AR 916

Evangelist Jack Stanton, 1959

January, 2017

Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives Jack Stanton Papers

AR 916

Summary Main Entry: Jack Stanton Papers

Date Span: 1938-2002

Size: 37.5 linear ft. (90 document boxes)

Abstract: The collection contains materials documenting the work and ministry of Southern Baptist evangelist and professor Jack Stanton. Stanton served as director of the evangelism department at the Home Mission Board and as professor of evangelism at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri. Collection includes correspondence, subject files, and and articles related to a broad array of Southern Baptist evangelism activities in the mid to late 20th century.

Biographical Sketch Jack Stanton, known as “Mr. Evangelism” served as director of the evangelism department at the Home Mission Board and as professor of evangelism at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri. He also taught at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO, and served as secretary of evangelism of the Kansas and Colorado Baptist Convention.

Stanton was born August 31, 1919, in East St. Louis, Illinois. Stanton attended William Jewell College but earned a bachelor of arts Shurtleff College in Alton, Illinois. IN 1941 he married Mary Skrivan. Together they had two daughters, Mary Lee and Melody Ann. He received a bachelor of divinity degree from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City (1955) and doctor of theology degree from Luther Rice Seminary in 1974.

Stanton was the author of the widely used How to Have a Full and Meaningful Life” evangelistic booklet. He co-authored the booklet “We are Witnesses” and Handbook on Evangelism. He directed numerous evangelistic crusades, primarily across the western , and coordinated Baptist Jubilee Revivals throughout Jamaica and Panama, with tens of thousands professions of faith. In 1964 Stanton directed the West Coast Laymen’s Crusade which involved 900 lay8 men witnessing in churches in California, Washington, Oregon, and Western Canada. He made an evangelistic trip around the world and has been in all 50 states and 80 countries for evangelistic outreach.

Stanton was elected first vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1986 and 1987. He was elected director of lay evangelism for the Baptist World Alliance men’s department for two five-year terms (1990-1995 and 1995-2000). The Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists honored Stanton for Outstanding Achievement in Evangelism during the 1996 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting.

2 Jack Stanton died July 14, 2002. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Bolivar, Missouri.

Scope and Content Notes The Jack Stanton Papers is the personal collection of correspondence, subject files, and sermons and articles of one of Southern Baptists most influential evangelists of the last half of the 20th century. Biographical files on Baptist evangelists and promotional materials related to evangelistic crusades are also included in the collection. The papers span the period from 1938 through 2002 and represent more than 50 years of active evangelistic ministry both in the United States and abroad. The majority of the collection covers the period from 1960-2002.

Arrangement Folders are arranged alphabetically by folder title.

Provenance Donated to the Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives by Southwest Baptist University, 2011.

Preferred Citation Jack Stanton Papers, Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee.

Access Restrictions None

Subject Terms Appleman, Hyman J., 1902- Criswell, W. A. (Wallie A.), 1909 – 2002 Gage, Freddie, 1933- Graham, Billy, 1918-2018 Hendley, Jesse Murphy, 1907-1994 Martinez, Angel Smith, Gypsy Stanton, Jack, 1919-2002 Chaplains, Military Evangelistic work – United States Evangelists – United States – Biography Evangelism Sermons, American Southern Baptist Convention – Home Mission Board

Related Materials

Edward William Martin Papers. Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives, AR 809.

Jesse Murphy Hendley Collection. Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives, AR848.

3 Stanton, Jack. The Christian witness : study material for members of the pastor’s training class for Christian witnesses, 1967.

Stanton, Jack. How to come alive in Christ and share him with others, 1965.

Container List Box 1 1.1 A Look: Remembering, Recording, Learning, Deciding, Acting for Evangelism, 1976 1.2 Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education – Princeton Seminary, NJ, October 5 – 8, 2000 1.3 Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education – SBTS – October 6-8, 1994 1.4 Academy of Evangelism in Theological Education – Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology, October 4-6, 2001 1.5 ACTE, 2001 1.6 After Good News America Revivals 1.7 Applying God’s Word to My Life 1.8 All Southern Baptist Student Conference Songs – Memphis, October 27-30, 1938 1.9 The Alohaloni Advocate – Evangelicals of Hawaii and the Pacific Basin 1.10 American Bible Society Media Relations Materials 1.11 American Festival of Evangelism – Kansas City, Missouri, 1981 1.12 Amsterdam 2000, July 29 – August 8, 2000 1.13 Appelman, Hyman J. 1.14 Appelman, Dr. Hyman J. – Funeral Program 1.15 Area Crusade Committees field Test Manuscript 1.16 Area Crusade Preparation – Dr. Leonard Sanderson 1.17 Associational Evangelistic Conferences, 1955-1956 1.18 Articles – Abernathy, Jerry Don – Eight Dangers to Effective Evangelism 1.19 Articles – Akins, Dr. Wade – Every Christian a Missionary 1.20 Articles – Autrey, Dr. C. E. – The Doctrine of Motivation, 1966 1.21 Articles – Average Southern Baptist Church Still Small, 1991 1.22 Articles – Baby Busters Pegged as Deficient in Values, the ‘X-ers’ are Really No Different than Past Generations 1.23 Articles – Backhouse, Norman – Signs and Wonders: Distinguishing the Baby from the Bathwater, Vineyard Movement, 1987 1.24 Baptisms up 6.2 Percent in South Carolina Last Year, 1995 1.25 Articles – Beachreach ’96 to Launch Evangelism Outreach, 1996 1.26 Articles – Bell, Jr., Dr. William E. – The Doctrine of Scripture, 1978-1979 1.27 Area Crusade – An Introduction 1.28 Articles – Bethea – Missionary to Kenya, 1991 1.29 Articles – Bisagno, John – The Offspring 1.30 Articles – Boham – Tal D. – Bended Knees and Burdened Hearts, 1977 1.31 Articles – Breaten, Carl E. – Meaning of Evangelization in the Context of God’s Universal Grace. 1.32 Bridges, Erich – Overseas Baptisms Top 30,000 for the First Time, 1995 1.33 Articles – Bristow, Wayne – Calling Men to Christ, 1987

4 1.34 Articles – Bristow, Wayne – Evangelistic Preaching, 1989 1.35 Articles – Bristow, Wayne – How to Select an Evangelistic Team, 1989 1.36 Articles – Bristow, Wayne – Personal Revival Experience Plan, 1988 1.37 Articles – Broadcasting Lab 1.38 Articles – Brown, Dr. Autry – The Bible and Pastoral Counseling 1.39 Articles – Brown, Glenn A. – Faith Affects Physical Healing, 1995 1.40 Articles – Brown, Jay – The Evangelistic Invitation 1.41 Articles – Brown, Jay – Revival Preaching 1.42 Articles – Brown, Jay – Suggested Prayer Concerns for Revival 1.43 Articles – Cairns, Earle E. – An Endless Line of Splendor (quote from Page 270) 1.44 Camp, Ken – Smaller Membership Churches Study Growth 1.45 Carson, Glenn Thomas – L. R. Scarborough: The Lean Years, 1994 1.46 Articles – Chafin – Wasn’t Talking About SBC Revival Programs

Box 2 2.1 Articles – Christian, NeNave” 2.2 Articles – “Christians Must Reach Cities to Reach Word, says Hastey” 2.3 Articles – “Clinical Psychology Provides Evidence of Angels and Devils,” ca. 1976 2.4 Articles – Cole, Pat – “Baptists Differ on Evangelism Styles” 2.5 Articles – Cole, Pat – “Creating Strategies for Service,” 1994 2.6 Articles – Communication 2.7 Articles – “A Conservative Southern Baptist Affirmation,” 1988 2.8 Articles – “Creationism,” 1987 2.9 Articles – “The Crisis of Our Cities – Our Response” 2.10 Articles – Crump, Edward L. – “The Ministry of Ushering” 2.11 Articles – Dametz, Dr. Maurice – “How old the Earth?” 1978 2.12 Articles – Deacon Articles 2.13 Articles – Dead Sea Scrolls, 1991 2.14 Articles – “The Destructive Power of Missions” 2.15 Articles – “The Divine Inspiration of the Bible,” ca. 1994 2.16 Articles – Divorce 2.17 Articles – Donnell, Mark – “Here’s Hope – Share Jesus Now. Update,” ca. 1994 2.18 Articles – Dotson, James – “U. S. Experiencing Revival says Graham” 2.19 Articles – Druin, Today – “Jesus: Savior, Lord, and Servant Leader” 2.20 Articles – Dunn, Charles W. – “My Last Lecture, “April 10, 1974 2.21 Articles – Eternal Security of the Believer 2.22 Articles – Evangelism 2.23 Articles – “Evangelism and a Poet Secular Society, “1996 2.24 Articles – “Evangelism and the Theological Curriculum,” Candler School of Theology – Emory University, 1987 2.25 Articles – Evolution 2.26 Articles – “Expectation for Baptist Clergy: A source of Stress” 2.27 Articles – Finney, Charles G. – “Keys to Renewal: Truth and Power” 2.28 Articles – “The Flood: Geologists Believe it Happened 10,500 Years Ago” 2.29 Articles – “Follow Me and I will Make You Fishers of Men” 2.30 Articles – “Gain, Loss Stats Argue for Knowledge of Other ,” ca. 1976

5 2.31 Articles – Gallup, George – “Disenchantment with Subsiding” 2.32 Articles – “Good New America Revival Crusade Report,” 1986 2.33 Articles – Griffin, Jack – “The Mr. Jenner Story” 2.34 Hobbs, Herschel H. – “How Should Christian Observe the Lord’s Day?’ 1986 2.35 Hobbs, Herschel H. – “Impossible to Repent?” 2.36 Articles – Hobbs, Herschel H. – Key Baptist Doctrines Focus on Worship,” 1995 2.37 Articles – Hobbs, Herschel H. –“The Name ‘Disciple’” 2.38 Articles – Horre, Chevis R. – “The Preacher and His Humanity,” 1984 2.39 Articles – Humphreys, Fisher – “Considering a Theology of the Laity,” 1984 2.40 “Is Belief in Hell Making a Comeback?” 1994 2.41 Articles – Jackson, Larry – “Recreation” – An Evangelistic Arm of the Church,” 1988 2.42 Articles – Jesus Movement, Articles About 2.43 Articles – Jesus Seminars, Articles About 2.44 Articles – Johnson, Dr. Richard– “Impressions” 2.45 Articles – Knox, Merv – “Bad Assumptions can Hinder Churches,” 1996 2.46 Articles – Knox, Merv – “Generations’ Tug-of-War – Pulls on Churches 2.47 Articles – Knox, Merv – “The Next Church” 2.48 Articles – Knox, Merv – “Witnessing Outpaces Preaching” 2.49 Articles – LeFever, Alan – “B. H. Carroll” The Beginnings of Southwestern,” 1993 2.50 Articles – LeFever, Alan – “B. H. Carroll and the Final Years,” 1993 2.51 Articles – LeFever, Alan – “B. H. Carroll: The Renowned Preacher,” 1993 2.52 Articles – LeFever, Alan – “The Conversion of B. H. Carroll,” 1992 2.53 Articles – “Limitations in Missions” 2.54 Articles – Livingston, Mike – “High Touch” (Church Growth) 2.55 Articles – Lowry, Jim – “Social Issues Require Forgiveness,” 1985 2.56 Articles – Manning, Jack W. – “Personal Soul Winning in the Bible” 2.57 Articles – Martin, Don – “FMB Releases Healthy Report Card for 1993” (Baptisms Overseas), 1994 2.58 Articles – Martin, Joyce Sweeny – “Everyone Has Different Expectations of Church” 2.59 Articles – “Mass Movements” 2.60 Articles – Mathews, Bob E. “Truck stop Ministries Reach Out to Forgotten,” 1995 2.61 Articles – McBeth, Leon – Attitudes Toward Civil Government,” 1993 2.62 Articles – McClain, Kathleen – “Moderate Baptists OK New Path to Fund Missions” 2.63 Articles – “Mega-Churches the Exception, Not Rule,” 1996 2.64 Articles – Miscellaneous 2.65 Articles – Moore, Louis – “Different Terms, Views Complicate Witnessing,” 1997 2.66 Articles – Morgan, Elizabeth – “Whatever Happened to Worship?” 1987 2.67 Articles – “Most People Open to Talking Religion,” 1995 2.68 Articles – Newspaper Clippings/Miscellaneous Articles 2.69 Articles – Newton, Tim – “Our Changing Music” Articles, 1996

Box 3 3.1 Articles – Mook, Jane Day – “TM: A New Label for an Old Discipline,” 1975

6 3.2 Articles – “Not Dispensationalism, But Hermeneutics is the Issue” 3.3 Articles – “Now Try a Lay-Led Revival,” 1983 3.4 Articles – Olson, Frank H. – “Death Can Be Beautiful,” 1991 3.5 Articles – “‘Outstanding’ Teenagers Are Becoming Conservative on Moral, Social Issues,” 1975 3.6 Articles – “ Parable of the Orange Tree” 3.7 Articles – Parker, Dave – “Inola, First ‘Breakthrough’ Brings Rapid Growth,” 1994 3.8 Articles – “The Pastor and the Evangelist” 3.9 Articles – Pinnock, Clark H. – “Theology, Truth, and Evangelism,” 1967 3.10 Articles – The Prayer Seminar Ministry,” 1983 3.11 Articles – Preaching 3.12 Articles – “Religious Freedom, Americans Enjoy 200 years of,” 1991 3.13 Articles – “Renewing Theological Education: Confessions of a Seminary Professor 3.14 Articles – Revival 3.15 Articles – Revival/Evangelism 3.16 Articles – Roe, Henry – “Setting Up An Evangelism Association” 3.17 Articles – Rutledge, John – “Physician Says Tracts in Cabs Save Lives, Souls,” 1995 3.18 Articles – Sanders, Brenda J. – “Cowling Ministers on the Boardwalk” 3.19 Articles – Sanderson, Dr. Leonard – “Authentic Evangelism” 3.20 Articles – Sanderson, Dr. Leonard – “Revival Preparation” 3.21 Articles – “Single Tract Yields 2,310 Conversions,” 1995 3.22 Articles – Spriggs, Clayton – “Behind Every Great Pastor,” 1994 3.23 Articles – “Survey Shows Ethics of U. S. Clergy Causing ‘Contemporary Concerns,”1976 3.24 Articles – Taylor, Royal – “Vacation Revival” 3.25 Articles – Terry, Bob – When the Messenger and Message Don’t Fit” 3.26 Articles – “Three-Hour” Church Week Could Reach Busy Members,” 1996 3.27 Articles – Vaudrey, Stephen J. – “How to Win your Husband to Christ” 3.28 Articles – “’Vision 2000’ Sees Results at Sullivan’s Island Church,” 1995 3.29 Articles – Walker, Ken – “Increasing Number See Spirited Awakening,” 1994 3.30 Articles – Whitefield, George – “Evangelism Sketches” 3.31 Articles – Wood, Larry – Key Principles of Evangelism and Church Growth for the Smaller Church” 3.32 Articles – Zimmerman, Sarah – “Growing Churches,” 1995 3.33 Articles – Zimmerman, Sarah – “Ministry Opportunity Knocks on Multi-Housing Doors” 3.34 Asian Baptist News, 1984 3.35 Association of Baptist Teachers of Religion 3.36 Associational Chairmen of Evangelism, Pamphlets 1 & 2, 1966-1971 3.37 Associational Sunday School Witnessing Clinic Guidebook, 1968 3.38 Audio Cassettes, Christian 3.39 Badry, Jamall, ca 1989, 1991 3.40 Baker, Dick 3.41 “A Band of Believers Totally Committed to Christ” 3.42 Baptism Category, An Analysis of Southern Baptist Churches by – Research Report, 1992 3.43 Baptism – General/Statistical Information 3.44 Baptism Totals, 1994

7 3.45 Baptisms – Analysis by State, 1955 – 1978 3.46 Baptisms – Statistics by Association and Church, 1992 3.47 Baptisms – Texas Churches Baptizing 100 or more, 1989 – 1990 3.48 Baptisms – Top 25 Churches (Texas), 1974 3.49 Baptist Colleges 3.50 Baptist Courier, 2002

Box 4 4.1 Baptist digest: Publication of the Kansas Convention of Southern Baptists,” 1954 & 1956 4.2 Baptist Laymen’s Witnessing Foundation, Inc., 1981 4.3 Baptist Standard, 2001 – 2002 4.4 Baptist World Alliance 4.5 BWA – All-Africa Baptist Fellowship Report, 1991 4.6 BWA – Baptist Express – Report, 1991 4.7 BWA – Baptist Heritage Committee, 1996-1997, 1999 4.8 BWA – Baptist Men’s World – Publication, 1991-1992, 1994 4.9 BWA – Baptist World, 1994-1996, 2001-2002, 1999 4.10 BWA – BWA News – Publication, 1991-1998, 2000-2001 4.11 BWA – Brochures/Publicity 4.12 BWA – BWAid 4.13 BWA – The Deed – Publication, 1996-1999, 2001 4.14 BWA – Evangelism and Education Division, 1986, 1988, 1990-1991 4.15 BWA – Evangelism/Education Workgroup, 1991 4.16 BWA – 4th World Conference of Baptist Men – Cardiff, Wales. July 1-5, 1987 4.17 BWA – General Council, 1992, 1996-1997 4.18 BWA – Baptist World Alliance General Council – Vancouver, Canada. July 3-9, 1997 4.19 Baptist World Alliance General Council Meeting, Hong Kong. July 3-9, 1996

Box 5 5.1 BWA General Council Meeting – Charlottetown, Canada. July 27, 2001 5.2 BSA Haitian Baptist Convention Report, 1991 5.3 Baptist World Alliance – Men’s Department 5.4 Baptist World Alliance – Men’s Department – Executive Committee Meeting, 1992 & 1996 5.5 BWA – National Evangelism Workshop, 1991 5.6 BWA – The Seoul Covenant

5.7 Baptist World Alliance – 6th World Conference of Baptist Men, 1993 (1 of 2) 5.8 Baptist World Alliance – 6th World Conference of Baptist Men, 1993 (2 of 2) 5.9 BWA – The State of the Alliance, 1996 5.10 BWA – Theological Assistance Group, 1992 5.11 BWA – Women’s Department 5.12 BWA – World Apart Program 5.13 Baptist World Alliance – World Mission of Reconciliation Through Jesus Christ, 1971- 1975

8 5.14 BWA – Youth Department, 1991-1993 5.15 Baptists, Black 5.16 Barbados Baptist College 5.17 Barrington, Barrington, and Religious Communications Corp. Agreement, 1973 5.18 Basic Materials for the 1973-1979 Emphasis on “Sharing Christ” 5.19 Battlefield Bulletin Material, ca. 1950 5.20 Beaty, Bob, 1988-2001 5.21 Bennett, Nell

Box 6 6.1 Bible – Articles and General Information 6.2 Bible – Biblical Inspiration, 1986 6.3 Bible Study Fellowship Campaign 6.4 Biblical Basis for Evangelism: What Some Members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are Saying about Evangelism, 1976 6.5 Bill Glass Evangelistic Association Materials 6.6 Billy Graham School of Evangelism 6.7 Evangelistic Crusades 6.8 Biographical File – Blair, James T. (Tommy) 6.9 Biographical File – Abernathy, Jerry Don 6.10 Biographical File – Adkerson, John 6.11 Biographical File – Adams, Richard 6.12 Biographical File – Akins, Wade 6.13 Biographical File – Allee, Vincel R. 6.14 Biographical File – Amberson, Talmadge Richard 6.15 Biographical File – Ammerman, Elmer H. (Jim) 6.16 Biographical File – Anderson, Paul W. 6.17 Biographical File – Armstrong, D. Wade 6.18 Biographical File – Arneson, Mark 6.19 Biographical File – Atkinson, Eddie 6.20 Biographical File – Ballard, Willard 6.21 Biographical File – Barnes, Jeff, Jr. 6.22 Biographical File – Bartkowski, Steve 6.23 Biographical File – Bennett, David (Dave) Leo 6.24 Biographical File – Berry, Don C. 6.25 Biographical File – Bisher, Raymond Lee 6.26 Biographical File – Blessitt, Arthur 6.27 Biographical File – Bolin, James E., Jr. 6.28 Biographical File – Boone, William Thomas (Tom) 6.29 Biographical File – Box, Paul 6.30 Biographical File – Bradford, Gary Dee 6.31 Biographical File – Bradley, Larry G. 6.32 Biographical File – Brammer, Chris A. 6.33 Biographical File – Brister, Mark 6.34 Biographical File – Bristow, Wayne 6.35 Biographical File – Britt, Bobby

9 6.36 Biographical File – Brock, Jerry 6.37 Biographical File – Brooks, David Lee 6.38 Biographical File – Brooks, Michael Sean 6.39 Biographical File – Broyles, Paul Edward 6.40 Biographical File – Brumley, T. Mike 6.41 Biographical File – Brust, Gerald C. 6.42 Biographical File – Buchanan, Greg 6.43 Biographical File – Buchanek, Allen 6.44 Biographical File – Burger, Donald R. 6.45 Biographical File – Burnett, Bob and Jo Ann 6.46 Biographical File – Cannady, Alan Ray 6.47 Biographical File – Carter, Kenneth E. 6.48 Biographical File – Castro, Lee 6.49 Biographical File – Carin, David A. 6.50 Biographical File – Chafin, Kenneth L. 6.51 Biographical File – Chastine, Ronald F. 6.52 Biographical File – Clark, Lawrence (Jack) 6.53 Biographical File – Chiles, Clyde 6.54 Biographical File – Clippard, David E. 6.55 Biographical File – Coffey, Kent S. 6.56 Biographical File – Coldiron, Jim 6.57 Biographical File – Conway, Hu 6.58 Biographical File – Coppedge, L. Joe 6.59 Biographical File – Credille, Brian Keith 6.60 Biographical File – Criswell, W. A.

Box 7 7.1 Biographical File – Davidson, June A. 7.2 Biographical File – Dawkins, Bill 7.3 Biographical File – Day, Lon L., Jr. 7.4 Biographical File – Deatrick, Timothy T. 7.5 Biographical File – Dees, Delton 7.6 Biographical File – Demeter, Don 7.7 Biographical File – Dominguez, Pete 7.8 Biographical File – Draper, Charles W. 7.9 Biographical File – Ellis, R. Perry 7.10 Biographical File – Etter, Guy F. 7.11 Biographical File – Evans, Harold Thomas 7.12 Biographical File – Finley, Dean Nolan 7.13 Biographical File – Freeman, Thomas F. 7.14 Biographical File – Fryear, Kevin J. 7.15 Biographical File – Gage, Freddie 7.16 Biographical File – Gardner, Iva 7.17 Biographical File – Garrett, Carl W. 7.18 Biographical File – Geurin, Jack 7.19 Biographical File – Gilchrist, Mike

10 7.20 Biographical File – Green, Jeffrey W. 7.21 Biographical File – Greenfield, Larry James 7.22 Biographical File – Hammers, Dan 7.23 Biographical File – Hart, Lloyd E. 7.24 Biographical File – Hawkins, Mike 7.25 Biographical File – Haynes, Larry G. 7.26 Biographical File – Hendrickson, R. Snider 7.27 Biographical File – Henry, James B. 7.28 Biographical File – Hernandez, Rudy A. 7.29 Biographical File – Herring. R. Wilbur 7.30 Biographical File – Hogan, J. Scotty 7.31 Biographical File – Hogue, C. B. (Bill) 7.32 Biographical File – Holt, David L. 7.33 Biographical File – Hoyte, Byron F. 7.34 Biographical File – Ibrahim, Simon Atukeh 7.35 Biographical File – Imdell, Mark K. 7.36 Biographical File – Jarrell, Dale 7.37 Biographical File – Jerrell, Roy 7.38 Biographical File – Johnson, Donald William 7.39 Biographical File – Johnson, R. Elton, Jr. 7.40 Biographical File – Johnson, Roger Dale 7.41 Biographical File – Kagy, Patrick D. 7.42 Biographical File – Kelly, Richard Lewis 7.43 Biographical File – Ketchum, Randal D. 7.44 Biographical File – King, Darrell Delbert 7.45 Biographical File – Kitchens, Dwain E. 7.46 Biographical File – Lawson, Eual Franklin 7.47 Biographical File – Lee, Peter H. 7.48 Biographical File – Leigh, S. M. 7.49 Biographical File – Leistner, Lowell 7.50 Biographical File – Long, Eileen E. 7.51 Biographical File – Lord, Peter M. 7.52 Biographical File – Maldonado, Jeanette 7.53 Biographical File – Martin, Dean M. 7.54 Biographical File – Martin, Joseph Stephen 7.55 Biographical File – Martinez, Angel 7.56 Biographical File – Maddox, Larry 7.57 Biographical File – McBride, Gene 7.58 Biographical File – McBride, Michael G. 7.59 Biographical File – McBride, Milton N.

Box 8 8.1 Biographical File – McLaughlin, Glen D. 8.2 Biographical File – Mershon, Jim 8.3 Biographical File – Miller, David R. 8.4 Biographical File – Mills, Ron

11 8.5 Biographical File – Morris, Max 8.6 Biographical File – Moseley, Fred Baker 8.7 Biographical File – Mosby, Lee D. 8.8 Biographical File – Murphey, John W. 8.9 Biographical File – North, Wayne L. 8.10 Biographical File – Nations, Glenn Elliott 8.11 Biographical File – Nations, Richard D. 8.12 Biographical File – Neal, Perry 8.13 Biographical File – Newport, Russell E. 8.14 Biographical File – Nix, Juan C. 8.15 Biographical File – Norton, Charles Wayne 8.16 Biographical File – Odom, Charles 8.17 Biographical File – Olford, Stephen 8.18 Biographical File – Payne, W. Lee 8.19 Biographical File – Pederson, Herbert L. 8.20 Biographical File – Pennington, Doyle R. 8.21 Biographical File – Phillips, Rex M. 8.22 Biographical File – Pitman, Hughie 8.23 Biographical File – Poe, Bill 8.24 Biographical File – Phelps, Tommy 8.25 Biographical File – Ponder, James A. 8.26 Biographical File – Pressnell, Claude Oral 8.27 Biographical File – Presswood, Daniel T. 8.28 Biographical File – Pursselley, John R. 8.29 Biographical File – Rait, Bert 8.30 Biographical File – Ramsey, Howard H. 8.31 Biographical File – Reber, Sidney 8.32 Biographical File – Reid, Alvin Lee 8.33 Biographical File – Reimer, James 8.34 Biographical File – Renfro, Thomas L. 8.35 Biographical File – Riley, Perry 8.36 Biographical File – Ring, David 8.37 Biographical File – Robinson, Ras 8.38 Biographical File – Rosa, Joaquim de Paula 8.39 Biographical File – Sadler, Robert Owen 8.40 Biographical File – Sauer, Bill 8.41 Biographical File – Schaeffer, R. H. 8.42 Biographical File – Scott, Milton E. 8.43 Biographical File – Scott, William Ray (Bill) 8.44 Biographical File – Scribner, Toby 8.45 Biographical File – Sells, Jim 8.46 Biographical File – Sherman, Jack 8.47 Biographical File – Shipman, Kenneth W. 8.48 Biographical File – Slates, Leonard 8.49 Biographical File – Simpson, Samuel G. 8.50 Biographical File – Smith, Bailey E.

12 8.51 Biographical File – Smith, Bertha 8.52 Biographical File – Smith, Brad Alan 8.53 Biographical File – Smith, Danny 8.54 Biographical File – Smith, James H. 8.55 Biographical File – Snipes, Felix 8.56 Biographical File – Soukup, Brad Scott 8.57 Biographical File – Spencer, Charles 8.58 Biographical File – Spencer, Jerry 8.59 Biographical File – Staggs, Larry G. 8.60 Biographical File – Stalnecker, Bette 8.61 Biographical File – Stammann, Daniel L. 8.62 Biographical File – Stanley, Rick 8.63 Biographical File – Stricklan, Jack Lavell 8.64 Biographical File – Sturm, Bill 8.65 Biographical File – Swearengin, Phil 8.66 Biographical File – Sybouts, Dan 8.67 Biographical File – Tanner, William G. 8.68 Biographical File – Tate, Richard 8.69 Biographical File – Tate, Sampson D. 8.70 Biographical File – Taylor, Larry 8.71 Biographical File – Temple, Paul V. 8.72 Biographical File – Turner, Jay W. 8.73 Biographical File – Tennison, Smokey C. 8.74 Biographical File – Voke, Roger Joan 8.75 Biographical File – Ware, Connie & Allison 8.76 Biographical File – Weibel, Aaron 8.77 Biographical File – White, Jeffrey Scott 8.78 Biographical File – Williams, David K. 8.79 Biographical File – Williams, Gavin D. 8.80 Biographical File – Williams, Gene Miller 8.81 Biographical File – Williams, John W. 8.82 Biographical File – Witzel, Don R. 8.83 Biographical File – Wolfe, Fred Hartwell 8.84 Biographical File – Wolfe, Sam 8.85 Biographical File – Worthen, Lyndell P., Jr. 8.86 Biographical File – Wright, John 8.87 Biographical File – Wroten, Pat 8.88 Biographical File – Young, Terry (Len) 8.89 Biographical File – Youree, James Hall, III

Box 9 9.1 Biographical Sketch – Jack Stanton 9.2 Bisagno Chain of Evangelism – The John – Newsletter – Houston Baptist University, 1993 – 1994 9.3 Bivocational Pastors – General Information 9.4 Blessitt, Arthur; 1981

13 9.5 Boggs, Guy Nelson 9.6 Books about Evangelism, 1950s 9.7 Boy Scouts, 1991 9.8 Boyce Bible School 9.9 Brazil, Information about (1 of 2) 9.10 Brazil, Information about (2 of 2)

Box 10 10.1 Bread for Life, 1991 10.2 Bread for the World, 1991 10.3 Bristow Evangelistic Association (Wayne) 10.4 Brown, Wilfred L. 10.5 Brumley, Rev. T. Mike 10.6 Buchanan Ministries, Greg 10.7 Bus Ministry 10.8 “The Bus Ministry,” ca. 1976 10.9 Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists – Convention Annuals, 1999-2000 10.10 Canadian Revival Fellowship 10.11 Celebrate Jesus 2000 Materials 10.12 Census, 1954 10.13 Certificates – Miscellaneous 10.14 Chatman Evangelistic Association, Charles 10.15 Child Evangelism 10.16 China, Information 10.17 Christ for the World – Annual Conference on Spiritual Awakening and Evangelism 10.18 Christ for the World – Annual Report, 1987-1988 10.19 Christ for the World – Annual Report, 1959-1991

Box 11 11.1 Christ for the World – Annual Report, 1994-1995 11.2 Christ for the World – Board Members 11.3 Christ for the World – Christ is Risen Booklet, 1987 11.4 Christ for the World – Family Magazine, 1987 11.5 Christ for the World – Financial Reports, 1987 – 1989, 1991 11.6 Christ for the World – Objectives 11.7 Christian Literature, Distribution of, September 11, 1986 11.8 “The Christian Witness,” by Jack Stanton, 1967 (and drafts) 11.9 The Church and the Christian Family – Resource Book from Southern Baptist Conference on Family Life, 1963 11.10 Church Bus Evangelism 11.11 Church Centered Evangelism – Bill Dudley, 1976-1979 11.12 The Church Counselor Materials – First Baptist Church – Ponca City, Oklahoma 11.13 A Church Evangelistic Crusade 11.14 Church Explodes with New Growth

14 Box 12 12.1 Church Growth 12.2 Church Growth and OIKOS Evangelism Forms, 1976 12.3 Church Growth – Church Growth Plans, Specific – Robert Gee Witty, Ph.D. 12.4 Church Growth – Covenant Baptist Church – Shepherdstown, WV, 1994 12.5 Church Growth – How to Start and Grow a Church in a New Area 12.6 Church Growth – Korea: Land of Church Growth 12.7 Church Growth – Music in Growing Churches, The Role of 12.8 Church Growth – National Church Growth Research Center 12.9 Church Growth – Principles of 12.10 Church Growth – Starting New Churches – Jack Stanton’s Notes 12.11 Church Growth – Statistics, 1977 12.12 Church Growth: Taking a Journey, 1996 12.13 Church Organization 12.14 Church Planting 12.15 Church Renewal Crusades – Evangelist Aubert Rose, Jr. – Material, 1977 12.16 Church Renewal Journey – A Lifestyle of Ministry and Evangelism 12.17 Church Survey Sheets 12.18 Church Survey – Small 12.19 Church Surveys – Tabulated 12.20 Church Training 2:4 (January, 1972) 12.21 Churches, America’s Largest, 1982 12.22 Churches – Bellvue Baptist – Cordova, Tennessee

Box 13 13.1 Churches – Binghamtown Baptist Church, Middlesboro, Kentucky, 1977 13.2 Churches – Carpenter Street Baptist Church, Moberty, Missouri 13.3 Churches – First Baptist Church, Aurora, Missouri 13.4 Churches – First Baptist Church, Camdenton, Missouri 13.5 Churches – First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida 13.6 Churches – First Baptist Church, Springdale, Arkansas 13.7 Churches – First Baptist Church, Bolivar, Missouri (Constitution) 13.8 Churches – First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas 13.9 Churches – Gateway Baptist Church, Roswell, Georgia 13.10 Churches – Gravel Ridge First Baptist Church (New Member Orientation) 13.11 Churches – Kidder Baptist Church 13.12 Churches – Moore Baptist Church, Moore, Oklahoma 13.13 Churches – Olivet Baptist Church, Wichita, Kansas (“The Olivetter”) 13.14 Churches – Tower Grove Baptist Church 13.15 Churches – Wellspring Mission, Overland Park, Kansas 13.16 Citywide or Area-wide Crusade Evangelism 13.17 Clippings – Undated 13.18 Clippings – 1966 13.19 Clippings – 1972 13.20 Clippings – 1975 13.21 Clippings – 1980

15 13.22 Clippings – 1981 13.23 Clippings – 1984 13.24 Clippings – 1986 13.25 Clippings – 1987 13.26 Clippings – 1988 13.27 Clippings – 1989 13.28 Clippings – 1991 13.29 Clippings – 1993 13.30 Clippings – 1994 13.31 Clippings – 1996 13.32 Clippings – 1997 13.33 Clippings – 2000 13.34 Clippings – 2001 13.35 Clippings – 2002

Box 13a 13a.1 Clyde Chiles – Turning Point Crusade 13a.2 Commission, 2000-2001 13a.3 Conference Center, Jim Mellers Evangelism and Possible Conferences 13a.4 Conferences – American Festival of Evangelism, 1980-1982 (Folder 1 of 2) 13a.5 Conferences – American Festival of Evangelism, 1980-1982 (Folder 2 of 2)

Box 14 14.1 Conferences – Evangelism and the Christian Liberal Arts College – Leadership Conference, June, 1993 14.2 Conferences – Evangelists Seminar and Workshop, January 17-19, 1985 14.3 Conferences – Conference of Vocational Evangelists – New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, December 16-18, 1985 14.4 Conferences – Evangelization Forum, October, 1976 14.5 Conferences – First World Conference of Baptist Evangelists, July, 1985 14.6 Conferences – Gathering of the Angels – Del City, Oklahoma, January, 11-12, 1992 14.7 Conferences – American Festival of Evangelism – Kansas City, Missouri, 1981 14.8 Conferences – Amsterdam International Conference for Itinerant Evangelism, 1983 14.9 Conferences – Amsterdam International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists, 1986 14.10 Conferences – Basic Church Evangelism in the Single Staff Church, July, 1993 14.11 Conferences – Boot Heel Evangelism Conference – New Madrid Baptist Association, January 26-28, 1984 14.12 Conferences – Conference for Evangelists, December, 1974 14.13 Conferences – Conference for Evangelists, December 15-19, 1975 (Southwest Baptist University) 14.14 Conferences – Conference of Practical Evangelism Ministry – South Haven, Mississippi – Correspondence, October 1-3, 1987 14.15 Conferences – Conference of Practical Evangelism Ministry – South Haven, Mississippi – Public Relations, October 1-3, 1987 14.16 Conferences – Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists 14.17 Conferences – Conferences on Evangelism, 1974-1975


Box 15 15.1 Conferences – Glorieta in the Ozarks, 1988 15.2 Conferences – Growing on Evangelistic Church Seminar, July 11-14, 1977 15.3 Conferences – Korea Tar, 1986 15.4 Conferences – Memphis Conference, August 21, 1992 15.5 Conferences – Metro Think Tank – New Orleans, November, 1974 15.6 Conferences – Misc. Conference Information, 1989 – 1991 15.7 Conferences – Mundesley Bible Conference, 1913 – 1916 15.8 Conferences – N.E.S.T. – Hilton Inn, Springfield, Missouri, April, 1981 (Folder 1 of 2) 15.9 Conferences – N.E.S.T. – Hilton Inn, Springfield, Missouri, April, 1981 (Folder 2 of 2) 15.10 Conferences – Nacie ’94 – Louisville, Kentucky, June 28-July 1, 1994 15.11 Conferences – National Evangelism Training Center, May, 1976 15.12 Conferences – National Mass Evangelism Conference – Two Rivers Baptist, Nashville, Tennessee, 1989 15.13 Conferences – National Witness Teams Seminar, 1980 15.14 Conferences – National Workshop on Evangelism for Pastors and Leaders of Small Congregations, 1980 15.15 Conferences – Ozark Awakening Conference, 1996 15.16 Conferences – Reaching a City for Christ (Suggested Speakers) 15.17 Conferences – Regional Workshop on Evangelism for Pastors and Leaders of Small Congregations, June 19-20, 1981 15.18 Conferences – Poe, Henry – Small Congregation Evangelism Conference, 1988 15.19 Conferences – Rural and Small Church Conferences – Preparation and Prices, 1985

Box 16 16.1 Conferences – Rural and Small Church Conference – Publicity and Promotion 16.2 Conferences – Small Church, Big Heart Conference, February 6, 1988 16.3 Conferences – Think Tank on Soul Winning, November, 1987 16.4 Conferences – Small Church Evangelism Conference, 1989 16.5 Conferences – Small Congregation Evangelism Conference, July 22-24, 1985 16.6 Conferences – Soul Winning Clinic – Bethlehem Church – Louisville, Kentucky, 1970 16.7 Conferences – South Africa Lay Training Tour, 1975 16.8 Conferences – Total Church Life Seminar, April 22-23, 1991 16.9 Conferences – Vocational Evangelism, On, 1977 – 1978 16.10 Conferences – Vocational Evangelists, Spring, 1985 16.11 Conferences – Vocational Evangelists Workshop – Bolivar, Maryland, December, 1980 16.12 Conferences – Washington Roundtable on Evangelism, 1989 (Folder 1 of 2) 16.13 Conferences – Washington Roundtable on Evangelism, 1989 (Folder 2 of 2) 16.14 Conferences – World Conference of Evangelists – Bolivar, Maryland, July, 1985 16.15 Congresses – Baptist World Alliance – Buenos Aires, August, 1995

Box 17 17.1 Congresses – Congress ’88 – Correspondence 17.2 Congresses – Congress ’88 – Festival of Evangelism 17.3 Congresses – Congress ’88 – Information Folder

17 17.4 Congresses – Congress ‘88 – Materials (Folder 1 of 2) 17.5 Congresses – Congress ’88 – Materials (Folder 2 of 2) 17.6 Congresses – Congress on Evangelizing Black America – Atlanta, 1988 17.7 Congresses – Eighth World Congress of Baptist Men – Taipei, Taiwan, July, 1997 17.8 Congresses – International Congress on World Evangelism – Lausanne, Switzerland – Information Bulletin, 1977 17.9 Congresses – International Congress on World Evangelism – Lausanne, Switzerland “The Nature of Biblical Evangelism” – by John R. W. Stott 17.10 Congresses – International Congress on World Evangelism – Lausanne, Switzerland – “Why Lausanne?” by Billy Graham, 1974 17.11 Congresses – Jerusalem Congress on the Bible, December 20, 1983 – January 3, 1984 17.12 Congresses – Latin American Congress on Urban Evangelism, 1982 17.13 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – American Executive Committee, 1952

Box 18 18.1 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Correspondence, 1982- 1983 18.2 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Executive Committee, 1982 18.3 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Mass Evangelism 18.4 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Miscellaneous 18.5 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Posters, 1983 18.6 Congresses – World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Suggested Outline and News Bulletin, 1983 18.7 Continued Witness Training Involvement – Activities – Twelve Sessions 18.8 Continued Witness Training Task Force, 1979 18.9 Continued Witness Training – Trainer’s Guide (Folder 1 of 2), 1979 18.10 Continued Witness Training – Trainer’s Guide (Folder 2 of 2), 1979 18.11 Continuing Education

Box 19 19.1 Correspondence – Ab-Ad, 1978-1989 19.2 Correspondence – Abernathy, Jerry Don, 1980-1987 19.3 Correspondence – Al-Am, 1979-1989 19.4 Correspondence – Andrews, Jerald, 1985-1989 19.5 Correspondence – Ap-Au, 1975-1989 19.6 Correspondence – Autry, C. E., 1975-1989 19.7 Correspondence – Ba- Bac, 1978-1985 19.8 Correspondence – Badry, Jamall, 1979-1989 19.9 Correspondence – Bae-Bai, 1977-1989 19.10 Correspondence – Bal-Bas, 1977-1989 19.11 Correspondence – Baker, 1975-1991 19.12 Correspondence – Baptist World Alliance, 1983-1995 19.13 Correspondence – Ben-Big, 1986-1989 19.14 Correspondence – Bea-Ben, 1984-1989

18 19.15 Correspondence – Bennett, Harold C., 1987-1988 19.16 Correspondence – Billingsley, C. Clyde, Jr., 1975-1989 19.17 Correspondence – Bin-Bis, 1979-1989

Box 20 20.1 Correspondence – Bl, 1965-1988 20.2 Correspondence – B1, 1977-1986 20.3 Correspondence – Blair, Glen and Elsie, 1990-1996 20.4 Correspondence – Bledsoe, Byron, 1990-1996 20.5 Correspondence – Blunt, Roy, 1993-1996 20.6 Correspondence – Bri-Bry, 1978-1989 20.7 Correspondence – Bristow, Wayne, 1975-1988 20.8 Correspondence – Bryant-Byler, 1921-1989 20.9 Correspondence – Bryant, W. H. “Dub”, 1984-1985 20.10 Correspondence – Bush, L. Russ, 1989 20.11 Correspondence – Butterfield, James D., 1991-1998

Box 21 21.1 Correspondence – Ca, 1975-1997 21.1a Correspondence – Cade, Walter, Jr., 1991-1996 21.2 Correspondence – Camp, William, 1975-1976 21.3 Correspondence – Campbell, Robert W., 1967-1992 21.4 Correspondence – Can-Cav, 1974-1996 21.5 Correspondence – Capehart, Marvin L, 1967-1996 21.6 Correspondence – Carpenter, Miller, 1987-1991 21.7 Correspondence – Carr, Jim, 1991-1997 21.8 Correspondence – Chance, Jay P., 1990-1992 21.9 Correspondence – Chaney, Charles, 1985-1995 21.10 Correspondence – Chaney, Edgar L., 1986-1994 21.11 Correspondence – Chatman, Charles E. (Evangelist), 1985-1995 21.12 Correspondence – Cherry, Charles L., 1988-1989 21.13 Correspondence – Chiles, Clyde, 1975-1995 21.14 Correspondence – Ch, 1979-1997 21.15 Correspondence – Cla-Cox, 1974-1998 21.16 Correspondence – Claiborne, Frank, 1977 21.17 Correspondence – Clark, Jack, 1975-1987 21.18 Correspondence – Clayton, Lynn P., 1979-1985 21.19 Correspondence – Clipper, David, 1986-1992

Box 22 22.1 Correspondence – Clower, Jerry, 1988-1997 22.2 Correspondence – Coleman, Robert, 1986-1995 22.3 Correspondence – Collum, Jane and Milton, 1986-1997 22.4 Correspondence – Cooper, Owen, 1978-1986 22.5 Correspondence – Cra-Cut, 1975-1998 22.6 Correspondence – Crabtree, T. T., 1977-1993

19 22.7 Correspondence – Craft, Ira, 1980-1996 22.8 Correspondence – Criswell, W. A., 1976-1996 22.9 Correspondence – Crumpler, Frank H., 1975-1993 22.10 Correspondence – Crutchfield, John A., 1985-1992 22.11 Correspondence – Da, 1975-1989 22.12 Correspondence – Daniels, E. J., 1978-1998 22.13 Correspondence – Daniels, E. J. (Mrs.), 1990-1998

Box 23 23.1 Correspondence – Dasal, Bob, 1979-1988 23.2 Correspondence – Davidson, Gerald and Verlena, 1985-1996 23.3 Correspondence – De-Dy, 1985-1998 23.4 Correspondence – Deatrick, Tim, 1990-1996 23.5 Correspondence – DeLoach, James, 1990-1993 23.6 Correspondence – Dorian, Gordon D., 1987-1990 23.7 Correspondence – Dowdy, John W., 1985-1997 23.8 Correspondence – Drace, Jerry, 1984-1995 23.9 Correspondence – Draper, Jimmy, 1979-1995 23.10 Correspondence – Drummond, Lewis A., 1985-1998 23.11 Correspondence – Dudley, Bill, 1980-1997 23.12 Correspondence – Duncan, Bill, 1987-1993 23.13 Correspondence – E, 1975-1997 23.14 Correspondence – Eason, Thomas, 1975 23.15 Correspondence – Eaves, James F., 1987-1994 23.16 Correspondence – Eggers, H. M. “Smokey” (Association of Baptists for Scouting), 1987- 1988 23.17 Correspondence – Eklund, Bobby L., 1985-1987

Box 24 24.1 Correspondence – Elder, Lloyd, 1989 24.2 Correspondence – Eliff, Tom, 1979-1996 24.3 Correspondence – Ellis, Perry and Robbie, 1984-1998 24.4 Correspondence – Evans, Dick, 1990-1996 24.5 Correspondence – F, 1975-1980 24.6 Correspondence – Fanini, Nilson, Baptist Convention of Brazil, 1977-1998 24.7 Correspondence – Fax Transmissions, 1992-1993 24.8 Correspondence – Fax Transmissions, 1993-1994 24.9 Correspondence – Fax Transmissions, 1994-1995 24.10 Correspondence – Fax Transmissions, 1996-1997 24.11 Correspondence – Ferguson, Rick E., 1991-1996 24.12 Correspondence – Files, Bill, 1990-1995 24.13 Correspondence – Fine, Steve, 1985-1992 24.14 Correspondence – Finfrock, Cecil, 1990-1997 24.15 Correspondence – Fish, Dr. Roy, 1990-1995

20 Box 25 25.1 Correspondence – Flanagan, James, 1994-1996 25.2 Correspondence – Floyd, Ronnie W., 1990-1996 25.3 Correspondence – Flowers, Ernest, 1992-1995 25.4 Correspondence – Fordham, Keith, 1987-1988 25.5 Correspondence – Foreign Mission Board, 1980-1985 25.6 Correspondence – Form Letters, 1991-1997 25.7 Correspondence – Frame, Jim 1990-1997 25.8 Correspondence – Freeman, Dale, 1991-1997 25.9 Correspondence – G, 1974-1997 25.10 Correspondence – Gabriel, Bob, 1975 25.11 Correspondence – Gage, Freddie, 1992-1994 25.12 Correspondence – Gainer, Melvin, 1977-1997 25.13 Correspondence – Gaines, Jane Ellen, 1976 25.14 Correspondence – Gard, Benny, 1978 25.15 Correspondence – Gardner, Ferrill G., 1974-1980 25.16 Correspondence – Garrison, Dr. and Mrs., 1989-1998 25.17 Correspondence – Garvin, Fred A., 1979 25.18 Correspondence – Gilmore, Gary, 1990-1995 25.19 Correspondence – Gott, Wayne, 1992-1996 25.20 Correspondence – Graham, Billy, 1990-1993 25.21 Correspondence – Graham, Finley M., 1976-1979 25.22 Correspondence – Graham, Jack, 1991 25.23 Correspondence – Green, Jeff, 1991-1996 25.24 Correspondence – Gregory, Joel, 1991-1992 25.25 Correspondence – Griffin, Felton, 1990-1995

Box 26 26.1 Correspondence – Hac-Hal, 1975-1999 26.2 Correspondence – Hale, Ron F., 1977-1988 26.3 Correspondence – Hale, Steve, 1992 26.4 Correspondence – Halsell, Thomas E. (West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists), 1986 26.5 Correspondence – Ham-Hay, 1985-1996 26.6 Correspondence – Hamblin, Bob (Evangelism Section, Home Mission Board), 1985-1988 26.7 Correspondence – Hamblin, Robert L., 1991-1993 26.8 Correspondence – Hamilton, Thad, 1988-1997 26.9 Correspondence – Hankins, David E., 1992 26.10 Correspondence – Hanson, Dennis M., 1993-1995 26.11 Correspondence – Hardin, Reid, 1990-1993 26.12 Correspondence – Harding, James E., (Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention), 1995 26.13 Correspondence – Harris, Floyd W., 1991-1998 26.14 Correspondence – Harris, Dr. Richard H., 1985-1996 26.15 Correspondence – Harrison, Bob, 1990-1997 26.16 Correspondence – Hawkins, D. S., 1994-1995 26.17 Correspondence – Haworth, Lloyd and Wanda, 1992-1997

21 26.18 Correspondence – Hays, George H. (Secretary for East Asia, Foreign Mission Board), 1975 26.19 Correspondence – Hazelwood, Jack, 1994-1996

Box 27 27.1 Correspondence – He, 1975-1997 27.2 Correspondence – Hemphill, Ken, 1995 27.3 Correspondence – Henderson, Robert (Office of Evangelism, Presbyterian Church USA), 1977 27.4 Correspondence – Hendley, Jess, 1980-1993 27.5 Correspondence – Henry, J. Gordon, 1985-1986 27.6 Correspondence – Henry, Jim, 1986 -1995 27.7 Correspondence – Hernandez, Rudy A., 1985-1998 27.8 Correspondence – Herrid, Ron, 1990-1991 27.9 Correspondence – Herrington, John C. (Wyoming Southern Baptist Convention), 1986 27.10 Correspondence – Hester, Mark (Evangelist), 1990 27.11 Correspondence – Hewlett, J. Edwin, 1988-1989 27.12 Correspondence – Hill, Jr., 1989-1995 27.13 Correspondence – Hill, Melvin M., 1977 27.14 Correspondence – Hill, Ronald (Thailand Baptist Mission), 1975 27.15 Correspondence – Hodges, Larry, 1993-1994 27.16 Correspondence – Hogue, C. B. (Evangelism Section, Home Mission Board), 1975-1993 27.17 Correspondence – Holder, David and Jan, 1990-1996 27.18 Correspondence – Holmes, Bernard, 1992-1998 27.19 Correspondence – Holt, Rex, 1990-1991 27.20 Correspondence – Honeycutt, Roy L., 1990 27.21 Correspondence – Hopper, R. C., (Evangelist), 1994 27.22 Correspondence – Horton, Bill, 1994 27.23 Correspondence – Howe, Ken, 1991-1996 27.24 Correspondence – Howell, Don N., 1990 27.25 Correspondence – Hunt, Johnny M., 1993 27.26 Correspondence – Hunter, George, 1995-1997 27.27 Correspondence – Hunter, Phillip R., 1991

Box 28 28.1 Correspondence – I, 1975-1994 28.2 Correspondence – Ingleheart, Glenn (Interfaith Witness Department, Home Mission Board), 1977 28.3 Correspondence – Ingram, Joe L. (Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma), 1976-1980 28.4 Correspondence – Isbell, W. J., Jr., 1988-1998 28.5 Correspondence – J., 1975 – 1998 28.6 Correspondence – Jack Stanton Endowment Committee, 1989-1990 28.7 Correspondence – Jackson, Danny, 1978-1980 28.8 Correspondence – Jaggers, William D., 1988-1991 28.9 Correspondence – Jerrell, Roy, Jr., 1976-1991 28.10 Correspondence – Johnson, Jack (Radio and television Commission), 1991

22 28.11 Correspondence – Jones, Don E., 1993-1994 28.12 Correspondence – Jones, O. Wyndell, 1990-1994 28.13 Correspondence – Jordan, Anthony, 1990-1996 28.14 Correspondence – K, 1975-1997 28.15 Correspondence – Kagy, Patrick, 1980 28.16 Correspondence – Keim, Buddy (Evangelist), 1999-1995 28.17 Correspondence – Kelly, Charles S., Jr., 1991-1996 28.18 Correspondence – Kelly, Ernest, 1997 28.19 Correspondence – King, Jerry, 1991-1994 28.20 Correspondence – Kirkland, Don, 1997 28.21 Correspondence - Korea, 1983-1984 28.22 Correspondence – Kurien, P. N. (All Indian Prayer Fellowship), 1990 28.23 Correspondence – L, 1975-1997 28.24 Correspondence – Lamb, James V., 1994-1998 28.25 Correspondence – Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism, 1984 28.26 Correspondence – Learell, Landrum P., 1992-1994 28.27 Correspondence – Letters of Recommendation, 1975-1996 28.28 Correspondence – Lewis, Larry, 1975-1995 28.29 Correspondence – Little, Bill, 1993 28.30 Correspondence – Lloyd, Paul, 1996-1997 28.31 Correspondence – Long, Ron, 1993-1996 28.32 Correspondence – Lotz, Denton, 1987-1993 28.33 Correspondence – Lowndes, Jack, 1995-1996

Box 29 29.1 Correspondence – MA, 1974-1998 29.2 Correspondence – Mabry, Don F., 1975 29.3 Correspondence – Mackey, Bill, 1980-1997 29.4 Correspondence – Mac Rae, Andrew D., 1979-1991 29.5 Correspondence – Madden, Tom (Tennessee Baptist Convention), 1978-1988 29.6 Correspondence – Maddox, Roland, 1990-1994 29.7 Correspondence – Magnuson, Warren (Baptist General Conference), 1978 29.8 Correspondence – Magruder, Charles E., 1976-1977 29.9 Correspondence – Marr, Denny, 1993-1994 29.10 Correspondence – Marshall, John, 1995-1998 29.11 Correspondence – Martin, Bobby, 1995 -1997 29.12 Correspondence – Martin, Eddie, 1992 29.13 Correspondence – Martin, Gerald, 1990-1995 29.14 Correspondence – Martinez, Angel (Evangelist), 1986 29.15 Correspondence – Masteller, Rod, 1987 29.16 Correspondence – Matheney, Pierce, 1987 29.17 Correspondence – Maxwell, R. L., 1985-1988 29.18 Correspondence – Mayes, Joe, 1990-1997 29.19 Correspondence – Mob – Mcw, 1975-1995 29.20 Correspondence – McBain, John, 1994-1997 29.21 Correspondence – McCarty, Doran C., 1995

23 29.22 Correspondence – McCarty, Jerry, 1980 29.23 Correspondence – McClain, Tom, 1990-1997 29.24 Correspondence – McClendon, Phil, 1992-1996 29.25 Correspondence – McDow, Malcom, 1995 29.26 Correspondence – McEachin, Tom, 1991-1996

Box 30 30.1 Correspondence – McFadden, Larry (Evangelist), 1989-1994 30.2 Correspondence – McFarland, Alex (Evangelist) 30.3 Correspondence – McKee, J. Garland, 1990-1994 30.4 Correspondence – McKenzie, Azariah (Caribbean Baptist Fellowship) 1994 30.5 Correspondence – McKissic, William Dwight, 1994 30.6 Correspondence – Correspondence – McLeod, Carlos, 1990 30.7 Correspondence – ME-MI, 1975-1997 30.8 Correspondence – Medaris, Gene, 1980-1989 30.9 Correspondence – Meeks, Allen H. (Alaska Baptist Convention), 1979 30.10 Correspondence – Meigs, Paul, 1978-1985 30.11 Correspondence – Mendenhall, Robert, 1975-1977 30.12 Correspondence – Merritt, John and Elizabeth, 1989-1996 30.13 Correspondence – Miller, Craig, 1995-1997 30.14 Correspondence – Miller, David, 1976 30.15 Correspondence – Miller, Eldridge, 1991-1997 30.16 Correspondence – Miller, Lee (Gyana Baptist Mission, Foreign Mission Board), 1985 30.17 Correspondence – Miller, Marcia and Elmo, 1990-1994 30.18 Correspondence – Mills, Ron, 1991-1995 30.19 Correspondence – Mitcell, Bo, 1990-1991 30.20 Correspondence - MO-MY, 1975-1997 30.21 Correspondence – Mobley, Mack (Japan Division, Harbor of Evangelism), 1975 30.22 Correspondence – Moeller, Clifford L., 1989 30.23 Correspondence – Molly, Robert C., 1980 30.24 Correspondence – Momberg, Donald D., 1976 30.25 Correspondence – Moody, Jess, 1989-1992 30.26 Correspondence – Moody, Roy, 1986-1990 30.27 Correspondence – Moore, A. A., 1979-1985 30.28 Correspondence – Moore, Don (Arkansas Baptist State Convention), 1988 30.29 Correspondence – Correspondence – Morgan, John D., 1986-1989 30.30 Correspondence – Correspondence – Morie, Don, 1989 30.31 Correspondence – Morris, Max, 1977-1980 30.32 Correspondence – Morris, Max, 1987-1998 30.33 Correspondence – Mosley, Ernest E., 1988 30.34 Correspondence – Moss, Zeb, 1991 30.35 Correspondence – Mott, C. Vernon, 1988-1989 30.36 Correspondence – Montgomery, Larry, 1991

Box 31 31.1 Correspondence – Na, 1976-1994

24 31.2 Correspondence –Nantz, Johnny, 1993-1994 31.3 Correspondence – Nauman, john, 1993-1995 31.4 Correspondence – Naylor, Rebekah, 1986 31.5 Correspondence – Ne- Ny, 1976-1997 31.6 Correspondence – O, 1976-1987 31.7 Correspondence – Oakley, W.B. (Evangelist), 1987 31.8 Correspondence – O’Brian, Chester, 1975 31.9 Correspondence – O’Brian, Dellanna W. (Woman’s Missionary Union), 1989 31.10 Correspondence – Oster, Clyde, 1987-1997 31.11 Correspondence – PA- PL, 1975-1997 31.12 Correspondence – Paden, H. A., 1975-1978 31.13 Correspondence – Palmer, Cliff, 1985-1997 31.14 Correspondence – Panton, Betty, 1990-1993 31.15 Correspondence – Paredes, Carlos (Latin – American Evangelism, Baptist General Convention of Texas), 1980 31.16 Correspondence – Parks, Keith and Helen Jean (Foreign Mission Board), 1979-1991 31.17 Correspondence – Paschall, H. Franklin, 1996 31.18 Correspondence – Passmore, Jerry A., 1986-1996 31.19 Correspondence – Patterson, Paige, 1987-1996 31.20 Correspondence – Patterson, Rick, 1992-1994 31.21 Correspondence – Payne, Robert, 1992-1998 31.22 Correspondence – Peasley, Cecil J., 1991-1997 31.23 Correspondence – Pennington, Doyle, 1994-1998 31.24 Correspondence – Pearson, Gary, 1986 31.25 Correspondence – Philipas, Miladz (Alexandria, Egypt), 1979 31.26 Correspondence – Phillips, Tom, 1992-1998 31.27 Correspondence – Pillow, Nathan, 1986-1987

Box 32 32.1 Correspondence – Pinson, William, J., 1987-1992 32.2 Correspondence – Pipes, Jerry, 1994-1996 32.3 Correspondence – Pitney, Gerald, O., 1987-1996 32.4 Correspondence – Plaugher, Mark E., 1992-1996 32.5 Correspondence – Powell, Don and Jo, 1993-1997 32.6 Correspondence – Po- Pu, 1973-1998 32.7 Correspondence – Poe, William, 1975-1992 32.8 Correspondence – Ponder, Jim, 1976-1998 32.9 Correspondence – Popham, Harmon R., 1995 32.10 Correspondence – Potts, A. Earl., 1988 32.11 Correspondence – Pounds, Esther, 1989-1996 32.12 Correspondence – Pounds, Jeff, 1987 32.13 Correspondence – Powers, James L., 1986-1997 32.14 Correspondence – Pratt, Charles (Here’s Hope Ministry), 1991-1994 32.15 Correspondence – Presley, Norman E., 1975-1980 32.16 Correspondence – Preston, Tony, 1987-1998 32.17 Correspondence – Privott, W.G., 1991

25 32.18 Correspondence – Queen, A.C., 1975-1980 32.19 Correspondence – Quinn, Robert, 1987-1996 32.20 Correspondence – RA- RI., 1975-1990 32.21 Correspondence – Radar, Paul, 1977

Box 33 33.1 Correspondence – Ramsey, Chris, 1989 33.2 Correspondence – Ramsey, Howard H., 1979-1994 33.3 Correspondence – Randolph, Lloyd, 1987-1988 33.4 Correspondence – Rankin, Jerry, 1993-1994 33.5 Correspondence – Rarrick, Walter, 1988-1997 33.6 Correspondence – Ray, Herman S., 1987-1995 33.7 Correspondence – Reid, Alvin, 1993-1997 33.8 Correspondence – Reimer, James, 1985-1997 33.9 Correspondence – Renfrow, Harold, 1985-1995 33.10 Correspondence – Richardson, Russell, 1987-1998 33.11 Correspondence – RO- RY, 1975-1998 33.12 Correspondence – Roberts, John (Baptist Courier), 1987-1996 33.13 Correspondence – Roberts, Ray E., 1979-1987 33.14 Correspondence – Roberts, Thomas, G., 1988-1990 33.15 Correspondence – Robertson, Wade, 1986-1995 33.16 Correspondence – Robinson, Darrell, 1990-1998 33.17 Correspondence – Rodrigues, Mike, J., 1988-1989 33.18 Correspondence – Roe, Henry, 1988-1997 33.19 Correspondence – Roesel, Charles, 1987-1995 33.20 Correspondence – Rogers, Adrian, 1978-1997 33.21 Correspondence – Rogers, Ben D., 1987 33.22 Correspondence – Rogers, Lawrence, 1988-1998 33.23 Correspondence – Rosa, Joaquim (Baptist Convention of Brazil), 1977

Box 34 34.1 Correspondence – SA- SE, 1977-1998 34.2 Correspondence – Sager, Doyle, 1980-1992 34.3 Correspondence – St. Clair, Barry (Reach Out Minorities), 1975-1989 34.4 Correspondence – Salyer, Greg, 1988-1999 34.5 Correspondence – Salyer, Paul, 1986-1996 34.6 Correspondence – Sanders, Perry R., 1986-1994 34.7 Correspondence – Sanderson, Reonard, 1976-1997 34.8 Correspondence – Satterfield, Lee B., 1988-1997 34.9 Correspondence – Saul, Bob, 1989-1995 34.10 Correspondence – Sauter, Michael P., 1993-1994 34.11 Correspondence – Schoeppey, Jack, 1985-1987 34.12 Correspondence – Scott, Bill, 1987-1988 34.13 Correspondence – Scribner, Jay, 1986-1994 34.14 Correspondence – Seabough, Ed (Home Mission Board), 1979 34.15 Correspondence – Sells, James, 1975-1995

26 34.16 Correspondence – SH, 1976-1995 34.17 Correspondence – Shackleford, Al, 1987 34.18 Correspondence – Shields, D.R., 1988-1998 34.19 Correspondence – Shook, Bill, 1994-1995 34.20 Correspondence – SI – SL, 1975-1997 34.21 Correspondence – Simcosky, Phil, 1987 34.22 Correspondence – Skinner, Craig, 1985-1986

Box 35 35.1 Correspondence – SM, 1975-1998 35.2 Correspondence – Smart, Henry E., 1977-1978 35.3 Correspondence – Smith, Bailey E., 1976-1997 35.4 Correspondence – Smith, Don, 1980-1997 35.5 Correspondence – Smith, Jack R., 1992-1997 35.6 Correspondence – Smith, James H. (Brotherhood Commission), 1988 35.7 Correspondence – Smith, Roy J. (Baptist State Convention & North Carolina), 1988 35.8 Correspondence – SN-SP, 1979-1995 35.9 Correspondence – Sneed, J. Everett (Arkansas Baptist News Magazine), 1978 35.10 Correspondence – Snider, Wilbert V., 1980 35.11 Correspondence – Snipes, Felix E. & Patsy., 1977-1997 35.12 Correspondence – Soper, Mynor G., 1975 35.13 Correspondence – South, Rhoubin L. (Mission Baptist Convention), 1976 35.14 Correspondence – Souther, Denny, 1988-1989 35.15 Correspondence – Spicer, T.O., 1985-1991 35.16 Correspondence – Spriggs, Clayton, 1985-1994 35.17 Correspondence – Spurgeon, Harlan E., 1985-1993 35.18 Correspondence – ST, 1985-1997 35.19 Correspondence – Stanley, Charles, 1987-1996 35.20 Correspondence – Stephens, Brancie, 1985-1991 35.21 Correspondence – Stokes, David (Evangelist), 1985 35.22 Correspondence – Story, Kenneth, 1987-1991 35.23 Correspondence – Strack, Jay (Evangelist), 1985-1990 35.24 Correspondence – Strack, Jay (Evangelist) – Nancy Reagan, 1986 35.25 Correspondence – Stinger, Dan (Florida Baptist Convention) , 1986-1987

Box 36 36.1 Correspondence – SU-SY, 1975-1998 36.2 Correspondence – Sunderland, Bobby., 1986-1995 36.3 Correspondence – Surrette, G. H., 1985-1989 36.4 Correspondence – Ta-Th, 1975-1998 36.5 Correspondence – Tanner, Williams G., 1985-1995 36.6 Correspondence – Tate, Richard, 1985-1989 36.7 Correspondence – Taylor, C. Pat., 1996-1998 36.8 Correspondence – Thornton, Leonard, 1989-1997 36.9 Correspondence – Taylor, Gary, 1985-1997 36.10 Correspondence – Terry, Bob, 1985-1998

27 36.11 Correspondence – Ti – Tu, 1975-1997 36.12 Correspondence – Tippit, Sammy, 1975-1998 36.13 Correspondence – Tisdel, James F., 1985-1996 36.14 Correspondence – Turner, Don, 1987-1998 36.15 Correspondence – U, 1974-1997 36.16 Correspondence – V, 1975-1996 36.17 Correspondence – Vance, Danny L., 1988-1997 36.18 Correspondence – Vallowe, Ed F., 1979-1996 36.19 Correspondence – Vines, Jerry, 1981-1989 36.20 Correspondence – Voke, Roger, 1974-1991

Box 37 37.1 Correspondence – Wa, 1975-1989 37.2 Correspondence – Wa, 1994-1997 37.3 Correspondence – Waddle, Jim and Phyllis, 1995-1998 37.4 Correspondence – Waggoner, Faitham., 1992-1996 37.5 Correspondence – Waite, Ernest S., 1978-1995 37.6 Correspondence – Ward, Wayne, 1995 37.7 Correspondence – Ware, Connie, 1985-1994 37.8 Correspondence – Warren, Rick, 1994-1995 37.9 Correspondence – Watkins, Forrest “Woody”, 1985-1986 37.10 Correspondence – Watson, Granville, 1980-1995 37.11 Correspondence – We, 1974-1988 37.12 Correspondence – Wead, Doug (Special Assistant to the President), 1986-1989 37.13 Correspondence – Wead, Doug, 1990-1992 37.14 Correspondence – Weatherford, Carolyn, 1988 37.15 Correspondence – Webb. Bill 1996-1998 37.16 Correspondence – Weber, Jaroy, 1977-1978 37.17 Correspondence – Weber, Jerry, 1987 37.18 Correspondence – Weibel, Aaron, 1991-1998 37.19 Correspondence – Wesberry, James, 1979-1989 37.20 Correspondence – Wh, 1977-1988 37.21 Correspondence – Whiddon, L. R., 1974-1975 37.22 Correspondence – White, Fred, 1990-1991 37.23 Correspondence – White House, 1988-1990 37.24 Correspondence – White, J. Robert, 1997 37.25 Correspondence – Whitehead, Michael, 1999 37.26 Correspondence – Whittaker, Fermin A., 1995 37.27 Correspondence – Wi, 1976-1989

Box 38 38.1 Correspondence – Wideman, Donald V., 1975-1993 38.2 Correspondence – Wiles, Jerry, 1992-1993 38.3 Correspondence – Wilkerson, Larry, 1992-1994 38.4 Correspondence – Willard, Horace, 1994-1998 38.5 Correspondence – Williams, Gene M. (Luther rice Seminary) 1985-1988

28 38.6 Correspondence – Wilmoth, Dwight and Helen, 1990-1995 38.7 Correspondence – Wilson, T.W., 1991-1992 38.8 Correspondence – Winters, Fred, 1987-1997 38.9 Correspondence – Winters, Fred, 1990-1998 38.10 Correspondence – Witty, Robert, 1986-1989 38.11 Correspondence – Wol-Wor, 1975-1989 38.12 Correspondence – Wolfe, Fred H., 1991-1994 38.13 Correspondence – Wood, Larry, 1994-1995 38.14 Correspondence – Woods, Johns, 1993-1998 38.15 Correspondence – Woolford, Paul, 1987-1995 38.16 Correspondence – Wood, Presnall H., 1987-1992 38.17 Correspondence – Worrell, George, 1985-1991 38.18 Correspondence – Womack, Bill (Barbados Baptist College), 1979-1988 38.19 Correspondence – Wr, 1981-1989 38.20 Correspondence – Wren, John, 1991-1995 38.21 Correspondence – Wright, C. Thomas, 1994-1996 38.22 Correspondence – Y, 1975-1997 38.23 Correspondence – Yates, Don, 1994 38.24 Correspondence – Yates, James F. 1986-1987 38.25 Correspondence – Young, Edwin H., 1987-1997 38.26 Correspondence – Z, 1979-1997 38.27 Correspondence Ziglar, Zig, 1986-1989

Box 39 39.1 Correspondence – Evangelism, 1981 39.2 Council of 70 –First Baptist Church of Maryville, Illinois 39.3 Counselor Training – Dan Piatt 39.4 The courts Redford College of Theology and Church Vocation – Growing an Evangelical Church 39.5 The Courts Redford College of Theology and Church Vocation – Theme R-E-V-I-V-A-L, Through dedication and Enlistment 39.6 Cowherd, Don 39.7 Craft, Ira 39.8 Criswell, Dr. W. A. 39.9 Crossfire Ministries 39.10 Crusade of the Americas- Pastor- led Sunday School Enlargement Campaign, 1968 39.11 Crusade Attendance Plan 39.12 Crusade News – N.Y. – Billy Graham, 1969 39.13 The Crusade Newsletter: News From the Jack Hazlewood Evangelistic Association

Box 40 40.1 Crusade of the Americas, 1968 40.2 Crusade of the Americas Answered Telecast Correspondence 40.3 Crusade of the Americas – Area Superintendents of Missions for Telecast, 1968-1969 40.4 Crusade of the Americas – Baptist Men’s, Congress on Evangelism and Lay Involvement 40.5 Crusade of the Americas – Billy Graham Texts for T.V. Telecasts, CA 1968

29 40.6 Crusade of the Americas – Budget - Central Office, 1967 40.7 Crusade of the Americas – Budget Evangelic Telecast, 1968 40.8 Crusade of the Americas – Calendar, 1967 40.9 Crusade of the Americas – Calendar, 1967-1969 40.10 Crusade of the Americas – Calendar Committee- Minutes of Members, 1966 40.11 Crusade of the Americas – Catalog of Books and Supplies 40.12 Crusade of the Americas – Chairman of Evangelism Packet, 1968 40.13 Crusade of the Americas – “Christ the Only Hope” ( Guide for church Actions) 1968 40.14 Crusade of the Americas – Clippings, 1968 40.15 Crusade of the Americas – Central Coordinating Committee, 1968-1969 40.16 Crusade of the Americas – Christian Index Report on the COTA, 1969 40.17 Crusade of the Americas – Committee on the Crusade of the Americas, 1967 40.18 Crusade of the Americas: Committee on Follow Through, 1968-1969

Box 41 41.1 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – C.E. Autrey, 1966 41.2 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – General, 1967-1970 41.3 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – General, 1967-1969 41.4 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – Henry Earl Peacock, 1967-1969 41.5 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – Owen Cooper, 1967-1968 41.6 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – Roy Fish, 1968 41.7 Crusade of the Americas – Correspondence – Wayne Dehoney, 1967-1968 41.8 Crusade of the Americas – Dates by States, 1967-1969 41.9 Crusade of the Americas – Directory Council – Minutes, etc., 1966-1968 41.10 Crusade of the Americas – Evangelism 1968 41.11 Crusade of the Americas – Follow – up 41.12 Crusade of the Americas – Henry E. Peacock – Coordenador Geral. – Latin Americas who can speak English 41.13 Crusade of the Americas – “The Home and Revolution” 41.14 Crusade of the Americas – Laymen Led Witnessing Campaign 41.15 Crusade of the Americas – Listing of Cities and Rank and Guidelines for Placing TV Programs, 1968-1969 41.16 Crusade of the Americas – Materials mailed (Crusade Tract, Etc.) 1969 41.17 Crusade of the Americas – Mini-Posters 41.18 Crusade of the Americas – Miscellaneous, 1969 41.19 Crusade of the Americas – “My Commitment” Cards, 1968 41.20 Crusade of the Americas – “The Nation” – Billy Graham 41.21 Crusade of the Americas: Nationwide Telecast

Box 42 42.1 Crusade of the Americas – Nation Wide Telecast Miscellany, 1967-1969 42.2 Crusade of the Americas – Nationwide Telecast Reports 42.3 Crusade of the Americas – News Bulletin, 1968-1969 42.4 Crusade of the Americas – North American Plans, 1967 42.5 Crusade of the Americas – Pamphlets, CA., 1968 42.6 Crusade of the Americas – Preparation by State (Folder 1 of 2)

30 42.7 Crusade of the Americas – Preparation by State (Folder 2 of 2) 42.8 Crusade of the Americas – Preparation for the COTA Committee Report 42.9 Crusade of the Americas – Progress Bulletin 42.10 Crusade of the Americas – Progress Report to Field Services Subcommittee and to Coordinate Committee of IAC, Nov. 1966 42.11 Crusade of the Americas – Promotional Materials, 1967

Box 43 43.1 Crusade of the Americas – Proposed Telecast and Broadcast Times, 1969 43.2 Crusade of the Americas – Publicity, 1968-1969 43.3 Crusade of the Americas- Publicity Releases on 1969 Telecasts ( extra copies) 43.4 Crusade of the Americas – Radio and T.V., 1967-1969 43.5 Crusade of the Americas – Report of Committee of Preparation for the Crusade of the Americas 43.6 Crusade of the Americas – Reports, C.A. 1966 43.7 Crusade of the Americas – Reports of COTA Revivals (Statistics), 1969 43.8 Crusade of the Americas – Requests for Radio Spit Announcements, 1969 43.9 Crusade of the Americas – Revival Spot Announcements, 1969 43.10 Crusade of the Americas – “The Seeking Generation” – Billy Graham 43.11 Crusade of the Americas – “The Seeking generation” – Paul Harvey 43.12 Crusade of the Americas – Songbooks, 1968 43.13 Crusade of the Americas – Spanish Materials, CA., 1968-1969 43.14 Crusade of the Americas – State Plans 43.15 Crusade of the Americas – Sunday School, 1968 43.16 Crusade of the Americas – Telecast Films requested, 1969 43.17 Crusade of the Americas – Telecast Literature 43.18 Crusade of the Americas – Telecast Publicity, 1968 43.19 Crusade of the Americas – Telecast, 1968-1969

Box 44 44.1 Crusade of the Americas – telecast Sample Letter Response 44.2 Crusade of the Americas – telecast stations and Times 44.3 Crusade of the Americas – Unified Evangelistic Service, 1968 44.4 Crusade of the Americas – Witness Training Institute Form to Pastors, 1969 44.5 Crusade Preparation Plans, Evangelistic – Sample 44.6 Crusade School of Evangelism – Billy Graham, ca, 1968 44.7 Crusades – Amory Area Crusade – Monroe Baptist Association, 1994 44.8 Crusades – Amory Area Crusade – Correspondence, 1994 44.9 Crusades – Arkansas Valley Senior Citizens Area Crusade, March 10-13, 1996 44.10 Crusades – Bicentennial Crusade, 1976 44.11 Crusades – Bicentennial Crusades for Christ – Bedford, VA, July 11-18 1976 44.12 Crusades – Calvary Baptist Association Area Crusade, 1978 44.13 Crusades – central Delta Crusade for Christ – Moorhead, MS, April 9-16, 1978 44.14 Crusades – Crossover Atlanta, 1991 44.15 Crusades – Detroit Crusade, 1977

31 Box 45 45.1 Crusades – Dr. Grady Wilson Crusade, 1982 45.2 Crusades – Dresden, TN Area, 1980 45.3 Crusades – Encanter Area Crusade, 1988 45.4 Crusades – Fayette County Crusade – Correspondence, 1987-1988 45.5 Crusades – Fayette County Crusade – Publicity, 1987-1988 45.6 Crusades – Gold Coast Layman’s Evangelistic Crusade, 1967 45.7 Crusades – Good News Missouri – Simultaneous Crusades, 1979 45.8 Crusades – Greater Dallas Nilson Fanini Crusade, 1994 45.9 Crusades – Guyana, 1991 45.10 Crusades – Harrison Baptist Association – Correspondence, 1987-1988 45.11 Crusades – Harrogate, Tenn, Area Crusade, 1980 45.12 Crusades – John Woods New Life Crusades Publicity, 1987 45.13 Crusades – Kosciusko, MS Area Crusade, 1983 45.14 Crusades – Lebanon, Tenn. Crusade, August 1-8, 1976 45.15 Crusades – Leighton Ford Crusade, April 21-28, 1985 (Folder 1 of 2)

Box 46 46.1 Crusades – Leighton Ford Crusade, April 21-28, 1985 (Folder 2 out of 2) 46.2 Crusades – Life Action Ministries Crusade – Preparation for Proposal, 1985 46.3 Crusades – Life and Liberty Crusade, 1976 46.4 Crusades – Loudon County Wide Crusade, 1981 46.5 Crusades – Macomb County Crusade for Christ 46.6 Crusades – Moody Adams Pike County Crusade, 1973 46.7 Crusades – Mount Vernon, MO Crusade, 1981 46.8 Crusades – Muskogee Area Crusade, 1976 46.9 Crusades – Northwest Missouri for Christ, July 1988 46.10 Crusades – Puerto Rico Crusade – Isla Verde Baptist Church – San Juan Puerto Rico, 1975 46.11 Crusades – South Africa’s Pastors Crusade, 1977 (Folder 1 of 2) 46.12 Crusades – South Africa’s Pastors Crusade, 1977 (Folder 2 of 2) 46.13 Crusades – South Oklahoma City – Crusade for Christ, 1983

Box 47 47.1 Crusades – Southwest Missouri Christian Sports spectacular – September 1995 47.2 Crusades – Southside Crusade – Oklahoma City, OK, 1984 47.3 Crusades – Southside Crusade for Christ, August 9-16, 1981 47.4 Crusades – Special Guests, 1986-1988 47.5 Crusades – Tanzania, July/August, 1996 47.6 Crusades – Tri-State Crusade for Christ – Middlesboro, KY 40965, July 10-17, 1988 47.7 Crusades – Tristate Crusade for Christ – Middlesboro, KY – Publicity, 1988 47.8 Crusades – United Revival Crusades – Clyde Kendall – Organizational and Promotional Planning Book 47.9 Crusades – Waynesboro, TN City – Wide Crusade – Publicity, September 6-13, 1987 47.10 Crusades – Welcome Tent Crusade – Bogard Baptist Church, June 16-21, 1996 47.11 Cults

32 47.12 Cults and Sects – Non Christian Religions 47.13 Culver, Gene and Joanne – Proclaim the Good News Ministries, Inc. 47.14 Curtis – Rev. Hal 47.15 Daniels, E.J. 47.16 Davis, Wendell 47.17 DeBauche – Dr. Gary 47.18 Deaf – Including Deaf Ministry 47.19 Decision Card 47.20 Denominational Organization, 1953 & 1959 47.21 Directory – Fellowship of Missouri Baptist Evangelism, 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997- 1998

Box 48 48.1 Directory of Southern Baptist Vocational Evangelists, 1994-1995, 1996-1997, 1998-1999 48.2 “Discipleship! Basics to Maturity” 1-3, 1975 48.3 Discipleship – Booklet Materials, 1980’s 48.4 Disciple Youth Materials, Ad Information, 1985 48.5 Doctrine, 1955 48.6 Dossey, C.Y., 1952-1956 48.7 Dowdy, Dr. John W., ca, 2001 48.8 Drace Evangelistic Association, Jerry, 1990 48.9 Drawings – Alcohol & Alcoholism (By Jack Hamm) 48.10 Drawings – Bible (Jack Hamm) 48.11 Drawings – Church 48.12 Drawings – Creation VS. Evolution 48.13 Drawings – Crime

Box 49 49.1 Drawings – Death 49.2 Drawings – Drugs 49.3 Drawings – Faith 49.4 Drawings – Gambling 49.5 Drawings – Jesus 49.6 Drawings – Marriage, Family, Home 49.7 Drawings – Peace 49.8 Drawings – Pornography and Profanity 49.9 Drawings – Praise and Worship 49.10 Drawings – Prayer 49.11 Drawings – Salvation 49.12 Drawings – Satanism and Terrorism 49.13 Drawings – Seasons Greetings – Christmas and Easter 49.14 Drawings – Sex, Homosexuality, Adultery, and AIDS 49.15 Drawings – Sin 49.16 Drawings – Smoking 49.17 Drawings – Tithing and Offering 49.18 Drawings – Truth and Wisdom

33 49.19 Drawings – United States 49.20 Drawings – Wrath, Anger, Judgment 49.21 Drawings by Joe McKeever

Box 50 50.1 Drummond, Lewis A. 50.2 Duties of the chairman of Evangelism of the Association 50.3 Dynamics of evangelism 50.4 Education – Baptist Faith and Message, 1963 50.5 Effective Church Leadership Conference – Oakland City University, March 14-16, 2001 50.6 8 Common Characteristics of the 100 Largest Sunday Schools in America 50.7 Elders 50.8 Ellis, Dr. Perry 50.9 Emmanuel Friendship 50.10 Episcopal Church Evangelism and Renewal Materials, 1976 50.11 The Equipper’s Quarterly – Publication, 1996 50.12 Equipping Evangelists – Publication for North American Conference for Internet Evangelists, 1995-1998 50.13 Ethnics 50.14 European Baptist Convention – Highlights, 1983-1991 50.15 European Baptist Convention – Highlights, 1992-1997 50.16 “Evangelism and the Academic Community, Southwest Baptist University – College of Christian Studies 50.17 Evangelism as I Now See It 50.18 Evangelism Bibliography 50.19 Evangelism Church Council, 1954

Box 51 51.1 Evangelism – Clark Pinnock Miscellaneous Articles, 1967 51.2 Evangelism Concerns – Ways I Can Help 51.3 Evangelism Conference, 1955 51.4 Evangelism Conference for Southern Baptists, 1975 51.5 Evangelism – D. Robinson, ca, 1981 51.6 Evangelism – Evangelism Tools – Originals 51.7 Evangelism Events, 2000 51.8 Evangelism flyers and Posters 51.9 Evangelism Handouts, Miscellaneous 51.10 “A History of the Public Invitation” - C.E. Autrey 51.11 Evangelism – The Holy spirit and Evangelism 51.12 “Evangelism Ideas” – The Lutheran Church – Mission Synod 51.13 Evangelism – India, 1986 51.14 Evangelism – “ An Inquiry into the History of Evangelism” – Delos Miles 51.15 “Evangelism and Social Action” – Dale W. Cross, April 1983 51.16 Evangelism Conference 51.17 Evangelism – Korea 51.18 Evangelism Material

34 51.19 Evangelism – National Fellowship for Lay Witness Evangelism – Addresses, 1988 51.20 Evangelism – New Zealand 51.21 Evangelism – Notes

Box 52 52.1 Evangelism – Notes – Miscellaneous 52.2 Evangelism- Obstacles to Evangelism 52.3 “Evangelism Today” (Policy statement of the National Council of the churches of Christ in the United States of America), 1976 52.4 Evangelism Today, 1958-1959 52.5 Evangelism – Urban, 1984, 1986-1987, 1989-1992 52.6 Evangelism Visitation 52.7 Evangelism – WIN Materials in Foreign Languages 52.8 Evangelism – Witness Training – An Aid to Pastor’s in Training Christians to Witness for Christ, 1963 52.9 Evangelism – Witness Training – Suggestions for 1965 and Beyond, 1965 52.10 Evangelism – Witnessing ad Visitation Kit, Personal 52.11 Evangelism – Witnessing Interview, A – Form 52.12 Evangelism – Witnessing – Model Presentation Outline 52.13 Evangelism – Witnessing Programs, Personal 52.14 Evangelism – Witnessing Tool – Mid-Winter Flight Pack 52.15 Evangelism – Witnessing Task Force, 1978-1980 (Folder 1 of 2)

Box 53 53.1 Evangelism – Witnessing Task Force, 1978-1980 (Folder 2 of 2) 53.2 Evangelism – Youth – General Information 53.3 Evangelism Survey Forms 53.4 Evangelistic Ads – Home Missions Board 53.5 Evangelistic Conference, 1958 53.6 Evangelistic Conference, September 11-12, 1975 53.7 Evangelistic Conference, January 12-14, 1976 53.8 Evangelistic Events – General Information, 1993 53.9 The Evangelistic Invitation – By Dr. Jack Stanton 53.10 Evangelistic Preaching/ Invitation/ worship – Richard H. Harris – Glorieta Materials 53.11 The Evangelistic Sermon (Basic Evangelism) 53.12 The evangelistic Sermon 53.13 Evangelistic Teams Net, National 53.14 Evangelistic Visit in the Home 53.15 Evangelistic Workshop- Printed Material 53.16 Evangelist, The Integrity of 53.17 Evangelistic Brochures – Former SBU Students

Box 54 54.1 Evangelists – Director’s (State Conventions), 1975-1981 54.2 Evangelists – Famous Evangelists of other Days 54.3 Evangelists – Mission Baptists

35 54.4 Evangelists – Music 54.5 Evangelists Seminar and Workshop, January 17-19, 1985 54.6 Evangelists, Suggestions From, 1977 54.7 Evangelists – Vocational, 1984 54.8 Evangelists – Vocational – Computer Listing, ca, 1992 54.9 Evangelists – Vocational – General Information 54.10 Evangelists – Vocational – Stats Listings

Box 55 55.1 “Evangelizing and Congregationalizing in Today’s City” – Charles Chaney, March 1980 55.2 “Evangelizinh Urban America” – Anthony Campolo, Nov. 30-Dec 2, 1982 55.3 “Excluding Members – Yes or No?”, 1955 55.4 An Exposure of “Father Divine”, By Elam J. Daniels, 1949 55.5 Excuses! By Ken Chafin 55.6 The family Witnessing 55.7 “The Family Witnessing” By Kenneth Everett 55.8 Fanini, Nilson ca, 1996-1997 55.9 Fellowship and Prayer Retreat for Directors of Evangelism and Joint Committee – Baptist Jobilee Advance, 1958 55.10 Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries, 1999 55.11 Fellowship of Missouri Baptist Evangelist, 1978, 1981, 1990-1992 55.12 Follow Through – Conservation of Results – Spiritual Growth Follow Through 55.13 Follow Through Letter 1 55.14 Follow Through Letter 2 55.15 Follow Through Letter 3 55.16 Follow Through Letter 4 55.17 Follow Through Letter 5 55.18 Follow Through Letter 6 55.19 Form Letters – Crusade, 1988 55.20 Forms – My Commitment to Witness for Christ 55.21 Freemasonary 55.22 Freeman Ministries, Dale 55.23 Fulness 2:2 (March/April 1979); 2:3 (May/June1979) 55.24 Fundamentalists 55.25 Fund Raising, Information About 55.26 Gallup Report, 1991 55.27 Gather the People for a Four Sunday Revival 55.28 Gipsy Smith – Evangelist – 1909 – Kansas City – Clippings (Fragile) 55.29 Glass Ministries, Bill – Prison Gang, 1992 55.30 Global Report – World Evangelical Fellowship, 1977 55.31 Golden Gate Baptist Theology Seminary 55.32 Good News America… Simultaneous Rivals 55.33 Good News For Modern Man Handout

Box 56 56.1 Good News Missouri Materials, 1979

36 56.2 Good News Missouri – Steering Committee. 1979 56.3 Gospel Studies – Published by Church of Christ 56.4 Glorieta, 1953 – 1954 56.5 Glorieta – Secretaries of Evangelism, 1959 56.6 Graham, Billy 56.7 Graham Center Archives, A Newsletter of the Billy – Witness… Pub 56.8 Graham Center, Billy 56.9 Graham Center at Wheaton College, Billy – Center Line – Publication 56.10 Graham Center at Wheaton College, Billy – Evangelism Epistles – Pub. 56.11 Graham Crusades, Billy 56.12 Green, Kelly 56.13 Green Ministries, Jeff 56.14 Growing an Evangelistic Church 56.15 “The Growth Spiral: A Model for Pastoral Intervention” 56.16 “A Guide for Teaching Personal Evangelism to Church Members” – WM. Eugene Grubbs 56.17 Guyana 2000

Box 57 57.1 H. I. Hester Lecture – “Christian Higher Education and the Conversion of the west” By Denton Lotz, 1987 57.2 H.I. Hester Lecture – “Students and World Evangelism,” By Denton Lotz, 1987 57.3 Habbakuk 57.4 Haggai, Evangelist John Edmund 57.5 Haines, Nicolas G., 1998 57.6 Hamblin, Robert, 1982 57.7 A Handbook of Tired and Proved Methods in Finding, Winning, Training – Jesse Yelvington 57.8 “Has This Ever Happened to You?” – Personal Witnessing Institute 57.9 Hawkins, Dr. O.S. 57.10 Hazelwood Evangelistic Association, Dr. Jack 57.11 Heaven and Hell 57.12 Heartcall- Materials, ca, 1998 57.13 Hello Baptists 57.14 “Helps in Sharing Jesus with Others: A Handbook on Personal Evangelism”, Dr. Jack Stenton 57.15 Hemphill, Ken S. 57.16 Henry, Dr. Jim 57.17 Herring, R. Wilbur, 1983 57.18 Hewlett, Ed 57.19 Hey Partner – Your Sunday School Reaches Out… 57.20 Highlights – European Baptist Convention, 1997-1998 57.21 ”History of Baptist Work in Kansas”, 1953 57.22 Hobbs, Dr. Herschel, 1995 57.23 Holy Spirit 57.24 Home Bible Study

37 57.25 Home Mission Notebook SO: 4 (April 1979) 57.26 “Home Neighborhood Fellowship” 57.27 Home Neighborhood Fellowship 57.28 Homosexual 57.29 Hong Kong, Missionaries IN 57.30 Hope, Bible Versus ON 57.31 How Some Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Congregations Plan, Train for, and Do Evangelism 57.32 How To Become a Christian 57.33 “How to Become a Christian” Drawings 57.34 “How to Care for your Evangelistic Helpers”- T.B. Lackey 57.35 “How to Effectively Publicize on Evangelistic Ministry” 57.36 How to Handle excuses

Box 58 58.1 How to Have a fill and Meaningful Life – Draft and Manuscripts, Notes 58.2 “How to Help Your Friends With Their Difficulties in Deciding For Jesus Christ – How to Handle Excuses 58.3 Howard, Joe W., 1984 58.4 Hubbard, L. Ron – A Profile (Scientology), 1995 58.5 Illustrations 58.6 India – All India Prayer Fellowship, 1975-1993 58.7 India, Information About 58.8 Indian Leadership Training 58.9 Indians 58.10 Inerrancy, Biblical – Information About 58.11 Information Exchange – Directory of Contact Persons at the 43 Member Institutions, 1994 58.12 The Institute of Church Renewal 58.13 Institute of Evangelism, 1983 58.14 Institute of Evangelism of Southwest Baptist University, July 1987 58.15 Institutes of Evangelism, Information 58.16 Institutions for Soul Winning (By Earl L. Pounds) 58.17 Interfaith Witness Materials 58.18 Interim Pastor Guidelines 58.19 International Congress on World Evangelism (Lausanne, Switzerland), July 16, 1974 58.20 International Evangelism Association, 1985-1986 58.21 International Institute of Evangelism (IIOE)

Box 59 59.1 IIOE – Calendared Events, 1988 59.2 IIOE – Certificates 59.3 International Institute of Evangelism – Evangelism Update 59.4 IIOE – Newsletter Ideas 59.5 IIOE – Newspaper Article, 1984 59.6 IIOE – “Now It Must Be Told : A Vision on the Way to Reality”

38 59.7 IIOE – Objectives, Presentations, Rational For School of Evangelism 59.8 IIOE – Objectives/ Prospective, 1993-1994 59.9 IIOE – Press Releases, 1994, 1996 59.10 IIOE – Services Available to Churches and Associates Through the International Institute of Evangelism 59.11 “Institute Hope : Adult Road Witness Training Learners Guide”, 1993 59.12 International Urban Associates, 1991-1993 59.13 International Urban Associates, 1993-1994 59.14 Invitation 59.15 Invitation, How to give 59.16 “Jack Stanton at Springfield, Missouri (First draft)”, October 18-22, 1971 59.17 Jack Stanton World Evangelism Associations – Articles of Incorporation, 1998 59.18 Jack Stanton World Evangelism association – Evangelism Update, 2000 59.19 Jack Stanton World Evangelism Association – Evangelism Update, 2001 59.20 Jackson Evangelism Corporation, Wanda, 1992 59.21 Jaggers, Tracy Wayne 59.22 “The Jew Faces ” By Frank Halbeck 59.23 jordan Ministries, Inc. 59.24 “Journey into Disciples”- Ralph W. Neighbor, Jr. 59.25”Kansas Southern Baptist Beams”, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1954 59.26 Keith Fordham Evangelistic Association 59.27 Killough, Charles M., TH.D, ca, 1986 59.28 Kim, Billy 59.29 Korea Tour, November 1984

Box 60 60.1 Laity/Personalities – Outstanding Witness, Information About 60.2 Land, Frank, ca. 1989 60.3 Lane, Thomas, ca. 1986 60.4 Language Institute for evangelism, ca. 1975 60.5 Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism – World Evangelism, 1983-1996 60.6 Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism Newsletter, 2000-2003 60.7 Lawrence co. Evangelism Crusade, 2000 60.8 Lawson, Eual Franklin 60.9 Lay Evangelism School in the Local Church (Teacher’s Manual) 60.10 Lay Evangelism School in the Local Church – Training Materials 60.11 Lay Renewal Weekend 60.12 Laymen – Outstanding Witness

Box 61 61.1 Leavell, David Earl – Dissertation, 1989 61.2 Lee, Jong Yun 61.3 Lee, R. G. 61.4 LeFlore County Baptist, 2002 61.5 Lewis, Dr. Larry 61.6 Library Listing for Dr. John Havlik’s Personal Library

39 61.7 Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism – World Evangelism, 1977-1982 61.8 Lausanne Occasional Papers – nos. 2, 5-9, 11-12 – 1978 & 1980 61.9 The Life of Hope Bible Study 61.10 Lifestyle Evangelism 61.11 “Lincolin’s Baptist Backyard”, 1955 61.12 Living Ministries International USA Pub. – Peasley, Rev. Cecil, President, ca., 1996 61.13 “Living Through Lifestyle Evangelism Seminar Leadership Notebook”, 1980 61.14 Luis Palau Evangelistic Association

Box 62 62.1 Manuals – “Area Crusades Preparation Manual” – Prayer Meeting Resources – Lighting Revival Fires 62.2 Manuals – “Associational Simultaneous Revival Preparation Manual for Association and Local Church”, 1978 62.3 Manuals – “BWA Men’s Department Manual”, 1997 62.4 Manuals – “Bold People Search Church Guide”, 1981 62.5 Manuals – Campaign Manual – Life and Liberty, 76-Arkansas Baptist State Convention, etc., 1976 62.6 Manuals – “Children’s Coordinator’s Manual (Grades 1-6): Ministry Evangelism Weekend”, 1976 62.7 Manuals – “The Church Evangelism Council Manual & Workbook,” 1986 62.8 Manuals – A Comprehensive Plan for Evangelism Local Church Planning Guide by Harold K. Bales, 1978 62.9 Manuals – “Continuing Training: Pastor/ Leader Manual”, 1980 62.10 Manuals – Dick Onarecker Starlight Evangelistic Crusades General Director Guidebook 62.11 Manuals – “Equipping the Evengelist” – General Program Council – Reformed church in America – Good News People, 1976 62.12 Manuals- follow Through Manual for the Pastor Led WIN strategy: A 26 week Study

Box 63 63.1 Manuals – “Global Prayer Strategy Manual”, 1989 63.2 Manual – “Good News is for Sharing: Guidebook”, 1977 63.3 Manual – “Growth Evangelism: An Evangelism Planning Calendar for Pastors of Churches”, 1976-1977 63.4 Manual – “I’m Sure! Fire in the Fields: Rescuing the Harvest”- Mike Lee 63.5 Manual – “I’m Sure! Fire in the Fields: Rescuing the Harvest”- Mike Lee – Student Handbook 63.6 “Keys: A Crusade Planning Manual” – Crusade Evangelism International 63.7 Manuals – “Lay renewal Weekend Preparation” 63.8 Manual: “Lay Renewal Weekend Youth Coordinator’s Manual”, 1974 63.9 Manual – “Lead: A Witness Training Guide”, 1973 63.10 Manual – “Leadership: Basics to Maturity”, 1976 63.11 Manual- “Manual for Area Revival” – C.E. Autry, 1965 63.12 Manual – “Manual for Design for Church Growth” By Charles L. Chang & Ron S. Lewis, 1977 63.13 Manual – “Manual for Discovery and Cultivation of Evangelistic Prospects”, 1987

40 63.14 Manual – Manual for use and care of Tents”, 1984 63.15 Manual – “The Ministry Evangelism Weekend Leadership Manual”, 1976 63.16 Manual – “The Ministry Evangelism Weekend Preparation Manual”, 1976 63.17 Manual – “Reach Out: Share Life” – Mission Life. Christ Style – Concordia Publishing House, 1974 63.18 Manual – “the Net: Evangelism For the 21st Century – Apprentice Manual”, 1999 63.19 Manual – “The Net: Evangelism for the 21st Century – Leader Guide”, 1996 63.20 Manual – “The Net :Evangelism for the 21st Century – Mentor Handbook”, 1999 63.21 Manual – “The New Crusade Manual”, 1968

Box 64 64.1 Manuals – “The Offer Still Stands: Pastors/Church Revival Preparation Manual” (Includes Worksheets/ads), 1991 64.2 Manuals – “operation S.E.E. Evangelism Manual”, 1968-1969 64.3 Manuals – “Pastors/Church Revival Preparation Manual” Good News America, 1986 64.4 Manuals – “Pastor’s Preparation Manual” for Good News Missouri, C.A., 1980 64.5 Manuals- “Prayer for Spiritual Awakening Seminar Student Manual”, 1984 64.6 Manuals – “Praying Your Friends to Christ”- Instructor’s Manual – Celebrate Jesus 2000, 1998 64.7 Manuals – “Proclamation 76 Revivals : Manual for Committees”, 1976 64.8 Manuals – “Reach Out”! Discipleship Manual”, 1973 64.9 Manuals – “Reach Out! Leadership Family Manual”, 1974 64.10 Manuals – “Revival: Church Preparation Manual” – First Baptist church – Inverness, MS- Danny Lee Prater. 1987 64.11 Manual- “Revival for All Revival Suggestions”, Leonard Sanderson Evangelistic Association, Inc. 64.12 Manuals – “Revival Preparation Manual”- Appelman Campaigns, Inc. 64.13 Manual- “ Sharing Christ through Contouring Witness (Including the Continuing Witness Activities Manual)”, 1973 64.14 Manuals – “ A Story to Tell Training Manual”- General Program Council – Reformed Church in America – Good News People, 1976 64.15 Manuals ”Suggestions and Plans for Revival Promotion” – E.J. Daniels Revival Party

Box 65 65.1 Manuals-“Total Church Life Church Evangelism Planbook”, 1991-1992 65.2 Manuals – “ The Urban church survey Manual”, 1969 65.3 Manuals – WIN Missouri: Lay Evangelism in the Local Church Teachers Manual 65.4 Manuals – WIN Missouri Lay Evangelism School Student Manual 65.5 Manual- WIN Oklahoma Teacher’s Manual: A Lay Evangelism Strategy, Ca. 1995 65.6 Manuals – “The Writers Manual form Seminary Extension Courses” 65.7 The Maranatha News – First Baptist Church – Mt. Vernon, MO, 2002 65.8 Marijuana 65.9 Marketplace Evangelism, 1999-2001 65.10 Mass Evangelism 65.11 Mass Evangelism Strategy for a Church 65.12 Mastellar, Rod, 1984

41 65.13 “Mastering the Master’s Method of Sharing the Good News” 65.14 Master’s Plan, The – FBC Springdale – R. Floyd 65.15 Material for Lifestyle Evangelism Notebook 65.16 Mathews, C. E., 1952-1955 65.17 Mayorga, Jamie, 1990

Box 66 66.1 McDowell, Josh 66.2 McFadden Ministries Inc., Larry, 1994 66.3 McFarland, Alex, 2000 66.4 McVicker, Mike, 1996 66.5 MEBA Messenger – Metro East Baptist Association, 2002 66.6 Messianic Jewish Movement International 66.7 Mid- America Baptist Theological Seminary 66.8 Miles, Dr. Delos, 1995 66.9 Miller Ministries, Craig, 1995 66.10 Miller, Curtis – Resume/ Biographical Information, 1986 66.11 A Mission of Friendship – A Guide for the Use of 66.12 Missouri Baptist Men: their Mission Ad Ministry by Paul M. Harrey 66.13 Missouri Baptist Statewide Evangelism Strategy, 1989 66.14 Missourians Who Serve in Mission Work Around the World, 1999 66.15 Mitchell, BO, 1990 66.16 Money, A Word From God About 66.17 Mormonism 66.18 Mosby, Lee, 1983 66.19 Moseley, Frank 66.20 Music – Sheet Music and Song Books 66.21 My Commitment to Witness for Christ 66.22 “My Good News Journal: A Journal for Kids Who Are New Christians”, 1993 66.23 National Association of Evangelicals, 2001 66.24 National Center For Business and Community Leadership, ca, 1979 66.25 National Conferences on Rural Evangelism – “The Miracles of Jesus,” Sept. 25-27, 1978 66.26 National Drug Control Strategy, Jan 1990 66.27 National Fellowship of Baptist Men 66.28 Nature of Biblical Evangelism, The (By John R. W. Scott) 66.29 Neal, Randall S., 1991

Box 67 67.1 The Need – By Jack Stanton 67.2 Neighborhood Prayerations 67.3 “New Life Brochures”, 1969 67.4 New Members – Registration Materials 67.5 “The New Testament Church in Evangelism” 67.6 “The Offering” By John Bisagno 67.7 Oxford Evangelism – Dr. J. Edwin Orr, 1975 67.8 Ordinations, 2001

42 67.9 P.E.O.P.L.E 67.10 Pack the Pew Ministry 67.11 Pamphlets – “Chalk Art Evangelism” 67.12 Pamphlets – “Christ for the World Board Members” ca., 1992 67.13 pamphlets – “ City Missions”, ca, 1954 67.14 Pamphlets – “The Church in the New Testament”, 1989 67.15 Pamphlets, “ the Cross of Jesus”, 1992 67.16 Pamphlets – “Evangelism – In Depth” – Latin America Mission, ca., 1967 67.17 Pamphlets – “ Get Acquainted with Southern Baptists” 67.18 Pamphlets – “ The Gift of the Devil: Bible Facts of the Unknown tongue”, W.P. Rowland 67.19 Pamphlets – “Guiding a Sunday School for Evangelistic Results, ca, 1958 67.20 Pamphlets – “Guidelines for Witnessing” – Paul Benjamin, 1975 67.21 Pamphlets, “Hello Baptists: A Project to enlist Non Resident Church Members”, 1975 67.22 Pamphlets – “How We Become a More Caring Congregation” – Maxine Marshall, 1981 67.23 Pamphlets – “How Wise and How Foolish We Have Become”- Dr. E.H. Clemmer 67.24 Pamphlets – “A Know- So salvation” – Gene Williams, Th. D 67.25 Pamphlets – “ The Life and Ministry of Hyman Appelman: 1902” Christian Hall of Fame Series, no5, 1975 67.26 Pamphlets – “Life Commitment”, 1975 67.27 Pamphlets – Miscellaneous 67.28 Pamphlets – “Music in Evangelism”, 1955 67.29 Pamphlets – “A New Dimension, Rededication,” 1975 & 1982 67.30 Pamphlets: “New Directors in Evangelism Today” 67.31 Pamphlets – “The New Life Through the New Birth” 67.32 Pamphlets –“Nineteen Messianic Psalms”, 1985 67.33 Pamphlets- Pastor’s evangelism Planbook: Evangelizing & Congregationilizing – The Evangelistic Church on Bold Mission, 1977-1979(1971) 67.34 Pamphlets – “ Person-to-Person Evangelism: For Use Wherever You Are Seven Days a Week 1966 67.35 Pamphlets –“Planned Revival Visitation”, 1975 67.36 pamphlets – “Pray For Revival”- Charles G. Finney (Selections From Lectures on Revivals of Religion, 1868) 67.37 Pamphlets – “Rededication: Make Your Rededication Real”

Box 68 68.1 Pamphlets – Resources for the Evangelism in the Local church, 1969 68.2 Pamphlets – “Seven Biblical Images of Teaching” – Douglas E. Wingeier, 1978 68.3 Pamphlets – Simultaneous Revivals: An Associational Planbook 68.4 Pamphlets – “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”- Jonathan Edwards 68.5 Pamphlets – “Sinners evangelism Teams: Preparation for your Youth – Led Summer Evangelism Event- Robert D. Lewis 68.6 Pamphlets – “Sunday School at Night”, 1975 68.7 Pamphlets – “Sunday School Teacher – Led Evangelistic Service”, 1975 68.8 Pamphlets – “Target: Lifestyle Evangelistic and Lifestyle Ministry” – Elton Trueblood and David Haney 68.9 Pamphlets – “Toward Christian Maturity”, 1974

43 68.10 Pamphlets – “Training Sunday School Walkers in Evangelism”, ca, 1985 68.11 Pamphlets – “What Every Protestant Should Know” 68.12 Pamphlets – “Willing Witness: Sunday School Lesson for Decision Day” 68.13 Pamphlets – “Witnessing Equipping Methods” – Evangelism Section, 1987 68.14 Pamphlets – “You are a Baptist, Why Not Belong?”, 1987 68.15 Pamphlets – “You Can Be a Witness with the Word”, ca, 1969 68.16 Pamphlets- “Your New Life: For the New Believer”, 1974 & 1982 68.17 Pastors – General Information 68.18 Pastor’s “Placements” 68.19 Pathway to Partnership 68.20 Jackson Evangelistic Association 68.21 People Sharing Truth – M.B. Pete Miliken 68.22 IPeter, Outlines in 68.23 Personal Characteristics Inventory (Readiness for Ministry), 1983 68.24 Personal Opinions of an Evangelistic Song Service 68.25 Phillips, Evangelistic Kevin 68.26 Phillips, Tom 68.27 Photographs (Folder 1 of 8) 68.28 Photographs (Folder 2 of 8)

Box 69 69.1 Photographs (Folder 3 of 8) 69.2 Photographs (Folder 4 of 8) 69.3 Photographs (Folder 5 of 8) 69.4 Photographs (Folder 6 of 8) 69.5 Photographs (Folder 7 of 8) 69.6 Photographs (Folder 8 of 8) 69.7 Photographs – Billy Graham

Box 70 70.1 Photographs – Crusades of the Americas 70.2 Photographs – George H. W. and Barbara Bush 70.3 Photographs – Home Mission Board and Radio/ TV- Folder 1 of 2 70.4 Photographs – Home Missions Board and Radio/ TV – Folder 2 of 2 70.5 “Pitcairn Island Bible Returns”, 1949 70.6 Plan of salvation 70.7 Plumbline – Southern Baptist of Texas, December 1998 70.8 Ponder, James 70.9 Poetry 70.10 Pornography awareness, Missouri Citizens for 70.11 Pornography, General Information 70.12 Pornography, National Coalition against (Folder 1 of 2) 70.13 Pornography, National Coalition Against (Folder 2 of2) 70.14 Pornography, Religious Alliance Against 70.15 Post – Denominationalism 70.16 Postmodern Church

44 70.17 Prayer – General Information

Box 71 71.1 Prayers for Spiritual Awakening Conferences – Materials & Schedule, 1988 71.2 Pre-Junior Professions of Faith 71.3 Preparation for Revival Evangelism 71.4 Preparation through Prayer 71.5 “Preparing for Crusade” 71.6 “Preparing for Crusade 2” 71.7 Press Releases 71.8 Presson, Don 71.9 Preston, Tony, ca, 1988 (includes Biographical Sketches) 71.10 Program of Evangelism of the Southern Baptist Convention, The (By C. E. Autry) 71.11 Programs – Annual Meeting of Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries, 1999 71.12 Programs – Annual Meeting of State Evangelism Directors and Staff, December 11-14, 1977 71.13 Programs – Heartland conference – SBU – May 24-25, 2001 71.14 Programs – Jim Mellers Evangelism and Conference Center – “A Time of Dedication”, March 25-27, 1985 71.15 Programs – Miscellaneous 71.16 Programs – Media Evangelism Conference, ca, 1980 71.17 Programs – Southern Illinois Bible and Evangelism Conference, Jan 14-16, 1990 71.18 Programs, Special Events 71.19 Programs – State Evangelism Conference – North Phoenix Baptist church- Phoenix, AZ- 1984& 1988 71.20 Programs- “Touching the world for Christ” – Whitesburg Baptist Church Mission Ministries Celebrate Jesus 2000, 1998-1999 71.21 Programs – Town & Country Evangelism Conference – Stithon Baptist Church – Radcliff, KY, Sept 26-28, 1991 71.22 Programs – Youth Evangelistic Conference – Mississippi College Coliseum, Dec 24-30, 1980 71.23 Promise Keepers 71.24 Promise of Life youth/ Adult partnership Revival Planbook, 1984 71.25 Proposal for a Cooperative Program of Evangelistic Training with Baptist Learning Center of South Texas 71.26 Prospect sheet for Sunday School Evangelism Service 71.27 Prospective E. V. Donors- Amway 71.28 Psalm 46 (American Bible Society), 1970 71.29 Publications, 1948-1949, 1951 & 1954 71.30 Publicity Pictures 71.31 Revival Attendance Envelope 71.32 Revival Plans …Winning the youth

Box 72 72.1 Questionnaire – Evangelists Nationwide 72.2 Radio Letters, 1951

45 72.3 Randall Evangelistic Ministries, INC, Rob, 1981-1988 72.4 R.E Jarrot Evangelistic Association 72.5 Reimer, Dr. H. James, ca 1987 72.6 Religious Surveys, 1976, 1991, and others 72.7 Resource Units on Personal Witnessing 72.8 Resumes, ca 1994-1996, 1998 72.9 Retired Missionaries, Jan 1992 72.10 Revival – Attendance Envelope 72.11 Revival Booklet, ca, 1994 72.12 Revival – Coalition on, 1986 72.13 Revival – Here’s Hope, Share Jesus Now, 1995 72.14 Revival Invitations, 1985-1991 72.15 Revival Meeting Preparation Planning Sheets, 1988 72.16 Revival Oxford Association for, 1979, 1980 72.17 Revival – Pastor’s Guide for a One Week, 1968 72.18 Revival – Preparation 72.19 Revival – Preparation, 1955v & 1976

Box 73 73.1 Revival – Preparation, 1968, 1969, & 1977 73.2 Revival – Preparation, ca 1979, 1976, 1977, 1988, 1989 73.3 Revival – Preparation for Revival Evangelism 73.4 Revival – Publicity, 1976 73.5 Revival Team Packet Prepared by Kelly Nevius, ca, 1985 73.6 Revival Team Training 73.7 Revival Teams – Messages, 1990 73.8 Revivals – Miscellaneous 73.9 Revivals – Bardwell Baptist Church- Bardwell, KY, May 5-9, 2001 73.10 Revivals – Bethel Baptist Church Revival – Aiken, SC – Nov. 1-8, 1987 – Correspondence, 1986-1987 73.11 Revivals – Bethel Baptist Church Revival – Aiken, Sc – Nov 1-8, 1987 –Publicity, 1987 73.12 Revivals Bethel Baptist church – West Plains, MO-1997 73.13 Revivals – Carpenter St. Baptist Church- Mobley, MO, August 12-13, 2000 73.14 Revivals – First Baptist Church – Centralia, MO, August 20, 2000 73.15 Revivals – First Baptist church – Greenwood, MO, Nov 18 & 19, 2000 73.16 Revivals – First Baptist Church – Greenwood, MO, March 18-21, 2001 (Postponed) 73.17 Revivals – First Baptist Church – Pleasant Hill, MO – Nov 14-21, 1993 73.18 Revivals – First Baptist Church – Stover, MO, April 29, 2001 73.19 Revivals – Harmony Baptist Church – Rev. Larry Neal, April 9-14, 1995 73.20 Revivals – How to Promote 73.21 Revivals – Lincoln Nebraska, 1955 73.22 Revivals – Prairie View Baptist Church – Hunnewell, MO Oct 19-22, 2000 73.23 Revivals- Puerto Rico Revival, 1982-1983 73.24 Revivals – Simultaneous, 1975-1976 & 1986 73.25 Revivals – Simultaneous, 1990 73.26 Revivals – Strafford Revival, June 19-26, 1977


Box 74 74.1 Revivals – Stuggart FBC Revival, January, 1979 74.2 Revivals- Wake Village First Baptist Church – Texarkana, TX, July 23, 2000 74.3 Revivals – Wardell Baptist Church – Wardell, MO, Oct. 29, 2000 74.4 Revivals – Webster Park Baptist Church – Springfield, MO, Oct. 13-15, 2000 74.5 “Revolution VS. Revival”, 1955 74.6 Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly – Associational Chairmen of Evangelism, 1973 74.7 Ridgecrest – Evangelistic Preaching/ Invitation/ Workshop – Richard H. Harris – Schedule and Notes, ca, 1992 74.8 Robinson, James, 1995 74.9 Rogers, Dr. Adrian 74.10 Roe Evangelistic Association, Henry, 1986 74.11 Roe Evangelistic Association, Henry – A Ministry to Small and Rural Churches, 1986, 1990, 1996 74.12 Roe, Henry – Certificates for, 1985-1986 74.13 Roe, Henry – Church Count 74.14 Roe, Henry T. Papers – “Living by Faith,” “Let’s Go Fishing”, and “Get a Vision” 74.15 The role of Music in Growing Churches 74.16 Roweton, Ellen, 1977, 1979, 1982 74.17 Roy, Keith, 1995 74.18 Rudy Hernandez Evangelism 74.19 Russia and Bible Prophecy – Bible Information Fellowship 74.20 Sabbath – “Why It Is Right to Keep Sunday and Wrong to Keep Saturday” Ashland Ave Baptist, Lexington, KY, 1955 74.21 A Saddlebag of Sermons and Other Works by John Wesley – Discipleship Resources 74.22 Sanderson, Leonard and Eual Lawson (correspondence) 74.23 Satterfield, Lee 74.24 Saul, Bob, 1992 74.25 Saviors Seventy Witnessing Program – Peter Lord 74.26 Scarborough Evangelistic Association, 1985

Box 75 75.1 School of Evangelism and Church Growth Materials, 1991 75.2 Schuette, Julie 75.3 Secretary’s Meeting, Nashville, 1952-1954 75.4 She-Jik, General Park, President Olympic Organization Committee – Seoul, Korea, 1988 75.5 Seeker Friendly Church 75.6 Sells, Ben & Lisa Center for World Missions, 1994 75.7 Sells, Dr. Jim, 1994 75.8 Seminary Extension Study Guide – Evangelism, EV 123, 1977 75.9 Seminary Extension Study Guide – Evangelism in Action, Ecclesiology 51, 1975-1976 75.10 Senior Adults – Ministry Ideas / Information, 1992-1993 and others 75.11 Sermon Notes 75.12 Sermons (C.E. Autrey) “The Coordinal Doctrine of the Prophets” 75.13 Sermons ( Jack Stanton) – “The Abundant Life”

47 75.14 Sermons (Jack Stanton) - “I am come so they might have life” 75.15 Sermons (Jack Stanton) – “The New Birth” 75.16 Sermons (Jack Stanton) – “The Security of the Believer” 75.17 sermons (Jack Stanton) – “The Way of Life” 75.18 Sermons (Jack Stanton) – “Why Pray?” 1948 75.19 Servant life and National and International Religion Report (Sister Publications), 1955 75.20 “ Setting up an Evangelic Association – Prepared by Henry Roe 75.21 Share Now Association, Inc.- Area- Wide Evangelistic Event Planning Guide, 1992 ed. 75.22 Share Now Association, Inc – Crusade Evangelism Manual 75.23 Share Now Association, Inc. – Crusade Evangelism Manuel

Box 76 76.1 Share Now Association, Inc. Materials, ca. 1979, 1981 76.2 Share Seminar: A Workbook for Basic Training in Christian Growth and Witness – Milt Hughes, 1974 76.3 Sharing Christ through Continuing Witness (Manual), 1973 76.4 Sharing God’s Special Plan with Children (Training Manual), 1992 76.5 “Sharing Our Faith With Our Catholic Friends” by Dr. Daniel Sanchez – Filed Test Edition, 1980 76.6 Shorrosh, Anisa 76.7 Surtleff College 76.8 Simultaneous Rivals 76.9 Smith, Evangelist Bailey, 1988-1991 76.10 Snipes, Felix, ca., 1974 76.11 Sojourners 22:6 (July 1993) 76.12 Sok Ho, NA – Personal History 76.13 Songs, 1944, 1948-1949, 1952 76.14 The Soul Winner 76.15 Soul Winning Commitment Days 76.16 South Africa Pastors Tour, March 27 – April 3, 1977 76.17 Southern Baptist – General Information, 1983 76.18 Southern Baptist Center for Biblical Studies – Marietta, Georgia, 1982 76.19 Southern Baptist Convention, June 1987 76.20 Southern Baptist Convention, 1995

Box 77 77.1 Southern Baptist Convention, 2000 77.2 Southern Baptist Convention, 2001 77.3 Southern Baptist convention, 2002 77.4 SBC – Associations – General, 1975 -1976, 1978-1980, 1982, 1987 77.5 SBC – Christian Amateur Radio Endeavor Constitution 77.6 SBC – Annuity Board Retirement Program for S.B. Vocational Evangelists, 1976-1981 77.7 SBC – Committee Nominations and Forms, 1988 77.8 SBC – Convention Material and Publicity, 1987-1988 77.9 SBC – Cooperative Program 77.10 SBC – Directions of Evangelism, Denominational

48 77.11 SBC – Directors of Evangelism – State 77.12 SBC – Editors of state Papers 77.13 SBC – Directors of Missions- Alphabetical by Association, ca., 1994 77.14 SBC – Directors of Missions, Information About, 1990 77.15 SBC – Executive Committee Meeting, September 22-24, 1986 77.16 SBC – Executive Committee Meeting, February 16-18, 1987 (Folder 1 of 2) 77.17 SBC – Executive Committee Meeting, February 16-18, 1987 (Folder 2 of 2)

Box 78 78.1 SBC – Executive Committee Meeting, June 15, 1987 78.2 SBC – Executive Committee Members, 1978-1979 78.3 SBC – Foreign Mission Board – Laymen Abroad Packet 78.4 SBC – Foreign Mission Board – Partnership Evangelism 78.5 SBC – Foreign Mission Board – Tanzania, Baptist Mission of, News Sheet, 1980 78.6 SBC – Harrison Associational Meeting – Pattonsburg, MO, August 15, 2000 78.7 SBC Historical Society, 1988 78.8 SBC – Home Mission Board, 1986/1988 78.9 SBC – Home Mission Board – Chaplaincy Dir. (Haiti-Cuba), 1994 78.10 SBC- Home Mission Board – Church Evangelism Council Workbook, 1984-1985 78.11 SBC – Home Mission Board – Direct Evangelism Division – Evangelism Planbook 1982- 1985, 1982 78.12 SBC- Home Mission Board – Church Evangelism Planbook 1987-1988 78.13 SBC – Home Mission Board – Directors of Evangelism 78.14 SBC – Home Mission Board – Division of Evangelism – History, Objectives, Structure and Relation 78.15 SBC – Home Mission Board Evangelism 78.16 SBC – Home Mission Board – Evangelism – “Our Evangelistic Heritage” – C. E. Autrey, 1966 78.17 SBC- Home Mission Board – Evangelism Resources, 1990 78.18 SBC – Home Mission Board – Evangelism Staff, ca., 1994 78.19 SBC – Home Mission Board – “Individual Church Survey, The”

Box 79 79.1 SBC – Home Missions Board – International Witness Booklets, 1968-1971 79.2 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Associational Preparation Manual, 1972 79.3 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Church Preparation Packet, 1978 79.4 SBC – Home Mission Board- Lay Evangelism School – Continuing Activities Manual, 1971 79.5 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – E Group (Student Evangelism Training Group) , 1971 79.6 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Evangelistic Bible Study Packet, 1978 79.7 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Guidebook: Student Evangelism Training, 1971

49 79.8 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Information Packet, 1978 79.9 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Miscellaneous Loose Papers, 1978 79.10 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Originals 79.11 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Outline of Bible Study Used By Jack Stanton

Box 80 80.1 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Preparation Manual 80.2 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Preparation Manual, 1971 80.3 SBC – Home Mission Board _ Lay Evangelism School – Preparation Manual: Florida Guide, 1971 80.4 SBC _ Home Board – Lay Evangelism School – Preparation Manual (Pilot) 80.5 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Spiritual Preparation Packet, 1978 80.6 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Registration Packet, 1978 80.7 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Teachers Manual (Including marked/edited copies), 1971 80.8 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Training Manual (Evangelism Training Seminar), 1971 80.9 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay Evangelism School – Teachers Manual (Prepared for Chicago) 80.10 SBC – Home Mission Board – Lay evangelism School – Transparencies 80.11 SBC – Home Mission Board – Living the Spirit of Christ in Belief and Relevance – Chairman of Evangelism Packet, 1969-1970 80.12 SBC- Home Mission board – Mass Evangelism – Area Crusade: An Introduction, 1976- 1985 80.13 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Counseling Guide, 1985 80.14 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Counseling Guide, 1985 80.15 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Follow-up Guide for Local Church Revival, 1978, 1985

Box 81 81.1 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Follow-up Manual for New Christians 81.2 SBC _ Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Guide for Conducting a Mission Revival, 1983 81.3 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Media Evangelism Manual, 1985 81.4 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Personal Commitment Counselor Packet, 1990 81.5 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Personal Commitment Guide, 1986 81.6 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Promise of Life Youth/Adult Partnership Revival Planbook, 1984 81.7 SBC – Home Mission Board – Mass Evangelism – Revival Training Seminar, 1983 81.8 SBC – Home Mission board – Mass Evangelism Strategy for a Church, 1991 81.9 SBC – Home Mission Board – Miscellaneous 81.10 SBC – Home Mission Board – One Day Soul Winning Workshop Materials, 1988

50 81.11 SBC – Home Mission Board – Soul Winning Commitment Day Materials, 1991-1992 81.12 SBC – Home Mission Board- Soul Winning Commitment Day “Share the Gospel: Equip Believers”, 1993 81.13 SBC – Home Missions Board – Soul Winning Commitment Day – “Share the Gospel: Serve in Christ’s Spirit”, 1994 81.14 SBC – Home Mission Board – Soul Winning Commitment Day – “Let Your Light Shine”, 1995 81.15 SBC - Home Mission Board – Soul Winning Commitment day – “Light Your World”, 1997

Box 82 82.1 SBC – Home Mission board –A Study of the Educational Attainments of Southern Baptist Pastors, 1973 82.2 SBC – Home Mission Board – Surveys of Unchurched Friends 82.3 SBC – Home Mission Board – Total Church Life – Pub, 1990 82.4 SBC – Home Mission Board – Volunteers in Christian Social Ministries, 1977 82.5 SBC - Home Mission Board - Witness and Soul Winning Commitment Day, 1986-1987, 1995 82.6 SBC – Home Mission Board – “Witness Involvement Now: An Introduction and Interpretation” 82.7 SBC – Home Mission Board –Youth Edition Prayer for Spiritual Awakening, 1985 82.8 SBC – Home Mission Board – Youth Evangelism Resources, National, 1983 82.9 SBC – Home Mission – Youth Evangelism Strategy – “Yes”, 1984&1986 82.10 SBC – International Mission Board, Over Seas Personnel, 1997 82.11 SBC – International Mission Board – Short-Term Volunteer Needs, June 1998 82.12 SBC – Missions Department – Mission Volunteers, 1983 82.13 SBC – Missouri Baptist – Church Staff Salary Study, 1980 &1982 82.14 SBC – North American Mission Board – Church Planting Today, Winter 1998 82.15 SBC – North American Mission Board – Denver – Nov 30-Dec 2, 2000 82.16 SBC – SBC – NAMB – Departmental Structure, March 21, 1997 82.17 SBC – SBC - North American Mission Board – Evangelism Group, 1998 82.18 SBC – Pastor’s Conference, 1991 82.19 SBC – Pastors Conference, June 1989 82.20 SBC – Resolutions on Prayerful and Biblical Support by the Selma Baptist Association, 1987 82.21 SBC – Revivals Conducted in SBC, 1981-1982 82.22 SBC – 70 Onward 82.23 SBC – St. Louis Baptist Mission Board 82.24 SBC – St. Louis Baptist Mission Board Committee on Evangelism, 1977 82.25 SBC – State Conventions – Arkansas – North Arkansas Baptist Association, 1987 82.26 SBC – State Conventions – Indiana State Convention, 1980 82.27 SBC – State Conventions – Kansas – Nebraska Convention, 1995

Box 83 83.1 SBU – Classes – Basic Church Evangelism – CHR 2043 – Notes (Folder 1 of 3) 83.2 SBU – Classes – Basic Church Evangelism – CHR 2043 – Notes (Folder 2 of 3)

51 83.3 SBU – Classes – Basic Church Evangelism – CHR 2034 – Notes (Folder 3 of 3) 83.4 SBU – Classes – Basic Church Evangelism – CHR 2043 Syllabus, etc, 1996 83.5 SBU – Classes – Basic Evangelism – Information, Fall, 1996 83.6 SBU – Classes – Basic Evangelism – Miscellaneous 83.7 SBU – Classes – Basic Evangelism – Notes 83.8 SBU – Classes Lifestyle Evangelism (Folder 1 of 2)

Box 84 84.1 SBC – State Conventions – Missouri Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, 1989-1990 84.2 SBC – State Conventions – Missouri Baptist Association, 1983 84.3 SBC – State Conventions – Missouri Baptist Children’s Home 84.4 SBC – State Conventions – New York Baptist Convention, 1975-1976 84.5 SBC – Stewardship – General Information, 1982-1983 & 1991 84.6 SBC – Sunday School Board – Information Through Action – “Witnessing Through the Sunday School”, March 1981 84.7 SBC – Vice Presidents, First, 1988 84.8 Southern Baptist Educator, 1976 & 1977 84.9 Southern Baptist Texan – 2:11 (December 2000) & p. from 3:1 ( January 2001) 84.10 SBC – Vocational Evangelists, Directory of Southern Baptist, 1985, 1988-1989 84.11 “Southern Baptist and the Voice of God”, 1955 84.12 SBU – Class – Basic Church Evangelism – Notes (Folder 1 of 3) 84.13 SBU – Classes Basic Church Evangelism – Notes (Folder 2 of3)

Box 85 85.1 SBU – Classes Basics Church Evangelism Notes (Folder 3 of 3) 85.2 SBU – Classes – Lifestyle Evangelism 85.3 SBU – Counselors 85.4 SBU – Evangelists – Students and Alumni 85.5 SBU – Expositor’s Week, 1986 85.6 SBU – Heartland 2000 Conference, July 13-15, 2000 85.7 SBU – Newsletter, 1987 85.8 SBU – Scholarship Financial Assistance Programs 85.9 Special Rallies, 1955-1956 85.10 Specific Church Growth Plans- Robert Gee Witty, PhD. 85.11 Spiritual Awakening – General Information, 1980, 1982, 1989 85.12 Spiritual Checklist for Personal Revival 85.13 Spiritual Evaluation Card 85.14 “Spiritual Journey: A Mission Malawi Report from Dale Freeman”, 1994 85.15 Spiritual Preparation Action Pack 85.16 “Spurgeon Tells of His Conversion” – Copied by DeWitt Mathews 85.17 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Activates and Events, 1973-1975 85.18 Stanton, Dr, Jack – Activities and Events, 1976-1977 85.19 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Activities and Events, 1978-1979 85.20 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Activities and Events, 1984

52 Box 86 86.1 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Appointments, 1985-1987 86.2 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Articles by, 1986, 1992, 1993, and others 86.3 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Articles About, 1987, 1988, 1994, and others 86.4 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Certificate of Appreciation/ Recognition, 1975, 1978, 1984, 1995- 1997 86.5 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Invitations for Speaking Engagements, 1986-1989 86.6 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Letters of Appreciation to 86.7 Stanton, Dr. Jack – “A Man on the Go With the Gospel” – Slide Presentation 86.8 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Meetings, 1996-1997 86.9 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Meetings, 1995-1996 86.10 Stanton, Dr. Jack “Personal Soul Winning, Training and Inspiring Others to Do It”, 1988 86.11 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Photos of 86.12 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Schedule, 2000 86.13 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Speaking Engagements, 1996-1997 86.14 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Speaking Engagements, 1995-1996 86.15 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Speaking Engagements, 1994-1995 86.16 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Speaking Engagements, 1980-1987 86.17 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Tanzania Trip 86.18 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Travel Itinerary, 1996-1997 86.19 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Travel Itinerary, 1995-1996 86.20 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Travel Itinerary, 1994-1995

Box 87 87.1 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Travel Itinerary, 1985-1988 87.2 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Travel Itinerary, 1993-1994 87.3 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Travel Itinerary, 1984 87.4 Stanton, Dr. Jack – “What in the World?”, 1988 87.5 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Writing Assignments, 1996-1997 87.6 Stanton, Dr. Jack - Speaking Engagements – Church Bulletins, 1987-1988 87.7 Stanton, Dr. Jack – Speaking Engagements, Crusades, & Revivals – Bulletins/ Publicity, 1987-1988, 1990 87.8 St. Clair, Carol 87.9 Starlite Crusade Materials – Del City, OK – First Southern Baptist Church 87.10 Stationary 87.11 Statistics on Evangelism, 1959 87.12 Steps in Organizing Telephone Sunday School Class 87.13 Stewardship – Tracts, Pastors, Clippings, Letters, Bulletins – 1942-1949, 1953, 1954, and others 87.14 Strack Association, Jay 87.15 Stricklin, Gil 87.16 A Study of Dayton, Ohio – New Life Crusade, 1967 87.17 Study of Evangelism in Our Day 87.18 Study Guide for a Study of Four Faiths of our Community: Baptists, Jehovah’s Witness, Latter Day Saints, Catholics – FBC Silsbee, TX 87.19 Substance Abuse


Box 88 88.1 “Suggests Revival Plans of Tal D. Brown 88.2 Summary of the Final Report of the Attorney General’s Commission Pornography, July 1986 88.3 Sunday (The Magazine of the Lord’s Day Alliance of the United States) 1986, 1989, 1991, 2001 88.4 Sunday Night at School 88.5 Sunday School Committee 88.6 Survey of Lifestyle Evangelism Class, Fall 1988 88.7 Taiwan, 1981 88.8 Target A.D. 2000 (Home Mission Board), 1983 88.9 Taylor, Evangelist Charlie, 1993 – 1996 88.10 Teach, Tell Evangelism Helps 88.11 “The Teacher’s Guide for the Win Our World Emphasis in the Local Church,”, 1973 88.12 TELL Witness Skill Training, 1981 88.13 Telling My Story….Sharing My Faith: An Adult Study Course in Lay Evangelism 88.14 Tentative Evangelistic Reality Rally Plans, 1994 88.15 “A Theory of Evangelism for the New Cities” 88.16 “The Theology of Proclaiming and Witnessing” by Jack Stanton, 1988 88.17 Things You Can Do To Win Others To Christ 88.18 3rd Congress Pan – Americana De Homens Batistas, 1977 88.19 Thomasson Evangelistic Association, Inc, Rick and Paulette 88.20 Tomorrow’s Evangelist Today Minutes of Meeting, 1985-1986 88.21 “Toward a Theology of the City” – Raymond J. Bakke, March 13, 1981 88.22 “Toward Effecitve Evangelism Strategies for the Union Harvest” – Dale W., July 1986 88.23 Tracts – Consecration, 1951 and older 88.24 Tracts – “Good News: Resurrection!” 88.25 Tracts, “Here’s Hope” 88.26 Tracts – J-O-Y, Iowa – “Annie Said Thanks,” “Be Sure,” “The House on the Rock” 88.27 Tracts – “My Christian Witness”

Box 89 89.1 Tracts – Parents, 1944 -1945, 1947, 1951, and others 89.2 Tracts – “Would You Like to Receive the Gift Of Eternal Life” 89.3 Traveler’s Christian Fellowship – Publication, 1975 - 1976 89.4 Trinity World Forum – Publication, 1988, 1991-1992, 1996, 1998 89.5 Turnage, Rev. Loren, 1988 89.6 2000 Plue: The Internation Institute of Evangelism Reaches Around the World with an Action Plan of Evangelism for the Technological Age: A Case Statement, 2000 89.7 Usury (Letter From Clyde Oster), 1988 89.8 Vestal, Daniel 89.9 Video Dynamics, Inc. 89.10 Video – Effective and Exciting Ways to Share the Good News of Jesus Christ 89.11 Vocational Evangelism, ca., 1977 89.12 W.A.R. Ministry

54 89.13 Wade and Barbara Akins, 2002 89.14 Watson, Granville – Reports by, 1993-1994 89.15 Welcome Packets –Samples 89.16 Wellspring Mission Volunteers Foundation, 1985-1986 89.17 Wellspring Update, 1985-1986 89.18 West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists, April 11, 2001 89.19 West Virginia Southern Baptist, 2002 89.20 “What Jesus Wants You to Do” – Frank Barnes, 1975 89.21 Whitehead, Bob, 1986 89.22 Whitehouse – Bush Administration, 1986, 1988-1990 89.23 “Who Is a Man of God?”, 1953 89.24 Who’s Who in Religion, ca 1984 89.25 “William A. Powell at Birmingham, Alabama (First Draft)”, October 14, 1971 89.26 Wilson, Dr. Grady 89.27 WIN School Student Handbook, 1991 89.28 Winona Echoes – Sermon Titles – Zondervan, 1913-1945

Box 90 90.1 witness Training Involvement Materials 90.2 Witnessing 90.3 The Witnessing Life 90.4 Witnessing- Miscellaneous 90.5 “The Witnessing Visit in the Home” by Jack Stanton 90.6 Woolford, Paul 90.7 World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – American Executive Committee – Planning Session, Nov. 18-19, 1982 90.8 World Baptist Congress on Urban Evangelism – Rio De Janero, June 26- July 3, 1983 90.9 World Conference of Baptist Evangelists 90.10 World Conf. of Baptist Evangelists – Preparation and Publicity, July 1985 90.11 World Conf. Of Baptist Evangelicals- Registration Information Requests, 1985 90.12 World Congress on Urban Evangelism – Advisory Council Members, 1987 90.13 World Evangelism Association (Shore Now) – Legal Documents, ca. 1998 90.14 World Mission of Reconciliation through Christ, 1973 90.15 Worship – H. I. Hester Lectures, 1981 90.16 “A Year of Evangelism” 90.17 “You Can Understand and Share With Others Knowledge of the Holy Bible” – Robert Gee Witty Ph.D. 90.18 Zhang, Xiaodong, 1998