Age When Name of King Meaning of Name Dates Length Age At Son (Heir) (B.C.) (years) Start is Born Contemporary Prophets Notes "a people made large" 931 - 913 17 41 N/A Ahijah, Shemaiah 1/ Abijah "father Jehovah" 913 - 911 3 (?) N/A Ahijah 2/ Asa "to heal, physician" 911 - 870 41 (?) N/A Azariah, Hanani 3/ "Jehovah judged" 870 - 848 (873-870) 25 35 28 , Elisha, Micaiah 4/ Jehoram "Jehovah raised" 848 - 841 (853-848) 8 32 18 Elisha 5/ Ahaziah Jehovah seized" 841 1 22 22 Elisha 6/ "Jehovah constrains" 841 - 835 6 (?) N/A Elisha 7/ Joash "Jehovah hastens" 835 - 796 40 7 23 Elisha, {Joel?} 8/ Amaziah "strength of Jehovah" 796 - 767 29 25 38 Jonah, Amos, Joel 9/ Azariah () "protected by Jehovah" 767 - 740 (791-767) 52 16 43 Hosea, Amos, Micah, Isaiah 10/ Jotham "Jehovah is perfect" 740 - 732 (750-740) 16 25 21 Hosea, Micah, Isaiah 11/ "possessor" 732 - 716 16 20 11 Hosea, Micah, Isaiah 12/ "strengthened by Jehovah" 716 - 687 29 25 42 Hosea, Micah, Isaiah 13/ Manasseh "causing to forget" 687-642 (696-687) 55 12 45 Isaiah, Nahum 14/ Amon "faithful" 642 - 640 2 22 16 Nahum 15/ "Jehovah hastens" 640 - 608 31 8 14,16,29 Nahum, Zephaniah, Habbakkuk, 16/ Jeremiah, Huldah Jehoahaz "Jehovah has laid hold of" 608 3 months 23 N/A Habbakkuk, Jeremiah 17/ "Jehovah raises up" 608 - 597 11 25 18 Jeremiah, Daniel 18/ Jehoiachin "Jehovah will establish" 597 3 months 18 N/A Jeremiah, Daniel 19/ "Jehovah is righteous" 597 - 586 11 21 N/A Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, 20/ Obadiah


Notes: 1/ Rehoboam, following the unwise counsel of his young men, caused the Kingdom to be split between north and south, Israel and Judah. There was war between Judah and Israel for the entire life of Rehoboam! Rehoboam married a daughter of Absalom (Maacah) to whom was born the heir, Abijah. Altogether Rehoboam had 18 wives + 60 concubines, with a total of 28 sons and 60 daugthers.

2/ Abijah had 14 wives, 22 sons & 16 daughters! He warred continually with I.

3/ Asa had the 3rd longest reign of any king in Judah or Israel (41 years). He was one of the most powerful Jewish kings, both politically and militarily and he built many cities. He is classified as a "good" king but in his old age his feet became severely diseased (about 2 years before his death). The Bible records that he did not seek the help of the LORD for this but instead relied upon his physicians. His burial is described as one of the most elaborate of any Jewish king. Asa deposed his grandmother, Maachah, for setting up an idol which he overthrew and ..."burned by the brook Kidron" 4/ Jehoshaphat was one of Judah's best kings, he trusted in the LORD for most (but not all) of his life. For example, he he allowed his son and heir, Jehoram, to marry the daughter of and (Athaliah) for political expediency the formation of a military alliance (the first such in the history of the Divided Kingdom). Although the physical warfare between Judah and Israel was ended, the spiritual warfare and corruption of Judah was significantly increased. The marriage between these two dynasties severely compromised and undermined the longterm spiritual welfare of the people, all for the sake of shortterm peace between the two kingdoms. (the appointed king of Israel and successor to Ahab's dynasty) severely reprimand's Jehoshaphat for his alliance with Ahab after a major battle with the Syrians, a battle which was not Judah's. (Ahab was providentially killed in this battle and Jehoshaphat almost loses his life). After Jehoshaphat's death, Athaliah promotes Baal worship in Judah and later when Jehu executes her son, Ahaziah, she murders all her grandsons (except Joash who is saved from this fate) and usurps the throne of . However, while Jehoshaphat was alive, he attempted to purge idolatry (primarily Baal worship) from Judah and promote worship of the LORD. (This was also the time of Elijah and Elisha). 5/ Jehoram co-reigned with his father, Jehoshaphat, for years. He was married to Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel! Jehoram was an evil king, following the ways of Baal, for which the LORD gives him a serious intestinal disease. He suffers with this illness for 2 years, after which his intestines fall out and he dies! Jehoram was the oldest son and after his father, Jehoshaphat died, he "strengthened himself" and killed all 6 of his brothers and some of the princes of Israel ! (:1-4). 6/ Ahaziah was the youngest son of Jehoram. All his older brothers were killed earlier by a raiding party of & Arabians. (2 Chron. 21:16,17)

7/ Athaliah (daughter of Ahab & Jezebel) was extremly evil. After her son's (Ahaziah) execution by Jehu (who was God's annointed heir to the throne of Israel) she kills all the male children of Ahaziah (her grandsons!), except Joash.


Joash is rescued from this fate by his aunt, , who takes him from the royal nursery (when only 1 year old!) and is hidden in the temple for 6 years. Interesting note: Jehosheba , who's name means "Jehovah sworn", married , the high priest ! (see 2 Chron. 22:11). Athaliah sets herself up as ruler, the only queen to solely rule either in Israel or Judah. 8/ Joash becomes the youngest king at age 7 years. Jehoiada the high priest (who's name means "Jehovah known"), assists in establishing Joash as king (the rightful heir to David's throne) and has Athaliah executed. Ironically, much later (after Jehoiada's death at age 130) Joash has Jehoiada's grandson, Zechariah (a prophet and priest) slain for prophesying against the evil in Judah and his administration. Although Joash is classified as a "good king" and had the 4th longest reign of any king, in either Judah or Israel, the LORD gave him poor health later and he was eventually assasinated by his own servants in retaliation for his execution of Zechariah. (The main conspirators, an Ammonite and Moabite, were later caught and executed for this crime). Interesting note: Jesus later refers to God's retribution upon the Jews for all the "righteous blood" shed from Abel to this Zechariah! (see Matthew 23:35). 9/ Amaziah flees to Lachish (where he is killed) after learning about a group in conspiring to have him slain.

10/ Azariah was 16 when he became king and had the 2nd longest reign of any king in either Judah or Israel and the longest reign of any "good" king (52 years). (Manassah, the most evil king, reigned the longest, 55 years!) There is a major earthquake during his reign. Towards the end of his life, Azariah is stricken with leporosy, he dies a leper at age 68. Azariah's name can also be translated "surrounded by Jehovah".

11/ Jotham

Jotham' name can also mean "Jehovah is complete". 12/




16/ Next to king David the best king Judah ever had, one of the youngest to begin rule and consistently godly throughout his reign. Josiah was unique in several ways: He had 3 sons who became in order of: Jehoahaz, Jehoakim and Zedekiah. Josiah's respective age when he has these 3 sons was 16, 14 and 29 years.The only grandson of Josiah's to reign was Jehoiachin (see note 19/). Josiah was prophesied by name to desecrate the false altars set up by Jeroboam by the man of God (see 1 Kings 13:1-3). Josiah and Jeremiah most probably knew each other personally for they were about the same ages, Jeremiah was a priest and


personally mourned over the death of Josiah. Jeremiah prophesied during the reigns of Josiah and all of his sons. 17/


19/ Jehoiachin (also called , Conaniah) was the only grandson of Josiah to reign as king of Judah and he was very evil but reigned only 3 months! Jehoiachin personally caused much grief and hardship to Jeremiah. He totally rebelled against the LORD. In the book of Jeremiah an intriquing curse is pronounced upon Jehoiachin and his children (his name is stripped of reference to Jehovah by the LORD who changes his name to Conaniah) . None of Conaniah's descendents would prosper sitting on the throne of David! (see Jeremiah 27:24-30). It is interesting to note that Mary, the mother of Jesus, came through Nathan (another son of David's) having a completely different lineage so that this curse does not technically fall on Jesus Christ. 20/ Nebuchadnezzer changes his name from Mattaniah ("gift of Jehovah") to Zedekiah ("Jehovah is righteous"). Zedekiah was the last king of Judah, the full brother of Jehoahaz and cousin of Jehoiachin. Zedekiah was the youngest son of Josiah and was 10 years old when his father died. 21/ Jeroboam's name can also mean "striving people". The people did strive with Rehoboam over labor and taxes and the ten northern tribes seperated themselves from Judah/Benjamin and became known as "Israel" or "Ephriam". Jeroboam's biggest sin was setting up false idols (golden calfs) to worship in and , and also making priests of the unqualified people who were allowed to purchase their priesthood. This totally corrupted the spiritual welfare of the people. Jeroboam was the son of one of 's servants! Such was the first king of Israel after the division of the kingdom. 22/ Nadab

23/ Baasha assasinates Nadab, Jeroboam I's son and destroys all the male descendents (heirs) of Jeroboam I. Thus, Jeroboam's judgement for rebelling against the LORD is fulfilled. 24/ Elah is Baasha's son, he is assasinated by his successor, while he is in a drunken state in the wine steward's house.

25/ Zimri assasinates Elah, son of Baasha, and kills all the male descendents and friends of Elah ! Although Baasha was given a chance to live for the LORD he disobeyed greatly and his "house" was in turn judged and cut off. However, Zimri's reign is very short lived (only 7 days !). He commits suicide by burning himself down in the king's house in Tirzah when (another captain of the army) attacks the city to retaliate and gain control of the kingdom. Zimri's reign was the shortest of any king of Israel or Judah. This explains why Jezebel later says to Jehu, ..."did Zimri have peace who slew his master ?" But Jehu had peace, he was doing God's will. 26/ Omri was one of the most powerful kings of Israel. Assyrian records recount the conquests of Omri & on the "Moabite Stone", the nation of Israel is reffered to as ..."the house of Omri".

27/ Ahab was one of the worst kings in Israel's history.


28/ Ahaziah and Joram were brothers, both sons of Ahab and Jezebel.

29/ Joram was the brother of Ahaziah (see note /21) and he inherits the throne since Ahaziah (who reigned for only 2 years) evidently had no sons. 30/ God uses Jehu to end the dynasty of Omri by slaying his wicked grandson, Joram. He also slays Ahaziah OF JUDAH, Joram's cousin (by Athaliah, daughter of Ahab & Jezebel (see note 7/) for his wickedness and loyalty to Ahab's idolatry. Jehu also takes part in the execution of Jezebel (now an elderly) by having her thrown out an upper story window into Naboth's vineyard, the dogs come and eat her dead body, leaving only the skull, hands and feet in fulfillment of Elijah's prophecy. Jehu also fulfills God's judgement upon the house of Ahab by slaying all the male descendents and relatives of Ahab. Jehu also destroys the prophets and worshippers of Baal in a very novel way ! For this the LORD promises that Jehu will have 4 generations setting on the throne of Israel, the longest dynasty in Israel ! (ironically, Omri's dynasty was the 2nd longest). Jehu had a great zeal for the LORD but this zeal may not have been according to knowledge (see Romans 10:2). He took matters into his own hands and became self-serving and self-seeking like king . Jehu additionally slays all the priests, counselors and chief advisors who had served under Ahab (we know of at least one who was loyal to the LORD, Obadiah [see 1 Kings 18:3], governor of Ahab's house, one who ..."feared the LORD greatly"). All this God had not commanded, plus Jehu could have used the experience of some of these advisors in foreign affairs. Nevertheless, Jehu accomplishes what appears to be a complete purge of Ahab & Jezebel's family in Israel. His success in foregn wars was not as good: The "Black Obliesk" stone records the eventual defeat of Jehu at the hand of the Assyrians (led by Shalmaneser III) Jehu's ambassadors stooping to kiss the feet of Shalmaneser III and bringing him gifts and ransom tribute. (compare note /32). In Hosea 1:4, God appears to pronounce retribution upon Jehu's descendents for his self-serving zeal and departure from serving the LORD in following the sins of Jeroboam I by tolerating calf worship and promoting a secular priesthood. 31/

32/ Jehoash's name can also mean "Jehovah fired or burned". Note that this is a variant of Joash, Judah's 8th king.

33/ Jeroboam II

34/ Zechariah

35/ Shallum




38/ , a captain of Israel's army, assasinates Pekahiah with the aid of 2 friends & 52 men.

39/ (or Hosea), assasinates Pekah. He is the last king of Israel and lives to see Israel carried away captive by Shalmaneser V , king of the Assyrians after is beseiged for 3 years! The reason for this is given in :6-41.


Age When Name of King Meaning of Name Dates Length Age At Son (Heir) (B.C.) (years) Start is Born Contemporary Prophets Notes Jeroboam I "a people tossed" 931 - 910 22 N/A N/A Ahijah, Shemaiah 21/ Nadab "helpful, generous" 910 - 909 2 N/A N/A Ahijah, Shemaiah 22/ Baasha "to stink" 909 - 886 24 N/A N/A Jehu (son of Hanani) 23/ Elah "mighty oak" 886 - 885 2 N/A N/A 24/ Zimri "musical" 885 7 days N/A N/A 25/ Omri "heaping, chastening" 885 - 874 (885-880) 12 N/A N/A 26/ Ahab "friend of his father" 874 - 853 22 N/A N/A Elijah, Elisha, Micaiah 27/ Ahaziah "Jehovah seized" 853 - 852 2 N/A N/A Elisha 28/ Joram "Jehovah raised" 852 - 841 12 N/A N/A Elisha, Joel 29/ Jehu "Jehovah is He" 841 - 814 28 N/A N/A Elisha 30/ Jehoahaz "Jehovah seized" 814 - 798 17 N/A N/A Elisha 31/ Jehoash "Jehovah hastens" 798 -782 16 N/A N/A Jonah 32/ Jeroboam II "a people tossed" 782 - 753 (793-782) 41 N/A N/A Jonah, Hosea, Amos 33/ Zechariah "Jehovah remembers" 753 -752 6 months N/A N/A Hosea 34/ Shallum "retribution, recompense" 752 1 month N/A N/A Hosea 35/ Menahem "comforter" 752 - 742 10 N/A N/A Hosea 36/ Pekahiah "Jehovah observed" 742 - 740 2 N/A N/A Hosea, Micah, Isaiah 37/ Pekah "watchful, observant" ?740 - 732 (752-740)? 20 N/A N/A Hosea, Micah, Isaiah 38/ Hoshea "deliverance, salvation" 732 - 721 9 N/A N/A Hosea, Isaiah 39/

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