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Monroe CT RINE Let Each Become All He Is Capable Of Being" Volume Six October 5, 1967 Number Two TRANSFER ASSEMBLY SCHEDULED Freshmen A transfer assembly will be held on Tuesday, October 10 during DR. WILLY LEY TO SPEAK College Hour in the auditorium, according to Mr. Nicholas C. Proia Internationally famous rocket of the Counseling Center. All students anticipating transferring to pioneer and author, Dr. Willy Ley, Oriented will speak on the "Conquest of another college for January, 1968 or September, 1968 are urged to Freshmen were introduced, to attend this important information meeting. Space" in the Monroe Community Monroe Community College at an College auditorium, Tuesday, Oct. For students' convenience, college transfer procedure follows: Orientation program arranged by 17, at 8:30 p.m. The talk, spon- I. Students considering transferring to another college should first the Student Association, headed by sored by the Cultural Events Com- review the catalog (s) for the college (s) to which they wish to make Jim Owen, S. A. President. mittee, is free and open to the application. The Counseling Center maintains a file of college cata- The week-long affair began on public. Dr. Ley is the author logs for your convenience. The catalogs filed in the Counseling Center September 6, when Jim addressed of several popular books on space may not be removed from the Center, the Library also maintains the class in the college auditor- travel including: Missiles, Roc- a file of catalogs which are available on loan. The City of Rochester, ium. He impressed upon the new kets, and Space Travel, The Con- Main Public Library, Education Division also maintains a file of students the importance of being quest of Space, and The Explora- catalogs which are available on loan. an active member of the Assoc- tion of Mars (with Werner When reviewing the catalog (s) students should consider the following iation. "We are asking for approx- factors regarding the college: imately 100% of your support." von Braun). 1. Programs offered. He outlined the job of the Executive Since 1947 Ley has been a con- 2. Transfer procedure. Board as to act as a liason be- sultant to the office of technical 3. Requirements for transfer. tween the various segments of the services of the United States Dep- 4. Application fee. college as well as with the com- artment of Commerce. He has 5. Recommendation required. munity. In summing up, Jim ex- been a research engineer for the 6. College calender. pressed the hope that everyone Washington Institute ofTechnology 7. Deadline dates for applications. would attend classes and maintain in Maryland and during World War 8. Degrees offered. a good academic average. II was science editor of the New r> IU.II . 9. Accreditation. September sixth was also the York newspaper PM. Ur' "'"Y LeY 10. Costs. date of the Activities Fair. The Born in Berlin in 1906, Ley studied at the University of Berlin 11. Location (Travel expenses and etc.) different clubs and organizations and the University of Konigesberg in East Prussia, specializing in II. When you have narrowed your selection to three colleges, complete erected displays to acquaint stu- pathology, astronomy, and- physics. In 1926 he read a book on space a College Transfer Information card and a Transfer Activities Survey dents with the various aspects of travel and became interested in the concept of travel beyond the sheet. These forms are available in the Counseling Center (Room231) student activities, and to attract stratosphere. In 1927 he became a member of the Society for Space III. Write to the Director of Admissions of thethree colleges indicated members. Travel in Germany and helped to build and launch instruments. Ley on the College Transfer Information card requesting a transfer applica- The East Henrietta Road cam- introduced Werner von Braun, inventer of the V-2 rocket, to the tion form and indicate your intended major. pus was the background for the society. Dr. Ley served as vice president of this organization from IV. Upon receipt of your application: Freshman picnic, held on Sunday, 1928-1933. Able to speak and write seven languages, Ley corres- 1. Complete the forms requested by the college(s). September 17. About five hundred ponded with rocket pioneers throughout Europe and America. Some 2. Make an appointment with the Transfer Counselor in Room 231. people attended the affair, which of Ley's ideas were responsible for the liquid fuel rocket and his 3. Complete a transcript request card. (One for each college). began at two o'clock. Tours of the society launched one mile into the air in 1931. Note: Transcripts will not be forwarded to the college requested new buildings were guided by fac- The rise of Nazi power in Germany caused the society to be abol- until the application is complete and approved by the Transfer Counselor. ulty and administration members. ished and Ley left Germany for an "extended vacation." He accepted 4. Your completed application with the fee (if required) will be Refreshments were then served. an invitation from The American Rocket Society to visit the United mailed for you to the transfer college(s) by the Counseling Center. Dr. Leroy V. Good, President; States and arrived in New York in 1935. 5. Notify the Transfer Counselor immediately regarding any Dr. James P. Walsh, Vice-Presi- Ley found the United States unsympathetic to rocket theory and Correspondence received from the college (s) to which you have dent for Faculty Affairs and Mr. made his living writing articles on zoology for many leading maga- applied. Leonard B. Smith, Vice-President zines. for Student Affairs addressed the The Transfer Counselor must be notified when: In 1941, Dr. Ley wrote Bombs and Bombing; What Every Civilian group, welcoming them to the a. You are accepted by any College. Should Know, for the members of National Civil Defense. Ley won picnic and to the college. Dr. Good b. You have been accepted and have accepted the appointment. the nonfiction section prize of the First International Fantasy award stated optimistically that we will c. You have been accepted but have rejected the appointment. for his book, Conquest of Space. Ley acted as technical advisor to be on the new campus sometime the television series "Tom Corbett, Space Cadet," He also answered d. You have been rejected. this academic year, although he e. You have been accepted, accepted the appointment, and questions on the ABC program "Looking into Space." could not give a definite date. Dr. Ley is associated with many organizations, including: The decide to withdraw. "We will move as soon as six "IMPORTANT" German Rocket Society, the Institute of Aeronautical Science, the Soc- of the buildings are completed. iety of American Military Engineers, the American Association for All college transfer approvals are "Tentative" approvals pending I promise you that." He also the Advancement of Science, the Royal Astromical Society of Canada, satisfactory completion of your present program at Monroe Community commended the Executive Board and the Poets, Playwrights, Editors. Essayists, and Novelists. College. on their planning of Orientation This implies that you will not be finally approved until your advanced Week. He said: "This is the kind deposit fee is paid and final transcript, your medical form, discharge o"f thing we promote at MCC — an papers and any other requested information is received by the college. independence and a responsi- "We'll Move When We're Ready" The Counseling Center will send you final transcript to the college bility." you are transferring to when: You notify the Transfer Counselor that President Good "The Trackers" provided you have accepted an appointment and your advance deposit fee is paid. When asked whether MCC would September 28 at the University music beginning at 6:30. The stu- THE RECEIVING COLLEGES WILL NOT ACT ON APPLICATIONS move to the new campus in Feb- Club. "We'll move when we're dents danced on the asphalt until UNTIL ALL NECESSARY STEPS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. ruary for the Spring Semester, ready" expressed Dr. Good's view FT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE THAT THE RECEIVING 10 P.M. This was the first use President Good replied that he for Parking Lot §2. It was felt, that we'll even move sometime COLLEGE RECEIVES ALLTHE INFORMATION REQUESTED. was becoming "less and less op- after the Spring Semester has according to Jim Owen, that the timistic." This statement was College Representative Visitation* picnic was a success, and enjoyed begun, but before September. made during the regular meeting Building numbers one through by all who attended. of the Board of Trustees held College Date Time Room Representative seven with the exception of number Univ. of Miami four must be completed before (Florida) Thur. Oct. 12 11a.m. 108 Mr. Conroy MCC CAMPUS TAKES SHAPE the move is made. By the end of October, the outside work SUNY - Albany Fri. Oct. 13 11a.m. 220 Mr. Fleming should be completed and temporary heating installed. SUNY - Buffalo A total enrollment of 3,031 (Center) Tue. Oct. 17 3 p.m. 209 Mr. Johnson was announced by President Good This includes 974 returning stud- SUNY- Stony Brook Tue. Oct. 24 1 p.m. Aud. Mr. Frisbie ents and 2,057 new students. 4,921 applications were received and SUNY - Fredonia Tue. Oct. 31 1p.m. Aud. Mr. Quatroche 1,066 were rejected outright. Other applications were imcomplete or *Please check the bulletin board next to Room 231 for changes withdrawn while a number of app- and additions. licants declined acceptance. Mr. Vincent DiGaspari, Chair- man of Placement and Financial AMERICAN STUDENT INFORMATION SERVICE Aid, stated that $13,537 has been The American Student Informa- To qualify, you mustbeamem- awarded in scholarships during tion Service has announced that ber of ASIS; which requires an the Fall Semester.