No. 106 April 2014 IINSIDENSIDE FFalklandsalklands nnewsews ppeopleeople ppoliticsolitics ssportport eeventsvents Horse racing husband and wife team Arthur and Elaine Turner Falkland Islands Association CONTENTS Newsletter Published by: The Falkland Islands April 2014 No 11060606 Association, aassociation.comss Falkland House, London Four page souvenir SW1H OBH Features coverage of the Tel 0845 260 4884 Stanley Sports history and the ISSN 0262-9399 Association celebratory 100th celebrate the meeting held on Edited by: 100th race December 26, 27 Sharon Jaf ray meeting. and 28, 2013. Stanley “Only war and Falkland Islands Picture: Paul Peck bad weather have with Baringa at his Tel 00 500 52739 ever stopped the
[email protected] sports...” PPagesages 1166 - 1919 debut meeting. Editorial Committee Ms Cindy Buxton (Chair) Mr David Tatham CMG Page 23 Regulars >> Mr David Ainslie Mrs M Christie Mr Saul Pitaluga Page 4 - Election news Shackleton Page 11- Farewell Governor Advertising: Full page £250 Epic Haywood Half page £125 Quarter page £65 Book review Page 13 - The Secretary’s Eighth page £35 Desk with Colin Wright Short insert £3 per line WEBSITE Page 15 - Social events www.i Page 21 - Sport Release of copyright Page 24-2524 25 - Parades The Editorial Committee releases all copyrights on the content of the Falkland Islands Tall PPageage 1122 Newsletter except on pictures, cartoons and Ships maps. Other publications are invited to quote visit freely. Stanleyy Howevever, we ask that quotations are made in context and the Falkand Page 27 - 30 - Obituaries Islands Newsletter births and marriages acknowledged as the source.