SHADOW CABINET As at 13 July 2020

HON MLA HON NICK GOIRAN MLC Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Shadow Minister for Child Protection; Prevention of Public Sector Management; State Development; Family and Domestic Violence; Commerce Local Jobs; Trade; Federal-State Relations; Citizenship & Multicultural Affairs MLA Shadow Minister for Transport; Ports; Fisheries; Shadow HON MLA Minister Assisting the Leader Deputy Leader of the Opposition; Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Local Government; Science TONY KRSTICEVIC MLA Opposition Whip in the Legislative Assembly; Shadow Minister for Community Services; Youth; Special Shadow HON PETER COLLIER MLC Minister for Homelessness; Cost of Living; Housing; Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader in Citizenship & Council; Shadow Minister for Disability Services; Multicultural Affairs Sport & Recreation; LC Opposition Policy Co-Ordinator HON SIMON O’BRIEN MLC Deputy President of the Legislative Council; Chair of HON MICHAEL MISCHIN MLC Committees; Shadow Minister for Electoral Affairs Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council; Shadow Attorney General; Heritage; Culture and the Arts HON KEN BASTON MLC Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council; Shadow Minister for Northern Australia MLA Manager of Opposition Business; Shadow Minister for Health; Mental Health; Aboriginal HON STEVE THOMAS MLC Affairs; New Industries Shadow Minister for Finance; Agriculture & Food; Regional Development; Royalties for Regions

DEAN NALDER MLA Shadow Treasurer; Shadow Minister for Energy HON TJORN SIBMA MLC Shadow Minister for Planning; Environment; Forestry; Government Accountability and Procurement; Public SEAN L’ESTRANGE MLA Sector Integrity and Performance (Shadow Minister Shadow Minister for Corrective Services; Assisting the Leader for Public Sector Management); Emergency Services; Defence Issues; Veterans Issues Racing & Gaming

KYRAN O’DONNELL MLA HON DONNA FARAGHER MLC Shadow Minister for Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering Shadow Minister for Education and Training; Women’s Interests DAVID HONEY MLA Shadow Minister for Water; Industrial Development; PETER KATSAMBANIS MLA Lands; LA Opposition Policy Co-ordinator Shadow Minister for Police; Justice; Road Safety; Industrial Relations ALYSSA HAYDEN MLA Shadow Minister for Tourism; Small Business