"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long estab- long Governments that dictate will indeed, "Prudence,

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invariablythe same Object evinces a design to reduce (the people) people) (the reduce to design a evinces Object same invariablythe throw off such Government... Government... such off throw

under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to to duty, their is it right, their is it Despotism, absolute under

of unprecedented proportions. As professional political scientists scientists political professional As proportions. unprecedented of

we believe that the best way the Constitution can be preserved preserved be can Constitution the way best the that believe we

and Misdemeanors,' (Constitution, Article 2, Section 4). 4). Section 2, Article (Constitution, Misdemeanors,' and

is through impeachment. Only Congress has the authority and and authority the has Congress Only impeachment. through is

lished should not be changed for light and transient causes... causes... transient and light for changed be not should lished

and answer charges of ..Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes Crimes high other or Bribery, ..Treason, of charges answer and

The nation is confronted with a constitutional and moral crisis crisis moral and constitutional a with confronted is nation The

the power to compel the President to stand before the nation nation the before stand to President the compel to power the

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing pursuing usurpations, and abuses of train long a when But

Political Scientists Scientists Political

for Impeac Impeac for

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American people be able to determine his guilt or innocence. innocence. or guilt his determine to able be people American

It has been:alleged of Richard Nixon, as it once was of George III, III, George of was once it as Nixon, Richard of been:alleged has It

We urge the immediate impeachment of Richard M. Nixon. Nixon. M. Richard of impeachment immediate the urge We

to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws...'.' laws...'.' our by unacknowledged and constitution our to

Only when Mr. Nixon answers questions about his acts will the the will acts his about questions answers Nixon Mr. when Only

strating that even a President can be brought to justice. justice. to brought be can President a even that strating

that he "has obstructed the Administration of justice... Hehas Hehas justice... of Administration the obstructed "has he that

It is a finding of sufficient evidence of improper conduct to to conduct improper of evidence sufficient of finding a is It

bring a public official to trial. Impeachment is a constitutional constitutional a is Impeachment trial. to official public a bring

process that can restore confidence. It is a means of demon- of means a is It confidence. restore can that process

combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign foreign jurisdiction a to us subject to others with combined Impeachment is analogous to indictment; it is notconviction. notconviction. is it indictment; to analogous is Impeachment


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■ 1 1 NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL: Peter Bachrach, Temple; James David Barber, Duke; Walter Dean Burnham, MIT; James MacGregor Burns, Williams; Samuel DuBois Cook, Duke; Thomas E. Cronin, Presidency Scholar; Robert Dahl, Yale; Richard Falk, Princeton; Betty Glad, Illinois; J. David Greenstone, Chicago; Charles V. Hamilton, Columbia; Robert S. Hirschfield, Hunter-CUNY; Sta nley Hoffman, Harvard; Doris Kearns, Harvard; Robert Lane, Yale; Donald Matthews, Michigan; Xilson Carey McWilliams, Rutgers-Livingston; Harriet Pollack, John Jay-CUNY; Samuel Popkin, Texas; Jewel Prestage, Southern LI; James Prothro, UNC; Michael Rogin,Berkeley; Dankwart A. Rustow. Graduate Center-CLINY; Glendon Schubert, Hawaii: Sidney Verba, Harvard: Robert Paul Wolff, Massachusetts; Betty H. Zisk, Boston U. COORDINATORS:Tommie Sue Montgomery,JohnJay College-CUNY; Kenneth Sherrill, Hunter College-CUNY. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Madeleine Adler, Queens-,CUNY; Norman Adler, Hun ter-CL: NY; Julian Bairn. GraduateCenter-CIJNY; Frank Coleman, Geneseo, N.Y.; Rogelio Garcia, New York City; Mark Kesselman, Columbia; Joel Lams, NYU; Benjamin I. Page, Chicago; Martin Rosen, hunter-CLNY; II. Mark Roelois,NYIT; Philip G. Ryan, Hunter-CLAY; Nancy Adams Shilling, Ilunter-CUNY; Philippa Strum, Brooklyn-CUNY; David Tabb,San Francisco State; Marvin Zonis, Chicago. Aberdeen, Mississippi: Charles G. Hamilton. American International College: Robert T. Markel. The American University, Washington, D.C.: William Hallert, Millidge Walker. Auburn, Alabama: C. N. Fortenberry. Herat College: Mary Cornelia Porter. Baruch-CUNY: James F. Guyot, Harold J. Sullivan. Blacksburg, Virginia: William C. Harvard, Jr. Bloomsburg State College: Dianne F. Herman. Boston College: Michael Kahan. Boston University: Andrew Martin, Frances Fox Piven, Michael*P. Smith, Stephen Stern heimer. Bowie State College: Elizabeth 13ernstein. Brandeis University: Michael J. Brower. -CUNY: David W. Abbott, Theodore Becker, Morton Berkowitz, Linda Brandt, Marta Cehalsky, Martin Fleisher, Ellen Frey-Wotiters, Vincent Fuccillo, Marilyn Gittell, Albert Gorvine, Harvey Hirt-there, Joel Kassiola, James P. Levine, Samuel Margulies, F. T. Masrieh, Dennis Palumbo; Hamideh Sedghi, Ethel Sheffer, Richard Styskal, Herbert Weiss, Sharon Zukin. Bryn Mawr: Mel Kennedy. Bureau of Social Science Research: Irene Tinker. California State College —Dominguez Hills: Lyman G. Chaffe, Linda Groff, Omar Kader, Jay Kaplan, Otwin Marenin, Wayne Martin, Michael N. O'Hara, Richard L. Palmer, James G. Stephens, Thomas E. Wilson. California State University—Fresno: Roy Bilderbach. California State College—Hayward: James Fay Bernard Hennessy, Sherman Lewis, Joanne F. Loomba, Thomas Morrison, James L. Nichols, Gene S. Poschman, Emily Stoner. California State University —Lang Beach: A. Jay Stevens. California State College, Los Angeles: Herbert Gooch, HI. California Stale University —Sacramento:Robert S. Friedman, Richard D.Hughes,John C. Livingston, Gerald R. McDonald, Paul B. Murray, Robert G. Thompson, Gary L. Vv'illielnr. California State University—:San Bernadino: Brij B. Khare. California State College —San Diego: Dwight Anderson, Melvin Crain, Richard Gripe, Kenneth Robert Keiser, Harlan Lewin, E. W. Miles, Don Soule. California State College—San Jose: Terry Christensen, Ruth R. Hawkins, Ellen B. Levine, Fanned I. Rion, Kent Schellenger. California StateCollege,Santa Cruz: Isehill Gruhn. California State University—Sonoma: Ronald Brew, Donald Dixon, John Kramer. California Institute of Technology: John Ferejohn. Centro de Estudios Puerto Riquenos: Frank Bonilla. City College CUNY: Judson James, Thomas Karis, Edward Schneier, Stephen White. Colgate University: Harry C. Behler, Irving C. Faber, Alan Greger, RiAtert II. Johnson. Charles R. Naef, David J. Stern. College of Charleston: Earl 0. Kline, Steven Steinert. Columbia University: DouglasChalmers, Norm an I. Fainstein, Dall Forsythe, Linda Garcia, Ira Katznelson, Steven Levine, James H. Mittelman, Joan E. Spero. Columbia University —Teachers College: Thomas Vitullo-Martin, Donna Shalala. Committee on Women and Development: Gee Hagen, Julia Graham Lear. Cornell University: Douglas E. Ashford, John Badgley, David Danielski, Eldon Eisenach. Mary Fianna, George WT. Kahin, Mary Katgenstein, Isaac Kramnick, David Mozingo, Mark Z. Nadel, T. J. Pempel, George Quester, David Resnick, Benedict Stasis, Norman 'F. Uphoff, Douglas van Houweling. Dartmouth College: Davicl Baldwin, Richard W. Sterling. Davidson College (N.C.): J. Harris Proctor. Duke University: Frederick N. Cleaveland, Peter G. Fish, John Hallowell, Sheridan W. Johns,111,William T. NI ishler, Byron T. NI ook, David E. Price, Lester M. Salamon, Richard J. Trilling, A. A. Valenzuela. Eastern Kentucky University: Richard G. Vance. East Los Angeles College: Joel Busch, Nora Jenzen. Eckert! College: Anne Austin Murphy. Election Analyst: Murray S. Edelman. Elmira College: Frances E. Dalmolen. Emory University; E. Roils Morgan. Florida Atlantic University: Gerald C. Wright, Jr. Florida InternationalUniversity: Jose M.Aybar. Ken I. Boodhoo, Joel Gottlieb, Martin FL Greenberg, Jose Kesselman, Joyce Lille, Brian Nelson: Joseph Olander, Mary Vole ansck. Florida State University :.Norman R. Luttberg. Fordham University: Joseph H. Ball, Elsa.Chaney, Gustavo. Schwarz. Gallaudet College: Suzanne Cavanagh. George Washington University: Robert E. Darcy. Goucher College: Marianne Githens, Lawrence K. Mu nits. Grossmont College (Calif.): A. L. Brown, D. A. Chamberlin,Jacquelyn Hall, Sidnerzig, T. P. Ruth. Graduate School and University Center— CUNY: Bruce Altschuler, Robert Engler, William Hanna, Dean NIcEldowney, Arnold Rogow. Ilanover, New Hampshire: Neil Kotler. Harvard University: Peter Gourevitch, Peter Lange011averford College: Harvey GI ickman;Robert Mortimer, Sara Shunter. Holy Cross College: Raymond W. Copson, Paul R. Donn-eel, Caren G. Dill-muff, Trowbridge H. Ford, Kerry L. Jones. Hudson Institute: Nick Fedoruk. Humboldt State University: Bruce H. Aston. Hunter College— CUNY: Jewel Bellush, Blanche Blank, Kenneth Erickson, Bertram Gross, Michael Jaworskyj, Russell R. Matteson, Charlotte L. R. Schwab. Indiana University—Bloomington: Richard J. Boris, James Christoph, Jeff Fishel, John P. Lovell, Leroy Rieselbach, Alan Ritter, Richard Stryker, Ronald Weber, Dina Zinnes. Indiana University—Ft. Wayne: Gerald Houseman. Institute for Policy Studies: Richard Barnet, Milton Kotler. Ithaca College: ZillahEisenstein.JohnsHopkins University: Enid Bloch, Matthew Crenson. John Jay College of Criminal Justice—CUNY: James P. Gifford, Dorothy Hess Guyot, Mark Holzer, Petra Shattuck, Alexander B. Smith. Lehigh University: Carol Barry, Donald Barry, James McCarthy, Charles A. McCoy, Leonard Ruchelman, John N. Short, Gary V. Smith. Lehman College — CUNY: Dorothy Buekton James, Pat V. Penne. Lewis and Clark University: John A. Crampton. Los Angeles, California: Jeanne M. Knt6on. Lowell Tech: Joan Rothschild. Loyola : Thomas J. Bennett, David Protess, Evelyn Stevens, Corey Venning. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Hayward R. Alker, Jr., John Osgood Field, Douglas A. Hibbs, Jr, Lorenzo Morris, Jeffrey L. Pressman, Francine A. Rabinowitz, Myron Weiner, Joel Yellin. McMaster University: William Chandler. Manchester College: Robert C. Johansen. Mansfield State College: Albert Dalmolen. Medger Evers College — CUNY: Gary Wasserman.MemorialUniversityof Newfoundland:Steven B.Wolinetz.Midwestern University:John H. Spurgin. Montclaire State College: Harry Balfe. Mt. Holyoke College: Lawrence G. Flood, Jean Grossholtz. Morehouse: Maria Chan Morgan. Nashville, Tennessee: J. Leiner Freeman. New School for Social Research: Hannah Arendt, George Ginsburgs, Adarnantia Pollis. NYC: Allard Lowenstein, Mina Post Peyser, Ruth Weintraub. New York University: Joan Aron, Howard Brown, William G. Fleming, Anne Griffin, James C. Busing, Christopher Mitchell, Jacqueline Simon, Elaine M. Wolfson. Northern Kentucky State College: Richard Couto. Northwestern University: Frank Morris. Notre Dame: George A. Brinkley, Michael J. Francis, Edward A. Goerner, Claude Pomerleau, Howard Reiter, L. John Roos. Oberlin College: Jere W. Bruner, Ohio State University: Chadwick F. Alger, Carolyn Ban, John Champlin, R. William Lidclle, M. David Midler, Palo Alto, California: Richard P. Young. Paterson C011ege: Arnold Bornfriend, Stanley Kyriakides, Leonard Rosenberg, Martin Weinstein. Pennsylvania State University: Elton Atwater, Richard B. Gold, Ronald Johnson, James Kingsland, Robert E. O'Connor, Larry Spence, John R. Wikse, Peter Wissel:Princeton: Henry S. Bienen, Kay Boals, Stephen F. Cohen, Michael N. Danielson, Harry Eckstein, Manfred Halpern, Michael R. Kagay, Stanley Kelley, Jr., Robert Lyke, Ronald Rogowski, Robert C. Tucker, Hube Wilson. Purdue University: Joseph Haberer, Myron Q. Hale, Kenneth Kofmehl, William P. McLauchlan, James A. Stegenga. Queens College —CUNY: William Brigman, Michael Harrington, Michael Krasner, Leonard Markovitz, Henry W. Morton, Kevin Mulcahy, Solomon Resnick, Michael Rudin, Ronald NI. Schneider. Richmond College —CUNY: Oleh S.• Fedyshyn, Allan Wolfe. Roosevelt University: Anne Freedman, Jack Freels, Richard E. Rubenstein. Rutgers, The State University: Ross K. Baker, Benjamin R. Barber, Susan Feinstein, Judith May. Gordon Schochet, Mary C. Segers, Sandra Kenyon Schwartz, Josef Silverstein, Alan Stone. Rutgers —Douglass College: Robert R. Kaufman, Roy E. Licklider, Neil A. McDonald, Stephen A. Salmore, Linwood Wall. Rutgers —Eagletono.lohn 131ydenburgh. Rutgers—Livingston College: Peter Dennis Slithery, Virginia 13. Ermer, John Pollock, Gerald Pomper, David C. Schwartz, Vicky Semel. Rutgers—Newark: Yale H. Ferguson, Rodney A. Grunes, WalterF. Weiker. San Diego State: Betty Nesvold, William A. Schultze. San Francisco State: Wayne Bradley, Richard LeLeon, Ralph Goldman, Kay Lawson, Michael Leiserson, Deborah LeVeen, Sandra Powell, Matthew Stoltz.Sangamon StateUniversity: RonSakolsky. Simmons College: Roy M. Tollefsom Smith College: Martha Ackelsburg, Susan Bourque, Philip Green. Stanford University: Jonathan Casper, Edie Goldenberg, Hubert Marshall, John Mollenkopf. St. Joseph's College (Penne): Elwin Chase, Eric King, Stephen Lowry, State College of New York, Buffalo: Marsha Chandler. State College of New York, Plattsburgh: Dennis De Long. SUNY—Albany: Walter Goldstein, Michael Parenti, Leigh Stelzer. SUNY—Cortland: William B. Rogers. SUNY—Geneseo: Anthony 13rok, Kenneth Deutsch, Richard Farkas, Jeffrey James, Edward Janosik, Nagey Jarocha, Alan Shank, William Voche. SUNY— Old Westbury: Jo Freeman. SUNY—Purchase: Peter Schwab. Suffolk County. Community College: Richard Schraml. Swarthmore College: Ken Sharpe. Syracuse University: philiti L. Beardsley, Oliver E. Clubb, Jr., John Nagle, John A. Vasquez. Temple University: Edward Arian, Douglas Bennett, John Donnell, Miriam Erschkowitz, Edward Glick, Fred Berzon, Michael Hooper, Lynn Miller, Robert Osborn, Harriet Schiffer, Robert Spadaro, Murray Stedman, Whitney Thompson, Nanciann 0. Weber. Elliot White, Marshall Whithed. Tougaloo College: Frances Lynn, Stephen L. Rozman. Tbwson State College: Martha J. Kumar. Tufts University: G. David Garson, Donald Klein, Robert Legvold, John Powell, Charles Smith, Robert Wright, University of Arizona: Tanya Connor. University of Arkansas: Adolph Reed.University of California Berkeley: Robert. Axelrod, Jack Citrin, Norman Jacobson, Hannah Pitkin, Robert Price, Alan Samson, David Vogel. U.C.L.A.: Marjorie Stern. University of Chicago: Jeremy Azrael, Marshall Langberg, Jane Mansbridge, Ted Marmor, Kenneth'Prewitt, Aristide R. Zolberg.University of Cincinnati: Henry J. Anna, Joel A. Lieske, Andrew K. Semmel. University of Colorado—Denver:. Michael Cummings.University of Connecticut: Edgar Litt. University of Delaware: William Boyer, A. J. Mackelprang. University of Denver: David B. J. Adams, Joseph S. Szyliowicz. University of Florida: Manning J. Dauer. University of Guelph: Fred Eidlin. University, of Illinois-Chicago Circle: Harry Scoble, Maurice Wafters. University of Illinois—Urbana: Robert. S. Byers, Bernice A. Carroll, Stephen A. Douglas, A. Belden Fields, Susan Hanson, Richard Merritt, Michael Preston, William E. Steslicke. University of Kentucky: Michael A. Baer, Bradley Canon, Frank L. Casale, Kenneth M. Coleman, Dean Jaws, Jack Reeves, Robert Reid, Philip Roeder, John Wanat. University of Maine: William H. Coogan, III. University of Maryland: Thornton Anderson, Conley H. Dillon, I POLITICAL SCIENTISTS roR IMPEACHMENT James Glass, Horace Harrison, Eldon Lanning, Thomas Murphy, Ronald Terehek, R.Tuchel, Herbert.Werlin,JonathanWilkenfeld. University of Massachusetts—Amherst: Stanley Suite C-3, 50West 90th St., New York, N.Y. 10024 Bach, Gerard Braunthal, William E. Connolly, Jean B. Elshtain, Harvey L. Friedman, Fred A. Kramer, John M. Maki, K. W. Ryavec, Ellen Wade, Robert Paul Wolff. University of Massachusetts—Boston: Diane B. Paul, Glenn Tinder, University of Minnesota: Davis Bobrow. University of Missouri—St. Louis: Edwin H. Fedder, Frederick S. Pearson, J. Martin Rochester. University of Montana: Richard Allen Chapman, Peter H. Koehn, James Lopach, , Leo B. Lott, Lauren S. McKinsey, Howard Schwartz, El I agree, Here is some money to further University of Nevada: James Shields, Allen Wilcox. University of New Hampshire: Robert Craig. University of North Carolina: Patricia M. Alt, Thad L. Beyle, Merle Black, the cause. Enclosed find my check for Gordon Cleveland, Richard L. Clinton, Robert T. Daland, Frederico G. Gil, William T. Levine, Lewis Lipsitz, Frank J. Munger, Richard J. Richardson, Andrew M. Scott, James W. White, Orion White, Jr. University of North Florida: Steven DeLue, Thomas Monger. University of Northern Illinois: Wilma Rule Krauss. University of Oregon: I _$25 _$100 Other. Joseph M. Allman, James Davies, David L. Finlay, Daniel Goldrich, Arthur M. Hanhardt, Thomas Hovet, Jr., James R. KlonoskioJerry F. Mettler, Joyce M. Mitchell, Laurence. C. Pierce, Charles P. Schleicher, Peter R. Schneider, George Zaninovich. University of Pennsylvania: Jeffrey Bergner, Russell Hardin, Louis M. Seagull. University 0 Please send me more information. of Pittsburgh: Richard Cotton, James Malloy, Karen &de Rawling. University of South Carolina: Shadrough Akhavi, Morris J. Blachman, Mark W. DeLancey, Peter C. Sederberg, Harvey Silverstein, Robert S. Thompson. University of South Florida: Lewis Bowman. University of Southern California: John J. VVeltman. University of Texas— ❑ I am a political scientist and would Austin: Francis A. Beer, Henry A. Dietz, Lawrence C. Dodd, David V,-Edwards, William A. Golston, Laurence S. Graham, Armando G. Gutierrez, Bruce F. Grube, M. Donald Hancock, Robert L. Hardgrave, Jr., Herbert Hirsch, Richard 4.1: Kraemer, Leonard Lamm, Robert L, Lineberry, Joe A. Oppenheimer, David C. Perry, Rick Piltz, like to join. Beryl A. Radin, Neil Richardson, Sandra Rosenblum, Alan Sager, Richard Schott, Susan Shirk, R. Harrison Wagner, Oran Young, Elliot Zashin. : Edward C. Epstein, Donald Hanson, Robert P. Huefner, Lorenzo Kimball, Slava J. Lubomudrov, Kent Morrison, J. D. Williams, Francis D. Wormuth. University.of Vermont: Irene Diamond, Richard Flannery, Garrison Nelson, Morris L. Simon, Richard Warner, Alan Wertheimer. University of Virginia: Dante Germino, Robert J. Harris. University of Washington: Richard Flathman, Alex Gottfried, Merle Kling, Stuart Scheingold. University of West Florida: Donald M. Freeman. University of Wisconsin.L Green Bay: Joel Edelstein. University of Wisconsin —Madison: Murray Edelman. Urban Institute: James Zais. Vanderbilt University: John G. Corbett. Villanova: Justin Green, Geoffery NAME Hahn, Priscilla Hopkirk. Virginia Polytechnic Institute: James Herndon, Edward Thomas Rowe, Jack Salmon, Richard Shingles. Washington, D.C.: Brian Dean Curran, John A. Gardiner, Margaret Hagen. Washington State University: Pamela Jacklin. Washington University: Barry Ames, Wayne State University: Charles Parrish. Wellesley College: T. Christopher Arterton, Jon Ellertson, Alan Schechter. Western Nevada Community College: Faun Montara. Wheaton College: Darlene Boroviak, David J. Vogler. 'ADDRESS Widner College: William Rolofson. Williams College: Raymond Baker. Winthrop College: William J. Slough. York College— CUNY: Isaac Balbus, Peter Ranis, Edward T. Rogowsky, Peter Wengert. Columbia: Lewis J. Edinger. Institute for Policy Studies: Marcus Raskin, Arthur Waskow. Washington, D.C.: Morton Halperin. INSTITUTIONS AFFILIATION LISTED FOR PURPOSES OF IDENTIFICATION PAID FOR BY POLITICAL SCIENTISTS FOR IMPEACHMENT, SUITE C3, 50 WEST 90th ST., NEW YORK, N.Y. 10024 111111MMIL7L_IL-11 MN MI MEI MI MEI