VOLUME 43 POONA, , SEPTEMBER 1, 1948 NUMBER 17 Voice of Prophecy Day "Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice." Exodus 19:19.

Y THAT voice God gave to Moses, His prophet and wonderful privilege of having their minds directed in B leader of His people, the great constitutional law the study of them. Many in prominent places are truly of His government, and by that voice, through His pro- hearing "the voice," saying, "This is the way, walk ye phet, He gave to His people Israel much instruction in it." Isaiah 30:21. and counsel with reference to their religious duties and the civil functions of that nation. By a voice He has There are yet many thousands of people who are spoken through the prophets to His people right down honest in their search for the knowledge of the Holy through the ages to the present time. By His voice, Scriptures. They want to know the meaning of the through the prophets, He has made known to mankind things that are happening in the world. They are eager the great events yet to transpire prior to the coming of to learn more about the Master and His love and the Jesus. Therefore, the prophet Amos says, "Surely the plan of redemption. There is great need, therefore, that Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret we in this Division field put forth greater efforts to unto His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7. promote the interests of the Voice of Prophecy Bible Correspondence School. We have learned with great We live in a world of helplessness, hopelessness satisfaction and joy that a number of people living in and bewilderment. A world darkened by sin, defiled by places where the gospel missionary has hitherto not war and bloodshed, and plagued by sickness and been permitted to go, have, through this means, come perplexed by problems and national and international 44' to a knowledge of the message for these times. People conflicts which well-nigh defy all efforts for peace and who rejoice in this new-found hope are sacrificing of hope. The voice of prophecy has told us that these their means in order to help carry on this good work. things would come upon the world, and as we see these They are sending in their tithes and offerings, and are things developing in greater magnitude all around us joining with the great family of Voice of Prophecy every day, we are led to appreciate more and more the students, praying that God will greatly bless this great blessing of God's voice of prophecy—warning ministry. and enlightening the people of this world who seek God for true wisdom and an understanding of these Pastor A. E. Rawson, the Director of the Voice of times. Truly "we have also a more sure word of pro- Prophecy programme, and his associates, need our con- phecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto stant prayers for the success of their work. We appeal to a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, our believers throughout this whole Division field to take and the day star arise in your hearts." 2 Peter 1:19. It part in the Voice of Prophecy Rally Day programme, points the way out. It announces God's plan of September 11, and we earnestly invite our leaders and salvation, and brings hope from a hopeless situation. our workers and our believers everywhere to contribute liberally on this occasion for the strengthening and ex- The Voice of Prophecy programme is one of God's pansion of our Voice of Prophecy programme. We be- "thousand ways" which we have discovered and are lieve that ere long in some places we may be able to using so successfully to giye His message for these last get some of our programme on the air as they are in days to the great masses of people living in the coun- so many other countries of the world. Let us pray and tries of Southern Asia. Wherever I have travelled give so that this objective may soon be reached. recently I have met people rejoicing in the light which has come to them through the study of God's Word as So, dear people of our churches, may God bless directed and guided by the Voice of Prophecy Bible you abundantly as you remember in a very special way Correspondence School. Thousands are writing to tell the needs of the Voice of Prophecy on this Sabbath us of their appreciation of these Gospel truths and the day. A. L. HAM. EASTERN TIDINGS


OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND sow the seed; another department may He is able to ordain and use to ex- PRIVILEGES water it, but it is God who gives the pedite His work of gathering in the increase, and to Him belongeth the harvest of the earth. glory. W. Hume McHenry The Messenger of the Lord has said that to a great extent the work of the OLEMN and weighty are the respon- INCREASING PRIVILEGES mighty angel of Revelation chapter S sibilities that rest upon the serv- Perhaps, as in no other department, eighteen is to be accomplished through ants of God as labourers together with the Bible Correspondence School pre- the •literature ministry, and during the Him. That weak, erring mortals should sents the greatest challenge for Divi- past few years we have been noticing have been entrusted with a share in sion-wide patient, sympathetic sharing the tremendous strides which have been the most solemn task of God, namely, of responsibility. From its very nature, made in the sale of Christian litera- the salvation of fellow mortals is, sim- the Bible Correspondence School must ture. But here again we have inadver- ply amazing. And it should be a thought have unstinted, enthusiastic co-opera- tently begun to look for further develop- that ever keeps us humble before our tion from the entire field, for it awak- ment of our publishing work, almost to, Maker. Well may our hearts cry out, ens interests in every corner of this the exclusion of some further means "Who is sufficient for these things ?" Division. It knows nothing about so- that the Lord might choose to introduce And should we not accept God's an- called unentered fields. Its field is the and develop. The preacher with his swer to our cry? "My grace is, sufficient world. It brings to workers and church voice, was able to reach a certain num- for thee: for My strength is made per- members everywhere just the privileges ber of truth-seekers, but through the fect in weakness." With Paul may we they have longed for, namely, the con- publishing work added thousands were learn to say, "I can do all things tacting of souls hungry for the Word reached. Now through the medium of through Christ which strengtheneth of God, and of leading them on till they the Voice of Prophecy Bible Correspond- me." fall at the feet of the Saviour. And ence School, all barriers are being many of these are already on the verge crossed, un-entered fields are receiving MEMBERS ONE OF ANOTHER of decision. Not an extra burden this, attention, and the first-fruits indicate He alone can enable us to discharge our but a precious privilege. that an unprecedented harvest is about sacred responsibilities as labourers to- Whatever the type of gospel net to be reaped. gether with Him. But we are not merely used, it catches both the good and the If ever there was a time to reap that labourers together with God, but are bad fish. Workers with their hearts on time is now. By the effects of two labourers together with each other in fire for God will not murmur at having world wars, through the disastrous re- the greizt task of God. Not only does to gather the good fish from among the sults of national upheavals, the ripening the church sustain a mystic union with bad, but will daily pray for larger and processes have been precipitated, and if Christ as her head, but each member of more skilfully used nets, so as to in- we allow the present opportunities to the church bears such a union to every crease the numbers being caught. Such slip by we shall bemoan the fact in the• other member. This is often emphasized is the goal of the Able Correspondence words of the prophet Jeremiah as re- by the great apostle Paul. "So we, be- School. corded in the eighth chapter and the ing many, are one body in Christ, and twentieth verse, which reads, "The har- everyone members one of another." vest is past." Perhaps you are asking yourself what No SPECIALISTS IN THE CHURCH "THRUST IN THY SICKLE there is that you can do to gather in We are living in an age of specialists, AND REAP" the fruit? What is there that anyone and regimentation in labour. But no can do to save the fully ripened grain? such spirit should permeate the church, C, A. W. Ritchie Well, since you may not be able to of Christ. Of course, many may have engage in Christian salesmanship, you some special training. We may belong NTINETEEN hundred years ago Jesus can certainly strengthen the Lord's other to different departments. But the goal N said "Lift up your eyes, and look agency, the Voice of Prophecy Bible of every department is the winning of on the fields; for they are white al- Correspondence School, in the following souls. And in this single task there must ready to harvest." John 4:35. Today the ways: be the utmost sympathy and co-opera- sheaves of ripened grain are leaning By making a contribution for its main- tion, for we are members one of an- over, well-nigh touching the earth, just tenance and expansion; by furnishing other. All the departments are in- groaning for the reaping. Now, as then, us with the correct names and addresses separably bound up in the one great "the harvest truly is plenteous, but the of those whom you know to be con- organization, the Church. We must not labourers are few." Matt. 9:37. In ac- cerned over their spiritual welfare; by allow ourselves to become more inter- cordance with the Master's instructions, being neighbourly and brotherly to re- ested in personal achievements than in the Christian Church has been praying cent conv8rts and fresh contacts; and the united achievement of the Church. that the Lord of the Harvest would by praying that the Lord of the Har- We must hide ourselves behind the send forth more labourers into the vest will do a mighty work through the Cross of Calvary, and humbly share with field; and we have therefore been agency of the Voice of Prophecy. "Thrust the Man of Calvary the weight of the visualizing a tremendous increase of, in thy sickle and reap!" Rev. 14:15, pressure of the responsibility that de- man-power, which no doubt, we are for Jesus has promised that "he that scends upon us because of our identifi- justified in expecting, but certainly not reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth cation with Him. One department may to the exclusion of other means which fruit unto life eternal: that both he,

EASTERN TIDINGS 3 that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." John 4:36. ABOVE ALL THAT WE ASK

A. E. Rawson, Voice of Prophecy Director INTERESTS IN WESTERN INDIA "Now unto Him that is able to do grave; I will redeem them from death." OICE of Prophecy activities in exceeding abundantly above all that we In contemplating all the sorrow that V Western India have led us to ex- ask or think, according to the power has fallen upon Mankind in this tragic pand our vision, to lengthen our cords, that worketh in us, unto Him be glory hour, what brighter hope could one and strengthen our stakes beyond any- in the church by Christ Jesus through- bring to the world than that deliverance thing that we have ever thought of. out all ages." Ephesians 3:20, 21. is near at hand and that a habitation From all parts of the Union field, from will be granted in the land "where sor- areas where we have never even visited, ITH all humility and deepest grati- rows never come" to all who honour people are writing in asking for visits, W tude we lift our voices in praise God's Word and are relying upon Jesus some telling us they are keeping the to God for what He has made possible to redeem them from their sins! Sabbath and paying tithe. In Cutch, one through the Voice of Prophecy Bible Cor- The Voice of Prophecy Bible lessons of the Western India states, independ- respondence School. All glory to God for present in unmistakable language the ent workers write to inform us that His mighty benediction in granting us message of the soon-coming Saviour, they are keeping the Sabbath and pay- this magnificent opportunity of presenting the One in whom there is eternal life. ing tithe to the Lord. This is several the third angel's message to all castes hundred miles from our nearest mission- and creeds, rich and poor, dwelling in Our Bible lessons ring with a living ary. In another place, on the extreme the Southern Asia Division! message-a message the world needs border of our territory, come letters for this hour of its history. There is no subject of greater inter- from four people, all Hindus, who have est to the individual who is imbued' We ask our faithful church members been taking the course, two of whom are with "the blessed hope" or of more im- to contribute liberally on Sabbath, Sep- keenly interested and desire to attend portance to the Church of God than tember 11, to help spread the mes- our church. These are at least 400 miles that of promulgating the divine plan sage we love so well. This gift of love from the nearest place of our work. of human redemption, pointing sinners will enable others to receive and study Over in the Central Provinces, we to the cross of Christ where they may the gospel of salvation. have planned an evangelistic programme find forgiveness of sin and hope for the May God impress upon your hearts under the leadership of Pastor D. S. future. the urgency of remembering the work Harris which is to start its work in the of the Voice of Prophecy in your pray- city of Nagpur. Already, before he is How cheering and how meaningful ers and by your means. able to begin his effort, we have re- are the words of Christ that come ring- ports of interests, most of which have ing down, the corridors of time! "Let The report given below, is one proof bren stirred up through the Voice of not your heart be troubled, ye believe of the truthfulness of God's promises! Prophecy, from the cities of Inbloulpore, in God believe also in Me." "I am the Our Scripture text has met a partial Itaipur, Belaspur, and a number of other Way, the Truth and the Life." "I will fulfilment in the progress achieved by places. Some of these interests are al- ransom them from the power of the the Voice of Prophecy. most pleadings and we are straining every effort to maintain contact. A short time ago in Bombay a Voice of VOICE OF PROPHECY MONTHLY SUMMARY Prophecy student was baptized. A re- cent letter from one of our workers who (Southern Asia Division) is spending all his time following up Poona (Division) School the Voice of Prophecy calls in one of the large cities of Western India, has Test Papers this to say: Month Enrollees Lessons Sent Corrected and Graduates Contributions "Now I would like to tell a few of my Out Graded experiences here. Two of my students are paying tithe. One of them gave me 1947 7 Months 10,149 107,823 65,500 134 Rs. 3,212- 4- 9 1948 January 1,470 22,266 13,745 117 2,337- 4- 9 his three months' tithe, and the other February 2,059 22,660 16,125 174 679- 3- 0 man gave me his last month's tithe. March 1,879 24,671 17,459 193 734- 4- 0 April 2,052 27,060 17,285 118 1,120-12- 0 They believe in all our doctrines. One May 1,386 23,182 17,586 202 2,324-13- 0 H. C. man who is a Voice of Prophecy June 1,738 24,197 16,004 165 882- 4- 0 student began to attend our church July 1,726 26,174 19,394 209 933-15- 0 from last Sabbath. There are several good people who are interested. Though TOTAL* 22,459 278,033 173,098 1,312 12,224- 2-'6 I have to work hard to reach them, I enjoy doing so. I am happy to be here "Our enrolment to the end of July was 24,459. However, to maintain a high standard, to do this work and see the good re- we thought it best to drop two thousand elementary and high school students. sults. Please pray for them." ("Signs of the Times" sent out, 16,662) From these instances, we feel that we CEYLON BRANCH SCHOOL are justified in saying that a new day has dawned and we believe that thou- Test Papers Enrollees Lessons Sent Corrected and Graduates Contributions sands and many more thousands of the Out Graded people of this land are stirred with the desire to know the truth. We are con- 1946 Course 1 8,627 1,134 fident that there will be a definite har- to Rs. 6,015- 0- 0 June Advanced 1,134 434 vest of souls here waiting for the Lord 1948 Course when He comes. F. E. Spiess. TOTAL 9,761 1,568 6,015- 0- 0

GRAND TOTAL IN BOTH SCHOOLS 32,220 278,033 173,098 2,880 18,239- 2- 6

EASTERN TIDINGS UNENTERED STATES The following States are contacted: N. East: Ti. G. Mookerjee 1. ASSAM States Area in sq. Population EARLY a quarter of all the peo- miles (1) 12,338 725,655 N ple in India, as she was before her Khasi States 3,700 213,586 2. BENGAL division into India, Pakistan, Burma (1) Cooch Behar 1,321 640,842 and Ceylon, lived in the Indian States (2) 4,116 513,010 under the rule of Indian princes. There 3. NEPAL (1) *Nepal 54,000 6,000,000 were 570 Indian States, covering an 4. BIHAR area of 7,15,967 square miles with a (1) jashpur 1,955 223,612 2) Udaipur 1,045 118,331 population of 93,189,233 and containing 5. BU(RMA 1,97,480 towns and villages. (1) Shan States In 1946, seventy-one States were re- N. West: 6. ported to have Christian workers in (1) *Patiala 49,521 6,594,198 their territory; this means there were (2 *Bahawalpur 17,494 1,341,209' (3 165 88,109 still 499 States in which no Christian 7. KAKIMIR and worker was recorded. JAMMU 82,258 4,021,616 These States territorially totalled W. India: 7/16ths. of the area of India as a 8. RAJPUTANA *Jodhpur 36,000 2,556,000 whole. 3,040,876 Our Mission has attempted to enter 3 *Bikaner 23,181 1,292,938 (4) *Kotah 5,714 777,398 some of these territories, but with very (5) Ajmer-Merwara 2,400 583,693 word about this minister's wife. She little success. Their rulers do not wish (6) Rajkot 282 102,951 (7) *Baroda 8,176 2,855,010 co-operates with her husband in every their people to become Christians and 9 CENTRAL INDIA sphere of life. She is doing a magiai- so they do not encourage Christian (8) *Indore 9,934 1,513,966 (9 *Bhopal 6,924 785,322 ficient work for the children and the. activities. (10 *Cutch 8,461 500,800 Women's Home League. May God richly In the early years of our work dur- (11) Kathiawar • 2,552 435,858 bless their labours." ing the time when the late Pastor L. J. 10 DECCAN and KOLHAPUR (12) *Kolhapur 3,219 1,092,046 A student from Western India has the Burgess was caring for the work in the (13) Sangli 1,146 293,381 following to say: Northwest, one of our workers, Brother 11. GWALIOR 26,397 4,006,159 "The doctor and I greatly appreciated John Last, who was preaching Chris- (14) *Gwalior S. India: the visit of your representative. We tianity in was killed by 12. HYDERABAD found her to be a real, zealous, earnest a mob and died a martyr. Since then (1) *Hyderabad and Berar 82,313 16,338,534 Christian, full of tact and energy in various attempts have been made in the 13. MADRAS STATES the service of her Lord and Saviour various Unions by different workers (1 * 7,662 6,070,018 (2 *Cochin 1,480 1,422,875 Jesus Christ. Her stay here was a from time to time, but yet we have not (3 Pudukottai 1,185 438,348 great benefit to us. We enjoyed' the been able to make contacts with the (4) *Mysore 29,458 7,329,140 *Star-marked States are leading Indian States. Bible studies, the prayers and the States, but • hymns. Thank you, dear Voice of "God moves in a mysterious way Space does not permit us to give Prophecy, for sending her to us." His wonders to perform." quotations from letters of the students A grateful student in Assam writes: In His providence, God has wonder- from these States, but here is just one: "We were happy to have the pastor fully opened the way through His ap- visit us last Sabbath. We passed the pointed agency, The Voice of Prophecy "The Palace, Sabbath happily together with hint by Bible Correspondence School. Within a Malerkotla State. talking over the wonderful words of year we have been able to contact some life. He taught us how to walk in the "Voice of Prophecy, forty of the States in which we have our new light and gave us strength for our "The Bible lessons have done me much students and from whom we are re- weak hearts. Now there is a new light good and I thank the Voice of Proph- ceiving encouraging letters from time to shining in our hearts. We thank the ecy daily for the benefit." time. Voice of Prophecy from the depths of our hearts for sending their minister to teach us more about the Truth." WAS THIS SOMEBODY YOU? From the Northeast comes the word: Mrs. A. E. Rawson. "I am very thankful to the Voice of Prophecy for giving me the Truth. I S workers we need to ever have our A student from the Northwest re- thank you for sending your minister to A hearts solemnized with the realiza- cently sent in the following testimony: teach me the right way. Although he tion that we are to be Christ's epis- "The missionary of the S. D. A. is a little man he is very gracious, tact- tles, and are known and read of all Church came to the Military Hospital ful, and helpful in every way. He was men. As such we are a savour of life to visit some of his friends. I came to very patient with me and now he has unto life, or a savour of death unto know that he was a Voice of Prophecy cleared away all my doubts. Thank death. A heavy responsibility rests upon representative. I have found in this min- you, Voice of Prophecy." those who visit the Voice of Prophecy ister the following traits of character: From the Central Provinces comes students. Humility, tact, courteousness, Young, with a zeal of spirit burning in this encouraging letter: and patience, need to be outstanding him for the spreading of the Gospel. He "I thank the Voice of Prophecy for traits of their character. Do not be dis- has diplomatic ways of teaching the sending such a fine missionary to visit couraged if the students do not prove people and convicting them of their me. He is a gracious, courteous, and to be what you had anticipated they wrong. He emphasizes the mission of well-mannered young man. He has a would be. Remember, their salvation Christ to this earth. He urges all to magnetic personality and I was greatly may depend, not upon how they im- get ready to meet Jesus when He comes attracted to him. It was a pleasure to press you, but how you impress them. the second time. He visited me twice a have him visit my home. I wish him Our hearts have been warmed by the week and took me every Sabbath to every success in his work." testimonials of our students concerning Sabbath school. He took great pains to How true are the words, "A word workers who have visited them. God clear away all my doubts and prepare fitly spoken is like apples of gold in forbid that any should have occasion to me for baptism. He also gave me good pictures of silver." And again, "For by lose interest because of a wrong im- magazines to read. I would be failing thy words 'thou shalt be justified, and pression left by any worker! in my duty if I neglected to say a by thy words thou shalt be condemned," EASTERN ' (DINGS _ sound ,advice by their inspirational talks. Brother I. K. Moses has very HOW YOU CAN HELP FINISH THE WORK systematically conducted classes as to how to give Bible studies to others. 1. By praying for the Voice of Prophecy. Plead that Those who have attended said they the Holy Spirit may do a mighty work upon the hearts of the Wished to have the meetings continued for a longer period.. We feel that this students of the Voice of Prophecy. Institute has clone good to our field and 2. By inviting your friends to enrol as students. En- as the result of it some change will be courage your friends and acquaintances to become acquainted seen ill our lay evangelism. • with the Word of God through the study of our lessons. Enos David, 3. By upholding our hands. We need your moral sup- port. We ask you to uphold us in word and deed. Remem- REMEMBER ber, there is strength in unity. We want you to hold up our VOICE OF PROPHECY hands as Aaron held up the hands of Moses. OFFERING 4. By visiting the Voice of Prophecy students. Make September 11, 1948 our students your friends. Take an active interest in them. Your pastor will gladly give you names of our students whom you can visit. Lay Preachers' Institute and Sab- 5. Make a prayer list of the Voice of Prophecy stu- bath School Conventions in the dents. If you cannot visit the homes of our students, ask your Tamil Field pastor for the names of our students who live in your terri- I. K. Moses tory. Make a prayer list of such and remember them by name EAVING Nuzvid, Pastor E. D. in your prayers. L Thomas and I arrived in Trichino- 6. By contributing liberally to the support of the Voice -poly on the 16th of July to begin our of Prophecy. We ask our church members to give generously Institute and Convention for the North and devotedly._ Remember, "The Lord loveth a cheerful Tamil Mission. Twenty earnest lay giver." Give more than you have in the past. Give generously preachers and workers were present. We were greatly encouraged to see to the cause of God. By helping the work of the Voice of these lay men attending the classes Prophecy you are enabling us to give Christ to India's millions. regularly and we found they were filled To the glory of God, for the promulgating of His Word, with enthusiasm and zeal for the work. and the salvation of souls, give regularly, generously, and At the close many expressed their ap- consecratedly! preciation of these meetings in which the method of conducting Bible studies A. E. Rawson. and also the chief objectives of the Sabbath school were explained in a systematic manner. At a testimony meeting which was Lay Preachers' Institute, South mittee wholeheartedly welcomed it but held at the close of the session we Malayalam Mission since there was no provision made for heard some very enthusiastic reports such a meeting we requested the Union of lay, preaching done by these simple HE short period of five days, July brethren to assist us in this matter. but faithful members. It did our hearts T 30 to August 4, 1948, is a memor- The brethren advised us to, go ahead good to hear these reports. The super- able period in the history of the South with the plan, and we were glad we intendent and the secretary-treasurer Malayalam Mission. Realizing the mean- could hold this meeting, and hoped that contributed their part in making these ing of the following statements from help would be forthcoming. The local meetings come to a successful close. the pen of inspiration, "In a special committee, because of financial diffi- Our fourth series of meetings were held sense Seventh-day Adventists have been culty, were able to invite only fifteen in Prakasapuram for the South Tamil set in the world as watchmen and light- lay men and seven of the workers who mission, commencing on the 22nd of bearers. To them has been entrusted the were located in and around Advent- July. Twenty-two men and women at- last warning for a perishing world. On puram. We are happy to report that the tended these meetings. Some of the lay them is shining wonderful light from meeting proved to be the success we preachers present were the fruits of the the Word of God. They have been given expected. The brethren who attended labours of a couple of senior lay mem- a work of the most solemn import-- these meetings testified that the few bers who were also present; these the proclamation of the first, second, days spent together were days of heart- faithful men not only brought them into and* third angels' messages. There is no searching and consecration. They have the truth but also made them into lay other work of so great importance. returned to their different churches with preachers. They are to allow nothing else to ab- a new consecration and determination to Pastor V. D. Koilpillai, who is both sorb their attention." "Testimonies," do the work of lay evangelism whole- Sabbath School and Home Missionary Vol. 9, p. 19. "Every member should be heartedly. We are happy to say that secretary, did much to promote the two a channel through which God can com- already we have received reports from departments. On Sabbath the church was municate to the world the treasures of two churches that the brethren these filled with members and students total- His grace, the unsearchable riches of churches sent in for the Institute have ling about two hundred and fifty. Christ." "Acts of the Apostles," p. 600, returned with courage and are exerting A Dorcas sale was also organized the South Malayalam Mission arranged a good influence for the encouragement while we were there. Many articles of that an Institute for the lay men be of other members in the church. clothing and various kinds of Indian `held at Adventpurakn. This Institute, in We are happy and grateful that Pas- "palaharams" were brought by the a particular way was the first one in tor E. D. Thomas, the Division Sabbath members of the society and, sold by the history of the work in this field School and Home Missionary secretary auction. A detailed report of the func- and,and I hope that men and means will and Brother I. K. Moses the Union Sab- tion will probably be sent by the re- be available every year for such bath School, Home Missionary and porter. We left Prakasapuram on gatherings. Home Commission secretary could be August 29, and arrived in Adventpuram When this idea was suggested about with us and give the lay men and be- for our next series of meetings, the the middle of the year, the local com- lievers in Adventpuram very good and details of which will appear later. 6 EASTERN TIDINGS MINISTERIAL - ASSOCIATION - members. However, at their workers'— meeting they voted a goal of 500 bap- Y WAY of encouragement, we wish evangelist in Freetown, is haying very tisms for this year, which means nearly B to pass on to our Ministerial CO- successful meetings in the largest hall forty-five per cent of the present mem- workers and friends, good news concern- in the city. The latest reports are that bership, and I am very sure they are ing our evangelistic progress in differ- he is overcrowded each night when he going to reach their goal. The workers ent parts of the world! holds the meeting in the large Wilber- ...in the Sao Paulo Conference, which Our faithful workers throughout the force Hall. This is good news from is in the South Brazil Union, voted a world sense the nearness of the coming Freetown, and we are earnestly hoping goal of 925 baptisms for this year. The of our Lord. With deeper consecration that it will mean a great revival of our Parana-Santa Catarina Conference in and greater earnestness, our evange- work in that old centre."—W. McCle- the same Union voted a goal of 700 bap- tisms for the year, while the Rio-Minas lists are straining every nerve to preach 'ments, Association Secretary, West the Word. African Union Mission. Gerais Mission in the East Brazil Union voted a goal of 500 baptisms.... The Never before has such emphasis been Ministerial Institutes Planned for East placed on soul-winning. Every depart- baptisms for this Division last year German Union were approximately ment of our work is stressing the im- At the "For the East German Union we have Division committee portance of this work. meeting a goal of already planned a Ministerial Institute 6,000 baptisms was voted for the South Sixty Evangelistic Efforts Planned for at Friedensau which will take place American Division for 1948, and you Indonesia Union in the month of May. Within twelve may be sure that we will do everything "I have just recently come back from days we shall have all the gos- in our power, with the help of the Lord, the Indonesia Union and I am glad to pel .workers of this union divided into to bring at least 6,000 new and faith- report that the work is making pro- three groups, because we cannot ac- ful members into the church, who shall gress, in that field. Political conditions commodate all workers at Friedensau be waiting for the coming of the Lord." are .somewhat improved and they are at the same time. But in smaller groups —Walter Schubert, Association Secre- going forward with a strong programme we shall come in nearer contact with tary, South American Division. for 1948. Our schools will get started the single worker, ...In the course of this year and they are planning to hold the summer the two other unions will Evangelistic Progress in Australia about sixty evangelistic efforts in that follow with their ministerial institutes. "Reports for 1947 reveal a healthy union....If the work is not disturbed ... The statistics for the year 1947 increase in results ...in fact, some of in that field, we believe that in the (show) that we baptized in the past the conferences have more than doubled near future we will see a large increase year 5,573 souls. The Lord has granted the figures for 1946. Gradually we are in our membership."—V. T. Armstrong, us this great encouragement. Our getting back to the idea of building Association Secretary, Far Eastern Di- gospel workers can hardly answer evangelistic teams....In New Zealand, vision. all the calls coming to them. If we had ...Brother Battye is building some good Advance of Evangelism in South African more and better meeting rooms many teams. Brother Burnside is doing excel- Union more souls could be added to the lent work in Auckland. It looks as churches."—A. Minck, Acting Associa- though he will get about 150 people out "Within a few weeks twenty-seven tion Secretary, Central Europe. of this campaign. He has already bap- efforts will be in progress.... N. C. Stu- tized over eighty, and has another large art is to hold a series of meetings in Goal of 6,000 Baptisms Voted for South American Division baptism looming up for the near future. Grahamstown, ... B. L. Hassenpflug has ...In Queensland Brother Reeves is hav- been fortunate in securing the `Maritz- "I have just returned from a two and ing encouraging 'success and it looks as burg City Hall for three nights a week one-half months' trip to our three though he will have about seventy-five ...the Cape Conference workers will Brazilian Unions, where a number of in his first baptism.... In our institute have started their group efforts. Pastor very blessed Ministerial Institutes were work we have had the whole-hearted R. Visser is co-ordinating the whole pro- held. In the North Brazil Union we have support of the local conference leader- gramme, and is being assisted by Pas- only fourteen workers and of that num- ship and an enthusiastic reception from tors Coetzee, Baird, and Brother Josling. ber three are superintendents of mis- all the evangelists."—J. B. Conley,. As- ...Brother Bekker is continuing his Spe- sions. The Union only has about 1,200 sociation Secretary, Australasian Union. cial Voice of Prophecy work this year. In the Johannesburg areas Pastor Mur- doch, ... is also following up Voice of Prophecy interests. In Natal, Pastor J. H. Hlubi is doing the same work among the Bantu. In the Herschel dis- trict Pastor Pikoli will, hold meetings among the people whose pastor has ac- cepted the truth.... R. A. Buckley has arranged to hold a series of meetings in Chief Setsumi's village. The chief has recently been baptized. Brother I. E. Schultz, assisted by Brethren Tsukudii, Kote and Senkoto have already started their tent meetings in the KroOnstad location. Since the attendance is over 700, and the tent' is not large enough, they are holding the services in two sections.... H. P. Campher was one of the first to get started, having opened his campaign in Beaconsfield (Kimber- ley) on January 18th."—"Evangelistic Exchange," E. D. Hanson, President at the South African Union. Overcrowded Meetings in Freetown, West Africa "You will be glad to know that Elder Simons, our American Negro, Lay preachers attending Sabbath School and Lay Preachers' Institute, Telugu Mission, July 1948. EASTERN TIDINGS

R. Allan Anderson Visits Middle East— fields, those who were near the head- pealed to me as to how careful one Beirut, Lebanon quarters were invited to attend these ought to be in his association with conventions, and some of the workers workers and how much his influence is "I am deeply interested in this field located near by also had the privilege felt. I was not able to attend all the —it has so many interesting potentiali- of joining with us. evangelistic efforts in the field, but I ties. The young people are as fine a Regular class work was carried on understand progressive efforts are being group as you would find anywhere. held in each language area. I wish them There are not more than about seventy from morning till evening with due in- every success. or eighty students here, but they are tervals when instruction was given. Those who were in attendance took I trust Brother I. K. Moses will soon deeply in earnest and one of the easiest be in a position to render all the neces- groups to teach that I have ever met, down notes and studied them at night. Old lessons were reviewed every day sary help to the field. I have every in fact, they learn a song almost at reason to believe that we shall have once.... Everything is certainly on the before we studied the new lesson. Most of those lay preachers were farmers and a large harvest of souls this year. May move. A most interesting field with lots the good work continue to grow, is my of wholesome prospects for expansion." day-labourers, a few of whom were il- prayer. —R. Allan Anderson, Association As- literate. On the whole a deep interest Sociate Secretary, General Conference, was shown by everyone. All express,K1 their desire to go out and win souls. The Southern Asia Division is com- Different ones related their experi- OUR ARRIVAL IN SOUTHERN ing behind in no good thing. The same ences in soul-winning work. It was a ASIA spirit of enthusiasm is permeating our great source of encouragement to the ranks. We are marching forward! writer to hear from some of those ADRAS, Bombay and Poona are no By the end of 1948 we will have con- brethren what the message had done longer just names and places on ducted eighty-eight evangelistic cam- for them and their families since they the map half way around the globe. paigns in this Division. The following took their stand for the truth. Such They have taken on a living, vivid, table will be of interest to our workers. testimonies cheered our hearts very reality of personality and friendly It shows this advancing movement as much. One brother said, because of some charm as we have seen with our eyes distributed throughout • the Division. interest in a near by village he had and felt with our senses the impressive- moved his family to that village and ness of the great Eastern world. , was giving them regular Bible studies, As we caught a glimpse of the dis- maintaining himself and his family by tant uneven outline of land on the 5, daily labour. cloudy morning of August 2, we real- 11.g°4 Another brother came to the meetings ized that after five weeks of ocean wc.)4"., with about Rs. 50 as his tithe and Sab- travel we were seeing our future land bath school offerings for the past few of service, the great India. As our com- fortable seven months old Norwegian South India 2 1 18 21 months to be handed over to the Mis- freighter plied more shallow waters, the Northwest 1 20 21 sion treasurer. He is an isolated mem- port of Madras became an interesting Northeast 3 12 15 ber, living in a village far away from picture of colour, sailing craft, fishermen, Western India 1 1 6 8 any mission station. He was baptized and freighters. Activity on the wharf Burma 9 2 8 19 about thirty years ago, and he has been became more and more distinct as we Ceylon 1 3 4 faithful all these years. He wanted to do all he could in extending this mes- drew near. The ropes were thrown out sage of mercy to his neighbours as far and soon our boat was tied to the pier. As the gang plank lowered, Pastor Total 16 5 67 88 as he could. Still another brother expressed that Brodersen and his family came aboard he was a poor man looking after the and gave my family and I a hearty wel- cattle of a rich man when this message (Continued on page 8) Total number of Campaigns axing came to him about twenty-five years 1948-88. ago. He has been faithful in keeping the commandments and paying tithe. The Caotern Ztinugz Lord has now blessed him abundantly. We thank God that we have such He bore a wonderful testimony to the faithful workers. May He help us all ,to promises of God declaring to those who Official Organ of the be loyal to our trust and live out our listened that it pays to serve the living SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Master's words: "Go ye into all the God. of the General Conference world, and preach the Gospel to every of Seventh-day Adventists creature." In addition to these conventions we A. E. Rawson. held a meeting in each of the places, for EDITOR E. M. MELEEN the Dorcas sisters and another one in the interests of the Home Commission. A. L. HAM • President WORDS OF CHEER These were well attended. On the whole A. F. TARR Secretary-Treasurer I should say the leaders of the local L. J. SHANNON Asst. Secretary-Treasurer E. D. Thomas missions are doing all they can to push E. D. THOMAS Field Secretary the battle forward. I was quite pleased I HAVE just returned to my office to see the progress made in all lines SECRETARIES in Poona after an absence of a of missionary activities, especially in Medical little over seven weeks in the South tithes and offerings and Uplift receipts. Publishing A. J. JOHANSON India Union, where we conducted Sab- I found some of the lay preachers also Educational C. A. SCHUTT bath school conventions and lay preach- interested in the Uplift work. Extensive E. M. MELEEN Acting Missionary ers' institutes in Narsapur, Nuzvid, plans have been made in the South Volunteer Trichinopoly, Prakasapuram, Advent- India Union for a successful Big Week E. D. THOMAS Home Missionary campaign this year. puram and Kottarakara. In each of and Sabbath School these places Brother I. K. Moses, the I was glad to see some of the leaders A. E- RAWSON Ministerial Association Sabbath School and Home Missionary in South India using my story illustra- L. G. MOOKERJEE Religious Liberty secretary of the South India Union, and tions and methods in their evangelistic and Temperance the writer, spent five busy days. Since work. As one of their old teachers, some the local missions have not many funds of my phrases and expressions are being Published and printed fortnightly by L. C. Shepard, at the Oriental Watchman Publishing to call in all the lay preachers in their used by them in their sermons. It ap- House, Salisbury Park, Poona 1. 1,450-3706-46. EASTERN TIDINGS September 1, 1948 us to feel immediately at home. We thank everyone. MORNING WATCH My duties as Division builder will call CALENDAR me to various parts of the field. I am looking forward to meeting the rest The 1949 Morning Watch of you folk and to doing my part in Calendar has been printed the promotion of the Gospel of Christ. and is now ready for distri- 0. Lester Hoover. bution to the field. These ASTOR J. 0. Wilson, acting superin- calendars are very fine P tendent of the Burma Union Christmas and New Year "BIG WEEK" THINKING, writes that in spite of disorderly up- risings in Burma resulting in barbarous tokens and you will want to OCTOBER 2-9 murdering, destruction of roads and use many of them for this railways, wrecking and robbing of purpose. The price this year T IS difficult for me to think of the trains, buses, boats, and the looting and is only 6 annas. Orders 1 Big Week without thinking of the burning of villages, about 200 members should be sent through the various benefits involved in the whol6 have been baptized during the first Book Depots. As only a Big Week project. First of all I think seven months of 1948. This is as many limited number has been of the plans that must be laid. That as were baptized during the first twenty printed, you should get your involves a great deal of thinking and that in itself is very helpful. The next years. "If it takes trouble to turn peo- order in early. ple to God, and His message," says step is the promotion of the plan, and Brother Wilson, "let us have the We still have a few that requires some more thinking. You trouble!" copies of the 1948 Year know what that means according to Bible definition—which says that as Book. This also may be man thinketh so is he. It is good for ordered through the Book us to be doing a lot of thinking about Pastor A. J. Johanson left Poona for Depots. The price is only the Big Week. Then I think of the South India on August 9 where he is Rs. 2/8/-. books selected, the subject matter in the spending five or six weeks holding col- L. C. Shepard. books, and what the books might mean porteur institutes. to the purchaser. He may never have given much thought to religion, and * * * these books might start him thinking (Continued from page 7) about God, heaven, and the future life. Miss R. Meister and Mr. and Mrs. come. It does incoming missionaries so All that thinking is very important and N. Matthews accompanied by E. M. much good to see some one there to may mean eternal salvation to him. But Meleen, spent a few days at the Lasal- that is not all, I think also about all gaon School recently, studying the edu- those who take part in the Big Week cational work there. work. Those who go out think about their sales, their profits, and what all this will mean to God's cause. All this thinking is very helpful for it very defi- Brother and Sister W. E. Preston. nitely links the Big Week worker with Evelyn, Gladys and Eugene, arrived in the Lord's work in general and the Big Bombay on August 16, en route to the Week project in particular. Then I think South India Union where Brother Pres- of the final result, the money that is ton has been appointed to serve as Pub- turned in from the sales of the Big lishing Department secretary. Week books and the donation of one day's wages from the workers. All these little streams of money brought to- gether in one large central fund will Pastor A. L. Ham, after spending two bring joy and happiness to the church weeks in the Northeast and South India or institution benefiting by this united Unions, returned to Poona, August 23. Big Week effort. Our 1948 Big Week campaign is just * before us. Have you got your thinking machinery in order for a good cam- Dr. R. V. Shearer and family sailed paign ? Think it over. See what you can from San Francisco on August 30, en do. There is room for every worker and route to the Northeast India Union church member in this campaign. Plan where Dr. Shearer will engage in medi- early and prepare thoughtfully. The cal work. 0. Lester Hoover. Lord's cause needs your faithful sup- port and labour. After, you have laid your plans, ask God for the guidance greet them. It's like being at home. of the Holy Spirit in your campaign, Brother Duane S. Johnson and fam- We felt like that, too. It was like a and success will be your reward. Re- ily sailed from San Francisco on August mountain of difficulty rolling off my member it should be your campaign. 30. Brother Johnson is returning to edu- shoulders as I saw the unique and busi- 0. A. Skau. cational work in the Northwest India ness-like way Pastor Brodersen got us Union as principal of the Chuharkana through customs. Ceylon's Uplift programme is in full School. We are glad that we have come to swing. The members and workers in the India. We like the people. We like the Colombo area are hard at it. They re- * climate. We feel that we are one with port slightly more resistance this year you in the promotion of the Gospel of than last, but are meeting with good Arrived at Mussoorie on August 23, Christ. It has indeed been a pleasure to success. Word has also come of pro- Gwen Ruth Woodward, to assist in have the privilege of meeting our peo- gress in other sections of the Island. keeping her father busy. Mother and ple on the Division estate. They have We hope for very good Uplift returns daughter are doing fine, they say. given us a hearty welcome, and caused this year.


''NOTES TO LEADERS Thomas, one morning I was out walking in a jungle close by our town. I went to THE date set for the Big Week is OCTOBER 2, 1948 a shady spot where people very seldom go. From there I could see a nicely 4-- October 2 to 9, 1948. I am ;sure Song: "Whosoever Heareth," in Church you are now in, possession of all. the dressed- man on his knees, praying -As Hymnal, No. 571. .earnestly to God, under a little tree. I , books needed for your churches." Prayer. previously announced we have two Eng- 'did not want to disturb hint, so I When God Splits the Announcements. waited- until he finished his prayer: lish, books• called Offerings. Then I went closer to him and asked Atom and Science Speaks. They are sold Talk: "Another Week of Service," E. D. at Rs 2 per copy, but Rs. 3-12-0 per' set. him who he was and what was his -books. -They have the Thomas. burden. He said that he was a colpor- They aye good Talk: "Go Ye Therefore," A. J. Johanson. teur-evangelist of the Seventh-day Ad- message which this land needs at pres- in ent. I am sure you will soon find -out Special Music. ventist ission. He did not succeed Talk: "You Are Involved," J. F. Hamel. Selling books for the past two days, so that they are good sellers. Talk: "Whet the Big Week Means to he thought-be would approach God and We have the translation of So Little - Each Local Mission," 0. 0. Mattison. ask Him. to show him if lie had done Time in Tamil, 'and Three Ways, to Talk: "The Effectiveness of the Litera- anything wrong which might have Health in Malayalam and Telugu. There. ture Ministry," S. Combridge. hindered his work. So he was spending .are some Bengali books also in, ',the Assignment 'of Territories. the best part of the day, asking God to Northeast Union office. In addition to Song: "Hark 'Tis the Shepherd's 'Voice I clear the King's highway. Mr. Thomas," this, we have 'the Oriental Watchman Hear," in Church Hymnal," No. 625. he said, "your man had a burden for ond_Herald of Health, at Rs. 40 per Prayer. souls, and he was anxious for the Lord year and the Tamil Good Way at to take away all sins- from his heart so Rs. 4.8.0 per year. I understand the that he might be a clean man." My 'Telugu magazine,salso will be out- _in reminded of the text in- Luke 21,:25, friend then concluded, "This might be • time. With these materials we can swell "Upon the earth distress of nations with the success of your work." I said, "Yes." our Big Week. sales as well as the 'Big perplexity." The seriousness of the I am glad the public is finding out Week "offering. I find in the local mis- times in which we live indicates that who we are and what we are. Very soon sions they are planning to raise a large the Lord will soon return to this the work will be cut short in righteous- sum of money for various local Pur- earth. People are anxious to know what -yew ness. So I feel a burden that we on this poses. I am sure you will reach all these things mean. The world is Rally Day should set a definite goal for - goal if you plan your campaign Jar asking questions as to the meaning of literature sales and Big Week offering, --ahead. The church members should'be the times in which we live. Out books, and work earnestly until we have -assigned= definite territories, and the magazines and tracts contain the an-, reached our goals. We may not have books should be in the hands of the saver. A special effort should be put Many more Big Weeks to participate in. members following the Rally Day, pro- forth by the church at this time to This is indeed a wonderful opportunity, gramme. bring to 'a successful completion the Shall we ,not make this Big Week the On the Rally Day inform the P'eople gospel commission which' the Lord best we have ever had? ' that they are- supposed to turn in all gave us. E. D. THOMAS. the profit's ,of .the Big 'Week sales, -and During the special week set apart for a day's wage as their Rio. Week offer- SECRETARY, HOME MISSIONARY DEPT. the Big Week our evangelists, Bible- SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION. ing on Sabbath, October 9.' ThiS offer- workers, institutional workers, church •ing should be reported separately, as Big ,members and, young people should defi- "GO YE THEREFORE" Week Fund. Your success depends ,upon nitely plan for an aggressive campaign the thorough preparation you snakes for with our literature. One or two field A, J. JOHANSON your church members. We shall be days should be set for the institutional glad to hear froM you at the close: of workers when everyone will have the SECRETARY, PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT the Big Week campaign •of your ex- privilege of meeting their neighbours SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION periences. with the literature we have for this time. by_the past we have done well. THESE words were spoken by Jesus . • I. believe this year with the good books to His disciples after the crucifixion ANOTHER. WEEK OF SERVICE that we have we might break all pre- and resurrection. It was' an invitation or vious records in sales, and make con- a command, from the Saviour of man-. I HAVE just returned from a trip to tact with larger number of people. kind,' to those who believe. 1 the South- India Union where God is calling men and women into It is nut sufficient to believe only— spent a little over seven weeks, during the literature ministry. The time is we must go somewhere and do some- which time I came across many people come when everyone who is called to thing. As we read about the members who have been reading our hooks and this great ministry should respond and and apostles in the early Apostolic magazines for a good. number of years. go forth todo his part. Churches should Church, we find how they, because of I met some of -them, in the • train travel- encourage the prospective colporteurs persecution, were scattered 'everywhere, ling, some in business centres, and some '.to" avail themselves of this opportunity and wherever they went churches were attending our meetings in different, sec- and to snake their decision now for the established. They had a message of a tions of the field. Some of them .ex- Lord,' and to cast their lot with the col- risen Saviour to take to the world, and pressed themselves as to -how much they po- rteur-evangelists. The work will never nothing could hinder them until they like to read our literature. I islet some be finished by \paid workers alone. The had taken their message to the then- of our literature men too. They are of church should arise and do its part.' known world. The message 'of a risen good courage, and they told me how The task is, great, but the labourers are Saviour has been the comfort - and much they enjoy the literature ministry few. The "Lord of the Harvest is calling strength of the church throughout the and of the great -prospects there are in you into the ministry of -the printed ages, and according to the -promise the -that line of missionary endeavour. page. May He give you the strength and true Church has been looking for the Once I travelled with two Hindu courage to respond' and go forward into return of Christ to set up His kingdom gentlemen They were- well-read men.- I this great soul-winning endeavour. of righteousness and peace. It was this asked them what the people think of I 'was buying my ticket at a railway promise which inspired many of the re- the present situation. _ One man said, station counter when I met- an old formers and martyrs to give their lives "We are distressed," and the other. man friend of mine, who is now a retired' in order to proclaim the truth to the said, "We are perplexed." I was at, once government officer. lie said; -"Mr. world. f 1 .1 "Tidings, sent, for, ebexy ereattiie, citizen-that--kingdMik Whipli God "-is' thee--Plan WOrkinOn al confer-encei.-1ThP‘ Millibas yet have never heard: .4)60 -ready to- set up in this World: 00 Home Missionarydepartment, realizing 4- Can they hear without a preacherT',1 literature- has the: answers that Will: the, inaPortanee of: our church Melo: Lord Almighty, give the word; 'satisfy all these -questioners and :Will berg -:circulating our, publications, soon• Give the word; in every nation assure them, of _the hope of. a better adopted the policy as well. In this man-- Let the gospel trumpet sound, land where -there will be no more wars, ner--- all, of -bur lay - members are -urged Witnessing of Thy salvation pestilences or famines: to.- be - active in- the cireulation of:- our. To the earth's remotest bound. A few weeks ago a colporteur told of literature and to keep this one week re- his experience as he was travelling to served for this special occasion. This is - "Then the end, Thy church com- inbarmony with the Spirit of prophecy. pleted, his territory. He gave a copy of 'Signs of the Times to a fellow-traveller who "This- is the very work the Lord would All Thy chosen gathered in, - have -His people do at this time."--- With their King in glory seated, happened to be a doctor. As the doctor looked over the magazine he ,turned to Colportettr Evangelist, p. 5. If this type Satan bound, and banished sin; of',Work is the very work that the Lord Gone for ever, parting, weeping, the- colporteur and asked if he had any other good books, -so he brought out would have His people do, all of Hunger, sorrow, death, and pain; should be doing it. This includes, you Lot her watch Thy church is keep- Toward a Better Pay. As the colporteur opened the hook he said, "Doctor, have and it includes me. You- and I are in- ing; voked in God's great soul-winning- cam- Come, Lord Jesus; come - to reign." you-read that there will be a great day of judgment coming upon the earth, paign: "All can do something in the The Church in times past, - obeyed and then Christ will come? When He work. None will be pronounced guilt- God's command, went forward, and did comes all_ the evil and wicked people less before- God, unless they _hive a great work because they believed in. will die." Before the colporteur had winked earnestly, and unselfishly :for the! the message of a risen Saviour and in time to speak further, the doctor said, salvation of souls."---Testimonies, the promise of His return. We as a "I want a copy of this book." 395. Church today believe that - God has Everywhere people are asking what is this year October 2 has been set given us a special message about the- going to happen. The minds of many aside by the Division committee as Col- Second Advent of Christ, and the signs- are open and ready to receive the mes- portear and Big Week Rally Day for of the times prove that this event is- sage of deliverance. They want to know the members throughoutg the field.-'In near even at the door. If we really be- what they ought to do to be saved. the—Southern Asia Division the Horne lieve this—we must go and tell others Surely the day is not far distant when MisSionary department is joining forces about it—"Go ye therefore:' You may, we shall experience the fulfilment of with the Publishing department in mak- say, `1 am not a preacher br a teacher the words of the Lord's servant when ing;this the greatest week in the distri- or a literature evangelist, a nurse or a she wrote: "More than one thousand bution of literature in Southern Asia. doctor, so what can I do?" Here is stile will soon be converted in one day, most By combining our eff6rts and all work- answer! of whom will trace their first -convic- ing for the one purpose, we are looking tions to the reading of our publications." feirward to great achievements. A WORK OF FIRST IMPORTANCE —Review and Herald, November 10, Big Week has a three-fold purpose. -1885. And so come Christ's words to us First; it plaCes our literature in the "If there is one work more important who are believers no matter what our hands of the public. Second, it en- than another, it is that of getting our occupations may be, they are for church courages our church members to do :ptiblications before the public, thus members and workers alike, "Go ye mike missionary work. And thirdly, leading them to search the Scriptures.", therefore." Now is the time to scatter Means are obtained to assist in carrying: —Christian Service p. 145. In another the truth-filled literature, that every on God's great programme: As mem- place the inspired pen tells us, "Let the home and individual in India, Pakistan, bars, of one great family in Southern leaflets and tracts, the papers and bookS, Burma and Ceylon may receive the Asia, let us unite our- efforts, and let go in every direction. 'Carry- with you gospel of the kingdom and learn of each, one of us resolve to visit our wherever you go a package of select God's love and power to save. friends and neighbours during Big - tracts, which you can hand out as you Week with the special books that have have opportunity. Sell what you can; "YOU ARE INVOLVED" been provided. It will not only be good and lend or-give them away as the ease ,missionary work but the means thus may require." We are further instructed obtained from the sale of the literature that "Our publications should go every- I. F. H.tiviEr, will help to increase our offerings for- -where. Let them be issued in many the Lord. It is the policy - for the colpor. languages. The third angel's° message is SECRETARY, PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. tears- to give - as their offering the com- to be given through this medium and BURMA UNION mission on the best day's sales during through the living teacher."—Testi- Rig Week. Our workers and church monies, Vol. 9 p. 62. We have a mes- A NUMBER of years ago there was members are to give one day's salary sage, which we believe is the last warn- along with - the proceeds obtained - from ing to the people telling them to turn 1 1 a Field Missionary secretary, by the the, sale of the literature. to their God and Saviour. The Spirit of name of Andrew Roedel working in the state of South Dakota in America. Every -.ray members, colporteurs and. minis- prophecy tells us in several places of ter's, let us put forth the best of our the importance of bringing the literature week as the colporteur reports came in to the conference office he noticed that _ability -and let nothing hinder us from containing the truth before the people the task that lies ahead. Remember; we speedily. The advent literature will a number of individuals worked only about half time when they should he are : all involved, no one is to be ex- educate and enlighten the people as to eUSed. what they ought to do to be ready to working full time. Then there were meet their God. other colporteurs who failed to send in These days are days of perplexity and a report at all leaving only a- few col- trouble. Our hooks are vital and contain porteurs holding high the banner of the--truths for this distressed world. Men THE DIVINE POWER IN THE PRINTED Jesus by working a faithful, honest time. and women everywhere are anxious 'to PAGE OF TRUTH. Brother Roedel wondered what the obtain our books and papers as never sales of the colporteurs would be in the before. I am reminded' of the statement Even the people of the world believe South Dakota Conference if every col- frbm the pen of Sister White, "Papers that this old world will soon come to porteur would do his very best just for and books are the Lord's means of an end. The other day, travelling in the one week. He put - his thoughts -into keeping - the message for this time train, a Jew and a Hindu were my fel- action. With a little promotion every continually before the people."—Cdpor- low-travellers. First I handed over the colporteur did his very best, worked tenr Evangelist, p. -8. Are we, as book Toward a Better Day to the JeW his hardest and as a result they had one Seventh-day Adventists, proclaiming the and he read it. for several hours with of. the highest sales record, for a single truth through the printed page as we great interest, and as we' talked about week. Soon other conferences adopted should be doing? Let- us answer this the message of the hook together, the the plan of setting aside one week question by actions arid not words Hindu also became interested, in - fact which . later became known as "BIG during this coming Big Week., his heart was stirred as the prophecy of WEEK."_The General Conference Publish- :-The public appreciate our literature_ Daniel 2 was explained. And he wanted - big department, noticing the phenome- The other day I had opportunity.to visit to know what he ought to do to become nal - success of BIG WEEK, soon had a'.-'few of the business houses in. [ 2 ] :Mandalay, 'BurMa. cvhui does it titsatil.. to the Mission atre-404 n s 'es'sential that our -pinnies= AopkeePer,ecanvassed hint and,reeeitS, large? It means a atiengthenedlaity and lie widely-, tircidated. Thus the, `his order. The= adjoining. Shop -I. paSied Working force. Snch -canipaigns, when.'message will gO where the living prea- by, thinking it was part of - the, Store'-1 joined -by all, raise the spiritual zeal of cher, cannof, go, and .the attention of Was just, in. Onn -my return the second the whide mission. They sfrengthen the _many will be called to the important 'merchant came running out to 'meet -the entire body for greater united effort and events connected with:the closing scenes ' thatching Rs.- 40/- in his hand to pay for activities. of this:-"world's :hiStory,"—Co/porteur a book he had never seen. 'The--first It means a -wide Missionary programme. Evangelist, p. 5. , -• merchant had told him about it and he put' over. Homes • have been visited; To the Remnant 'Church God'has-en- desired it. Two other Burmese Men 'Paid literature sold, contacts made, souls en- trusted.. the task of warning the world ,nearly Rs. 100/- 'cash for books and couraged that would. have never been of the return of Jesus. The organized - magazines written in English when they reached in any other way. Names have church, through its various departments could not speak nor read - a word of been gathered for other contacts -later and its multitudinous activities, must English. They bought merely on the and eventually it means souls won and work to this end. recommendation. of another merchant added to the Mission. who accompanied me to their places and , No one who receives light in these introduced me. Yes, now is- the time to It means help to the needy through last days can possibly retain it unless he circulate our literature. Let us make the the funds raised. it means assistance to or she sheds it abroad to enlighten students who would not be able to be others.T most of this. opportunity. Let us resolve in our schools otherwise. It means funds now to do our part and have sheaves This great light could have been given • 'r to shoW for our labour when the Lord for evangeliStic efforts. It means re- direct to each individual either by-/ of the harvest. comes. sources .for entering new territory. In God's personal ministry—face to face Short, it means • growth. It means ad- with man, or through the ministry of 1, - 'WHAT THE BIG WEEK MEANS TO vancement. It means the filling Of, many the unfallen angels. God, however, in needs that could not and would not be His wisdom has ordained that fallen EACH LOCAL MISSION -filled otherwise. man, retreated in Christ Jesus should Since it means so much to the indivi- be the channel of salvation for his fel- 0. 0. MATTISON dual member in the Mission; since it low-men. • - means strength to the church of which SUPERINTENDENT", SOUTH INDIA UNION It is, absOlutely impossible for the you are a member; since it means minister and missionary to accomplish OW that title is something to think growth and expansion in the. mission of the work of warning the whole world N about. Just what does it mean? • which you and yOur church are a part, without the work of the colporteur First, what does it mean to you as an the question: arises "What are you going evangelist, but the threefold efforts of individual for you are a very vital part to -do about it?" Let us each resolve all can fully carry out God's great plan of the local Mission? Do not lose sight today to do our part-To acknowledge reaching every kindred, nation, by joining hands with the others of our tongue, and people with the Gospel. of that fact. Whether you are a prea- Mission .that we are not a part of the Cher, teacher, student, business man, Mission by name only but that we are. A minister may enter a large city and doctor, farmer or day-labOurer, you are determined to have a part in its announce his meetings by the best and the local Mission and -the local Missien most up-to-date methods of advertising, -Week activities and -to do our share. Having is YOU. Therefore, what does Big made -that determination . the Mission yet one quickly admits that hundreds, mean to you? If it means a task to be will 'he blessed, you will be blesSed, and for reasons quite justifiable, would be dreaded, then it is a bUrden. If it is Big Week can mean advancement and unable to attend. • something to be shunned, then to you • growth to the lopal MisSion and YOU. The medical missionary may establish it is a disgrace. But if it is none of his dispensary, erect his hospital, build these things, and I am sure you will THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE his school, and still be unable to -meet agree with me that it is not, then • let the teeming millions in the to, us see what it can and does mean to. us LITERATURE MINISTRY villages which make up his parish. and to the local Mission at large. S. COMBRIDGE The colporteur evangelists know no 1. It is an opportunity. An opportu- boundaries. They can; if they will, call nity for a change of work. To visit new A"ALL who labour effectually in the on every living person with the message places, new people. To get a change, of canvassing field ... are sounding of salvation. air, as it were, and get out of the. rut the note of warning in the highways and They can climb the highest mountain, of our daily routine. That is something byways to prepare a people for the "they can descend to the very bowels of we ought to do at times for the good great day of the Lord, which is soon, to the earth, they can go into the midst of of the work we are engaged in. It is an break upon the world."—Colporteur the sea. They can enter the palace and opportunity to share in the wonderful p. 27. experiences the faithful colporteur . is Evangelist, the hovel. In short, wherever souls are, having every day. An opportunity to With the above statement taken from they can contact them. lend a helping hand. To, do our bit -for the Spirit of prophecy, one must readily How valuable, also, is the work of a definite objective, An opportunity to admit the great importance of the work the colporteur evangelist to those who join with all within the entire local "committed to the colporteur evangelist. do attend the preacing of the Word. field in one common task and go forth. It is to be conducted now and will The hooks purchased contain in a 2. It is a blessing—first to YOU- continue until the second advent of permanent form, the truths they have -For a week you live with spirit--filled Jesus Christ. heard from the preacher. literature; you are doing the work, of The third angers message, the ever- The minds of such will be refreshed an evangelist. It waters: your own, soul- lasting Gospel, has to be published as long after the voice of the preacher has and brings cheer and happiness to -.you. quickly as possible, for we know not ceased, thus bringing back to .the You, are blessed and prove to be a how long Jesus will tarry. It is a warn- memory the truths that awakened the channel of blessing to all you contact. ing message which God intends every- heart from its state of indifference while 3. You are earning. Earning for -the one to have the opportunity to accept. under the power of- the spoken word. MiSsion of which you are a part. It is a It is a work which the ministry cannot No wonder the servant of -the Lord joy to know that we can turn funds accomplish without the co-operation of says that it ii "missionary work of the into the treasury of our Mission. That the colporteur. highest order." ' front our labour we can contribute, to "The canvassing work, properly con- The world to-day is filled with ers some needy project that the Mission is ducted, is missionary work of the roneous teaching. Satan has- almost promoting. That for a solid week, we highest order, and it is as good and complete control of the pulpits of the can work on that project and do our , successful a method as can be employed popular churches which make up Chris- part in raising it. There is a lot of truth for, placing before the people the im- tendom. God, not willing that any in the old saying "many hands -make portant truths, for this time. The im- should perish through ignorance, has light work," and it is a joy to'know that portance of the work of the ministry is raised up a church to whom He has we can be one of the many. unmistakable, but many who are hungry committed the message for the times. We could list many_ more things of for the bread of -life have not the God always has the messenger for His what Big Week means to us as Mdivi-- _privilege of hearing the word from message. He passes by the doctors of dual members of the Mission, but just God's delegated preachers. For this divinity who receive not His_ Word and

places His Spirit 4un':. 8011 third of tor Prospet ;Mien juniped- -16r. 'the as- in reviving AO- 10.1-0 . obey JHis coin :up from his desk' sayin , "1 ow yAu?ig old 'lriterars Ttlie: .:10:5..railitiart Tar”: tiinIMSY„, to. giVe 'MY statitina;•bus stops,: aeroPlarie, terniinals, ., ,.:•Wried';''of, :the ' living, God To , these ,• to .yon." - to, the I,. rest houses,, travellers spend many earnestly` calls to consecrate` themselves walked. with him.' At' the--doOr. "'opened bilks: of enfoeced waiting. During, these - to :. the work' Of ,publialting. abroad. the My prospectus and' Continued ; 7 .he long periods they welcome the. OPPOr'. very 'truths' Which. has' 5 denied. - walked' back 'to, his desk,' I: . tunny• to .read. Reading raCkS fidfil a mission there. If we 'de-Sire: our ,_work to . be: 'effective He 'a few minutes and said; • eealize 'that it -is. of little use "No, really you- :wust-,,. go !7. He" once This is a day of unparalleled, oppor- for, the ' 'door of -. house" to he .'opened again walked to the , door...As we reached,. tunity for the :churches. 'Man is coming ..;to 'us, if '.the door of , the, heart '. of the it. I lifted my 'heart to God and, 'OraYek4 to realize that if he is to he saved ""froM One • who opens . it is closed: "Lord,':. impress -.this:. man s mind, He. destruction,,. he., re wire's a firm, maim, suddenly ,turned and ; said,. :Very dual - Because man So des, Sister, White., saYS.: "The simple 'story, iiiipresSad:":.Tnriiing hark ta, hiS , desk ",,Of:',CheiSes" bye' 'foe: 01ot-A „.4411, 'Opeti- do-Ors perately needs this SalvatioN 'thechurch- 'i.41tect .a "qq):y-a70 'Paid. fin it should' surging forward to a news 'Wein (the ...celPorteika);,',,':eYen:- • to' Of -the' ciieferenees.,I -Hco/P- -OrteOr--, At -one, authority , in.power in their preaching 'the '''hernea. ,..iiiibelieverS;"-- have'atterided;;..,a :real" :Was. made- for and in. their mini try., •' these. . who :'hat"....reeeived. the ,inesSage, .Adaptet". Again'.' she,- says: :""Nor.. sootier' . ths.• through •the, ministry ...Of '.1literatore, - 1(557. name.' of "- leans in;d:Ove stand :!..NeVer: .forget..:' the sight as Hey erneSS- '''than-"angels. of draw er 'ball,"to , theft O a It O .,„ Iri-,418SIONAR -*OM' Ibid, „ such a :call, could 'he-:inaile to•, tiro • fln one occasion iT; called oq whole' World;„4.what ^a multitude would the past*ears three the: ; solicitor- , nitro lf /rite stand tio: 'Witness to .the poWer, of ar' leaders of the Havre and the Great :Reiidinli; 'presented., printed, page. Falls churches have been leading in the distribution of a great variety:-of,gospel literattire. .Thousands - of pages have been diStribitted- from. 'deer, to door: and by' mail ft is .the aim of the leadera to Cover the homes 60,000quitre of ,territory at, leait twice. • ' They have usedconsistently . ; ntietbCeritiirjr `plan! ';--maintain eMitaCtS.: once " • ' • T11 "datil-ttect' people, who respond wi fletobot pagei, study chi ,of baPP-$1,45::' dceV- aPpreeiation Vhen,1. *4'310(1 .40fiatYrinircet":?f'theehOe °Wing' ;Oils; funilly_ attended the, ineet, ti.10fi t/50NNiSIG:g0Ell te heat, ..•. • Last I' ;004 aJ--nuriitter ; outbreak of . quite' some time "Finally;' it2rs Several ,5 cOlpnr,tenrs were; as ..felon visited, „them:, again;.:: and theY:, families= tylin4art -indicated 'their in=. • ...: -..:terest.' One' German.: inethee;'-Who)heeself-. - signed:to CaikaiS'.the,..toWns 6f"•Tareatig• started , attending :the: effOrti-onee",traire reunested: ,f011eined( nun ',aiid Mahaeob in:: the ,Philippine Later fe*,- sold out their" hnsineis•- and :out:'0Waid the. ray and: thanked Islands. They,; succeeded in' .selling ni:OYed''t6" • .Shelteri,''NebraSka,., us most` profusely for Of',.'cOpiea.- Of .the .;;- --are: now inenibera Of ,the,,:5•Iielton'AtibOr-. book, T e Storyof Redexnpfion,mu these Iluring a recent syinpo awn, iekd ma,, that church .,i they- were the front Rer 'two sons '"desire . baptism ._ The oft tawny and their surrounding." barriosi in war broke, outer the "5. 'atiir Riina ;Said; ,.'`We:haVe..enjOYed high schoO",':had -' iweitien," 'for.' very .Much.':' We thank God Bible •-cotirSe; We - sent, 5 , teirs..Went hoine,:--joyint.: knoivb the Voice.'of that*they'..had' the. ' for the Jaithfitt. colnortenrs.75 'The 'entire" junioe'..; section' • of, the:, fieb".,hefOre.. .etiSiSting1,:of-. Mr.-andMrS.HItli-Aa,.-- course He• completed ' Then;IM fee. daughters and, 'sop, are, the noticed:, COifference ;advertiseineot", - ctirilsiaiie0 closed the, ' door "for "The Twentieth cti duration.., " -,• • truth' now-., The.,.cooperation of eelper• ehtishr3:11CA,0040.4ise.07.' .,teur,evangeiista' brings He enrolle in this, :4ti 7After: Oui' Institute. oe.bu„, during towaid - , • November o£ assigned rs1110-7, •, Narcisa, Goand Felecismo Beltran .• the. 4..whOle'HOtisei :of other-.'hoineS show territory,; of Tarrangnan WItileli.:'CaiiVass•,:', 1, : similae intereat: are..7.01UPW:inritine• „ • October g3;. ..' ' their present interest& 'with 'Sig Tz!nos. •:; • than twenty' people who were=.keeping. -B4ck . , ' • ' the Sabbathas a' result .of . reading - , 5,-, •5. , •.: We .,feel much 5 eric.onracaged- by Whit , the bobks they Iiad bought nearly' six .7; •arsgoa ung'• 'Gads -through ": years,before. ..c.61Porteura Who sold 'bought,, ‘„a,rt miSsiOnarieS5'iti area, "them the binles were the only Worker§ Daniel and th e 14v la ion, During,these 5 - situ:41..1mm• . or ',church, members who;-.'had ever thirty :years:he 'has been searching' -- for contacted theie people, :for -we : had no /,another; cepy., the' ,Three church . or members, 'in 'that: .tOwn.:,•The....,,,,-,,eeks" ago4 while; he' was' waiting', in a books :. were.. their side contact 'with 'the statiOn;- 'en .route tO. Corpus--Christi,' -he message. - • ; eYed:a' literatitte, rack: He drew ...from. it-' ""Ori,:Febritary 7,.I948;.PAStor 'catta09. one, of . Mir-, jonenais . advertised •we aye `sown`e„ genuine -gospel' baptized: : elgh$61:. of ,.'these" .precious the long-sought•bir ' , ,Yolutne.:146," -.ex- seed in . tears,' in the ''.Day of,Judgment, .. souls' and Many ,mire ;are to : be : 'baptized : preSsed ::his : joy in: thnfolloWing, winds-, we ';'shall find that: not :,',so ninth ': 'of '. it .6 laigr. All theSe PeOPle bad been brought ' °My heart leaped within ii?,,,e." He , wrote has- , been ,wastect.:: as :::• we May:, laYe, - to- the tenth through reading our book, ' at once to 'the •,,Pacihe- 1-';r0§) Poli101*it ' imaiiried;: for the' 7-gospet:;se-ecl : 'Ys' ire 'Story' ,O1,'14"deirip#4t."-, ' " ,: ,- ,,_:: AssoCiatiOO. -:::1-1ia,:' card' was : retoroed to immortal ria,. like ':-.nionaS-.;:'maypass', : ' ' .• - '"' ,„-.,'-4rl. ',G. ,Ai4vi.nOtA;IPliiliOpiriesi. :roy ,ctesk..' Iasi .Y.,sterdaY L: visited 'this, . thrOugh ' the hands ,ef'!inanne-. before" it :,: • Ink:Mesa: man.' With ' the Ana"' colporteur : actitaRY".COntes, to ,the;:one Whiaiii.,''Glid : ' : of 17 40. 7.1•A•7 : I94W.' 1k, cii37:Vi7;' ' toidcIiitti ,ci't Gr'C'61fq. . rf.. ,- iliteildk 'it' :shall-5 reach That which ...„.." . ...,LL, ' .. -:} : ,,,.. ' ,._..._...-,:. - irii007,43e.'','Thi volume "5 will be';'Placed-:'iti ,: fromt 5-a human Staittlpoint;: May;seen' like.."' (All-ta,AND- APID MINISTER' WIN -- his ',Iiiiiid; one month from Iii'day:'-tg,he-'' a dismal . failure,-, when vieWed. from '• ., FIVE MORE. ' , • - ."1""e,-. col," . i,,,, :coltune to , w„, Gods.: standpoint; who., can, watch 1 y6rt .Jimilo4 . n through sits numerous windings down to :to.* s9/4:21.0„:,.eonv ,of i! Revctatiotr.wk[ch is .iii!,D,*Bann bis '--T44m,h7, - ;the end , of. time,. is ,. a signal-tritionth;-5,4: :. j3i7bili:rka a'S44iulogEs 0- a fancily near e'n'rqs--.,„" ....- Telldoe.ated literatin;e:',.:"icks:h07e ' a'' Nizid _ Paulson, Footprints. (.4 ,Faith„ ,, P.• )30iii... :The. „4,a ti,*, viit .:., i:ve-res,--,, ,gettititeptace irk [ inakirig,'nOV coxitacts. :, 38.' — . " - -: -" -- husband , • '''.-. T 4) ' --: