Problem Gambling: How Japan Could Actually Become the Next Las Vegas
[Type here] PROBLEM GAMBLING: HOW JAPAN COULD ACTUALLY BECOME THE NEXT LAS VEGAS Jennifer Roberts and Ted Johnson INTRODUCTION Although with each passing day it appears less likely that integrated resorts with legalized gaming will become part of the Tokyo landscape in time for the city’s hosting of the summer Olympics in 20201, there is still substantial international interest in whether Japan will implement a regulatory system to oversee casino-style gaming. In 2001, Macau opened its doors for outside companies to conduct casino gaming operations as part of its modernized gaming regulatory system.2 At that time, it was believed that Macau would become the next Las Vegas.3 Just a few years after the new resorts opened, many operated by Las Vegas casino company powerhouses, Macau surpassed Las Vegas as the “gambling center” at one point.4 With tighter restrictions and crackdowns on corruption, Macau has since experienced declines in gaming revenue.5 When other countries across Asia have either contemplated or adopted gaming regulatory systems, it is often believed that they could become the 1 See 2020 Host City Election, OLYMPIC.ORG, city-election (last visited Oct. 25, 2015). 2 Macau Gaming Summary, UNLV CTR. FOR GAMING RES., http://gaming. abstract/macau.html (last visited Oct. 25, 2015). 3 David Lung, Introduction: The Future of Macao’s Past, in THE CONSERVATION OF URBAN HERITAGE: MACAO VISION – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE xiii, xiii (The Cultural Inst. of the Macao S. A. R. Gov’t: Studies, Research & Publ’ns Div. 2002), (noting, in 2002, of outside investment as possibly creating a “Las Vegas of the East”).
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