ALTERRA CONSULTING 1247 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20007 Creating Leaders Through Global Education Tel. 703.549.9115


STUDY ABROAD IN SOUTH March 18-30, 2018


ALTERRA CONSULTING 1247 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20007 Creating Leaders Through Global Education Tel. 703.549.9115



► DEPART WASHINGTON DULLES FOR (VIA JOHANNESBURG) Day 1 • Sun., March 18, 2018 / South African Airways #208 departs Washington for Johannesburg at 5:40 PM

► ARRIVE CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA Day 2 • Mon., March 19, 2018  Arrive in Johannesburg at 4:50 PM, and transfer to flight for Cape Town (2 hours’ flight duration)  Arrive Cape Town International in the late evening / Meet and greet by your Alterra guide  Settle in, enjoy an arrival snack, and then overnight at the delightful Never@Home Design Hostel (!


 Breakfast starts at 6:30 AM, then dialogue with an urban sociologist about how apartheid land-use policies worked to divide communities along racial lines. We’ll explore whether this division continues today less intentionally – and if it does, we’ll ask why. Our sociologist facilitator may ask us to draw comparisons with US cities with which we are familiar.

 Colonial and Post-Colonial Cape Town (9:00 AM) We take a city tour that includes observations of colonial and post-colonial monuments. This excursion will provide us with a broad orientation to Cape Town – and will paint a picture of its colonial legacy. This tour includes visits to a host of historical attractions such as , the former site of the Cecil John Rhodes statue at the , the ‘Bo-Kaap’ Cape Malay neighborhood, and more.

 Lunch (12:30PM-2:00PM)

 Overview of Langa and Townships. After lunch, we visit two of Cape Town’s several townships. These visits are to be considered of a piece with our late-morning visit to the , so that there's a thread to our focus on the legacy of the Group Areas Act, which divided communities and forced neighborhood removals in the 1960s.

Langa and Khayelitsha are the oldest formal townships in Cape Town. In Langa, we learn about the hostel system that was initiated by the apartheid government to house male migrant workers who came to the city to work but were not allowed to live in Cape Town proper. On the way out, we drive to Khayelitsha’s “Lookout Hill” to witness the vastness of this sprawling township. Our afternoon tour ends at the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.

 Transfer to local beach at 5:00 PM to spend a bit of down-time!  Return to hotel at 6:30 PM  Dinner at 7:00 PM / Overnight at Never@Home Design Hostel 2

ALTERRA CONSULTING 1247 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20007 Creating Leaders Through Global Education Tel. 703.549.9115

► INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE WITH SOUTH AFRICAN PEERS ~ CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL ISSUES Day 4 • Wed., March 21, 2018  Breakfast starts at 6:30 AM at the hotel  Meet in the lobby at 8:00 AM, then depart for South Peninsula High School for a morning visit that begins at 8:30 AM  Attend a history class on apartheid, and hold interactive discussions with peers. All Chatham Hall students will attend a high school history class at South Peninsula High School to cover the 1996 South African constitution and contemporary issues in the South African economy, politics, and government. Through the morning, we’ll also hold break-outs that focus on diversity at school; the fascinating Rhodes Must Fall student campaign (; our perceptions of freedom, equality, and access; our views on race, class, and justice; the lingering effects of apartheid and its US corollary; how our youth perceptions may differ from our parents’ views; and more.  Lunch (1:00–2:00 PM), then depart South Peninsula High school for the University of Cape Town (UCT).

 The transformation of South African dance, with Maxwell Rani, UCT professor of dance Discussion of how contemporary African dance expresses pain, joy – the entire range of human emotions – through movement/dance. With Dr. Rani and his students, we’ll explore how contemporary dance from throughout the African continent explores issues of importance to real people, in both urban and rural communities. We’ll look at dance as a healing medium. We’ll participate in the class, and learn experientially!

 Transfer to the Century City shops to relax and explore the Arts-Trail and the Intaka Island wetlands ( – boating in the wetlands is a fun option! Other options here include exploring bird hides, walking, and training.

 Return to Never@Home Design Hostel at 6:30 PM / Dinner at 7:00 PM / Overnight at Never@Home

► DAY OF SERVICE #1: SMALL CHILDREN & THE JOY OF READING IN LOCAL LANGUAGES Day 5 • Thu. March 22, 2017  Breakfast starts at 6:30A  Meet your guide Khanyiso at 6:50 AM  Depart the hotel at 7:00 AM  Arrive at the offices of “Nal’ibali: It starts with a story” ( at 7:45 AM  Welcome remarks and registration (Facilitator: Mr. Kamohelo Ramaipato)  Ice-breaker and student introductions activity (8:30 AM–10:10 AM)  Tea Break (10:10 AM–10:30 AM)  Introducing Nal’ibali and reading for enjoyment (10:30 AM–11:30 AM)  Writing: Scribbles and story extensions (11:30AM–1:40 PM)  Songs & games with the kids (12:40 PM–12:50 PM)  Introducing Reading Clubs (12:50 PM–1:15 PM)  Catered lunch onsite (1:15 PM–1:45 PM)  Storytelling with the children (1:45 PM–2:20 PM)


ALTERRA CONSULTING 1247 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20007 Creating Leaders Through Global Education Tel. 703.549.9115

 Plan reading club sessions for delivery going forward (2:20 PM–4:45 PM)  Return to the hotel at 4:45 PM to freshen up, then transfer to the home of Chatham Hall alumna Natalia Rose for dinner!  Return to the hotel after dinner / Overnight at Never@Home Design Hostel

► DAY OF SERVICE #2: SMALL CHILDREN & THE JOY OF READING IN LOCAL LANGUAGES Day 6 • Fri., March 23, 2018  Breakfast starts at 6:30 AM  Meet your guide Khanyiso in the lobby at 7:05 AM  Depart hotel at 7:15 AM  Arrive at local clinic/children’s hospital for service (time at clinic: 8:30 AM–1:00 PM). Activities: Reading, talking, playing with and distributing storybooks to the children, engaging parents or guardians around Nal’ibali resources. We will become Nal’ibali “storytellers on tour” today. We will engage in pop-up reading/storytelling, plus songs, games, and more. Big takeaway for the kids: Your local language is important, and reading in your language is fun!  Lunch: 1:30 PM–2:30 PM  Big-tent reading club session: Everyone participates (2:30 PM–4:00 PM)  Debrief and reflection: Discuss takeaways and new perceptions, share observations (4:00 PM– 4:30 PM)  Return to the hotel at 4:45 PM / Freshen-up at the hotel / Dinner & cross-cultural experience at Wynberg Girls’ High School (  Overnight at Never@Home Design Hostel

& Day 7 • Sat., March 24, 2018  Breakfast starts at 6:30 AM at the hotel, after which we transfer immediately to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront for the ferry trip to Robben Island  Robben Island Museum (9:00 AM-12:00 PM; weather-dependent). This is a signature experience of our visit to South Africa. We will observe what life was like at Robben Island prison – for Nelson Mandela, Ahmed Kathrada, Walter Sisulu, and other political prisoners of the apartheid regime.  Lunch near Boulders Beach. After lunch, we’ll take a guided afternoon tour of Boulder’s Beach, where we will observe African Penguins in their natural habitat. At the beach, we will be joined by Christo Brand, Nelson Mandela’s former prison warden, and Vusumzi Mcongo, a former Robben Island political prisoner. They will tell their fascinating stories of time with Mr. Mandela. Mr. Brand became a very close friend to the future South African president!  Depart for Never@Home Design Hostel in the late afternoon / Dinner, then overnight at Never@Home

~ ~ KIRSTENBOSCH GARDENS SUMMER CONCERT / Day 8 • Sun., March 25, 2018  Breakfast at the hotel, period of reflection on our experiences to date, then transfer to Table Mountain at 9:30 AM  Table Mountain (10:00 AM–12:00 PM). Majestic, mysterious Table Mountain dominates Cape Town’s skyline; its austerity draws admirers from around the world. Our visit this morning affords 4

ALTERRA CONSULTING 1247 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20007 Creating Leaders Through Global Education Tel. 703.549.9115

us unsurpassed views from its summit. Option for a guided hike up Table Mountain: There are several routes, with varying degrees of intensity.  Lunch (12:30 PM–2:00 PM)  Explore Greenmarket Square flea market, then transfer to Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens for a late- summer outdoor musical concert  Transfer back to the Never@Home Design Hostel / Dinner, then overnight at Never@Home

► DAY OF SERVICE #3: URBAN FARMS & AFFORDABLE HOUSING Day 9 • Mon., March 26, 2018  Breakfast at the hotel, then transfer to the Phillippi Horticultural Area  Dialogue with Nazeer Sonday, community farmer: Poverty, farming, food security, water security, and activism. At PHA, following our initial conversation with the irrepressible Mr. Sonday, we’ll tour the farms. We’ll observe and learn all about his “Veg-pop” farming methods, and why he chose this innovative approach to farming. We’ll volunteer alongside local community members at the farm, and we’ll learn how Mr. Sonday and his team fight hunger each and every day. [A local woman winemaker may join us onsite today for a conversation around her journey to become one of only two women winemakers of color in the region; hers is a fascinating story, and we’ll want to hear it!]  Depart farm at 5:00 PM / Arrive at hotel at 6:00 PM / Overnight at Never@Home Design Hostel

► CAPETOWN  JOHANNESBURG  PILANESBERG NATIONAL PARK Day 10 •Tue., March 27, 2018  Depart Never@Home with boxed breakfasts for the airport (6:00 AM)  Catch our 8:00 AM flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg  Arrive in Johannesburg at 10:00 AM  Transfer from OR Tambo International Airport to Pilanesberg National Park (2 hours’ drive)  Arrive at Pilanesberg’s Bakgatla lodge ( in time for lunch ~ Lunch at the lodge (1:00 PM–2:00 PM)  Late Afternoon Game Drive! (4:00 PM–6:00 PM)  Return to lodge ~ Dinner at 7:00 PM  Overnight at Bakgatla lodge

► GAMEVIEWING, WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT & CONSERVATION IN PILANESBURG PARK Day 11• Wed., March 28, 2018  Early Morning Game Drive! (5:30 AM-7:30 AM)  Breakfast at 8:00AM  Interactive discussions a range of conservation topics:  Overview of wildlife management and conservation in the North West Parks protected lands.  Strategies and projects: Rhino, brown hyena, and cheetah projects in the North West Parks.  Community development projects for families living in the areas around the parks.  Overpopulation in restricted areas and relocation projects to other parks.  Poaching and climate change.


ALTERRA CONSULTING 1247 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 201, Washington, DC 20007 Creating Leaders Through Global Education Tel. 703.549.9115

 Late Afternoon Game Drive! (4:00 PM–6:00 PM)  Dinner at 7:00 PM  Overnight at Bakgatla lodge

► PILANESBERG  JOHANNESBURG  WASHINGTON Day 12•Thu, March 29, 2018  Breakfast at the lodge, then depart Pilanesberg Park for Johannesburg  Stop for lunch in Soweto, then a tour of Soweto – to include the Mandela & Tutus houses and the Hector Pieterson Museum  Arrive at OR Tambo International Airport at 4:00 PM  South African Airways #207 departs Johannesburg for Washington at 6:30 PM

► ARRIVE WASHINGTON DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Day 13 • Fri., March 30, 2018 / Arrive Washington at 6:25 AM, and transfer to Chatham Hall