ALL SAINTS CHURCH Our Mission Statement 1342 LANCASTER AVENUE In the spirit of Vatican I I, A ll Sain t s Parish SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 13210 (315) 472-9934 is an o p e n and w e lco m ing C atho lic A welcoming, diverse parish in the Catholic Tradition Christian Community, joyfully grounded in the Eucharist that strives to live the Gospel Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9am-2pm call to holiness and justice and loving E-mail:
[email protected] service to all. July 3 & 4, 2021 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Scripture for this weekend: Ez 2;2-5; Ps 123:1-2; Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6 Scripture for next weekend: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-10; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13 +++++ Break Margins Africa Appeal Thank You Very Much (Asante Sana) from Break Margins Africa and the LGBTQ+ Task Force The response to our annual appeal for Break Margins Africa has been amazing. A total of $18,757 has been raised -- $15,757 from the wonderful generosity of the parishioners of All Saints and $2,000 from St. Anthony of Padua Church in New Jersey and $1,000 from Our Lady of Lourdes in Utica NY. Thanks to you 38 youth rescued from a humiliating life on the streets of Nairobi Kenya will have a way to earn a living without losing their dignity (i.e. nursing, teaching, acting, mechanics, etc.). Ten others who took a short course in being entrepreneurs will be given funds for small business start-ups.