Appendix E.14 Spotlight Surveys Report California Flats Solar Project Spotlight Surveys for San Joaquin Kit Fox and American Badger
Appendix E.14 Spotlight Surveys Report California Flats Solar Project Spotlight Surveys for San Joaquin Kit Fox and American Badger Project # 3308 Prepared for: California Flats Solar, LLC 135 Main Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Prepared by: H. T. Harvey & Associates April 2014 Cal Poly Technology Park, Bldg. 83, Ste. 1B San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 Ph: 805.756.7400 F: 805.756.7441 Executive Summary The California Flats Solar Project (Project) is a 280-megawatt photovoltaic solar power plant proposed for development in southeastern Monterey County, California. When approved, the solar facility and related operations infrastructure will be built on approximately 1037 hectares (2562 acres) (Project site) of the 29,137-hectare (72,000-acre) Jack Ranch, which is a working cattle ranch. The overall development will include improvements to an existing access road and its connection to State Route 41 (access road/Hwy 41 improvement areas). Together, the Project site and access road/Hwy 41 improvement areas constitute the 1058-hectare (2615-acre) Project impact area (PIA), where all direct, Project-related impacts will occur. A biological study area (BSA) was delineated around the PIA, within which most Project-related biological surveys and assessments are being conducted. The Project site is located within a landscape dominated by gently rolling terrain and grasslands, interspersed with several, mostly ephemeral, riparian corridors and drainages. Numerous wildlife species are known to occur in the region, some of which have been identified as candidate, sensitive, or special-status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and/or U.S.
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