CHURCH OFFICERS The Parish of (All phone numbers have the dialling code 01748) PCC Officers with Arkengarthdale PCC Treasurer - Ray Ford 886509 PCC Secretary - Vacant - Please contact the Vicar if you are interested in taking on this role PARISH NEWSLETTER Church Wardens Chris Watts, (Muker) 886202 Andrew and Elizabeth Bedford (Low Row) 886974 JUNE . JULY 2OI6 Susan Allison () 884366 Gladys Atkinson (Arkengarthdale) 884550

NEWSLETTER F,. Would you prefer to receive these newsletters by J email? lf so, please let us know at # ter

This is your Parish Newsletter and all contributions and general news items are welcome. The deadline for all items for the August/September newsletter is 5pm on Monday I 1 July Please send items for publication in writing (handwritten, typed or email) to ensure correct spelling of names and details. St. Andrew's, Grinton Contact:- St. Mary's, Arkengarthdale Rev Caroline Hewlett (Vicar), tel. 01748 8847A6, emai I : carol i nej hewlett@bti nte m St. Mary'S, Muker Holy Trinity, Low Row Rev Alison Stewart Smith (Curate), tel. 01748 884665, emai I : alison mstewartsmith@gmai

Please note that the Clergy day off is Friday. www. swaled u k

www. swaledalearke n garthdal e paris h. org. u k

8 From the Registers Baptisms l5 May Jake BuddyJenkinson Holy Trinity, Low Row From the Vicarage I 5 May Blue Steven Jenkinson Holy Trinity, Low Row Weddings At our parish AGM in April, we heard a bible reading l6 April Richard Dodd & Amy Stubbs Arkengarthdale from lsaiah 6, which included these words: 7 May Christopher Porter & Laura Barningham Grinton Funerals Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shalt I 4 April David Allison Crinton send and who will go for us?' and I said, 'Here I am; send 25 April Cyril Purver Muker me.'

On 25 June, Alison, our curate, will be ordained at Ripon NOTICE BOARD & DIARY DATES Cathedral as a Church of priest. This means that you will soon see her leading Communion services as Saturday 4 June - from I pm - Arkengarthdale Sports Day well as taking part in all of the other things that she has at Langthwaite been doing already in her first year with us. This, for Wednesday 8 7.3Opm Grinton DCC journey June , - meeting at Alison, is a next step on her of faith. lt reminds The Vicarage. us that each of us is called by God to keep growing and stepping out in faith as we travel on our own Christian Friday l0 June - Parish Cake Stall on Reeth Market, journey. organised by St. Mary's, Arkengarthdale. Cakes and offers of help welcome. Holv might God be calling you to step out in faith and Saturday I 1 l0.30am Grinton Conservation how will you respond to that call? Do come and talk to June, - Group - meeting in the churchyard. Creen Gym - me or Alison if you have a sense that God is calling you churchyard clearing and grave maintenance. All welcome. to something new in his service. Sunday I2June - l2.30pm onwards - partyon Reeth Every blessing for this summer season, Green to celebrate the Queen's birthday. Bring a picnic and a chair. The band will play and there will be games. lnformation from Richard Beal - tel. 07815006642 Caroline

') SERVICES lN THE PARISH : JUNE and JULY 2Ot 6 Key: BCP indicates a service from the Book of Common Prayeri Eucharist is a modern language Communion service JUNE JULY llrednesday I June Sunday 3 July 6'h after Trinity I Oam Crinton Holy Communion BCP 9.l5am Muker Eucharist This service is in the lounge at Quaker Ctose Flats, and I lam Low Row Eucharist everyone is welcome 6pm Grinton lona Evening Prayer Wednesday 6 Surday 5 June 2'd after Trinity July 9.I5am Muker Eucharist I 0am Crinton Holy Communion BCP service Flats, welcome. I lam Low Row Eucharist This is in the lounge at Quaker Close all There is no Evening Service at Grinton today Sunday I O July 7h after Trinity 6.30pm Evensong at St. Marl/s, Richmond - Mike Evershed will be 9.3oam Grinton Eucharist licensed as a Reader for our parish during this service, and you are I I.l 5am Arkengarthdale Holy Communion BCP invited to come and suppoft him. 6pm Muker lona Evening Prayer tilednesday 8 June Wednesday 13 July I Oam Grinton Holy Communion BCP I Oam Crinton Holy Communion BCP Sunday l2 June 3'd after Trinity Sunday 17 luly 8'h after Trinity 9.30am Grinton Morning Prayer with Baptism 9.l5am Muker Holy Communion BCP I l.l5am Arkengarthdale Holy Communion BCP llam Low Row Eucharist 6pm Muker Iona Evening Prayer 6.30pm Arkengarthdale lona Evening Prayer Wednesday l5 June Wednesday 20 luly lOam Grinton Holy Communion BCP I Oam Crinton Holy Communion BCP Sunday l9 June 4th after Trinity Sunday 24 luly 9'h after Trinity 9.lSam Muker Holy Communion BCP 8am Low Row Holy Communion BCP I lam Low Row Eucharist 9.3Oam Crinton Eucharist 6.30pm Arkengarthdale lona Evening Prayer ll.l5am Arkengarthdale Holy Communion BCP Wednesday 22 tune Wednesday 27 luly I Oam Crinton Holy Communion BCP I Oam Crinton Holy Communion BCP Saturday 25 June Sunday 3l July I O'h after Trinity 3pm at Ripon Cathedral - Ordination as priest of I0.30am United Parish Eucharist - Holy Trinity Church, Low Row. Rev Alison Stewart Smith Our preacher is Howard Petch from the Arthur Rank Centre, to Sunday 26 5th after Trinity celebrate Rural Mission Sunday- June Wednesday 3 August 8am Low Row Holy Communion BCP I 0am Holy BCP 9.3Oam Crinton Eucharist Crinton Communion This service is in the lounge at Close Flats, all welcome ll.l5am Arkengarthdale Holy Communion BCP Quaker Wednesday 29 June Sunday 7 August I l'h after Trinity I Oam Grinton Holy Communion BCP. 9.l5am Muker Eucharist llam Low Row Eucharist 4prn - Hymns and Pimms in Grinton Churchyard - all welcome! Monday I3 June, 7pm - Low Row DCC - meeting in church A SI-IN/INIfE R" I-IJI\ICII Tuesday l4 June, 7.30pm - PCC meeting at Fremington in aid of Sunday School St. Mary's Arkengarthdale & Iloly Trinity Melbecks Alison's ordination to the priesthood ALL WELCOME at LANGHORNE HOUSE, KEARTON Saturday 25 3pm Ordination of Rev Alison June, - Sunday 3rd July 12:30 onwards Stewart Smith at Ripon Cathedral. You are welcome to and you do not need a ticket. come to this service, Suggested donation f,10 RSVP Tony & Pauline 88679{) Sunday 26 June, 3pm - we will celebrate Alison's ordination with a parish afternoon tea at Fremington Sunday School.

Saturday 9July, l0.30am-12 noon- Grinton Saturday 2 July - 'Across in the Wood' - Grinton Forest Conservation Group meeting in the churchyard. Church. Outdoor worship and activities for all ages. Meet Cravestone recording with Jonathan Dawson, in at Crinton Churchyard at 2pm ready for a walk. conjunction with the Upper Dales Family History Group. All welcome. Sunday 3 July - Pauline and Tony's lunch Friday 22 July - Christian Aid Bric a Brac Stall on Reeth Wednesday 6 July, 7.30pm - Christians Together in Green. ltems to sell and offers of help appreciated. Swaledale meeting at Reeth Methodist Church Contact Susan Allison 884366. 7om - BBQ at The Friday 8 July - Parish Cake Stall on Reeth Market, Saturday I3 August from Ghyll, organised by St. Mary's, Muker. Arkengarthdale. Contact Richard & Sheila Good for more information - 884353 or [email protected]

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