South Dakota State University

HIST 151 - US History I (to 1877)

Concepts addressed: Establishing a New Nation (1776-1791)

A. The Great War for Empire Impacts the Colonies a. The French and Indian menace in the Colonies b. The Albany Plan of Union c. The British Capture Quebec d. Pontiac's Rebellion, 1763 e. The Proclamation of 1763 B. Britain attempts to Pay for the War a. The Sugar Act b. The Currency Act c. The Stamp Act 1. The 2. Colonial Protests d. The Townsend Duties e. Vice Admiralty Courts f. Colonial Reaction 1. Smuggling 2. Boycotts 3. Letters from a Farmer 4. The Boston Massacre, 1770 g. The Tea Issue 1. Committees of Correspondence 2. The Boston Tea Party C. The Colonials Organize a. The First 1. The Suffolk Resolves 2. Boycotts 3. Lexington and Concord D. Important Men a. Ben Franklin b. George Washington c. d. Crispus Attucks e. Patrick Henry f. George III g. Lord Bute h. Charles Townsend i. Lord North E. The a. The Second Continental Congress 1. Raises standing army 2. George Washington in Command 3. Issues paper currency 4. Seizure of Montreal Development of this review sheet was made possible by funding from the US Department of Education through South Dakota’s EveryTeacher Teacher Quality Enhancement grant. 5. Failure in Quebec b. Tom Paine's c. The Declaration of Independence d. Problems of Supply for American forces e. British use of mercenaries f. British take New York City g. The Battle of Trenton h. The British three pronged plan 1. Burgoyne from Canada 2. Clinton in NYC 3. St. Leger from Oswego 4. Howe occupied 5. Washington escaped to Valley Forge 6. Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga 7. Foreign assistance 1. von Steuben 2. Lafayette 3. de Kalb 4. Kosciuszko 5. Pulaski 6. Franklin wins French support i. Life in the army camps j. Civilian shortages k. Loyalists l. Escaping slaves m. Native Americans sided with Britain n. Spies 1. Benjamin Church 2. Benedict Arnold 3. Major John Andre o. Conscientious objectors p. Winning the War 1. The War in the West 2. The War in the South 3. The Heroes of War 1. George Rogers Clark 2. Nathanael Greene 3. Francis Marion 4. Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown 5. The Treaty of Paris F. Americans Create a Government a. The Small v. Large States b. The Articles of Confederation c. The Debate over Slavery d. The Growth of Religious Diversity e. The Debate over Women's Rights f. The Economic Woes of a New Nation 1. Shay's Rebellion, 1787 2. The American Western Expansion 3. Conflict with Spain over the Mississippi 4. Treaties with the Native Americans Development of this review sheet was made possible by funding from the US Department of Education through South Dakota’s EveryTeacher Teacher Quality Enhancement grant. g. The Constitutional Convention 1. The Virginia Plan 2. The New Jersey Plan 3. The Federalist Papers 4. Ratification 5. The Bill of Rights h. The First Congress i. The First Presidential Election j. Alexander Hamilton's National Bank k. The Development of Political Factions l. Founding Fathers 1. Washington 2. Hancock 3. Madison 4. Jefferson 5. Hamilton 6. Adams 7. Jay

Development of this review sheet was made possible by funding from the US Department of Education through South Dakota’s EveryTeacher Teacher Quality Enhancement grant.