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J ^ a d n in n e r —C-HO VOL. XIV. Santa Barbara, California, Wednesday, February 27, 1935 No. 21 Musicians Meet for Fifth Annual Symphony Concert — —1------— " ~~ ~~ —*— —’—* — ~ r * -v. ------STARS OF “YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL” CLIFF LEEDY .Judith Allen, beantiful young actress, and Ted Fio-Rito, popular Clifford Leedy, State college orchestra leader and composer, who are featured in “Young and Picture Beautiful,” all-talking motion picture comedy to be presented next Pansies music instructor, who founded Directors Announce Wednesday, March 6, in the college auditorium as a benefit for the the all-S o u t h e r n California International Relations club. Symphony concert five years ------3------? ago, will be on hand this year to supervise orchestral activi­ Final Selection for Covers Versus ties. Deficit Lillies Orchestral Positions Fast Moving Drama Both Quintets Are Woman’s Club Sponsors Ticket Sales for Promised Students in Optimistic Over Second Consecutive Year; Concert Haines Picture Casaba Outcome Given at Lobero Theatre Santa Barbara Woman’s club will again supervise the ticket Prices Are Low Opinions Conflict sales for the Fifth Annual All College Symphony to be held in the Lobero theater on March 5. under the direction of Henry Short Feature Sub­ Individual Players Eichheim. The program will begin at 8:30. jects to Be Confident That Final students chosen to par­ Shown They Will Win ticipate in the concert are: School Heads Violinists will be Miss M y r n a Because they must clear up a We yam what we yam but that Shearer of Antelope Valley J.C., deficit left by the recent Interna­ varsity versus junior varsity battle Take Part in '.Kenneth Browell, Chapman college; tional Relations Club conference, which is to be staged in the armory Misses Dorothy Mae Collins and attended by many delegates from' at 7:30 tonight has set our blood Etha Rowe Kepner of Compton southern California colleges, the Annual Symphony Concert to “bilin” and “dander” has been riled Panel Groups J.C.; Miss Nina Hamilton, Leo Rob­ members of the club are sponsoring- plenty. In view of this fact we have bins, Max Shearer, a n d Robert an all-talking motion picture pro­ managed to interview both the “ap- Opening with greetings by Dr. gram, featuring “Young and Beau­ Present Unusual Numbers .Charles Jacobs, dean of the upper Townsend, Fullerton J.C.; Miss pllepolisher,” varsity members and Sarah Bailey, Miss Jeanne Hem- tiful,” and four popular short sub­ also the “Ivoryheaded” Mahoney- division and head of the education jects, next Wednesday in the col­ rich,, Leonard Ratner and Norman Under Direction of Eichheim men. department, the State Convention Rosenblatt, Los Angeles J.C.; Miss lege auditorium. The show will be of Elementary School Principals presented once in the morning, third Here is what some of them said Fanny Fedalen and Joseph Landon, and also what some of them thought and District Principals began at Occidental; Philip Dotson, Norris and fourth hours from 9:45 to 11:40, A program which will be difficult to produce but pleasing 9:30 a. m. Saturday morning in the and twice in the evening, at 7 and but didn’t say about the coming Sororities Hold Whitehill, San Bernardino Union to hear, will be offered by the college musicians on Tuesday battle. auditorium. Miss Helen Heffer- 9 o’clock. J.C.; Misses Mildred Barney, Leo­ evening, March 6. Henry Eichheim, symphony leader, will eon- First off we asked “String Bean” nan, chief in the division of the nora Stubbs Jenkins, Virginia Ruth, Clear Deficit elementary education presided. “We have selected a motion pic­ duct a tlu'ee-day rehearsal and the final presentation.of the four Johnson, center for the varsity. He Annual Pledge Viola Gogt; Fred Guenther, Robert Jacobs Speaks ture as the means of raising the concert numbers, Symphony No. 1 by Brahms: Choral Prelude, acted sort of scared and said he S. Hamilton. Raymond Lehmann, by Bach; Prelude to the First Act of Lohengrin, by Wagner; didn’t know, but when we saw Sid- “One of the greatest difficulties in and Paul Livingston, S a n Diego necessary amount to clear the defi­ our work is that of keeping clearly cit because we believe that this and Navana, by Arbos and^> De Rosa, center for the junior var-' Ce r emonies State college; Miss Ruth Drumm, sity he thought, “We’ll sure put the] in mind the school situation for Santa Maria J.C.; Miss Elizabeth type of entertainment will afford Albeny. which th e prospective teacher die most enjoyment to the stu­ A program which will be difficult skids under that bunch of lilies.” Annual pledging ceremonies were King and Paul Dotson, University Talk Explains held Monday night at which 55 wo­ j should be prepared,” stated Dr. of Redlands; Miss Dorothy Amrhein dents,” said Jack Muray, president to produce but pleasing to hear,: Buppy “Flat Head” Moore, for­ j Jacobs in his address, “If the teach­ Of the International Relations club ward for ‘‘Flaming Youths” ap­ men were inducted in the various and William Lowe, Ventura J.C.; will be offered by the college mu­ sororities. After the informal pledg­ er is prepared for the school of Miss Mary O. Van Deman, Whittier and general manager of the all- Activities of peared quite confident and secretly jjoday, he may not meet the require­ talking motion picture show. sicians on Tuesday evening, March confided that he thought Hoffar and ing, the new women were enter­ college; Miss Pearl Smead and tained by the active members. ments of progressive education; if Bradford Tozier, Santa Barbara Classes will not be dismissed, it 6. Henry Eichheim, symphony lead­ Voorhees were push overs but when he is prepared for the ideal of to­ was announced. Those students who er, will conduct a three-day rehear­ we got around to asking- them what Tau Gamma Sigma’s held their State college. Local Groups morrow, he may prove to be far Viola do not have tickets will attend sal and the final presentation of the the score would be, we could get no party at the home of Betty Roome ahead of his time and thus appear classes the third and fourth horn's. four concert numbers, Symphony response. This looks bad for the on Casa Loma hill. Pledges are Those who will play the viola are Speaking before the teachers of to be a failure. Melvin Mesirow and Aaron Rosen- Admission charges are 20 cents for No. 1 by Brahms: Choral Prelude^ Davismen as they may be overcon­ Jeannette Banks, Elizabeth Den­ Scalapino Presides the morning matinee and 25 cents by Bach; Prelude to the First Act the first and second grades, Mrs.' fident. man, Alice and Frances Hoelscher, zweig, Los Angeles J.C.; Fred Bo- Mr. William Scalapino, who heads ter, Occidental; Marshall Egan, Po­ for the two shows in the evening. of Lonengrin, by Wagner; and Na- Florence Lyans, instructor of man­ Hoyt and Follet think they can. Alice McCray, Eleanor and Marga­ the Elementary School Principals, Warn pas Baby Stars vana, by Arbos and Albeny. ipulative practices at state col­ put “the screws” on Long Jaw Mil­ ret Mellinger, Charlotte Naess. Mar­ mona J.C.; Miss Edna Hamm, Pasa­ was in sharge of general affairs. dena J.C.; Miss Celia Madge Ket- * “Young and Beautiful” features The most ambitious undertaking lege, last Tuesday explained the ler and “Blurper” Lee because ac­ garet Pope, Charlotte Pilling and The women’s glee club of State! tlie gorgeous Wampas Baby Stars, a on the program will be Brahms’ integrated program which is being cording, to some of their expressions Jeanne Wood. Elizabeth Denman cham, Porterville J.C.; Miss Gladys given children in the elementary college sang several numbers di­ Fleiss, San Diego State; Miss Wini­ selected group of the most promis­ masterpiece, Symphony No. 1 in C those two state men are nothing but: was elected captain of the pledges. rected by Mrs. Helen Barnett Two ing young actresses in the film cap­ Minor. schools. Catherine Cornwall entertained fred Creighton, Santa Barbara cookie pushers and can’t take it. panel discussions were held during State; Baalie Grubbs, George Rich­ ital, and William Haines, Judith Brahms’ Work In beginning her talk, Mrs. Ly­ "Sweetie-pie” K e i t hi,-, guard, Delta Zeta Delta pledges and mem­ the remainder of the morning un­ Allen, Ted Fio-Rito and his orches­ Brahms approached the task of ans pointed out to the teachers the bers at her home on Victoria street. ardson, Pasadena J.C.; a n d Miss seemed to think that if they lost, der the Chairmanship of Miss Esther Aletha Parker, Riverside J.C. tra, Sid Grauman’s dancing girls, writing for the symphony orchestra fact that the child learns through “He tank he go home,” but some of Miriam Alexander, Constance Al­ R. Poulsen, principal of the Monte- Joe Cawthorne, John Miljan, Vince with great seriousness, and with a activity, and that activity is a nat­ len, Natalie Bartlett, Kay Case, Ann Cellists those brass rings he had didn’t look cito Union School and Mrs. Gladys , Cellists will be Thor Walberg, Barnett, Franklin Pangborn, Shaw consciousness of the importance of ural endowment of all children. She so good to us. Maloney, Coultas and Covelle, Margaret Eastwood, Louise L. Potter, assistant chief of the di­ and Lee, and the Holly wood singers. the work, the dignity of it, and the also stressed the fact that a child Holden, Ruth Hilty, Miriam Hen­ Chapman college; Miss Doris the rest of the boys on the “Ma- vision of elementary education. Spaulding, Compton J.C.; Harold Four carefully selected short sub­ exactions which it makes of the learns not by being told how tq honeyites” also appeared confident dry,’ Frances Morris, Ellen Roe, Speakers were Miss Helen Heffqr- jects will be shown with the fea­ composer. The First Symphony was do a thing, but by actual practice. Betty Smith and Jean Townsend Ravitch, Los Angeles J.C.; Harold and stated, “Those punks will sure nan and Charles W. WaddeU, pro­ Vander Voort; Miss Mary Magnu- ture “Young and Beautiful.” “New completed in September, 1876, and As an example of ihtegraeted ac­ get the bird and' it won’t be in the were pledged. fessor of education at the Universi­ Screen Snapshots,” showing inti­ was first performed, at Carlsruhe, son, Occidental; Miss Lucy Schatzel, tivity Mrs. Lyans told of one class bush either.” Delta Sigma Epsilon pledged Eve­ ty of California at Los Angeles. San Diego State; Gustave Patzner, mate glimpses of the Hollywood two months later on thé Sixth of which had selected the dairy farm lyn, Braman, Catherine Cadwell, stars at work and at play; a Silly November. U.S.C.r Calvine Inman, Ventura J.D.; as their unit of work and the. meth­ Frances Kenney, Natalie Neff, Mar­ Miss Helen O’Banion, Santa Bar­ Symphony cartoon; ‘‘That Artist Symphony No. 1 ods which they used -in studying Diadel Play a Gives garet Laing, Dorothy Soules, Thel­ Feller,” color “shots” of Grand and In this piece, the introductions to bara. their project ma George and Betty McClain at Tri-Counties Bass Zion canyons; and “Sportman’s Par­ the first movement reveals the mel­ Local College FUrne their ceremonies at Jean Wood’s ody unfolding like the drawing of a Each child in the class first made The bass section will be composed adise,” spectacular action photo­ a notebook in whibh he drew and That Santa Barbara State receives home on upper State street. graphs of winter sports in the Ba­ huge and magnificent curtain, rich Student Heads of Miss Elva Kerr, Bakersfield J.C.; with gold and ornament, sweeping colored pictures of all objects per­ wide publicity, was shown by a Mary Dudley and Jean Hender­ Don Haston, Pomtjha J.C.; Misses varian Alps, will complete this first taining dairy life. After they had letter received recently by Mrs. son were pledged to Areta Gamma all-talking’ motion picture program slowly apart to reveal behind it the Jessie Hafeli, Helen Mendenhall and fierce swift movements of drama. finished their notebooks it was Jane Miller Abraham, in which was at their party at the home of Lola Wilma Robbins, San Diego State; of popular features shown the stu­ decided by ' the elass to build a included a photograph clipping of Cooper. Convene Here dents at' Santa Barbara State col­ Thirty-seven measures of glowing Joseph Kaufman, University of and sonorous tone, move slowly and model dairy farm and put into it one. of thè stunts at the Dia del Alpha Theta Chi pledged thirteen California at Los Angeles, Bob Hal­ lege. all ‘of thé things they had studied. Playa.' girls at their initiation at the home Acting as host Santa Barbara “Our expenses are very high,” with ever-growing might and ma­ ley, U.S.C.; Lawrence Leslie, Santa Barns and houses made of card­ The letter was from Jacob Gar­ of Margaret Walker on Moreno State college entertained the. stu­ Barbara. Jack Murray, manager of the pro­ jesty . toward its inevitable climax. dent body presidents of the sur Portentous beatings of tympani.i board boxes, trees made of sponge, ber of Robesonia, Pennsylvania, road. They are Mary Alice Halferty, Flutists gram said yesterday, “and we there a graduate of State in ’26. Mr.: Phyllis; La Source, Stella Mae rounding high schools and junior (Continued on Page Two) measured and powerful and deter-' animals modeled out of clay, peo­ Flutists will be Paul E. Beatty, La ple made of clothespins, colored Garber is now teaching in Penns­ Smith, Genevieve Hamilton, Marga­ colleges last Friday and Saturday. Verne J.C.; Albert Glasser, Los An­ mined, support strings and wood-: This meeting was the first to be winds moving in contrary and cir­ with crayola, box trucks with milk ylvania, but has been thinking of ret Duncan, Virginia Billar, Myrna geles J. C.; Miss Janice Boothe, cap wheels and mar^r other objects returning in the summer to Santa Jullien, Margaret Wood, Bettie Wal­ held by the T r i Counties High Santa Maria J.C. cuitous paths toward a single vehe­ School Presidents association which Mrs. L. Price ment and final thrust as the climax were cut out and built by the Barbara to attend the summer ses­ ker, Marie Persons, Blanch Stew- Oboe of the introduction is attached. Now- children. sion- (Continued on Page Two) was originated by Marcus Cravens, Oboe players, are Paul Suther­ former student body president of land, Compton J.C.; and Robert Wil­ there are fragments of melody,: the state college and carried on by Visits School poignant phrases of flute and oboe liams, La Verne J.C. Former Summer Grad Bud Lambourne, present head of In the clarinet section Robert and violin, and a subsidence of the the student body. In order to observe integrated ac great powers of the orchestra as we Dies of Pneumonia Hocking, Bakersfield J.C.; Fred The visitors were the guest of Graichen, L.A.J.C.; William Knight, tivities in other schools, Mrs. Laura approach the beginning of the first Bud Lambourpe on Friday at a S. Price, head of the state college movement proper. Miss Margaret E. Spring, who San Bernardina Union J.C.; and Ed­ luncheon which was held in Ebbets ward Ortiz, San Diego State, will elementary department, last Mon­ Tone Color Intense took graduate work at State college W-A-T-C-H hall. Harvey J. Holt, principal of violins themselves abandon it, and day visited the Ventura elementary Now the expectancy, a n d th e during the 1933 and 1934 summer the local high school addressed the schools and was shown the type of marvelously developed , emotional sessions, died op February 13 at a ITS COMING! are given instead a sad and lovely group and outlined some of the and reflective melody which pre­ work now in progress in their stringency of the introduction are local hospital following a brief ilL benefits to be gained from the school system. justified, for the movement leaps ness of pneumonia. Previous to her sages the end of the movement. At meetings. He also emphasized the the close a warm and enveloping Mrs. Price was conducted on this into flaming vitality and clashing death Miss Spring taught in the educational courses which are be­ tour by Mr. and Mrs. Spence. Mr. dramatic contrasts from its very Oakland schools and was well- wave of tone waxes great and ing offered at the state college, say­ (Continued on Page Two) Spence was formerly connected Opening note. From this apparently known in dramatic-and charitable ing that students from the high with the junior high schools in Ven­ simple subject the composer devel­ circles. schools represented should give our tura but he is now acting in the ca­ ops a throbbing and vital orgapism, While attending State college Miss institution serious consideration pacity of elementary supervisor. full-blooded a n d muscular and Spring was prominent in all college .when selecting their colleges. Fol­ Seniors Plan As an example of the type of in­ agile; a concourse of sound that al­ activities and in conjunction with lowing the luncheon a short tour of tegrated activities now being most seems to leap and to shout, to her sister, Mrs. Dorothy, S p r j n g the state college and the high school worked out, Mrs. Price observed a defy and encourage, to warn -and to Pearman, founded the Horseback was made. Gift to School class in the fourth grade which was command. There are brief moments Riding club. The first business meeting was studying life in Switzerland. A short of reflection, almost of tenderness, held at four o’clock at which time For the purpose of discussing the panel discussion was held by the yet always urgent rhythms permit officers were elected and by-laws children after which they modeled no dwelling upon gentleness. Science Instructor senior announcements and cards, as were adopted. Albert Lathim, presi­ well as the senior gift to the student different scenes in clay. Another Rhythmic Sense Writes New Bulletin dent of the local high school, was class was studying medieval life and Toward the end of the movement body, the senior class will hold elected to the position of president. their regular monthly breakfast in as its project had constructed a there is a wonderful instance of Harrington “Pop" Wells, professor A short swim was enjoyed at the completed medieval castle which Brahms' amazing rhythmic sense, Ebbets hall next Friday morning, of science, is the author of a bulle­ Y.M.C.A. pool and dinner was eaten March 1 at 7 a.m. had a working drawbridge and a and his fondness for odd and con­ tin “Pets and Their Care,” one of a at the Plantation. The next meeting regular moat in connection with flicting internal impulses in his mu­ Mrs. Laura Specht Price, head of series entitled “Science Guide for date was set for June 1, and is to the elementary education depart­ the rest of its surroundings. sic. Strings against the whole or­ Elementary Schools,’.’ which is be­ be at Santa Barbara. Friday eve­ Miss Inez Balderson a n d Mrs. ment, will speak on "How to Apply chestra contest with swiftly grow­ ing published by the state depart­ ning the guests were entertained by< for a Job.” Marguerita McBride, both state col­ ing vehemence for possession of a ment of education. the student body at Rockwood. “It is very important for seniors lege graduates, and who are now fragmentary theme, and the result­ On Wednesday evening Mr. Wells The convention was adjourned teaching in the Ventura schools ing short fierce struggle. Strings to attend the senior breakfasts from is giving a series of nine lectures on following a lunch at Sabella’s at now on because important discus­ were visited by Mrs. Price. are victorious, though the bassoon biology at the Santa Barbara Eve­ which time a vote of thanks was Thursday Mrs. Price has planned joins them even when the thematic sions will take place about gradua­ ning high school. No college credit given to persident Lambourne and tion and jobs,” states Martin Ver- to spend two days in Los Angeles fragment has been tom from the is offered, and the talks are non­ the state college for their interest studying the integrated system as it mouths of the wood-winds; then the hoeven, president. technical. College students are in the movement which is now a Verhoeven is in charge of the af­ is used there. (Continued on Page Two) urged to attend this lecture. permannt organization. fair. PAGE TWO SANTA BARBARA STATE COLLEGE Wednesday, February 27, 1935 EDITOR ENT 3 Days of Rehearsal Motion Picture to Robert G. SanTA -B G R B O R G JTHTG - COLL-GGe- Mrs. Margaret Enrollment Closed Mrs. Abraham Moore Bennett Planned by Eichheim Class enrollment h a s been Cover Deficit 'Asst Editor Faculty Adviser closed since last Friday. No (Continued from Page One) Virginia Ralph A. J. changes in program by peti­ Leads Women (Continued from Page One) Moon Porter silence by the single note plucked tion or otherwise may be made fore hope every student not only ■ O L 'G M l C H O Printing from the strings. Advertising - Ibrrmri^ tavW Zbadninner - Instructor excepting through the offices comes to the morning matinee, the Manager Second Movement of the dean of men and the in Club Work There is no introduction, and the admission charge to which is only MEMBER dean of women in cases of ill­ MIRIAM FIRKINS Associated Solleviate Stress principal theme is the first lovely ness or withdrawal. Meeting in the sun room of Eb- 20 cents, but urges his family and Editor melody you hear — conspicuous in bets Hall at 9:00 a. m. Sunday, the friends to attend either of the two -*•034MADISON tSbOeçdnleBioead WISCONSIN1935 “ the first violins. We have not long state board of the California Fed­ shows the evening of March 6. The to wait for the entrance of the sec­ Selections Made for eration of Business and Professional admission price at these evening Society Editors—Mary F. McKinney, Jeanne Wood Sports Editor ...... Barney Jameson ond theme, a song equally beauti­ Women’s club, was chosen consti­ Rewrite Editor...... Doris Coker Exchange Editor...... —...... Billy Winters ful, pensive and longing, in the sin­ Symphony Orchestra tution chairman. showings is only 25 cents for adults News Editor ...... Grace Fritsch gularly poignant voice of the oboe. Mrs. Maud E. Empel of San Jose, and 10 cents for children.” Proofreader ...... Alleij Crews It rises, lonely and trembling, from (Continued from Page One) BVTx-iPTvn:^ the finest musicians from all the colleges in Several pictures in particular stand out in held at Carolyn Hoefer’s home on I Alfred T. Cornwall i California. our minds. “Polly” and “Still Life” by Walter Hollister avenue. PHONE 4585 jS Henry Eichheim, composer and conductor, College Special — Shampoo 50c; Fine Shoe Repairing si Cheever and “Cannas” by Ruth M. Doolittle, Shampoo and Dry Finger Wave, a still leads the orchestra, which consists of over we can claim as our own contribution to down­ 75c; Finger Wave, 50c; Wet Student Work a Specialty 8 Eugene Saccongghi 95 student musicians, and much of the success' Wave, 25c. Permanent Waving. 8 10 W. De la Guerra town art. Sprouting onions, bottles, and buck­ Attention Men! College Haircuts 1033 State Street p. of the symphony is due to his untiring efforts ets in the “Still Life” add to the tinges of real­ io: Phone 3650 and leadership. —R.G.M. LA ARC AD A - - ism found in the pictures at the east end of the Where you enjoy the CENTRAL BARBER SHOP room. 9 W. De la Guerra St. The superb work of W. S. Bagdatopoulos, quiet intimacy of International Relations Club F.R.S. in picturing the drunk “Gradilles and comfortable booths, A fine piece of work was done last fall by his Bottles” is one of the best in the exhibition splendid service and Something Important members and sponsors of the International Re­ for its poignant life. John Gamble paints into delicious foods. FLOWERS lations club when they were host to a conven­ miles of distance in a lovely view of “Spring FOR EVERY tion attended by delegates from many South­ Flowers.” Colin Campbell Cooper, N.A., gives To Think About ern California colleges. again of his intrinsic sense of beauty in “Sunset OCCASION State College students will be interested in the Truly details of the Summer School to be offered by A deficit was incurred, however, during the on the Channel.” De Witt Parshall, N.A. does a delightful place to conclave, and the club is presenting a motion “Magnolias” in a glorifying manner. The crisp­ Santa Barbara Business College. picture in the auditorium next Wednesday, ness with which one leaf lies on the table be­ entertain your This special 12 week session will begin friends. shortly after the close of the present State morning and evening, to defray this bill. side the vase is astounding. In the small gal­ College semester. Daily sessions will be half­ They have chosen a picture with popular ap­ lery these same artists repeat their fine quali­ day only—8:00 a.m. ’till noon. peal and one which is of interest to the major- ties in water color. Bagdatopoulos exhibiting The curriculum will include intensive 7 of students, so that while they are doing vividly the life at the Oxnard sugar beet fac­ courses in all commercial subjects — typing, iub members a kind deed in attending the tory, and Cooper shadowing between the build­ La Arcada bookkeeping, shorthand, etc. Rates for tuition show, the students will be assured of a pleasant ings of New York City on Broad street. will be attractive and reasonable. hour’s entertainment. Edward Borein, famed world-wide for his Fine Foods PRICED TO FIT YOUR Begin to think about your plans for next etchings, shows typical scenes of the wild west, » POCKETBOOK summer now, and the first step to take is to also in the small gallery. call at the school for further information. 1114 State St. No obligation, of course. Athletic Sweaters Again in the large rooms, we remember two Victor the Florist The habit of wearing other college’s sweaters men walking imaginatively around the room Phone 5620 135 E. Anapamu Phone 28667 by certain members of our student body is be­ from the west end, their profiles viewed; we Santa Barbara Business College coming entirely too prevalent. Probably this is recall the brilliant and shining quality of the due to the fact that these offenders gave little Nicholson “Still Life” with the red drape, we thought to the matter. It is customary when dote on “Miss K. Fukameki” and “Dwight TOMMY and WILLIE’S attending college to remove the letter from the Goddard, American Buddhist” by Charles sweater regardless of whether it is from high Daniels for their clasic depth and reserve. GENERAL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS school or junior college. There were many we have not enumerated State and Sola Sts. And speaking of sweaters—some of our which we enjoyed as much as those of which DOC. KELLIHER ON NIGHT DUTT block “S” sweaters may be seen adorning the we have spoken. Each artists has something of frames of some women studes, a practice which his own to say. No artist appeared to be in ap is frowned upon by the board of athletic con­ prenticeship to another. The show does Santa g wjl Sil 11 El _ fTTIay trol. —D.W.M. Barbara credit. 1 — ■ * ■ 3 j 11 m ■ ■ i igios « THE COLLEGE SHOP FIVE COMPLETE FOOD STORES S a n M a rc o s H>e Plantation SLOCUMS IN SANTA BARBARA Barber Shop I Featuring Delicious Court—SanHill MarcosmUMLUS BuildingDUllUllig ^ ^ 34 WEST VICTORIA STREET m m m' •*. m .-"v LUNCHEONS and I 517 STATE STREET DINNERS BREAD 303 NORTH MILPAS STREET ö l Ä GUTIERREZ DRUG STORE 1427 SAN ANDRES STREET | i ät- L&vSfci e '-s&Mfltv'. Catering to College Students « 2700 HOLLISTER AVENUE § Telephone 3174 and Special Parties At Your S 8 The Leading Prescription BaaaanBnnanaaaaaaBBBaaaaBBnaBnananBBaaaaaaBBBaaaa Druggists 19 E. Figueroa %VMVAS 635 STATE STREET Telephone 22174 Grocers Free Delivery Phone 3339 We Call For and Deliver ivmsiMS

PUT YOUR TRUST IN AN EMPIRE DYE WORKS ELGIN WATCH Home of Quality HUM Roy P. Churchill Jordano Bros.Inc- 1009% State Street FANCY DRY CLEANERS utAvmfui' STAPLE FANCY 524 STATE STREET GROCERIES and MEATS WILLIAM HAINES Gauchos Attention! £B»:»a»aB»BBBBaBBBB»B»aaBBaa»nna.BBBBBanBBaaaB»n«nH * JUDITH ALLEN Please Come in and Get CANON PERDIDO and CHAPALA STS. J OHN M UJAN PHONE 5221 JOSEPH CAWTHORN Acquainted r.O«D#tEAIt Sheaffer—Parker TTRES A»m TTT*VES BATTERIES VULCANIZING RENTAL SERVICE Eversharps Pens H.aaaa»BB»»)^»)^BaKa»Ba)^a)^.aa«)ro«Ba7««ay'«x:nxfaN *r rpr vinu. Typewriters g ROAD SERVICE ELECTRICAL WORK Portables and Large 3>! Machines—Repairs 8 Service and Student Rentals § Victoria Dry Gleaning Philco Radios MARVIN LIGHT, Inc. Complete Line for Your Springtime Wisely Calls for a Thorough Cleansing “A PLACE WHERE THE IDEAL OF SERVICE Inspection and Germ Proofing of Your Heavier DOMINATES THE DESIRE TO SELL” We Trade, Service and Rent Garments Now Being Laid Aside Radios Shows at OUR TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE College Auditorium Nlte Student Supplies IT PAYS 7 and 9 ADDS VALUE AT NO EXTRA COST ALL-TALKING MOTION PICTURE BENEFIT B AN K ’S Phone 7068 132 E. Victoria 302 State Street 914 State St. Phone 4177 ADDED — 4 POPULAR SHORT SUBJECTS »•aaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRanBaaaaaaaaHKHHBaaat? aSgasotac»»«»»^^ Wednesday, February 27, 1935 SANTA BARBARA STATE COLLEGE PAGE THREE GAUCH® G® By BILL HOYT

"CIVIL WAR” Union against the Confederates; England battling the Thirteen colo­ nies; Germany versus the Allies; the underlying principles of each struggle will be typified by the var­ sity junior varsity “Civil War” to­ night. The varsity has its union, its prestige, and name to protect. The CIVIL WAR OPENS TONIGHT IN ARMORY junior varsity has briefly nothing to lose and every thing to gain. * * * S’UTH’RNOR OR DavismenDrop NORTHERN YANKEE? Gauchos Go I] Advantages, if any, are few an are r Rebels Threaten held by Coach Hal Davis’s men, due Double Tilt to the junior varsity’s total lack of regular practice and training rules. South for L MEET; The s’uth’m rebels’ were known for fi [ M E N PLACE to San D iego the ‘‘never say ’nuff” spirit that to Upset Varsity; brought them many a victory. A Final Game Throwing a scare into the oppo­ comparison of individual ability of AT SAN DIEGO BOWLUS STARS sition for the first half, but there­ the two teams rates about the same after melting before a superior at­ with a slight elge to the “big shots” In the last game of the season Fighting an icy wind that hamp­ Showing their superiority in Game to Be Close Coach Hal Davis, State college tack proved to be the story for the due to many more reserves. Com­ ered good performances, 300 south­ Gaucho hoopsters Friday and Sat­ track as they have in most every parative warrant no headway to­ quintet will make a desperate at­ land athletes went through their urday nights as they dropped a pair other sport this year the Gaucho Mahoneymen Claim ward a selection with one excep­ tempt to break into the win column paces in the Fifth Annual Southern of league games to the pennant­ babes stepped out and ran up a to­ tion. Both teams took a beating Frosh W in One of the Southern Conference when chasing Aztecs from San Diego tal of 60 1-3 points to win the inter­ Two Athletes from Refugio CCC. The J.Vs. have California College relays held in class track meet by a large margin | they tangle with the Remands Bull­ San Diego last Saturday. State, the scores being 37.-23, and Proselyted played them three times showing an 44-27. yesterday afternoon o n Phelps improvement - with each encounter. dogs this Saturday night at the Although two heavy favorites in field. The sophomore class was sec­ Lose One as The final game was lost in the last The Friday night contest saw an The greatest civil war since Abe Southerner’s gym. the open events failed to come erratic but fighting Santa Barbara ond with 44 2-3 points, the juniors 45 seconds by a sensation CCC Although Redlands is almost as ran third with 36 points and the se­ Lincoln will be opened tonight at rally. The rebel’s had led the scor­ through, Tiny McCullough took a team carry the battle to the Aztecs Season Closes the Armory when Union General low as Santa Barbara in the league, niors took the cellar honors with a ing during the game. The varsity first in the shot and the Gaucho for the first half, only to have the score of 18 digits. Hal Davis leads his forces onto the game was literally a snow-under in they are favored to win handily four man mile relay composed of southerners cut loose in the second Culminating a successful season, battlefield against Co-Generals Mr. Larry Bowlus, sophomore, step­ and winding up their careers as which the Refugio boys were the over the .Gauchos. Last year the Larry Bowlus, Joe Nightingale, and pile up a commanding lead. In and Mrs. Mahoney’s Confederate this game, Bob Johnson and Charlie ped out to take first place in the frosh basketballers, the State first army. The spirit of the Battle of shining lights. Redlands team were second in the Johnny Bowen and Roland McDon­ 440 and the 880 and placed second * * * conference ratings, and have six of Hoffar led the attack for the Gau­ year outfit broke even in a pair of Bull Run has been rediscovered in ald, grabbed a second behind Red­ chos, scoring 6 and 5 points, respec­ in the 220 yard dash to win the high contests played over the week-end, the patriotic breasts of the Union­ CO-THIS AND CO-THAT! their lettermen back. Coach Ashel lands who finished in 3 minutes scoring honors of the day. Although Something different in Coopera­ Cunningham has three, outstanding tively. Mert Miller, who also bag­ nosing out the Carpinteria town ists, and it is reported that Charlie 36:8 seconds. ged 6 points, had a good night at he broke two school records, Ron­ team Friday night, 33-32, and then Hoffar, Union torch-bearer, has al­ tion and coherence is the cooper­ men on his squad: George Lewis, a ald McDonald was unable to top ation of nearly every important post transfer from Pomona junior col­ One of the big upsets of the meet guard, shining both on defense and dropping a tough one to the Cal- ready succumbed to nervous pros­ was in the pole vault, Jack Rand of offense. Bowlus in points. McDonald set a Poly Mustangs by a score of 29-27 tration—the first casualty. on the J.V. squad. Co-coachs “Red” lege, who stands 6 feet and 6 inches; new mark of 4.38:8 in the mile run Mac Holsinger, the returning center San Diego, Conference champion Wlison, the visitor’s All-Confer­ the following night. The Confederates (Jayvees) on and winner of the N.C.A.A. title last and also breezed through the two Against the Carpinterians, Ian letterman; and Woodrow Menke, a ence forward, stood out for his mile to hang up a record of 10.41:8. the other hand, have had to hold transfer from Sacramento junior year at 14 feet, could do no better team, piling up 11 digits. Burns at Crow, eagle-eyed forward, was the secret practice maneuvers to keep than 13 feet and was beaten by Jus­ center turned in an outstanding William Gray, freshman, helped out whole show. He dropped 23 points college. These three with Kitch, his team with 12 1-3 points to place the Unionites (varsity) from pros­ Nicholson, Peterson, V a n c i 1, and tin McCarthy of Compton J. C. Mc­ game while scoring 9 points. Perry, through the hoop, leaving only 10 elyting any more of their attack STARTS SUNDAY, MARÖH 3 Carthy’s height was 13 feet 4 1-16 a forward, with 7 markers, beat any second in the scoring honors. He for h is teammates to gather. Lewis, the other five returning let­ showed his heels to the field in both leaders. The Southern boys under termen, will give the Gauchos inches, a new meet record. of the Gaucho scorers. “Swede” -Lindquist? from guard ac­ the able leadership of Co-General The only other record that was the low and high hurdles, placed counted for five of these. plenty of trouble in the season’s The Aztecs started mildly and third in the hundred, and garnered Mahoney, hope to reap ripe revenge final game for Santa Barbara. broken was the jaysee shuttle relay finished wildly in the second game, Although they had previously de­ in tonight's fracas and will send event which was clocked in 58.4s. 1-3 of a point in the high jump with feated the Mustangs, the frosh ALLimimT ROM ANIK! j The game was close for the first a tie for fourth. forth a combination of their best half, but again they gathered mo- found the fighting boys from the sharpshooters to attempt to win by Mahoney and the wife; Co-captains 1 This meet gave Nick Carter a fe Nî J E A Tí iSOn FUNNY! Don Follett and your Uncle Bill; mentym as the game progressed, north just a little .too hard to han­ guerilla warfare. Shots will be and during the last period their chance to look over his freshmen dle on Saturday night. The gaiihe taken from all sides by any or all Co-managers Roily Carter, and the Campus Coffee Cup team which travels to Ventura Fri­ IN C iplÄ LY HAPPY! “boy from Manila;” Co-trainers high-powered offense, featuring the was close and hard-fought through­ of the five marksmen. With two two forwards, Wilson and Moss, day afternoon for a duel meet with out, but the all-around power of the traitors to the Confederate cause Two-Gun Smith and Mary ‘W.T.D.” Capers Ventura junior college. CARL » AfvrVíl r íft£SE»|i¡| Halferty. Oh my what a life! Would manipulated the ball down the floor Mustangs prevailed in the end. starting the initial skirmish on the Babe Cornwall, who was cele­ and through the basket with mo­ Freshmen who will make the trip Crow again was outstanding, win­ side of General Hal Davis, the Ma- m m ß MARGARET you “big shots” like to go Co-Co to Ventura include: Rumbaugh, and do some real training? brating her birthday with Harold notonous regularity. Wilson ac­ ning high-point honors for the eve­ honeyites will be out for their * * * Hart at El Paseo Saturday night, counted for 12 and Moss for 14 of Oakes, Morelli, Gorman, Joham, ning with 14 markers. Gene Camp­ scalps. The men were grafted by almost disappeared under the ta­ Shaffer, Shean, Williams, Wright, bell managed to slip 6 digits SULLA V A \ One reason the gentlemen from ble when the orchestra trouped the winning total. General Davis one at a time, as they H E R R ERT the south will be out to commit over to her table to serenade her The tough opposition the local Henry, Common, Campbell, Longlo through the basket for the Gauchi- shone forth from the ranks of the murder is the proselyteing of two with “Happy Birthday to You.” boys faced in this game was just Lindquist and Murray. tos, while Jauch, Gala, and Dana Confederate army. ’Tis rumored of their most prominent men and Hart was nonplused. the right meat for Charlie Hoffar, Final results: Hundred yard dash: accounted for 8, 7, and 6, respec­ that they were lured over to the MARSHALL Among those who created com­ Nightingale 1st, Bowen 2nd, Gray tively, of the visitor’s total. Union side by the prospects of a making attempts at others, but ment at the dance Friday night ace Gaucho forward. Charlie dent­ Sin Ferenc Molnar's Masterpi^g who remained loyal to their Con­ were: “Golddigger” Goldsmith, ed the San Diego defense for 10 3rd, Shaffer 4th; 220 yard low hur­ long ride and a big sweater. federate cause. Tip Willis and Bar­ who was decked out in a sweet points, besides turning in an excel­ dles, Gray 1st, Bowen 2nd, Oakes j way 2nd, Morelli 3rd, Langlo 4th; Tonight’s battle will bring forth ney Swanson proved their worth pea corsage to match “her” com­ lent all-around game. “Skeeter” 3rd, Joham 4th; 440 yard dash,Bow­ pole vault, Holcomb 1st, Morelli two distinctly different types of of­ plexion, “Harriette” Killian, who lus 1st, Shean 2nd, Williams 3rd, under Co-coaches Mahoney only to spent most of her time sitting... Voorhees had his eye on the basket 2nd, Langlo 2nd (tie), Lindquist 4th, fense. The Davismen march in re­ be enticed away by a greater re­ and waiting, and “Babe” Hom- also to chalk up 8 points for the Wright 4th; 880 yard run, Bowlus Murray 4th (tie); broad jump, B. view before their General every ward which due to their attitude feld, the blonde who was dancing evening. 1st, Crow 2nd, Shean 3rd, Wilms David 1st, Morelli 2nd, J. David 3rd. afternoon in full dress uniform, and and all around ability they will re- all evening with “her” slip show­ 4th. mile, McDonald 1st, Rygh 2nd, Langlo 4th; high jump, Garber 1st, are tonsorically correct to the last ing. Though they were virtually counted out of the race a couple of De Rosa 3rd, Loudenclos 4th; high Oakes 2nd, Gorman 3rd, Gray 4th, detail. The Mahoneyites are born When asked to buy a ticket for hurdles, Gray 1st, Oakes 2nd, David the basketball game tonight, weeks ago, the Aztecs, by virtue of Rugh 4th, B. David 4th (tie); relay, fighters and only await the word Gab-bage: “Buppy” Moore, the Dolly Hall and Marje Nielson re­ this double victory, raised them­ 3rd, Rumbaugh 4th; 220 yard dash, j won by junior class, J. David, Le “Go” from their General. They are J.V.’s. basket-kicking and head plied in the negative on the selves into an extremely threaten­ Nightingale 1st, Bowlus 2nd, Shaf­ Clare, Hathaway and Nightingale; probably the sloppiest looking army butting bucket maker is definitely grounds that they had to give ing position to their chief rivals for fer 3rd, Fisher 4th; shot, McCul­ two mile run, McDonald 1st, Le ever produced in this region. They dancing lessons to Sandy “Light- lough 1st, Gorman 2nd, Ewing 3rd, out of the lineup for tonight; J.V. foot” Sanderson and “Bashful the league title, Occidental and Clare 2nd, Rygh 3rd, Henry 4th. do, however, believe in being com­ training has become serious this Barney” Dupes. That’s all right, Whittier. P. McCullough 4th; discus, P. Mc­ plete of staff. Co-Generals Mahoney last week; If Johnson, the Union girls, maybe you think they Cullough 1st, Campbell 2nd, W. TENNIS MATCHES BEGIN head the staff and are immediately six foot three center, is not, that need it. McCullough 3rd, Gorman 4th; hop, With all players rallying to the followed In rank by Co-captains would be the way to place your Try a hamburger supreme skip and jump, J. David 1st, Hatha- colors of various fraternities and Hoyt and Follett, who in turn are daily! Go to BRANT’S classes, Intramural tennis for men followed by Co-Stars Stanley and The GOOD bet (he won’t be hot); “Rafter nose” See the new Pollock looked up the other night will begin March 3, Julio Borta- Moore. The staffs rounded out by at Frosh practice and got “it” skin­ SPRING HATS and lazzo. manager, announced today. Co-Managers and Co-Mascots. PRINT SILK DRESSES Honey Waffle Shop TA! BY ned; Ha, ha, mee too, tonight. 10 W. Figueroa St. S th e g 1021% State S t A Untrer»«! Píela'«*'With PATRONIZE EL GAUCHO DELICIOUS SANDWICHES CROWN CAB ADVERTISERS I VICTORIA PHARMACY | L AND SALADS McCaffrey Bros. DRUGS c'“ STEAK DINNERS O B I FIRST I MILE WSJ INDIVIDUAL COFFEE POTS SPORTING X R V THEN lOtEACH&niLE ROY A. LOIBL Chicago College of R. Austin ’ T. Dorsey GOODS EXTRA PASSENdER Victoria Sc Santa Barbara Sts. Beauty Phone 5656 634 State St Spring Arrives Tonight Phone 3206 820 State—Phone 24932 •PHONE4911 • Guaranteed Steam Oil WARNER BROS. aa;«;o:aa:«a:«:o;aaaa;o:aaa:«:«a:«»:a Permanent Wave e n i i - : : ) . Men’s $1.95—$2.50—$3.50 iow p r ic k o a n s h o w s Sandals G. W. Hitchcock Shampoo and Dry G a Phone Spring § THE TENNIS SHOP Finger Wave ...... 50c 3149 Straps NEW TENNIS RACKETS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ties Sport EXPERT REPAIRING Shampoo ...... 25c 112 E. De la Guerra St. Wet Finger Wave...... 15c Pumps Shoes Phone 6592 Dry Finger Wave...... 25c DON’T MISS THIS by America’s foremost Combining class with g Manicure ...... 25c 4 STAR PICTURE! stylists are ready for comfort at low prices in SQoeaoi90üoHQcaonoeioc9QQaaoaoaGaQC9KiX30üoE3QiaoEaoE3ogjôE every co-ed’s admiration. new patterns. tettar than “BACK STREET" I 1935 from $4.00 from $5.50 Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle MAKE A DATE TO SEE THESE Athletic Supplies and Spring Style Week NEW SPRING SHOES TONIGHT Sporting Goods WARRENWITH WILLIAM February 27 to March 2 BUELL BROS. in c . Rochelle HUDSON — Baby JANE STARTS SUNDAY, MARCH 3 SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY 705 State Street YOUR FAVORITE STAR OF AUTHENTIC SPRING IN A ROLE WORTHY STYLES IN OUR SHOW WIN­ OF HER DOWS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AN INVITATION TALENTS! TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Tbf Woman See The Spring Opening COME IN AND TRY OUR “COLLEGIATE ETHYL" Who Didn't Eisenberg’s Spring Suits, Hats AT ONLY SIXTEEN CENTS PER GALLON Dare Talk and furnishings are smart in of AND BE CONVINCED Poira Out Style, dependable in Quality THAT SERVICE IS OUR WATCHWORD Her Story! and at the New Spring Prices “GAUCHO SPECIAL” WESTERN OIL are “an investment in good ap­ Women’s Sport Wear AT FIFTEEN CENTS A QUART ALSO “FLYING A” GASOLINE pearance.” AND CYCOL MOTOR OIL FREE PARKING TO GRANADA THEATRE PATRONS Wear Eisenberg Clothes and at SINCERELY, A Mr* NctUnol Picture wMi \)v Your Smiling Associated Service Man—“Dee” Moseley GENE RAYMOND • GENEVIEVE TOBIN * Be Satisfied... & J ? Ott’s Sport Shop At Your Service Nightly—6 to 10 At The JOHN ELDRED6E • PHILLIP REED -ADDED SPECIAL8- 727 State Street Goodyear Auto Park CHAS. CHASE COMEDY y ^ Phone 3121 State at Victoria 2 REEL MUSICAL LATEST NEWS PAGE FOUR SANTA BARBARA STATE COLLEGE Wednesday, February 27, 1935 FRATCBNITIES ICCIETY m m & m zH TS S. B. Entertains Delta Zeta Delta Important Rushees Honored M rs. A braham Sells Rushing Season Musicians at Hop Gives First Event Announcements at Delta Sig Party Faculty Tickets Tau Omegans Carrying out the theme of Old ‘‘Evening in Paris” was;the theme Climaxed with The deadline for the second Stage Dinner In honor of the musicians Mexico, the Delta Zelta Delta social of an informal party given by Delta The faculty may obtain tick­ participating in the all-South- issue of the Literary Supple­ sorority entertained its rushees at ment of the Gaucho, which is Sigma Epsilon, national- social so­ ets for the All-College sym­ Formal Dinners era California College sym­ phony from Mrs. Jane Miller phony, the student body will an informal party held at the El appearing early in March, has rority, on Thursday evening at the at El Cortijo been set for tomorrow after­ Abraham for 50 cents and To climax the end of the annual sponsor a ‘‘Symphony Hop” Paseo, home of Helen Eichelberger, 151 $1.00. All tickets should be ob­ Monday night, March 4, at Cactus dishes were given as fa­ noon, according to Mary Tom­ Final arrangements and plans rush week at State, seven social so­ linson, editor. East Arrellaga. tained before Saturday, were completed by Tau Omega rorities entertained their respective Rockwood. vors. During the evening the guests Chloe Vincent performed a Ha­ March 2. fraternity in preparation for “Rush rushees at formal dinners. All contributions should be played court whist. Louise Holden in her box in the administra­ waiian dance and Evelyn Sims gave Week” at their regular business Tau Gamma Sigma entertained at won first prize and Ellen Rae, sec­ meeting held last Monday night. the Biltmore; Gamma Delta Chi, at- Delta Phi Upsilon tion building or in the Gaucho a reading. The: favors, which were Student Entertains ond. office by 3:30 o’clock. purse;'size vials of “Evening in The organization met at the frater- the Vista Mar Monte; Delta Zeta Pledges Women house on Santa Barbara Street. Delta at El Mirasol; Alpha Theta Active members attending were Paris” perfume and French corsages, Friends at Dance The second tryouts f o r th e carried. the Parisian atmosphere. El Cortijo was selected by the so­ Chi, at the Biltmore; Areta Gamma, Entertaining over 65 delegates Lillian Cook, Lita Boeseke, Lillian at the San Marcos Tea room; Phi Talbot, Mary Lee Townsend, Mar­ Players’ club play, “The Doll Serpentines and balloons were used Dorothy D arrow, freshman a t cial committee for the annual rush from ail over the , House,” will be held in the au­ for decorations.' For entertainment State, entertained a large group of dinner party which is to be given Kappa Gamma, in the red room of Delta Phi Upsilon, national honor­ garet Beddome, Betty Hopkins, Kay Goode, Georgia Lyons, Carol Zer- ditorium Wednesday afternoon, the guests played games of chance, friends at a formal party at her this Saturday night from Seven El Paseo; and the Delta Sigma Ep­ ary kindergarten-primary frater­ home, 622 West Valerio street, last silon, at the Vista Mar Monte-hotel. by, Margaret McKee, Myrtle Hglt, February 27, from 2:30 until including roulette and chuck-a- o’ clock to eight-thirty.. At th e1 nity, will act as host when the con­ 5 p.m, luck. Saturday evening. conclusion of the dinner the rush­ vention meets here June 26 to 28. Catherine Cornwall, Florence Stu­ Those attending were Jeanne art and Julia Lynch, According to Bill Ogle, man­ Active- members present were ees and their guests will be taken Pu Ko How Club Headquarters for the guests will ager, it is not necessary to have Chloe Vincent, Sheila Davidson, Wood, Irene Minikin, Petie McKin­ to the Casino Gardens at Ventura be at the El Encanto hotel. A pro­ Alumnae present were Esther ney, Dolly Hall, Margie Nielson, where they will be entertained for Ludke, Helen Smith, Esther Cleven­ read the play. All students who Helen Eichelberger, Elizabeth Hart­ Dines Progressively gram committee under the chair­ are interested are urged to try well, Frances Saylor, Wilda Simone, Marge Brauns, Elizabeth Denman, the remainder of the evening. manship of Patricia McCollough is ger, Jean Nordli, Betty Green well, Judy Drennen, Louise Jackson, Po Ko Howans will entertain at Rose Greenwell, Nancy Davens, Isa­ out. Lucia Walker, La Rue Steelsmith, “Because of the high scholastic at present arranging a number of Evelyn Maitland, Elaine Littlefield. Charlotte Naess, Bobbie Butler, standing of members in Tau Ome­ ’ a progressive dinner on Friday eve­ garden tours; and other forms of en­ bel Vaughn, Janet Birnie, Dorothy Jean Townsend, Betty Roome, Anji ga the organization this year can ning at the homes of Mrs. Ruth Hardison, Betty Rempp, and the Geraldine Slayton, Betty and Lu­ tertainment to be followed during Industrial Ed Grad cille Bolton. Seymour, Jeannette Banks, Alice only take in nine members,” ac­ Kiney, adviser; Marjorie Mansfield the convention, sponsor, Mrs. Byron Abraham. Hoelscher, Chris McDonald, Nancy cording to Jim Coultas, president. and Margaret Laing. After the din­ Alumnae who attended were Ad- “Santa Barbara was chosen be­ Visits Local Campus die_Bordeaux, Freda Jones, Anna Darrow, Dorothy ~Hornor, Dorothy This ruling is in accordance, with ner games will be played at the PATRONIZE EL GAÜCHO Darrow, Alfred Jensen, Granzo cause of its famous climate and be­ Warren Atwood of the class of ’20, Hebe}, Barbara Allan, Jean Wood, the state college regulation which home-of Margaret Laing. cause the people in the other parts ADVERTISERS Meisenbach, Vincent Banks, Cy limuts the membership of all fra­ visited thte campus Saturday Feb­ Winifred Jones, Helen Clark, Ar­ of the United States had heard «0 lene Klett, Dorothy Poole, Lowell Ross, Barney Dupes, “Spud” Pol­ ternities to thirty active members. much about our eity,” said Miss ruary 2§, for the Elementary and Washburn, Evelyn Sims, Louise Al- lock, Allan Crews, George Herron, A short talk on fraternity pledg­ mRLIMGTOH Elizabeth Leonard, head of the kin­ Floralart Shoppe Secondary Schools’ Principals Con­ baugh and Laura Lou Holton. Tommy Merrill, Alistair Anderson, ing was also given by Thomas dergarten-primary department. I 1203 ANACAPA ST. ference. Mrs. Clarence L. Phelps, Mrs, Frank Smith from Fresno State, Keating, alumnus, in which he ex­ Bob Dunham,. George Smith, Ian plained the principals and. char­ SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. 1 Mr. Atwood was of the industrial Harold Davis and Mrs. Harrison Ryon were patronesses. CroJack Nolan,. Leo Butts, Carol acteristics which should be con­ THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Phone 28534 I education department. He is now Dee Smith, Alister McKellar, Allan sidered in selecting men. to be­ teaching at the continuation high PATRONIZE EL GAUCHO Frick, and Bob Campbell. come members of the club. JB odJ^jriUjCUiA. school in San Bernardino. ADVERTISERS MYRNA LOY S H O € S F O B m e n K3SE3enOtäOE3SUOEiSf3«äaE3«KiäK30E3«lS55e£3«3«3«355i!6^ and D. Kyle J. Moquin j As Welcome a s ...... CARY GRANT j| “Enclosed Find Check” —in— “ Wings in the Dark** Koo Koo » Collegiate Dance Nite I BURTON-KENT Sir! — at — Spring Sport Suits as Low as STARTS SUNDAY Klock Choose a LA HACIENDA I 1 'Z C w tftd L Bostonian if Bakery Every FRIDAY Night $29.50 8 IN ROMANCE " you are at all § COMPARISON DETERMINES VALUE / |j We Take Small as Well as Ladies 25c Gentlemen 40c particular Large Orders I The Great Wardrobe The stars who be­ No Cover Charge long together. . . in about your I Ph. 27484-1207 State St. ä § Quality Uin.ee 1886 a vivid picturiza- shoes and ^3St50O«äaüSi5iü0üef3e£iK3eüaf5K»?5SI9E»D«30i3«S>:»:.J' tion of Robert Nathan's dramatic lasting good looks.

T he selection, buying and preparation of tJXiow Showing a the right kinds of Turkish tobaccos complete selection of for making Chesterfield Cigarettes is the season's smartest Bostonians a business in itself, . . *650 to *850 E have buyers in all the to­ bacco markets of Turkey and I s WGreece, including Xanthi, Cavalla, RALPH RUKKLE Smyrna and Samsoun. BOOTERY And at Smyrna Chesterfield 1023 STATE STREET has built the most modem to­ bacco plant in the Near East. Here the spicy, aromatic Turkish GENUINE leaf is sorted and graded under the eyes of our own tobacco men. Then it is put away to age in its “IONA CLOTH” own climate for two years or more to make it milder and better-tasting. SUITING When you blend and cross-blend the right kinds of aromatic Turkish Color-fast Pre-shrunk tobacco with mild ripe home-grown LOOKS LIKE LINEN tobaccos as we do in Chesterfield FEELS LIKE LINEN WASHES LIKE LINEN you have . . . B ut Does Not the cigarette that’s milder Muss Like Linen the cigarette that tastes better