Biggest Show Newsmen Use TV Ll FE New Walkie-Talkie Western New York's Officio/ TV · New. vastly-improved walkie-talkie sets with Rodio ond Entertoinment Mogozine two-way transmission, especially designed for the occasion. will be used by newsmen Vol. 2 ~ 12 No. 17 roving the Boor of the International Amphi­ Owned ond Published by theatre in Chicago for interviews during the ROBERT H. PEIFFER ASSOCIATES Republican and Democratic conventions. 16 State St., Rochester 14, N.Y. With these walkie-talkie sets TV news­ men will be able to roam the vast convention P hone BAker 0513 Boor at will. unencumbered by trailing cables and keeping the television audience in con­ Editor ...... Bob Peiffer stant contact with every activity. Spotting Photographer . .... Len Campagna arriving Presidential aspirants. parry spokes­ men and news-worthy delega•es, the n ~ws­ men can call for an available cam?ra and JULY 5 - 11, 1952 ;.:ut him immediately O!l th e air. The portables, weighing 5Y2 pounds each. TV Lite is published weekly of Roc!les ler, distinct refinements over those used during New York. Subscription price $5.00 per the conventions in 1948. They year, in advance. are lighter and handle easier. They consist of three seperate units, a transmitter and microphone assembly, a battery component. and a cue recelver which links the bearer IF YOURS IS A TV HOME privately with the control or newsroom.

11 The transmittt.>r is 2 by 6 inches. weighs YOU NEED \\TV UFE 22Yz ounces. It broadcasts from a 6--inch removable antenna in the ultra-high freqency band bl'tween 450 and '!52 megacycles. It contains audio, regulator and oscillator tubes of the sub-miniature type. Its range in line of sight is about two blocks. The power unit is JY2 by 6 by 10 inches and weighs 3 lbs. 5),1 ounces. It reposes in a Hat container that is suspended from the shoulder by a strap. Its power output is 1/ 10 of a watt. capable of three hours of continuous use. lt can instantly be discon­ nected from the transmitter and a fresh unit plugged in. At Philadelphia. the transmitter and power components were combined in one unit. Carried in the hand. it was fatiguing to bearers. The cue receiver is in a box 1 by 2 by 4 inches and weighs 12Yz ounces. l t is carried in the lapel pocket. A wire which connects it to a button earphone serves as both antenna and cord attachment. The re­ ceiver has its own 26-megacycle transmitter located near the control or newsroom. It has three tubes and functions continuously for 100 hours. As in the case of the trans­ mitters, the cue receivers at the Philadelphia conventions were comparatively bulky and Now is the time foe a weighty. Glamocgcaph by the The new CBS-TV portables are bt>li~?ved to be the first equipment of their type to LEN CAMPAGNO STUDIO be employed in the 450--152 megacycle band. 133 Clinton Ave. S. • BAker 4431 CBS-TV coverage of the conventions is sponsored by W estinghouse Electric Corp. Press Time Flashes FRIDAY, JUlY 4th 7:30--This Is Show Business. A hand of wet­ come is extended by Clifton Fodiman to 8:30--We the People. Eisenhower delivers a hh talented guests: singer, Evvelyn Brooks; special Independence Day address. comedian, Jock E. leonard and dancer, 9 :30--Daorwoy to Danger. A new series star· Belly Bruce, on this th 11 lost program of ring Roland Winters and dramatizing Govl. the season. Agents in the fight against ln ternatianot 9:00-TV Playhouse. "leal Out Of A Book," crime and intrigue. >lory of a career woman'> rivalry starring 10:00-The Sports Reel. Replacing "Cavalcade Claudia Morgan and lauren Gilbert. of Sports" for the summer. 1o,OO--Celebrity Time. Twa musical virtuosos­ 10:30--Groatest Fights of the Century. Filmed Benny Goodman on the clarinet and Yehudi bo•ing bout, Ceferino Garcia vs. Henry Menuhin on violin-join host Conrad Nagel Armstrong (2nd fight) Manh 1, 1940. lor a program of fun ond music. • 11 :45-Charlic Wild. "The Case of Jennifer" wherein Charlie visits the ballet. MONDAY, JUlY 7th SATURDAY, JUlY 5th 8:00--lux Videa Theatre. " The lady From Wo..1hington." 12:~ig Tap. The Three Sidneys, high-wire 9:00-My little Margie. Charles Farrell and bicycle act; the Ricandys, Swedish tramp­ Gale Storm star in this new comedy serie.. oline perfarmerJ; Leo and Jasept,ino Casco, Margie pretends she is an 11 -yeor-old, acrobats; Jimmy Troy, Clown Trapeze act; gawky brat, while on o blind dote with The Four Angels, acrobats and Helen on Englishman. Haag's Chimpanzees. 11 ,15-Police Story. IIi chord Bishop stan in 6:00--Mr. Wizard. EKploins everyday phenam· 'The Miami Case." eno with Dan Herbert. 8:00--AII Star Revue. Variety program with TUESDAY, JULY 8th guest stors Jimmy Savo, Connie Boswell, 1: 15-Aii-Star Baseball Game, Coast-to-coast Betty ond Jane Kean, Piero Brothen, and pr,.sentation by the Glll~>lto Covaltade of tho Thru Rockets and Oliver Wokefleld; with Mr. Bollontine os emcee. Sports. 9:00--.Biind Dote. Alene Francis is mistress of WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th ceremonies when six young men vie for 11 :IS-Montgomery Presents. "Tilt Ne.d We dotes with three young ladies. Meet" with Barbaro Britlon playing the 9:30--Solurdoy Night Dancing Party. Jerry Les­ part of an unhappy rich girl who falls in ter emcees the show featuring one of our best orche>lros. love with " reporter. SUNDAY, JUlY 6th THURSDAY, JULY 10th 8.00-The Best of Groucho. The best shows of 4 :30--Zao Parade. Director Perkins will tell as the past seaton ore seen again. well as show many interesting things about 9:30--Mr. Peepers. Wally Cox stars in this tho habitant of the Deer. situation comedy. 7:00 Royal Showcase. 10:00-Martin Kane. Mystery with lee Tracy.

CONVENTION COVERAGE IS liSTED ON PAGE 18 ------...... SUBSCRIBE TODAY Enjoy every exciting issue - Get • Accurate Schedules TV LIFE • News and Picture Highlights • Radio end TV Personalities 16 State Street, Rochester 4, N.Y. • Area Features Genllem~tn• Please enter my subscription to ROCHESTER TV liFE for one year for which I enclose $5.00- A saving of $5.40 on the Single Copy Price.




An artist's conception oJ Chicago's International Amphitheatre where, under Philco sponsorship, NBC television ond radio will provide tHe most extensive coverage In hi>tory of the Republfcon and Dem ­ ocratic political conventjans. Prominently displayed ore NBC's brond-~ew "walkie-talkie.'' o portable TV camera in tended for use at the convention•. and the "TY newsroom on wheels:· o self-powered, self-contained transmitter which con broadcast electronic pictures from four TV cameros as well o~ fllm• developed inside the mobile unit. NBC-TV cameros and radio !llicrophones wili be placed >lrotegicolly throughout the main hall of the Amphitheatre. NBC's convention news headquarter> end studios will be loca ted in the north wing of the Ampllitheotre. Three hundred >pecioliots using $1.500,000 of the toted equipment will wcrk night and day to give the notion complete coverage. Flem.ing, , Richard Harkness, THE NEXT PRESIDENT of the United Rel Henle, Bill Henry, George Hicks, H. V. States wiU be picked by the largest turn­ Kaltenborn, Bob Lt>tts, Leon Jearson, Elmo out of vo'tl'rs in American history~Jargely Roper, , Clifton Utley, because television has brought the candi­ Ed Wallace and others will describe even~ dates right into our homes and t:l't>mendously on the floor of Chicago's International Am­ increased the interest of the electo rat~: . phitheatre and the behind-the-scenes political This increased interest in the election is maneuvers. Elizabeth Van Wagoner Tufty, reHected by record primary vote totals and noted Washington columnist, will be a con• record advance poll tax paymeots in such ven tion ~timc addition to NBC's news staff. statl's as Virginia. WitJ1 weather pel'mitting, Martha Rountree and Lawrence Spivak, the all-time record of 48.- co- producers of "Meet the Press"; and 836,759 voters, ~et in the 1948 Presidential Theodore Granik, producer of "American election, will be surpa.ssed next November. Forum of the Air" and "Youth Wants to ACT I Know."' together witb their production staffs, July 7th marks Act I of TV's Big Pro­ will be in Chicago to create_yrograms in duction when millions of Avwrican voters addition to P hilco-sponsored NBC coverage throughout the country will have front-row of the actual conventions. !>Cats for the Republican Convention. Latest-model equipment worth $1.500.000 Philco Corporation will .sponsor NBC's will be moved to Chicago. where such out­ combined convention coverage on both tele­ standing programs as the "Camel News Car­ Vision and radio. avan'" will originate along with the 60 hours William R. McAndrew, NBCTV director of special convention broadcasts. RCA's of Public Affairs, will be in complete charge newly developed "walkie-lookie" a portable of the network's staff of 300, including 25 TV camera, iS intended for use at the Re ~ nott>d commentators. Morgan Bt>atty, W. W . publican and Democratic conclaves. The net-- Chaplin, Bob Considine, Alex Drier, James (Continued on Poge 15)

Willlant R. McAndrew (at right), in charge of NBC"s most complete convention covera~e history, outlloes the network's radio and TV plans for the Republican and Democratic conventions in Chicago to (left to right) Davidson Taylor, NBC-TV general productton executive; William F. Brooks, vice president in charge of public relations; and Henry Cassidy, director of radio news and special events, .5 CONVENTION FACTS NBC telecasts will be seen in 17 key market audio equipment. enough to equip a 50.000 areas throughout the nation, 13 more than watt radio station-the largest thE're is in the next network. There will be about 17,- the US.-and an equal amount of video 800.000 TV sets ln use by July 7, wHh an apparatus will be Installed. estimated 70.000.000 viewers within range NBC will use 28 electronic cameras dur­ of NBC-TV. When television covered the ing the conventions, plus 12 film cameras. 1948 political conventions in Philadelphia. Three of the electronic cameras will be used 5,000,000 persons along the Eeastern sea­ for pool coverage of events on the conven­ board watched the "live·· telecasts. The big tion floor. NBC will also have Pol;uoid technical innovation in 19-!8 was NBC's Land still carneras to catch significant events kinescope recording system to provide lllms that cannot be tekvised live or on fllm. of the live cove·rage for TV stations not on NBC will have four mobile units opl'rat­ the coaxial cable. ing in Chicago, including the new super Besides actual convention broadcasts, NBC mobile unit. the "TV newsroom on wheels ... will originate the followini:J programs from NBC's "TV nt>wsroom on wheels," one of Chicago during convention periods: "Camel thE.'" major innovations of 1952 convention News Caravan", "We, the People", "Youth coverage, will be a 35-foot truck equipped Wants to Know" on TV: "Meet the Press'', to transmit live and 16mm. fllm pictures. It "American Forum of the Air" on TV and will carry th•·ee electronic cameras, several radio; and "News of thl' World". "T hree movie cameras, have a rapid-process dark Star Extra", "H. V. Kaltenborn and the room (five minutes from camera to on-the­ News" on radio only. air). a movie projector and its own sell­ NBC engineers will install $1.500.000 powered elcctronlc generator. The super worth of t>quipml'nt in various places in mobile unit will be: abl'e to transmit souod Chicago to a ugmE'nt thE' network's perman­ and video signals. ent ln~tallations in the Merchandise Mart. RCA's newly developed "walkie-lookie" One hundred miles of wiring. 10 tons of TV camera is Intended for use at the con­ ventioJ'ls. The back- pack camera, weighing about 50 pounds. will be another important Visit convention-coverage innovation this year. \\The Gallery of Homes" NBC engineers beaded by George McEl­ rath have Installed and will operate the 55 To Select Your Home microphone loud-spE'ak; system connecting the speaker's platform and all the state TtlE BEST HOME BUYS­ delegations on the Amphitheatre Boor to the BEFORE YOUR EYES public address system. all networks, news­ reds and other audio sound systems inside Our Main Ga llery a nd Calor V i ~io n Me na­ the hall and out. nine, o theatre in miniature, located a t 14 NBC installations will be ready. for a E. Main St. (Ground Floor), nearly two thous­ full-dress rehearsal on July 3, four days be­ a nd liste d properties, shown by photos, slides fore the Republican convention opens. and movies. NBC will have a complete makt'-UP room John T. Nothnagle, Inc., Realtors at the Amphitheatre to provide cosmetics, BAker 81 5 0 hlue-tinted shirts a nd other assistance to {Continued on Page 15)


6 DAYTIME PROGRAMS •••-rr MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1 :00-(Tues) Film CHANNEL 6 (Wed) Art Gallery Program 9:55-Thoughts for the Dey (Thurs.) How Do You Do It? 10:00-{MWF) Morning News (Fri.) Make It and Markel (T& T) Arlhur Godfrey 1: 15-{Mon} "Homemakers' Design" 10:15-Morning News (TTF) Film 10:30-Take It Easy with Mort Nusbaum (Wed) Bride end Groom (CBS) 11 :00-(MTTF) Bride and Groom 1: 30-Garry Moor·e Show (Wed) Dollar 11:15-{Mon) You and Your Child 2:15-{Mon} Film (T&T) Film 2:30-Guiding light (W ed} Dollar Derby 2:45-0pen Housa (Fri) Bride and Grooon 3:00-The Big Poy.Ofl 11 :30-Strike It Rich 12:00-Noondoy News 3:30-Johnny Dugan Show 12:15-love Of life 4:00-Matinee In New York 12.30-Seorch for Tomorrow (CBS} 5:00-Howkins f oils 12:45-"Ship's Reporter" 5:15-Gabby Hayes 1 :00-(Mon) "Homemakers' Designs" 5:30-Howdy Doody

CHECK THE SCHEDULES DAILY Tues. July 8th Thur. July 1Oth 6:00 Industry on rorode Compact, Complete List for Entire Week 6:00 Fllm 6 :15 News 6:15 News 6:30 Spooking of Sports Sat. July 5th 3:30 What' s My Noma? 6:30 Spooking of Sporh 6 .46 Film A.oo The Man Who 6 :46 f ilm 7:00 Film I Spoca Patrol 0 :30 5:00 Super Circus 7:00 Repub. Convention 7:15 Film 11 :00 Hopalang Cauidy 1n Ring 5,30 Hats The 7 ~ 30 Uberoce. 7,30 liberoce I 2:00 Big Tap 6t00 Gruen Theotre 7,45 News Coroyon 7:46 News Corovon 1:00 Film 6•00 Si


7 $ MILLION $ TELEVISION SERVICE DIRECTORY $ DOLLAR $ For The Finest TV Service Possible, $ COVERAGE $ Call One of These Reliable Concerns Caravan of Equipment and GLOBE RADIO & TV SERVICE COMPANY 300 Newsmen Sent to Quick, Efficient Service on Television­ Radio-Phonographs. All work guaranteed, Chicago for Big Show Established since 1935. 717 Clinton Ave. N. Rochester, New York. LOcuat 8483. T be NBC Network will cover the national political conventions of 1952 so completely ALBERT'S TELEVISION that the listenjng audience will be a thousand Authorized Sales and Service for Radio and places at once and will know more of tbe Television. Factory Trained. 1942 Main Street convention activities and workings than East. CUlver 3672. those persons attendmg the events m person! Coverage Started Year Ago ABMAR TELESERVI CE CORPORATION Television Service Specialists. Prompt, Cour­ Such an overall and complete raruo cov~ teous Service combined with Quality Work­ eragc of these history making events started manship auure you of "The Finetl in Tele­ last year when tt,le company decided to do vitlon Service." 942 Hudson Ave. BAker 9652. on-the-spot programs from the sites of the important country-wide primaries. Toy news­ ROBB INS TELEVISION SERVICE men like H. V. Kaltenbor n, John Cameron Sway:z:e, R ichard Harkness and over 300 Member of Radio Tech nicians Guild, Open members of the N BC news--staff are stand­ Evenings 0 11d Sunday. 439 Joaeph Avenue. ing by in Chicago today to put to use their HAmilton 0303. invaluable experience gained from the long CITY ELECTRONICS SERVICE coverage of the primaries and other pre~ convention activities. Radio and Television Service. Member of the Radio Techni cians Guild. 1304 Dewey Ave. NBC Goes All Out Glenwood 7143. T o give its feature editors, commentators EO WHITE and newsmen the best possible tools to work with, NBC has moved a caravan of over For TV and Radio Service. Open Evenings. 300 persons plus $1 ,500.000 worth of the 561 S. Clinton, cor. Alexander. MOnroe 9375. most modern equipment to Chicago for the BIG SHOW! In addition to six strategicaUy MICHAELS RADIO & TELEVISION placed radio studio booths in the Chicago Capehart Specialist-365 Park Ave. Roch ­ Amphitheatre (site of the convention) there ester, New York. MOnroe 1116. are also two more broadcast studios set up in the Conrad Hilton Hotel, headquarters MOHAWK TELEVISION & RADIO SERVICE for both parties. Prompt, Reliable Service. 954 Portland Ave. Comp]ete Coverage HAmilton 0742. A central newsdesk has been set up NU-TONE RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE through which th~ vast army of newsmen Complete Sales and Service. Authorized will funnel their stories to your raruos at home. In addition to these convention broad­ Admiral 'Dealer. 240 Lyell Ave. Glen. 8455. casts, an NBC newsman has been assigned to cover the personal activities of each major candidate and delegation chairman. TELL YOUR SERVICEMAN T here will also be complete coverage of all party meetings and caucuses; intervi.ews YOU PICKED HIM FROM with outstanding convention figures; sessions of the major committees; human interest TV LIFE'S DIRECTORY stories; activities at convention and party headquarters and ·all other behind-the-scenes activities, 8 Noted Commentators At Convention ELMO ROPER, NBC public opinion anolysl, will interpret the significant trends in thinking and voting ol the Chicago political conventions, Roper once thought of becoming a philosoph~r. instead went into public opinion sampling and market research. He joined NBC this year to make we.ekly reports on what people ore thinking, Elmo Rop~r· over NBC radio and television. Jol11\ Cameron Swayze RICHARD HARKNESS mo~es political maneuvers and diplomatic developments readily undersiO'nd­ oble to audiences on NBC radio and television. A member of the network's Washington staff, he emphasizes ne.ws behind th" news plus the per­ sonalities of' men ond women who make the headlines. Harkness hot covered notional political conventions for ·the post 12 years.

W. W. (Bill CHAPLIN knows America from the White House to whistle slaps. He has reported the wor, official Washington, the Bikini atom blasts, a serie~ of impo rtant state primarie-s ecross the notion th is SP1'ing iro o homespun voke !hot will bring comments on the Chicago proceedings. Richard Harknes:; H, V. KALTENBORN celebrated his 30th year on the air this Spring. He has been broadcasting Morgan Beatty reporl.s from notional political conventions since 1932. He joined NBC in 1940_ Re.cently Kolten­ born returned from o trip around the world. He is the author of many books, o fine tennis player and great raconteur,

JOHN CAMERON SWAYZE, prize• winning com­ rnentalor of NBC. TV's "Cornel News Caravan," will be on hand in Chicago to originate the 1 11 nCarOVOfl $ Sur'vey Of world news from fhe COO• vention hall during July, Swayze also will do other commentary for televiewers on Republican ond Democratic aclivflies.

"\ORGAN BEATTY, Am erica's ouhlonding disaster reporter end the commentalor-in-chief on NBC's W. W. Chaplin " News of lhe World," will toke pari in lhe net­ Ben Grauer work's politkol convention coverage in July. Beatty's intimate contacts wilh While House ond Capitol Hill personalities will provide •>

BEN GRAUER has broadcast at least once o doy on NBC for the post 20 years. He is one of the network's leading special evenls reporters, sports commentators, program moderolors and narrators. Grauer will reporl lhe 1952 Chicago conventions ;n the voice called "the mosl authoritative in the world."

GEORGE HICKS, radio reporter par excellence, covered numerous promary election• this Spring o.fler returning from the funeral of King George VI in . Hkks, a special events reporter since 1929, will voice lhe running commentary Georg~: Hlck1 H. V. Kalhnborn for radio listeners during convention broodoosts. Coming lip! MOST EXCITING POLITICAL CONVENTIONS OF THE CENTURY SEE! HEAR! JUDGE!

Catch every thrilling moment of these history-making days on


RADI0-1180 on your dia l TV-Channel 6

REPUBLICAN R~'4(j~ DEMOCRATIC Republican Convention Democratic Convention Chicago, beginning COMPLETE Chicago, beginning Next Monday, July 7 hew4.e~J JULY 21

10 11 NITE LIFE * Among the "Hi-Lites" that twinkle in the Rochester night is th e Ray Brand T rio *DUMPLING HILL with thei r authentic jazz at Squeezer's Restaurant and Cocktail lounge Musical Ba r. 420 State Street. Fu ll Course Dinners - lunches • • • Friday Specials "And the night shall be filled with mu­ Fis h Fry - Scallops - Fried Shrimp sic" - when the charming Suzanne plays the organ at picturesque Colonial Hotel which nestles in the dugway at 111 Empire Boule­ Fils Trio- Fri. - Sat. vard. Suzanne entertains Friday and Sat­ We Cater to Wedding Receptions urday nights. There's a spacious dance Boor Banquets - Parties to glide over. 2130 Scottsville Road • • • GEnesee 6143-J The gently rolling huts. the lovely Spring­ time blossoms and the awakening country­ side make a drive out to Dumpling Hill sheer pleasure. And when you get there IT'S (stop at 2130 Scottsville Road-that's the place), you'll be greeted with a relaxing THE GARDEN GRILL cocktail and yo1,1r choice of one of the specials of the house. If you go on a Friday for or a Saturday the Fils Trio will serenade • The Very Finest of Food you-and you'll love it! • Real, Friendly Atmosphere • Orchestra and Dancing • • • Billy Spitz' trumpet sounds the call to Fr iday - Saturday - Sunday the Fawn Club, 1982 Ridge Road East, and Make It a MUST Each Weekend the Cugar Blues Five come in with a few blue notes for you. 1133 NORTON STREET EMpire 1054 REX STEVENSON'S LIQUOR SQUEEZER'S STORE Rocheste r's Only Authentic J ~zz Spot Offers Your Cho ice Now Presents of THE Fine Wines, l iquors and Cordials

RAY BRAND. TRIO 1738 East Avenue 420 State Street MOnroe 1740 EMpi re 0967

12 HIGH LITES * The Ames Brothers. popular rrcording * stars, are appearing a ll this week at The Triton. at 1413 Main St. East. The food drinb are tops too-all making is a won­ derful night out. • • • THE AMES BROTHERS You'll have to look for the Hide-A-Way; Popular Recording Artists but It's worth llndingl It's at 504 Atlantit appearing nightly at Avenue near Culver. The whole place rocks on Fridays and Saturdays when. L

13 Channel 8 WHEN Syracuse, N. Y.

t 1t35 Myt.tery Theatre DAILY MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 1 :00 Previe ws . Sign Off 9,40 Sign On 1 11 00 AI Pearce Snow ) 2.30 /looub. Con•entioo FRIDAY 9:5.5 Morning Proyec 11 : IS Brid~ and Groom ~.30 The Guiding Light 1O tOO CBS News II ,JO StJik.e I! Rich 2>45 Mike and Bull 3:30 Summer Session IO•lO Arthur Godfrey 12•00 The Egg & I 4:00 Movie MoUnee 10,45 Koy ' s Kltchen 12d 5 love of Life .5.00 The Bunkhouse 6 :00 Western Theatre 6,20 New• ond Sport• SUNDAY 6 •30 Space Cadet W EDN ESDAY 6.30 Space Cadet 6. 45 Inside City Holt 6:45 Roui Report" 12,00 Sign On 1.00 Cootoin VIdeo 4~30 Fflm Fearure 7,00 Captain Video 12:10 Mornfng Prayer 7 ,30 Ozark MI. Boys 5,00 T~o Bunkhouse 7,30 Your TV ShoPP<>r 112,15 Toolsio Hippodrome 7 t45 P•rrY Como Show 6.00 Red Ryder 7 ,.'5 Perry C.omo Show 12.30 Candy Carnival 8i00 lux Video Theolce 6>20 New• a11d Sport. a,oo Mama l ;00 Freedom Theatre 8r30 Godfrey Talent Show 6>30 Spa ce Cadet 6:30 Pontomine Quiz. 1.30 life Is Worth living 9 ·00 My Lilli" Margie 6 t.t5 Industry on Parade 9,00 Ployhou•• of Slor< 2.00 Sunday Motjnee 9 :30 Repub. Conv~Mion 7.oo Captain Video 9:30 film Serio• 3 r30 Name' s the Same J News O!"d SporJs 7 ,30 furniJvro Trond1 J 0:00 Pollee Story 4•00 The Big Picture I I ,35 Mr. 0 . A . 7,45 Perry Como Show 10:30 B' d ' w'y - Hollywood 4,30 TV Teen Club 12 ,0.5 Previews • Sign Off 8t00 Godfrey • 1 ·00 Now• and Sports S100 Super Circus 9.oo Strl~e 1~ Rich ll :05 Premfer Playhouse. 6:00 Pre·Conv. Program 9t30 ~epub . Convenrion 12:30 Previews - Sign Of! 6.30 See Jl Now 11 t30 News & Sporh 1.00 Gene Autry TUESDAY II r35 My•lery Thoa1re 12,30 Prev jew• • Sigf'l Oft 7,30 Thh 1~ Show Buslneu SATURDAY 8 t00 Toast of Town 2:45 Convention Round ·UP 11 .OS Mystery Theatre 9:00 loformoHofi Please 3 •30 Mol lorme Show 12•30 Previews • Sig)l OR 10 1SS Morning Prayer 9<30 Breol< tho Bonl< 4:00 Movie Matinee 1 1:00 Space Patrol 10:00 Celebrity Time !i>OO The Bunkhouse 11 :30 Prize Party IOrJO Whol's My Uno 6 .00 Western Theatre THUR SDAY 1 h.C5 Film Fealurolle 11 tOO Sunday News 6, 20 New• and Sports 1 2r00 The Big Top 6,30 Film feature filrn FeoJOU~ Hopolo~g fl t15 P~evlew• - Sign Off 4.;_30 1 •00 Cauidy 7 .oo Captain Video s,oo The Bunkhou•e 2:00 Mystery Matinee 7 r30 Gadabout Goddio 6.:00 .We.$ tern Theatre 5 ,30 Wild Bill Hic~ock MONDAY 7rA5 Mu• lc Hall 6,20 News and Sporh 6,00 Beulah 8r00 Film FeaNro 6r30 Film Feature 6: 30 Tho Cisco Kid 2 :4..5 ConvenHon Round-up 8 ·30 Keep Posted '7:00 Captain Vidoo 7 rOO Stu Erwin Show 3 ,00 Mib & BuR 9:00 'Crime Syndicated 7,30 Lone Ranger 7o30 Beot T ~e Cloc~ l 1lO Sum.rner Session 9r30 ~epub . Convention a,oo Amos ' N Andy a,oo Film Feoturo 4•00 Movie Matinee 11 t30 News & Sports 9,30 Chance of LifeHme 9.00 Songs for So le s,oo The Bunkhou•e 11 r3.5 Sammy Kaye 9 ,00 Mon Against Crime 1o ,oo Feoluro Film 6 ,00 Western Theatre 1 2 r06 Charlie Wild 9 l 30 ~eoub ._ Convenfion 11 :00 Wre•tling from ChL 6.20 News ond Soorls 12,35 Previe•" • Sign Off H t30 Newo & Sports 12•30 Previews - Sign Off

Channel 5 WSYR - TV Syracuse, N.Y. 9.30 Mr. PeeO<>rs DAILY MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10•00 Marlin Ka ne 1 0·30 The Une>oected 12:00 Ruth lyons 50 Club 3,00 Tho Big Poyofl 6:55 Red Patron' < Sporh 1 I :00 Comero Heodline& 12.30 Camero Headlines .c ,oo Kote Smith 7 :00 {MWF) Show Coso 12.45 Hollywood MoUnee 5 ,00 Howklns Fotl• Toes . Convention FRI DAY 8:00 Curtain Coli 2.00 lodies Ooy 5tl5 Gabby Hoye• Thur. Three 8.30 We, T~e People 3 ·30 Johnny Dwgan Show 5:30 Howdy Doody 7rl.5 (MWF) Goldb.,..gs 9 r00 Doorway to Dongor 6>00 Canyon Joc'l< 7o30 (MWF) Those Two 9 -t.JO Oqngerous Au[gnmenl l o,oo Cavalcade of SporiS 6,30 Ed Murohy !TTl libec~ca 10,45 Great.. t Fi9hh 6t4S Comoro Hoodlfnes 7 ,45 Camel News 11 ,QO Camera Headline• SATURDAY SUNDAY 10t30 Hollywood Theatre lOrOO Orig, Amateur Hour 1 r50 Sign On & Mu•ic 12:30 News - Sign Off 10,45 Bob Considine Show ~ . 00 Theatre of the Air I .05 Sign On ond Music 11 ,QO Beyond the Sound 3 ,00 Weatern Jambofee 1: 15 Nature of Thtngs MONDAY ,.,30 Chicago '52 1:30 Frontiers of forth W EDNESDAY 5•30 Roolie Kazottle 2.00 Hat' s In the Ring 8,00 Whot'• My Nome 6.00 Royal Showca•e 2..30 Amerko ol' Work 8:30 Voice of Firet,one g,QO Youth Wonu to Know 6,30 Sig Pidure 3,00 Midwestern Hayride 9o00 lfghl• Out 8,30 Juve~ilo Jury 1,00 Film fecHuro 4t00 Movietime 9,30 Robert Morttgomery 9•00 Kroft TV Theatre 7:30 Amerlcon Inventory 5:00 Zoo Parade I Or30 Who Sold That 10:00 (o('!v. Conlerenr;e 8:00 All Star Revue 5:30 Mr. Wizard lltOO Camera Heodllne-1 10,30 Forum ol the Air 9.00 Blind Dote 6•00 Roy Roge" Show 11 ,OQ Camero Headlines 9 ,30 Donee Party 6r30 Campbell Playhouse TUESDAY 1O tOO Conv. Conferenc;e 7 t00 8oston Blocki& THURSDAY 10,30 Auign.ment · Monhurt 7,30 Meet tho Prou 8t00 Jeffrey Jo~os II :00 Eleventh Hour 8:00 Big Poyol! 8 t30 ""idwestern Ha yride 8:00 You Bet Your life Weather 9,00 TV Ployhoute 9 ,0() &ou lody 8;30 Conv. Conforenc• Bo,oball Sc.oreac 1O tOO Gruen Theatre '1:30 Circle Theatre 9 J00 DrogQef local News 14 oping. Te levision's Biggest Show Political convE'ntion telecasts and broad­ (Continued from Page 5) casts will run from I I :30 to 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. work will also unveil its "TV newsroom on then from 9:30 until adjournment l;'ach con­ wheels," a super mobile unit equipped with VI:'ntion njght. Rl:'publicans meet first, start­ its own eledric power supply, electronic and ing on Monday, July 7. The Democrats be­ fl lm cameras and a complete darkroom. gin their convention on Monday. July 21. NBC has built its convention headqu11rtcrs Both parties are aware of the requirements in the North Wing of the International Am­ of television a nd radio and ,viii try to phitheatre where the only combined TV· limit ..:onventions to the usual 4-day period. radio news desk wlll be the center of NBC's convention-time operations. A special "hu­ man lntert>st" team equipped with mobile cameras and transmission facilities, and AUTHENTIC IT ALlAN DISHES headed by AI Schneider, will roam Chicago to picture the news - behind~the-news. Prior to each convention, NBC will pre­ sent tO hours of special telecasts and eight hours of radio broadcasts devoted to proiH­ ing the leading candidates, explaining how a political convention operates, reviewing what happened at the last Presidential conventions in Philadelphia and showing ''A Day in the Life of a Delegate." NBC has constructed three air-conditioned TV studios. five radio ~tudios. control rooms and other facilities in the Amphitheatre, • Lobster Convention Facts . . . Fra Diavolo (Continued from Page 6) persons appearing on NBC telecasts. Make­ • Calamai up is no longer a necessity as in 19'18, but will remove shadows, bald spots and pet­ spiration shine. • Spaghetti NBC will link all its TV and radio sta· with Clams tions directly to the operations c;lesk in the International Alllphitbeatre by a private tele­ type $ystem to keep both networks in 24- bour touch witb convention developments. NBC is compiling its own telephone dir­ ectory of personnel and operating posts at the- conventions. NBC has hired a special film laboratory in Chicago to process thousands of feet of lllm daily by a variety of methods including the "hot kinescope" system for rapid-devel-

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15 Channel 4 WBEN-TV Buffalo, N. Y'. FRIDAY DAILY MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7~ 30 Sfars of Excellence 9:00 Your F;gul'e (WF) Strike H Rlth JtlS (Th) Your Horne 7 ,45 New' Caravan 9 t!S News (Th) Your fom;ly 3,30 JohMY Dugan 8t00 Arthur Mu,oy 9 ,30 learn and l1ve 12t00 ( WTF) No.,.t ~ . oo Matinee in N.Y. 8·30 We the People 9:45 film f-eoturette 12. 15 (WTF) love ol life StOO Fun to leorn 9,00 Feature Film 1Q,QO Repub. Convention 12, 30 (WTF! Seorch·Tom . s,15 Flesh Gordon 10.00 Summer Spom Reel ( TF) Shoppers Guide 12•-45 (WTF) Firs! 100 Yrs. 5:30 Howdy Doody 10.30 Gteotell fights 10t30 (Th) Arthur Godfrey 1.00 WTF) Mot, Play. 6·00 Sagebrush Troll 10•46 film feolurelfe {Fri) leeVee Theatr·e 1.15 llu) All-Star Boll 6.3D News 11 ,oo lole News 10,45 {Th) TeeVee Thoo11e lt4S (WTF) Johnny's Sho~ 6t4S Spo(!s Spotlight 11 , 30 Rocket Squad 1 1 t OO {MTWI Shop. Guide 2·00 (WTFl Garry Moore 7,00 (MT) Conv. 1 2 ,oo The Une•pecled (Tf) Bride, Groom 2.30 (MWTF) Meet Millert (WTF) Kuklo 11 o1S (MWT) Bride, Groom 3;00 l MWF) Big Poyof! 7,15 (Wf ) Goldbergs 1 1, 30 lMTl CoM, Sonlons (Th) Ships Reporter (Th ) Yg , Ch ' rns . SATURDAY 11 ,oo Space Polrol SUNDAY 10·00 Celebrity Tim" WEDNESDAY 11 ,30 Children' s Theatre 10:30 One Mon'.s Fom lty I 2,00 Big Top 11 .00 late Newt 7, 30 Kieran's Kaleld'o' pe 12.00 News 7 :45 Newt Corovon I tOO Wild Bill Hickok 11:10 Sports Revlew I ,JO To So Announced 12.1 s Fllm featvrette 11 ; 1.5 Morttgomery PreJenh 8 ,00 Youth Wonls lo Know 8 t30 Conv, Highllghls 2.00 f il m feature 12.30 f ilm Feahlrelt~ 9•00 TV Theallo 1t30 Campbell Playhouse 1,oo Rango Rider I o,oo Boxing Soul J, QQ HopaJo11Q' Couidy 4;00 Film footurelfe l t30 fron tiers ol Foilh MONDAY I 0,45 Sports Spot I I ,oo late News 4 t30 2.00 Hots i n the Ring 7 r30 Stranger I han Fiction s,oo Cisco Kid 7:45 Nows Carava, 11 '1.5 To Be Aooouncod 2:30 Tho Big Picture I 1 ,30 The Web .5t30 Becl lhe Clock 8:00 Video Thootle 6;00 Sporls Spotlight J,oo Roy Rogers Show 8 r30 Voice of Firestone. 6: 15 Newt Bulletin.s 3 t30 Clovdic 9:00 My Lillie Margie THURSDAY 6 !"JO Western Thoolre 9 t30 Repub. Convention 4t00 Tbo Man Who 7t30 femfnine Anple 7,30 UofB Round loble 7 t4 5 New' Corovon 8 •00 AII · Sior Revue SoOO Sky King Theatre 8:00 Groucho Marx 9.oo Blind Dote .5 t30 lone ~ongor TUESDAY 8 t30 Convention tlillghls 9,30 Donee Party 6:00 Vocollo" Time 9.00 Dragnet 1O tOO 6, 30 Charades 7:30 Sporhrnao' s Club ~ ~ 30 M(. Peepers JO, 15 Weelt In Sporls 6 tSO News 7 :45 New-5 Caravan 10:00 Martin Kane 10:30 Auienment·Monhunt 1 .00 Moot ~he Preu 8:00 Midwe,tern Hoydde 10:30 Dangerous Au;gnment 11 tOO Late News 7:30 Th lt is Show Buslneu 8•30 Keep Pasted 1 1 ,oo late News I 1 ,os Weather Forecast 8 t00 The Big Payoff 9,00 Bon lady 11 ,Js Industry ao Parade 11 d 0 final Sporls Re>iew 9,00 TV Playhouse 9~30 Repub, Conven tion 11 t30 Playhouse of Stars 11 t1 S Film Theolre


JONE AlLISON a • ''Melo Roberts" slors wilh Herb Nelson in lhe televi sion version of lh e radio selial "The Guiding light" which began fast Monday. "The GUiding Ligh1'1 has been a lodia seria l for many years and now replaces the " First Hundred Years" soav opra wiJrch was cancelled by the nelwork.l




With d to forego his Dumont show . . . Likewise Joe E. Brown and She~n Mickey RoonPy are belniJ lined up for their TV show until aft~r decllons. Doesn't want own filmed shows . .. ·Amos & Andy" to to be accused of favoring anybody or any be seen on a skip-a-week basis next year side ... , who will do a series . who feels that the wedding of 10 video shots next season, has purchasrd of TV and Hollywood is right a round the a radio station in Dt'nver. Colo. Hope's corner, will issue his next full-length Aim one of a syndicate that was formed for this ro the Arst run houses and then split it into special purpose , . Among the commenta­ three segments Eor use on TV , , . Every­ tors scheduled to make with the voice and body can watch the All-Star baseball game hand-waving from the political conventions next month via NBC-TV. For the Rrst Ume next moiJth ill Chicago is none other th an cameras will carry the gamc over the co­ . who'll be seen over ABC axial cables. Mel Allen and lack Brickhouse TV ... Bing Crosby, elated with the critical will be a t thc mikes ... CE3S-TV readyiny reaction to his TV debut, said to be ready a new series to be called "The Life Of a to ~ign with Coca-Cola for a radio show Hollywood Columnist.'' Wonder who they'll plus TV appearances nt'xt Pall ... Noted pick on? ... That Rne director AI MeCieery Hollywood director and actor John Cram ~ the man who approaches TV as if it were weiJ left the cast of Broadway's " Point of a theatre in-the-round, will take over the No Return" to start directmg duties for the production of the Hallmark Playhousr soon new TV Sl>ries "The Doctor" ... TV must pay off: That beer company who sponsors . . . The true tradition of show biz that the Chicago ball games has rt'ported an the show must go on really camt> to life increase of ovcr 300%. An unknown bt'er on a recent Kraft Theatre program. One of in Chi, too. before taking over the Sox and the male leads was taken ill the mormng Cub games . . . Now someone has come up with the idea of a "Kukla. Fran & Olhe" o( the ttlecast and in a frantic last minute radio show ... That :any pair, "Bob and upheaval the whole cast was changed Ray ... set as Summer replacement for "One around. a real TV veteran substituted at Man's Family." And AI Capp, the cartoon­ the last moment. and the show wt-nt off ist. is about ready to launch another TV without a hitch ... show . . . The talented Donald O'Connor stunnPd to learn that his pay for next year's TV appearancPs wilJ net him a 90% pay hike. What did he expect-a slash in salary? -, . .. Eddie Fisher, ready to take off for Europe with the army, will make a coupll' of farewell TV shots as sub for Patti Paqe ... Songwriter Vaughn Mackin' Bird Hill" Horton is busy writing a theme song for " I Love Lucy." It'll be in the calypso Idiom ... Accent Is more and more on Aimed 1V sbow.s as vidoix companies get set for a busy Summer. The success of " Lucy" is of course. the biggest boost for the camera Does you~ furniture need re-covering? boys . . . It had to happen Dept.: Jack Do you want good workmaJJship, Mahoney, seen In the !lim "The Rouqb, style aJJd 1abric1 Call Tough West" is billed as "TV's Popular Range Rid('r." He v1s1ted Rochester a short Rudies Upholstering Co. time ago. Mar!Q; the Arst time the movies GL4!nwood 374 9 have admitted the pull of video .. , Oz:z:ie l7 § THIS RADIO AND TV WORLD ~

TELEVISION CONVENTION COVERAGE July 4th 8:30-9:00 p m-WE, THE PEOPLE. General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Special Independence Day program. July 5th 4:30-5:00 p m-CHICAGO '52. Tour of NBC convention facilities. Staff of commentators will be f eatured. · 10:00-10:30 p m - CONVENTION NEWS CONFERENCE. Lawrence Spivok and Martha Roun tree with leading Republican candidates and newspaper reporters. July 6th 4:00-5:00 p rn-THE MAN WHO. History of the Republican party in documentary form; films of previous campaigns. 5:30-6:00 p m-HATS IN THE RING. Senator Russell, Mr. William Schneider. 7,00-8 i00 p m- MEET THE PRESS. All Re­ publican candidates. July 7th 10:00·11 :00 a m - REPUBLICAN CONVEN· TION. Features prior to opening of session. 11 ~ 30 a m-CONVENTION SESSION. 7 :00-7:30 p m-CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS. 9:30 p m-CONVENTION SESSION. July 8th 10:00 a m-CONVENTION Pre·views 11 :30 a m-CONVENTION SESSIONS. (Will continue if convention warrants it-if not, All-STAR BASEBAll GAME starts at 1 :15 p m. 7:00-7:30 p m-CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS, 9:30 p m~CONVENTION SESSIONS. July 9th 10:00-11:00 a m-CONVENTION Pre·views 8:00-8:30 p m-YOUTH WANTS TO KNOW. N IKI GREENE, beautiful young actress Teen -agers interview prominent Republicans. seen on CBS Televhion i n such shows as " Crime Photographer" a nd " Studio July 1Oth One" 8:30-9:00 p m-CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS. 18 injury to peonies. They ferd on the secre­ THE GREEN THUMB tions from the flower and aphids. Control: By DOC and KATY ABRAHAM, Naples, N.Y. dust with 10% chlordane, Iris: If your Iris failed to bloom this year. '"The Green Thumb" is broadcast every plants are over-crowded. Iris is best thinned Saturday a/ I 2,00 noon over WHAM-TV out every 3 to 5 years. Thinning consists of Peony Notes: Because this department has digging up crowded rhizomes hl're and there, received so many queries asking for infor­ leaving some untouched. Those you do not ~ation on peonies and iriS, we are present­ disturb will bloom profusely nt'Xt year. JOg the following facts so you ~an have Those you dig up can be planted elsewhere. better ~looms next year. First, if your peony The iris borer is the worst pt-st of iris. bush did not bloom this year. and it was Dig the rhizomes and cut out the borer; transplanted a year or two ago chances dust the rootstocks with DDT or chlordane are you made the mistake of co~eri.ng the and replant them. The best time to plant eyes t~o deep with soil. If the eye of a Iris is right after the flowering period. Cut peony IS planted over two inches deep. you the foliage back and bburn all n·fuse. And seldom get the plants to bloom. If planted remember, iris cannot be relit>d upon to too shallowly the roots are apt to heave out flower abundantly until the SI'Cond or third oi the ground during the winter months. season after planting. Fall planting is always bettt'r than spring Irises develop a leaf spot disease. Control: planting of peomes because it gives the dust with fermatc when leaves are smal.l. peony plants a chance to become established Parsley: Every gardener should raise pars­ Peonies aren't plants that need to b~ ley, because it has so many uses. You can divided frequently. About every 8 or 10 use it as a garn1sh to make dishes more years is enough; we've seen bushes 25 years appetizing. or you can use left-over scraos old and good and healthy. Dividing the as a deodorizer in your refrigerator. The bus~es is quite a shock to the plants, so bright green color means it fs strong on d on t be disappointed if they don't bloom chlorophyll ~ an effective deodorizing agent, for you the first or second summer after Leave the parsley in the refrigE>rator and it t:ansplanting. We've found that it some­ will act in the same way as the commercial times takes the divisions 2, 3. or 4 years deodorants. to build up enough food to enable the plants Fighting Ants: Ants have been reporto.>d to bloom. Sometimes they bloom the first on nearly all plants. They do very little year after transplanting, hut we feel it's harm. but do have nuisanco.> value. They are b~st to remove the first buds to b\1ild up the usually found wherever a_phids are present. v1gor of the plant. since ants milk aphids for the honeyde\11 ~his year many complaints were received they secrete. Check aphids by spraying with asking _why. peony buds dried up without a solution of nicotine sulfate. I teaspoonful developmg 1nto blooms. This condition was to 2 quarts. Control ants by dusting a nt hills. dut> to. botryti~ blight, a disease usually runways, p)ants with 5% chlordane dust. more VIrulent Ill damp. rainy weather. If Shearing Chr:istmas Trees1 If you raise your buds blasted. give the peony bed a Christmas trel's. now's a good time to sheat thorough house cleaning and burn all dead the.m so they'll be nice and compact. Hedge foliage this fall. Cut the stalks to the groWld shears with six to eight-inch blades work and spray the clumps and earth around fine. Start on trees 1 or 5 years old. Keep them with bordeaux: .mixture. Next spring the terminal (top) growth to <~bout one foot spray every 2 weeks from time the leaves per year. Remove the side (lateral) branches start until the Bowers start to unfold. which a re tending to make the tree too Ants are annoying but cause no direct sprawly or irregular. :-.. SAME DAY SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE IF CALLED BEFORE NOON _IJ

Mondays t h r u Sat u"r days lt1 s The BOND NEWS With ROGER GOODRICH at 6 : 00 P.M .

For years, Roger Goodrich and the Bond News have been practically synonymous terms, and an ever-increasing audience of intelligent people have made it a habit to tune in this clean-cut, unbiased, newscast every evening before they sit down to their evening meal.

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