Shadow Elected Members Shadow Appointed Members Pevensey District Eastbourne BC * Bill Gower * Janet Coles * Martin Hole * Tony Freebody * Robert Miles * Margaret Robinson * David Robinson Pat Rodohan * Chris Wadman * Robert Smart Colin Swansborough

Cuckmere District DC Richard Brown * Robin Patten Gill Hesslegrave (on behalf of * David White) Wealden DC Combe Haven District Kevin Balsdon * Monty Worssam * David White

* Present (76%)

Officers Environment Agency Local Authority * Peter Carver (IDD Clerk) Sue Oliver, Eastbourne BC Russell Long (Operations * Nick Sangster, Hastings DC Manager) David Robinson Alan Dodge, Rother DC Teresa Willway (IDD Project Cathy Beaumont, Rother DC/ * Manager) Wealden DC * Graham Kean, Wealden DC Water Management Alliance Phil Camamile (Chief * * Officers In Attendance Executive) Mary Creasy (PA to Chief * Executive)

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ID Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow WLMB, Minute Action


01/16/01 Bill Gower, Chairman of the Internal Drainage District (IDD) Steering Group opened the meeting with around the table introductions and welcomed everyone present to the first meeting of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board. Teresa Willway then provided some background information that had brought the Environment Agency to the point of submitting a scheme to create the new WLMB and, with the support of the Steering Group to forming a Shadow Board, in advance of the new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board being established.

01/16/02 Teresa provided an update on the work of the East Sussex Steering Group over the last four/five years looking at what should replace the three Environment Agency administered IDDs in East Sussex. Following an extensive period of consultation, in December 2014 it was decided to create a new Internal Drainage Board in the Pevensey and Cuckmere IDDs and in May 2015 it was decided that the River Ouse (Sussex) IDD would be abolished with operational responsibility reverting back to the respective riparian owners.

01/16/03 A new Steering Group was created in May 2015 to take forward the creation of the new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board, (WLMB) through the statutory processes. Defra had subsequently published the Draft Order for the constitution of the new IDB and providing no objections were received, the new Board was scheduled to commence on 1 October 2016. Following the Local Authority appointments and the selection process for the elected membership, the Shadow Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB was created and the East Sussex IDD Steering Group dissolved.

01/16/04 The Environment Agency had, with the support of the East Sussex Steering Group sought expressions of interest from all IDBs through ADA to provide administrative, engineering and operational services to the new IDB for a two-year transitional period (expected to be from 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2018). Following an extensive selection process following the Environment Agency and local council procurement processes in which the Environment Agency acted as advisors to the selection committee of Council officers and landowners, the East Sussex Steering Group had agreed to recommend that King’s Lynn IDB trading as the Water Management Alliance, (WMA) provide these services to the new Board for an initial two-year period. Clearly this recommendation would need to be considered by the new Board at an early stage after it had been constituted.

01/16/05 The Environment Agency had, with the support of the East Sussex IDD Steering Group, commissioned the WMA to support the

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Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Board until the constitution of the new Board, (expected to be on 1 October 2016).

01/16/06 Teresa Willway confirmed that the Environment Agency, as NEW recommended by the East Sussex IDD Steering Group, would BOARD continue to deliver work on the ground until at least 31 March 2017 but the work would need to be prioritised by the new Board following its constitution. This recommendation would need to be considered and approved at the first meeting of the newly constituted Board. RESOLVED that this be noted.

01/16/07 Phil Camamile provided a summary of the WMA and its five Member Boards together with his role as their Chief Executive.


02/16/01 Phil Camamile, WMA invited nominations for Chairman of the Shadow Water Level Management Board (WLMB). It was proposed by Monty Worssam, seconded by David Robinson and unanimously agreed to elect Bill Gower as Chairman of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow WLMB.

Mr Bill Gower in the Chair


03/16/01 The Terms of Reference for the Shadow Board as drafted by Phil Camamile were considered in detail, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

03/16/02 It was proposed by David White, seconded by Martin Hole and unanimously agreed to approve the Terms of Reference for the Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow WLMB. RESOLVED that this be noted.

03/16/03 An assessment of the likely impact of forming the new Board, required by the Habitat Regulations was considered in detail and endorsed by the Shadow Board, (a copy of the impact assessment had been approved by the East Sussex IDD Steering Group and is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

03/16/04 Members were apprised of the purely administrative change required to the Habitat Regulations Assessment that was already in place for the SSSI sites in the Pevensey and River Cuckmere Districts, which on formation of the new Board, now required changing to refer to the

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Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District, administered by the Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB.

03/16/05 It was proposed by David White, seconded by Chris Wadman and unanimously agreed to endorse the Habitat Regulations Assessment as presented. RESOLVED that this be noted.


04/16/01 The Members and Officers list, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), of seventeen Shadow Board members, (eight elected and nine Local Authority appointed) was considered in detail and approved, subject to the amendment of some incorrect contact details. It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to request the Defra Secretary of State to appoint those members that had been selected to represent the agricultural drainage ratepayers on the Shadow Board as the first elected members of the Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB at the same time as the new Board was constituted. Arising therefrom:

04/16/02 It was agreed to recommend that the Pevensey and Cuckmere BOARD WLMB co-opts all the supporting Officers identified on the Contacts List, (including the Local Billing Authorities, Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authority and the other Key Partners listed), as per the Shadow Board’s Terms of Reference.

04/16/03 The importance of a representative on the Board from East Sussex County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority, (LLFA) was noted.


05/16/01 Apologies for absence for this meeting had been received from Richard Brown and Sue Oliver.


06/16/01 Phil Camamile stressed the importance of understanding the role of the Board, its Members and advisors, and, the benefits derived from a formal induction and training day where roles and responsibilities could be explained in depth.

06/16/02 It was agreed to combine an induction/training session in the morning PJC/MEC with a site inspection, (to be determined but to include both Pevensey Levels and the River Cuckmere areas), on the afternoon of

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the same day. Date to be confirmed. Martin Hole may be able to host the induction/training session at Montague Farm.

Please see a picture of Floating Pennywort, annexed with these minutes.

Please refer to minute 11/16/02 post meeting note.


07/16/01 Bill Gower reported that the East Sussex IDD Steering Group (which included a number of other Shadow Board Members and Officers representing all of the constituent Billing Authorities), had considered in depth, the provision of administrative, engineering and operational services for both the Shadow Board and new Board with the agreed procedures being thoroughly documented. The Steering Group had also carefully considered the 2016/17 budgets produced by the Environment Agency for the former Pevensey Levels and River Cuckmere IDDs, the balance of which would ultimately transfer to the Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB after it had been established.

07/16/02 Concern was expressed by some Eastbourne BC Members that they needed to be able to fully understand the remit of the new Board, and the Board’s finances in particular, given that the Local Billing Authorities were paying c 90% of its funding via Special Levy payments. It was hoped that the Environment Agency would shortly be able to make available the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2016 (Annual Return, Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet and Notes to the Accounts etc.), clearly showing the current special levy payments made by each constituent billing authority to the EA for the 2 existing IDDs.

07/16/03 Peter Carver, Environment Agency explained to Members that he attended quarterly IDD finance meetings, so the exact status of the 2016/17 figures as at 31 July 2016 would be available early – mid August 2016. Figures as at 30 September 2016 would also be made available when the budgets remaining for 2016/17 were transferred to the new Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB. Budgets for 2017/18 would be prepared by the administrative service provider (WMA, if approved by the new Board).

07/16/04 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to recommend that the BOARD Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB, when constituted, approves the appointment of the King’s Lynn IDB trading as the WMA as the partner IDB to provide the services as recorded in minute 01/16/04 for the two year period following the constitution of the new Board.

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08/16/01 The Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB Pre-commencement Date Information Request sent by Phil Camamile on 26 May 2016 to the Environment Agency, together with the Draft Action Plan to manage the transition period 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2018, (copies of which are filed in the Report Book), were considered in detail. Arising therefrom:

08/16/02 Phil Camamile reported that following meetings with the Environment Agency he had requested the information as set out on pages 10 – 12 of the Board Report and produced the accompanying Draft Action Plan to manage the transition period.

08/16/03 He acknowledged that some of the information asked for may not currently exist and that the WMA and the Environment Agency would therefore need to work very closely together over the next two years (and beyond), to fill in the gaps and collate/create any missing information, so that the new Board is ultimately in a position to do its job properly, moving forward.

08/16/04 Reference to Highland Water Contributions on page 10 was explained: this is a discretionary payment made by the Environment Agency to the IDB, as a contribution towards the IDBs cost of managing surface water coming into the district from its upland catchment.

08/16/05 The Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB was scheduled to take over full maintenance responsibility for the six pumping stations in the district from 1 April 2017. The maintenance schedules produced by the Environment Agency stated that these assets had very recently been refurbished and would therefore be in good condition when transferred. However, none would appear to have been certified as Eel compliant and no derogation had been put in place by the EA to give the new Board sufficient time to comply with the law. It was considered that in the longer term the WLMB would need to establish an Asset Management Plan etc.

08/16/06 Teresa Willway advised that the most important issue for the Pevensey and Cuckmere WLMB would be the continued delivery of the Water Level Management Plan for the SSSI on the Pevensey Levels.


09/16/01 It was agreed to establish a Task and Finish Group with a remit to make recommendations to the Shadow Board on matters requiring

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urgent consideration, following the constitution of the new Board.

09/16/02 It was agreed that the following nominees would undertake the role required of the Task and Finish Group:

• Bill Gower, Agricultural Member Pevensey District and Chairman of Shadow Board; • Robert Miles, Agricultural Member, Pevensey District; • Robin Patten, Local Authority Appointed Member, Hastings BC/ Rother DC; • Chris Wadman, Agricultural Member, Pevensey District.

09/16/03 It was agreed that the Task and Finish Group would prepare a brief T&F Group Strategic Plan for the Board/Shadow Board’s consideration.


10/16/01 Phil Camamile would circulate a meeting date in due course. The PJC/MEC Horseshoe Inn at Herstmonceux was suggested as a potential meeting venue. Alternatively, it may be possible to consider the items of business via email.


11/16/01 Subject to the constitution of the new Board going ahead as scheduled by Defra on 1 October 2016, the Shadow Board would next meet mid/late September 2016.

11/16/02 It was agreed to schedule the induction/training session and site inspection to coincide with the next Shadow Board meeting.

Post meeting note: Subject to the constitution of the new Board on 1 October 2016 it is proposed to hold the induction/training session on the morning of 20 September; the site inspection on the afternoon of 20 September and the Shadow Board meeting on the morning of 21 September 2016. Venue to be confirmed.


12/16/01 Assuming that the new Board is constituted on 1 October 2016, it was agreed that the first meeting of the new Board would take place on 3 October 2016 at 11am. Venue to be confirmed.

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13/16/01 Water Quality

Cllr David White, Wealden DC asked if the new Board or the Environment Agency would be responsible for water quality, which may be an issue in respect of the sewage water discharge into the Pevensey Levels and at the same time maintaining the required water quality on the RAMSAR site. Since both sewage works discharged directly into main river, it was considered that the water quality issue would continue to be the responsibility of the Environment Agency.

13/16/02 Asset Register

Teresa Willway advised that the East Sussex IDD Steering Group had been provided with a current Asset Register identifying all the infrastructure that was used in the delivery of the water level management plan on the Pevensey Levels. Members were reminded that not all watercourses in the district would be maintained by the Environment Agency or the WLMB, as primary responsibility for most ordinary watercourses vested with adjacent landowners and riparian owners. Adoption and/or abandonment of ordinary watercourses would therefore be something the new Board needed to consider in due course.

13/16/03 Planning Matters

Graham Kean, Wealden DC Officer raised the issue of planning and how developments may affect surface water discharge in (and outside) the Board’s district. It was suggested that Local Authority Officers request that the WMA be included on the list of consultees for the Local Planning Authorities to consider the surface water drainage implications, moving forward. RESOLVED that this be noted.

13/16/04 Bill Gower thanked everyone present for attending and said that he or Phil Camamile would be happy to answer any questions now or if contacted after the meeting. The importance of open communication and knowledge sharing was reiterated.

13/16/05 The meeting closed at 12:40.

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The Environment Agency (EA) has constituted a Shadow Board to build on the work done by the former East Sussex Internal Drainage District Steering Group, in order to manage the transition and make recommendations to the new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board on certain matters that the new Board will need to give early consideration to, shortly after it has been constituted. These terms of reference explain what the Shadow Board will do and how it will work.

Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board Terms of Reference

Contents Role of the Shadow Board ...... 3 Role of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board ...... 4 Delegated authority from the Environment Agency (EA) ...... 5 Membership of the Shadow Board ...... 5 Chairman of the Shadow Board ...... 6 Clerk of the Shadow Board ...... 6 Voting entitlement ...... 7 Quorum ...... 7 Number and frequency of meetings ...... 7 Notice, Minutes and Meeting Reports...... 7 Attendance of Officers at meetings ...... 8 Venue for meetings...... 8 Ability to establish, amend and abolish Sub-Committees ...... 8 Life of the Shadow Board ...... 8

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Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board Terms of Reference

Role of the Shadow Board

The key purpose of the Shadow Board is to ensure that the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board (the new Board) is ready to fulfil its statutory function when it comes into being. The Shadow Board will therefore need to manage the transition from the two Internal Drainage Districts currently administered by the Environment Agency (EA), to one new locally controlled Water Level Management Board, which is expected to be constituted on 1 October 2016 (please see the draft Statutory Instrument in Appendix 1, which will be the new Board’s constitution when it comes into being). The Shadow Board’s key focus will therefore be mainly procedural by necessity.

The Shadow Board’s role is not to develop the business case for forming a new Water Level Management Board. The business case for this has previously been made by the East Sussex Internal Drainage District Steering Group and approved by all key partners, prior to Defra starting the statutory process to constitute the new Board.

The Shadow Board will need to make recommendations to the new Board on introducing a Strategic Plan, Standing Orders, a Schedule of Reserved Matters and Scheme of Delegation, Financial Regulations, Byelaws, a Differential Rating Order and three Electoral Divisions, which the new Board needs to have in place as soon as possible after it has been constituted.

Following the selection process which took place between December 2015 and March 2016, the Shadow Board will need to consider endorsing the recommendation made by the EA and East Sussex Internal Drainage District Steering Group to appoint King’s Lynn IDB trading as the Water Management Alliance to administer and provide services to the new Board for a two year period, with effect from the date the new Board is constituted (the two year period is expected to run until 30 September 2018).

The Shadow Board will also need to formally request Defra to appoint the first elected members of the new Board as recommended by the EA and East Sussex Internal Drainage District Steering Group, following an open recruitment process.

The Shadow Board will also need to make recommendations to the new Board, to deal with any legacy issues/missing data that have come to light as part of the due diligence process (please refer to the Pre-Commencement Date Information Request and draft Action Plan prepared by King’s Lynn IDB on behalf of the Shadow Board).

The Shadow Board does not need to get involved in the other tasks that the new Board will carry out, however it is important that all Shadow Board members are prepared for what the new Board will be expected to do when it comes into being, after the setup phase has been completed. The Shadow Page | 3

Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board Terms of Reference

Board members may therefore also need to attend a number of induction days prior to the new Board being constituted, as may be determined from time to time by the Shadow Board.

Role of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board

1. Establishing vision, mission and values

1.1 Determining the Board’s vision and mission to guide and set the pace for its current operations and future development 1.2 Determining the values to be promoted throughout the Board 1.3 Determining and reviewing Board goals 1.4 Determining Board policies

2. Setting strategy and structure

2.1 Reviewing and evaluating present and future opportunities, threats and risks in the external environment; and current and future strengths, weaknesses and risks relating to the Board 2.2 Determining strategic options, selecting those to be pursued, and deciding the means to implement and support them 2.3 Determining the business strategies and plans that underpin the corporate strategy 2.4 Ensuring that the Board’s organisational structure and capability are appropriate for implementing the chosen strategies 2.5 Determining the Board’s appetite for risk

3. Delegating to management etc.

3.1 Delegating authority to management, and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of policies, strategies and business plans 3.2 Determining monitoring criteria to be used by the Board 3.3 Ensuring that internal controls are effective 3.4 Communicating with senior management

4. Exercising accountability to key partners and being responsible to relevant stakeholders

4.1 Ensuring that communications both to and from key partners and relevant stakeholders are effective 4.2 Understanding and taking into account the interests of key partners and relevant stakeholders

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4.3 Monitoring relations with key partners and relevant stakeholders by gathering and evaluating appropriate information 4.4 Promoting the goodwill and support of key partners and relevant stakeholders

Delegated authority from the Environment Agency (EA)

The Shadow Board has no plenary powers to make decisions on behalf of the EA or the new Board. The Shadow Board is therefore an Advisory Committee that is only able to make recommendations to the EA on transitional matters and to the new Board when it comes into being.

Membership of the Shadow Board

The Shadow Board shall comprise of seventeen (17) members as follows:

Those representing agricultural drainage ratepayers in three divisions within the Pevensey and Cuckmere Internal Drainage Districts (8). The EA will seek to ensure that these individuals are the same as or very similar to the first members of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board, which are appointed by the Secretary of State for Defra:

Cuckmere 2 Coombe Haven 1 Pevensey Levels 5 8

Those representing urban drainage ratepayers within the Pevensey and Cuckmere Internal Drainage Districts, where special levies will be paid to the new Board on their behalf1 (9):

Eastbourne Borough Council 6 Council 2 Council and Hastings Borough Council 1 9

All prospective Shadow Board members must go through an open and transparent selection process, as determined by the EA, before they are appointed by the EA as Shadow Board members. All

1 It is important to note that the appointed members will not represent the Councils themselves. As members of the Board they will be duty bound to consider all proposals in the context of what is in the best interest of the Board, which may be different to what is in the best interest of their Council. Page | 5

Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board Terms of Reference

Shadow Board members must fulfil any training requirements, as specified from time to time by the EA.

Any casual vacancy that arises amongst the members of the Shadow Board for whatever reason shall be filled by the EA as soon as practicable after the occurrence of the vacancy.

The Shadow Board can also appoint or co-opt any number of other members, officers and advisors (and remove them) by resolution at any Shadow Board meeting to help fulfil its role, as previously specified. However all other members, officers and advisors will not be entitled to vote.

Chairman of the Shadow Board

The Shadow Board members shall elect from their number a Chairman who will hold office for 6 months, or until such time as the new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board is constituted (whichever happens soonest). The new Board’s commencement date is expected to be 1 October 2016, as previously stated.

If the new Board has not come into being within 6 months from the date of the first Shadow Board meeting on 12 July 2016 then the Shadow Board members shall elect from their number a Chairman who will hold office for a further period of 6 months and 6 monthly thereafter, until such time as the new Board is constituted and the Shadow Board ceases to exist.

If any casual vacancy occurs in the office of Chairman the Shadow Board shall as soon as it conveniently can after the occurrence of such a vacancy, choose someone of their number to fill such vacancy.

If the Chairman of the Shadow Board is not present at a Shadow Board meeting, the members of the Shadow Board shall elect someone of their number to be Chairman of the meeting.

Clerk of the Shadow Board

The EA have appointed King’s Lynn IDB trading as the Water Management Alliance as its nominee clerk to administer the Shadow Board until such time as the new Board is constituted, using powers afforded by the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. This appointment has been endorsed by the East Sussex Internal Drainage District Steering Group.

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Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board Terms of Reference

Voting entitlement

Each member of the Shadow Board shall have one vote (but co-opted members and advisors will not be entitled to vote on any matter). All decisions will be carried by a simple majority. In the event of an equal number of votes being cast the Chairman of the Shadow Board shall have a second or casting vote. (If the Chairman of the Shadow Board is not present then the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote).


No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Shadow Board unless at least six members of the Shadow Board are present.

Number and frequency of meetings

The members of the Shadow Board shall meet at such dates and times as are necessary. Meetings can be convened by the EA, the Shadow Board or the Shadow Board’s Chairman.

Notice, Minutes and Meeting Reports

A minimum of seven days notice shall be given to members in writing in advance of all meetings, which will also include an agenda, written minutes of the previous Shadow Board meeting and whenever possible the relevant reports to be considered.

All notices, agenda, minutes and meeting reports shall be sent to the members of the Shadow Board electronically unless otherwise requested.

At every meeting of the Shadow Board the minutes of the previous meeting and any reports considered at the previous meeting shall be taken as a true record subject to the correction of any mistakes omissions or inaccuracies, and the signature of the Shadow Board’s meeting Chairman shall be affixed thereto as confirming the same.

The EA shall also receive copies of the minutes of all Shadow Board meetings as soon as is practicable.

All minutes and meetings paperwork will be in the public domain. Page | 7

Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board Terms of Reference

Attendance of Officers at meetings

Officers from the EA, constituent Billing Authorities, Natural and the partner IDB shall always attend Shadow Board meetings if possible. However if any of the Officers are unable to attend, their absence will not by itself invalidate the proceedings of such meetings. Officers from other partner organisations are very welcome and may also be specifically invited from time to time to attend Shadow Board meetings and advise the Board accordingly.

Venue for meetings

Meetings of the Shadow Board shall take place wherever the members decide unless otherwise determined by the Shadow Board’s Chairman. Meetings may take place virtually if necessary, as determined by the Shadow Board’s Chairman.

Ability to establish, amend and abolish Sub-Committees

The Shadow Board may decide to create, amend or abolish sub-committees by resolution, to assist in fulfilling its role (for example, setting up a Task and Finish Group). All such sub-committees will not have any power to make decisions on behalf of the Shadow Board and will only therefore be advisory.

Life of the Shadow Board

The East Sussex Internal Drainage District Steering Group has completed its work and will cease to exist from the moment the Shadow Board comes in to being. The Shadow Board will come into being on 12 July 2016 shortly after the statutory process has begun to constitute the new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board. The Shadow Board will cease to exist on the commencement date that the new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board is constituted. At the time of writing, this is expected to happen on or very close to 1 October 2016.

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2016 No. 000


The Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board Order 2016

Made - - - - ***

Coming into force

Under section 3(1)(a) of the Land Drainage Act 1991 (“the 1991 Act”)(a), the Environment Agency has prepared a Scheme making provision for the matters specified in section 3(2)(d),(e), (f),(g) and (i)(b) and has submitted the Scheme to the Secretary of State for confirmation.

The Secretary of State has published a notice of intent to make this Order confirming the Scheme in accordance with paragraph 2(1) of Schedule 3 to the 1991 Act and has sent this notice to the relevant local authorities and other bodies specified in paragraph 2(2) of that Schedule.

No objection has been made to the draft Order.

Accordingly, the Secretary of State makes this Order in exercise of the powers conferred by section 3(5) and (7) of the 1991 Act and now vested in the Secretary of State(c).

Citation, commencement and interpretation 1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board Order 2016 and comes into force on 1st October 2016. (2) In this Order, “the Agency” means the Environment Agency.

Confirmation of the Scheme with modifications 2.—(1) The Scheme submitted by the Agency is confirmed with modifications. (2) The Scheme as modified by the Secretary of State is set out in the Schedule to this Order.

Secretary of State’s expenses 3. The expenses of the Secretary of State in connection with the making and confirming of this Order must be borne by the Agency.

(a) 1991 c. 59; section 3(1) was amended by S.I. 2013/755 (W. 90). The definitions of “the appropriate supervisory body” and “the relevant Minister” are in section 72(1). (b) Section 3(2) was amended by S.I. 2013/755 (W. 90). (c) The functions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food were transferred to the Secretary of State by virtue of article 2(2) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Dissolution) Order 2002 (S.I. 2002/794). Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

Carol Tidmarsh Senior Policy Advisor, Flood Risk Management Date Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

SCHEDULE Article 2(2) Scheme submitted by the Agency, as modified by the Secretary of State 1. This Scheme comes into force on 1st October 2016. 2. In this Scheme— “the abolished districts” means the Pevensey Levels Internal Drainage District and the River Cuckmere Internal Drainage District; “the Agency” means the Environment Agency; “the commencement date” means the date on which this Scheme comes into force; “the new Board” means the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board constituted by clause 5 of this Scheme; “property” means any property which is vested in the Agency in respect of the abolished districts immediately before the commencement date and includes books of account, other books, deeds, maps, papers and other documents, in whatever medium held, and computer and other electronic records, together with the pumping stations listed below and the land on which the pumping stations are situated or which is connected to those pumping stations, as follows— (a) Barnhorn Pumping Station located at Ordnance Survey grid reference TQ 6895108164; (b) Drockmill Pumping Station located at Ordnance Survey grid reference TQ 6181706896; (c) Horsebridge Pumping Station located at Ordnance Survey grid reference TQ 6694908981; (d) Manxey Pumping Station located at Ordnance Survey grid reference TQ 6554408411; (e) Rickney Pumping Station located at Ordnance Survey grid reference TQ 6271906994; (f) Star Inn Pumping Station located at Ordnance Survey grid reference TQ 6825006153; “rights and obligations” means in respect of the abolished districts, all rights, powers, duties (including statutory powers and duties), obligations and liabilities which were vested in or incurred by or fell to be discharged by the Agency in respect of the abolished districts immediately before the commencement date; “the Pevensey Levels Internal Drainage District” means the area shown edged red on map 1 entitled ‘PEV/CUC Map 1’, which can be inspected at the Environment Agency, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex, BN24 6ND and at Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, , East Sussex, BN27 2AX; “the River Cuckmere Internal Drainage District” means the area shown edged red on map 2 entitled ‘PEV/CUC Map 2’, which can be inspected at the Environment Agency, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex, BN24 6ND and at Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX. 3. The Pevensey Levels Internal Drainage District and the River Cuckmere Internal Drainage District are abolished. 4. On the commencement date, the area shown edged blue on map 3 entitled ‘PEV/CUC Map 3’, which can be inspected at the Environment Agency, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex, BN24 6ND and at Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX, is constituted an internal drainage district under the name “The Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District”. 5. On the commencement date, there is constituted an internal drainage board for the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District under the name “The Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board”. 6. The new Board is to include eight elected members elected in accordance with the provisions made by or under Schedule 1 to the Land Drainage Act 1991. 7. As from the commencement date, all property and rights and obligations in respect of the abolished districts are transferred to and vested in, or fall to be discharged by, the new Board. 8. All arrears of rates owed to the Agency in respect of the abolished districts and in respect of any period ending before the commencement date may be recovered by the new Board in the same manner as if they had been rates levied by the new Board. 9. This Scheme operates as conclusive evidence of anything transferred under this Scheme without the necessity of any further assignments, conveyance, deed or transfer. 10. The accounts of the Agency in respect of the abolished districts must be made up to the day before the commencement date and audited as if this Scheme had not come into force, and the Agency must send a copy to the new Board.

EXPLANATORY NOTE (This note is not part of the Order) This Order confirms a Scheme submitted by the Environment Agency making provision for— (a) the abolition of the Pevensey Levels Internal Drainage District, (b) the abolition of the River Cuckmere Internal Drainage District, and (c) the constitution of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District and Board. The maps showing the area of the Pevensey Levels Internal Drainage District (map 1 entitled ‘PEV/CUC Map 1’), the River Cuckmere Internal Drainage District (map 2 entitled ‘PEV/CUC Map 2’) and the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District (map 3 entitled ‘PEV/CUC Map 3’) are available for inspection at the Environment Agency, Coast Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex, BN24 6ND (office hours: 8.30am-4.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 8.30am-1pm on Wednesdays) and at Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX (office hours: 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday). An impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as no, or no significant, impact on the private, voluntary or public sector is foreseen. P E \J \eve M

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© Crown copyright and database rights 201 5 Ordnance Survey 100024198 ©Environment Agency copyrig ht and/or database rights 2015. All rights reserved.

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II.' Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100024198 @ Environment Agency copyright and/or database rights 2016. All rights reserved. Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District f>E'\I \ c~ ""~ 3 I&\ Environment ~·~Agency

e Pumping station

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© Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 100024198 Cl Environment Agency copyright and/or database ri ghts 2015. All rights reserved. ABOLITION OF THE PEVENSEY LEVELS AND RIVER CUCKMERE INTERNAL DRAINAGE DISTRICTS AND CREATION OF THE PEVENSEY AND CUCKMERE WATER LEVEL MANAGEMENT BOARD


The proposal is to abolish the existing Pevensey Levels and River Cuckmere Internal Drainage Districts and replace them with a new IDD covering the same area and called the Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management District administered by a new Pevensey and Cuckmere Water Level Management Board.

There are no proposed changes to the level or scope of water level management within the designated sites as an objective of the change is to implement the extant, agreed water level management plan. The obligations of the new administrative authority with respect to the duty to have regards to the purposes of the Habitats Directive are also unchanged by the current administrative changes. Changes are therefore purely in the administrating body not to the work proposed. There is therefore no mechanism for an effect of the proposed administrative changes to the interest features of the SPA or Ramsar site (European sites).

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening In order for a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to be required there must be a likely significant effect on an environmental receptor which can include humans and communities. Since the change is purely administrative and for the reasons given above there is no likelihood of a significant effect on the designated sites, there is no likely significant effect on the environment of this change and therefore no requirement for an SEA.

Proposed by Environment Agency 16 March 2016

Approved by East Sussex IDD Steering Group (including representatives of East Sussex, Eastbourne, Wealden, Rother and Hastings Councils, Natural England and landowners) 16 March 2016

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1. Digital map of the Pevensey and Cuckmere Internal Drainage Districts. 2. Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the Register of Drainage Hereditaments, with a map showing the associated land parcels in the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts. 3. Contact details for all Shadow Board members (postal and email addresses, with contact telephone numbers, photos and register of disclosable interests [if available]). It is understood that the Shadow Board members will be the same individuals as the first members of the new Board appointed by DEFRA SoS and by the respective billing authorities. 4. Contact details for all Officers that are currently part of the East Sussex P&CWLMB Steering Group (postal and email addresses, with contact telephone numbers). 5. Details of any existing contracts between the EA and its suppliers, consultants and/or contractors that relate to the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts (e.g. contact details, legal agreements, terms of business for electricity supply arrangements at the pumping stations etc.). 6. Confirmation that the TUPE Regs will/will not apply to any EA staff currently employed and utilised exclusively within the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts. 7. A copy of the Statutory Instrument constituting the new Board (when the Order has been confirmed by DEFRA SoS). 8. All property (including books of account, byelaws, register and map of drainage infrastructure (with flow arrows), insurances register, planning/consents register, commuted obligations register, deeds, maps (digital and paper), papers and any other documents) that belong to or otherwise relate to the existing Pevensey and/or Cuckmere Districts. 9. Details of all rights, powers (including statutory powers), duties, obligations and liabilities which immediately before the commencement date were vested in or fell to be discharged by the EA, in its capacity as the Drainage Board for the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts. 10. Details of any disputes between the EA and its suppliers, consultants, contractors, landowners, occupiers and/or any other organisation, which relate to either of the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts.


1. Final Accounts for the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, as at 30 September 2016, with lead schedules to support all Balance Sheet entries (e.g. lists of Creditors and Debtors, as at 30 September 2016 etc.). 2. Contact details for all suppliers, creditors, trade debtors (postal and email addresses, with contact telephone numbers) and bank account details (if EA is currently paying suppliers or collecting debts from drainage ratepayers/trade debtors by DD or BACS transfer). 3. Fixed Assets Register, which includes all assets that are attributable to the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts (e.g. land registration title documentation for each of the 6 pumping stations etc. and details of all prescriptive rights of access to each pumping station from the public highway and rights to bring in services/install outfalls across/under privately owned land). 4. A map showing the watershed catchments for the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, together with a map and schedule of all highland carriers within the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, their lengths, Highland to Total Water fractions and Sliding fractions; for the purposes of calculating Highland Water Contributions. King’s Lynn IDB to send EA Officers a copy of its Highland Water Claim for 2015/16, as an example of what is required for the calculation.


25 MAY 2016

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5. Details of the EA works programmes that benefit the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, to support the EA Precept charges for 2016/17.

Engineering and Environmental

1. Programme of previous years’ work; what type of maintenance was completed, at which points/lengths completed, access routes in, etc. 2. Pre-construction information as issued to field teams (maintenance drawings / EMS drawing & info). 3. List of assets / AIMS extract (operational). 4. Clarification of responsibility for third party in-channel structures, such as access culverts and road bridges. 5. Asset maintenance plans, operational & contingency plans & historic maintenance records (what was done, when & cost). 6. Any MEICA reliability measure information. 7. Historic financial spend profile for MEICA spend and Revenue maintenance spend. 8. Overview map, particular definition on upstream limits & extents of system. 9. Historic asset inspection records. 10. OPUS & ASP records (including any OPUS tree inspections). 11. Landowner information. 12. Properties at risk / infrastructure at risk. 13. All Environmental Designations (with electronic maps showing designated areas). 14. Existing Biodiversity Action Plan and priorities for the Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts. 15. Invasive species info/issues. 16. Locations of any existing in stream features (i.e. existing woody debris). 17. Photos (historic and present). 18. Fisheries summery & information. 19. Notices of exemption, derogations and/or plans for the 6 pumping stations, to comply with the Eel Regs. 20. Water resources maps, including abstraction and sample points. 21. Any historic flow data. 22. Any hostile sites information. 23. Any local issues/known problems. 24. WFD summary. 25. Consents requirements if relevant (MMO). 26. Flood warning areas & incident response plans. 27. Communities remaining at risk from flooding. 28. Any MTP extracts for the systems OR if not in official MTP, thoughts on potential works required.


25 MAY 2016

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1. Electronic copy of the Water level Management Plan (with level info) for the Pevensey Levels. 2. Details of how to access the EAs telemetry system (if this is possible). 3. Details of NEs telemetry system; what it does and how this interfaces with the EAs system (if it does).


25 MAY 2016

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A. Actions to be completed by the EA before 1 October 2016

1. EA to provide King’s Lynn IDB (KLIDB) with as much information as possible, in response to their Pre-Commencement Date Information Request, dated 25 May 2016.

2. EA and KLIDB to plan and schedule when any remaining information that cannot be provided before 1 October will be made available to the new Board. EA to utilise the existing Public Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) it has with KLIDB to assist the EA in providing the new Board with any missing information (at the charge-out rates set out in their offer to the EA and East Sussex P&CWLMB Steering Group on 15 January 2016).

3. EA to prepare a PSCA between itself and the new Board, in anticipation of continuing to carry out all operational and emergency response services for the new Board until 31 March 2017 and possibly thereafter (based on the latest model template agreed between ADA and the EA). KLIDB to send EA Officers the latest model template with guidance notes.

4. EA to give a fixed price for providing the new Board with all operational and emergency response services from 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017: it is understood that this price, together with what is actually spent by the EA between 1 April 2016 and 30 September 2016, will not exceed the total maintenance budget for 2016/17 for both the Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, which was determined by the EA as part of the rate setting process for 2016/17. EA to send KLIDB a copy of the budgets for 2016/17 as soon as possible.

Actions to be completed by the EA after 1 October 2016

5. EA to prepare Final Accounts for the Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, as at 30 September 2016 and transfer all cash balances attributable to the existing Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts, as at 30 September 2016 to KLIDB as soon as possible after the commencement date. KLIDB will then transfer this money to the new Board when its bank account has been created. If this is not possible to do before the EA Board have formally approved the Final Accounts in December 2016, it is suggested that a Highland Water Contribution be paid on account to KLIDB/new Board on or shortly after 1 October 2016, to provide the new Board with some initial working capital during the interregnum.

6. EA to transfer any money it receives from Drainage Ratepayers, Constituent Billing Authorities or Trade Debtors to the new Board, monthly thereafter.

7. EA to assist in resolving any known drainage/water level management issues, as identified in the response to KLIDBs Pre-Commencement Date Information Request.

8. EA to provide the new Board with any missing information, as and when it becomes available.

B. Actions to be completed by KLIDB before 1 October 2016 (at charge-out rates set out in its offer to the EA and East Sussex P&CWLMB Steering Group on 15 January 2016)

1. KLIDB to draft Terms of Reference for the Shadow Board (to be approved by EA Officers on or before 24 June 2016).

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2. KLIDB to draft an agenda for the first Shadow Board meeting on 12 July 2016 (to be discussed with EA Officers and approved by Bill Gower, Chairman of the East Sussex P&CWLMB Steering Group on or before 5 July 2016).

3. KLIDB to prepare and circulate the meeting notice, agenda, draft Standing Orders, Scheme of Delegation, Financial Regulations, Byelaws, Differential Rating Order, circulate details of the proposal to appoint KLIDB to provide services to the new Board for a 2 year period and draft a number of various policies etc. in advance of the first Shadow Board meeting on 12 July 2016 (the Shadow Board will need to make a number of recommendations to the new Board, which it is anticipated the new Board will then approve at its first meeting, when constituted).

4. KLIDB to lead on and provide clerking services to the Shadow Board until the new Board is created.

C. Key actions (re: abolition of former Districts) to be completed by new Board/EA before 30 June 2017

1. The new Board will need to meet on 3 October 2016 (if possible) to consider the recommendations arising from the Shadow Board meeting held on 12 July 2016 and any other Shadow Board meetings that are held before 1 October 2016. The new Board will also need to consider a number of other administrative matters at its first meeting.

2. The new Board will need to set up a bank account as soon as possible and register with HMRC for Vat purposes.

3. The new Board will need to formally approve the PSCA with the EA, to enable the EA to continue to provide operational and emergency response services until 31 March 2017 (please see item A4 above).

4. The new Board will need to commission and install a sign at the EAs Pevensey Depot, to signify that this is the Board’s local registered office. The new Board will also need to create a website, which provides information about the Board as and when it becomes available.

5. The new Board will need to publicise on its website and send contact details for the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chief Executive and Engineer etc. to key partners.

6. The new Board will need to recruit a Water Bailiff before 31 March 2017 and give early consideration as to what services it would like the EA to continue to provide during 2017/18.

7. The new Board and the EA will need to plan to provide any information requested by KLIDB that is missing or not readily available (please refer to the Pre-Commencement Date Information Request).

8. The EA will complete the Annual Returns, year ending 31 March 2017 for both of the former Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts (figures will be taken from the Final Accounts prepared by the EA as at 30 September 2016, if approved by the EA Board in December 2016), subject to the following:

9. The EA will need to check whether it is legally possible to approve the Annual Returns early (before 31 March 2017) and after the 2 Districts have been abolished. If it is legally possible, then the EA will prepare and approve the Annual Returns for the former Pevensey and Cuckmere Districts and conclude the external audits etc. If it is not possible, then the new Board will need to do this.

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10. The EA will also need to check with their external auditor that the Cuckmere District is still required to prepare an Annual Return for 2016/17, given that its turnover for 2016/17 is likely to be less than £25k pa (i.e. compliance with the Transparency Code may be required instead, for the period 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2016).

11. The new Board will need to appoint an independent Internal Auditor for the period 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 and advise the sector-led body responsible for procuring and commissioning external audits for smaller authorities (SAAA Ltd) that it has come into being, with effect from 1 October 2016.

12. The new Board will need to approve its own Annual Return for the period 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017.

13. The new Board will need to arrange its Insurances, register with the Information Commissioner to keep a number of data sets, determine a maintenance programme and its operational priorities for 2017/18, produce budgets and set, raise and collect the drainage rates and special levies for 2017/18.

14. The new Board will also need to approve the Electoral Register as at 1 April 2017, in advance of its first Election of Members in November 2017.

15. The new Board will need to consider whether or not to join the national Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA) as a member and the local ADA Branch (my recommendation will be that it does).


25 MAY 2016

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Produced by Olaf Booy, Max Wade and Vicky White of RPS

Floating Pennywort

Species Description Scientific name: Hydrocotyle ranunculoides AKA: Dail-ceiniog arnofiol (Welsh), Hydrocotyle nova zealandiae Native to: North America Habitat: Emergent or floating on the surface of still or slowly moving freshwater

Free-floating or rooted. The characteristic leaves and growth form help to make this plant easy to identify. It is found mostly in the south-east of Eng- land and occasionally in the north-west of England and Wales. Spreading rapidly.

First naturalised in 1990 as a result of discarded plants from garden ponds. Can grow up to 20cm per day and may quickly dominate a waterbody form- ing thick mats and impeding water flow and amenity use. May out-compete native species by blocking out light, causing deoxygenation, obstructing air breathing insects from reaching the water surface and reducing water tem- peratures.

Floating pennywort is listed under Schedule 9 to the Wildlife and Country- side Act 1981 with respect to England, Wales and Scotland. As such, it is an offence to plant or otherwise cause this species to grow in the wild.

For details of legislation go to www.nonnativespecies.org/legislation .

Key ID Features Grows horizontally Fleshy stalks

Fine roots

m 7c to Up

Leaves can be floating or emergent

Shiny, kidney-shaped leaves with crinkled edge, frequently broader than long Identification Identification throughout the year Similar Similar Species but if present,but theybetweenappear July Augustand likelybe to found atthe water’sedge. Tinywhite Varieslittle throughout thealthoughyear, in the rootedthein ground, never free-floating Growsondampground bogsin and fens. Always (Hydrocotylevulgaris) Native MarshPennywort like an like umbrella to ofcentre leaf, attached with Smaller stalk

Marsh PennywortMarsh

U s u a l ly 1 -5 c m

FloatingPennywort w id e

kidneyshaped andcomplete, not Leavesareround kidneyshaped leaf between of lobes Largerattachedwith stalk winteris it most areflowersrare, . Photosfrom: Olaf RichardBooy, Lansdown(RL), Mik RL Cambridge University Press University Cambridge (1999) C Stace, Flora”. (2002) (editors) A T Dines, AD and Pearman D, C Preston, Ireland”. and Britain in plants M (1997) J Croft, and D C Preston, Black Flora.” Irish and British to the Guide plete Com- The Ireland. and of Britain Flowers Wild A (2003) Fitter, and R M, Fitter, Blamey, reading: further and References Distribution Source: NBN Gateway. Check website ishIsles. spreadingand tootherparts ofthe Brit- Commoninthe south-east ofEngland,

Oxford University Press Press University Oxford for current distribution

“New Atlas of the British and Irish Irish and British of the Atlas “New “Field Flora of the British Isles”. Isles”. British of the Flora “Field to be physically be to removed that mats need dense form Pennywortcan Floating e McCabe,e British Waterways

Harley Books Books Harley

“Aquatic “Aquatic “The “The A & C A Pevensey and Cuckmere Shadow Water Level Management Board, as at 12 July 2016 (updated 23 September 2016) Board Members and Supporting Officers

Shadow Board Members Name Electoral District/Billing Authority Email Telephone Postal Address 1 Richard Brown Cuckmere [email protected] 01323 870144 Chambers Court, Clapham Farm, Litlington, , East Sussex, BN26 5RQ 2 Chris Wadman Pevensey [email protected] 07976 441625 or landline less preferred 01323 761815 Priesthawes Farm, Drockmill, Glynleigh Road, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 5BL 3 Robert James Miles Pevensey No email provided 01323 763063 Rickney Farm, Rickney, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1SF

4 Martin Anthony Hole Pevensey [email protected] 01323 460833 or 07746 643330 Montague, Hankham, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 5BB

5 Monty Worssam Combe Haven [email protected] 07836 343262 or 01424 892221 Kitchenham Farm, Kitchenham Road, Ashburnham , Battle, East Sussex, T33 9NP 6 Bill Gower Pevensey [email protected] 07973 386380 Rewa, Lower Road, Herstmonceux, East Sussex, BN27 1QG 7 David Robinson Pevensey No email provided 07714 341920 Northease farm, Whiteway lane, Rodmell, , East Sussex, BN7 3EX 8 Gill Hesslegrave on Cuckmere [email protected] 01323 844613 or 07880 845351 Stone House Farm, Mill Lane, , Hailsham, East behalf of David White Sussex BN27 4HD 9 Kevin Balsdon Wealden District Council [email protected] 07870 649418 c/o Wealden District Council, Vicarage Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AX 10 David White Wealden District Council [email protected] 01435 813171 Grovebridge Farm, Grovehill, Hellingly, BN27 4HH

11 Robin Patten Rother DC and Hastings BC Email: [email protected] Telephone number not provided 5 Old Coastguard Cottages, Level, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 4EH

12 Tony Freebody Eastbourne [email protected] 07469 259101 14 Grampion Close, Eastbourne, BN23 8EP

13 Pat Rodohan Eastbourne [email protected] 01323 641055 27 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne, BN22 8XL

14 Robert Smart Eastbourne [email protected] 07803 203870 2 Beverly Court, South Cliff, Eastbourne, BN20 7AE

15 Janet Coles Eastbourne [email protected] 07583 700683 52 Peppercombe Road, Eastbourne, BN20 8JN

16 Margaret Robinson Eastbourne [email protected] 07895 071956 2 Walton Close, Eastbourne BN23 7TX

17 Coiln Swansborough Eastbourne [email protected] 01323 507896 mobile: 07986 560167 74 Brodrick Road, Eastbourne, BN22 9NS

Supporting Officers

Local Councils Sue Oliver Eastbourne BC [email protected] 07852 999365 or 01323 415360 Graham Kean Wealden DC [email protected] 01323 443126 Alan Dodge Rother DC [email protected] 01424 787537 Nick Sangster Hastings DC [email protected] Cathy Beaumont Rother DC/Wealden DC [email protected] 07809 320735 or 01424 787329

Other Key Partners David Hill CLA [email protected] 07702 928839 Robin Edwards CLA [email protected] 01264 313434 or 07794 070536 Robin and Megan added following auto email from David Hill Megan Lock CLA [email protected] re areas of responsibility changing Nick Claxton East Sussex County Council [email protected] 01273 481407 Team Leader FRM, East Sussex CC - see email 8 Sept 16 Tom Ormesher NFU 07721 430849 or 01730 711950 Cath Jackson Natural England [email protected] 07584 150728 or 02080268015 updated 7 Sept 2016 Phil Camamile King's Lynn IDB t/a the Water Management Alliance [email protected] 01553 819617 or 07841 571251 Mary Creasy King's Lynn IDB t/a the Water Management Alliance [email protected] 01553 819624 or 07900 470680 Matthew Philpot King's Lynn IDB t/a the Water Management Alliance [email protected] 07884 327849

Environment Agency David Robinson Environment Agency Operations Manager [email protected] 07771 624229 or 02030 257063 Peter Carver Environment Agency IDD Clerk [email protected] 02030 257214 Russ Long Environment Agency Asset Performance Team Leader [email protected] 02084 747405 Teresa Willway Environment Agency IDD Project Manager [email protected] 07827 939493 or 02084 747512

Page | 9 Distributed to: Pevenesey & Cuckmere WLMB Members Balsdon, K Brown, R Coles, Ms J Freebody, A Gower, W Hesslegrave, G Hole, M Miles, R Patten, R Robinson, D Robinson, Ms M Rodohan, P Smart, R Swansborough, C Wadman, C White, D Worssam, M

Key Partners/Supporting Officers Oliver, Ms S (Eastbourne BC) Beaumont,Ms C (Rother DC / Wealden DC) Dodge, A (Rother DC) Kean, G (Wealden DC) Sangster, N (Hastings BC)

Claxton, N (E.Sussex CC - LLFA)

Jackson, Ms C (NE)

Carver, P (EA) Long, R (EA) Robinson, D (EA) Willway, Mrs T (EA)

Edwards, R (CLA)

Camamile, P (WMA) Creasy, Mrs M (WMA) Philpot, M (WMA) Laburn, Ms C (WMA)

Pevensey & Cuckmere WLMB Meeting 3 October 2016