Federal Communications Commission Fm Rita1 Class of Station

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Federal Communications Commission Fm Rita1 Class of Station FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FM RITA1 CLASS OF STATION The following application is submitted for action by the Chief. Broadcast Bureau. ST FILE NUMBER CALL APPLICANT AND LOCATION NATURE OF APPLICATION NY BPED -910501MB NEW WSKG PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS COUNC CP FOR NEW FM EDUC. ON FREQ: 91.5 MHZ; ERP; 0.56 KW (H&V); N/M 91.5MHZ BINGHAMTON NY HAAT: 257 METERS (H&V); 42 03 22 75 56 39 MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH WUCI-FM RENEWAL APPLICATION. LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE CHIEF. LICENSE DIVISION RECOMMENDATION: GRANT() CONSTRUCTION DATES. START END ----- CONTESTED () UNCONTESTED ( APPROVED FOR CHIEF. BROADCAST BUREAU F.C.C.-WASHINGTON. D.C. Form A-378 January 1980 RECEIVED OR\G\~!I\L DO~ ILOlHINES & AILBERTSON ATTORN EYS AT LAW IIAY '1 - 1991 1255 TWENTY-TH fRO STREET F~der.1 ~ASHINGTON'D, C, 20037 CernrnUniGoitions Commission Office of (he SeCf~Ia'y TELEPHONE (202) 857-2500 TELECOPIER (202) 857-2900 CABLE .. DOWLA" TELEX 425546 TODD D. GRAY DIRECT DIAL NO. May 1, 1991 857-2571 ~ .... ~ -~"~~ r' Ms. Donna R. Searcy Secretary c.;) Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 NOTE: Exempt From Filing Fees Dear Ms. Searcy: On behalf of WSKG Public Telecommunications Council, we transmit herewith, in triplicate, on FCC Form 340, an application for a construction permit for a new noncommercial educational FM station on 91.5 MHz at Binghamton, New York. This application is mutually exclusive with the license renewal application of Uhuru Communications, Inc. for Station WUCI-FM, Binghamton, New York (File No. BRED­ 910130WF). As noted, this application seeks authorization for a noncommercial educational broadcast station. It is therefore exempt from the filing fee requirements under Section 1.1112 of the FCC's Rules. Should any questions arise concerning this matter, kindly contact this office. Very truly yours, TDGJcdh Enclosure -;, 1 • :J :~I H:: BPED -?10S11M0 NE~ BINGIIA ,·lTO-1, r y WSK'J PurLlr T'-L' _·C"'" ' , ,. .,~ t \.),1 1'1 J i'i IC.4 T I ;) '\ S Co UI Federal Communications CommiSSion Approved by OMB 3060-0034 Washington, D. C. 20554 FCC 340 Expires 4/30/92 See Page 23 for information APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR regardirlG publiC burden estimate NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL BROADCAST STATION ~ .... r'l·i '9\ (Carefully read inS~tC ~f\f~'Lj form) Return only form tcf'lnC Z j 08 rr : ~ ,- '~ For Corrmission NSl!l'O'nly .-......,. NO.~U- Section I - GENERAL INFORMAT ,orlAY 1 - 1991 File q J 0t50" fY1B ClJQ-e.- ?-.( \' 1-) t;--IO-q I 1. Neme of Applicant Fede,al Communlcaliens com ~ ~d notices and corrmunications to the following person Office 01 the Seaetary WSKG Public Telecommunications Council at the address below: Neme Michael J. Ziegler WSKG Street Address or P.O. Box Street Address or P.O. Box P.O. Box 3000 P.O. Box 3000 City IState ZIP Code City IState ~j9Cooie Binghamton NY I 13902 Binghamton NY I Telephone No. t Incilide Are. CDdeJ Telephone No. t Inc/ude Are. CDdeJ 607-729-0100 607-729-0100 2. This application is for: DAM FM D TV (a) Channel No. or Frequency City State (b) Principal 91. 5 MHz .Inngnamt:on 1~ l. Corrmunity (c) Check one of the following boxes: G[] Application for NEW station D MAJOR change in licensed facilities; call· sign: . D MINOR change in licensed facilities; call sign: : . D MAJOR modification of construction permit; call sign: File No. of construction permit: D MINOR modification of construction permitj call sign: File No. of construction permit: D AMENDMENT to pending application; application file m.mber: NOTE: It is not necessary to use this form to emend a previously filed application. Should you do so, however, please submit only Section I and those other portions of the form that contain the emended information. 3. Is this application mutually exclusive with a renewal application? ~ Yes D No Call letters Corrmunity of License If Yes, state: City State WUCI-FM Binghamton NY FCC 340 May 1989 Section II- LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS Name of Applicant WSKG Public Telecommunications Council 1. Applicant is: lCheck one box belowl o (a) governmental or public educational agency, board or institution o (b) private nonprofit educational institution [!I (c) Other {specify} See Exhibit 1 2. For applicants 1(c) on~, describe in an Exhibit the nature and educational purposes of the applicant. 3. For applicants 1(c) app~ing for a new noncorrmercial educational television station on~, describe in an Exhibit No. Exhibit how the applicant's officers, directors and members of its governing board are broad~ DNA representative of the educational, cultural and civic segnents of the principal corrmunity to be served. 4. Describe in an Exhibit how the proposed station will be used, in accordance with 47 CF.R. Section Exhibit No. 73.503 or Section 73.621, for the advancement of an educational program. 1 5. Is there any provISion contained in 'any by-laws, articles of incorporation, partnership agreement, charter, 0 Yes ~ No statute or other docunent which would .restrict the applicant in advanc ing an educational program or comp~ing with any Corrmission rule, policy or provision of the Corrmunications Act of 1934, as amended) If Yes, provide particulars in an Exhibit. Exhibit No. DNA CITIZENSHIP AND OTHER STATUTORY REOUIREMENTS 6. (a) Is the applicant in violation of the provisions of Section 310 of the Corrmunications Act of 1934, 0 Yes 0 No as amended, relating to interests of aliens and foreign governments) (See Instruction B to Section II.) (b) Will any funds, credits or other financial assistance for the construction, purchase or operation of DYes 0 No the station(s) be provided by aliens, foreign entities, domestic entities controlled by aliens, or their agents? If the answer to (b) above is Yes, attach an Exhibit giving full disclosure concerning this assistance. Exhibit No. DNA 7. (a) Has an adverse finding been made or an adverSe final action taken by any court or administrative body as to the applicant or any party to this application in a civil or criminal proceeding brought under the provisions of any law related to the following: Any felonYi broadcast related antitrust or unfair competition; criminal fraud or fraud before 0 Yes 0 No another governmental unit; or discrimination) (b) Is there now pending in any court or administrative body any proceeding involving any of the matters 0 Yes 0 No referred to in (a) above) If the answer to (a)· and/or (b) above is Yes, attach an Exhibit gIVing full disclosure concerning persons Exhibit No. and matters involved, including an identification of the court or administrative body and the proceeding DNA (by dates and file nunbers), a statement of the facts upon Which the proceeding is or was based or the nature of the offense alleged or corrmitted, and a description of the current status or disposition of the matter. FCC 340 (Page 2) May 1989 Section II- LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS (Page 2) PARTIES TO APPLICATION 8. Complete the following Table with respect to all parties to this application: (NOTE: If the applicant considers that to furnish complete information would pose an unreasonable burden, it may request that the Corrvnission waive the strict terms of this requirement with appropriate justification.) INSTRUCTIONS: If applicant Is a corporation or an unincorporated association with 50 or fewer stockholders, stock subscribers, holders of membership certificate or other ownership Interest, fill out all columns, giving the information requested as to all officers, directors and members of governing board. In addition, give the information as to all persons or entities who are the beneficial or record owners of or have the right to vote capital stock, membership or ownership interests or are subscribers to such interests. If the applicant has more than 50 stockholders, stock subscribers or holders of membership certIficates or other ownership Interests, furnish the information as to officers, directors, members of governing board, and all persons or entities who are the beneficial or record owners of or have the right to vote 1% or more of the capital stOCk, membership or ownership interests. If applicant Is • governmental or public educational agency, board or Institution, fill out columns (a), (b), and (c) as to all members of the governing board and chief executive officers. Director or % of: Member of Ownership (0) or Governing Name and Residence Office Held Voting Stock (VS) or Board Address(es) Membership (M) YES I NO (a) (b) (c) (d) See Exhibit 2 . FCC 340 (Page 3) May '9U Section II - LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS (Plge 3) 9. Does the applicant or any party to this application have, or have they had, any interest in: (a) a broadcast station, or pending broadcast station application before the Corrvnission) ~ Yes DNa (b) a broadcast application which has been dismissed with prejudice by the Corrvnission) D Yes G No (c) a broadcast application which has been denied by the Corrvnission) D Yes [!] No (d) a broadcast station, the license of which has been revoked) D Yes [!] No (e) a broadcast application in any pending or concluded Corrvnission proceeding which left unresolved D Yes [!] No character issues against the applicant) If the answer to any of the questions in (a)-(e) above is Yes, state in an Exhibit the following Exhibit No. information: 3 (1) Name of party having interestj (2) Nature of interest or connection, giving dates; (3) Call letters of stations or file number of application or docket; and (4) Location. -t Fe C 340 (P age 4) 'viay 1989 SECTION III- FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS Note: If this application is for a change in an operating facility, DO NOT fill out this Section. 1. Is this application contingent upon receipt of a grant from the National Telecommunications and D Yes ~ No Information Administration' 2.
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    National This circuit reaches newspapers, wire services, television and radio, business journals, select national media, individual reporters, and select trade media from a variety of industries. Disclosure distribution includes financial disclosure media and databases, stock markets and regulatory organizations, institutions, and financial analysts. Full-text Internet posting to information and news sites, portals, search engines, content syndicates, wireless providers, and research databases is also included. National Primo Multimedia Capital City Free Press online Alaska Public Radio Network Alabama Raycom Media, Inc. ENewsCourier.com KASH-FM Newspapers WAAY-TV (ABC) Mobile Press-Register (AL.com) KBRW-AM/KBRW-FM Alabama Media Group (Central WABM-TV (ABC) The Huntsville Times (AL.com) KBYR-AM / KMBQ-FM Publishing) WAFF-TV (NBC) Alaska KCAM-AM Andalusia Star-News WBMA-TV (ABC) Newspapers KCHU-AM Banner Herald WGWW-TV (ABC) Alaska Journal of Commerce KENI-AM Birmingham Business Journal WHNT-TV Anchorage Daily News KFAR-AM CHNI Community Newspaper WIAT-TV (CBS) Daily Sitka Sentinel KFQD-AM Holdings Inc. WJTC-TV Fairbanks Daily News-Miner KGTL-AM Daily Mountain Eagle WJTC-TV (Sinclair) Homer News KINY-AM Daily Sentinel WPMI-TV (NBC) Juneau Capital City KLAM-AM Decatur Daily WSES-TV Juneau Empire KRBD-FM Dothan Eagle WSFA-TV (NBC) Ketchikan Daily News KSKA-FM (NPR) Eufaula Tribune WTVY-TV (CBS) Kodiak Daily Mirror KSKO-AM Florence Times Daily WVTM-TV Peninsula Clarion KSRM-AM Gadsden Times WZDX-TV (Fox News) Petersburg Pilot KSTK-FM (NPR)
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