Asdee GAA Stars in Their Eyes 2016 PROGRAMME OF EVENTS Introduction of Judges

Act 1 - Ballad Group Act 2 - John Paul Galvin Your Host for Act 3 - Jessica Tydings the Evening: Act 4 - Sean Carr Act 5 - Catherine Kennedy Eoin Kennedy Act 6 - John Kinsella JUDGES: SHORT INTERVAL Act 7 - St Josephs Group DEIRDRE WALSH Act 8 - Margaret Hayes Journalist & Radio Kerry Presenter Act 9 - Eoin O’Mahony Act 10 - Sean Breen MIKE JOE THORNTON Actor from Banemore Hill Act 11 - Annamay Wall & Mark & former Bogadeer Hennessy HELENA O’CARROLL INTERVAL Solicitor Act 12 - Con Mulvihill Act 13 - Dan Foley Act 14 - Ann Marie Tydings Music & Sound: Act 15 - Ogie Sheehy Fintan Henry Act 16 – Man in Aran Camera: SHORT INTERVAL Martin Houlihan

5DIÀH Announcement of Popular Vote We hope you’ve & Judges Winners & Performance by Winning Act a great night! Music and Late Bar to follow On behalf of Asdee GAA, I would like to welcome you all to the Community Centre this evening for what promises to be a night of fun and entertainment.

In conjunction with the club’s 30th

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Eoin Kennedy

”‰ƒ‹•‹‰‘‹––‡‡Šƒ‹”ƒ Best wishes to Asdee GAA

Paddy Fitzell HEADSTONES

• Home Tel: 068 43326 • Garden • Gifs Mobile: 0872219374

Open 7 days a week. Best of luck to Asdee GAA “Stars in their Eyes” from JOHN MCHALE Profle Manufacturers

Shannon View, Ballyduf, , Co. Kerry. Tel: 066-7131268 Fax: 066-7148865 M: 087-2525481 E-mail: [email protected]

Best wishes to Asdee G.A.A. from

JOHN F MCGUIRE & CO. Medical Hall

Church Street, Tel: (068) 21299 William Street, Listowel Tel./Fax: (068) 22445 Best wishes to Best of luck to Asdee GAA St Mary’s Asdee G.A.A. From From Te Dillon Horseshoe Bar William St., Listowel Car Sales Where friendliness is frst , Listowel, Co. Kerry And we can quench your thirst Where fabulous food you eat Best quality used cars for Sale Is hard to beat And if you’re in a hurry Tel: 068 22029 Just ring 068-21083 And ask for Jerry Mob: 087 6675514

‡•–™‹•Š‡•–‘•†‡‡  Mulvihill’s Agri ”‘ Contractors

xSelf-propelled silage xMowing xDump Trailer Work xPloughing xPower Harrowing xLand Levelling

‘–ƒ –ǣ ‘Ͳͺ͹ʹ͹͹ͺ͹ͻͺ‹‡”ƒͲͺ͹ͻͶ͸ͻͻͳ͹ Best wishes on your 30th Anniversary to St. Mary’s GAA Club, Asdee – and many more to come

From Neilie Barry Plant and Agri Contractor

Urless, , Co. Kerry. Phone: 087 2638560 / 068 27380

No job too big or small Hourly and contract work carried out Round Baling with Fusion Balers Fusion 3+ with Plastic Applicator A180.

Tom & Mary Kelly

BUTCHER Beef, Lamb, Pork & Home Bacon

Bridge St., , Co. Kerry.

Tel: 068-43114 SHEAHAN’S GROCERY - XL - OFF LICENCE - LOTTO Open Early to Late

14 William Street, Listowel, Co. Kerry Telephone: 068 53840 Best wishes to Asdee GAA

Noel Stack Victualler

Main Street, 068 49348

Best Wishes to Asdee GAA From


18A Te Square Listowel Co. Kerry Tel: 068-57446 E-mail: [email protected]

Best of luck to Best wishes St. Mary’s G.A.A. Asdee From Denis Breen Anthony Agricultural Sheehan Contractor

Tel: (087) 9399430 Tel: 087 2419216

Wishing Asdee GAA best of luck with “Stars in their Eyes” KEVIN’S BAR WILLIAM STREET LISTOWEL & THE EXCHANGE INN

Live music every weekend. All sporting events shown on Big Screen

Have a good night Catherine’s Hair Salon MIKE

Open by appointment CARROLL’S Turs and Fri BAR Open all day Saturday Ballylongford

Tel: 087 1214940 Best wishes to Asdee GAA From Liam Lynch Motors Main Skoda Dealers , Co Kerry. Tel: 066 9793066


Tel: 085 1462168

Tom Moloney Furniture Custom built ftted furniture Asdee, Listowel. 068 41122 / 086 8852506

Email: [email protected] Facebook: Tom Moloney Fitted Furniture Web page:

Best wishes to the WALSH’S Stars tonight from Listowel GARAGE Bouncy Rear Upper William St Castles Listowel, Co. Kerry Tel: 068 22070 087-2941760; Mobile: 087 2674325 087-3657844 V.A.T. No: 1871207R and 068-41340

Cearnóg Dental Surgery

Seán Moriarty B.D.S.N.U.I. Karina Galvin B.Sc.B.D.S.N.U.I.

37 Te Square, Listowel, Co. Kerry Tel: 068 21473

With Best Wishes to Asdee GAA

Best Wishes To Asdee GAA

From Martin Ferris TD & All The Sinn Féin Team In Kerry.

Phone 066 7129545 Best of luck to ST. Mary’s asdee G.A.A. from Angela, John and Aerona O’ Gorman. Tullahinell Ballylongford Co Kerry

Mobile: 087 2654624 Tel: 068 41106

We are a Plant Hire and Civil Engineering Contractor, we undertake all types of projectsboth commercial ĂŶĚĚŽŵĞƐƟĐŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐŐƌŽƵŶĚǁŽƌŬƐ͕ĐŝǀŝůĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ͕ ĚƌĂŝŶĂŐĞ͕ĂŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĂůǁŽƌŬƐ͕ůĂŶĚƌĞĐůĂŵĂƟŽŶ͕ƐƉŽƌƚƐ ĮĞůĚƐĂŶĚƚƵƌĨĐƵƫŶŐ͘ tĞŚĂǀĞĂǁŝĚĞƐĞůĞĐƟŽŶŽĨƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐƚƉůĂŶƚĂŶĚĞƋƵŝƉ- ment available for hire with experienced drivers who ǁŝůůƵŶĚĞƌƚĂŬĞLJŽƵƌũŽďǁŝƚŚƐŬŝůůĂŶĚĐĂƌĞ͘

Established as McNamara Bros in 1950, we have wealth ŽĨŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞĂŶĚĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŝŶĂůůƚLJƉĞƐŽĨƉƌŽũĞĐƚƐ͘

ĂůůWĂƵĚŝĞŽŶϬϴϳϮϲϱϰϲϮϰƚŽĚŝƐĐƵƐƐLJŽƵƌƌĞƋƵŝƌĞ- ŵĞŶƚƐ͘ Best wishes to all in Asdee GAA.

Cllr. Jimmy Moloney, 11Cherry- tree Drive , Listowel.

[email protected] 0879026066.

John Brassil T.D.

Wishes Asdee GAA all the best for their “STARS IN THEIR EYES” Fundraiser

John is available to you for advice and representation

Contact John : ϬϴϳϮϯϲϮϯϯϬ ĐůůƌũďƌĂƐƐŝůΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ

&ƵůůƚŝŵĞĐŽŶƐƚŝƚƵĞŶĐLJ ŽĨĨŝĐĞ͗ 18A Ashe St Tralee Offices in Listowel and

   Best Wishes to St. Mary’s Asdee GAA From LEES SOLICITORS 45 Church Street, Listowel, Co. Kerry. Pat Enright Shane O’Donoghue Ofering a wide range of Legal Services

Tel: 068 – 21279 Email: [email protected]

      1R'D\3ODFH7UDOHH&R.HUU\ 05* &2168/7,1*(1*,1((56/,0,7('  7HO  )D[  (0DLOLQIR#PUJLH         05*&RQVXOWLQJ(QJLQHHUV/LPLWHG&LYLO6WUXFWXUDO$UFKLWHFWXUDO(QYLURQPHQWDO       %(67:,6+(6$1'&217,18('68&&(6672  670$5<¶6$6'((*$$&/8%217+(,57+$11,9(56$5<       DOVR$WULXP%XVLQHVV&HQWUH%ODFNSRRO&RUN  7HO  (0DLOFRUN#PUJLH 

John Pius and AMBER Marie Alice Walsh SERVICE STATION “Homstead Shop” Tarbert Road Listowel Asdee Co. Kerry

Petrol and Diesel, Groceries, Lotto, Coal and Briquettes MULVIHILL’S BAKERY Ballylongford

Irish Pride Distributor

Selling your property? Call the local expert! Asdee Rovers F.C.

Schoolboys training with FAI qualifed coaches

Saturday: 10.30 – 12 noon Craughdarrig Park, Asdee

For further information, visit Best wishes to St Mary’s Asdee GAA Best of Luck to our BALLAD GROUP & Asdee GAA From

ASDEE NATIONAL SCHOOL The members of this group are Caoimhe Moloney, Elaine Keane, Leona Sheehy, Liam O Connor, Hamish O Carroll & Molly O’Sullivan. This group are representing the Asdee GAA club by opening the show this evening.

They did Asdee proud recently in Scór na bPáistí, as they were just pipped to top spot on the occasion. Their performance belied their years and this will be evident when they take the stage later. Please give them your support.

We would like to thank Asdee National School for sponsoring this act

John Paul has been a great Asdee clubman since it’s foundation thirty years ago. A veteran of the stage here tonight through various Scór performances, John Paul is once again coming up trumps when asked to help the club out.

We want to extend our gratitude to John Paul for taking part tonight and we encourage you to show your support for his performance.

John Paul has been generously sponsored by 7KH%RRNVKHOI&RƪHH+RXVH IVAN TYDINGS Main Sponsor for JESSICA DEE TYDINGS


Jer and Ann Tydings and family PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Ballynoneen

Asdee 087 – 7697664 C2 Reg. -HVVLFDNLQGO\YROXQWHHUHGWRƬOOLQDIWHU her cousin’s withdrawal and has been hard at work practicing the past few weeks. She has a popular song in store and we hope you can show your support for her during the performance.

We want to thank Jessica for taking part tonight and wish her the best of luck.

Jessica has been kindly sponsored by her uncle, Ivan Tydings Barry’s Cabs, Minibus & Coach Hire

Tel: 087-2579264

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Sean is a man who’s no stranger to being centre stage and always delivers the goods when it comes to show time. Sean’s act tonight is sure to entertain and we hope you show your appreciation later on. He’ll be hard to beat if the standard he sets is anything like the setting for his promo photo.

We’d like to extend our appreciation for Sean taking part tonight and wish him the best of luck.

Sean has been kindly sponsored by %DUU\&DEV0LQLEXV &RDFK+LUH

Catherine has made use of her Easter break from teaching in London to throw herself KHDGƬUVWLQWRSUHSDULQJIRUWRQLJKW6KHoVQRW known for being the shy type and we’ve no doubt her choice of song will bring the best out in her.

We extend our thanks to Catherine for participating tonight and hope you enjoy her performance.

Catherine is kindly sponsored by +HDSK\oV&HQWUD%DOO\ORQJIRUG

John has been putting great thought and preparation into tonight’s performance and will leave no stone unturned to deliver his best performance. John has been weighing up the choice of two singers, but has been swayed by KLVIDPLO\LQPDNLQJWKHƬQDOFDOO

We want to sincerely thank John for his participation in tonight’s show and hope you appreciate the act he has in store this evening

-RKQKDVEHHQNLQGO\VSRQVRUHGE\$VWHOODV Best wishes to St. Mary’s Asdee GAA FEALE OIL PRODUCTS “your local oil company”


* KEENEST PRICES * PROMPT DELIVERY * For keenest prices on heating oil, agricultural and commercial diesel in your local area. Inchinapoagh, Brosna, Co. Kerry. Call us now, we will be delighted to hear from you! 068 44211 This group comprise of Sarah Jane Carmody, Maeve Scanlon, Caoimhe Scanlon, Ciana Lynch, Emma Lynch, Megan Quinn, Padraig Holly, Stephen Mason, Michael Carroll, Conor Hennessy, Alan Foley, Ryan O’Neill, Patrick Kissane & Diarmuid Mahoney.

By far the biggest group in the competition, St. Joseph’s Ballybunion SURYLGHVRPHWKLQJGLƪHUHQWWRSURFHHGLQJVDQGZLOOEHRXWWR impress. We’re reliably informed they have spent the last week ZRUNLQJKDUGDQGKRSHLWSD\VRƪODWHURQ

We would like to sincerely thank them and their teacher, Linda Lynch, for taking part here tonight and encourage you to show your appreciation for them.



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068 – 41974/4199 Mob: 087-9643196 Given Margaret’s shy nature we were delighted to be able to coax her into performing tonight. We have no doubt it will be an entertaining act by her tonight and encourage you to show your support for her as she takes to the stage.

We also want to share our appreciation for Margaret taking part this evening.

Margaret has been kindly sponsored by 2o6XOOLYDQ$JULFXOWXUDO6HUYLFHV

For many years Eoin did a lot of his best work for Asdee in the right corner forward spot, but tonight he’ll be trading his shooting boots for the microphone. A veteran of the karaoke bar, Eoin will be looking to woo the audience tonight with, as he says himself, “one for ladies”.

We’d like to extend our appreciation to Eoin for taking part in tonight’s show.

Eoin has been kindly sponsored by Micheal Lynch Physiotherapy