May 19, 1951 - Vol
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The Weather ~ On the Inside . ParU)' deud)' wilb seal DouQlu ABa CQUDter Attack tere. .1iI_en locIa, and ••. Page 2 BIlDda,. N.' milch cbann In teaapera&are, ea· Dally lowCID War Map R.... ... Paqe 2 da7, U; lew, IS. Hllb Frida" M; low, IL Hawks M.. t Wlac;ouiD Today at owan ... Paqe' Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wrre, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - five Cents ·Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday. May 19, 1951 - Vol. 85. No. 191 Second Radioactive YM Secretary Truman, Marshall Field Test Schedulerl Red ,Pincers Endanger Seoul Here Next Saturday Resigns After I Call ~ For Unity, Iowa community leaders and students will take part in a second Budget Slash field te t with radioactive mater laIs to be held at ' SUI Saturday, Ralph •Schloming has ro ignerl May 26. Despite 'Heavy Chinese Losses upon request as general secretary The field test will be held In 1\ Praise U.S. Troops simulated bombed area, as part of the SUI Younll Men's Christian of the course in civil defense prob association, afler the orgamzation (Yr •• lb. WIr. Senl ...) lems in Iowa, Offered at SUI this announced It would reduce il~ WASHINCTON - President Truman declared Friday lIight spring. A similar test held last budget for the 1951-52 school year Draft, Age Seek Financing Method Communist January was witnessed by Iowa the U.S. faces its greatest crisis :llld called for a halt to "bickering" becaus or financial diUiculiies. civil defense olLlciais and city and The resignation becomes efIer lind the "playing of petty politics." county authorities. live Sept. 1. The President, speaking informally at an Armed Forces day A Few tuden The Rev, John d . Craig, treao. Dropped;Other For New Union Addition Casualties The class, which Is composed of ditmer, appealed for a united urer ot the board of trustees 10r community leaders and a few SUI the group, said the new budget Con truction of the n w $3.5·mUlion addition to the Iowa Un· 15 000 Da.·ly nation. students, will move into a simu iOIl will be delayed unless the board of truslees of Ihe Iowa Union , Lated bombed city and pertorm Stan dar ds Cut He asserted tne U.S. and its Al Court Orders corpomtion finds a plan to finance construction, Prof. Earl E. the measures that would have to he (Se. Story OD Paq. 8.) lies are fighting for time. Adding taken aCter an actual atomic at Harper, director of the Union, said Friday. that emphasis had been placed tack. WASHINGTON - A senate- The board will hold its an· - - - --------,-- (,....... WI", IIlnleeo) by some on the casualties in Kor '1'0 make the test more realist house conlerence committee, voted nual meeting here June 9. TOKYO (SATURDAY) - Chi Release of ic, radioactive materials will be Friday to lower the draft aee from er., he uld of course there are nese Reds today swarmed over placed in the "bombed" area. The 19 to 181h and to cut physical and Plans to liart eon truction of Eight Killed, casualties, but if the crisis Is not class, clad in protective clothing mental service standards to In Ule Union addJdon thlII tin thousands of their dead in a two met the casualties in Korea will and armed with radiation-detect duct an estimated 150,000 men now were ltalled when bills to auth pron,ed drive which was repOrted be "one small drop in the bucket." Jailed Jurist Ing Instruments, will restore the classified 4-F. oriu boI'rowtllr tile neeeuary lorcing an Allied withdrawal aU fundi died In the IfUnl com WATERLOO Ill'! - The Iowa essential services and direct res Frlrloy's Agreement partially re 63 Injured along the flaming, 125-mlle iront. Spealdnl f:1Im the tame rOB mittees 01 the Iowa hoUIC and Irum wlUl ~Ident Truman, supreme court Friday ordered the cue work. solved month-long deadlock over The twin drive was slowly out Immedla te release of an attrac Taulht abOut Radiation enate Iut month under pret· Defe.nae Seer"')' Georre C. conClicting senate and house ver lure from chain hotel Intere ta. Clanldng Seoul, whose 'bristling de Mlnhall told American Gil ai tive 37-year-old mother jailed Members of the class will deter sions or legislation for a new draft when she refused to leave her mine by tests how loni the air, A special committee apPOinted In Train Crash fenses shattered the western wing temp"nr to I~ the new Com· law and ror setting up a unlverslal small sons at home to serve on a water, earth and buildings will be to tind means to borrow the mon of the first Chinese spring or- 1IIW1I.t ol\lllauht in Korea ...,Ilitar:v tralnln\t program some ey will report to the board at the that Ulelr herobm hal Inspired murder trial jury. contaminated with radioactivity. time In the future. BRYN MAWR, PA. ftPI - Eight !enslve in ApriL They will also decontaminate the June 9 meeting. The committee, Western Europe with a will for The court Issued a. stay of ex Key Points In DI pute persons were killed and 63 oth rs The "eteran U.S. aeeead cll"l area, removl~ /Ill possible effects set up at last year's meeting, Is freedom. ecution on the , Ix-months reo composed of Harper, SUI Business injured Friday when a Pennsyl- ,Ion e llmated U alone killed or radiation. Several key points stlll remained 10,000 Reda FrIda, while (11M Marshall assured a banquet formatory sentence of MI'I. Jea in dll pute however, and the joint Manager Fred Ambrose and Wat· marking the capital's second an nette Watson, wire of a promJ Class members have becn taught vania railroad express rammed a inl free of a trap posed b, the the nature or the atom and ra committee wllJ meet again to Iron erloo Atty. Ben Swisher, chair halted passenger train, sliced open eutern Ked pron. Dear lIalJ&')'e, nual Armed Forces day that the nent Waterloo industrial dealln out the remaining differences. The man or the board. I':r. who defied a district judIe diation, the phenomena which oc a sleeping car and crushed many 55 mila norUteast of eoul. defeatism which gripped many of pres nt draft act expires July 9. eeka Borrowlnl Method thls country's AlUes a. year ago twice "beaUBI': of m)' boy •. " cur In atomic explosions, the ef Ralph Schloming o! Its oocupants In their beds. The second prong began devel- has been dissipated. fects ot radiation, the use ot in Under the committee', pro The commHtee may propose Two of the Injured were In crlt- oping Friday 25 mUes northeast A $500 appeal bond was post struments to determine the effcc He iglls YAI "The hostile Invasion o[ Korea ed immediately by Watson's em Sccrctaritll posed phnlcal-menial dran pro other means to borrow the funds leal condition at BrYI1 Mawr haspI- of Scoul between Chongpyong and was probably the most critical tiveness of ;'adlatlon and civil de vision, tandlUd for inducteell for the board's considera.tJon, Har ployer, wealthy Industrialist Otto fense planning. will be lowered about $2,000 or per said. tal. The dead w re sev n men, In- Kapyong. There the Reds started test this country has ever faced," Scholtz. A supreme court hearing would be let at .. level no bleb· cludlng a train porter and one crOSSing the Pukhan rIver dam $3,000 (rom the pas t yrar's $0,000 It will be up to the board to de the defense chief said. "But we was set for the September term. .er than tha~ In effeet for men woman. ' under attack by American planes figure because of the difficulty I." of the arne .roup durin&' Jln cide upon a plan to finance the met that challenge. Mrs. Watson, a former school Pollee Chief Georre A. Mac- and artlllery. raising funds. uary, 19411 - the World War II addition or to continue the com The more powerful Red push, 9 "Thai decision ,ave new life teacher, shocked the courtroom Armed Forces Day The group will beck a new se~ mittee. he elCplalned. Laulhlln 01 Lower Merion town- (or the moment, was around Hang- io the United Natlona, to the date on whleh the bottom or tbe Thursday when she refused to take retary, who can be paid a smaller manpower lWIol had been JUI~ If the board falls &0 act, con· ship announced earl1 In the yeo Red torcel rolUng down the North Atlantic treaty orranlza the oath because she said she had Exhibit Set Today salary, one member said. about reached. .'ructlon 01 ~he addition ma1 be afternoon that 11 bodies . had tnje-Hangye road southwest to lion and to the entire free no one to care for her two sons; In submitting hi s resignation. delayed unt.ll Ua neltt meethl. been removed from the wreck- ward Hongchon blasted a big hole world. The decision to resist, aged 5 and 8. Military equipment (rom seven Schlomlng Mid : Menial standards also would ~ cut from tb present passing score In June 195Z, or posslbl, until ale. But he re,,1 ed lbe count through South Koreans and ba reet however, Is only a. smail part of State supreme court Justices SUI and Iowa City organizations "In view ot th e cOMidered an ihe ned .ealon or the .tate lel- will be on display at the corner of 70 to the army's "eneral clas later after railroad crewmen the rlRht nank ot the U.S. sec- the story, for It was the cour and private aUorneys agreed alysis ot our !lnanclol circum.