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8-19-1954 Law School Announcements 1954-1955 Law School Announcements Editors [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Editors, Law School Announcements, "Law School Announcements 1954-1955" (1954). University of Chicago Law School Announcements. Book 79.

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FOR SESSIONS OF 1954· 1955

AUGUST 19 · 1954 CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR 1954-1955


June 5 Saturday Alumni Day Sunday Convocation Sunday June II Friday Spring Convocation Saturday Spring Quarter ends


.lune 2 [ Monday Registration for the Summer Quarter Tuesday Classes meet July 5 Monday Celebration of Independence Day: a holiday Aug. 22 Sunday Convocation Sunday Aug. 27 Friday Summer Convocation Aug. 28 Saturday Summer Quarter ends (classes in the School of Medicine continue until September 4)


Sept. 20-29 College Orientation Period Sept. 25 Saturday or the Autumn Quarter (except new students in the Sept. 27 Monday Colltge) Sept. 27-29 Monday­ Registratl,'on of new students in the College Wednesday Registration fi, 28 t in meet Sept. Tuesday Classes the Divisions and Professional Schools Sept. 30 Thursday Classes in the College meet Nov. 25 Thursday Thanksgiving Day: a holiday Dec. 12 Sunday Convocation Sunday Dec. 17 Friday Autumn Convocation Dec. 18 Saturday Autumn Quarter ends


.lan. 3 Monday Registration for the Winter QuaT ter .. classes meet Jan. -I Tuesday t Jan. 29-Feb'5 College Orientation Period for Midyear entrants Feb. 7 Monday Midyear classes in the College meet Mar. 13 Sunday Convocation Sunday Mar. 18 Friday Winter Convocation Mar. J 9 Saturday Winter Quarter ends

SPRING QUARTER Mar. 28 Monday Registration for the Spring Quarter.. classes meet Mar. 29 Tuesday t May 30 Monday Memorial Day: a holiday Saturday Alumni Day Sunday Convocation Sunday Friday Spring Convocation June II Saturday Spring Quarter ends

Albert Merritt Bz''It: Z1lgs HOSPital

Four major landmarks among the one hundred buildings on the University oj Chicago campus Herbert ford JoloWic./:, Pro/essor University, lVIih 0/ CiDiI of students Mrs. Law, Ox. outszde Jolowic./: and a Beecher Hall. group

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The Honorable Felix .]ustice 0/ the United Franijurter, Associate ing with States Supreme students and Court, lunch. Faculty in Beecher Hall.

II Lounge o tn Beecher hour 0 School. the �:W tn The evening tradition becomecoffe: has already THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO




SESSIONS OF 1954· 1955

Volume LIV AUGUST 19 · 1954 Number 7 The statements contained in these Announcements are subject to change without notice.


Published by the University of Chicago at the University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois, in nine issues annually. The Announcements are issued twice each in February and April, once each in May, June, and July, and twice in August. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of August 24. 1912. TABLE OF CONTENTS





III. ADMISSION OF STUDENTS 4 Admission of Students to the Undergraduate (J.D.) Program 4 Admission of Students to the Graduate (LL.M.) (J.S.D.) Program 5 Admission of Students to the Certificate Program. 5 Admission of Students to the Graduate Comparative Law Program 5



VI. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION • 7 First-Year Courses 7 Second- and Third-Year Courses 7 Seminars 9 Courses for Summer Session, 1954 10 Summer Session, 1955 10
























LAWRENCE A. KIMPTON, Chancellor of the University. R. WENDELL HARRISON, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculties. WILLIAM B. HARRELL, Vice-President in charge of Business Affairs. GEORGE H. WATKINS, Secretary of the University.

EMERY T. FILBEY, Vice-President Emeritus of the University. FREDERIC WOODWARD, Vice-President Emeritus of the University.

EDWARD H. LEVI, Dean of the Law School, Law Building, First Floor. Jo DESHA LUCAS, Assistant Dean and Dean of Students, Law Building, First Floor. JAMES M. RATCLIFFE, Assistant Dean and Director of Placement, Law Building, First Floor.

HERMAN H. FUSSLER, Director of the Library, Harper Memorial Library, Room MIO. ALBERT F. COTTON, Bursar. JOHN B. THOMPSON, Dean of the Chapel, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, Office. ROBERT M. STROZIER, Dean of Students. WILLIAM E. SCOTT, Registrar and Assistant Dean of Students. VALERIE C. WICKHEM, Director of Admissions.

OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION ALLEN H. BARTON, A.B., PH.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology. WALTER J. BLUM, B.A., J.D., Professor of Law. WARD S. BOWMAN, JR., A.B., Research Associate (Associate Professor). NORMAN BURSLER, A.B., Research Associate (Associate Professor) and Law Librarian. WILLIAM W. CROSSKEY, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. BRAINERD CURRIE, A.B., LL.B., LL.M., Professor of Law. RITCHIE G. DAVIS, A.B., J.D., Visiting Associate Professor of Law. JOHN P. DAWSON, B.A., J.D., D.PHIL., Visiting Professor of Law (Winter and Spring Quarters, 1955)' AARON DIRECTOR, PH.B., Professor of Economics. ALLISON DUNHAM, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. JOHN JEWKES, A.M., Visiting Professor of Industrial Organization. HARRY KALVEN, JR., A.B., J.D., Professor of Law. WILBER G. KATZ, A.B., LL.B., S.J.D., James Parker Hall Professor of Law. t PHILIP B. KURLAND, A.B., LL.B., Associate Professor of Law. EDWARD H. LEVI, PH.B., J.D., J.S.D., Professor of Law. KARL N. LLEWELLYN, B.A., LL.B., J.D., Professor of Law. JOSEPH D. LOHMAN, PH.D., Lecturer in Sociology. Jo DESHA LUCAS, A.B., M.P.A., LL.B., LL.M., Assistant Professor of Law. BERNARD D. Professor of MELTZER, A.B., J.D., LL.M., Law.t. SOIA MENTSCHIKOFF, A.B., LL.B., Professorial Lecturer. ERNST WILFRED PUTTKAMMER, A.B., J.D., Professor of Law. MAX RHEINSTEIN, DR.UTR.IuR., Max Pam Professor of Comparative Law. KENNETH C. SEARS, A.B., J.D., Professor of Law. MALCOLM PITMAN SHARP, B.A., M.A., LL.B., S.J.D., Professor of Law. ROSCOE T. STEFFEN, A.B., LL.B., John P. Wilson Professor of Law.

* Where no office location is given after the name, it is to be understood that the office is in the Administration Building, 5801 Ellis Avenue. t On leave of absence, Winter and Spring quarters, 1955. � On leave of absence, Autumn, 1954, Winter and Spring quarters, 1955· 2 THE UNIVERSITY 'OF CHICAGO

FRED L. STRODTBECK, A.B., PH.D., Associate Professor of Sociology. SHELDON TEFFT, A.B., LL.B., B.A., B.C.L., M.A., Professor of Law. ERNST WOLFE, DR.JUR., Visiting Professor on Chicago-Frankfort Project. HANS ZEISEL, DR.JR., DR.POL.SCI., Professor of Law and Sociology.

VANCE N. KIRBY, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Law. CARL MCGOWAN, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer in Law. JOHN P. STEVENS, B.A., J.D., Lecturer in Law. MAX SWIREN, A.B., J.D., Lecturer in Law. GEORGE R. BOGERT, A.B., LL.B., James Parker Hall Professor of Law Emeritus. FREDERIC WOODWARD, LL.B., LL.M., HON.A.M., LL.D., Professor of Law Emeritus.

JEAN MCGUIRE ALLARD, A.B., M.A., J.D., Research Associate on the Arbitration Project. DALE M. BROEDER, A.B., J.D., Research Associate on the Jury Project. JOSEPH HAMBURGER, B.A., Research Associate on the Taxation Project. NOREEN HAYGOOD, B.A., M.A., Research Assistant on the Law and Behavioral Sciences Project. HERBERT HARVEY, B.A., M.A., Research Associate on the Arbitration Project. GEORGE KAUFMANN, A.B., J.D., Research Associate on the Jury Project. WILLIAM L. LETWIN, A.B., PH.D., Research Associate on the Antitrust Project. ABRAHAM LEVITSKY, B.A., M.A., PH.D., Research Associate on the Arbitration Project. JOHN S. MCGEE, A.B., PH.D., Research Associate on the Antitrust Project. FRED MERRIFIELD, PH.B., J.D., Research Associate on the Law Revision Project. NORMAN 1. MILLER, LL.B., LL.M., Research Associate on the Law Revision Project. MARGARET ROBERTSON, B.A., Research Assistant on the Law and Behavioral Sciences Project. HAL MUIR SMITH, PH.B., J.D., Research Associate on the Arbitration Project. RICHARD STILLERMAN, B.A., J.D., Research Associate on the Antitrust Project. VICTOR J. STONE, A.B., LL.B., Research Associate on the Jury Project. DAVID C. JACKSON, B.C.L., Bigelow Teaching . JAMES S. KOSTAS, B.A., LL.B., Bigelow Teaching Fellow. LAWRENCE GREENAPPLE, B.A., LL.B., Bigelow Teaching Fellow. ROBERT A. SAMEK, B.A.HoNs., M.A., LL.B, M.LITT., Bigelow Teaching Fellow. LEONARD BRAMAN, B.A., LL.B., Bigelow TeachingFellow.

SUMMER QUARTER, 1954 CHARLES A. BANE, B.A., B.A.JURIS., LL.M., Lecturer in Law. RALPH F. FUCHS, A.B., PH.D., LL.B., J.S.D., Visiting Professor of Law. CORWIN W. JOHNSON, A.B., J.D., Visiting Professor of Law. WILLIAM R. MING, JR., PH.B., J.D., Lecturer in Law. GEORGE E. PALMER, A.B., J.D., LL.M., Visiting Professor of Law. WALTER V. SCHAEFER, B.A., J.D., LL.D., Lecturer in Law. THE LAW SCHOOL 3.

1. LOCATION, HISTORY, AND ORGANIZATION The University of Chicago is located on the South Side of Chicago, eight miles from the center of the city. Its grounds lie on both sides of the Midway Plaisance between Washington and Jackson parks; its plant includes nearly a hundred buildings. The Law School Building is situated on the Quadrangles near Fifty-ninth Street and University Avenue. The Law School Building is connected directly with Harper Memorial Library and the Social Science Building. Beecher Hall, the Law School Residence, is located on University Avenue opposite the Law School Building. The American Bar Center, national headquarters for administration and research of the , is located on the south side of the Midway Plaisance, as is the Public Administration Clear­ ing House. The University of Chicago was incorporated in r8go, the product of the interest of the Baptist denomination in establishing a strong and well-equipped college at Chicago to serve the West. The University of Chicago includes: (r ) The College. (2) The four Divisions-Biological Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences. (3) The six Professional Schools-School of Business, Divinity School, Law School, Graduate Library School, School of Medicine, School of Social Service Administration. (4) Uni­ versity College, which includes the center for adult education, located in downtown Chicago, and the Home-Study Department. (5) The Libraries, Laboratories, Museums, Clinics, and Institutes. (6) The University Press. A school oflaw and was contemplated in the original plan for the Uni­ versity of Chicago. The school, according to William Rainey Harper, the first president of the University, should be more than a training institution for admission to the bar. An education in law, President Harper said, "implies a scientific knowledge oflaw and of legal and juristic methods. These are the crystallization of ages of human progress. They cannot be understood in their entirety without a clear comprehension of the historic forces of which they are the product, and of the social environment with which they are in living contact. A scientific study of law involves the related sciences of history, economics, philosophy+-the whole field of man as a social being." Consequently, the law school was not to be an institution which had a merely nominal connection with the University, and it was not to be separated either by location or by spirit from the University at large. It should be an organic part of the University, in close touch with the other divisions, em­ bodying the spirit and purpose of University life and, in turn, contributing to that life. In I g02 President Harper's plan was approved by the Trustees, and the Law School was opened in October of that year. The goal of the School as stated in the first Announce­ ments was "to afford adequate preparation for the as a profession in any jurisdiction in which the prevails, and to cultivate and encourage the scien­ tific study of systematic and comparative jurisprudence, legal history, and principles of legislation." The University of Chicago Law School has been a member of the Association of American Law Schools since the School was founded in 1902. It has been on the approved list of the American Bar Association since the standards of that association were adopted in Ig21. II. GENERAL STATEMENT

The curriculum of the Law School is designed to provide the essential training re­ quired for preparation for the practice of law, and for scholarly work in law. Emphasis is placed on a knowledge of the history, principles, and purposes of legal institutions, the operation of these institutions in the modern world, and the development of skills of 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

legal craftsmanship. The basic curriculum incorporates the traditional legal fields and disciplines essential to the work of the law. Where relevant and practicable, the data and theories of the social sciences are used to further the study of law. The usual, although not exclusive, form of instruction is the case method; emphasis is also placed on individual instruction through a legal writing and research program which is required of every student. Opportunity for specialization is provided in the second and third years of each student's program. The graduate program is planned to provide opportunity and guid­ ance for research in law. A special graduate program exists for foreign students whose undergraduate law training has not been primarily in the field of the Common Law and who desire to do research in comparative law. The research program of the School is intended to further the knowledge of legal institutions, to enrich the instructional pro­ gram of the School, and to contribute to the administration of justice.


All applications for admission are subject to the approval of the faculty.


Application for admission to theJ.D. Program may be made by students who will have received a Bachelor's degree from an approved college prior to beginning their study in the Law School. It is not required that applicants for admission present college credit in any specified subjects. In exceptional cases students who will not have satisfied the re­ quirements for a Bachelor's degree from an approved college prior to entering the Law School, but who have had three years of college work, may be admitted to the J.D. Program. Students in the College of the University of Chicago may be admitted after having secured a certificate of completion of General Studies. Students are selected principally upon the basis of their college records, the material furnished in their applications for admission, and the results shown on the Law School Admission Test. In special cases a personal interview with the applicant may be required. Preliminary questions concerning admission to the Law School and requests for copies of the application form should be addressed to the Dean of Students, Law School, The University of Chicago, Chicago 37. Completed applications, official transcripts of all col­ lege and university records, and letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the Law School. Arrangements should be made by applicants to take the Law School Admission Test administered by the Educational Testing Service, 20 Nassau St., Princeton, New Jersey. The results of this test should be reported directly to the Dean of Students, Law School, The University of Chicago, Chicago 37. The Law School Admission Test will be given at selected locations throughout the country on November 13, 1954; February 19, April 23, and August 6, 1955. Graduates of an approved law school whose studies have been primarily in the Com­ mon Law may apply for admission to the third year of the undergraduate school as candi­ dates for the J.D. degree. Graduates of an approved foreign law school, whose studies have not been primarily in the Common Law, may apply for admission as candidates for the J.D. degree in regular course. The requirements for this degree may be met in part for such students by the rec­ ognition of credits not to exceed 45 course hours (I It units) if performance in residence demonstrates the effective value of the student's work in a foreign system. THE LAW SCHOOL 5


Application for admission to the graduate (LL.M.) (J.S.D.) program is limited to students who are the holders of a first degree in law from an approved law school, whose undergraduate work has been primarily in the Common Law, and who are qualified for advanced research in law. The degree of Master of (LL.M.) is awarded only to students who have been admitted to candidacy for the degree of ofJurisprudence (J.S.D.). Application for admission must be made upon a form obtained from the Dean of Students, Law School, The University of Chicago, Chicago 37. The completed form should be sub�itted directly to the Law School.


Graduates of an approved foreign law school, whose studies have not been primarily in the Common Law, may apply for admission to the program designed to give a one-year introduction to Anglo-American law. Upon completion of this program, such students will be given a certificate of attendance and a certificate for courses successfully com­ pleted.

ADMISSION OF STUDENTS TO THE GRADUATE COMPARATIVE LAW PROGRAM Application for admission to the graduate (M.Comp.L.) (D.Comp.L.) comparative law program is limited to students who are graduates of an approved foreign law school and whose previous training, though not in the Common Law, qualifies them to under­ take advanced research in law. The degree of Master of Comparative Law (M.Comp.L.) is awarded only to students who have been admitted to candidacy for the degree of Doc­ tor of Comparative Law (D.Comp.L.). Application for admission to the Graduate Comparative Law Program must be made upon a form obtained from the Dean of Students, Law School, The University of Chi­ cago, Chicago 37.

IV. REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES The degree of Doctor of Law (J.D.) is awarded to students who (I) have been in resi­ dence for nine full quarters; (2) have shown by their standing in course examinations and by their individual investigations and reports a mastery of the fields for which they receive the requisite units of credit; (3) have shown an adequate mastery of English; and (4) have successfully completed the work in the elective seminars or equivalent individual work approved by the faculty. A single course unit is the equivalent of four hours per week for one quarter. To qualify for residence credit for a quarter, the student must take 12 or more course hours (3 course units). Credit for 135 course hours (331 course units) and an over-all grade average of 68 or above are required for graduation. The degree of Doctor of Law, cum laude, is awarded to candidates who have satisfied the requirements with distinction. Graduates of an approved law school admitted as candidates for the J.D. degree must be in residence for three full quarters and have received credit for 44 course hours (I I course units) with an over-all grade average of 68 or above. The degree of (LL.M.) is awarded to students who have completed with distinction the residence work required for the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence, and, after submission and approval of a detailed outline and partial draft of a disserta­ tion, have been admitted to candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

The degree of Doctor ofJurisprudence (J.S.D.) is awarded to students who have been in residence for three full consecutive quarters, have completed their studies with dis­ tinction, and, after admission to candidacy for the degree, have submitted a dissertation which is accepted by the faculty as a creditable contribution to legal science. Residence credit for a quarter requires 12 or more course hours (3 course units). The program is individually arranged with the student's faculty adviser and is expected to occupy the student's full time. Participation in the work of the General Graduate Seminar (489) is required. The work may include any seminar or course open to undergraduates with such supplementary work as may be required. It may consist of independent study of research as may be individually arranged. If the work in residence is completed with distinction, and a detailed outline and partial draft of the dissertation are submitted and approved, the student will be admitted as a candidate for the . Thereafter the candidate's must be submitted to the faculty for its approval within a reasonable period of time as set by the candidate's thesis committee. A certificate of attendance or a certificate for courses successfully completed will be given to graduates of foreign law schools who have been admitted to the Certificate Pro­ gram, have been in residence for three full quarters, and have participated in the seminar in Problems of American Law for Foreign Students (488). The degree of Master of Comparative Law (M.Comp.L.) is awarded to students who have completed with distinction the residence work required for the degree of Doctor of Comparative Law (D.Comp.L.). The degree of Doctor of Comparative Law (D.Comp.L.) is awarded to students who have been in residence for three full consecutive quarters, have completed their studies with distinction, and after admission to candidacy for the degree have submitted a dis­ sertation which is accepted by the faculty as a creditable contribution to the literature of comparative law. Residence credit for a quarter requires 12 or more course hours (3 course units). The program is individually arranged with the student's faculty adviser and is expected to occupy the student's full time. At least half of the student's work in residence' must be devoted to some phases of Anglo-American law. Participation in the General Graduate Seminar (489) and the seminar on Problems of American Law for Foreign Students (488) is required. If the work in residence is completed with distinction, and a detailed outline and partial draft of the dissertation are submitted and approved, the student will be admitted as a candidate for the doctorate. Thereafter the candidate's thesis must be submitted to the faculty for its approval within a reasonable period of time as set by the candidate's thesis committee.


Normally a written examination is required at the completion of each course. For each course the work of each student is graded according to the following scale: A, 80 and above; B, 74-79; C, 68-73; D, 60-67; F, below 60. These grades are recorded as nu­ merical grades in the Office of the Law School and as letter grades in the Office of the Registrar of the University. A minimum grade of 60 is required before course credit may be received. At the end of the third and sixth quarters, and of succeeding quarters, the student, in order to remain in the School, must have an over-all average of 68. In com­ puting averages, all grades will be counted on a weighted course-hour basis. Regular class attendance is required as a condition of receiving credit for work done. The privilege of membership in the School may be withdrawn for unsatisfactory class­ work or attendance. THE LAW SCHOOL 7


The program of each student is subject to the approval of the Dean. Normally all work for the first three quarters is required. A legal writing, research, and moot court program is also required of every student. Students are permitted to specialize in the second and third years. Members of the faculty may prescribe special qualifications for admission to particular courses or seminars. Unless special permission is granted, the student must take all courses listed below for the first-year program. The numbers in parenthesis at the end of each course descrip­ tion represent the value of the course in terms of course hours per quarter. In order to achieve credit for 135 course hours in nine quarters, the student must take an average of 15 course hours (31 course units) per quarter. Unless special permission is granted, no student may take more than 17 course hours in any quarter.


201. ELEMENTS OF THE LAW. The functions and problems of tribunals. The theory oflegal rules and of the law-crafts. The theory and practice of American case-law, especially in regard to principle, precedent, statute, and justice, are developed with intensive study of selected case­ materials. Aut (3), Win (2), Llewellyn. 202. . Promises and consideration-the bargain; fairness, duress, mistake, supervening events, default as an excuse, damages; an introduction to multiple party transac­ tions; contracts and competition. Aut (4), Win (4), Sharp. 203. AND PROCEDURE. The criminal act, criminal intent, consent,justifica­ tion, crimes against the person and against property; selected material in the administration of criminal law. Win (2), Spr (4), Puttkammer. 204. CIVIL PROCEDURE. Introduction to adjective law; division of business and function between State and Federal courts; choice of forum; jurisdiction over subject matter, persons, and things; venue; forms of judgments, res adjudicata and collateral estoppel; full faith and credit. Aut (4), Currie. 205. REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Present and future interests in land and chattels; restrictions on the creation of future interests; conveyances inter vivos, including land contracts; adverse possession and statutes of limitation. Win (4), Spr (6), Dunham,. Tefft. 206. . Protection of personal integrity, including freedom from contact, defamation, etc., compensation for personal injuries; protection against injuries to property interests; pro­ tection of consumers, purchasers, and investors; protection of business and other interests from wilful invasion; theories of civil liability. Aut (4), Win (2), Kalven. 207. AGENCY. Study of vicarious liability, workmen's compensation, and the allocation of risks in various types of business organizations, with emphasis on the effect of employer con­ trol of business operations and profit-taking. Aut (4), Steffen (limited to students who entered the Law School in the Summer Quarter, 1954); repeated Spr (4), Steffen (for students who entered the Law School in the Autumn Quarter, 1954). 215. EQUITY. The origin and development of equitable remedies and their role under present conditions. Aut (4), Tefft. (Limited to students who entered the Law School in the Summer Quarter, 1954.) 249. TUTORIAL WORK. Intensive training in analysis, research, and exposition of legal and related social materials by means of work on a series of individual projects under supervision. Moot court. Aut (I), Win (2), Spr (2), Kalven and Bigelow Teaching .


With the exception of the required second-year tutorial work, the program for the second and third years is elective. Courses recommended, but not required, as second-year courses are marked with an asterisk.

* 301. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. Right to notice; opportunity to be heard; adequacy of notice; elements of fair administrative procedure; what constitutes a fair hearing; administrative proceedings and resjudicata; judicial control of administrative proceedings. Spr (4), Sears. * 302a-I. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Enforcement of written constitutions; three departments of government; the federal system; powers of the national government; interstate and foreign commerce. I Aug (4), Sears.

• Students taking Constitutional Law may elect 302a-I or 302a-2 or both, or may take 302b. 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

* 302a-2. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Personal liberty ; political and social rights; due process and equal protection; eminent domain; retroactive Iaws.: Win (4), Sears. 302b. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. * The Constitution of the . A developmental presentation of the usual topics of constitutional law. Attention is given to the political back­ ground of the Constitution; the process of drawing and adoption; the intended meaning of the document; and the process by which the accepted modern theories of the Constitution came to be substituted therefor. 1 Win (4), Spr (4), Crosskey. * 303. COMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT PAPER. A study of commercial and banking transac­ tions, with particular regard to the development and use of notes, drafts, checks, bonds, and share certificates, the concept of negotiability, and the problem of statutory codification.s Aut (S), Steffen. * 304. ACCOUNTING. Introduction to accounting techniques and the interpretation of financial statements.a Aut (3), Katz. * 30S. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND PUBLIC POLICY. The pricing process and the allocation of resources in a free-market system; monopoly and restraint of trade; monetary theory and the credit system; industrial fluctuations; economic analysis and economic policy.s Aut (4), Director. 306. FAMILY LAW. Marriage and the family as social and legal institutions; legal relations between members of the family and between the family and outsiders; dissolution of the family. Aut (4), Rheinstein. 309. TRIAL PRACTICE. Pleading; parties; deposition and discovery; pretrial hearings; trial motion practice: division of function between judge and jury; verdicts. Win (4), Kurland. * 3 I o. CORPORATION LAW. Distribution of control; application of the fiduciary principle to directors, officers, shareholders, and promoters; the procuring and maintaining of corporate capital. Aut (S), Katz. * 311. COMMERCIAL LAW PRACTICE. Problems in the law of sales, letters of credit, chattel security, and collection of negotiable instruments with special emphasis on the techniques of problem analysis, counseling, and statutory construction.! Win (2), Spr (4), Llewellyn, Ment­ schikoff, 3I2. RESTITUTION. As an alternative remedy for ; remedies in contracts induced by fraud or mistake, and in contracts unenforceable because of impossibility of performance, the statute of frauds, or plaintiff's breach; rescission for defendant's breach and duress. Spr (4), Dawson. 344. MORTGAGES. A study of real estate and chattel mortgages and related types of security with emphasis upon enforcement and liquidation. Spr (4), Te.fft. 349. SECOND-YEAR TUTORIAL WORK. Drafting, analysis of financial statements. A study of various legal problems and the drafting under supervision of contracts, leases, and other papers, including statutory provisions, and the preparation of supporting memoranda. Win (2), Spr (2), Steffen and Bigelow Teaching Fellows. 401. TAXATION. Income, gift, and estate taxation by the national government; the taxa­ tion of families as income-receiving and wealth-holding units; the taxation of business income and capital gains; the relationship of taxation to monetary and fiscal policy; and the role of taxation in a private enterprise economy. Aut (4), Win (4), Blum. 402. TRUSTS. Problems relating to the creation and administration of trusts; contemporary use of the trust device. Win (4), Dunham. 403. BANKRUPTCY AND REORGANIZATION. Credit aspects of inflation and deflation; prob­ lems of investment, debt, and failure in a fluctuating economy; debtor relief, including I corporate reorganization plans; corporate capital structures. Spr (4), Blum. 404. LABOR LAW. The legal framework for collective bargaining, strikes, picketing, lock­ outs, and other forms of pressure; the relationship of that framework to the general problem of regulating monopoly; the selection of the collective bargaining representative, the relation­ ship of the representative to the individual employee, including the regulation of the internal affairs of labor organizations; the negotiation, administration, and enforcement of collective bargaining arrangement. Win (4), Mentschikoff. 40S. LAW OF COMPETITION AND MONOPOLY. The structure of American industry, the theory of competition and monopoly; the development of patents and trade-marks; problems of unfair competition; the enforcement of the antitrust laws against restraints of trade and against monopoly. Win (3), Spr (3), Director, Levi. 406. EVIDENCE. The law governing the proof of facts in issue in trials at law and equity, with incidental treatment of hearings before administrative agencies; including burden of

• May be taken with Law 3I1.

3 Recommended in connection with Law 310, 401, and 403. May not be taken for credit by students who have had over a year of college accounting.

4 Recommended as preparation for Law 401, 403, 4°4, and 405. May be taken with Law 303. THE LAW SCHOOL 9

proof, presumptions, and judicial notice; the functions of judge and jury; the examination, competency, and privilege of witnesses; the exclusionary rules of evidence. Aut (6), Kurland. 407. MODERN REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. A study of land marketing transactions with particular regard to problems of the development of urban land, of marketing urban land, whether by sale or by lease, of financial acquisition of urban land, and of marketable title and title examination. The problems are illustrated with materials from the area of marketing of housing. Aut (4), Dunham. 408. CONFLICT OF LAWS. The problems arising when important facts of a case occur in states or countries having different rules of law. Aut (4), Currie. 409. ARBITRATION. Evaluation, legal aspects, and techniques of arbitration process in com­ mercial and labor matters. (Limited to sixteen students.) Aut (4), Mentschikoff, 410. JURISPRUDENCE-LAW IN OUR SOCIETY. A horse-sense approach to a selection of basic problems facing the Jawyer today as a craftsman, as a citizen, and as a person. Written critiques required weekly. Spr (4), Llewellyn. 412. INSURANCE. A study of the insurance , with some reference to the peculiar responsibilities of the insurance company. Spr (4) Sharp. 413. DECEDENTS' ESTATES. The machinery for, and the substantive law of, the transfer of wealth upon death (intestacy, wills, probate, administration); exercises in estate planning and drafting. Win (4), Rheinstein. 414. THE NATIONAL JUDICIARY SYSTEM. The constitutional and statutory jurisdiction of the national courts, both trial and appellate, including the relation of the national courts to the administrative agencies of state and nation. Crosskey, [Not given in 1954-55.] 415. STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Selected problems in state constitutional and ad­ ministrative law and the general legal principles applicable to the operation of counties, cities, and towns. Spr (4), Lucas. 417. FEDERAL JURISDICTION. History of federal judiciary acts; structure and business of the federal courts; nature of federal judicial function; diversity of citizenship jurisdiction; federal question jurisdiction; jurisdictional amount; removal jurisdiction; jurisdiction to en­ join federal courts; three-judge courts; law applied by federal courts; federal criminaljurisdic­ tion; habeas corpus; jurisdiction of the Courts of Appeals; jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Spr (4), Kurland. 418. ADMIRALTY. Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; torts in admiralty (including wrongful death); workmen's compensation; maritime contracts (including contracts for arbi­ tration); the governing law aboard ships; the seaman; the maritime lien; common carriage by water; towage; pilotage; salvage; general average; collision; limitation of liability. Spr (4), Currie. 419. PUBLIC UTILITIES. The application and implications of the "regulated monopoly" theory in federal, state, and city regulation of public utility rates and services, with some examples from the region. Aut (4), Sioiren,


454. SEMINAR ON THE STEEL INDUSTRY. The seminar will attempt to evaluate legal and economic problems relating to "competition" and "monopoly" in the steel industry. Basic issues which have been raised with respect to public policy on steel will be traced through previous hearings and court cases. Students may elect either Law 454 or 457. Spr (3), Bowman. 455. SEMINAR ON TRUSTS, ESTATES, AND TAXES. Discussion of selected problems in estate planning. Spr (3), Dunham. 456. SEMINAR ON SECURITIES REGULATION. A study of the problems in the issuance of corporate securities. Win (3), McGowan. 457. SEMINAR ON THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY. An analysis of economic and legal problems in­ volved in the structure of the chemical industry with particular emphasis on recent antitrust litigation. Students may elect either Law 457 or 454. Aut (3), Bursler. 458. SEMINAR ON RESALE PRICE MAINTENANCE. Objectives; economic interest of producers, distributors, and consumers; legislative and legal history; methods and results in particular industries. Can conflicts with the Sherman Act be avoided? Win (3), Bowman. 459. SEMINAR ON PATENTS, TRADEMARKS, AND COPYRIGHTS. Examined as devices to sanc­ tion or encourage conduct otherwise prohibited or discouraged by the Sherman Antitrust Act. Spr (3), Stevens. 462,463,464. SEMINAR IN LAW REVISION. Examination of the need for uniformity in areas suggested by the National Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Preliminary investigation and preparation of uniform statutes. Specific topics to be announced. Three separate seminars. Aut (3), Dunham; Win (3), Lucas; Spr (3), Lucas. 465. SEMINAR IN ENGLISH LEGAL HISTORY. A survey of the constitutional controversies of the Tudor and early Stuart periods, against the background of medieval political theories, ex- 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO panding powers of the English monarchy, and institutional growth under Tudor leadership. Win (3), Dawson. 466. SEMINAR ON MONEY, BANKING, AND EMPLOYMENT. Discussion of past and proposed plans for dealing with the problem of economic instability. Spr (3), Director. 473. SEMINAR ON COMPARATIVE LAW: SOCIOLOGY OF LAW. The interpretation and discus­ sion of selected chapters of Max Weber's Law in Economy and Society. Win (3), Rheinstein. 474. SEMINAR ON COMPARATIVE LAW: PROBLEM OF SHIFTING LOSSES. An examination of the methods of legal thought in Common Law and systems exemplified by the study of basic problems of the law of torts. Spr (3), Rheinstein, 475. SEMINAR ON GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION OF SPEECH AND POLITICAL ACTIVITY. An intensive examination of the extent to which speech and political activity are protected from direct or indirect governmental control. Spr (3), Kaluen, 476. SEMINAR ON URBAN LAND PLANNING. Discussion of selected problems of zoning, planning, building, urban redevelopment, and urban conservation legislation. Spr (3), Dunham. 483. SEMINAR ON INVESTMENT BANKING. An examination of Securities and Exchange Com­ mission procedures in the light of current investment banking house practices. Aut (3), Steffen. 484. SEMINAR ON INTERNATIONAL LAW. International law, with some reference to proposals for international government and to the characteristics of international lawlessness. Aut (3), Sharp. 486. FAMILY STABILITY AND THE LAW. Interdepartmental seminar to explore the possibility and limitations of influencing marriage stability through law. Aut (3), Win (3), Foote, Hughes, . Llewellyn, Rheinstein, Wolfe. 487. SEMINAR ON THE JURY. A study of the operations and some of the implications of the jury system. Aut (3), Levi, Shits. 488. SEMINAR ON PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN LAW FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS. Introduction to the study of American law through discussion of fundamental problems and through compari­ son with institutions of the Civil Law countries. Aut (3), Win (2), Spr (2), Rheinstein, 489. GENERAL GRADUATE SEMINAR. A core-seminar designed for graduate students. One topic of legal importance cutting across course lines will be considered each year. Identical with Law 486 for Autumn and Winter quarters. Aut (3), Win (3), Spr (3), Llewellyn. 496. SEMINAR ON THE SUPREME COURT. An analysis of work of the U.S. Supreme Court and its opinions for the current term. Aut (3), Win (3), Dunham, Kurland. 497. SEMINAR ON TAXATION. Selected problems in the income tax field with special em­ phasis on business aspects. Spr (3), Kirby.


204. CIVIL PROCEDURE. (6), Kurland. 206. TORTS. (6), Lucas. 306. FAMILY LAW. (4), Fuchs. 402. TRUSTS. (4), Palmer. 413. DECEDENTS' ESTATES. (4), Johnson. 422. CREDITORS' RIGHTS. (4), Blum, Katz. 423. MILITARY LAW. (4), Ming. 460. SEMINAR ON CORPORATE SECURITIES. (3), Bane. 485. SEMINAR ON JURISPRUDENCE: THE GROWTH OF THE LAW. (3), Schaefer.

SUMMER SESSION, 1955 The Law School will be in regular session in the Summer Quarter of 1955· A special announcement will be made at a later date concerning the courses to be offered. THE LAW SCHOOL II


Hours Hours Hours Agency= 4 Contracts 4 Agency 4 Civil Procedure 4 Criminal Law and Pro- Criminal Law and Pro- Contracts 4 cedure 2 cedure 4 Elements of Law 3 Elements of the Law 2 Real and Personal Prop- Equity= 4 Real and Personal Prop- erty 6 Torts 4 erty 4 Tutorial 2 Tutorial Torts 2 Tutorial 2

For first-year students who entered in the Summer Quarter, 1954.


Hours Hours Hours Accountings- e 3 Commercial Law Prac- Administrative Law 4 b Arbitration 4 tice= 2 Admiralty 4 Commercial and Invest- Competition and Mo- Bankruptcy and Reorgan- b ment Papers, 5 nopoly 3 ization 4 Conflict of Laws 4 Constitutional Law Commercial Law Prac- Constitutional Law- (302a-2)a 4 tice 4 (302a-I) 4 Decedents' Estates 4 Competition and Mo- Corporation Law- 5 Labor Law 4 nopoly 3 Economic Analysis 4 Second-Year Tutorial 2 Constitutional Law Evidence 6 Taxations 4 (302b)a 4 Family Law 4 Trial Practice 4 Federal Jurisdiction 4 Modern Real Estate 4 Trusts 4 Insurance 4 Public Utilities 4 Constitutional Law Jurisprudence 4 Taxation= 4 (302b)a 4 Mortgages 4 Restitution 4 Second-Year Tutorials 2 State and Local Govern- ment 4

& Normally taken as Second-Year Courses. b Students may take both Commercial and Investment Paper and Commercial Law Practice•. • Course required for the second year. d Students graduating at end of the Autumn Quarter may take as a complete unit. e Recommended in connection with Law 310,401, and 403. May not be taken for credit by students who have had over a year of college accounting. SEMINARS AUTUMN WINTER SPRING Hours Hours Hours Chemical Industry 3 Comparative Law: Sociol- Comparative Law: Prob­ Family Stability and the ogy of Law 3 lem of Shifting Losses 3 Law 3 English Legal History 3 General Graduate Semi- General Graduate Semi- Family Stability and the nar 3 nar 3 Law 3 Government Regulation International Law 3 General Graduate Semi- of Speech 'and Political Investment Banking 3 nar 3 Activity 3 The Jury 3 Law Revision 3 Law Revision 3 Law Revision 3 Problems of American Money, Banking, and Em- Problems of American Law for Foreign Stu- ployment 3 Law for Foreign Stu- dents 2 Patents, Trademarks, and dents 3 Resale Price Mainte- Copyrights 3 U.S. Supreme Court 3 nance 3 Problems of American Securities Regulation 3 Law for Foreign Stu- U.S. Supreme Court 3 dents !2 Steel Industry 3 Taxation 3 Trusts, Estates, and Taxes 3 Urban Land Planning 3 * This schedule is subject to change. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO


The John P. Wilson Professorship in Law was established in 1929 with funds contributed for the John P. Wilson Memorial Foundation by John P. Wilson, Jr., and Anna Wilson Dickinson as a memorial to their father, John P. Wilson, for many years an eminentmem­ ber of the Chicago Bar. The present holder of this professorship is Roscoe T. Steffen. The James Parker Hall Professorship in Law was established in 1930 by the alumni of the School in memory ofJames Parker Hall, Dean of the School from 1904 until his death in 1928. The present holder of this professorship is Wilber G. Katz. The Max Pam Professorship in Comparative Law was established in 1935 in memory of Max Pam, for many years an eminent member of the Chicago Bar, with funds allocated by the Trustees under the will of Mr. Pam. The present holder of this professorship is Max Rheinstein. Under the will of Harry A. Bigelow, the University is to receive, upon the death of certain life-beneficiaries, the remainder of a trust fund for the establishment of the Harry A. Bigelow Professorship in Law. Mr. Bigelow was Dean of the Law School from 1929 to 1939, and a member of the Faculty of the Law School from 1904 until his death in 1950. The Harry A. Bigelow Teaching Fellowships were established in 1947 in honor of Harry A. Bigelow. The fellowships are awarded to law graduates of high standing.


The Law School has available a number of fellowships for graduate students. These include: The James Nelson Raymond Fellowship, which "was created in 1933 and 1934 by Anna Louise Raymond. The Law Fellowships, which are supported by gifts of Law alumni to the Law School. University Fellowships, a limited number of which are reserved for research students in ' law. Application for fellowships in connection with graduate work leading to a graduate degree should be made to the Dean of Students, Law School, The University of Chicago, Chicago 37. Special Research Fellowships are available in connection with the various research pro­ grams of the School made possible through special grants and through gifts of Law alumni to the Law School Fund. Application for these fellowships should be made to the Dean of the Law School, The University of Chicago, Chicago 37. The Frieda and Arnold Shure Research Fund was established in 1945 by Frieda and Arnold Shure for the publication of legal studies of immediate importance for the public welfare.


A program of research in law and the behavioral sciences has been made possible through a grant from the Ford Foundation. Three projects are now being conducted: (I) The nature and operation of the jury system. (2) The characteristics and perform­ ance of arbitration as a sublegal system. (3) The public's attitude concerning the distribu­ .tion of the tax burden with special reference to the federal income tax. THE LAW SCHOOL 13


The Comparative Law Research Center was established in 1949 to promote research in the field of Comparative Law. Professor Max Rheinstein, Max Pam Professor of Com­ parative Law, is Director of the Center. The current project of the Center is a study of the effectiveness of laws restricting the possibility of remarriage as a means of minimizing the incidence of family breakdown.


The Law Revision Program is under the direction of a faculty committee of which Professor Allison Dunham is chairman and Mr. Fred Merrifield is Research Associate. The Law Revision Program includes studies and drafting on topics selected by the faculty committee from suggestions received from the Council of State Governments, the Con­ ference of Attorneys General, the Conference of Chief Justices, the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and committees of bar associations.


The Law-Economics Program is under the direction of a faculty committee of which Professor Aaron Director is chairman. Five projects are now being conducted: (I) The correlation between large-scale enterprise and the development of inventions. (2) The effects of resale price maintenance. (3) The meaning of the legal concept of vertical integration. (4) The effects of price discrimination. (5) The early history of the Sherman Antitrust Act.


The Law School awards a limited number of full-tuition National Honor Scholarships to outstanding students designated by selected colleges. In addition, a number of scholar­ ships are available each year for law students of outstanding ability who need financial assistance. Some of these scholarships are for full tuition, some for half-tuition, and some in amounts in excess of the tuition charge. In the case of veterans, scholarship awards may be made as cash grants to supplement government living allowances. Approximately one-fourth of the Law School Scholarship aid is reserved for entering students. The Henry C. Murphy Scholarship Endowment provides aid for worthy boys to secure an education, preference to be shown to those who plan to adopt journalism as their pro­ fession. The LaVerne Noyes Foundation Scholarships (for veterans of World War I [1917-19] and their descendants) are awarded on the basis of service in the armed forces of the United States in World War I. In addition to the general University scholarships, the Law School has available The James Nelson Raymond Scholarship established in 1930 from a fund given by Anna Louise Raymond in memory of her husband, James Nelson Raymond. Two Francis K'osmerl Fellowships, each in the amount of $ 1 ,000, were established in 1948 by a bequest under the will of Francis Kosmerl, J.D. 1918. One fellowship is awarded annually to an outstanding student in the entering class, and one to an outstanding student in the Senior Class of the Law School. The Class oj 1915 Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship endowed by the Class of 1915, is awarded annually, upon vote of the Law Faculty, to an outstanding student in the Junior Class of the Law School. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

The Edwin B. Mayer Scholarship provides tuition aid to a student in the Law School. The Leo F. Wormser Scholarships were established in 1935 by friends of Leo F. Wormser, J.D. 1909, as a memorial to him. In 1940 a gift to this fund was made by Mrs. Leo F. Wormser in memory of Mr. Wormser's mother, Mrs. Frida Wormser; and from time to time additional gifts have also been made to this scholarship fund by friends of Leo F. Wormser. The James B. Blake Scholarship Fund was established in 1951 as a memorial to James B. Blake, J.D. 1907, by his friends. The Mary Beecher Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduate of a women's col­ lege in the entering class of the Law School. The Phi Sigma Delta Scholarship, established by the members of Phi Sigma Delta Fra­ ternity, will provide a full-tuition scholarship for an outstanding law student during the academic year 1954-55' The Ekco Foundation Scholarship, a gift of the Ekco Foundation, will provide a scholar­ ship of the value of $ 1 ,000 for each of the academic years 1953-54, 1954-55, and 1955-56. Mr. Arnold I. Shure, J.D. 1929, has presented to the School a full-tuition scholarship for the academic year 1954-55. Application for scholarships should be made upon a form obtained from the office of the Dean of Students of the Law School. An exception to this procedure is made in the case of the award of a National Honor Scholarship. This award is granted upon the recom­ mendation of a participating college, and application for it should be made to that college. In addition to scholarship aid, the Law School has available several specially endowed loan funds as well as general University loan funds. The special loan funds available exclusively to students of the Law School include the Ernst Freund Fund, the James Parker Hall Fund, the Floyd R. Mechem Fund, the Harry A. Bigelow Fund, the Clark B. Whittier Fund, the Anna Louise Raymond Fund, and the Julius Rosenthal Fund. The Bernhardt Frank Loan Fund was established in 1952 by Louis H. Silver, J.D. 1928, in honor of his brother-in-law, Bernhardt Frank, for many years a member of the Chicago Bar and an outstanding appellate lawyer. A form of application for a loan may be obtained from the office of the Dean of Stu­ dents of the Law School.

XV. CONFERENCES, MEETINGS, AND LECTURES The Law School recognizes its responsibility as a law center to contribute to the de­ velopment of law through research and co-operation with the Profession. It recognizes also the importance of such activities as broadening influences in the education of law students. Special student seminars with members of the Bench and Bar are an integral part of the program of the School. Among those who participated in such seminars during the year 1953-54 are: Douglas B. Anderson; D. A. Binchy, Senior Professor, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland; Wendell Berge, of Berge, Fox, Arent, and Layne; Mr. Justice Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States; Hon. Jacob M. Braude, '20, Judge, Municipal Court of Chicago; Hon. Walker Butler, Judge, Superior Court of Cook County; Irwin Cohen, '30, Acting U.S. Attorney; Miles E. Cunat, '23, of Cunat and Cekan; Hon. William S. Ellis, County Judge, Logan County, Illinois; Nelson Foote, Director, Family Study Center, and Assistant Professor of Sociol­ ogy, University of Chicago; Raymond Goetz, '50; Lawrence Howe, Jr., '48, of Vedder, THE LAW SCHOOL

Price, Kaufman, and Kammholz; Herbert F. Jolowicz, Regius Professor of Civil Law, Oxford University; Luis Kutner; J. F. Kutak, '28, of the Guarantee Reserve Life Insur­ ance Company; Weymouth Kirkland, of Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin, and Ellis; Frederick H. Lawson, Professor of Comparative Law, Oxford University; David Levin­ son, '12, of Sonnenschein, Berkson, Lautmann, Levinson, and Morse; Mr. Justice John C. Lewe, Illinois Appellate Court; Mr. Justice Ulysses S. Schwartz, Illinois Appellate Court; The Honorable Walter V. Schaefer, '28, Chief Justice, Illinois Supreme Court; Abner J. Mikva, '51, of Goldberg, Devoe, Brussell, and Shadur; Hon. John V. McCormick, '16, Superior Court of Cook County; Hon. Robert E. Merriam, Alderman, Chicago; Esther S. Muskin, '50, Law Department, Spiegel, Inc., Chicago; Forest D. Siefkin, '19, Vice­ President and GeneralCounsel, International Harvester Company; Charles M. Rush, '36, of Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin, and Ellis; Leland B. Reese, Taylorville, Illinois; Anthony Scariano, Assistant U.S. Attorney; Hon. Elmer J. Schnackenberg, '12, Judge, United States Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit; Robert G. Schloerb, '51, of Eckert, Peterson, and Lowry; Bernard Weisberg, '52, of Gottlieb and Schwartz; William Wines, Assistant Illinois Attorney General. Public lectures were given by Zelman Cowen, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne, Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School; William T. Gossett, Vice­ President and General Counsel, Ford Motor Company; John Jewkes, Professor of Eco­ nomic Organization, Oxford University, Visiting Professor, University of Chicago Law School; Herbert F. Jolowicz, Regius Professor of Civil Law, Oxford University; Frederick H. Lawson, Professor of Comparative Law, Oxford University; John W. MacDonald, Cornell Law School; Hon. Simon E. Sobeloff, Solicitor General of the United States; Paul W. Tappan, Chairman, United States Board of Parole; Hon. Leon R. Yankwich, Chief Judge, U.S. District Court, California. Under the auspices of the Moot Court Program, Hon. Walter V. Schaefer, '28, Chief Justice, Illinois Supreme Court, and Mr. James A. Dooley, President, Association of Plaintiffs' Lawyers, discussed "The Art of Argument." The Law School conducts a number of public conferences each year on major prob­ lems of the law. These conferences are designed to draw together members of the Bench, the Bar, the Law Faculty, and allied disciplines in the social sciences, to permit a joint approach to problems of common interest. The Winter Quarter Conference was on Insurance. The speakers included Friedrich Kessler, Professor of Law, Yale Law School; James B. Donovan, of Watters and Dono­ van, New York City; Herbert C. Brook, '36, of Lord, Bissel, and Brook, Chicago; M. Albert Linton, Chairman of the Board, Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York; J. Edward Day, Associate General Solicitor, Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark; Robert B. Ely III, General Counsel, Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia; Barry Oakes, Associate Counsel, Bankers Life Company, Des Moines; Clarence Morris, Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Phila­ delphia; John R. Stark, Executive Office of the President (Bureau of the Budget), Washington, D.C. The Spring Quarter Conference was on jurisprudence and Politics. The speakers in­ cluded Richard P. McKeon, Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor, The Uni­ versity of Chicago; Myres Smith McDougal, Professor of Law, Yale Law School; John Newbold Hazard, Professor of Public Law, Columbia University School of Law; Lon L. Fuller, Professor of Law, Harvard University Law School; Frank H. Knight, Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, The University of Chicago; John Jewkes, Professor of Economic Organization, Oxford University; Visiting Professor, The Univer- 16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

sity of Chicago Law School; Thomas A. Cowan, Professor of Law, Wayne University; Visiting Professor of Law, Rutgers University; Hans Kelsen, Professor of International Law, The Naval War College; Scott Buchanan, formerly Dean, St. John'S College; Edward Shils, Professor, Committee on Social Thought, The University of Chicago. The Law School participates annually in a Federal Tax Conference in co-operation with the School of Business and University College. The participation of the Law School in this Conference is under the chairmanship of Professor Walter Blum. In the Autumn Quarter, I954, six public lectures will be given on Justices of the United States Supreme Court. The schedule of these lectures is as follows: September 27, Merlo J. Pusey, on Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes; October I I, Charles Fairman, Professor of Law, Washington University, on Justice Joseph P. Bradley; October 25, Paul Freund, Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, on Justice Louis D. Brandeis; November 8, Carl B. Swisher, Thomas P. Stran Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University, on Chief Justice Roger B. Taney; November 22, J. Francis Paschal, on Justice George Sutherland; December 6, Francis Biddle, former Attorney General of the United States, on Justice Oliver W. Holmes. In the Winter Quarter, I955, three public lectures on Adjudication, Function, and Theory will be given by John P. Dawson, Professor of Law, University of Michigan, Visiting Professor, University of Chicago Law School. Intended primarily for law stu­ dents, these lectures will examine the development of attitudes toward the role of the judge, the tendencies toward specialization of the function, and the institutional factors in European history that have disguised and minimized adjudication as a factor in legal development. The Ernst Freund Lectureship was established in 1953 in honor of a distinguished member of the Law Faculty from I902 to I932. The lectures are given biennially and afterward are published. In I953 the Ernst Freund Lecture was delivered by Mr. Justice Felix Frankfurter on "Some Observations on Supreme Court Litigation and ." In I955 the lecture will be delivered by Mr. Justice Walter V. Schaefer; the date to be announced.


The University oj Chicago Law Review, founded in I933, is published by the School under the management of a Board of Editors composed of students. Members of the second-year class who rank highest in scholarship are invited to become competitors for election to the staff of the Review. From this group the Board of Editors chooses the editorial staff. The Editor-in-Chief for the Autumn and Winter quarters, I953-54, was T. W. Rosenak. The Managing Editors were Harlan M. Blake and Alan Rosenblat. The Associate Edi­ tors were Boris Auerbach, Oliver Axster, Renato Beghe, David Brenner, Hugh Brodkey, William Brown, Gilbert Cornfield, Leon Gabinet, Willis Hannawalt, Lawrence Hochberg, William Jochem, George Kaufmann, Gordon Ralph, Hal M. Smith, and Paul Wenger. For the Spring Quarter, 1954, the Editor-in-Chief was Harlan M. Blake. The Managing Editors were Renata Beghe, Willis D. Hannawalt, William P. Jochem, George Kauf­ mann. The Associate Editors were Boris Auerbach, Oliver Axster, David Brenner, Hugh Brodkey, William H. Brown, Gilbert Cornfield, Thomas Nicholson, Gordon Ralph, Hal M. Smith, and Paul Wenger. The Moot Court Committee conducts the moot court competition open to all students beyond the first year of work in the Law School. Officers of the Moot Court Committee for 1953-54 were Gregory B. Beggs, Chairman, and Eva S. Content, Clerk. The Chicago Chapter oj the Order oj the Coif is an honor society founded to encourage THE LAW SCHOOL

scholarship and to advance the ethical standards of the legal profession. Its members are elected each spring from the ten per cent of the graduating class who rank highest in scholarship. In 1954 the elected members were Harlan Morse Blake, Alan Reid Brodie, Robert Emmet Nagle,Jr., Theodore William Rosenak, Hal Muir Smith,Judith Weins­ hall Liberman. The University of Chicago Law School Student Association is composed of the entire law student body and is affiliated with the American Law Student Association, a national organization sponsored by the Junior Bar Conference and the American Bar Association. The organization sponsors various legal and social student functions throughout the year. Officers are elected from each of the three classes. The officers for 1953-54 were: President, Lee Vickman; Treasurer, Alan Ward; Secretary, Alice Wirth; third-year representatives, Hugh Brodkey, Gregory Beggs, David Brenner, Eva Content; second­ year representatives, Harold Ward, Vincent Diana, Bernard J. Nussbaum, Robert Mur­ dock; first-year representatives, Ward Wright, Bruce Kaufman. The Joseph Henry Beal, Jr., Prize, named in honor of the first Dean of the Law School, is awarded to the first-year law student whose work in the first-year tutorial program is judged by the Faculty to be most worthy of special recognition. The prize for 1953-54 was awarded to Preble Stolz. The Walter Wheeler Cook Prize, named in honor of a distinguished member of the Law Faculty from 1910 to 1916, is awarded to the student who has written the best essay pursuant to the work of the second- and third-year seminars.


The Law School has a placement office to help students find suitable employment after their graduation. In collaboration with the Law School Alumni Association, special placement groups in large cities, and the University's general placement office it secures information about openings in law offices, corporations, and government offices through­ out the country, and furnishes information about University of Chicago Law School graduates. Early in their third year, students submit placement data indicating their plans and preferences after graduation. It is important that these records, which facilitate appropri­ ate recommendations, be filled out accurately and be kept current. Accordingly, students whose plans or preferences change during the third year are asked to indicate such changes to the placement office. All third-year students have a personal interview con­ cerning placement with Dean Ratcliffe, who is Director of Placement. Members of the faculty are also available for consultation and advice.


The Law School occupies a building situated on the Quadrangles of the University near Fifty-ninth Street and University Avenue. The cornerstone was laid on April 2, 1903, by President Theodore Roosevelt. Built of Bedford stone in the English Gothic style, its external appearance is suggestive of the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge. On the walls of the building are hung the Charles B. Pike Collection of etchings and en­ gravings of English and American judges and lawyers and also portraits of various mem­ bers of the faculty and benefactors of the School. In the basement are seminar rooms, tutorial and law review offices, a clubroom, lockers, women's lounge, and library stack­ rooms housing the foreign law collection and the briefs and records of cases in the Su­ preme Court of the United States. On the first floor are two large classrooms, a court- 18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO room, the Law School Office, and the offices of the Dean and two assistant deans. On the mezzanine floor are the offices of the faculty and the stacks housing the bulk of the Law Library collection. On the third floor is the Law Library reading-room, a great hall one hundred and eighty feet long and fifty feet wide, with timbered roof and clerestory windows on all sides. Around its walls is an open-shelf collection, almost one-sixth of the Law Library'S 135,000 volumes, comprising duplicate sets of United States Supreme Court Reports, National Reporter System, reports of all state courts of highest resort and principal English Court Reports, together with citators, digests, encyclopedias, indexes, and annotated reports. A bridge affords a direct connection between the Law Library reading-room and the Harper Memorial Library, which houses approximately half of the University Library's two million volumes. Immediately across the bridge is the Periodical and Document Room, which houses recent and current issues of approximately 2,800 periodicals, principally in the social sciences and business, and the Social Science Read­ ing-Room, which has an open-shelf reference collection of approximately five thousand volumes. In addition to the foregoing, law students have ready access to the other depart­ mental libraries of the University and to the library of the near-by Public Administration Clearing House. The Law Library collection covers substantially all fields and systems of law. The Anglo-American Law section contains an almost complete collection of the statutes, session laws, and reported decisions of' the courts of each jurisdiction, together with digests, encyclopedias, periodicals, and the principal treatises. It includes also an exten­ sive collection of the original briefs and records of cases in the Supreme Court of the United States and a representative collection of the reports and opinions of the federal and state administrative agencies and of the proceedings of the various bar associations. The Foreign Law section contains basic source and secondary materials relating to early legal systems and the law of continental European and Scandinavian countries, including the latest codes and current periodicals. There are also special sections on legal history, including biography,jurisprudence, comparative law, , and international law. The Law Library has two special funds at its disposal to supplement general library appropriations. These are the James Nelson Raymond 'Memorial Fund, established in 1929 by Anna L. Raymond as a memorial to her husband, James Nelson Raymond, an eminent businessman of Chicago; and the Wallace Heckman Memorial Fund, estab­ lished in 1929 by Mrs. Wallace Heckman as a memorial to her husband, Wallace Heck­ man, business manager of the University from 1903 to 1924.


Mary Beecher Hall is the Law School Men's Residence. Located on University Avenue between Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth streets, it forms part of a quadrangle with the Law School Building. There are commons and lounge facilities as well as living quarters for a limited number of law students, and the Hall also provides a meeting place for law stu­ dents and a center for extracurricular activities of the Law School. The John B. Phillips Memorial Library, established by the classmates ofJohn B. Phillips, J.D. 1941, who was killed in action at Tarawa, is housed in Beecher Hall as an open-shelf collection of general cultural books pertaining to the law. Applications for residence in Beecher Hall, or inquiries concerning other housing ac­ commodations, should be addressed to the Housing Bureau, The University of Chicago, 5801 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37. Arrangements may be made by law students not rooming in the Hall to take regularly lunch or dinner, or both, in the Beecher Hall dining-room. THE LAW SCHOOL 19


International House, with accommodations for over five hundred residents (men and women), is a gift of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and is designed primarily to provide liv­ ing quarters for qualified students from abroad and for American students. Full-time graduate students and upperclass undergraduate students registered in the University of Chicago and in other colleges and universities in the Chicago area are eligible for resi­ dence in International House. Accommodations are available also to visiting foreign faculty members, research associates, and fellows. The cultural and social program of International House affords numerous opportuni­ ties for students to become acquainted with those from other lands and to acquire a knowledge of their customs and culture. Meetings of language groups and presentation of foreign-language motion pictures provide excellent opportunities for those who wish to acquire practice in the use of other languages. Informal discussion groups are organ­ ized to present historical, political, and sociological aspects of life in other countries as interpreted by students native to these lands. Social events in the House program have an international emphasis. Industrial and recreational tours are organized each quarter to acquaint residents with different aspects of life in the Chicago area. The Office of the Adviser to Foreign Visitors is located in International House. Coun­ seling service is offered to all foreign students in the area. Interest in the problems of the foreign student is not limited to those of an official nature. Students are invited to call upon the Adviser or other members of the House staff in any matters upon which they feel the need of assistance. All inquiries should. be addressed to the Office of Admissions, International House, 1414 East Fifty-ninth Street, Chicago 37.

XXI. THE CHAPEL JOHN B. THOMPSON, A.B., D.B., D.D., Dean of the Chapel, and Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, Federated Theological Faculty. RIm-lARD E. VIKSTROM, Director of Chapel Music. HEINRICH FLEISCHER, PH.D., University Organist. JAMES R. LAWSON, A.B., LAUREAT, Chapel Carillonneur.

Sunday morning services of worship are held throughout the academic year in the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Students and faculty members participate in the service. The Dean preaches on about half the Sundays of each quarter; on the other Sundays the guest preachers include members of the Federated Theological Faculty and outstanding churchmen from all parts of the nation and abroad. Special services are scheduled for the major seasons of the Church Year: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and Pente­ cost. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated each quarter. The Chapel is open daily for private meditation and prayer. Membership in the University Choir is open to all qualified students. The Choir sings at the Sunday services and, accompanied by members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, gives four or five major concerts each year. These include such works as Handel's The Messiah, Bach's St. Matthew Passion and Mass in B Minor as well as modern works of sacred music. Frequent organ concerts are given by the University Organist and by distinguished guest organists. Carillon concerts are played each Sunday and Wednes­ day by the Chapel Carillonneur. The University Chapel is the center of a wide variety of student groups organized for religious fellowship and activities within the University and for social service in the city. 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

These groups plan their own programs with the advice of counselors or of student pastors chosen by the authorities of their respective churches. The Jewish and Roman Catholic groups have houses of their own for their activities near the Quadrangles. A number of Protestant groups co-operate with the University in maintaining Chapel House, a building adjacent to the Chapel at 5810 Woodlawn Avenue, for their joint activities. Information may be secured, and appointments with the officers or counselors of the sev­ eral groups may be made, through the Chapel office.


The University maintains one of the finest collegiate athletic plants in the country, and it encourages the broadest participation of its students in the Physical Education Program. The Frank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium provides extensive basketball facilities, and classroom space for wrestling, fencing, squash, weight lifting, and handball. The men's swimming pool is located in the gymnasium. The Field House provides facilities for practice and enjoyment of a variety of athletic sports under favorable conditions in cold months and in bad weather. It contains a removable basketball floor, a track, a baseball diamond, five tennis courts, a golf-driving range, and a football practice field. The University also maintains sixteen outdoor tennis courts, two large playing fields, baseball facilities, golf greens, lawn-bowling rinks, a one-quarter-mile cinder track, and an ice­ skating and hockey rink. Ida Noyes Hall provides equipment for the program of athletics for women. The building contains a gymnasium, dance room, games room, swimming pool, golf cages, bowling alleys, billiard room, and shower and dressing quarters. In the garden just north of the building there is a practice golf green. To the south of Ida Noyes Hall is the Midway Plaisance, where the Chicago Park District provides three hockey fields.

XXIII. THE STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE WILLIAM LESTER, JR., S.B., M.D., Director of the Student Health Service and Associate Professor of Medicine. WALTER H. BRILL, JR., S.B., M.D., Assistant Director of the Student Health Service and Instructor in Medicine. CLIFTON C. RHEAD, JR., M.D., Assistant Director and Psychiatrist of the Student Health Service and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. GLEN E. HAYDEN, M.D., Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology. NAND6R SZENT-GYORGYI, M.D., Instructor in Medicine. HENRIETTE NECHELES, M.D., Assistant in Medicine. GEORGE J. PROCHNOW, M.D., Assistant in Medicine. RUTH E. TAYLOR, M.D., Assistant in Medicine. OLEV R. AAVIK, JR., M.D., Resident in Dermatology.

The Student Health center is a part of the medical plant of the University, which is comprised of hospitals, clinics, and medical-research facilities that are world famous. The complete facilities of the Health Service are available to all students in the quarters when they are registered and for a week following any such quarter. Each student is given a complete physical evaluation at the time of his admission to the University, and thereafter annual re-examination is made for diseases which might otherwise go undetected. The Health Service provides virtually complete medical care, except for illness or defects existing before the student's admission to the University, and in these cases the same care is provided unless unusually expensive medical or surgical treatment is required. Elective surgery is not supported; and although ordinary dental THE LAW SCHOOL 21 care and the fitting of glasses are not included in the service, the latter is available to students at their own expense by referral from the Student Health Service to the De­ partment of Ophthalmology, University Clinics. Medicines are not paid for by the Health Service except during hospitalization. Students are hospitalized in the University Hospitals whenever, in the judgment of the Health Service, it is necessary. Costs of hospitalization are then covered by the Health Service up to a limit of three weeks for any single illness. Failure on the part of the student to report for the entrance medical examination within the first two weeks of the quarter, or to keep an appointment already made for such examination, necessitates the payment of a $3.00 late fee. Students should present themselves for re-examination at the expiration of one year either from their original entrance examination or from their last annual checkup. Since any illness can best be diagnosed in the clinic, emergency room, or hospital, the Health Service discourages house or room calls. This service should be requested only in an emergency.


The Law School does not require that applicants for admission present college credit in any specified subjects. A broad general education is thought more important for the student of law than specialized study in fields closely related to law. Such a general education should include study of the social sciences, including eco­ nomics and history; the humanities, especially philosophy and literature; and the ele­ ments of physical and biological sciences and mathematics. It is also of great importance that a law student should have acquired habits of precision, fluency, and economy in writing and speaking. A list of books suggested for college students considering the study of law may be se­ cured from the office of the Dean. A booklet by members of the faculty on The Study and Practice oj Law may be ordered for fifty cents from the University of Chicago Bookstore, Fifty-eighth Street and Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37. On the request addressed to the Dean's Office, copies will be sent to college pre-legal advisers and other faculty members inter­ ested in legal education.


ApplicationJee. An application fee of $5.00 must accompany the original application for admission to the University. No part of the fee is refundable nor is it applicable as an advance payment on other fees. TuitionJee. The tuition fee in the Law School is $246 a quarter. A student is required to pay full tuition unless a reduced program of work and a reduction of fees are approved by the Dean. Residence hallfees. Single rooms, together with meals, are available in Mary Beecher Hall at a cost of $8ro for the nine-month academic year. There are a few double rooms at a rate of $780 per person for the same period. Deposit on admission. An applicant who is accepted for admission into the Law School is required to make a deposit of $35 within four weeks after notice of acceptance has been sent. This deposit will be applied on the tuition fee and will be refunded only in the event that illness or other sufficient cause prevents an applicant from entering the School at the beginning of the quarter for which he has been accepted. 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

XXVI. STUDENTS IN RESIDENCE, 1953-54 ABRAMS, NORMAN, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. ADLER, HARRY R., Bridgeton, N.J., A.B., U. of Chicago. ALLAN, HARRY THAIN, Saugus, Mass., Washington and Jefferson C. ALLISON, JAMES R., Salineville, Ohio, AB., Maryville C. ANDREWS, C. ROGER, Marion, Ohio, A.B., Yale U. ARNELL, DONALD E., Glenwood, A.B., U. of Chicago. ATHANSON, GEORGE A., Hartford, Conn., A.B., Amherst C. AUERBACH, BORIS, East Orange, N.J., A.B., U. of Chicago. AUSTIN, ROBERT L., Bethany, A.B., U. of Chicago. AXSTER, OLIVER V., Milwaukee, Wis., U. of Texas; U. of Chicago. BAILEY, ROBERT S., Valley Stream, N.Y., A.B., Wesleyan U. BAKER, DONALD, Lake Bluff, Deep Springs C.; U. of Chicago. BANDT, ROBERT D., Chicago, Ph.B., Marquette U. BEALL, INGRID L., Chicago (formerly Cedar Falls, Iowa), AB., AM., U. of Chicago. BEAUFAIT, KATHLEEN G., Salem, Ore., A.B., Reed C. BEECHING, CHARLES T., Herkimer, N.Y., A.B., Hamilton C. BEEM, JACK DARREL, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. BEGGS, GREGORY B., Oak Park, A.B., Yale U. BEGHE, RENATO, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. BISON, WALTER E., Detroit, Mich., S.B., Purdue U. BLACK, JAMES C., Glen Cove, N.Y., A.B., Amherst C. BLAKE, HARLAN M., Huron, S.D., A.B., A.M., U. of Chicago; Yale Law S. BLAWIE, JAMES L., Bridgeport, Conn., A.B., U. of Connecticut; A.M., Boston U. BLAWIE, MARILYN JUNE, Bridgeport, Conn., A.B., U. of Connecticut. BOHMAN, JEROME B., Houston, Ohio, A.B., U. of Dayton. BOWLUS,JOHN N., Erie, Pa., AB., Allegheny C.; AM., U. of Pennsylvania. BOYLE, RICHARD L., East Moline, A.B., Yale U. BRENNER, DAVID M.,Oak Park, S.B., Northwestern U. BRODIE, ALAN R., Portland, Ore., A.B., Reed C. BRODKEY, HUGH A., Chicago, AB., U. of Chicago. BROWN, RALPH E., Chicago, AB., U. of Illinois. BROWN, THOMAS WALTER, Albany, N.Y., S.B., Fordham C. BROWN, WILLIAM H., JR., Huntington, W.Va., S.B., Swarthmore C. BRUSSEL, SUZANNE C., Newark, N.J., AB., U. of Chicago. BURNSTEIN, MYRON H., Chicago. AB., Antioch C. BUTLER, EUGENE M., Dayton, Wash, A.B., Whitman C. CASEY, HUGH G., Chicago, Ph B .. A.M., U. of Chicago. CHAPMAN, DOUGLAS W., Hingham, Mass., A.B., Olivet C. CHEEKS,JAMES E., Cleveland, Ohio, AB., U. of Chicago; Ohio State Law S. CLARKE, ALBERT T., Chicago, A.B., Talladega C. CLARKE, CHARLES H., Steubenville, Ohio, Bethany C. COHN, LOUIS JOSEPH, Chicago, U. of Illinois. COLLARD, BRUCE R., Downers Grove, AB., U. of Chicago. COLLINS, (MISS) LANGDON A, Chicago, A.B., U. of Missouri. CONTENT, ARTHUR L., Stamford, Conn., A.B., Hamilton C. CONTENT, EVA STANTON, Atlanta, Ga., A.B., Oberlin C. COOK, MERCER, Washington, D.C., A.B., Amherst C. CORNFIELD, GILBERT, Chicago, AB., U. of Chicago. CRAMTON, ROBER C., St. Johnsbury, Vt., A.B., Harvard U. CRAWFORD, JOHN STEPHEN, Chicago, A.B., Knox C. CUNAT, MILES EDWARD, JR., Hollywood, AB., Brown U. DAHLE, JOHN N., Duluth, Minn., AB., Dartmouth C.; AM., U. of Chicago. DAVIS, CONSTANCE ALICE, Amsterdam, N.Y., S.B., Cornell U. DAVIS, JOSEPH, Louisville, Ky., Indiana U. DESOUZA, SERGIO MUNIZ, Sao Paulo, Brazil, LL.B., U. of Sao Paulo Law S. DIANA, VINCENT L., Manchester, Conn., AB., Trinity C. DINES, IRWIN JONATHAN, New York, N.Y., A.B., Oberlin C. DOBBINS, ROBERT M., JR., New York, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. DOCTER, CHARLES A, Cincinnati, Ohio, A.B., Kenyon C. DUCANTO, JOSEPH N., Oneida, N.Y., A.B., Antioch C. ELLISON, MAURICE F., JR., Tulsa, Okla., A.B., Tulsa U. EPHRAIM, DONALD M., Chicago, S.B., De Paul U. ETTELSON, JULIAN, Chicago, Ph.B., S.B., M.B.A., U. of Chicago. EULENBERG, ALEXANDER, Chicago, B.B.A., Northwestern U. THE LAW SCHOOL

EWELL, RAYMOND W., Chicago, A.B., AM., U. of Illinois. FEIwELL, GEORGE S., Chicago, LL.B., Iowa State U. FELDMAN, A. DANIEL, South Bend, Ind., A.B., U. of Chicago. FELDMAN, LEO, Chicago, A.B., Roosevelt C. FOREMAN, WILLIAM L., Chicago, Roosevelt C. FOSTER, LEONARD BRENT, JR., Wellesley, Mass., AB., U. of Chicago. Fox, DANIEL N., Los Angeles, Calif., A.B., U. of Chicago. FRIED, BERNARD MARK, Parksville, N.Y., A.B., Syracuse U. FRY, KEITH E., Marseilles, AB., U. of Chicago. GEE, RAYMOND WALTER, Salt Lake City, Utah, S.B., U. of Utah. GEERLINGS, PAUL FREDERICK, Salt Lake City, Utah, S.B., U. of Utah. GIBSON, JOHN WILLIAM, Atlanta, Ga., A.B., Emory U. GILBERT, HARRIS ABRAHAM, Nashville, Tenn., Vanderbilt U., S. of Law. GILES, GERALD F., Canterbury, N.H., A.B., Colgate U. GINSBERG, LEWIS ROBBINS, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. GOLD, EUGENE LLOYD, Cleveland Hts., Ohio, A.B., U. of Chicago. GOLDMAN, BARBARA, North Arlington, Va., A.B., U. of Chicago. GOLDMAN, ISAAC, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. GORDON, MICHAEL S., Chicago, AB., U. of Chicago. GORDON, STUART JAMES, Chicago, A.B., Reed C. GRIMES, JOHN ROBERT, Lombard, A.B., U. of Chicago. GUSSIN, ZAVE H., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. GUTSTEIN, SOLOMON, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. HAAS, GAYLORD R., Chicago, Wright Junior College, U. of Chicago. HALLEY, WM. FREDERICK, Wilmington, Calif., A.B., St. Mary's C. HAMILTON, DAGMAR S., Arlington, Va., A.B., Swarthmore C. HAMILTON, ROBERT W., Arlington, Va., A.B., Swarthmore C. HANNAWALT, VIVIAN, Cleveland, Ohio, A.B., U. of Chicago. HANNAWALT, WILLIS D., Cumberland, Ohio, A.B., U. of Chicago. HEFTER, HAROLD, Chicago, Ph.B., Loyola U.; U. of Chicago. HIRSH, SOLOMON I., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. HOHLER, ANTON, Mead, Okla., U. of Minnesota; Southeastern State C. of Oklahoma. HOOPER, RICHARD K., Montrale, N.j., A.B., Trinity C. HOUCHEN, VERNON H., Chicago, AB., U. of Chicago. HUNT, JAMES V., JR., Chicago, AB., Harvard U. HYER, STUART C., Rockford, AB., Beloit C. ILLUECA, JORGE E., Panama City, Republic of Panama, Ph.B., Escuela Libre de Derecho; LL.B., U. of Panama. JACOBS, CHARLES M., Brooklyn, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. JANNELLO, GroVINA, Turin, Italy, LL.B., U. of Turin, Instituto Giuridico. JOCHEM, WILLIAM W. P., Peoria, A.B., Knox C. WILLIAM C., AB. Yale U.; LL.B., Harvard Law S. JONES, Lexington, Ky., . JOSEPH, GEORGE M., Boise, Idaho, AB., Reed C. KAHLERT, GEORGE D., Carlyle, S.B., U.S. Military Academy. HOWARD U. of KAHN , MICHAEL, Chicago, A.B., Chicago. KAL, DARWIN PAUL, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. KATZAN, STEPHEN Z., Portland, Ore., A.B., Reed C. KAUFMAN, BRUCE ERIC, Waukegan, A.B., DePauw U. KAUFMANN, GEORGE, Bronx, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. KELLER, HENRY R., Deerfield, A.B., Hobart C. KELSO, ROBERT A, New Albany, Ind., U. of Chicago. KERSHAW, JAMES L., Columbus, Ind., A.B., DePauw U. KIM, CHI SUN, Pusan, Korea, Korean ; A.B., Whitworth C. KING, GEORGE E., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. KIPNIS, IRA A., Chicago, A.M., Ph.D., U. of Chicago. KLOOSTER, JOHN W., Chicago, A.B., Carleton C. KOEHLER, ERNEST K., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. KOHENN, JULES J., New York, N.Y., S.B., S.M., M.B.A., C. of the City of New York. KORETZKY, ALBERT, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. KOWALCZYK, DANIEL S., New Britain, Conn., A.B., U. of Chicago. KRAUS, HERMANN, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, U. of Frankfurt. KUTAK, ROBERT JEROME, Hammond, Ind., U. of Chicago. KUYPER, GEORGE ADRIAN, JR., Chicago, A.B., Swarthmore C. KYBALUK, SWIATOSLAW, Dr.Jur., U. of Heidelberg, Ukraine. LAMBERT, WATHA H., North Tazewell, Va., AB., U. of Virginia. LANGMAYER, ALFRED J., Cleveland, Ohio, A.B., U. of Chicago. LESTER, DAVID J., Morrison, A.B., U. of Chicago. 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

LEVY, GEORGE D., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. LEWIS, CHARLES WARREN, Randolph, Maine, A.B., U. of Maine. LICHTMAN, ROBERT M., New York, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. LONG, GEORGE WILLIAM, Nelsonville, Ohio, A.B., Ohio U. LOPEZ, CARLOSJ., Montgomery, Ala., U. of Illinois; S.B., Roosevelt C. LUNDIN, GEORGE S., Wilmette, A.B., Carleton C. LUNDMARK, JOHN 1., Harvey, A.B., DePauw U. McGOWEN, EDWARD J., Chicago, A.B., M.B.A., U. of Chicago. McINTYRE, CLYDE W., Joliet, A.B., Kalamazoo C. MADSEN, DAVID LAWRENCE, New England, N.D., Ph.B., U. of North Dakota. MAIN, LOUIS, Chicago, A.B., Beloit C. MANN, ROBERT E., Chicago, A.B., M.B.A., U. of Chicago. MARQUIS, NANCY C., Winnetka, Knox C.; U. of Chicago. MATSUKAGE, DANIEL R., Honolulu, Hawaii, Hiram C.; U. of Chicago MEAD, JOHN T., Barrington, A.B., Princeton U. M�NDLOVITZ, SAUL, Scranton, Pa., A.B., Syracuse U.; A.M., U. of Chicago. MESIC, ROBERT, Steubenville, Ohio, A.B., U. of Chicago. MESNICK, SAMUEL HOWARD, Union, N.J., A.B., Rutgers U. MILLER, HARRY STUART, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. MINKUS, GERALD, Chicago, S.B., U. of Illinois. MIRON, GEORGE, Houston, Texas, A.B., Rice Inst. MOHR, ELAINE GOLDMAN, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., A.B., U. of Chicago. MORGAN, LEWIS V., JR., Wheaton, A.B., DePauw U. MORRIS, SAM, Chicago, LL.B., John Marshall Law S. MURDOCK, ROBERT B., Pittsburgh, Pa., A.B., U. of Chicago. MURPHY, ERROLL E., Rockwood, Maine, A.B., U. of Maine. NADELHOFFER, CARLETON F., JR., Downers Grove, A.B., Carleton C. NADLER, RITA KOSLOW, Chicago, A.B., Smith C. NAGLE, ROBERT E., Mount Vernon, N.Y., A.B., Wesleyan U. NAUTS, CHARLES, Toledo, Ohio, A.B., U. of C.; Columbia U. NESS, ROBERT DAVID, Chicago, A.B., Roosevelt C. NICHOLSON, THOMAS L., Chicago, A.B., Princeton U. NOPPAKHUN, CHAIPRAPHA, Songkhla, Thailand, LL.B., U. of Thammasat. NUSSBAUM, BERNARD J., Kew Gardens, N.Y., A.B., Knox C. O'BRYANT, JAMES, JR., Spartanburg, N.C., A.B., U. of Chicago. O'NEILL, JOHN MICHAEL, Chicago, LL.B., John Marshall Law S. PADGETT, WILLIAM ROBERT, Cottonwood, Idaho, A.B., C. of Idaho. PAQUETTE, DONALD E., Grosse Pointe, Mich., A.B., U. of Chicago. PARA, MICHAEL, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. PARK, ROBERT A., Chicago, A.M., U. of Chicago. PARSON, HARRY LEFEVER, Chicago, A.B., Talladega C. PATNER, MARSHALL A., Chicago, A.B., U. of Wisconsin. PELTZ, HOWARD IvL, Chicago, A.B., Roosevelt C. POLLAY, RICHARD L., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. POLLOCK, MARVIN, New York, N.Y., A.B., U. of Pennsylvania. POOLE, ROBERT C., Des Moines, Iowa, A.B., Carleton C.; A.M., U. of Chicago. POWER, RICHARD W., Indianapolis, Ind., A.B., Haverford C. POZEN, WALTER 1., Maplewood, N.J., A.B., U. of Chicago. PUCHOWITZ, O. HARVEY (deceased), Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. RALPH, GORDON P., Wauwatosa, Wis., A.B., U. of Chicago. RAU, JOHN H., New York, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. REESE, DANIEL G., Taylorville, S.B., U. of Illinois. REHFUSS, HAROLD WILLIAM, Philadelphia, Pa., A.B., U. of Chicago. REINKE, WILLIAM JOHN, South Bend, Ind., A.B., Wabash C. RIEKE, LOUVERN VICTOR, Seattle, Wash., LL.B., U. of Washington Law S. ROHRER, KARL VAUGHN, Wichita, Kan., A.B., U. of Chicago. ROMANOFF, DANIEL, Aurora, Ohio, A.B., Kent State U. ROOD, JAMES L., Chicago, U. of Wisconsin; A.B., U. of Illinois. ROSENAK, THEODORE W., Milwaukee, Wis., Northwestern U. ROSENBLAT, ALAN, Bronx, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. Ross, NEVILLE, Chicago, A.B., A.M., U. of Chicago. RUBINSTEIN, LAWRENCE, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. RUTSTEIN, LEONARD D., Stuttgart, Ark., A.B., U. of Chicago. SACKS, MARVIN, Chicago, S.B., S.M., U. of Illinois. SAKAMOTO, WAYNE T., Poia Maui, Hawaii, U. of Hawaii; A.B., Grinnell C. SARUP, PREM, , A.B., A.M., Government C., Lahore, Pakistan; Dr. Phil., Heidel­ berg U. THE LAW SCHOOL

SCAVENIUS, JACK F., Anchorage, Alaska, Hollboll C., Denmark. SCHINDEL, DONALD M., Chicago, S.B., U. of Illinois. SCHMA, J. PETER, Chicago, A.B., Wabash C. ALBERT U. of SCIAKY, L., Chicago, A.B., Chicago. . SFEIR, GEORGE, Tripoli, Lebanon, Diploma in Laws, Jerusalem Law S.; LL.M., U. of Chicago. SHAFFER, ELLIS 1., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. SHANBERG, EDWIN H., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. SILVERMAN, MARVIN, Chicago, S.B., U. of Illinois. SLOAN, JEROME S., Detroit, Mich., A.B., U. of Chicago. SMITH, HAL M., Springfield, Ph.B., U. of Chicago. SMITH, JAY LEVORD, LaPorte, Ind., S.B., Purdue U. SMITH, MARLIN R., Peoria, Ill., A.B., Carleton C.; A.M., U. of Chicago. SOULES, WILLIAM A., Waterloo, Iowa, A.B., Carleton C. SOUTHARD, ALBERT L., East Chicago, Ind., S.B., Indiana U. STANFORD, ELLIOT E., Chicago, A.B., U. of California at Los Angeles. STECH, BARBARA L., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. STECKELBERG, HENRY CARL, Henryetta, Okla., U. of Oklahoma. STENDER, FAY ETHEL ABRAHAMS, Berkeley, Calif., A.B., U. of California. STENDER, MARVIN E., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. STENHOUSE, WALLACEJ., Scarsdale, N.Y., A.B., Yale U. STOLZ, PREBLE, Chicago, A.B., Reed C. SUSLER, MARSHALL, Decatur, A.B., James Millikin U. TATGE,JOHN S., Evanston, A.B., Lawrence C. TERRY, GENE, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. THURSCHWELL, HUBERT, New York, N.Y., A.B., U. of Chicago. TILLIN, MARVEN K., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. TOLLETT, KENNETH S., Muskogee, Okla., A.B., U. of Chicago. TOMBLIN, FREDERICK LEE, Charleston, W.Va., A.B., Marshall C. VAN ARSDEL, WM. EWING, Seattle, Wash., A.B., Whitman C. VICKMAN, LEE, Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. WALCHIRK, VICTOR L., Bloomington, Ind., A.B., Indiana U. WARD, ALAN S., Wilmington, Del., A.B., Wesleyan U. WARD, HAROLD A., III, Winter Park, Fla., A.B., U. of Chicago. WEBER, JORDAN A., Chicago, U. of Illinois Law S. WEINBRECHT, STANDAU E., Terre Haute, Ind., Indiana State Teachers C.; U. of Chicago. WEINER, KENNETH PAUL, Chicago, U. of Wisconsin. WEINSHALL, JUDITH E., Haifa, Israel, A.B., U. of California; A.M., U. of Chicago. WEINTRAUB, PHILLIP, New York, N.Y., Dr.Jur.Utr., U. of . WEISS, MARCO FREDERIC, San Francisco, Calif., A.B., U. of California. WENGER, PAUL N., JR., West Hartford, Conn., A.B., Dartmouth C. WENTKER, FREDERICK WM., JR., Evanston, Carleton C. WERNER, OLIVER J. J., JR., Kansas City, Mo., Ph.B., U. of Chicago. WILDMAN, WESLEY A., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. WIRTH, ALICE, Chicago, U. of Chicago; U. of Michigan. WONG, CHARLESJ., San Francisco, Calif., S.B., U. of California. WOODWORTH, ROGER H., Norwood, Mass., A.B., U. of Chicago. WRIGHT, JOSEPH WARD, Birmingham, Ala., A.B., U. of Chicago. WYATT, MICHAEL A., Chicago, A.B., U. of Chicago. YARKOWSKY, ALLEN TED, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, A.B., U. of Chicago. YELLIN, CAROL ROBERT, Aurora, A.B., U. of Chicago. YIANNOPOULOS, ATHANASSIOS, Thessaloniki, Greece, Diploma in:Law, U. of Thessaloniki S. of Law. YOUNG, JOHN ROBERT, Skokie, A.B., U. of Chicago. ZAGRI, SIDNEY, Chicago, A.B., U. of California at Los Angeles; LL.B., U. of Wisconsin LawS. ZEDECK, FRANK E., Chicago, Ph.B., Loyola U.; A.B., Roosevelt C. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO


No. of No. of Students Students

. I Allegheny College I Maryville College ...... Amherst College . 3 University of Michigan .... Antioch College . 2 James Millikin University ...... University of Basel. . I University of Missouri ..... Beloit University . 2 University of North Dakota. Bethany College . Northwestern University ..... 3 2 Brown University . I Oberlin College ...... University of California . 4 Ohio University ...... University of California at Los Angeles. 2 Ohio State University ......

...... Carleton College...... 7 University of Oklahoma University of Chicago . 89 Olivet College ...... I Colgate University' . University of Panama ...... I College of the City of New York . University of Pennsylvania ......

...... 2 Columbia University . I Princeton University University of Connecticut . 2 Purdue University ...... 2

...... I Cornell University . Rice Institute Dartmouth College . 2 Reed College ...... 6 University of Dayton . Roosevelt College ...... 6 Deep Springs College . I Rutgers University ...... De Paul University . I St. Mary's College ...... DePauw University . 4 University of Sao Paulo ...... Emory University . Smith College ...... Fordham College . Southeastern State College of Oklahoma University of Frankfurt . I Swarthmore College ...... 4 Government College, Pakistan . I Syracuse University ...... 2 Hamilton College . 2 Talladega College ...... 2 Harvard University . 2 University of Texas ...... Haverford College . University of Thammasat ...... University of Hawaii . University of Thessaloniki ...... 1 University of Heidelberg . Trinity College ...... 2 Hiram College . Tulsa University ...... Hobart College . University of Turin ...... Hollboll College, Denmark . United States Military Academy ...... I

. 1 College of Idaho University of Utah ...... 2

of Illinois . 10 University Vanderbilt University School of Law ..

Indiana State Teachers . 1 College University of Virginia ...... I Indiana . 2 University Wabash College ...... 2 Iowa State . University University of Washington Law School. Jerusalem Law School . 1 Washington and Jefferson College ..... John Marshall Law School . 2 Wellesley College ...... Kalamazoo College. . . Wesleyan ...... 3 Kent State University . University Whitman College ...... 2 Kenyon College . I Whitworth College ...... 1 Knox College. . . . 4 University of Wisconsin ...... 2 Lawrence College . I Yale University ...... 5 Loyola University . 2 University of Maine . 2 Marquette University . Number of Students ...... 250 Marshall College . Number of Schools represented ...... 93 THE LAW SCHOOL


No. of No. of Students Students

...... I UNITED STATES: South Dakota. .

Tennessee . Alabama . 2

...... I Texas. . . .. Arkansas . Utah...... 2 California. . . . 5

. Vermont...... I Connecticut . 7 ...... 4 Delaware . Virginia...... 3 District of Columbia . 1 Washington.

W ...... 2 Florida . 1 �st Vi:ginia.

. . . . . Wisconsin ...... Georgia . 2 4



Outside . 28 Chicago ...... Alaska-, . .. . . Indiana . 10 Brazil . Iowa...... 3 Israel .

Kansas . 1 -Lebanon .

. 2 Kentucky Pakistan . Maine...... 2 Thailand . Massachusetts...... 5 Panama . Michigan . 3 Italy . Minnesota . Korea...... I Missouri . I Germany...... 2 New . I Hampshire I�i 2 New Jersey . 6 Greece " . New York . 21

North Carolina .

North Dakota . I

Ohio . 15 Number of States represented (including Oklahoma . 3 the District of Columbia) ...... 37 Oregon : . 3 Foreign Countries and U.S. Territories Pennsylvania . 4 and Possessions represented...... 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO




GLEN A. LLOYD, '23, President , DWIGHT P. GREEN, I 2, Vice-President MAURICE ROSENFIELD, '38, Treasurer



XXIX. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTY, 1953-54 WALTERJ. BLUM Rights in Bankruptcy Reorganizations, 67 Harv. L. Rev. 1367 (June, 1954). DALE W. BROEDER The Functions oj the Jury: Facts or Fictions? 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. 386 (Spring, 1954)' BRAINERD CURRIE Full Faith and Credit to Foreign Land Decrees, 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. 620 (Summer, 1954). Review of Morris, Fair Trial, 14 Univ. Pittsburgh L. Rev. 630 (1953)' ALLISON DUNHAM An American Looks at Legal Education in , 30 N.Z.L.J. 56 (March, 1954)· Legal Education. Why Should a Lawyer Study Arts in a University? 29 N.Z.L.J. 265 (September, 1953)· Current Developments oj Law within the United States, 29 N.Z.L.J. 280 (October, 1953)· JOHN JEWKES on Tax Policy and Politics (in two parts), Financial Times, April 29 and 30, �954 (comment The Uneasy Casejor Progressive Taxation, Blum and Kalven, Univ. ChI. Press). HARRY KALVEN, JR. Review of Morris, Morris on Torts, 32 Texas L. Rev. 629 (1954)· Review of Bontecou, The Federal Loyalty Security Program, 29 Ind. L.J. (1954)· WILBER G. KATZ The Freedom To Believe, 192 Atlantic 66 (1953). Financial Statements and the Accounting Process, 35 Chi. Bar Rec. 63 (1953)· Problems in Income Determination and Valuation, 35 Chi. Bar Rec. 115 (1953)· Accounting and Corporate Capitalization, 35 Chi. Bar Rec. 163 (1954)· Natural Law and Human Nature, National Council of the Episcopal Church (1954)· PHILIP B. KURLAND Review of Hart and Wechsler, The Federal Courts and the Federal System, 67 Harv. L. Rev. 906 (1954)· Review of Buckley and Bozell, McCarthy and His Enemies, 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. 780 (1954), Review of Pritchett, The Vinson Court and Civil Liberties, 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. (1954)' WILLIAM L. LETWIN The English Common L�w concerning Monopolies, 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. 355 (1954)' EDWARD H. LEVI Review of Lilienthal, Big Business, and of Galbraith, American Capitalism: The Concept oj Countervailing Power, 49 Northwestern U. L. Rev. 2 (May-June, 1954). Review of Harno, Legal Education in the U.S., Univ. Pa. L. Rev. (December, 1953)· JOHN S. McGEE Cross Hauling-A Symptom of Incomplete Collusion under Basing-Point Systems, 20 Southern Econ. J. 369-379 (April, 1954)· . Decline and Fall oj Quantity Discounts: The Quantity Limit Rule in Rubber Tires and Tubes, Umv. Chi. J. of Business (July, 1954). Review of Wells, Monopoly and Social Control, 4 Am. Ec. Rev. 702 (September, 1953)' BERNARD D. MELTZER Involuntary Confessions: The Allocation oj Responsibility between Judge and Jury-A Comment on Stein v. People oj the State oj New York, 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. 317 (1954). MAX RHEINSTEIN Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society, edited and annotated by Max Rheinstein (Harvard Univ. Press, 1954). Festschriftfiir Ernst Rabel, edited with Hans Dolle and A. Zweigert (Ttibingen, 1954). Das Kollisionsrecht im System des Verfassungsrechts der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (The Law of Conflict of Laws under the Constitution of the United States), Festschrift fiir Ernst Rabel, 539-589 (Ernst Rabel, His Life and His Work). Standards oj Justice, in Natural Law and World Law, Essays To Commemorate the 60th Birth­ day of Koturo Tanaka, 199-213 (Tokyo, 1954). Inheritance and Property Rights-Social, Economic, Legal, and Religious Bases, Trusts and Estates, 50th Anniversary Issue, 223-226. Common Law and Civil Law: An Elementary Comparison, 22 Rev. Jur. U.P.R. (April, 1953). Trends in Marriage and Divorce Laws oj Western Countries, 18 L. & Contemp. Prob. 3-19 (Win­ ter, 1953). Will-Making under the Indiana Probate Code oj [953, Ind. L.J. (Autumn, 1953). Review of Freiherr von der Heydte, Die Geburtsstunde des souueranen Staates (The Hour of Birth of the Sovereign State), 2 Am. J. Compo L. 579-583 (1953). Review of Harold Marsh, Marital Property in COriflict oj Laws, Ind. L.J. 441-450 (Spring, 1953)· 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO

MAX RHEINSTEIN Review of Crosskey, Politics and the Constitution, 2 L. Sch. Rec. 2, 6, 7, 14, 15 (University of Chicago Law School, 1953). Review of Crosskey, Politics and the Constitution, 1 Internationales Jahrbuch fur Politik 101-103 (1953)· ROSCOE T. STEFFEN Cases on Commercial and Investment Paper (cd ed.; Foundation Press, Inc., 1954). FRED L. STRODTBECK The Family as a Three-Person Group, 19 Am. Sociological Rev. 1 (February, 1954). SHELDON TEFFT The Laws oj Real Property and Conveyancing, Will or Testament, United States, Encyclopaedia Britannica (1954). HANS ZEISEL Review of Kinsey-Pomeroy, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 21 Univ. Chi. L. Rev. 517 (Spring, 1954). The pictures above SMW fiv, Jrom among the rnany meetings oj alumni oj the Law SCMol held frequently throughout the nation. Associate Robert.H Jackson Honorable liv- The Court,'de States Supreme . United Justzce oj the corner- th� at the laying:.r oj o address the main ertng


Mr'7 . . JUstlee 0 Jaelcson,UstleeJ; linois Dairy ofthe n: Supreme a 0 OUrt, anda Co r» nlJoeatlon \o:lzaneellor l(zinpton. guest with


o nearing Bar Center The American

American Bar is built The American Bar Center, national headquarters '!Ithe Association, being The will be dedicated on August 19, 1951. on the campus '!I the UmVersity '!I Chicago. building ., Levi, k . Bor, Edward Robert at William LetWtn,. and John Jewkes Aaron Dtrector, McGee, 0n the Law�Econom- John . a 0if conference the conclustOn ics studies.

�,� ' Norman Soia Miller, M�nts chikl and Alli- son .off, Dunham at work on the Arb. itration Proi.rojecti o),+ wh.idi Professor Mentschikotlw izs D·trector, .

the research now in progress in the Law above are members of the staffs of some of projects Pictured and Law Revision. are the Yax the Jury Project, School. Not represented Project, The Luncheon Session of the Law School Conference on Divorce, typical of the School's regular Conference Series, which brings together members of the Bench, the Bar, the Faculty, and the student body.

The Planning Committee of the University of Chicago Federal Tax Conference, together with some of the speakers for the 1953 sessions. The Tax Conference, now in its seventh year, brings together experts in the fieldfor a three-day meeting.

'28, Schaefer, J.D. Walter V. Honorable and his The Court, Illinois Supreme ofthe ChiefJustice Jurisprudence. Seminar on

The "/;'D· -cuztoria/ 11oard . the r» 0/ D . Lato " ".//zzcago Lle{)zel()•.

Lester Bridge­ Fellows, Bigelow and David The 195:J-54 Waters, Donovan Bodner, man, John Yardley. TIM Dinner Session of one of tIM Conferences in the Law School's regular series

Professor Soia Mentschikoff, Professor Karl Llewellyn, Judge Learned Hand, and former University Board Chairman Laird Bell, at a recent alumni banquet. Professor Sheldon Tefft with the first group of winners of the Law School's National Honor Scholarships. The Honor Scholarship program is now in its thirdyear.

Law School students at a reception in Beecher Hall, the Law School Dormitory


The following Announcements of the University of Chicago are available for distribution and will be sent upon application made to the Admissions Counselor, The University of Chicago, Administration Building, Room 203, Chicago 37, Illinois.