DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO PO BOX 1829 NONPROFIT ORG. SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 US POSTAGE PAID Inside this issue: SAN ANGELO, TX • Sis reflects on ’ recent com- PERMIT NO. 44 ments on civil unions (Pages 2 and 3) • Remembering Father Hugh Wade (Pages 4, 24) • Embracing virtual religious education (Page 5) • Knights of Columbus founder beatified (Page 7) • Reasons for COVID-19 precautions (Page 15) AWENST TEGXAS ELUS Serving Catholics in the Diocese of San Angelo, Volume 40, No. 11 November 2020

WEST TEXAS ANGELUS Deacon Freddy Medina blessed graves at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in San Angelo on All Souls Day, Nov. 2, 2020. Deacon Medina was joined by Bishop Michael Sis, Father Adam Droll, and Father Prem Thumma. See more, Page 13. Page 2 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus From the Bishop’s Desk The Prayer Square Pope Francis and Prayer after same-sex civil unions an election

On October 21, Pope Francis caught worldwide at- God of all nations, tention for his apparent affirmation of same-sex civil Father of the human family, unions in the documentary film Francesco. The movie, we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise directed by Russian-born Evgeny Afineevsky, explores Bishop Michael J. Sis and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy many challenges of our time, including wars, the in these United States of America. COVID-19 pandemic, the environment, poverty, migra- tion, and racism. Through various interviews, the Holy Diocese of San Angelo We ask for your protection and guidance Father offers his insights into those issues. for all who devote themselves to the common good, WHAT POPE FRANCIS SAID working for justice and peace at home and Midway through the film, the Pope speaks briefly around the world. about same-sex civil unions. He is portrayed as saying, unions in order to regularize the various situations of co- “Homosexual persons have a right to be in the family. habitation, driven by the necessity to regularize eco- We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public nomic matters between persons, such as ensuring health They are children of God and have a right to a family. servants, care, for example. This relates to various forms of co- Nobody should be thrown out of the family or be made those who will serve us as president, miserable over it. What we need to make is a civil union habitation agreement, which I would not be able to list. as legislators and judges, law — they have a right to be legally covered. I de- The different situations must be examined and eval- fended that.” uated, according to their circumstances.” those in the military and law enforcement. Many people have interpreted that quote as showing In his 2016 Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, support for homosexual activity. However, Pope Fran- Pope Francis stated approvingly the argument of the Heal us from our differences cis’ words in the movie do not constitute a change of Synod Fathers that “as for proposals to place unions be- and unite us, O Lord, church doctrine regarding sexual morality or the nature tween homosexual persons on the same level as mar- with a common purpose, dedication, and of marriage. His remarks were actually responses to two riage, there are absolutely no grounds for considering commitment to achieve liberty and justice distinct questions at different moments in an interview. homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even re- in the years ahead for all people, The documentary edited them and published them as a motely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and and especially those who are single response without the necessary context, which led family.” It is unacceptable “that local churches should be most vulnerable in our midst. to the confusion. subjected to pressure in this matter and that international In the original context of the first part of the quota- bodies should make financial aid to poor countries de- Amen. tion, when Pope Francis referred to the families of ho- pendent on the introduction of laws to establish ‘mar- mosexual persons, he was referring to their families of riage’ between persons of the same sex” (Amoris origin. This would also correspond to what he has stated Laetitia, no. 251). Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, re- on other occasions, that parents should not reject their vised edition (Washington, DC: United States O DOCUMENTS children or throw them out of the family because of their THER Conference of Catholic , 2007). The same-sex attractions. An important official church document that relates "Prayer After an Election" by Cardinal Adam In the original context of the second part of the quo- to this matter was issued by the Vatican Congregation Maida, Archbishop of Detroit, is used with per- for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2003, during the pontifi- tation, when the Holy Father referred to state laws re- mission. garding civil unions, he was discussing a local law in cate of St. John Paul II. It is titled Considerations re- Argentina in 2010, when he was serving as the Cardinal garding proposals to give legal recognition to unions Archbishop of Buenos Aires. He publicly opposed laws between homosexual persons. That document con- allowing same-sex marriage. In that particular context, cludes: “The church teaches that respect for homosexual willed by the Creator at both the physical-biological and he spoke positively about a law providing legal protec- persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosex- the eminently psychological levels” (Compendium, no. tions for those in civil unions. ual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual 228). It goes on to say, “Although legislation may some- unions” (no. 11). This church teaching has not been times tolerate morally unacceptable behavior, it must CIVIL UNIONS changed. never weaken the recognition of indissoluble monoga- A civil union is a legally recognized arrangement The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the mous marriage as the only authentic form of the family” which is intended to provide many of the same protec- Church, published in 2004 by the Vatican, addresses the (Compendium, no. 229). tions that marriage offers to couples (such as health care, phenomenon of same-sex civil unions in numbers 228 C UNDERSTANDING OF MARRIAGE inheritance, joint property ownership, hospital visitation and 229. It says, “How incongruous is the demand to ac- ATHOLIC rights, etc.), without referring to the relationship as cord ‘marital’ status to unions between persons of the We understand marriage to be the permanent, faith- “marriage.” same sex. It is opposed, first of all, by the objective im- ful union of a man and woman in a monogamous rela- possibility of making the partnership fruitful through the tionship that is open to the procreation of children. God PAST STATEMENTS BY POPE FRANCIS transmission of life according to the plan inscribed by created humans to be in loving communion with one In a 2014 interview with Corriere della Sera, the God in the very structure of the human being. Another another and to give themselves to one another in Holy Father said the following: “Marriage is between a obstacle is the absence of the conditions for that inter- man and a woman. Secular states want to justify civil personal complementarity between male and female See BISHOP, Page 23

Reporting Sexual Abuse Reportar Abuso Sexual La Diócesis Católica de San Ángelo criba a la Diócesis de San Ángelo, Minis- The Catholic Diocese of San 325-374-7609 (cell), or write Diocese está firmemente comprometida a crear y terio de Asistencia a Víctimas, PO Box Angelo is firmly committed to cre- of San Angelo, Victim Assistance mantener el ambiente más seguro posible 1829, San Ángelo, TX 76902. Un intér- ating and maintaining the safest pos- Ministry, PO Box 1829, San Angelo, para nuestros niños y adultos vulnerables. prete de español está disponible. Si el in- sible environment for our children and TX 76902. If the incident occurred Si usted o alguien que usted conoce ha cidente ocurrió fuera de esta diócesis, vulnerable adults. If you or someone outside this diocese, our Victim Assis- sido víctima de abuso sexual por cual- nuestra Coordinadora de Asistencia a you know has been sexually abused by tance Coordinator will assist in bring- quier persona que sirve a la Iglesia, y Victimas le ayudará a traer su preocupa- anyone who serves the Church, and ing your concern to the attention of necesita un lugar para hablar con alguien ción a la atención de la diócesis cor- you need a place to talk with someone the appropriate diocese. Please keep sobre sus sentimientos de traición o he- respondiente. Por favor, tenga en cuenta about your feelings of betrayal or hurt in mind that one always has the right rido por la Iglesia, estamos aquí para ayu- que uno siempre tiene el derecho de re- by the Church, we are here to help to report abuse to civil authorities, and darle. Para reportar incidentes, llame a portar el abuso a las autoridades civiles, y you. To report incidents, call Lori civil law requires that any abuse of a Lori Hines, Coordinadora de Asistencia a la ley civil requiere que cualquier abuso Hines, Victim Assistance Coordinator, minor must be reported. Víctimas, 325-374-7609 (celular), o es- de un menor de edad debe ser reportado. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 3 El Papa Francisco y las uniones Espacio de Oración civiles del mismo sexo Oración después de un día de elecciones El 21 de octubre, el Papa Francisco captó la aten- ción mundial por su aparente afirmación de las Dios de todas las naciones, uniones civiles entre personas del mismo sexo en el documental Francesco. La película, dirigida por Ev- Padre de la familia humana, Obispo Michael J. Sis te damos gracias por la libertad que ejercemos geny Afineevsky, nacido en Rusia, explora muchos desafíos de nuestro tiempo, incluidas las guerras, la y las muchas bendiciones de la pandemia de COVID-19, el medio ambiente, la pob- Diócesis de San Ángelo democracia que gozamos reza, la migración y el racismo. A través de varias en- en estos Estados Unidos de América. trevistas, el Santo Padre ofrece sus pensamientos sobre estos temas. Pedimos tu protección y orientación para todos los que se dedican al bien común, LO QUE DIJO EL PAPA FRANCISCO designio de Dios sobre el matrimonio y la familia.” trabajando por la justicia y la paz aquí A mitad de la película, el Papa habla brevemente Es inaceptable “que las iglesias locales sufran pre- y en todo el mundo. sobre las uniones civiles entre personas del mismo siones en esta materia y que los organismos inter- sexo. Se le presenta diciendo: “Las personas homo- nacionales condicionen la ayuda financiera a los Elevamos a todos nuestros líderes y servidores sexuales tienen derecho a estar en la familia. Son países pobres a la introducción de leyes que insti- públicos debidamente elegidos, hijos de Dios y tienen derecho a una familia. Nadie tuyan el ‘matrimonio’ entre personas del mismo a aquellos que nos servirán como presidente, debe ser expulsado de la familia o sentirse miserable sexo” (Amoris Laetitia, no. 251). como legisladores y jueces, por ello. Lo que tenemos que hacer es una ley de a los miembros de las fuerzas armadas y las OTROS DOCUMENTOS DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA unión civil -- tienen derecho a estar cubiertos legal- fuerzas del orden. mente. Yo defendí eso.” La Congregación Vaticana por la Doctrina de la Fe emitió un importante documento oficial de la igle- Mucha gente ha interpretado esa cita como una Cúranos de nuestras diferencias y únenos, oh sia que se relaciona con este asunto en 2003, durante muestra de apoyo a la actividad homosexual. Sin em- Señor, bargo, las palabras del Papa Francisco en la película el pontificado de San Juan Pablo II. Se titula Consid- con un propósito, dedicación no constituyen un cambio en la doctrina de la iglesia eraciones acerca de los proyectos de reconocimiento con respecto a la moral sexual o la naturaleza del legal de las uniones entre personas homosexuales. y compromiso comunes matrimonio. Sus comentarios fueron en realidad res- Ese documento concluye: “La Iglesia enseña que el de lograr la libertad y la justicia puestas a dos preguntas distintas en diferentes mo- respeto hacia las personas homosexuales no puede en en los años venideros para todas las personas, mentos de una entrevista. El documental los editó y modo alguno llevar a la aprobación del comporta- y especialmente los más vulnerables los publicó como una sola respuesta sin el contexto miento homosexual ni a la legalización de las uniones entre nosotros. necesario, lo que generó la confusión. homosexuales.” (n. 11). Esta enseñanza de la iglesia En el contexto original de la primera parte de la no ha cambiado. Amén. cita, cuando el Papa Francisco se refería a las famil- El Compendio de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, ias de las personas homosexuales, se refería a sus publicado en 2004 por el Vaticano, aborda el fe- familias de origen. Esto también correspondería a lo nómeno de las uniones civiles entre personas del Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, edi- que ha afirmado en otras ocasiones, que los padres no mismo sexo en los números 228 y 229. Dice: “Qué ción revisada (Washington, DC: United States deben rechazar a sus hijos ni echarlos de la familia incongruente es la pretensión de atribuir una realidad Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2007). La "Ora- por su atracción por el mismo sexo. ‘conyugal’ a la unión entre personas del mismo sexo. ción después de un día de elecciones", del cardi- En el contexto original de la segunda parte de la Se opone a esto, ante todo, la imposibilidad objetiva nal Adam Maida, arzobispo de Detroit, es usada cita, cuando el Santo Padre se refirió a las leyes esta- de hacer fructificar el matrimonio mediante la trans- con permiso. tales sobre uniones civiles, estaba discutiendo una ley misión de la vida, según el proyecto inscrito por Dios local en Argentina en 2010, cuando se desempeñaba en la misma estructura del ser humano. Asimismo, como Cardenal Arzobispo de Buenos Aires. Se opuso también se opone a ello la ausencia de los presupues- el uno para el otro, de modo que un hombre deja a su públicamente a las leyes que permitían el matrimonio tos para la complementariedad interpersonal querida padre y a su madre y se aferra a su esposa, y se entre personas del mismo sexo. En ese contexto par- por el Creador, tanto en el plano físico-biológico vuelven una sola carne. Y Dios les dice que sean ticular, habló positivamente sobre una ley que brinda como en el eminentemente psicológico, entre el varón fructíferos y se multipliquen. Esto lo hizo posible protección legal a quienes están en uniones civiles. y la mujer” (Compendio, no. 228). Continúa di- gracias a la complementariedad natural de los cuer- ciendo: “Si una legislación puede en ocasiones tol- pos masculino y femenino. UNIONES CIVILES erar comportamientos moralmente inaceptables, no Un resumen de nuestra comprensión católica del Una unión civil es un arreglo legalmente recon- debe jamás debilitar el reconocimiento del matrimo- matrimonio se puede encontrar en el Catecismo de la ocido que está destinado a brindar muchas de las mis- nio monogámico indisoluble, como única forma au- Iglesia Católica, números 1601-1666. También hay mas protecciones que el matrimonio ofrece a las téntica de la familia” (Compendio, no. 229). una gran cantidad de información y recursos sobre el parejas (como atención médica, herencia, propiedad matrimonio en el sitio web de la Conferencia de Obi- C CATÓLICA DEL MATRIMONIO conjunta, derechos de visita al hospital, etc.), sin OMPRENSIÓN spos Católicos, en usccb.org . referirse a la relación como “matrimonio”. Entendemos el matrimonio como la unión per- manente y fiel de un hombre y una mujer en una rela- COMPRENSIÓN CATÓLICA DE LA SEXUALIDAD DECLARACIONES PASADAS DEL PAPA FRANCISCO ción monógama que está abierta a la procreación de Un resumen de nuestra enseñanza católica sobre En una entrevista de 2014 con Corriere della hijos. Dios creó a los seres humanos para que estu- la sexualidad se puede encontrar en el Catecismo de Sera, el Santo Padre dijo lo siguiente: “El matrimo- vieran en amorosa comunión unos con otros y para la Iglesia Católica, números 2331-2400. Según la nio es entre un hombre y una mujer. Los estados lai- entregarse unos a otros en matrimonio. Las diferen- doctrina católica, el sexo está reservado para el mat- cos quieren justificar las uniones civiles para cias físicas entre la mujer y el hombre son prueba de rimonio entre un hombre y una mujer. Las relaciones regularizar las distintas situaciones de convivencia, ello. Dios creó personas con diferencias de género sexuales fuera del matrimonio ya sean heterosexuales impulsados por la necesidad de regularizar los asun- para que pudieran unirse en matrimonio, emocional, u homosexuales, son moralmente incorrectas y con- tos económicos entre las personas, como asegurar la espiritual y físicamente. Por lo tanto, el matrimonio trarias al plan de Dios para el uso adecuado del don atención de la salud, por ejemplo. Esto se relaciona entre un hombre y una mujer es un don de Dios, de la sexualidad. con varias formas de acuerdo de convivencia, que no como también una institución natural. podría enumerar. Las distintas situaciones deben ser Como católicos, nuestras creencias sobre el mat- COMPRENSIÓN CATÓLICA DE LA HOMOSEXUALIDAD examinadas y evaluadas, según sus circunstancias.” rimonio se basan en las Escrituras, la ley natural, y Los pasajes bíblicos que forman la base de nues- En su Exhortación Apostólica Amoris Laetitia de nuestra tradición de fe. El fundador de nuestra tradi- tro entendimiento judeocristiano con respecto a las 2016, el Papa Francisco afirmó con aprobación el ar- ción de fe es Jesucristo. Tenemos que permanecer relaciones homosexuales son los siguientes: Génesis gumento de los Padres Sinodales de que en “los proy- fieles a nuestro fundador. Cuando Jesucristo enseña 1:27-28, Génesis 2:7-25, Génesis 19:1-29, Levítico ectos de equiparación de las uniones entre personas sobre el matrimonio, usa el punto de referencia de los 18:22, Mateo 19:4-6, Marcos 10:6-8, Romanos 1:24- homosexuales con el matrimonio, ‘no existe ningún dos primeros capítulos del Libro del Génesis. Los ca- 32, 1 Corintios 6:9-11, y 1 Timoteo 1:8-11. fundamento para asimilar o establecer analogías, ni pítulos uno y dos de Génesis hablan de Dios creando siquiera remotas, entre las uniones homosexuales y el al hombre y a la mujer como compañeros adecuados Mira OBISPO, Página 23 Page 4 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Father Hugh Wade, 1946–2020 Father Hubert (Hugh) Wade, Jr. passed away on Oct. ance, and together they ran the local food pantry where 16, 2020, at Shannon Medical Center in San Angelo. they served hundreds of local families with food and Father Hugh Wade was born on Oct. 15, 1946, to clothing. He also started, with two others, the “Veteran’s Hubert Wade Sr. and Dorothy Merion Preczewski in Meal,” which is to feed all the veterans and active mili- Norfolk, Virginia. He is survived by his three sisters, tary who show up for the local Veteran’s Day parade and Mary-Margaret Neff, Dorothea Wade, Michele Talarico; celebration. five nieces, and two nephews. In addition to parish assignments, Father Wade After completing a four-year tour in the U.S. Army, served in numerous diocesan positions on various coun- which included two years in Vietnam, Father Wade en- cils and boards: Vicar for Priests, Director of Seminar- tered the Missionhurst CICM religious community in ians, Diocesan College of Consultors, Diocesan 1969 at Arlington, Virginia, and was ordained a Roman Presbyteral Council, Priest Pension Board, and Dean of Catholic Priest by Bishop Carroll T. Dozier on May 14, the San Angelo Deanery. Father Wade was also active in 1977, in Norfolk, Virginia. He worked as Vocation Di- preparing couples for marriage through the Engaged En- rector of the Missionhurst Community until going to counter. Belgium in the summer of 1979. While in Belgium, he Viewing was held at Lange Funeral Home all day was given permission to work as a contract chaplain for Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020, and Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020, U.S. Forces in Belgium and Germany. Shortly thereafter until time of the Vigil. he was granted permission to serve as an Army chaplain. Vigil and Rosary took place at St. Joseph Catholic WEST TEXAS ANGELUS In June 1980 he enlisted in the U.S. Army and served at Church in Rowena at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21. Father Wade preaching during his time at St. Francis Xavier Fort Stewart, Georgia; Camp Howze and Camp Stanley, Following the Wake Service, Father Wade lay in state Church in Melvin, Texas, June 29, 2019. Korea; Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; and then back to through the night at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Germany to serve as a community chaplain for 16 years. Rowena, Texas, with a Knights of Columbus honor He retired from the U.S. Army Oct. 31, 1996. guard present. To give to the Father Hubert (Hugh) Wade, Father Wade was incardinated into the Diocese of Father Wade’s Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Jr. Memorial Seminarian Burse Fund, visit San Angelo on Dec. 17, 1984, and served in the follow- Joseph Church in Rowena at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, www.sanangelodiocese.org/fr-wade-memorial-fund, ing parishes: St. Patrick Parish — Brady, St. Francis Xa- Oct. 22, with Bishop Michael J. Sis presiding. The or send donations to: Catholic Diocese of San vier Mission — Melvin, and St. Francis of Assisi Parish recorded video is available on the website of Lange Fu- Angelo, P.O. Box 1829, San Angelo, Texas — Abilene. His last assignment was for 20 years at St. neral Home at www.ballingerfuneralhome.com. Father 76902. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish — Ballinger, Our Lady of Wade was interred at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Guadalupe Mission — Robert Lee, St. James Mission Rowena. — Bronte, before retiring on July 25, 2016. He was not In lieu of flowers, Fr. Wade requested that any dona- See photos from Father Wade’s funeral, only the parish priest; he was also very involved in the tions in his memory be made to the Diocesan Seminar- Page 24 community. He was active in the local Ministerial Alli- ian Burse to support the education of seminarians. CALENDARS

Please contact the bishop’s assistant, Lupe Castillo, for information about the bishop’s calendar. Bishop’s Calendar 325-651-7500 [email protected]

to church at 5:00 p.m. 8 ODESSA, St. Mary, Golden Jubilee Mass for Sr. Alicia November 2020 22 SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Masses at Realino at 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon 11 FORT STOCKTON, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Proces- 1 MIDLAND, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Masses at 8:00 26 SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Thanksgiv- sion and Midnight Mass a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in Spanish and 10:00 a.m. and ing Day Mass at 10:30 a.m. 16 SAN ANGELO, Christ the King Retreat Center, Staff 12:00 noon in English Advent Day of Reflection at 9:00 a.m. 2 SAN ANGELO, Calvary Cemetery, bless graves at 17 SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Pastoral Center, Vocation 3:30 p.m., Mass at 5:00 p.m. December 2020 Team meeting at 10:00 a.m. 4 SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Pastoral Center, Diocesan 19–22 MIDLAND, The Way Retreat Center, Seminarian Charitable Foundation board meeting at 10:00 a.m. 1 SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Pastoral Center, Priestly Gathering 5 ODESSA, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Adoration Chapel Life and Formation Committee meeting at 1:00 p.m. 21 ODESSA, St. Mary, Mass for Simbang Gabi at 5:00 anniversary celebration Mass at 6:30 p.m. 1 SAN ANGELO, Holy Angels, RCIA Class at 6:30 p.m. a.m. 8 JUNCTION, St. Theresa, Confirmation Mass at 11:00 4 SAN ANGELO, Diocesan Pastoral Center, Joint meet- 24 SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Christmas a.m. ing of Presbyteral Council and Finance Council at Vigil Mass at 5:00 p.m. 12 SAN ANGELO, Holy Angels, Parish hall, Community 11:00 a.m., meeting of Presbyteral Council at 2:00 25 SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Christmas Forum on Race Relations at 5:30 p.m. p.m. Masses at 10: a.m. in English and 12:00 noon in Spa- 14 SONORA, St. Ann, Installation of Pastor Father Felix 5 SAN ANGELO, Angelo Catholic School, Diocesan nish Archibong at 6:00 p.m. Schools Commission meeting at 9:30 a.m. 29 ABILENE, St. Vincent Pallotti, Mass of Dedication of 15 SAN ANGELO, St. Joseph, Installation Mass of Pas- 7 SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Immaculate Altar at 6:00 p.m. tor, Fr. Juan Lopez Cortes, at 11:15 a.m. Conception Vigil Mass at 6:00 p.m. 21 MELVIN, St. Francis Xavier, Blessing of renovations

Necrology of Priests and Deacons Please pray for our departed clergy

November 23 Rev. Colm Mulligan, MSC (2003) December 12 Rev. Romanus Akamike (2015) 27 Rev. Michael Dwyer, MSC (1997) 12 Deacon Nestor Perez (1993) 10 Rev. James Coleman (2002) 1 Rev. John A. Pierce (1979) 15 Rev. Peter Vaitonis (1968) 12 Rev. Robert Vreteau, OMI (2013) 4 Rev. Larry Cyr, CPPS (2017) 20 Rev. John Waldron (1995) 14 Deacon Leroy Beach (2016) 5 Rev. Angel Vizcarra, OP (2004) 28 Rev. Nicoholas Femenia, CM (1999) 19 Rev. Frank Zimmerman, CM (1999) 12 Rev. James Aaron (1999) 30 Rev. John Hoorman, CPPS (1995) The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 5 Embracing virtual learning at St. Mary Parish in Odessa

By Sister Maria Theresa Arzagon, OND

In response to the prevailing pandemic situation that has de- railed the opening and the normal conduct of religious education for St. Mary's Parish in Odessa, we adhere to the challenge of our Bishop Michael Sis to continue to reach out to our students in ways that are favorable for them. Through our pastor Father Ber- nardito Getigan, after several meetings and discussing with him and with the help of our catechists, we are embracing a new face of catechizing in every home by virtual and home-based classes. Both models of instruction will involve our parents, as they were solicited with their support to sit and learn with their children. Though very taxing on their part, it offers better and more family- oriented learning than before. Parents are to help set up their learning altar and learning haven that was made conducive for them. The catechists prepared their packets of lessons for the whole month, considering the presentations by theme, inclusion of litur- gical seasons, and celebrations that are relevant to their home tra- dition (Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Rosary Month, Day of the Dead loved ones, etc.). This is a new way of doing virtual or Facetime follow-up, monitoring, and assessing students, of guid- ing parents on how to facilitate the sessions, and for welcoming them to bring their children to the Mass virtually or in being pres- ent in the church. Catechists who are teaching virtually have made use of differ- ent publishing groups who have offered help with appropriate ses- sions for free. This has been tough for all of us, but in the spirit of joy we are engaging in a more creative way of bringing Jesus, the Bible, and COURTESY the teachings that will make us all mature and grow gracefully in Sister Maria Theresa Arzagon (second from left) and catechists from St. Mary Parish in Odessa attended our faith, especially in every home where God's goodness is mani- the virtual Diocesan Conference Day on Oct. 17, an opportunity to connect and learn with their fellow cate- fested and home spirituality is being developed and shaped by the chists from around the diocese. very experiences they have as family, celebrated and valued as tra- dition in a new face of the home in our current time. To St. Mary's Church parents and catechists, to Father Bernard Getigan and Deacon Bobby Wright and all those who are with us, we salute you. Let us together raise our banner of faith and trust that we may hope always in God for all the surprises in our lives.

COURTESY The catechists of St. Mary Parish in Odessa prepared packets with lesson kits and modules for the parish’s 103 home-based religious education students. Page 6 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Diocesan Marriage Jubilee, Oct. 11, 2020


The annual diocesan marriage jubilee Mass was held Oct. 11 at the Ca- thedral of the Sacred Heart in San Angelo. There were 37 couples cele- brating landmark anniversaries who attended in person to renew their vows and have their rings blessed before being incensed — at a safe dis- tance — by Bishop Michael Sis. Certificates were also sent to an ad- ditional 24 couples who attended virtually. Nourishing families is one of the top four priorities for the current pastoral plan of the diocese.

WEST TEXAS ANGELUS Pro-Life Mass, Oct. 4, 2020



On Oct. 4, 2020, Bishop Michael Sis celebrated a Pro-Life Mass at St Joseph Church in San Angelo. Father Tom Barley, Father Juan Lopez Cortes and Father Ismael Velazco Ornelas concelebrated the Mass. Invited guests rep- resenting the Pregnancy Help Center and the Coalition for Pro-Life were also present for the Mass. Knights of Columbus from all over the Diocese of San Angelo turned out for the occasion. Knights of Columbus Council 12798 also presented the Knight of the Year award to Mark Rivera for all his service and dedication.

COURTESY The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 7 Mass in Celebration of the Beatification of Fr. Michael J. McGivney, Oct. 31, 2020

West Texas Angelus

Bishop Michael Sis celebrated Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in San Angelo on Oct. 31 in honor of the beatifica- tion of Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus. Beatification is the first step on the path to canonization and sainthood. In his homily, Bishop Sis reflected on the grace given to Father McGivney during his life, noting to those present that “Christ also gives abundant grace to you — to all of us,” but that it is up to each person to decide how to use that grace. From humble beginnings, the Knights of Columbus has grown into a thriving, world- wide fraternal organization. The first council of the Knights of Columbus had only 11 members, Bishop Sis said, and over twice that number were on hand for the Mass in San Angelo on Oct. 31. Bishop Sis offered other reflections on the life of the founder, noting that a friend of the now Blessed Father McGivney had noted three virtues in the priest: a sense of order- liness, a depth of piety, and a good sense of humor. Charity and unity were also important to McGivney, Bishop Sis said, as the founder of the Knights gave selflessly of himself, dying after having given away all his money. Bishop Sis’ hope for the Knights moving for- ward is to live up to Father McGivney’s ex- ample of both charity and unity, in purpose, WEST TEXAS ANGELUS action, and faith.



Top: Members of the Knights of Columbus joined in prayer outside the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in San Angelo prior to the Mass commemorating the beatification of Knights of Columbus founder Father Michael J. McGivney, Oct. 31, 2020.

Left: Tony Schillo, Jerry Peters, Steve Talley, and other Knights during Mass.

Right: Pictures of Father McGivney were on display during the Mass.

Bottom: Steve Talley as part of the honor guard of Knights during the recessional after Mass.

WEST TEXAS ANGELUS Page 8 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus St. Martin de Porres, patron of social justice

November 3, 1639, became a day of mourning for the people of Lima, Peru, Mary Lou Gibson as word of the death of a Dominican lay brother became known. Speaking of Saints Throughout his 60 years Martin de Porres had ministered to the people, healing them with prayers and with his knowledge of herbal medicine. His life in Lima was a mission of charity for the poor, needy families, abandoned children, and slaves from Africa. At his death, he was acclaimed a saint by the whole city. Martin was born in Lima in 1579, the illegitimate child of a Spanish nobleman and a freed black slave from Panama. He inherited the fea- tures and dark skin of his mother, Anna, and this created a difficult child- hood for him. He was shunned and looked down upon for being a dark-skinned mulatto. His father, Juan de Porres, acknowledged his paternity and provided him and his sister with private tutors when they were young. But when COURTESY he was appointed governor of Panama, he abandoned Anna and their two children. Knowing that Father Fabian and the brothers at Mount Carmel Hermitage heat their cells with wood, Jim Studer ar- At age 12, Martin was apprenticed to a barber-surgeon where he rived two days before the cold weather to donate two cords of cut and split wood. Father Fabian and the brothers learned about hair dressing, but also surgery and herbal healing. His were very thankful for Mr. Studer’s thoughtfulness and kind consideration. mother was a practitioner of herbal medicine. When he was 15, Martin entered the Dominican convent in Lima as a lay helper in return for room and board. In 1603 he was invited to be- come a lay brother of the Third Order of St. Dominic. Paul Burns writes in Butler’s Lives of the Saints that Indians, Blacks, and their descendants Christ the Rock were at the time barred from becoming full members of religious orders. Martin soon gained a reputation for spiritual insight and the power In our Protestant days we often sang a hymn ti- of healing. He devoted himself to caring for the sick and poor, regardless tled "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less." It was of race. His use of herbal medicine and his special touch as a healer were composed in 1836 and published in 1837 by Ed- remarkable and brought crowds of people from all over Lima to the Ro- ward Mote. The refrain is "On Christ the Solid sary Convent. Rock I stand; All other ground is sinking sand." Father Knick and Sandie After nine years, the monastery allowed Martin to become a brother. This is a reference to an interpretation of the Para- Knickerbocker He pronounced vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Father M. A. ble of the Wise and Foolish Builders found in the Habig, OFM, writes in Saints of the Americas that Martin gained a rep- Gospels of Matthew (7:24-27) and Luke (6:47-49) utation for extraordinary holiness while imposing upon himself the most in which Christ is understood as the Rock upon rigorous penances. He spent seven hours daily in prayer and meditation. which Christians build their lives. Understanding Sometimes he was found kneeling before a crucifix in an ecstatic state. Christ as the Rock foundation of our lives is based He was never ordained. on 1 Corinthians 10:1-4, in which St. Paul refers to Christ and his church are inseparable. Rosemary Guiley writes in The Encyclopedia of Saints that Martin the rock from which Moses obtained water for the When you read this article, our national elec- became widely known for a variety of supernatural feats, including not Hebrew people in the Exodus and says "the Rock tion will be over. Some of us will be pleased with only prophecy and clairvoyance, but also levitation and bilocation. When was Christ" (See Exodus 17:6). the result and some will not. This is the way it al- he prayed devoutly, he sometimes became entranced and rose in the air, As Catholics we remember the passage in Mat- ways is in our democratic republic, the United where he could be seen by his fellow friars, suspended several feet above thew (16:13-20) in which Jesus asks his disciples, States of America. But whether we are pleased or the church floor. "Who do men say that the Son of Man is?" The dis- displeased with the results of the election we place He became an almoner for the poor, walking the streets of Lima ciples reply, "Some say John the Baptist, others say our hope in the Rock who is Christ and in his begging for needy families, for poor students and clergy. Martin col- Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." church. No government can forgive our sins and lected alms in astonishing numbers and returned all to the poor. The Afri- Then Jesus asks them, "But who do you say that I give us eternal life. No government can give us the can slaves in Lima were the special object of his love and care. They am?" At that point Simon Peter answers for the sacraments that bring Christ to us. We are creatures were the most neglected and needed help more than others. Apostles and says, "You are the Christ, the Son of who are destined to live forever, and we must not Martin was very distressed by the large number of abandoned chil- the Living God." Jesus' response to him is the fa- succumb to the evil enchantment of this world- dren who roamed the streets. He collected funds and built a hostel and mous passage in which Jesus gives Peter his new liness that would cause us to forget that truth. school for them. name, "Peter," that means "Rock." Jesus says, We can be tempted to wring our hands and be- His compassion also extended to animals. He became very fond of "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and come lost in the morass of problems in our nation the mice, rats, dogs and cats who filled the city. In turn, the animals be- blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father and wonder if any elected official or government came fond of him and came to him for healing. He ran a hospital for cats who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and can meet the challenges of our time. It may help us and dogs in his sister Juana’s home. There are many stories told of his on this rock I will build my church, and the powers to recall the novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles way with animals: a dying dog restored to life, a mouse sharing food of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you Dickens, published in 1842, about the time of the with a dog and cat, a raging bull quieted in the city square. He became the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever composition and publication of Edward Mote's known as the St. Francis of the Americas. you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and hymn. Both Dickens and Mote lived in England. One story is told of the prior ordering Martin to set out poison for whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Dickens places the characters in his novel in the the mice because they were devouring the cloth of the sacristy. Martin heaven" (RSVCE). context of the French Revolution in the two cities went out into the yard and called the mice. He explained about the poi- The identification of Christ and the church we of London and Paris. The first paragraph of the son and told them if they stayed out of the building, he would set food see in these two uses of the symbol of the Rock is novel, a one sentence paragraph, helps us put things out for them. From that time on, no mice were seen in the church. why Luke in Acts 9:1-19, the story of the conver- in our time in perspective. Dickens writes: "It was Pope Pius XII declared him patron of all work for justice in 1935. sion of Saul on the Damascus Road, reports that the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was He was canonized by Pope John XXIII in 1962. He is the patron of so- Saul, who was persecuting the early Christian the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it cial justice and racial harmony. His feast day is November 3. church, is asked by Jesus, "Saul, Saul, why do you was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of - - - persecute me?" In other words, persecuting the Mary Lou Gibson writes about the saints for the West Texas Ange- church is persecuting the Body of Christ, and See KNICKERBOCKERS, Page 23 lus from her home in Austin. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 9 Anticipating post-pandemic ministry There is no doubt that 2020 and the COVID-19 pan- must learn to validate their experiences before trying to demic have forced us to find new ways to engage in teach them. ministry. It has brought about challenges, but it has also Only after listening and allowing the two disciples provided some wonderful opportunities to be creative in to process their thoughts and feelings did Jesus begin to how we carry out our ministry. Alison Pope teach and unpack the present moment. Jesus is able to Yet, many are eager to return to the way we minis- teach with a measure of force because he earned a meas- tered before COVID-19. They have seen this time ure of trust by listening. simply as a time of disruption and inconvenience. While Relational ministry is dependent on trust. We must I am not one to use the term “new normal,” I do believe first show that we are trustworthy before those we min- that we will never return to ministry as we knew it be- ister to and with will truly allow us to walk with them fore. That is not a bad thing. on their faith journey. If we try to teach with force be- What if we looked at this time differently? Not listened to what they had to say. He did not immediately fore earning their trust, we will only succeed in broad- simply as a time of disruption, but an invitation to shift jump in to give the answer he wanted them to give. ening the separation between us and them. perspective. Rather than asking “When can we go back Rather, he simply listened and asked more questions. Like Jesus with the two disciples on the road to Em- to the way it was?” I believe we should be asking “How We can do the same by letting people process, tell us maus, our approach in ministry, especially post-pan- can we use this to be innovative?” This has provided the how they feel, and express their confusion, anger, doubt, demic, must be more personal and intentional. We must opportunity to take inventory, assess, imagine, create, and worries without fear of immediate judgment or cor- ask questions like “What do our people need from us and experiment. It has allowed us time to truly evaluate rection. When we are asking questions of those we min- right now?” and “What resources do they need?” and our ministries and be honest about what was and was ister to and with, do we allow them to share their then truly listen to their answers. We must then use not working. It has allowed us the space we may not thoughts without our immediate interruption to explain those answers to help us discover what needs adjusting have had before to try new things. or justify our own thoughts or actions? We must learn to so that we can hear and respond to their actual needs, Our ministry should be one that is relational. That is listen simply for the sake of listening, rather than listen- rather than what we perceive as their needs. even more true during this time of unknown and uncer- ing to respond. We cannot default back to yesterday’s answers that tainty. We can still talk, share, and listen. However, it Jesus gave the two disciples space to gather their no longer fit today’s questions. Many ministries have may mean engaging in those relationships in new ways, thoughts and go, even in the wrong direction. While been operating from the mindset of “We’ve always done outside of the church walls. Despite the limitations of their understanding of all that had happened around it this way.” What worked even just five years ago typi- safety precautions, we can still help people listen for the Jesus’ death and resurrection was not entirely accurate at cally does not work today. Not only have society and still, small voice of God himself, who comes to us in the the time, Jesus did not immediately tell them they were technology changed, but the people in our communities quiet and softens our hearts as we hurt. wrong. Rather, he allowed them to process their and their needs have changed. The pandemic allows us We can look at the story of the Road to Emmaus thoughts and feelings in a safe place before attempting to change what we do and how we do it so that we can (Luke 24:13-35) to show us what to focus on as we shift to point them in the right direction. better minister to the needs our people have today. perspectives in our ministries. First, we see that Jesus When people come to us with doubts and confusion, This time also allows us to shift what we measure. asked questions, and then had the patience to listen to do we allow them to process their thoughts and feelings, So often, we have measured the success of a ministry on the answers. As Jesus began walking with the two dis- or do we immediately try to correct them and explain attendance and numbers. While I would argue that even ciples, he simply asked them questions. He wanted to why they shouldn’t feel or think that way? People’s feel- know their thoughts. When Jesus asked a question, he ings are valid, even if we do not feel the same way. We See POPE, Page 22 ‘Four’givings There are four different types of “giving” and all are placed it in their midst, and said, ‘Amen, I say to you, un- important, but the effort required in each of them is some- less you turn and become like children, you will not enter thing that varies greatly. In the United States, each fall we the kingdom of heaven.’” Just as a child puts complete turn our attention to “thanks” giving. In the midst of our trust in their parent to care for them, so too, has the widow Civil War, President Lincoln sought to unite our country James R. Sulliman, PhD entered into her “second childhood.” She has lost her hus- by declaring his intention “to set apart and observe the last band and perhaps her only means of support and chooses Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and to hold on to her Father, rather than her money. Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the We read, “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Amen, I Heavens.” Years before he made that proclamation, var- say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the ious states had set aside different dates to thank God for kingdom of heaven. Again I say to you, it is easier for a his incalculable blessings. And many, many years before camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who that it was spelled out in scripture, where we are told, “In they would sell their property and possessions and divide is rich to enter the kingdom of God’” (Mt 19:23-24). Why all circumstances give thanks” (1 Thes 4:18). them among all according to each one’s need” (Acts 2: 42- would he say this? That it is almost impossible for a A second “giving” is when we share our abundance 45). wealthy person to go to heaven? Perhaps because it may with others. An illusion of generosity is sometimes created While this might sound a bit like socialism, it is ac- reflect that one who is rich values wealth ahead of others’ when we observe people giving great numbers of dollars tually “Christianism.” It is in fact, very similar what moth- needs. Perhaps because it is a reflection of selfishness. to a particular cause when they, in fact, have far more ers and fathers do each day with all their children, Perhaps because it is harder to engage in sacrificial giving. money than they need. I have long been amused by people providing for each according to their needs while demon- No matter how “rich” someone is, they can always give who go on and on about how kind and unselfish a person strating love and encouraging responsibility and growth. If their greatest gift … the gift of themselves. was by leaving large sums of money to individuals and or- everyone recognized that we were all one family through Finally, we have what may be the most important and ganizations in their will. Not to diminish their acts of kind- Christ, the world would be a different place. difficult of all the givings … forgiving. It is the one ness, but what else were they to do with it after they died?! “Sacrificial” giving is one of the most important types spelled out to us in the prayer that Jesus gave us and whe- I think God might be a little more interested in how we of all. It is sometimes said that “it is not so much what a never we say that prayer, we tell “Our Father” exactly loved, served, and cared for one another while we were person gives that matters but what they have left.” There is what we would like for him to do: ”forgive us our tres- alive. What we leave behind should be a reflection of that. no doubt that this kind of giving is important for God to passes as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Given I’m not sure that living an entire life of selfishness with no see in us. Jesus makes that clear when “he sat down oppo- those words, how can we not forgive everyone every- concern for the welfare of others is countered by leaving site the treasury and observed how the crowd put money thing? all we have to the church. into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A It might be good for us to include in our prayers of In a perfect world where everyone puts the love of poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth thanksgiving what we have received from God’s abun- God and caring for those in need through no fault of their very little. Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, dance, the sacrificial giving of Jesus, and the forgiveness own, materialism has no place. We see what that looks like ‘Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of our sins. in the early church: the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all - - - “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apos- contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her Dr. James Sulliman, a graduate of Rutgers University tles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole liveli- and Florida State University, has 50 years’ experience in and to the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, and many hood’” (Mk 12: 41-44). individual, marriage, and family therapy. He is also the wonders and signs were done through the apostles. All In so doing, the widow fulfills Jesus’ admonition that Abilene-area pro-life coordinator for the Diocese of San who believed were together and had all things in common; we find in Mathew (18:2-3): “He called a child over, Angelo. Page 10 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Catholic Life Insurance That Man Is You offered virtually Friday mornings Attention Brothers! am for another encouraging and insightful mes- offers scholarship Are you looking to deepen your relationship sage from speakers Dr. Scott Hahn, Mark Hartfiel, with God? Be a better husband? Become a more Michael Gormley and many more. Our weekly for high school seniors loving father? Build friendships with other like- Zoom is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86367757103 minded men? And seek to be the best man you For more information email [email protected] SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Applications are now available for the can be? Then log on to That Man is You on Friday or call Frank Casares 325-212-8292 or Robin 2021 All American Scholar Award Program, sponsored by Catholic mornings at 6:00 am for fellowship and at 6:30 Miller 432-741-1886. Life Insurance. The deadline to submit your application is March 1, 2021. Send your completed application package to: Addresses for seminarians of the Catholic Life Insurance Attn: All American Scholar Award Diocese of San Angelo PO Box 659527 San Antonio, TX 78265 This year, the men will face the additional Mauricio Romero — Fourth year Philosophy at hardship of off-campus restrictions because of Conception Seminary College The All American Scholar Award is granted to 35 graduating high the COVID-19 pandemic. With this in mind, we school seniors. Each scholarship is worth $1,000 and is designed to are including the names and mailing addresses of help offset tuition costs for young Catholic Life members. Applicants our seminarians with the hope that the faithful in must be seeking to attend an accredited college or university the fall se- the diocese will remember their commitment Kenrick Glennon Seminary (Graduate) mester immediately following their high school graduation. with a simple card or letter. These names and ad- 5200 Glennon Dr. Winners are selected based on their community service, academic dresses will appear in the West Texas Angelus St. Louis, MO 63119 achievement, and a 250-word essay describing their most valuable vol- again over the coming months. Thank you in ad- unteer experience. vance for your thoughtfulness. Deacon Kevin Lenius — Fourth year Theology at A complete list of criteria and application forms may be down- Kenrick-Glennon Seminary loaded at www.cliu.com. For more information, please contact Megan Mike Elsner — Second year Theology at Real in the Communications Department at (800) 262-2548 or (210) Conception Seminary College (Undergrad) Kenrick-Glennon Seminary 828-9921 ext. 141 or email [email protected]. P.O. Box 502 About Catholic Life Insurance: Founded in 1901, Catholic Life In- Conception MO, 64433 surance offers life insurance, IRAs, annuities, and fraternal benefits to individuals and families living in Texas, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Francisco Camacho — Fourth year Philosophy at Notre Dame Seminary (Graduate) Oklahoma, Mississippi, and New Mexico. As a not-for-profit entity, Conception Seminary College 2901 S. Carrollton Ave. Catholic Life Insurance returns profits to members and the surrounding Humberto Diaz — Fourth year Philosophy at New Orleans, LA 70118 community through charitable, religious, and patriotic community Conception Seminary College service projects, including the All American Scholar Award and the David Garcia — Fourth year Philosophy at Joshua Basse—First year Pre-Theology at “Catholic Schools Sweepstakes.” Conception Seminary College Notre Dame Seminary The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 11 Papa: Corrupción en la iglesia debe ser erradicada continuamente Por Junno Arocho Esteves "Me sorprende la lectura del Evangelio cuando el Luego, prosiguió, "hay una soledad 'sustancial', que Catholic News Service Señor nos pide que elijamos: seguir a Dios o seguir al no siento porque me he encontrado con tanta gente que dinero", expresó el Sumo Pontífice. "Jesús dijo que no se arriesga por mí, que arriesga la vida, que lucha con CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — La corrup- es posible perseguir a ambos", añadió. convicción porque saben que estamos en lo correcto y ción es un "mal antiguo" que continúa siendo una plaga El papa Francisco dijo que cuando se reunió con el que el camino recorrido, incluso con mil obstáculos y para la Iglesia Católica de diferentes maneras, expresó papa retirado Benedicto XVI poco después de suced- resistencias naturales, es el correcto". el papa Francisco. erlo, el papa retirado "me dio una caja grande" y de- Obviamente, explicó, ha habido ejemplos de daño y En una entrevista para la agencia de noticias ital- claró: "Todo está aquí; están los documentos con las traiciones que lastiman a los que creen en la iglesia. iana Adnkronos, publicada el 30 de octubre, el Santo situaciones más difíciles. He llegado hasta acá, he in- Si bien es incierto si sus esfuerzos por erradicar la Padre discutió sus pensamientos sobre distintos temas, tervenido en esta situación, he sacado a estas personas corrupción y liderar la iglesia darán frutos, el papa incluida la naturaleza de la corrupción dadas las re- y ahora es tu turno". Francisco dijo que sabe que debe hacerlo y que "he cientes acusaciones de malversación financiera que in- Cuando se le preguntó sobre su relación actual con sido llamado a hacerlo". volucran al Vaticano. el papa Benedicto de 93 años, el prelado contestó que Al final, "el Señor dirá si he hecho bien o lo he A pesar de los esfuerzos pasados y presentes para lo considera como "un padre y un hermano", por lo que hecho mal", señaló. "Sinceramente, no soy muy opti- erradicarla, el Sumo Pontífice indicó que "desafortuna- le firma cartas con las palabras "Filial y fraternalmente mista, pero confío en Dios y en las personas fieles a damente, la corrupción es una historia cíclica que se re- tuyo". Dios". pite" hasta que "alguien viene a limpiar y ordenar". "A menudo lo visito allí", en el monasterio Mater Recordando su exilio en Córdoba, Argentina, a "Pero luego comienza de nuevo, esperando que al- Ecclesiae, señaló el Santo Padre. "Y si lo veo un poco principios de la década de 1990, el prelado declaró que, guien más venga a poner fin a esta degradación", ex- menos últimamente es sólo porque no quiero cansarlo. en la biblioteca, "se encontró con seis o siete vol- plicó. El dinero, como lo llamaban los primeros padres La relación es buena, muy buena. Estamos de acuerdo úmenes sobre la historia de los papas, e incluso entre de la iglesia y san Francisco, es el "estiércol del dia- sobre las cosas que hay que hacer. Benedicto es un mis antecesores muy antiguos, encontré algunos ejem- blo". buen hombre, es la santidad encarnada". plos que no fueron exactamente edificantes". En la entrevista, que se llevó a cabo el 27 de octu- El Sumo Pontífice también aclaró que, contrari- Si bien la crítica contra él y su papado puede doler, bre, el papa señaló que, si bien "la iglesia es y continúa amente a los informes de una supuesta ruptura entre él especialmente cuando "se dice de mala fe y con mali- siendo fuerte, el tema de la corrupción es un problema y su predecesor, "no hay problemas entre nosotros". cia", el Santo Padre expuso que también es construc- profundo". Cuando se le preguntó si se siente solo, especial- tiva porque "la crítica me lleva a examinarme a mí Citando la afirmación de san Ambrosio de que "la mente con muchos informes que destacan la oposición mismo, a hacer un examen de conciencia, a pregun- iglesia siempre ha sido una 'casta meretrix' (prostituta a su enseñanza, respondió: "Lo he pensado y he llegado tarme si estaba equivocado, dónde y por qué estaba casta)", el Santo Padre dijo que, aunque la gran may- a la conclusión de que hay dos niveles de soledad. Se equivocado; si hice bien, si hice mal, si podría hacerlo oría de la gente en la iglesia sigue "el camino correcto", puede decir que uno se siente solo porque aquellos que mejor". es "innegable que personalidades de diverso tipo y pro- deberían colaborar, no colaboran, porque los que debe- "Es cierto que, aunque tenga que encontrar inspira- fundidad, clérigos y muchos falsos amigos laicos de la rían ensuciarse las manos por otros no lo hacen, porque ción en la crítica para hacerlo mejor, ciertamente no iglesia, han ayudado a despilfarrar los recursos y las no siguen mi línea o cosas así. Y esta es una soledad puedo dejarme llevar por todo lo que escriben sobre el propiedades, no del Vaticano sino de los fieles". que podríamos llamar 'funcional'". papa que no es muy positivo", comentó. Page 12 NOVEMBER 2020 The West Texas Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 13 All Saints Day, Nov. 1, 2020 All Souls Day, Nov. 2, 2020

Below: Deacon Joel Gutierrez, Father Chinna Pagidela, and Deacon Floyd Schwartz blessed graves in St. Law- rence.

COURTESY The altar at St. Joseph Church in San Angelo, All Souls Day, Nov. 2, 2020. COURTESY

Above: Father Chinna Pagidela celebrates Mass on All Saints Day, Nov. 1, at an altar decorated with statues of various saints. COURTESY Right: The 3rd graders of St. Ann’s School in Midland participated in the 10th annual Above: Father Albert Ezeanya, pastor of Sacred Heart All Saints Day Wax Museum. Parish in Abilene, blessed the grave of local pro-life advocate Paula Matchen. Father Ezeanya blessed Below: The students of St. Mary’s Central Catholic School in Odessa dressed up as over 100 graves at six different cemeteries on All saints for an All Saints Day drive-by parade, Nov. 1. Souls Day. COURTESY


WEST TEXAS ANGELUS Father Prem Thumma (above, left) and Father Adam Droll (above) blessed the graves and mausoleum at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in San Angelo, Nov. 2, 2020.

Left: Bishop Michael Sis celebrated Mass for All Souls Day at Cal- vary Cemetery in San Angelo after blessing graves.

ALAN TORRE | APTORRE PHOTOGRAPHY WEST TEXAS ANGELUS Page 14 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Diocese welcomes new finance officer West Texas Angelus So far, Dixon is enjoying his time in The Diocese of San Angelo has hired Tim Dixon as San Angelo, which Chief Financial Officer. A graduate of the University of he said reminds him Notre Dame, Dixon holds CPA and MBA certifications of his time as a and has held numerous CFO positions previously, as well youth growing up in as prior experience working in positions of service to the Phoenix, Arizona. church. He is looking for- Coming to San Angelo from Menlo Park, California, ward to golfing in in the San Francisco Bay area, Dixon said he was moti- West Texas and vated by the mission the new job opportunity provided. “I traveling to places was working with the St. Patrick’s Seminary” previously, throughout the dio- he said. “For a while now I’ve been looking for jobs cese that he has where I can give back and serve the church.” never been. Dixon’s goal is to “serve the bishop as well as I pos- “I am enjoying Diocesan Finance Officer Tim Dixon sibly can” in the execution of the mission of the diocese. meeting my col- He hopes to follow in the example of the last person to leagues at the chancery and getting to know them,” serve as Diocesan Finance Officer, Steve McKay. “It’s Dixon said of his time at the diocese so far. “I have a my understanding that my predecessor has left everything great staff, a great team.” in really great shape,” he said. “My goal is to continue his Dixon began his role as Chief Financial Officer on good work.” October 19.


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DBUIPMJDHJGGUUBOOVJUZPSH The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 15 Angelus seeks Reasons for precautionary measures against COVID-19 stories of pastoral By Bishop Michael J. Sis test of any society is the way it treats its most these services became “super-spreader vulnerable. Sometimes our care for our neigh- events.” Some of their church members and plan implementation The COVID-19 pandemic has been a bor involves making sacrifices for their well- pastors soon contracted COVID and died. major disruption in our lives. While people being. Catholics are to respect the life and Many of our clergy, volunteers, and pa- The parishes and ministries of the may disagree over many aspects of the crisis dignity of all. Out of love for our brothers and rishioners are in “high risk categories” for Diocese of San Angelo have completed and how to deal with it, it has clearly caused a sisters, we accept personal discomforts and death from complications of COVID-19. the first year of the current diocesan large number of deaths and a great amount of inconveniences as a form of sacrifice to pro- They are on the front line in contact with the pastoral plan, “A Future Full of Hope.” economic distress. It has lasted longer than tect others from harm. public every day. Our protocols allow them to We know there have been many expected, and the number of cases around the The exercise of prudence requires gath- carry out their ministry more safely. A refusal challenges during this time. However, world continues to rise dramatically. ering available information when making any to wear masks at church events puts these we have also discovered many bless- While the amount of cooperation with decision. Over the past several months, we people at risk. Fewer clergy would mean a re- ings through the creativity of our our diocesan COVID-19 protocols has been have consulted doctors, scientific experts, and duction in the availability of the sacraments clergy, parishioners, and parish staff very impressive, there are also some who public officials, aiming to get the most com- for our people. members. Therefore, you are invited to strongly disagree with our diocesan require- plete picture of what is called for in our safety In the territory of the Diocese of San share the good news from your parish ments of masks and social distancing when protocols. We have learned the following: Angelo, as of November 9, 2020, we have about various ways you have sought to gathering at church. The purpose of this ar- Scientific studies show that a person can had 21,535 confirmed cases of COVID-19. implement our diocesan pastoral plan. ticle is to present the reasons for our precau- go from 2 to 8 days without any symptoms, Of those, 3,937 are active cases. The percent- This could inspire other parishes to try tionary measures against the coronavirus, and some individuals will never show symp- age of active cases has been on the rise in the something similar. particularly the use of masks. toms. However, even though a person might past few weeks. It is currently 18.3%. The If you would like projects in your First, to be a Catholic Christian is to em- not be symptomatic, they can still transmit mortality rate in our diocese for those who parish highlighted in the West Texas brace the teaching that we are one Mystical this aggressive virus. All the doctors and pub- have contracted COVID-19 is currently Angelus, please contact Brian Bodiford Body of Christ. Ours is a communal religion, lic health officials whom we have consulted 2.4%. This means that, in the territory of the at [email protected] not an individualistic one. Catholic social have told us that it is better that people wear Diocese of San Angelo, 1 out of 43 people for submission of articles or photos. teaching calls upon all of us to promote the masks or cloth face coverings when they who have tested positive for the coronavirus common good. We believe that a basic moral come to church, because they provide a layer has died. Each one of those deaths was some- of protection against the possibility one’s loved one, perhaps a parent or spouse, that one could unknowingly be in- maybe a co-worker or an acquaintance. Re- ! fected with the coronavirus and gardless of the level of relationship, these are spread that virus to those around our brothers and sisters, fellow members of "#$%&'()!*(&)+,+!&-!.#/!0/1+'&! them through aerosolized droplets. the Mystical Body of Christ. Scientists have found that being Our coronavirus protocols do not make 233(14#$(&/!.+45()+,! together with others in an enclosed exceptions for small towns or rural com- space without masks for an ex- munities. Even our rural churches are not ! tended period of time increases the completely isolated from the outside world. IMMIGRATION LEGAL SERVICES CLINICS ! risk of transmission because of the On any given day, visitors could come from increased buildup of aerosolized other places where there is a higher incidence virus particles. This extended expo- of COVID-19. Also, there are plenty of pa- WHO: Accredited Representatives for the Diocese of San Angelo sure also compromises the 6-foot rishioners of those small rural parishes who social distance precaution. The work, shop, do business, and eat in the more WHERE: Catholic liturgy involves a signifi- metropolitan areas. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church cant amount of speaking and sing- In many other public places in our soci- 1401 E Garden Lane ing, which can increase the spread ety, masks are expected, such as airports, air- Midland, Texas 79701 of the virus. planes, retail stores, offices, businesses, and WHEN: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm The Centers for Disease Con- schools. That is because the people respon- trol, as well as other medical and in- sible for those places understand the serious- July 15th October 21st fectious disease experts around the ness of this pandemic. We also need to take August 19th November 18th world, promote the use of masks as public safety into account in our churches. September 16th December 16th a measure to hinder the spread of It is our desire as a church to make the CASES ACCEPTED the virus. Masks are classified as a sacraments available to our people. However, “source reduction” strategy, mean- it is also incumbent upon us to do so in the sa- ! Adjustment of Status ing that they are intended to reduce fest manner possible. Therefore, we are tak- ! Advance Parole the viral load released into the air, ing these practical measures to reduce the risk ! Affidavit of Support thus reducing the probability of of spreading the virus. Even if our precaution- ! Application to Immigrate Family Members transmitting the virus to others. ary measures result in saving only one life, ! Consular Processing/Waivers While a mask provides some pro- that one life is worthy of being saved. ! DACA Applications tection to the wearer, its primary Wearing face masks to church is not en- ! I-90 Renewal (Green Cards) ! purpose is to reduce the number of joyable, yet it serves a valuable purpose for Naturalization germs the wearer could spread to the sake of public health and in respect for the ! Pardons ! Refugee/Asylee Processes others. precious gift of human life. In the current cir- ! Remove Condition on Residency For several months now, we cumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, the ! Travel Documents have been informed about the risks minor inconveniences of wearing masks, ! U Status Applications for Victims of Crime of spreading the coronavirus at pub- washing hands, refraining from handshakes, ! VAWA for Victims of Domestic Violence lic gatherings. Therefore, we bear a and maintaining social distances are expres- ! Work Permits/Renewal Applications moral responsibility to take the sions of care for our neighbor. Exercising lov-

APPOINTMENTS & INFORMATION (Please do not call Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish) basic precautionary measures rec- ing care for the physical wellbeing of our ommended by scientists and health neighbor is an essential aspect of being a Diocese of San Angelo Immigration Services experts. Christian. Jesus makes this clear in the para- Patricia Stokes Santana When churches follow our pro- ble of the Good Samaritan, in his many ex- (325) 212-6192 tocols of wearing masks, maintain- amples of physical healing, and in his ing safe social distancing, keeping teaching about the Last Judgment in Matthew OFFICE AND TELEPHONE CONSULTATIONS AND IMMIGRATION hands clean, and avoiding hand- 25:31-46. SERVICES ARE PROVIDED FOR NORMAL FEES. shaking, it has been effective in pre- Please be assured that we will continue to ! venting transmission of the virus. monitor the situation and consult medical ex- However, some non-Catholic perts and local health officials. We await in churches in the U.S. and other prayerful anticipation a time when we will no countries have defied the warnings longer have to deal with the disruptions of ! of health experts and conducted COVID-19. Until that time, let us work and services without observing such pray together in a spirit of patience and co- ! safety protocols. In some instances, operation. Page 16 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Catholic Voices Pope Francis’ new encyclical On Oct. 4, the feast of St. Francis of that of the priest and the scribe in the para- sition. Today we state clearly that ‘the death Assisi, Pope Francis released a new ency- ble, is rooted both in a personal moral penalty is inadmissible’ and the church is clical entitled Fratelli Tutti – On Fraternity blindness as well as in the social and reli- firmly committed to calling for its abolition and Social Friendship. It can appear a gious ethos of our society that helps spawn worldwide. All Christians and people of rather depressing read because of its searing Father Ron that blindness. good will are today called to work not only realism, except it plays the long game of Rolheiser The encyclical goes on to warn that in for the abolition of the death penalty, legal Christian hope. the face of globalization we must resist be- or illegal, in all its forms, but also to work Fratelli Tutti lays out reasons why coming nationalistic and tribal, taking care for the improvement of prison conditions.” there’s so much injustice, inequality, and of our own and demonizing what’s foreign. As for war: “We can no longer think of community breakdown in our world and It goes on to say that in a time of bitterness, war as a solution, because its risks will how in faith and love these might be ad- hatred, and animosity, we must be tender probably always be greater than its sup- dressed. The intent here is not to give a syn- rich and the poor and our world is become and gracious, always speaking out of love posed benefits. In view of this, it is very dif- opsis of the encyclical, other than to say it’s ever more calloused vis-à-vis the situation and not out of hatred: “Kindness ought to ficult nowadays to invoke the rational courageous and speaks truth to power. of the poor. Inequality is now accepted as be cultivated; it is no superficial bourgeois criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to Rather the intent is to highlight a number of normal and as moral and indeed is often virtue.” speak of the possibility of a ‘just war.’” special challenges within the encyclical. justified in the name of God and religion. The encyclical acknowledges how dif- The encyclical has drawn strong criti- First, it challenges us to see the poor The poor are becoming disposable: “Some ficult and counter-cultural it is today to sac- cism from some women’s groups who label and to see what our present political, eco- parts of our human family, it appears, can rifice our own agenda, comfort, and it “sexist,” though this criticism is based al- nomic, and social systems are doing to be readily sacrificed for the sake of others. freedom for community, but invites us to most exclusively on the encyclical’s title them. Looking at our world, the encyclical Wealth has increased, but together with in- make that sacrifice: “I would like especially and on the fact that it never makes refer- submits that in many ways it is a broken equality.” In speaking of inequality, the en- to mention solidarity which is a moral vir- ence to any women authors. There’s some world and it names some reasons for this: cyclical twice highlights that this inequality tue and social attitude born of personal con- fairness, I submit, in the criticism regarding the globalization of self-interest, the glob- is true of women worldwide: “It is unac- version.” the choice of title. The title, while beautiful alization of superficiality, and the abuse of ceptable that some have fewer rights by vir- At one point, the encyclical gives a in an old classical language, is in the end social media, among other things. This has tue of being women.” very explicit (and far-reaching) challenge. It masculine. That should be forgivable; ex- made for the survival of the fittest. And The encyclical employs the parable of states unequivocally (with full ecclesial cept I lived long enough in Rome to know while the situation is broken for everyone, the Good Samaritan as its ground metaphor. weight) that Christians must oppose and re- that its frequent insensitivity to inclusive the poor are ending up suffering the most. It compares us today, individually and col- ject capital punishment and take a stand language is not an inculpable oversight. The rich are getting richer, the powerful are lectively, to the priest and the scribe in that against war: “Saint John Paul II stated But the lapse here is a mosquito bite, a getting more powerful, and the poor are parable who for religious, social, and politi- clearly and firmly that the death penalty is small thing, which shouldn’t detract from a growing poorer and losing what little power cal reasons walk past the one who is poor, inadequate from a moral standpoint and no big thing, namely, a very prophetic encycli- they had. There’s an ever-increasing in- beaten, bleeding and in need of help. Our longer necessary from that of penal justice. cal which has justice and the poor at its equality of wealth and power between the indifference and our religious failure, like There can be no stepping back from this po- heart. Acknowledging an abyss; finding a bridge One of the most remarkable differ- the higher context of a Biblical anthropol- the religiously motivated to get any trac- ences between the social protests of the ogy. tion with those formed by postmodernism, 1960s and those of today is that the former Bishop Robert The absence of religious leadership in and vice versa. The two groups tend to were done in concert with, and often under Barron the protest movements of the present mo- stare at one another across an intellectual the explicit leadership of, religious people. ment, and indeed the hostility to religion abyss. One has only to think of the crucially im- exhibited by many of the protesters, are a But all is not lost. If I might suggest portant role played by the Rev. Dr. Martin Word on Fire function of a major shift in the culture. The one possible bridge between the two Luther King and so many of his colleagues Ministries philosophy that undergirds the “woke” per- worlds, it would be a shared passion for and disciples in the civil rights demonstra- spective is not classical liberalism, but justice. Despite their consistent claim that tions fifty and sixty years ago. But we rather postmodernism, indeed a fairly truth and value are relative and that lan- don’t find today the same concert between nasty strain of it. The voices behind much guage is but a subtle means of domination, those agitating for social change and the mental moral objectivities, including and of the opposition leadership today are not the schools formed by Marx and Foucault religious leadership. There are many rea- especially the truth that all people are en- those of Locke and Jefferson, but rather of would certainly hold that the oppression of sons for this phenomenon. Perhaps the dowed with rights and dignity. Further- Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Mi- one class of people by another is unjust. To most important is simply that the number more, we find the conviction that objective chel Foucault — and this makes a crucial that degree, they inescapably hold to of people who subscribe to religion, espe- theoretical truth exists and that it is acces- difference. Marx, for instance, denies the something like an objective moral value, cially in the ranks of the young, has precip- sible through the intellectual give-and-take existence of a stable human nature, insist- and they would seem to agree that lan- itously dropped in our society. But I also fostered by the political practice of allow- ing that the term simply means “the sum guage which articulates that value is some- think that there is something subtler at play ing freedom of speech. total of one’s social relations.” Nietzsche thing other than merely manipulative. And as well, and I have to put on my philos- Though there were clear points of de- asserts the non-existence of God and hence here, the Biblical person can indeed find opher’s hat to articulate it. marcation between classical liberalism and the relativity of any claim to objective common ground, for beginning with the In the 1960s, Dr. King and company Christianity (indeed all of the figures refer- truth or moral value. In the space opened Hebrew prophets and coming directly were certainly using Biblical ideas and ter- enced above were, to varying degrees, op- up by this metaphysical collapse, the “will through Jesus himself and then into the minology to express their critique of injus- posed to Biblical religion), nevertheless on to power,” he argued, can and should as- great Christian tradition, we find the con- tice and their longing for a righteous these central points, people trained in the sert itself. And Foucault — probably the viction that seeking justice is congruent society, but they were also more or less Scriptural tradition could find common most influential of the three — under- with the will of God. confident that, in doing so, they would find ground with liberals. Revisit Dr. King’s “I stands the ideas and forms of discourse of So the conversation between the reli- a receptive audience among those trained Have a Dream” speech to see a master a given society to be nothing more than the gious and the revolutionary is tougher in the political tradition that we might class in how to weave the two traditions cynical means by which a dominant group today than it was sixty years ago, for a characterize as “classical liberalism.” This, together. King used soaring language from maintains itself in power. A key practical philosophical system more alien to religion broadly speaking, is the public philosophy the prophet Isaiah, but then effortlessly re- implication of this theorizing is that the than was classical liberalism has come to shaped by such figures as Thomas Jeffer- lated it to Jefferson’s political philosophy free speech so dear to classical liberalism hold sway in revolutionary circles. But I son, John Stuart Mill, and especially John and even to the lyrics of our patriotic as a means of coming to truth is appreci- would urge my co-religionists not to give Locke. As is evident in some of their prin- songs. Another excellent example of some- ated as a means of oppression. And the ap- up. A love for justice might be the bridge. cipal texts — Jefferson’s Declaration of one who could link together the two peals that religious people used to make to - - - Independence, Mill’s On Liberty, and schools of thought was John Paul II. In nu- the rights of the individual are typically Bishop Robert Barron is an auxiliary Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, for merous texts and speeches, the great pope seen by postmodern theorists as unjustified bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles example — we find a clear sense that happily adopted the human rights language and ultimately manipulative. As a result of and the founder of Word on Fire Catholic human reason can discern certain funda- of classical liberalism and lifted it up into all of this, it is exceptionally difficult for Ministries. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 17 Voces Catolicas El destino que todos seres La nueva encíclica humanos enfrentamos del papa Francisco El 4 de octubre, fiesta de san Francisco Otra vez, la liturgia de esta temporada de Asís, el papa Francisco publicó una nos recuerda de la muerte que nos espera nueva encíclica titulada Fratelli tutti-Her- a todos. Aun, este año no necesitamos manos todos. Sobre la fraternidad y amistad aviso. El titular en el diario grita: Moises Sandoval Catholic News Service social. Puede aparentar que es un texto más Padre Ron "200,000 muertos en la pandemia". Au- bien desalentador a causa de su duro real- Rolheiser mentando diariamente, el COVID-19 y su ismo, aunque pone en marcha el amplio amenaza mortal habitan cada hora nuestra Buscando Vida juego de la esperanza cristiana. vigilia, en especial en nosotros que hemos Fratelli tutti muestra razones por las que vivido allende de nuestra expectativa de hay tanta injusticia, desigualdad y ruptura de vida. La probabilidad de sobrevivir es una la comunidad en nuestro mundo y cómo, en en diez. la fe y el amor, estas podrían afrontarse. No están haciendo más poderosos y los pobres Entonces, cada mañana mientras que Al salir a recoger el diario, recuerdo que se trata aquí de dar una sinopsis de la encí- se están haciendo más pobres y perdiendo el preparo mi tasa de café en el silencio de mi primo Guillermo Suazo murió de un clica, sino decir que es valiente y dice la ver- poco poder que tenían. Hay una desigualdad nuestra cocina, mi esposa todavía durmi- ataque cardiaco haciendo eso hace déca- dad al poder. Más bien, su intento es siempre creciente de riqueza y poder entre endo tranquilamente, doy gracias a Dios das, un gesto de su devoción a su esposa, destacar en la encíclica un conjunto de espe- los ricos y los pobres, y nuestro mundo se por el nuevo día y por el placer de otra Teresa. ciales desafíos. está volviendo cada vez más insensible vez gozar el aroma y sabor de esta bebida Después durante mi ducha, recuerdo Primero, nos desafía a ver a los pobres y frente a la situación de los pobres. La desi- favorita. que el mes pasado, mi primo Arturo observar lo que les están haciendo nuestros gualdad es aceptada ahora como normal y Y, recorriendo las oportunidades que Aragón se cayó en el baño de su casa en presentes sistemas políticos, económicos y como moral, y ciertamente es justificada con presenta el día, pienso de la nueva novela California y murió de un golpe en la sociales. Mirando a nuestro mundo, la encí- frecuencia en nombre de Dios y la religión. que puedo leer; el recién publicado libro cabeza, apenas unos días de celebrar su clica expone que en muchos aspectos es un Los pobres se están volviendo desechables: sobre la justicia que me regalo mi hija; la 85 cumpleaños. Y su esposa, Gracia, en mundo roto y señala algunas razones en re- “Algunas partes de nuestra familia humana, receta que puedo cocinar; o avanzar el de- las últimas etapas de Alzheimer, quizás lación a esto: la globalización del auto- según parece, pueden ser fácilmente sacrifi- sarrollo de un libro que empecé años dándose cuenta de que su lucha ya no interés, la globalización de la superficialidad cadas por causa de otros. La riqueza ha cre- atrás; y, no menos, una media hora de tenía sentido, lo siguió pocos días des- y el abuso de los medios sociales, entre otras cido, pero junto con la desigualdad”. Al meditación que en estos días tan difíciles pués. cosas. Esto ha contribuido a la supervivencia hablar de desigualdad, la encíclica destaca nos brinda tranquilidad. Y, por supuesto, Al contemplar la amenaza del virus, de los más preparados. Y mientras la situ- dos veces que esta desigualdad es una reali- si hallo el tiempo, también trabajaré un agradezco que bendición fue el modo que ación se rompe para todos, los pobres aca- dad en las mujeres de todo el mundo: Es crucigrama o juego de sudoku. murió mi padre en 1981. Era jardinero y ban siendo los que más sufren. Los ricos se Sin embargo, todo esto no destierra el están haciendo más ricos, los poderosos se Mira ROLHEISER, Página 22 temor del destino que todos enfrentamos. Mira SANDOVAL, Página 22 Reconocer un abismo; encontrar un puente

Una de las diferencias más notables entre adoptó felizmente el lenguaje de derechos hu- mente vistos por los teóricos posmodernos las protestas sociales de la década de 1960 y manos del liberalismo clásico y lo elevó al como injustificados y en última instancia ma- las de hoy es que las primeras se hicieron en Obispo Robert contexto superior de una antropología bíblica. nipuladores. Como resultado de todo esto, es concierto con —y a menudo bajo el liderazgo Barron La ausencia de liderazgo religioso en los excepcionalmente difícil para los que tienen explícito de— personas religiosas. Basta pen- movimientos de protesta del momento actual, una motivación religiosa trabajar juntamente sar en el papel crucial desempeñado por el y de hecho la hostilidad a la religión exhibida con los formados por el postmodernismo, y Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King y tantos de sus Word on Fire por muchos de los manifestantes, son una viceversa. Los dos grupos tienden a mirarse colegas y discípulos en las manifestaciones Ministries función de un cambio importante en la cul- el uno al otro a través de un abismo intelec- de los derechos civiles hace cincuenta y se- tura. La filosofía que sustenta la perspectiva tual. senta años. Pero hoy no encontramos el del “despertar” (woke) no es el liberalismo Pero no todo está perdido. Si pudiera mismo concierto entre aquellos que agitan clásico, sino más bien el postmodernismo, de sugerir un posible puente entre los dos mun- por el cambio social y el liderazgo religioso. de que la razón humana puede discernir cier- hecho, una cepa bastante desagradable. Las dos, sería una pasión compartida por la justi- Hay muchas razones para este fenómeno. tas objetividades morales fundamentales, in- voces detrás de gran parte de la dirección de cia. A pesar de su constante afirmación de que Quizás lo más importante es simplemente que cluyendo y especialmente la verdad de que la oposición hoy en día no son las de Locke y la verdad y el valor son relativos y que el len- el número de personas que se adhieren a la re- todas las personas están dotadas de derechos Jefferson, sino las de Karl Marx, Friedrich guaje no es más que un sutil medio de dom- ligión, especialmente en las filas de los jó- y dignidad. Además, encontramos la convic- Nietzsche y Michel Foucault, y esto marca inación, las escuelas formadas por Marx y venes, ha disminuido precipitadamente en ción de que existe una verdad teórica objetiva una diferencia crucial. Marx, por ejemplo, Foucault ciertamente sostendrían que la opre- nuestra sociedad. Pero también creo que hay y que es accesible a través del “toma y daca” niega la existencia de una naturaleza humana sión de una clase de personas por otra es in- algo más sutil en juego también, y tengo que intelectual fomentado por la práctica política estable, insistiendo en que el término simple- justa. Así, se aferran ineludiblemente a algo ponerme mi sombrero de filósofo para articu- de permitir la libertad de expresión. mente significa “la suma total de las rela- como un valor moral objetivo, y parecen estar larlo. Aunque había puntos claros de demarca- ciones sociales propias”. Nietzsche afirma la de acuerdo en que el lenguaje que articula ese En la década de 1960, el Dr. King y com- ción entre el liberalismo clásico y el cristian- inexistencia de Dios y por lo tanto la relativi- valor es algo más que meramente manipula- pañía ciertamente utilizaban ideas y terminol- ismo (de hecho, todas las figuras dad de cualquier pretensión de verdad obje- dor. Y aquí, la persona que cree en la Biblia ogía bíblicas para expresar su crítica de la mencionadas anteriormente se oponían, en di- tiva o valor moral. En el espacio abierto por puede encontrar efectivamente un terreno injusticia y su anhelo de una sociedad justa, versos grados, a la religión bíblica), sin em- este colapso metafísico, la “voluntad de común, ya que comenzando con los profetas pero también estaban más o menos seguros bargo, en estos puntos centrales, las personas poder”, argumentaba él, puede y debe afir- hebreos y viniendo directamente a través de de que, al hacerlo, encontrarían una audiencia formadas en la tradición bíblica podían en- marse. Y Foucault —probablemente el más Jesús mismo y luego en la gran tradición cris- receptiva entre aquellos entrenados en la tra- contrar un terreno común con los liberales. influyente de los tres — entiende que las tiana, encontramos la convicción de que la dición política que podríamos caracterizar Revise el discurso “Tengo un sueño” del Dr. ideas y formas de discurso de una sociedad búsqueda de la justicia es congruente con la como “liberalismo clásico”. Esta, en términos King para ver una clase magistral sobre cómo dada no son más que los cínicos medios por voluntad de Dios. generales, es la filosofía pública moldeada tejer las dos tradiciones juntas. King usó el los cuales un grupo dominante se mantiene en Así que la conversación entre el religioso por figuras como Thomas Jefferson, John lenguaje altísimo del profeta Isaías, pero el poder. Una implicación práctica clave de y el revolucionario es más dura hoy que hace Stuart Mill y especialmente John Locke. luego lo relacionó sin esfuerzo con la filosofía esta teorización es que la libertad de expre- sesenta años, ya que un sistema filosófico Como es evidente en algunos de sus textos política de Jefferson e incluso con la letra de sión tan querida por el liberalismo clásico más ajeno a la religión que el liberalismo clá- principales —la Declaración de Independen- nuestras canciones patrióticas. Otro excelente como un medio de llegar a la verdad es apre- sico ha llegado a dominar los círculos rev- cia de Jefferson, Sobre la Libertad de Mill y ejemplo de alguien que pudo unir las dos es- ciada como un medio de opresión. Y los lla- olucionarios. Pero insto a mis correligionarios los Dos Tratados de Gobierno de Locke, por cuelas de pensamiento fue Juan Pablo II. En mamientos que las personas religiosas solían a que no se rindan. El amor por la justicia ejemplo— encontramos una clara sensación numerosos textos y discursos, el gran papa hacer a los derechos del individuo son típica- podría ser el puente. Page 18 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Catholic Voices Is mandating vaccine ethical? 'Fratelli Tutti' and the parable Virginia State Health Commissioner, Dr. Norman Oliver, told a local news sta- of the good Samaritan tion in August 2020 that he planned to man- Father Tad date COVID-19 immunizations for Pacholczyk Virginians once a vaccine becomes avail- Who is my neighbor? It's a question as able to the public. The following day, the old as Jesus, and as new as today's sunrise. Governor, Ralph Northam, pulled rank on Making Sense While visiting a large city, a friend the Commissioner and announced there went to a famous deli. On her way into the Effie Caldarola would be no vaccine mandate after all. The of Bioethics restaurant, she saw a homeless person, Catholic News Service Health Department walked back the Com- looking forlorn, sprawled on the sidewalk. missioner’s earlier comments while the The deli's servings were huge, so she For the Journey Governor’s Office issued a statement focus- part because no one is compelled to seek had hers cut in half and saved the other ing on vaccine accessibility and fair distri- employment in the field of healthcare, nor half for the man she'd seen on the street. bution, not a mandate. to be educated in one specific school set- When she left the restaurant, she handed Virginia law, nevertheless, does em- ting. Also, exemptions are oftentimes avail- him a large bag with the sandwich inside. power the Commissioner to issue a vaccine able within schools or certain healthcare As she walked away, she was surprised fitting story for our troubled times. Jesus mandate under certain conditions. Virginia settings. to realize the man was running after her. loved to teach with stories, and they al- has a religious exemption for vaccines gen- How would a religious exemption "Ma'am, ma'am," he called insistently. ways have multiple layers of meaning. erally, but not if the state declares an “emer- differ from a conscience exemption? I didn't ask my friend what she thought Someone had asked him, "Who is my gency or epidemic of any disease of public A religious exemption would apply if in that moment. But I might have reacted neighbor?" and this story was his response. health importance for which a vaccine ex- the teachings of the faith of the individual ists.” In the emergency situation, the only with alarm. What does he want? What is he A man is left for dead by robbers. A to be vaccinated held that vaccines in gen- going to ask of me? Is he mentally ill? priest and Levite pass him by. But a Sa- exemption would be for serious medical eral were immoral and contrary to God's reasons, i.e. the vaccine would be detrimen- So what did the man want? He wanted maritan helps him, going to lengths to en- will, as might be the case for members of to return her umbrella, which she inadver- sure the injured man's well-being. tal to the health of the recipient, as certified the Christian Science Church founded by by a physician. tently left in the bag she handed him. Pope Francis leads us through a short Mary Baker Eddy. Since there is no Catho- The man desired to be a neighbor. history of faith's definition of "neighbor." State legislators have been pushing to lic teaching that the reception of vaccines, update the Virginia law to include a reli- including those that rely on fetal cell lines In his recent encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, In ancient times, a neighbor was one gious exemption in an emergency declara- from abortions that happened long ago, is on Fraternity and Social Friendship, Pope within your tight circle, your tribe. Unfor- tion. sinful, Catholics cannot claim a religious Francis takes on the challenges facing our tunately, sometimes we still fall into that The contentious discussions in Virginia exemption from the requirement of immu- world and the persistent question of our re- trap. raise broader questions about vaccine man- nization. lationship with each other and with the But the Hebrews themselves began to dates and exemptions. A conscience exemption, meanwhile, poor. expand this concept of neighbor to those It can be helpful to distinguish local would refer to the situation in which an in- In one section, the pope examines the vaccine mandates from universal ones. dividual in conscience believed that it was familiar parable of the good Samaritan, a See CALDAROLA, Page 22 A local mandate means an immuniza- immoral to be vaccinated. tion is required for services or employment, Some individuals might claim a con- insisting, for example, that children be vac- science exemption if they were convinced, cinated prior to admission to the local even following extensive safety and effi- school, or workers in a hospital system be cacy testing, that the risks of being inocu- My saint friends compliant with Centers for Disease Control lated outweighed the potential benefits. immunization schedules as a condition for It is Catholic teaching that one must "Hey babe, grab the saints blanket, will employment. follow one's informed judgment of con- you?" I called out to my husband. Katie Prejean A universal mandate, meanwhile, in- science even if one is in error because the A few moments later, he returned with volves a demand that all residents of a par- conscience is our last best judgment about a black blanket, the New Orleans Saints McGrady ticular geographical area, such as a what is right or wrong. signature gold fleur-de-lis emblazoned ac- Catholic News Service township, county, state or country be im- Some Catholics might claim a con- ross the fleece. munized. science exemption out of a mistaken but "Oh, sorry." I mumbled. "I meant the Generally speaking, vaccinations sincerely held conviction that vaccinations saints blanket, like with the holy men and Window Seat should not be universally mandated, con- themselves are always wrong, or that it is women faces." Wisdom sidering the unique manner in which a vac- always immoral to receive vaccines made He turned bright red. "I should've cine can impose itself upon the inner out of cell lines from abortions when that is known," and he shuffled off to go find the workings of the human body, and in consid- the only option available. eration of the potentially complex set of blanket. Molla, St. Philomena and St. Francis of Some states and jurisdictions do not Only in a Catholic family in Louisiana Assisi was a comfort to our little girl. risks that may accrue. distinguish between religious and con- Especially for newly-developed vac- does "grab the saints blanket" become a Truthfully, it's a comfort to me too. science exemptions. They only make avail- potentially confusing request. Would that we all be wrapped in the cines with uncertain profiles of efficacy, ad- able a religious exemption, by which they verse events, and long-term consequences, The "saints blanket" in question is my faces — the lives and legacies — of the often intend to include and subsume under 3-year-old's most prized possession, given saints. universal mandates are ethically problem- the same heading the exercise of conscien- atic. tious objection. to her nearly a year ago when she was hav- As a kid, I didn't understand why we Only in the face of a highly virulent In sum, state-sponsored or legislative ing a hard time falling asleep at night be- named parishes or schools after saints, nor and deadly pathogen, with few or no alter- coercion through a universal vaccine man- cause she was scared of the dark. A did I grasp the logic behind naming a baby native treatments available — and it would date raises ethical concerns, especially Catholic artist had released the item in her after a saint or hanging their pictures on be doubtful whether any vaccine for when appropriate exemptions are unavail- shop, and I instantly bought one, deter- the walls. Why do we have to pay so much COVID-19 could ever qualify in this way able. mined the pictures of saints would be a attention to them? They were just holy — might a broader, universal-type mandate Health officials should instead seek to comfort to my toddler. people. become justifiable. educate those under their authority, through I was right. But that's precisely why! Even in such high risk situations, ho- careful and patient explanation, about the The blanket instantly became the "my They were "just holy people" -- just wever, only a "soft universal mandate" importance of receiving a vaccine, so they saint friends" blanket, and Rose couldn't people, really. The saints are ordinary men would be justifiable, one that allowed for at might freely choose to do so on their own sleep without it. Naptime. Bedtime. Snug- and women who jumped at the God-given least three exemptions to be liberally avail- initiative. gles on the couch. Gram & G's house. opportunity to live extraordinary lives of able to the populace: a conscience exemp- - - - Traveling for Christmas. The blanket came holiness, walking in heroic virtue, dedicat- tion, a religious exemption, and as noted Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned everywhere, and the bedtime struggles and ing their lives to his glory and service to earlier, a medical exemption. These excep- his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and tions provide the basis for appropriate "opt naptime battles ceased. his people and church. We look to them so did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a Being wrapped in the faces of Padre that we can try and do the same. outs" to occur, and for basic human free- priest of the diocese of Fall River, MA, and doms to be duly safeguarded. Pio, Mother Teresa, St. Josephine Bakhita, My love of the saints and devotion to serves as the Director of Education at The St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Kateri Tekak- certain saints began to grow in my 20s. As A local vaccine mandate to ensure the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Phil- safety of a school or work environment can witha, St. John Paul II, St. Maximilian adelphia. See www.ncbcenter.org and Kolbe, St. Oscar Romero, St. Gianna See McGRADY, Page 22 be acceptable, and not unduly coercive, in www.fathertad.com. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 19 Catholic Voices Teach us to pray — as stressed-out parents

Lord, we're tired. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Uncer- in Scripture and in sustenance for our bodies and tain. minds. Let us pray not just for ourselves and our This year has brought massive changes to our families, but for all who are in need. families. Work, school, church — all of it looks dif- Laura Kelly Fanucci "Forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive ev- ferent now. Our kids are struggling to understand, Catholic News Service eryone in debt to us." accept and adapt. We're struggling, too. Guide us to confession and forgiveness. Be mer- How can we help our families when we need Faith at Home ciful with our fumbling, failures and fears. Help us support for ourselves? How can we teach our kids to to forgive ourselves, our families and all those we pray when we're wrestling with faith right now, too? struggle to love. Guide our feet to the path of your Where do we start when everything feels like it's un- healing, and teach us to work and serve each day in raveling around us? the light of your love. Here is one answer you gave us: Humble our hearts to ask you to teach us. When "Do not subject us to the final test." "He was praying in a certain place, and when he we don't know what to do or where to go, nudge us Have mercy on us. Protect us. Stay with us had finished, one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, to ask for help. Let us be open to receive and willing through the end. teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.' He to learn. Comfort us to remember we aren't alone, Bring us back each day to these holy words. Help said to them, 'When you pray, say: Father, hallowed that we all need your grace and guidance to keep us teach them to our children, to pray them when we be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day going. are at home and when we are away. our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we our- "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your Most of all, Lord, be present to us wherever we selves forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not name, your kingdom come." are — as parents, guardians, grandparents, godpar- subject us to the final test'" (Lk 11:1-4). Help us to start simply. To begin each day and ents and all who love, teach or raise young people in Each line of Scripture can speak to us today, each prayer by calling out to you. To praise your today's tumultuous world. May we trust that we and Lord. Open our hearts to hear your word. name and put you first. To remember that we are the children we love are always in your care, that "He was praying in a certain place." your beloved children. To hope in your goodness, your peace is always only a prayer away. Remind us that our circumstances and contexts trust in your promise and surrender to your ways. Amen. don't have to be barriers to prayer. Keep drawing us "Give us each day our daily bread." - - - to you in our own particular places, just as you Let us see all the goodness of life — even time Fanucci is a writer, speaker, and author of sev- would leave behind the chaos and crisis of the and food — as gifts from you. Let us ask for enough eral books including “Everyday Sacrament: The crowds to pray alone. for today, and trust that tomorrow will take care of Messy Grace of Parenting.” Her work can be found "Lord, teach us to pray." itself. Let us be open to receive you: in sacraments, at laurakellyfanucci.com.

A rosary for our nation Cartoon Corner I've found myself praying for my country a lot these days. As a family, we remember to do so when we say grace at dinner. At other times -- usually after reading some terrible headline or seeing the latest total of fatal- Greg Erlandson ities from the coronavirus pandemic -- I'll say a silent Catholic News Service prayer as well. So I welcomed the recent announcement by Arch- Amid the Fray bishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles that there would be a national Rosary for America. Now is certainly the time to request heavenly intercession amid our pan- demics not just of disease but of polarization, anger and fear. tions with the hashtag #RosaryforAmerica. The prayer took place on Oct. 7, the feast of Our One of the unexpected blessings of the pandemic Lady of the Rosary. While it was announced only a week have been the events of public prayer. Most notable was before, Catholic newspapers, television, radio and social the "urbi et orbi" blessing by Pope Francis on March 27. media threw their support behind the event. The powerful image of the pope alone in the darkening, Archbishop Gomez introduced it, but he did not rain-swept plaza of St. Peter’s was perhaps the most dwell on our ailments and our conflicts. Instead, he re- iconic Catholic image of this time of sickness and fear. called the first Catholic missionaries in the New World, Public processions have taken place as well. In San and he reminded us that we are the missionaries today Francisco on Oct. 3, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone called to bring the good news to the people. led an hour-and-a-half procession through the Mission "We ask Mary to look upon our nation with her District to commemorate the city's patron saint and to mother's eyes," he said. "We ask her to intercede for this offer thanksgiving for a relaxation of city restrictions on great nation." the celebration of indoor religious services. "We pray that America might fulfill the beautiful vi- Such public prayer in times of crisis has a long his- sion of our missionaries and founders," he continued. "As tory in the church. More than 1,500 years ago, St. Greg- a land where all men and women are treated as children ory the Great led a procession through Rome praying for of God. With equality, liberty and justice for all." a cessation of the bubonic plague. According to legend, It was a simple appeal, and what followed was sim- he had a vision of St. Michael the Archangel sheathing ple as well. Various bishops from around the country his sword on the top of what is now called Castel Sant- took turns praying the decades of the Rosary. ’Angelo, and the plague was stopped. One decade was recited in Spanish. Without exagger- Our pandemics are still with us. Not just COVID-19, ation or heavy-handedness, the great diversity of our but also the pandemics of distrust and division, of in- church was represented in various backdrops and equality and want. As Archbishop Gomez declared, now chapels. In the faces of the young children who recited is a time of missionary witness. the Glory Be, in the faces of the women who recited the If Catholics in every parish and every diocese can Fatima prayer and in the faces of the bishops themselves. transcend their divisions and unite to care for the hungry, It was a prayerful visualization of our nation and our the homeless, the unemployed, the sick and the grieving, church. perhaps the healing that our nation most desperately At the end, Archbishop Gomez asked Catholics to needs will take place. The sword will be sheathed, and "light up the digital highways" by posting prayer inten- our prayers will be answered. Page 20 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus Lending a Helping Hand at Our Lady of Grace Monastery, Oct. 17, 2020

That Man Is You, the Cursillo community, the ACTS com- munity, Knights of Columbus Council #13514, and Knights of Columbus Council #2136 came together to perform manual tasks at the Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Christoval the weekend of Oct. 17, 2020.

The groups trimmed trees, cut grass, trimmed bushes, re- moved rocks, hauled away de- bris, and performed other manual labor that was needed.

The Cursillo community also donated two 5-gallon gas cans full of gas and a new recharge- able battery for the monastery’s weedeater.

COURTESY COURTESY Guadalupe Radio Network Fundraiser, Oct. 29, 2020

The Guadalupe Radio Network held their annual “Fishers of Men” fundraiser dinner on Oct. 29, 2020, in Midland.

Left: Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler and Bishop Michael J. Sis of the Dio- cese of San Angelo were both on hand for the fundraiser.

Below: Sammy Rodriguez Jr., Business Manager of the Guadalupe Radio Network.

ALAN TORRE | APTORRE PHOTOGRAPHY ALAN TORRE | APTORRE PHOTOGRAPHY The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 21 Parking Lot All Saints Mass, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Midland, Nov. 1, 2020

CARLOS GARCIA Bishop Michael Sis celebrated Mass in the parking lot of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Midland on All Saints Day, Nov. 1, 2020. The parish celebrates Mass in the parking lot every weekend. Life Center Donations, Big Spring Stay Connected with the Diocese of San Angelo


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Social Media

COURTESY Diocese of San Angelo on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DioceseofSanAngelo

Bishop Michael Sis on Twitter: @SABishopMike The people of Holy Trinity Parish in Big Spring recently came together to support the local Life Center. The Knights of Columbus held a hamburger sale and donated the proceeds of $1,000. The parishioners also had a “baby shower,” which resulted in the collection of many items for donation. On the Web


COURTESY Page 22 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus better, yet this time of pandemic is al- engage in a new model of ministry will for our ministries today. We cannot wait POPE lowing us the opportunity to adopt a look different for each faith community. for the world and ministry to return to new mindset. We must continue to avoid the tempta- how it was a year ago. We must look at Continued from Page 9 We must connect with the members tion to compare numbers or adopt what the reality we are living in now and pre-pandemic, that was not the best of our community. While finding those works for somebody else. Rather, we imagine new ways of loving and filling measure, that is even more true now. points of connection, we must also keep must truly look at those who make up our world with the Gospel. Let us begin Rather than basing our definition of suc- in mind that not all connection will take our community and what their needs to love others by listening to them and cess on numbers and regular attendance, place through technology. If we rely are, regardless of what other parishes journeying with them in ways that meet perhaps we can measure based on con- simply on social media or Zoom gath- are doing. their needs, regardless of how that fits nection and growth. Are our people erings for connection, we are missing In Christus Vivit, Pope Francis says, into our preferred model of ministry. truly connected to the faith community? those members of our communities who “It does us no good ‘to sit down and - - - Can we see evidence of their personal cannot or do not have Internet access or long for times past; we must meet our Alison Pope is an associate director and spiritual growth? We usually oper- adequate technology. culture with realism and love and fill it of the Diocese of San Angelo’s Office of ate from the mindset that bigger is Just like pre-pandemic, how to best with the Gospel’” (no. 200). This is true Evangelization and Catechesis. Pope Francis points to the priest and acted with a small, neighborly gesture. of the good Samaritan, says the tale "is CALDAROLA Levite. But the man tried to be a neighbor as clear and straightforward, yet it also "They were religious, devoted to the well. He was showing his humanity, his evokes the interior struggle that each of Continued from Page 18 worship of God ... This detail should not dignity, his integrity by returning an um- us experiences." beyond their group. They understood the be overlooked," wrote the pope. brella. How do we love and acknowledge loneliness of exile and the importance of Belief and worship "are not enough He could have shrugged and eaten our neighbor, not just the guy next door welcoming the stranger. to ensure that we are actually living in a his sandwich. with the political opinions we dislike, but Jesus took the concept of neighbor to way pleasing to God," Pope Francis re- But he wanted to be acknowledged as the person on the other side of the globe whole new levels. The outcast, the sinner, minds us. Indeed, loving our neighbor — a neighbor. Look at me, he seemed to threatened by the climate change we those on society's margins, the Samaritan near and far, like us or very different — say, and love me. I am not just hungry for don't want to confront? — a group despised by the Jews of Jesus' is what God desires. food, but for recognition and respect. Jesus challenges us to expand our time — these were Jesus' neighbors. My friend saw a neighbor and re- Pope Francis, in retelling the parable ideas of neighbor. todos nos sentimos en paz con lo que nos espera. Un hermano, McGRADY SANDOVAL de 81 años, ha planeado y pagado por su funeral, especifi- cando hasta el detalle de especificar la canción de Frank Sina- Continued from Page 18 Continúa de Página 17 tra que deben tocar durante el servicio memorial: "Lo hice a I navigated a new career and dating, and como ya llegaba la primavera en Colorado, donde él y Mamá mi manera." then newlywed and new mom life, different vivían, anticipaba con entusiasmo empezar de nuevo el trabajo Mientras tanto, sique haciendo el trabajo que le encanta: saints came to the fore. que le encantaba, el cortar césped, cuido de árboles y cultiva- maestro en una escuela católica. En el lenguaje de su profe- At first it was St. Therese. I learned I'd ción de flores. sión dice que esta listo para su examen final. been baptized on her feast day, and she be- En camino de Nueva York a Los Ángeles para dar charlas Sin embargo, oramos a Dios que nos salve del COVID-19. came a bit of a saintly sister, her little way y hacer reportajes como periodista, decidí pasar el fin de se- Pero si eso llega a pasar, pedimos que podamos aceptar nues- and encouragement to love in small ways mana con mis padres. Disfrutamos los tres días en reminiscen- tro destino con el brío de mi tío José Dolores "Lolo" Perea, un was helpful in the classroom with my cia de la vida dura del pasado, pero una muy dichosa y de sheriff deputado en el condado de San Miguel en Nuevo Méx- freshman theology students. fruto. ico en los años 1960. Then it was St. John Paul, a pope I'd al- Unos días después, mientras trabajaba en California recibí Despertando una noche en 1967 con un derrame masivo ways considered brilliant, but also a pastor la triste noticia que mi padre, aparente en buena salud a la intestinal, descubrió en el hospital que los cirujanos no podían I learned was compassionate, kind and edad de 77 años, había muerto tranquilamente mientras dor- salvarlo. Aconsejó a mi tía Julia sobre lo que ella tenia que tender. Pouring over his writings opened mía. hacer y luego pasó sus últimos momentos resolviendo el cru- my heart to a new understanding of Jesus Siendo parte de una grande familia que vive muchos años, cigrama que era su placer diariamente. as a companion. I grew closer to Francis of Assisi and Gianna Molla, their lives of radical sac- rifice and self-gift an encouragement in the early days of marriage. Then I learned the story of Oscar Romero, a martyr who literally left every- zar la pena capital y tomar una posición contra la guerra: “San thing at the altar of Our Lord. ROLHEISER Juan Pablo II expresó clara y firmemente que la pena de muerte es Then it was Mother Teresa, her words inadecuada desde un punto de vista moral y ya no necesaria desde "wash the dirty dish not because it's dirty Continúa de Página 17 el de la justicia penal. No puede haber el menor paso atrás desde ... but because you love the person who inaceptable que algunas tengan menos derechos por el hecho de esta posición. Hoy expresamos claramente que ‘la pena de muerte will use it next" a mantra I repeated as I ser mujeres”. es inadmisible’ y la Iglesia está firmemente comprometida a recla- washed baby bottles late at night, knowing La encíclica emplea la parábola del Buen Samaritano como mar su abolición en todo el ancho mundo. Todos los cristianos y it was an act of love. su metáfora básica. Nos compara hoy, individual y colectiva- personas de buena voluntad están hoy llamados a trabajar no sólo The saints can become our friends, not mente, con el sacerdote y el escriba de esa parábola que, por ra- por la abolición de la pena de muerte, legal o ilegal, en todas sus just static figures in a picture on the wall, zones religiosas, sociales y políticas, pasan de largo del que es formas, sino igualmente a trabajar por la mejora de las con- but men and women we meet, learn and pobre y está malherido, sangrando y necesitado de auxilio. Nues- diciones en que están las prisiones”. grow to love. We have a chance to wel- tra indiferencia y nuestra negligencia religiosa, como las del sacer- Por lo que respecta a la guerra: “Ya no podemos pensar en la come them into our homes, tell their dote y el escriba de la parábola, están enraizadas en una personal guerra como una solución, porque sus riesgos probablemente stories, learn from their struggles and emu- ceguera moral como también en las características sociales y reli- serán siempre mayores que sus supuestos beneficios. En vista de late the heroic virtue they exhibited. giosas de nuestra sociedad que ayudan a engendrar esa ceguera. esto, hoy día es muy difícil invocar los criterios racionales elabo- And then one day, perhaps there's a La encíclica continúa amonestando que, ante la globalización, rados en siglos anteriores para tratar de la posibilidad de una blanket, covered in the faces of some of debemos resistirnos a volvernos nacionalistas y tribales cuidando ´guerra justa´”. those holy men and women you've gotten lo propio nuestro y demonizando lo que es extranjero. Sigue di- La encíclica ha motivado fuertes críticas de parte de algunos to know and grown in holy friendship with ciendo que, en un momento de amargura, odio y animosidad, grupos de mujeres que la califican de “sexista”, aunque estas críti- ... and you'll wrap your daughter in their tenemos que ser delicados y afables, hablando siempre sin miedo cas se basan casi exclusivamente en el título de la encíclica y en el images, ask them to pray for your little girl del amor y no del odio: “La benevolencia debería cultivarse; no hecho de que nunca hace referencia a autoras. Hay algo de impar- and know they've become "her saint es ninguna virtud burguesa superficial”. cialidad -pienso yo- en las críticas acerca de la elección del título. friends" too. La encíclica reconoce qué difícil y contracultural es hoy sac- El título, aunque bello en un antiguo lenguaje clásico, es al fin - - - rificar nuestra propia agenda, confort y libertad en beneficio de la masculino. Eso debería ser perdonable; aunque viví en Roma sufi- Katie Prejean McGrady is an inter- comunidad, pero nos invita a hacer ese sacrificio: “Me gustaría ciente tiempo para saber que su frecuente insensibilidad hacia el national Catholic speaker, award winning mencionar especialmente la solidaridad, que es una virtud moral y lenguaje inclusivo no es una omisión inculpable. Pero la recaída author, and host of the Ave Explores and una actitud social nacida de la conversión personal”. aquí es una simple picadura de mosquito, una cosa pequeña, que Ave Spotlight podcasts. She lives in Lou- En un punto de la encíclica, esta ofrece un desafío muy ex- no debería disminuir crédito a una gran cosa, a saber, una encí- isiana with her husband and two daugh- plícito (y de considerable alcance). Expresa inequívocamente (con clica muy profética que lleva a la justicia y a los pobres en su co- ters. rotundo peso eclesial) que los cristianos deben oponerse y recha- razón. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2020 Page 23 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, at Guidelines for Pastoral Care. It was BISHOP usccb.org. published on November 14, 2006, by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. It Member Continued from Page 2 CATHOLIC UNDERSTANDING OF is available online. In that document, it Catholic News Service SEXUALITY marriage. The physical differences be- articulates a distinction that is very im- Catholic Press Association tween woman and man are evidence of A summary of our Catholic teaching portant in the Catholic perspective on this. God created people with gender dif- about sexuality can be found in the Cate- homosexuality. We distinguish between Texas Catholic News ferences so that they could unite in mar- chism of the Catholic Church, numbers engaging in homosexual acts and having Published the 1st Monday following riage — emotionally, spiritually and 2331-2400. According to Catholic doc- a homosexual inclination. While we physically. Therefore, marriage between trine, sex is reserved for marriage be- teach that homosexual acts are immoral, the 1st Saturday of each month and and man and woman is a gift from God, tween a man and a woman. Sexual we also teach that simply having the ten- delivered to all registered as well as a natural institution. relations outside of marriage, whether dency is not a sin. “Consequently, the parishioners in the As Catholics, our beliefs about mar- heterosexual or homosexual, are morally church does not teach that the experience riage are based on Scripture, natural law, wrong and contrary to God’s plan for the of homosexual attraction is in itself sin- San Angelo Diocese. and our faith tradition. The founder of proper use of the gift of sexuality. ful” (Ministry to Persons with a Homo- Subscription rate for all others: our faith tradition is Jesus Christ. We sexual Inclination, p. 5). $10 per year have to remain faithful to our founder. CATHOLIC UNDERSTANDING OF Homosexual persons are members of When Jesus Christ teaches about mar- HOMOSEXUALITY our families, our parishes, and our com- THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT riage, he uses the reference point of the The biblical passages that form the munities. They are children of God, our SAN ANGELO, TEXAS first two chapters of the Book of Gen- basis of our Judeo-Christian understand- friends, our fellow human beings, and Printed by esis. Genesis chapters one and two speak ing regarding homosexual relations are fellow Christians. We must love one Livestock Weekly of God creating man and woman as suit- the following: Genesis 1:27-28, Genesis another as fellow members of the Body able partners for one another, so that a 2:7-25, Genesis 19:1-29, Leviticus of Christ. All people are created in the San Angelo, Texas man leaves his father and mother and 18:22, Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:6-8, image and likeness of God and possess clings to his wife, and they become one Romans 1:24-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, an innate human dignity that must be ac- flesh. And God tells them to be fruitful and 1 Timothy 1:8-11. knowledged and respected (see the Cate- Submissions: and multiply. This he made possible A summary of our Catholic under- chism of the Catholic Church, nos. Story suggestions, calendar items, through the natural complementarity of standing of homosexuality can be found 1700-1702). Our faith teaches that those parish briefs and all other the male and female bodies. in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, who have deep-seated homosexual ten- A summary of our Catholic under- numbers 369-372 and 2357-2359. dencies must be accepted with respect, submissions should be emailed to standing of marriage can be found in the For a guide to the Catholic approach compassion, and sensitivity, and that any [email protected] Catechism of the Catholic Church, to homosexual persons in the life of the form of violence, verbal abuse, or unjust numbers 1601-1666. There is also an church, a very helpful resource is a 26- discrimination against them should be abundance of information and resources page document called Ministry to Per- avoided (Catechism of the Catholic COPY, PHOTO about marriage on the website of the sons with a Homosexual Inclination: Church, no. 2358). DEADLINE: Third Friday of every month. OBISPO KNICKERBOCKERS Photos should be in jpeg format.

Continúa de Página 3 Continued from Page 8 Letters to the editor are welcome, Un resumen de nuestra comprensión cató- incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the and should be emailed to lica de la homosexualidad se puede encontrar en season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, números was the winter of despair, we had everything be- [email protected] 369-372 y 2357-2359. fore us, we had nothing before us, we were all Letters to the editor are printed at the Para obtener una guía del enfoque católico going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct discretion of the editor and identities de las personas homosexuales en la vida de la the other way — in short, the period was so far iglesia, un recurso muy útil es un documento de like the present period, that some of its noisiest of the writer are subject to 26 páginas llamado Ministerio a las personas authorities insisted on its being received, for good verification. Please include name, con inclinación homosexual: Directrices para la or for evil, in the superlative degree of compari- address and phone number when atención pastoral. Fue publicado el 14 de no- son only." viembre de 2006 por la Conferencia de Obispos In other words, if we are pleased with the out- submitting letters. Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Está dis- come of the election, we may think the sunlight ponible en línea. En ese documento, articula una has followed the dawn into a cloudless spring distinción que es muy importante en la perspec- day. If we are displeased with the outcome of the tiva católica sobre la homosexualidad. Distin- election, we may think it is dusk preceding a dark Bishop Michael J. Sis guimos entre participar en actos homosexuales y night. Publisher tener una inclinación homosexual. Aunque ense- Whatever our response to the results of the ñamos que los actos homosexuales son inmo- election, we should remember that other elections rales, también enseñamos que simplemente will take place in the future, and the outcome will Brian Bodiford tener la tendencia no es un pecado. “Por con- again please some and displease others. If we Editor siguiente, la Iglesia no enseña que la experi- want to help our nation, we can remember the Director of Communications encia de la atracción homosexual sea en sí words of President John Adams, addressed to the misma pecaminosa” (Ministerio a las personas officers of the Third Division of the Militia of con inclinación homosexual, p. 6). Massachusetts in 1798: "Our Constitution was Las personas homosexuales son miembros made for a religious and moral people." And de nuestras familias, nuestras parroquias, y through it all we can remember that Christ is our nuestras comunidades. Son hijos de Dios, nues- Rock who is brought to us through the Rock of tros amigos, nuestros semejantes, y compañeros the Catholic Church, and we can sing with Ed- The West Texas Angelus cristianos. Debemos amarnos unos a otros como ward Mote: "My hope is built on nothing less Official Newspaper of the miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo. Todas las per- than Jesus' Blood and righteousness; I dare not sonas han sido creadas a imagen y semejanza de trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Dios y poseen una dignidad humana innata que name; On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other POSTMASTER: Send all address debe ser reconocida y respetada (véase el Cate- ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sink- changes to: cismo de la Iglesia Católica, núms. 1700-1702). ing sand." Nuestra fe enseña que aquellos que tienen ten- - - - WEST TEXAS ANGELUS dencias homosexuales profundamente arraiga- Father Knick Knickerbocker is a retired priest P.O. Box 1829 das deben ser aceptados con respeto, of the Diocese of San Angelo, ordained under the SAN ANGELO, TX compasión, y sensibilidad, y que debe evitarse Pastoral Provision which allows for the reception cualquier forma de violencia, abuso verbal, o of married former Episcopalian priests into the 76902-1829 discriminación injusta contra ellos (Catecismo Catholic Church. He and his wife, Sandie, write a de la Iglesia Católica, no. 2358). monthly column for the West Texas Angelus. Page 24 NOVEMBER 2020 The Angelus The Mass of Christian Burial of Father Hugh Wade, Oct. 22, 2020



Father Hugh Wade’s funeral Mass was held at St. Joseph Church in Rowena on Oct. 22, 2020.

Top left: Father Wade’s pallbearers, sporting Father Wade’s signature of Hawaiian shirt, process into the church.

Top right: Bishop Michael Sis incenses Father Wade’s coffin. The coffin was draped in a white pall, with a chalice and priest’s stole placed atop the coffin.

Middle left: Msgr. Bernard Gully, Deacon Frankie Aguirre, Father Josh Gray, Bishop Michael Sis, Father Tom Barley, and Father Ariel Lagunilla dur- ing the Eucharistic prayer at Father Wade’s funeral Mass.

Middle right: Father Wade’s casket, draped in the United States flag in honor of his service in the Army, is brought out of the church following the Mass.

Bottom: Several of the priests of the Diocese of San Angelo gathered to sing the Salve Regina as their brother priest was placed in a hearse for transportation to St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Rowena.