Canada Commission Geologique Du Canada

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Canada Commission Geologique Du Canada Geological Survey of Canada Commission geologique du Canada PAPER 88-1 D ETUDE CURRENT RESEARCH PART D INTERIOR PLAINS AND ARCTIC CANADA RECHERCHES EN COURS PARTIE D PLAINES INTERIEURES ET REGION ARCTIQUE DU CANADA 1988 Canada NOTICE TO LIBRARIANS AND INDEXERS The Geological Survey's Current Research series contains many reports comparable in scope and subject matter to those appearing in scientific journals and other serials. Most contributions to Current Research include an abstract and bibliographic citation. It is hoped that these will assist you in cataloguing and indexing these reports and that this will result in a still wider dissemination of the results of the . Geological Survey's research activities. AVIS AUX BIBLIOTHECAIRES ET PREPARATEURS D'INDEX La serie Recherches en cours de la Commission geologique parai't une fois par annee; elle contient plusieurs rapports dont la portee et la nature sont comparables 11 ceux qui paraissent dans les revues scien­ tifiques et autres periodiques. La plupart des articles publies dans Recherches en cours sont accompagnes d'un resume et d'une bibliographie, ce qui vous permettra, nous l'esperons, de cataloguer et d'indexer ces rapports, d'ou une meilleure diffusion des resultats de recherche de la Commission geologique. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA PAPER 88-1 D COMMISSION GEOLOGIQUE DU CANADA ETUDE 88-1 D CURRENT RESEARCH PART D INTERIOR PLAINS AND .~RCTIC CANADA RECHERCHES EN COURS PARTIE D PLAINES INTERIEURES ET REGION ARCTIQUE DU CANADA 1988 <r> Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1988 A vailable in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, Canada KIA OS9 and from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada KIA OE8 3303-33rd Street N.W Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7 100 West Pender Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1R8 A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-88/1D Canada: $10.00 ISBN 0-660-53899-7 Other countries: $12.00 Price subject to change without notice GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA SECTOR ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT iECTEUR COMMISSION G OLOGIQUE du CANADA I Chief Scientist Programs, Planning and Services Branch Polar Continental Shelf Project Sclentlflque principal - Etude du plateau continental Direction des programmes, polalre de la planlflcatlon et des services FrancoShone Co-ordination an Participation OHlce I-- I Bureau de concertatlon et de Geoscience Information Division Program Co-ordination and I participation francophone Planning Division I Division de I l'lnformatlon geosciantllique Division de la coordination et de la planlfieatlon des programmes I I Financial Services 1- - - Services financiers Administrative Services Division I Spacial Projects I Division des Projets speclaux I services admlnlstratlfs I I I L __ Parsonnel Services Frontier Geoscience Program Minerai Davel<;JIment Program Servlcea du peraonnel o Ice Programme geoaclentlflque dea reglona plonnlerea Bureau du programma d'exploltatlon mlnerale International Relations f--- I Relations Internatlonalea I I I I 1 Continental Geoscience and GeO~hyslCa and Terrain Sedimentary and Marine clencea Branch Geoscience Branch Minerai Reaourcea Branch Direction dea Direction da la geologie Direction de la geologie du levea geophyalquea, daa sedimentaire at marine continent et des rlaquea natural a at de la reaaourcea mlneralea science dea terralna I I I I I I Inatltute of Cordillaran and Llthoschere and Sedimentary and Atlantic Pacific Minerai Terrain Sclencea Canad an Shield Geophyalcs Petroleum Geoscience Geoscience Dlvlalon Reaourcaa Dlvlalon Geology Centre Dlvlalon Dlvlalon Dlvlalon Dlvlalon de la Division Dlvlalon de la Dlvlalon de la Instltut de Centre lithosphere Division dea sclance dea geologie geosclentlflque geOSClentlll~ue reaaourc8s geophyalque terralna sedimentaire de I' Atlantique de la Cordill re et du soc Ie mlneralea precambrlen et petrollere et du Pacifique Separates Tires ii part A limited number of separates of the papers that On peut obtenir un nombre limite de "tires ii appear in this volume are available by direct request part,. des articles qui paraissent dans cette to the individual authors. The addresses of the publication en s'adressant directement a chaque Geological Survey of Canada offices follow: auteur. Les adresses des differents bureaux de la Commission geologique du Canada sont les suivantes: 601 Booth Street, 601, rue Booth OTTA WA, Ontario OTTAWA, Ontario KlAOE8 KlAOE8 Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Institut de geologie sedimentaire et petroliere 3303-33rd Street N.W., 3303-33rd St. N.W., CALGARY, Alberta CALGARY, Alberta T2L2A7 T2L2A7 Cordilleran and Pacific Geoscience Division, Division geoscientifique de la Cordillere 100 West Pender Street, et du Pacifique VANCOUVER, B.C. 100 West Pender Street, V6B 1R8 VANCOUVER, Colombie-Britannique V6B lR8 Pacific Geoscience Centre Centre geoscientifique du Pacifique P.O. Box 6000, B.P.6000, 9860 Saanich Road, 9860 Saanich Road, SIDNEY, B.C. SIDNEY, Colombie-Britannique V8L4B2 V8L4B2 Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Centre geoscientifique de l'Atlantique Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Institut oceanographique de Bedford P.O. Box 1006, B.P .. 1006, DARTMOUTH, N.S. DARTMOUTH, Nouvelle-Ecosse B2Y 4A2 B2Y 4A2 When no location accompanies an author's name Lorsque l'adresse de l'auteur ne figure pas sous in the title of a paper, the Ottawa address should be Ie titre d'un document, on doit alors utiliser l'adresse used. d'Ottawa. CONTENTS E.C. PROSH, K.A. LESACK, and U. MAYR Devonian stratigraphy of northwestern Devon Island, District of Franklin 11 P.W. BROOKS, K.G. OSADETZ, and L.R. SNOWDON Geochemistry of Winnipegosis discoveries near Tablelands, Saskatchewan 21 H.P. TRETTIN Early Namurian (or older) alkali basalt in the Borup Fiord Formation, northern Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Canada 27 K.C. PRATT Geographic variations in relationships between random and maximum vitrinite reflectance, West­ ern Canadian coals 33 L.R. SNOWDON and K.G. OSADETZ Geological processes interpreted from gasoline range analyses of oils from southeast Saskatchewan and Manitoba 41 J.C. HARRISON, A.F. EMBRY, and T.P. POULTON Field observations on the structural and depositional history of Prince Patrick Island and adjacent areas, Canadian Arctic Islands 51 L.D. STASIUK, K.G. OSADETZ, and F. GOODARZI Preliminary source rock evaluation of the Nordegg Member (lower Jurassic), Alberta 57 R.L. CHRISTIE Field studies at 'fossil forest' sites in the Arctic Islands 61 J. DIXON Depositional setting of the Maastrichtian Cuesta Creek Member, Tent Island Formation, northern Yukon 67 A.R. CAMERON, C. BOONSTRA, and K.C. PRATT Compositional characteristics of anthracitic coals in the Hoidahl Dome area, northern Yukon Territory 75 Q.H. GOODBODY, T.T. UYENO, and D.C. MCGREGOR The Devonian sequence on Grinnell Peninsula and in the region of Arthur Fiord, Devon Island, Arctic Archipelago 83 J .R. MACKAY Catastrophic lake drainage, Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula area, District of Mackenzie 91 D.G. HARRY and K.L. MACINNES The effect of forest fires on permafrost terrain stability, Little Chicago-Travaillant Lake area, Mackenzie Valley, N. W. T. 95 L.S. LANE The Rapid Fault Array: a foldbelt in Arctic Yukon 99 M.P. CECILE Corridor traverse through Barn Mountains, northernmost Yukon 105 M.R. MCDONOUGH and P.S. SIMONY Stratigraphy and structure of the late Proterozoic Miette Group, northern Selwyn Range, Rocky Mountains, British Columbia 115 G.V. SONNICHSEN and B. MACLEAN A reconnaissance study of the marine geology of the Lougheed-King Christian - Cameron islands region, northwest Arctic Island channels 121 LI BAOFANG and F.M. DAWSON Stratigraphic framework and depositional setting, Judy Creek coalfield, northern Alberta 129 P.T. LAFLECHE, A.S. JUDGE, B.J. MOORMAN, B. CASSIDY, and R. BEDARD Ground probing radar investigations of gravel roadbed failures, Rae Access road, N. W. T. 137 A. TAYLOR AND A. JUDGE Reconstruction of marine transgression history from an offshore ground temperature profile, Esso Angasak L-03 well site , Beaufort Sea 143 A.D. MIALL The Eureka Sound Group : alternative interpretations of the stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution - Discussion 149 B.D. RICKETTS The Eureka Sound Group: alternative interpretations of the stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution - Reply INTRODUCTION In 1987 the Geological Survey of Canada became En 1987 la Commission ~eologique est devenue un secteur a Sector within the Department of Energy, Mines and a l'interieur du ministere de I 'Energie, des Mines et des Ressour­ Resources, and was re-organized into the four Branches ces et a ete reorganisee en quatre directions indiquees sur I' organi­ shown on the accompanying organizational chart. The gramme d'accompagnement. Organisme fonde en 1842, la Com­ primary role of the Survey, which was founded in 1842, mission a comme role principal de procurer un cadre d'ensemble continues to be to provide an overview of all facets de toutes les facettes de la geologie du Canada comme base d'une of Canadian geology as a basis for national policy, for politique nation ale pour la planification du gouvernement et de planning by government and industry, and for public I'industrie et pour informer Ie public en general. information. In order to provide interim results of its program Afin de fournir les resultats preJiminaires de son programme a publication titled "Summary of Research" was in­ de recherche une publication ayant titre II Summary of Research » itiated in 1963. The title was changed to "Current Re­ est apparue en 1963. Une nouvelle publication, ayant les memes search" in 1978 and the report was released three times buts, est apparue en 1978 sous Ie titre II Recherches en cours »; a year (Part A, B and C) . After 1982 Part C was no cet ouvrage etait diffuse trois fois par annee (parties A, Bet C). longer issued and Part B was discontinued in 1987 to Apres 1982 la partie C a ete abandonnee et ce fut de me me pour encourage greater use of journal publication for short la partie B en 1987.
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