar “in all likelihood this debris flow traveled all the way to Puget Sound.” However, in my recent mapping of the geology of Whatcom County, I discovered an abandoned, peat-filled channel of a former course of the Nooksack River just west of Everson (the yellow dashed line in Fig. 5). The peat has been accumulating since the channel was abandoned and is undisturbed by any lahar passing through this area. The base of the peat in the bottom of the channel is radiocarbon dated as 9,450 years 14C yrs before present (Fig. 5). Thus, no lahar has flowed down the Nooksack floodplain west of Everson in the past ~10,000 years and designation of the Nooksack floodplain between Everson and Bellingham Bay as a lahar hazard zone is based on an assumed event that never happened and the probability of it happening is zero. Since the volcanic hazards map is a potential hazard map, we need to know if it is possible for a lahar in the future to flow down the floodplain between Everson and Bellingham Bay. We can answer this question by looking at what happened with the 6800-year-old lahar. Bore holes north of Sumas contain pebbles of Mt. Baker lava (which is a very distinctive rock type) so these sediments must have come from Mt. Baker. They are about the same age as the lahar, indicating that when the lahar approached Everson, its momentum prevented it from making the right angle bend into the lower Nooksack floodplain, and it swept straight through Sumas into the (much like a heavy truck that can’t make a right angle turn at high speed. Thus, any future lahar is likely to do the same thing, leaving the lower Nooksack floodplain free of lahar hazards.

Figure 5. Peat-filled former channel of the Nooksack River (red circle) just west of Everson. The margins of the former river channel are shown by yellow dashes. Basal peat in this channel is dated at 9,450 14C years before present. Uninterrupted peat deposition in the channel proves no lahar has come down the Nooksack floodplain west of Everson in the past 10,000 years. Thus, the classification of the Nooksack floodplain as a lahar hazard zone is erroneous, based on a false assumption, and the prohibition of fire and police stations, medical facilities, jails, government communications centers, emergency response facilities, power generating stations, public utility facilities, wastewater treatment plants, structures containing toxic or explosive chemicals, schools, daycare centers, residences for incapacitated patients, motels, large restaurants, convention centers, churches, theaters, and other facilities in Ferndale, Everson, or anywhere else on the lower Nooksack floodplain, is not justified. No lahar has flowed down this part of the Nooksack floodplain in the past 10,000 years, nor is one likely to do so in the future.


Potential lahar hazard from Nugent’s Corner to Everson and Sumas (Lahar Zone C) The occurrence of pebbles from Mt. Baker in a subsurface layer the same age as the 6800-year-old lahar in boreholes north of Sumas indicates that the lahar swept northward from Everson through Sumas to the Fraser River (Fig. 6). This has happened once in the past 10,000 years but could possibly happen again.

Figure 6. Path of lahars in the Nooksack drainage. The 6800-year-old lahar didn’t make the right angle turn into the lower Nooksack floodplain but swept past the junction and continued northward through Sumas to the Fraser River. No lahars have flowed down the Nooksack North Fork.

The probability of a new lahar following this same path is once in 10,000 years, but the possibility of it happening is valid. The question then becomes does the risk of a lahar once in 10,000 years justify the prohibition of fire and police stations, medical facilities, jails, government communications centers, emergency response facilities, power generating stations, public utility facilities, wastewater treatment plants, structures containing toxic or explosive chemicals, schools, daycare centers, residences for incapacitated patients, motels, large restaurants, convention centers, churches, theaters, and other facilities in Nugent’s Corner, Everson, Sumas or anywhere else on the floodplain between Nugent’s Corner and Sumas?

Potential lahar hazard from Nugent’s Corner to Glacier and the Middle Fork of the Nooksack River (Lahar Hazard Zone B) The floodplain from Nugent’s Corner to the confluence with the Nooksack Middle Fork was in the path of the 6800-year-old lahar (Fig. 6) that originated high in the Middle Fork drainage during an eruption. However, the Nooksack North Fork has not been affected by lahars in the last 10,000 years, so the probability of one happening in the future is zero, but because Glacier and Wells Creeks head on Mt. Baker, it is possible that a lahar could come down the North Fork in the future.


The probability of a lahar flowing down the Nooksack between Nugent’s corner and the Middle Fork junction with the North Fork is 1 in 10,000 years. The question here is does the risk of a lahar once in 10,000 years justify the prohibition of fire and police stations, medical facilities, jails, government communications centers, emergency response facilities, power generating stations, public utility facilities, wastewater treatment plants, structures containing toxic or explosive chemicals, schools, daycare centers, residences for incapacitated patients, motels, large restaurants, convention centers, churches, theaters, and other facilities in Nugent’s Corner, Deming, or anywhere else on the floodplain? The situation in the North Fork is different because no lahars have come down it, so the probability of one happening is zero, but the possibility of one happening in future is not zero. So the question here is even though the probability of a lahar in the North Fork is zero, does the possible risk of a lahar justify the prohibition of fire and police stations, medical facilities, jails, government communications centers, emergency response facilities, power generating stations, public utility facilities, wastewater treatment plants, structures containing toxic or explosive chemicals, schools, daycare centers, residences for incapacitated patients, motels, large restaurants, convention centers, churches, theaters, and other facilities in Glacier or anywhere else on the North Fork floodplain?

Potential hazards from lava flows and pyroclastic flows Both the USGS 1995 volcanic hazards map and the Planning Dept. map show lava flows and pyroclastic flows extending down Glacier Creek to the town of Glacier and down Wells Creek to its confluence with the Nooksack North Fork. However, no lava flows or pyroclastic deposits occur in these valleys, nor are they likely to, because they are restricted to the vicinity of Mt. Baker. Thus, no further consideration of these volcanic hazards need be made.

Will the proposed restrictions improve the safety of the population on the Nooksack floodplain from volcanic hazards?

Unfortunately, they will not. Although the regulations would limit the number of people in the floodplain, they would do nothing to improve the safety of the people who are there. Only an early warning system coupled with an evacuation plan can improve the safety of residents on the floodplain.

Early warning seismic monitoring and evacuating planning Volcanic eruptions can be accurately predicted with modern seismic monitoring. Hundreds to thousands of beneath a volcano precede eruptions. As lava rises to the surface, it creates a unique type of known as harmonic tremor, a type of continuous vibration that means eruption of lava is imminent. Seismic early warning systems can alert people that an eruption is imminent in time to allow evacuation of areas having volcanic hazards. The only way to insure the safety of people on a floodplain in a volcanic hazard zone is by early warning from seismic monitoring and an evacuation plan.



In places like the Nooksack floodplain between Everson and Bellingham Bay, both the probable and potential lahar hazard is zero. Elsewhere, most of the Nooksack floodplain has a potential lahar hazard of once in 10,000 years.

The overall effect of the proposed regulations is not to allow fire and police stations, medical facilities, jails, government communications centers, emergency response facilities, power generating stations, public utility facilities, wastewater treatment plants, structures containing toxic or explosive chemicals, schools, daycare centers, residences for incapacitated patients, motels, large restaurants, convention centers, churches, theaters, and other facilities in Ferndale, Everson, Nooksack, Sumas, Nugent’s Corner, Deming, Glacier, or elsewhere on the Nooksack floodplain. The question is, does a potential lahar hazard of once in 10,000 years justify these restrictions?

None of proposed regulations can improve the safety of residents on the Nooksack floodplain—they can only limit the number of people on the floodplain. Improving safety from lahar hazards on the floodplain can only be accomplished by installing an early warning of seismic monitoring on Mt. Baker, coupled with an evacuation plan for the floodplain. This should be the number one priority.


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Easterbrook, D. J. and Kovanen, D. J., 1996, Evidence for 45-km-long, post-Cordilleran-ice-sheet, alpine glaciers in the Nooksack North Fork, North Cascades, WA, between 11,500 and 10,000 14C-yrs. B.P.: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 28, p.434 . Easterbrook, D.J. and Kovanen, D. J., 1996, Far-reaching mid-Holocene lahar from Mt. Baker in the Nooksack Valley of the North Cascades, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 28, p.64. Easterbrook, D.J. and Kovanen, D.J., 1996, New evidence for late-glacial, post- Cordilleran-ice-sheet readvance of alpine glaciers in the North Cascades, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 28, p.83. Easterbrook, D.J. and Kovanen, D.J., 1998, Pre-Younger Dryas resurgence of the southwestern margin of the Cordilleran ice sheet, , ; discussion: Boreas, vol. 27, p.225-230 . Easterbrook, D.J. and Kovanen, D.J., 1999, Early Holocene glaciation of the North Cascades, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 31, p.52. Easterbrook, D.J., and Kovanen, D.J., 2000, Cyclical oscillation of Mt. Baker glaciers in response to climatic changes and their correlation with periodic oceanographic changes in the northeast Pacific Ocean: Abstracts with Program, Geological Society of America, vol. 32, p. 17. Easterbrook, D.J. and McCarten, C.A., 1988, Causes of debris torrents in the Pacific Northwest: In Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 20, p.157. Easterbrook, D.J. and Rahm, D.A., 1970, Landforms of Washington: Union Printing Co., 156 p. Easterbrook, D.J., Kovanen, D.J., and Slaymaker, O., 2007, New developments in Late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation and volcanism in the Fraser Lowland and North Cascades, Washington: Geological Society of America Field Guide 9, p. 31˗56. Easterbrook, D. J., Kovanen, D.J., Evenson, E. B., and Olsen, O., 1996, Evidence for two readvances of long, post-Cordilleran-ice-sheet, alpine glaciers between 12,000 and 10,000 14C-yrs. B.P. in the Nooksack Middle Fork, North Cascades, WA: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 28, p.434. Easterbrook, D.J., Pierce, K., Gosse, J., Gillespie, A., Evenson, E., and Hamblin, K., 2003, Quaternary geology of the western United States, International Quatenary Association, 2003 Field Guide Volume, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, p. 19-79. Easterbrook, D.J., Gosse, J., Sherard, C., Finkel, R., and Evenson, E., 2011, Evidence for synchronous global climatic events: Cosmogenic exposure ages of glaciations: in Evidence-Based Climate Science, Elsevier Inc., p. 53-88. Engebretson, D.C., Easterbrook, D.J. and Kovanen, D.J., 1995, Relationships of very large, deep-seated, bedrock landslides and concentrated, shallow earthquakes: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 27, p.377. Engebretson, D.C., Easterbrook, D.J., and Kovanen, D.J., 1996, Triggering of very large, deep-seated, bedrock landslides by concentrated, shallow earthquakes in the North Cascades, WA: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 28, p.64. Fuller, S.R., Easterbrook, D. J., and Burke, R., 1983, Holocene glacial activity in five valleys on the flanks of Mt. Baker, Washington: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v. 15, p. 430-431. Gardner, C.A., Scott, K.M., Miller C.D., Myers, B., Hildreth, W., and Pringle P.T., 1995, Potential Volcanic Hazards from Future Activity of Mount Baker, Washington: USGS Open-File Report 95-498, 16 p.


Hildreth, W., Fierstein, J., and Lanphere, M., 2003. Eruptive history and geo-chronology of the Mount Baker volcanic field, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 115, p. 729˗764. Hyde, J.H., and Crandell, D.R., 1978, Postglacial volcanic deposits at Mount Baker, Washington, and potential hazards from future eruptions: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1022-C, 17 p. Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J., 1996, Extensive readvance of Late Pleistocene (Y.D.?) Alpine Glaciers in the Nooksack River Valley, 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, following retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, North Cascades, Washington: Friends of the Pleistocene, Pacific Coast Cell Field Trip Guidebook, 74 p. Kovanen, D.J. and Easterbrook, D.J., 1997, Major drainage changes of the and Nooksack rivers of SW British Columbia, Canada and NW Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 29, p.23. Kovanen, D.J. and Easterbrook, D.J., 1998, 10,600-yr-old age of post-Cordilleran-ice-sheet alpine glaciation in the Nooksack Valley, North Cascades, WA: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 30, p.165. Kovanen, D.J. and Easterbrook, D.J., 1999, Holocene tephras and lahars from Mt. Baker, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 31, p.71. Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J., 2001, Late Pleistocene, post-Vashon alpine glaciation of the Nooksack drainage, North Cascades, Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 113, p. 274-288. Kovanen, D.J., and Easterbrook, D.J. , 2002, Timing and extent of Allerød and Younger Dryas age (ca. 12,500– 10,000 14C yr BP) oscillations of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in the Fraser Lowland, Western : Quaternary Research, vol. 57, p. 208-224. Kovanen, D. J., and Easterbrook, D. J., and Thomas, P.A., 2001, Holocene eruptive history of Mt. Baker, Washington: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 38, p. 1355-1366. Syverson, T., Easterbrook, D.J., and McCarten, C., 1985, Cause of debris torrents in the Cascade foothills of Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 17, p.411-412. Thomas, P.A and Easterbrook, D.J., 1997, Late Quaternary glacial advances on Mt Baker, Washington: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, vol. 29, p.69. Thomas, P.A., Easterbrook, D.J., and Clark, P.U., 2000, Early Holocene glaciation on Mt. Baker, Washington State, USA: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 19, p.1043-1046.