Criminal and Criminological Aspects of Trafficking in Human Beings and Other Crimes Related to the Foreigner’s Illegal status in the Republic of Macedonia S Elena Maksimova, Assistant professor, University Goce Delcev – Stip
[email protected] About the migration crisis and Macedonia • Different profiles and needs. • Smuggled migrants - subjected to various abuses by organized criminal structures • Danger of irregular migrants to become victims of physical violence, threats, unlawful deprivation of liberty, fraud, robbery and extortion Mixed migration • Do not file criminal charges - to avoid further detentions on the territory of Macedonia flows - affecting the • Migrants - easily become victims - if they face entire region from violent smugglers and are unable / unwilling 2015 onwards, to seek protection from the state institutions Macedonia mainly • Emotional and physical traumas - exposed to transit country human rights abuses ed. by Elena Maksimova, Copyright 2020 - 2 All rights are reserved Macedonia – part of the Balkan - route Almost one million refugees/migrants in period 2015 and 2016 EU principle of "open borders“- most refugees and migrants used the country's territory for transit to Western and Northern Europe. March 2016, change in EU policies - closure of borders along the Balkan route transit of refugees/migrants continued through illegal routes - increased risk of violation of the freedoms and rights Crisis situation along the southern border with Greece and the northern border with Serbia -August 2015 for a period