and Festival of Colours Hinduism • Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion. • There are about 900 million . That’s a lot!! • Hinduism is the main religion in India but there are followers all over the world. HOLI Festival of Colour

Holi is a Hindu festival that is celebrated in spring and involves , lots of coloured paint and baskets of flowers.

There is a story about Holi and why the Hindu people celebrate it. The Story of Hoil

A very long time ago there lived a King, who ruled the world. He was cruel and tortured people! He was evil! The Demon King was so evil that when he found out that his son Prahlad worshiped a special God called he decided to KILL is son! Vishnu was a very special God that the Hindu people believed would save the world from evil The Demon King threw his son Prahlad into a pit of snakes!

But…….. he didn’t die! So, he brought a herd of elephants to trample on his son

But………… he didn’t die! Every time the Demon King tried to kill his son Prahlad, Vishnu heard Prahlad praying and saved him!! The Demon King got VERY mad and decided to ask his sister Holika to kill Prahlad

Holika had a special gift… she had magical powers that meant that she could not be harmed by fire So Holika took Prahlad and walked into a and sat him on her lap BUT… because Holika was using her powers for something evil the special God Vishnu destroyed her magical powers and he looked after Prahlad!

Holika died in the flames and Prahlad lived! Vishnu eventually killed the Demon King and Prahlad became ruler

Vishnu had saved the earth from evil by killing the Demon King and his sister Holika and saving Prahlad Now every year Hindu people remember how good triumphed over evil and they celebrate Holi They celebrate with baskets of flowers, building and lighting bonfires and burning last years rubbish and dancing! They also throw coloured paint at each other………… but we wont do that today!! Children celebrating Holi