BILAL, Suphi P.B.095

•xld-, SiliKat- und Metallphasen in Schachtofen - Kupferschlacken.

Hamburg. 1983. 20,5 cm. ill. Dissertation zur Erlangung des DoKtorgrades des Fachbereich Geowissenschaften. 454. p.4.156

Bilan et Perspectives de la recherche frangaise en Geothermie (ire partie).

Paris. 1987. 27 on. ill. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, Be serie, tone III, n° 5, pp. 797^1020, Septennbre- Octobre 1987. p.4.156

Bilan et perspectives de la Recherche Frangaise en Geothermie (2e pairtie).

Paris. 1986. 27 cm. ill. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. Be serie, T. Ill, n° 6, pp. 1021-1232. BILAN...

Bilani^ des maladies et iniirmitees decelees dans les classes de milice 1953-1960 en Belgique. par F. TV.'IESSELMANN, J.FRANCOIS, P.MOUREAU, S. VRYDAGH

(Bruxelles),(Centre nat.Radiobiol.Genetique), s.d. 2.k cm. , ill. extr;"Population et Famille", n°5, pp. I-81 BILAN

Bilan de la Science N° 1, 2, 3

Paris, 1962 21cm.

Depouillement p.6.179

Bilan de trente annees d'etudes des popu lations du Tetras lyre (Tetrao tetrix) sur le platrau des Hautes-Fagnes.

Liege. 1997. 24 cm. ill. Cahiers d'Ethologie fondamentale et appliquee, animale et humaine. Collection Enquetes et Dossiess: 23. Vol. 17, fasc. 2-3-4. p.6.195

Bilan energetique chez les mollusques bivalves: Tenninologie et Methodologie.

France. 1987. 29,5 an. ill. Vie Marine Hors serie n° 7. Compte rendu du groupe de travail reuni au labo- ratoire national "Ecosysteme conchylicole" de I'IFREMER La Trenblade (13 et 14 septanbre 1984). BILAN ETAT S.6.776 ETAT SANITAIRE SANITAIRE FDRETS FORETS

Bilan de I'etat sanitaire des forets 1991. Rapport de synthsse concernant I'enquete 1990. Commission des Communautes europeennes.Direction generale de 1'Agrioulture.

Luxembourg. 1991. 29.5 om. ill. Office des publications cfficielles des Commun- autes eurcpeennes. BILAN INFIl.MITES

Bilan des maladies et infirmites decelees dans les classes de milicie 1955--1960 en Belgique. par F.TWIESSELMAN,J.FRANCOIS,P.MOUREAU.S. VRYDAGH.

(Bruxelles),(Centre nat.Radiobiol.Genetique), s.d., 2k cm., ill. extr."Population et Famille", n°5j pp.1-8l BILAN C.25.021 REFORMES (X)LLECTIVITES COLLECTIVITES LOCALES LOCALES REGIONALES THEORIE PRATIQUE PRATIQUE BILAN Refomes des collectivites locales at regionale en Europe;theorie, pratique et bilan.Colloque organise par le Conseil de l'Europe.Linz,5-6 novembre 1981. Strasbourg. 1983. 29 an. Collection d'etudes cortraunes et regions d'Europe. 28. I* J. GTS D 2.063

Ra.pcrts et Bilans de l'e:cGrcice 1952. Comite special du ICatsnca.

3ruxelleG, 1933 154. p. , 9 pi. , 33:-:21 err.. PE.30.548

Contributo alia Conoscenza degli Hyphydrus Africani (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae).

Pavia. 1986. 24 cm. ill. Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Entoriologia dell' Univ. di Pavia (32). BILARDO, A. P.4.445 ROCCHI, S.

Haliplidae e Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) del Gabon con note sistanatiche sulle specie di confronto (Parte prima: Haliplidae, Methlinae, Hydroporinae, Noterinae, Laccophilinae).

Milano. 1990i 24 cm. ill. Atti della See. Ital. di Sc.Nat. e del Museo Civico di Storia Nat. di Milano, vol. 131j n° 8, pp. 157- 196. BILATERAL CORDONE. P. 3350

The effect of stem height of bilateral cordone on yield of grapes, quality of must and vege tative potencial of trunk of some wine varie ties vitis Vinifera L. L» AVRAMOV, R. LOVIC, D. TADIJANOVIC. (English Summary) Belgrade# 1966. 23,5 cm. ill. Recueil Travaux Faculte agionomique Belgrade. XIV. k2^. i 1.i 1 ^ ' A '"J ti .'i. '••'- •' •I c 1.0 n "L .1•'' Ii IV iVLoiu,.,ic:. 1Z5 BIL'BASTE, JU. C. 23 . 446 Fauna Cikadovykh Tuvy Tallin . Valgus. 1980. 27 cm. ill. Akad. Nauk Estonskoi SSR Institut Zooloeii i Botaniki. 219 pp. LjXLCi^E, G:;cr\ C. 22»272

Ec-lc; ir.cha Studio ever da cvivcuna van acn '.ivL^nta CE.ui;cr,tca.

• runaal^ 1272. 22 cv. ill. V ri-.ard:-lirr; ' r:.::d liccntiuL.t in dn Dicrl^undc Vri ' a L'i ,iv;„iu ..ruacal. rc!;. V'ctcnacharacn. BII^ D.5.003 ALIEN WELT WELT NEUE BILD

Das neue Bild der alten Welt.

Koln. Historische Museen. 1975. 35,5 on. ill. Kolner Rcmer Illustrieirte. 2. BILDER-ATLAS..

Zuclit- und Rassenkundlicher Bilder-Atlas des Gefltlgels.

Reutlingen, Verl. Oertel & SpSrer, (195*+) 271 p.5 16 X 2^ cm. BILDER ATLAS AMPHIBIEN D. k.kkl

Bilder Atlas zur wissenschaftlich popularen Naturgesch ichte der amphibien in chren sammtlichen hauptforman.

Wien, Verlag der Kaiserl. Kon. hof und Staatsdrucherei, l864, 31cm., ill. BILDGEN, P. NICGLASj J.

Lbs Bauxites des Pays Mediterraneens.

PariSi 1980. 29,5 cm. ill. Cahiers Geologiques. nr. special de 1900 BILDSTEIN, K.L. C.19.071

Behavioral Ecology of Red-Tailed Hawks (Buteo Jamaicensis), Rough-Legged Hawks (Buteo Lagopus), Northern Harriers (Circus Cyaneus), and American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius) in South Central Ohio.

Columbus, Ohio. 1987. 27,5 cm. ill. Ohio Biological Survey. Biological Notes n° 18, B.58.906

Bildung in neuB(,Sicht Porschung an den Staatlichen Naturkundonuseen Baden-Wurttembergs.

Stuttgart. 1989. 24 cm. ill. Schriftenreihe des Ministeriums fur Wissenschaft und Kunst. 52. BHiEK, 0. P.3.750 SKAIA, L.

A new efficient method of the solution of the Nakajiraa-Zwanzig generalized master equation.

Lodz. 1986. 23,5 cm. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz, vol. XXXVI, 5. BILENICO, D.K.

Materianx rour I'histoire geologique de la vallee du Dnieper superieur et moyen.

Kiev, 1939. 1^+3 n., fig;26x17,5 cm. (dans "Acad. Sc. Ukraine, Inst. Geol. 1939") BILEWICZ - PAWINSKA, Teresa P. 33^B

1965. Ecological Analysis of Heteroptera communities in cultivated fields.

Warszawa . 1965 - 24cm, ill. (Ekologia Polska - Seria A. tom. XIII nr.29) DILEU'J CZ-1'A\.'1XE1E\ , Toresa 3 • 3 'iC The influence of U'ooclod land on nunioricaj dynamics of Hotcroptera.

Ivarszawa, 1961, d-'jtcm., ill. Ekolo^ia folska, Seria A., 4. BILEWICZ-PAWINSKA, Teresa, P. 33^8

Natural limitation of Lygus rugulipennis popp-by a group of Leiophron pallipses curtis on the rye crop fields*

Warszawa* 1969* 24 cm* ill * in; Ekologia-Polska- Seria A., T. XVII. nr* 4l. BILEVj'ICZ-PAV/IlTSia, Toresa. P. + BAJAIT, Cecylia.

Preliminary studiec on tiie role of Beauveria "basGiana (Bale) Vuill. in reduction of Lygus rugulipennis Popp.

V/arszawa. '197'1« 24 cm. ill. Ekologia Polska vol. XIX. n° 2. 3ILIiAly., 3.G. A 2869

Here is the weather forecast

London,Golden Gallery Press,(1947), 22Cp., aOfig., 36pi,, 19x13cm. BILHARZ, Theoflor. D 867

Das electrischc Organ dcs Oittei^velses. AnatODii sch De schrieben.

Leipzig, . Lngelmann, IR57. vi-52 p., 4 pl.j 37x28 cm. HTT TI^R7 TA qrq A„ ooU

T T, R. A„ 1 1 T.TD , ^Qfi?, ,. 21 Ci, tTI B. 52.263 BILHARZIASIS SNAIL CONTROL

Snail Control in the prevention of bilharziasis

Geneva World Heath Organization 1965, 2if,5cm ill N° 50

World Heath Organization: monograph series BILHARZIOSE P. 2086 DETERMINATION IMPORTANCE

1967. Determination de 1'importance de la bilhar- ziose pour la sante publique. Geneve, •> 24 cm., ill. Organisation Mondiale de la Sante Serie de rapports techniques n° 349 DILHARZIOSE p. 2.(

Chimiotherapie de la bilharziose Rapport d' un grouiJe scientifique de 1 • OMS.

Geneve, I966, 2kcm. Organisation mondiale de la sante serie de rapports techniques, n°317. DILllARZlUSii P. 203 S\ lUl'l LISBOA^NZ 1965 THERAPEUTIUUE NOUVELLE.

1966. 'riierapeutique Nouvelle de la Bilharziose et de 1 ' AmiVjiase . Symposium de Lisbonne 2 au k juin 19^5•

Basel. 1966, 24cm, ill. (Acta Tropica-Supplementum, 9) BILIBIN, F.A. P. 3.751

Provinces metallogBniques et epoques metal- logeniques.

Moscou, 1955 86 p., 27 cm. ext: Gosgealtekhizdat

(traduction D.R.G.G.M. (C.E.D.P.) n° 1.^21), c. 19.36:: BILIBINA, T.V. Petrologija scelochnogo vulkanogenno intruzivnogo konpleksa Aldanskogo scita (Mezozoj) (Petrologie du complexe volvano^- geno-intrusif basique du bouclier. Aldans- kij (Mesozoique)

Leningrad, Ed. Nedra, 196?,27cm.,ill. Ministservo Geologii SSSR Vsesojuznyj nau- chnoissledovatel'skij geologicheskij Institut (VSEGEI). BILIBINA, T.V. + SIDDRENKO, A.V.

Geologija i metallogenija shchitov drevnikh platform S.S.S.R.

Leningrad. Nedra. 1976. 26,5 cm. ill. Ministerstvo Geologii S.S.S.R. Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. 339 pp. BILIBINE, V. B 32090

Les methodes de calcul des reserves de petrole souterraines,

Lenin£;rad,roscoU5193.''. 27p.5 2pl., 21,5x14,5cm. BILIKIEWICZ, T. P. 2.111

Die Atioepigenese in der psychiatrisclien Forschung.

Leipzig. 1970* 24 cm. ill- Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge. n° 193- Band 35- BILINSKI E.

Utilization of lipids by fish. I,Fatty acid oxidation by tissue slices from dark and white muscle arid rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii)

Ottawa, 1962, 2k cm., ill. in : Studies from the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 700 EUR noo.f



Comraunaute Europeenne de I'Energie Atomique - EURATOM. * Direction generale Recherche et Enseignemcnt. Service de Biologie. Extrait de "Physiologie Vegetale", Vol. 2, N° 1 - 1964, pp. 9-24,

Les phenyl oxazolidine diones, nouvelle famille d'herbicides, agissent en desac- couplant la phosphorylation photosynthetique, BILIOTTI, E. P 2336

Etudes sur les traiteraents par brouillards insecticides en foret, par E. BILIOTTI, F. CHARMET et P. GRISON.

(Annales des Epiphyties: VI, n° 2ij. serie C, 1955, pp. 229-28A). BILIOTTI, E. A. 7.266 + BENARD, J. & alii.

L'ecologie centre les nuisances pour la conservation de la natvire. T. 1.

Paris. Guy Le Prat Ed. 1974. 20,5 cm. ill. Precis g^eral des nuisances. T. 5. BHiKE, H. P. 4.784 ALFES, C.

Coleoptera Westfalica : Familia Dytiscidae.

Miinster. 1977. 26 cm. ill. Abhandl. aus dem Landesmus. f. Naturk. zu Monster in Westfalen. 39 Jahrg. Heft 3/4. BILL, Ph C. C t

tTber Crustaceen aus dem Voltziensand- stein des Elsasses.

Strassbur^ i. Els», R.Schulz, 1914 50p., 7pl,, 2fig,, 26,5x17,Sm, ( dans Mitt.Qeol.Landesanst.v. Els-Lothr» Bd.VIII, Ht.3, 1914). BILLARD, Armand. C 1C46

Clytia Johnston! Alder, Campanularia raridentata Alder et Thaumantias incons- picua Forbes, (Paris),1S28. 2p., 26xl7ctn. (dans Bull.Mus,Hist,Natur.Paris,n®6, 1928) BITjTjAPiD , Ajrmand. B 9166

Contribution k 1'etude des hydroides (multiplication, regeneration, greffes, variations), Paris,liasson et Gie,1904. 251p., 6pl., 8Pfig., 24,5xl5,5cni. (dans Ann.Sci.Natur., Zool., t.:c<5 8e ser.) BILLARD, Armand. C 341

Developpement de I'hydranthe des Campa- nularxidae et des Plumulariidae.

(Paris),1904. 3p., 27,5x210^1. (dans G.R.Acad.Sci.Paris,1904) DILLARD, Arinand P. 5.03:

Les fonds de peche pres d'Aiexandrie VI Hydroidea.

Le Cairo, 193^, 27cm., ill. Notes et memoirs. DiEction des recherches des pecheries. 13. BILLARD, Armand G 16.81^

Les Ponds de P§che pres d'Alexandria.VI, Hydroidea, Le Caire, 1936. llp.,3fig. !+ cartes, 27xl8cm.

(dans Notes et Memoires. Direction des Recherches des P§cheries, n® 13). 3111.4.110, Arraand C.16.315


Paris, Masson & Cie, 1906 1 vol., 27,5 X 23,5 cm. dans :"Expedit. Antarct. Frang." (1903-05). BIIIaRID, Ar.r.and B 4I.74I

Hydro2Qes de I9 collection Lsm;..rck du i.Iuseum de Paris.

II. Campsnulariidae et Sertulariidae.

Paris, Hasson & Cie, I907 4 p., 2 fi_., 25X16,5 cm. BIIiAttDj Armand. B 4460 Les hydroldes de la c3te atlantique de France,

Paris, 1927. 21 p., 6 fig.j 25xl6cm. (dans c.R.Congr.,600.Sav.en 1926, Sciences). BILLAKD, A. D 2.517

les Hydroldes de 1'Expedition du Siboga, I Plumulariidae. II SYnthecidae et Sertularidae, Leiden, E.J, Brill, '^ 1925 2 vol., fig,, pi., 32,5x27,5cra. dans: "Siboga - Expeditie " Monog. VII a, b, BILLARD, Armand. B 5550 Hydroldes de Llauritanie . (Paris),1931. 6p., 2fig., 24xl6ctn. (dans Bull.Mus.Nat.Hist.Natur.Belg., Se.s^r.,t.III,n®7,1931) BILLARD, Ai'-mand. C 541 HydroI'des das cotes de Syrie (Mission Gruvel). s.l.ed., (1931). 7 p. j 2. fig.} 26xl6}5 cm. BILLARD, Armand. C 4859

Les Hydroides des golfes de Suez et d'A- kaba. (Le Caire ), (Irapr .Inst.Fraru^ais Archeol. Orient.),(1933). 30p., 9fig., Ipl., 28x22cm. (dans Rem.Instit.d'Egypte,T.XXI) BILLARD, Armsnd C 13.320

Hydroides du British Ruaeum.

Paris, Masson, I9I0 P. » (ext." Ann, Sc. Na'.urelles -T.XI,9e ser.) BILLARD, Artnand.

Hydroldes racoltes dans les campagnes du "Pourquoi Pas?" en 1920, 1921, 1924} 1927, 1929 et 183C. Hydroldes de 1'expedi tion du "Sylvana".

(Paris),1931. 7p. 5 25xl6cm. (dans Bull.I-Ius.Nat.Hist.Natur.Paris, 2e ,ser,,t.III, n°2,1931) BUJjAKD, .lirmand. B 1123

Hydro^des recoltes par il. Oh, Gamier a I'ile de San Thome, (Paris),1907. 2p,, 24,5xl6cm, (dans Bull,r'us.Hist,lTatur.Paris,1907, n°4,p.274) BILLAHD, Armand. G 532 Hydrozoa I. Hvdrozoa benthonica (excl. Hydrocoraliidae")» s.l.ed., (1927). 8 p., 2 pi., 26x16,5 cm. BiLLARDj Armand# C 360

Note critique sur divers genres et espe- ces d'hydroides avec la description de trois especes nouvelles. s.l.ed.jl924. 22p., 3fig., 25,5xl6cm. (dans Hev.Suisse de Zool. ,vole31)n°2., 1924) BILLARD, Aroaand, C 1C44

Note sur deux esp^ces d'Hal^cide du gen re Diplccyathus Allm. (Paris),1929. 3p., 26x16,Scm. (dans Bull.Soc.Zool.France,t.LIV,1929, p.69) BILLilRD, Armaiid. C 543

Note sur deux especes d'hydroi'des de la cote atlantiquj du i»-aroc. Rabat-tarisyLondres, 1930. d P*5 b dOxlojo cnit (deans Buli.doc .ociences IMatur .Ji/Iaroc,t .X, N°l—6 5 1330)• BILLARD, A B 10900

Note sur le Sertularella tricincta, n.

Paris,1939. 3p., Ifig., 24,5xlG,5cra. (dans Bull.See.Zo .1.France,t.LXIV,N°4, 1939) billiard, ^A. B lie

Note sur les hydroldes du Travailleur et du Talisman. (Paris), 1906. 5p., 23,5x16cm. (dans Bull.ITus.Hist.ITatur.Paris,1906, n°5,p.329) BHI./AKD, Armand. B 1773

Bote sur quclquos eapeces nouvelles de Sertularella de 1'expedition du "SiBoga". (l^ris), 19D9; 6p,, 3fig., 24,5xl7cm, (dans Gener,, 1919,. t.SSylTotes et Revue,n°l,pp,18-23) BHIAHD, Arnand. B 1122

Note sur quelques hydroldes de 1'expedi tion du Travailleur, (Paris) ,1905. 4p,, 4fig., 23,5x15,5cm, (dans Bull.Nus.Hist.Natur.Paris,1905, n°2,p.97) BILLARD, Armand. C 9618 Note sur quelques hydroides des cotes de France.

(Laval),(Barn^oud),(1923). 8p., 2fig., 25,5x16,5cm. (dans France, XLVIII, 1923). BILLiARD, Armand, B 559 Note sur quelques hydroides du Maroc.

Paris,1934. 5p., 6fig., 25x16, Scm. (dans Bull.See.Zool.France,t.LIX,1934, p.:227) BILLAEiD, Armand. C 104

Note sur un genre nouveau et quelques especes nouvellesd'Halecidae. (Paris), 1929, 3p., Ifig., 26x16,5cm. (dans Bull.Soc.Zool.France,t.LIV,1929, p.305) BILLARD, Armand. B 112:

ITote sur un nouTeau cas de scissipari- te chez les hydroldes, (Paris),1911. 2p,, Ifig, , 24xl6cra, (dans Bull.Hus.Hist.Natur,Paris,1911, n°6) BILLARD, A. B 4567 Note sur une esp^ce de campanularides (Clytia gravieri, Billard). (Paris),(1938). 4p•, 4fig.j 25x16,5cni» (dans Bull.Mus.Nat.Hist.Natur.Paris, 2e,ser.,t.X,n°4,1938) BILLARD, Armand. B 9163

Note sur une espece nouvelle d'hydroide c^noblastique (Clava PCreinpfi), parasite d'un alcyonnaire. (Paris),1919• 2p., Ifig., 23x15,5cm, (dans Bull,Blus.Nat.Hist,Natur,Paris, 1919 n03) BILLAKD, Armana. C 542

jjote sur une espece nouvelle d'hydroi'de (Thyroscyphus sibogae ). ^aris, 1930. 2 p.5 1 fig.} 25}5xl6}5 cm. (dans Bull.Soc.Zool.France,t.LV, 1930} p.230) BILIl^RD , Ar niand. B 9162

Note sur uiie espece nouvelle de plumula- ride des cotes du Maroc (Cladocarpus doll- fusi). s.l,ed.,l924. 3p., Ifig.j 25xl6cia. (dans Bull»Boc.Zool.Rrance,t.XLIX,1924, p.87) BILLARD, Artnand, B 4694

Note sur une nouvelle espece de Halecium (Halecium ga leaturn).

Paris,1937. 2p., 3fig., 25x16,5cm. (dans Bull.See.Zool.France,t.LXII,1937, p. 292) BILLARD, A. 3.56.572

Question de Synonymie CSertalaria turbina- ta, S. Locerlasa, S. Ligulata}. Notes relatives a certains nematocystes d'hydr- oides .

Paris. 1926. 25 cm. Bull. Soc. Zool. France. T. 51, pp. 512 514. BILLARD, ARMAND P if.i+09

Rapport sur les Hydroides. Cambridge Exped^^i- tion Suez Canal, 192^.

London, 1926, 31? ill. in : Transactions Zoological Sty. of London, XII, 85-10'+. BIILARD, Arrnand I) 2.049

Rapport sur les Kydroides.

s. 1. ed. , 1926 20 p. , fig. , 32x25 cm.

^xt." Trans, Zool, See., part 1, 1926 ")

• BIILARD,Irmand

Revision des especes types d'Eydroides de la collection Lamoureux.

Paris, Masson, I909 P. ( ext." Ann. scienc. natur., 9e ser., T.IX BILLARD, A. P.4.890 BUCHA, v., e.a.

Preliminary paleomagnetic investigations on Pleistocene sequences in Lortibardy, Northern Italy.

Milano. 1982. 24 cm. ill. Istituti di Geologia e Paleontologia dell'Univ. degli studi di Milano. N.S. Pubbl. 394. 3ILL^^..G, G.J. G.16 .6^r8

IJovaG insGctorui.i species dGscriptae, manuscrit, I8I8-, 25,5 BILLED, Stephen L. P. 4.962 LEVEQUE, Raymond. BOVJMAN, Robert I.

Migrants in the Galapagos Area.

Bruxelles. 1966. 27 on. ill. Contribution de la Fondation Charles Darwin pour les Galapagos. 7. BILijSCOCQ j 7999 Collection de cartes geogra^jhiques, vues, marines, plans at portraits relatifs aux voyagOvS du capitaine J .Heares .-(Traduit de 1'Anglais).

Paris, F.Buisaon, 1794. 28pl., 30,5x23cm BILLE HAI.'SiEN, Earen


Kobenhavn, 1962, 28cm., ill.

(Meddelelser om Gronland, 81 , 6). BILLE, Rene Pierre. S. 3.953

A la decouverte des Betes de I'Alpe.

Paris. 1968. 19 cm. ill. Collection " Visages de la nature BILLEAU, Caroline S.5.507


Gontxode. 1985. 29,5 on. ill. Vlaamse Bosbouwvereniging, Dienst Groenbeheer,VIII. BILLEAU, Caroline S.5.507

Het bos en zijn beheer.

Gontrode. 1983. 29,5 cm. ill. Vlaamse Bosbouwvereniging. Ekosysteem, Deel I, 5. BILLEAU, Caroline S.5.507

Hfet bos en zijn funities.

Gontrode. 1983. 29,5 an.ill. Vlaamse Bosbouwvereniging. Ekosysteem, Deel I, 4, BILLEAU, Caroline S.5.507


Gontrode. 1984. 29,5 cm. ill. VlaamseBosbouwvereniging, Dienst Groenbeheer, II. BihllEAU, Caroline

Hagep. Houtkanten en Houtwallen.

Gontrode. 1984. 29,5 on. ill. Vlaamse Bosbouwvereniging. Dienst Groenbeheer.IV. BILLEAU, Caroline S. 5.507

Het Probleem van de zure neerslag met betrekking tot het bos.

Gontrode. 1984. 29,5 on. ill. Vlaamse Bosbouwvereniging, Dienst Groenbeheer. Ill, BILLEAU, Caroline- S,5,507

Reglernentering inzake planten en kappen van bomen.

Gontrode. 1984. 29,5 cm. ill. Vlaamse Bosbouwvereniging, Dienst Groentfeheer. V. BILLEN, B. C.23.267 VANDERBORGHT, J.P., e.a.

Modeles diagenetiques des substances nutritives dans les sediments marins cotiers.

Bruxelles. 1976. 27 cm. ill. Projet Mer. Rapport final, vol. 4. Sedimentologie. Services du Premier Ministre. pp. 163-186. BILLEN, G. ELSKENS, I., e.a.

Effet de la Temperature dans les modeles Chimiques et e'cologiques. Impact des Rejets Thermiques.

Bruxelles. 1976. 27 cm. ill. Projet Mer. Rapport final, vol. 10. I'Estuaire de I'Escaut. Service du Premier Ministre. pp. 219-236. BILLEN, G. C.23.267 SMITZ, J., e.a.

Degradation de la matiere organique at processus d'oxydo-reduction dans I'estuaire de I'Escaut.

Bruxelles. 1976. 27 cm. ill. Projet Mer. Rapport final, vol. 10 I'Estuaire de I'Escaut. Services du Premier Ministre. pp. 102-131. ,oX.'-jJ-j.'li.'.V 7 J .X „ o o o o:

BijC'.rc.g3 -cou o.a xennxs vaui o.a nests'cra'cx-- ficatia loij Bormica Sanguinea La-c:co ,BGr;ohG- logischa banaaaring,

Lauvario lS79o 2£ caio ill, v"a::hancielir..g graa.d Licen-ciaat in da .'••.•e-can-- Echc.ggan, oncag Dierbunda, 'Aa-choliabe Dniv = Laavan, BILLEN, J. BRAIMDAO, C.R.F., e.a. riorphology and ultrastructure of the Pygidial Gland of the Ant Dinaponera Australia (Hymenoptera Formicidae).

S. Paulo. 1995, 23 cm. ill. Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia. 39C9]: 2D9-21B. BILLER, Karl-Heinz P. 5.561

1966. Betriebswirtschaftliche Problerae der Mineralbrunnenindustrie unter besonderer Beriick- sictigung der Bilanzierung

Koln, 1966, 20,5 cm. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktor- grades der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat zu Koln, 20 BILLET, M.A. B 39.349

Sur le cycle evoluptif d'une nouvelle Bac- teriacee cliromogene et marine, Bacterium Balbiani.

(Paris, Gauthier-Yillars),1888 3 p., 25X18 cm. BILLETT, D.S.M. C.19.904 GAGE/ lJ •D •

The family Myriotrochidae Theel Echinodermata: Holothurioidea) in the deep northeast Atlantic Ocean.

Scotland. 1986. 25,5 an. ill. Zoological Jnl. of the Linnean Soc. 88, 229-276 Scottish Marine Biological Association. BILEWICZ-PAWINSKA, Teresa, P. 33^

1967* From studies on the heteropterofauna of the sugar beet.

Warszawa. 1967. 2k cm. ill. in: Ekologia Polska, Seria. A. torn XV, nr. l6» BILIO, Martin. P. 3.419

Fishing Spread and Towing Velocity of the Italian Otter Trawl.

Venezia. 1974. 24 cm. ill. Archivio di oceanografia e limnologia vol. 18. suppl. 2. BILLIARD, M.G. B 39.244

•Complement L Is note sur une Bacterie productrice de couleur verte

Paris, Siege Soc. Bot. Prance, I909 8 p., 22,5x15 cm. (ext." Bull. Soc. Bot. de Prance, T.56(4e s.] T. IX, 1909.") BIIxLIAU, R. C.25.900 BONOTTO, S. CINELLI, P. (Eds.)

Acetabularia 1984.

Mol. Belgian Nuclear Center. 1985. 29,5 cm. ill. BILLIET, F. S. 4.624

Gids van het plantenpaleis.

Meise. 1978. 21 cm. ill. Nationale Plantentuin van Belgie. 72 pp.

58(493) BILLIET, F. S. 4.623

Guide du Palais des Plantes.

Meise. 1978. 21 on. ill. Jardin Botanique National de Belgique. 72 pp.

58(493) BILLIET, P. S.5.742

Guide du Palais des Plantes.

Meise. Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, 1986. 21 cm. ill. 3ine edition. BILLIET, Frieda VR. 24 OUTERS, Genevieve DESMADRYL, Dirk VINCKE, Caroline

Les for§ts denses humides tropicales: les epiphytes. Duree: 30 mn. Materiel peda- gogique,

Louvain-la-Neuve.Genagro, 1997. 20 cm.ill. BILLIET, Frieda VR. 48 OUTERS, Genevieve DESMADRYL, Dirk VINCKE, Caroline

Les for§ts denses humides tropicales: les epiphytes. Duree:30 mn. Materiel peda- gogique.

Louvain-la-Neuve. Genagro. 1997.20 cm.ill BILLIET, F. B. 41.168 + SYMDENS, J.J.


Bruxelles. Jard.Bot. nat. Belgique. 1975.24,5cm. ill, Flore d'Afrique Cantrale (Zaire-Rwanda-Burundi]. Spermatophytes. BILLIET, Valere. B 8488

Determination des indices de refraction de la becquerelite, de la curite, de la kalosite, de la fourmarierite, de la par- sonsite, de la dumontite, et de I'ianthi- nite. s.l.ed.,(1926). 5p., 23xl5cm. (dans Bull.Soc .Franc.Llineral. ,t.XL, raars-mai 1926) PILI.I2r, Valere. C 2792

I'al.Gchiet- en schoepiet kristallen ult na "tan^s • s.l.ed.,1930. Ip., 25;5xl6cni. (daily Metuurwetensch.Ti jdschr , ,12e jaar; nr.3,1930) BILLIET, Valere, B S4i

Het uranatielvraagstuk. s.l.ed.,1936. Ip., 24xl6cm. (dans Natuurwetensch.TijdschrXVIII, 1936,p.79) 3ILLIET, V. B 17069

Uranotiel en sklodowskiet.

Gent,\d-Hoste,1936. "20p. , Ipl. , 23 , 6x16,5cm. (dins ^atuurwetensch.Tijischr.,lRe jaarg n°B, 1936,pp. 284-303) BILLIET, V. B 19201

Uranotiel en sklodowskiet.

Gent ,Ad.Hoste,1936. 20p. . Ipl.j 24xl6cm. (danl Natuu37wetensch.Tijdschr. ,18e jaarg.,Nr.8,pp.284-303) j V» & JOiJGj v7»F» Dfi® B 19202

Over kasoliet.

Gent jAd.Rosta,1936. 5p., Ifig., 24xl6cm. (dans Natuurwetensch.Tijdschr. ,18e. jaarg.,Nr.7,1936,pp.261-265) BILLIET, V. B 21302 e-t JONG, W.F. DE

Schoepiei: en becquereliet.

Gent, Ad.Hoste, 1935. 6 p., 2 pi., 24,5x15,5 cm. (dans Natuurwetensch.Tijdschr., 17e jaarg. n°6, I935,PP.I57-I62) ILLTET. Y. 3 30.^r97

Con'.ribution a I'etude du. resoau de la julienite (Na2Co (CSN)Lj. SHpO) . (Leipzig),(1935) • 6p.,lfig.,23,5x16cm. (dans "Zeitschr. f. Kristall. (A) 91? 1935). BXLLT-T, v. B ^ .-■•♦A'—- •

Note sur le reseau de I'Uranlnite. Liege, tl. Vaillant-Carrnanne, 1935• 9p.,2^x16,5cm. ^ . (dG.ns "Annales Soc. Geol. de Belgique, LYIII, Bull. n°8, mai 1935)* BILLIET, Valere & SCHQEP, A. B 8490

Nouvelles recherches sur la julienite. s.l.^d.,1934. 3p., 25xl6cm. (dans Bull.Soc.Belg. de Geol.,t.XLIV, 1934,pp.300-302) RILLIET, V. B 17070 & VANDE1TDRIK33CHS ,A•

Grenats de la region de Rastogne-Libra-: inon t.

Bruxelles,Hayez,1037. 23p,, 3pl,, 4fig,, 23,5x15,5cm. (dans Gecl.,t.XLVII , 1937,pp.222-244) BILLIST, Valere C 2793 cc VANDEKDRIIoSGHK, A.

L'- s o:r.yde3 hydrates de cobalt du Katan-

Pruxelie s,Haysr,1939. ISp., Ipl., lfi[j., 25,5xl6cm. (dans Pull.See,Rpl£j,de Geol,, t .XLIX, fasc.l et 2,1939) BILLING, Graham. c. 20.090 + MANNERING, Guy.

South Man and nature in Antai^tica. A New Zealand vlevi.

Wellington. A.H. & A.V/. Reed. 197'^- 29cm.ill. BIL-LINGS, E. B 27279

Description of some new species of fossils with remarks on others alreadv known, from t the Si].urian and Devonian rocks of .Maine, s. 1. ed., 1863 26 p., 2 pi., 24,5 X 15,5 cm, (dans Portland Soc. of Nat, Hist, Jan. 5, 1863> BILLINGS, E. B 44.582

Paleozoic fossils, vol. I, vol. II, part 1 vol. Ill, by J.P. WHITEAVES

Ivlontreal, Dawson Brothers, 1865-84 vol., fis., 25x17 cm. BILLINGS, G.D. B. 55.259 GORYELL, H.N.

Pennsylvanian Ostracoda of the Wayland Shalev of Texas.

Notre-Dame. 1932. 23 cm. ill. The American Midland Naturalist, vol. XIII, pp. 170- 189. BILLIITGS, Gale K. B. 49.2&; + AITGINO, Ernest E.

Atomic, absorption spectrometrv in geology.

Amsterdam. London. New York. Elsevier. '^367- 21,5 cm. ill. Methods in Geochemistry & Geophysics. ?• iilLijII. '•.'"3 ' j C1-^ 31Cjal

Biin C-eological 3ociel"y CT'>iidebock 9 tii. Anr-ual ^'ieid Co-fererce in Con- ;iunction v/ilh Yellov/sioi"e- BiYborn biesear ch .A .cocistion, August I1-I5 , 1958. 41 U.S.A., D. L. Zieylar, s.d. 108 p. , ill.. -, 28,5. BIIIINGS, Marland,?.

Structural Geology.

Hew York, Prentice Hall (1942) 473 P., 336 fig., 23X15,5 cm. BILLINGS, Marland P. B k2.lS7

Structural Geology. London, Pitman & Sons, Ltd, (19^2) , ^56 p.) 336 fig., 23,5 X 16 era. BILLIN";3, NOiiHAN P '+.5^3

Hichin^an water resources commission. Great Lakes Research Activities.

Ann Arbor, I960, 25• in Great Lakes Research Division, Publication n°A, 85-86. BILLINGS. W.D. B. 50.617

Plants and the ecosystem.

Belmont Col. Wadsworth Publ. Cy, 1965, 21cm. ill. BILLINGSLEY, G.H. P. 627

Geology and Gecanorphology of the Southwestern Moenkopi Plateau and Southern Ward Terrace,Arizona.

Washington. 1987. 28 cm. ill. U.S. Geological Suirvey Bulletin 1672. BIIilNGSIEY, G.H. P.627 WENRICH, K.J., e.a.

Chapter B. The Potential of Breccia Pipes in the National Tank Area, Haalapai Indian Reservation, Arizona.

Washington. I989. 28 cm. ill. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin I683. BILLINGSLEY, G.H. P.627 WENRICH, K.J., e.a.

Chapter •. The Potential of Breccia Pipes in the Mohawk Canyon Area, Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona.

Washington. 1992. 27,5 cm. ill. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1683, BILLINGSLEY, Patrik B. 50.588

Ergodic Theory and information.

New York, Wiley John, 1965, 23cm. Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics. BILLIOUD, Jacques, B 'm-6.935

La bibliotheque de la Faculte des Scien ces de riarseille.

Aix-en-Provence, s.d., p., ill.,2^,5 cm. BILLOT, A. (Mme)." A ^.1^3

La Protection des Giseaux. Introduction par le Prince Paul Murat, Paris, L.P.O., (195^) 57 p., fig., 15,5 X 12 cm. BILLOT, A, Ke S 2.554

Les Serins exotiques. Manuel d'-^levage a 1'usage de 1'amateur d•Oiseaux, 3e edit, rev. et augment. Paris, Libr. Maison Rustique (I95I) 62 p., 18,5X12 cm. BILLOT- FEUILLEE , A 724

Perroquets, perruches, colombes. Manuel d^elevage a usage de 1'amateur d^ oiseaux,

Paris, Maison Rustique, s.d, 68p.5 1 carte, 8 fig.) l8,5xl2Gm, BILLOTTE J.M. + P.2.336 BOUHOT D.

Recherche sur I'ecologie des champignons parasites dans le sol. II. Choix d•un milieu nutritif pour I'isolement selectif de Fusarium oxysporum et Fusarium solani du sol.

Paris, 1964, 2k cm. in ; Annales des Epiphyties, 15/1 BILLOTTE, J.E. P 2336 LOUVET, J. + BILLOTTE, J.E.

Influence des facteurs climatiques sur les infections du colza par I'alternaria brassicae et consequences pour la lutte.

Paris, ly6^, Zk cm., ill.

(Annales des Epiphyties: vol. 15, n° 3, pp. 229-2^3). BILLOTTE, Ren^. B 5103

Recensement des aii^ullaires du continent africain, precdd^ de diagnoses d'ampullai- res nouvelles, (Paris), (1885). 10 p., 1 pi., i23,5xl6ctn. (dans Bull.'=^oc.Malac.France•juillet,1885 II). Biris, N.L. P.5.883 GBXSLiElR^ C«G. ^ 3.3.,

The Structure of Agricultural Landownership in the thited States, 1846 and 1978.

Ithawa, New York. 1985. 28 cm. Search Agriculture, nr. 26. BILLS, T.D. LAUNER, C.A.

Influences of Selected Environmental Factors on the Activity of a Prospective Fish Toxicant, 2-(Digeranylamino)-ethanol, in Laboratory Test. 88

Washington. 1979. 26 cm. Investigations in Fish Control, p. 1-4. BILLS, T.D. P.2.5^ MARKING, L.L.

72. Toxicity of Rotenone to Fish in Standardized Laboratory Tests.

Washington. 1976. 26 cm. Investigations in Fish Control. BTT,T„SmCM, K. C.25.462 HAIENIUS, E. OHLANDER, B.

Behaviour of rare-earth elanents in highly evolved granitic systems: Evidence from Proterozoic molyb denite mineralized applites and associated granites in northern Sweden.

Elsevier Science. 1989. 29,5 cm. ill. Fran Lithos. vol. 23, pp. 267-280. ♦ BILLSTROM, K. C.25.462 OHLANDER, B., e.a.

Behaviour of rare-earth elanents in highly evolved granitic systans: Evidence from Proterozoic molyb denite mineralized aplites and associated granites in northern Sweden.

Amsterdam. 1989. 29,5 cm. ill. LithoSj 23, pp. 267-280. BIIXY, G. C.25.941 lEGUEBE, A. C.25.942

Canparaison des populations de Kharga et de Sai. s.l. 1991. 30 cm. ill. Ex. Anthropologie et Prehistoire. vol. 102, pp.125- 132. BILiY, G. P.1.521 LEGUEBE, A.

Comparaison des populations de Khanga et de Sai.

Bruxelles. 1991. Anthropologie et Erehistolre, 1991 n° 102, pp. 125-132, ill. BILLY, T.J P. 4.9^3

Detection and measurement of selective organic lampricide redidues in natural waters, bottom sediments, and fish tissues S.L. DANIELS, L.L. KEMPE, T.J. BILLY, and A.M. BEETON.

Ann Arbor, 1964, 25cm. in; Great Lakes Research Division Publ. n°ll, p.l40. BILO, J. P. it012

Over een Uitbreiding van da Gonfiguratie van Morley-Petersen in de Niet-Euclidische Meetkunde.

Brussel. 1969» 26 cm. Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen,Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie.Klasse der Wetenschappen.Jaargang XXXI- 1969 - nr 10. EILO, r. ', uvor cer. .ration? ti'annfo^T.-'^tio v 'c ordc.

Sro-.oGel. 197'^- 2G on. Medoc'olinr;o:i van do Konianli^;"!:? Vlaanoe Acad'^nie voo.r V/otcnao}ra'^''];^cn jLettercn an Sellone ten van Bc?.Gic.KlaGce dor Wetencchappen. Ja-rc- XXXIII. 7- BILODEAU, W.L. P.5.554

Plate Tectonics and Petrologic Suites,

Tokyo. 1986. 24 cm. ill. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 51, n° 1/2. BILOTIE, M. P.169 CHRISIENSEN, W.K., e.a.

Mditional Late Cretaceous belemnitellids Peon the Corbieres, French Pyrenees and ammonite bio- stratigraphy of the Santonian.

Copenhagen. 1993. 25 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the Univ. of Copenhagen Contributions to Paleontology 428. BILOTIE, M. CHRISTENSEN, W.K., e.a.

Upper Cretaceous belemnitellids from the Corbieres Fhench Pyrenees.

Denmark. 1990. 25 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the Univ. of Copenhagen Contributions to Palaeontology nr. 387. BILS, W. S.2.477

Ubungsaufgaben und Antworten zum Biologieunter- richt in de Klasse 5 und 6.

Wiesbaden. 21 cm. ill. 1992. Biologische Arbeitsbueher Quelle & Meyer. 43. BILS, W. S.2.477

•bungsaufgaben zum Blologieunterricht in den Klassen 7 und 8.

Wiesbaden. 1994. 21 cm. ill. Biologische Arbeitsbucher 45. bils, w. PS.2.477 •BRR, G.

Ubungsaufgaben und Antworten zu Kernthemen des Biologieunterrichts auf der Sekundarstufe II.

Heidelberg. 1964. 21 cm. ill. Biologische Arbeitsbucher 40. BILSBOROUGH, A.

Human Evolution.

London. Blackie Academic & Professional. 1992. 20 cm ill. Tertiary Level Biology. BILSKI, J. P.3.315

Acidification and Salinity of the Substrate as Stress factors for plants.

Warszawa. 1990. 23,5 cm. ill. Polska Akademia Nauk.Seria D-Monografie-Tom 222. BILTON, H. P. 3.947 FRENCH, R. OSAKO, M. HARTT, A.

Distribution and origin of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean.

Canada. 1976. 26,5 cm. ill. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Bulletin nr. 34. BIlTZ , Ileinricli B 7;^^.536

)ualitvtive Dnajyae u:: rrariscl:,er ;:ubstsnEen I'te 7: l/l-te

Berlin,Leipzig, \J. de Gruyter L Co, 1936 64 P., 8 fi:;. , 31.15 cm. 3IITZ, •r c'-^o

AusiUhruiip; Zu-sltitstiver snalj/aen. 6e er" sufIsge.

Leipzi;;;:, Akod. Yerlavsges. ,1S40 180 p., 14 lii.j 1 ialle, 23,ZXlo cffi. BILY. E iV.47^ 'TAYUSKA. V/ITIKLER. L'Hvdrobiologie des Rivieres Ilnilec et Rornad. - Ephei^'ieropteraItraduit du russe) Bratislava, 19^2 V p. dactyl. BILY, Julius , B 4 ilAUJo X-J i j Xi 3 Qi 311d V/iroiLER, Oto.

Hydrobiologis llnilea a Hornadu.

Bratislava, Slov. Akad. vied, a Umeni, 1952 p. , fig. , 23,5x17 cm. BILY, a E. 25.848

A contribution on the faunistic of Sudanic Buprestids. The first contribution on N.E. African fauna based on material collected by P. Stys in 1965-58.

Prague. 1971. 24cm. Acta faunistica entomologica Museu nationalis

Prague, vol. 14, pp. I73-I78. BILY, S. E.37.719

Krascoviti Buprestidae.

Praha. Ceskoslovenska Akademia Ved. 1989. 21 cm. ill. Zoologicke klice. BILY, S. E. 25.847

The larva of Ptosima flavoguttata (Illiger) (Coleoptera, Buprestidae).

1972. 24cm. ill. Acta Entomologica bohenoslovaca. T. ^ n® 1. pp. 18-22. BilY, Svatopluk E.38.636

Larvae of genera Eurythyrea and Phaneops from Central Europe (Coleoptera: Bupresti- dae) . s.l. 1996. 24 cm. ill. Ex. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. vol. 6o, pp.317- 324. BILY, Bvatopluk B . 3 8 . 6 5 7

Polyctesis johanidesi sp.n. from Turkey and notes on the Polyctrsis(Coleopte- ra: Buprestidae). s.l. 1997. 24 cm. ill. Ex. Folia Heyrovskyana. vol.5(1) pp.15-18. BILY, Svatopluk E.38.638

Supplement ot the revisions of Philanthaxia and Pagdeniella and notes on the related genera (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). s.i. 1997. 24 cm. ill. Ex. Folia Heyrovskyana. vol.5(1) pp.1-13. BILY, Svatopluk E.38.661

World Catalogue of the Genus Anthaxia Eschscholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera, Bupresti- dae) .

Zlin. 1997. 24 cm. Folia Heyrovskyana. Supplementum 2 BILY, S. E.25.964 MEHL, 0.

Longhom Beetles (Coleoptera, Ceranibycidae) of Fennoscandia and Denniark.

Leiden.N.Y.K0benhavn/Koln. 1989. 20,5 an. ill. Fauna Entanologica Scandinavica vol. 22. BILY, Svatopluk VOLKOVTTSH, M.G.

Revision reclassification and larval morphc logy of the genus Paratassa (Coleoptera: BuptrestidEae; Paratassini tribus n.) s.l. 1996. 24 cm. ill. Ex. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. Bd. 60, pp.325- 346 . BILYK, A,A,, BL/iMC, K.I., VORCB'EV, B.r.. o: LAPKIW, J. Ju & autres.

Nouvelles donnees sur la serie saline du, Permien du Donetz.

U.R.3.S., 1955 4 p., 27x21 cm. ext." Dokl. Akad. NauksSSR" "t. 103,R°1 traduction C.E.D, " n® 1635 DTMOLElCULAirCR REAKTIOXEN

Vf; rsiiclio ztii' volls jon ncstiiuiiiunj doi^ Oeschi/indi^-jcoi ton hiniolokulnror Rcaktioiicn von K.II. IIOIIAXX , K.II. IIOYERMAXX, J. ITOLFRUM.

Gottinvon , 196? , 25 c.;i .

Xaclirichton dor Akadomio dor Wissctiscliaften in GottinQ-en II Mathornatisch- Pliysikalisdie Klasse. 1967 nr 2 f.5.606

Catalogue Institut beige de Normalisation (IBN) - Catalogue Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie•

Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique., Belgie, 196^ ~ 29,5cm» BIN P.-5605

Rapport ctu Conseil d'Adminir-jtzatlvri I'-'e'-.c- tivite de I'Institut pendant l'-7vVorc.1c-::,-0 0 (Institut beige de Normalisatiou. liVN) „ Verslag van de Raad van Beheer cvcrr de a •• t;:! vi- teit van het Instituut gedurende het jaar... (Belgisch Instituut voor Normalj,s.';.t. (BIN).

Bruxelles/Brussel (Belgique-Bel.gie), 29, BINAGHI, Giovanni.

Le Chrysochloa del Monte Gottero nell'Appennino Ligure orientale (Col. Chrysomelidae).

Genova. 1973. 24 cm. ill. Doriana vol. V- n. 208. BINAGHI, G. 1 .885

Goleotterofauna di uji salicornieto del litorale laziale (ladispoli-Roma).

Genova, 1965, 24,5ciii., ill. Doriana vol. IV, n.162. BINAGHI, Giovanni p. 1885

196^. Coleotterofauna di un fi'agmiteto del litto- rake Laziale.

Geneva, 196^+, 2k cm. Doriana, vol. Ill, n° ^k^» BINAGHI, G. E. 29.982

Due nuove specie di Anoircmatus della Regione Alpina (Col. Colydiidae).

Geneva. 1941. 24,5 cm. ill. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. LXXIII, N. 9. BINAGHI, G. E. 29.988

Estensione dell'area di distribuzione in Italia di Alcune specie di Ditiscidi.

Geneva. 1957. 24,5 cm. ill. Estratto dalle Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. XXXVI. BINAGHI, G. E. 29.964

I Melanotini della fauna Italiana Spheniscosomus Schw. E Melanotus Eschs.

Geneva. 1938. 24 cm. ill. Estratto dalle Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. XVII - 1938-XVII E.F. BINAGHI, G. E. 28.354

II Drasterius Bimaculatus Rossi in Italia con note di sistematica sui Drasterius Paleartici. Variazioni, Geonimia, Apparati Genitali B loro Pertinenza Tra I Conoderini. (Col. Elateridae).

Firenze. 1941. 24 cm. ill. Estratto dal BoHettino della Societa Entomolcbgica Italiana, vol. XX - 1941-XX E.F. BINAGHI, G. E. 27.75^

Note di Caccia (III).

Geneva. 19^8. 2^,5 cm. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. LXXVIII, n. 7-10. INAJHI, G. G. 27^754

I.'otf= di (ITT) }

GenoVR. Pageno* IS-dC. 24,5 err. Pol lettlno dnlla Gocnc^da EtiAomloG-'i c:?- Idaliar.a, vol. LX>r^TTI, n° 7-lC, pp. "7-72. BINAGHI, G. E. 29.987

Nuove forme di Metophthalmus WoU. Con tabella di Determinazione delle specie Italiana. (Col. Lathridiidae

Genova. 1946. 24 cm. ill. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. LXXVI, N. 3-4. BINAGHI, G.

Revisiond degli Anostrius Thorns. Europei. (Col., Elateri dae).

Genova. 1940. 24 cm. ill. Estratto dalle Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. XIX - 1940-XVIII E.F. BINAGHI, G. E. 29.981

Revisione delle specie del genere Eudesis E Descrizione di vn Nuovo general. (Col. Scydmaenidae).

Genova. 1948. 24 cm. ill. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. LXXVIII, N. 5-6. BTNAGHI, ^jiovanni. S 12.250

Studio sul genere Scopaeus ii^rich (Col. Staph.).

Genova, G.B.I/arsano, 1S37. S2p.,f]g.,25x17,5cm. (dans l.era.Soc .Ent. Ital.vol.XIV, 1535) BINAGHI, G. E. 28.353

Studio sull'Ae(l)loderTna Crucifer Rossi (?: Heteroderes Crucifer Auctorum). (Col. Elateridae).

Firenze. 1942. 24,5 cm. ill. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, vol. LXXIV, nr. 6 - XX. BINAGHI, G. E. 29.983

Sull'Accertata presenza in Italia degli Euconnus (Napochus) Duboisi Meq. E. Pragensis Mach. E contri- buto ad una piu Approfondita conoscenza di alcune specie Europee del gruppo. (Col. Scydmaenidae).

Geneva. 1956. 24,5 cm. ill. Estratto dal Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Vol. LXXXVI, N. 5-6. BINAGHI, Giuglio P. k.7^7

Contributi alia conoscenza del Cyprinodon (Lebras) calaritanus.

Venezia, 1929, 27cin.9 ill. R. Comitato Talassografico italiano mem. CLXII, l-lO. BiNAGai, G. & CAEP^, P. E 4718

Un nuovo Glyptomerus dei raonti Berici. Appunti sulla morfologia degli Uriti 8° e 9° e sulla meccanica dell'estroflessione dell'Edeago nei Lathrobium.

Geneva, Pagano, 1938. 6p., I2fig.j 24xl7cm. (dans Boll.Soc.Entorn.Ital.,vol.iDCX,n''8, 1938) BINNENGEVJASSERFISCHE. Co

European Inls.nd Uater fisho A ir.ulti- lirpual Catalogue - Poiscons dec eau:: Continentales d-PuropOo Catalogue uulti- lirgue - Fecces de aguas contirjcntales de Zuropao Cctalogo rultilirgue - linncn- geuLneerxioche Puropa - rlehreprechiger llatal ogo

J-or-cciio riebirg L'ev.'O (,J:ccl:£)i-tc «•> CdciMoill Id A o 0 „ E. 27.953 + CAPRA, I?.

Un Nuovo Glyptomerus dei Monti Berici.

Firenze. 1938. 24,5 cm. ill. Estratto dal BoHettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. vol. LXX, nr. 8. BINAOII, G. E. 27.954 + CAPRA, F.

Un Nuovo Glyptomerus del Monti Berici.

Firenze. 1938. 24,5 cm. ill. Estr. dal Bollettino della Soc. Ent. Italiana. vol. LXX, n. 8-15 Novembre 1938, XVII. E. 28.355 + JANNONE, G.

Caso D'Infestazione Entomatica di fettucce secche di Radici di cicoria E impiego di un Inipianto di Fumiga- zione sotto vuoto.

Roma. 1955. 24,5 cm. ill. Estratto dagli Annali della Sperimentazione Agraria. (nuova serie). BINAHD, A. & JEENBR, R. C 2607

Morphologie du lobe preoraldes Poly- chetes, (Bruxelles), (H. Cauwenberg), (1928). 123 p.} 45 fig.j 8 pl.j 26j5xl8cfii. (dans Rec .Inst.'-^orley-Rousseau, t.II, f.l, 1928). BINARD, A. C 9613 & JEENER, R.

Recherches sur la morphologie du systeme nerveux des Ann^lldes.

(Bruxelles),(M.Hayez),(1926). 12p., 2fig,, Ipl., 25,5xl7cm. (dans Belg., Cl.des Scien ces, 5 juin 1926, n°6). BINCHY, Angela P 4400

1968. Preliminary studies with the growth regulator N- metatolyl phtalaraic acid as " duraset " on European cultivars of tomato.

Dublin, I96B, 25,5cm.

The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society Series B, vol.2, no I5. BINCHY,Angela. P. kkOO + MORGAN, J.V.

A Comparison of Application Methods and Stages of Plant Development for Applying Duraset on the Tomato.

Dublin. 1970. 26 cm. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Series B. vol. 2. n° 21. BINDEMAN, N.N. F 2.866

Determination des reserves d'eau souterraine des plaines alluviales et f luvio-2,'laciaires.

Paris, i960, B'f, ill.

(in: Prosp. et Prot. Sous-Sol, B.R.S.M.: n° 10, BINDKivIAN, N.N. P 2.866

jJetermination des reserves naturelles des eaox. souterraines.

Paris, 1962, 24 cm. ill.

(Prospection et Protection du Sous-sol: 1, pp. 37-43). BINBEJviAN ^ N, N, P ^.866

3ur le livre u.e V.I. KUBELIN "Principes de 1'eva luation regionale des ressources naturelles en eaux souterraines". ignitions de I'Universite de Koscou. (i960).

Paris, 1962, 24 cm.

(Prospection et protection au sous-sol; 4»PP« 70©71 BINDEMAN, N.N. P. 2.866

Necessite de tenir compte du remaniement des berges des retenues lors des previsions de la remontee des eaux souterraines.

Paris, 1959 PP«» 50/51, ill., 24 era.

(Prospection et protection du sous-sol n° 9 B.R.G.M.). 3IND1 P.2.866

Precision de la determination du debit d' un ecoiilcnGnt soutevrain d'apres sa vitca'ie 1959, PP.37AI, 2^. (Prospection et protection du sous-sol. se.'.B, n°2., G.E.D.P.) BINDEMAN, N.N. P 2.866

L'utilisation des reserves d'eaux souterraines

Paris, i960, 2*4, ill. in Ann.Serv.Inf. B.R.G.G.M., n°4, (Prosp. 8c Prot. sous-sol). BirirsH, C 1^?477 Die I.'is. bilc-'un;/en d::r L'uakelcyoterns (euoclil, des Zwercbfelle). Jena, G. Fi;:jcher, 1G27 GC p. , fig. , 25 j5x17 cm.

(dans " Die Morpholog. liiSGbild. der Densch & Tiere - III ieii - XII ief. e Die Einzelraiss- bildung - III abt - leap. I ") BIIv-uER J. P 4^81


Les hormones aes invertebres. (a propos d'un livre recent de G. KOLLER).

Nancy, 1959j ^4 cm.

(Soc. Sciences Nancy. N.3.: t. IV, n® 5» PP« 106-109). BINDER, Didier (ed.)

Une economie de chasse au Neolithique ancien. La Grotte Lomard a Saint-Val1ier-de Ihiey (A1pes-Maritimes).

Paris. CNRS/Centre de Recherches Archeo- logiques. 1991. 26,5 cm. ill. Monographie. N° 5. BINDER, Didier C.27.139 D'ANNA, Andre, eds.

Production et identite culturelle. Actualite de la recherche. Actes de la deuxieme session. Ar1es (Bouches-du-Rhone) 8 et 9 novembre 1996. Antibes. Editions APDCA. 1998. 29 cm. ill Rencontres meridinnales de prehistoire recente. BINDER, E. P.5.754

Especes et SQUs-especes de Nolluques non- marins decrites de I'Afrique de I'Ouest juqu'au 1er janvier 1980.

Tervuren. 1981. 29,5 cm. Achatina. n° 9. BINDER, E. — 1968 — P . 3 . 8 9 2

Repartition des Mollusques dans la lagune Ebrie (Cote d'ivoire).

Cah. ORSTOM, ser. HydrobioL, vol. II, n" 314, pp. 3-34, 5 fig., bibliogr. (12 ref.).

Etude de la repartition des Mollusques en fonction des diverses composantes du milieu, principalement de la sali- nite, et distinction de divers types ecologiques. BINDER, E. - 1968 - p_ 3

Repartition des Mollusques dans la lagune Ebrie (Cote d'lvoire).

Cah. ORSTOM, ser. HydrobioL, vol. II, n" 314, pp. 3-34, 5 fig., bibliogr. (12 ref.).

Etude de la repartition des Mollusques en fonction des diverses composantes du milieu, principalement de la sali- nite, et distinction de divers types dcologiques. bi":;der, B 20738

Beitragc zur Kenntniss ungesattipter arona"tischer Verbindungen.

Schwerin, "P. Br>enspn,mg, l-'^77. 33 p., 21,5 X 13 era. BINDER, Hans-Peter P. 5562

1967. Rechtsnatur und Inhalt des Leasing-Vertrages.

Koln, 1967, 21 cm. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktor- wurde einer Hohen Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakul- tat der Universitat zu Koln, 1967 BINDER, Herbert P. 278? BACHMAYER, Friedrich + BINDER, Herbert

1987. Fossile Perlen aus dem Wiener Becken

Wien. 1967* 2k cm., ill. Mitteilungen und Arbeitei;i. Geologisch-Palaontolo- gischen Sammlung. Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien. 360. BINDER, Herbert, P. 5855 + STEININGER, Fritz, Drei fossile Ophiuren (Amphixira (?) kuluii n* sp. ) aus dem J-ungtertiar von Ostereich.

Vien. 1957. 24 cm. ill, in: Mitteilimgen aus dem Palaontologischen Institut der Universitat Wien, 158. BINDER, Herbert, P. 3^ + BACHMAYER, Friedrich,

Fossile Perlen aus dem Wiener Backen.

Wien, 1967. 24 cm, ill; in: Mitteilungen aus dem Pal'aontologischen Institut der Universitat Wien, 157. BINDER, N.H. A.7.526 HENDERSON, R.W., e.a.

Aggregating Behavior and Exploitation of Subterranean Habitat by Gravid Eastern HilKsnakes (Lampropeltis t. triangu1 urn ) .

Milwaukee. 198D. 23 cm. ill. Contributions in Biologu and Geology, nr. 32. BINDER nary H. HENDERSON Robert W.

The Ecology and Behavior of Vine Snakes (Ahaetulla, Dxybelis, The 1otornis,Uromaoer3 A review.

Contributions in Biology and Geology. Milwaukee public Museum. n°37. 190D. BINDING Gunther P . 5 . 558

Koln-Aachen-Reichenau. BemerKungen zum St.Galler Klosterplan von 817-819.

Ansprache der scheidenden reKtors prof. Or.Herbert Wiedemann aniablich der ReKtorats ubergabe.1981 . BINDON, J. O'NEIIi, M.

Where are all the Dinosaurs ?

Mahwah. Troll Associates. I989. 27 cm. ill. BINDSCHADLER, R.A. (Ed.) C.25.774

Searise: a multidisciplinary research initiative to preditct rapid changes in global sea level caused by collapse of marine ice sheets.

Washington. NASA. 1990. 27,5 cm. ill. Proceedings of a workshop held in College Park, Maryland, January 23-25 1990 Nasa conference publication 3075. BINDING, Rudolf G. C 1766

Das Heiligtum der Fferde. KOnigsberg i.Pr.,GrSfe u.UnJer V.j(1935). 108p,, fig., 26x18001. BINET, Alfred. B. 53.658

Les alterations de la personnalite.

Paris. Felix Mean. 1912. 22 cm. ill. Bibliotheque Scientifique Internationale. BINET Alfred E.18.020

Theses presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris pour obtenir le grade de docteur es sciences naturelles

Paris, l89'i» 25 cm., ill. binet, a. B. 53.507 + FERE, Ch.

Le magnetisme .

Paris. Felix Mean. 1908. 22,5 cm. ill. BINET, Leon . 5.669

Un medecin aux chamns.

(Paris), Plon, (I965), 2C cm BINET, Leon S 2.624

Ce monde passionnant des oiseaiix.

Paris, Le^ Productions de Paris, 1959 218 p., illust., 29 cm. BIMET, Leon, A 2675

Gent pas autour de rna inaison. Eiologie de cainpagne. 5e eaition.

C Paris, liiercure de France, 1S41. 107 p-, 19x12 cm. BnfilT, Leon. S 1336

Comment se defend I'organisme.

Paris,Presses Universitaires de France, 1946» l22p., lOfig., 18x11,5cm, (dans Que 3ais-Je?,vol.5) BBIET, Loon A V.388

Curiosltes de la vie animale, Paris, Edit. Tiranty, (1952) 137 p.j fig*5 pl«5 19X 1^ cm. BINST, L?on. P.4.242.

BIKET, Leon.

Esp—^-riences sur les poissons.Conlusions medicales.

Paris, 1938, 27, ill, (Annales Instiiui: OC','anograpliiaue, N.S, , XVIII 1, 1-30). BINST, leon

Pigues des Savants Pranosis,

Paris, Vigot Pres, I946 116 p., 8 port., 15,5x12 cm. BINET Leon A.6.256

Lemons de biologie dans un pare

Paris, Magnard, 1961, 19 cm., ill BINET, Leon. S 44

Legonp. do ph^poiolo.gie fnedico-ehirurgi- cale. Tomes I st II.

Pans jldd-saon .•'?c Cie }1935-1937. 2vol., 25xl6crri. BIMEr, Leon, !

ITouvelles scenes de la Tie animale. Paris, Gall iinard-NRP, (1934), 174p,, 19xl2cm, BUST, Leon A 3.381+

Regards sur I'organisne vivant. Paris, Gallimard, 191+9. 252p.,25f.,20xl3cm. BINET, Leon A 3.53^

Regards sur I'organisrae vivant. s.l.ed. ,19^1-9. 250p.,25fig.,20x12,5cm. BINET, Leon. S 1614

Regards sur I'Organisrrie vivant, s.l.ed., 1949. 252p,, 25fig., 20xl3cm

# BINi:T, Ldon.

(Pax-ic) ,NRF-GalliiT.ard, (1933). 157p»j 19:cl2c ;n, BINET, Leon A 5.284

Secrets de la vie des animaux, Essai de pEysiologie comparee.

Paris, Pres:, es Univ. , I956 218 p. , fig. , 18,5X12 cm. BIN:2T, L2Cn» S 50

Fc3x*is ji.^cxSoCn 5j-S3o » 73^.'.5 I7ri„.; 25xlFc:u. B3ITET, Li on.

La vie de la mante religiejise, rfe.ris,Vigot, 1931. 93p,, 5fig., 24x18,5cu, BINET, Leon E. 20.337

La vie de la Mante Religieuse. Paris, Vigot Freres, 193^, 23cm., ill. BIMET, I^on B 32542 & BOURLIERE, F

Problenaes de physiologie cornpar^e.

Paris, E-^asson, 1948 84p., 18fig. BINLT, Pierre. C. 20.125

Cours de Zoologie. Fascicule IT : Annelidas- Mollusques- Arthropodes.

Paris. Centre de Documentation Universitaire. 1958. 27 cm. ill. Faculte de Pharmacie de Paris, lere annee. BBTET-GAITGLE.

Les ancetres de I'homme. Parisjiildin Michel,s.d. xx-290p., phot., 21x13,5cm. BINFORD, Lewis, R. P. 270^

1965' Studies in the Natural radioactivity of prehistoric materials- Aditors: Arthur J. JELINEK, James E. FITTING, Contributorsi James E. FITTING, Charles E. CLELAND, Lewis R. BINFORD, Arthur J. JELINEK.

Ann Arbor. I965, 23 cm., ill. Anthropological Papers Museum of Anthropology Uni versity of Michigan. n° 23. BINFOHD, Lewis R. P ^.675 BINFORD, Lewis H. + QUIKBY, George I.

Indian sites and chipped stone materials in the northern lake Michigan area.

Chicago, 1963) 23)5 cm., ill.

(Fieldiana. Anthropology. Chicago Natural His tory Museum: vol. 36, n° 12). BINFORD, Lewis H. MAXWELL, Moreau S. + BINFORD, Lewis H.

1961. Excavation at Fort.Michilimackinac Mackinac City, Michigan, 1959) Kason.

East Lansing. I96I. 2k cm., ill. Publications of the M|^seum Michigan State University Cultural Series, vol. 1. nr. 1. BING, Donald E. P. ^9' + WILSON, Edward C.

Type Specimens of Fossil Invertebrata in the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Exclusive of Paleoentomology.

Los Angeles,California. 1970. 23 cm. Los Angeles County Museum. Contributions in Science n° 181. BING, Arthur. P. 1.539

Cut Tulips for Commercial Growers from Dry-Stored, Pre-Cooled Bulbs.

Ithaca. 1971. 22,5 cm. ill. Cornell Extension Bulletin. New York State College of Agriulture. 1221. BING, Jens p. 3.77^ KAZIMIERCZAK, Jerzy

1963« Location of renin Renin- angiotensin.

London-New York, 1963i 25 cm., ill. in ; Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology 13 pp. 255-261 BING, RObiiihT. D.2.478 BUnCKHMRDT, R.

Das Centralnerveris:,'stem von Ceratodus forsteri.

Jena, G.Fii.cher, 1905. pp .511-534.,pi.XLII, 36 fig.

dans ; Zool.Fox' Austr.und dem Malap- ischen Arch.I89I-I903.Text.& atl.I. pai't.l. BING KAN, Lai F. 28

HAND, Cadet + BING KAN, Lai

1961. The medusae of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas of the Artie Ocean including the description of a new species of Eucodorium (Hydrozoa : AuIhomedusae)

(Montreal), Artie Inst.North America, I96I, 25;5 cm. ill. (Arti^ Irfe Nort}) America^^. Technical paper n°6). BING-HUA, Su C.23.988 XUE-JUAN, Chen

Normal values of 12 dermatoglyphic parameters in Chinese Hans. s.l. 1982. 25,5 cm. Extr. Chinese Medical Journal, vol. 95, n° 3, pp. 197-202. 31- Gsi:, j.::., CRC:;33^, It. £: 3EPPE3, 1.

Unites de mesure ECientixiques et industriel- les.2e edit. rev. et eoaipl.

Liege, Edii. Lesoer, 1942 64 P,5 19 j9X15 cm. BINGGELI, Valentin.

Hydrologische Studlen im Zentralen Schwelzerischen Alpenvorland Insbesondere im Gebiet der Langete.

Bern. 1974. 29,5 cm. ill. Beitrage zur Geologie der Schweiz-Hydrologie nr 22. BINGHAM, C.T. p if.if09

Hymenoptera. Zoological Results of the Ruwenzori Expedition, 1905-1906.

London, 1909, 51, ill. in ; Transactions Zoological Sty. of London,XIX, 179, 185. BINGHAM, F.T.

Reclamation of Salt-affected High Boron Soils in Western Kern County.

Berkeley. 1972. 26 cm. ill. Hilgardia. vol. 41. n° 8. BINGHAM^ F.T. ARKLEYj'r,J. COLEMAN N.T. bradfor£) G.R. f Characteristics of high ®oron soils in westerr ^ern county BERKELEY. 1970. 26cm» ill* in: HXLGARDIA^ vol' , nr* 7» BINGHAM, F.T. P. 940 RHOADES, J.D., e.a.

Reuse of Drainage Water for Irrigation: Results of Imperial Valley Study. I. Hypothesis, Experimental Procedures, and Cropping Results.

California. 1988. 23 cm. ill. pp. 1-16. Hilgardia, vol. 56, nr. 5. BINGHAM, F.T. RHOADESf J,D./ €.3..

Reuse of Drainage Water for Iinrigation: Results of Imperial Valley Study. II. Soil Salinity and Water Balance.

California. 1988. 23 an. pp. 17-44. Hilgardia, vol. 56, nr. 5. BINGHM, H.C.

Gorillas in a Native Habitat.

Washington, 193^ 68 p., 5 fig., 22 pi.j

" Carnegie Inst.Wash.Publ. U-26. BINGHAM,James et GROLIER, M. P. 52 7

The Yahima Basalt and Ellenshivig Formation of ' South-Central Washington. Washington. 1966. 23cm. ill. Geological Survey Bulletin 1224- G. BINGHAM, J.W. P. 628 1968, Water Resources of King County, Washington, by Donald RICHARDSON, J.W. BINGHAM and R.J. MADISON, with a section on sediment in streams by R.C. WIL LIAMS. Washington, 1968, 2j5cm., ill. Geological Survey Water-Supply. Paper, I852. BINGHAM R.II. P. 62 8

Ground-water geology of the Dickson, Lawrenceburg and waverly areas in the Western Highland Rim Tennessee, by M.V. MARCHER, R.H. BJNGHAM and R.E. LOUNSBURY

Washington, 19^'l| 23 cm., ill. Geological Survey Water-Supply, Paper 1764 BINGHAM, R.H. SHELTGN, J.W., e.a

Geology and Mineral Resources of Noble County, Oklahoma.

Oklahoma. 1979. 25 cm. ill. Oklahoma Geological Survey. Bulletin 126 Tex te + carte. BINGHAM, W.V. o --i- o • .JD

Gesprekstechniekeuo Het interview in crganj.rjci tie en bedrijfo

Utrecht/AnrvverpenoHet Spectruruool97'^ = IS crao Marka Boeken 58o BINGLER, E.G. P.627

Abandonment of the Name Hartford Hill Rhyolite Tuff and Adoption of New formation names for Middle Tertiary Ash-Plow Tuffs in the Carson City-Silver City Area, Nevada.

Washington. 1978. 23 cm. ill. Geological Siucvey Bulletin 1457-D. BINGLER, B.C.

Abandonment of the Name Hartford Hill Rhyollte Tuff and Adoption of New Formation Names for Middle Tertiary Ash-Flow Tuffs in the Carson City-Silver City Area, Nevada. ashing ton. 1976. 23 cm. ill. Geological Survey Bulletin 1457-D. Bill C-LEY, J. E, & B 4^33' DICK, A.I.

Further observaxions on the determina tion of Yolybdenurn in riant and animal tissue. s.l.ed.,( 1951) 3 p., 25x19 cm. ext." Austral. Jal Experiment. Biol. & Medical. Sc." vol. XXIX (1951). BINGLEY, J.M. Po 2=942

Appalachian Stratigraphy and Structure of the Kdiitime ProvinceSo RoR= POTTER, JoMo BINGLEY & JoCo SMITHo

Canada = 972= 20 cirio illo International Geological Congress= Field Excursion A 57 -C 57= Guidebook. 24 e sessiono BINI, Alfredo P.4890 CASATI, Pcsipeo Itinerari Geologici nel Gruppo dalle Grigne (Prealpi Icrabarde) / di Ponpeo Casati e Alfredo Bini

Milano : Ccnmissione Centrale dalle Pubblicazione del Club Alpino Italiemo, 1982. - 115 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. (Itinerari Naturalistici e Geografici Attraverso le Montgne Italiane. Secmda Serie ; 18) (Pubblicazione ; Nuova Serie N° 374) BINI, A. P . 4 . 690 CITA, M.B., e.a

Southern Alpine Lakes-Hypothesis of an Erosional Origin related to the Hessinian entrenchment.

Milano. 1978. 24 cm. ill. 1st. di Geologia e Pal. dell'Univ; degli studi di Hilano. 243. BINI, G. G 18955

1968.Atlante dei pesffi della Coste italiane.vol.IV Osteitti

Roma Hondo Sommeno Ed.1968.26,5•ill• BINI, Giorgio. A. 5.954

Catalogo de los nombres de peces, moluscos y Crustaceos de importancia comercial en el Mediterraneo,

Roma. Vito Bianco Editore. 1965. 13,5 cm. ill. F.A.O. BINI, G C. 17.673

Catalogue des noms de mollusques et crustaces.

Rome, F.A.O., 1963» 27cm. "Document de travail, n° E-2 BININDA, R. A.9.014

Der Cornbrash im zentralen Teil des Niedersach- sischen Beckens (Wesergebiet) Stratigraphie, Sedimentologie, Palaogeographie.

Bonn. 1985. 21 cm. ill. Inaugural-Dissertation Doktorwiirde Schriftentausch geol. u. palaont. Inst. BININDA-EmNDS, O.R.P. P.6.153 RUSSELL, A.P.

A Morphological perspective on the Phylogenetic relationshiips of the extant Phocid Seals (Mammalia: Carnivora: Phocidae).

Bonn. 1996. 24 cm. ill. Bonner Zoologische Monographien, nr. 41. BINKA, K. P.5.234 CIESLAj A.j 6.3,.

The Developmendb of Bledowo Dike (Central Poland) -a Palaeoecological study-

Warszawan Krakow. 1991. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. 100. BINKI-IORST VAN DEN BINBOiORST,J.T. B 12507

Esquisse geologique et paleontologique des couches cretacees du Limbourg et plus specialement de la craie tuffeau.

Maastricht,Van Osch-America et Cie,1859. xviii-270p., lcarte,5pl., 22x13,5cm. BIMORHT VAW DEN B 28871 BINKHORST J.T.

Esquisse geoloq'ique et paloontologique des couches cretacees du Limhourg et plus sp^cialement de la craie Tuffeau avec car te geologique coupes,plan horizontal des carrieres de St.Pierre, etc...

Bruxelles,C.LIucquardt.Paris, Schulz & Thai Hie: Laastricht, Van Osch-America & Cie, 1859. XVIII-,265p., Ic^te. ,5pl. , 23x14,5 cm. 0 BIKKHCRST YAR DEN BIN^ORST, J.T. B 136S1

Geologische und palaontologisclie Skizze der Kreideschichten des Herzogthuins Lim- burg. ICeue Krebse aus l.iaestrichter Tuff- kreide. s.l.ed.n.d. 33p.5 2pl., 22xl4cm< BIKKHORST van den Brinkhorst J.T C 12134

Monographie des Gasteropodes et des Cephalopodes de la craie superieure du Limbourg.

BruxellesjMucquardt,1861. 127p., 8pl. , 30,5x23crn. BINKHCeST, VAN DEN, J.T. D 533

Monographie des Gasteropodes et des Ce- phalopodes de la craie sup^rieure du Litn- bourg, suivie d'un.^ description de quel- ques esp^ces de crustaces du rnenie depot cretace. Br uxelles, C.J'^uquardt;l'''aestricht,MClller, 1861. I27p., 13pl., 31,5x24crn, BimamsT, j.t. van den. C 3505

Monographie des Gasteropodes et _des Ce~ phalopodes de la craie superieure du Lim- Nourg, suivie d'une description de quel- ques especes de crustaces du menie depot cretace.

Bruxelles,C .Muquardt-Naestricht^LIuller fre res,1861. VI, 127p., 17pl., 30x23cm. BINKHORST VAN DEN BINKHOPST, J.T. D. 4.741

Monographie des Garteropodes et des Cephalopodes de la craie superieure du Lirabourg.

Bruxelles (Maestxicht). C. Munquardt/Miiller. 1861 32 cm. ill. BINKHORST, J.T.V B 20042

Neue Krebse aus der Kaestrichter Tuff- kreide.

s. 1. ed., n. d. 4 p., 2 pi,, 22,5 X 14 cm BINKHCRSr VAN DEN BINKHORST,J.T. B 12512

Notice geologique sur le terrain cretace des environs de Jauche et de Ciply, avee une CGDupe g.,nerale des couches cr^tacees du Duche de Limbourg. Maastricht,Van Osch-America & Cie,1858. 28p., 22xl3cm. EINKHORST VAN DEN BINKHORST. B 12688

Notice geologique sur le terrain cretace des environs de Jauche et de Ciply, avec une coupe generate des couches cretacees du Duche de Limbourg.

Maastricht,Van Osch-America & Cie,1858. 28p., '^.2,5xl3f:m. BIMHORST, B 270S7 Binkhorst VM DEN ^

Notice geologique sur le terrain cretace des environs de Jauche et de Ginly, avec une coune genf^rale des couches cretacees du Duch-^ de Lioibourg.

Maastricht, Van Osoh-Anierioa & Cie, 1858, 28 o., 22,5 X 13,5 cm. BINKHORST, J. P. 3.819 + KAYSER, Th. H.

Computer Calculations of a Complex Steel Bridge verified by Model Investigations.

The Hague. 1975. 24 cm. ill. Rijkswaterstaat Communications n° 23. BINKHDRST, R.A. S.B.377 VOS, J.A., e.a.


Leiden. 1979. 20 cm.ill. Cahiers bio-wetenschappen en maatschappij, nr. 2. BINKLEY, D. C.19.467 DRXSCOLiLf 0«3.«

Acidic Deposition and Forest Soils. Context and Case Studies of the Southeastern United States.

London/Paris/Tokyo. 1989. 24 cm. ill. Ecological Studies 72. BIimEIODIJCK, N.P., C 16.083 EEKEYSER, W. & AMELINCKX, S.

Interferoraetric measurement of Gram boundary Grooves.

s.l.ed., 1953 5 p. > 3 fig. > 24-Xl5>5 cm. B 3409

Die Binneiigewasser. Binzeldarstellimg au3 der Limnologie und ihren Bachbarge- bieten, unter Mitvirirkung von Dr. Einar Naumann und anderen Fachgenossen heraus- gegeben von Dr. August Thienemann. Band I— px dcxBil vcir prsnce fiche. Stuttgcirt ,E .Schweizerbart(sche Verlags- buchhandlung,1928- vol., 24xl7cm. Symposium : Stoffhaushalt der Einnengewasser Chemie und Mikrobiolcgie. Biogenic metabolism of freshwaters, chemistry and microbiologieo

Stuttgarto 1968» 25 cmo illo Internationale Vereinigung theoritische Uo angewandte Limnologie=International Association of theoretical Wo applied limnology. Assoc.In- temat. de Limnologie th^rique & appli- quee.Mitteilungen. Communications. 14, BINNENGEVJASSERFISCHE. Co 21o1^2

European Inland Uater fieho A nuloi- lir.pual Catalogue - Foisoons des eaux ContinentaloG d-EuropOo Catalogue uulti- lingue - Fecces de aguas contincntales de Europao Cetalogo xultilirgue - linncn- gei;l°eeerlieche Europa - Eehreprachiger llatalogo

Icnccno iiLbing Kev.'O (Eco::£)i-tc » en = ill EoAoO. BINNET,A. + HENNEGY,F.

Contribution a 1'etude microscopique du Sjsteme nerveux larvaire de Stratiomys longicornis sc.

Paris . 1891 • 22ciii. ill. Annales Societe Entomologique de France. vol. LXI. pp. 309-317. BINI^Y, E.W. B V.082

Observations on the structure of Fossil ir'lants found in the Carboniferous Strata. Texte et planches. London, 1868-1875 3 vol., 28 X 22 cm. (Falaeontographical Society). BIMEY, C 113^0 A description of some Fossil Plants, shox'/ing structure, found in the Lox'/er Coalseams of Lancashire and Yorkshire. s •1.ed ., s • d. 26 p., 6 fig., 6 pi., 30 X 23,5 cm. BINIffiY, E.Vr, G 3606

Observations on the structure of fossil plants found in the Carboniferous Strata. Part I, Calamites and Calamodendron.

LondonjPalaeontol.Soc,,1868. 32p., 6pl., ?Px22cm, (dans Paleont.Soc,,vol.for.1867). BINNEY, E.W. B 3^.578

On the Origin of coal.

Manchester, Gillett, l8^•7. ^+8 p., 3 f., 3 pi., 21,5xl^cm. (dans "Man.Lit.Phil.Soc."Mem.VIII) BINi'I^Y, Edv;ard, V^illi^ra c 5012 (5: HOOKER, Joseph Dalton.

Cn the structure of certain Limestone nodules enclosed in seams of Bituminous coal, v/itli a description of come Trigono- carpons contained in them, s.l.ed.,(1S54). 8p., 2pl,, 30x23cin. BIMSY, E.G. C 14.938

The Oxford University Arctic Expedition. 1924.

(ext." Geogr. Journ., vol. 66, P.9)1925") BIiroSY, W.G, B 66

Catalogue of the terrestrial air-breath ing mollusks of North America, with notes on their geographical range,

Cambridge,University Press, s.d. 30p,, Ipl., 24,5x15,5cm, (dans Bull,lTus,Comp,Nool,Harv,Coll., vol.III,n°e) BINNIAN, E.F. GALLANT, A.L., e.a.

Ecoregions of Alaska.

Washington. 1995. 27,5 om. ill + carte. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1567, BINNS, P.E. P. 744 MC QUILLIN, R. KENOLTY, N.

The geology of the Sea of the Hebrides.

London. 1974. 29,5 C3ti. ill. Natural Environment Research Council. Institute of Geological Sciences. Report n° 73/14. BINIMS, Richard E. P. 3011 1907. Drift pumice on postglacial raised shorelines of Northern Europe. Tromso-Oslo, 1967, 23cm., ill. Acta Borealia. A. Scientia. n° 2A. BINNS. Richard E. P. 3.011

A new sagvandite occurrence near Lyngenfjord, Trams, Norway, and the relationship between Troms Sagvandites and the Geological History of the area.

Tromsd. 1975. 22 cm. ill. Acta Boreala. A. Scientia n° 30. BIwO, I. P. 162

Biolo^riske Ledaeleeser,

K;zJbenhavn : I9I7-I9. 42 p., 13 pi. Biol.Med. I/I. BINSACK, R. BOEDER, C.J.

Microalgae for food and feed .A status analysis,

Stuttgart. 1978. 24,5 cm. ill. Ergebnisse der Limnologie. Heft 11. BINSBERGSI^', A.F. B 5884


Amsterdam,De Spieghel; Mechelen,Het Kompas 1935. 10*P;, eOill., 23x15,5cm.. BINSBERGEN, Nol. B 32716

Uit Nederlands vogelleven# Amsterdam,Antv/erpen, (1948) • 191p., 64fig., 24,5x17,5cm. BINSBERGEN, Nol. B 32732

Ult neerlends vogelleven.

Amsterdam, Antwerpen, 1948# 191p., 64fig., 24,5x17,5cm. BBr3BSRG31T, Fol.

Vogcls van weide en rietland, X'^oor'burgjBoot ,(1937) . 128p., 48pl», 21xl4ciii, BMSBSRGEIT, Nol & MOOT, D. A 658

Z.ien is kennon# Zakdetermineerboek van alle in Uederland voorkomende vogels, Laren,.A«S*Schoonderbeek, (1937). 401p,, ill», 12x17,5cm, 31j'UB^3{G3IT j j o1. \ 772 c- 300Y, D.

Zivn is K-n:.eti. iikMeitsr'air.eei'boQk van alle in 1 ederlanci voorkorienciy La;-un. .7. Schoonderbsek, (1937) . n.p^, 7pl., fii:., IkxlVcr-. BINTCLIFFE, J. 0.26.306 ROBERTS, CH.A. LEE, F.,eds.

Burial Archaeology, Current Research, Nethods and Developments.

Oxford. 1989. 29,5 cm. ill. BAR British Series. 211. BINTZ, J. P 798

Livre a la memoire du Docteur Kichel LUCIUS. Ouvrage mis au point par J. BINTZ.

Luxembourg, 1964, 26,5 cm., ill.

(Publications du Service geologique de Luxem bourg: vol. XIV). BINTZ, J. c 18.319

Livre a la memoire du docteur Michel LUCIUS. Ouvrage mis au point par J. BINTZ.

Luxembourg, Serv. gool. Luxembourg, 196^, B6,5 cm., ill.

(Publ. Serv. geol. Luxembourg. Minst. Trav. Publics. Serv. geol.: vol. XIV). BINTZ, Jacques. •B„ 52 o802

Luxeribourg« Jacques BINTZ, Armand HARY, Adolphe MULLERo

Pariso Masson & Cie.. 1973<. 23,5 cmo ill. Guides geologiques regionaux. BINTZ, J. P. 5830

Rapport d'activite du Service Geologique pour la periode 1961-1957. Travaux scientifiques.

Luxembourg. 1968. 24 cm. ill. Bulletin du Service Geologique du Luxembourg n° 1. BINTZ, J. B.47.275 HARY, A.

Profil dans le groupe du Muschelkalk de la region mosellane luxembourgeoise, allant de la formation des Couches a entroques a celles du Gres coquillier.

G.D. de Luxembourg. 1967. 24,5 cm. ill. Histoire Naturelle de Luxembourg. Geologie, BINTZ, J. B. 54.147 BEUGNIES, A. WATERLDT, G.

Ardenne - Luxembourg.

Paris, Massciin 8 Cle, 1973, 23, 5cm.,111 G ddes Geologiques regionaux BINTZ, J. B. 54.168 BEUGNIES, A. WATERLOT, G.

Ardenne - Luxembourg

Paris, Masson S Cie, 1973, 23,5cm.,ill Guides geologiques regionaux. BIITTZ, J. P. 5830 + mJLLER, Ad.

Note preliminaire sur les recherches geolo- giques faites sur la du Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d'Esch-sur-Sure.

Luxembourg. 1968. 2A cm. Bulletin du Service Geologique du Luxembourg n° 1. BIITTZ, J. P. 5830 + mJLLER, Ad.

Rote preliminaire sur les reclierclie.s geolo- giques faites sur la tranchee du Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d'Esch-sur-Sure.

Luxembourg. 1988. 2A cm. Bulletin du Service Geologique du Luxembourg n° 1. BINTZ, Jacques. B. 47.275 + ^^ULLER, Ad.

Sur la representation du " Gres de Luxembourg " sur la nouvelle carte geologique generate du Grand-Duche.

Luxembourg. 1966. 24 cm. ill. Histoire Naturelle du Pays de Luxembourg. Geologie. T. 31. pp. 241-258. BINTZ, J. p. 798 GUERIN-FRANIATTE, S. MOUTERDE, R., MULLER, Ad., SIEDEK, H.

Contributions a la connaissance du Lias in- ferieur au §rand-Duche du Luxembourg, i. iexxkxHX Resultats des recherches geolo- giques faites sur la tranches du S.E.B.E.S. tron^on Eschdorf-Nospelt, Nospelt-Hebierg, Nospelt-Bridel» Luxembourg* 1970* 27 cm* ill* inj Publications du Service Geologique du Luxembourg* Veroffentlichungen des Luxemburger Geolo- gischen Dienstes, vol*XX, pp. 9-70* BINYON, John. B. 45.756

Physiology of Echinoderms,

Oxford/London. Pergamon Press. 1972. 21,5 cm. ill. International Series of Monographs in Pvire and Applied Biology. Division : Zoology vol. 49. BINZ, E. P. 190

KELLER, H. H. 1966. Funktionenraurae in der Kategorie der Limesraume. Herrn Professor Dr Rolf NEVANLINNA zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Helsinki, I966, 25 cm. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Series A. I. Mathematica, 383 BINZE, August, A 1412

Schul- und Exkursions-flora der Schweiz mit Beriicksichtigung der fur Basel in Be- tracht koramenden benachbarten Teile Badens und des Elsasses, 5e ed.

Basel,B.Schwabe & G°,(1920). XV-,435p.,376fig.,19x12cm. Bi::zER, K. + iaRI,'P-r-:0LLER, s

Ferri-sc:^lolite j,n hydrotheinral c-"'lcitf^-q-jartz chalcedony veins on Eugcsuaq in 'Vest Greenland

K0benhavn. 1574.28 cr,. ill. Keddelelser cm Grdnland. 3d. 2C1. nr 5. BINZER, K. P. 163 + KARUP-n0LLER, S.

Ferrl-sepiolite in Hydrothermal calcite-quartz- chalcedony veris on Nugssuaq in West Greenland.

Kdbenhavn. 1974, 27 cm. ill. Mineralogical and Geological Museum of the University, Copenhagen. Contributions to Mirft^alogy n° 100. 3I0AC0USTIQUE.

Erpococ do bioocciu uicuo ''iS?2 i.rC-A5 oovt..: L;.:ovj c In: (A;; oc: vc : Lur lo cc::i:oj:-uc:rci:t dco oiceco::. Cci^ptc- reiicu cu ccurs pc.r l'E,P„H.E,

Joco.Co -Lacorotoire dE'-couoticue Animaleo 29,5 en. ill. BIOBIBLIOGRAFIJA A.9X GABUNJA BIOBIBLIOGRAFIJA

Leonid Kalistratovich Gabunja biobibliografija.


Repertoire bio-bibliographique des chercheurs. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique 199G-1994. Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der na- vorsers. Kcninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- wetenschappen 1990-1994.


Repertoire blo-bibliographique des chercheurs. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique 1990-1994. Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der na- vorsers. KoninklijK Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- wetenschappen 1990-1994.


Repertoire bia-blbliographique des chercheurs. Institt^t royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique 1990-1994. Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der na- vorsers. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- wetenschappen 1990-1994.


Repertoire blo-bibliographique des chercheurs. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique 1990-1994. Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der na- vorsers. KoninKlijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- wetenschpppen 1990-1994.

Bruxelles/Brussel. IRSNB/KBIN. 1995. 29 cm. BIO-BIBLIOGRAFISCH REPERTORIUM C.25.447 REPERTORIUM NAVORSERS NAVORSERS REPERTOIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE CHERCHEURS CHERCHEURS Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der navorsers I9B5- 1989. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurweten- schappen.-Repertoire bio-bibliographique des cher- cheurs 1985-1989. Institut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Brussel/Bruxelles, s.d.^9 cm. BIO-BIBLIOGRAPISCH REPERTORIUM S.6.077 REPERTORIUM NAVORSERS NAVORSERS REPERTOIRE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPRIQUE CHERCHEURS CHERCHEURS Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der navorsers I985- 1989. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- wetenschappen. Repertoire bio-bibliographique des chercheurs I985-I989. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Brussel/Bruxelles. s.d. 29 cm. BIO-BIBLIOGRAPISCH REPERTORIUM A.9076 REPERTORIUM WETENSCHAPPHLIJK WETENSCHAPPELIJK PERSONEEL REPERTOIRE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE BIOBIBLIOGRAPHIQUE PERSONNEL PERSONNEL SCIENTIPIQUE Repertoire bio-bibliographique du personnel scienti- fique. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Bio-bibliografisch repertorium van het wetenschappelijk personeel, Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Bruxelles/Brussel. 1985, 20,5 cm. BIO-BffiLIOGRAPISCH REPERTORIIM S.6.O76 REPERTORIUM WETENSCHAPPELIJK WEEENSCHAPPELIJK PERSONEEL REPERTOIRE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE BIOBIBLIOGRAPHIQUE PERSONNEL PERSONNEL SCIENTIFIQUE Repertoire bio-bibliographique du personnel scienti- fique. Institut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belglque. Bio-bibliografisch repertorium van het wetenschappelijk personeel. Koninklijke Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Bruxelles/Brussel. 198^ 20,5 cm. BIO-BIBLIOJRAPHIQUE CHERCHEURS C.25.447 CHERCHEURS BIO-BIBLIOGRAPISCH REPERTORIUM REPERTORIUM NAVORSERS NAVORSERS REPERTOIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE Bio-bibliografisch repertorium der navorsers 19^5" 1989. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- wetenschappen,-Repertoire bio-bibliographique des chercheurs 1985-1989. Institut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique,

Biiussel/Bruxelles, s.d. 29 cm. BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES CHERCPMJRS S.6.077 CHERCHEURS BIO-BIBLIOGRAEISCK PEPER7V0RIUM REPERTORIUM NAVORSERS REPERTOIRE BIO-BIBLIOGRAI^HIQUES 3io-bibliografisch repertorium der navorsers 1985- 1989. Boninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuur- v/etenschappen. Repertoire bio-bibliographique des chercheurs 1985-1989. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Beifplqiie,

Brussel/Bruxelles. s.c 29 cm. BIOBIBLIOGRAPHIQUE PERSONNEL S.6.076 PERSONNEL SCIENTIFIQUE BIO-BIBLIOGRAEISCH REPERTORIUM REPERTORIUM WEEENSCHAPPELIJK WEEENSCHAPPELIJK PERSONEEL REPERTOIRE BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE Repertoire bio-bibliographique du personnel scienti- fique. Institut royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belglque. Bio-bibliografisch repertorlum van het wetenschappelijk personeel. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Bruxelles/Brussel. 1985. 20-5 cm. BIOBIBLIOGRAPHIQUE PERSONNEL A.9O76 PERSONNEL SCIENTIEIQUE BIO-BIBLIOGRAFISCH REPERTORIUM REPERTORIUM WETENSCHAPPELIJK WEEENSCHAPPELIJK PERSONEEL REPERTOIRE BIO-BIBLIOGRAETHIQUE Repertoire bio-bibliographique du personnel scienti- fique. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bio-bibliografisch repertorium van het wetenschappelijk personeel. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Bruxelles/Brussel, 1985. 20,5 cm. S .5 .664

BIO BUITEN veldwerkbladen 1. Werkgroep Veld- biologie. Slikken, schorren en VTad.

Kapellen. De ISfederlandse Boekhandel/Uitgeverij Pelckraans. 1988. 29,5 cm. ill. BIOCCA, E.j.PSLUFFO, C.A. C 12192 BIER, 0. & Ai\'IARAL, J.P.

Estudios sobre as salmoneloses em Sao Paulo. I, II, III. s.l.ed.,1946. 15p.,27x14,5cm. (dans Eem.Inst.Butantan,vol.l9,1946). BIOCENOZE MONTANE MONTANE

Biocenoze montane.

Cluj-Napoca. 1988. 24 cm. ill. A IV-A conferinta nationala de Entomologie.-IVth National conference of Entomology. Cluj-Napoca 29-31 mai 1986. BIOCHEKI^AT AAI^^CTS B U-^c667

B'^'.CTjhe'.iic.'! Asnects i^f Genetics. A s^/ni- noslum held et the '/estminster Hosnital liedi'^r]- School, London on 12 February 19^*^ Orpanized and edited bv R^To l.'illiams.

Eanbridge, University Press, 1950, 25 eir. ("Biochemical Society "^ymnosiura, n° L-"). B. 52.^88 BIOCHEnlCAL BVCLiri'IOn.

Homologous enzymes and biochemical evolution, A Colloquium organized under the auspices of the Advanced Study Group of NATO,

New York/London. Gordon & Breach. 1968. 23,5cm, ill.- BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS B. 51.633 Papers in biochemical genetics.

New York. Holt, Rinchart and Winston. I968. 25 cm. ill. BI0CH2i:iCAL JOURNAL c.16.817

The Biochemical Journal. London, Cambridge Univ.Press,1955(61-^) 1958(68-^-)-, 25,5 BIOCHFiaCAL SOCIETY B ^7.^67

Biocherilna?. Society SyKcosiCr CaiTibri^l^eo Univ9rs:^'tv Press« 19'^0('-:-)"'9 27cit


Les bases biochiraiques et structurelles de la morphogenese. The biochemical and structural basis of morphogenesis. Utrecht, aout 1952.

Paris, 1955i 23,5 cm., ill.

(Union internationale des sciences biologiques. Ser. B: 17). BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES P. 2k8

Biokemijska istrazivanja planktona u Jadra- nu» !• Dio Prelimarna ispitivanja biokemijs- kog sastava sveukupnog zooplanktona Kastel- anskog zaljeva/ Biochemical Studies of Plank ton in Adriatic Preliminary study of biochem mical composition of Zooplankton of the Kaqtela Bay by T. VUCETIC, A. DAMJANIC, A. CUBRETGVIC.

Split. 1969. 23 ,5cm. ill' Biljeske-Notes, nr« 25# BIOCIDEN

"Biociden, een vloek of een zegen?".

Antwerpen. 1998. 29,5 cm. ill. MENS: Mi 1ieu-Edueatie, Natuur & Samenleving nr. 30. PS . 66 70

"Biocides, une maledication ou une benediction?

Antwerpen. 1998. 29,5 cm; ill. MENS. Milieu, Ecuation, Nature n° 13. BIOCHEMIE. P. 1717

k. Internationales Symposium Biochemie und Physiologie der Alkaloids Halle(Saale,25 bis 28 Juni 1969«Band a des Symposiumsberichtes Vorabdruck wissensohaftlicher Beitrage. Kurt MOTHES,Klaus SCHREIBER, Und Horst Robert SCHUTTl. Berlin. 1969, 29,5 cm, ill. Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissen- Bchaften zu Berlin. BIOCHEMIE U. PHYSIOLOGIE P. I?"!?

1966. Internationales Symposium. Biochemie und Physiologie der Alkaloide Halle (SaaleJ, 2.k bis, 27 juni 1965. Tagungsbericht.

Berlin, 1966, 29,5cm., ill. Abhandlungen der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten zu Berlin Klasse fur Chemie, Geologie und Biolo- gie. Jahrg. 1966, nr. 5. BIOCHEMISCHE ASPEKTE P. I?!?. SYMPOSUM BIOCHEMISCHE ASPEKTE STEROIDPORSCHUNG lENA SCHUBERT, Kurt Symposium uber Uiochemische AspeEte der steriodforschung lena, 18 bis PI September 1967, herhausgegeben von Kurt SCHUBERT. BERLIN. 1969. P9,5cm. ill, Abhandlungen der deutscben AEademie der Wissenscbaften zu Berlin. Klasse fur Medizin. Jahrgang 1968. n°2. BIOCHEMISCHE und KLINISCHE P. 2111

1963. Biochemische u. klinische problematik der Mo- lekular-genetic, Bericht uber die Vortragstagung der deutschen Akademie der Maturforscher Leopoldina 26, u. 27 Januar 19^3 in Halle/Saale, von K. BETKE, J. BRACKET, G. BRAUNITZER, G. BRUNS, M. DELBRUCK, P. HERTWIG, E. KELLENBERGER, F. LIMNEWEH, G.V/.LOHR, J,H. MATTHAEI, A.J. OPARIN, G. SGHRAMM, H.D.WALLER, u. H.G. ZACHAU. Leipzig, 19^^3, 27,5 cm.. Nova Acta Leopoldina, nr 165, Bd.26. BIOCHEMISTRY PROTEINS ONTOGENESIS FIRST PROTEIN SYMPOSIUM WARSAW.

1964. First Protein Symposium Warsaw Biochemistry and Clinic of Proteins in Ontogenesis.

Warszawa. 1964, 24cm, ill. (Prace i Materialy Naukowe Instytut Matki i Dziecka. Research Reports Tom. VI) XLL I- ' '-'•jCs ' Cyb jl>U.Ll{;;ji l ^ U i? L^ U J' I.^ O UiY ^ Uu\. i»iO {\[

iX'x'Xi'iiiA'ixA' 'AJAl'lil'ii'1 • u\.>A ojLL:su.*:#i^v:#^o.a40'^

ySb" y*? " y A ax S J. WAri J 0 J. u BIOCHEMISTRY. B. 52.354

Atomic and Molecular Structure, Amsterdam. Elsevier. 1962. 23 cm. ill. in: Florkin h. 1 Sotz EoH.^Comprehensive Biochemistry.Section I; Physico-Chemica.l and Organic Aspects of Biochemistry, vol. BIOCHEMISTRY.


Amstardam, El.sevier. ^3^7 •, 25 cm, ill, in: Florkin K, :.•< Stotz E.H» .'Ccnpi-ahensive Biochemistry,Section VjChemica], bif.;.ogy , vo] , BIOCHEMISTRY.

Biological oxidations. Arasterdam. Elsevier. 1966. 23 cm. ill. in: Florkin M. St Stotz E.H. :Comprehensive Biochemistry.Section IIIrBiochemical reaction mechanisms, vol. 1^. BIOCHEMISTRY.

Carbohydrates. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 19^3 • 23 cm. ill. int Florkin M. & Stotz E,HojComprehensive Biochemistry.Section II; Chemistry of bio logical compounds, vol. BIOCHEMISTRY. B. 52-35^1-

Cytochemistryr Amsterdam, Elcc-vier, 1968. 23 cm. ill, intFlorkin M. Stotz E,H, sComprehensive Biochemistry.Se-jtion V;Chemical biology.vol. 23' BIOCHEMISTRY. B. 52,354

Extracellular and supporting structures.

Amsterdam, Elsevier. lyoo. 23 cm, ill. in:Florkin M. & Stotz E.H,rComprehensive Biochemistry.Section V: Chemical bioD.cgy, vol. 26 BIOCHEMISTRY.

Hydrolytic reactions, cobaraide and biotin coenzymes• Amsterdam, Elsevier. 1965* 23 cm. ill. in: Florkin M. & Stotz E.H,:Comprehensive Biochemistry.Section III: Biochemical reaction mechanisms, vol. 16, BIOCHEMISTRY.

Organic and physical cheniistcy

Amsterdam. El.seviei', 23 ill < in:Florkin M. fe Etotz E .H . vCor.'jp.cehvns.i''"e Biochemistry .• Section 1Jifhysic o-- chor.;j c il and organic aspects ••>2 Bicoh; ..listi y.. vcJ .. R BIOCHEMISTRY.

Proteins. (Part I) Amsterdam. Elsevier. 1963» 23 cm. ill. in: Flcrkin M. & Stotz E.H.;Comprehensive Biochemistry.Section IlsCheraistry of bio logical compounds, vol. ?• BIOCHEMISTRY.

Proteins (Part 2) and nucleie acid. Amsterdam. Elsevier. 19^3' 23 cm. ill. in:Florkin M. 8< Sotz E.H, ;Comprehensive Biochemistry.Section II: Chemistry of bio logical compounds, vol. 8. BIOCHEMISTRY.

Pyrrole pigments, isoprenoid compounds and phenolic plant constituents, Amsterdam, Elsevier. 1963» 23 cm, ill, in:Florkin M. 8c Stotz E.H. :Comprehensive Biochemistry.Section IlrChernistry of bio logical compounds, vol. 9» BIOCHEMISTRY. B. 52

Pyruvate and Patty Acid Meta'bolismo

Aiasterdara, Elsevier. 197'1= 25 cm. 111. in : Plorkin Marcel + Stotz Elmer H, Comprehensive Biochemistry. Section IV ; Metabolism, vol. '^8 S. BIOCHEMISTRY.

Separation methods. Amsterdam. Elsevier, 1962. 23 cm. ill, in: Elorkin M, oc Stotz E.H .• Ccmpr ehensive Biochemistry.Section I :i"hysico~ chemical and organic aspects of 3j ochemistx y. voi . BIOCHEMISTRY. B. 52.35^

Stereds, bile acida and steroids. Amsterdam. Elsevier. 1963. 23 cm. ill. inrFlorkin M, & Stotz E,H.: Comprehensive Biochemistry, Section II: Chemistry of bio logical compounds, vol. 10. BIOCHEMISTRY.

Water-soluble vitamins,hormones,antibiotics. Amsterdam. Elsevier. 1963» 23 cm. ill. in: Florkin M. 8c Stotz E.H. rComprehensive Biochemistry.Section II: Chemistry of bio logical compounds, vol. 11. BIOCHEMISTRY. B. 52.354 FLORKIN, Marcel. STOTZ, Elmer H. COMPREHENSIVE BIOCHEMISTRY.

Comprehensive Biochemistry. Amsterdam. Elsevier Publ. Co. 1962. 23 cm. ill. BIOCHEMISTRY C. 18,335 The Encyclopedia of bicchomiotry,

Kc5w York, Hoiniiold, Fubi, C% "lOS?, ill. RTOCHEMTSTRY R,48.76t

1 n "t" i o r> p "i o r Vii "is"'"

OxRord, Pprp-nmon Press, ^ ^6^ , 23,5 cm., n 1 . Proceerl-irrs op the "interriatiorial corfi-ress oP biochemistry, 3 BIOCHEMISTRY-HISTORY. B, 52.354

A History of Biochemistry» Part I. Proto- Biochemistryo Part IIo From Proto-Bio- chemistry to Biochemistryo

Amsterdamo Elseviero 1972c 23 cmo illo in ; Florkin M. & Stotz EoKo ; Comprehensive Biochemistry. Section VI. A History of Biochemistry vol. 30, BiocKSKisTiiY yit:.:.;: g.y:ytic3, a 5.7&8

Gib?, Four.dal'ioii syr.i osl'in ^;ointly v.'ith the Intern/tiojial Union of Uioloyical Gciencen on i-'icchGniotry of Kunan oene- tics. Aditors : G.U.V'. V.'olstGnliolme and Cacilia il. O'Coiinor.

London, J.A.ji, Churchill, lS'5i 3^7 i].l., 21 cm. BIOCHEMISTRY E 16.615

Biochemistry of . Edited by L. Levenbook.

London, New York, Pergamon Press, 1959 252 p., .23,5 cm.

( Proceed. 4th Internat. Congress of Bio chemistry - Vienna - vol. XII) DIOCIIEMISTRY PHYSIOLOGY

Coraparatxve uiocheinis try and physiology .-An International Journal. Editors : G.A. Kerkut & Breadley T. Scheer. vol 1 ; n°l

London, Pergainon Press, 1960(1 )- 25 cm biochemistry;;. Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozc T.I,II a New York, Acad. Press, I951-I95... vol., fig., 23,5x16 cm. BIOCI-IEI.:iSTRY... B 4-1.679

BiocheraiGtry bnd Physiology of Protozoa edited by Andre iwoif, t-X"

New York, Aced. Press Inc;, I95I vol., fig., 23,5X16 cm. BIOCHEMISTRY, P. kk02

A discussion of anomalus aspects of biochemistry of possible signifiance in discussing the origins and distribution of life organized by N.W. PIRIE.

London. 1968. 25,5 cm. ill. in: Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, biological Sciences, no. 1022, vol. I7I» BIOCHEMISTRY P. 171?. EIBOSOMES SYH/IPGSIUM CASTLE REINHARDSBRUNN LIHDIGKEIT, Ruth LAHGEH, Peter RICHTER, Jochen Biochemistry of rihosomes and messen^er-rna International Symposium, Castle Reinhardshrunn mai 25-26,1967. Edited by Ruth LINDIGKEIT, Peter LAHGEH, Jochen RICHTER. BERLIN. 1968. 29,5cm. ill. Abhandlungen deutchen-Akademie Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fur Medizin. Jahrg.1968. n°I. 3I0CHEi-:iSTS liATJDBOOK. B ^7.^ Biochenist^' Handbcck. Compiled by 171 contributors. Edited by Cyril Lono. London, E& F.N Snon Ltd, I96I. 1192, ill., 25 cm. BIOCHIMIE METABOLISME. P. 36 + BIOKPIIMIJA OBMENA.

Biokhimija obmena vechestv i produkti- vnost'rastenij . (Biocliimie du metabolisme et productivite des plantes.

Alma-Ata. Izdat. Nauka. 1970- 22 cm. ill. Trudy Istituta Botaniki Akademija Nauk Kazahskoj S.S.R. T. 28. DIOCHIMIE ET MICROBIOLOGIE 2 .086

Biochemie et microbiologie de I'appareil genital chez la femme et chez I'homine Rapport d'un groupe scientifique del'QMS.

Geneve, I965, 2kcm. Organisation mondiale de la Sante serie de rapports techniques, n°313 BIOCHIMIE POISSONS c. 18.9^3

1967» Metabolisme et biochiraie des poissons Obmen vescestv i bionimija ryb.

Mosgou, Ed. Nanka, 196?, 26,5 cm., ill. Academie des Sciences U.R.S.S. - Ministers de I'Economie poissonniere de I'U.R.S.S. Commission ichthyologique. BIOCHIMIE TROUBLES MENTAUX P. 2086

1969* Biochimie des troubles mentaux. Rapport d'un groupe scientifique de I'OMS.

Geneve, 1969> 2^1 cm. Organisation Mondiaie de la Sant6. Serie de rapports techniques n° 427. BIODINAMIKA PLDDORODIE PLODORODE POCHVY

Biodinamika i Plodorodie Pochvy.

Tallin. Akad.Nauk. 1979. 18,5 on. ill. Inst. Eksperimental'noj Biologii Estonskoe Otdelenie Vsesojuznogo Mikrobiologicheskogo Obshchestva. BIODISPONIBILITE. P. 2.086

Biodisponibilite des medicaments : Principes et Problemes. Rapport d'un Groupe sclentifique de I'OMS.

Geneve. 1974.24 cm. ill. Organisation Mondiale de la Sante. Serie de Rapports Techni- ques n° 536. BIODIVERSIDAD R.219 COLOMBIA POLITICA NACIONAL

Politica Nacional de Biodiversidad.Co1ombia s.l. s.d. 30 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITE R. 1379

Biodiversite. L'homme est-il I'ennemi des autres especes ?

Paris. Societe d'Editions Scientifiques. 2000. 29,5 cm. ill. La Recherche special n° 333. biddiversite C.26.457 ANNUAIRE POTENTIEL POTEIMTIEL SCIENTIFigUE

Annuaire du potentiel scientifique beige en matiere d'etude et de conservation de la Biodiversite.

Bruxelles. Ministere de la Sante Publlque et de 1'Environnement . 1995. 29,5 om. BIODIVERSITE ANALYSE POTENTIEL ETUDE CONSERVATION CONSERVATION BIODIVERSITE

Analyse du potential beige en matiere d'etude et de conservation de la bio- diversite et propositions pour un plan d'action national.

Gembloux. Faculte universitaire des scien ces agronomiques. 1995. 29,5 cm. BIODIVERSITE R.73 ANNUM RE POTENTlEL ETUDE CONSERVATION CONSERVATION BIODIVERSITE

Annuaire du potentiel scientifique beige en matiere d'etude et de conservation de la biodiversite.

Gembloux. Faculte universitaire des scien ces agronomiques. 1995. 29,5 cm. BIDDIVERSITE C.26.431 ANNUAIRE POTENTIEL PDTENTIEL SCIENTIFigUE

Annuaire du potential scientifique beige en matiere d'etude et de conservation de la biodiversite.

Gembloux. Faculte univ. des sciences agronomiques. 1995. 29,5 cm. BIODIVERSITE BRUXELLES R.644 BRUXELLES CAPITALE LEEFMILIEU IJIOD IVERS ITE IT BIODIVERSITEIT BRUSSELS BRUSSELS HOOFDSTEDELIJK ENVIRONNEMENT BIODIVERSITE Kwaliteit van het Leefmilieu en Biodiversi- teit in het Brussels Hoofdstede11jk Gewest Inventarisatie en opvolging van de Flora en de Fauna. Qualite de 1'environnement et Biodiversite en Region de Bruxe11es-Capi- tale.Inventarisatie et suivi de Flore et de la Faune. BIODIVERSITE DOSSIER R. 809 DOSSIER INFORMATION

Biodiversite. Dossier d'information- Bratislava 1998. Quatrieme reunion de la conference des pariries. Convention sur la diversite biologique 4-15 mai 1998. s.l. PNUE. 1998. 29,5 cm. p.6.000

Biodiversite Europeenne: La convention de Berne du 19 septanbre 1979 relative a la conservation de la vie sauvage et du Milieu naturel de 1'Europe.

Strasvourg. 1993. 29,5 cm. Conseil de 1'Europe. Naturopa faits nouveaux, n° 4, F;


Etude mondiale de la biodiversite Resume a 1 * intention des decideurs

Cambridge. PNUE/University Press. 1995. 24,5 cm. ill.


Paris. Solagral. 1993. 29 cm. ill Courrier de la Planete, 19. BIODIVERSITE S.6.6D2 PAPILLONS PAYSAGES PAYSAGES BIODIVERSITE

Pour qu'ils vivent! Papillons, paysages, bio- diversite. s.l. s.d. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSIIE PS. PAPILLONS PAYSAGES PAYSAGES BIODIVERSIEE

Pour qu'ils vivent ! Papillons paysages bio- diversite.

Liege. 199^. 29j5 cm. ill. Supplement a la revue Environnement. n° 23. BIODIViii^blTE,PLHN PLUHI^.Ni.UEL C 26.525 B10DIV EPS ITEIT , MEiv iJ PEN PLaN

Biodiversiteit. Meerjarenplan 1996-2000. Biodiversite. Plan pluriannuel 1996-2000. Brussel/Bruxelles,K.B.I.N./I.P.SO.N.B. 1955 • 29 cm BIODIVERSITE SENEGAL R. 7 1 7 SENEGAL MONOGRAPHIE NATIONAL

Monographie national sur la Biodiversite au Senegal.

Dakar. Ministere de 1'Envircnnement et de la Protection de la Nature. 1998. 29,5 cm, ill. BIODIVERSITE MILIEU R.93 MILIEU FORESTIER FORESTIER

Biodiversite du milieu forestier ; bilan et engagements du Ministere des Ressources Naturelles.

Quebec. Ministere des Ressoui^ces naturelles 1996. 28 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITEIT BRUSSELS R.644 BRUSSELS HOOFDSTEDELIJK ENVIRONNEMENT BIODIVERSITE BIODIVERSITE BRUXELLES BRUXELLES CAPITALE LEEFMILIEU BIODIVERSITEIT Kwaliteit van het Leefmilieu en Biodiversi teit in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Inventarisatie en opvolging van de Flora en de Fauna. Qualite de 1'environnement et Biodiversite en Region de Bruxe11es-Capi- tale.Inventaire et suivi de Flore et de la Faune. ^ Brussel/Bruxelles. IBGE-glM/KBIN/I.R.Sc. N.B. 1998. 29,5 cm. ill. Studiedocumenten.-Documents de travail, n° 93. p.5.999

De Biodiversiteit in Europa. Het verdrag van Bern van 19 septanber 1979 inzake de bescheming van in 't wild levende planter en dieren en van het Natuurlijke Leefmilieu in Europa.

Strasbourg. 1993. 29,5 cm. Conseil de 1'Europe. Naturopa nieuwsbrief, n° 4. BIODIVEHaiTEIT,Mii]ii:KJAHENPL.iN 0 ZG. I BIODIVEKSITE,PLAN PLUHIaNNUEL Biodiversiteit. Keerjarenplan 1996-2000. Biodiversite. Plan pluri annuel 1996-2000.

Brussel/Bruxelles,K.B.I.N./I.R.SC.N,B. 1995' 29 cm R. 229

Report of the 4th Global Biodiversity Forum Rapport du 4me Forum mondial sur le diversit biologique.- Informe del 4 Foro Global de la Biodiversidad 31/8-1/9/96 Montreal Canada

Gland. lUCN. 1997. 29,5 cm. R .230 Report of the 5th Global Biodiversity Forum- Rapport du 5me Forum mondial sur la diversite bio1ogique.-Informe del 5 Foro Global de la Biodiversidad 1/11-3/11/96 Buenos Aires, Argentina, BIODIVERSITY AFRICAN BIODIVERSITY

African Biodiversity : Foundation for the Future :A framework for Integrating Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development. s.l. WWF/Nature Conservancy USAID. 1993. 28 cm. Biodiversity Support Program. BIODIVERSITY R . 1 89

Biodivers ity.

Strasbourg. Conseil of Europe. 1996. 14,5 cm. ill. Questions and Answers. N° 1 .


Biodiversity. Action plan for Indonesia.

Jakarta. Ministry of National Development Planning. National Development Planning Agency. 1993. 28 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY R. 699

Biodiversity: A Biology of numbers and Difference.

Oxford, e.a. Blackwell Science Ltdj 1996 24 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY PR. 2

Biodiversity and Conservation.

London. Chapman & Hall. 1997. 24,5 cm. ill. vol. 6, nrs. 1-12; vol. 7, n° 1. BIODIVERSITY R. 1 94 BUSINESS BIODIVERSITY

Business and Biodiversity. A Guide for the Private Sector.


Business and Biodiversity. A Guide for the Private Sector.


Business and Biodiversity. A Guide for the Private Sector.


Caring for Canada's Biodiversity. Canada's First National Report to the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Bio logical Diversity.


Caring for Canada's Biodiversity. Annex to Canada's First National Report to the Conference of the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity Inventory of Initiatives.

Hull. Biodiversity Convention Office.1998. 2 8 cm. BIODIVERSITY ARCHIEVING NATIONAL OBJECTIVES REGIONAL COLLABORATION DEVELOPING A FACILITATING FACILITATING MECHANISM Developing a Facilitating mechanism for the Equitable and sustainable use of Bio diversity : Archieving National objectives through Regional collaboration.


Developing a facilitating mechanism for the Equitable and sustainable use of Bio diversity : Archievins National Objectives through Regional co^aaboration . Geneva. International Academy of the En vironment. 1 9 94. 5 cm. BIODIVERSITY UNEP BIODIVERSITY

The UNEP biodiversity. Programme and Implementation Strategy. s.l. UNEP. 1995. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY R.178 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL CONSERVATION USING BIODIVERSITY

Using Biodiversity to protect biodiversity Biological control, conservation and the Biodiversity convention.

Wellington. CAB International. 1994.21 cm ill . biodiversity action R. 49 ACTION PLAN PLAN INDONESIA BIODIVERSITY

Biodiversity. Action plan for Indonesia.

Jakarta. Ministry of National Development Planning. National Development Planning Agency. 1993. 28 cm. ill. biodiversity agenda R. 11 AGENDA

The Biodiversity Agenda. Decisions from the Third Meeting of the (Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Bio logical Divetsity 2nd edition Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4-15 November 1996.

Montreal. World Trade Centre. 1997. 21 cm, BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT R. ICQ GUIDE PRACTICE

Biodiversity Assessment. Review. A guide to good practice.

London. HMSO. 1996. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT GUIDE PRACTICE PLANTS FUNGI FUNGI MICRO-ORGANISMS MICRO-ORGANISMS Biodiversity assessment. A guide to good practice. Field manual I. Data and specimen collection of plants, fungi and micro organisms .


Biodiversity assessment. A guide to good practice. Field manual 2. Data and specimen collection of animals.


Biodiversity Capability Statement. CAB international's potential contribution to the preparation and implementation of Bio diversity action plans.


Biodiversity capability statement CAB International's potential contribution to the preparation and implementation of bio diversity action plans.

Egham. CAB International, s.d. 29,5 cm. BIODIVERSITY CHALLENGE R. 3 1 0 CHALLENGE

The Biodiversity Challenge: Conserving Biological Diversity in Canada's Forests.


Report of the biodiversity and climate change forun for small Island developing states.

London. Foundation for International En vironmental Law and development; Interim Secretariat convention on Biological Diversity. 1994. 29,5 cm. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION R.46 GERMAN DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION

Biodiversity Conservation in German De velopments Cooperation. Implementing the Biodiversity Conservation.

Eschborn. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Technische Zusammenarbeit. 1996. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION R.160 USAID PROGRAM OVERVIEW

Biodiversity conservation and sustainable Use : USAID Program Overview.


The structural Funds and Biodiversity Conservation: Summary.


Biodiversity Conservation in Russia. The first national report of Russian Federation,

Moscow. State Committee of Russian Federa tion for Environment Protection. 1997. 29 cm. ill. Project GEF "Biodiversity conservation". BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION R.383 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME PAPUA NEW GUINEA

Papua New Guinea. Biodiversity Conservation and Resource Management Programme.

Washington. Global Environment Facility. 1993. 27 cm. ill. Project Document. BIODIVERSITY CONVENTION R.318 GATT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROPERTY RIGHTS

Intellectual Property. Rights and the Bio diversity Convention: The Impact of GATT.


National Action Plan for Biodiversity in Finland.1997-2005.

Helsinki. Ministry of the Environment. I 998 29,5 cm. ill. biodiversity MANAGEr4ENT R. 39 MANAGEMENT INDONESIA COUNTRY PAPER

Country paper on the implementation of biodiversity management in Indonesia. s.l. 1995. 29 cm. Submitted to the conference of the parties to the convention on biological diversity Jakarta, 6-17 november 1995. BIODIVERSITY MAORI MAORI

Biodiversity and Maori. Te Ara o te Ao Turo

Wellington. Te Pum Kokiri. 1994. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY MATTERS R.54, MATTERS

Biodiversity matters : partnerships.


National Biodiversity Planning. Guide lines based on early experiences around the world.


Guidelines for Monitoring & Evaluation of GEF Biodiversity Projects. Early release version December 1992.

Washington. Global Environment Facility. 1993. 27,5 cm. BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION R, 564 PROTECTION PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROBIO/SP

1,-^0 P "I " State Biodiversity Protection Programme. PROBIO/SP Brazil.

S. Paulo. Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo s.d. 21 cm. ill. Environmental Documents. BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH DIRECTORY R.14I RESEARCH DIRECTORY DIRECTORY USDA FOREST SERVICE

USDA Forest Service Biodiversity Research Directory. s.l.United States Department of Agriculture 1993. 23,5 cm. BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH R.452 PROGRAMME FIBRE FINNISH BIODIVERSITY

Fibre 1997-2002. Finnish Biodiversity Research Programme.

Turku. Department of Biology. Univ. of Turku. s+ d. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVE,^MTy SCIENCE R. 7 1 3 SCIENCE CONSERVSTION CONSERVATION

Biodiversity. Science, conservation and sustainable use.

JParis. Unesco. 1994. 29 , 5 cm. ill. Enviroment and Development Briefs. 7 Biodiversity strategy R.44 STRATEGY CANADIAN BIODIVERSITY

Canadian biodiversity strategy. Canada's Response to the Conservation on Bio logical Diversity.

Quebec. Canadian Museum of Nature. 1995. 27,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY R.332 STRATEGY FRAMEWORK NATIONAL

Franmework for the national Biodiversity Strategy in the Slovac Republic Inter national cooperation, general measures, sustainable use conservation.

Bratislava. Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republik. 1996. 29,5 cm. ill. BIODIVERSITY TOURISM R. 195 TOURISM

Biodiversity and Tourism. Conflicts on the World's Seacoasts and Strategies for their Solution.

Bonn. German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. 1997. 24 cm. ill. BIOECOLOGY P. 376. rejiD cedar river BALL, Robrt 0. KEVERi^, Riles R. LINTON, Kenneth J. The read cedar river report il. Bioecology by Robert G.BALL, Niles R.KEVEitN, Kenneth J.LINTON.

EAST LANSING. 1769 • RAciii. ill. Publications Museum Michigan State University Biolo0,ical series, vol.4 n°4. EIOiiiKOLU.'iI'JHJjoKlj. J.

Bioekologicheskie ocnovy iG'.ol' ; j;"i i uluch.shonija paotbiah Govorno;jo Pri'^rnl'ja (Basoa bioecoloi^iques de 1' utiliaa.ticn et d' amelioration dea paturaya.j du Friarale septentrional).

Alma Ata. Izdat. NcUka. 19b&. Bb era. ill* Akademija Nauk Kazakskoy d.G.d. Institut Botaniki. BIOELECTRODES P. 4778 1968. Bioelectrodes consulting Editor Walter FEDER, New York, 1988, 22,5cm., ill. Annals New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 148, art.1 BIOFACII FAUNA C.24. FAUNA SILUKEJSKOGO SILURIJSKOGO DEVONSKIKH DEVONSKIKH BASSEJNOV BASSEJNOV PRIBALTIKI

Biofacci i fauna Silurijskogo i Devonskikh Bassejnov Pribaltiki.

Riga. Vsesojuznogo Nauchno Issledovatel'skij Institut. 1986. 28,5 cm. ill. BIOFISICA

Rapporto sulle activita del Labotatorio Inter nationale di Genctica e Riofisica Napoli' 1. Gennaio-31 diccmbre I966.

Roma. 1967. 26 cm. in: '^uaderni de "la ricercha Scientifica" , ko. BIOGEKESE. B. 52.W

Biogenese. Golloque sur les Systemes "biologiques elementaires et la biogenese.

Paris. Masson. 1967. 24 cm. ill. Collection " Biocytologia". Expose actuel de Biologie cellulaire. BIOGENESIS B. 49.09^

Biogenesis of natural compounds Oxford, Pergamon Press, 19^3* 23>5 cm., ill. BICGSOCEITCLCGY.

Theoretical problems of Phytocenology and bio-geocenology. (To the 90th anni versary of the birth of Academician V.N, Sukaehev), Moscow. Publ. House Nauka; 1970. 26,5 cm^ ill- Trans. Moscow Soc. Naturalists, vol. XXXVIII. Bid. Ser., Sect, of Botany. BIOGEOCHEmSTRY Biogeochernistry of estuarine Sediments. Paris. UNESCO. 1978. 27 cm. ill. 293 PP. BlOGEOGPj:.FHICAc Co 21o5e2


The Hagueo Tro Uo JujrJc Publo 1972(1) - 25 ciTio ill. BIOGEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS. B. 540634

CollocvG cur Ic-s bioceogrsphiques cu Pure ce I' S^Trposiujn on the bicceocrcphical prcblcir.s of the National Fark. Elicabethvilley 5-9 Febro 1963.

Elicatcthvillco lSG3o 24,5 cirio illo Publications Univercite Elicabethvillo, volo VI< 147 t:d„

5c2o7i:675) BIOGEOGRAPHIE.

Biogeographie et liaisons intercontinentales au cours du Mesozoique.

Paris. 1975. 26,5 cm. ill. M^oires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Nouvelle Serie. Serie A. Zoologie. Tome LXXXVIII. BIOGEOGRAFIA CONGRESSO B.51.638 Lavon(della Societa Italiana di Biogeogra- fia. X Congresso nas^ionale (organizzato dall'Istituto di Entomologia Agraria dell' Universita)Sassion 27-31 Maggio 195'4-. Pro- blemi di Biogeografia della Sardegna.


Teoreticheskie i priMadnye aspekty biogeografii.


Voorstelling en Deontologische code van de Federatie van Biogeografische Data Banken.

Louvain-la-Neuve. F.B.D.B. 199G. 24 cm. ill. BIOGEOGRAPHY and ECOLOGY P. 922

196^. Biogeography and ecology in Antarctica.

The Hague, Junk, 19d5, 2^ cm., ill. Monographiae Biologicae, XV. BIOGEOGRAPHY

Biogeography and ecology in Antarctica. Edi ted by J. VAN MIEGHEM and P. VAN OYE. Associate Editor: J. SCHELL.

•» The Hague, W. Junk Publ. , 1965, 24-,5 cm., ill.

(Monographiae biologicae: XV). BIC3bOa.KAPHY ECCLCGY E.r

Biogeography and Ecology in Australia. Edited by A.Keast, R.I. Crocker and C.S. Christian, C.S.

Den Haag, Vi.Junk, 1959) ill.

(Konographical Biologicae, vol. 8). r.IOGjjOGi'^aPHY oGUY'ii ^Li'.liiPx0• P, 92P

Biogeography and ecology in South Amerif^a, vol. 1.

The Hague. Dr. 7i/ Junk N.V. Publish. I968. 24,5 cm. ill. Monographiae biologicae vol. 18. p.2.874

Biogeography of northeast Tasmania.

Launceston. 1996. 29,5 cm. ill. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum. 103. BIOGRAFISCH WOORDENBOEK. c. 19.195 WOORDENBOEK. NATIONAAL BIOGRAFISCH.

Nationaal biografisch woordenboek Brussel, Paleis der Academien.196^- . 26 cm. BIOGKAPHIGAL DICTIONARY. B. 52.^91

A biographical dictionary of scientists.

London. Adam & Ch. Black. 1969. 25 cm. BIOGRAPHICAL... B Vl.i; Belgian and ^imerican G.R.3. Fellov/s I92O-I950. Biogi'aphical Directory. Nev;-York, 1950. 2l8p.,23,5^l6cm. BIOGRAPHIE...

Biographie coloniale beige. T. I.

Bruxelles,Falk,1948. vol., 24,5x15,5cm. BIOGRAPHIE GEKERALE

Nouvelle biographie generale depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a I85O-60. Tomes I,/II, III/IV, V/VI, VII/VIII, jdn

Copenhague, I963-, 23,5 cm. BIOGRAPHIE MORREN CH. (

Biographie de Charles riorren. Liege. I859» 25 cm, ill. in; Belgique Horticole. Journal des Jardins des Serres et dee Vergers. 1859. vol. IX, pp. V- LXVII. BIOGRAPHIE MORPEN E ( Ch-J.) Notice biographique sur Ch.- J.- Edouard Morren. Liege. I885, 25 cm, ill, in; La Belgique Horticole. Annales de Botanique et d' Horticulture, BIOGRAPHIQUE S.6.I67 QUI BELGIQUE FRANCOPHONE GRAND DUCHE LUXHVIBOURG ENCYCLOPEDIE BIOGRAPHIQUE

Qui est Qui en Belgique francophone et au Grand- Duche de Luxembourg 1990-1991.

Bruxelles. Appel editeur. 1990. 30,5 cm. Encyclopedie biographique. BIOGRAPHIQUE EUROPEEN S.6.166 EUROPEEN DICTIONAIRE BIOGRAPHIQUE

Dictionaire biographique europeen. European bio graphical directory.

Paris. Editions Database. I989. 24,5 cm. 8e ed. EIOGRArHISCHE D 2.002

Biographische A'lttheilungen. Dresden, IS8I-87 1 vol., 33 X 25 cm BIOGRAPHY...

Worlf!' "biography, vol. I.

New York,Inst.Res.Biogr.,194R, vol., 23,5xl6cni. p. 6 .115

Les Bio-Indicateurs : Futurs outils de gestion des populations de chevreuils ?

Paris. 1996. 29 cm. Office National de la Chasse. Notes Techni ques. Bulletin Mensuel n° 209. Fiche n°90. BIOINDICATORES DETERIORISATIONIS A.8.843 DETERIORISATIONIS REGIONIS REGIONIS

Bioindicatores deteriorisationis regionis. Sbomik konference. Travaux-Proceedings-Verhand- lungen.

Most. Ustav Krajinne Ekologie. 1975. 20 cm. ill. Ceskoslovenske Akadaniie Ved. vol. I& II. BIOKHEMI CmOGENEZA P.6.222 CNTOGENEZA GENETIKA PROBLEMY FIZIOLOGII FIZIOLOGII BIOKHIMI

Problony fiziologii i biokhimi Ontogeneza i fiziologicheskoj Genetiki.

Khar'kov. 1988. 21 an. ill. Vestnik Khar'koskogo Universiteta nr. 313. BIOKHIMIJA PIZIOLOGIJA PIZIOLOGIJA

Biokhimija i Piziologija. Vozrastnogo razvitija organizma.

Kiev. Khai'jurskij Gosudarstvenny Universitet. 1992. 20 cm. ill. BIOKHIMIJA OBMENA. P. 56 + BIOCHIMIE METABOLISME.

Biokhimija obmena vechestv i produkti- vnost' rastenij. (Biochimie du metabolisme et productivite des plantes.

Alma-Ata.Izdat.Nauka. 1970' 22 cm. ill. Trudy Istituta Botaniki Akademija Nauk Kazahskoj S.S.R. T. 28. BIOKLIMATOLOGII P 3315

1966. Materialy do bioklimatologii Polski (English Summaries) .

Warszawa, 1966, Zkcm., ill.

Roczniki Nauk Rolnxczych. Sena D, - Monograiie, tom 119. BIOL, M.I. P. kkoo

1965» Varietal and Clonal Differences in White Clover, by P.L. CURRAN, M.I. BIOL and M.L.REILLY.

Dublin, 1965, 25,5 cm. The Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Series B. Vol. 1, n° BIOLLEY, P. A 3.867

Moluscos terrestrec y fluviatiles de la mese- ta central de Costa -ica.

>an Jose, I-iuseo Nacional, 1897. 18 p., 20 cm. BIOLLSY, ?• B 1165

lIoluscoB terrestres y fluviatiles de la msseta central de Costa Rica.

San Jose,1897, ISp,, 21,5xl4cm, (r.ruseo Hacional) BICLCGI .IlG . U . j::Lc . ^

Biologi.- Turk Biologi DcrinGgi'nin Yayin organi.

Tcainuz, 1950/51(1)-, 23,5 BIOIOGIA P 772

Biologia, An international YesrTBook devcted to the Pure and applied Plant and Animal Sciences. U.S.A., 1950/51 1 vol., fig., 25X16,5 cm. dans "Chronica Botanica", vol. 12, nr 4/6 BlOLOaiA,,. B V3.971

Bioj.ogia de las Ae:uas continentales.

Madrid, I955 vol., fig., 2^-,5 X 17 cfli. BIOLOGIA I i

Biologia Central! ."jnericana. 0

voir grande Fiche. BIOLOGIA

Biologia.Amonthly supplement to Chronica Botanica,

Waltham, 19^6-1950/51, 26 & 37cm, ill. Vol.1,n°1 a 6jVol.2. B.58.427

Biologia Mbiental. Actas del Congreso de Biologia Ambiental (II Congreso Mundial Vasco). Tomo I& II.

Vitoria. 1988. 24 cm. ill. 3I:-L0GIA kEDICA.

3ioj Of: i .i !•'od i c a, Rio de Janeiro, 1935(7/8).1937(10),1038(13 19^(15)519^5(1-5)- ,23 cn. BIOLOGIA LAKARSia B 46.282

Biologia Lekarska. Kwartalny Poswiecony n naukom biologicznym pozostajacym w Zwiazku z meciycyna.

Warszawa, Przem. Handl. Zakl. Chem., 1929(8 1999(18), 23 cm. BIOLOGICA R. E CONVENIO DIVERSIDAD DIVERSIDAD BIOLOGICA

Convenio sobre Diversidad Biologica, Textos y anexos.

Chatelaine. Geneva Executive Center, s.l. 21 cm. 3ICLCGICAL

Biological Abstracts. s.l.od.,1921-1923? 1 p.? 26,5 BIOLOGICAL ACTION P. k77S

1967. Biological actions of dimethyl sulfoxide.

New-York, 1967i 23 cm., ill. Annals New-York, Academy of Sciences, vol. 14-1, art. 1. BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION

Freshwater Biological AssociationtScientific Publications. (3ine collection). Ambleside, 1962, 21cm, ill# Freshwater Biological Association.


1967. The biological basis of freshwater fish production. A symposium sponsored by sectional committee on productivity of freshwater communities of the International biological Programme. The Uni versity reading, England. 1-6 September 196611

Oxford. Blackwell Scientific Publ., 1967-' 23 cm.ill 3ICL0GICiiL. .. B 43.235

The Biological oo-ra of Cai'sca and its lorlc. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY E. '19.739

Organic and biological chemistry A series of monographs 1

New York, Academic Press Inc., 1957, 23,5cm. ill . Depouillement. BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS C 1^.^65

Biological Clocks.

New York, Biological Laboratory, I96O. 32'^ p. , ill. ,

(in: "Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on tj^uantita- tive Biology": vol. XXV). p. 701

Biological Control and the Cane Toad syndrome.

Sydney. 1990. 29,5 cm. ill. Australian Natural History, vol. 23, nr. 6 + poster BIOLOGICAL CONTROL

1967. Biological control of Prickly Pear cacti on Santa Cruz Island, California Richard D. GOEDEN, Charles A. FLESCHNER and Donald W. RICKER. Berkeley, I967, 26cm., ill. Hilgardia, vol. 38, nr. I6. BICLCGICAL CCNTKOL

Biological control of olive scale, parlatoria oleae (colvee), in California by imported aphytis maculicornis (Masi) (hyraenoptera: Aphelinidae), by C.B. HUFFAKEK, C.E. KENNETT, and G.L. FINNEY. Berkeley, 1962, 23i5cm., ill. (Hilgardia, 32, 13). BIOLOGICAL CONTROL R. 1 78 CONSERVATION USING BIODIVERSITY BIODIVERSITY

Using Biodiversity to protect biodiversity Biological control, conservation and the Biodivrsity convention.


Joint Report on Biologica'. Diversity. Benin Bhutan Costa Rica. The Netherlands. Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Bratislava. 1998. ^ cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.337 COLOMBIA PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION CONVENTION

Progress in the Implementation of the Con vention on Biological Diversity Colombia. First national report. s.l. Ministry of Environment.1998.28,5 cm, ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 1 72 CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES

The Conference of the Parties to the convention on Biological Diversity. First meeting, Nassau, the Bahamas 28 Nov.-9 Dec. 1994.


Biological Diversity. Convention on biological diversity. Quebec's draft implementation objectives.

Quebec. Gouvernement du Quebec. Inter departmental Committee on Biodiversity. 1995. 28 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity in Thailand.

Bangkok. Office of Environmental Policy and Planning. 1996. 29 cm. ill. Thai-Swedish Symposium on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 7-8 October 1996. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.32 DN-REPORT

Biological diversity in Norway. A country study. DN-report l992-5b.

Trondheim. Directorate for Nature Manage ment. 1992. 29,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVING BIOLOGICAL

Conserving biological diversity in Bulgaria. The National Biological Diver sity Conservation Strategy.

Washington DC. Biodiversity Support Pro gram c/o WWF. 1994. 28 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 1 DIVERSITY convention biological

Convention on Biological Diversity. Text and annexes.

Chatelaine. Geneva Executive Center. 1994 21 cm. biological diversity R. 2 DIVERSITY CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

Convention on Biological Diversity. Text and annexes.

Chatelaine. Geneva Executive Center. 1994. 21 cm. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.7 DIVERSITY CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

Convention on Biological Diversity. Text and annexes, (en langue net Chinees).


Convention on Biological Diversity. Text and annexes (texte en langue arabe.-tekst in het Arabisch).

Montreal. World Trade Center. 199b. 21 cm. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.20 CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

Convention on biological diversity,june 1992 . s.l. UNEP/Environmental Law and Institu tions Programme Activity Centre. 1992. 29,5 cm. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 477 SPANISH REPORT CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

onvention on Biological Diversity.Spanish report 1997. s.l. Ministerio de Iledio Ambiente. 1 997 . 29,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.35 1 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT REPORT CONVENTION CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

Federal Government Report under the Convention on Biological Diversity.Nationa1 Report on biological Diversity.

Bonn. Federal Ministry for the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.1998 29,5 cm. ill. R. 13

Biological Diversity and Forests. State ment from the Convention on Biological Diversity to the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests.


French report pn the Convention on Bio logical Diversity. Implementation of Decision 11/17 taken at the 2nd Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Bio logical Diversity. s.l. 1997. 29,5 cm, BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 35 NATIONAL REPORT

National report on Biological Diversity Government of The Netherlands.

The Hague. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. 1996.29,5 cm.ill. Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Buenos Aires, Argentine. 1996. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.339 NATIONAL REPORT CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

The first national report under the Con vention on Biological diversity.


National Report on Measures taken to imple ment the Convention on Biological Diversity presented to the 4th Conference of Parties to the CBD 5th-15th May 1998. Bratislava, Republik of Slovakia, s.l. Government of Botswana. 1998.29,5cm. ill . BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY NATIONAL STRATEGY

National Strategy of Japan on Biological Diversity. October 31, 1995. s.l. 1995. 29,5 cm. Council for Ministers for Global Environmen Conservation. The Government of Japan. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY NATIONAL STRATEGY STRATEGY GONSERVATION CONSERVATION BIOLOGICAL

National strati'gy for conservation of biological diversity in Slovakia. s.l. Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. 1998. 29,5 cm.ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.352 REPORT IMPLEMENTATION IMPLEMENTATION CONVENTION CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

Firstrreport on the implementation of the' Convention on Biological Diversity by the European Community.

Luxembourg.Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 1998.29,5 cm. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 335 STATUS CONSERVATION NATIONAL REPORT CONSERVATION BIOLOGICAL

National Report on Status and Conservation of Biological Diversity in Slovakia. s.l. Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. 1998. 29,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.35' VAN GOETHEM, Jackie NATIONAL REPORT REPORT BELGIUM CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

First national report of Belgium to the Convention on Biological diversity,

Brussels. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; 1998. 29,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R.25( VAN GOETHEM, J. NATIONAL REPORT REPORT BELGIUM CONVENTION BIOLOGICAL

First national report of Belgium to the Convention of Biological diversity.

Brussels. Royal Nelgian Inst. of nat.Sc, 1998. 29,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 1 80 WORLD BANK ASSISTANCE IMPLEMENTING THE CONVENTION

Implementing the convention on biological diversity : Toward a strategy for world bank assistance.

Washington. The environment department the World Bank. 1998. 27 cm. BIOLOGICAI

Biological and Economic aspects of fisheries management.

Washington, 1959 160 p., 27>5 cm. BIOLOGICAL

Biological and Economic Aspects of Fi sheries management. Proceedings of a con ference held under the auspices of the College of Fisheries, and the Department of Economics of the University of Washing ton at Seattle, February 17-19 February 1959,- Edited by James A. Crutchfield,

V/ashington, 1959 150 p., 28 cm. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS P. ^778

1965» Biological Effects of Asbestos.

New York, 1965, 23 cm., ill. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 132, Art. 1. p.1.863

Biological Features of the Baltic. Kieler Meeresforschungen. Sonderheft nr. 4 1978. Proc. of the 5th symposium of the Baltic Marine Biologists. Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany.August 29-September 4, 1978. biological FLUiuL. B. ^+7.529

Protides of the Biological Fluids.Proceedings of the fourteenth Colloquium,Bruges 1966. Edited by H. PEETERS.

Amsterdam. 196?. 23,5 cm.ill. Proteins and related subjects,vol. 1^. BIOLOGICAL GROUNDS P. 5258. NEONATAL PERIOD

Biological grounds of the neonatal period. MOSCOU. 1968. 26ciii.ill. Trudy moskowskogo obcestva ispytately prirody. Biological series, vol. XXIX. BIOLOGICAL...

Biological Hazards of Atomic Bnergy.

Oxford,Clarendon Press, 1952 235 p.> fig.> 24X16,5 cm. BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION B.55.582

Biological investigation of marine Antarctic system & stocks (Biomass) vol. I.

Cambridge. SCAR/SCOR. 1977. 23,5 cm. ill. 79 pp. p.6.675

Biological Investigations of Terrestrial Antarctic Systems. s.l.e. 1991. 29,5 cm. BIOTAS Newsletter n° 6. December 1991. p.4.370

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. A Journal of Evolution, Joint Meeting with the Association of Applied Biologists.

London. 1991. 25,5 cm. ill. The Linnean Soc. of London, vol. 43, nr. 1. C.20.645

Biological Indicators and their Use in the Measure ment of the Condition df the Marine Environment. s.l.e. 1995. 29 om. GESAMP Reports and Studies n°.55. Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection. BIOLOGICAL L/\BORATORY, P 34?

1966 < Anmiai Report of the Biireau of Commercial Fisheries* Biological Laboratory Calveston,Texas Fiscal Year 1965<

Washing-fcon, 1966, 26ficm, ill* in:" Circular Fish and Wild ife Service "246. BIOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE R. 322 LANDSCAPE DIVERSITY DIVERSITY STRATEGY PAN-EUROPEAN BIOLOGICAL

The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy.

Strasbourg. Council of Europe. 1996.29,5 cm, ill. UNEP European centre for Nature Conser vation. BIOLOGICAL. DV 2^06

Biological Material.

Rochester. R.Y. I938. 128 P. 28 X 21,5 De Ward's Nat. Sc. BIOLOGICAL c.17.530

Biological Notes. Natural History Survey Division

Urbana, 1951(25)- 2ocm.

Denouillement. D. 1343

Biological organization and station list. B.A.N.Z. Antarctic Research Expedition (1929-1931), by

T. Harvey Johnston.

Adelaide, B.A.N.Z.A.R. Expedtion Committee, series B, (Zoology and Botany), vol. I, part 1., 1937, 4e, pp. 48, fig. BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTIVITY. C. 18.^18 + MICROBES.

Microbes and biological productivity. 21st Symposium of the Soceity for General Microbiology held at University College, London April 1971• Cambridge. Univ. Press. 1971- 23,5 cm. ill. Symposium 21 Society General Microbiology. BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME B. 56 . 531

Polish participation in the International Biological Programme. 1964. 1973.

Warszawa. 1975. 24 cm. ill Polish Acad. Sci. 296 pp. A. 6.610 BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME loB.P,

Oxford, EdinLurgii, B].ackv;ell Scientific Publ. P'lcm. , illo International biological Programme Handbook. BIOLOGICAL REPLICATION. C. 10.858

The Biological Replication of Macromole- cules.

Camhridge. 1958. 25 cm.ill. Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. XII. BIOLOGICAL REPORT P. kkok

1965. The Biological Report of the Royal Society Expedition to Tristan da Cunha, I962, by D.E. BAIRD, J.H. DICKSON, N.W. HOLDGATE, N.M. WAGE with a preface by C.F.A. PANTIN, F.R.S.

London, 1965, 30 cm., ill. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences.N° 739, vol. 2^+9, pp. 257-^3^. BIOLOGICAL REPORTS ^ Studies of Mcirine Fauna I (IX) Biological RopoT'ts of tha Soviet Antarctic Expedition 1955.-I95.S) vol.1. (Issledovaniya fauny noroi I(IX) Resultaty biologicheakikh issledovenii Govotslfoi nntarktichGckoi

Biological research ems-dollard estuary.

The Hague. 1985. 24 cm. ill. Rijkswaterstaat ccsimunications n° 40. BIOLOGICAL RESEARCHES P 161

Biological Researches on the Silage Process, by S. Orla-Jensen, Anna D. Orla-Jensen and Agnete Snog-Kjaer.

K;dbenhavn, 194-5, 26,111.

(in: Biologiske Skrifter: VI, 1, 1-14) BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES R.325 STATUS TRENDS TRENDS

Preview of Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources.

Washington.U.S. Geological Survey. 1998. 27,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL... C, I8.505

Biological resultq of the Chatham Islands 195^ Expedition. Parts 1,2, 5,

Wellington, New Eea land Dpt.Sclent.Indust.Res. N.Z. Oceanographic Institute, I960, 28 cm.,ill.

New Zealand Dpt Sclent.Ind.Res.Bu&l. 139(I5s N.Z. Oceanographic Inst.Memoir n° '♦,5,6,7. BIOLOGICAL.. . B 1760

Biological Results of the Fishing Bxperi ments carried on by the F.I.S."Bndeavour" 1909-191'+. Sydney, I912-I926 12 fasc. BIOLOrxICAL HESUIK B 46.246

Biological Results of the Bishing Expe- riments carried on Toy the P.J.S, " Endea vour " 1909-1914

Sydney, 1916-1933 vol., 24 cm. in " Fisheries" vol. 4 a 6(1) ! cLoq / C'/A L /&>-)?-c- Lo •(/ jJoxH. ^Lyf— ,4-cov ( •^5^55"- BIUlOGICAL iy.^82

Biological Sciences Comrnunicati on Project. Commu n 1 c u e .

'Washington, G.'.Vashi ngton Univ., 1963 2o cm

Depouillement BIGLOGICJi

Biological Sciences serial publications A lorId list 1950-54,

Philadelphia, Biol, Abstracts, 1S55 269 P.» 26X20 cm. BIOLOGICAL C. I6.903

193^* Foetal, Infant and Early Childhood Mortality vol. II. Biological, Social and Economic Factors.

New York. I93^i 28 cm., ill. Population Studies. n° 13. BIOLOGICAL ... B Survey of Biological Progress. I AVERY, George S.

New York, vol. , 2.3,5 X 16 cm. BIOLOGICAL.... B 20.925

Biological Symposia, A series of volumes devoted to Current Symposia in the Bield of Biology. Vol. V,V1, ,V111,1X, ,X1,X11

Lancaster, J. Cattell Press, I94I-I9 vol., 25x17 cm. BIOLOGICAL. B 45.565

Biological treatment of Sewage and Industrial V/astes. Edited by B.J. Maccabe & V/.V,', Eckenfelder.

Vol. I; Aerobic Oxidation,

London, Chapman L Hall Ltd,( 1956) vol., fig., 24)5X16 cm. BIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES B.58.030 MYXCMATOSIS CONSEQUENCES BIOLOGIQUES MYXCMATOSE Les consequences biologiques dues a la presence de la MYXcitatose.= Biological consequences of ly^o- matosis.

Bruxelles. 1956. 24 on. ill. Rapports et ccniptes rendus. Theme de la sixieme reunion technique de 1'Union Intemat. pour la Conservation de la Nature et de ses Ressources Edinbourg, 20-28 juin 1956. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY B kS.yzk

Organic and biological chemistry. A series of monographs. Edited by Louis F. FIESER and Mary FIESER. - 1,

New York, Academic Press Inc. Publ., 1957) 23,5 cm., ill.


Convention on Biological Diversity. Text and annexes.

Chatelaine. The Interim Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity. 1994. 21 cm BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 145 INDIA CONSERVATION OF BIOLOGICAL

Conservation of Biological Diversity in India : An Approach. s.l. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. 1994. 24 cm. ill. BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY R. 265 GENETIC RESOURCES FAO DOCUMENTATION DOCUMENTATION BIOLOGICAL

FAO documentation on biological Diversity and genetic Resources 1985-1995.


Towards Implementation of Articles^ 15 and 16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity. s.l. ERM. s.d. 21 cm. ;?TOT-'~n-T0AL

S"!^cj'"0. T.'^^iv-^ "^z"n2 • Ch'?'^'2_c'"il Pi,02.on'' P^r^."hs of"'zPn2.'"i"tif"\n^ XT®

F.yoti"'. I97'^'« ^7 •'"'-l# "'.n ; '"in i''";? Jni'on ^hp'''i.1.cni T?3no^pc''^ jT'Tni^o Un?".V'^IT;, vo?_, <^8. no, 1. BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY

Chesapeake biological laboratory. Its facilities, history and program.

Solomons, Maryland, 1964» cm., ill.

(Educational Series). BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY D. 2.653

Danish freshwater Biological Laboratory.


The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy.

Strasbourg. Council of Europe. 1996. 29,5 cm.ill. UNEP European Centre for Nature Conservation. BIOLOGICAL LITERATURE B.

!l?h.e Use of biological Literature

London, Butterv/orths 1966, 22y^5cni. , ill. BIOLOGICAL NOTES G. 19.071 Biological Notes Ohio "biological Survey.

Columbus Ohio U.S.A., 1967 (3)- 28cm. BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME A 8.132

International Biological Progranmie.».Review,

London (Royaume-Uni), I969- , 21cm. BIOLOGICAL REPORT B 51.236

Biological reports of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958).Edited by A.P. Andriya- shev & P.V, Ushakov.(Translated from Russian).

Jerusalem (Israel), 1966(1)- , 24,3cm. Israel Program for Scientific Translation. BIOLOGICAL RESULTS P. 5568 1961. Biological Results of the Chatham Islands 195^ expedition. Porifera: Desmospangiae by Patricia BERGQUIST. Porifera: Keratoso by " " Crustacea Isopoda: Bopyridae by Richard B.PIKE. Crustacea Isopoda: Serolidae by D.E. HURLEY.. Hydroida by Patricia RALPH. Wellington. I96I. 28 cm. ill. in: New Zealand Department Scientific and Industrial Research. Bulletin no. 139 (5). BIOLOGICAL RESULTS P. 524

Biological results of the Chatham Islands 1954 expedition Part 5i Porifera: demospon- giae by Patricia R. BERGQUIST Porifera: keratosa by Patricia R. BERGQUIST Crustacea isopoda: bopyridae by Richard B. PIKE Crustacea isopoda: serolidae by D.E. HURLEY, Hydroida by Patricia M. RALPH,

Vi/ellington, 1961, 28cm., ill. Nev\r Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir n°l3. ^ BIOLOGICAL RESULTS P. 52T

Biological results of the Chatham Islands 195^ expedition. Part k. Marine niollusca by. R.K. DELL. Sipunculoidea by S.J.EDnionds

Washington, 1960, 28cm., ill. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute memoir n°7 . BIOLOGICAL RESULTS P. 52.k

Biological results of the Chatham Islands 195^ expedition. Part I Decapoda brachyura by R.K. DELL Cumacea by N.S. Jones Decapoda natantia by J.C. Yaldvtfin

Wellington, 196O, 28cm., ill. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute memoir n°^. BIOLOGICAL RESULTS 18551

1962.Issledovanija Fauny Morej.I (IX).Regultaty bio- logicheskikh issledovanij SobetskoJ Antarkticheskoj Exkpedicii (1955-'1958 gg)l (Exploration of the fauna of the Seas.I (IX).Biological results 'of the Sovjet Antarctic Expedition (1955"1958).1:I.P.S.T.,n° I5OO B 51236

Moskva Leningrad,Izd Akad N SSSR,1962.27«ill» BIOT.OGICAL RESULTS

IssledoYanija Fauay Morej. I (IX)* Rezul*taty biologlcheskikh iBsledovanij sovetskoj Antark- ticheskoj Ekspedlcli (193^-193^^ gS*) Explorations fauna of the seas I (1X)» Biologi cal results of the Soviet kajitarctlc Expedition (1955-I95ti). 1.

MoskT8i/LeningrBdvIzd«Akad.IUSSSH», 1962,27cm*,ill BIOLOGICAL CGIENCE S.3.87(

Biological Gcience: Patterns and processus.

New York, Holt, Kinehart S< V.'inston, 1966, 27,5cm., ill.

Biological Sciences. Curriculum Study. digloicaJ jcij;"C:G3

CilDc. ?'ciric. ion icln ^ly v.'ith the Tnt?rnc,'':ionD.l cf yjiolo":LC:il ocio^-ces Oil ^'iochc .:ic3ry of "fii::an Genoticj Gdltcrs ; '..'clot2nhcl:vie ond Cecilia M, O'Gon'icr. I:C ndon, J.tcA. Chr iiclii 11, l.f 51 3^7 p.j ill., 21c n. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES B 52 296

Contributions of the Department of Biological Sciences.Loyola University.

Chicago (Etats-Unis), 19^9(1)-T951(7), 24cm. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES C.23.968

Current awareness in Biological Sciences.

London. Pergamon Press Ltd. 1903. 29,5 cm. vol. 100, n° 9. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES C. 18.88A The Dictionarj^ of the biological sciences Now York, Reinhold Publ. C°, I967, 26cin. , ill i O-y^RACTERISTICS Co21= PRIMARY PERIODICALS PERIODICALS BIOLOGICAL SCTEENCES,

rc:r.c chsrectorictics of priirary poriccicals :n tl.c cc-.rz-:.n of the bloZ.ccical CcicnceOo

'' O 7 7 7 r-'" . C. j-'O ..-'U/o —/ L.... o Ccnco:'.! Irxfcrnatlcnal cos Unicno Ecicntii p.2.137

The Biological Survey of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Part 1. Introduction and Methods Part 2. Widfiemmoltha-Zanthus Area.

Western Australia. 1964. 22,5 cm. ill. Records of the Western Australia Museum. Supplement nr. 18. BIOLOGICAL SERVICE C 22,t

Biological Service Program Fish and Wildlife Service.

Washington (Etats-Unis), 1976- , 26,5cm.

U.S.Department of the Interior. BIOLOGICAL SOUND. -q'^ !52o95£

Proceedings of an International Sympc sium on Biological Sound Scattering in the Ocean. Mc rch April 2,'1970.

Washington. Maury Center for Ocean Science. ''i970. 25,5 cm. ill. Maury Center Report OO5. BIOLOGICAL STATION 1892-196? p. 2886 P. 2527

The biological station, 1892-196?

Bergen-Oslo, 196?, 25 cm»ill. in: Universitetet i Bergen, Sarsia, 29 • BIOLOGICAL STUDIES B 49.755

Marine microbial ecology, by E.J. Ferguson WOOD.

London, Chapman 8t Hall Ltd.; New York, Reinhold Publ. Corp.; (I965); 25 cm.; ill.

(Modern Biological Studies). BIOLOGICAL STUDIES. P. 4.404

Biological studies of Yenenite and Kurdish Jews in Israel and other groups in southwest Asia. Parts I-XIII.

London. 1973. 29,5 cm. ill. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Studies, vol. 266. n° 876. c. 19.071 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY Biological Notes Ohio biological Survey, Coliimbus Ohio U.S.A. , 196? (3)- 28c: p.2.137

The Biological survey of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Part 8. Kurnalpi-Kalgoorlie study area.

Canberra./Perth. 1992. 22,5 cm. ill. Records of the Western Australian Museum. Supple ment n° 41. BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS p. 4778 FORMS of WATER

1965 • Foruis of Water in Biological Systems.

New York 1965• 22,5 cm., ill. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences), vol. 125/ Art. 2.) P. 3350 BIOLOGICAL V.'iLUL.

Changes of Content and Biological Value and Activity of Individual Form of Amino Acids and Proteins in Lucerne During the Growing Period by K. DZAiilC, T. ST0J3AVLJEVIC, I. DELIC, M. VLAHOVIC, P. CURCIC.

Belgrade. 1969. 2.k cm. Recueil des travaux de recherches de la Facul.te agronomique Belgrade. XVII, n° '-+96. BIOLOGICHESKAJA FLORA. A. 7.346

Biologicheskaja flora - Moskovskoj Oblasti. Biological flora of the Moscow Region.


Sintez i issledovanie biologicheski aktivnijkh soedinenij. Riga. Inst. Organicheskcqo Sinteza. 1987. 20 an. ill Akad. Nauk Latvijskoj SSR. Tezisy dokladov 9-oj konferencii molcdijkh uchenijkh. BIOLOGICHESKIE NEKHANIZMY A.9.285 MEKHANIZHY STARENIJA

Biologicheskie Mekhanizmy Starenija. Simpozium. Tezisy doKliiadov [12-14 maja 1994 goda]

Khar'Kov. 1994. 18,5 cm. Khar'kovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet Nauchno- Issledovatel'sky Institut Biologii. BIDLOGICHESKIE DSNDVY A.8.520

Bi 0 1 og i s c h e s k i e isnovy seleli^kcii rastenii na Produktivnost ?

Tallinn. 1981. 22 cm. ill. Akad. Nauk Est. SSR. 134 pp. biOxjU'jlGHriCKli'.:(yG iijo, / i'. p. 'l:,G'c" + V.iUTHPMMH VO.yG.:.-.Ah;i.

Biolo,,''2 procec;i,y vo vnutrennih voGocrnakh. Sbornik Statci.(Lea jjrocesauG biolo,;i iiea dans les reservoirs d'cau de I'lnberieur.

.ioskva/Leningra d. Izdat. k:ui'a. Ipob* -7 cm.ill. Trudy Institut biolo{';ii viiutrennih vod Akademia riauk S.S.S.k. 9(12) . BIDLDGICHESKIE C.2B.D35 GIDROLOGICHESKIE GIDROKHiniCHESKIE GIDROKHIMICESKIE GEDLOGICESHIE GEQLOGICHESKIE BIOLOGICHESKIE

Gidrologiceskie, Gidrokhimicheskie, Geologicheskle i Biologicheskie Issledovanija. Dizel'elektrokhoda "Ob" 1955-1956 gg.

Leningrad. 1958. 26,5 cm. ill. Nezhdunarodnyj Geofizicheskij God.Trudy Kompleksnoj Antarkticheskoj Ekspecidii Akad.Nauk SSSR. BIOLOGICHESKIKH PROCESSOV A. 8.952 DINZ\iyiIKA BIOLOGICHESKIKH

Dinanuka mizro biologicheskikh prcxiessov v pochve I& II.

Tallin. 1974. 19,5 cm. ill. Institut Eksperimental'noj Biologii an ESSR Estonskoe Otdelenie Vsesojuznogo Mikrobiologiches- kogo Obshchestva. BIOLOGICHESKIJ C. 17-^26

Biologicheskij kontrolov v Selouskom Khozpajstve (Metodika opredelenija, Tablicoui i krathoe opisanie stavov organoyeneza 50 Vidov rastenij.

Moskva, Izdate. Moskovsk. Universit., 1962 26,5cm., ill. BIOLOGICHESKDGQ MDNITDRINGA A.8.581

Razrabotka i vnedrenie na KompleKsnijkh fonovykh stancljakh metodov Blologicheskogo Monitoringa.

Riga. Zinatne. 1963. 20 cm. ill. Sovet Ekonomicheskoj Vzaimolomoshchi Koordina- cionnyi Centr po Probleme Global'naja Sistema Monitoringa Gkruzhajushchej "Sredij GSMOC" Institut Biologii AN Latvijskoj SSR. BIOLOGICHESKOM RAZNOOBRAZII RAZNOOBRAZII KONVENCIJA BIOLOGICHESKOM

Konvencija o Biologicheskom Raznoobrazii. TeJcst i prilozhenija.

Chatelaine. Geneva Executive Center. 1995 21 cm. BIOLOGICKE SPISY B. 46,703

Biologicke spisy vysoke skoly zverolekars- ke Brno, CSR- Publications biologiques de I'Ecole des Ilautes Etudes veterinaires Brno, Tchecoslovaquie.

Brno, 1923(11.14'^ ^^)-1924(III,2®*'^^) ,23 p.2.780


Rostock. 1987. 29,5 cm. ill. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm-Pieck- Universitat Rostock. N-Reihe 36(1987) 2. S. 1-84. BIOLOGIS...

La Toiologie.

I^ris,:'asson & Cie,lS38, 117p,, fig., 20xl3cm, (Palais de la Becouverte - Biris 1938) BIOLOGIE A. 6.052

Biologie. par Jean Rostand^ et Tetry, Andree

Paris, NRF Gallimatd, 1965j ^8 cm., ill.

(Encyclopedie de la Pleiade : XVIII-1). BIOLDGIE S.5.310

Biologie du 2Dme siecle.

Liegs. 1971. 24 cm. ill. Cours internationaux postuniversitalres de perfectionnement pour docteurs et licencies en bialogie. 26. BIOLOGIE S.5.659

Met open cog door de natuur. 9e druk.

Antwerpen. De Sikkel. 1982. 22 cm. ill. Biologie, Plant- en Dierkunde. De ongewervelde Dieren. Erfelijkheid. 1,2,3,4A,4B. BIOLOGIE ABEILLE E I8585 CHAUVIN, R. (dans I'edition de-)

1968.Traite de Biologie de 1'abeille.I.Biologie et physiologie generales

Paris.Masson & Cie.i968.29.ill. BIOLOGIE ABEILLE CHAUVIN, R.

19D0.Traite de biologie de 1'abeille.2.Systerac ner- veux.Comportement et regulations sociales

Paris.Masson & Cie.1968.25.111. BIOLOGIJjJ ABEILLE E 16565 CHAUVIN, R.

1968.Traite de biologie de 1'abeilie.3.Les produits de ruche.

Paris.masson & cie.1968.25•ill• BIOLOGIE ABEILLE E 1 CHAUVIN, R.

1968.Traite de biologie de 1'abeille.4.Biologie appliquee

Paris.Masson & Cie.1968.25•ill• BIOLOGIE ABEILLE E 185> CHAUVIN, R.

1968.Traite et biologie de I'abeille 5.Histoire, Etnographie et Folklore

Paris.Masson & Cie.1968.25.ill. BIOLOGIE AFfilCAINE C 19.9^0

Publications de I'Universite d'Abidjan.(intro ductions a la Biologie africaine).

Abidjan (C8te d'lvoire), 1968(1)- , 27cni. BIOLOGIE C. 17.660

Biologie de I'Amerique australe vol.11 Etudes sur la fauna du sol.

Paris, C.N.R.S., 1963; 27,5cm., ill. BTCLOGIE ANIMLE

Act:ivi"fc6 e1' "travmix n\i Labora"toirp de Biologie animal a. Bordeaux. Bacnlte des Sc"i.ences, 1950-51-52 24 cm. BTOLOGTE AHIMALE E. 1^.79:

Activite et trnvaux du Laboratnire de Biologie arimale. Faculte des Sciences de Bordeaux.

Bordeaux, Faculte dcs Sciences, s.d, 25 cm BIOLO'^rlE AFTI-IALK R. 19.RIO

Act.i.vito et trava-ii" rlii Laboratoire de Biolof2:ie anirrale.

Bordeaux. Faculte des Sciences. I953-5'^-55 24 (--.rr,. BIOLOGIE C.17.660

Etudes sur la faime du sol. Biologie de I'Amerique australe. vol. III. Documents "biogeographiques

Paris, C.N.R.S., 1967, 27,5cin., ill. BIOLOGIE C.17.660

Biologic de I'Amerique Australe. Publiee sous la direction de Cl.Delamare Deboutteville et Eduardo Rapoport. Vol.1: Etudes sur la faune du sol.

Paris, C.N.R.Sc., 1963» 27,5cm., ill. BIOLOGIE ANIMALE S. 2.^68

Biologie, publiee sous la direction d'Albert OBRE. Biologie animale - Zoologie I,II - Anatoraie et phy siologies animales I,II.

Paris, Edit.Doin et Cie, 1957- , 22 cm., ill.

Depouillement BI0LCX5IE ANIMAIE C.25.796 BIBLIOGRAPIE BELGISCHE GEIEEBDEN DffiRENBI0m3IE BIBLIOGRAPHIE SAVANTS SAVANTS BELGES Bibliographie de savants beiges 1830-191^. I. Biologie animale.-Bibliografie van Belgische geleerden 1830-191^. I. Dierenbiologie, Bruxelles/Brussel. Centre Nat, d' des Sc. Nationaal Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen. 1990. 29j5 cm. BIOLOGIE S. Z.k$S

Biologie, publiee sous la direction de Albert OBRE. Biologie animale ~ Zoologie I,II - Anatomie et phy siologies animales I, II.

Paris, Edit.Doin et Cie, 1957- « 22 cm., ill,

Depouillement BIOLOGIE B. ^9.279

Biologie antartici^ue. -Paris, 2-8 septembre % 1962. Gomptes-rendus. -Premier symposium orga nise par le S.C.A.R.

Paris; Hermann, 196^+, 25 cm., ill.

(Actualites scientifiques et industirelles 1512). BIOLOGIE ANTARCTIQUE B. 60889 ANTARCTIQUE

Biologie antarctique. Premier Symposium organise par le SCAR, Paris 2-8 septembre 1962. Comptes rendus.

Paris. Hermann. 1964. 24,5 cm. ill. Aetna Ijates scientifiques industrielles. 1312 BIOLOGIE ATLAS. A. 6791 + ATLAS BIOLOGIE.

Atlas de Biologie.

Paris. Ed. Stock. 1970- 28 cm. ill. RTOLOGTE S.3.350

Biolon-ip T( Po + an i k ) «V'^r "Tab t nnrl bpranp- p-po-pbort von Pro-T , Dn . Dr . Tiod . h . c . S i <= ed STPTTGGER

Frankfnrt , Fi richer BTTchnrei , 1962, I8 cm, ill. Das Fische" Lex-fkon. 27 BTOLOGIE

Biologie, Botanik, Zoo.logie, Anthropologie

Stuttgart, s.d,, 21 cm. p. 4153

0iologie Cellulaire du Neurine.

Paris. 1993. 24 cm. ill. Comptes renduB des seances de la See. de Biolcgie et de ses filiales. Tome 167, 1. BI OL O^rlai•••• 58

Bioio,__ie und Clismie des Unge stauien mid Gestguten Strornes.- BesciiriG ceii gni Bei- spiel der Boriau und, des Ivlains. iv:uencx:en, 1554 3I5 p., 152 "ri:,. , 4 1. > '-4X15 95 cni.

dans " I.'.Uncti, Beilr.^cher. & Plussbiclog." Bd 2 BIOLOGIE. S. 3975. Biologie. classe de 6 e. Paris. Hachette, 1967. 19,5 cm. ill. Collection " Biologie" BIOLOGIE S.6.525

Biologie. Classe terminale D.

Paris. Classiques Hachette. 1967. 19,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGIE COMPAKEE P

Biologie comparee des especes marines dans les difl'erents districts de leur aire de repar tition. On the comparative biology of marine species studies in different districts of their area of distribution. Roscoff, juin-juillet 1956.

Paris, 1958, 25 cm., ill.

(Union internationals des sciences biologiques Ser. B; 2^). BIOLOGIE. S.4.657

Congres International de I'Enseignement Moderne de la Biologie. Bruxelles 13-20 juillet 1958. Rapports & Comptes rendus.

Paris. 1958. 24 cm. Bulletin Union Naturalistes Enseignement Public. 45e annee (n° 4) pp. 239(11) - 364(136). BIOLOGIE CONGRES LISBONNE 19^5 P. 3.123

Actas relatmrios, conimunicagoes. Primeira reuniao biologica portuguesa Lisboa, 19-21 de dezembrode 19'i5.

Lisboa, 22,5cm., ill. Sociedade portuguesa de Biologia BIOLOGIE CONGRES LISBONNE 19^7 P. 3.12]

Actas, relatorios, communicaQoes. Segunda reuniao biologica portuguesa. Lisboa, 2-3 de Dezembro 19^1? •

Lisboa, 19^l8, 22,5cm., ill. (Sociedade portuguesa de Biologia). BIOLOGIE S.6.524 COURS ORIA

Biologie. Cours Qria. Ternu.nale D

Paris. Hatier. 1969. 23,5 cm. ill BIOLOGIE EAUX

1959* Trudy VI sovescanija po probleraam biologii vnutrennih vod. (10-19 juin 1957)- Travaux Vie con ference sur les problemes de la biologie des eaux de 1'interieur.

Moscou-Leningrad, 1959, 26 cm., ill. Institut zoologique. Institut aupres de I'Acaderaie des Sciences de I'U.R.S.S. de la biologie des reser voirs naturels d'eaux. BIOLOGIE ECOLOGIE C 22.57S

Docixments publies par le Service de Biologie at d'Ecologie de I'Universite de Hons.


Biologie et ecologie des sources hydrothermales. Biology and ecology of the hydrothermal vents. Actes du colloque "les sources hydrothermales de la ride du Pacifique Oriental Biologie et Ecologie" Institut Oceanographique, 4-7 nove!li)bre 1985.

Paris. Gauthier-Villars. 1988. 29,5 cm. ill. Oceanologica Acta. Special issue 8. BIC..OGIE p.2.8^1

hndocrinologie des Arthrcpodes.

Paris, 19^7 209 a.. I Dl. dans : Colloaues int .C .N .R .Sc . BIOLOGIE EVOLUTIVE B. 54.158

Collection de Biologie Evolutive.

Paris(France). 1974. 24 cm. Editeur Masson. BIOLOGIE PAR EXPERIENCES. s. 3980, La biologie i-ar experiences. T, Expe riences de physiologie animale, Gottingen. Industrie Druck G.M.B.H. 1962. 2k cm. ill. •'•IC'T' B„52=57^

Biologie generale.

PariSo Masson et Cie. 1965<.24,5cm,ill. Precis de Sciences biologiques sous la direction de P,P. Grasse, BIOLOGIE GENERALE B.57.149 BOTANIQUE ELEMENTS BIOLGGIE

Elements de Blologie generale et de Botanique. Vol. 1. La Biologie generale-Les Protistes Vol. 2. Les Metaphytes.

Bruxelles. Maurice Lamertin. 1921-1923. 25 cm.ill BIOLOGIE GEOLOGIE S. 3.889 Association des professeurs de Biologie Geologie de 1'Enseignement public. Bulletin trimestriel.

Paris, 1965(52,1)- 24cm. Union des Naturalistes 29 Rue d'Ulm Paris 5© BIOLOGIE GEOLOGIE S,6,05i CONGRES EUROPEEN PROFESSEURS BIOLOGIE

Congres europeen des professeurs de Biologie- Geologie,

Bruxelles, Pro Bio, I989, 29 cm, ill. BIOLOGIE B 51^5^

1966-.Les grands problemes de la biologie, (sous la direction du Prof. P.P. Grasse.)

Paris.Masson Editeur. 1966-.2^^. ill. BIOLOGIE-HISTOIRE S. 3.G93

Histoiro illustrco do la biologic. TcKtc fran

?aris, Ilachcttc, 'l9G3i 24cm. ^ ill. p.4. 153

La Biologie, I'Homme et I'Ethique a I'aube du XXIeme siecle.

Paris. 1998. 24 cm. Comptes rendus des se&nces de la Societe de Biologie et de ses filiales. T. 192, n 5 • BIOLOGIE INVERTEBRES P. 1228

1965. Ecologie et biologie des invertebres d'eaux doucesf texte russe

Moscou, 1965, 27cm., ill. Trudy Institut Biologii vnutrennikh vod. fasc. 8(11 BIOLOGIE KHAJINY V

196o«Pi'ot)lemy Biologie Krajiny V. J. DrdoSjZ. Feriancova-Masazova,M. Huzicka (Englisch Summary. Deutsche Zusatnmenfassun^

Bratislava.1968.2A.ill. Biologicke Prace.XIV/5 BIOLOGIE P. 5^67

Biologie und Lebensschutz Teil 2. Bericht liber die 5. Internationale Lebensschutztagung vom 3» bis 7 Oktober I968 in Schlangenbad und Wiesbaden rait Kurzzusaramenfassung der Referate.

Haraburg. I969« 2^ cm. in: Das Leben Internationale Zeitschrift fiir ^iolo- gie u. Lebensschiitz 6. Jahrgang, nr. 7* BIOLOGIE c. 18.853

1967. Liste de periodiques beiges de biologie. Lijst van Belgische tijdschriften over biologie.

Bruxelles-Brussel, 1967i 27 cm. Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut Natuurwetenschappen. Documents de travail. Studie Documenten. 6. BIOLOGIE MARINE A. 5.884

Oceanographie biologique et biologie marine.

Paris, P.V.F., I963, 17,5cm., ill. La vie pelogique, tome 11, 11. BIOLOGIE MARINE

1967- Premier symposium Europeen sur biologie marine

Hamburg. 196?, 24,5 cm., ill. Helgolander Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchung. n° 15- biologie marine S.5.444 CONSEILS GESTIDN gestidn CGLLEGTIONS COLLECTIONS REFERENCES

Conseils pour la gestion des collections de references en biologie marine.

Paris. Unesco. 1983. 29,5 cm. ill. Rapports de I'Unesoo sur les sciences de la mer n° 22. p.6.649

Biologie ivferine Resultats de campagnes Oceano- graphiques du M.S. "Marion-Dufresne" et de pros- pections littorales de Oh vedette "Japonaise".

Pax'is. 1984. 27 cm. ill. Comite Nat. frangais des recherches antar-ctiques (CNPRA) n° 55. BIOICGIZ IfflSGAGSR P.3.824.

Le Messager de I'Universite de Lenin grad - S'rie - Biologie,

V. Veetnik Leningradskogo univereiteta Seria - Biologia, BIOLOGIE MILIEUX

Collection de Biologie des Milieux ivfepins.

Paris (Prance). 1978. 24 cm. Edition Masson. BIOLOGIE MODERNE. s. 3965. Biologie moderae. Son role dans 1' education ( Rapport d' une session d' etude organisee par 1' O.C.D.E. sur la reforme de 1' enseig- nement de la Biologie. Helleback ( Danemark) Juni 19Gk,

Paris. O.C.D.E, 1966, 2k cm, ill. Pour un enseignement renove des Sciences. BIOLOGIE MOLECULAIRE. Ao7611

Bio].o^:ie I-'oleculaire 'iS:;8"1975'

Eraa:el.leSo 7S75o 2Ao illo Universite Libre de BruriellesoPaculte des Sciences o BIOLOGIE... B 32094

Ivlorphologie, Biologie s. l.ed.,s.d. 21p., 5f., 25xl6cm. BIOLOGIE.

1966. Centre d'etudes et de recherches de biologie et d'oceanographie medicale.

Nice. 1966., 2k cm., ill. Eevue Internatione d'Oceanographie medicale. tome III BIOLOGIE OISEl P.ISO

Biologie d'oiseaux (texte russe)

Moscou. 1966 ill. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Vol. XXXIX 3IQL0!-j;Z OUy=RJ

0 1D1'. G ouvgt'lG. !jo cuiGiGn'l: g

1_ 0 u V c A n L G 5cig. . ill BIOLOGIE. B. 52.386

Physique theorique et biologie.Comptes rendus de la Premiere Conference Internationale de Physique Theorique et Biologie. Palais des Congres,Versailles. 26 - 30 juin 1967. Amsterdam/Londres. North-Holland Pub. Go. 1969. 2^.3 cm. ill. p.226

Biologie et Physiologie Vegetales Sylviculture.

Paris. 1980. 29,5 cm. Bulletin Signaletique. vol. 2934 S 3867. nr. 370. BIOLOGIE So 3997 Biologie. Plantkunde

Brussel. Uitg. A. De Boeck 1968. 2^cm. ill. BIOLOGIE POISGONS P. 1228

1966. Biologie des poissonn des reservoirs d'eaux de la region de la Volga, (texte russe)

Moscou, 1966, 26 cm., ill. Trudy Institut Biologu vnutrennih vod. fasc. 10 (15). BIOLOGIE, V 3709

1966, Broblemy biologie krajiny, Quaestiones geobiologicae II, Zora PERlMCOHA-?,aS/JlOVA, Jar0Slav KONTRIS,Milan RUZIc- Kl,

Bratoslava, 1966, 24- cm., ill .


Biologie et protection des eaux. Manuel pour les maitres. s.l. Departement federal de I'Interieur. 1970. 21 cm. ill. BIOLOGIE REGULATION P. 2086

1967. Biologie de la regulation des naissances par la continence periodique.

Geneve, 19^7) 24 cm., ill. Organisatxon Mondiale de la Sante, Serie de rap- por'ts techniques, n° JioO. BIOLOGIE 5^.^5^ Biologic de la reproduction animals. Blasto- genese,, sexualisation. Les grands problemes de la Biologie, (sous la direction du Prof. P.P. Grasse).

Paris, Hasson et Cie, 1965, 24cm., ill. Lea Grands problbmes de la Biologie 1. BIOLOGIE REPRODUCTION P. 2.086

Diologie de la reproduction hutnaine Rapport d'un groupe scientifique OMS.

Geneve, 1964, 24cm. Organisation mondiale de la Sante serie de rapports techniques, n°280 BIOLOGIE A.6.233

Biologie de la reserve d'eau de Mingre- caursk (texte en russe)

Bacou, Ed. Academie des Sciences de la R.S.S. d'Azerbajdzhan, 1963j 21,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGIE RESEEYES D'EAU P.2077,

Bulletin de I'institut de Is Biologie dec reserves d'eau.

V. Bulletin Instituta 'biolcga vcdokra- ni-^-lisch. BIOLOGIE. B 40.986

Biologie - Reunion internstionale de Physi que - Chimie - Biologie - Congres du Palais de la decouverte, Paris, Octobre I937 - I>11 part

Paris,,Hermann & Cie, 1938 2 fasc., fig.> 25X16,5 cm. BIOLOGIE P. 5191

1967. Seminaire sur I'ecologie, la biologie, la destruction et 1'eradication d'AEDES AEGYPTI, 16-20 aoQt 1965*

Geneve, 1967, 2^ cm.ill. in; Bulletin de 1'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante . vol. 36, no. BIOLCGIS SOLS 0.

Biologie des Sols. Cor.ptes rondus de recher che s .

Paris, Unesco, 27 ,•, ill. Recherches sur les Ressources Raturelles IX. BIOLOGIE.,. B 3414

Biologie der Tiere Deutschlands, unter Hitwirkung zahlreicher Pachleute BearBei- tet und herausgegeBen ron Br, Paul Schul- zG» Iiicf* 1—i S»

Berlin,BorntrSger,1922- vol,, 21,5xl3ciii, BIOLOGIC P.2.8^1

Unites biologiques Douees de continuite genetique. Paris, 19^9 203 p., 6 pi, dans ; Colloques int.0.N.R.Sc.n°8. BIOLOGIE VEGETALE. S. 3226

Biologie Vegetale (3 vol. ) Paris. Masson. 1969. 2^,5 cm. ill. Precis de Sciences biologiques. sous la direction de P.P. Grasse.


Biolo^io V ' jL ^ Ti ^ !''• •'e- ••• r i (• "G '"'hoi i, O a

P-^rio. Mr, r::o?" & CG'^. GG-OE , G •"'ii.ilG clc Ccio0P bj.olo-'i.r'uoG ro'.-.r G:"' ^ 7 Vr t ior. ''' 0 P.P. 077 '•' c GE . .y^TC],f)GTE VEGEEALE. Bo52.57^

Biologie vegetaleolllo Croissance, morphogenese, reproduction.

Paris. Masson & Cie. 1969»24,5 cm.ill. BIOLOGIE VEGETALE. S. 3226 GHAMPAGNAT, P. OZENDA, P. BAILLAUD, L.

Biologie Vegetale, III. Croissance,Morphogenese, Reproduction. Paris. Masson. 1969« 2A,5 cm. ill. Precis de Sciences biologique. BIOLOGIE VEGETALE VEGETALE INSTITUT RECHERCHE RECHERCHE BIOLOGIE


Travaux de biologie vegetale dedies au Professeur Pierre DANGEARD.

Bordeaux. 196?. 2A- cm. ill. Le Botaniste-Serie L. 196?. fasc. I- VI. BIOLOGIE VEGETALE. s. 3226 GRASSE P.-P. PRECIS SCIENCES.

Biologie vegetale (3 vol.) Paris. Masson. 1969* 2^,5 cm. ill. Precis de Sciences biologiques sous la direction de P.P. Grasse. BIOLOGIE VEGETALE. s. 3226 HELLER, R.

Biologie Vegetale. II. Nutrition et metabolisme Paris. Masson. 1969. 2^,5 cm. ill. Precis de Sciences biologique. BIOLOGIE VEGETALE. s. 3226 NOUGAREDE, A.

Biologie Vegetale I. Gytologie. Paris. Masson. 1969. 2^,5 cm. ill. Precis de Sciences biologiques. BIOLOGII A.8.959 INSTITUT EKSPERIMENTAL'NOJ EKSPERIJyENTAL'NQJ BIOLOGII

Institut Eksperimental'noj Biologii Akademii Naiik Estonskoj SSR.

Tallin. 1982. 19 an. ill. BIOLOGII MORJA G 21o5L7

Ak-.demia Nauk SoSjS,,R, Dalneves bochr.^i nyi Centr» Insti.tat Biologii rio v;ia iSbovnlk Rabot.

Novosibirsk (UoRoG^S;,), 197^('0- j 27c'n<, EIOLOGII PTIS. Po 120

IcLlccovc.nioa po 1310100:11 Ptlc. locate 'dCauka'-o 26,5cin. lllo i-l:adeir.loa Paul: SoSoS.Eo Trudy Zoolo- glcheclrogo Instltuta Tom LVo BIOIOGII V8STKIK p.3.824.

Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta Seria Biolcgtt (le Lessager de I'Universi te de Leningrad - Sirie - Biclogie), Leningrad, 1959 (3^. BICIOGII VCLKRANISLISCH

Bulletin instdtuta biologu vodokranis- lioch. (Bulletin tie I'institut de la Bio- logie des reserves d'eau).

Moscou, Akadernia lT3uk7 S.S.S.R, 1958 (2), BIOLOGIIA DREIS32NI. B. 50.079

1.^6k. Biologiici Dreissini i borba s nei (Sbornik statei)

Moskva-Liningrad. I'Jauka . 19o^« -IBcrti, ill. BIOLOGMA. -EKOLOGIJA Ao 7o462

Biologija, Elrologija, Geograiioa Sporo- vykh rastenii srednei Azii (Eiologie, ecologie et geographie des tlantes crypto- gs.mes de 1-Acie centrale)o

Tascliento Izdato 'T8n''Uz'beslc SoSoEolSV"! 22 cnio illo Akademioa L'auk Uzbekslcoo SoSoEo Otdelo rlikrcbiologiio BIOLOGIJA NASEKCMYKH P.5.218 NASEKOMYKH KAZAKHSTANA KAZAKHSTANA SISTPMTEKA BIOLOGIJA

Sistematika i Biologija Nasekomykh Kazakhstana.

Alma-Ata. Akadanija Nauk Kazakhskoj SSR. 1990. 24 cm. ill. Trudy Instituta Zoologii. 45. BIOLDGIJA PARAZITICHESKIKH P. 120 PARAZITICHESKIKH SISTEMATIKA BIOLOGIJA

Sistematika i biologija paraziticheskikh perepon- chatokrylykh nasekomykhKhal'cid i proktotrupid.

Leningrad. Akad. Nauk. 1989. 21 cm. ill. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Inst. 191. BIOLOGIQUE R.697 AVIS BELGIQUE CONVENTION DIVERSITE

Avis sur la mise en oeuvre en Belgique de la convention sur la diversite biologique

Bruxelles. CFDD. 1999. 30 cm. BIOLOGTQUE, P. 2086

Comitc CMS d'experts dc la standardisation bio3,ogique. Vingtieme rapport.

Geneve. 1968. 2k/cm, in: Organisation Mondiale de la Santc, Serie de rapports techniques, no. 384. BIOLOGIQUE. P. 2086

1966. Comite OMS d'experts de la standardisation biologique. Dix-huitieme rapport.

Geneve. I966. 2^ cm. Organisation Mondiale de la Sante. Serie de Rapports Techniques. n° 329* BIOLOGIQUE R. 3 CONVENTION DIVERSITE DIVERSITE BTOLOGIQUE

Convention sur la Diversite biologique, Texts et annexes.

Chatelaine. Geneva Executive Center. 1994. 21 cm. BIOLOGIQUE R. 4 CONVENTION DIVERSITE DIVERSITE BIOLOGIOUE

Convention aur la Diversite biologique. Texte et annexes.

Chatelaine. Geneva Executive Center. 1994. 21 cm. BIOLOGIQUE R.218 QUALITE EAUX CLES DETERMINATION INVERTEBRES EAUX COURANTES EVALUATION BIOLOGIQUE Evaluation biologique de la qualite des eaux. Cles de determination des invertebres des eaux courantes. s.l. Centre technique de 1'Enseignement de 1 ' Etat. 1987 . 29 , 5 cm. ill, I3I0L0G1SC1I JAAHBOEK P.

Kon. AAi tuurwc t ensch . Genoots. DODOAEA te Gent.


Vrouwen en mannen in biologisch perspectief.

Leiden. 1966. 24 cm. ill. in: Bulletin voor het Onderwijs in de Biologie. Jaargang 17, n° 101. BTOLOGTSCHE ABHANDIUNGEN S. 3-3^^

Die Vofelwarten und Vogelschutzwnrten Mitte]europas

Hambtirg. 196.1 . 21 cm. , i 1 .1 . Biolocrische Abhand 1un (ren , Heft 2.5-2 6 BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT P. ^1^8

75 Jahre '"iologische Anstiit Helgoland.

Hamburg. 196?. 2^,5 cm. ill. in: Helgolander wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersu- chungen Marine Investigations. Recherches Maritimes. I6.- BIOLOGISCHE ANSTALT HELGOLAND

1968. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland Schriftleider 0. KINNE and H. AURICH.

Hamburg, I968, 24,5 cm., ill. HelgolSnder Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersu- chungen 17 n° 1-4. p.3.228

Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. Jahresbericht.

Haniburg. 1988. 24,5 cm. ill. Aus dan Geschaftsbericeh des Bundesministers fiir Forschung und Technologie Veroffentlicht 1989. BIOLOGISGHE ARBEITSBLATTER. S, 39?2, Biologische Arbeitsblatter. Ue- bungen und versuche fUr hbhere schulen. Gbttingen. Industrie Druck G.M.B.H. 196^. 2k cm, ill. BIOLOGISCHE BEITRAEGE. G„2:U947

Biologische beitrtge zur Kenntnis ces Kount Kenyao

Innsbrudc-KunchenoUniversitttsverlag V.'acnero 1968c, 27 one illoHochgebirccforschung/Kich iT.ountain Research Keft I E 17.159 BIOLOGISCPIE BSK/vL-TPUNG PPLABZEESCHADLINGEi:

Internationale kommission fur Biologi- schen bekampfung von Pflanzenschadlingen, Commiasion Internationale de lutte "bio- logique centre les Ennemis des Cultures.

Zemun, La Miniere par Versailles, 1959(59-3,5974, do p ouilleme nt BIOLOGISCHE DIVERSITEIT R. 695 ADVIES BELGIE

Advies over de uitvoering in Belgie van het verdrag inzake biologische diversiteit

Brussel. FRDO-CFDD. 1999. 30 cm.h ill BIDLOGISCHE KWALITEIT S.5.186

Leefmilieu. Kaart van de biologische kwaliteit van de waterlopen in Belgie.

Brussel. 1979. 29,5 cm. riinisterie van Vo 1 Ksgezondheid en van het gezin. 1 Kaart, 60 pp. BIOLOGISCHE MODELLE P. 2111. JAHRESVERSAMMLUNG HALLE 1^6? SCHaHF, Joachim-Hermann BRUNS, Glinter Biologische Modelie. Bericht uDer die Jahres- versammlung aer Deutschen Amademie der Natur- forscher Leopoldina vom 19 bis 22 OK.tober 1967 in Halle (Saale) Herausgegeben von Joachim-Hermann SCHARF u. Glinter BRUNS. LEIPZIG. 1958. 24cm. ill. Nova Acta Leopoldina Aohandlungen. Nue Folge Band $5 n°I84. BIOLOGISCHE RHYTHMEN

1967. Biologische Rhythmen. Kurzfassungen der Vortrage, gehalten aus Anlass des Ferienkolloquiums von 20. bis 22. April 19^7 in Gbttingen. Herausgegeben durch Georg BIRUKOV/ & Ludger RENSING.

Gdttingen. 25 cm., ill. Nachrichten Akademie Wissenschaften in Gottingen. II Mathematisch - Physikalische Klasse. Jahrg.1967 nr. 10. BICLOGIOCIE

Biologicche studiGnbUcher,

Freiburg, Th. Fischer, 1924 vol., fig;?, 29,5X16 c-a.

voir grande fiche(2e collect.) BIOIOGIJCE B 39.657

Biologische StucliGnbucher^ II a XII.

Freiburg, Th. Fischer, 1924 vol., fig.j 23j5X16 cm.


Eine neue gclenkte biologische synthese es dextrans, von Eberhard Leibnitz, Ulrich Dehrens und nianfred Ringpfeil,

Berlin, 196O 3I0L0GISCHES FORSCHIMGSINSTI- B. 51.296 TUT Biolo2;iscliGs Porcchuiigv3inotitv..t: o.or Ungari' ochon A.lcadonio dor WiDccnochaftcri Tihaiw, 1927-19G7. Budapest^ Akadoaio^ 196?^ 2Gc-;n. ^ ill. BIOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN. C. 20.575

Biologische lond chemische Untersuchiangen des Rheines bei Niedrigwasser im October 1971.

Krefeld. 1973. 3o cm. ill. Schriftenreihe der Landesanstalt fur Gewasserkunde und Gewasserschutz des Landes Nordrhein - Westfalen. Heft 35. BIOLOGY C.22048 The Biology and of the Solanaceae

J.G. HAWKES , R.N. LESTER, A.D. SKELDING. in : Linnean Society Symposium Series - Number 7. BIOLOGY C 25.011

Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology. Tokyo,National Institute of Polar Research, 1987, 25,,5cm, ill. IP1. - -1--


196^# Biology of the Antartic seas.

Washington, 1964, 27cm., ill. Antartic research series, 1.-

t BIOLOGY ANTARCTIC SEAS P. 5^24 ANTARCTIC SEAS LLANO, George A SCHMITT, Waldo L. 1967. Biology of the Antarctic Seas III George A. LLANO and Waldo L. SCHITT, Editors Washington, 1967i 26,5 cm., ill.

Antarctic Resaerch Series vol. 11 BIOLOGY ANTARCTIC SEAS P, LLANO, George A.

1965. Biology of the Antarctic Seas II George A. LLANO, Editor.

Washington, I965, 27cm., ill. (Antarctic Research Series Vol. 5)» BIOLOGY AUTOGKiiHIIC S. 5.258 The •cioE'jgy of the autogi-ophic :.icrooi'!.'anismG (symposiu-.. delicated to academician Vladimir mikolaevich SHAPOSHNIKOV) (English Summary).

Moscow, 1966, 27cm., ill. Iran;^actions of the rhoscow society of naturalists Biological series, -section of hydrobiology vol. BIOLOGY BATS WIMSATT,William A.

Biology of bats. Vol. I.II.

New York. London. Academic Press. 1970. 23»5cm. ill. e C X

"• : •"i.i'' i"ive of Birds. Bdliod .. .d. i.virs:'';;.!!. vol. IjH ^ ITov 7. '"'.'.j y;Oo::"cn, ::cade' iic iros':^, 1', rC- VO1 «^ .1, ?,d. o^ ^ • BIOLOGY. P. 940 + CONTROL.

Biology and control of Agrobacterium tumefaciens,

Berkeley. University of California. 1971. 26 on. ill. Hilgardia. vol. 40. n° 15. BIOLOGY... B 44.770

Biology of Deserts. The proceedings of a symposium on the biology of Plot and Cold deserts organized by the Institute of Biplogi, Edited by J.I, Goudsley-Thomp> son.

London, Tav. House South, 1954 224 P.> fig.> 24x17 cm. BIOLOGY DIVISION C 19.^57

Publications of the Biology Division at Ispra. Commission of the European Communities.Euratom Joint Research Center.Series A.Ecology. Ispra (Italie), 1964(28a)- ,formats divers.


Publications of the Biology Division at Ispra, Coramission of the European Communities..Euratom Joint Research Center.Series E:Entomology. Ispra (Italic), 196l(le)- ,formats divers^ BIOLOGY... E 11.975

Biology of drosophila.

New-York, J. Wiley, 1950. 632 p., fig., 21,5xl4,5cin BIOLOGY - ECOLOGY. c. 19.176

Biology and ecology of nitrogen. Proceedings of a Conference University of California, Davis, november 28 tot december 1, 196?. Washington. National Academy Sciences. 1969. 27,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGY-ecology. C. 19.176 Biology and ecology of nitrogen. Proceedings of a Conferaece University of California, Davis, november 28 tot december 1, 196?. V^ashington, National Academy Sciences. 1969. 27,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGY ESTONIAN

Biologija presnovodnykh organizmov estonii- Biology of the estonian fresh-water organisms

Tartu. Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R. Institute of Zoology & Botany. 1974. 22,5 cm. ill. Hydrobiological Research/Hudrobioloogilised uur imus ed. VI. }:ioi,ccy i: • ') 1

Tjo BioT oaa \'Olc IT BiO"''' on/L:"tr^'.

T^Tc^T^. ^'o"'-'''-/Lo;nfinr . Pi'enr. 19'"B• 2^ , ill. BIOLOGY. E.. 51-562

Evolutionary Biology-, vol. 5.

AiTiEterdam. North-Holland Pub. Of). 19fo5"25v5oi ill- BIOLOGY GROUP ISPRA. C. 22.OS

List of publications of the Biology group at Ispra (Italy). Scientific activity iy70-1975.

Ispra. 1976. 29,5 cm. Commission of the European Communities. General Direct? XII. Research, Science and Education. EUR/C- IS/147/7G e. •":;o 91X2' • :T.T ' *5 0 22 (32ol) '*J:0 ' JOOITT psov- '- pTOP. A'i9\I

•-TICE pj%OCXH 'uZsyzoi'i -GtoxT.". -E PS-IPPE • ;p;\OT0 .r:t;,,:o ii.'.ozoz'-'- s'PE


Human Biology.

London. British Museum(Nat.Hist.) 1981.21,5 cm.ill. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2nd edition. BIOLOGY HUMAN VARIATION P. 4.778

The Biology of Human Variation consulting Editor: Josef BROZEK.

New York, I966, 23cm., ill. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol.134, art.2. BIOLOGY, P 4-388

1966, Contributions to the Biology of the inner garne, by T.E. THOr.ffSON?,S,Tyrell SMITH,M. JENKINS,K.BENSOH- EV;iNS,D. FISK,G. M0RGMI,J.E. BEUaNTY,and A.E. IJADE.

Newcastle upon Eyne, 1966, SI,5 cm., ill. in;" Transactions of the Natural History Scoeity of Northumberland,Durham and New Cast^ upon Tyne, The Hancock ftoseum, N.S,, vol. XV, n° 5,pp.197-225. BIOLOGY GEOLOGY BIOLOGY GEOLOGY q 21,529

Milv.-aukee Museum,Special publications in Biology and Geology,

Mil.vavdcoo '•.Etats-Unis) , 197^(1)" 5 28-5o'i- A= 7.65 BIOLOGY S GEOLOGY

Publications in 3iGlGf.;w and Gcg1oi--\/ f'l i1 aukge Pub1ic I'i li s c u in .

Milv.'aul;cc, U.S.A., 1973 [ 1 )•- BIOLOGY... B 22753

Bioloijy of the laboratory mouse. Editor George D. Snell. V/ith a chapter on infec tious diseases of mice, b;'^ J.H.Dingle. Philadelphia, The Blakiston Company,(I94I) IX-497 p., 172 fig., 25,5x15,5 cm. BIOLOGY MAN. B. 52.399 PERSPECTIVES ON BIOLOGY.

Perspectives on the biology of man(a collection edited by Gabriel W. Lasker).


Swedish Game. Biology and Management.

Spinga. Svenska Jagareforbundet.1992. 27,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGY KaL P. 2'jLv

S- cond Euroi>;ari SynpoGiiu.i on r.arin,: biology, Bo n 2G-2L Augo o L IG"G? , The i:opor'tori>• ocff '/afcor "!ov'o''''^ntg for biolo gy and diatribuiion of naidne organiGriE.

Borgon-Oclo. 1968. 25 oni. ill. in: Soircia, 3^1-• BIOLOGY S. 2953

Modern Biology Series,

New York. 1962, Holt, Rinchart & Winston, 22,5 cm, ill. BIOLOGY c 18989 BALL, C.D. (Editor)

1966.Most significant new books on biology-19D5

Oxford.Maxwell.1966.27 BIOLOGY MYCOPLASHA P. A.778

Biology of the mycoplasma consulting Editor: Leonard FxAYFLICK.

Lew York, 1967, 22,5cm., ill. Annals of the Lew York Academy of Sciences vol.l'+3 art.1 BIOLOGY NITROGEN c. 19.093

Biology and ecology of nitrogen. Procee dings of a Conference University of California. Davis. Nov. 28 to Dec. 1 1957.

Washington, National Academy Sci. 1959 27,5cm.,ill. BIOLOGY PHERBELLIA P. I6I9. PHERBELLIa DIFIERA SGIUMYZIDAE BRATT, A.D. KRUTSON, L.V. FOOTE, B.A. BERG, G.O. Biology of PherDellia.Pheroel (Diptera: Sciom.yzidae ) A.D.BRATT, L.V.KiWL.V.KiTOTSON, B.A.FOOTE & G.O.BERG. .../ ITHACA. (N.Y.) 1969. ^3cin. ill.

Cornell University. Ag,ricultural jixperinient Station. Memoir 40A BIOLOGY-RADIOBIOLOGY. Co 19o925

Book of Abstractso International Symposium on Biology and radiobiology of anucleate Systems o Mol 197"^ •

Molo 197I0 29,5 cmo Departmerfc of Radiobiology» SGK/CEN, BIOLOGY c. 18.128

Biology of Radioiodine. Proceedings of the Hanford Symposium on the Biology of Radioiodine, spnsored by the U.S.Atomic Energy Commission and the Hanford Laboratories of the Gene ral Electric Company Richland, Washington, July 17-19. of. BUSTAD L.K.

P^tgaireress, 196^, 25i5 cm., ill. BIOLOGY READERS S 6.0if6 CAROLINA BIOLOGY Carolina Biology Readers.

Burlington?1979-1987I 2^,5cm, ill. N° 13,18,22,28,if7,56,59,61,69,73,91,92,98, 108,119,131,1^3,1^7,159,16^,165. BIOLOGY REPTILIA B. 51.65^ Biology of the Reptilia vol.1 Morphology A. London, New York, Academic Press, 1969, 23,5 ill. :'IOLOOY RETTITYA.

Biology of the Eeptiliao -Morphology B. volo 2o

London/New Yorko Academic Press«1970.23,5cn ill. BIOLOGY SCIENCE SCIENCE MAIERIAI5 MAIERIALS CATALOG

Biology Science Materials. Catalog 6l,

Burlington. Carolina Biological Supply Company. 1990-91. 27,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGY SKII'J. Co 210-193

iSpecial issue on Cutaneous GeneticSo Proceedinss oi the PHI Annual SjiTiposium on the Eiolopy of SkiUo

Eo.ltiuorOo 1975" 23,5 cmo illo E::tra : Ehe Journal of Investigative Eorciatolopyo 1975, volo 6016)0 uP" 537" 559" BIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM

Proceedings of the European Marine Bio logy Symposium. Cambridge (GB), 19^9 (^)- t 25cm» BIOLOGY TEACHING 3.868 1964. Innovations in Equipment and Techniques for the Biology teaching Laboratory, by Richard E. BARTHELEMY, James R. DAWSON Jr, Addison E. LEE Boston, 1964, 28 cm., ill. B.S.L.S. a Labor Block BIOLOGY TEACHING

New trends in "biology teacliings. Tendances nouvelles de 1'Enseignement de la Liologie vol. I The teaching of basic sciences. Biology L'enseignement des Sciences fondamentales Biologie.

Paris, Unesco, 1965, 27cm. BIOLOGY TEACHING G.23.936 New Trends in biology teaching. Tendances nouvelles de 1' enseignement de la biologie.

Paris. UnescG. 1966-1971. 27 cm. ill. vol. 1, 2 & 3. BIOLOGY TEACHINGS.

New Trends in biology teachings.Ten dances nouvelles do 1'enseignoment de la Biologieovol. II,

Paris. UNESCO. 1969o 27 cm. ill. The Teaching of basic Scien^-es/ L'enseignement des Sciences fondamentali BIOLOGY TEACHINGS. So ^.007

New Trends in biology teachings/ Tendances nouvelles de I'enseignement de la biologie. vol. III.

Paris o UNESCOo ';97'1. ill^ BIOLOGY of TETBASTICHUS

1965. The Biology of Tetrastichus rhipiphoro-Thrip- scidis narayanan, Rao et Rao (rulophidae: Hymenoptera a Parasite of Hallothrips Indicus Raraakrishna; by A.K. BHARMA, S. FAROORI and B.R. Subba RAO.

Fuknoka. 21 cm. ill. vol. 38 pars. Muski. BIOLOGY of TETRASTICHUS. SHARMA, H.K. FAROOQI, S.I. RAO, B.R. Subla.

The Biology of Tetrastichus rhipiphore- Thripscidis Narayanan, Rao et Rao (Eulophidae : Hymenoptera) a Parasite of Mallothrips Indicus Ramakrishna ; by A.K.

SHARMA, S.I.FAROOQI and B.R. Subla RAO. (Fukuoka, Mushi, I965> 21 ill., vol. 38, pars 1^)/ BIOLOGY.

Theoretical Physics and Biology.Proceeding of the First International Conference on Theoret: caT Physics and Biology.Palais des Congres , Versailles, 26 - 30 June 1967 <• A-rpsterdam/London. North--Holland Publ Co, 1969. 2if,5 cm. ill. BIOLOGY. C. 13^bB SiiNSOHY RECBPTORS . QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGI.

19^5• Sensory Receptors.

Nevv^ York. I9b5. G7cm, ill. (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Uuantitative Bi oIogy) vo1. XXA. C 15•174 The biology of Wilson's storm petrel, Oceanites oceanecus (Kuhl), at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, by J.R. BECK and D.W. BROWN.

British Antarctic Siirvey (Scientific Reports) (formerly ; Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey)

London, B.A.S., 1972, 4°, n'SS, pp.54, fig., pi.

(broch.) p.6.487

Bioloogia Filosoofia Ja Metcxioloogia.


Konvencija o bioloski raznovrstnosti. Porocilo o izvajanju konvencije v Republiki Sloveniji Convention on Biological Diver sity. National report of the Republic of Slovenia. s.l.Minst.of the Environment and Physical Planning State Authority for Nat.Conserva- tion. 1997 . 28 cm . iH • BIOMASS BOTTOM P.3.3^8

The biomass of the bottom fauna of k2 lakes in the Wegorzewo district, by Ewa PIECZYNSKA Eligiusz PIECZYNSKI, Fadeusz PRUS and Kazimierz TARWTD

Warszawa, 1963, 24 cm., ill. Ekologia Polska, Seria A, t.XI, nr.19 BIOMASS C.24.680 ENERGY BICMASS

Energy and bicmass. Techniques offered by Belgium for Bicmass utilization.

Brussels. 1981. 29,5 cm. ill. Science Policy Programrning. Prime Minister's Office. p.4.501 BIOMASS CDLLOQUIUn.

Tokyo 19B2.

Proceedings of the Biomass Colloquium in 1982. Edited by T? Nemoto S T. Matsuda.

Tokyo. 1983. Memoirs National Institute of Polar Research. Special Issue 27, 247 pp, ill. BIDMASS DENSITY C.26.463 DENSITY DIVERSITY NORTH SEA MACRDFAUNA TRENDS BIDNASS

Trends in biomass, density and diversity of North Sea macrofauna. s.l. 1992. 29,5 cm. ill. Ex. Ices, J. Mar. Sci. vol. 49, pp. 13-22. BIOMASS WORKING 0.24.976 WORKING PARTY BIRD ECOLOGY MEETING BIOMASS

Meeting of Biomass Working Party on Bird Ecology. Marburg, West Germany 20-22 September 1984. s.l. SCAR/SCOR/IABO/ACMR. 1984. 29,5 cm. Biomas Report Series 4l. BIDMASSE

Perspectives de production et d'uti1isation de la biomasse en Belgique.

Bruxelles. Service du Premier Ministre. 1979. 29.5 cm. ill. Programmation de la Politique Scientifique Programma national de la recherche et de deVe1oppement dans le domains de I'economie des dechets et des matieres secondaires. BIOME c 2k.9ek

Technical report.GrassD.and BiomeiiEcosystem analysis studieseU.S. International Biolo.*- gical Pro,3raEi, Fort Collins (USA), 1972 (165)'- , 2800. BIOMEDICAL COmUNICATIONS P. 4.778

Biomedical communications: problems and resources.

New York, 1967, 22,5cm., ill. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol. 142, art.2. BIOMEDICAL COMPUTER P. ^778

1986. Advances in Biomedical Computer Applications.

Nev/ York. I966, 23 cm., ill. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 128 art. 3» BIOMEDICAL COMPUTER C.23.110

BMDP-79. Biomedical Computer Program P.-Series.

Berkeley/Los Angeles. Univ.of California Press. 1979. 27,5 cm. B.M.D. BIOMEDICAL.

B.ri.D. Biomedical computer programs.

Berkeley, Los Angeles. 1971. 27,5 cm. ill. University of California Publications in Automatic Computation 2. biometeorology i i-j • Bioraeteorolorjy Prococdingn of tiro II I:.i::ci; ,- tional Bioclinatolog.lcal Cong'.:r-r3;-; ;.vl' ' Royal Gooic-cy of Kodccino» London, ••'.-''.v) i-:::r,. 1960 or^janioed by "Tlio of Eicmabeorology".

Oxford, Londons Pro.-;;- ;;r-i PublicationD D.i.vir;ion, 1$d2, BIOEEDICAL ENGINEERING P. ^778

1968. Materials in biomedical Engineering Consulting Editor Sumner N. LEVINE.

New York. I968. 22,5 cm., ill. Annals. New York Academy of Sciences, vol 1 BiCMETKiCAL C.^EETICB F 2^1-92

Biometrical genetic::. ProcoedingG of an Intc-rnationa.l syrir.o3i.un hold at Ottawa, August 1958, sponsored by the bionotrLc society and the international union of Biological sciences.

London, I9dO, ...3 cm., ili . Union intornationale dec Sciences Bio]ogiques (= International Series of nonog-raphs bio metry) Serie B, 38 BIOl-Li'miCAL G^IIBTICS. P 3.28? .

BioraetricrLl Gonctis, FroceGdin,r;3 of an Intc-rnational G.v'nposiun held at Ottav/a, Aupust 1955, sponsored by the Biometrics Society and the International Union of Bioloyico.l Sciences, Edited by Oscar Kemp- thorne. London, Psryanon Press, 1^60 23^ ill, ("International Union of Biological Scien ces - Union inte7j||tiojale des Sciences Biologiques" ser^P B(Col].oquia) n°38) , BIOKETRICS PROBLEMS P 2^92

Biometrics problems in the prediction and estimation of the grov;th of plants in tropi cal and subtropical regions. Les problemes biometriques qui se posent dans la prevision et 1'estimation de la croissance des plantes dans les regions tropicales et sub-tropicales, Calcutta, decembre 1951*

Paris, 1953» 2^,5 cm., ill.

(Union internationals des sciences biologiques, Ser. B; 12) . BIOMETRIC SOCIETY

1955' Convegno genetica. Atti della I Reunione dell' Associazione genetica italiana e della IV reunione annuale della Biometric Society: regione italiana. Roma, 27 e 28 marzo 195^^*

Roma, 1955» 24,5 cm., ill. Supplemento a "La ricerca scientifica" BIOMETRIC SOCIETY P. 5428

1956. Convegno di genetica. Atti della II reu- nione dell' Associazione genetica italiana e della V reunione annuale della Biometric So ciety: Regione italiana. Pavia, 24-25 april 1955.

Roma, 1956, 24,5 cm,, ill, Supplemento a "la ricerca scientifica", BIOMETRIC SOCIETY P. 5^^28

1959* Convegno di genetica. Atti della IV Riunione dell'Associazione genetica italiana e della VII Riunione annuale della Biometric Society: Regione Italiana, Milano, 25-27 mag- gio 1957.

Roma, 1959» 24,5 cm., ill. Supplemento a "la ricerca scientifica", BIOMtlTRlKA... c 16.086

Biornetrlka tables for Statisticians. Edited by E.S.Pearson et H.O.Hartley, vol. I. Cambridge, 1956 238 p., 28,5 X 22,5 cm. BIOMETRY SOCIETY P. 5^28 f957* Convegno di genetica. Atti della III Riunione dell'Associazione genetica italiana e della VI Riunione annuale della Biometric Society: Regione italiana, Pisa, 29-30 aprile 1956.

Roma, 1957, 24,5 cm., ill. Supplemento a "la ricerca scientifica". BT'w-MORPllOSIS D. 49.848

Bio-Morphos is

Basel, Leipzig, Verl. S. Karger, 1938 (I, 1-2-3/4-5-6), 24,5ctn. BIOMPIIALARIA GLABRATA E. 12782

1967« Predator^r activity of luciola cruciata (Olivier, 1886) (Coleoptera ; lampyridae) larvae on Newly-hatched biomphalaria f^labrata by Mario de MARIA, J. PELLEGRINO & Koyo OKABE.

Fukuoka, 1967j 21,5 cm. Mushi vol , pars 9« BIOPHILOSOPHIE BL 51.577

Biophilosophie auf erkenntnistheoretischer Gnundlage ( Panpsychistischer Identismus).

Stuttgart. G. Fischer Verlag. I968. 23 cm. ill. BIOPOLITIK P. 5^67- STELLUNGNAHMEN LEBEWSSCHUTZTAGUNG TAGUNG SCHLAWGENBAD WIESBADEN Stellungnahiiien der Parteien des Deutschen Bundestages zur Bundestagswahl 1969 iiber die Erhaltung und Schaffung gesunder Lebensgrund- lagen fiir Mensch, Tier und Pflanze. HAMBURG. 1969. R4cm. Das Leben. Zeitsciirift Biologic und Lebenssciiutz. n° 10. BIO-PREPARARE.

Metode de bio-preparare. Lucrari ale primului Simpozion de bio-preparare. Ploiesti, Oct. 1971.

Ploiesti. Muzeul Stiintele Naturii. 1973. 20,Son. ill, BIC-FRSFA.^RZ,

Mctode de bio-proparare. Lucrari ale priiaului SiT.pozicn de bio-prepaxare. Plciesti, Oct. 1S71,

Ploiestl. Muzcul Stiintelo Naturii. 1973. 20,5cm. ill- BIOPPODUCTION GRASSLANDS A.8.700 BIOPRODUKCIJA LUGOV

Bioprodukcija lugov. Bioproduction of grf,issland


Bioprodukcija lugov. Bioproduction of grassland.

Tallin. 1986. 19,5 cm. ill. BIOPSIA INTRAOPERATORIA P hkz-]

1966.Significato e validita' della biopsia intra- operatoria nelle cardiopatie acquisite o cingenite A. BusincojA. Tarquini & C.D. Bergamini

Bologna.1966.26,5.ill. Atti Accademia delile Scienze dell' Institute di Bologna.Classe di Scienze Fisiche m^6rie anno 25^° Serie II n° 3 BIORAMA S 5.W3


Paris (F), I982 (l)- , 21cm. p. 2.678

Bios. Rivista di Biologxa sperimentale e generale.

Geneva, 1913(1)-1915(2) 25cni. ( a cesse de paraxtre). BIOSCIENCE DEPARTMENTS C. 18.95^^

Directory of BiOGcience Departments in the United States and Canada.

New York/London, Reinhold Publ. C°, 1967, 25,5cm. American Institute of hiological sciences. BIOSFEER EN MENS. A. 7.174

Biosfeer en Mens.

Wageningen. Centrum Landbouw publikaties & Landbouw- documentatie. 1970. 20 cm. ill. BIO-SKOOP


Kapellen. 1993. 24,5 cm. ill, BIOSPHAERE PROBLEMS RATIONAL USE CONSERVATION RESOURCES BIOSPHERE PROBLIIE NUTZUNG NUTZUNG ERHALTUNG Probleme der Nutzung und Erhaltung der Biosphare.- Problems of the Rational Use and Conservation of the Resources of the Biosphere. Koln. Deutsche Unesco-Konmission. I969. 24 cm. ill. Bericht iiber ein intemat.Colloquium der Deutschen UNESCO. Kommission veranstallet mit finanzieller Unterstutzung der UNESCO vom 17 bis 18 April I968 in Berchtsgaden. ^ BIOSPHERE. C. 19.893

The Biosphere.

San Prancisco. W.H. Freeman & Co. 19/0.30,3 cm. ill. A Scientific American Book. BIOSPHERE ZR. 7 RESEAU MONDIAL MONDIAL RESERVES RESERVES BIOSPHERE

Reseau mondial des reserves de Biosphere


The International Geosphere-Biosphere Prograinme :A Study of Global Change. The Initial Core Projects.

Stockholm. International Council of Scientific Unions. 1990. 29,5 cm. ill. Report 12. BIOSPHERE RESERVES R.97 man biosphere

Biosphere reserves. The Seville Strategy & the Statutory Framework of the World Network.

Paris. Unesco. 1996. 26 cm. Man and the Biosphere Programme. BIOSPHERE RESERVES WORLD NETWORK NETWORK BIOSPHERE

The world network of Biosphere reserves

Paris. Unesco. 1996. ill. BlOSPa'Siic.i:-

The Biosphe:;-'-;^B'alletin of the international hiological prti «

(J.?oyau.j;e =-01.11), 1967(1)-1971(10), 30cm. BIOSTRATIGRAFIA MEZOZOJA. C. 21.327

Fauna i biostratigrafija Mezozoja i Kainozoja Mongolii.

Moskva. Izdat. Nauka. 1974. 26,5 cm. ill. Trudy Sovestnaja Sovetsko-Mongol'skaja Paleontolo- glcheskaja Ekspedicija. Vyp. 1. BIOSTRATIGRAFIA PALEOZOA

Biostratigrafia paleozoa Sibirskoj Platformy.

Leningrad (U.R.S.S.), I96I- , 26cm. Serie incluse in!Trudy Vsesojuznogo Nauchna- Issledovatel'skogo Geologicheskogo Instituta (Vsegei).Novaja serija.196l(49)- BIOSTKATIi,j;^Ai''I(jHi:J.jKIJ ABCAiiliv. P. ^

Biostrati^raficheskij obornik. I. (kccueil biostr.-itigrafique I).

Leningrad. Trudy Vsesojuznogo Hauclmo-lssledo- vatel'skogo Geologicheskogo Instituta (VoEGLI) Novaja Serija 1'I5. 27 cm. ill. BIOSTRATIGRAFII DEVONA. + NOVYE DANNYE.

Novye dannye po Biostratigrafii devona i verkhnego paleozoja Sibiri.

Moskva.Izdaf'Nauka".1957.25,5 cm.ill. Akademia Nauk S.S.S.R. Sibiskoe Otdelenie. Institut Geologii 1 Geofisiki. BIQSTRATIGRAFII KONTINENTAL'NYKH C.24.263 KQNTINENTAL'NYKH TOLSHCH VOPROSY BIDSTRATIGRAFII

Voprosy Biostratigrafii Kontinental'nykh Tolshch. Trudy III sessii Vsesojuznogo Paleontologiches- kogo Bbshchestva (24-29 Jan.1957 g.)

Moskva. Vsesojuznoe Pal. Obshchsstva. 1959. 26,5 cm. ill. BIOSTRATIGRAFIJA I FAUNA.

Biostratigrafija i fauna VerKhnego Kembrija i pogranichnykh s Nim sloev. (Novye dannye po AziatsKoi Chasti S.S.S.R.

Novosibirsk. Izdat. "Nauka". 1977. 26 cm. ill. Akad. Nauk S.S.SR. Sibirskoe Otdelenie - Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki. Vyp. 313. 357 pp.

565.1 (113.2] 564.8 (113.2] 565.393 (113.2] BIOSTRATIGRArIJA

Biostratigrafija mezoaojskikh i tretichnijkh Otloze nij zapodnoj Siberi L EH£ D£ 0_ i/, /Biostratigraphic des depots du Meszoxque et du Ter tiaire de la Siberia Occidentale. I. II. Atlas des planches paleontologiques et leurs le gendes. Atlas.paleontologicheskikh tablic i ob'jas- nenija k nim.

Leningrad, Gos Nauchn.Techich.Izd.Neftj. i Gorno- Topliv.Liter.Leningr .Ol^^del. , 1962, 27, ill. 'W BIDSTRATIGRAFIJA PALEOZOJA C.: PALEOZOJA SARND-ALTAJSKOJ SAPNO-ALTAJSKDJ GOPNOJ

Biostratigrafija Paleozoja Sarno-AltajsKoj gornoj oblasti. Tom III VerKhnij Paleozoj.

Novosibirsk. 1962. 26,5 om. ill. Trudy SibirsKogo Nauohno-issledovatel'skogo Inst. Geologii, Geofiziki i Mineral'nogo Syr'ja (Sniiggims]. 21., BIOSTRATIGRAFICHESKII SBORNIK P.2.217

Biostratigraficheskii Sbomik. Paleontologija i Stratigrafija paleozoja S.S.S.R.

Leningrad. 1978. 21,5 an. ill. Trudy Vsesojuz Ordena Lenina Naudmo-Issledov Geologic±Leskii Institut (Vsegei) N.S. 289. EIOSTRATIGKAPKIE

Biostratigrarhie des doi^ots du Mesozoique et du Ter tiaire de la Siberie Occidentale . L£&E OE \j j:. '\,f Bios;^ratigrafija mezozojskihk i trettichnukh Ctloze nij zapodnoj Siberi. I.

II. Atlas des planches paleontologiques et leurs legendes. Atlas paleontologicheskikh tablic i ob' jasnenija k nim.

Leningrad, Gos.Nauchn.T^ihtick Izd.Neftj. i Gorno- BIOSTRATIGRAFIA PALEOZOJA. C. 18.249 a

Biostratigrafija paleozoja Sajano-Altarskoi gomoi oblasti. Tom II. Srednii Paleozoi.

Novosibirsk. 1960. 26,5 cm. ill. Trudy Sibirskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Instituta Geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo Syrija (SNIIGGIMS) Vyp. 20. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIE

Zur Palaontologie \md Biostratigraphie des Palaozoikums und Mesozoikams. Teil III.

Leipzig. 1968. 29,5 cm. ill. in: Preiberger Porschungshefte Palaontologie, C 23^. BIOSTRATIGRAPIIIE. P. 32^3

Zur Palaontolohjie und Biostratigraphie der Palaozo.ilavr.s tmd Mesozoikums Earopa.-

Leipzigo 1967-!970„ ill, Preiberger ror;:ch.ungshefte. Palaontologii n'-' G,213o 0,22"'„ 0,234 - G, 256, BIOSTRATIGEAPHIE. P. ,5,2^13

Zur ?aT?on'^ol^gie imd Biostrati- g-papl*-'.a do5 Palaoaoikums und Meso- zcikums Europas. Teil VII.

Leip'oj.g. 197'I» 29,5 cm. ill. P:vs:'lkargar Por>schiingsh.efte. I'alaonva 0.26? • BIOSTRATIGRAPHIE. P. 3=243

Zur Palaontologie und Biostratigraphie des Palaozoikums und Mesozoikums EuropaSo Teil VIII=

Leipzig. 1972. 29,5 cm. ill. Freiberger Forschungshefte. C 276 Palaontologie. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIQUES C.24.026 •EVONIEN SUPERIEUR ferques PRECISIONS BIGSTRATIGRAPHigUES

Precisions biostratigraphiques relative au Devonien superieur de Ferques (Boulonnais) .

Lille. 1980. 27 cm. ill. Extrait des Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord. p. 159-166. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIOUE

1967^ Receuil biostratigraphique. fasc. 2,

Leningrad. 1967- 26,5 cm. ill. in: Ministerstvr Geologu S.S.S.R. Nouw serie, vol.- 116. BIOSTRATIGRAPHiqUE P. 2217

Recueil biostratigraphique. fasc. 3'

Leningrad. 196?. 27 cm. ill. in: Trudy Vzsojuznogo Nauchno Inledovatelskogo Geologischeskogo Instituta (Vsegli) . tom 129. BIOSTAEIGRAPHISCHE FORSCHUNG. P 550C PLEISTOZAN - STAND 196?. 1967. Ueber die biostratigraphische Forschung im nordeuropaische Pleistozan - Stand I967t von Gerd LUTTIG, Burchard MENKE & Heinrich SCNEE - LOOTH.

Kiel, 1967, 24 cm.

Schriftenaustuch Geologischen Landesarates Schleswig - Holstein, IO/67. BIOSYSTEMA C.25,414

Biosystema. 2 & 3.

Paris, Societe frangalse de Systematique, 1988, 29,5 cm, ill. biosys™atics ecolojy ECOLOGY SERIES

Biosystematics and Ecology series.

Wien. Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1993. 24 cm. ill. Biosystematics and Ecology Series. 2. Cc 20.7PA C, 20,725

Eiosycter.G r.odeling, A preliniinary "biblio- grcphic Surveyo luzienbcurgo '''975o-29,5 cn, Ccrar-isEion oi "blie luropecii Ccminunities Joint Kucloar Research Center Isprao LURo as6 5 e.o BICLLEY, P. E.16.650

Ortopteros recogidos en Costa Rica, s .1 .ed ., s .d ., ppAI/53m 29 BIOT P. ^269.

1833- Nouveaux faits pour servir a 1 'histoire de la vegetation.

Paris, 1833» 20 cm. in: Annales des Sciences Naturelles XXX, pp. 251-267. BIOT, P 3.392 BECQUEREL, Edmond. BiijC vj^UiiiREE f

Meinoire sur la phosphorescnece produite par la lumiere electrique.

Paris, 18391 31.

(in: Archives Museum Hist. Natur.: I, 21^-2^1) BIOT, Adhenar, F ^085 DdAANBT, Felix.

La galorie d'llordier a Spy.

Bruxelles, llayez, 1951 36 p., ^ fii.; 1 tabl.h.t. dans; " .iem. I.R.Sc.II.ii. "- lere serie no 119. BIOT, A. B. ^i7.0'i5 SCHEERE, J.

Decouverte d' un Tonstein dans le V.'estpha- lien A (Zone de Genlc) du bassin de Charleroi

Bruxelles, I96O 3 p., 25 cm. ext "Bull.See.Beige Geol.Paleont.& Ilydrob" T.LXIX, fasc. 2 BIOT, A. B. ^i7.0^6 SCHEERE, J

Decouverte d' un Tonstein dans le u'estpha- lien A (Zone de Genk) du bassin de Charleroi

Bruxelles, I960 3 p., 25 cm.

^xt "Bull.Soc.Beige Geolog.Paleont,& Hydrob." T.LXIX, fasc.2 BIOT, Adhemar ,DEI,14IBE?,Felix D 1.683 PASIIELS , Andr e , IT:. LIIERS,Yvonne 1 VAN LECr.,'IJCK, willism.

Etude geologique du Bassin houiller de Charlaroi.- la Concession lergnee-Aiseau- Presle (lere partie).

Bruxelles, 1951 155 p., fig.> 9 Pl., 31,5X2" cm. (dans " Associat, Paleontol. Stratig. houil. Public, no 9 " ) BIOTA AMAZONICA.

Atas do Simposio sobre a biota Amazonica vol. To3o4o5.6o7.

Rio de Janeiro. 7967. 23 cm, ill. Conselho nacional Pesquisas. BIDTECHNOLOGIE C. 23 . 539

Journee d ' information oonsacree aux developpements en matiere de bioteohnologie Bruxelles, le 23 mai 1980.

Bruxelles. 19BG. 29,5 cm. Service du Premier Ministre. Programmation de la Politique Scientifique. 91 pp. BIOTECHNOLOGIE C.23.537

Informatiedag gewijd aan de ontwikkelingen Op het vlak van de biotechnologie. Brussel 23 mei 1980.

Brussel. I960. 29,5 cm. Diensten van de Eerste Minister-Programma- tie can het Wetenachapsbeleid. BIOTECHNOLOGIE S . 5 . 156

Informatiedag gewijd aan de ontwiKKe1ingen op het vlaK van de biotechnologie. Brussel 23 Nei 1980

Brussel. 1960. •iensten van de Eerste Minister.Programma- tie van het Wetenschapsbeleid. p. 6. 188

Bi ot ec hno 1Qg i e • 2. Internationales Symposiun vom 2.12.-5.12.1980 in Leipzig.

Berlin. 1982. 24,5 cm. ill. Abhand1ungen der AKademie der Wissen- schaften der DDR. Abteilung MathematiK, IMaturwissenschaften, TechniK, N. 2. PS.4.648

La biotechnologie : prcmesses et ecueils.

Paris. 1991. 29,5 cm. ill, UNESCO. Nature & Ressources, vol. 27j n° 3. p.4.782

La biotechnologie : promesses et ecueils.

Paris, 1991. 29,5 cm. ill. UNESCO. Nature & Ressources, vol. 27, n° 3. p.1.751

Les Biotechnologies. Les voies de la recherche la realite industrielle 1'environnenient des Biotechnologies.

Paris. 1988. 29,5 cm. ill. Annales des Mines? Octobre-Novembre 1988. BIOTECHNOLOGIES E.36.150 JOURNEE INFORMATION DEVELOPPEMENTS

Journees d'informayion consacree aux Developpe- ments en matiere de Biotechnologies.

Bruxelles. Programmation de la Politique scienti- fique. 1980. 29,5 cm. ill. BIOTECHNOLOGY E.37.707 MODERN INSECT CONTROL NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES

Modern Insect Control Nuclear Techniques and Bio- technology.

Vienna. International Atomic Energy Agency. 1988. 24 cm. ill. Proc. of a symposium Vienna 16-20 nov.1987 jointly organized by IAEA and PAO. BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPING R.263 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TRANSFER AGRICULTURAL AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY

The Transfer of Agricultural Biotechnology to Developing Countries. A series of case studies.


The Transfer of Agricultural Biotechnology to Developing Countries. A series of Case Studies,

Washington. Biotechnology Industry Ograni- zation. 1996. 27,5 cm. p.6.697 aiotechwijzer.

Utrecht. 1997. 41 cm. ill. Stichting Wetenschap en Techniek. BIOTHEORETICAE P S,kS7

Scholae Biotheoreticae.

Tartu (SU), 1988 (l^)~ , 20cm. BIOTIC PROVINCES. C. 20.597

Biotic Provinces of the world

Morges. 1974. 29,5 cm. ill. lUCN Occasional ^aper n° 9. BIOTOPES. c 17.221.

Biotopes de Huate altitude Ruwenzori II et Virunga.- Etudes diverses. Bruxelles, I96I. p., ill., 28 cm.

(in:" Explora t. Pare Nat. Albert-2e ser. Mission H.H. MoHaret - fasc. 11). BIOTOPES HAUTE ALTITUDE. C

1961. Biotopes de haute altitude Ruwenzori II et Virunga. Etudes diverses.

Bruxelles, I96I, 27,5 cm. ,111.

Exploration Pare National Albert Mission Henri H. MOLLARET, 2e. serie, fasc. II. p. 4.000

Etude des proprietes d'oxydes mixtes solubles en milieu organique.

Bruxelles. Palais des Academies.1977. 24,5 cm,ill. Academic Royale de Belgique. demoires de la Classe des Sciences. Collection in-8°-2e serie. T. XLII. Fasc. 4. BIOURGE, Ph. B 10480 Dosage de I'aoiidon, Sa dissolution par I'acide trichloracetique. (Louvain),A.Uystpruyst-Dieudonne,1908. 22p., 24x16cm. •I OgoJ "1 ^'1 *^+X0 Ij^•'[U L'J t- L"L t" 1" '-^'•^ 'l' II i-' ^ tJ.iO -. v> wtt i. Ib b LOL.. j_

'm ' "-^oL ''icol *•>1^1 t-'i '-i i-1" l'l !-•-'t-^-

». I ••w' u V.I. L»' • L'. O.. *-' b' ' 4*

' d ij L)_ y.

yU, 0 0U.U3, I'll. 3 21302

Les levures

(Louvain), 1895* 15 p., 24,5 X 16 cm. BIOURGE, Ph. B 20119

Maladies des arhres fruitiers. Observa- tions personnelles.

s. 1. ed.n.d. 10 p., 22,5 X 14 cm.

9 BI0URG3, m, B 2992 PenicilliuJi^ leucopus (persoon) Biourge. (I^ris),1919. 3jj0 ^ ( dans C2R»Soc.Bio1.,t ,L10aLII,p .877, 1919) BIOURGE, Ph, C 5578

Peritheces et sclerotes chez les Peni- cillium.

(Lierre).(J.Van In et Cie); (Louvain;,(A.Uystpruyst),(1925). Bp,, Ipl,, 29x20cm. (dans La Cellule,XXXVI,2e partie) BIOURGE, 1^1. J3 2991

Position taxonor;iique de I'Oospora Crus tacea (Bull.) Sacc. (Paris),1919, 2p., 23,5xl5,5cni. (dans G.R.Soc .Biol. , t ,Ii}SXII,p,950,1919) BIOURGE, Ph. B 45.426

Precis d'Agriculture genersle et de Chimie agricole a 1'usage des eleves de I'Institut agronomique de Louvain.

Louvain, 1899 251 p.» 25,5X16 cm. HIOUKGE, Ph. b 7653

•^uelques notes sur le tannin du hciblon s.1.ed.n.d. 24,5xl6crTi. BIOUHGE, PH. C 6965

Hecnercnes morpnologiques et, chimiques sur les grains de pollen.

Lierre,J.Van In,1892. 34p.j 2pl.5 28,5x20,5cm BIOURGE, Ph. C 3023

Recherches sur la fermentation alccoli- que. (Lierre),(J.Van In);(Louvain),(A.Uystpruyst (1895). 14p., 27,5x20cm. (dans "La Cellule",t.XI,ler.fasc,) BIOURGE, Ph. C. 18.275

Recherches morphologiques et chimiques sur les grains de pollen.

Lierre, Van In, I892, 29t5 cm.

(Memoire de botanique, presents au concours de 1891-1892, pour la collation des bourses de voyage et agree par le Jury). BiounaE, ?ii. B 21803

Retrospectives. s. 1. ea. n. d. 3 p., 24,5 X 16 cm BIO-WETENSCHAPPEN MAATSCHAPPIJ S 6.377

Cahlerc bio-wetenschappen en maatschappij, Leiden 'NL), 1979 (2,4)- , 20cm# BIPPES, H. P. 4.538

Experimentelle Untersvichung des laminar-t.urbulenten Umschla'gs an einer parallel angestromten konkaven Wand.

Berlin-Heidelberg. 1972. 23 cm. ill. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Jahrg. 1972. 3. Abhandl. p 53 53

EUR 4477 f


Commission des Communaiites eiiropeennes Rapport (itabli par le Commissariat a I'Enorgic Atomiquc fran^ais Departcment des Etudes de Piles Contrat Euratom N" 002-04-9 TRUF Luxembourg, novembre 1970 - 234 pages - 28 figures - FB 300,—

Cettc synthese des travaux effcctues depuis 195S par le C.E.A. sur les combustibles ii base de plutonium et les combustibles irradies dans les rOacteurs de puissance cst divisec en quatre parties. I. On decrit les methodes utilisdcs pour I'analyse des combustibles : analyse par dilution isotopiquc et ses ameliorations recentcs, methodes physiques basees surlecomptage soitdes neutr^^j^ •lafission spontance du plutonium 240, soit des a emis par le plutonium; c ethodes permettent d'obtenir une pre- BIRABEN, Jean-Noel, P. 53^4 CHAMLA, Marie—Claude,

Les hommes epipaleolithiques de Cdumnata ( Algeria occidentale) Etude anthropologique avec la collaboration de Jean Dastugue®

Alger/Paris® 1970* 27 cm® ill® in; Memoires du Centre de Recherches Anthro— pologiques, Prehistoriques et Ethnographi- qu e s , XV • BIRBERG, W. P.6.237

Synthesis p(3f Phytoalexin-Elicitor Active Oligo- saccharides and Stereocontrolled Sialylation using ihioglycosides.

Stockholm. 1991. 24 cm, ill. Chanical Conmunications, n° 6. BIRCH, B.R. B.58.663 GANGULI, L.A. PERERA, B.S.

Sensitivity of Bacillus cereus to twelve antibiotics, s.l. 1984. 23,5 cm. From Dmgs exptl. din. Res. vol. 10, n° 11, pp. 797-799. BIRCH, D.G. P.4.404 ENOCH, J.M.

Comment on inferres positive phototropio activity in human photoreoeptors.

Londin. 1985. 29,5 om. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal See. of London. B. Biological Sciences, vol. 309, nr. 1141, pp. 611/613. BIRCH, D. P.4.404 ENOCH, J.N.

Inferred positive phototropic activity in human photoreceptors.

London. 1961. 29,5 cm. ill. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc. of London. B. Biological Sciences vol. 291;' nr. 1051. BIRCH, G.F, P.6.578

Quaternary sedimentation off the East Coast of Southern Africa (Cape Padrone to Cape VidalK

Pretoria. 1996. 29,5 cm. ill. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of South Africa 118. BIRCH, G.F. . •/• P.6.578 DAY, R.W., e.a.

Nearshore Quaternary sediments on the West Coast of Southern Africa.

Pretoria. 1991. 29,5 cm. ill. Bulletin of the Geological Survey. 101. BIRCH, F. P +699 SCHAIRER, J.F. SPICER, C.H.

Handbook of Physical Constants.

Geol.Soc., 19^+2 3^+0 p ., 23 tabl.,

" ueol.Soc.America - Spec.Papers 36. BIRCH, L.G. B 43. ANDREWARTHA, H.G.

The Distribution and abundance of animals. Chicago, Univ.Chicago Press, (1954) 782 p., fig., 25 X 18 cm. BIRCH CREEK PAPERS P, 363

Birch Creek papers 11° 2 natural and cultu ral stratigraphy in the Birch Creek Valley of Eastern Idaho, by Earl H. SWANSON Jr., B.Robert BUTLER and Robson BONNECHSEN

Pocatello (Idaho), 196^j 27i5 cm., ill. Occasional Papers of the Idaho State Uni versity Museum, nr. ik. BIRCH, G.F. P. 519 DINGLE, R.V., e.a.

Deep-Sea sedmentary environments around Southern Africa (South-East Atlantic and South-West Indian Oceans).

Cape Town. 1987. 24,5 cm. ill. Annals of the South African Museum.vol. 98, part 1. BIRCHON D. B.49.078

Optical microscope technique. A Newnes practical science book

London, George Newnes Limited, I96I, 22 cm., ill. BIRD BANDING Works of the Biireau of Birdbanding (Trudy Byuro Kol'tvevaniya, Moskva, Izdat. minister- stva sel'skogo khozyaistva S.S.S.R., 1955 ( (VIII), 1957 (IX) Translated from Russian

Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific Translations cat. 105, I960 issue 8 cat. 995 1962 issue 9i 24,5cm., ill. BIRD BAI'JDING V/ORKS. B ^7.3; VJorks of the Bureau of Bird Banding,- Selected articles from issue VIII.- V.F. Ryabov.-Editor. Translated from Russian. Moscow, 1955. 23 p., ill., 2^,5 cm. BIRD... A

The Bird hook, - Auckland war memorial Museum Exhibition. s.l^ed., 1955 W p., 21 X 1^- cm. BIRD ECOLOGY IVEETING BIOMASS BIOMASS WORKING WORKING PARTY

Meeting of Biomass Working Party on Bird Ecology. Marburg, West Germany 20-22 September 1984.

S.I. SCAR/SCOR/IABO/ACMR. 1984. 29,5 cm/ Biomas Report Series 4l. BIRD HAND. S. 380k SMITH, A.E. CORNWALLIS, R.K.

1964. The bird in the hand. A field guide for ringers and bird observatory workers.

Hertfordshive. British Trust for Ornithology. 1964, 21cm., ill. (British Trust for Ornithology Field Guide. 6) . BIRD HAZARDS. C. 20.202 + STUDIES BIRD.

Studies of bird hazards to aircraft.

Ottawa. 1971. 28 cm. ill. Canadian Wildlife Service. Report Series 14 BIRD. c 13.527

The Bird Ringcom.- A truthful presentation of Bird Life.

Chicago, The Orthovist Cy,(l934) p. , fig. , 27001x22 BIRD LEAFLETS s. 2.905

Bird Leaflets. National Audubon Spciety. n°5 (alson 155) n° 151, 157, 158, Ifti

Nev; York, Nat.Audubon Soc., 1956- ,21,^ ill


Bird Life International. Annual review.

Cambridge. 1995. 29,5 cm. ill. nTRD 4ft,765

'Pll p 1 i -j in rr T^1 TT H

T-f}nr>pp TTin-i\ror-9n+"*'"^ 24 , =; , -ill, S<^ronH p-r»r>v'^1 0"r T In+ o ^V 'n -T 0 -r"n "i |n O 1

The Bird-Lover's Bedside Book. Edi ted by R .ii .LOCi'LEY. London, EYRE & SPOTTIo'.OODE, 1958. 330p., fig., -, 17,5. Bil'd I!:'"Ti i or.. for Crni tho.lO'""'. . BIRD-OBSSHVATORY.

Fait Isle Bird Observatory.

(Edinburgh) (G.V/aterston) s.d. 15 p.j l6f., 21,5x13>5cm; BIRD PREY

Bird of prey Survey

Cape Town. 1901. 19,5 cm. ill. dept. Nature S Environmental Conservation Cape Provincial Administration.

502.7:598.9 598.9 BIRD PREY S.5.236

Bird of prey Survey.

Cape Town. 1981. 19,5 cm. ill. Dept. Nature S Environmental Conservation Cape Provincial Administration.

502.7:598.9 598 .9 CH/.KCELLOR, RoDc Bo 55ol53 BIRD OF PREY.

I'.'crld Conference en birds of preyo Report of proceedings - Vienna i975o

Eesingstokeo 1977o 23 cmo illo Internaticnel Council for Bird Preservationo /y.2 ppo BIRD PROTECTION, C. 21.199

Synoptic summary of principal legislatives measures concerning bird protection Europe (January 1932).

Bruxelles. 1933. 25,5 cm. International Office for the Protection of Nature. y I- o o 17 u uaiu BIRD RINGING. A. 7.400

Bird ringing.

Tring. British Trust Ornithology. 21 cm. ill. BTO Guide 16. BIRD SANCTUARIES B. 51.^80

Report Bird sanctuaries in royal parks in Scotland.

Edinburgh, 1930-1935, 21,5cm., ill. BIRD WATCHER A,6.261

The bird watcher's field note book

Hertfordshire, John Dickinson, s.d., 16 cm., ill. BIRr. B 4-1.401

Bird v/3tching. The fifteenth annual report of the British Trust for Ornitho logy. 1948. (Oxford, Potter Press) s.d. 48 p. , fig., 21X14 cm. BIRD, A.F. B. 56 . 129

The Structure of Nematodes.

New York/London. Academic Press. 1971. 23,5 cm. ill. 318 pp. BIRD, Ch.D. IRELAND, R.R., e . a .

ChecKlist of the Mosses of Canada.

Ottawa. 196D. 24,5 cm. ill. Publications in Botany, nr. B. BIRD, D.I. P.164 ROSE, N.n.

Hydrothermally altered dolerite dyKes in East Greenland: implications for Da-metasomatism of basaltic protoliths.

Copenhagen. 1993. 27,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen Contributions to Geology n° 722. BIRD, D.K. P.164 BROOKS, O.K., e.a.

A Gold-Bearing Horizon in the Skaergaard intrusion. East Greenland.

Denmark. 1991. 26,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the Univ. of Copenhagen. Contributions to Geology n° 663. BIRD, D.K. P. 170 ROGERS, R.D., Sad..

Mineralized fracture systans of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland.

Copenhagen. 1986. 26,5 cm. ill. Meddelelser cm Gr^nland, Geoscience 16. BIRD; D.K. P.164 ROSING, M.T., e.a.

Geologic field studies of the Miki Fjord Area, East Greenland.

Copenhagen. 1985. 25 cm. ill. Bull. geol. Soc. denmark, vol. 34, pp. 219-236. Geological Museum of the Uhiv. of Copenhagen. Contributions to Geology n° 507. BIRD, D.K. ROSING, M.T., e.a.

Hydration of corundum-bearing xenoliths in the Oorqut Granite Complex, GodthSbsfjord. West Green land.

Copenhagen. 1987. 26,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen Contributions to Geology n° 537. BIRD, E.C.F.

Coasts. Cambridge(MA) London. Mit Press. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1969* 22 cm. ill. An Introduction to systematic Geomorphology,n°^. BIRD, Isaoella L. A 2326

Unbeaten tracks in Japan

London,J.Murray,1880. 2vol,, 2lxl4cm. BIRD, John, M. + RASETTI, Franco,

Lower, Middle, and Upper Cambrian faunas in the taconic sequence of Eastern New York Stratigraphic and biostratigraphic Signifiance.

Boulder(Col). I968. 23 cm. ill. in: The Geological Society of America Special Paper nr. 113. BIRD, Jimius B. P 2.231 BENNETT, Wendell C.

Andean Culture History. New-York, 19^+9 319 p., fig., 20,5 X 1^,5 cm, dans: " Handb.Ser.Americ.Mus.Nat.History " 9° 15. BIRD, K.J. P.627 MAGOON, L.B.

Petroleum Geology of the Northern Part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska.

Washington. 1987. 27 cm. ill. U.S. G^logical Survey Bulletin 1778 + cartes. BIRD, G.A. B. 60. 787

Deformities in cultured Chironomus tentans larvae and the influence of substrate on growth, survival and mentum wear. s.l. Kluwer. 1997. 24 cm. ill. Ex. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment vol. 45, pp. 273-283. BIRD, Paul, C. 16.387

A new occurence and X-ray study of mosesite,

New-York 1932. Extr. Amer. Mineralogist vol.17 n°12, dec.1932 et Columbia Univ, Dept. Geology contr. vol.47 n°l4 - 10 p. 31 cm X 23. Bira, Paul. C.l6.3i KRIEGEP, Philip.

J'lounting polished surfaces in bakelite.

New-York 1932. Extr. Economic Geol. vol.27 - n°7 - 1932 et Columbia Univ. Dept. of Geology contr. vol.^7 - n°6 - ^ p. 30 cm X 23. BIRD, R.T. S.5.854

Bones for Bamum Brown. Adventures of a Dinosaur Hunter.

Fort Wbrth. Texas Christian Univ.Press. 1985. 30 an. ill. BIRD, S.O. C.22.618

Eden in Peril: The troubled waters of the Chesapeake Bay.

Virginia. 1985. 28 an. ill. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Publ. 56. BIRD, Samuel, 0. P. 4807

1968. A pelecypod fauna from the Gaptank forraa- -tion (Pennsylvanian ) West Texas. Ithaca. (N.Y.) I968. 111. | in; Bulletins American Paleontology, vol. 54, no. 2 no. 240. BIRD, Samuel 0. P k^'^

Upper tertiary arcacea of the Mid- Atlantic coastal plain

Ithaca ( N-Y), 19^5, 30 cm., ill.

Palaeontographica Americana - Vol V- 3^ BIRD, S.O. C.22.618 McDO.\[ALD, J.N.

The Quaternary of Virginia -A Symposium volume.

Charlottesville, Virginia. 1986. 28 cm. ill. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Publication 75. BIRD, T.D. BARCLAY, J.E., e.a.

Triassic Gas resources of the Western Canada Sedi mentary Basin, Interior Plains. Part I: Geological Play analysis and resources assessment.

Ottawa. 1994. 28 cm. ill. Geological Survey of Canada. Bulletin 483, pp. 1-BB BIRDS. PETERSON, Roger, Tory.

1964. The birds.

Amsterdam. Proost-Brandt NV. 1964. 28cm, ill (LIFE nature Library). BIRDS P. HARRISON, C.J.O. COV/LES, G.S. DAHL, A.L.


London. 1970. 2d-,5 cm. ill. in: Britisii Museim (Natural History) Instructions fot Collections, nr. 2A. BIRDS AFRICAN S.2.93^

African handbook of Birds. 2d edition. Serie I; vol I.

London, Longmans, ^reen & 0°, 1957i ill. BIRDS (AFRICAN HANDBOOK). P, 41o609

Birds of West Central and Western Africa=

Londono Longman. 1970. ill. African Handbook of Birds. Series III.vol. BIRDS... C 1687

Birds of America. New York, The Univer sity Inc.,(1917). v.: Nature lovers li brary, vol. I, II, III. BIRDS.,. C 10571

Birds of America; with plates in full color by Louis Agassiz Fuertes.

New York, 1936, 768p., fig., 106pl., 29x21cra BTODS ANIMALS. s 2.79^

Birds and Animals of Australia.

Melbourne, s.d, 31 p., ill., 18 cm. BIRDS BEAR RIVER C.22.865

Seasonal abundance of birds on the Bear River refuge.

Washington. 1979. 28 cm. ill. U.S. Dept. Interior. Fish & Wildlife Service. BIRDS...

Birds of Borneo and i'ala'>7an. s.l.ed.n.d. 50p., 23,5x17,5ciii. BIRDS BRITAMIA B AO.591

Birds from Britannia,

(London), Logmans,(1962), 25 cm,,ill. BIRDS BRITISH ISLES. c, 1:5,362

The birds of the British Isles, vol. 12 Stercorariidae, Alcidae, Rallidie, Te- traonidae, Phasianidae, Edinburgh/ London, Oliver & Boyd. 1963- ill. BIRDS.'... s 1.828

Birds an' Butterflies.

Great-Britain, s.d. 80 p., fig., pl., 23 X 17j5 cm. BIRDS... B 6514

Birds collected during de Whitney South Sea Expedition. l-yDCJ^ XXX xxx/i/ xxxu-xxxy/ ' New York,1933, XX-388p,j 2Cfig.j 24j5xl6crn. (dans American Museum Novitates,1924- 1933) p.170 Birds of East Greenland; by H. DEICHMAnn.


K^benhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag, 19o9, 8®, pp, 143- 156 in : Meddelelser cm Greenland, Bd. 29, IV. BIRDS A. 5.285

Birds and their eggs 9"th edition.

London, British Museum, ^95^5 i7cm., ill Instructions for collections, n°2. BIRDS EGGS

Birds and their eggs 91^^ edition.

London, British MuseniTi, ^95'^, i7<"-ra. , ill Instructions for collections, n°2 f '• r-f /- ^ V. n • • V I

,'!n 1 <•• ^ , 1

r* f"' •' 'i'"^ • >•"• ' •' ''*'' Oi'Tiitho"' o """' r.l • ;•• T)'

•^,0'~'C PC •'" TTpv^- Zoolo^ii i Bctppihi. BIRDS ESTUARIES. c. 19.9^0

B.T.O./ R.S.P.B. Birds of Estuaries Enquiry. Report on the pilot survey.

Tring. 197'1- 25,5 cm. British Trust Ornithology. BIRDS. ... B. ^9.605

Birds and Green Places. A se^iilection from the wri tings of W.H. HUDSON.

The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, The Royal Soc.Prot, Birds, 196'+, 21,5 cm., ill. BIRDS

Birds and Green Places, A selection from the writings of W,H, Hudson, (The Lodge,Sandy,Bedfortshire),(The royal Soc, Protection of Birds), (196/^0, PI,5 cm,, ill. The birds of Heard Island; by M.C. C.15.048 DOWNES and others.

Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition (ANARE)

SERIE B, vol. I: Zoology Scientific Reports

Melbourne, Ant. Divv Dep. Ext. Affairs, 1959 (nov.), 8°, pp.135, ill., tabl., carte.

(rel.) BIRDS LONDON AREA B ^9.531

The birds of the London Area. By a committee of the London Natural His tory Society. (2nd edit. "The Birds of the London Area since 1900" London, 1957)

London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 196^, 22 cm.,ill. BIRDS, B ^5-3^5

The Birds of the London Area Since 19OO.

London, Collins, 1937« 305 p*» ^0 fig»» 6 cartes, 22,5 x 15 cm. Di:iD ... B. 45.3;0

The Birds of the London area since I9OO.

London, Collins, 1957. 305 p., pi., 22;5 X I5'5 cm. BIRDS...

The birds of Louisiana.

New Orleans,1931. 598p., pi., fig'j 23x15,5cm. (dans State of Louisiana, Department of C0nS0fVijtio)i,Bull.n'32O) BIRDS. A. 7.834

Check-List of Japanese Birds. Fifth & revised edition + Addeads & Corri§eads.

Tokyo. Gakken Co. Ltd. 1975. 22 cm. The Ornithological Society of Japan. 3 vol-

598.2 3Ii\DS ChlJ-iij. B.52,560

The birds of Chile and adjacent regions of Argentina,Bolivia and Peru.(with 100 Goleur- plates by J,D,Goodall)2 vol.

Buenos Aires.Platt Establis.Graficas.1965•23,5 cm.ill. BIRDS LOWER CHOBE RIVER P. 5389. IRWIN, Michael P. Stuart NIVEN, P.N.F. WINTERBOTTOM, d.1.

Some birds of the lower choDe river area Botswana, by Michael P.Stuart IRWIN, P.N.F.NIVEN, J.M.WINTERBOTTOM.

CAUSEWAY BULAWAYO. 1969- 23cm. ill.


Marine oil pollution and birds.

Sandy. Royal Soc. for the Protection of Birds. 1980. 29,5 cm. ill. BIRDS MATSALU.

Matsalu maastik ja Linnud. Landscape and birds of Matsalu.

Tallinn. Valgus. 1973. 22 cm. ill. Omitoloogiline Kogumik. VI. BIRDS

The nigratory birds convention act and federal regulations for the protection of migratory birds. Ottav/a, J.O .Patenaude , I93^» I^ p., 25. BIRDS...

Birds observed near Dunkerque. s.I.^d. y1919. 5p., 29x14,5cm. (dans British Birds,vol.XII,Nr.10,199, pp.233-236) BIRDS NORTH AMERICA A 8.675

Field Guide to the Birds of North America. -

Washington ; National Geographic Society, 1983. -

111. ; 20,5 on. BIRDS NORTHUMBRIA B 52.936

Birds in Northumbria.Report of the Tyneside Bird Club, Newcastle upon Tyne (Grande Bretagne), 1970- 21,5cm. BIRDS '19.005 Birds Oiseairc Vdgel, Paris, Service de 1'Information Aeronauti que,^1968, 29cm,,iIlo Secretariat general a 1'Aviation civile Direction de la Navigation aerienne. BIRDS *.. C 1687

Birds of other lanas, Reptiles, fishes, jointed animals and lower forms. New York, The University Society Inc., (1917). v.: •^^ature lovers library, vol. VI. BIRDS, s 1.81V Birds - Ihr .leisures cf Bird v;atching'.

(Great Britain) s.d. 31 p., fig. 5 23 X 17,5 cr",. BIRDS PROJECT GUIDE GUIDE PROTECTION BIRDS

Project guide. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Sandy. Royal Soc. for the Protection of Birds, s.d. 29,5 on. ill. BIRDS.

G^ulc'cicr. GC'j-^ccv of I-'ic;rax:ion birc.s Syrr.po sium BIRDS SOUTHi\PRICa B 46.523

Roberts Birds of South Africa. Revised by G.R. Maclachlan & R. Liversidge.

Cape Town, Cape Times Ltd, 195B 504 p., illust. BIRDS SOUTHEASTERN P. 19&0

1967. The birds of Southeastern Victoria Island and adjacent small islands, by David F. PARMELEE, H.A. STEPHENS, Richard H. SCHMIDT.

Ottawa, 19<37, 2^-,5 cm., ill. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin, 222. BIRDS SOUTHEASTERN VICTORIA ISLAND P. I98O

1967. The birds of the Southeastern Victoria Island and adjacent small islands, by David F, PARMELEE, H.A. STEPHENS, Richard H. SCHMIDT.

Ottawa, 1967* 2.k cm. , ill. National Museum of Canada. Bulletin, 222. B. 51.225 BIRDS Birds of the Soviet Union vol. IV (Ptitsy Sovetskogo soyuza T, IV). Translated from russian by A. Birron, Z.S. Cole.

Moskva, Sovetskaya Nauka 1952, 24,5cm.,ill. Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific Translations, cat. n® 1261, 196?. BIKDii SOVIBT Ui^lOiv. B. 51^^ 5

Birds of the Soviet Union (Ptitsy Sovetskopc Soyuza.Moskva, Sovetskaya Nauka, 195^+) vol. U, Translated by E.D. Gordon.

Jerusalem, 1970. 2^,5 cmv.-'ll, Israel Program for Scientific Translations Cat. 5«000. BIRDS SOVIET IMION ^ Sirda of ir;h(' Soviet ITj^Ipn i,P3ii;b;:i7 Soyetjakc^o Soy-u?,a - floBlcva, Bovettijcaya ITaiixfA,, 1v5' vol. I. Translated by Birron A Li Cole !2.S.

Jerusalem, lorael ProgD^ara fiov sciemtif5wO translation cat 1120, 1966^ 2/fi5ova», ill. BIRDS A 8.789

Southern Birds.V/itvvatersrand Bird

Benmore (ZA), I982 (9)- t 20,5cm. BIRDS SOVIET UNION B. 51c225 Birds of the Soviet Union (Ptitsy Sovetsko- go Soyuza - Moskva Sovetskaya Nauka, 19'^^® vol. VI Translated "by A. Birron & Z.S. Cole

Jerusalem, 1968, 24,5cm., ill. Israel Program for Scientific Translations n° 1673 BIRDS B.60.131 RED DATA BOOK DATA BOOK THREATENED BIRDS

Threatened Birds of the Americas. The ICBP/IUCN Red Data Book.

Cambridge. International Council for Bird pre servation. 1992. 23,5 cm. ill. 3rd ed. part 2. BZRDS..... B 4C.674

Birds of V.'esi

C^arneston, St. Depart, iigric. 1^8 p., 2 pi,, fir. E XRDS... A 528 V/ild birds at hocie. Second series. London et Glasgov;,Gowans et Gray.lSlO. "JSp.j SCphot.j MjSxlpjScrn, KGowans's Nature Booksjn^'S) A 542

VJil'S birds at home. 3s. serie.

London et GlesgoWjGcA'ans et Grsi/,19C7. 76p.j GCr-hot.j 14,5x955cm, (Gowans's Nature Books,n®lS) BIRDS WORLD B. 4973 PETERS, James L. CHECK - LIST BIRDS

ChecK-list of birds of the world a continuation of the worE of James L. PETERS.

Cambridge (Mass.) 1968. 25cm


Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. I. Ostrich to Ducks.

Barcelona. Lynx-Edicions. 1992. 3135 cm. ill. P. 5389 BIHDo OF ZawijI/.. Notes on the Birds of Zambia c Part V" by C.W. BENSON, R.K. BPOOKE, R.J. DOWSETT, M.P. Stuart IR>'i/IN,

Bulawayo (Rhodesia). 1970. 25 cm. A,rnoldia h° ^0. vol. k. BIRDS ZOO p. 3390

1967« Mycobacteria in mammals and birds of the zoo of Antv/erp, by S.R. PATTYN, M.T. BOVEROULLE, J. MOETELMANS et J. VERCRUYSSE.

Antwerpen. 19^7, 2k cm. in: Acta Zoologica et pathologica Antwerpiensia. n° k3, pp. 125-13^. BIRD, A.F. B.60.222 BIRD, J.

The Structure of Nanatodes.

London. Acadanic Rress. 1991. 23,5 cm. ill. 2nd ed BIRD, J. B.60.222 BIRD, A.P.

The Structure of Nanatodes.

London. Acadanic Press? 1991.2355 cm. ill. 2nd ed, BIRDSALL, T.G. C.22.66; STEINBERG, J.C.

Underwater sound propagation in the Straits of Florida. Technical Report February I966.

Miami. I966. 28 cm. Institute of Marine Science. University of Miami. BIRDSELL, J.B. B. 53.808

evolution. An introduction to the new physical anthropology.

Chicago. Rand Mc Nally & Co. 1972. 24 cm. ill. BIRDSALL, T.G. c. 17.739 STEINBERG, J.G.

Underwater Sound propagation in the straits of Florida.

Miami, 1966, 28cm.,ill. Technical Report Institute of Marine Science University of Miami (Office Naval) Research Contract n° 840 (15). BIRDSELI, Joseph 3., 3 38.142 CCON, Carleton,S. 1: GARN, Stanley M.

Races... A Study of the Problems of Race formation in Man. Springfield, Oh. Thomas,(I950) 153 p. , 15 pi. , 22x14 cm. BIRDSELL, R. P.4.748 HARKECK, J.L.

The effect of slope-aspect on the composition and density of an Oak-Hickory Forest in Eastern Kansas.

Kansas. 1978.25,5 cm. Science Bulletin, vol. 51, n° l8. BIRDSEYE, C.H. B 32392

Topographic instructions of the Uni ted States Geological Survey.

Washington,U.S.Gov.Print.Off.,1928. 432p., 5fig., 29pl, (dans "U.S.Geol.Survey.Bull.788"). BIRECKI Fadeusz P.2.561

Budowa geologiczna synkliny bobowej

Warszawa, 1964, 24,5 cm., ill. Prace geologiczne, 21 3IRELLI, Greg. B. ^^8^3

L'ls-^tituto di Sanitk pubblica alia XX fiera di Milano.

Roma 1939• PP. 533/538. 2 PI. Extr. dai Rend. dell'Istituto di Sani- ta Pubblica. vol. 11,5 P.2 ) BIRENHEIDE, R. B.54.799

Chaetetida und tabulate Korallen des Devon.

Berlin/Stuttgart. 1985. 24 cm. ill, Leitofssllien n° 3. BIREKHEIDE, Rudolf P

Die "CystimorT'ha" (Rugusa) aus dera Eifeler Devon.

Frankfurt a/M.,196^, 29 cm., ill.

(Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft. - 307) BIRENHEIDE, R. B. 54 . 799

Rugose Korallen des Devon

Stuttgart. 1978. 24 om. ill. Leltfossillen begrundet von G. Giirich n" 2. BIRENHEIDE, Rudolf S alii.

Die Tiefbohrung Saar 1.

Hannover. 1976. 24 cm. ill. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe A. Heft 27, BIRENHEIDE, R. B.59.95 COEN-AUBERT, M.

Excursion Guidebook Bl. Devonian coral bearing strata of the Eifel Hills and the Ardenne.

Miinster. 1991. 21 an. ill. VI International Symposium on Fossil Cnidaria including Archaeocyatha and Parifera. BIRENHEIDE, R. B.58.613 LUTTE, B.P,

Rugose Korallen aus dan Mittel-Givetium (Mittel- Devon) des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.

Koln. 1990, 23,5 cm. ill. Univ, zu Kdln. Geologisches Inst. Senckenbergiana lethaea 70, 1/3, pp. 1-29, BIRENHEIDE B.58.613 LUETIE, B.P.

Rugose-Korallen aus dem Mittel-Givetium (Mittel- Devon- des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges.

Koln. 1990. 23,5 cm. ill. Sonderdrufafej aus Senckenbergiana lethaea. Bd. 70. Heft 1/3, S. 1-28. BIRENHEIDE, R. SOTO, F.M.

Rugose Einzel- und Phaceloid-Korallen aus dan Ober-Givetium (Mittel-Devon) des Kantabrischen Gebirges, NW-Spanien.

Stuttgart. 1992. 31 cm. ill. Palaeontographica Abt. A, Bd. 221, Lfg. 4-6, pp. 95-123. BIRFELDER, E.J. S.B.377 BESSEMS, e.a.

Huid S Haar.

Leiden. 1984. 20 cm. ill. Cahiers bio-wetenschappen en maatschappij, nr. 3. BIRFELDER, E.J. S.6.377 HARTMAN, G.T., e.a.

PreventiG van kinderstBrfte, ziekten en handicaps

Leiden .1986. 20 cm. ill. Cahlers bio-wetenschappen en maatschappijr, nr. 4 BIRffi], Edward a. B 29.931 oc JUDAY, Chancey

The Inland Lakes of Vifisconsin. The plankton I. Its quantity and chemical composition. kadison,vVisconsin, the State, 1922. 219p., 40fig., 24xl7cm. (dans "Bull.Wise.Geol.Hat.Hist.Surv., n°64,Scient. '3|ser.1^02311), BIRGER JENSEN DEGN, H.J.

Skovmaren (Martes raartes) I Danmark.

Denmark. 1977. 21 cm. ill. Danske Vildtunders(25gelser. Hefte 29. BIRGERSSON, C. P.6.785 Asynmetric Synthesis via C2-Synmetric Aziridines.

Uppsala. 1993. 24,5 cm. ill. Canprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations frcm the Faculty of Science and Technology. 7. BIRIrIA, L. D./;5.594.

stratigraphy and Conditions of formations of the Devonman Northorn part of tho Moscov/ Synectis.- texte russe.

i-Ioscou, 1957. 130 p., 15 fit., 22,5 X I5cm. T!" TT*^" "n .. 1 . , -1 ... •

Zu- Gc:-1 •" —I?' •i.L/ •' ^' •' GLri^io'-' .1:/ Grif^']

Ilaiiiiovor. 1970. 2G C-. 1:^ T . EriLcl'te G- C'L^icch 0:: Jnln-'bunii, He.ft £9.

w BIRKAN, M., ed.

Premier Symposium International sur les Perdrix, Les Cailles et les Francolins. Fordingbridge, Hampshire, U.K. September 7-14, 1991. Hamsphire. 1991. 24 cm. ill. Giber Faune Sauvage, n° special, vol. 9. BIRKAN, M.G. S.4.806 PESSON, P.

Ecologie du petit gibier at amenagement des chasses.

Paris. Gauthier-Villars. 1977. 24 an. ill. Formation permanente en ecologie et biologie. 272 pp. BIRKBECK, Edward D 494 & TOWSE, J. Wrench.

Remedial measures necessary to be taken for the preservation and development of the Fisheries in the Extra-Territorial waters of Europe.

London,Lake & Sison,1890. 45p., 33,5x21,5cm. BIRKBECK, T.H. C.23.945 nc HENERY, J.G.

Characterization of the Lysozyme of hlytilus Edulis CL.].

B.l. 1982. 30 cm. ill. From Comp. Bioohem. Physiol. vol. 71 B, n° 4, pp. 583-589. BIRKELAND, Ch. P.5.062

Comparison between AtlantiQcand Pacific tropical marine coastal ecosystems: community structure, ecological processes, and productivity. Results and scientific papers of a Unesco/COMAR workshop Univ. of the South Pacific Suva, Fiji, 24-29 March 1986. Paris. 1987. 29,5 cm. ill. Unesco reports in marine science 46. BIRKELAND, CH. ed. B.60.633

Life and Death of Coral Reeds.

New York. Chapman & Hall. 1997. 23,5 cm.ill 3IrtKELit\i'vD 5 K/R . D.S.470 The Norvjegian Aurora poletis expecition 1902-1903. vol. I.-I'irth sect .vol. II-second sect, Christiana ,Leipzig,Nevj-York, 1908. 2 vol., p., pl.5 fig. 35 X 25,5 cm. BIRKELAND, P.W. BURE

Holocene Alpins Soils in Gneissic Cirque Deposits, Colorado Front Range. Chapter E.

Washington. 1987. 27,5 on. ill. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1590. BIRKELI, E P 4.P95

Les Vaziraba de la cote Ouest de Madagascar* Notes d ' ethnologic•

Tananarive, 1936, 27*

Mera.Acad.Malgache, XXII, 1-6?. SIRK21IS,E. P.4.295.

Les de la Cote Quest de Itad: gaocar. Rotes D' EthriOlogie.

Tasanarive , 1936. 70 p.

(rtffimcire Malgsche, fasc.22). BIRKELUND, Tove P. 169

1965* Annnonites froi;i the Ur^per Cretaceous of I'iest Greenland.

KjZ^benhavn. 196i5. 27cni, ill. Coinniunications Palcontologiques , n° 12?) P . 1 69 BIRKELUND T. PIASECKI S. JAKANSSON E.

Jurassic-Cretaceous bcundary strata of the extreme Arctic (Peary Land, North Greenland].

Geological Museum of The University of Copenhagen.Contributions to Palaeontology n°29B . BIRKELUND Tove

Ma astrichtian Ammonites from Hemmoor, Nieder- elbe (N.W. Germany}.

Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen.Contributions to Palaeontology n°3D5. 1982,

CV. 5"^ B/R KE LU WP,

Birkelund, T., Hakansson, E. &Surlvk, P.: New finds of Bathonian, Callovian, and Oxfordian ammonites in northern Jameson Land, East Greenland. Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark, vol. 20, pp. 240-259. Copen hagen, January, 6th, 1971. A short description is given of Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits in northern Jameson Land. New finds of specimens of Oxycerites and Oecotraustes from the Boreal Arcticoceras kochi Zone are described and the correlation of Boreal Middle Jurassic deposits with standard zones is discussed. A find of Kosmoceras (Zugokosmokeras) cf. proniae in the lower part of the Koch Fjeld Formation provided the first evidence of ma rine Upper Callovian beds in East Greenland. A Cardioceras species found in the upper part of the Koch Fjeld Formation indicates an Oxfordian age for the youngest beds in this region. ^ BTRKETjUND, Tovo. Po 169

New Finds of Bathonian, Callovian, and Oxfordiun Ammonites in Northern Jameson Land, East Green land by Tove BIRKELUND, Eckart HAKANSSON, Finn SURLYK,

Kfz^benhavno 1971= 24 cm, illo Museum de Mineralogie et de Geologie de I'llni- versite de CopenhgueoCommunications Paleontolo~ giques n" 170, BIRKELUND, T. Po 170

Stratigraphy of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments of Jameson Land and Scoresby Land, East Greenland by F„ SURLYK, JoHo CALLOMON, R 'Go BROMLEY & T, BIRKELUNDo

Kdbenhavno 1.973« 2'^ cm. ill. Meddelelser om Grdnland. Bd. 193. nr 5. BIRKELUND, T. BROMLEY, R.G.

Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Events Symp, I. The Maastrichtian & Danian of Denmark, II. Proceedings.

Copenhagen. 1979. 27 cm. ill. University of Copenhagen. BIRKELUND. T. P. 169 BROMLEY, R.G.

Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Events. Symposium. I. The Maastrichtian and Banian of Denmark.

Copenhagen. 1979. 26,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen. Contributions to Palaeonto logy n° 293. BIRKELUND, Tove + IIANSEN, Hans Jorgen P.I69

19^8, Early shell growth and structures of the septa and the siphuncular tube in some Maas- trichtian ammonites.

Kobenhavn, 1968, 2h cm., ill. Communications Paleontologiques. Museum Mine- ralogie & Geologie. Universite Copenhagrie, 1 69• BIRKELUND, T. P . 2 . 942 BROMLEY, R.G.

The Upper Cretaceous and Danian of NW- Europe.

Paris. 1960. 27 cm. ill. Publications du 2Bb Congres Geologique International. 26e IGC-G 20. BIRKELUND, T. P.. 169 CALLOMON, J.H.

The Jurassic transgression and the mid- late Jurassic succession in Milne Land, central East Greenland.

Copenhagen. 1980. 24,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of Copenhagen. Contri butions to Palaeontology n° 287. BIRKELUND, T. P.169 CALLCMON, J.H.

The Kiitimeridgian ainraonite faunas of llilne Land, central East Greenland.

K;2$benhavn. 1985. 23,5 on. ill. Gr0nlands Geologiske Unders^gelse. Bulletin n° 153 Geological Museum of the Uhiv. of Copenhagen. Contributions to Paleont.n° 338. BIRKELUND, T. P. 169 CALLOmN, J.H., e.a.

The Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments of Plilne Land, central East Greenland.

Kdbenhavn. 1984. 23,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the Univ. of Copenhagen. Contributions to Palaeontology n° 326. BIRKELUND, T. HANCOCK, J.n., e.a.

Cretaceous stage boundaries - Proposals

Copenhagen. 1984. 25 cm. ill. Geological Museum cf the Univ. of Copenhagen Contributions to Geology n° 329. BIRKELUND, Tove. P. 161 + HANSEN, Hans Jc^rgen*

Shell Ultrastructures of some Maastrichtian Ammonoidea and Coleoidea and their Taxonomic Implications.

K(zibenhavn. 1974. 27 cm. ill. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Biologiske Skrifter 20,6. BIPKEL'.T^JD, rove. P. 169 + HAxNSEN, Hans Js^rgen.

Shell Ultraslructures of Some Ma.^strichtian Arirn.onoidea and Coleoidea and Their Taxonomic Implications.

Copenhague. 1974- 26 cm- ill. Museum de Mineralogie et de Geologie de I'Universite de Copenhague. Communications Paleontologiques n° 202. BIRKELUND, Tove. P. 169 + HANSEN, Hans J,

Further remarKs on the post-embryonic Hypophylloceras shell.

Copenhague. 1975. 25cm. ill. Museum de Mineralogie et de Geologie de 1'Universite de Copenhague. Communications Paleontologiques n° 226. BIRKELUND, T. P. 169 HEINBERG, C.

Trace-Fossil Assemblages and Basin Evolution of the VardeKldft formation (Pliddle Jurassic, Central East Greenland).

Copenhagen. 1984. 24,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the Univ. of Copenhagen Contributions to Palaeontology n° 327. BIRKELUND, Tove.

Be Banske nugssuaq Elcspeditioner 1938-29 Gronland geologisJce undersogelse. Ammonites from the Upper cretaceous of West Greenland. Iiotie]5.havn. 1965. EBcm.ill. Meddelelser om Gronland. Band. 179. N°7, BIRK-LUND, Tove, P 161

U,per cretaeeous Beleumites from Denmark.

K/benhavn, 1957» 26, ill.

(in; Biologiske Skrifter: IX, 1, l-69)« BIRKELIMD, T. A. 6.590 BROTZEN, F.

Belemnella casimirovensis (skolozdrowaa, 1932) as indication of Upper Maastrichtian (Senonian) beds at Mendon.

Stockholm, 1902, 21cm., ill. Geol. Fbren Fbrhandl., 1962, 83? pp.90-91 BIRKELUND, T. P. 164 + PERCH-NIELSEN, K. & alii.

AN Outline of the Geology of the Atlantic Coast of Greenland.

Copenhague. _ 25 cm. ill. Museum de Mineralogie et de Geologie de I'Universite de Copenhague. Communications Geologiques n° 217. BIRKELUND, T. P. 169 KOCH CLAUSEN, C., e.a.

The Hectoroceras Koch Zone (Ryazanian) in the North Sea Central Graben and remarks on the Late Cimmerian Unconformity.

I^e^benhavn. 1983. 23^5, cm., .ill. „„ Geological Pluseum ot tne Univ. ot Copenhagen. Contributions to Palaeontology n° 318. BIRKELUND, T. P. 169 KRARUP PEDERSEN, G.

Middle Volgian ammonites and trace fossils from the Frederlkshavn Member of the Bream Formation, northern Jutland.

Copenhagen. 1979. 23,5 cm. 111. Geological Museum of the Unlv. of Copenhagen Contributions to Palaeontology n° 289. P.A BIRKELUND Tove PIASECKI Stefan HAKANSSON EcKart Juras5ic-Cretace0us boundary strata of the extreme Arotic (Pearly L/i Md, North Green land) . Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen.Contributions to Pa 1enotno1ogy n°2 96. 1 981 . BIRKELUND, T. P. l69 THUSU, B., e.a.

Jurassic-Cretaceous biostratigraphy of Norway, with comments on the British Rasenia cymodoce Zone.

Denmark. 1978. 24,5 cm. ill. NLiseum de Mineralogie et de geologique de I'Univ. de Copenhague. Communications Paleontologiques BIRKELUND, W. P. 169 CHRISTENSEN, W.K.

Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundaey Events Symposium. II. Proceedings.

Copenhagen. 1979. 26,5 cm. ill. Geological Museum of the University of Copenhagen. Contributions to Palaeonto logy n° 294. BIRKEN, H.G. P.6.095

Streuung elektromagnetischer Wellen an statistisch rauhen Oberflachen im Bereich weicher Rontgen- strahlung - Experiment und Theorie.

Hamburg. 1991. 21 cm. ill. Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades des Pachbereichs Physik. 1705. BIRKENHAUER, Josef B.if?.908

Die Eifel in ihrer individualitac una gliederung.

Kd]n, Geograph.Inst .Univ.Koln. , I96O, Ri+cm. , ill.

(Kdlner geographische arbeiten, heft lif). BIRKENHAUER, Josef. P. 2.920

Die Entv;icklung des Talsystems und des Stockwerkbaus im zentralen rheinischen Schiefergebirge zwischen dem Mitteltertiar und dem Altpleistozan.

Bonn. 1973. 23,5 cm. ill. Arbeiten zur Rheinischen Landeskunde. Heft 34. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geological Results of the R)lish Antarctic Expeditions Part VI.

Warszawa. 1987. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. XC. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geological results of the Polish Antarotic Expeditions. Part IX.

Krakow. 1992. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. 101. BIRKENMAJERA, K. P. 5.234

Geological Results of the Polish Spitsbergen Expeditions. i^/f/ ,

Warszawa. 1977. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. LI. BIRKENMAJER4 K.

Geological Results pf the Polish Spitsbergen Expeditions. Part IX.

Warszawa. 1978. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica? vol. LIX. BIRKENMAJER, K. P.5.234

Geological results of the Polish Antarctic Expedi tions, Part XI.

Krakow. 1995. 23,5 cm. ill. PolsKa Akademia Nauk. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. 107. BIRKENHAJER, K. P. 323^

1963» Geological Results of the Polish 1957-1938, 1939,1980. Spitsbergen Expeditions, edited by K. BIRKENMAJER. Part V: W. SMULIKOWSKI, Petrology and some structural data of lower metamorphic formations of the Hekla Kock, Succession in Hornsund,Vestspits- bergen.

Warsav;a. 1983- 2.k cm., ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. XVIII. BIRKENMAJER, K.

GGological Results of the Polish 1957-1958, 1959, 1960 Spitsbergen Expeditions. Part VII.

Warszawa. 1975.24 cm. ill, Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. XLIV. BIRKENMAJER, K. P.5.234

Geological Results of the Polish Spits bergen Expeditions.

Warszawa. 1979. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. Vol. LX. BIRKENMAJER, K. P.5.234

Geological results of the Polish Spitsbergen Expeditions. Part XV.

Warszawa, Krakow. 1992. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. XCVIII. BIRKENMAJER, K. ed P.5.234

Geological results of the Polish Antarctic expeditions.

Krakow. 1997. 23,5 cm. ill. + carte. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. 110. BIRKENMAJER, K. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians Poland.

Warszawa. 1979. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica vol. LXI. BIRKENMAJER K.

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians,Fo1 and.Part II.

Studia Geologica Polonica. vol.LXX. 1981. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geology of tlie Rieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland, Fart VII;

Warszawa. 1987. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica PDlonica, vol. XCII. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland.

Ossolineum. I99O. 23,5 cm. ill. Polska Akademia Nauk. Studia Geologica Polinica, vol. XCVII. Part IX. BIRKEMMJER, K. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland.

Krakow. 1993. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geolqgica Polonica, vol. 102. BIRKEIMMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland.

Krakow. 1994. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. 10B. BIRKENMAJER K. P . 5 . 234

Geological results of the Polish Antarctic expediti0ns.part II.

Studia Geologica Po1onica.vo1.LXXII 1981. BIRKENMAJER K.

Geological results of the Polish Antarctic expedition.Part III.

Studia Geologica Polonica.vol.LXXIV. PolsKa Akademia NauK. 1982. BIRKENMAJER, K. P.5.234

Geological Results of the Polish Antarctic Expeditions, Part AAEI.

Warszassa. 198?. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. XCIII. BIRKENMAJER, K. I

Geological Results of the Polish Antarctic Expeditions. Part VIII

Warszawa. 1988. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia GeologicapOlonica, vol. XCV. BIRKENMAJER K P . 5 . 234

Geological results of the Polish Spits bergen expeditions.

Studia Geologica Po1onica.vo1.LXXI11 . 1981. BIRKENMAJER, K. ed. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Tatra Mts., Carpathians. Part XIII.

Krakow. 1998. 23,5 cm. ill. Srudia Geologica Polonica, vol. 111. BIRKENMAJER, K. P. 5.234

Jurassic and Cretaceous Lithostratigraphic Units of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland.

Warszawa. 1977. 24 an. ill. Studia iGeologica Polonica. vol. XLV. BIRE^ENMAJER, K. P. 164

Middle Jurassic near-shore sediments at Kap Hope, East Greenland.

Copenhague. 1976. 25 cm. ill. Museum de Mineralogie et de Geologie de I'Universite de Copenhague. Camiunications Geologiques n° 270, vol. 25, pp. 107-116. BIRKENMAJER, K. F. 5203

Polish opitsbergen Expeditions 19^7-1960. Summary of Scientific Results. Edited by K. BIRKENMAJER. Botany.

Krakow. I968. 2k cm. ill. in: Publicationes Instituti Botanici Universitatis Jagellonicae Cracoviensis Academiae Scientiarum Polonae, XXIX, nr. k. BIRKEI^IAJER, K. P. 523^

Pr/,edeocen.Rkie struJ<;tur'3/' Faldo'''e v/ Pivriinskin Pasie Skalkov/yn Polski/ Pre-Eoc.-'ri'j Fold Structures in the Pieneny Klippen Belt ( Carpathian) of Poland.

Warssawa. 1970. 24 cm. ill. in: Zaklad Naihc Goologiecsnych Polskiej Akademii Naiik. Studia Geologica, Polonica, vol. XXXI. BIRKENMATER, K. P. 523^

Geologi®-al results of the Polish 1957-58-59 1950 Spitsbergen expedition, edited by K. BIRKEMATER.

Warszawa. 1968. 24- cm. ill. in: Studia Geologica Botanica, XXI. birkenmayer, k. f

Geological Results pf the Polish Antarctic Expeditions. Part 1.

Warszawa. 198G. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. LXIV. BIRKENMAJER, K. P.5.234

Geological results of the Polish Antarctic Expediyions. Part V.

Warszawa. 1985. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. LXXXI. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geological Results of the Polish Spitsbergen Expeditions.

Warszawa. 1980. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. LXVI. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geological Results of the Polish Spitsbergen Expeditions. Part. XIV.

Warszawa. 1986. 24 cm. ill. + 1 carte Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. LXXXIX. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland.

Warszawa. 1980. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. LXVII birkenmajer, k. p.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians Poland. Part V. warszawa. 1964. 24 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica. vol. LXXXIII. BIRKENMAYER, K. P.5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians Poland. Part VI.

Warszawa. 1986. 24 an. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. LXXXVIII. BIRKENMAYER, K. P. 5.234

Geology of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Tatra Mts, Carpathians. Part XII.

Krakow. 1996. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. 109. BmXENMAJER, K. P.5.234 GAMKRELIDZE, I.P.

Geodynamics of the Carpathian-Balkan-Caucasus- Pamirs Alpine Orogenic Zone.

Warszawa. 1988. 23,5 cm. ill. Studia Geologica Polonica, vol. XCI. BIRKENMAJER, Krzystof, P.

Observations on Ivory Gull, Pogophila eburnea (Phipps) in south Vestpitsbergen. ( Texte polonais, rSsume anglais).

Warszawa. I969. 25 cm. ill. in: Acta Ornithologica, lom XI, nr. BIRKENMAJER, Krysztof b.^7.882

Pieninski pas skalkowy.

Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Geol., 1959) 25cm., ill BIRKENSTEIN, L.R. TDMLINSDN, R.E.

Native Names of Mexican Birds. Washington. 1 9 8 1 . 2 6 cm. ill.Fish and Wild' life Service. Resource Publication 139. BIRKET, Norman. A 1853

National parks and the countryside.

Cambridge,University Press,1945. 36p., 18xl2cm. BIRKET-3MITH, Kaj

The Eskimos. london, Methuen &, 0°, (1936) 250 p., fig., 22,5X15 cm. BIRKST-SMITH, Kaj C 7894

Ethnographical collGCtions from the northwest Passage.

Copenhagen, Gylden Dalske, 1945. 298p., 189fig., 28,5xl9cm (dana"Rep.of the 5th Tule Exped., 1921- 1924, VI, N°2.") BlRKET-SIvHTH, Kaj . S 274

Moeurs at couturnes des Esquimaux, (avant. propos at tr. G.Montandon) Paris, Payot,1937. 283p., 1 cartejl6gr.,23x14jSera. (Bibliotheque scientifique) BIRKET-SKITH, KaJ. B 31.409

V± Mennesker, kenneskets udvikling og Racer Almenfatteligt skildret,

Ko'benhavn,Ghr.Erichsens,1947. 259p., fig.j pi.) 22x15,5cm. BIRKET-SMITH, J. E. 30.695

The Abdominal Morphology of Povilla adusta Navas CPolymitarcidae) and of Ephemeorptera in General,

Copenhagen. 1971. 24 cm. ill. Ent. Scand. 2. 1971. 139-160. BIRKET-SMITH, J. 30.694

The Behaviour of Euphaedra spp. in Relation to Tempe rature, Relative Humidity and Light (Lep. Rhopalocera]

Copenhagen. 1970. 24 cm. ill. Ent. Scand. I. 1970. 123-126. BIRKET-SMITH, J. E. 30.696

New species of Reduviidae from Nigeria CHemiptera).

Bruxelles. 1969. 27,5 cm. ill. Rev. Zool. Bet. Afr., LXXX; 3-4. BIRKET-SniTH, S.J.R. . 30.693

A Note on Alarm Ventilation in Notonecta Nymphs.

The Hague. 1969. 24 cm. ill. Acta Hydrobiologica Hydrographica et Protistologica. Vol. 34, Fasc. 3-4. BIRKET-SMITH, J, E. 30.697

A Revision of the West African Eilemic , Based on the Male Genitalia. CLep. Arctidae, Lithosinae, inol. gena. Crocosia, Eilema, Lithosia, Pelosia, Phryganopsis a.o.}.

Addis Ababa. 1965. 25 cm. ill. Haile Sellassie I University Papers from the Faculty of Science. Series C CZoology} Nr. I. BIRKETT, T.C. P.4.914

Origin of the Lower Proterozoic Fleming Chert- Breccia, Newfoundland, Labrador-Quebec.

Ottawa. 1991. 28 cm. ill + cartes. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 91-12. BIEKHEAD, Paul K. P. A.80? Stromatoporoidea of missouri.

Ithaca N.Y., 1967, 23cm., ill. Bulletins of American Paleontology, vol.52 n°23A. BIRKHEAD, T. C.; BROOKE, M. (Eds.)

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ornithology.

Cambridge. Univ. Rcess. 1991. 27,5 cm. ill. The Royal Soc. for the Protection of Birds. BIRKHEAD, T. C.25.939 BROOKE, M. (eds.)

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ornithology.

Cambridge. Univ.Press. R.S.P.B. 1991. 27,5 cm. ill. BIRKHOLM-HANSEN, SizSren P.2.25( WIBERG-LARSEN, Peter

Light trapping of Trichoptera near the coast of NW Zealand, Denmark.

Denmark. 1998. 24,5 cm. Natura Jutlandica, vol. 23, n° 6, pp.69- 77 . BIRJUKOV, V.I. ICREJTER, V.M.

A propos de la brochure de K.I. Krolivecky (Principes de puospection des minerals).

Paris, i960 pp. 6o/63i 24 cm.

(Prospectioiji et protection du sous-sol B.R.G.M i960 n° 1). BIRKMANN; Andreas P. 5562

1967. Hdchtsarbeitsbedingungen fiir die im offent- lichen Dienst beschaftigen Arbeitnehmer.

Koln, 1967, 21 cm. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktor- wiirde einer Hohen Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakul- tat der UniversitSt zu Koln, 19^7 (^9)« BIRIuvIIRE, V/m. , ARCHER, H.H., LUELLER, Perd. , SivffTH, R. Brough, NEUHAYER, MACCOY, Fred., & SELV-YI, A.R.C.

Catalogue on the Victorian exhibition 1861: with prefatory Es.^ays indicating the progress, ressources, and physical charac teristics of the Colony .

Melbourne, J. Ferrer, 1861 300 + 61 p;, 21X14 cm. Bn^iYRB, W, B 31.556 SBLVOT, A.R.L. M'GOY, P. IfGUIvA^YER, S. SIviYTH, R. IvIUELLBR, Ferd. ARCHPT^, W.H.

Die Golonie Victoria in Australian ihr Fortschrift, ihre Bilssquellen und ihre physilcalischer Charakter. Melbourne,J.Ferres.1861. 226p., 21x ^14crn. BIRKNER,G.K. A.8.510

•le Ze1tschr1ften11teratur der Informatik (Computer Science).

Kcln. Greven Verlag. 1980. 21 cm. ill. Arbeiten aus dem Bib1ictheKar-Lehrinstitut des Landes Nordrhein-Westfa 1en. Heft 51. BIRKNER, Gerhard Kay. P. 5.559

Tunnelspektroskopie lokalisierter, magnetischer Verunreinigungen.

Koln. 1973. 21 cm. ill. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat zu Koln. 401. BIRKS, H.H. P.1.684

Plant macrofioss11s in Quaternary lake sedim ent s .

Stuttgart. 1980. 24 cm. ill. Ergebnisse der Limnologie. Heft. 15 BIRKS, Hilary H. P. 4.404

Studies in the vegetational history of Scotland. IV. Pine stumps in Scottish blanket peats.

London. 1975. 29,5 cm. ill. Philosophical Transaction sof the Royal Society of London. B. Biological Siences. vol. 270. n° 905. BIRKS, H.H. 0.56.390 BIRKS, H.J.B.

Quaternary pa 1 aeoeco1ogy

London. Edward Arnold. 1960. 25 cm. ill 269 pp . BIRKS, H.J.B. B.56.39D BIRKS, H.H.

Quaternary pa 1 aeoeco1ogy .

London. Edward Arnold. 1 9 80. 25 om . ill. 289 pp . BIRKS, H.J.B. •.5.012 HUNTLEY, B.

An atlas of past and present pollen maps for Europe •-13GDG years ago.

Cambridge. Univ;Press. 1983. 31 cm. ill + 4 cartes. BmKS, J.D.S. P. 170 PENFORD, N.

Observations on the ecology of arctic foxes Alopex lagopus in Eqaluinmiut Nunaat, West Greenland.

Denmark. 1990. 26,5 cm. ill. Meddelelser om Gri^nland, Bioscience 32. BIRKS, L.S. B. 36.729.

X- Rsy Spectroche/iiical Analysis,

London, Interscience publishers, 1959. 137 p., ill. 23. (Chemical Analysis - vol. XI), Bimm, i.B, c 17.296

Kuroshio and the population of the Amur i Fall Chum, Salmon (Oncorhynchus KetaCVJalb.' infrasp. AutLimnalis) Kuro Sio i chislennost' amurskoi osennei kety (Oncorhynchus Keta (VJalb.) Infrasp. Autunnalis).- Translated from russian. U.R?S.S., 1957. 9 p.5 ill., 27 cm. (in:" Prograjn Scientif translation,nr 9). ext.:" Voprosy i!^^lologii,n°8,1957,^p.3-7 BIRMA.K, I.B. c 17.296

Population dynomics and the present state of the Chum and Pinl^ Salmon std5cks in the Amur River Basin.- Dinamika chislennosti i sovremanjioe sostoyanic zapasov kety i gorbuski v basseine Amura).- Translated from russian. U.R.S.S., 1953. 23 p., ill.j 27 cm, (in:" Progra m for Scientific translation, n° 17 ")^ BIRMANNS, Martin P. 556R. Das Napoleonische Staatsgehalt fur icatholische Pfarrscellen in den vormals preussiscJaen Landesteilen yVestlich des Rheins.

KOLN. 1969. Rlcm. Inaugural-Dissertation. Erlangung Doictor- vnirde Hohen Rechtswiss. FaRultat Universitat Koln. P03. BIRMINGHAM, T.F. P. h

Petrographic investigation of the snblitu- minous coals of the Edmonton F rmation, Alberta. °

Ottawa, l96-t, 2 4,5cin. in; Geological survey of Canada Depart!. Mines & Technical Surveys paper 64-2, p.89• hC.^'h _ o -r , i + CAJ:EI:CIT, A.R.

Pg t PO^JP'; "I'llli. Or.G Cll'.;"1 i "! PI"'0" 0 pG Ggi'' OG s*^. licnito Ectevan,

Ot-tav.'a. 1971- 27 en. ill. Geolofjical Survov of Canaia. P-apor 7"^ - £• BIRMINGHAM, T.R. P. 491-4- + CAMERON, A.R.

Radioactivity in Western Canadian Coals (Report, 9 tables and 20 figures).

Ottawa. 1970- 24,5 cm. ill. Geological Survey of Canada. Paper 70-52. BIRNBAUM, Gerit P.6.414

Numerische Modellierung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Atmosphare und Meereis in der arktischen Eisrandzone.

Bremerhaven. 1998. 24 cm. ill. Berichte zur Polarforschung. 268. BIRNBAUl-l, Karl p llfl7

Die Welt der Geisteslcranken, Berlin, J. Springer, 1935. I57p.,7fig.,l8,5x22cm. (dans VerstSndliche Wissenschaft, Bd. 2^-) BIRNEY, Elmer C. P. 5.128

Systematics of Three Species of Woodrats (Genus Neotoma) in Central North America.

Lawrence. 1973. 25,5 cm. ill. Miscellaneous Publication Museum of Natural History, n' 58. EIE-W, Elmor C. P. + PEPlEZ, Julio E.

Inheritance of Multiple Henoglobins in Two Species of Woodrats, Genus Neotoma (Rodentia : Cricetidae).

Lav;rence. 1971- 23 cm. ill. The University of Kansas. Science Bulletin vol. XL1X-N° 5. B. . i84 BIRON, A. Essentials of Cestodology.(Edited by K.I. SkrJabin)Vol. 5sProteooephalata in Fish, Amphibians & Reptiles(Osnovy Tsestodologii. V: Proteotsefalyaty-Lentochnye gel'minty ryb, amfibii i reptilii, uoskva-Nauka 19^5) • Jerusalem. 1970* 2^,3 cm,ill- Israel Program for Scientific Translations. (I .P.S,T.)Gat. n° 1853'Translated by R. Berick; A. Biron. BIRON, GERARD. S.2.491

Abreges de Sciences naturelles. Bacca. laureate.Sciences esperimentales. Phi- losophie-Iv'athematiques.

Paris , H.Roudil, (1968). 162 p., fig., IB X 12 ciTi. BIRON, J.P. S.4.668

L'Evolution des Reptiles. s.l.e. Chez I'Auteur. I967/68. 27,5 cm. ill. ler Scientifique. BIROT, P,

Biogeographie de Continents,

Paris, s.d, 171 p., 27 X 18 cm. •'.'uuoq.TOc; ar c^rrOQ noi • ATi-f * a uo-.ti oof, pj-jUSQ 'otj:;,;

• Lt a :i t a u' nxijcfa jHa - :'"oT;'

•J 'JLC-Tb BIEOT, Pierre. B 3^433 sur quelcues proilerneK de morpholon-ie generale.

LisBonne,1949• 176p.,ffis.,2455xl6j5cm. BIROT, Pierre P. 1.6^9

Etude quantitatice de 1'erosion des versants sous ^rouvert forestier-quelques reflecions methodologiques.

Goettingen, 1963, 25cm. nachrichten der akademie der wissen- schaften in goettingen II Mathematisch-physikalische klasse 1. BIROT, Pierre P. 1.649

Evolution de versants a corniche dans la serie tniocene au sud de Teruel Espagne.

Goettingen, 1963, 25cm., ill. nachrichten der A^^ademie der Wissenschaf- ten in Goettingen II Mathematisch- physikalische Klasse, 6. BIROT, Pierre B. 50.893

Les formations vegetales du globe.

Paris, Ste d'Edition d'Enseignement superieur 1965, 24cm., ill. Bi:;oT, p. •J .

Geographic phyci',u« Jw Ic. -one intcr- tro/icalc ( u l'e>;clu3ion di '• rdaion;; o.ricloo ct so...i-arideo) .

ParlG. Centre dc- Doc:;. :wntution "JnivcrcitcCro. 11 o d" • ^ { c ir.• i X1 • Les Couro de Corbonno. BIROT, Pierre B 44.562

les methodes de la Morphologie,

Paris, Press, Univ. |^r^nce, 1955 175 p., fig., 24X18,5 cm. iilRCr, pifir re /q C,'/

L'orti!'. lo ie ..irucirrsle.

T.2: Pppea d'^voluiion ciu relief. Til•'orieo ore'-r-r.inues.

Parjs, Univ. France, lv38 vol., ,^/l.Xl-,:; cc. BIROT, P. P. 995

NBOtectonique et variations climatiques en Grece. CNummero special].

Paris/Milan. 1977. 27 cm. ill. Revue de Gecgraphie Physique et de Geclcgie •ynamique. deuxieme serie. Vol. XIX, Fasc. 1. BIROT, Pierre S 2.630

Precis de geographie physique generate,

Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1959 403 p.) illust., 23,5 cm. C. 19.9^^

Les regions naturelles du globe.

Paris. Masson & Cie. 1970- 27,5 cm. ill. BinOT, Pierre & DRESCH, Jean

La Mediterranee et le 1-Ioyen-Orient.

I; La Mediterranee occidentale, geo^ra- phique physique et huiaaine. Peninsule Iberiquo - Italie - Afrique du Nord. II.La Mediterranee orient, et le Moyen Or, Paris, Presses Univ. France, 1953• vol., fig., pi,, 2'-i-xl9cm. BIROT,Yves S b.7^9 LACAZE,Jean-Frangois

La Foret.

Flammarion 1994. 17,5 cm ill

Dominos. BIROVA, A. P. 3.195 CALVO, A.j e.a.

Nuevos Hospederos Intermediarios para Dispharynx nasuta y Tropisurus confusus (NematodarSpirurata).

La Habana. 1977. 23,5 cm. Poeyana, nr. 175. BIROVA, Helena. P. 3.709

K poznaniu prirodzenych nepriatel'oc/ z radu hymenoptera a diptera/ Niektorych skodlivych druhov mor/ /.

Bratislava. 1973. 24 cm. ill. Biologicke Prace. XIX/7. BIRDVA, V. P.6.217

Desarrollo de Tropisurus confusus Stravassos, 1919J en el hospedero fedinitivo.

Cuba. 1982 23,5 cm. ill. Reporte de Investigaclon del Inst. de Zoologia n° 1 . BIROVA, V. P.6.- MACKO, J.R., e.a.

EpizoQtio 1 ogia de Dispharynx Nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) en Cuba. I. Bionomia,

La Habana. 1981. 27 cm. ill. Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Informe Cientifico-Tecnic• n° 172.

t Sf.^1 BIROVA, V. P.B.174 MACKO, J.K., B.a.

Epizootiologia de Dispharynx Nasuta (Rudolphi, 1019) en Cuba. II, Ciclo de Vida.

La Habana. 1961. 27 cm. ill. Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Informe Cientiflco- Tecnico n° 165. BIROVA, V. P . 3 . 195 CALVO, A., e.a.

Desarrollo de Tropisur'^s confusus CTravassos, 1919} en el Hospedero Inter- mediarlo.

La Habana. 1979. 23,5 cm; ill. Poeyana. nr. 190. BIROVA, V. P.3.195 CALVO, A., e.a.

Dinamica Esracional de Desarrollo de Tropisurus confusus CTravassos, 1919] en el Hospedero Intermediario.

La Habana. 1979. 23,5 cm. ill. Poeyana. nr. 189. BIROVA, V. P.3.195 CALVO, A.

Nuevos Conocimientos sobre Strongy loides avium Cram, 1929.

La Habana. 1979. 23,5 cm. ill. Poeyana. nr. 191. BIROVA, V. P.3.195 OVIES, D. CALVO, A.

Dinamica Estacional de Desarrollo de Dispharynx nausta (P^udolphi, I819) en el Hospedero Inter- mediario.

La Habana. 1978. 23,5 cm. ill. Poeyana, nr. I86. BIRRE, Andre,

Une politique de la Terra..

Marcq-Lille.. Vie at Action. I967. 2h cm, ill. Bo 51o5£7

Ur.G Foliiicuo ce la Tcrro< i!crcx'-Lilleo Vic f: /.ctiicno l£67o 24 ct.To illc BIRRON B. 47.27^ Essentials Trematodology (Osnovy) tremato- dologii) vol. XVII. Trematodes of Animals and man (Trematody zhivotnykh i cheloveka Translated by A. Birron and Z.S. Cole.

Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, I960, 24,5cm., ill Israel Program for scientific translation cat 843 Jerusalem 1964 cf.: B. 5'^.198 (Trad.). BIREON, A. B. 51.225 Birds of the Soviet Union (Ptitsy Sovetsko- go Soyuza - Moskva Sovetskaya Nauka, vol. VI Translated by A. Birron & Z.S. Cole

Jerusalem, 1958, 2^,5cm., ill. Israel Program for Scientific Translations n° 1673 BIRRON, A. B. 5-1.225 Blrdo of Soviat lTni,o:i Sc^otskcr'O Bojuza - Roalcva, Sovotaia^'a iiau^r'Sf 15:?'* vol. I. Tranaiatod by Birron A& Colo S.S.

JdruscloKi, Inraol Prog]^:ra foz: '.cicntific translation cat 1120, 1962, 2';-,5cra., ill. BIRRON, A. B. 51225 + COLE, Z.S. = E.D. Gordon,

Birds of the Soviet Union ( plitsy Sovetsko- go Soyuza-Moskva, Sovetskwya Nauka 1951)• vol. II. Translated hy A. Birron, Z.S. Cole and E.D. Gordon, auteurs: DEMENT'EV, G.P. GLADK07, N.A. and SPANGENBERG, E.P.

Jerusalem 1969. 24,5 cm. ill. in: Israel Program for Scientific Trans lations, cat. 1121 BIRRON, A. B. 52.339 HECHTER, H.G. LENGY, J.I. ERSHOV, V.S, Parasitology and parasitic diseases of Livestock. (Parazitologiya i invazionnye bolezni sel' skhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh.)Translated by A. BIRRON, H.G. HECHTER & J.I. LENGY. Washington: National Science Foundation. 19S0. 24,5 cm. ill. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Trans lation. l.P.S.T. cat.,^. n° 94. BIRRON A. B.52.276 STROGANOV S.U.

Carnivorous Mammals of Siberia ( Sveri Sibiri: klishchnye- Akademie Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe otdelenie- Bioloyicheskii Institut Moskua; 1962) Translated by A. Birron. Jerusalem Israel program for Scientific translations, 1969, N° 5106- 24,5 cm ill. BIRRON, A. & others ' B. Contributiona to Ilolnintolcgy Published to comomorate the 75th birthday of K.I. Glirjabin labolupo sol'nintologii K 75 Lctiyu Akadcmika .C.I« Skrjabina fToskva Akad. Nauk SSSIi, 'd,i53 •rranslated from russian by A. Birron and

erusalem, Israel Prod'ram for sciontific ':2rans , . itions cat. 14'i2 '19G6, 24^5yiii.^ ill. BIRRON, A. & others B. 5'1.190 Essentials of Tromatoaology Troraatodos Man and Aninals Osno\^ frcriatodologii i'roTTiatcd dy zhivotnylch i ciiolovoka Hookva Akad. ITaiilz BSSR 'I960, vol. 8-15 G. 16.706 'fronalated from x'usGlon by A. Birron ct 6.0. Cole.

Joruaalen, Israol Progran for scientific Iranslations cat. 043, 1426 vol. 17v '6 I;4,5o:xi ill. BIRRON, A, B. 48.'183 Eoar.ntials of Ilematcdologj OsaGv.7 rioaatcdcl: gii TOl.V: Strongyloidn of aninals and nan t.strongiloidei a.hivotnyMs i cholovcRa ctron- gylidac rioslcva Akad. Ilault GS83, "1953 iCranslatcd by A. Birron and Z.G. Colo. 'Jeruso,lcTa^ Israel Prorren for scientific Translations cat. H'li' 1964. B. 51.23? BIRRON, A. Key to the Faujict of the U.S,S,,R» go-hey to Po.rasites of freshwater fish of the U,S.,S.,R. Moskva Leningrad Akad, Rank SSSR Zoologiches- kii Institut, 1962., (of,P»131) (Oprodoliteli jjo fauna SSSR 80 Op.redelitel'parazitov p.res- novodnykh ryb SSSR Translated by A„ Birron &, Z,-,S, Cole Jerusalem, Israel Program for soisntific trans lations, 1964, 24,5o'.ma, ill, cat. 11° 1136-. BIRRON, A. B. 43.002 M£;2iiiials of rihe U.S.SjR. and adjacent: countrie Mammals of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia volo IV, Y, YI, Rodents(Zveri SSSR 1 prilez- hashchikh stran. Zveri vostochnoi Evropy i severnoi Azii vol. lY, Y, YI. Gryzuny Moskva LeningradAkad, Nauk, SSSR 19®0-48. Translate by J. Salkind. A. Birron & Z.S, Cole Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific translations cat, vol. lY n°1254, vol. Y n°745, vol. YI n^7461963-66, 27,5cm., ill. BIRRON, A. C. 18.856

The principal hydrological features of the Pacific ocean (Osnovnye cherly gidrologii Tikhogo Okeana Moskva, Gidrometeorologiches- koe Izdat. 1958- Translated by A Birron & Z.S. Cole.

Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1963, 2h,5c]a, ill. cat. 753- BIRRON, A. B. 51.22A The Sea Otter (Kalan-Moskva 19^7) Translated "by A. Birron & Z.S. Cole.

Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific translation cat. 521, 1952, 2A,5cm., ill. Central Administration of Reserves of the R.S.F.SR. BIRRON, A. B. ^7-350 Fauna of U.S.S.R., Mammals vol.1. (2): Musk deer and deer - Fauna SSSR Mlekopitayu- shchie: Kabargi 1 olenic Moskva 1952, Akad Nauk SSSR Zoologicheskii Institut: Nov. Ser. 55 (P*57) Translated by Birren A. & Cole Z,S

Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific Translations, I960, 24,5cm.,ill. cat. 123- BIr(.Shi5 B

Heclamation of :ioottish Feat Lena.

/Vberdeen, 1356. 7 p., 2 fid.

5xt ; Town anc Counti-y Piannino march 1956 (The hacaula^. Inot.fji' Soil Fees.) 131 i\o Xj jo J•

Gis-intis::ie ataysoal,

;;oskva.2"i cm. Extr. de : -dxa-iaija laaik d.d.d. Zoologiches':!J Zhurnal-XXXVI d(7/'id';' Traduction E. Tcherkassov. BIRSTEIN, J. D. 2.738

Die Land und Suesswasser-Isopoden des arktischen Gebietes.

Jena, G.Fischer, 1933, 36 cm.

(Fauna Arctica,: Bd.VI, lief.5, PP.A7I-A76) BIRSTEIN, J.A. C. 20.536

The family Ischnomesidae (Crustacea, Isopoda,Asellota) in the North-Western part of the Pacific and the problem of amphiboreal and bipolar distribution of the deep sea Fauna.

Zoologicheskij Zhurnal. 1960. vol. 39(1). pp. 21-28. Traduit du russe (en Frangais). BIRSHTEJN, Ja. A. P 3.75I

Le plus ancien re^resentant de I'ordre de crustaces decapodes: Protoclytiopsis antiqua gen.nov.sp.nov., provenant des depots permiens de la Siberia occidentale.

U.R.S.S., 1958. 5 p., ill., 27 cm. ext.; "Dokl. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.": t. 122, n° 3

(trad. B.R.G.M.: n° 2.007). BIRSHTEJI, Ja.A. B ^6.088 BIRSHTEJI, Ja.A. + VINOGRADOV, h.E.

Pelagicheskie garamaridy (Amphipoda-Gammari- dea) Kuriko-Kamchatskoj Vpadiny.

Moskva, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1955» 24 cm., ill.

(Trudy Inst. Okeanologii: t. XII, 1955» pp. 210-287). Photocopie BIl^SHTEJI, Ja.A. B. ^f6.0«9


Pelagic?ieskie Garamaridy Tropisches joj chadti Tikho- go Okeana.


Moskva, Akad .N. SoSR -, i960, 2.h cm. , ill.

(Trudy Inst.Okean. / T. XXXIV, i960, pp.165- • ?M^) BIRSHTEJl^, V.Ja. B.57.911

Citogeneticheskie i iriDlekuljamye aspekty evoljucii pozvonochnykh.

I'foskva. Akad.Nauk SSSR. 1987. 22 cm. ill. Institut Biologii Pazvitija In N.K. Kol'':ova. BIRSTEIN, JA. A. C. 20.158 + VINOGRADOV, M.E.

Diffusion des Gammarides pelagiques, dans les limites du rayon de recherche. (Rasprostranenne pelagicheskikh Gammarid v predelakh rayona issledovanija.

28 cm. Extr. : Trudy Okeanol. Instit. Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R. 1958. vol. 27. pp. 248-254. BIRSTEIN, Ja. A. C. 20.767 + VINOGRADOV, ME.

Amphipodes des profondeurs pelagiques de la fosse des Philippines.

Moscou. 1963. 28 cm. Traduit du Russe : Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. Tom LXXI, PP. 81-93. BIRSTEIN, J.A. C. 20.107 + VINOGRADOV, M.E.

Distribution des Gammarides pelagiques de la Fosse des Kouriles-Kamtchatka. (Pelagi- cheskie Gammaridy Kurilo-Kamchatskoj Vnadiny^

1955' 28 cm. Traduction : Kaleri. BIRSTEIN, Ja A. G. 20.108 + VINOGRADOV, M.E. Distribution des Gammarides Pelagiques des regions tropicales de 1'Ocean Pacifique (Pelagicheskie Gammaridy Tropicheskoj Chasti Tikhogo Okeana.

1900. 28 cm. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii. T. pp. 226-2A1. Traduction Kaleri. BIRSTEIN, Ja. A. C. 20.768 + VINOGRADOV, M.E.

Gammarides pelagiques de la partie septentrionale de 1'Ocean Indian.

Moskva. 1964. 28 cm. Traduit de Russe ; Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. T. 65. pp. 152-196. BIRSTEIN, J.A. + VINOGRADOV, M.E.

Pelagicheskie Gammaridy/(Amphipoda - Gammaridea) Kurilo-Kamchatskoj Vpadiny.

Moskva. 1955. 26 cm. ill. 6 Extr. : Trudy Instuta Okeanologii Akadmija Nauk S.S.S.R. 1955. T. XII. pp. 210-287. BIRSTEIN, J.A. + VINOGRADOV, M.E.

Rol'troficheskogo factora v taksonomicheskom obosoblenii morskoj glubokovodnoj fauny.

Moskva. 1971. 25 cm. Extr. : Bjulletin Moskovskogo Obschetsva Ispytatelei prirodi. Otdel. Biologicheskii. 3. pp. 59-92. BIRSTEIN, Ya. A + VINOGRADOV, M.E.

I Paracallisoma alberti Chevreux; II Orchomenella abyssorum (Stabbing). III. Distribution verticale.

28,5 cm. Extraits divers.- (1955, 1950, 1964, 1970). BIRSHTEJN, Ja.A. B.57.614

Genezis presnovodnoj peshchemoj i glubolcovodnoj faun. tt. MDSkva. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 1985. 21,5 cm. ill, Moskvoe Obshchestvo Ispytatelej Prirody. BIRTHDAY B kS.330

Festschrift - Anniversary issue - Volume jubi- laire. Adolph Hans Schultz zum 70. Geburtstag gewidnet. - dedfficated to his 70. birthday - a I'occasion de son 70. anniversaire.

Basel, S. Karger, 1962, 25 cm., ill.

("Bibliotheca Primatologica"): 1. 1 I jLi ^^ U0 ^ i- ].11 lit

ulacial f;colO(;;y acro.ia LJio ca.'eijt of tlie Sieria Iiovacla, Cal.i for'P.ia. Kew yTorli, 196'^, 22 cm. ill.

Geolor;ical Gociety of America. Ceoci l Papera. 75 • B. 51.225 BIRRON, A. Birds of the Soviet Union vol. IV (Ptitsy Sovetskogo soyuza T. IV), Translated from russian by A, Birron, Z,S, Cole.

Moskva, Sovetskaya Nauka 1952, 2^,5cm,,ill, Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific Translations, cat, n° 1251, 1967. BIRSTEIN, YA,A. B. A?.330

Fauna of U.S.S.R Crustacea vol. ¥11 (5) Freshwater Isopods (Asellota). Fauna SSSR Rakoobraznye T. VII (5)'- Presnovodnye osliki) Moskva-Leningrad, Akad. Nauk. SSSR Zoologi- cheskii. Institut Nov. ser. A7, 195"^ i cf. P.57* Translated by A. Mercado. Jerusalem, Israel Program for scientific translations cat. 1118, 24,5cm., ill.