2021 SW Photo Club Survey

1. Name (Optional) 2. Age (We’re asking this question to compare results to our previous Survey.) 3. Why did you join the SW Photo Club?

4. Photographic Skill Level (Select One) Beginner Intermediate Advanced 5. What is your primary Camera Make and Model (e.g., A7RIV, D850, Canon EOS R5, etc.)?

6. Do you belong to any other photo clubs? (Select One) Yes No If so, which one(s):

7. Post Processing of Images a. How much Post Processing do you do with your images? (Select One) None Some Always b. How would you rate your Post Processing Skill? (Select One) Beginner Intermediate Advanced

c. Do you want to learn more about Post Processing? (Select One) Yes No d. If you do Post Processing, which Post Processing programs do you use? (Rank by frequency of use with 1 representing the program you use most, 2 the next most frequently used, etc.) Adobe Lightroom Topaz Adobe Photoshop NIK Luminar Other OnOne Other DxO Labs Other CaptureOne Other

8. Club Website (www.swphotoclub.com) a. Do you use the Club website? (Select One) Yes No b. If you don’t use the Club website, why?

c. What additional functionality would you like to see within the Club website or what suggestions do you have to improve the website?

9. Monthly Meetings a. Do you consistently participate in Monthly Meetings? (Select One) Yes No b. If you do, do you consistently submit photos for Club Assignments (Select One) Yes No c. If no, what would need to change so you would submit images?

10. Meeting Format Preference post COVID (Select One) Continue with Zoom. Return to the Church for meetings. Continue with Zoom and resume Field Trips. 11. If we began Socially Distanced Field Trips, how comfortable would you be in participating? (Select One) Would Go Would not Go 12. If you’d go on Field Trips, what type of Field Trips would you like to attend? In other words, what would you like to do?

13. What changes would you like to see in the Club?

14. Would you be interested in a separate Club Meeting once per quarter where Club Members could offer Critiques on photos members submitted for that purpose? (Select One) Yes No 15. How should we Promote the Club to attract new members?

16. What are your Photographic Goals? (Check all that apply) Improve my Skills, specifically: Document personal experiences, trips, family sports, etc. Learn new Skills / Photography Print, Frame Images, Create Photo Techniques, specifically: Books, or Gifts

Share on Social Media Make a Living from my Photography Sell my Work Teach Enter Contests Other: Create a Website Other: Display my work in Galleries Other: Create a Portfolio Other:

17. What Subjects do you like to photograph? (Rank your top 5 with 1 being your favorite subject to photograph. Two next favorite, etc.) Astrophotography Bird Photography Deep Space Photography Action / Night Photography Sports Photography Street Photography Air Shows Landscape Photography Lightning Wildlife Photography Portraiture / Fashion Travel Photography Product Photography Macro Photography Still Life (including food) Light Painting Other Other Other

18. Meeting Topic Recommendations to Learn about: Rank the top 5 topics you’d like to learn about through Club meetings in the order of importance to you (1 being the topic you’re most interested in, 2 being the second topic you’re interested in, etc.). Astrophotography Bird Photography Night Photography Action / Sports Photography Specialty Subjects (lightning, fireworks, Street Photography Near & Deep Space Photography, etc.) Landscape Photography Considerations when Buying a Camera What’s new with Lenses | Features to Wildlife Photography consider when purchasing a lens Light Painting Portraiture / Fashion Photography Using your Camera for Video Product Photography Travel Photography Still Life Photography Accessories that make Photography Macro Photography either more fun or more interesting How to find Unique places to shoot Basic Camera Use in the US or Internationally Advance Camera Use Creating a Website Post Processing Children Family Photography Composition Techniques Other: Drone Photography Other: Travel planning Post COVID Other:

19. Are you willing to present to the Club (Select One) Yes No a. If yes, what topic would you like to present?

b. If yes, please contact Gary White, Bob Magee, or Scott Dougherty.

20. If you did not participate in the 2020 Annual SW Photo Club Book, why?

21. Would you participate in a Mentor / Mentee Program? (Select One) Yes No a. If Yes, how would you like to participate? (Check any that Apply) In Person Via Zoom Via Phone 22. Would you participate in an August or September Picnic if one were held this year? (Select One) Yes No Please respond and upload the SW Photo Club 2021 Survey on the Club’s Website as quickly as possible but no later than 6/25/2021. Your responses are very important and will provide input into the direction of the Club and will help the Board meet our Members’ collective goals for SW Photo Club.

Once your Survey is complete, Save it as a pdf file (Save As) with a unique file name so every file uploaded does not have the same file name. Do this by adding random numbers or letters that do not divulge who you are after SWClubSurvey (e.g., SWClubSurvey1297ztd.pdf).

Fred has set up a special Survey Uploader on the Club Website’s Home Page (www.swphotoclub.com) for us to use to also help keep the Survey anonymous. (See the burgundy button on the website home page image below.)

For those members that are not concerned with returning the completed Survey anonymously, please email your survey to [email protected]